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Which improves intestinal motility. Intestinal peristalsis: causes of increased and weak

Medical institutions who study the emergence and development various diseases, note a sharp increase in ailments associated with the gastrointestinal tract in general, and the digestive organs separately. All these problems, one way or another, develop due to pathological changes at work internal organs involved in the digestion of food, or against the background of the development of certain diseases. However, the factors that provoke such manifestations may have significant differences.

Peristalsis is a complex interaction of the entire digestive system, the main task of which is to create wave-like contractions using special group muscles. This ensures the movement of food during operation digestive system, through the gastrointestinal tract, followed by evacuation from the body of the mass remaining after their digestion. The overall condition of the intestines depends on the quality of intestinal motility. human body, so normal functioning most organs and systems.

Questions about intestinal motility

What does "intestinal peristalsis" mean?

The intestine is a hollow tubular organ; its walls have two layers of smooth muscles, which contract normally and propel the bolus of food. This process is nothing more than intestinal peristalsis - the most important stage in the overall functionality of the entire digestive system. A special feature of the system is the rhythm of muscle contractions, with the help of which the digested food moves through the intestinal cavity.

How does it work?

A characteristic feature of the digestive organs is the arrangement of muscle fibers. Along the intestinal walls they are located in two layers: circularly and longitudinally, the coordination of contractions creates a wave of peristaltic movement.

The frequency of contractions between muscle groups is different, but this is precisely what creates the so-called wave principle, a roll, during which the process necessary for the movement of broken down food is carried out. In the intestines, incoming food moves in a certain rhythm - from upper sections organ to the lower. If peristalsis malfunctions, the entire process of food digestion and normal excretion is disrupted. feces from the body.

What is “reduced peristalsis”?

Decreased or weakened peristalsis manifests itself in a decrease in the functioning of the entire system of movement of food products, which gradually accumulate feces in the process of digestion. The creation of accumulations of feces due to weakened peristalsis is the main cause of constipation, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, feeling unwell and discomfort.

Causes and symptoms of weak intestinal contractions

Diseases of the digestive system can generally affect the functioning of the whole organism, but weakening of peristalsis not only inhibits the functional activity of internal organs, but also creates a number of inconveniences.

Experts are concerned about the fact that the disease is taking on a “rejuvenation” format. Previously, the functioning of the digestive system as a whole began to malfunction in patients whose age reached 55-60 years of age, excluding those patients where the disease manifested itself against the background harmful factors production, consequences of injuries, surgical interventions and heredity. Now, problems with the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract make themselves felt in patients who, even with a stretch, can hardly be called mature - the statistical data curve affected the age of 20 years. The reasons for the weakness of intestinal contractions in people so young for such a disease are very different, but experts, noting what is happening, predict an even more difficult situation for the future.

Main reasons

What can weaken the functioning of the entire digestive system:

  • Wrong food choices and non-compliance with the regime.
  • Age-related changes in the functioning of digestion in general and peristalsis in particular.
  • Improper lifestyle for a long period of time, excluding mobility and leisure within the required limits.
  • Incorrect functioning of the central nervous system, malfunctions.
  • Side effects of some medications.
  • Consequences of infectious and inflammatory processes, which affected the digestive organs.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract of an oncological nature.
  • Hereditary tendency to constipation.

Sluggish peristalsis is accompanied by various symptoms: patients experience a decrease in performance, they complain of headache, poor appetite. In more difficult cases Nausea and vomiting are observed, and there are streaks of blood in the stool.


The main sign of weakening peristalsis is the appearance of problems in the form frequent constipation. Additionally, suppression is observed psychological state the patient, his performance decreases. Experts advise paying attention to signs that directly or indirectly indicate problems with peristalsis:

  • Decreased appetite.
  • Discomfortable sensations in the lower abdomen, signs of bloating.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen, heaviness.
  • Nausea.

Methods for stimulating intestinal motility

In order to bring intestinal motility back to normal, if the situation is controllable, it is not necessary to use medications. To treat the digestive system, you can use methods to stimulate peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract and intestines. First of all, experts advise paying attention to diet, the presence of other diseases, increasing the amount of fluid you drink, and, if necessary, changing your lifestyle.


A special massage technique, prescribed by a doctor and performed by an experienced massage therapist, is a good method of stimulating peristalsis. Massages are performed on the abdominal cavity using a gentle rubbing technique in a circular motion.

A skilled specialist can also use gentle finger pressure to identify problem areas and carry out the procedure in this area. An important factor is the strength of the massage: the procedure should not cause pain or discomfort to the patient.


Often the cause of decreased peristalsis is a sedentary (sedentary) lifestyle. This manifestation is often observed in office workers, lazy people and the category of patients who various reasons cannot afford constant active recreation. It is for such cases that experts recommend using a number of gymnastic exercises that stimulate the functioning of the digestive organs.

Exercise therapy is primarily prescribed to patients who have undergone surgical intervention for the purpose of speedy rehabilitation, but it is also prescribed for those who have sluggish or weakened functioning of the peristalsis of the stomach and other gastrointestinal organs. Before the procedure, specialists must ensure that this type medical procedures will not harm the patient.

The most popular exercises to improve peristalsis are:

  • Abs pumping.
  • Jumping in place.
  • Lie on your back and in this position bend your knees and press them to your stomach.
  • Lie on your back and imitate riding a bicycle.
  • Slow squat.

All exercises are performed in moderation, especially if the patient has serious problems with gastric motility.


Using a diet during the period of stimulation of the digestive organs is one of the most basic methods of treatment, both in combination with medications and without them. Since the weakened functioning of the digestive organs, in combination with certain foods, creates conditions for the formation of constipation, experts recommend excluding them from the diet for the time required for recovery:

  • Coffee and strong tea.
  • Flour (baked goods) products.
  • Cottage cheese.
  • Chocolate.
  • Smoked and coarse fiber foods.

Proper nutrition for weakened peristalsis is the use of the following products:

  • Raw vegetables and fruits, especially melons.
  • Lean meats: rabbit, turkey, veal.
  • Fish prepared exclusively by steaming, and it should not be fatty varieties products.
  • Honey and jam.

Borscht must be present in the diet, and vegetable soups, where beets, tomatoes, and cabbage are used as ingredients. It is especially good to include grapes and other sweet berries in the form of desserts during the period of restoration of weakened peristalsis. During the period of restoration of the functioning of the digestive organs, experts recommend increasing daily dose drinking liquid.

Experts remind that the work of peristalsis is influenced by two factors: the amount of food and the time it takes to digest food. These two factors are taken into account by nutritionists: the amount of food at a time should decrease, and meals should increase. Here important rule becomes the motto: less is better, but better.

Failures and weakened functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, digestion and peristalsis have recently worried patients not only due to advanced age, but also against the background of other factors. Presence of diseases surgery, poor-quality food and other reasons that provoke malfunctions in functionality in any case require solving the problem, both with the help of medications and auxiliary techniques, and with the use of folk remedies, which often restore function even better than store-bought medicine.


The main task medications with slow functionality of peristalsis, intestinal motility is improved due to complex treatment diseases. The principle of operation of the drugs is aimed at stimulating the muscles that are located on the walls of the organ. Three groups of drugs with laxative effects are used for treatment.

Prokinetics. They are the main group of drugs in which, as base substance they use domperedon: Passazhiks, Motilak, Motilium. A more advanced and new type of medicine is Ganaton. Experts predict mass popularity for this drug, since its production is based on itopride hydrochloride, a substance only recently discovered in medicine and put into widespread production.

In addition to prokinetics, pharmacology has combined several groups of drugs, which differ in different mechanisms of action, aimed at improving intestinal function:

  • Antispasmodics. Myotropic drugs, entering the digestive organs, reduce the number of contractions in order to relieve pain: “Mebsin retard”, “Meverin”, “Duspatalin”.
  • Laxatives:
    • Osmatic: “Fortrans”, “Magnesium sulfate”, “Fleet phospho-soda”, “Florlax”.
    • Non-absorbents and polysaccharides: Normolakt, Lactulose, Duphalac, Lactuvit, Normaze.
    • Irritants: Senadexin, Senade, Picolax, Guttalax, Bisacodyl.
  • Regulating motor skills. "Fractal".

Folk remedies

You can treat weakened peristalsis at home, using folk remedies, sometimes this is even better than using medications:

  • Dried apricots + prunes. 200 gr. dried apricots and the same amount of prunes are mixed and chopped. Add 1 tbsp to the mixture. l. honey and propolis, mix thoroughly and take 2 tsp 1 hour before bedtime.
  • 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal, 2 sweet apples, 1 tbsp. l. grains of wheat and honey, ½ lemon, 1 tbsp. l. nuts Heat 2 tbsp. l. water and mixed with squeezed lemon juice, after which all other ingredients can be reunited and mixed (apples need to be grated). The product can be consumed 1-2 tbsp at a time. l. several times a day.
  • Flax (seeds). Flax seeds (3 tablespoons) are poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water and continue to simmer over low heat for 15 minutes, after which they are allowed to brew for at least 8 hours. For these purposes, it is best to use a high-quality thermos. Take 150 g at least 3 times a day (before meals).
  • Peeled fresh beets (0.5 kg) continue to be boiled with boiling water for about an hour, after which they are left for 4-5 hours. The vegetable itself can be used separately, but the liquid is mixed with yeast (1 tsp) and sugar (2 tbsp) and continued to infuse (18-20 hours) after which it is drunk instead of water.

Even plain water can create a small miracle: the main thing is to drink it in small sips, without bubbles, and preferably not immediately after eating, but after waiting 20-30 minutes.

Preventive measures

To avoid problems with digestion, it is advisable to learn a few general rules, which will help not only improve the functioning of organs, but also have a preventive effect on the work of peristalsis, forcing it to be constantly in the right tone.

  • Proper nutrition and adherence to the regime.
  • Eating laxative products (as needed).
  • Active recreation on fresh air on an ongoing basis.
  • Limit the consumption of alcoholic beverages and other bad habits.

For people whose age is considered already mature, the main preventive measures in the fight against diseases of the digestive system are proper diet And active image life, for younger people it is also the right combination of work and leisure.

The intestines are an integral part of the digestive system. This organ is designed to perform many functions, namely: digestion and assimilation of food products, absorption of vitamins and useful substances. Malfunctions in its functioning are manifested by the corresponding symptoms: flatulence, stool upset, painful sensations, intoxication and deterioration of general condition. Intestinal peristalsis plays an important role, which ensures its motor function and the movement of food from the stomach to the anus.

If the intestinal walls contract rarely and weakly, then reduced peristalsis occurs, with increased contractions - increased motor skills. Both conditions need correction and proper therapy. It is necessary to change the diet and focus on physical activity. All therapeutic measures are taken under the supervision of the attending physician.

Intestinal peristalsis is a kind of wave-like contraction of the walls of the organ, ensuring passage of the bolus of food to the outlet. This process plays a decisive role in the entire digestion process. The motor function of the hollow organ ensures the movement of digested food. Smooth muscles, which are located in two layers in the intestinal walls, take part in the process. Due to the fact that in one layer the muscle fibers are arranged circularly, and in the second - longitudinally, corresponding movements are created that form a peristaltic wave, the frequency of which has different indicators in all parts of the organ.

IN small intestine There are several types of waves that differ from each other. The speed of their passage can be smooth, slow, fast, and also rapid. As for the large intestine, the food bolus moves much more slowly, so the speed of the waves themselves decreases. Very strong contractions appear several times a day, which are what pushes food towards the anus.

Movements in colon appear after the stomach cavity is filled. As for the norm of peristaltic contractions and waves, the indicators are as follows:

  • rectum - 3 contractions per minute;
  • large intestine – 4-12 contractions;
  • duodenum - about 12 contractions per minute;
  • small intestine – at least 9-12 times.

Causes of pathology

Intestinal peristalsis can be decreased or increased. Reasons weak peristalsis are the following factors:

  • improper or unbalanced diet;
  • Availability chronic illnesses gastrointestinal tract;
  • age;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • malignant/benign neoplasm in the intestinal cavity;
  • surgical intervention in the abdominal cavity;
  • treatment with medications that weaken organ motility;
  • disruptions in the activity of the central nervous system.

To normalize peristalsis, medications and diet are needed. The diet must include foods that enhance peristalsis. The main cause of difficult bowel movements is errors in the diet. provoke this pathology may include frequent snacking, abuse of fast food, coffee and carbonated drinks. Starchy and floury foods contain a lot of sugar and fats, which contribute to the process of fermentation and putrefaction in the intestines.

On the background Not proper nutrition V abdominal cavity toxins penetrate through colon, which causes poisoning of the liver and kidneys. Such factors provoke slagging in the body, which in turn leads to the formation of cells that damage the mucous membrane and block the intestinal lumen. When peristalsis is absent, a person suffers from chronic constipation, which can lead to stagnation of blood in the pelvis, the formation of tumors and polyps, hemorrhoids.

In order for the intestines to function properly, proper nutrition should be organized and the diet should include foods that increase peristalsis. They help with this alimentary fiber, contained in vegetables and fruits, fermented milk products, cereals. To strengthen motor skills, you need to perform appropriate physical exercises, consisting of warm-up and morning exercises, walks in the fresh air. Peristalsis is inhibited in older people, which is due to associated pathologies, atrophy of muscle tone, hormonal factors.

It may also be observed increased peristalsis intestines, causing severe irritation of the organ mucosa. It is provoked by certain reflexes in which the nervous system and brain stem. In this situation there is loose stool, provoked by the rapid movement of a bolus of food. Rapid intestinal peristalsis is observed in many gastrointestinal pathologies, oncology and dysbacteriosis. Active fermentation process provokes the formation of excess gases and flatulence, which promote intestinal distension.

Peristalsis can increase nervous soil- due to fear, anxiety or overexertion. This manifestation also occurs against the background undigested food present in the stomach cavity. The diarrhea observed in this case is called gastrogenic diarrhea.

How to improve and strengthen peristalsis

In the treatment of such ailments, it is important A complex approach consisting of taking medications, performing special physical exercise and diet therapy. Excellent results are observed when using folk remedies, namely decoctions, tinctures, mixtures that help strengthen and accelerate intestinal peristalsis.

Doctors prescribe medications that have a stimulating effect. They are necessary in order to increase muscle tone digestive organ, and also strengthen his motor skills. In this case, Vasopressin, Aceclidine, and Proserin are prescribed.

Taking medications without the consent of a doctor is strictly prohibited.

Laxatives, which cleanse the intestines by accelerating contractions, help to enhance peristalsis. Currently, several groups of laxative drugs are produced:

For the entire intestine

Medicines that affect the entire intestine. Basically, these are Glauber's salt and Epsom salt, which are recognized as fast-acting and the most effective in solving this problem. Cleansing of the organ is ensured by increasing osmotic pressure in the intestines, which enhances peristalsis. The effect is observed within the first few hours after use. Helps with acute constipation.


Effects on the large intestine. Such medicines are synthetic and herbal. As for plants, these are senna leaves, buckthorn, licorice, and rhubarb root. Their effect is due to increased intestinal tone, which helps restore the process of defecation. Excellent modern drug Regulax is considered to be composed of elements such as figs, hay, plums, cafiol and paraffin. Synthetic medicines presented the following drugs: Guttalax, Bisacodyl and Phenolphthalein. Release form: rectal suppositories, drops and tablets. Promote intestinal motility, cope with atony and constipation. Such drugs often become addictive, which can lead to allergies and colic.

Small intestine

Influence at small intestine. First of all, this Castor oil. With its help, the process of passing the contents is noticeably easier, it improves motor skills and speeds up the act of defecation. The effect is observed 2-6 hours after application.

In addition to all of the above, the treatment course includes medications to normalize the central nervous system: antidepressants, tranquilizers, and antipsychotics.

Intestinal peristalsis plays important role in the digestive process. To normalize it, many have been developed medicines and diets. If a suspicious clinical picture you need to see a doctor.

Well-functioning intestinal function is the key to good appearance and well-being. It is this organ that absorbs both useful components, so harmful substances, which are formed during digestion or come with food.

But in order for all these substances to be eliminated without hindrance, intestinal motility must be supported in in good condition, and if it has decreased, then the person needs to undergo a comprehensive recovery.

In order to gastrointestinal tract worked normally, a person must eat a balanced diet, the combination of carbohydrates, proteins and fats must be correct. The predominance of any components can lead to prolonged retention of food in the intestines, as well as to the formation of a huge amount of feces in it, due to which the normal functioning of the intestines will be gradually disrupted.

If a person has a tendency to constipation, then we can assume that he has intestinal atony. In this case, his diet should contain many foods that intestinal motility strengthen. These products include salty foods, cold drinks, molasses, honey, salt, sweet foods, vegetables, fruits with peels, buckwheat porridge, Rye bread, curdled milk, kefir, cherries, plums, tomatoes, cabbage, currants.

In order to prevent stagnation in the intestines, it is necessary to reduce the amount of foods that reduce intestinal tone. These products include hot drinks such as coffee, tea, warm water, products containing tannin, as well as astringents, for example, cocoa, red wine.

You also need to stop using enveloping decoctions - barley and rice. It is advisable to stop eating baked goods, white fresh bread, jelly, pies, eggs, meat dishes, full fat milk, butter. If a person consumes these foods, then he needs to drink as much fluid as possible, and eat between meals. fresh fruits and vegetables.

In order to restore normal and strengthen its peristalsis, a person must accustom himself to drink a lot clean water. It does not need to be replaced by any drinks that the gastrointestinal tract perceives as food that undergo the digestive process.

Water alone can easily and quickly penetrate the intestines, promote the absorption of nutrients and prevent constipation. You need to drink at least one and a half liters of cool, clean water per day. You need to drink water in small sips between meals. You should drink most of the water during the first half of the day, and the rest after lunch. Thanks to this, the kidneys will be able to get rid of additional stress.

One of the reasons for low intestinal tone is a lack of minerals and vitamins, especially magnesium. It is this element that is responsible for intestinal motility. Among other things, it regulates nervous system, due to violations of which intestinal atony may occur.

Therefore, in order to eliminate a possible deficiency of magic, a person must eat foods that contain this element every day. Such products include buckwheat, oatmeal, millet, nuts, green vegetables, and seafood. Also, a person needs to drink ready-made combination drugs magnesium and vitamin B6.

Optimal performance digestive tract is collateral wellness, and its violation immediately affects the performance and general condition health. As the practice of gastroenterologists shows, most often modern people suffer from sluggish intestinal motility. This problem can arise for a variety of reasons, but in most cases it is caused by insufficient nutrition and in a sedentary manner life. Let's talk on the www.site about how to normalize intestinal motility, what will help cope with constipation: foods, medications, exercises?

Products that improve intestinal motility

To normalize intestinal motility, you need to include fiber-rich foods in your diet. This feature is typical for plant food and for grains. Fiber is known to stimulate reproduction. beneficial bacteria capable of taking an active part in food processing. Thus, including foods with fiber in the diet stimulates intestinal motility, helps to activate blood flow in the gastrointestinal tract and normalize acidity levels.

Bran is considered the most ideal remedy for improving peristalsis. They quickly provide the desired effect to achieve stable positive effect they should be taken over a couple of weeks, gradually increasing the volume. At first, you should consume a teaspoon of bran three times a day, then the dose should be increased to a tablespoon at a time.

The use of pumpkin also gives an excellent effect. You can cook from it different dishes. Prunes also have remarkable laxative properties. It can be brewed and taken as a decoction, eaten on its own, and added to various dishes.

To activate intestinal activity, it is also recommended to eat oatmeal, raw vegetables (especially beets in combination with white cabbage and celery in the form of salad). Taking flax seed also has a wonderful effect.

Drugs that improve intestinal motility

There are a lot of medications in pharmacies that can stimulate intestinal motility. However, not all of them are safe for health.

So those medicines, which irritate the intestines, belong to the oldest group of laxatives. They often contain plant components (buckthorn, senna, joster fruits, etc.). The most famous medications of this type can be called Guttalax, Senade, Dulcolax, etc. When long-term use Such drugs can be addictive and cause a number of complications. They are suitable for occasional treatment only.

More by safe means are considered osmotic laxatives that retain fluid in the intestines. Such medications liquefy feces and increase their volume, thereby stimulating bowel movements. However, they should not be used for more than three months in a row, otherwise osmotic agents cause disturbances in electrolyte metabolism. The most famous medications of this type are Carlsbad salt, magnesia, as well as polyethylene glycol, sodium sulfate and Fortrans.

An excellent effect is also achieved by the use of prebiotic laxatives, which can reach lower sections digestive tract in undigested form, stimulating the growth of beneficial microflora. Inulin, as well as oligosaccharides and lactulose, have similar properties. The most known medicines This type should be recognized as Duphalac, Prelax, as well as Lactusan, etc. Such medications can be used for a long time.

Also, activation and normalization of intestinal motility comes from the use of bulk laxatives based on indigestible particles: agar-agar, methylcellulose, flaxseeds, seaweed, bran, etc.

Exercises for intestinal motility

Reduced intestinal motility can be corrected by an exercise with retraction - protrusion of the abdomen. Repeat these movements slowly in time with your breathing, without stopping it, 100 times 20 minutes before meals.

Also, the most ordinary gymnastics can become excellent and very effective medicine from constipation. This remarkable result can be achieved using the following complex:

Lie on your back, bend your knees slightly and perform movements with your legs that imitate riding a bicycle. Repeat three dozen times.

Lying on your back, bend your knees and pull them towards your stomach. Then return to the starting position. Do it ten times.

Lie on your back, raise your legs and throw them as far as possible behind your head. Do ten to fifteen times.

Lie on your back, bend your knees. Then spread and bring your knees together. Repeat twenty times.

Kneel down and place your outstretched arms on the floor. In this case, the spine should be parallel to the floor. First lift left leg, bending it at the knee, and then the right one. Do it ten times.

Kneel down and place your palms on the floor. Draw the air in deeply through your mouth, then exhale, bending your lower back down and relaxing your stomach as much as possible. Next, lock in this position for a few seconds. Next, return to the starting position, drawing air through your mouth. Exhale deeply, then inhale and arch your back upward, like a cat. Repeat thirty times.

Straighten up so that your arms are along your body. Commit deep breaths and exhale, drawing in and protruding the stomach. Repeat eight times.

Coping with peristalsis disorders is actually not that difficult. Optimizing your diet and correct treatment in combination with adequate physical activity will help normalize intestinal activity.

There are many ways to enhance intestinal motility. This is perhaps the case when it is better to try before using medications traditional methods treatment. Improving intestinal motility allows you to get rid of constipation and a feeling of fullness in the abdomen, and gain a feeling of lightness.

How to improve intestinal motility?

The variety of methods and drugs that can improve intestinal motility is great, but all of them, first of all, involve adjusting the diet and increasing the amount of water consumed.

To enhance intestinal motility, an integrated approach is required, consisting of proper nutrition, exercise, and in some situations, medications. Positive result can be achieved using folk remedies - various decoctions and mixtures that improve the movement of feces through the intestines.

Drug treatment

To improve intestinal motility, medications are successfully used that enhance the motility of the organ, have a stimulating effect on the smooth muscle fibers of the walls of the gastrointestinal tract and stimulate its emptying.

It is important to understand that regular uncontrolled use of medications can lead to reverse effect– achieving regular bowel movements without using medications will be problematic, so the choice of medications and the regimen for use is prescribed by the doctor.

How to improve intestinal motility with medical supplies? Laxatives will come to the rescue. Under their influence, muscle contractions are activated and feces are excreted. Currently, there are many types of drugs that affect the motility of different parts of the intestine.

Laxatives that improve intestinal motility can be divided into three groups.

Medicines that affect the entire intestine

Sodium sulfate works on this principle ( Glauber's salt) and magnesia (Epsom salt). These substances are the strongest and most effective, but they frequent use threatens the development of intestinal atony and dehydration of the body.

When consuming salts, osmotic pressure increases, which causes a disruption in the mechanisms of absorption of the liquid part of semi-digested food and improves peristalsis. Defecation after taking the drugs occurs 1-2 hours later, which allows you to quickly get rid of the problem.

Drugs that affect the small intestine

The most famous medicine in this group is castor oil (castor oil). It works in the gap duodenum, where under the influence of bile ricinolic acid is formed from active ingredients medicines. The substance leads to irritation of receptors located on the walls of the entire intestine, which causes their contractile activity.

In addition, the oil retains fluid in the intestinal lumen and does not allow electrolytes to be absorbed, which also leads to easier bowel movements. The effect of the product is observed after 4-6 hours and is accompanied by tenesmus.

Medicines that activate colon motility

This group of drugs includes laxatives of both natural and synthetic origin.

Natural products contain extracts medicinal herbs and plants. Rhubarb and licorice root, buckthorn, and senna leaves help to quickly increase intestinal motility and are suitable for treating constipation in adults and children over 3-4 years of age.

The action of such drugs tones the smooth muscles in the large intestine, which stimulates its contraction and leads to bowel movements. This group includes such popular drugs as Regulax, which contains senna, figs, prunes and paraffin, as well as Senadexin, consisting of senna leaf extract and auxiliary components.

Synthetic drugs that enhance intestinal motility are produced in the pharmaceutical industry in the form of suppositories, tablets and solutions (Bisacodyl, Guttalax, Laxigal). Thanks to their action, colon motility is activated, which helps eliminate constipation not only caused by hypotension, but also by surgical interventions.

The negative side of these drugs is that the body becomes addicted, painful urges in the stomach and allergic reactions.

Traditional methods

To improve intestinal motility, it is not always necessary medication assistance. Proven methods traditional treatment will help you get rid of a delicate problem.

Here are simple recipes:

  1. Dried fruits . Take 350 grams of prunes and dried apricots, rinse well and chop. To the resulting gruel, add a package of pharmaceutical senna, 200 grams of liquid honey, two tablespoons of propolis and mix well. Eat 30 grams daily at night before bed, washed down with water.
  2. Buckthorn . Pour 10 grams of tree bark into a container and pour half a liter of boiling water. After the decoction has infused, it should be strained and drunk as tea.
  3. Plantain . The seeds of this plant are good remedy to improve intestinal motility. Before use, grind them in a coffee grinder and eat 3 grams before meals.
  4. Wheat bran . Coarse fibers swell when they enter the intestines, which improves intestinal motility and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract as a whole. Use 2 tablespoons, after mixing with a small amount of liquid in the form of a paste.
  5. Laxative mixture . Mix chopped apples with two tablespoons of honey and oatmeal, add a little lemon juice and sprouted wheat grains. The resulting mixture can be eaten without restrictions during the day.

As can be seen from the listed methods, intestinal motility can be improved not only with the help of medications, but also with traditional methods. If the expected effect is not achieved, consult a doctor for help.


Food plays a leading role in normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, because some of them contribute to increased motility, and this, in turn, improves intestinal motility.

To bring the digestive system back to normal, you need to follow some rules and eat foods that improve intestinal motility:
  • eat every day fresh vegetables or fruits;
  • eat sprouted grains, as well as bran, because they are rich in fiber;
  • when choosing porridge, give preference to buckwheat, pearl barley or barley, reduce the consumption of rice and semolina;
  • if you are prone to constipation, include prunes, figs, fresh plums and grapes in your daily menu;
  • do not limit the amount of liquid you drink, the daily minimum is 2 liters;
  • before going to bed, drink a glass of yogurt or any other fermented milk product;
  • flavor your food with spices and spices, because they stimulate the intestines;
  • limit the amount of sweets and baked goods;
  • Eat vegetables as a side dish for meat to improve its digestion and passage through the gastrointestinal tract;
  • eat often, but in small portions;
  • exclude coffee, strong tea and carbonated drinks;
  • give up fried foods and smoked meats.


Intestinal motility is directly related to physical activity, therefore, daily exercises, like nothing else, can stimulate the intestines to work and improve their emptying.

Before taking medications to improve intestinal motility, try a simple set of exercises:

  1. Lie on your back, place your palms under your buttocks and alternately rotate your legs, as if pedaling a bicycle. Toning the abdominal muscles and increasing blood circulation in the pelvis have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise. Bend both legs at the knees and press them tightly to your stomach, clasping them with your arms. Repeat 10-15 times.
  3. Get on all fours. Alternately straighten your legs at the knees, moving them back, while bending your back.
  4. Perform any exercises that involve the abdominal muscles - this helps remove excess gases and stimulates intestinal contractions.
  5. Do 10-15 squats as the final element of gymnastics.

It is not always possible to resort to medications to improve intestinal motility, in cases acute constipation Traditional methods and vigorous physical activity often help to cope with the problem. In addition, foods that enhance peristalsis will help improve intestinal function.

If after all the measures taken there is no relief, seek help from a doctor so that he can prescribe you a laxative that will eliminate the difficulties.

Useful video about foods that enhance intestinal motility