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Reduced resistance to infections - causes and diseases. Drug resistance

Good health, strong immunity and resistance to diseases is always great. But it’s especially important not to get sick to the expectant mother. After all, from her wellness The health and well-being of the baby depends.

There are many pleasant and useful ways maintain health and strengthen the body's defenses during pregnancy. These are delicious too herbal teas, And magical scents essential oils, massage, water treatments, physical training, Fresh air and so on.

Even if the disease does occur, it is not necessary to immediately use strong medications and it is certainly better to save antibiotics for the most extreme case. Check with your doctor, there probably is natural safe remedy which will improve your well-being and help you recover faster.

The healing power of herbs and plants

Since ancient times people have known about wonderful properties plants. Some of them are especially useful for expectant mothers. For example, raspberry leaf contains many vitamins and phytoncides and has a pleasant taste. Dry young raspberry leaves in the summer (the leaves of the plant before it blooms are especially valuable) and all winter you can delight yourself with a tasty and aromatic drink, which is also very good for health.

Another everyone's favorite is mint. Mint tea not only is it delicious, it helps expectant mothers relax and sleep well. But many pregnant women often complain of insomnia. Only if you are taking homeopathy, consuming mint is not advisable, as it can neutralize (antidot) the effect of homeopathic medicines.

Tea made from young nettle leaves- this is also very valuable nutritious drink for expectant mothers. It is best to collect nettles in the spring, in clean forests away from roads and populated areas.

Linden blossom will support the body during a cold and will allow the expectant mother to once again relax with a cup of aromatic tea.

Thyme tea Also gives strength and helps cope with colds. And it is also incredibly tasty. In addition, thyme is useful not only during pregnancy. After childbirth, herbalists recommend drinking thyme tea as a general tonic.

Rose hip certainly deserves special mention. A favorite drink from childhood, brewed from dried fruits supports immunity not only due to great content vitamin C, but also thanks to valuable phytoncides, bioflavonoids and antioxidants.

If you spend the summer outside the city, you can create your own personal tea from the most loved ones and useful herbs and plants. In addition to raspberry leaves and nettles, you can include mint and Linden blossom, and currant leaves, and oregano, and even rosehip petals for greater benefit and beauty.

To eat something like this to improve your health?

Proper nutrition during pregnancy is very important great importance. We will cover this broad and important topic in detail in separate articles. Now let’s just list the most important ones and especially useful for strengthening the immune system products.

First of all, these are raw salads from vegetables and herbs. You should eat a large raw salad at every meal. The basis of this salad is fresh seasonal vegetables. Cabbage, carrots, celery root, turnip, pumpkin, Jerusalem artichoke - in autumn and winter, cucumbers, tomatoes, young cabbage, leafy vegetables - in summer. in spring and early summer are of particular value wild plant salads– young leaves of nettle, sedum, dandelion etc. Ideally, vegetables should be organic, grown in their own garden beds. If this is not possible, you should help will come a drug “” that will help cleanse them of nitrates.

Fresh vegetables contain natural vitamins, which are absorbed much better synthetic complexes. Besides, vegetables are rich in antioxidants which help the body fight free radicals, which means they increase resistance to diseases and. In vegetables large quantities contained fiber, which is very beneficial for digestion and excellent bowel function. And his health is also very important for good immunity.

In winter, especially towards the end, due to long storage in fresh vegetables the content of vitamins decreases. During this period, it is good to include in the diet pickled vegetables: cabbage, beets, carrots. You can ferment any vegetables. This enriches and diversifies the diet. Only it must be homemade pickling and soaking, without sugar and vinegar. These snacks are good vitamin help. They contain even more vitamins than fresh vegetables thanks to lactic acid bacteria, which are involved in the ripening process.

Also Fermented milk products are good for the immune system: yogurt without additives, kefir, bifidoc, etc. And if you make them yourself from whole village milk using the right starter cultures (Narine, Evitalia, etc. are sold in pharmacies), such products have no price at all! Try it, it's not very difficult, but the result is good incredibly tasty and healthy.

If you can't find time to prepare your own fermented milk products, you can, after consulting with your doctor, drink pharmaceutical drugs(biological products “Narine”, lactobacterin) short courses(10–20 days). This way, you will “populate” the intestines with the necessary bacteria and all you have to do is remember to “feed” them Pectin and fiber, including vegetables, apples and whole grain cereals in the diet.

All dishes are needed season with fresh chopped herbs. All green leafy vegetables and spices: parsley, celery, onions, leeks, dill, spinach - very useful, especially fresh from the garden. You can chop the greens in the spring and summer and freeze them for the winter in small portions - for a bowl of soup or a bowl of salad and don’t forget to eat them. It is good to include in such a vitamin mix wild plants (nettle, nettle). It is also convenient to add CryoPowders to food.

In addition to vegetables for Berries are of particular value to expectant mothers. Some fruits contain too much sugar, which expectant mothers should limit. But it is impossible to abuse berries, especially wild ones. And without exception, they are very useful and have high nutritional value. Wild strawberry, blueberries, raspberries, cranberries, lingonberries are the healthiest treats. For the winter, it is best to dry or freeze them. Cranberries and lingonberries are perfectly preserved in fresh thanks to natural antibacterial components. The healthiest berries so many: sea buckthorn, red and chokeberry, serviceberry, viburnum, hawthorn. All are good in their own way and all are very valuable as a vitamin and strengthening supplement to the diet.

It is also good for expectant mothers to drink freshly squeezed juices, especially from vegetables. It is better to drink them diluted with spring water in a 1:1 ratio.

If for some reason it is difficult for expectant mothers to include a sufficient amount of vitamin products in their diet, it is worth consulting with a doctor about taking multivitamins in tablets. Now it is possible to buy drugs containing natural vitamins, rather than their synthesized analogues. Such complexes are more expensive, but they also provide more benefits. In our pharmacies you can find Solgar or Altera.

To improve health, expectant mothers are advised to constantly take homeopathic protective complex. Various drugs this homeopathic complex is designed to protect against negative impacts environment, normalization of functions gastrointestinal tract, treatment of influenza, acute respiratory infections and prevention of complications, restoration of vegetative balance nervous system, treatment and prevention of hypovitaminosis, strengthening gums and tooth enamel, treatment of acute gastrointestinal disorders. ()

We defend against acute respiratory infections

What can you do to protect yourself from acute respiratory infections during the onset of cold weather, when everyone around you is sneezing and coughing? First of all, the expectant mother can be helped plant adaptogens, primarily Eleutherococcus extract. It should be taken daily, 15–20 drops. 30 days with a break of 1 month in autumn - winter period(November–January).

If someone in the family gets sick, then for prevention naturopaths advise expectant mothers to rinse the mouth and nasopharynx with physiological salt solution and decoctions medicinal herbs(chamomile, sage). Effective daily instillation into the nose oil solution calendula or thuja oil solution 2 times a week. You can prepare garlic oil drops yourself, which will also protect the nasal mucosa from infection. Also for these purposes, you can use a solution of iodinol in the nose and gargle with it, but only as prescribed by a doctor.

Of course, well-known hygiene measures will also help: frequent wet cleaning, ventilation, adherence to the daily routine (lack of sleep is detrimental to the body’s defenses). Make sure you maintain a healthy environment in your home: fresh air, cleanliness, no dust, comfortable, not hot temperature.

Ionization and air humidification are also useful. Humidifiers and air washes can be effective for this. Wash your hands, wash your face, and shower often. Watch your mood: calm and positive thinking great protection from diseases.

Music therapy will help you maintain good spirits and emotional balance: listening to classical music, especially Mozart, spiritual chants, etc.

Essential oils are wonderful relaxants. It will help the expectant mother maintain calm and peace of mind. But this is also important for protecting the body from diseases. Be careful, some essential oils not recommended for use during pregnancy, as they can cause and intensify contractions: rose oil, clary sage, chamomile. Also, you should not combine aromatherapy with use, so as not to interfere with the effects of homeopathic granules.

What if the expectant mother is still sick?

If you use the entire arsenal described above, there is practically no threat to your health. But if some virus breaks through your defenses and you feel unwell, don’t rush to the pharmacy for medicine! It is within your power to ensure adequate maximum harmless treatment acute diseases.

Consult your doctor about the use of herbal teas, homeopathic remedies, wellness massage and similar methods. They can significantly alleviate your condition for flu, acute respiratory infections, intestinal upset and will help speedy recovery. Tell your doctor what you prefer non-drug treatment . Modern methods, such as physiotherapy and reflexology - general ultraviolet irradiation, KUF, aerosol therapy (fennel oil, etc.) are effective, safe and good for expectant mothers.

Dear expectant mothers, take care of yourself. To your health, good mood And peace of mind in your hands. You have the power to protect yourself and your baby using effective, safe natural methods.

Be healthy and happy!

Body resistance – (from lat. resistere - resist ) is the body’s ability to resist the action of pathogenic factors or immunity to the effects of damaging factors of the external and internal environment. In other words, resistance is the body’s resistance to the action of pathogenic factors.

During evolution, the organism acquired certain adaptive mechanisms that ensure its existence in conditions of constant interaction with the environment. The absence or insufficiency of these mechanisms could cause not only disruption of life, but also death of the individual.

The body's resistance manifests itself in various forms.

Primary(natural, hereditary ) resistanceb is the body’s resistance to the action of factors, determined by the peculiarities of the structure and function of organs and tissues that are inherited. For example, the skin and mucous membranes are structures that prevent microorganisms and many toxic substances from entering the body. They perform a barrier function. Subcutaneous fat, having poor thermal conductivity, helps preserve endogenous heat. The tissues of the musculoskeletal system (bones, ligaments) provide significant resistance to deformation due to mechanical damage.

Primary resistance may be absolute And relative :

    absolute primary resistance - a classic example is hereditary resistance to a number of infectious agents (“hereditary immunity”). Its presence is explained by the molecular characteristics of the organism, which cannot serve as a habitat for a particular microorganism, or are absent cell receptors, necessary for fixation of the microorganism, i.e. There are receptor incomplementarities between aggression molecules and their molecular targets. In addition, the cells may not contain substances necessary for the existence of microorganisms, or they may contain products that interfere with the development of viruses and bacteria. Thanks to absolute resistance human body is not affected by many infectious diseases of animals (absolute immunity of humans to plague cattle), and vice versa - animals are not susceptible to a large group infectious pathology people (gonorrhea is a human disease only).

    relative primary resistance – under certain conditions, the mechanisms of absolute resistance can change and then the body is able to interact with an agent that was previously “ignored” by it. For example, poultry (chickens) in normal conditions don't get sick anthrax, against the background of hypothermia (cooling), it is possible to cause this disease. Camels, which are immune to the plague, contract it after being very tired.

Secondary(acquired, modified) resistance– this is the stability of the body, formed after preliminary exposure to certain factors. An example is the development of immunity after infectious diseases. Acquired resistance to non-infectious agents is formed through training to hypoxia, physical activity, low temperatures (hardening), etc.

Specific resistanceis the body's resistance to influence of any one agent . For example, the emergence of immunity after recovery from infectious diseases such as smallpox, plague, measles. This type of resistance also includes increased resistance of the body after vaccination.

Nonspecific resistanceis the body's resistance to exposure to several agents at once . Of course, it is impossible to achieve resistance to the entire variety of external and internal environmental factors - they are different in nature. However, if a pathogenetic factor occurs in many diseases (caused by various ethological factors) and its action plays a leading role in their pathogenesis, then resistance to it manifests itself to a greater number of influences. For example, artificial adaptation to hypoxia significantly facilitates the course of a large group of pathologies, since it often determines their course and outcome. Moreover, in some cases, the resistance achieved by this method can prevent the development of a particular disease, pathological process.

Active resistanceThis is the stability of the body, ensured by the inclusion of protective and adaptive mechanisms in response to agents . This may be the activation of phagocytosis, the production of antibodies, the emigration of leukocytes, etc. Resistance to hypoxia is achieved by increasing ventilation of the lungs, accelerating blood flow, increasing the number of red blood cells in the blood, etc.

Passive resistanceThis is the stability of the body associated with its anatomical and physiological characteristics, i.e. it does not provide for the activation of defensive reactions when exposed to agents. This resistance is provided by the body’s barrier systems (skin, mucous membrane, histohematic and hematolymphatic barriers), the presence of bactericidal factors (hydrochloric acid in the stomach, lysozyme in saliva), hereditary immunity, etc.

A.Sh. Zaichik, L.P. Churilov (1999) instead of the term “ passive resistance » propose to use the term to denote the above described states of the body "portability ».

There is a slightly different interpretation "portability " During the action of two or more extraordinary (extreme) factors, the body often responds to only one of them, and does not respond to the action of the others. For example, animals exposed to radial acceleration tolerate a lethal dose of strychnine, and they have a higher percentage of survival under conditions of hypoxia and overheating. In shock, the body's response to mechanical stress sharply decreases. This form of response, according to I.A. Arshavsky, cannot be named resistance , since under these conditions the body is not able to actively resist the action of other environmental agents, maintaining hemostasis, it only transfers impact on the state deep oppression of vital activity . This is the state of I.A. Arshavsky suggested calling “ portability" .

General resistancethis is the resistance of the organism as a whole to the action of a particular agent. For example, general resistance to oxygen starvation ensures the functioning of its organs and systems due to various protective and adaptive mechanisms activated at various levels of organization of living systems. These are systemic reactions - an increase in the activity of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, these are also subcellular changes - an increase in the volume and number of mitochondria, etc. All this provides protection for the body as a whole.

Local resistanceis the resistance of individual organs and tissues of the body to the effects of various agents . Resistance of the mucous membranes of the stomach and 12 duodenum to ulceration is determined by the state of the mucous-bicarbonate barrier of these organs, the state of microcirculation, the regenerative activity of their epithelium, etc. The availability of toxins in the central nervous system is largely determined by the state of the blood-brain barrier; it is impenetrable for many toxic substances and microorganisms.

The variety of forms of resistance demonstrates the body’s significant capabilities in protecting itself from the effects of external and internal environmental factors. Individuals, as a rule, can be noted to have several types of reactivity . For example, a patient was injected with antibodies to a certain type of microorganism (staphylococcus) - the forms of resistance are as follows: secondary, general, specific, passive.

September 26

The term is more often used in relation to microorganisms (the emergence of mechanisms of immunity to antimicrobial drugs and antibiotics); or plants (to diseases).

In relation to humans and animals, the term immunity is more often used.
The body's resistance is not a constant value, but depends on environmental conditions, weakening with severe hypothermia, malnutrition, and physical fatigue. Mammals that hibernate show high resistance to infections and toxins during hibernation; yes, even so acute infection, like a plague, takes a latent form in hibernating gophers and marmots.

VV microbiology

This term is often referred to as antibiotic resistance.
Resistance in microorganisms - complete or partial insensitivity to antimicrobials, in particular antibiotics, fluoroquinolones, etc. It can be achieved due to the biosynthesis by the microorganism of enzymes that inactivate the drug, or by changing the structure of the compounds attacked by the antibiotic, in which the microorganism could continue to live in the presence of the antimicrobial drug.

An example of the first method is the synthesis by bacteria of beta-lactamases, which degrade antibiotics of the penicillin family and other beta-lactam antibiotics.

The second way is to protect against methicillin-resistant drugs. Staphylococcus aureus, the most dangerous nosocomial infection. In this staphylococcus, the structure of the PBP2a protein, to which antibiotics bind, changes penicillin series. Staphylococcus with an altered protein structure becomes β-lactam-resistant, i.e. resistant to beta-lactam antibiotics.

Resistance is closely related to the reactivity of the body, representing one of its main consequences and expressions. There are nonspecific and specific resistance. Under nonspecific resistance understand the body’s ability to withstand the effects of factors that are diverse in nature. Specific resistance characterizes high degree the body's resistance to the effects of certain factors or their close groups.

The resistance of an organism can be determined by relatively stable properties various organs, fabrics and physiological systems, incl. not related to active reactions to this impact. These include, for example, barrier physicochemical characteristics skin, preventing the penetration of microorganisms through it.

Subcutaneous tissue has high thermal insulation properties, bone is highly resistant to mechanical loads, etc. Such mechanisms of resistance also include such properties as the absence of receptors with affinity for a pathogenic agent (for example, a toxin) or the underdevelopment of the mechanisms necessary for the implementation of the corresponding pathological process (for example, allergic reactions).

In other cases of formation of R.o. active protective-adaptive reactions aimed at maintaining homeostasis under potentially harmful effects environmental factors or unfavorable changes in the internal environment of the body. The effectiveness of such reactions and, consequently, the degree of resistance to various factors depends on congenital and acquired individual characteristics body.

Thus, some individuals have high (or, conversely, low) resistance to various infectious diseases, cooling, overheating, exposure to certain chemical substances, poisons, toxins.

Significant fluctuations in individual resistance may be associated with the characteristics of the body's reactivity during its interaction with a damaging agent. Resistance can decrease with a deficiency, excess or qualitative inadequacy of biologically significant factors (nutrition, motor activity, labor activity, information load and stressful situations, various intoxications, environmental factors and etc.). The organism has the greatest resistance in optimal biological and social conditions of existence.

Resistance changes during ontogenesis, and its age-related dynamics in relation to various influences are not the same, but in general it turns out to be highest in adulthood and decreases as the body ages. Some features of resistance are associated with gender.

Significant increase in both nonspecific and specific resistance can be achieved through adaptation to various influences: physical stress, cold, hypoxia, psychogenic factors, etc. Moreover, adaptation and high resistance to any influence may be accompanied by an increase in resistance to other factors. Sometimes opposite relationships can arise, when an increase in resistance to one category of influences is accompanied by a decrease in it to others.

A special place is occupied by the highly specific mobilization of the protective and adaptive properties of the body when exposed to immune system. In general, the implementation of R.o. mechanisms is ensured, as a rule, not by any one organ or system, but by the interaction of a complex of various organs and physiological systems, including all links of regulatory processes.

Condition and features of R. o. can be determined to a certain extent by the method functional tests and loads used, in particular, in professional selection and medical practice.
(Sirotinin I.N. Evolution of resistance and reactivity of the body)

Recently, the issue of drug resistance has received widespread attention. In general, this is a collective concept associated with the mechanism of action of the drug.

Resistance of microorganisms to drugs

The concept of resistance has previously been used in evaluating effectiveness antimicrobial agents. Known microbial resistance results from mutations or mechanisms that lead to the destruction of the drug in the target cell. Due to the ability of microorganisms to change rapidly, the issue of acquired resistance to antibiotics and other antimicrobial drugs has arisen, and the natural resistance of some classes of microorganisms has been known for a long time.

Insulin resistance

The issue of insulin resistance, which significantly complicates the treatment of diabetes mellitus, is also widely discussed today. It is usually divided into primary and secondary.

Primary insulin resistance or resistance to other hormones, which is associated with genetic mutations, lead to changes in hormonal receptors, transport molecules or enzymes involved in hormone metabolism. Primary resistance to insulin and other hormones is hereditary and causes the actual presence of the corresponding diseases.

Secondary hormonal resistance is caused by external factors, in particular overproduction of counter-insular hormones, autoantibodies, and disappears when these factors are eliminated external factors, due to which it is exposed to therapeutic effects. Secondary resistance is generally more common than primary resistance and is associated with the action of the drug itself.

Diuretic resistance

The issue of diuretic resistance is relevant today. Thus, a decrease in the effectiveness of diuretics with long-term use is explained by the activation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS), which is a compensatory reaction to hyponatremia.

The combined use of diuretics and RAAS inhibitors, which are widely used in everyday life, significantly increases the effectiveness of antihypertensive therapy, since it eliminates this compensatory reaction, that is, it eliminates secondary resistance to diuretics.

What is resistance?

For a correct understanding of the concept of resistance to any medicine The following generalizations are important:

  • The body's resistance to a drug is a decrease, to one degree or another, in the well-known pharmacological effect of this drug in a particular patient, which leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of treatment.
  • Resistance can be primary (usually hereditary) - the result of genetically determined changes in receptors, enzymes, etc., involved in the metabolism and mechanism of action of the drug, and secondary, that is, caused by external factors.
  • In the structure of secondary resistance to a drug, the most common mechanism is the body’s compensatory-adaptive reaction to this drug, through which pharmacological effect decreases.
  • Resistance is not understood as a decrease in the effectiveness of the drug as a result of interaction with other drugs, including as a consequence of agonism or antagonism with the system of a particular cytochrome. Clinical failure due to lack of compliance is not resistance. All this is the result of incorrectly defined treatment or failure of the patient to comply with the prescribed treatment.
  • In general, the term “drug resistance” is not clinical concept. Among the causes of clinical failures, some of them may be related to drug resistance, but they must be confirmed by laboratory indicators, which is not always available.

With the onset of cold weather, our body needs protection more than ever, and not only our health and well-being, but also our beauty depends on this. So that our skin for a long time remained young, beautiful and fit, it is necessary not only to make masks for the skin, but also to strengthen the body as a whole. In many ways, our beauty depends on the condition of the whole body and its organs; in winter we most often get sick and this makes us look tired, exhausted, the skin dulls and becomes flabby. It is especially important to pay attention to the question of how to increase a child’s immunity and increase his body’s resistance to various kinds diseases.To increase the body's resistance to external environment and diseases, as well as increase immunity, the following traditional medicine recipes will suit you.

20 recipes to increase immunity and body resistance

1. Fill liter jar dry wormwood herb, add vodka, leave in a dark place for 3 weeks. Take 1 drop of tincture in the morning on an empty stomach, dissolving it in 1 tsp. water for 3 weeks.

2 . Grind and mix rose hips and wild strawberries in equal proportions. 1 tsp pour 250 ml of boiling water over the mixture and heat in a water bath for 15 minutes. Cool, strain, squeeze. Bring it on boiled water amount of infusion to the original volume. Take 100 ml 2 times a day.

3. 1 tbsp. common chicory pour 250 ml of milk. Drink during the day in 3 doses.

4. 1-2 tbsp. l. wild strawberries pour 500 ml of boiling water. Take 1 tbsp. 3-4 times a day. This infusion can also be used by children to increase immunity during epidemics.

5. Drink tea with rose hips. Pour rose hips into a thermos and pour boiling water over them. Leave for several hours and drink instead of tea. Tea can also be given to children from 2 years old.

6. Pour 300 g of garlic into 1 liter of alcohol and leave for 3 weeks. Take 1 tsp. 3 times a day, washed down with a small amount of milk.

7. 1 tsp blueberries pour 200 ml of boiling water. Take 2 tbsp. 3 times a day.

8. Eat parsley all year round.

9 . Mix 3 tl. carrot juice, 2 tbsp. cucumber and beet juice. Take 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

10 . Mix the juice of 4 lemons, 100 ml aloe juice, 500 g kernels walnut, 300 g honey. Take 1 tsp. or 1 dec. l. 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

11. Pass 3 kg of beets and carrots, 2 kg of pomegranate and lemon through a juicer. Pour the juice into a jar and add 2 kg of honey. Take 50 ml morning and evening for a month. Take a break for 2 weeks and repeat the course.

12 . Finely chop half a lemon along with the peel, add 6 chopped cloves of garlic and pour 500 ml of cold boiled water. Leave for 3 days in a cool, dark place in a glass container. Take 2 tbsp. 1 time a day before meals.

13 . Pour 500 ml of boiling water over 30 g of fresh or dry echinacea leaves, boil for 10 minutes in a sealed container, leave for 5 hours in a warm place, strain. Add honey. Take 100 ml 3 times a day.

It is important to remember that all the recipes for increasing immunity that are given in this article will not save you from illness if you regularly overcool your body. To avoid hypothermia, you need to dress warmly in the cold season, for example in a mink coat with silver fox or a Turkish sheepskin coat.

14. Pour 1 part chopped onion with 4 parts vodka. Take 20-30 drops 3 times a day for 3-4 weeks.

15. Mix 50 g of crushed walnut kernels, 30 g of honey, 100 ml of aloe juice, juice of half a lemon, leave for 3-4 hours. Take 1 tbsp. 3 times a day.

16. Mix 500 g of aloe leaves and 350 ml of honey. Leave in a dark place for 3 days, then add 700 ml of Cahors and leave again for 24 hours. Take 1 tbsp. 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

17. Mix 250 ml each of lemon and apricot juice. Take 250 ml 3 times a day before meals. It very well increases the immunity and resistance of the body in preschool children (from 2 years old, if there are no allergies) and school age.

18 . 2 tbsp. l. Infuse gooseberry fruits in 500 ml of boiling water for 2 hours. Take 100 ml 3 times a day before meals.

19. Take 100 ml 3 times a day cucumber pickle, adding 1 tbsp. l. 10% g vinegar. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

20. Vitamin cocktail for children. Take 100 g of raisins, dried apricots, dates in equal parts, walnuts. Pass through a meat grinder and add grated lemon (or orange) zest, 50 g of honey, and the juice of one lemon. Take 1 teaspoon in the morning before meals.