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Stars with big noses. “Akhmatovsky” profile: nose with a hump – is correction necessary?

It turns out that many people have complexes because of the shape of their nose. Some people think it is too long, others think it is wide or crooked. Sometimes things go so far that a person’s personal life does not work out, since he becomes isolated in the shortcomings of his appearance. This happens especially often in women; in such cases, they sometimes resort to plastic surgery. However, there is no need to rush. Below we will tell you what it means for a girl to have a hooked nose and whether this can affect her character.

Nationality is a determining factor

Everyone knows that you can determine the origin of a person only by looking at him. It's not difficult to do this external signs. Facial features, skin color, eye shape and hair structure indicate nationality. In addition, the shape of the nose can tell a lot. For example, Africans have wide nostrils, while Tatars have a neat, narrow nose.

A hump or slight elevation is also characteristic of certain nationalities. It can be:

  1. Azerbaijanis;
  2. Armenians;
  3. Abkhazians;
  4. Ossetians;
  5. Jews;
  6. Arabs.

There are many known ethnic groups with hooked noses. In our country these are mainly residents of the Caucasus, in Europe - Serbs, Croats or Hungarians.

The above suggests that if a person has this “zest”, he is a representative of a certain nationality. You may not know your roots, but you can't argue with genetics. Scientists have long proven that heredity plays a role here, if not injury, of course. And even among Russians there are many such people. From where, it would seem? It’s simple, as they say, “scratch a Russian and you’ll find a Tatar.”

What does a hump nose mean?

It is believed that the shapes of certain parts of the body speak about the essence of a person. You can look at him and tell who is in front of you. The nose is no exception.

If you want to learn how to determine a person’s character based on external data or you yourself are the bearer of a piquant “mound,” pay attention to where it is located and what shape it is. They can be pronounced, sloping, high and low.

It also matters whether you are a man or a woman. Now we'll talk about girls. So if this:

  • A small hump that resembles the beak of a parrot - its owner is a creative person. She will achieve success only by getting into her channel. The family will always be in the background; if it appears, it will be too late;
  • The owner of a sloping mound, small in size, is a person subject to the influence of others. It all depends on who will raise this girl and with whom she will go next. She is not characterized by sentimentality, but best friend one for life;
  • A long nose with a hump - in front of you big child. She will remain vulnerable until old age, strongly attached to loved ones.

Of course, it is clear that everything is relative and these characteristics cannot be applied to everyone. But the fact that a person's character and his facial features are connected- has been known for a long time. U strong in spirit Even in powerful people they are pronounced and pointed, while in kind and gentle people they are smooth.

How to get rid of a deficiency?

If you don't like your profile, you can make it more attractive. And it is not necessary to resort to the help of surgeons. First, try to cope on your own. Massage and makeup will help you:

  • You just have to use the appropriate puda tones. Apply lighter colors to the wings, and cover everything above with darker ones. The attention of others can also be distracted by bright lipstick or expressively designed eyes;
  • In addition there is special massage. It includes several simple techniques that help smooth out the “mound”. Heat a clean scarf with an iron and place it on the bridge of your nose. After this, press firmly with your finger on the hump for 30 seconds. Do 3-6 sets every day. The cartilage that is there is very plastic and will change shape over time. Just don't overdo it it shouldn't hurt.

These methods are not always effective; perhaps the only way is surgery. But think, is everything so bad? Perhaps it yours individual feature and there is no need to correct it at all.

Famous people with a hump

Do you know how many stars would not have become so popular if they had not had such an extravagant nose shape? Having the opportunity to perform any operation, they retained their individuality and are recognizable today largely thanks to it:

  • Julia Roberts;
  • Uma Thurman;
  • Sophia Loren;
  • Barbra Streisand;
  • Sarah Jessica Parker.

These people turned a disadvantage into an advantage. Therefore, do not rush to go under the knife, especially since this process is quite painful and not healthy.

How to choose a hairstyle?

This is another way to compensate for a deficiency - to choose the right hairstyle. I would like to point out right away that a short haircut will not work. It is advisable to grow your hair to at least shoulder length.

The best options would be:

  • Haircut cascade". Due to the different lengths of the strands, the contours of the face acquire asymmetry and distract attention. Against this background, the eyes and lips become clearly defined;
  • Long curls. Just give them extra volume, like curling them. A chic hairstyle often helps out a girl who has small imperfections on her face;
  • A braid and a high ponytail are also your option. The main thing is to release a couple of strands in front, they will visually soften the image;
  • And don't cut your bangs short so that they fall on your forehead.

In addition, pay attention to the eyebrows. If they are light, it is better to paint them in dark colors. There is no need to pluck them into a thin “thread”. They should be of normal width with a soft bend.

Humped nose in men

The stronger half is less worried about this, and more often than not even proud. For some reason, it so happens that this is not a disadvantage for men. Their hump speaks of noble qualities:

  • Courage;
  • Strong-willed character;
  • Determination.

Among other things, many women claim that they are always very sexy. Men with a curved nose are capable of passionate, unforgettable sex. And the guys themselves are sure that this is one of the indicators of masculinity. In their opinion, a straight form speaks of a subtle character, while rough lines, on the contrary, impart severity and brutality, and therefore inspire respect.

Everyone has flaws, no one is perfect. What matters is not what we are like on the outside, but what we are like on the inside. Then the girl’s hooked nose will not be noticeable, and other little things will not be important. People are always more interested in the moral qualities of a person.

Video about a hump on the nose

In this video, Diana Shagaeva will tell you whether the hump on her nose interferes with her life, and whether this can be considered a highlight in her appearance:

What are the causes of a hooked nose? Basically, it is the female gender that is concerned about this non-standard nose shape, but guys also have nasal defects.

In their opinion, a hump on the nose spoils your overall appearance, as well as your career, relationships and mood.

The reasons for the formation of a hump depend not only on geographical and genetic factors, but also have an unnatural origin.

Often, humps are formed as a result of a severe fracture or bruise or injury. In absolutely any case, these defects can be removed.

If everyone in your family, including you, had a straight and neat nose, but it changed due to certain outside interference, then this problem It's best to remove it quickly.

Even the slightest hump on the nose, which was formed unnaturally, threatens to turn into psychological trauma. Not every woman or girl is ready to see her appearance with a hump, which did not exist until a certain moment.

So, let's look at how and where a hump on the nose can form.

Remember that a lot depends on the aspect of perception of the shape of your nose:

  • If you are an optimistic person, then your nose will never bother you;
  • However, if you think about it, and from the very beginning you set yourself up for failure in love or career, so be it.

We hit our noses

Roman nose

A pronounced hump, the nose is short and thin. This look is considered classic, it can make the face a little strict, but not rude.
For example, Sophia Loren and Penelope Cruz have Roman noses.

Caucasian nose

It protrudes quite strongly, has a lowered base and a noticeable hump. Women don't really like this type. If a girl has such a nose, then over time she will become embarrassed, and she will be very angry about it.
For example, Jennifer Gray has a Caucasian nose.

A hump on a woman's face is not always ugly and rude. In most cases, the bulge becomes the highlight.

How to get rid of a hump

There are several ways in the world to get rid of a hump. There is a method of rhinoplasty, as well as other methods that do not involve surgery.

Only you can choose whether to get rid of the hump or not:

  • Contour plastic surgery – with the help of injections;
  • Correction with makeup;
  • Rhinoplasty is an operation or surgical intervention.

If you don’t like any of the above three methods, then there is another method that is no less effective. Calculated this method only on the patient, and will require from a person a large number of time for classes approximately 2 times a day every day.

Interesting: One of the authors and developers of the idea Carol Maggio recommends his method exclusively to those who have enough patience and whose hump formation was caused by injury. If you have a congenital hump, then, alas, such gymnastics will not save you.

Therapeutic gymnastics complex

  • Stretch your stomach as far as possible and tighten the muscles of your buttocks and thighs. At the same time, grab the bridge of your nose with your index finger and thumb and squeeze as hard as possible. In this case it is necessary lower lip lower down and relax.
  • Click on the tip of your nose index finger so that it rises up. Hold your nose in this position for five to ten seconds. Repeat the exercises up to thirty-five times.

Other correction methods


Makeup artists claim that nose correction with the help of successful makeup saves the situation quite well.

That is why, if the hump on your nose is not critical and does not cause you any problems or inconvenience, then we advise you to use makeup tips.

To hide the hump using decorative cosmetics, need to:

  1. Highlight the base of the nose (the area closer to the eyebrows) with a light tone, apply a darker tone to the wings and hump and blend. A clear lip contour and voluminous hairstyle can distract from the hump.
  2. Contour correction, or rather injections, is also sufficient good way, and her comments are very truthful. But this type Correcting a defect, for all its advantages, has a certain disadvantage. So, in order.


  • No recovery period;
  • Complete absence of side effects;
  • Affordable price;
  • Painless;

The operation is fairly quick, thirty minutes in the worst case scenario.


  • Reversibility of the process - the gel has the property of resorption. That is, after certain period(approximately eight to nine months) the nose will return to its previous appearance.


Before you decide to have surgery, you need to know very important point, which concerns not only the shape of your nose, but also the role of the hump in the usefulness of the respiratory process.

The natural cause of the formation of a hump on the nose can serve as a failure for rhinoplasty, because after surgical intervention difficulty breathing can be added to a number of consequences.

There are also contraindications to correcting the shape of the nose through surgery, namely if:

  • Viral diseases are present;
  • Diabetes mellitus is present;
  • Present poor clotting blood;
  • There is inflammation of the skin in the nose area;
  • Oncological diseases are present;
  • Are you over forty or under eighteen?


Can a hump form when wearing glasses?

Maybe. However, if you are constantly wearing heavy-framed glasses on your nose. To minimize the chance of developing a hump, you should choose glasses with light frames.

Can the problem reappear after rhinoplasty?

Unfortunately, a large number surgical interventions Correcting the shape of the nose is not as successful as we would like, so yes, it is possible.

Important: We advise you to choose your plastic surgeon very carefully. The specialist who performs rhinoplasty must be highly qualified and guarantee you that there will be no need to repeat the correction.

Can a hump disappear without gymnastics and surgery?

No, the nose itself will not be able to return to its original state, so we advise you to consult a specialist. First, contact an ENT specialist.

Most likely, you will be sent for an x-ray, and based on this, further measures will be taken to treat your nose.

Text: Alena Yakubova

Women tend to find flaws in themselves. But while some take them too seriously and develop a lot of complexes, others manage to turn minor flaws into advantages. Here are 10 inspiring examples: women whose appearance flaws did not prevent them from conquering the world.

Flaw: wide bridge of the nose and far apart eyes.

One of the highest paid and successful models in the world, our beauty and pride, Natalia Vodianova, has a far from ideal appearance. At the beginning of her career, Natalya had to endure refusals: many designers thought that due to her far-spaced eyes and too wide bridge of her nose, Vodianova would look bad in photographs. The career of the Russian “Cinderella” and our faith in fairy tales was saved by Calvin Klein. Working as the “face” of the Calvin Klein brand brought Vodianova real success and destroyed all suspicions that she was unphotogenic.

Flaw: mole above the lip.

The “trademark” mole in the corner of her mouth almost cost Cindy Crawford her career. On early photos this piquant detail has been retouched. By the way, there is no mole in Cindy’s first photo for Vogue magazine. Fearing that the ward would not be able to make it to the catwalk, representatives of the modeling agency gave Crawford an ultimatum: she needed to get rid of the mole so that they would not have to get rid of Cindy. As we all know, she refused the operation. And she did the right thing - the mole became her calling card and brought a lot of dividends.

Flaw: excessive thinness and short stature.

Now Kate Moss is a living legend of fashion, but at the beginning of her career she lacked stars from the sky. At that time, femininity reigned on the catwalks and the overly thin Kate often left castings with nothing. In addition, with her height of 169 cm, by model standards, Moss was short. However, she had something else: charisma. When the young model Kate Moss was introduced to designer Calvin Klein, he wanted to immediately sign a contract with her. He later admitted that he was struck by her inimitable naturalness and “the look of a wolf.” Since then, Kate has been the “face and body” of many brands, appeared on the covers of absolutely all influential glossy publications, and even now, having moved into the “over 30” category, remains one of the most sought-after models in the world.

Flaw: absence of a navel.

This stately beauty from the Czech Republic is the owner of many flattering titles. She has repeatedly admitted to “The Most sexy woman in the world" and "Model of the Year". And it hardly occurred to anyone that the model had a noticeable flaw in her appearance - she was missing a belly button. For a long time they managed to hide it: Carolina rarely appeared on the catwalk with her belly exposed, and the photos were carefully retouched. But one day, journalists received photographs of the model that were not touched by the designer’s hand. No, she is not an alien visitor. The absence of a navel is a consequence of a hernia suffered in childhood. This story has a good ending: Caroline’s career has not slowed down, and designers no longer have to painstakingly paint on models’ navels in Photoshop.

Flaw: large nose.

It’s hard to believe, but at the beginning of Giselle’s career, she was sometimes refused jobs because of her too large nose, which, according to some fashion professionals, makes the model’s face look rough. Fortunately, the Brazilian did not follow their lead. In the end, her advantages clearly outweigh: the beauty has a perfect 90-60-89 with a height of 180 cm. Now Gisele is the richest model in the world, and her non-standard nose no longer seems like a flaw to anyone.

Flaw: excess weight.

Mia is the daughter of the lead singer of the famous Aerosmith band Steven Tyler. She inherited sensual lips from her dad, but her physique clearly took after someone else: the girl had problems with being overweight since childhood. She didn’t even think about becoming a model, but only until she heard that you could get up to $5,000 for participating in a show. Mia tried to get closer to the model parameters, but the kilograms did not want to melt away. Then the girl decided that there was no point in torturing herself, and became a plus size model. Today she weighs 95 kg with a height of 173 cm and is perhaps the most successful clothing model for overweight women. Mia believes that beauty comes from within and encourages women to be themselves. She backs up her words with action: she launched a clothing line for women with curves.

Flaw: albinism.

This green-eyed blonde is called a real discovery. What's special about it? Diandra Forrest is African American. Albinism among dark-skinned people is a very rare phenomenon and such people have a hard time. Because their skin is not protected by melanin, they have to avoid sunlight. And what can we say about the attacks of others... Diandra also had a hard time, especially since she grew up in the Bronx - one of the most dangerous areas New York. Everything changed overnight when a modeling agency scout saw her on the street. Now Diandra is in great demand and is predicted to have a great modeling career.

Flaw: gap between teeth.

Experts say that Lara Stone has every chance of becoming a legend over time. An artistic model with a memorable appearance is confidently moving towards this goal: recently, for example, she replaced Madonna as the “face” of the Louis Vuitton fashion house. But luck did not smile on her right away: Lara was noticed only 7 years later hard work and failures at castings. One of the reasons for the refusals was a noticeable gap between the teeth. Now this is in the past: Forbes magazine named Stone the highest paid model of 2009, they sing her praises and call her “the second Brigitte Bardot.” And the gap, along with the sensual gait, is considered its main “highlight”.

Flaw:“non-model” shapes and growth.

“When I just started working, everyone tried to change me: sometimes I seemed too fat, sometimes too short, sometimes they wanted to fix my teeth... I’m very proud that despite all this I remained myself,” admits Laetitia Casta. The model’s native France is also proud: Laetitia was elected the new “Marianne,” the symbol of the country. Now statues of the model have appeared in all cities. In comparison with this highest recognition, all other titles, such as “the most beautiful” and “the sexiest”, of which Casta has many, seem like a mere trifle.

Flaw: scar on shoulder.

When Padmé was 14 years old, she was taken to car accident, in memory of which there was a large scar on her shoulder. Despite this, Lakshmi managed to make a successful career as an actress and model: she became the first Indian woman on the catwalks of Paris, Milan and New York, and represented the brands Emanuel Ungaro, Ralph Laurent and Alberta Feretti. Padma is not ashamed of her scar and always insists that her photos are not retouched. “I love my scars. They are my story. They don’t let me forget that I am very strong and can survive any pain,” says the model.

Not all actors have an appearance that meets generally accepted standards of beauty, however, this has not stopped them from achieving fame and winning the sympathy of a huge number of fans. We will get acquainted with 20 actors with non-standard appearance further.

Benedict Cumberbatch

Benedict Cumberbatch, Laurence Olivier and Emmy Award winner, Golden Globe and Oscar nominee, like any Englishman, is not without self-irony. "God gave me a strange face - something between an otter's face and something that people find vaguely attractive," he says. "Cumberbatch - sounds like someone passed gas in the bathroom!" - continues the main Sherlock Holmes of our time. A sharp mind, a sense of humor and talent - and not a single rating of the sexiest actors can do without Cumberbatch. And Time magazine generally lists him as one of the hundred most influential people. "Otter face"? Benedict, women and the press you hate so much do not agree with you!

Marty Feldman

Two-time BAFTA Award winner Marty Feldman was not only an outstanding comedian, but also a successful screenwriter and director. He gained fame as the leading man in the 1960s TV series Marty. He also starred in Young Frankenstein, Silent Movie and the Monty Python sketch series How to Annoy People. Feldman's bulging eyes are the result of hyperactivity thyroid gland, and the strange shape of the nose is a consequence of boxing matches in his youth. “Money can’t buy poverty,” Feldman said. Just like talent, we add - it’s banal, but it’s true, and Marty Feldman only confirms this truth.

Eddie Redmayne

The appearance of Eddie Redmayne, an Englishman with an admixture of Irish and Scottish blood, is more likely to be close to the catwalk than to Hollywood standards. Fashion house executives love these androgynous guys. And Eddie is hard to miss with his red hair and freckled skin. No wonder he was the face of Burberry and fashion magazines, interrupting each other, praised Redmayne for his excellent taste in clothes. But we love him, of course, not for this. Are there many such models? But there is only one such actor. Who else could play Stephen Hawking in such a way that Hawking himself would praise him? And to receive three major awards for this at once - an Oscar, a Golden Globe, and a BAFTA?

Vincent Cassel

Vincent Cassel, like everyone else in our ranking, is not very similar to Apollo. More like the satyr Marsyas, who, to his misfortune, won against Apollo in a musical competition, for which he was left without skin. There is something demonic about Kassel. Negative charisma attracts both women who are crazy about the Frenchman, and Hollywood producers who, as Cassel himself puts it, always offer him roles of scum. “But I take revenge on them: I make my scum cooler than their heroes,” Cassel gloats.

Daniel Craig

Now it’s hard to even imagine how much fuss there was when Daniel Craig was cast as James Bond. Bond fans, without restraining themselves, spilled venom on the Internet, criticizing both Craig's acting and, of course, his appearance. He was reproached for his hair color (the first blond agent 007!), his drunken face (well, he looks like a drunk), his resemblance to Vladimir Putin, and even his lack of masculinity! But Craig put his spiteful critics to shame by becoming the highest-grossing and highest-paid James Bond.

Danny Trejo

Danny Trejo, who became widely known thanks to Robert Rodriguez, who directed him in the films From Dusk Till Dawn, Spy Kids and Machete, mainly plays the roles of evil Mexicans and Indians. Mustache, tattoos, long hair and a gloomy look from under his brows - the villains turn out to be convincing. By Trejo’s own admission, he got into cinema quite by accident - trying to get off drugs. And in childhood and adolescence he engaged in petty crimes. Now Trejo, smiling radiantly, says that with his roles he demonstrates to fragile minds how quickly a crooked path leads criminals to prison or a cemetery.

Adrien Brody

Long-nosed, long-legged, big-armed, with dog-like sad eyes, Adrien Brody, if he were a woman, would probably suffer from vicious sexist jokes. And if he lives in Ancient Rome- it was to him that the poet Catullus would devote his poem “The Village Beauty”. But Brody was lucky to be born in our tolerant age. And as a man, the age is still sexist. Women want to woo him, directors reward him with roles, and Brody, with a sad look, shovels all kinds of awards. His most famous films: “The Pianist”, “The Secret Forest”, “King Kong”.

Michael Berryman

Michael Berryman's extraordinary appearance is a consequence genetic disease- hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia, in which a person may be left without hair, nails and teeth. Big forehead, sunken cheeks and wrinkled skin are also symptoms of this rare disease, which determined Berryman’s creative role. During his long career, he managed to star in almost a hundred films, playing mutants, monsters, monsters and other terrifying characters. Michael Berryman is best known for his roles in the cult film One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and the Star Trek series.

Adriano Celentano

It’s probably enough to say that Adriano Celentano’s most famous film, besides, of course, “The Taming of the Shrew,” was “Bingo Bongo,” in which the Italian actor portrayed the ape man with amazing conviction. This role became one of the most unusual in Celentano's career, since throughout the entire film he does not speak, but growls with inarticulate sounds. The result? The spectators' hearts were shattered. This is animal sexuality - more important than a glossy appearance.

Danny DeVito

The path to Danny DeVito's acting career was winding: he burst into big cinema straight from a hairdressing salon. Catholic father DeVito, who himself worked as a barber, caused a huge scandal for his son when he mentioned that he was going to become an artist. My father (probably rightly) believed that a man 152 cm tall was unlikely to conquer the Hollywood hills. As a result, Danny DeVito trained as a makeup artist, but his acting career overtook him. In the United States, DeVito gained enormous fame playing taxi dispatcher Louis De Palma in the TV series Taxi. For this role he received both an Oscar and a Golden Globe. And worldwide fame came to him after the film “Romancing the Stone,” in which he played a short gangster.

Willem Dafoe

Dafoe admits that he likes to play outsiders with an unusual destiny. And the demonic appearance only helps here. It is perhaps difficult to find a better performer of the roles of sociopaths and outcasts. Willem Dafoe, like no one else, is known for his “villainous” roles: he played a Martian, a strip club owner, a thief in law, an FSB agent, and the Green Goblin, finally! But the most surprising thing is that his roles as non-villains are no less convincing - at least his work in “The Last Temptation of Christ” and “The English Patient” is worth it.

Steve Buscemi

Steve Buscemi looks like he's been beat up by life, not like an actor of the first magnitude. Despite his acting talent, he often plays episodic and supporting roles on wide screens. The eccentric Buscemi is also known for his portrayals of killers, bandits and other criminal characters. For example, he played Mr. Pink in " Reservoir Dogs"Tarantino, the maniac Garland Greene in West's Con Air and the petty crook in the Coen brothers' Fargo.

Christopher Walken

"Morning - best time to watch movies,” says Christopher Walken. We think this is true, especially if we're talking about about films in which Walken portrays Evil, because at night the heart of impressionable people can stop. And Walken can scare you with just one look, he doesn’t need makeup. For this reason, he always gets criminal and mystical roles. “You don’t have to do anything to me to make me look sinister,” admits the actor. And even the “famous before him” hairstyle, which on others would look simply comical, looks creepy on Walken.

John Malkovich

John Malkovich is another actor on our list with a face that could belong to a serial killer or psychopath. It is not surprising that he also often gets the roles of people whom you don’t want to meet in a dark alley. “I am attracted to inhuman characters. People try to find reasons for cruel and sadistic behavior, but I think it's all just a lack of humanity and caring for others. I think I'm good at playing these types of characters because I just don't like them. They are very attractive to the audience, but I hate them. It's quite strange,” says Malkovich.

Jack Black

"Don't underestimate the power of eyebrows!" - Jack Black insists. And indeed, it is difficult to surpass him in the ability to raise an eyebrow correctly. It’s hard not to envy such talent, as well as such thick hair and beard. Eyebrows, beard, hair - most men seem to have all this on their faces, but only Jack Black looks like Chewbacca, who has dyed his hair brunette.

Gerard Depardieu

"Belgium - can it take all the world's cholesterol?" - this inscription appeared next to the image of Gerard Depardieu in the scandalous French magazine Charlie Hebdoe after the actor, dissatisfied with the tax cases brought against him, decided to change his citizenship and moved to Belgium. And you still think that our text is evil? Everyone and everyone made fun of Depardieu’s appearance (especially his eggplant nose). This did not stop the star of Waltzing from acting with the best directors (in total he starred in several hundred films) and dating beauties (Depardieu claims that, in addition to his four official children, he has 20 more illegitimate children from ten mistresses).

Ron Perlman

Ron Perlman, who became famous for his role as the “hero from hell” Hellboy, looks a little apocalyptic himself. It seems that after the nuclear winter, when the radioactive ash cools down a little, such determined men with batons will emerge from the ground and rebuild the world with their powerful hands. From this point of view, it is only natural that Perlman is the voice of the narrator in the Fallout series of post-apocalyptic games.

Rowan Atkinson

Rowan Atkinson has the amazing ability to turn his face into a animated caricature with the snap of a finger. This is probably one of the secrets of the wild popularity of the Mister Bean series. Atkinson's hero sticks out his ears, widens his eyes and moves his nose, like a bloodhound sniffing at a scent. Agree, not every actor can make the audience laugh until they have liver colic with just one movement of their facial muscles.

John Travolta

The star of “Grease” and “Pulp Fiction” John Travolta can hardly be called handsome - his unusual appearance was given to him by his Italian father and Irish mother. Travolta could hardly play airy and sophisticated creatures, such as vampires glowing in the sun. “I’m just not a vampire,” this is how he explained Tarantino’s reluctance to star in the film From Dusk Till Dawn. But he looks great in the role of bandits, corrupt CIA agents, terrorists and brutal dancers from the outskirts.

Benicio Del Toro

His bright Puerto Rican appearance and sad eyes that remain sad even when Benicio del Toro frowns or laughs brought him many roles in crime thrillers and dramas. Movies about drugs, sex and rock 'n' roll may seem corny, but del Toro's dark and moody presence alone takes them to the next level.

Wanting to meet the ideals and standards of beauty, stars remodel their bodies as often as they change their outfits on the red carpet. Moreover, rhinoplasty - nose job - is as common among celebrities as breast augmentation.

In the fall of 2007, Ksenia Sobchak, a popular TV presenter and perhaps the most famous socialite in Russia, flew to Los Angeles for three weeks, returning from the sunny metropolis with a noticeably swollen nose. Ksyusha refused to comment then, but the consequences of rhinoplasty are obvious.

Another socialite, Paris Hilton, has repeatedly used the services plastic surgeons, although he denies it. Starting from increasing the size of her breasts and ending with correcting a natural defect - a drooping left eyelid - the outrageous blonde goes to great lengths to be even more attractive.

There was a huge stir around the name of Ashlee Simpson, an American pop singer, actress and dancer, in 2007 due to the fact that the girl corrected herself nasal septum. Besides rhinoplasty younger sister Jessica Simpson also decided to correct the shape of her lips and face shape.

The pedigree of the popular actress Jennifer Aniston contains Greek roots, the manifestations of which on her face the girl got rid of in 2008. Having undergone septoplasty - correction of the nasal septum - Jennifer admitted that she was forced to undergo plastic surgery for medical, and not for aesthetic reasons.

American actress Halle Berry has behind her the most popular plastic surgery among African-American stars - reducing the width of the nose. Despite natural beauty girls, after the intervention of a plastic surgeon, Holly’s acting career began to develop much faster.

Hollywood star Megan Fox, despite the lack of African-American blood in her, at one time went for a similar type of rhinoplasty. And Megan, the owner of numerous titles as the very best, at the beginning of her acting career, had her lips fixed and her breasts enlarged.

Britney Spears, who has undergone at least 2 breast augmentation surgeries in her life (the first was done in underage), liposuction and plastic surgery to correct the abdomen after the birth of children, also cannot boast of a nose given by nature, which is once again confirmed by a comparison of photographs of young and mature Britney.

Actress Cameron Diaz, an ardent opponent of plastic surgery, also resorted to rhinoplasty in 2006. True, the doctors’ intervention was not due to the desire to achieve beauty standards: the fact is that, while surfing, Cameron broke her nose 4 times, and her personal doctor forced the girl to undergo surgery, fearing for her health.

Singer Patricia Kaas underwent rhinoplasty quite recently - as the 43-year-old Frenchwoman herself noted, the new nose added to her self-confidence, as well as the elegance and attractiveness of her feminine image.

Johnny Depp's ex-girlfriend, actress Winona Ryder, is hard to suspect of experimenting with her face. However, she also underwent rhinoplasty even before the start of her brilliant career.

One of the most beautiful women in the world, Angelina Jolie, unlike many stars, does not hide the fact that at one point she decided to correct her nose and underwent surgery to narrow the septum.

But she was not the only one whose natural shape seemed imperfect - Scarlett Johansson, who denies rhinoplasty, currently boasts a sophisticated and graceful nose, although just recently it could not be called such.

The number of surgical interventions on the appearance of Dannii Minogue, the sister of the famous Australian singer Kylie Minogue, can perhaps only be compared with her role in life: singer, composer, actress, fashion model, fashion designer, TV presenter, DJ , - the girl tried herself in everything and experimented with everything.

Hollywood actress Drew Barrymore was also among those who did not disdain to go under the knife to correct external flaws. The result of rhinoplasty is clearly visible in the photographs of this eccentric person.

The last place in the ranking of stars who fixed their nose is American actress and rock singer Courtney Love. Unlike many celebrities who seem to resort to plastic surgery for no apparent reason, Courtney got rid of a significant physical defect - not only was her nose wide at the bottom, it was also slightly crooked.

Talking about plastic surgery and, including rhinoplasty, one cannot fail to mention the Jackson family. For example, the appearance of the king of pop Michael Jackson (Michael Jackson) remains an example even after his death excessive hobby surgery.

Doctors who studied his photographs suggest that over the last 20 years of his life, Michael underwent 30-40 rhinoplasty operations alone, not counting changes in skin color, braces, and correction of the shape of his chin and eyes.

Actress La Toya Jackson keeps up with her famous brother. In addition to mentoplasty, she has repeatedly undergone rhinoplasty on her face. Among La Toya's operations: narrowing of the nasal septum, sharpening of the tip and reduction of the wings of the nose.

Janet Jackson is another of Michael’s sisters who didn’t miss the opportunity to touch up her natural beauty, including her nose.

One of the first stars to put herself in the hands of plastic surgeons was Marilyn Monroe. The desire to be popular affected not only the image of one of the sexiest women of all time, but also many of her facial features, including the shape of her nose.