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Beneficial properties of sunberry for humans. Beneficial properties of sunberry berries, features and contraindications

Nature is generous to people and presents them with extraordinary gifts, which include geranium or sunberry, which have become popular in many countries due to their beneficial properties. The fruits are excellent medicine and help cope with many diseases and ailments.

For the first time, the hybrid was bred by American breeders. After this, the plant began to be actively used, both for industrial purposes and for personal plots. Many gardeners were struck by the attractive appearance plants and unique healing properties. However, the leaves of the plant may contain a large number of poison. Therefore, when taking tinctures and decoctions of dried Sunberry leaves, you need to be extremely careful and strictly adhere to the dosage in the recipe.

The plant is a member of the nightshade family and is a hybrid of the common nightshade. Little is known about the berry yet, especially in Europe. For a long time it was considered a weed and was simply gotten rid of in order to plant more popular crops.

The plant itself looks like a short tree with beautiful black fruits. The cherry-sized berries grow in small clusters of about 10 pieces. The inflorescences are more reminiscent of potato flowers and are not particularly attractive. The plant has a powerful stem that forms many stepsons. The leaf blades are similar in appearance to nightshade leaves.

Harvest occurs at the end of autumn. Unripe fruits can cause poisoning, so the harvest should be done when fully ripe.

Sunberry consists of many vitamins and minerals that are considered essential for the body. The berry is very nutritious, therefore it is contraindicated for people with overweight, prone to being overweight and even more so suffering from obesity.

The calorie content of the fruit of the plant is 220 kcal. This is due high content proteins – 2.6% of the total mass. The product also contains a small amount of carbohydrates, which give the berry minor taste characteristics.

This product is actively used in almost all countries of the world due to its rich energy composition. It is used in the preparation of many culinary masterpieces and adds color and flavor to unattractive dishes and drinks.

The fruits of the plant have many useful qualities and have a positive effect on human health. This is due to the huge content of useful mineral components:

Element Main benefit
Zinc strengthens the immune system and increases the number of leukocytes in the blood and has a beneficial effect on hematopoiesis, giving blood vessels strength
Chromium normalizes metabolic processes body, the amount of glucose in the blood, is able to fight big amount cholesterol in the blood and problems with the reproductive system
Argentum acts like good antibacterial agent and protects the body from bad influences environment, stops inflammatory processes in the body and helps cope with fungal diseases
Manganese regulates brain activity and work nervous system human, promotes the growth and regeneration of bone tissue and participates in the processes of cell division, and also has a positive effect on the functioning of the liver and pancreas
Nickel takes part in the synthesis of pituitary enzymes and hormones, accelerates the flow of oxygen into the body tissues, which significantly reduces blood pressure

Sunberry is a good alternative to many pharmaceutical drugs. It is recommended to use it for problems with:

  1. Skin. The berry is perfect for both treatment and prevention of psoriasis and seborrhea. Helps with eczema, thanks to its ability to quickly and efficiently get rid of inflammatory processes;
  2. Digestive system. Relieves pain due to gastritis and regulates acidity in the stomach;
  3. Joints. Copes well with rheumatism and relieves all inflammatory processes in connective tissues;
  4. Spine. The berry is necessary for prevention and treatment initial stages osteochondrosis. Removes pain syndromes and stops the destruction of cartilage tissue.

Among other things, the fruit contains many vitamins that improve general health and appearance, giving the skin youth and sparkle to the eyes.

Sunberry is a godsend for real gourmets. They appreciated its taste. IN fresh It is practically not consumed; the berry is excellent for preparing various dishes and preparations for the winter:

  1. Jam. During the cooking process, the berries do not lose their beneficial qualities. There are many jam recipes. For 1 kg of berries use 1 kg of sugar. Sunberry can be immediately filled with syrup, or simply crushed. Taken as a medicine with the addition of honey;
  2. Juice. The fruits can be used to prepare healing drink with the addition of lemon. The juice is diluted with water and honey is added in a ratio of 5:1. The drink is stored in the refrigerator and taken before meals, one spoonful as a medicine;
  3. Wine. For 10 liters of drink you will need 3 kg of sugar and 3.5 kg of berries. The mixture should be ground, pour boiling water and limit the flow of air. In about a month it will be possible to use it for medicinal purposes;
  4. Jam. For 1 kg of ground berries you need a little less than 1 kg of sugar. Heat the mixture over low heat until it boils. The resulting jam has an unusual and unique taste;
  5. Vegetable caviar. Grated carrots, diced onions and Sunberries are fried in different containers. All three components are mixed, crushed and re-sent to the frying pan, adding salt, sugar and spices to taste;
  6. Pickled berry. Place the sunberries in boiling water for 5 minutes and filter through a colander. Next, put the mixture into pre-sterilized jars and fill with a special filling;
  7. Sunberry in tomato sauce . Place the fruits in warm water for 5 minutes. Place in clean jars, pour boiled tomato juice and sterilize for about 20 minutes. Add salt, roll up the jars.

Sunberry is very valuable product, as it gives food and drinks a special taste and aroma. It is added to light compotes for a more saturated color.

No matter how rich in nutrients the fruits of the plant are, they, like all products, have contraindications:

  1. Allergy. Sunberry, like any other berry, contains many antioxidants and flavonoids, which, if used in large quantities, can cause an allergic reaction;
  2. Stomach upset. The berry contains pectin, which acts as a good laxative. Therefore, it may negatively affect the digestive system.
  3. Drowsiness. Do not use this product before any important event, since it can act as a sleeping pill;
  4. Contraction of the uterus. It is strictly forbidden for pregnant women to take the berries, as this can cause a miscarriage.

The berry is actually very healthy and does not have any serious contraindications. Sunberry can be included in the diet of all food lovers healthy food. You just need to adhere to the dosage and not neglect the rules of proper preparation of dishes from this product.

Despite the popularity unique product, few people know that Sunberry:

  1. A relative of tomatoes and potatoes. As you know, the berry belongs to the nightshade family, which unites many plants;
  2. Was explored by a wizard. One of the most famous breeders, Burbank, who was considered a California wizard, for many years tried to cross the nightshade so that the fruit would be truly tasty and unusual;
  3. Sunny berry. Burbank nicknamed the resulting berry solar, because of his love for the sun. Sunberry, translated from Persian means “Sunny berry”;
  4. Unpretentious. The berry does not require special care, but has a very high yield, which makes it possible to make more reserves for the winter, in case others garden plants gave little fruit;
  5. Considered a weed. Many gardeners destroy Sunberries without even realizing what a valuable plant they are getting rid of.

Sunberry has a specific taste and is rarely consumed fresh. But thanks to their healing actions It is actively used in almost all countries to prepare delicious and irreplaceably healthy dishes.

Exotic and with a bright, characteristic aroma, the Canadian blueberry, or sunberry, is quite an unusual product for the Russian market and attracts attention not only with its taste properties. Our article will help you find out the beneficial properties of the berry and contraindications for taking it, and get information about the characteristics and composition of the product.

What it is?

Sunberry is a cultivated plant of the nightshade family, which you definitely won’t find in your local store. This "sunny" variety garden plant is not part of wildlife. Sunberry, or “berry of life,” is the fruit of cultivation, and it was obtained as a result of the selection of two types of cultivated nightshade: Russian and American large-fruited. The resulting hybrid quickly acquired a new popular name- Canadian blueberries, and have become a favorite delicacy of people who care about their health.

Of course, it cannot be said that cultivated nightshade has any amazing taste qualities. The garden form is not very different from its wild counterparts, but has rather specific aromatic properties. But this representative of the nightshade family also has its own, quite obvious and important advantages.

Sunberry is an internationally recognized medicinal plant, which has a number of valuable qualities. And among other advantages, unpretentiousness can be noted. The bushes of this berry easily take root even in poor soil and do not require particularly active watering or fertilizing. Planting is possible even in a regular pot. The annual grows and produces fruit throughout the season. Each berry is the size of an average cherry, and up to several buckets of harvest are collected from one bush. True, not everyone will decide to enjoy it fresh.

Specific sharp taste for a long time was considered main problem this type of nightshade. But today this problem is successfully solved by processing raw materials into homemade preparations, which allow preserving a valuable product for a long time.

Beneficial features

Many experts in the field know how healing the sunberry is. traditional medicine. The benefits of sunberry are due to its unique composition. In terms of vitamin C content, the product is not inferior to citrus fruits. Accordingly, the berry itself acquires the properties of a natural antioxidant.

In addition, its pulp also contains carotene or provitamin A. Its medicinal properties allow it to eliminate toxins and quickly cope with illness or fatigue. In addition, in terms of the selection of microelements, this sunny berry looks very impressive. The ongoing treatment allows you to eliminate the signs of early aging and cleanse yourself of cell decay products.

Among the valuable micro- and macroelements contained in Canadian blueberries are:

  • potassium, essential for the functioning of the heart muscle;
  • manganese, which improves hematopoiesis and the functioning of the immune system;
  • zinc, which has a positive effect on brain function and internal secretion organs;
  • chromium, necessary for metabolic processes involved in the production of glucose;
  • silver, which has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect.

Regular consumption of this varietal cultivated nightshade allows you to replenish a significant portion of the human body’s needs for vitamins and minerals. Moreover, the composition contains pectins, bioflavonoids, tannins, which color the skin of the fruit in its characteristic color. According to their own nutritional properties The berries are quite consistent with other plants in the family. 100 grams of fruit contain 220 kcal.

Among the beneficial properties of sunberry, the following important and significant points are highlighted.

  • Improved vision. The high concentration of vitamin A in the crop product is the reason why the berry received the unofficial name “Canadian blueberry.” A particularly pronounced effect occurs in the production of medicinal extracts from fruits. Reception is recommended on a regular basis in case of heavy loads on the visual organs.

  • Combating dermatological problems. Poor condition skin– the presence of burns, cuts, open sores and wounds can be improved by using a paste of fried and mashed nightshade berries. At acne Fresh fruit puree has an anti-inflammatory and cleansing effect.
  • Anti-inflammatory effect for throat infections. Concentrated juice cannot be used - it is too caustic and can cause chemical burn. You need to make a rinse solution in a concentration of 1:3 with water.

  • Ability to reduce the intensity of migraine attacks. Contains biologically active substances have a mild analgesic effect, relieve general state sick.
  • Normalization of the digestive tract. Having a slight laxative effect, berries rich in fiber and pectin help to establish regular bowel movements. Additionally, metabolism improves and the removal of waste and toxins from the body is normalized.
  • Hemostatic and vasoconstrictor effect. The green leaves of the plant are suitable for squeezing juice. The resulting raw material is taken in the form of drops or orally at heavy menstruation to reduce blood outflow.
  • Help with sleep disorders. Just one handful of sunberries will help you fall asleep and get a good night's sleep. But you should not forget about this property of plant raw materials if you plan to engage in activities that require high concentration attention. You should not consume cultivated nightshade before driving a car - it can cause drowsiness.

Contraindications and harm

The undoubted benefits of the plant can be significantly reduced due to non-compliance with contraindications for its use. “Sunny berry” came to Russia and the CIS countries recently and still raises a lot of questions among summer residents and gardeners, primarily because it belongs to the nightshade family, where there are many poisonous and simply dangerous plants. For example, belladonna or belladonna, the berries of which are quite similar in appearance to sunberries, are deadly.

But this does not apply to the cultivated fruit-bearing nightshade. But it’s better to collect it on your own plantation.

Relative contraindication Taking Sunberry can be associated with obesity and the process of losing weight. You can only add a couple of berries to a calorie-restricted diet. Otherwise, there will be no talk about losing weight. Besides, miracle berry- Not the best remedy on the road. Due to its laxative effect, it can cause some inconvenience during the trip. The presence of individual intolerance to other plants of the nightshade family requires taking these berries with caution.

Sunberry should not be consumed during pregnancy or before reaching 12 years of age. In addition, if there is allergic reactions you should first conduct tests and stock up on the necessary antihistamines. In addition, when planting nightshade in the soil, you should very carefully choose the places where it grows. For example, when landing near highways generally healthy berries will actively absorb heavy metals. Exceeding lead levels can lead to kidney problems.

For pregnant women, plants of the nightshade family and their fruits are dangerous because they can provoke contraction of the uterine muscles, which contributes to the development of the threat of miscarriage.


Planting and caring for a sunberry plant is relatively simple. But it's still not worth the risk. For example, seeds should be purchased exclusively in specialized stores, where the legal origin of the products is guaranteed. In addition, annuals are grown and planted in the ground in the spring. Practically no preliminary soil preparation is required. But you should not plant any members of the nightshade family in overly acidic soil.

Another important point is that it is better to grow sunberry bushes on pre-manured soil. This way it will be possible to guarantee their high productivity and good protection from frost.

It is recommended to plant sunberries in places where other members of the nightshade family, such as eggplants and tomatoes, previously grew. The soil from under any other plants with an undeveloped root system is also suitable - cucumbers, tomatoes. Potatoes and tomatoes can be planted next to the cultivated nightshade. But you shouldn’t rely on seed breeding big hopes. The vegetative growth period for this type of green space is quite long, so it can be difficult to predict its course.

Despite its frost resistance, sunberry does not like drafts too much and is quite capricious. The berries are planted in the ground at home or in a greenhouse. The optimal soil composition for it is mixed. It is necessary to combine turf, forest, and garden soil in two parts, as well as sand and turf ash. The mixture is thoroughly stirred to ensure homogeneity. Next, the plants are planted. No holes or recesses are required.

It is recommended to start growing seedlings in late February or early March. The seed parts of the plants are first disinfected for 20 minutes using a manganese solution. Next, the seeds are washed with water. The germination process of all nightshades is quite complex and lengthy. To help the sprouts break through, you should place the seeds in damp gauze in advance. The place where the shoot emerges is cut as soon as signs of opening appear. The prepared soil mixture is packaged in separate containers and then planted. The seeds are immersed to a shallow depth - no more than 0.5 cm. Deeper sowing can provoke the development of rotting processes. In addition, you must take care of drainage. If there are not enough compartments for seedlings on the balcony, you can sow sunberries in one box with tomatoes and peppers.

It is recommended to germinate seeds at room temperature. The watering process should be organized on a regular basis, but without excessively moistening the soil. Picking of seedlings is carried out after full germination three months after planting. The remaining seedlings are transplanted into separate containers and transferred to a warm, well-lit place.

Rules of care

Disembarkation at open ground for sunberry it occurs during the growth period of 5-7 leaves. It is not recommended to plant the plant before the frost period begins. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the following points regarding the care of seedlings.

  1. The optimal time for replanting bushes is from late May to mid-June.
  2. The best distance between plants is about 70 cm.
  3. As they grow, the bushes need to be fed with mullein dissolved in water twice during the season.
  4. The flowering process of a plant begins during active growth- in June, and lasts throughout the life of the bush. Nightshade does not require additional pinching, but it can be used at the end of the season before frost to accelerate the ripening of berries.
  5. If the sunberry is still in the soil during its fruiting period, and the surrounding temperature has already dropped below zero, you should definitely use a special covering material to protect the fruits and branches.
  6. Sunberry is quite unpretentious in care. It grows in clusters, resembling cherry tomatoes in appearance. Hybrid cultivated nightshade does not require frequent watering. It is provided only during periods of severe drought. In addition, with properly prepared and fertile soil, the plant does not need fertilizing. If the soil is depleted, additional fertilizers can be added. Nightshades love it.
  7. With abundant fruiting, sunberry bushes may require additional support. They help reduce the load directly on the branches and facilitate the harvesting process (no need to bend low to the ground).
  8. Sunberries require especially careful care during the period of fruiting. It is worth paying attention to the fact that in the autumn months the buds and stepsons must be plucked off in a timely manner so that the remnants of insufficiently ripe berries have time to ripen. In particular difficult cases additional pruning is performed.
  9. Loosening and weeding of the soil in areas where nightshade crops are planted should be carried out throughout the season. The intensity of growth and successful fruiting largely depend on the active access of oxygen to the roots.

Harvest and storage

Berries completely stop appearing on the bushes only in late autumn. Moreover, in most cases, all processes associated with harvesting fruits have to be artificially interrupted by removing stepsons and buds. Otherwise, the sunberry itself, already gaining strength in the clusters, simply will not have time to ripen.

The “sunny berry” plantation looks very impressive during the fruiting period. Clusters of purple-black berries are set off favorably by the green foliage. They begin to harvest sunberries in August, when the fruits have already been saturated with the heat of the sun. The fruiting period lasts until August. Berries must be harvested promptly. If they are left for a long time, the branches and leaves may break. Up to 15 kg of fruits ripen on one bush per season.

Ripe and juicy berries have a fairly elastic shell and thick skin. The ripening process always begins from the top of the bunches. An indicator of excellent ripeness of berries is their acquisition of a rich, bright purple, close to black, color. The size of a ripe berry reaches the size of a ripe cherry or sweet cherry. Removing buds and flowers after the fruits are formed helps speed up the filling and ripening of fruits.

Sunberry is a hybrid of African and European small-fruited palena. Unlike most plants of this species, sunberry fruits do not contain toxic substances. Sunberry borrowed from its African ancestor decorative qualities and yield, and the European nightshade made it edible.

The variety was developed in 1905 by a breeder named Luther Burbank.

Benefits of the plant

The chemical composition of this plant includes a large number of components that have medicinal and preventive properties. Therefore, sunberry is widely used in the treatment and prevention of ailments using traditional methods.

The main medicinal properties of the plant:

  • Heals wounds, including purulent ones. Helps with burns, ulcers and abscesses.
  • Fights skin diseases, eczema, psoriasis, seborrhea.
  • In moderation, the berries of the plant help with gastritis and other gastric diseases.
  • Helps maintain beauty and youth thanks to the antioxidants contained in the fruits.
  • Slows down aging, improves memory, reduces the risk of developing glaucoma and diabetes, and helps maintain visual acuity.
  • Eases epilepsy attacks.
  • Normalizes blood pressure.
  • Relieves pain from intestinal spasms.
  • Increases the acidity level of gastric juice.
  • Helps with rheumatism and osteochondrosis.
  • Strengthens the immune system and helps fight viral diseases.

Nutritional value and calorie content

Calorie content - 220 kcal per 100 g.

The berries of the plant contain a lot useful components– vitamins, microelements, nutrients. Judging by the variety chemical composition, then sunberry contains almost all the necessary to the human body Components. The only exceptions are vitamins, for which this plant is not very rich.

Chemical composition:

  • Vitamin C. Strengthens the immune system, helps fight viruses and colds.
  • Carotene (provitamin A). A strong antioxidant that helps eliminate toxins.
  • Manganese. Normalizes blood clotting and the immune system.
  • Chromium. Normalizes glucose metabolism.
  • Zinc. Stabilizes the functioning of the pancreas and pituitary gland.
  • Pectin and selenium. Cleanse the body of toxins and slow down aging.

In addition, sunberry fruits contain many more useful and nutrients, such as silver, potassium, magnesium, copper, nickel, iron, proteins, fats, fructose, etc. The fruit also contains physiologically active compounds - tannins, chlorophyll, anthocyanins.

The berry has low taste qualities, but proper preparation you can get delicious and useful product. Sunberry is used to make preserves, jams, wine and added to vegetable caviar.

But you shouldn’t have any special illusions about the taste of sunberry; it rather resembles the taste of a green tomato, which, in fact, is what it is.

Are there any harms and contraindications?

People who consume sunberry should pay attention to some features of this plant and the health problems that may arise.

Traditional medicine recipes

External use:

  • Purulent wounds. Grind the berries, mix with fermented milk (1:1) and apply to the ulcers.
  • Burns. The berries are fried in butter, crushed to a puree. Cool the mixture and apply to burned skin.
  • Angina. Juice and drinking water mix in a 1:1 ratio, gargle with the mixture. This remedy also helps with stomatitis and gingivitis.
  • Treatment of skin diseases(psoriasis, eczema, seborrhea). Mix 2 egg whites, 100 g of sunberry juice squeezed from the leaves and 2 tablespoons of berry juice. Use the mixture as a lotion.

The healing properties of lungwort and methods of use in folk medicine -


  • General strengthening agent. Mix 2.5 liters of sunberry juice with 2.5 liters of water. Add one and a half kg of honey. Pour the mixture into glass jars and store in a cool (basement, refrigerator) place. Take 2 tbsp before meals. l. This elixir improves overall health, normalizes blood pressure, helps with rheumatic pain, gout, varicose veins, reduces the intensity of migraines, relieves headaches and improves memory.
  • Treatment of prostate adenoma. 5 g dried berries place sunberry and the same amount of licorice roots in half a liter of water heated to 40 degrees. Leave for 10 hours in a closed container. Take the infusion (necessarily fresh) before meals (10 minutes before) 1 tbsp.

Despite its low taste, sunberry is gradually gaining popularity. High yield, low maintenance, wide range medicinal properties and the possibility of use in cooking make this plant increasingly in demand, especially among gardeners and fans of traditional medicine.

Sunberry, or as they also like to call it, sunny berry, is a plant of the nightshade family. Like other popular representatives of this family - tomatoes and potatoes - sunberries first appeared in South America. Nevertheless, there is a lot of conflicting information in the media about this extraordinary berry.

Some sellers of grains of this strange berry advertise this plant as “large and tall garden blueberry.” But in fairness, I would like to say that it is quite difficult to compare this fruit with traditional Russian berries. In addition, fresh sunberries can be said to be far from tasty; usually people add them to various dishes, so to speak, for greater health benefits.

This plant was bred a long time ago by the American scientist breeder L. Burbank from the black Californian nightshade. Unlike most other nightshades, this plant is completely non-toxic. The fruits of this berry are often included in herbal infusions for healing various diseases liver and simply to support this organ while consuming significant amounts of fatty foods.

Sunberry composition

The nutritional value

Vitamins and minerals

Samberry also contains valuable minerals that the body needs for proper functioning and prevention of diseases of the nervous, digestive, and vascular systems.

Calorie content

100 grams of samberi berries contain 220 kcal (9% of the daily value).

Useful properties of sunberry

Reasonable and moderate use sun berries will give new ones taste sensations, diversify the menu and provide the body important vitamins and valuable minerals. Samberry is unusual, but delicious product nutrition. If you do not overuse these berries and eat them little by little, you can extract extremely beneficial properties from them.

  • The benefits of sunberry for the treatment of colds and viral diseases. The berries are saturated with vitamin C and substances that have antimicrobial properties, which is why they are so effective for the treatment of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections. It is recommended to gargle with sunberry juice diluted with water 1:3 for a sore throat. And the juice of the leaves is effective for treating a runny nose, even chronic;

  • Using sunberry to treat cardiovascular diseases Contained in berries useful material and the elements help renew the blood and improve its composition. And consuming fresh berries or sunberry jam normalizes blood pressure. In addition, this plant has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, increases their elasticity and prevents “fragility”;
  • Benefits for vision Vitamin A contained in fruits has positive influence on vision, maintaining its sharpness. Therefore, those who already have vision problems or constantly keep their eyes under strain are recommended to take an extract from sunberry berries;
  • External use of this berry has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and helps treat skin diseases.

In addition to all this, sunberry berries and leaves slow down the aging process of the body, lower blood sugar levels, relieve insomnia and even prevent the occurrence of cancer.

Contraindications to the use of sunberry

The rich composition of the berry inevitably leads to some contraindications. There is nothing too scary about them, but if they are present, it is advisable to be more careful when using the product. To the most important contraindications should include these.

  • Individual intolerance. It can be observed for many components present in the sunberry;
  • Tendency to stomach upsets. Sunberry has a slight laxative effect, so sometimes the berry causes not the most pleasant consequences;
  • Activities that require a lot of concentration. Consuming sunberries causes drowsiness in some people;
  • Pregnancy. Sunberry stimulates uterine contractions, which can cause miscarriage or premature birth.

Like other products, sunberry must be strictly dosed when consumed. Sunberry can lead to the development of hypervitaminosis, which is definitely not good. If you consider the dangers associated with taking sunberry, you can increase your chances of improving your health.

Use of sunberry in folk medicine

For joint pain, rheumatism— you need to mix 200 grams of horseradish minced with 250 grams of honey. Take 1 tbsp 3 times a day with a glass of juice from the stems and leaves of sunberry. In addition, before going to bed, you need to take thirty-minute baths, to which you add 50 grams of ground horseradish and 150 ml of freshly squeezed juice from the stems and leaves of sunberry.

For skin diseases (psoriasis, seborrhea) Mix 100 ml of sunberry leaf juice and two raw fresh chicken eggs. Add 2 tbsp to the mixture. l. juice of nightshade berries, mix everything thoroughly. Using the mixture, lotions should be applied to sore spots. Lotions have healing properties.

For asthma Dried flowers and unripe sunberries, as well as stems of flowering lungwort, should be used in equal proportions. Grind everything thoroughly and mix. 1 tbsp. l. pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over the mixture and brew in a thermos. Strain after 2 hours. Take 3 times a day, half an hour before meals, 1 tbsp.

For sore throate a mixture of lungwort stems, 4 grams of leaves, 4 grams of sunberry berries is poured with a glass of boiling water, steamed in a thermos. After 2 hours, cool slightly until the temperature becomes comfortable, and gargle.

For sore throat, you can also gargle with sunberry juice diluted with warm water, in a ratio of 1:3.

Rheumatism and skin diseases can be treated by taking baths with the addition of sunberry infusion. To do this, the leaves, stems and berries of the plant in equal proportions should be thoroughly crushed. 4 tbsp. Pour the resulting powder into 1 liter of boiling water. After 2 hours, strain the infusion and pour it into a bathtub with warm water. Take a bath for about 30 minutes.

For the treatment of gastritis 100 grams of a mixture of berries, leaves and stems is poured into 3 liters. boiling water Leave for 3 hours. Strain. Take several times a day, half an hour before meals, 3 tbsp.

For acne, various boils prepare a mixture of crushed fresh leaves and sunberries. It is the fresh mixture that preserves all the beneficial properties of the plant.

For bronchitis, stomach pain, neuroses prepare the following decoction: 100 gr. Fresh raw materials from the stem, leaves and sunberry berries are poured into 500 ml of boiling water. Leave until completely cooled. Take 150 ml, several times a day.

It is useful to drink once or twice a week sunberry tea for disease prevention. To prepare tea you will need to pour 3 grams. dry raw materials (stems, leaves, berries) - 5 liters of boiling water. Leave for 1 hour and take hot all day instead regular tea. Properties of tea - increasing immunity, calming effect.

Sunberry in cooking

To make sunberry jam, you will need to follow the following recipe:

To prepare candied sunberry fruits, you need ready-made jam strain through a colander to remove syrup. The berries should be laid out in one layer on a plate to dry. Dried fruits can be stored for a long time in a cool place in a glass container with a lid.

Sunberry is considered to be the birthplace of South America. The variety of these berries was bred at the beginning of the twentieth century by the American scientific breeder, a follower of Darwin, Luther Burbank, who also had a very stubborn character. The parent form of the plant is the African nightshade and the representative of the European continent - creeping nightshade.

The resulting berry hybrid was called sunberry, which translated from English meant “sunny berry.” The new kind inherited from nightshade from Africa fruits that are approximately the size of a large cherry, undemanding to grow, and also fairly high yield qualities. But excellent taste qualities as a result of selection were obtained from its European relative - creeping nightshade.

The berry bush grows quite tall, sometimes reaching 2 meters in height. This plant has a thick stem that resembles a tetrahedron. The berries are large, shiny, similar in color to our blueberries, but they ripen in clusters, about 15 pieces each. You can remove up to a bucket of these sunny berries from the bush. The advantage of sunberries over other berries is their continuous flowering, as well as ripening until autumn.

Sunberry storage features

The leaves of the berry bush are stored dried for a long time. They are collected during the summer and dried, laid out in a layer of 3-5 cm. But the berries for storage will have to wait. They close the season of spinning and conservation.

To fresh berries stored for a long time, they are cut off in bunches and sent to the refrigerator. Thus, the berry can be stored for quite a long time due to its elasticity. If you want to store fresh nightshades for the winter, freeze them after rinsing them. Use special dryers or ovens.