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Measures to prevent head lice, including in children. Where do body lice live? Methodology for getting rid of lice on hair

One of the problems that we have to face quite often nowadays is pediculosis.

For the city of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk for 11 months of 2012. 291 cases of head lice were registered. Among the child population under the age of 14 years, 208 cases of head lice were registered (indicator 672.2 per 100 thousand of this population). age group). At the age of 3 to 6 years, 43 cases of head lice were identified, including 38 cases among children attending preschool institutions. So for the period from 09/01/12. to 01.12.12 115 cases of head lice were officially registered, including 81 children affected by lice in children under 14 years of age.

Lice, unfortunately, have always accompanied humans. Even before our era, Herodotus wrote that Egyptian priests shaved their heads so carefully in order to protect themselves from unpleasant lice. Unlike a number of diseases that humanity has practically conquered, pediculosis has passed through the centuries. It's no secret that lice, as a rule, is a consequence of violation of hygiene standards. Unfortunately, head lice can be contracted almost anywhere where close contact of one person with another is possible: in a store, train, or other public transport and even in the pool. Moreover, a louse can wait for a new owner on the pillow for 2-3 days.

Parents whose children attend kindergarten, school, etc. especially often have to deal with head lice. sport sections, go on hikes and camps. If an adult is able to pay attention to a suspicious person and move aside in time, then children are so careless that they can even use other people’s combs and hats. But head lice cannot be considered only the result of uncleanliness. Research conducted in last years in Europe, they showed that the louse loves clean hair and is not afraid of water, swims and runs well (but does not jump).

It is not easy to spot a louse because it is small and moves quickly. And few of the quite prosperous people would have the idea that the scratching of their child or the itching in their own hair is caused by such delicate issue. Most will chalk it up to nerves or too much sweets. However, head lice is quite common these days and there is no need to be alarmed by it. It is much more effective to take timely measures and carry out treatment.

The causes of outbreaks of pediculosis are considered to be a softening climate, frequent reinfection associated with the lack of collective simultaneous treatment both at school and at home; insufficient awareness of parents about head lice and improper use of means to combat it. Under unfavorable epidemiological conditions, lice can be carriers of pathogens of typhus and relapsing fever.

An important role in the prevention and control of head lice is played by the active identification of persons with head lice at all stages of medical care.

In clinics, it is mandatory to examine persons referred for hospital treatment, in organized groups (sanatoriums, rest homes, child care institutions, etc.), children from disadvantaged and large families living in hostels, lonely elderly people, chronically ill people, disabled people, homeless people, etc.

In order to prevent the appearance of lice and their spread in the family, the team carries out preventive (hygienic) measures, which include regular washing of the body - at least once every 7 - 10 days, changing underwear and bed linen at the same time or as they become dirty followed by washing; regular haircuts and daily combing of scalp hair; systematic cleaning of outerwear, bedding and their tidy maintenance, regular cleaning of premises, keeping furnishings clean.

If lice are detected at any stage of development (egg, larva, adult insect), disinsection measures are carried out simultaneously, destroying lice directly both on the human body and on his underwear, clothes and other things and objects.

When head lice is detected in people living in comfortable apartments, treatment is carried out by the population. The medical professional gives recommendations on mutual examination of family members and the use of anti-pediculosis drugs.

In accordance with sanitary rules The following are subject to inspection for pediculosis:

Students of institutions general education are examined by a medical professional for the presence of lice - at least 4 times a year after each holiday, monthly - selectively and 10-15 days before the end of the school year;

Children attending preschool institutions are subject to examination for head lice once a week by a medical worker of the institution (doctor, nurse). Newly admitted children, as well as those returning after long absence(more than a week);

Patients admitted for inpatient treatment are examined nurse reception department, and when long-term treatment nurse medical departments at least once every 10 days.

Currently, head lice in children is very common, however, it has always been so, because when visiting preschool educational institutions and schools, as well as summer camps and sanatoriums, it is very difficult to protect a child from this trouble. Pediculosis can spread simply at lightning speed, and the causative agents of the disease - lice - can cause a number of other skin diseases. That is why the importance of preventing head lice at home should not be underestimated. kindergarten and school.

Signs of lice in children

From the moment of direct contact with the source of infection until the child’s first clinical signs The illness may take up to several weeks. As a rule, diseases can be recognized by their characteristic symptoms:

If it was not possible to protect the child from lice, the first thing to do is to isolate him from the group, that is, to temporarily stop attending classes at school and kindergarten. Treatment must be carried out very, very carefully and only after consultation with a doctor, and after recovery Special attention pay attention to the prevention of pediculosis in order to prevent reinfection. You should know: at home, you can prevent lice on your own, using shampoos and lice prevention products, as well as following a number of hygiene rules. In general educational institutions Disease prevention should be carried out by medical workers.

Drug prevention of head lice in children

Today you can choose any product for, because there are a lot of different sprays, shampoos and lotions for head lice. The most popular means include:

  • Hygia is an effective lice remedy, the use of which is not recommended for children under two years of age;
  • Nittifof - cream for the prevention and treatment of pediculosis;
  • Pedilin is another lice control drug available in the form of a gel or emulsion;
  • Para Plus is a spray that can be used to disinfect clothing and bedding.

When using any shampoo to prevent head lice or one of the above remedies, be sure to thoroughly comb the child’s hair, first using a wide-tooth comb, and then a fine-tooth comb.

Preventing lice at home

So, preventing lice at home is especially important for those children who already go to school or attend preschool educational institutions. You can reduce your child's risk of infection by following these preventative rules:

  • inspect the child’s head daily for the presence of nits;
  • girls with long hair it is necessary to braid tight braids or make buns;
  • comb your hair thoroughly every day;
  • regularly trim your hair;
  • wash your hair regularly;
  • change in a timely manner bed sheets and baby's clothes;
  • To prevent head lice, you can use this high effective means like butter tea tree– add a few drops to shampoo or warm water, in which you will wet the comb.

Doctor's advice: Be sure to have explanatory conversations with your child, explain the danger to him and ask him never to wear other people’s clothes or hats, and to use only his own personal hygiene items.

Prevention of head lice in kindergarten

Unfortunately, in preschool educational institutions, lice are not a rare phenomenon, and the reasons for this usually lie in the lack of awareness of parents in matters effective prevention pediculosis. In accordance with sanitary regulations medical staff Kindergartens are required to examine each child upon admission and then conduct weekly checks on all children for lice. It is not difficult to identify lice in children by examining scalp heads in a room with good lighting. When conducting an examination, medical professionals may use a fine comb and a magnifying glass. After each inspection, items must be disinfected with an alcohol solution.

It is very important that kindergarten managers take the problem responsibly and do not accept infected children into the institution. If cases of morbidity are detected in an institution, the following measures must be taken:

  • isolation of infected children;
  • searching for the main source of infection;
  • examination of all children who may have been in contact with an infected child (several times during the month);
  • inform the clinic to which the infected child is assigned - this is necessary to ensure the necessary sanitization the patient and examination of his family members;
  • perform wet cleaning and disinfection;
  • check the sanitary and hygienic condition of all group premises of the kindergarten, as well as wardrobes for clothes and toys;
  • consulting parents on preventing lice at home;
  • After rehabilitation, children can be accepted back into kindergarten only if they have a medical certificate confirming the absence of head lice.

It is worth noting that today there are many effective ones that can be used, including in kindergartens. The source of the disease can be considered sanitized after children have been examined three times for the presence of lice with a negative result.

Prevention of head lice at school

To prevent head lice in schools, health workers are required to examine children at least four times a year (after each holiday), and there may also be monthly spot checks and checks a couple of weeks before the end of the school year. If any child is found to have lice, he must be removed from school until he has fully recovered. A recovered child will be able to return to the team if they have a certificate from a doctor confirming the absence of head lice.

The disease has been known to people since ancient times. One of the preventive measures has always been head shaving, common in Ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia and other warm countries.

Lice lay eggs called nits. They are glued to human hair by insect saliva. After 10 days, larvae emerge from the eggs, which are very similar to mature individuals, only smaller. After a few months, they become sexually mature and begin to reproduce.

How is pediculosis transmitted? The main route of transmission is through household contact, including sexual contact, sharing a hat, comb, bed linen. In children's groups, children can become infected from each other during games. Recently, there have been cases of infection of teenagers during selfies - shooting together on camera. mobile device, during which participants may involuntarily touch their heads or hair.

In addition, let's say that lice do not jump or fly, but crawl (run across) from one person to another.

Types of disease

  • head lice;
  • body lice;
  • pubic lice.

Head lice

Head louse can be transmitted through direct contact between people, as well as through the use of the same headdress, hairpins, bows, or combs. Most often girls and girls with long hair get sick. At first, signs of pediculosis are manifested only by the presence of the insects themselves and their eggs. After a few days, their bites lead to the appearance of skin itching. When scratching, the skin is damaged, scratches and crusts appear, and when they are removed, it becomes wet. Increased itching and scratching is observed in impressionable people, “on nervous soil" The saliva of insects causes a rash in the form of spots or raised areas - papules, and sometimes blisters - in people prone to allergies or with sensitive skin.

The consequences of lice are as follows: damaged areas of the skin get pathogenic bacteria, causing secondary infection wound. Dermatitis develops and can form. Neck enlargement The lymph nodes. IN advanced cases a mat forms on the hair - a glued clump of tangled hair that can only be removed by cutting. Sleep is disturbed, appetite disappears, and emotional disorders appear.

Body lice

The female body louse lays a large number of eggs, and by the end of her life her offspring reach several thousand individuals. However, without feeding on blood, lice in clothing die within a few days. This explains how people get lice very quickly when they cannot change their clothes.

Lice are sensitive to temperature, so they do not live on people with high fever and the dead, but leave them, crawling onto healthy people and spreading severe infections - typhus and relapsing fever, trench fever. This is how typhus epidemics arose at the beginning of the twentieth century during the First World War and Civil War in Russia.

Symptoms of head lice caused by body louse are skin rashes accompanied by itching. Their appearance on the neck is very typical. Chronic lice causes thickening of the skin and hyperpigmentation, that is, darkening. It's called "tramp disease."


The pubic louse lives in areas skin having hair, most often on the pubis, as well as in armpits and on the eyelashes. The lesion is accompanied by itchy rashes in the form of papules (elevations). The appearance of spots of blue or blue color is characteristic, since the saliva of pubic lice destroys hemoglobin in the blood vessels of the skin. The size of such spots is 2-3 mm.

Infection of eyelashes with pubic louse is accompanied by the development of blepharitis - inflammation of the eyelids, swelling, redness, itching, and purulent discharge.

All types of pediculosis and phthiriasis require urgent measures to eliminate them, because these diseases are very contagious and potentially pose a great danger to human health and life.

Complications of pediculosis - pyoderma, epidemics in children's groups, outbreaks are possible under unfavorable social conditions infectious diseases carried by lice.

1. Pediculosis pubis
2. Characteristic bluish spots


To this day, the main method for diagnosing pediculosis remains regular inspection. The diagnosis is confirmed by the presence of living individuals. If a child only has nits, this is not a sign of a disease and cannot serve as a criterion for excluding him from the team. However, most often when nits are detected medical worker The kindergarten conducting the inspection excludes such child from visiting preschool and refers him to a dermatologist.

At a doctor's appointment, an additional examination can be carried out using a Wood's lamp, in the rays of which live insects give off a white glow, and the shells of nits give off a gray glow. When pubic lice develop on the eyelashes and eyebrows, they can be seen using a slit lamp.

It allows you to accurately verify the presence of living insects or their eggs by studying the hair and lice themselves under a magnifying glass or even a microscope. Modern methods diagnostics () allow you to take photo and video images of lice under magnification, which confirms the diagnosis.


The fight against pediculosis includes the following areas:

  • removal of insects mechanically, that is, combing;
  • usage special drugs to kill lice;
  • examination of persons in contact with the patient and, if necessary, their treatment;
  • disinsection - removing insects from household items, clothing, and so on.

Need to know that head treatment chemicals Contraindicated in pregnant women, young children (with some exceptions), and in patients with skin diseases. In such patients it is used mechanical removal nits and lice - combing out with a fine metal comb, cutting or shaving hair. Nits are tightly glued to the hair, so to make them easier to comb out, you must first wash your hair using any hair conditioner. It will make your hair smoother and the eggs will separate more easily.

Non-pharmacy methods for treating head lice

Treatment of pediculosis at home if inaccessible pharmaceuticals consists of using an old method - a mixture of soap and kerosene. 10 grams laundry soap grate and dissolve well in half a glass of water, add half a tablespoon of kerosene. This emulsion is applied to the hair using a cotton swab very carefully, protecting the eyes. The head is tightly tied with a plastic scarf and left for 30 minutes. Then the hair is washed well with shampoo and rinsed with table vinegar, diluted 1:1 with water and heated. The remaining nits are removed with a comb through the teeth of which cotton wool is placed, soaked in the same vinegar solution. The hair is combed over a large sheet of paper or a piece of oilcloth, then everything is rolled up and burned. You need to understand that kerosene is very poisonous. Today, with many medicines, affordable, the use of “folk” recipes for head lice should be excluded.

Another, safer “folk” remedy is tar soap. After thoroughly soaping, the hair should be covered with oilcloth and left for 30 minutes, then rinsed with water and vinegar.

Hats need to be dry cleaned or thoroughly treated. Combs and hairpins must be soaked in an insecticide solution. You should wash sheets, pillowcases, duvet covers, towels, furniture covers, vacuum carpets, car seats, and mattresses.

How to get rid of head lice caused by body louse

The body and head are washed and completely covered with anti-pediculosis drugs. Clothes and bedding are placed in a drying cabinet for 30 minutes at a temperature of 65˚C or in a disinfection chamber, which combines exposure to high temperature and chemicals (formalin-vapor chamber). If the treatment of a patient when lice is detected is carried out at home, then the linen is soaked for 30 minutes, completely immersing it in water, and then boiled for 20 minutes with the addition of soda ash. Outerwear that cannot be boiled should be ironed with a hot iron, paying special attention to folds and seams.

If for some reason the processing of hats and clothing is not carried out, they must be wrapped in polyethylene and put in an inaccessible place for 2 weeks, preferably in the cold. You can dry things in the sun for the same time. During this time, the lice will die.

Treatment of phthiriasis

For phthiriasis, the usual remedies for head lice are used. If the eyelashes are affected, they are lubricated with Vaseline for 4 days in a row.

Preparations for the treatment of pediculosis

It is best to use products purchased at a pharmacy to kill lice. Majority modern drugs contains the following substances:

  • permethrin;
  • pyrethrin;
  • phenothrin;
  • malathion.

Permethrin is part of the Nittifor solution, Nix cream, Medifox emulsion and gel, Para-plus aerosol ( combination remedy), Veda and Veda-2 shampoos, NOK shampoo, Hygia solution. Pyrethrin is a component of the combined Spray-Pax aerosol. Phenothrin is available in the form of Anti-bit liquid soap, Itax and Parasidosis liquids, Bin and Phenolon lotions, Sumitrin shampoo; malathion - emulsion and gel Pedilin, combined aerosol Para-plus.

5% boric ointment is also used. It is usually recommended for treating the skin after shaving hair, for example, when infested with pubic lice.

Drugs are produced with essential oils: Pediculen-ultra aerosol and Lavinal spray. Some preparations contain clearol oil - Paranit (shampoo, lotion, aerosol), Nuda aerosol.

Let's look at some popular remedies for head lice.

Cream Nyxeffective medicine, has a detrimental effect on nits, larvae and adult lice. After application to the skin, it is very slowly absorbed into its surface, where it is metabolized to harmless components. Therefore, Nyx has virtually no side effects.

Treatment of the scalp for head lice using Nyx cream:

  • wash your hair with shampoo and dry it with a towel;
  • shake the bottle and apply the cream liberally to the scalp and hair along its entire length, especially carefully treating the skin behind the ears and on the back of the head;
  • leave for 10 minutes;
  • rinse your hair thoroughly and dry it with a towel;
  • comb wet hair with the included comb;
  • If necessary, repeat treatment after a week.

Nix Cream can be used in adults and children from 6 months of age. It does not harm patients with concomitant liver and kidney disorders. If prescribed by a doctor, this medicine can be used in pregnant women during breastfeeding and in children under 6 months, but do this only if absolutely necessary.

Undesirable effects of the drug include temporary loss of skin sensitivity and irritation, manifested by swelling, burning, redness, and skin rash. Possible allergic reactions. The product should not be used if you are intolerant to it, or if you have dermatitis of the scalp.

After the first use, cure occurs in more than 90% of patients.

Couple-plus– a combination aerosol containing malathion, permethrin and piperonyl butoxide. It is sprayed onto the scalp and hair, left for 10 minutes and washed off with shampoo, then combed through the hair with a comb. The drug is well tolerated, only occasionally causing a slight tingling of the scalp. However, it is contraindicated in patients with bronchial asthma and children under 2.5 years old. During pregnancy, it can be used with great caution, as prescribed by a dermatologist.

A cheaper, but almost as effective remedy for head lice is hellebore water. It is available in bottles of 50 and 100 ml. Apply the product to damp hair, exposure time is half an hour. Then the hair is washed and lice are combed out. The treatment is repeated every other day, and if necessary, after a week. Use of the product is prohibited during breastfeeding. It can be used with caution during pregnancy.

Speaking in general about the effectiveness of anti-pediculosis drugs, it should be noted that it largely depends on the correct processing. In some cases, the product does not help, then the treatment is repeated. The same drug should not be used more than 3 times; it is better to replace it with another drug, for example, with a different active ingredient.

After treatment for lice and examination by a doctor, the child is allowed into the team after 2 days.


Measures to prevent head lice:

  • follow the rules of personal hygiene, regularly wash your hair and body (at least twice a week), change bed and underwear;
  • avoid contact with infected people, as well as socially disadvantaged people, vagrants, illegal migrants;
  • do not use other people’s hats, combs, hair clips, etc.;
  • parents need to regularly examine the child’s head;
  • It is recommended to use special shampoos for children that make the child’s hair smooth; It is more difficult for lice to attach to silky hairs;
  • You should explain to the child that in kindergarten or school you cannot take other people’s hats, combs, bows, and so on;
  • V adolescence The child should know why head lice is dangerous, why it is undesirable to spend the night outside the home, on someone else’s bed, to borrow friends’ things, or to use their headphones or hats.

Means for prevention: it is not recommended to use chemicals to prevent head lice. If in children's team cases of infection have been identified, then healthy children can rinse their hair with water with the addition of tea tree oil or moisten their comb with it. The use of shampoos and other anti-pediculosis drugs for prevention is recommended only for family members of an infected person.

In conclusion, let's say that lice should not be a source of shame; it can infect the most ordinary people, simply by trying on someone else's baseball cap or accidentally touching your head to someone else's pillow in a student dorm. If you find yourself with lice, don’t waste time panicking and thinking, just go to the pharmacy and buy one of the anti-lice products. Very soon you will forget about this unpleasant disease.

This disease was described by Aristotle, so the life activity of such dangerous microorganisms goes back thousands of years. A louse is a wingless insect that has six limbs with claws for a strong fixation on the human body. Thanks to sharp teeth As part of the oral apparatus, the pest bites into the skin, violates its integrity, releases saliva, causing a feeling of itching, and sucks blood. Lice come from environment, and the most favorable conditions They find dirty places to live. People who do not follow personal hygiene rules are at risk

Incubation period of lice and nits


When this insect bites, a special substance penetrates the skin with saliva, causing severe itching focus of pathology. The patient becomes nervous and irritable, and behaves extremely irritably. Symptoms of head lice may not be noticed immediately, but their intensity gradually increases, as does the number of viable individuals in the hair. It is necessary to take measures to combat pediculosis, avoiding in this way dangerous complications with health. Additionally, it is important to pay attention to such changes in general health:

  • hair tangling;
  • appearance unpleasant odor;
  • redness, swelling of the dermis;
  • irritation on the body;
  • decline in performance.

Types of lice

Causes of lice

Before curing pediculosis, it is important to determine the source of infection and take preventive measures in a timely manner. The reasons for the appearance of lice are obvious - through contact with contaminated household items, infected people or water. Contact and household path is the main direction, why there is no time healthy man faced with such an unpleasant diagnosis as pediculosis. An object, water, children's toys in the garden, or even a familiar person may be infected. Other provoking factors for head lice are listed below:

  • visiting crowded places;
  • business trips, traveling by train and staying in hotels;
  • non-compliance with mandatory preventive measures;
  • traveling by public transport;
  • promiscuous sexual intercourse.

In children

In young patients, lice appear on the scalp. Parental lice control measures should be taken immediately, but first you need to find out real reasons infection. More often, a growing child faces the problem of lice in kindergarten, school, health camps and other crowded places. Other causes of lice in children are:

  • failure to comply with personal hygiene rules, which is especially important for careless children and inattentive parents;
  • direct contact with infected children and objects;
  • classes in a children's group, communication with unfamiliar people.

Treatment of pediculosis

  • proper nutrition, consumption of vitamins;
  • timely determination secondary diseases;
  • use of pharmaceutical products in the form of shampoos, balms, hair masks;
  • short haircut for the child (individually by decision of the parents);
  • treatment of the head with folk remedies;
  • prolonged use of a comb to comb hair;
  • implementation of preventive measures;
  • the need to examine not only the foci of pathology, but also things with their subsequent washing and ironing with a good hot iron.


  • Pediculen R Ultra;
  • Medilis-bio;
  • Paranit Lotion;
  • Anti-Bit;
  • Paranit Spray;
  • Hygia;
  • Para-Plus;
  • Full Marx.


After a one-time use of these drugs, all that remains is to comb your hair using a special comb, and carry out this procedure for several days - in the morning and in the evening after examining the head. No less effective is the ointment against pediculosis, which can also be purchased at the pharmacy. Use separately from other drugs, follow all instructions from the instructions. The following medicinal ointments have proven themselves well:

  • Benzyl benzoate;
  • Permethrin ointment;
  • Boric ointment.

Dust soap

Folk remedies for lice

Measures to combat pediculosis can be not only official, but also alternative. Folk remedies against lice they provide noticeable prevention, and are much cheaper than pharmacy shampoos, sprays and ointments. Produce effective remedy against lice at home is also possible, the main thing is to choose a reliable, effective and safe recipe for all occasions. This could be a solution or healing ointment in order to suppress pathogenic flora and prevent re-infection. Here are some good recipes:

If conscious person knows the causes of the development of the disease, then for the purpose of prevention he should avoid provoking factors in every possible way. If infection has already occurred, the first step is to wash bed linen and clothes, iron things, and additionally steam all items that the sick person has come into contact with. This is the main prevention of pediculosis in order to save the family from mass infection. After determining the cause of the pathology, preventive measures the following:

Knowing the measures to combat the disease and the causes of its occurrence, adults should tell their children about prevention in a timely manner. For example, you should not use someone else’s comb, otherwise the risk of contracting lice will only increase. Prevention of head lice in children involves observing personal hygiene rules and limiting contact with sick people. It is recommended to focus on following measures prevention of pediculosis:

  1. Every three days, wash your child’s hair using special shampoos against lice.
  2. Keep the children's room clean and tidy, and do general cleaning regularly.
  3. Examine the baby's head every 10 days, and when visiting kindergarten- once a week.


  • Para-Plus;
  • Paranit Shampoo;
  • Anti-Bit;
  • Pedilin;
  • Hygia.


is one of the most pressing and unresolved problems in the world. The causes of head lice are mainly associated with all sorts of disasters, such as natural and man-made disasters, armed conflicts, socio-political crises and many other factors that influence the deterioration of human living conditions. The population drawn into these processes creates pockets of infection around itself, which develop into epidemics of the disease.

Their main habitat is thick hair on the human body.

On a note!

Lice are especially dangerous for pregnant women, nursing mothers and infants. The baby’s immunity is weak and not fully formed, and they are often used to exterminate insects and nits. chemical substances which may have a negative impact on health.

Head lice choose the temporal, parietal and occipital part human head. The development of an insect lasts approximately 9 days, the same amount of time. A female can lay about 140 eggs in a month of her life. Pests are very sensitive to temperature changes external environment, which affects . Comfortable for life is the mark on the thermometer within 31°C, but patients with high temperature For some reason they don't leave. But nevertheless there is.

The third type of culprit is pediculosis - or lice. They are practically motionless and are always in a state of saturation. Females attach their eggs to the hair growing on the pubis, as well as eyebrows and eyelashes. Infection occurs during sexual intercourse or through the use of shared washcloths, towels or bed linen.


Lice are not transmitted to humans from animals and vice versa.

Symptoms and diagnosis of pediculosis

Head lice most often appear on the heads of children and adults with long hair. At the very beginning of the disease, insects are very difficult to notice in the hair. On the head you can only detect the consequences of their presence - itching after numerous and scratched wounds. Damage to the skin is most often observed in the temporal and occipital regions, as well as in the ear area. In addition to the above symptoms, the patient also exhibits others, which include the following factors:

Pediculosis in children is a very common phenomenon, which most often manifests itself in the younger generation. They are most characterized by the type of insect that lives in the hair on the head. Lice feed on the blood of their host. Their bites are accompanied by itching, causing discomfort and leading to scratching of the scalp. As insects reproduce, they lay eggs (nits), which are attached to the child’s hair with a specific adhesive enzyme. By appearance they resemble dandruff, which can sometimes mislead parents. But while dandruff can be blown off, nits are much more difficult to get rid of.

On a note!

He gives interesting advice on how to avoid getting infected with lice.

The younger generation is exposed greatest danger be infested with lice. The causes of head lice in children are in many ways similar to the same situation in adults, but they also have their own specific characteristics. These include the following factors:

Another important reason explaining why a child often gets lice is the low selectivity of children when choosing friends and acquaintances. They communicate equally easily both with well-groomed peers and with children from a disadvantaged environment, for whom there is no one to monitor their cleanliness.

Young children can become infected with lice directly from an infected mother. This contact is inevitable, but in this situation it all depends on how much she cares about preventing possible infection of her child.

Methodology for getting rid of lice on hair

There are several methods used in the process at home - mechanical, chemical, folk and combined techniques. The mechanical method involves using a special tool or using your fingers. This process is quite labor-intensive and requires regular combing of the hair four times at regular intervals for two weeks.

Treatment of lice on hair and prevention of re-infestation is ensured by highly effective chemical medicines. In pharmacies you can always buy aerosols, lotions, and even repellents, which will help you avoid infection when visiting places unfavorable in terms of sanitary conditions, and will also become a reliable preventive measure.

hellebore water: eucalyptus, lavender or. A few drops of fragrant substance will provide a reliable barrier to the hair.