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How to take Flemoxin Solutab - before or after meals? Flemoxin is a well-known antibiotic in an innovative form

Flemoxin Solutab leaves the body with the help of genitourinary system, which does not in any way affect its concentration when eating.

How to take an antibiotic correctly

The drug belongs to the group of antibiotics penicillin series semi-synthetic nature. The main active ingredient is Amoxicillin. It is used during prolonged or complicated colds, severe coughs, and throat diseases.

The medication is prescribed to adults and children. When treating a child, it is important to know how to drink Flemoxin correctly. The success of treatment will depend on this. Pediatricians and therapists advise not to link food intake and antibiotic use.

You can take Flemoxin Solutab before, during or after meals. The effect of the drug on the body will not change.

This feature of the drug comes from its properties. The tablets do not interact in any way with the digestive tract. The full concentration of the substance is distributed to the problem area, killing bacteria. Flemoxin Solutab is excreted through the genitourinary tract; complete absorption of the drug does not depend on food intake.

The medication can be used in a variety of ways:

  • take the whole tablet orally with plenty of water;
  • dissolve the medicine in water (100ml) to obtain a sweet syrup;
  • chew the tablet.

Dosage for adults and children

The instructions for use of the tablets explain how to take the medication correctly. Before you start taking it, it is worth studying the description of what dosage of Flemoxin is appropriate for the patient’s age, and at what time it is advisable to take the medicine.

Standard instructions for use suggest the following doses:

  • For infants, a dosage of IVMG is recommended per 1 kg of body weight, divided into 3 doses;
  • Manufacturers advise children from 1 year to 3 years to take 250 mg, 2 times a day or 150 mg, 3 times;
  • if the child is from 3 to 10 years old, 250 mg of medication is prescribed, 3 times a day or 375 mg, 2 times a day;
  • For children over 10 years of age and adults, the dosage is prescribed in mg, 2-3 times a day.

Doctors agree that although Flemoxin can be taken after, during or before meals, it is best to use tablets during meals. This will make it easier for the body to tolerate treatment with an antibacterial drug. If a person misses taking it while eating, there is nothing to worry about. Manufacturers assure that the medication is in no way related to food consumption.

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IMPORTANT. The information on the site is provided for informational purposes only. Do not self-medicate. At the first sign of disease, consult a doctor.

Flemoxin solutab for bronchitis: instructions for use

In order to successfully get rid of bronchitis and prevent it from becoming chronic, it is very important to properly plan treatment and select medications. If the disease is associated with a bacterial infection, then the prescription of antibiotics is mandatory. Often, from a huge range of similar drugs, doctors choose Flemoxin for bronchitis: indeed, Flemoxin is excellent for the treatment of respiratory diseases.

Treatment of bronchitis with Flemoxin

Flemoxin is prescribed only in cases of confirmed microbial etiology of bronchitis, and the bacteria must be sensitive to the action of the drug.

Flemoxin for bronchitis is appropriate in the following situations:

  1. The high temperature does not subside within three days.
  2. Symptoms of general intoxication appear.
  3. Shortness of breath appears.
  4. Tests indicate leukocytosis, with a leukocyte count of more than 12,000/L.
  5. There is a shift in the leukocyte formula to the left.

At acute symptoms Flemoxin is used only after obtaining the results of bacterial culture, otherwise the drug may be ineffective and even dangerous.

ATX code

Active ingredients

Indications for the use of flemoxin for bronchitis

Flemoxin is prescribed not only for bronchitis. The use of the drug is also indicated for other respiratory diseases:

  • with infectious-inflammatory lesions of the respiratory tract;
  • for bronchopneumonia;
  • with pneumonia;
  • with lung abscess;
  • for chronic respiratory pathologies.

Flemoxin cannot be taken “at random”; first, the doctor must take a sputum test to determine the sensitivity of pathogenic microorganisms to this medication. If the bacteria are sensitive, then the drug can be used for treatment.

Flemoxin for obstructive bronchitis

Flemoxin can also be prescribed for the treatment of obstructive bronchitis, a disease in which the patency of the respiratory canal deteriorates. This bronchitis especially often affects children: the main causes may be viral infection(influenza, adenovirus, rhinovirus, respiratory syncytial virus). There is also a chronic form of the disease, which is typical for adult patients.

If the etiology of obstructive bronchitis is purely viral, then the use of Flemoxin is not indicated. The drug is prescribed when a bacterial component is attached - when the discharge becomes purulent.

As preventive method Antibiotics cannot be used, and this also applies to the drug Flemoxin.

For the treatment of chronic obstructive bronchitis in adults, Flemoxin is also prescribed only if elements of pus appear in the sputum.

Release form

Flemoxin is produced in the form of tablets that are dispersible. The tablets have an oblong configuration, engraving on one side surface and a notch for dosing on the other.

The active component of the drug is amoxicillin in the form of trihydrate. Amoxicillin belongs to the group of general antimicrobial agents, a series of β-lactam antibiotics.

The package contains four blister plates, five tablets in each plate.


Flemoxin is a drug whose main ingredient is Amoxicillin. Amoxicillin is also sold in pharmacies and is complete analogue Flemoxin - the only difference is that Flemoxin has a convenient release form and is more comfortable to give to children. However, there is also a drug such as Amoxicillin-Solutab-Norton, which also has a pleasant fruity taste.

Other analogues of this medication include:

Amoxil, Amofast, V-Mox, Graximol, Gramox, Iramox, Alfamox, Amimox, Zoxicillin, Zymox, Ospamox, Amoxidal, Starmox, Tormoxin, Amoxibiotic, Duomox, Polymoxil, Betalactam, Dedoxil, Hiconcil, etc.

Flemoxin Solutab is probably the most commonly prescribed medication for bronchitis: it effectively copes with bacterial infections. Improvement is observed already on the second or third day from the start of taking the drug. However, it is impossible to treat with the drug for a long time, since there may be a loss of sensitivity of microbes to the action of the drug, as well as increased growth of resistant flora. During treatment, it is necessary to closely monitor the patient’s well-being in order to promptly respond to possible side effects.


Flemoxin for bronchitis is a representative of bactericidal antibacterial drugs of the penicillin group, with a wide range of effects.

Flemoxin exhibits antimicrobial activity against gram (+) and gram (-) bacteria, including streptococci, clostridia, Neusheria, staphylococcus, listeria, and helicobacter. A slightly lower degree of activity is observed in relation to enterococci, Escherichia coli, Proteus, Salmonella, Shigella, and Vibrio cholerae.

The drug does not show activity against bacteria that produce β-lactamases, pseudomonads, etc.


After oral administration, Flemoxin is quickly absorbed, as it is resistant to stomach acid. The presence of food masses does not affect the degree of absorption of the drug. The maximum content of the active ingredient in the serum is detected after 1-2 hours.

When taking 500 mg of the drug, the maximum content is detected after two hours.

Approximately 20% of the active ingredient forms a bond with plasma proteins. The drug spreads unhindered in mucous tissues, bones, intraocular fluid and sputum.

In amniotic fluid and umbilical cord vessels, the content of Flemoxin can be up to 30% of the drug content in the serum of a pregnant patient.

The active ingredient weakly overcomes the blood-brain barrier, but in the presence of an inflammatory process in the membranes of the brain, the content in the cerebrospinal fluid is approximately 20% of the drug level in the serum.

Metabolism of the drug occurs in the liver, with the release of inactive metabolic products.

Elimination is carried out by the kidneys, with a half-life of one to 1.5 hours.

Use of flemoxin for bronchitis during pregnancy

In general, Flemoxin does not have teratogenic activity. However, this antibiotic is prescribed only when absolutely necessary, preferably in the second half of pregnancy.

Treatment with the drug during breastfeeding is possible, but undesirable, as it can lead to the development of sensitization. Breastfeeding definitely stop if the child develops dyspeptic syndrome or skin rash.


Flemoxin is not used for bronchitis if the patient has hypersensitivity to penicillin and cephalosporin drugs, as well as to any auxiliary components of the dosage form.

Side effects of flemoxin for bronchitis

During treatment of bronchitis with Flemoxin, certain side effects may occur:

  • fungal diseases, intensive growth resistant bacteria;
  • hemolytic anemia, deterioration of blood clotting;
  • hypersensitivity reactions, serum sickness, vasculitis;
  • nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, black “hairy” tongue syndrome, darkening of tooth enamel, inflammatory processes in the intestines;
  • dizziness, irritability;
  • cholestasis, increased levels of AST and ALT;
  • skin rash, blistering dermatitis, itching;
  • crystalluria.

Directions for use and doses

Flemoxin for bronchitis should be taken orally - in the form of whole tablets, or dissolved in water.

The time for taking Flemoxin does not depend on food intake.

The dose of the drug is determined in individually, however, the standard treatment regimen for bronchitis with Flemoxin is also important:

  • For bronchitis, which is accompanied by mild to moderate symptoms, Flemoxin is used as follows:
  1. adults and children over 10 years of age are prescribed pomg twice a day;
  2. children from the age of three are prescribed 375 mg twice a day;
  3. Children from puberty are prescribed 250 mg morning and evening.
  • Duration of taking Flemoxin:
  1. for mild cases – from five days to a week;
  2. for moderate and severe cases – up to 10 days.
  • In severe cases of the disease, the frequency of taking tablets is increased to three times a day.
  • For chronic bronchitis the following is prescribed:
  1. adults 0.75-3 g three times a day;
  2. pediatric patients - at the rate of 60 mg per kg three times a day.

Flemoxin for bronchitis in adults

An adult patient can take the Flemoxin tablet as a whole or dissolve it in water.

  • If the patient suffers from bronchitis in the lungs or moderate form, then a possible dosage regimen is twice a day.
  • Severe bronchitis should be accompanied by taking the drug mg three times a day.
  • Chronic bronchitis involves taking Flemoxin 750 mg every eight hours.

Flemoxin for bronchitis in a child

Flemoxin can be used for children from one year of age. The drug is quite common in pediatric practice.

Children like Flemoxin because of its pleasant fruity taste. In addition, the drug is considered low-toxic and non-hazardous for children.

For ease of administration, you can prepare a syrup from the tablet: dissolve the tablet in 20 ml warm water. If you dissolve the tablet in 100 ml of liquid, you can get a suspension that is easy to give to any baby.

The dosage of Flemoxin in pediatrics is determined by the child’s age, body weight and characteristics of bronchitis. On average, the daily amount of the drug can range from 30 to 60 mg/kg: this amount is divided into two or three times.

As a rule, the following treatment regimen is relevant:

  • A child 1-3 years old takes 250 mg of antibiotic twice a day, or 125 mg three times a day.
  • A child 3-10 years old takes 250 mg three times a day.
  • A child over 10 years old takes from 375 to 500 mg three times a day.

The total duration of therapy with Flemoxin can be 7-10 days, depending on the complexity of the disease.


Signs of an overdose may include dyspeptic symptoms - for example, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and, as a result, an imbalance of water and electrolytes. IN in rare cases Crystalluria may occur, followed by the development of renal failure.

In case of an overdose of Flemoxin, it is necessary to induce vomiting or rinse the stomach, take any sorbent drug and laxative. To maintain fluid and electrolyte status, it is recommended to drink plenty of water.

IN severe cases it is possible to connect hemodialysis.

Interactions with other drugs

If a doctor prescribes Flemoxin for bronchitis, then he must take into account possible interactions of this antibiotic with other medications:

  • The combination of Flemoxin and Amoxicillin can cause allergies.
  • When taking Flemoxin simultaneously with Warfarin or Acenocoumarol, it is necessary to regularly check the prothrombin index.
  • Flemoxin may increase the toxicity of Methotrexate.
  • During treatment with Flemoxin, blood glucose levels are assessed using non-enzymatic reactions with glucose oxidase. The use of non-enzymatic methods often leads to incorrect results.
  • Some drugs may increase the half-life and general content drug in serum. Such medications include Probenecid, Aspirin, Sulfinpyrazone, Phenylbutazone, Oxyphenbutazone.
  • Flemoxin may affect the absorption and effect of drugs containing estrogens.
  • Flemoxin should not be combined with antibiotics such as tetracyclines, macrolides, and Chloramphenicol. This recommendation does not apply to aminoglycosides.

Storage conditions

Flemoxin, which is prescribed for bronchitis, can be stored in normal room conditions, away from children.

Best before date

The shelf life of Flemoxin is up to five years.

What is better for bronchitis?

Today, various groups of antibacterial agents can be used in the treatment of bronchitis. These are aminopenicillins, macrolide antibiotics, fluoroquinolone drugs, cephalosporins.

Flemoxin belongs to the first-line antibiotics - aminopenicillins.

Such medications damage the microbial cell membrane, which leads to the death of the bacterium. Pneumococci, streptococci, staphylococci and other bacteria that can cause the development of an inflammatory process in the bronchi are sensitive to the effects of the drug.

Why do doctors prefer to prescribe aminopenicillins first? The point is that in human body no membrane cellular structures, which are similar to the cell structures of pathogenic microorganisms. Therefore, while destroying the cell membrane of the pathogen, Flemoxin does not damage other, healthy cells.

Flemoxin is the drug of choice for the treatment of bronchitis, both for adults and children. This antibiotic has only a couple of disadvantages:

  • sometimes can cause the development of allergies;
  • practically ineffective against microbes that produce the substance β-lactamase.

The enzyme in question has a destructive effect on any penicillin drugs. It turns out that it is not the antibiotic that destroys microbial cells, but the causative agent of bronchitis that damages the antibiotic. However, experts have found a way out: to neutralize β-lactamase, amoxicillin is combined with the drug clavulanic acid. The combination of components increases the stability of the antibiotic and potentiates its fight against microbial cells.

However, a logical question arises: if aminopenicillins are optimal for bronchitis, then which drug is better? Indeed, among aminopenicillins there are many drugs known: Flemoxin, Amoxiclav, Arlet, Augmentin, etc.

For bronchitis, it is better to give preference to Flemoxin, because its active ingredient is amoxicillin, a first-line antibiotic. Sumamed is represented by a second-line antibiotic – azithromycin. Sumamed is best used only in cases where Flemoxin is contraindicated for some reason, or if the patient has recently received treatment with Flemoxin.

In addition, the sensitivity of microorganisms to antibiotics is also taken into account: if the analysis showed the presence of resistance to Flemoxin, then the appointment of Sumamed in this case is justified.

Both drugs are considered effective, and both are produced in an easy-to-take dosage form. However, Amoxiclav is a drug not only of amoxicillin, but also of clavulanic acid. This means it has a wider range antibacterial activity: Amoxiclav even damages bacterial cells that produce β-lactamases.

In this situation, it can be advised to take Flemoxin only when the patient has hypersensitivity to a component such as clavulanic acid - sometimes this ingredient causes allergies and digestive disorders.

The action of Flemoxin and Suprax for bronchitis is almost equivalent. Both drugs are equally effective and relatively safe. If you still have to choose one of the drugs, then it is necessary to take into account the resistance of a particular type of bacteria, and also take into account the previous prescriptions of antibiotics to the patient.

For example: if not so long ago a patient was treated with any of the antibiotics, then at the moment he needs to be prescribed a fundamentally different drug, with a different active ingredient. For the antibiotic Flemoxin, this ingredient is amoxicillin, and for Suprax it is cefixime.

Be that as it may, you cannot choose an antibiotic to treat bronchitis on your own: this must be done by a doctor. An incorrectly chosen antimicrobial medication can subsequently cause severe complications. If the doctor, after assessing the test results, advises taking Flemoxin for bronchitis, then you can be sure: this antibiotic is effective and will have the necessary effect within the first 2-3 days of the disease.

Pharmacological group

pharmachologic effect

ICD-10 code

Medical Expert Editor

Portnov Alexey Alexandrovich

Education: Kyiv National Medical University named after. A.A. Bogomolets, specialty - “General Medicine”


To make information easier to understand, these instructions for use of the drug “Flemoxin Solutab for bronchitis: instructions for use” have been translated and presented in a special form based on the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use, read the leaflet included directly with the medication.

The description is provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-medication. The need to use this drug, the prescription of the treatment regimen, methods and doses of the drug are determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.

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Be sure to consult with qualified specialist so as not to harm your health!

Flemoxin - a well-known antibiotic in an innovative form

Flemoxin is a generic version of one of the most popular antibiotics in the world - Amoxicillin. The original drug was developed by British pharmacists in the 60s of the last century. Amoxicillin appeared on the pharmaceutical market in the early 70s.

Before you continue reading: If you are looking for an effective method of getting rid of a runny nose, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis or colds, then be sure to look at this section of the site after reading this article. This information has helped so many people, we hope it will help you too! So, now back to the article.

Amoxicillin is, without a doubt, one of the safest broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs. According to some reports, this penicillin antibiotic is almost the most prescribed medicine in pediatrics. Almost every reputable pharmaceutical company considers it its duty to release its own Amoxicillin. The Japanese corporation Astellas Pharma also succeeded in this matter by developing Flemoxin.

Flemoxin Solutab stands out from the monotonous background of Amoxicillins due to its release form. After all, the drug is available in the form of dispersible tablets, which have many advantages compared to the pills we are used to.

In this article we will try to understand how Flemoxin differs from its analogues, and also clarify the positive aspects of the drug. And let’s not ignore the negative qualities, which, of course, are also present.

Astellas Pharma: new life for antibiotics

Astellas Pharma is the largest Japanese pharmaceutical concern. It appeared in 2005 thanks to the merger of two well-known Japanese companies: Fujisawa Pharmaceutical Co and Yamanouchi Pharmaceutical Co.

Today Astellas Pharma works in various areas of medicine, creating both original drugs, and analogues of well-known brands. The company also produces several antibiotics, which have become widely known due to their dispersible form.

Each of these medicines has an additional word in the name indicating a special form - solutab. Dispersible drugs include:

  • cephalosporin antibiotic Ceforal solutab;
  • Unidox Solutab, widely known in Russia;
  • Vilprafen solutab;
  • Flemoxin Solutab and Flemoklav Solutab are two related drugs containing Amoxicillin as the active ingredient.

I would like to note that Flemoxin Solutab is registered only in Germany, Iceland, Portugal and the CIS countries.

Flemoxin solutab: composition of the drug

So, Flemoxin contains, as you already understood, the only active component - Amoxicillin - in the form of a stable compound (trihydrate).

Amoxicillin is a semi-synthetic penicillin, which in its chemical structure and spectrum of activity is very similar to Ampicillin.

As additional substances Flemoxin contains chemical substances that, in fact, ensure its solubility in a minimum volume of solvent. These include cellulose and MCC - microcrystalline cellulose.

Note that Flemoxin tablets have a pleasant citrus taste due to the addition of tangerine and lemon flavoring.

The color of the tablet can vary from pure white to yellowish or even light yellow. A change in color does not mean that the drug was stored incorrectly. Or, moreover, it is a crude fake. The color variations of Flemoxin are associated with the presence of cellulose compounds in it, in which color changes are allowed.

Forms of release of Flemoxin - for both children and adults

The wide range of Flemoxin includes both children's and adult forms of release, which differ only in dosage.

Unlike conventional oral antibiotics, Flemoxin is not presented in powder form for the preparation of a children's suspension. Therefore, parents of young patients are practically deprived of the opportunity to show their hidden pharmaceutical abilities, calculating the volume of water and diluting the white powder with trembling hands.

So, let’s list the release forms of Flemoxin Solutab.

Children's release forms:

  • Flemoxin solutab dosage 125 mg;
  • Flemoxin solutab at a dose of 250 mg.

Adult release forms:

  • Flemoxin solutab 500 mg;
  • Flemoxin solutab at a dose of 1000 mg.

Why can’t you split a Flemoxin tablet?

The oblong tablet of Flemoxin has a cross mark. Most patients believe that the score is needed in order to split the tablet in half. And get a dosage exactly half the original one.

I would like to explain to readers why experts persistently warn patients against such a division.

There may be two reasons why you should not divide the tablet into two parts. Firstly, many tablets are coated with a protective coating that protects them from the destructive properties of hydrochloric acid. However, this does not apply to Flemoxin - it is not coated, so we can go further.

The second and main reason is that when dividing a tablet, it is technically impossible to find out the dosage of the resulting parts. Even if you have a pharmacy scale at hand, and you were able to absolutely accurately divide a 1000 milligram tablet of Flemoxin into two equal parts, the amount of the active substance remains unknown. Why do you think?

Take another look at the drug packaging or instructions for Flemoxin. The composition of any tablet drug (as, by the way, most others) often contains many other substances in addition to the main active component. Using the example of Flemoxin Solutab at a dosage of 125 mg, we see that the content of cellulose, microcellulose (or MCC), as well as flavorings and saccharin is about 17% of the share of Amoxicillin. In this case, the active substance is distributed unevenly, and therefore the left half of the tablet may contain N percent more active substance than the right half. Or vice versa.

Accordingly, the effectiveness of different parts of the Flemoxin tablet may, to put it mildly, be different. And side effects too.

Now let’s remember that we are not dealing with ascorbic acid vitamins, but with a drug, the dose of which is carefully selected depending on age and the severity of the infection. And let’s remember the unshakable rule of pharmaceuticals: dividing a tablet in order to reduce the dosage is simply prohibited!

Exceptions may include some cardiac medications. In such cases, the manufacturers themselves take into account all the nuances and technologically achieve uniform distribution of all the components of the tablet.

Dispersible tablet: what is it?

Many patients, when they first encounter the name “dispersible tablet,” have difficulty imagining what it is. Meanwhile, more and more pharmaceutical companies are trying to put older drugs into dispersible form. Dispersible vitamins, antibiotics, and even erectile dysfunction drugs are appearing on the market.

Dispersible tablets were originally created for patients who had difficulty swallowing. This condition, which is medically called dysphagia, occurs in 35% of the general population and in 60% of older people.

The first dispersible tablets dissolved in the mouth to produce gas. Subsequently, new forms were developed, which included cellulose and its compounds. We have already mentioned that Flemoxin solutab is one of these drugs.

Advantages of dispersible form

So, let's figure out how Flemoxin dispersible tablets differ from regular Amoxicillin and what their advantage is.

So, the dispersible form of Flemoxin:

Flemoxin dispersible tablets are absorbed in the oral cavity directly into the blood, bypassing the gastrointestinal tract. Due to this, the bioavailability of orally soluble tablets is an order of magnitude higher than that of oral tablets;

  • quickly reaches peak concentration.

Oral tablets begin to be absorbed into the blood within 15–20 minutes after administration, at best. Dispersible dosage forms (including Flemoxin) are absorbed within 5 minutes after dissolving in the mouth;

  • more convenient for pharmaceutical substances that are unstable in water.

An excellent example is children's Flemoxin Solutab 125 mg, which is much more convenient in the form of soluble tablets than Amoxicillin suspension;

  • can be used for newborns and infants;
  • does not require additional manipulations before use, unlike, for example, a suspension that needs to be prepared;
  • can be dissolved in breast milk;
  • Requires very little water to dissolve.

Every parent knows how important it is that the medicine is not only effective, but also tasty. A mother who is trying to pour the hated bitter medicine into a sick child while the father is holding the child by the arms and legs is a very sad picture. And not that rare.

Astellas Pharma pharmacists masked the traditionally bitter taste of Amoxicillin with citrus flavors and saccharin. Therefore, Flemoxin Solutab is a tasty medicine for children.

Flemoxin pharmacokinetic data provide convincing evidence of its benefits

The pharmacokinetic properties of drugs largely determine their effectiveness. This is an axiom that does not require proof.

For example, one of the most negative aspects of Flemoxin's predecessor, Ampicillin, is low absorption and short half-life. Imagine that two-thirds of the antibiotic is not absorbed at all. That is, you drink one gram of a drug that is not the safest, but only 300 mg enters the blood. The remaining part is excreted from the body, simultaneously “working” in the intestines on your previously quite viable microflora. Not the most pleasant prospect, is it?

Therefore, one of the main tasks of modern pharmaceuticals is the search for new drugs and forms that have a high level of bioavailability. And Flemoxin Solutab, without any doubt, can be called one of these drugs.

Flemoxin is absorbed into the blood very quickly - within 5-10 minutes - and almost completely. The bioavailability of dispersible Amoxicillin is close to 93%. Note that for oral dosage forms These numbers are practically record-breaking. In comparison with oral Amoxicillin, Flemoxin also clearly wins in this indicator. Thus, the bioavailability of conventional tablet forms of Amoxicillin rarely exceeds 75-80%.

Flemoxin packaging: tightness is a condition of preservation

Flemoxin dispersible tablets are extremely sensitive to moisture. To protect the tablet from moisture in the air, it is necessary to ensure that the packaging is completely sealed. Flemoxin is packaged in aluminum blisters, which guarantee protection of the antibiotic from premature decomposition.

If you accidentally squeezed a Flemoxin tablet out of the cell, it is better to either take it immediately or dispose of it, that is, mercilessly throw it in the trash.

It should be remembered that due to the high cellulose content, there is a possibility of gradual dissolution of the tablet in air moisture. And we know that any antibiotic, including Flemoxin, is unstable in a dissolved state.

Therefore, a Flemoxin tablet that was stored in damaged packaging or, even worse, without it, may turn out to be, at best, a harmless dummy.

Flemoxin solutab: spectrum of pharmacological activity

Amoxicillin, the active ingredient in Flemoxin, is active against many gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Among them:

  • streptococci - Streptococcus pyogenes and Streptococcus pneumonia;
  • staphylococci, including Staphylococcus aureus;
  • clostridia;
  • gonorrhea pathogens Neisseria gonorrhoeae;
  • listeria;
  • causative agent of peptic ulcer Helicobacter pylori.

Low activity of Flemoxin is recorded against most pathogens of intestinal infections:

And finally, Proteus, Enterobacteriaceae, and microorganisms that produce beta-lactamases are absolutely insensitive to the action of Flemoxin.

Beta-lactamases and Flemoxin: a fight for life

In the instructions for Flemoxin and other penicillin, as well as cephalosporin antibiotics, the term “beta-lactamase” is often used. Usually, patients who carefully study the annotations intuitively understand that lactamase is probably something very bad. But it is not always possible to clearly understand what it is and what, exactly, the harm of beta-lacatmaz is.

Let's try to find out who or what this beta-lactamase is. Let's start by remembering when the first penicillins began to be used.

The history of antibiotics goes back more than 70 years. During this period, many microorganisms learned to recognize the destructive antibacterial substance. By at least Modern strains of bacteria already synthesize antidotes for two groups of antibiotics - penicillins and cephalosporins. The role of “antidote” is played by special enzymes from the group of beta-lactamases (penicillinases), which destroy the beta-lactam ring of the antibiotic. As a result, the drug is completely inactivated and has no antibacterial effect.

The first bacteria that learned to produce penicillinase were staphylococci. And, if in 1944 only 5% of Staphylococcus aureus strains produced the enzyme, now this figure has increased many times and is almost 90%!

In addition, bacteria that produce beta-lactamase include streptococci, as well as many gram-negative microorganisms, including Klebsiella, Enterobacteriaceae, Pseudomonas and other pathogens.

So, when infected with microorganisms that produce beta-lactamases, neither Flemoxin, nor other analogues of Amoxicillin, nor Ampicillin are absolutely effective.

Therefore, a correct assessment by a doctor when prescribing unprotected penicillins is so important. The specialist’s task is to differentiate the pathogen and “not to miss” in choosing an antibiotic.

Flemoxin or Flemoklav, which is better?

The Astellas Pharma company produces another antibiotic containing Amoxicillin - Flemoclav. Both the name and packaging of the drug are very similar to Flemoxin, however, there is a significant difference between these drugs. Let's figure out how these seemingly similar antibiotics differ.

We have already found out that some strains of microorganisms produce beta-lactamase, which inactivates Flemoxin. Therefore, for many infectious diseases, Amoxicillin, the active ingredient in Flemoxin, is absolutely ineffective.

Researchers from the British company Beecham, which developed Amoxicillin, have managed to find a substance that blocks beta-lactamases. This substance turned out to be clavulanic acid. Scientists have proven that the combination of clavulanic acid and penicillin antibiotics is effective against strains of bacteria that produce beta-lactamase.

This is how a new antibacterial drug with an extended spectrum of action appeared. The original antibiotic was released by Glaxo under the name Augmentin. By the way, thanks to the protective effect of clavulanates, complex antibiotics began to be called protected. After all, clavulanic acid really serves as a real protection for the lactam penicillin ring from destruction!

The Japanese corporation Astellas Pharma has developed a dispersible form of protected Amoxicillin - Flemoclav.

Patients often wonder: which antibiotic is preferable - Flemoxin or Flemoklav? Only a specialist who relies not only on theoretical, but also on practical knowledge can resolve this dilemma.

When deciding on the selection of a particular antibiotic, the doctor evaluates the history of the current disease, as well as experience in treating previous infections. The most important stage in selecting an antibiotic is differentiation of the pathogen. An error leads to incorrect prescription of the drug, and, therefore, to ineffective treatment.

Making a decision is complicated by the fact that in the vast majority of cases the pathogen is calculated empirically, that is, based on the symptoms of the disease. A qualified doctor will undoubtedly be able to do this. But a medical amateur is definitely not able to do this. Therefore, patients should remember: the decision to prescribe antibiotics and the choice of a specific drug should be entrusted to the doctor or clinical pharmacist. And no one else!

Flemoxin solutab: when to take?

Indications for the use of Flemoxin are primarily related to the spectrum of pharmacological activity of the drug. Note that Amoxicillin is included in the treatment protocols for many infectious diseases.

Modern semi-synthetic penicillin - Flemoxin solutab - is the drug of choice for uncomplicated pathologies of the respiratory tract bacterial origin. I would like to place special emphasis on the word “uncomplicated”. In case of a moderately severe disease or a severe, complicated course of infection, protected penicillins or antibiotics of other groups are preferred to Flemoxin.

So, let's list the main diseases for which Flemoxin Solutab is indicated:

Spicy otitis media- inflammation of the middle ear.

In the initial treatment of acute otitis media, Flemoxin is the first-line drug, that is, the preferred antibiotic. However, if the disease is aggravated by severe otalgia (ear pain), a temperature above 39 degrees, then the doctor may suspect infection with beta-lactamase producing strains of Haemophilus influenzae and Moraxella catarrhalis. In such cases, the drug of choice is Flemoclav, that is, protected Amoxicillin.

Pharyngitis and tonsillitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx and tonsils.

As a rule, these diseases are caused by Streptococcus pyogenes, which are highly sensitive to Amoxicillin. Standard treatment protocols indicate that for bacterial tonsillitis Flemoxin solutab is the drug of choice. However, if the disease is recurrent in nature, that is, it recurs periodically over, for example, one year, then preference is given to a combination with clavulanates, as well as macrolides or cephalosporins.

Lower respiratory tract infections.

The main causative agents of pneumonia and bacterial bronchitis - alpha and beta hemolytic streptococci, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus and Haemophilus influenzae - are sensitive to Flemoxin. Therefore, for uncomplicated bronchitis and pneumonia, Flemoxin Solutab can be used.

Skin infections caused by susceptible streptococci, Staphylococcus aureus and coli.

Urinary tract infections.

Flemoxin is effective for inflammatory kidney diseases and Bladder, if they are caused by susceptible enterococci Enterococcus faecalis, Escherichia coli or Proteus. For the treatment of uncomplicated urinary tract infections caused by enterococcus, Flemoxin is the drug of choice.

However, it is worth considering that some strains of E. coli are resistant, that is, completely insensitive to Amoxicillin. Meanwhile, cystitis - inflammation of the bladder - in most cases is caused by E. coli. Therefore, Flemoxin is prescribed with caution for urological infections.

Typhoid fever and salmonellosis.

Flemoxin is considered an alternative antibiotic for these infections and is used when first-line drugs are contraindicated. Note that the drugs of choice are fluoroquinolone antibiotics and third-generation cephalosporins.

Flemoxin is used in cases of early localized Lyme disease.

Treatment of peptic ulcer with Flemoxin

Long gone are the days when peptic ulcer disease was considered incurable chronic disease, truly aggravating the patient’s life. Ulcer sufferers no longer need to be teetotalers, drink potato juice on an empty stomach, or poison themselves with vinylin. And especially to lie down on the operating table.

Thanks to the discovery of the role of a banal infection in the formation of ulcers in the wall of the stomach or duodenum, quick and effective therapy for these diseases has become possible. Helicobacter pylori infection, the causative agent of which is the microorganism Helicobacter pylori, is the cause of peptic ulcer disease in almost 90% of cases. In addition, Helicobacter provokes the development of atrophic gastritis, a dangerous inflammatory disease of the stomach wall, which is a risk factor for ulcers and even stomach cancer.

For a long time, scientists could not even imagine that anything living could survive in a highly hydrochloric acid environment. It turned out that Helicobacter pylori not only survives, but also actively reproduces. The bacterium synthesizes a special enzyme that neutralizes the hydrochloric acid of the stomach - that’s the whole secret of survival.

Meanwhile, Helicobacter responds well to therapy. IN comprehensive scheme Treatment of infection includes two antibacterial drugs (one of which is Flemoxin), as well as a proton load inhibitor. The last medicine is necessary in order to completely neutralize hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Otherwise, healing of the inflamed area is simply impossible.

So, one of the most effective treatment regimens for peptic ulcer disease includes Amoxicillin (Flemoxin Solutab), Clarithromycin and a proton pump inhibitor (for example, Omeprazole, Lanzaprozole and other drugs). If you are intolerant to Clarithromycin, use a two-component regimen or add it as antimicrobial agent Metronidazole.

STD treatment

The abbreviation STD hides not the most pleasant diseases - diseases that are sexually transmitted.

Flemoxin is used only for two infections, and only in special cases. Let's look at them in more detail:

Amoxicillin was previously widely used to treat uncomplicated cases of gonorrhea. But recently, penicillin-resistant strains of Neisseria gonorrhoeae have emerged, so Flemoxin is often replaced with another antibiotic.

Flemoxin is a first-line treatment for uncomplicated urethritis (inflammation of the urethra) and cervicitis (inflammation of the cervical canal) during pregnancy. Note that in most cases of chlamydia in pregnant women, instead of Flemoxin or other Amoxicillin, Sumamed is still used, which is considered the drug of choice.

Flemoxin is usually prescribed in case of individual intolerance to macrolides.

Standard dosages of Flemoxin according to the instructions for use

Let us immediately emphasize that any antibacterial drug is dosed individually. And Flemoxin is no exception to the rule. In each specific case, the doctor assesses the severity of the disease, medical history, that is, medical history, as well as concomitant diseases. And based on this information, he selects the correct dosage.

However, there are still standard dosages of Flemoxin - something like the average body temperature in the ward. We emphasize that they are necessary for the doctor, not for the patient. And even more so, you should not rely on this information in order to prescribe the most correct treatment regimen for yourself.

So, according to the instructions for use of Flemoxin, the following dosages are recommended:

  • For children from 1 to 3 years old, Flemoxin 250 mg tablets are used twice a day. An alternative prescription may be 125 mg of Flemoxin three times a day at regular intervals;
  • The maximum dose of Flemoxin for a child is 60 mg per kilogram of weight per day. This dosage is indicated for severe infectious processes;
  • for children from 3 to 10 years old, 375 mg of Flemoxin is prescribed twice or 250 mg three times a day;
  • for children over 10 years old and adults average dosage Flemoxin is 500–750 mg twice or 375–500 mg three times a day.

For severe infections, Flemoxin can be used up to 3 grams per day, certainly divided into three doses.

The duration of treatment, as well as the dosage of Flemoxin, is selected individually. Please note that the minimum course of therapy should not be less than five days. The standard treatment regimen consists of a weekly course of antibiotics. If the infection is caused by the streptococcus Streptococcus pyogenes, Flemoxin is used for at least 10 days.

It is worth emphasizing that antibiotic treatment should not be stopped immediately after the symptoms of the disease disappear. This haste is fraught with the formation of resistant strains from among selected and strong bacteria, on which Flemoxin simply does not have time to act.

In order to avoid complications, it is necessary to continue treatment with Flemoxin for two days after the manifestations of the infection stop. At the same time, we must not forget that the minimum course should not be less than five days.

Chew, swallow, dissolve, or what is the best way to take Flemoxin?

When encountering dispersible tablets for the first time, many patients wonder what is the best way to take Flemoxin. We will try to answer this question and clarify whether there is a difference between the methods of taking this drug.

So, one of the most significant advantages of Flemoxin Solutab is the ability to choose a method of use that is convenient for the patient.

Depending on the individual characteristics and personal preferences of each Flemoxin tablet can be:

Let us immediately note that there is no fundamental difference in the methods of application. The rate of absorption, bioavailability and metabolism of Flemoxin do not depend on how long you chewed the tablet or how much juice you diluted in.

In addition, the pharmacokinetic properties of Flemoxin are not affected by food intake. You can take the tablet before meals, during lunch or after dinner, and in all cases the bioavailability of the antibiotic will be the same.

Contraindications to taking Flemoxin

Do not forget that Flemoxin is an antibacterial drug that has both side effects and contraindications. However, in fairness, it is worth noting that Amoxicillin is one of the safest antibiotics.

So, we list the absolute contraindications to taking Flemoxin:

Individual sensitivity to penicillin antibiotics.

The likelihood of an allergic reaction to Flemoxin is low. However, if you are allergic to medications, and especially antibiotics, do not forget to warn your doctor about this. A specialist will be able to assess the risk and choose the right antibacterial agent.

In addition, do not forget about cross-sensitivity between penicillins and cephalosporins. If you have had an allergic reaction, for example, to ceftriaxone or any other antibiotic from the cephalosporin group, then it is also better to replace Flemoxin.

Erroneous prescription of Flemoxin and other penicillins for this disease leads to the appearance of an erythematous rash. Note that the symptoms of infectious mononucleosis are similar to those of bacterial pharyngitis and tonsillitis. However, mononucleosis is caused by a virus and does not require antibiotic therapy. Put correct diagnosis and only a doctor can prescribe the correct drug.

Flemoxin during pregnancy: risks and benefits

Flemoxin is one of the antibiotics conditionally approved for use during pregnancy. The instructions for Flemoxin indicate that the drug can be used in cases where the risk to the child is less than the expected benefit to the mother.

Don't be afraid of this wording. It is caused solely by the fact that clinical trials Flemoxin has not been tested on pregnant women, and it is unlikely that they will ever be performed for obvious reasons.

Nevertheless, Flemoxin is considered one of the safest antibiotics that can be used during pregnancy. And quite a long experience of using it is excellent proof of this. But let us emphasize once again that any antibiotic, including Flemoxin, can only be prescribed by a doctor. Think about your health and the health of your unborn child.

Side effects associated with treatment with Flemoxin

Flemoxin is one of the antibiotics that is well tolerated. However, there is a possibility adverse events during or after treatment with the drug. Among them:

in 1-10% of cases the following are registered:

  • development of vulvovaginal fungal infection (in 2% of patients). In such situations, during treatment with Flemoxin, parallel use of antifungal drugs, for example, Fluconazole, is recommended;
  • diarrhea (in 1.7% of patients). As a rule, this symptom does not require discontinuation of Flemoxin and goes away on its own;
  • nausea (in 1.3% of patients);
  • headache (in 1% of cases).

in less than 1% of cases the following are possible:

In less than 1% of cases treated with Flemoxin, a rather serious side effect may develop - pseudomembranous colitis. The reason for this condition is a change in composition intestinal flora and proliferation of opportunistic microorganisms Clostridium difficile. Clinically, pseudomembranous colitis is manifested by severe diarrhea, which is fraught with general dehydration of the body.

When such symptoms appear, the first thing the patient should do is to immediately notify the attending physician. Usually in such cases the only thing possible way out- discontinuation of Flemoxin and prescription of another antibiotic or antimicrobial drug, to which clostridia are sensitive. Besides, important role plays a role in restoring water-salt balance in the body.

Flemoxin solutab - analogues

The pharmaceutical market is replete with generics of Amoxicillin different manufacturers. Let's try to list those Flemoxin analogues that have earned positive reviews from doctors:

  • Amoxicillin produced by the Serbian company Hemofarm;
  • Amoxicillin Sandoz, which is produced by the French corporation Sandoz;
  • Hiconcil, a drug from the Slovak company KRKA;
  • Ospamox produced by the Austrian pharmaceutical concern Biochemi;
  • Amosin, Russian pharmaceutical company Synthesis.

Despite the abundance of analogues of Flemoxin Solutab, very few drugs have the same dispersible form. These include the Austrian Ospamox DT.

And the last thing I would like to note. Despite the wide selection of Flemoxin analogues, one should not forget that the prerogative of both prescribing an antibiotic and selecting a generic belongs exclusively to the doctor.

The article above and comments written by readers are for informational purposes only and do not encourage self-medication. Consult a specialist regarding your own symptoms and illnesses. When treated with any medicine Always use the instructions included in the package and the advice of your healthcare professional as your primary guide.

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Do you want to get rid of your nose, throat, lung and cold diseases? Then be sure to check it out here.

It is also worth paying attention to other medications:

I didn’t notice any side effects: we didn’t have diarrhea, although we didn’t take Linex. The doctor said that Flemoxin does not cause dysbacteriosis, and he was right.

Be careful! Especially with children!

By the way, having exceeded the dose of the drug (this happened (((, severe cough with vomiting, I thought that the drug was not absorbed and repeated taking the medicine again.) we were covered with a rash, recalculated the dose for that day and that’s it, the rash went away and we were treated for 5 days.

Mother of two sons (2.5 and 5 years old).

Repeated use caused anaphylactic shock. Pale face, blue lips, leg and arm cramps, respiratory arrest and loss of consciousness. Unfortunately, there are doctors who “earn their living” in front of drug companies, without thinking about the life and safety of young patients.

Join, speak out and discuss. Your opinion may be very important to many readers!

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A common question that doctors hear regarding the drug is: how to take Flemoxin Solutab correctly, before or after meals. When answering this question about the relationship between food and pills, it is worth mentioning the method of removing the drug from the body, its bioavailability, and absorption.

Flemoxin Solutab leaves the body through the genitourinary system, which does not in any way affect its concentration when eating.

How to take an antibiotic correctly

The drug belongs to the group of penicillin antibiotics of a semi-synthetic nature. The main active ingredient is Amoxicillin. It is used during prolonged or complicated colds, severe coughs, and throat diseases.

The medication is prescribed to adults and children. When treating a child, it is important to know how to drink Flemoxin correctly. The success of treatment will depend on this. Pediatricians and therapists advise not to link food intake and antibiotic use.

You can take Flemoxin Solutab before, during or after meals. The effect of the drug on the body will not change.

This feature of the drug comes from its properties. The tablets do not interact in any way with the digestive tract. The full concentration of the substance is distributed to the problem area, killing bacteria. Flemoxin Solutab is excreted through the genitourinary tract; complete absorption of the drug does not depend on food intake.

The medication can be used in a variety of ways:

  • take the whole tablet orally with plenty of water;
  • dissolve the medicine in water (100ml) to obtain a sweet syrup;
  • chew the tablet.

Dosage for adults and children

The instructions for use of the tablets explain how to take the medication correctly. Before you start taking it, it is worth studying the description of what dosage of Flemoxin is appropriate for the patient’s age, and at what time it is advisable to take the medicine.

Standard instructions for use suggest the following doses:

  • For infants, a dosage of IVMG is recommended per 1 kg of body weight, divided into 3 doses;
  • Manufacturers advise children from 1 year to 3 years to take 250 mg, 2 times a day or 150 mg, 3 times;
  • if the child is from 3 to 10 years old, 250 mg of medication is prescribed, 3 times a day or 375 mg, 2 times a day;
  • For children over 10 years of age and adults, the dosage is prescribed in mg, 2-3 times a day.

Doctors agree that although Flemoxin can be taken after, during or before meals, it is best to use tablets during meals. This will make it easier for the body to tolerate treatment with an antibacterial drug. If a person misses taking it while eating, there is nothing to worry about. Manufacturers assure that the medication is in no way related to food consumption.

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IMPORTANT. The information on the site is provided for informational purposes only. Do not self-medicate. At the first sign of disease, consult a doctor.

How to give flemoxin to a child?

The medical college of tiensmed.ru (www.tiensmed.ru) will help you learn how to give flemoxin to a child from this article. In addition, here you will receive information about the cases in which flemoxin is prescribed to children, as well as how effective this drug is in treating young patients.

Flemoxin solutab is an antibiotic with amoxicillin as an active ingredient. Thus, flemoxin is prescribed to children in cases where it is necessary to fight infections. Specifically, for infectious diseases of the bronchi, lungs, sinuses, for infectious diseases of the excretory system, for infectious diseases of the digestive system, as well as for purulent wounds.

The dosage of flemoxin can only be prescribed by the attending physician, since in this case the individual characteristics of the child, as well as the complexity of his condition, are very important. Therefore, do not try to treat your baby without the participation of a doctor.

If the disease is not too severe, then five to seven days of taking flemoxin is enough for the baby to recover. If the cause of the disease is streptococcus, then in any case do not give the child flemoxin for less than ten days.

Doctors also asked this question and conducted clinical trials of flemoxin in the treatment of children with acute otitis media. Eighty-three children participated in the experiment. There were forty-two children in the experimental group, and forty-one in the control group. At the same time, the experimental group took flemoxin solutab, and the control group took regular ampicillin. Both of them are representatives of the third generation of penicillins.

Read more:

They (penicillins) will always be contraindicated for him; Warn your doctors, make a note in your chart, and be treated with other groups of antibiotics!

On the second day, the child’s eyes water, water flows from his nose, and he constantly sneezes. But the doctor looked and said that if there is no rash, then you need to continue taking it for 5 days. We drink Zyrtec and now we are afraid ((

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Should Flemoxin be taken before or after meals?

Good afternoon. Flemoxin is an antibiotic that is commonly used to treat various infections in children.

The question of when to take Flemoxin very often arises among parents.

According to the instructions, the drug can be taken before meals, during meals, and after.

Since it is still an antibiotic, it is better to take it with food.

This drug is usually given to children and it is better not to take it on your own, but only after this medicine has been prescribed by your doctor, since each organism is individual and can cause harm if you start taking it on your own.

Your doctor will also determine the dose you need.

This antibiotic is taken an hour before meals or two after. In addition, it is dispersible, meaning it dissolves, and can easily be dissolved in a teaspoon of water and taken as a slurry for those who cannot swallow tablets. Under no circumstances should you drink it with milk. Only clean water.

As we can see from the instructions for using Flemoxin, it can be taken at any time - before meals, during meals, and after meals.

It also doesn’t matter in what form - take the whole tablet with water, in powder form, or even dissolved in syrup.

Flemoxin Solutab should be taken between meals.

Antibiotics are generally prescribed according to a schedule, at certain hours, and if you don’t feel like eating, then you don’t need to.

Flemoxin Solutab - cheek tablets, pleasant taste, quickly disintegrate in the oral cavity. They are not swallowed or washed down.

After taking it, do not drink or eat for half an hour so that the drug is absorbed into the oral cavity.

The instructions for use of Flemoxin Solutab say that:

In addition, it is not for nothing that each tablet contains:

  • vanillin - 0.5 mg,
  • tangerine flavor - 4.5 mg,
  • lemon flavor - 5.6 mg and
  • saccharin - 6.6 mg.

And this is all for a reason, the point is. What are they? Dispersible tablets, that is, dissolving in the mouth and not requiring swallowing or drinking.

You should also pay attention to the following:

From all of the above, it becomes clear that it is better to take Flemoxin Solutab strictly on time, dissolving them in the mouth (behind the cheek). As for the time of combining with food, it is better that you eat an hour before taking the pill, because allergies, pregnancy and lactation are rare, but gastritis and colitis occur in almost every third person.

Flemoxin is the most common and used antibiotic recently, and therefore all issues related to it are very relevant.

This drug belongs to the penicillin group and is very effective for bacterial infections of many diseases, and as for taking it, it is applicable before meals, during meals, and after meals - it doesn’t matter, the main thing is to follow the medication regimen, which prescribed by the doctor.

The annotation for the drug states that it can be used regardless of food intake. Flemoxin contains the antibiotic amoxicillin. And if you look at other preparations in which it is contained, it is indicated everywhere that this substance has no connection with food. Flemoxin tablets come in soluble form. Therefore, they do not irritate the stomach and are absorbed relatively quickly, regardless of whether there is food in the intestines. The only instruction that is given during administration is the need to consume a significant amount of water in order to avoid crystalluria, which may develop during the use of the drug.

The bactericidal, acid-resistant, broad-spectrum antibiotic Flemoxin Solutab can be taken before, during or after meals. Due to the fact that the drug is acid-resistant, food intake has virtually no effect on its absorption. So, here you can choose what is more convenient for mothers.

Flemoxin solutab is a broad-spectrum penicillin antibiotic.

Flemoxin can be taken, according to the instructions, before, during, or after eating. The tablets can be swallowed whole, divided, chewed, or dissolved in water to form a suspension.

While taking the medicine, you should take it with a sufficient amount of clean water.

Flemoxin is a type of antibiotic that can be taken at any time: before meals, during meals or after meals. This will not affect its action in any way. The only thing is that it is better to swallow the tablet whole and it is necessary to observe the interval of taking the tablet. If you need to take it 2 times a day, then we take it every 12 hours, but if the drug is prescribed for 3 doses, then you need to take it every 8 hours.

Flemoxin solutab 250 mg instructions for children

"Flemoxin Solutab" is one of the drugs in the category of antibiotics, which is widely used in pediatric practice. The product dissolves well in any liquid - juices, drinking water, milk - and has a pleasant sweetish taste.

The main component is amoxicillin.

Excipients are:

  • dispersible cellulose;
  • crospovidone;
  • vanillin;
  • flavorings (taste identical to tangerine and lemon);
  • magnesium stearate;
  • saccharin.

Indications for the use of Flemoxin Solutab in childhood

"Flemoxin Solutab" is used in the treatment of respiratory diseases, as well as pathologies of the ENT organs.

Additionally, the medicine can be prescribed during the treatment of bacterial infections affecting:

  • surface of the skin and subcutaneous layer of tissue;
  • the child's urinary system;

The instructions for children contain the following instructions. A child can take a tablet of the drug:

  • swallow whole, simply with any liquid;
  • Chew (the drug has a sweetish fruity taste) and drink with plenty of liquid.

If necessary, the tablet can be dissolved in water:

  • If you need to get syrup, then take 20 ml of liquid per tablet.
  • A suspension will be obtained if the tablet is diluted with 100 ml of water.

Dosage regimen for Flemoxin Solutab (dosage depends on the number of completed years of the child):

  • children over ten years of age: 500.0...750.0 mg twice a day with an interval of 12 hours or 375.0...500.0 mg three times a day (every 8 hours);
  • from three to ten years: 375.0 mg every 12 hours or 250.0 mg every 8 hours;
  • from one to three years: 250.0 mg twice a day or 125.0 mg three times a day.

The dosage depends on the following indicators:

The daily dose is calculated based on the fact that there are 30.0...60.0 mg of the drug per kilogram of the child’s weight. The daily dose should be divided into several doses, most often no more than three.

The duration of the course of taking Flemoxin Solutab depends on the severity of the disease:

  • for mild and moderate severity – 5…7 days;
  • in severe/protracted form – at least 10 days.

If the child has problems with the kidneys, the doctor reduces the daily dosage of the drug. This depends on the severity of the existing pathology and the dosage can ultimately be reduced by half (at the discretion of the specialist).

You can drink Flemoxin Solutab at any time, regardless of meals.

Dr. Komarovsky considers Flemoxin Solutab the safest children's antibiotic. The medication is practically non-toxic, and therefore, if necessary, can be used in children of the first year of life.

And to the question: “Can the drug be given to newborns?” Komarovsky gives a positive answer.

Since Flemoxin Solutab belongs to the group of penicillin antibiotics, the following side effects may be observed after taking the drug:

  • appearance skin rashes by type of urticaria;
  • development of angioedema.

Side effects may also develop from:

  • Gastrointestinal tract. This may be an attack of nausea accompanied by vomiting, stool upset, or appetite disorders. Sometimes - an increase in the permissible amount of liver enzymes and the occurrence of hemorrhagic colitis.
  • Genitourinary system. Very rarely, interstitial nephritis develops while taking the drug.
  • Hematopoietic organs. A blood test may reveal a decrease in the number of platelets and neutrophils. In rare cases, hemolytic anemia is diagnosed.

Contraindications to the use of the drug in childhood

The drug should not be taken if the child has:

  • individual intolerance to the component composition of the medication;
  • drug allergy to drugs included in the penicillin and cephalosporin series.

In case of existing renal failure, as well as lymphocytic leukemia and mononucleosis, the medicine is prescribed with extreme caution.

The drug is offered in the form of dispersible - easily soluble in water - tablets of various dosages.

The main active component of the antibiotic is amoxicillin trihydrate. Analogues of the drug are many drugs, the basis of which is also amoxicillin trihydrate. This:

The difference between Flemoxin Solutab and its analogues:

  • release form;
  • dispersible – quickly dissolving in water – structure of the drug.

Signs of an overdose will be:

  • attacks of nausea ending in vomiting;
  • intestinal disorder;
  • disturbances of water and electrolyte balance.
  • gastric lavage is performed;
  • requires the use of enterosorbents;
  • Aqueous solutions of electrolytes are prescribed.

Store the medicine at a temperature not exceeding +25. Shelf life - within five years from the date of issue.

Reviews from taking Flemoxin Solutab are either extremely positive or downright negative. Sometimes the medicine helps almost unconditionally, but in some situations it turns out to be useless. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the child’s body. Quite often it is indicated as a disadvantage high price drug.

  • If Flemoxin Solutab is prescribed for the treatment of a complex infection, then only the doctor observing the child can change the dosage indicated in the instructions.
  • It is recommended to continue taking the antibiotic for two days after the typical symptoms of the disease disappear.
  • If a child experiences severe diarrhea while taking an antibiotic, the drug must be discontinued.

Children's "Flemoxin Solutab" is the safest antibiotic, which extremely rarely causes side effects. The product can be used even during the treatment of children in their first year of life.

"Flemoxin Solutab": analogue for children, instructions, reviews

Nowadays, catching a virus is not difficult. But it’s not always easy to recover from its consequences. Those who have stronger immunity get off with a slight illness, while those who have it weak or completely absent receive surprises in the form of complex inflammatory processes that arise due to the development of harmful bacteria. So you subsequently have to be treated with potent drugs, which include the group of penicillin drugs.

Of course, when using them, you should understand that their use is an extreme measure that has to be resorted to in case of complex inflammations that are incurable with other drugs. Antibiotics can be addictive, and taking them does not always have a positive effect on overall well-being, causing disorders of the digestive system. So be careful when using these potent drugs always necessary, especially when they are prescribed to children.

Potent substances are prescribed for use only by qualified doctors for the purpose of effective therapy, if the patient’s critical condition is truly observed.

Other cases are not a reason to use such medications.

Today, quite often people chase after the slightest sneeze. effective tablet. Yes, this form of treatment is comfortable: I took the drug for ten days and forgot about the problem. But this may result in the fact that in subsequent times, when the body really needs help, the antibiotic will not work as effectively as the patient would expect. Therefore, if you are to be treated with such drugs, then this should be done extremely rarely. It is better to pay attention to developing strong immunity. This question is especially relevant for parents of children of different ages.

Naturally, every person encounters antibiotics at least once or twice. Sometimes you can’t buy the medicine the doctor prescribed at the pharmacy. But do not be upset, because you can always choose drugs with similar pharmacological properties that have the same effect on bacterial microorganisms. Today, pharmacies sell a wide range of potent drugs that are interchangeable.

Many patients often look for the antibiotic Flemoxin Solutab in pharmacies. Its analogues are cheaper, but they are just as effective against a number of specific microorganisms and strains as the original remedy.

Before looking for analogues of it, you should consider the antibiotic itself and its pharmacological properties.

This medicine is often prescribed to children. Therefore, many parents wonder what kind of drug this is and whether its use is safe for the child.

Once again, we emphasize the point that the rare use of antibiotics is allowed in medical practice when treating children. But frequent dangers for the child complete absence immunity to any types of bacterial infections. This should always be remembered.

Buyers of the drug “Flemoxin Solutab” are often interested in instructions for use, price, and an analogue of the drug. We’ll touch on all these factors in more detail below.

The drug "Flemoxin Solutab" is classified as a group of broad-spectrum penicillin antibiotics.

This antibiotic is produced in the form of tablets containing 125 mg of the main active ingredient – ​​amoxicillin. Dosages of 250 mg, 500 mg or 1 g are also available. Additional components are saccharin, vanillin, lemon flavor, dispersible cellulose, magnesium stearate.

The tablets are sealed in blisters and placed in cardboard packages.

So, if you are looking for an analogue for the drug “Flemoxin Solutab”, then you should pay attention to the content of amoxicillin in other drugs and its quantity.

The drug we are considering belongs to semi-synthetic acid-resistant antibiotics. It effectively destroys gram-positive and gram-negative harmful microorganisms developing in the patient’s body. These include Bacillus anthracis, Streptococcus pyogenes, Clostridium tetani, Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Clostridium welchii, Streptococcus pneumoniae.

This remedy is not particularly effective against Shigella sonnei, Proteus mirabilis, Enterococcus faecalis, Vibrio cholerae, Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhi.

When choosing an analogue for the drug “Flemoxin Solutab”, you should take into account all these names of microorganisms, so that later it does not turn out that when you take a supposed analogue, you discover its complete inaction. So be careful and always read the instructions for any medicine.

This drug, as already mentioned a little above, is prescribed to both adults and children. It is not without reason that the medicine is available in several forms with different dosages. Depending on the severity of the disease, a certain concentration of amoxicillin is prescribed in order to obtain a clear effect of alleviating the patient’s condition.

The drug is intended for oral administration. The tablet is taken before meals or after meals. If we're talking about about the child, then, of course, in infancy he can't swallow the pill. It simply needs to be dissolved in water, after which a sweet syrup is formed. Depending on the dose prescribed by the doctor, the tablet can be divided into several parts. This is easy to do, since the antibiotic is produced in the form of pills with a groove drawn in the middle. Using a sharp knife, you can easily divide one tablet into several parts.

You should also be aware that you should not overdose on the drug. And this is not only about the medicine in question. You can't joke with antibiotics, since an overdose of them can even lead to fatalities. Therefore, when using them to treat children, carefully read the instructions and follow them strictly.

The drug is excreted from the body in the urine.

Flemoxin Salutab is prescribed (an analogue, chosen correctly, should also affect these ailments) for acute diseases respiratory organs, genitourinary system, infectious internal inflammations soft tissues and external skin formations, inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract, bronchitis.

For mild to moderate illnesses, the antibiotic is taken in the following dosages:

  • children over ten years old – mg three times or mg twice a day;
  • children from three to ten years old - 375 ml twice or 250 mg three times a day;
  • from one to three years – 125 mg three times or 250 mg twice a day.

Children under the age of one year and each subsequent age group are prescribed the drug in an amount of mg per 1 kg of weight per day. It should be consumed in two or three doses.

Since this type of antibiotic is excreted from the body in the urine, it is not prescribed to patients with impaired renal function.

The duration of treatment with this drug is ten days. The course of treatment should not be interrupted.

In case of an overdose of the drug, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting are observed, leading to disruption of the water and electrolyte balance of the body. The first aid in case of antibiotic overdose is gastric lavage.

Flemoxin Solutab should be taken with caution in combination with other drugs. It is advisable to do this as prescribed by the treating doctor, and not to engage in experiments, endangering the child’s health.

Taking this powerful antibiotic may cause skin allergies, overexcitation, insomnia, headache, stomatitis, change in taste, nausea.

So, having previously examined all the properties of the drug “Flemoxin Solutab”, it will not be difficult to select an analogue for it, guided by the basic provisions of the instructions.

This product opens the list, which includes the analogues for children that we are considering for the drug “Flemoxin Solutab”. Its price ranges from 26 rubles for a pack of ten tablets to 70 rubles for a pack of capsules. The higher the dosage of the main active ingredient, the higher the price. This antibiotic, compared to the drug Flemoxin Solutab, which costs an average of 150 rubles for ten tablets, is much cheaper.

Such a discrepancy in price does not depend on the quality of the drug, but on its manufacturer. This drug is offered by the domestic company AKOMP “Sintez9raquo;.

If you are looking for analogs for the drug “Flemoxin Solutab” for children, then the antibiotic “Amosin9raquo; – a worthy replacement for an expensive product. Particularly often they turn to the search for replacement medications in cases of acute complications with the health of children, when the course must be completed, but the family budget is not enough to provide expensive therapy for the child.

This antibiotic is available in three forms: tablets, capsules and powder. Capsules contain a dosage of the main active ingredient in the amount of 125 mg, tablets - 250 mg, 500 mg, powder - 125 mg, 250 mg, 500 mg.

For children, of course, the acceptable form is powder. It is diluted into a sweet suspension with warm water, which is taken in certain prescribed doses for five to twelve days.

The prepared suspension is stored at a certain temperature, and its shelf life does not exceed two weeks.

If you are interested in analogues of the drug “Flemoxin Solutab” for children, then this is the most successful drug that children usually take without whims.

Since there is not always enough money to buy the drug Flemoxin Solutab, analogs for children (the price of such medications are lower) help out many parents. After all, it is imperative to take effective measures for the child’s recovery, no matter what the financial position families.

If you are looking for a specific analogue (“Flemoxin Solutab 500”, for example), then the drug “Amoxicillin9raquo; may well be an effective option. This medicine is produced in the form of tablets containing the main active ingredient, amoxicillin, in an amount of 1 g, capsules - 0.25 or 0.5 g, solution or suspension for oral administration, substance for injection.

This drug should be taken with caution by people prone to allergies. It is prescribed to both adults and children for the same symptoms as Flemoxin Solutab. Analogs (reviews from many patients confirm this) cope with the given task. Medicine “Amoxicillin9raquo; is no exception to this. This effective drug, often used to treat children.

Currently, the price for the drug Flemoxin Solutab is quite high. Analogues are much cheaper. Price of the antibiotic “Amoxicillin9raquo; – tablets in a dosage of 0.25 g in an amount of twenty pieces - is about 30 rubles. Its manufacturer is the Russian company Biokhimik9raquo;, located in the city of Saransk.

The instructions for use for the drug "Flemoxin Solutab" (analogs also apply to this statement) recommend taking the medicine strictly in the indicated dosage. “Amoxicillin9raquo; should be given to the child according to the dosage scale per kg of the child’s weight given in the leaflet. No more, no less.

Most people who encounter this medicine are those who are interested in detailed information about the drug “Flemoxin Solutab” (instructions, analogues, price). The product “Ospamox9raquo; included in the list of effective substitutes for it. It is also prescribed to children from six months of age in case of urgent need.

The Dutch or Serbian expensive antibiotic “Flemoxin Solutab”, instructions, analogues of which we are discussing in this article, are very often found in doctors’ prescriptions. They focus on the fact that the foreign manufacturer takes a responsible approach to the composition of the drug, so foreign drugs are more effective than domestic ones. However, it is the dosage forms of Russian-made antibiotics that people with an average income can afford. The effect of taking them is observed, but slow.

Medicine "Ospamox9raquo; stands on a par with the antibiotic Flemoxin Solutab in terms of cost. The manufacturer of this analogue is the Austrian company Sandoz.

The instructions for the medicine “Flemoxin Solutab” (analogs also obey this law) recommend prescribing it in case of acute inflammatory processes. Antibiotic “Ospamox9raquo; has instructions for use similar to the original medicinal product we are considering.

It is produced in the form of tablets in dosages of 0.5 g, 1 g and powder for preparing a suspension. This drug is prescribed to children from six months of age.

You can choose a lot of drugs that are similar in their properties to the drug “Flemoxin Solutab 250”. The analogues discussed in this article are the most acceptable for many patients and are often purchased. One of these is the antibiotic “Ranoxil”. It is produced in the form of granules, capsules, and powder for preparing suspensions. It is recommended for use in children under two years of age.

When using it, you should strictly follow the instructions. If allergic reactions to an antibiotic occur, it is better to avoid taking it.

If you are interested in analogues for the drug “Flemoxin Solutab” (500 mg), then this medicine is quite similar to the original both in composition and in purpose. The antibiotic “Ranoxil” is produced; Indian company Ranbaxy Laboratories. Here we draw the attention of consumers to the fact that Indian drugs often do not differ in quality. If you choose from two drugs (“Flemoxin Solutab” or “Ranoxil9raquo;”), then it is better to give preference to the first option.

If you have the financial ability to purchase a product prescribed by a doctor, buy it. Don't search similar drugs. In addition, a competent doctor always knows which manufacturer may fail with the quality of the drugs produced. The effectiveness of drugs is analyzed in medical practice every day on thousands of sick people.

And if you are looking for medications similar to the prescribed drug, then consult with your doctor, who will suggest a more effective foreign or domestic production, which will certainly help your beloved child recover.

You should be careful with antibiotics; we remind you once again, they are prescribed only when complex inflammatory processes occur.

Flemoxin Solutab 250 mg instructions for children

tbl disp. 1000 mg No. 20***

tbl disp. 500 mg No. 20**

tbl disp. 125 mg №20***

tbl disp. 1000 mg No. 20***

solution d/in 15% fl 100ml

tbl disp. 500 mg No. 20**

gran.d/susp. 250mg/5ml fl 6.6g No.1

tbl p/o 500 mg No. 12

tbl disp. 125 mg №20***

  • AVTOZAVODSKAYA Avtozavodskaya st., no. 8
  • AIRPORT Chernyakhovskogo st., 4
  • BABUSHKINSKAYA Polyarnaya st., 6, building 1
  • BABUSHKINSKAYA-2 Yaroslavskoe highway, 69
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  • MARINO Bataysky Prospect, 63
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  • MYTISHHI st. Selezneva, 33
  • NAGORNAYA Nagorny Boulevard, 7
  • NOVOKOSINO st. Saltykovskaya, 45
  • NOVOSLOBODSKAYA st. Novoslobodskaya, 11
  • Odintsovo m. New Trekhgorka, st. Kutuzovskaya, 9
  • OREKHOVO Domodedovskaya st., 1, bldg. 1
  • PEROVO 3rd Vladimirskaya st., 27
  • PETROVSKO-RAZUMOVSKAYA 1 Dmitrovskoe highway, no. 98
  • PETROVSKO-RAZUMOVSKAYA 2 Korovinskoe highway, no. 19
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  • PRAZHSKAYA st. Kirovogradskaya, vl. 22-G
  • RIVER STATION Leningradskoye Shosse, 112, bldg. 3
  • RYAZAN AVENUE Ryazansky prospect, 75, building 1
  • RYAZAN AVENUE 2 st. Mikhailova, 4
  • TEXTILES WORKERS Volgogradsky pr., 63
  • TULSKAYA Bolshaya Tulskaya st., 2
  • UNIVERSITY Leninsky Prospekt, 74
  • KHIMKI Ave. Melnikova, 2-B
  • KHIMKI 2 Yubileiny Ave. 5, room. 4
  • KHIMKI 3 st. Rodionova, 5
  • AVIAMOTORNAYA 2nd Kabelnaya st., 2, building 25
  • AVIAMOTORNAYA-2 2nd Kabelnaya st., 2, building 37

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Instructions for use Flemoxin Solutaba for children and adults

Latin name: Flemoxin solutab

Active ingredient: Amoxicillin

Astellas Pharma Europe B.V., Netherlands

Condition for dispensing from the pharmacy: By prescription

One of the most extensive groups of medicines on the market are antibacterial, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory antibiotics. These include Flemoxin Solutab. It belongs to the semi-synthetic penicillin drugs with a wide spectrum of effects.

The effect of Flemoxin Solutab on pathogens and microflora is bactericidal and bacteriostatic. It is used in the treatment of infectious, bacteriological diseases, ranging from respiratory tract infections to salmonella, gonorrhea, streptococci, and Vibrio cholerae.

Flemoxin Solutab for children is a very common penicillin antibiotic for respiratory ailments, although it can also be used for adults. The antibiotic is well tolerated by children and has excellent organoleptic properties.

The medicine has bactericidal properties due to its ability to inhibit and stop the processes of creating cell structures during their development. Amoxicillin affects the processes of protein synthesis. The antibiotic provokes lysis (dissolution) of microbial cells.

Flemoxin Solutab can be used if pathogenic factors are sensitive to its active component. Amoxicillin inhibits the vital processes of the following groups of microbes:

  • Gram-positive: staphylococci (except penicillinase-producing)
  • Gram-negative: effective against Escherichia coli and Haemophilus influenzae, Proteus, some strains of Klebsiella, Salmonella, gonococci, meningococci, H. pylori.

Along with bacteria that are sensitive to the product, there are also microbes that are resistant to it:

  • Microorganisms producing β-lactamases
  • Strain forms of Proteus P.rettgeri and vulgaris
  • Serrations
  • Enterobacteriaceae
  • Pseudomonas
  • An essential feature is the resistance to amoxicillin of mycoplasmas, viruses and rickettsiae, strains that produce pennicillinase, which must always be taken into account when determining treatment
  • Pseudomonas.

Amoxicillin is less active against the following bacteria:

  • Enterococci
  • Escherichia coli
  • Salmonella typhi
  • Shigella sonnei
  • Vibrio cholerae (causative agent of cholera)
  • Escherichia coli.

The resistance of pneumococcus is zero, so amoxicillin can be used for respiratory diseases and meningitis. Streptococci are also completely sensitive. Bacteria that cause gonorrhea of ​​various etiologies (Neisseria), E. coli are highly resistant, so the medicine for them has reduced effectiveness.

Flemoxin is resistant to community-acquired strains of Staphylococcus aureus and group A streptococci. The drug is effective against infection with Helicobacter pylori (peptic ulcer) and cystitis. Most Shigella strains are completely resistant to the drug, while Salmonella are sensitive to it.

The powder form of the drug makes it possible to prepare a dispersion by dissolving the drug in water, which makes the drug maximally absorbed (more than 93% of the amount) from the digestive system. Food has little effect on adsorbability.

The antibiotic accumulates better in plasma if you take dispersible tablets. The active ingredient is acid resistant. Indicators of formation of the concentration level: maximum – min, the same when entering 500 mg – 120 min. When the amount is halved or increased, the concentration indicator changes accordingly.

20% of the drug interacts with blood proteins. It has high permeability to bone tissue, mucous membranes, sputum, and eye fluid. It penetrates poorly through the blood-brain barriers, but during inflammatory processes of the brain, its amount in the cerebrospinal fluid is one fifth of the concentration in plasma.

Excreted in the urine after metabolic processes in the kidneys (50–70%) and liver (10–20%): half-life in adults – 60–90 minutes, in six-month-old children – 3–4 hours, in case of kidney disorders (anuria) – up to 8.5 hours. 90% of the active substance is excreted in the urine.

Excreted in small quantities into breast milk. Removed by hemodialysis. It is an acid-stable penicillin, so it is not destroyed in the acidic environment of the intestine.

The release form of the drug is white oval dispersible tablets Flemoxin Solutab, with a line mark on one side and the manufacturer’s logo and the following digital designations on the other (approximate prices are shown immediately):

  • 125 mg – “231” – 223 rub.
  • 250 mg – “232” – 296 rub.
  • 500 mg – “234” – 377 rub.
  • 1000 mg – “236” – 467 rub.

The first two are the children's form, the next are the adult dosage. The drug has a citrus taste. The cardboard package contains 4 blisters of 5 tablets each. Instructions for use for all dosages are similar, with the exception of the specifics of use for children.

The standard course of pharmacotherapy with the drug lasts 5–7 days and up to 10 days for mild illnesses. From 10 days, if Str. is detected. pyogenes. Severe infections are treated for a period determined clinical picture symptoms. After the patient’s condition has normalized, Flemoxin Solutab is taken over the next two days.

The drug, in addition to infusion for injection, is administered parenterally (by mouth), and the time of meal does not matter. The tablets are dissolved in different amounts of water: 20 ml - syrup, 100 ml - suspension. They can also be swallowed whole or crushed into powder and divided into quantities as needed for the dose.

Doses for adults:

  • Mild and moderately severe infections, with urethritis, cystitis: 250 g tablets, 2-3 pcs. at a time twice a day; 500 mg or 2 tablets. 250 mg – at a time, twice a day; 1000 mg – half a tablet – three times a day
  • Diseases with severe course and hard-to-reach foci - also as indicated above, but instead of twice a day - three times a day
  • For severe acute, rapidly developing infections, relapses, chronic manifestations, the daily dosage is 1.5–2 tablets. 500 mg (total 725 or 1000 mg) three times a day
  • For acute gonorrhea without complications - a single dose together with Probenecid, respectively in doses of 3 and 1 g.

If the kidneys are weak and Clcr is 15–40 ml/min, a 12-hour interval between doses is made; if Clcr is up to 10 ml/min, the dose is reduced by 15–50%. For anuria, the dose is 2 g/day.

Older children can take a whole tablet or bite it into pieces, which is not recommended for younger children - they can be given the medicine in the form of a syrup or suspension (children's Flemoxin Solutab).

Doses for children (125 mg tablets):

  • Age from 10 years: doses similar to adults (accordingly, the number of tablets increases, but the amount in mg is the same), and for moderate and severe infections - 3-4 tablets. 125 mg three times daily
  • From 3 years: 3 tablets. 125 mg twice a day or two 125 mg three times a day
  • Up to 3 years: two tablets. 125 mg in two doses daily or one tablet. 125 mg three times a day.

Daily doses for children (250 mg tablets):

  • From 10 years 2–3 tables. twice
  • 3–10 years – 1 table. three times
  • Up to 3 years – 1 tablet. twice or 0.5 table. three times.

For all age categories of children, including the first year of life – mg per kilogram of body weight in 2 or 3 doses. In case of severe illnesses or hard-to-reach infectious foci, the dose is increased to 3 times a day, while the recommended daily dosage is 60 mg per kilogram of body weight in three doses.

Individual cases of daily doses:

  • Acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, typhus of various etiologies and biliary system, for gynecological infections (cystitis in women) for adults: 1.5–2 g three times or 1000–1500 mg in four doses
  • Leptospirosis – 0.5–0.75 g four times in a course of 6–12 days
  • For salmonella - 1.5–2 g for a course of 2-4 weeks.
  • Can be used in the prevention of endocarditis during minor surgical operations - 3-4 g one hour before the procedure, if necessary - 8-9 hours after it. Children's dose - halved.

Amoxicillin also helps with angina and its complications (undertreated or untreated disease): with paratonsillitis, nephritis, myocarditis, paratonsillar abscesses, tonsillogenic sepsis.

Catarrhal sore throat can be treated with topical agents; follicular and lacunar tonsillitis require systemic drugs– Flemoxin Solutab.

Adult dosage – twice a day, 500–700 mg; children's - as indicated above or determined by a doctor. It is necessary to take it within 2 days after treatment.

In case of inflammatory processes of the nasal sinuses in the upper segment of the jaw - sinusitis - an antibiotic can be used if the factors of the disease are bacterial, and it is provoked by bacteria sensitive to the drug, since viral, fungal, allergic sinusitis cannot be treated with antibiotics and Flemoxin.

Flemoxin Solutab for sinusitis and penicillin medications can be taken if the provoking factors are staphylococcal, streptococcal infection or Haemophilus influenzae. Pronounced results of the action of amoxicillin on the body are noticeable already on the 7th day of administration. Flemoxin Solutab is very effective for bacterial sinusitis.

The use of Flemoxin Solutab during pregnancy and lactation is allowed according to the doctor’s decision, if the expected beneficial effect for the body will exceed the risk of the appearance and development of adverse reactions in the fetus or infant.

Amoxicillin passes into breast milk in certain quantities and may cause hypersensitivity reactions in the baby.

Flemoxin solutab has a relatively small list of contraindications for use:

  • Allergic reactions, intolerance to amoxicillin, other β-lactam drugs and auxiliary ingredients of tablets
  • Diseases of a lymphatic nature such as lymphocytic leukemia
  • Mononucleosis with an infectious basis
  • Kidney failure
  • Pathological disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, especially antibiotic-sensitive colitis;
  • Relative contraindication: pregnancy and lactation (can be taken on the recommendation of a doctor)
  • Hypersensitivity reactions to foreign chemical factors.

Erythroderma is not a contraindication.

It is necessary to take an antibiotic for two to three days after final recovery, so that pathogenic bacteria resistance to it does not develop and so that in the event of a subsequent infection, the drug does not turn out to be useless.

In rare cases, it is possible to provoke a superinfection due to the formation of microflora insensitive to the drug, this is typical for all penicillin drugs, and the antibiotic should be replaced. Severe diarrhea with pseudomembranous colitis is a mandatory reason for its cancellation.

In patients with infectious mononucleosis or lympholecosis, the risk of exanthema formation increases, so antibiotics are prescribed with caution.

During a course of systemic therapy, monitoring the state of the blood, liver, and kidneys is mandatory.

For diarrhea in mild forms, avoid antidiarrheal medications that reduce peristalsis, while the use of products with kaolin or attapulgite is allowed.

It is advisable to replace oral contraceptives containing estrogen or use additional contraceptive methods.

The antibiotic does not affect the acuity and speed of reaction; its use is allowed when operating equipment.

The following patterns are observed when used together with other drugs:

  • Cephalosporins, other penicillins - in rare cases, cross-resistance may occur, which is indicated in the instructions for these drugs
  • Use with probenecid, phenylbutazone, oxyphenbutazone, diuretics, allopurinol, NSAIDs - suppression of the excretory activity of penicillin tubules is observed, this makes the withdrawal of the drug more intense and increases its amount in the plasma. To a lesser extent this is typical for acetylsalicylic acid, sulfinpyrazone
  • Taking antibiotics of the bactericidal group - aminoglycosides, cephalosporins, vancomycin, rifampicin - provokes synergism
  • Antagonism reactions are rarely observed when using bacteriostatic drugs: chloramphenicol, sulfonamide
  • There is a decrease in the effectiveness of contraceptives with estrogen (their instructions should indicate this feature) and rarely - acyclic bleeding
  • Absorption is reduced by: antacids, glucosamines, laxatives, aminoglycosides; increase – ascorbic acid
  • The activity of anticoagulants increases as vitamin K synthesis decreases and intestinal microflora is suppressed
  • Digoxin absorption increases
  • Use with allopurinol may cause a skin rash.

Uncommon side effects disappear when you stop taking the drug, here is a list of them:

  • Digestive organs: altered taste, nausea, stomatitis, vomiting, diarrhea, dysbacteriosis, glossitis. And also very rarely: increased activity of transminases in the liver, jaundice, cholestasis, cytolytic hepatitis, colitis
  • From the urinary organs: nephritis, crystalluria
  • Hematopoiesis: provoking leukopenia, neutropenia, purpura, eosinophilia, thrombocytopenia, agranulocytosis, hemolytic anemia
  • Nervous reactions: agitation, excitability, sleep disturbances, fog, depression, neuropathy, migraine, disorientation, convulsions
  • Allergic reactions: changes in the skin (rash, urticaria), rhinitis, conjunctivitis, erythema, fever, arthralgia, dermatitis, necrolysis of the epidermis, vasculitis. Very rare: anaphylactic shock, angioedema
  • Others: respiratory disorders, candidymosis, superinfection (in patients with low immunity).

Treating a rash is not as long a process as it seems, find out more: quickly treat a rash.

At excessively high doses, disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract are observed: the patient feels sick, diarrhea appears, and the water-electrolytic balance is disturbed. Treat symptomatically: wash the stomach, take absorbents (activated carbon), saline laxatives, recovery drugs water balance V as a last resort– hemodialysis.

To store the drug, choose a place inaccessible to children. Conditions: temperature not up to +25°C. shelf life – 5 years.

Astellas Pharma Europe B.V., the Netherlands.

Table dispersible 125, 250, 500 mg, 10,14,15,20 pcs. in blisters. Active ingredients: amoxicillin + clavulanic acid.

  • Includes clavulanic acid, which further enhances the therapeutic effect
  • Original antibiotic, manufactured in the Netherlands, which indicates high quality
  • Effective on a par with Flemoxide, especially for cystitis in women and urethritis.
  • Few release forms
  • The instructions provide for limited use in patients sensitive to clavulanic acid.

OJSC "Kievmedpreparat", Ukraine.

Powder for infusion. solution of 1.2 g in a bottle (1 pc.) and tablets of 250 or 500 mg, 20 pcs. in a blister. Active ingredient: amoxicillin.

  • Cheap analogue with acceptable quality
  • Quite a lot of positive feedback from patients
  • The instructions allow use in pediatrics.
  • The quality is slightly worse than that of European manufacturers
  • Side effects are more pronounced
  • More drug is required for the same result.

Sperko Ukraine, SUIP, Vinnitsa, Ukraine-Spain.

Active ingredient: amoxicillin. Capsules 500 mg, 12, 16, 20 pcs. in a jar. Powder for suspension, vial. 60, 100 or 120 ml, 125 or 250 mg/5 ml

  • Available analogue with the same active substance
  • Availability of a convenient release form in the form of powder for syrup.
  • Often causes allergies
  • Side effects are more pronounced
  • Acts slower.

Download instructions for tablets "Flemoxin Solutab"

A common question that doctors hear regarding the drug is: how to take Flemoxin Solutab correctly, before or after meals. When answering this question about the relationship between food and pills, it is worth mentioning the method of removing the drug from the body, its bioavailability, and absorption. Flemoxin Solutab leaves the body through the genitourinary system, which does not in any way affect its concentration when eating.

How to take an antibiotic correctly

The drug belongs to the group of penicillin antibiotics of a semi-synthetic nature. The main active ingredient is Amoxicillin. It is used during prolonged or complicated colds, severe coughs, and throat diseases.

The medication is prescribed to adults and children. When treating a child, it is important to know how to drink Flemoxin correctly. The success of treatment will depend on this. Pediatricians and therapists advise not to link food intake and antibiotic use.

You can take Flemoxin Solutab before, during or after meals. The effect of the drug on the body will not change.

This feature of the drug comes from its properties. The tablets do not interact in any way with the digestive tract. The full concentration of the substance is distributed to the problem area, killing bacteria. Flemoxin Solutab is excreted through the genitourinary tract; complete absorption of the drug does not depend on food intake.

The medication can be used in a variety of ways:

  • take the whole tablet orally with plenty of water;
  • dissolve the medicine in water (100ml) to obtain a sweet syrup;
  • chew the tablet.

Dosage for adults and children

The instructions for use of the tablets explain how to take the medication correctly. Before you start taking it, it is worth studying the description of what dosage of Flemoxin is appropriate for the patient’s age, and at what time it is advisable to take the medicine.

Standard instructions for use suggest the following doses:

  • For infants, a dosage of 30-60 mg per 1 kg of body weight, divided into 3 doses, is recommended;
  • Manufacturers advise children from 1 year to 3 years to take 250 mg, 2 times a day or 150 mg, 3 times;
  • if the child is from 3 to 10 years old, 250 mg of medication is prescribed, 3 times a day or 375 mg, 2 times a day;
  • for children over 10 years old and weighing more than 40 kg and for adults, the dosage is prescribed in the amount of 500-750 mg, 2-3 times a day.

Doctors agree that although Flemoxin can be taken after, during or before meals, it is best to use tablets during meals. This will make it easier for the body to tolerate treatment with an antibacterial drug. If a person misses taking it while eating, there is nothing to worry about. Manufacturers assure that the medication is in no way related to food consumption.

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Unidox Solutab (Unidox Solutab).

International Nonproprietary Name (INN)


Pharmacological group

Unidox Solutab belongs to the group antibiotics tetracycline series.


One Unidox tablet contains doxycycline monohydrate in an amount equal to 100 mg of pure doxycycline - this is the active substance of Unidox Solutab tablets. Excipients:
  • hyprolose (low-substituted);
  • magnesium stearate;
  • microcrystalline cellulose;
  • hypromellose;
  • lactose monohydrate;
  • colloidal silicon dioxide (anhydrous).
The tablets are packaged in plastic blisters of 10 pieces, one in a cardboard box.

Release form

The drug Unidox Solutab is available in the form of dispersible (soluble) biconvex round tablets. The color can be different shades of yellow. A notch is visible on one side of the tablet, and “173” is engraved on the other.

pharmachologic effect

Doxycycline, which is part of Unidox, is a substance that stops the proliferation of bacterial cells, which is associated with a violation of protein formation in the cells of microorganisms.

This drug belongs to the group of broad-spectrum antibiotics, but it should be noted that many microorganisms have currently become insensitive to this antibiotic.

In our time, the most sensitive to Unidox among gram-positive cocci are pneumococcus, most enterococci and some groups of staphylococci, and among gram-negative cocci - moraxella and meningococcus. Most gonococci are insensitive.

Doxycycline is active against leptospira, rickettsia, spirochetes, chlamydia, borrelia, mycoplasma, some protozoa and actinomycetes.

The destructive effect of doxycycline has been established against certain types of gram-positive and gram-negative bacilli: yersinia, listeria, brucella, vibrios (including cholera), pathogens of plague, granuloma inguinale, tularemia, anthrax.

Salmonella, Enterobacter, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella, Shigella are resistant to doxycycline.

From anaerobic microorganisms Fusobacteria, clostridia, and propionibacteria (P. acnes) are susceptible to the action of doxycycline.


When taken orally, it is perfectly absorbed, and its absorption and effect in the body does not depend on food intake. In the period from an hour to 3 hours after taking the drug, it is recorded in the blood maximum concentration doxycycline. This drug also creates quite high concentration doxycycline in tissues. In the cerebrospinal fluid, the level of the drug is 25% higher than in the blood, in bile – 20%. The drug is able to cross the placenta to the fetus and enter breast milk. It is eliminated from the body through the gastrointestinal tract. The period during which exactly half the dose is eliminated from the body taken drug, is equal to 20 hours.


Found the drug Unidox Solutab wide application in the treatment of diseases such as:
  • STIs (sexually transmitted infections) – gonorrhea, syphilis, lymphogranuloma venereum, granuloma inguinale;
  • chlamydial infections - trachoma, urethritis, cervicitis, psittacosis, prostatitis;
  • mycoplasma infections;
  • rosacea (rosacea);
  • acne;
  • borreliosis – relapsing fever, Lyme disease;
  • bacterial zoonotic infections – tularemia, plague, brucellosis, anthrax, leptospirosis;
  • rickettsiosis;
  • lower respiratory tract infections - community-acquired atypical pneumonia, chronic bronchitis in the acute stage;
  • gynecological infectious diseases - salpingoophoritis, adnexitis, endometritis;
  • actinomycosis;
  • acute dacryocystitis;
  • intestinal infectious diseases – yersiniosis, cholera;
  • animal bites complicated by wound infection;
  • cat scratch disease;
  • prevention of tropical malaria.


  • children under 8 years of age;
  • severe liver pathology;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period.

Instructions for use

Pimples (acne, acne vulgaris, rosacea)
In case of intolerance and ineffectiveness local treatment acne, in severe and moderate cases of the disease (including scarring), systemic antibiotic therapy is prescribed. In this case, the antibiotic Unidox is the drug of choice. Take 100-200 mg of the drug, dividing the dose into 2 doses. The duration of treatment is 12 days.
Treatment of ureaplasmosis is carried out by taking 100 mg of the drug Unidox twice a day with a 12-hour break, for 7 days.

For the treatment of urogenital chlamydia, Unidox is taken 100 mg twice a day for a week.

The duration of treatment of bacterial prostatitis with Unidox at a daily dose of 200 mg is at least 4 weeks. The drug is taken in two doses, 12 hours apart.

In case of intolerance to penicillin antibiotics, reserve antibiotics are used in the treatment of syphilis, one of which is Unidox Solutab. For preventive treatment, the drug is prescribed 3 times a day, 100 mg, for 2 weeks. For the treatment of fresh forms, the period of use of the drug at the same dose is increased to 20-25 days.

Uncomplicated subacute and acute forms of gonorrhea can be treated with Unidox Solutab. Tablets are taken orally at 100 mg (the first dose is 200 mg) every 12 hours, the total dose of treatment is 1000 mg. For other forms of gonorrhea, treatment is carried out according to the same scheme, but the total dose per course is 1500 mg.

For the treatment of lymphogranuloma venereum and inguinal granuloma (donovanosis), Unidox tablets are taken for 3 weeks, 100 mg every 12 hours.

Actinomycosis can be treated with Unidox in a daily dose of 0.2 g, taken for six months to a year.

Eye diseases
Eye diseases, such as trachoma and acute dacryocystitis, are treated with Unidox for 21-28 days at a daily dose of 200 mg, in two doses.
For cholera, 300 mg of Unidox is prescribed once.

Rickettsial disease
The treatment regimen for rickettsiosis includes prescribing Unidox 100 mg twice a day for a week (or for 2 days after normalization of body temperature).

The treatment regimen for bacterial zoonoses is similar, the only differences are in the duration of drug administration. Unidox is prescribed 100 mg every 12 hours, for plague - 10 days, for tularemia - 2 weeks, for anthrax - 2 months.

The treatment regimen for brucellosis also includes the administration of Unidox 100 mg twice a day, in combination with other antimicrobial drugs (streptomycin, rifampicin).

To prevent leptospirosis, take 100 mg of Unidox once a week.
For tick-borne borreliosis, take 0.1 g of the drug every 12 hours for a month. For prevention purposes, 200 mg of Unidox is prescribed once.

When traveling to areas where malaria is endemic, you must take Unidox the day before departure, and take the drug during the entire period of your stay in this country. The total interval for taking Unidox should not exceed 6 months. The daily dose is 100 mg.
Respiratory system infections
For lower respiratory tract infections, the duration of Unidox therapy is from 7 to 10 days, for mycoplasma pneumonia - up to 3 weeks. Unidox is taken 200 mg orally once a day.

Other Applications
To prevent the development of postoperative infectious complications, after an abortion in the first trimester of pregnancy, in the presence of PID (pelvic inflammatory disease), multiple sexual partners, or a history of gonorrhea, take 100 mg of Unidox 1 hour before surgery, and 200 mg of the drug after 1.5 hours after an abortion.

For children
For children over 8 years of age, Unidox is prescribed in a daily dose of 5 mg per 1 kg of weight, but not more than 200 mg. The daily dose is divided into 2 doses.

Side effect

Adverse reactions from various organs and systems of the body when using the drug Unidox Solutab include the following symptoms:
  • nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, glossitis with blackening of the tongue and hypertrophy of the papillae, esophagitis, inflammation of the pancreas, erosion of the esophagus, inflammation of the large intestine, disturbances in the composition of the intestinal and vaginal microflora, fungal infections;
  • pseudotumor cerebri syndrome with long-term use (increased intracranial pressure), dizziness;
  • dysfunction of the liver up to the appearance of liver necrosis;
  • urticaria, angioedema, itchy rash, anaphylactic shock;
  • photosensitivity (under the influence of direct sunlight, dermatitis and rash appear on the skin);
  • the appearance of defects in tooth enamel, discoloration of teeth in a gray-brown or yellow color.

Overdose (symptoms)

Upon admission large doses The drug may cause nausea, vomiting, increased body temperature, yellowness of the skin, and bleeding.

If these symptoms are observed, gastric lavage is necessary. You should also take activated charcoal and laxatives. Drinking plenty of fluids is recommended.

Interaction with other drugs

Reduces the bioavailability of antacids - drugs that contain calcium, cholestyramine, magnesium, aluminum, sodium bicarbonate. There should be a break of at least 1 hour between taking Unidox and these drugs.

The absorption of both drugs is impaired when Unidox is prescribed simultaneously with iron supplements.

The risk of developing pseudotumor cerebri increases when taking vitamin A supplements while using Unidox.

The reduced therapeutic effect of oral estrogen-containing contraceptives should also be taken into account.

special instructions

Unidox Solutab should be taken orally, preferably in a standing position, with plenty of water. This will prevent possible damage to the esophagus and irritation of the gastric and intestinal mucosa.

The drug is taken regardless of meals, but at regular intervals, without skipping or doubling the dose.

During treatment, it is necessary to refrain from exposure to the sun (under direct exposure).

Unidox can be used to treat patients with renal failure, as it is eliminated through the gastrointestinal tract.

Unidox Solutab during pregnancy

The drug penetrates the uteroplacental barrier and can contribute to severe disorders of bone tissue development in the fetus. Therefore, the use of Unidox Solutab is CONTRAINDICATED during pregnancy.

Combination with alcohol

When taking Unidox Solutab and alcohol simultaneously, their toxic effect on the liver increases, which can lead to the development of toxic hepatitis. The therapeutic effect of the drug is also reduced. Drinking alcohol is possible only a week after completing the course of treatment with Unidox.


Preparations with a similar active ingredient (doxycycline):
  • Dovicil;
  • Doxycycline Nycomed;
  • Bassada;
  • Vidoccin;
  • Doxibene;
  • Vibramycil;
  • Xedocin;
  • Doxal;
  • Monocline;
  • Apo-doxy;
  • Doxidar 100.

Storage conditions and periods

The drug is stored in a dry place at a temperature of 15 to 25 o C, out of reach of children.
The drug is considered fit for use within 5 years from the date of production.

Dispensing conditions in pharmacies

You can buy Unidox Solutab in the pharmacy chain upon presentation of a doctor's prescription for this drug.


Price in Ukraine
Unidox Solutab soluble tablets can be bought in Ukraine at an average price of 68 hryvnia per pack.

Price in Russia
Dispersible antibiotic tablets Unidox Solutab 100 mg can be bought in Russia at an average price of 300 rubles per pack.

Should Flemoxin be taken before or after meals?

Good afternoon. Flemoxin is an antibiotic that is commonly used to treat various infections in children.

According to the instructions, the drug can be taken before meals, during meals, and after.

Since it is still an antibiotic, it is better to take it with food.

This drug is usually given to children and it is better not to take it on your own, but only after this medicine has been prescribed by your doctor, since each organism is individual and can cause harm if you start taking it on your own.

Your doctor will also determine the dose you need.

This antibiotic is taken an hour before meals or two after. In addition, it is dispersible, meaning it dissolves, and can easily be dissolved in a teaspoon of water and taken as a slurry for those who cannot swallow tablets. Under no circumstances should you drink it with milk. Only clean water.

As we can see from the instructions for using Flemoxin, it can be taken at any time - before meals, during meals, and after meals.

It also doesn’t matter in what form - take the whole tablet with water, in powder form, or even dissolved in syrup.

Flemoxin Solutab should be taken between meals.

Antibiotics are generally prescribed according to a schedule, at certain hours, and if you don’t feel like eating, then you don’t need to.

Flemoxin Solutab - cheek tablets, pleasant taste, quickly disintegrate in the oral cavity. They are not swallowed or washed down.

After taking it, do not drink or eat for half an hour so that the drug is absorbed into the oral cavity.

The instructions for use of Flemoxin Solutab say that:

In addition, it is not for nothing that each tablet contains:

  • vanillin - 0.5 mg,
  • tangerine flavor - 4.5 mg,
  • lemon flavor - 5.6 mg and
  • saccharin - 6.6 mg.

And this is all for a reason, the point is. What are they? Dispersible tablets, that is, dissolving in the mouth and not requiring swallowing or drinking.

You should also pay attention to the following:

From all of the above, it becomes clear that it is better to take Flemoxin Solutab strictly on time, dissolving them in the mouth (behind the cheek). As for the time of combining with food, it is better that you eat an hour before taking the pill, because allergies, pregnancy and lactation are rare, but gastritis and colitis occur in almost every third person.

Flemoxin is the most common and used antibiotic recently, and therefore all issues related to it are very relevant.

This drug belongs to the penicillin group and is very effective for bacterial infections of many diseases, and as for taking it, it is applicable before meals, during meals, and after meals - it doesn’t matter, the main thing is to follow the medication regimen, which prescribed by the doctor.

The annotation for the drug states that it can be used regardless of food intake. Flemoxin contains the antibiotic amoxicillin. And if you look at other preparations in which it is contained, it is indicated everywhere that this substance has no connection with food. Flemoxin tablets come in soluble form. Therefore, they do not irritate the stomach and are absorbed relatively quickly, regardless of whether there is food in the intestines. The only instruction that is given during administration is the need to consume a significant amount of water in order to avoid crystalluria, which may develop during the use of the drug.

The bactericidal, acid-resistant, broad-spectrum antibiotic Flemoxin Solutab can be taken before, during or after meals. Due to the fact that the drug is acid-resistant, food intake has virtually no effect on its absorption. So, here you can choose what is more convenient for mothers.

Flemoxin solutab is a broad-spectrum penicillin antibiotic.

Flemoxin can be taken, according to the instructions, before, during, or after eating. The tablets can be swallowed whole, divided, chewed, or dissolved in water to form a suspension.

While taking the medicine, you should take it with a sufficient amount of clean water.

Flemoxin is a type of antibiotic that can be taken at any time: before meals, during meals or after meals. This will not affect its action in any way. The only thing is that it is better to swallow the tablet whole and it is necessary to observe the interval of taking the tablet. If you need to take it 2 times a day, then we take it every 12 hours, but if the drug is prescribed for 3 doses, then you need to take it every 8 hours.

Flemoxin Solutab: instructions for use, description of the drug, indications and contraindications

The active ingredient Flemoxin Solutaba, as stated in the instructions for use, is represented by amoxicillin trihydrate.

Amoxicillin trihydrate is synthesized by a semi-synthetic penicillin substance with antimicrobial and bactericidal effects on microorganisms.

Amoxicillin trihydrate is acid-stable, is not destroyed by the acidic contents of the stomach, and is activated immediately after ingestion in a short period of time.

Eating food and drinks does not cause negative impact on the effectiveness of amoxicillin trihydrate, the maximum effective concentration is achieved after one hour. Due to its rapid interaction with transport proteins in the blood, Flemoxin is evenly distributed throughout the structural units of the entire body.

Flemoxin is highly effective against the following microbial organisms:

  • streptococci (Str.pyogenes, Str.pneumonia);
  • staphylococci (St.aureus);
  • Neisseria (N.meningitides, N.gonorrhoeae);
  • Haemophilus influenzae (H. influenza);
  • clostridia (Cl.tetani, Cl.perfringens);
  • Helicobacter (Hel.pylori);
  • listeria (Lis.monocytogenes).

The low effectiveness of the drug has been proven in clinical studies for infections caused by Pr. Mirabilis, Sh.sonnei, En.faecalis, V.cholhere, Es.colli, Sal.typhii.

If we compare the medicine with other antibiotic agents, Flemoxin is evenly distributed in the cell membranes of the mucous membranes, muscle structures, musculoskeletal system, and bronchopulmonary secretions, achieving effective therapeutic availability. The active substance is relatively poorly absorbed through the membrane of the blood-brain barrier of the brain, however, in cases of the development of purulent meningitis, an infectious lesion of the anatomical structures of the central nervous system, the concentration of amoxicillin trihydrate in the cerebrospinal fluid is about 20%.

The metabolism of the drug is not very different from penicillin antibiotics. The drug is partially metabolized by the cells of the hepatic beams - hepatocytes; the resulting metabolites of amoxicillin trihydrate do not have a toxic effect. The bacteriostatic activity of amoxicillin trihydrate metabolite derivatives after degradation in hepatocytes is low.

Elimination of Flemoxin Solutab is carried out by the kidneys, of which 80% is tubular excretion, 20% is glomerular filtration of metabolites. If the patient does not have a violation of the filtration capacity of the renal tissue, the primary half-life of the drug takes no more than one and a half hours. In children with immature renal parenchyma, the half-life is approximately three and a half hours.

The uniqueness of the pharmacological subtype "Solutab" is its rapid absorption in the organs of the digestive system, absolute absorption (more than 94%).

Release form. Flemoxin is available in the form of white or yellowish dispersible tablets of 125, 250, 500 milligrams, 1 gram.

In addition to the active one, there are Excipients as:

  • dispersible cellulose;
  • lemon flavoring;
  • crospovidone;
  • saccharin;
  • microcrystalline cellulose;
  • tangerine flavoring additive;
  • vanillin;
  • Magnesium stearate.

The dosage of the drug Flemoxin Solutab, the instructions for use are described as follows: the drug is intended for oral use, regardless of the time of planned food consumption, before, during or after meals.

The dosage is divided into two halves; you can take the entire tablet and crush it to a powder. It is recommended to dilute the powder for children with water to form a suspension or syrup.

The antibiotic is prescribed strictly in consultation with the supervising doctor, who takes into account the manifestations of allergic reactions of the patient, drug intolerance to certain substances that make up the drug Flemoxin Solutab.

Instructions for use suggest adjusting the dosage of the medication depending on:

  • severity of the disease;
  • antibiotic sensitivity of the pathogen;
  • weight;
  • age;
  • patient's gender.

In cases of progression, spread of primary inflammation, triple use of the drug is recommended to distribute Flemoxin to hard-to-reach localizations of infection. For example, with a purulent lesion eardrum outer ear. During various chronic infectious diseases, frequent relapses, severe disease, to reduce the risk of complications, adults are prescribed Flemoxin 1 gram three times, and children 65 mg/kg per day.

Indications for the use of the drug are infectious and inflammatory diseases caused by microorganisms sensitive to Flemoxin Solutab:

  • lesions of the skin, subcutaneous fat, soft muscle tissue, joints;
  • pathology of the urinary and reproductive systems;
  • infection of the upper, lower respiratory tract, lung tissue;
  • digestive system disorders.

There are few contraindications to the use of the antibiotic Flemoxin Solutab due to its uniform distribution in the bloodstream throughout the organs and tissues of the body. The breakdown of amoxicillin into derivatives and metabolites significantly reduces the toxic effect on the liver and kidneys.

Absolute contraindications are:

  • individual intolerance to the drug (anaphylactic shock);
  • increased allergic sensitivity to the active substance of the drug (urticaria, skin itching, peeling);
  • increased sensitivity to beta-lactam antibiotics, penicillins, cephalosporins, carbapenems.

The metabolism of amoxicillin by liver cells causes caution in the use of Flemoxin Solutab in the following conditions:

  • alcohol abuse;
  • chronic alcoholism;
  • cirrhosis;
  • acute and chronic liver failure;
  • acute and chronic hepatitis;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • cholecystitis.

Excretion of the drug by the kidneys requires compliance with the dose of the drug, since impaired filtration function of the kidneys leads to the accumulation of the active substance and its metabolites, increasing the risk of overdose.

Kidney pathology:

  • acute and chronic renal failure;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • circulatory disorders.
  • lactation period;
  • pregnancy;
  • polyvalent hypersensitivity to xenobiotics;
  • history of gastrointestinal diseases;
  • lymphocytic leukemia;
  • renal failure;
  • infectious mononucleosis;
  • history of allergic reactions.

Doctors prescribe the drug to pregnant women or mothers during lactation only in cases where the expected predicted benefit of treatment for the woman outweighs the risk of side effects in the fetus or infant. Flemoxin Solutab is excreted in small quantities in breast milk, this can lead to sensitization in the child and the development of allergic reactions.

Antibiotic Flemoxin Solutab and its therapeutic effect

The therapeutic bactericidal effect of the antibiotic Flemoxin Solutaba is the complete destruction of the infectious focus formed by gram-negative or gram-positive bacteria. After entering the human body, the acid-fast antibiotic destroys most groups infectious microorganisms, except for some bacterial species, capable of synthesizing the enzyme penicillinase.

Flemoxin solutab is not used when the body is infected with indole-positive groups of Proteus; treatment in this case requires a change in drug.

The bactericidal effect of amoxicillin has been proven by domestic and foreign clinical studies.

Treatment of prostatitis with the antibiotic Flemoxin Solutab is widely used in urological practice. This is due quick elimination inflammatory process of prostate tissue, removal of inflammatory edema, complete destruction of the pathogen. The effectiveness of the drug is achieved through individual selection daily dosage, long course of therapy.

As a rule, in case of infection of the prostate gland, the antibiotic Flemoxin Solutab is prescribed to men for a course of at least 14 days, depending on the titer of pathogenic bacteria and general symptoms.

The drug quickly relieves symptoms of general intoxication:

Symptoms begin to disappear after the second dose of the drug; if the infection prognosis is unfavorable, additional symptomatic therapy and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are required. In acute prostatitis, the antibiotic Flemoxin Solutab is prescribed after bacterial culture to accurately identify the pathogen.

The use of the drug to treat other diseases, such as upper respiratory tract infections, is used quite often among doctors general practice and otolaryngologists.

Good bioavailability of the drug in the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx makes it possible to treat diseases such as:

  • purulent rhinitis;
  • sinusitis (sinusitis, ethmoiditis, frontal sinusitis);
  • polyposis;
  • adenoiditis;
  • acute and chronic tonsillitis;
  • various types of sore throats.

The antibiotic Flemoxin Solutab is prescribed both in childhood and in adulthood, after nasopharyngeal operations for a preventive effect, reducing the risk of infection. After opening the peritonsillar abscess, the drug is prescribed as prescribed by a doctor to prevent secondary infection.

Flemoxin Solutab: dosage for adults and children

After prescribing the drug Flemoxin Solutab, the dosage is determined by the attending physician, based on several criteria. Self-administration of drugs leads to the emergence of antibiotic resistance in bacteria, persistent antibiotic resistance, which leads to the development of various complications and life-threatening pathologies.

This occurs due to non-compliance with dosage, split doses throughout the day, and violation of the course of taking amoxicillin trihydrate. For inflammatory lung diseases and moderate severity, doctors recommend using Flemoxin Solutab regardless of meals according to the scheme depending on the course of the disease:

  • at lungs for adults, for children from ten years of age, pump 3 times a day;
  • for moderately severe adults, children over ten years of age, pomg 2 times a day;
  • children from three to ten years old with mild cases: 250 mg 3 times a day;
  • for children from three to ten years old with moderate severity, 375 mg 2 times a day;
  • children of the first three with mild 125 mg 3 times a day;
  • Children of the first three years of age with moderate severity are prescribed 250 mg 2 times a day.

On average, the calculation of the drug per day is mg of amoxicillin per kilogram of the child’s weight.

It is recommended to divide the resulting dosage into two or three doses, which improves the bioavailability of Flemoxin Solutab, increases its effectiveness, general therapeutic effect. Three doses are especially indicated for severe infections.

After the doctor’s recommendations, the dosage of amoxicillin trihydrate can be increased by 1 mg per kilogram; this occurs in extremely severe infections that are difficult to treat. classical treatment. In such situations, pediatricians often combine Flemoxin Solutab in an age-appropriate dosage with other antibiotic drugs.

In elderly people, amoxicillin trigdrate is dosed after a carefully collected history for pathology of the kidneys or hepatocellular system. Depending on the degree of kidney failure, which develops in many older people, the doctor will adjust daily dose drug.

This allows you to avoid pathological toxic effects on body tissues and the occurrence of side effects. If there are complaints about poor health, nausea, vomiting associated with the last use of the drug, you must urgently seek advice from your supervising doctor to discontinue it.

Pregnant women and mothers during lactation are prescribed Flemoxin Solutab after dosage adjustment and assessment of the rationality of administration. Wide distribution throughout the tissues of the maternal body leads to the penetration of the active substance through the uteroplacental bloodstream to the fetus.

This significantly increases the development of allergic reactions in the child after birth. Teratogenic effect on the fetus when taking medication during pregnancy according to foreign results clinical trials not found.

Flemoxin Solutab: how to take, analogues, prices

Amoxicillin trihydrate is widely used among men suffering from prostatitis, which causes high absorption of the drug Flemoxin Solutab by prostate tissue. A urologist will advise you in detail on how to take this medication immediately after laboratory tests and a general examination of the patient.

Prostatitis is characterized by a relapsing course with frequent exacerbations throughout the year. This is due to poor absorption of the drugs used, antibiotics of the penicillin group. The positive effects in patients of the drug Flemoxin Solutab, how to take it, can be chosen individually - orally in the form of tablets, powder for syrup or suspension, are achieved due to the complete destruction of bacterial cells.

ABOUT high efficiency The medication is evidenced by long-term remission of prostatitis without exacerbations after administration. The next relapse, as a rule, develops after the patient’s hypothermia, secondary infection, or acute respiratory viral infection.

The drug is especially effective in the treatment of prostatitis caused by Neisseria or Escherichia coli. The pronounced bactericidal effect blocks the production of microbial enzymes and completely eliminates the consequences of an infection of the prostate tissue.

When treating otitis, otolaryngologists give preference to the drug due to its absorption by the tissues of the outer, middle and inner ear. While other antibiotics are not able to effectively fight the infection, Flemoxin Solutab blocks the proliferation of bacteria and quickly eliminates the unpleasant symptoms of otitis media.

In the treatment of bronchitis, the drug is used to quickly get rid of wet cough with discharge of purulent, viscous sputum. Suitable for preventing exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Does not interfere with mucociliary clearance of the ciliated epithelium of the bronchi, does not cause allergic reactions. It is prescribed with caution to patients with bronchial asthma to avoid allergic reactions.

Analogues of the original drug are:

Analogues are much cheaper, for example, the Austrian drug Hiconcil in 250 mg capsules costs about 30 rubles. Domestic drug Amosin Synthesis in capsules of 250 mg costs 68 rubles.

Prices for the original drug vary depending on the region, release form, and dosage of the drug. The cost of the drug Flemoxin Solutab Ortat in tablets of 125 mg N20 starts from 230 rubles per package. For a 1000 mg dosage of the drug from the same manufacturer, you can pay up to 560 rubles.

Reviews after treatment with this antibiotic are usually positive. The minimal risk of side effects, low price relative to other antibiotic drugs, and pronounced therapeutic effect make Flemoxin Solutab the drug of choice in the treatment of many infectious diseases.

The use of the drug in children over one year of age has positive reviews among parents. The reduced risk of repeated exacerbations, low risk of developing intestinal dysbiosis and good tolerability of the drug allow it to be widely used in pediatric practice.

Specialty: Urologist Work experience: 21 years

Specialty: Urologist-andrologist Work experience: 26 years

Flemoxin - a well-known antibiotic in an innovative form

Flemoxin is a generic version of one of the most popular antibiotics in the world - Amoxicillin. The original drug was developed by British pharmacists in the 60s of the last century. Amoxicillin appeared on the pharmaceutical market in the early 70s.

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Amoxicillin is, without a doubt, one of the safest broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs. According to some reports, this penicillin antibiotic is almost the most prescribed medicine in pediatrics. Almost every reputable pharmaceutical company considers it its duty to release its own Amoxicillin. The Japanese corporation Astellas Pharma also succeeded in this matter by developing Flemoxin.

Flemoxin Solutab stands out from the monotonous background of Amoxicillins due to its release form. After all, the drug is available in the form of dispersible tablets, which have many advantages compared to the pills we are used to.

In this article we will try to understand how Flemoxin differs from its analogues, and also clarify the positive aspects of the drug. And let’s not ignore the negative qualities, which, of course, are also present.

Astellas Pharma: new life for antibiotics

Astellas Pharma is the largest Japanese pharmaceutical concern. It appeared in 2005 thanks to the merger of two well-known Japanese companies: Fujisawa Pharmaceutical Co and Yamanouchi Pharmaceutical Co.

Today, Astellas Pharma works in various areas of medicine, creating both original drugs and analogues of well-known brands. The company also produces several antibiotics, which have become widely known due to their dispersible form.

Each of these medicines has an additional word in the name indicating a special form - solutab. Dispersible drugs include:

  • cephalosporin antibiotic Ceforal solutab;
  • Unidox Solutab, widely known in Russia;
  • Vilprafen solutab;
  • Flemoxin Solutab and Flemoklav Solutab are two related drugs containing Amoxicillin as the active ingredient.

I would like to note that Flemoxin Solutab is registered only in Germany, Iceland, Portugal and the CIS countries.

Flemoxin solutab: composition of the drug

So, Flemoxin contains, as you already understood, the only active component - Amoxicillin - in the form of a stable compound (trihydrate).

Amoxicillin is a semi-synthetic penicillin, which in its chemical structure and spectrum of activity is very similar to Ampicillin.

As additional substances, Flemoxin contains chemical substances, which, in fact, ensure its solubility in a minimum volume of solvent. These include cellulose and MCC - microcrystalline cellulose.

Note that Flemoxin tablets have a pleasant citrus taste due to the addition of tangerine and lemon flavoring.

The color of the tablet can vary from pure white to yellowish or even light yellow. A change in color does not mean that the drug was stored incorrectly. Or, moreover, it is a crude fake. The color variations of Flemoxin are associated with the presence of cellulose compounds in it, in which color changes are allowed.

Forms of release of Flemoxin - for both children and adults

The wide range of Flemoxin includes both children's and adult forms of release, which differ only in dosage.

Unlike conventional oral antibiotics, Flemoxin is not presented in powder form for the preparation of a children's suspension. Therefore, parents of young patients are practically deprived of the opportunity to show their hidden pharmaceutical abilities, calculating the volume of water and diluting the white powder with trembling hands.

So, let’s list the release forms of Flemoxin Solutab.

Children's release forms:

  • Flemoxin solutab dosage 125 mg;
  • Flemoxin solutab at a dose of 250 mg.

Adult release forms:

  • Flemoxin solutab 500 mg;
  • Flemoxin solutab at a dose of 1000 mg.

Why can’t you split a Flemoxin tablet?

The oblong tablet of Flemoxin has a cross mark. Most patients believe that the score is needed in order to split the tablet in half. And get a dosage exactly half the original one.

I would like to explain to readers why experts persistently warn patients against such a division.

There may be two reasons why you should not divide the tablet into two parts. Firstly, many tablets are coated with a protective coating that protects them from the destructive properties of hydrochloric acid. However, this does not apply to Flemoxin - it is not coated, so we can go further.

The second and main reason is that when dividing a tablet, it is technically impossible to find out the dosage of the resulting parts. Even if you have a pharmacy scale at hand, and you were able to absolutely accurately divide a 1000 milligram tablet of Flemoxin into two equal parts, the amount of the active substance remains unknown. Why do you think?

Take another look at the drug packaging or instructions for Flemoxin. The composition of any tablet drug (as, by the way, most others) often contains many other substances in addition to the main active component. Using the example of Flemoxin Solutab at a dosage of 125 mg, we see that the content of cellulose, microcellulose (or MCC), as well as flavorings and saccharin is about 17% of the share of Amoxicillin. In this case, the active substance is distributed unevenly, and therefore the left half of the tablet may contain N percent more active substance than the right half. Or vice versa.

Accordingly, the effectiveness of different parts of the Flemoxin tablet may, to put it mildly, be different. And side effects too.

Now let’s remember that we are not dealing with ascorbic acid vitamins, but with a drug, the dose of which is carefully selected depending on age and the severity of the infection. And let’s remember the unshakable rule of pharmaceuticals: dividing a tablet in order to reduce the dosage is simply prohibited!

Exceptions may include some cardiac medications. In such cases, the manufacturers themselves take into account all the nuances and technologically achieve uniform distribution of all the components of the tablet.

Dispersible tablet: what is it?

Many patients, when they first encounter the name “dispersible tablet,” have difficulty imagining what it is. Meanwhile, more and more pharmaceutical companies are trying to put older drugs into dispersible form. Dispersible vitamins, antibiotics, and even erectile dysfunction drugs are appearing on the market.

Dispersible tablets were originally created for patients who had difficulty swallowing. This condition, which is medically called dysphagia, occurs in 35% of the general population and in 60% of older people.

The first dispersible tablets dissolved in the mouth to produce gas. Subsequently, new forms were developed, which included cellulose and its compounds. We have already mentioned that Flemoxin solutab is one of these drugs.

Advantages of dispersible form

So, let's figure out how Flemoxin dispersible tablets differ from regular Amoxicillin and what their advantage is.

So, the dispersible form of Flemoxin:

Flemoxin dispersible tablets are absorbed in the oral cavity directly into the blood, bypassing the gastrointestinal tract. Due to this, the bioavailability of orally soluble tablets is an order of magnitude higher than that of oral tablets;

  • quickly reaches peak concentration.

Oral tablets begin to be absorbed into the blood within 15–20 minutes after administration, at best. Dispersible dosage forms (including Flemoxin) are absorbed within 5 minutes after dissolving in the mouth;

  • more convenient for pharmaceutical substances that are unstable in water.

An excellent example is children's Flemoxin Solutab 125 mg, which is much more convenient in the form of soluble tablets than Amoxicillin suspension;

  • can be used for newborns and infants;
  • does not require additional manipulations before use, unlike, for example, a suspension that needs to be prepared;
  • may be dissolved in breast milk;
  • Requires very little water to dissolve.

Every parent knows how important it is that the medicine is not only effective, but also tasty. A mother who is trying to pour the hated bitter medicine into a sick child while the father is holding the child by the arms and legs is a very sad picture. And not that rare.

Astellas Pharma pharmacists masked the traditionally bitter taste of Amoxicillin with citrus flavors and saccharin. Therefore, Flemoxin Solutab is a tasty medicine for children.

Flemoxin pharmacokinetic data provide convincing evidence of its benefits

The pharmacokinetic properties of drugs largely determine their effectiveness. This is an axiom that does not require proof.

For example, one of the most negative aspects of Flemoxin's predecessor, Ampicillin, is low absorption and short half-life. Imagine that two-thirds of the antibiotic is not absorbed at all. That is, you drink one gram of a drug that is not the safest, but only 300 mg enters the blood. The remaining part is excreted from the body, simultaneously “working” in the intestines on your previously quite viable microflora. Not the most pleasant prospect, is it?

Therefore, one of the main tasks of modern pharmaceuticals is the search for new drugs and forms that have a high level of bioavailability. And Flemoxin Solutab, without any doubt, can be called one of these drugs.

Flemoxin is absorbed into the blood very quickly - within 5-10 minutes - and almost completely. The bioavailability of dispersible Amoxicillin is close to 93%. Note that for oral dosage forms such figures are practically record-breaking. In comparison with oral Amoxicillin, Flemoxin also clearly wins in this indicator. Thus, the bioavailability of conventional tablet forms of Amoxicillin rarely exceeds 75-80%.

Flemoxin packaging: tightness is a condition of preservation

Flemoxin dispersible tablets are extremely sensitive to moisture. To protect the tablet from moisture in the air, it is necessary to ensure that the packaging is completely sealed. Flemoxin is packaged in aluminum blisters, which guarantee protection of the antibiotic from premature decomposition.

If you accidentally squeezed a Flemoxin tablet out of the cell, it is better to either take it immediately or dispose of it, that is, mercilessly throw it in the trash.

It should be remembered that due to the high cellulose content, there is a possibility of gradual dissolution of the tablet in air moisture. And we know that any antibiotic, including Flemoxin, is unstable in a dissolved state.

Therefore, a Flemoxin tablet that was stored in damaged packaging or, even worse, without it, may turn out to be, at best, a harmless dummy.

Flemoxin solutab: spectrum of pharmacological activity

Amoxicillin, the active ingredient in Flemoxin, is active against many gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Among them:

  • streptococci - Streptococcus pyogenes and Streptococcus pneumonia;
  • staphylococci, including Staphylococcus aureus;
  • clostridia;
  • gonorrhea pathogens Neisseria gonorrhoeae;
  • listeria;
  • causative agent of peptic ulcer Helicobacter pylori.

Low activity of Flemoxin is recorded against most pathogens of intestinal infections:

And finally, Proteus, Enterobacteriaceae, and microorganisms that produce beta-lactamases are absolutely insensitive to the action of Flemoxin.

Beta-lactamases and Flemoxin: a fight for life

In the instructions for Flemoxin and other penicillin, as well as cephalosporin antibiotics, the term “beta-lactamase” is often used. Usually, patients who carefully study the annotations intuitively understand that lactamase is probably something very bad. But it is not always possible to clearly understand what it is and what, exactly, the harm of beta-lacatmaz is.

Let's try to find out who or what this beta-lactamase is. Let's start by remembering when the first penicillins began to be used.

The history of antibiotics goes back more than 70 years. During this period, many microorganisms learned to recognize the destructive antibacterial substance. Modern strains of bacteria already synthesize antidotes for at least two groups of antibiotics - penicillins and cephalosporins. The role of “antidote” is played by special enzymes from the group of beta-lactamases (penicillinases), which destroy the beta-lactam ring of the antibiotic. As a result, the drug is completely inactivated and has no antibacterial effect.

The first bacteria that learned to produce penicillinase were staphylococci. And, if in 1944 only 5% of Staphylococcus aureus strains produced the enzyme, now this figure has increased many times and is almost 90%!

In addition, bacteria that produce beta-lactamase include streptococci, as well as many gram-negative microorganisms, including Klebsiella, Enterobacteriaceae, Pseudomonas and other pathogens.

So, when infected with microorganisms that produce beta-lactamases, neither Flemoxin, nor other analogues of Amoxicillin, nor Ampicillin are absolutely effective.

Therefore, a correct assessment by a doctor when prescribing unprotected penicillins is so important. The specialist’s task is to differentiate the pathogen and “not to miss” in choosing an antibiotic.

Flemoxin or Flemoklav, which is better?

The Astellas Pharma company produces another antibiotic containing Amoxicillin - Flemoclav. Both the name and packaging of the drug are very similar to Flemoxin, however, there is a significant difference between these drugs. Let's figure out how these seemingly similar antibiotics differ.

We have already found out that some strains of microorganisms produce beta-lactamase, which inactivates Flemoxin. Therefore, for many infectious diseases, Amoxicillin, the active ingredient in Flemoxin, is absolutely ineffective.

Researchers from the British company Beecham, which developed Amoxicillin, have managed to find a substance that blocks beta-lactamases. This substance turned out to be clavulanic acid. Scientists have proven that the combination of clavulanic acid and penicillin antibiotics is effective against strains of bacteria that produce beta-lactamase.

This is how a new antibacterial drug with an extended spectrum of action appeared. The original antibiotic was released by Glaxo under the name Augmentin. By the way, thanks to the protective effect of clavulanates, complex antibiotics began to be called protected. After all, clavulanic acid really serves as a real protection for the lactam penicillin ring from destruction!

The Japanese corporation Astellas Pharma has developed a dispersible form of protected Amoxicillin - Flemoclav.

Patients often wonder: which antibiotic is preferable - Flemoxin or Flemoklav? Only a specialist who relies not only on theoretical, but also on practical knowledge can resolve this dilemma.

When deciding on the selection of a particular antibiotic, the doctor evaluates the history of the current disease, as well as experience in treating previous infections. The most important stage in selecting an antibiotic is differentiation of the pathogen. An error leads to incorrect prescription of the drug, and, therefore, to ineffective treatment.

Making a decision is complicated by the fact that in the vast majority of cases the pathogen is calculated empirically, that is, based on the symptoms of the disease. A qualified doctor will undoubtedly be able to do this. But a medical amateur is definitely not able to do this. Therefore, patients should remember: the decision to prescribe antibiotics and the choice of a specific drug should be entrusted to the doctor or clinical pharmacist. And no one else!

Flemoxin solutab: when to take?

Indications for the use of Flemoxin are primarily related to the spectrum of pharmacological activity of the drug. Note that Amoxicillin is included in the treatment protocols for many infectious diseases.

Modern semi-synthetic penicillin - Flemoxin solutab - is the drug of choice for uncomplicated pathologies of the respiratory tract of bacterial origin. I would like to place special emphasis on the word “uncomplicated”. In case of a moderately severe disease or a severe, complicated course of infection, protected penicillins or antibiotics of other groups are preferred to Flemoxin.

So, let's list the main diseases for which Flemoxin Solutab is indicated:

Acute otitis media is an inflammation of the middle ear.

In the initial treatment of acute otitis media, Flemoxin is the first-line drug, that is, the preferred antibiotic. However, if the disease is aggravated by severe otalgia (ear pain), a temperature above 39 degrees, then the doctor may suspect infection with beta-lactamase producing strains of Haemophilus influenzae and Moraxella catarrhalis. In such cases, the drug of choice is Flemoclav, that is, protected Amoxicillin.

Pharyngitis and tonsillitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx and tonsils.

As a rule, these diseases are caused by Streptococcus pyogenes, which are highly sensitive to Amoxicillin. Standard treatment protocols indicate that for bacterial tonsillitis Flemoxin solutab is the drug of choice. However, if the disease is recurrent in nature, that is, it recurs periodically over, for example, one year, then preference is given to a combination with clavulanates, as well as macrolides or cephalosporins.

Lower respiratory tract infections.

The main causative agents of pneumonia and bacterial bronchitis - alpha and beta hemolytic streptococci, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus and Haemophilus influenzae - are sensitive to Flemoxin. Therefore, for uncomplicated bronchitis and pneumonia, Flemoxin Solutab can be used.

Skin infections caused by susceptible streptococci, Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli.

Urinary tract infections.

Flemoxin is effective for inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and bladder if they are caused by sensitive enterococci Enterococcus faecalis, Escherichia coli or Proteus. For the treatment of uncomplicated urinary tract infections caused by enterococcus, Flemoxin is the drug of choice.

However, it is worth considering that some strains of E. coli are resistant, that is, completely insensitive to Amoxicillin. Meanwhile, cystitis - inflammation of the bladder - in most cases is caused by E. coli. Therefore, Flemoxin is prescribed with caution for urological infections.

Typhoid fever and salmonellosis.

Flemoxin is considered an alternative antibiotic for these infections and is used when first-line drugs are contraindicated. Note that the drugs of choice are fluoroquinolone antibiotics and third-generation cephalosporins.

Flemoxin is used in cases of early localized Lyme disease.

Treatment of peptic ulcer with Flemoxin

Long gone are the days when peptic ulcer disease was considered an incurable chronic disease that truly aggravated the patient’s life. Ulcer sufferers no longer need to be teetotalers, drink potato juice on an empty stomach, or poison themselves with vinylin. And especially to lie down on the operating table.

Thanks to the discovery of the role of a banal infection in the formation of ulcers in the wall of the stomach or duodenum, quick and effective therapy for these diseases has become possible. Helicobacter pylori infection, the causative agent of which is the microorganism Helicobacter pylori, is the cause of peptic ulcer disease in almost 90% of cases. In addition, Helicobacter provokes the development of atrophic gastritis, a dangerous inflammatory disease of the stomach wall, which is a risk factor for ulcers and even stomach cancer.

For a long time, scientists could not even imagine that anything living could survive in a highly hydrochloric acid environment. It turned out that Helicobacter pylori not only survives, but also actively reproduces. The bacterium synthesizes a special enzyme that neutralizes the hydrochloric acid of the stomach - that’s the whole secret of survival.

Meanwhile, Helicobacter responds well to therapy. The complex treatment regimen for infection includes two antibacterial drugs (one of which is Flemoxin), as well as a proton load inhibitor. The last medicine is necessary in order to completely neutralize hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Otherwise, healing of the inflamed area is simply impossible.

So, one of the most effective treatment regimens for peptic ulcer disease includes Amoxicillin (Flemoxin Solutab), Clarithromycin and a proton pump inhibitor (for example, Omeprazole, Lanzaprozole and other drugs). If you are intolerant to Clarithromycin, use a two-component regimen or add Metronidazole as an antimicrobial agent.

STD treatment

The abbreviation STD hides not the most pleasant diseases - diseases that are sexually transmitted.

Flemoxin is used only for two infections, and only in special cases. Let's look at them in more detail:

Amoxicillin was previously widely used to treat uncomplicated cases of gonorrhea. But recently, penicillin-resistant strains of Neisseria gonorrhoeae have emerged, so Flemoxin is often replaced with another antibiotic.

Flemoxin is a first-line treatment for uncomplicated urethritis (inflammation of the urethra) and cervicitis (inflammation of the cervical canal) during pregnancy. Note that in most cases of chlamydia in pregnant women, instead of Flemoxin or other Amoxicillin, Sumamed is still used, which is considered the drug of choice.

Flemoxin is usually prescribed in case of individual intolerance to macrolides.

Standard dosages of Flemoxin according to the instructions for use

Let us immediately emphasize that any antibacterial drug is dosed individually. And Flemoxin is no exception to the rule. In each specific case, the doctor assesses the severity of the disease, medical history, that is, medical history, as well as concomitant diseases. And based on this information, he selects the correct dosage.

However, there are still standard dosages of Flemoxin - something like the average body temperature in the ward. We emphasize that they are necessary for the doctor, not for the patient. And even more so, you should not rely on this information in order to prescribe the most correct treatment regimen for yourself.

So, according to the instructions for use of Flemoxin, the following dosages are recommended:

  • For children from 1 to 3 years old, Flemoxin 250 mg tablets are used twice a day. An alternative prescription may be 125 mg of Flemoxin three times a day at regular intervals;
  • The maximum dose of Flemoxin for a child is 60 mg per kilogram of weight per day. This dosage is indicated for severe infectious processes;
  • for children from 3 to 10 years old, 375 mg of Flemoxin is prescribed twice or 250 mg three times a day;
  • for children over 10 years of age and adults, the average dosage of Flemoxin is 500–750 mg twice or 375–500 mg three times a day.

For severe infections, Flemoxin can be used up to 3 grams per day, certainly divided into three doses.

The duration of treatment, as well as the dosage of Flemoxin, is selected individually. Please note that the minimum course of therapy should not be less than five days. The standard treatment regimen consists of a weekly course of antibiotics. If the infection is caused by the streptococcus Streptococcus pyogenes, Flemoxin is used for at least 10 days.

It is worth emphasizing that antibiotic treatment should not be stopped immediately after the symptoms of the disease disappear. This haste is fraught with the formation of resistant strains from among selected and strong bacteria, on which Flemoxin simply does not have time to act.

In order to avoid complications, it is necessary to continue treatment with Flemoxin for two days after the manifestations of the infection stop. At the same time, we must not forget that the minimum course should not be less than five days.

Chew, swallow, dissolve, or what is the best way to take Flemoxin?

When encountering dispersible tablets for the first time, many patients wonder what is the best way to take Flemoxin. We will try to answer this question and clarify whether there is a difference between the methods of taking this drug.

So, one of the most significant advantages of Flemoxin Solutab is the ability to choose a method of use that is convenient for the patient.

Depending on the individual characteristics and personal preferences of each Flemoxin tablet, you can:

  • chew in the mouth;
  • suck like a lollipop;
  • dissolve in a small amount of cool boiled or simply purified water;
  • dissolve in breast milk - for infants;
  • dissolve in any juice, compote, tea and other drink. The only condition is that the drink should not be hot.

Let us immediately note that there is no fundamental difference in the methods of application. The rate of absorption, bioavailability and metabolism of Flemoxin do not depend on how long you chewed the tablet or how much juice you diluted in.

In addition, the pharmacokinetic properties of Flemoxin are not affected by food intake. You can take the tablet before meals, during lunch or after dinner, and in all cases the bioavailability of the antibiotic will be the same.

Contraindications to taking Flemoxin

Do not forget that Flemoxin is an antibacterial drug that has both side effects and contraindications. However, in fairness, it is worth noting that Amoxicillin is one of the safest antibiotics.

So, we list the absolute contraindications to taking Flemoxin:

Individual sensitivity to penicillin antibiotics.

The likelihood of an allergic reaction to Flemoxin is low. However, if you are allergic to medications, especially antibiotics, do not forget to warn your doctor about this. A specialist will be able to assess the risk and choose the right antibacterial agent.

In addition, do not forget about cross-sensitivity between penicillins and cephalosporins. If you have had an allergic reaction, for example, to ceftriaxone or any other antibiotic from the cephalosporin group, then it is also better to replace Flemoxin.

Erroneous prescription of Flemoxin and other penicillins for this disease leads to the appearance of an erythematous rash. Note that the symptoms of infectious mononucleosis are similar to those of bacterial pharyngitis and tonsillitis. However, mononucleosis is caused by a virus and does not require antibiotic therapy. Only a doctor can make the correct diagnosis and prescribe the correct medication.

Flemoxin during pregnancy: risks and benefits

Flemoxin is one of the antibiotics conditionally approved for use during pregnancy. The instructions for Flemoxin indicate that the drug can be used in cases where the risk to the child is less than the expected benefit to the mother.

Don't be afraid of this wording. It is caused solely by the fact that clinical trials of Flemoxin on pregnant women have not been carried out, and it is unlikely that they will ever be carried out for obvious reasons.

Nevertheless, Flemoxin is considered one of the safest antibiotics that can be used during pregnancy. And quite a long experience of using it is excellent proof of this. But let us emphasize once again that any antibiotic, including Flemoxin, can only be prescribed by a doctor. Think about your health and the health of your unborn child.

Side effects associated with treatment with Flemoxin

Flemoxin is one of the antibiotics that is well tolerated. However, there is a possibility of adverse events during or after treatment with the drug. Among them:

in 1-10% of cases the following are registered:

  • development of vulvovaginal fungal infection (in 2% of patients). In such situations, during treatment with Flemoxin, parallel use of antifungal drugs, for example, Fluconazole, is recommended;
  • diarrhea (in 1.7% of patients). As a rule, this symptom does not require discontinuation of Flemoxin and goes away on its own;
  • nausea (in 1.3% of patients);
  • headache (in 1% of cases).

in less than 1% of cases the following are possible:

In less than 1% of cases treated with Flemoxin, a rather serious side effect may develop - pseudomembranous colitis. The cause of this condition is a change in the composition of the intestinal flora and the proliferation of opportunistic microorganisms Clostridium difficile. Clinically, pseudomembranous colitis is manifested by severe diarrhea, which is fraught with general dehydration of the body.

When such symptoms appear, the first thing the patient should do is to immediately notify the attending physician. Usually in such cases, the only possible solution is to discontinue Flemoxin and prescribe another antibiotic or antimicrobial drug to which clostridia are sensitive. In addition, restoring the water-salt balance in the body plays an important role.

Flemoxin solutab - analogues

The pharmaceutical market is replete with generics of Amoxicillin from a variety of manufacturers. Let's try to list those Flemoxin analogues that have earned positive reviews from doctors:

  • Amoxicillin produced by the Serbian company Hemofarm;
  • Amoxicillin Sandoz, which is produced by the French corporation Sandoz;
  • Hiconcil, a drug from the Slovak company KRKA;
  • Ospamox produced by the Austrian pharmaceutical concern Biochemi;
  • Amosin, Russian pharmaceutical company Synthesis.

Despite the abundance of analogues of Flemoxin Solutab, very few drugs have the same dispersible form. These include the Austrian Ospamox DT.

And the last thing I would like to note. Despite the wide selection of Flemoxin analogues, one should not forget that the prerogative of both prescribing an antibiotic and selecting a generic belongs exclusively to the doctor.

The article above and comments written by readers are for informational purposes only and do not encourage self-medication. Consult a specialist regarding your own symptoms and illnesses. When taking any medicine, you should always use the instructions that come with the medicine and your doctor's advice as a guide.

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It is also worth paying attention to other medications:

I didn’t notice any side effects: we didn’t have diarrhea, although we didn’t take Linex. The doctor said that Flemoxin does not cause dysbacteriosis, and he was right.

Be careful! Especially with children!

By the way, having exceeded the dose of the drug (this happened (((, severe cough with vomiting, I thought that the drug was not absorbed and repeated taking the medicine again.) we were covered with a rash, recalculated the dose for that day and that’s it, the rash went away and we were treated for 5 days.

Mother of two sons (2.5 and 5 years old).

Repeated use caused anaphylactic shock. Pale face, blue lips, leg and arm cramps, respiratory arrest and loss of consciousness. Unfortunately, there are doctors who “earn their living” in front of drug companies, without thinking about the life and safety of young patients.

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