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Celebrities with big nose women. Models with imperfect appearance: even the sun can cause spots

What do actresses do with big nose? Inferiority complex? How to hide a big nose?

Actresses with big noses. U famous people There are also flaws and shortcomings in appearance, such as, for example, a large nose. Beauty inferiority complex? - Naturally, they do not leave this part of the body in its previous state, but strive to correct it. And rhinoplasty helps them a lot with this. After her intervention, they have “much different” noses. Let's look at them on the faces of the actresses. And we’ll find out - What do actresses with big noses do?

Angelina Jolie. She never liked the nose. But Angelina decided to remake it only on the eve of her very first screen test, “Hackers.” How did she make her nose beautiful? Jolie only reduced the bridge of her nose, so it took plastic surgeons a little time to fulfill the actress’s wishes. They did everything so perfectly that Jolie’s fans are still arguing about whether their favorite actress actually had plastic surgery.

Winona Ryder. I decided to have rhinoplasty before starring in the films “Beckham Stoker’s Dracula” and “Edward Scissorhands.” Her nose, after the operation, looks so natural that few people realize such a “step” by the former “Muse” Johnny Depp.

Sarah Jessica Parker. The very nice lady really didn’t like herself, considering herself completely ugly. That's why she subjected her nose to rhinoplasty techniques. And not just once, but three times. By the way, from plastic surgery Not only her nose, but her entire face was “damaged.”

Joan Rivers. Unfortunately, this actress's nose job did not improve her appearance in any way. On the contrary, plastic surgery “stole” the actress’s attractiveness: her thin nose, frankly speaking, does not go well with her plump lips.

Kathy Griffin. For her, plastic surgery worked a miracle: literally ten years ago, before plastic surgery, she looked quite comical. Remember her crazy perm on her head, her facial features, more reminiscent of a man. Now she is a modest, sweet lady. Sometimes plastic surgeons work incredible miracles.

Jennifer Aniston. The actress assures that she had plastic surgery on her nose on the advice of doctors. The fact is that her dad is Greek, and she inherited the nose.

Pamela Anderson. She loves experimenting with plastic surgery. Claiming (in vain) that her nose was very large, the actress tried plastic surgery on it. She was very pleased with the results of her “heroic” act.

Barbara Streisant. He remembers with horror what a long nose she had it as a child. Now everything is in order with her appearance, and her long nose has “dissolved” in memories.

Keira Knightley. Having concluded that her nose was somewhat larger than an attractive woman should have, she decided to adjust it a little. She succeeded quite well, although the differences are almost invisible.

Yulia Menshova. She suffered greatly from the fact that her nose was large and uneven. She, for a long time, I was ashamed of this. However, when Julia had rhinoplasty, everything improved for her, and she breathed a sigh of relief: her “newly made” nose gave her face attractiveness and undeniable charm.

Lana Flynn Boyle. Her nose was large due to the hump at the top of her nose. Naturally, the actress did not need this hump at all, and she removed it and was not afraid of any rhinoplasty. Now her nose is perfect: the operation was successful. Now she proudly recalls the day when she crossed the threshold of the clinic where they helped change “a part” of herself.

By the way, despite the result, not a single actress has yet regretted what she did. Actresses know for sure: everything can be fixed “all over again.” The main thing is not to overdo it with corrections.

While actresses hid and concealed their noses, scientists proved that a long nose is the “luck” of human health. A group of scientists conducted an unusual experiment. They made two artificial noses, one of which was three times larger than the other. Then they attached them to faces (artificial) and it turned out that the nose that was longer let in much less harmful pollutants (by 6.5%) than the nose whose size was closer to the real one (meaning a small nose) . A large nose also protects a person from all kinds of colds.

P Reading all this, you begin, to some extent, to envy the “white envy” of big-nosed people. And they, of course, don’t even think about how useful their nose is. The “ugly” benefits are somehow not to their taste. Especially for women. After all, these gentle creatures really want every part of them to be a standard of perfection, and a long nose does not fit into these standards.

It's a shame then, when a person’s nose (long) does not bother him at all, he feels comfortable with it, but he has to “part with it” because of his image or because of some medical indications. It was the same with Jennifer Aniston: she never had a complex about her long nose, and didn’t even think that she would have to change it in some way.

P It’s a shame that such a nose, if desired, cannot be hidden with bangs or some kind of hairstyle. It’s a pity that even cosmetics can’t hide it. So people have to resort to the “magic” of plastic surgery, risking their health, nerves and even their own lives.

Rhinoplasty is treacherous, because, for many, it is addictive. Well, for example, the actress purposefully made a correction of some part of the body that did not suit her. Then she realized that this part was not the only one that could benefit from change. And off we go. Of course, they don’t mind the money at all, since it was spent for the sake of beauty, which they will then have to live with, and with which they need to shine with dignity.

If you have a long nose, consider whether you really need to do anything with it. Perhaps it just seemed long to you at the moment. Know and remember that rhinoplasty also “contains” a lot of contraindications. You shouldn't turn a blind eye to them. After all, life is more valuable than a perfect nose, isn’t it? Of course, no one thinks about this right away, sincerely hoping that luck is in their hands and that everything will be fine with them. Believe in the best, not forgetting that anything can happen in life.

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Among all plastic surgeries, rhinoplasty is in first place among the stars. Finding a celebrity whose nose has been worked on by a skilled surgeon is much easier than finding a star with his own real nose. We've collected before and after photos of 15 celebrities who definitely benefited from rhinoplasty.

Many stars have undergone successful plastic surgery, and rhinoplasty is in first place among them. Apparently, it is the nose, too long or too wide, that prevents many girls from feeling beautiful, and celebrities in this sense are no exception.

Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie's appearance was almost perfect, if not for the nose, which seemed too massive to the star... As a result, Angie had rhinoplasty, the operation was successful - the bridge of the nose became much more graceful and thin.

Jennifer Aniston

Jennifer Aniston wasn't happy with her big nose either. At the beginning of her career, Jen decided to undergo rhinoplasty and significantly reduced the size of her nose.

Blake Lively

Blake Lively's nose really ruined her appearance, and at the very beginning creative path the actress solved this problem by making herself a small, graceful nose.

Ksenia Sobchak

Ksenia Sobchak's big nose was once a reason for ridicule from ill-wishers. Ksenia obviously had a complex about this and eventually decided to have rhinoplasty. It is worth noting that the surgeon worked conscientiously - the TV presenter’s new nose is simply in excellent shape.

Ashlee Simpson

Ashlee Simpson in the past had a simply huge nose that did not harmonize with her facial features. Fortunately, a skilled surgeon was found who corrected the star’s nose in such a way that many do not even suspect it.

Kristina Orbakaite

Once upon a time, Kristina Orbakaite had a very long nose, which the singer eventually decided to shorten a little. Please note that the star did not make the usual “pumpkin” - she left the same form a slightly pointed nose, which now looks beautiful and natural.


And Beyonce not only whitened her skin, reminiscent of her African heritage, but also reduced her nose, which, according to Queen B, was too wide.

Scarlett Johansson

In her youth, Scarlett Johansson did not have the most attractive nose, reminiscent of a snout. But rhinoplasty changed everything for the better!

Keti Topuria

Keti Topuria was also not too happy with her large nose. It is worth noting that rhinoplasty transformed the singer - her face became more feminine and sophisticated.

Megan Fox

There is absolutely no room for Megan Fox - the actress has changed absolutely everything about herself, and this is her secret to success. The changes, by the way, also affected the nose - Megan adjusted its tip and made it a little thinner.

Keira Knightley

Keira Knightley also had rhinoplasty, getting rid of a small hump in her nose. It was barely noticeable, but the actress was worried about it and decided to have surgery.

Kim Kardashian

Let us remember that Kim’s pursuit of perfection began precisely with a nose job, which once reminded her of Armenian origin stars. Now Kardashian has the same nose “like everyone else” - well, in vain!

Lady Gaga

Rhinoplasty did not spare Lady Gaga, whose nose also seemed far from perfect to the star. Gaga did not change it radically, but she did reduce it a little.

Gisele Bundchen

Young Gisele Bundchen's career began once with an agent's advice to have her nose corrected. Giselle’s style was not the most sophisticated, so the model listened and did not regret it - who knows, she would have become one of the most beautiful women in a world without this operation?

Eva Mendes

In her youth, Eva Mendes was very sweet and... snub-nosed. The actress corrected this small flaw by adjusting the tip of her nose - now it looks simply chiseled!

Not all actors have an appearance that meets generally accepted standards of beauty, however, this has not stopped them from achieving fame and winning the sympathy of a huge number of fans. We will get acquainted with 20 actors with non-standard appearance further.

Benedict Cumberbatch

Benedict Cumberbatch, Laurence Olivier and Emmy Award winner, Golden Globe and Oscar nominee, like any Englishman, is not without self-irony. "God gave me a strange face - something between an otter's face and something that people find vaguely attractive," he says. "Cumberbatch - sounds like someone passed gas in the bathroom!" - continues the main Sherlock Holmes of our time. A sharp mind, a sense of humor and talent - and not a single rating of the sexiest actors can do without Cumberbatch. And Time magazine generally lists him as one of the hundred most influential people. "Otter face"? Benedict, women and the press you hate so much do not agree with you!

Marty Feldman

Two-time BAFTA Award winner Marty Feldman was not only an outstanding comedian, but also a successful screenwriter and director. He gained fame as the leading man in the 1960s TV series Marty. He also starred in Young Frankenstein, Silent Movie and the Monty Python sketch series How to Annoy People. Feldman's bulging eyes are the result of hyperactivity thyroid gland, and the strange shape of the nose is a consequence of boxing matches in his youth. “Money can’t buy poverty,” Feldman said. Just like talent, we add - it’s banal, but it’s true, and Marty Feldman only confirms this truth.

Eddie Redmayne

The appearance of Eddie Redmayne, an Englishman with an admixture of Irish and Scottish blood, is more likely to be close to the catwalk than to Hollywood standards. Fashion house executives love these androgynous guys. And Eddie is hard to miss with his red hair and freckled skin. No wonder he was the face of Burberry and fashion magazines, interrupting each other, praised Redmayne for his excellent taste in clothes. But we love him, of course, not for this. Are there many such models? But there is only one such actor. Who else could play Stephen Hawking in such a way that Hawking himself would praise him? And to receive three major awards for this at once - an Oscar, a Golden Globe, and a BAFTA?

Vincent Cassel

Vincent Cassel, like everyone else in our ranking, is not very similar to Apollo. More like the satyr Marsyas, who, to his misfortune, won against Apollo in a musical competition, for which he was left without skin. There is something demonic about Kassel. Negative charisma attracts both women who are crazy about the Frenchman, and Hollywood producers who, as Cassel himself puts it, always offer him roles of scum. “But I take revenge on them: I make my scum cooler than their heroes,” Cassel gloats.

Daniel Craig

Now it’s hard to even imagine how much fuss there was when Daniel Craig was cast as James Bond. Bond fans, without restraining themselves, spilled venom on the Internet, criticizing both Craig's acting and, of course, his appearance. He was reproached for his hair color (the first blond agent 007!), his drunken face (well, he looks like a drunk), his resemblance to Vladimir Putin, and even his lack of masculinity! But Craig put his spiteful critics to shame by becoming the highest-grossing and highest-paid James Bond.

Danny Trejo

Danny Trejo, who became widely known thanks to Robert Rodriguez, who directed him in the films From Dusk Till Dawn, Spy Kids and Machete, mainly plays the roles of evil Mexicans and Indians. Mustaches, tattoos, long hair and a gloomy look from under their brows - the villains turn out to be convincing. By Trejo’s own admission, he got into cinema quite by accident - trying to get off drugs. And in childhood and adolescence he engaged in petty crimes. Now Trejo, smiling radiantly, says that with his roles he demonstrates to fragile minds how quickly a crooked path leads criminals to prison or a cemetery.

Adrien Brody

Long-nosed, long-legged, big-armed, with dog-like sad eyes, Adrien Brody, if he were a woman, would probably suffer from vicious sexist jokes. And if he lives in Ancient Rome- it was to him that the poet Catullus would devote his poem “The Village Beauty”. But Brody was lucky to be born in our tolerant age. And as a man, the age is still sexist. Women want to woo him, directors reward him with roles, and Brody, with a sad look, shovels all kinds of awards. His most famous films: “The Pianist”, “The Secret Forest”, “King Kong”.

Michael Berryman

Michael Berryman's extraordinary appearance is a consequence genetic disease- hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia, in which a person may be left without hair, nails and teeth. Big forehead, sunken cheeks and wrinkled skin are also symptoms of this rare disease, which determined Berryman’s creative role. During his long career, he managed to star in almost a hundred films, playing mutants, monsters, monsters and other terrifying characters. Michael Berryman is best known for his roles in the cult film One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and the Star Trek series.

Adriano Celentano

It’s probably enough to say that Adriano Celentano’s most famous film, besides, of course, “The Taming of the Shrew,” was “Bingo Bongo,” in which the Italian actor portrayed the ape man with amazing conviction. This role became one of the most unusual in Celentano's career, since throughout the entire film he does not speak, but growls with inarticulate sounds. The result? The spectators' hearts were shattered. This is animal sexuality - more important than a glossy appearance.

Danny DeVito

The path to Danny DeVito's acting career was winding: he burst into big cinema straight from a hairdressing salon. Catholic father DeVito, who himself worked as a barber, caused a huge scandal for his son when he mentioned that he was going to become an artist. My father (probably rightly) believed that a man 152 cm tall was unlikely to conquer the Hollywood hills. As a result, Danny DeVito trained as a makeup artist, but his acting career overtook him. In the United States, DeVito gained enormous fame playing taxi dispatcher Louis De Palma in the TV series Taxi. For this role he received both an Oscar and a Golden Globe. And worldwide fame came to him after the film “Romancing the Stone,” in which he played a short gangster.

Willem Dafoe

Dafoe admits that he likes to play outsiders with an unusual destiny. And the demonic appearance only helps here. It is perhaps difficult to find a better performer of the roles of sociopaths and outcasts. Willem Dafoe, like no one else, is known for his “villainous” roles: he played a Martian, a strip club owner, a thief in law, an FSB agent, and the Green Goblin, finally! But the most surprising thing is that his roles as non-villains are no less convincing - at least his work in “The Last Temptation of Christ” and “The English Patient” is worth it.

Steve Buscemi

Steve Buscemi looks like he's been beat up by life, not like an actor of the first magnitude. Despite his acting talent, he often plays episodic and supporting roles on wide screens. The eccentric Buscemi is also known for his portrayals of killers, bandits and other criminal characters. For example, he played Mr. Pink in " Reservoir Dogs"Tarantino, the maniac Garland Greene in West's Con Air and the petty crook in the Coen brothers' Fargo.

Christopher Walken

"Morning - best time to watch movies,” says Christopher Walken. We think this is true, especially if we're talking about about films in which Walken portrays Evil, because at night the heart of impressionable people can stop. And Walken can scare you with just one look, he doesn’t need makeup. For this reason, he always gets criminal and mystical roles. “You don’t have to do anything to me to make me look sinister,” admits the actor. And even the “famous before him” hairstyle, which on others would look simply comical, looks creepy on Walken.

John Malkovich

John Malkovich is another actor on our list with a face that could belong to a serial killer or psychopath. It is not surprising that he also often gets the roles of people whom you don’t want to meet in a dark alley. “I am attracted to inhuman characters. People try to find reasons for cruel and sadistic behavior, but I think it's all just a lack of humanity and caring for others. I think I'm good at playing these types of characters because I just don't like them. They are very attractive to the audience, but I hate them. It's quite strange,” says Malkovich.

Jack Black

"Don't underestimate the power of eyebrows!" - Jack Black insists. And indeed, it is difficult to surpass him in the ability to raise an eyebrow correctly. It’s hard not to envy such talent, as well as such thick hair and beard. Eyebrows, beard, hair - most men seem to have all this on their faces, but only Jack Black looks like Chewbacca, who has dyed his hair brunette.

Gerard Depardieu

"Belgium - can it take all the world's cholesterol?" - this inscription appeared next to the image of Gerard Depardieu in the scandalous French magazine Charlie Hebdoe after the actor, dissatisfied with the tax cases brought against him, decided to change his citizenship and moved to Belgium. And you still think that our text is evil? Everyone and everyone made fun of Depardieu’s appearance (especially his eggplant nose). This did not stop the star of Waltzing from acting with the best directors (in total he starred in several hundred films) and dating beauties (Depardieu claims that, in addition to his four official children, he has 20 more illegitimate children from ten mistresses).

Ron Perlman

Ron Perlman, who became famous for his role as the “hero from hell” Hellboy, looks a little apocalyptic himself. It seems that after the nuclear winter, when the radioactive ash cools down a little, such determined men with batons will emerge from the ground and rebuild the world with their powerful hands. From this point of view, it is only natural that Perlman is the voice of the narrator in the Fallout series of post-apocalyptic games.

Rowan Atkinson

Rowan Atkinson has the amazing ability to turn his face into a animated caricature with the snap of a finger. This is probably one of the secrets of the wild popularity of the Mister Bean series. Atkinson's hero sticks out his ears, widens his eyes and moves his nose, like a bloodhound sniffing at a scent. Agree, not every actor can make the audience laugh until they have liver colic with just one movement of their facial muscles.

John Travolta

The star of “Grease” and “Pulp Fiction” John Travolta can hardly be called handsome - his unusual appearance was given to him by his Italian father and Irish mother. Travolta could hardly play airy and sophisticated creatures, such as vampires glowing in the sun. “I’m just not a vampire,” this is how he explained Tarantino’s reluctance to star in the film From Dusk Till Dawn. But he looks great in the role of bandits, corrupt CIA agents, terrorists and brutal dancers from the outskirts.

Benicio Del Toro

His bright Puerto Rican appearance and sad eyes that remain sad even when Benicio del Toro frowns or laughs brought him many roles in crime thrillers and dramas. Movies about drugs, sex and rock 'n' roll may seem corny, but del Toro's dark and moody presence alone takes them to the next level.

TO Beauty is everywhere: eyes, lips, facial features, figure.... But there are problems with the nose: it’s not the right size.

However, famous models are in no hurry to worry about this, since plastic surgery brings life back to their beauty. All large quantity plastic surgery clinics are opening in every city. And not only in big cities, but also in much smaller towns. Surgery (plastic) costs incredible amounts of money. And it is not known whether this is fortunately or unfortunately, since, for sure, most people would actively use the services plastic surgeons, if only this procedure was accessible to the pocket of “every mortal.” And how many extreme sports enthusiasts and “players” would “divorce” from life…. It's scary to even imagine. Yes, no one will imagine it: why “clog” your imagination with something that is not beneficial to think about or know?

Beautiful girls with a big nose. Can noses that are catastrophically unlucky in size have “non-deceptive” attractiveness? This question undoubtedly often flashes through the minds of “unlucky” people with long noses. Although, according to many wise women, attention from the nose can be distracted by other outstanding details of appearance, for example.

Yes, big noses can be beautiful, but most often models try to get rid of such beauty. Now we will tell you about those famous models who were sincerely dissatisfied appearance of his nose, but corrected the situation with rhinoplasty procedures. It’s just not like that, they just had to do it both during it and before it, since there is no clear opinion about whether it is safe or not. Someone hides the truth in order to make a profit, someone believes in “miracles” and does not want to be disappointed in them... Envious people, of course, advise taking a risky step in order not to lose even a drop of beauty.

But the nose does not ask whether it is ready for such tests, and whether it really needs it. Or maybe he’s doing well anyway? Maybe he is proud of his individual and unique parameters? If noses could talk, they would take revenge on us verbally and express in detail everything that they think about us.

Famous models with a big nose (photo).

It's hard to be a model. And even heavier - famous models. It is necessary to meet absolutely all the standards and parameters of Her Majesty Beauty. Oh, how difficult it is. Maybe celebrities wouldn’t be interested in any kind of plastic surgery, but where would they be without it if they need to be perfect? It’s not for nothing that models are called “puppets of social life”: walk right, stand right, eat right…. And then there are these “plastic things”.

Gisele Caroline Bundchen, who is considered one of the princesses of the modeling business. She is not only a stunning beauty, but also a pleasant, interesting conversationalist. This is how friends and acquaintances speak about her. And also those who had a chance to talk with her. She remembered about rhinoplasty when she decided to change, at least a little, her nose, since for a very long time it seemed really big to her.

Halle Berry(actress and model) changed her nose, as it visually spoiled her facial features (as she believes). Her nose seemed somehow big, and this did not suit her in any way.

Linda Evangelista– one of the most beautiful people in the world. She had rhinoplasty not only because she was unhappy with her nose, but also because she wanted to become even more beautiful. Linda's dream came true: the new nose “gave” a non-standard charm to her image.

Alyssia Duvall, a former English model, also, at one time, was not distinguished by her “nasal” attractiveness. So she thought it would be great to “ask for help” from a rhinoplasty surgeon. Rhinoplasty did its job, but everything did not go as well as expected and desired. However, Alissia is unlikely to agree to another rhinoplasty.

But, for example, Kim Bassinger, who, as you know, was a fashion model, decided to “play” with rhinoplasty to see if this procedure could work real miracles. Her nose was not huge; it was only slightly noticeable that its size was larger than average. But women's curiosity has no limits. This woman's curiosity won, with a score of one to zero. And plastic surgeons, in turn, had to work hard.

If purely because of filming you need to “hide” big size your nose, then you can safely turn to the camera and shoot the model from the front or “head-on”. Then the nose will not be conspicuous.

I hawk nose Whoopi Golberg, of course, did not disfigure her, but she had to change it literally beyond recognition, at the request of plastic surgeons and stylists who saw her “new” with a changed nose.

In one of his interviews, Whoopi Golberg frankly admitted that in her distant childhood, she was teased in every possible way because of her nose, they came up with more and more new nicknames and nicknames for her, and laughed at her. She was very offended, she was in great pain. Over the years, she got used to the reaction of her classmates to her nose and stopped being upset about it, since, despite the size of her nose, she had a lot of fans. Naturally, this fact gave her self-confidence, and she stopped feeling somehow flawed. Men noticed the person in her, her spiritual qualities, the beauty of the rest of her body, and this, so to speak, “compensated for Whoopi’s “long nose.” By the way, she did not deliberately play the role of someone in order to lure a man, “forcing” him not to look at her nose. This woman herself radiated tons of charm. Well, what man can resist her?

The celebrity recalls a very comical incident when she tried to make her nose smaller using a cream that removes and smoothes out wrinkles on her face. Yes, whatever you can come up with in order to achieve the desired goal. Experiments with creams and ointments are much safer than any elements of rhinoplasty.

Did you also “get it” for the same reason? Remember your school days with a smile, no matter what. Your nose is one of a kind. There is no other like it. Any nose “knows how” to be beautiful, if you look after it properly. He doesn't like acne, pimples and dryness. Save your nose from such troubles, and it will not remain in debt. Love your nose the way it was given to you from birth.

Many owners of a nose with a hump are embarrassed by their peculiarity. They consider this a flaw that can ruin a pretty face. However, the girl does not need to be shy and rush to improve her appearance with the help of plastic surgery. A small hump looks cute and emphasizes a woman’s individuality. She is considered aristocratic and sophisticated. In addition, its owners can boast of an excellent character.

What does a woman's nose with a hump mean?

A beautiful nose with a small hump indicates certain character traits. He talks about the resilience of a woman’s character, her courage and rationality. Representatives of the fairer sex with this feature never spend money on useless things and manage their finances well.

Such girls have an ambitious character. They strive to build a brilliant career and always achieve their goals. At the same time, they try to pay a lot of attention to loved ones, raise their children with pleasure and value marriage.

A hump on the nose, meaning that its owners are truly wise and strong, can easily be turned into a virtue. The main thing is to choose the right image.

As anthropology says, among the inhabitants of the mountains there are a lot of people with a hump nose, incl. and women. A beard helps men hide the imperfections of such a nose.

What hairstyle is suitable for those with a hump nose?

Not everyone likes a nose with a very large hump, so some ladies want to hide it with a hairstyle. It should be borne in mind that not all haircuts are suitable for owners of this nose shape. It’s worth saying right away that all short haircuts are considered a bad option, since they are not able to distract attention from an expressive profile. That is why the hair length should be at least shoulder length.

A hairstyle such as collected strands in a ponytail or bun will not work either. The same can be said about bangs.

What then is suitable for the owner of a nose with a hump? A good option will be a “cascade” haircut (as in the photo) for medium or long hair. Due to the fact that the strands have different lengths, the hairstyle will gain additional volume, hiding an undesirable feature. Cascade is the most suitable option, as it will additionally emphasize the beauty of the eyes and lips.

Girls can safely make curls for long hair, not forgetting to add volume to their hairstyle. This styling will help you avoid surgery to change your appearance, as it will hide the flaw well. The face will look more elegant and pretty.

Photos of celebrities with a hump on the nose: successful images

Any actor, actress or singer does not consider a hump to be a flaw, so they are in no hurry to correct it. They present this as their feature, which makes them unique, a kind of dominant feature. Famous actresses and singers know for sure that even a long nose can seem pretty and look harmonious in an image and will definitely not spoil a person’s appearance.

The outrageous singer Lady Gaga can boast of a similar facial feature. She has a rather large nose with a noticeable unevenness and is not at all shy about it.

The famous beauty, actress Sophia Loren has the same feature, which in her youth made her appearance interesting and exotic. The hump looked harmonious thanks to wide cheekbones.

Jennifer Aniston may not have a perfect face, but that doesn't stop her from being sweet and charming.

Penelope Cruz has a bright and beautiful appearance. A Roman straight nose does not make a celebrity worse, as it is not even noticed thanks to big eyes and the expressive lips of the beauty.

Some models also have a similar feature. For example, Irina Shayk. She is considered one of the most beautiful girls and she likes everything about herself.

That is why women with a hump on the nose should not experience complexes about this. All you have to do is pick correct image to look great!