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Which Russian actress smokes? Famous smokers: from Vincent Van Gogh to Barack Obama (photo shoot)

10. Kate Winslet

The Titanic star smokes so much and so openly that she once won the Most Smoker-Friendly Celebrity award from a British "right to enjoy tobacco" organization. True, Winslet also emphasizes that she has never touched other drugs and that nicotine is her only dangerous addiction.

9. Uma Thurman

Uma Thurman posed with a cigarette for the Pulp Fiction poster, and it was not a special fake cigarette for those who only pretend to smoke. Thurman has been smoking a lot for a long time, and her attempts to quit smoking have not brought long-term success. At the same time, according to the actress, smoking has always been a problem for her, since she did not have enough breath for fitness, and she did not get the desired roles, since she looked worse than her competitors. Thurman quit smoking while preparing for Kill Bill, but then everything went as before.

8. Kate Hudson

Like many stars whose careers aren't going as well as they would like, Hudson makes up for the lack of royalties with money from companies that sell a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, her representatives insist that the actress does not smoke. However, there are enough photographs of Hudson with a cigarette to believe that such statements are empty PR. They say that the actress started smoking a lot when she was dating the famous baseball player Alex Rodriguez. By the way, her mother Goldie Hawn is also a heavy smoker.

7. Milla Jovovich

The star of the “Resident Evil” series does not remember her last school years well, since they passed for her in the smoke of “weed.” Regular cigarettes However, Jovovich also smoked then. Over the years, she simply didn’t have enough time for marijuana, but her addiction to cigarettes remained. Many of Jovovich's early interviews noted that the actress spoke with journalists in cigarette smoke, and over the years it has changed little in this regard. The actress quit smoking when she gave birth in 2007, but then again began to admit in interviews that smoking was her only sin against the rules of a healthy life.

6. Jessica Alba

Ideal appearance has always been the main asset of this Hollywood star, but Jessica Alba doesn't keep her shape the best in a healthy way. She's been struggling all her life overweight, and at a certain point she discovered that cigarettes were the best way to suppress her appetite. They say that Alba began to lose weight when she became a mother for the second time in 2011 and tried to lose the weight she had gained during pregnancy as quickly as possible.

5. Kate Beckinsale

Unlike her heroine from the “Underworld” series, Kate Beckinsale is not immortal, and cancer for her is real threat. Despite this, the British beauty has been smoking since she was 16, and she only managed to quit temporarily once. This was in the early 2000s, shortly after the birth of my daughter. According to the actress, she does not drink, but allows herself to smoke because she becomes unbearable in communication without regular doses of nicotine. And for second magnitude stars social connections extremely important.

4. Gwyneth Paltrow

In Russia they don’t really know about this, but in America the star of “Shakespeare in Love” and “Iron Man” has a lot of haters. This is due to the fact that Paltrow actively promotes a healthy lifestyle and self-care, available only to wealthy people. Her aggressive perfection is both impressive and annoying. However, the star admits that she is not entirely flawless. She doesn't smoke every day, but she can't live unless she smokes at least one cigarette a week. As a rule, Paltrow allows herself to smoke on a Saturday night.

3. Mila Kunis

Mila Kunis recently announced that she has quit smoking. However, this is one of those legends that is difficult to believe. After all, previously the heroine of “Sex for Friendship” smoked a lot, for a long time and with gusto. By her own admission, constant smoking was important part Kunis's diet while preparing for her role as a ballerina in Black Swan. At the beginning of her career, the actress hid from fans that she smoked, but she was caught doing it so often that it became pointless to deny the obvious.

2. Kristen Stewart

A famous joke says that quitting smoking is very easy - so easy that people do it many times. The Twilight star appears to be getting ready to illustrate the joke. In 2012, she said in a television interview that she quit smoking and that it was very easy for her to do so because she did not feel cravings for nicotine. Now, however, Stewart not only appears in public puffing on a cigarette, but is also photographed smoking in glamorous photo shoots.

1. Keira Knightley

Before becoming famous throughout the world as Elizabeth Swann in the Pirates of the Caribbean series, Keira Knightley was remembered by British audiences in the popular sports film Bend It Like Beckham. In real life, however, the star of Anna Karenina and Phantom Beauty is not as athletic as her earlier heroine. She is regularly photographed with cigarettes and even cigars, both on the set and in everyday life.

We are used to seeing stars in designer clothes and makeup, hearing about their trips to the most expensive resorts and luxurious parties. But in the life of a celebrity - ordinary people with your own shortcomings and bad habits. There are eight in front of you famous people Russia, who smoke and do not hide it.

Alla Pugacheva

Alla Borisovna smoked a lot for a long time- 52 years old, but a couple of years ago she announced that she got rid of bad habit. The media have more than once suspected the diva of deception, but the official information remains the same: the woman who sings no longer smokes. Many people associate giving up cigarettes with the appearance of children Harry and Elizaveta in the family of Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin.

Valeria Gai Germanika

Guy Germanika is a director of very provocative films, the characters of which drink a lot and smoke (and not just cigarettes). Yes, she herself does not hide her preferences, and once Valeria was even fined for smoking in one of the hotel rooms in St. Petersburg.

Nikolay Rastorguev

Soloist of the Immortal Russian group“Lube” has been smoking for many years. Of course, doctors advise the singer to quit smoking, because his health has failed him more than once, but Nikolai Rastorguev is not ready to deny himself this weakness.

Anna Samokhina

The actress of numerous films and TV series, whose life was taken by stomach cancer, tried to get rid of addiction, but I couldn’t. According to Samokhina’s relatives, she smoked a lot and drank black coffee until the day of her death. Doctors argued that this could have been caused by nicotine addiction and love for coffee.

Mikhail Boyarsky

Mikhail Boyarsky not only does not try to quit smoking, but also defends the rights of smokers in Russia in the most in an active way— he heads the all-Russian movement for the rights of smokers. He himself once said in an interview that he doesn’t even hope to give up cigarettes altogether, but expects to reduce his daily dose of nicotine.

Lera Kudryavtseva

The TV presenter smokes more than a pack of cigarettes every day, and Kudryavtseva’s addiction can be guessed by her recognizable hoarse voice. She admitted that she wanted to quit smoking, but she simply couldn’t do it. Lera is now pregnant, and perhaps this very circumstance will help her cope with her addiction.

Dmitry Dibrov

The TV star also tried to quit smoking, for which he purchased an electronic cigarette. However, it quickly broke down (according to Dmitry, faster than he could figure it out), and the presenter returned to his habit.

Vlad Lisovets

The top Russian stylist and TV presenter also smokes cigarettes - paparazzi often catch him doing this. Fans even like Lisovets’ bad habit, and psychologists, based on Vlad’s manner of holding a cigarette, identify him as a creative person.

Based on materials from 24smi.org

Photo: inforesist.org, limon.postimees.ee, feme.ua, fishki.net, ntv.ru, crime-xxlive.livejournal.com, bublik.delfi.ee, uznayvse.ru, spletnik-ru.blogspot.ru.

We all have small sins for which we are ashamed. Some people can't resist a piece delicious cake, the other is secretly biting his nails. And that's completely normal! remember, that ideal people does not exist. But if there is nothing so bad about these small habits, then smoking can already have a serious impact on your health. We'll tell you which one Russian celebrities can't quit the bad habit.

Irina Apeksimova

“I smoke a lot - from a pack to two, depending on my work schedule. Cigarettes help me cope with stress and recover. Yes, I fully understand and feel the harm they cause me. But they have already become a part of my life. In general, I never pretended to be good girl and I didn’t think about the fact that I would ever leave them.”

Yana Churikova

The actress smokes not just cigarettes, but real Cuban cigars!

Elena Yakovleva

“There used to be a pack, or even two. I always smoked strong cigarettes. After suffering an ulcer, I try to limit myself: I smoke only “female” cigarettes and in smaller quantities. I constantly reassure myself, telling myself that I began to feel much better after switching to light “sticks”. But deep down I know that I’m lying to myself. And I hope that someday I will find the strength to cope with this “infection”, but for now I cannot imagine my life without them.”

Chulpan Khamatova

“I understand what example I set for my daughters, but this habit has become firmly entrenched in my life. It seems to me that after another “smoke” break, my head begins to work better. Perhaps someday I will be able to get rid of this addiction,” says the actress.

Alena Babenko

“I open the press and see - “Alena Babenko was caught with a cigarette again.” In fact, I haven’t smoked for a month now! And six months later I see a different kind of headline: “Alena Babenko quit smoking.” I look at the table, and there I have a pack of cigarettes. So it goes. But I still need to quit smoking,” says the actress.

Volochkova smokes like a woman, and Pugacheva like a temptress

Despite all the calls for healthy image life, domestic celebrities are in no hurry to part with cigarettes. For some, a bad habit has long become a physical need: the body, exhausted by stress and a nocturnal lifestyle, constantly requires its share of nicotine. For others, smoking is more of a social ritual, necessary for communication. You approach a friend, light a cigarette with him, exchange a couple of phrases - and, lo and behold, a joint project has already emerged. Psychologists say: by the way a person holds a cigarette, lights a cigarette, blows smoke and communicates while smoking, you can learn a lot of interesting things about him.

There are plenty of smokers among the stars: movie actors, singers smoke (although it would seem they should take care of their voices), and politicians... Those who smoke constantly and with pleasure are the majority, and the lion's share of star smokers periodically make a vow to themselves, which is a must will quit. But, as a rule, it does not fulfill it.
“If I had a chance to start all over again and change something in my life, I would get rid of bad habits,” admits TV presenter Valdis Pelsh. “If I could start all over again, I would never smoke.” Even try!

Those who try to quit and firmly move towards the intended goal are only a few. Behind the scenes of social events we come across everything more stars, pleading e-Sigs, and one of them is Alexey Chumakov. According to the singer, he still wants to smoke with these plastic pipes, but he intends to hold out until the end and quit. But Grigory Leps chose a different path. The artist cannot yet completely give up tobacco, but he has switched to thin women's cigarettes: it seems to him that they are lighter and less harmful. Although doctors warn that the nicotine content in them is no less, manufacturers add food flavorings to the so-called “ladies’” cigarettes. These flavoring additives are legal for consumption, but this does not mean that they can be inhaled. No one even spent clinical trials to find out how such substances act on the body when inhaled.
Mostly celebrities prefer cigarettes, although some sybarites do not deny themselves the pleasure of smoking a cigar or two. The most passionate celebrity fan of rolled tobacco leaves is Igor Matvienko: at parties, the producer does not part with a cigar. Less aesthetic celebrities like to indulge in hookah - among them Anastasia Volochkova and Vyacheslav Manucharov.

Smoke up - the leader is in front of you

According to psychologists, the first touches psychological portrait A smoker can be identified by the way he releases smoke. Let’s take, for example, Volochkova with her favorite hookah: Nastya shoots the stream upward so dashingly, like a steam locomotive, that it’s simply delightful! A powerful stream of smoke directed upward with the head thrown back indicates that the smoker is a clear leader, a person accustomed to dominate always and everywhere, under any circumstances. This is a person with strong character, not used to being rejected under any circumstances. Most likely, this is an inveterate egoist, accustomed to perceiving all current events through the prism of his big “I”.

Such people usually have problems with a sense of humor - they simply do not understand it, especially subtle or veiled humor. Although, in relation to Anastasia, this point can be discarded: just remember how the ballerina announced a “photoshop” competition for her famous “naked” pictures from the Maldives and even awarded the winner. But you shouldn’t forget that Nastya is used to sweeping away all obstacles in her path and defeating her rivals...
If the smoker’s smoke goes down, it means that he is now suppressed by something. When such a manner becomes common, this is a signal: most likely, this person belongs to the category of unsociable and indecisive people. He feels comfortable only in the company of one person - himself.

“Ivanushka” Grigoriev-Appolonov smokes like a tough guy, and Lisovets smokes like a subtle person

The farther a lit cigarette is from the palm, the more delicate and sensitive the person holding it is, the more he has all the signs of a creative nature, guided by feelings and emotions rather than by reason and logic. Such a person perceives everyone around him, rather, externally, focusing on the very first impression. And since such people’s intuition is very well developed, the first impression is rarely deceptive. Look at Vlad Lisovets: a cigarette in the very tips of his fingers, a thoughtful look - before us is a subtle creative personality.

Those who hold a cigarette approximately in the middle of their fingers, at the level of the second phalanx, are natures who stand firmly on their feet, adhere to the arguments of reason and know how to take advantage.
Brutal guys in films often smoke, holding a cigarette between their index and thumb, as if hiding it in the palm of your hand from the wind. But in life, many have adopted this gesture - for example, Valdis Pelsh and “Ivanushka” Andrei Grigoriev-Appolonov do this. According to psychologists, such a smoker knows well what he wants from this life and knows how to protect his interests. True, this defense is not like the pressure of a leader, a person accustomed to commanding others, that sweeps away everything in its path. It's about, rather, about stubbornness and obstinacy, when a person, with enviable tenacity, moves forward in small steps, day after day, towards his cherished goal.

Man holding a cigarette between middle and index finger and with each puff, the person who brings his entire palm to his mouth is most likely an introvert. And not just an introvert, but a person who is afraid of any strong feelings and emotions. He can demonstrate coldness, detachment and even cynicism with all his behavior as much as he wants, but a characteristic gesture when smoking will give him away. Such a person prefers to keep everyone at a distance, without getting particularly close to anyone - not because he is selfish, but because he is simply afraid of getting burned. For some reason, of all the male stars, this style of smoking is most characteristic of Marat Basharov. What would that mean?

Most of the fair sex, when smoking, hold the cigarette high, pointing it upward - like Irina Khakamada, while men prefer to lower their hand below chest level. For ladies, such a gesture is an involuntary manner of demonstrating beautiful hands and his head thrown back invitingly.

A woman who slowly shakes off the ashes with her index finger and at the same time looks at her hand is likely to turn out to be a real temptress. Well, if a lady seems to be “wiping” a cigarette on an ashtray, you are faced with a strong personality - beware, she always gets what she wants! And here are the ladies, smoking cigars(for example, TV presenter Yana Churikova never refuses them) - eccentric people who love to try everything new and are not afraid to insist on their own, even if others don’t like it.

How could a cigarette defeat strong creative personalities? Why these famous people couldn't quit smoking?

Ilya Olenynikov, 64 years old

Most recently, on November 11, 2012, the famous actor, one of the creators of the “Town” program, Ilya Oleinikov, passed away at the age of 65. The actor died of pneumonia, and the real reason death, according to the attending doctors, was smoking. Ilya Oleynikov smoked a lot, as a result of which he had diseased lungs and heart problems. Shortly before his death, he underwent chemotherapy. Doctors informed him of the fatal diagnosis back in June and categorically forbade him to smoke. But the actor could not and, despite the prohibitions, smoked until the last day.

Oleg Yankovsky, 65 years old

People's Artist of the USSR, laureate of the USSR State Prize, etc., an extraordinary artist and heavy smoker Oleg Yankovsky died of pancreatic cancer on May 20, 2009. He was 65. He smoked mainly cigars and a pipe, which he became addicted to last years before death. To the correspondent’s question “cigars?”, he answered: “What is produced in our country under the guise of cigarettes, even imported ones, is painfully harmful to health. - Or maybe not smoke at all? - This is - sorry, it won’t work out yet. I can't quit. I like the process.
Andrey Mironov, 46 years old

Andrei Mironov was only 46 years old when a stroke struck him right on stage. Throughout his life, starting from the Shchukin School, Mironov never parted with a cigarette, especially when there was a lot of work. There were moments in his life when he tried, but then everything repeated itself. As is known, smoking has bad influence not only on the lungs, but also on the cardiovascular system.

Alexander Abdulov, 54 years old

Everyone’s favorite actor, People’s Artist of Russia Alexander Abdulov said before his death: “Four months of pain. I'm just tired…". And in one of the last interviews, when Abdulov did not yet know about his diagnosis, when asked by a correspondent about his bad habit - smoking, the actor said: - I need to quit smoking, but I can’t. I can't help myself. The body repeats: give me, give me nicotine...” And even when he was already being treated in an Israeli clinic, Abdulov continued. At the age of 55, actor and director Alexander Abdulov died of lung cancer. Both Russian and Israeli doctors came to the consensus that the disease arose due to the actor’s addiction to tobacco. If it weren’t for the passion for cigarettes, how many wonderful roles could have been played, continued to delight my audience and raise my little daughter.

Anna Samokhina, 47 years old

One of the most beautiful and charming actresses, Anna Samokhina, passed away at the age of 47, in the prime of her creative powers and capabilities. The cause of death was the actress’s passion for tobacco, which resulted in stomach cancer and a sad outcome. According to the actress's relatives and friends, she could not live without coffee and cigarettes. Even after Samokhina’s death, on her grave at the Smolensk cemetery, you can see cigarettes left by the many devoted fans of this wonderful actress and beautiful woman.

Pavel Luspekayev, 42 years old

I consider the film “White Sun of the Desert” to be one of the best films of the 20th century. And the most memorable and colorful figure in the film was undoubtedly the wonderful actor Pavel Luspekayev, who created a vivid and memorable image of customs officer Vereshchagin. And when people watched this film and admired the actor’s performance, no one could have imagined that during filming Luspekayev experienced terrible pain, had difficulty moving on his feet with partially amputated feet, and was often forced to rest on a folding chair that he carried with him on the set . He had a disease typical of smokers - critical ischemia lower limbs. The actor smoked a lot, and even when the disease began to bring him unbearable suffering, he still continued to smoke. After filming the film, very little time passed, the disease defeated the actor. : the actor died of gangrene caused by smoking and subsequent blockage of blood vessels in the legs. Unfortunately, “Lady Fortune” turned her back on everyone’s favorite actor.

Evgeny Evstigneev, 65 years old

At the age of 65, People's Artist of the USSR Evgeny Evstigneev, an avid artist, passed away. In the last years of his life he experienced serious heart problems. He was supposed to have surgery in London. After the examination, doctors announced possible adverse consequences of the operation, because 90% of the heart vessels are clogged. The operation took place, the result is known... The actor smoked a lot long time and undoubtedly it became main reason death of the famous actor. A very young man who had gotten married shortly before his death passed away.

Rolan Bykov, 68 years old

The idol of children and teenagers, People's Artist of the USSR Rolan Bykov died of lung cancer. All his life he fed his body huge doses of nicotine. At the same time he headed the International Foundation for the Development of Cinema and Television for Children and Youth, educated, taught and entertained children on TV, led a directors’ workshop, and acted a lot. He had big plans, but he already understood that he would not have time to do everything, and before his death he told his wife Elena Sanaeva about this: “You will have to finish what I did not have time to do.”

Grigory Gorin, 60 years old

The famous satirist writer, playwright (“That same Munchausen”, “Say a word for the poor hussar”, “Formula of love”, ...) always had a pipe in his mouth. Died of a heart attack.

Mikael Tariverdiev, 64 years old

A wonderful composer, genius Mikael Tariverdiev (his music for famous films: “The Irony of Fate, or C light steam", "Seventeen Moments of Spring"), author of several ballets and operas, author of romances and instrumental music. All his life he never parted with a cigarette, and even when his blood pressure rose, he used a cigarette as a pill. Tariverdiev was strong man, was engaged in water skiing, was a candidate for windsurfing master, but even outwardly healthy body couldn't cope with . Tariverdiev died of heart failure and vascular blockage caused by many years of smoking.

Mikhail Kononov, 67 years old

Nestor Petrovich (Big Change), “Chief of Chukotka”, People’s Artist of Russia Mikhail Kononov died on July 16, 2007. Famous actor He smoked a lot and his body could not withstand the attack of tobacco; he died of heart failure.

Muslim Magomaev, 66 years old

A brilliant opera and pop singer, there was practically no one more popular than him in the Soviet Union. Throughout his life he never parted with a cigarette. Died from heart circulatory disorders on October 25, 2008. In one of his interviews, before his death, he said: “If there was a second life, the only thing I would change is that I would not smoke.”

Oleg Efremov, 72 years old

The people's favorite, the greatest Russian actor and theater director Oleg Efremov was heavy smoker. I tried several times, but could not cope with my bad habit. In the last months of his life, tobacco completely overwhelmed the actor; he could barely move, during rehearsals he sat with a device that ventilated his lungs, and at that time there was a cigarette in his hand, as always. As a result, death occurred from lung cancer.

Nikolay Rybnikov, 59 years old

One of the most popular actors, the idol of the sixties, Nikolai Rybnikov. smoked since early childhood. On the screen constantly with a lit cigarette in his teeth. When he turned fifty, doctors discovered that the actor had serious illness lungs and told him that one lung would probably have to be removed. After such a statement, the actor immediately began to monitor his health. Then he said: “Why didn’t I do this before?” Nicotine does not kill immediately, it gradually accumulates in the body and a moment comes when it is too late to do anything. The actor died of a heart attack.

Smoking celebrities who are no longer with us(list continued)

- Dmitry Shostakovich, 68 years old.

Pianist, composer, public figure. He himself admitted that he smokes a lot, especially during the creative process. Died of left lung cancer.

- Georgy Tovstonogov, 73 years old.

Famous director. He smoked constantly and a lot; later he began to use a cigarette holder, thinking that this would protect him from harmful tobacco substances. As a result, death from cancer.

- Anatoly Solonitsyn, 47 years old.

He was Tarkovsky’s favorite actor, played in the films Solaris, Stalker, Andrei Rublev. I smoked a lot, two a day. Death was due to lung cancer.

- Levon Kocharyan, 39 years old.

Vysotsky’s friend Levon Kocheryan, who died at the age of 40, directed the film “One Chance in a Thousand.” All the celebrities of that time gathered at his famous apartment on Bolshoy Karetny. I couldn't give up my bad habit. Died of skin cancer.

- Ilya Kormiltsev, 47 years old

Poet, songwriter of the Nautilus Pompilius group. Smoker, death from spinal cancer.

- Mikhail Kozakov, 76 years old.

Russian actor and director Mikhail Kozakov. Died of lung cancer in an Israeli hospice. His friend, actor Alexander Pashutin recalled: “I didn’t know about his illness, but I was always horrified by how much he smoked!”

- Joseph Brodsky, 55 years old.

Great Russian poet of the twentieth century. He said about his habit: “...Although, you can live. What’s crap/ – a demon is pushing me to smoke./ I don’t know who Goncharova is,/ but the cigarette is my Dantes./ (Winter, especially in the landscape)./ It will kill me. But I’ll smoke it. She/ from above, it is said, has been given to us/ - a substitute for happiness: habit,/ a bridle for obstinate inventions,/ an accessible star of nights,/ a plug for thoughtless minutes./ Ashes do not need a wall:/ put an ashtray for me!”

- Sergey Dovlatov, 49 years old.

Russian writer, close friend of Brodsky. Also a big fan of tobacco. Death occurred from heart failure.

People's Artist of the USSR, heavy smoker. He died of a tumor in his throat.

People's Artist of the Georgian SSR. Ostap Bender played brilliantly. Died of lung cancer.

- Lev Yashin, 60 years old.

Legendary Dynamo goalkeeper, Olympic champion, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR. I started smoking while still an active athlete. As a “star” he was allowed. And after finishing his sports career, he became a heavy smoker. At the age of 55, his leg was amputated due to vascular disease of the lower extremities caused by smoking. But even after that he did not quit smoking. Died of lung cancer.

- Ivan Tregubov, 61 years old.

Famous hockey player. After leaving hockey, he also became a heavy smoker. Death was due to lung cancer.

- Eduard Streltsov, 53 years old.

Football star, "forward of all times." The Torpedo stadium in Moscow bears his name, in front of the entrance there is a monument to Streltsov. Cause of death: lung cancer due to smoking.

I don’t want to do that, but the question begs itself: Who will be the next victim of tobacco? How many more famous and great lovers will there be who have not realized the harm of their addiction.

This article is not just about which of the smoking celebrities passed away, this article is about the fact that this is not an invention of doctors, that a cigarette is the real reason many deadly diseases, which can be avoided in only one way -.

When these people passed away, all means broadcast about it mass media, they talked about it on television, they made films about them. I understand that after death people don’t speak badly of people. But you can ask a question with a big question mark: WHY did no one in these news, notes and essays focus on the causes of death (not diagnosis), on smoking, because many take examples from famous and public people, and disclosing such causes would have great effect, it would be a call - “PEOPLE DON’T SMOKE.”

Article "Smoking Celebrities"- This is a memorial plaque to victims of smoking.

Health and good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog “A World Without Nicotine”