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Healthy and tasty food. Principles of healthy eating. Tuna muffins - healthy eating recipes

Fast diets allow you to lose several kilograms of weight in a couple of weeks, but their disadvantage is that body fat will be returning soon. To constantly stay slim and not gain weight, you need to follow a regime proper nutrition every day. To do this, you don’t need to limit yourself in any way. delicious food or constantly go hungry.

The right menu every day

Recipes for proper nutrition for weight loss are very diverse, they consist of large selection products. From them you can make delicious menu on every day. Their variety will allow you to maintain a proper nutrition regimen (PE) without effort and stress, and the result will be a beautiful and slender figure. Recipes proper food for weight loss have a huge list of benefits. Here are just a few of them:

  • They are fully approved by nutritionists, since they do not force the body to starve and supply it with all necessary substances and microelements.
  • This menu prevents the feeling of hunger, offering many light dishes that can be consumed as desired throughout the day.
  • The diet contains many popular dishes, they are often served in restaurants, so you can go to any special event without fear.
  • The healthy nutrition menu allows you to select food to suit your taste and prepare new dishes almost every day.

The lack of monotony allows you to maintain a healthy lifestyle without psychological stress. If you are tired of the diet, you can easily change the menu without going beyond the PP.

Operating principle

The principle of proper nutrition is based on long-term adherence to a selected diet. The menu needs to be planned for weeks, while healthy food will help you smoothly and permanently get rid of fat deposits. The entire weight loss process will take, depending on individual characteristics body, several months, but the result will remain for a long time. In addition, smooth weight loss will help you avoid unsightly sagging skin that often remains after sudden weight loss.

Recipes for weight loss, based on a healthy nutrition system, are calculated according to a scheme established by nutritionists. According to this scheme, in healthy menu each day should contain:

In this case, the daily calorie intake should be at least 1800 kcal in the women's menu, and at least 2100 in the men's menu. Limiting the nutritional value of food below these levels is dangerous to your health.

Individual selection of recipes

Constantly following a certain type of recipe creates persistent taste preferences. That is why you need to build your diet from the very beginning in such a way that in the future you will receive only positive results. Recipes and proper nutrition menus should vary depending on the degree of obesity, this will help you lose weight with maximum speed and without harm to health.

If your weight exceeds 100 kg, it makes sense to minimize the carbohydrate content in your daily menu. The most easily digestible carbohydrates are found in white bread, cereals and confectionery. All this needs to be replaced with products made from coarsely ground cereals, which are as satiating as usual, but do not turn into fat. If you have kidney problems, you need to limit your protein intake and give preference to cereals.


PP recipes for weight loss are designed for every day; they can be prepared and consumed at any time of the day. However, to normalize metabolism, it is better to establish a strict meal schedule; it can be created both for the day and for the whole week. The emphasis should be on breakfast, since food eaten in the morning is completely digested throughout the day.

In the first days, eating a large amount of food for breakfast may be problematic, but literally after a week the situation will change radically. By shifting the main meal to the morning, a person begins to feel the desire to eat in the morning, and not in the evening. In any case, PP implies up to 6 meals daily, so you don’t have to go hungry.

If you periodically have a desire to eat your favorite candy or bun, you should not deny yourself, because this can lead to stress and subsequent eating breakdown. Dishes from the PP menu should be prepared by stewing, boiling or steaming; the use of a grill is acceptable. You should not fry in oil; such food provokes obesity and negates all efforts to lose weight. However, you can’t completely give up fats; you just need to use them uncooked.

Oatmeal for breakfast

Oatmeal not only contains many useful microelements, but also improves intestinal motility. It is best to eat it for breakfast, it will put the stomach and intestines in order, and also set a good work schedule for them. To prepare porridge, you can use regular Hercules flakes. The porridge is prepared in this way:

  1. The required amount of flakes is poured with hot low-fat milk and placed on the fire for a couple of minutes, after which it is infused for another 10 minutes.
  2. While the porridge is brewing, you should chop a little of any nuts (lightly fried), wash some raisins, dried apricots, or other dried fruits to taste.
  3. Mix nuts and dried fruits with porridge, add a spoonful of honey, and eat.

If you are tired of oatmeal, the dish can be prepared from buckwheat, rice, or millet. When choosing nuts, you need to remember that, for example, peanuts can cause allergies. Walnuts are best suited for porridge.

Sandwiches for breakfast

Proper nutrition offers recipes delicious sandwiches for weight loss for every day. It is based on bread made from wholemeal flour, but the fillings can be selected to your liking and alternated as desired. The sandwich is prepared as follows:

  1. In the evening, boil a breast of chicken, turkey or any other bird. Instead, you can buy lightly salted red fish.
  2. In the morning, chopped brisket or fish is laid out on sliced ​​whole grain bread.
  3. Slices of natural low-fat cheese are placed on top.
  4. IN summer period You can layer the sandwich with lettuce, tomatoes or cucumbers. You should not purchase them out of season; grown in a greenhouse, they do not provide anything useful.
  5. Top with another slice of bread.

These sandwiches can be consumed in unlimited quantities. To enhance the effect, they should be eaten with kefir or unsweetened yogurt.


This omelette differs from the usual one in its lower fat content. It is prepared this way:

  1. A couple of tablespoons are poured into the pan olive oil.
  2. Break 2 whole eggs and 2 whites into heated oil.
  3. Any greens to taste are crumbled on top, it can be dill, parsley, basil or cilantro.

This omelet is well served with a salad of unsweetened fruits. It is best eaten in the morning, but can also be prepared in the middle of the day as a light snack.

Pasta for lunch

When choosing pasta, you need to pay attention to what type of flour they are made from. Recipes for proper nutrition for weight loss imply that they use pasta made from durum flour throughout the weeks. It's better to cook pasta for lunch, classic recipe looks like that:

  1. The pasta is boiled, drained in a colander and washed with boiling water.
  2. The still hot pasta is placed on a plate and sprinkled with low-fat cheese.

Can be used as refills low-fat kefir or yogurt mixed with finely chopped herbs, crushed garlic or mustard seeds.

Breaded Cauliflower

Cauliflower, as well as broccoli and Brussels sprouts are some of the the healthiest vegetables in the world. They should be included in the menu several times a week; you can simply boil them by steaming or boiling water, bringing them to an al dente state. This means that the vegetable should be lightly cooked and slightly crispy. Cauliflower can be prepared like this:

  1. Disassemble the head into inflorescences and wash well.
  2. Low fat cream and egg white mix, prepare a bowl with semolina.
  3. Dip the cabbage first into the protein mixture, then into semolina, and place on a baking sheet.
  4. Bake until done.

The cabbage obtained in this way can be eaten for lunch as a separate dish, or as an addition to pasta from the previous recipe.


Lasagna - delicious and healthy dish, if prepared from solid flour and with a minimum of fat. To prepare it you need:

  • pack of lasagna dough
  • 200 g eggplants
  • 200 g zucchini
  • 200 g tomatoes
  • 100 g boiled carrots
  • 50 g low-fat sour cream
  • 2 cloves garlic

Cut eggplants, carrots and zucchini into thin spaghetti, tomatoes into slices. Lightly fry raw vegetables in olive oil. Crush the garlic and mix with sour cream. Boil lasagne dough according to instructions, layer with vegetables and sour cream sauce. Bake until done.

Light soup with vegetables and rice

Soups should be eaten several times a week; they improve digestion and promote weight loss. Here is the prescription simple soup, if desired, you can vary the names of vegetables in it:

  1. Chop a small onion, lightly cut a couple of tomatoes and keep in boiling water for a minute, then cut into small pieces.
  2. Large Bell pepper peel and cut into pieces.
  3. Fry the onion in olive oil and add tomatoes, peppers and parsley to taste.
  4. Pour fried vegetables into water or vegetable broth, boil, add 3 tbsp. l. washed rice.
  5. Bring to a boil, boil for a quarter of an hour, add salt and spices to taste.

Such diet soup Best eaten for lunch.

Vegetables and chicken for dinner

IN correct menu the required amount of meat should be present for a week. You need to select low-fat varieties, such as young veal, rabbit and poultry. They can be combined with vegetables in this way:

  1. Eggplants, zucchini, tomatoes, bell peppers or other vegetables to taste are chopped and placed in cast iron frying pan with a little olive oil and simmer over low heat.
  2. The meat is boiled separately, in this case it is chicken fillet. It can be simply boiled in water, or steamed.
  3. The finished fillet is cut into pieces, added to the vegetables and simmered for another 5 minutes. At the end, salt and spices are added to taste.

As a side dish, regular buckwheat or unpolished rice goes well with this dish.

Rice with seafood

Seafood is an integral part of the weekly diet. You can eat any fish, squid and other seafood. Nutritionists recommend using brown unpolished rice as a side dish. The dish is prepared as follows:

  1. Brown rice should be rinsed under running water until it stops dripping. muddy water. Soak it in cold water for 2 hours.
  2. Cook the rice in a large saucepan, taking into account that its volume will triple. The cooking water should be slightly salted.
  3. Seafood is boiled by steam or in water; it needs to be salted.
  4. Place seafood on rice, the dish can be served.

For seafood, you can prepare a sauce from yogurt, crushed garlic and finely chopped dill. This sauce is very healthy and tasty.

Video: Proper nutrition for weight loss

Veal with vegetables

For this recipe you need to use lean young veal. This meat can be included in the menu for a week; it is very dietary and helps you lose weight. The dish is prepared as follows:

  1. The beef is boiled over low heat; the resulting broth can be used to make soups.
  2. Cut zucchini, eggplant, cauliflower or other vegetables into pieces to taste and bake in the oven.
  3. Cut the beef into slices, place vegetables next to them, and if desired, sprinkle them with low-fat cheese.

There is no need for a side dish for this dish; you can limit yourself to whole grain bread.

Recipes for proper nutrition are gaining popularity today, because such recipes can be not only healthy for our body, but also very tasty. The abundance of recipes for proper nutrition attracts both externally and with its content, pleasant aroma, interesting color etc. It is very important to correctly create a menu for every day, where recipes for proper nutrition will prevail. The variety of shapes and tastes will not leave anyone hungry and unsatisfied from what they tried.

There is no need to confuse healthier eating with diets or fasting, because they are fundamentally different. But also the effect of healthy food will be noticeable, because with the help of natural and delicious products You will be able to easily maintain a beautiful shape and remove extra pounds. And in addition to your figure, rational nutrition will give you good mood and well-being.

Proper nutrition involves eating freshly prepared food, so the recipe is designed for 3 servings:


  1. Do not cook the cauliflower until tender, first separating the inflorescences. Add all ingredients for the sauce, except eggs, to the water where it was boiled. Cook this whole mixture for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally and not allowing it to curdle. After add egg yolks and mix well in a water bath.
  2. The baking container must be greased with butter. Place pre-cooked chicken or other poultry fillet, cauliflower, carrots on the bottom and fill with sauce.
  3. Place the pan in an oven preheated to 250 degrees for 15 minutes until a crispy crust of a beautiful golden hue appears. Such food is not only incredibly tasty, but also nutritious.

Sardine salad

There are many recipes for proper nutrition, but this salad is very easy to prepare, saturates the body and does not give extra pounds be deposited on the sides. To prepare it you need the following ingredients:

  • rice - about 130 g;
  • canned peas and corn (a glass of total weight);
  • sardines in their own juice;
  • fresh cucumber;
  • Cherry tomatoes;
  • greens, feather onions;
  • salt and pepper (to taste).


  1. Pre-boil the rice. Mix it with sardine.
  2. Cut the cucumber into small pieces, divide the cherry tomatoes into quarters.
  3. Chop the greens and onions and add to the rice.
  4. Mix all remaining ingredients and decorate the dish.

In order to eat healthy, you don't need to spend a lot of time preparing food. With proper nutrition, you can increase your energy levels and strength, gain vigor and positivity, feel better and forget about health problems. Proper nutrition is no longer a tasteless food restriction; with the help of a variety of dishes you can brighten up your daily diet.

Healthy eating: menu for the week , compiled taking into account daily requirement in biologically active substances, helps ensure all vital important systems human body, brings gastronomic pleasure, helps prolong youth and health.

Important! The main difference between a healthy diet and various diets is the need to change your eating lifestyle, and not just limit the consumption of certain food groups for a relatively short period of time.

Such nutrition implies a conscious refusal of foods that are harmful to health. The same thing is offered, which shows the permitted products in great detail.

  • sweet carbonated water, energy drinks;
  • smoked meats, marinades and pickles;
  • chips and fast food;
  • mayonnaise and canned food.

Basic concepts of healthy eating

Following simple rules a healthy, nutritious diet can be achieved sustainably positive results: ideal weight, slim figure, good health.

Set of rules for healthy eating:

  1. Breakfast is a must! Nutritionists recommend the most nutritious foods eat before 15 o'clock, because metabolic processes more active before lunch.
  2. Eating 5 meals a day ensures gentle functioning of the digestive system.
  3. Drinking glass warm water before each main meal.
  4. Drink water according to daily needs and at least 1.5 liters.
  5. Daily adherence to a meal plan facilitates the work of the stomach, allowing it to produce the necessary amount of juice necessary for digestion.
  6. A balanced ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the daily menu provides the nutritional value of food.
  7. It is recommended to plan your evening meal at least 3 hours before bedtime.
  8. The calorie content of food is of great importance, since consuming high-calorie foods in large quantities leads to excessive obesity, consumption of low-calorie foods provokes weight loss and exhaustion.
  9. When compiling optimal diet it is necessary to take into account lifestyle, climate, type nervous system, age - all these concepts affect the speed of metabolic processes.
  10. You can diversify the dishes you eat with the help of spices, herbs and seasonings.
  11. Quality products subjected to minimal heat treatment most useful when compiling healthy diet nutrition.
  12. Eating raw, boiled, stewed, baked and steamed foods.
  13. Refusal of smoked, fried, pickled and salted foods.
  14. Increased use plant food, rich in fiber: vegetables, herbs and fruits.These products help to naturally cleanse the intestines of toxic substances, toxins and carcinogens.

Did you know? Planning and carrying out the 1st fasting per week promotes weight loss.

Diet healthy eating: menu for a week that promotes weight loss

A weekly menu that promotes weight loss should be optimally balanced and varied, which is why it can be called healthy.

Interesting! You can include your favorite dishes in the weekly menu, but they should be repeated no more than once a week.

An important point in maintaining a healthy diet is constant monitoring of weight and well-being.

The following example will help you create an optimal healthy eating menu for the week:


  • Breakfast: porridge seasoned with a handful of nuts and steamed dried fruits, boiled egg, cup of cocoa.
  • Lunch: 2 baked apples stuffed with cottage cheese and raisins.
  • Dinner: chicken soup, whole grain bread, a portion of low-fat steamed or boiled fish.
  • Afternoon snack: 1 glass of kefir, fermented baked milk or acidophilus.
  • Dinner: salad from fresh vegetables seasoned with kefir, balsamic vinegar or vegetable oil, stewed or boiled chicken breast.


  • Breakfast: porridge, a glass of yogurt, unsweetened tea with lemon.
  • Lunch: 100-150 g of a mixture of dried fruits and nuts.
  • Dinner: vegetable cream soup, chicken with stewed vegetables, fresh juice.
  • Afternoon snack: cottage cheese with the addition of chopped herbs.
  • Dinner: rice with seafood, a handful of olives.


  • Breakfast: porridge, hard cheese, coffee or chicory.
  • Lunch: 1-2 citrus fruits
  • Dinner: mushroom soup, veal with vegetable side dish, berry jelly.
  • Afternoon snack: skim cheese.
  • Dinner: vegetable stew.


  • Breakfast: steam omelette, vegetable salad, ginger tea.
  • Lunch: cottage cheese.
  • Dinner: meat soup with croutons, lazy cabbage rolls or vegetable stew, cocoa.
  • Afternoon snack: 1 cup unsweetened yogurt with a handful of dried fruits or nuts.
  • Dinner: fish casserole, vinaigrette.


  • Breakfast: 100 - 135 g whole grain bread, a slice of cheese and red fish.
  • Lunch: 1 glass of acidophilus, yogurt or fermented baked milk, a handful of dried fruits.
  • Dinner: chicken broth, stewed or sauerkraut, baked chicken meat, cocoa.
  • Afternoon snack: fruit dessert: jelly or pudding.
  • Dinner: cheese casserole.


  • Breakfast: porridge, portion of lean pork, coffee.
  • Lunch: salad of fruits, berries, nuts.
  • Dinner: vegetarian pilaf, cheese, compote.
  • Afternoon snack: 1 glass of unsweetened yogurt, biscuit.
  • Dinner: steamed fish cutlets with grilled vegetables, unsweetened tea.


  • Breakfast: porridge, poached egg, cheese, coffee.
  • Lunch: a glass of juice and biscuits
  • Dinner: soup with meatballs, vegetable casserole, compote.
  • Afternoon snack: cottage cheese with a spoon of honey or jam.
  • Dinner: rice babka with raisins or apples.

Important! The serving size should satisfy hunger without causing a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. Optimally sized portions will fill you up without allowing you to overeat. You should not take very small portions, as regular malnutrition puts the body into stressful state, thereby contributing to eating disorders, overeating, and, accordingly, the accumulation of fat reserves. Too large portions provoke a feeling of fullness in the stomach and deposits extra pounds on the hips and waist.

Sunday can also serve as a fasting day, during which you should consume seasonal vegetables, fruits, water, and tea.

According to fan reviews healthy eating: weekly menu with recipes can be compiled in the form of a table or list and hung in the kitchen. This technique will make it easier to solve the question: “What to cook today?” and will allow you to take into account the gastronomic wishes of all family members.

Conscious choice and adherence to the rules of healthy eating does not mean that now you cannot treat yourself to a piece of cake, chocolate, or delicious pastries. On the contrary, you can allow yourself goodies, but 1-2 times a week and, of course, within reasonable limits.

Eating a healthy diet is more beneficial than any diet good health, good figure and excellent mood.

Proper nutrition is the key to a healthy, carefree life. With its help, you can avoid many health-related ailments. Some people believe that healthy food is not necessarily tasty. Of course, such an opinion is erroneous, but with proper planning, one can come up with various combinations not only healthy, but also delicious dishes. How to plan healthy eating, a menu for a week for a family, we will consider in our article.

Basic mistakes

Before you start taking it exclusively healthy food, let's look at the main human mistakes in eating behavior:

  • No breakfast.
  • The first meal will take place during lunch, consisting of semi-finished products.
  • During depression, increased eating occurs.
  • Excessive eating of fast foods.
  • Food on the go.
  • Exhausting diets, even starvation.
  • Insufficient consumption of drinking water.

If your family's goal is to lose weight, you will lose significantly more weight from healthy meals than from fasting, which is fraught with breakdowns.

The basis of proper nutrition

Before drawing up a meal schedule for the week, read the basic rules:

  • To develop a habit, it is advisable to have breakfast at the same time.
  • Complex carbohydrates are necessarily present in food. It is recommended to take them in the morning. Such food includes various cereals.
  • Do not load your stomach during the afternoon snack. Give preference to low-calorie foods.
  • One of important rules- variety, food should have different origins(animal and vegetable)
  • Maximum calorie intake is lunchtime.
  • If it so happens that you fall off the regime, do not give up under any circumstances, continue to eat healthy food as if nothing had happened
  • Helps improve metabolism frequent meals, the optimal option is five meals, with a time difference of 3 - 4 hours.
  • Do not start lunch in a tired state; you need to eat slowly, putting aside extraneous thoughts.
  • After finishing the meal, drinking water or tea is allowed 30 - 40 minutes later.
  • Replace sugar and sweets with honey.
  • Replace regular salt to iodized, reduce its consumption.
  • Avoid coffee; you can replace it with chicory.

The benefits of healthy eating

Proper nutrition and a weekly menu for the family will bring the following benefits:

  • By eating frequently, the body will stop feeling hungry. The absence of this phenomenon helps to improve metabolism. In case of possible need for food, optimal snacks are provided.
  • Despite some tips and rules, a healthy diet does not limit a person’s taste preferences. If you really want a portion of fried shish kebab, a sausage sandwich or pizza, once a week you can treat yourself to “junk” food without compromising your health.
  • If you are used to visiting restaurants and are often guests, you can always choose the best meal options for each family member.

Why do you need a weekly meal plan?

  • By making a meal plan in advance, you don’t have to think every day about what to cook for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  • Meal planning helps you manage your free time: on busy days, you can cook something for a quick fix", and on the weekend treat your family with delicacies.
  • Significantly easier cooking.
  • When planning a healthy diet for the week, all products for preparing various dishes are purchased immediately, in the right quantities, without unnecessary products. This way, you can save some money without buying unnecessary products.

Every day menu for the whole family

The menu is designed for one person, based on the number of family members, and the volume of products increases accordingly. Products with no specified weight or quantity are equal to one serving. Serving = 1 glass. Let's look at the menu for the week for home meals.

First day of the week.

Breakfast. A serving of oatmeal porridge with pieces of berries (fresh or frozen), cottage cheese with low-fat sour cream.

Repeated breakfast. 250 ml. ryazhenka, 1 apple.

Lunch time. One serving of buckwheat porridge chicken cutlet for a couple. Green tea+ 1 citrus fruit.

Afternoon snack. A handful of raisins and a few cashews.

Dinner time. 200 ml of any drinkable fermented milk product, boiled or baked chicken breast (250 grams), two fresh cucumbers.

Second day of the week.

Breakfast. Cup corn flakes with low-fat milk, cottage cheese casserole, 2 boiled eggs.

Repeated breakfast. Any fruit in fresh, two pieces of low-fat cheese.

Lunch time. Vegetable soup, a portion of durum wheat pasta with cheese, 1 tomato.

Afternoon snack. Green tea, 1 cereal bar.

Dinner time. Steamed fish (250 grams finished product), stewed cabbage.

Third day of the week.

Breakfast time. A portion oatmeal porridge with berries, a portion of cottage cheese with low-fat sour cream, two eggs.

Repeated breakfast. Two apples.

Lunch time. Boiled rice, poultry. A couple of slices of low-fat cheese, 1 citrus fruit.

Afternoon snack. One cereal bar.

Dinner time. Stewed vegetables, baked fish.

Fourth day of the week.

Breakfast time. Rice porrige boiled in milk, with a handful of any nuts, two fresh pears.

Repeated breakfast. A glass of natural yogurt.

Lunch snack. Boiled rice with Mexican mixture (peas, corn, beans), rabbit meat (250 grams).

Afternoon snack. Dried fruit compote, 1 citrus fruit.

Dinner time. Two pieces of cheese, boiled vegetables, turkey meat (170 grams).

Fifth day of the week.

Breakfast. Omelet with milk, three slices of cheese, cottage cheese with low-fat sour cream.

Repeated breakfast. Green tea, cereal bar.

Lunch time. A portion chicken soup, baked piece of red fish, slice of low-fat cheese.

Afternoon snack. A glass of kefir.

Dinner time. Salad of fresh vegetables and herbs, boiled rice, chicken breast (150 grams).

Sixth day of the week.

Breakfast. A glass of cereal with milk, an omelette, a piece of cheese.

Repeated breakfast. One orange.

Lunch time. Seafood pasta, chicken soup, green tea.

Afternoon snack. Dried fruits compote.

Dinner time. A handful of nuts, a glass of kefir, a cereal bar.

Seventh day of the week.

Breakfast. Cereal cookies, a glass of low-fat milk, cottage cheese with sour cream.

Repeated breakfast. Fresh pear.

Lunch time. Buckwheat porridge, a piece of lean meat (200 grams).

Afternoon snack. A glass of homemade jelly.

Dinner time. A piece of baked red fish (250 grams), a green salad, two fresh cucumbers.

Please note that the weekly menu provided is approximate. If you have a child in your family, consider some features when creating a meal plan:

  • If a child is actively involved in any sport, the daily calorie intake is 2300 kcal.
  • Children from 7 to 10 years old are supposed to consume 2000 kcal.
  • Completely eliminate the consumption of sausages, sausages, and semi-finished products.
  • Season vegetable salads only with vegetable oil.
  • When purchasing groceries for the week, check expiration dates. A healthy diet includes high-quality and fresh products.
  • Meat or fish are present in the diet every day.
  • For breakfast, you must take foods containing calcium: milk, cottage cheese, cheese, sour cream.
  • Eating fresh fruit daily.

List of useful products

In addition to the specified food in sample menu, let's look at products that are suitable for preparing meals for the whole family.

  • Eggs.
  • Cabbage.
  • Whole grain breads.
  • Fermented milk products.
  • Millet and barley groats.
  • Cauliflower.
  • Bread with cereals.
  • Sour cream.
  • Asparagus.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Fresh vegetables, fruits, berries.
  • Beans.
  • Dark chocolate.
  • Chicken fillet
  • Olive oil (for seasoning dishes).

Remember that compliance rational nutrition This is not a diet, but a norm of life. Eating healthy products today - you take care of your well-being for many years.

Proper nutrition– this is a whole set of rules and recommendations, if followed, you can increase your performance, level up your metabolism, lose excess weight and improve your health.

The main thing in the article

The main aspect of a healthy lifestyle is proper nutrition.

By eating right, you take care of your body for years to come, because with a stable menu of “good” foods, your metabolism works like clockwork. Also, proper nutrition is a panacea for almost all diseases:

Proper nutrition, in addition to preventing diseases, gives the body a feeling of lightness; you will no longer remember overweight, you will forget about swelling and morning bags under your eyes.

To switch to proper nutrition, you need to prepare your body: giving up light carbohydrates and heavy fats occurs gradually. You should also make balanced menu, which will contain the daily norm of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and the chemical composition of the diet will meet the needs of your body.

Basic rules of healthy eating

There are 10 rules of healthy eating, which are as follows:

  • A variety of food daily. You can’t eat only apples or meat; your diet should contain products of plant and animal origin. also in chemical composition heavy carbohydrates, fats, fiber and protein.
  • Caloric content of the diet. Reduce the caloric content of your diet by excluding animal fats and light carbohydrates from it - this is White bread, flour products, and it is better to replace sugar with honey.
  • Fractional meals. You have 5 meals a day, the last one 3-4 hours before bedtime. Get into a routine, eat at the same time every day, spending 15–20 minutes.
  • Say "No!" snacks and dry meals. Snacks are the main enemy slim figure, and it’s better to stock up on a handful of hazelnuts than candy. And once a day you should eat a liquid dish with meat or vegetable broth.
  • Vegetables and fruits. By eating vegetables and fruits with skins, you fill your body with fiber, vitamins and minerals that improve digestion.

  • Water. Observe drinking regime, drinking 2.5 liters of free liquid per day.
  • Protein for breakfast and lunch, fish or vegetables for dinner. Protein is perfectly absorbed in the first half of the day, and it’s better to have something light for dinner, not forgetting a bowl of vegetables. A bowl of vegetables is vegetable salads at every meal; carrots, beets and cabbage are especially healthy.
  • Fasting days. One fasting day a week will be enough, but under no circumstances go hungry. Choose 1 product, for example, kefir, buckwheat porridge or apples, and eat it throughout the day. A fasting day helps cleanse the body of toxins.
  • Movement. Try to move more, because your diet now contains a lot of protein, and it is the “building blocks” for building muscle mass.
  • Substituting food and giving up alcohol. Proper nutrition cannot be combined with alcohol, so we eliminate the latter from the diet forever. And replacing foods will help you replace your favorite sweets or dishes with similar ones, but less high in calories and more healthy.

Healthy eating for weight loss: basic principles and menu

When planning a healthy nutrition menu, you need to write down the norms of proteins, fats and carbohydrates for each day.

The diet is compiled based on the body’s daily calorie needs, taking into account the need for weight loss. You can calculate the norm using an online calculator. Typically, we subtract 500 kcal from the recommended 1800 kcal for women, reducing it by a third.

The basic menu looks like this:

Breakfast 7.00–8.30: 1 dish, fruit and tea

  • Porridges cooked in water with the addition of butter, nuts, dried fruits. Porridge is a source of fiber, will energize the body and start the metabolism.
  • Cottage cheese, curdled milk or kefir, which contains animal protein.
  • Tea without sugar and 1 fruit. The fruit will “give” light carbohydrates to the body, and tea will help them assimilate.
  • Second breakfast at 11.00: 1 apple, natural fruit jelly or 200 ml of fermented baked milk.

Lunch at 13.00: first and second course with side dish, juice

It is recommended to cook the first course on vegetable or meat broth. If the second course is fish with vegetables, then the first is vegetarian borscht or bean soup. After lunch, have a glass fruit juice from unsweetened apples and berries.

Afternoon snack between lunch and dinner: in between, you can drink a glass of fermented milk drink, eat a handful of nuts or fruit.

Dinner at 18.00: meat, side dish, unsweetened tea and dessert

Suitable for dinner light dish– this could be fish with stewed vegetables, tea and dry biscuits. Another menu option consists of porridge, a piece chicken breast and juice.

Healthy eating for children and teenagers

A healthy diet for a child under 16 years of age should consist of 4 meals, and the results daily norm calories are divided according to the following scheme:

  • Breakfast – 25%.
  • Lunch – 40%.
  • Afternoon snack – 10%.
  • Dinner – 25%.

Chemical composition of a healthy diet calculated based on the child's body weight. For 1 kg of weight you need:

  • 2 g of protein, of which 50% plant and 50% animal origin.
  • 15 g carbohydrates.
  • 50 ml of clean liquid. The need for water in children is higher than in adults. Therefore, offer your child teas, compotes, juices and decoctions.
  • Regardless of weight, the menu is enriched with 100 g of fat, of which 30% is animal and the rest is vegetable.

Healthy eating program for every day

Of course, if you are on a strict diet, your fortitude is strengthened, not your health. But if you follow proper nutrition, endurance and composure are required - the regime becomes important part of your life.

The healthy eating program does not have significant restrictions, but dictates certain conditions, for example, refusal of purchased ready-made food. You should approach proper nutrition gradually, adjusting your menu day by day.

If you suddenly stop eating, you will give your body a signal, and it will begin to actively store fat. There is not enough food, we need to save ourselves! A gradual rejection of light carbohydrates and flour products will help reconfigure the body in the right way.

Remember that proper nutrition is food without a crispy crust, fried in large quantities oils Prepare meat, fish, vegetables and dietary desserts by steaming, baking or stewing.

Regardless of your goal - losing weight or restoring health - the basic diet consists of 5 groups of mandatory products:

  1. Vegetables and fruits contain fiber, vitamins and microelements.
  2. Fermented milk drinks and products– protein and unique bacteria.
  3. Meat, eggs and fish– protein and Omega-3.
  4. Porridge– an invaluable source of fiber.
  5. Nuts– an irreplaceable source of fats.

From this basic set you can cook absolutely anything, we bring to your attention several delicious and healthy recipes.

Healthy eating - recipes

Vegetables under a cheese cap in the oven

  • 1 bell pepper.
  • 1 PC. potatoes.
  • 100 g colored tomatoes.
  • ½ half a large carrot.
  • Low-fat sour cream.
  • 50 g cheese.
  • Butter.

Cut the vegetables into cubes of the same size, then grease the pot or mold with oil and lay the vegetables in layers: potatoes, carrots, tomatoes and peppers, and pour sour cream on top, cheese on top of the sour cream. Cover the future dish with 2 layers of foil and place it in the oven at 220C for 40 minutes.

Vegetarian rice with pineapple

  • 250 g boiled rice.
  • 4 pineapple rings.
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of corn.
  • 150 g hard cheese.
  • 80 g feta cheese for piquancy.

Grate the cheese, mix 40 g of feta with 80 g of hard cheese. Now take the rice and corn, the remaining cheeses and carefully move them around, adding a little salt. Cover a baking dish with foil and lay out the rice-corn mixture, sprinkle cheeses on top and cover with a “cap” of a whole pineapple circle. Bake in the oven at 180C for 20 minutes.

Meringue crumbs

  • 4 squirrels.
  • 2 tsp. sweetener.
  • Vanilla, lemon zest.

Beat the whites with sugar until an elastic foam forms, at the end add the zest and vanilla. Line a baking tray with baking paper, spoon out the meringues and place them in the oven at 110C for 1 hour. After cooking, do not pull out the dessert; let it sit in a warm oven for 20 minutes, otherwise it will fall off.

There are many dietary systems that help you lose weight. After all dietary food- this is a purely individual moment, it helps to lose 10 kg, but after finishing the diet they return with friends. If you really decide to take the path of fighting overweight, then proper nutrition will help you. As you can see, it is not only healthy, but also very tasty!