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Is it possible to permanently cure a duodenal ulcer? How to treat a duodenal ulcer

Stomach ulcer (similar to twelve duodenum) is a wound, ulceration, otherwise a deep defect in their walls. It can be superficial, but can also affect deep wall layers, often aggravated by bleeding and sometimes perforation, which is fraught with danger. Typically, a peptic ulcer is formed due to the presence of gastritis (gastroduodenitis), which has a bacterial development from Helicobacter pylori.

Gastritis affects the mucous membrane, forming erosions (cracks) on it. In the absence of treatment, they develop, constantly deepening, penetrating into the muscles. Then they reach the stomach muscles, transforming into ulcers.

However, ulcers often appear due to increased secretion of gastric juice and enzymes. How to conduct treatment folk remedies ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, we learn from this article.
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Folk remedies for stomach and duodenal ulcers

Causes of the disease

The main reasons were indicated above, but it may be long-term use(more than a month) certain medications (antitumor, steroid hormones, aspirin, ibuprofen and others). They damage the mucous membrane of the intestine and stomach, reducing its protective functions, simultaneously activating aggressive factors (acid concentration, changes in gastric motility).

In addition, the disease is provoked poor nutrition, smoking, nervous stress, overuse alcohol. In men, peptic ulcer disease occurs much more often than in women (almost 4 times), since women's sex hormones have protective functions.

By the way, you can find out several recipes against stomach ulcers.

Symptoms of the disease

The main symptom is pain, which can be sharp, burning, cutting, gnawing. With a stomach ulcer, it usually appears after food intake(after about a third of an hour).

If the duodenum is affected, the pain appears on an empty stomach and at night, and subsides after eating. The presence of an ulcer can cause nausea, heartburn, and vomiting. Sometimes the ulcer begins to bleed, as indicated by black stools.

Peptic ulcer disease begins to progress after its onset, and this process will develop until the mucous membrane of the digestive organ, and often the muscle layer, is destroyed. Therefore, treatment is mandatory.

Treatment methods

The patient is prescribed pharmaceuticals, helping to reduce or neutralize the secretion of gastric juice (Omez, Omeprazole, Orthanol and others). Against infectious bacteria(especially Helicobacter pylori) use De-Nol, Novobismol, Venter, as well as antibiotics.

Treatment with folk remedies for stomach and duodenal ulcers almost always leads to positive results(with the exception of severe forms disease when the question of surgical intervention is raised).

With any treatment, it is important to avoid smoking, drinking alcohol and caffeine, and eliminate any stressful situations. It is imperative to follow a healthy nutrition regimen - it should be reusable (up to 6 meals), but limited in the amount of food, moreover, liquid and mushy, not too salty and not hot. In addition to the above, it is required strict adherence diets (there are quite a lot of different diets now).

Repeatedly tested recipes from folk remedies are given below.

Folk recipes

Recipe based on sea buckthorn

Prepare sea buckthorn honey. Wash the berries, dry them, grind them into powder. Add 150 g of sea buckthorn powder to 1 liter of honey and mix thoroughly.

Take 10 g daily (three times). However, when acute cholecystitis, diseases of the pancreas or diarrhea, you should not use this remedy.

Potato based recipe

Great help potato juice(it normalizes stomach acidity, soothes pain, heals ulcers). Wash the tubers thoroughly, peel off the skin as thinly as possible, grate the potatoes, and squeeze out the juice.

Drink it 2 times daily immediately after it is ready (before meals at a dose of 100 g). After a month, the pain will stop bothering you completely.

Propolis based recipe

Prepare propolis (20 g) in 70% alcohol (80 ml). Leave to infuse for 3 days, shaking 5 times daily. After filtering, let the tincture sit for 12 hours and drain it.

Drink 3 times daily in small sips at a dose of 40 drops per hot water(100 ml) before meals (half an hour). Course (spring and autumn) – 3 weeks. In the morning on an empty stomach, eat butter (no more than 20 g). Eliminate spicy, smoked, and salty foods from your diet. To consolidate the result, the treatment can be repeated.

Recipe based on a healing mixture

Mix a glass of unsalted butter, honey, walnut kernels, vodka, and aloe juice. Boil over low heat.

Drink this mixture in the mornings and evenings, 2 hours before meals, 15 g on an empty stomach. The ulcers will soon disappear.

Recipe based on copper sulfate

Dissolve copper sulfate (0.4 g - accuracy is needed here!) in a liter of water, leave overnight for infusion.

Drink in the morning (on an empty stomach) in a dose of 50 ml (an hour before breakfast). Shake the contents of the container before use. Improvement occurs gradually (usually after consuming 3 liters of this drug). The ulcer disappears, but continue to take the medicine for prevention at intervals of 3 months.

Recipe No. 1 based on chicken eggs and aloe

Drink in the morning on an empty stomach for a month a raw egg, then eat a piece (3 cm) of aloe leaf without thorns and skin, then take 20 ml of sea buckthorn oil and finally – 25 g of honey. The interval between taking components is 5 minutes.

The two components in this complex must be alternated: one day - aloe, the other - 5 g of propolis tincture (to avoid errors, they are divided into even and odd days). Usually, scarring of the ulcer lasts up to a month.

Recipe No. 2 based on chicken eggs and aloe

Finely chop the five-year-old agave (aloe) leaf. Melt butter (50 g), dissolve 25 g of sugar in it. Dip aloe vera, 5 g cocoa and fresh egg. Mix everything.

Take before meals (one hour) in the morning and evening. The entire portion must be eaten at once. This healing recipe is wonderful for fighting peptic ulcers.

Recipe based on chicken egg and sea buckthorn

Mix 5 ml sea ​​buckthorn oil and the white of one raw egg (if possible from domestic chicken), beat until foamy.

Take 20 days on an empty stomach in the morning and always before bed. Use this recipe in spring and fall. The ulcer will heal and will not appear again.

Recipe based on butter and propolis

In 100 g of hot (but not brought to a boil!) butter(unsalted) add crushed propolis (10 g), stir until it is completely dissolved. Then transfer the medicine to a glass container, hold for 15 minutes in a water bath, stirring continuously until a homogeneous mass is formed.

Take the product 3 times daily before meals with a dose of 10 g, diluted in warmed milk (200 ml). Add a little honey to the milk.

Buckwheat recipe

Sort out the raw buckwheat and fry it a little in a frying pan. In the evening, pour 100 g of cereal into a thermos, pour in 200 g of boiling water. Eat the entire serving for breakfast every day.

Treatment – ​​1–6 weeks (determined by the person’s condition, severity dietary nutrition). Buckwheat effectively treats acute peptic ulcer disease.

Conclusion about traditional treatment

Treatment with folk remedies for stomach and duodenal ulcers brings good results, but without violating the healthy nutrition and diet regime. We should not forget that peptic ulcer disease is chronic, and therefore any malnutrition, nervous stress, or smoking can provoke its exacerbation.

Sometimes exacerbation occurs during seasonal climate changes (spring and autumn). At this time it is advisable to preventive treatment. It is important to remember that folk remedies do not give side effects.


Traditional medicine recipes are most often used in combination with usual treatment or as an addition to traditional treatment. Any recipe is good after consultation with a specialist.

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Fighting exacerbation

Treatment of duodenal ulcers - this topic worries many people suffering from this disease. It usually gets worse in the fall and winter, and it's unpleasant. The unbearable torment of aching pain, a person is thrown alternately into cold and heat. Due to the terrible state of health, it is impossible to work normally, or even live. I just want to save myself from these torments, and then a person asks the question: “How to treat the duodenum?”

Folk recipes

This disease can strike where there is no opportunity to get medical care. It may also happen that the medications no longer help or the person has contraindications for them. Then treatment of duodenal ulcers should be carried out using traditional methods.


Experts advise carrying out prevention twice a year using calendula herb to avoid seasonal exacerbations. A decoction of these flowers should be prepared in spring (March - April) and autumn (October - November). They are easy to find in absolutely any pharmacy or grow yourself. How to prepare a decoction? You will need half a liter of water (cold only) and two spoons of flowers. They need to be boiled over low heat for five minutes, and then left for three hours. Afterwards, strain. Drink this decoction a day before meals. For four weeks (two in spring and two in autumn), you need to be treated with this decoction and then the exacerbation will disappear forever.


Treatment of duodenal ulcers traditional methods is a great way to get rid of the disease. The simplest recipe is to dilute 35 g of honey in a glass of warm water. It should be drunk three times a day, an hour and a half before meals (if acidity is high) and 10 minutes before meals (if acidity is low). This treatment lasts two months. If heartburn occurs, you should drink honey with a small amount of milk.


Treatment of duodenal ulcer is a responsible process. And it includes diet. Speaking on this topic, it is worth mentioning that the diet is very strict, especially during an exacerbation. Food should be soft and liquid so as not to irritate the mucous membrane. Temperature: room temperature. If a person experiences severe pain, then it would be good to include milk in your diet. It is advisable to eat milk porridges (ground), jelly (they should be prepared with fruit juices). For breakfast, it would be good to prepare oatmeal porridge (in a liquid state), with the addition of butter. This food envelops the mucous membrane, due to which it is removed painful sensations. Dinner or lunch is a steamed meat soufflé. It should be lean: beef, turkey, pork, rabbit or fish. And for dessert, jelly from fruits (sweet) or ground berries is allowed.

Infusions and decoctions

How to treat a duodenal ulcer? Of course, you need to visit a doctor. Regularly, so that he monitors the condition of the disease and writes prescriptions. And you should discuss the option of folk remedies with him. They are effective, especially infusions and decoctions for medicinal herbs. It is worth noting the popular decoction - plantain, wormwood, calendula, also St. John's wort, chamomile, peppermint, sage, plus dandelion roots, calamus and Manchu Aralia, plantain leaf. All this is mixed in the required proportions, poured with boiling water and infused in a thermos. The decoction should be drunk before meals, half a glass. It helps people who have reduced gastric secretion.

Therapeutic therapy for peptic ulcer disease must be comprehensive. One should not underestimate the variety of folk remedies that are no less effective than medications. Before using traditional medicine recipes, you should consult a doctor to avoid possible side effects. The use of such drugs helps speed up recovery, relieve symptoms, improve well-being and prevent the development of complications.

Peptic ulcer disease is dangerous because in the absence of proper and timely treatment there is a risk of complications and even fatal outcome. For treatment it is necessary to determine the real reason, which provoked the development of the disease. It should be understood that eliminating symptoms will not completely positive effect. To avoid relapse and complications, the cause of ulcerative pathology should be eradicated.

Duodenal ulcers can occur for the following reasons:

  1. Unbalanced, irregular diet, abuse of fast food, fried, spicy, salty and fatty foods.
  2. The presence in the human body of such a pathogenic bacterium as Helicobacter pylori.
  3. Smoking, alcohol abuse.
  4. Emotional stress, frequent stressful situations that negatively affect functioning gastrointestinal tract due to the constant tone of the central nervous system.
  5. Hereditary factor accompanied by exposure to provocateurs.
  6. Prolonged, uncontrolled use of medications.

Since a variety of factors can provoke the development of the disease, it is necessary to determine the cause before prescribing treatment.

Clinical picture of duodenal ulcer

Treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers is complex; otherwise, desired effect almost impossible.

The most common signs of a duodenal ulcer are:

  • belching;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • flatulence, severe bloating belly;
  • stool disorder;
  • painful heartburn;
  • weakness, irritability;
  • insomnia.

Most reliable symptom is considered a pain syndrome observed in the abdomen. When food comes into contact with the affected areas of the mucous membrane, the pain is intense and paroxysmal. For peptic ulcer There are also night pains that are not associated with meals, which causes a lot of discomfort to the patient.

An exacerbation of the disease most often occurs in the spring and autumn months. To prevent relapse, it is necessary to engage in prevention. To do this you should adhere to proper nutrition, use folk remedies and medications prescribed by a gastroenterologist.

Traditional methods of treatment

For duodenal ulcers, treatment with folk remedies involves the use of oils, juices, herbal decoctions and tinctures. For treatment to be effective, you should first consult with a doctor.

Methods of treatment with oils

Treatment of duodenal ulcers with folk remedies has amazing results if special oils are used correctly.

Sea ​​buckthorn

The oil of this plant has the following healing properties: disinfecting, anti-inflammatory, restorative and wound healing. Directions for use: drink 1 teaspoon every morning on an empty stomach.


Chamomile oil is considered one of the best antiseptics. Helps to remove severe inflammation, relieve pain, accelerate tissue regeneration and healing. Take 1 tbsp three times a day before meals. spoon.


Thanks to amazing properties Calendula oil can help prevent the formation of scars that remain after the ulcer heals. Directions for use: 1 tablespoon before bedtime.

Improves tissue regeneration, which is important in the process of treating peptic ulcers. It is recommended to take one spoon before bedtime.

Such folk remedies for treating duodenal ulcers are quite effective, but before using them you need consultation and permission from your doctor.

The most effective mixtures

Special mixtures that can be made at home deserve special attention. When preparing it is necessary to take into account individual characteristics body. Alcohol-based tinctures should not be used, as they severely irritate the mucous membrane.

Effective mixtures that promote scarring and fast healing duodenal ulcers:

Recipe No. 1

One of best products used in the treatment of ulcers is natural honey, as well as other beekeeping products. Before use, you must make sure that you are not allergic to such products. Method for preparing the healing mixture: 500 grams of honey, 500 milliliters olive oil combine with the juice obtained from two medium lemons. Stir the mixture thoroughly and cover with a lid. Stir before use. Dosage: three times a day, 1 tablespoon.

Recipe No. 2

Shilajit is actively used to treat this intestinal pathology. Preparation: dilute one gram of mumiyo in 20 ml of milk. If desired, you can replace the milk with egg yolk. Ready mix taken in the morning and before bedtime.

Recipe No. 3

A ripe pumpkin, which needs to be peeled and cut into cubes, helps a lot. For every 250 grams of pumpkin you will need one liter of fresh milk. Mix the two ingredients in a saucepan, cover with a lid and place in the oven. Mash the baked pumpkin. The milk-pumpkin mixture can be taken 3 times a day, half an hour before meals. The dosage of the medicinal mixture is ½ cup.

Recipe No. 4

Treatment of peptic ulcers with propolis shows good results. You will need one hundred and fifty grams of propolis, which should be melted in a kilogram of melted butter. Directions for use: 1 teaspoon before each meal.

Recipe No. 5

Fry in a dry frying pan buckwheat. Brew three tablespoons of buckwheat in ten milliliters of boiling water (in a thermos). In the morning, eat porridge for breakfast.

For achievement best result You can combine the use of several recipes at once.

The most effective decoctions

To treat peptic ulcers of the duodenum and stomach, you can use decoctions of medicinal plants and herbs. Before using them, you need to talk to your doctor to avoid mistakes in preparation.

Option #1

Take about twenty grams of calendula flowers, brew them in one glass of boiling water. Keep the mixture in a steam bath for twenty minutes. Dosage: three times a day, 2 tablespoons.

Option No. 2

For cooking healing decoction it is necessary to use the following ingredients in equal proportions: horsetail, valerian, chamomile, plantain, St. John's wort, as well as rhizomes of crayfish. Mix thoroughly. Pour a glass of boiling water over a tablespoon of herbal mixture. Soak the decoction in a steam bath for one hour. Application: three times a day, ½ glass before meals.

Option #3

Wash the potatoes thoroughly, peel them and cover with water. Boil it, strain. Ready potato broth drink 3 times a day, sticking to a dosage of ½ glass.

Option No. 4

A useful decoction is obtained from burdock root. Take twenty grams of this raw material, pour boiling water over it, leave for thirty minutes steam bath. Strain the mixture thoroughly to remove any remaining residue. medicinal plant. Directions for use: half a glass twice a day.

When treating duodenal ulcers, it is necessary A complex approach. To do this, you should combine medication, diet therapy and proven folk remedies. To avoid complications, consult your doctor before use.

Happens quite often. And that's why in folk medicine There are many ways in which you can alleviate the patient’s condition, and sometimes even get rid of the ulcer completely.

Not only pharmaceutical products Can an ulcer be cured?

Before moving on to how you can cure a duodenal ulcer with folk remedies, it is necessary to dwell in more detail on the causes of its occurrence. And this needs to be done because part of the treatment will depend on the provoking factor, since simply eliminating the symptoms will not help, it is necessary to eliminate the cause so that the disease does not return again. The main reasons for the formation of ulcers in the duodenum include:

  1. Penetration of bacteria into the body, namely one bacterium, which is the main cause of ulcers. Moreover, a person does not always suspect that it has entered his body
  2. Poor nutrition, namely abuse of fatty and spicy foods, non-compliance with diet, constant snacking, complete exclusion of soups, etc.
  3. and smoking. Alcohol, just like tobacco smoke, negatively affect the entire body, because they literally kill healthy cells
  4. Stress, as well as constant emotional tension. Stress is known to cause the development of many diseases because nervous system is in constant tone, which negatively affects the functioning of organs
  5. Heredity. As a rule, children whose parents suffered from duodenal or gastric ulcers are more susceptible to this disease, since they have a predisposition to it. Any negative factor may trigger the onset
  6. Taking some medicines, which negatively affect the mucous membrane of the organ, which increases the likelihood of ulcer formation

Depending on what caused the disease, doctors can prescribe concomitant medications that, in addition to eliminating the symptoms of the disease, will treat the cause itself.

Symptoms of the disease

It is especially important to know the symptoms of the disease in order to recognize the disease in time and begin its treatment. The main (most common) symptoms of duodenal ulcers include:

  • in the abdominal area, and quite often they are strong and paroxysmal, which is caused by food entering the areas of the mucous membrane where the ulcer formed. In addition, pain appears not only during meals, but also at night, which causes great discomfort to its owner
  • which torments a person with an ulcer almost constantly. Because of this, he still experiences more discomfort
  • which can appear both after eating and independently of this process

It should be especially noted that the exacerbation of ulcers occurs in the spring, or autumn period. Therefore, most doctors advise taking it during this period. preventive measures to avoid severe attacks.

Treatment of ulcers with folk remedies

Herbal teas for treating ulcers

The majority of doctors prescribe their patients only medications to treat ulcers. But the other part does not deny that medications together with folk remedies can have the best positive effect.

True, before using this or that method, it is better to consult a specialist, because either allergic reaction, or it turns out that herbs and infusions reduce the effect of drugs. The main folk remedies for treating duodenal ulcers include:

  • Oils and mixtures
  • Decoctions

In addition, it is very important to follow special diet, with which you can avoid severe irritation of the mucous membrane, and as a result reduce the frequency of attacks.

Diet for ulcers

First of all, you need to pay attention to your diet. This is considered both popular and medical method treatment. The effectiveness of all chosen treatment methods will depend on how well a person eats. It is necessary to completely exclude the following foods from the diet:

  1. Seasonings and spices, as they irritate the mucous membrane and cause the ulcer to increase in size
  2. which also negatively affect not only the duodenum, but also the entire body as a whole
  3. Carbonated drinks
  4. Coffee and strong teas
  5. Fried dishes, as food becomes very fatty, because most housewives fry in sunflower oil
  6. Any canned food
  7. soups, especially rich and fatty ones
  8. Sweet and flour products, especially muffins
  9. Black bread
  10. Legumes, as they irritate the mucous membranes
  11. Berries that have a hard skin
  • Dairy and vegetable soups, since they will envelop the mucous membrane, and they also contain the necessary amount of vitamins
  • Dairy products with no high content fat, namely cottage cheese, kefir, cheeses
  • Porridge, both with milk and water

During the diet, you should not eat foods that are too cold or too hot, as they will irritate you. sore spot. You need to give preference to warm food.

In addition, meals should be fractional, but at the same time nutritious and rich in vitamins. Small meals should be given because the stomach and duodenum cannot be overly burdened, because it is very difficult for them to digest large portions of food.

Oils for treating ulcers

Oils are also used to treat ulcers

Not everyone knows, but with a duodenal ulcer, some oils can help and alleviate the condition, namely:

  • This oil is known for its healing properties, it has an anti-inflammatory, disinfecting effect, and also helps cells recover and wounds heal faster. Taking one teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil every morning on an empty stomach can improve your well-being. There are cases where with this approach it was possible to completely get rid of the ulcer
  • Milk thistle oil. It is used to improve tissue regeneration, which is very important for the speedy healing of ulcers. You need to drink it one tablespoon at night
  • Calendula oil, which should also be taken one tablespoon at night. Its use will help avoid the formation of rough scars during ulcer healing.
  • Chamomile oil, which is used as an excellent antiseptic. In addition, it has an anti-inflammatory effect, reduces pain, promotes rapid wound healing, and also improves tissue regeneration. You need to use it three times a day, half an hour before meals, one tablespoon

You can use this or that oil only after consultation with your doctor, since in some cases their use is prohibited.

Traditional methods to the rescue: mixtures

Separately, we need to talk about the use of mixtures during the treatment of duodenal ulcers. It is especially important to take into account the individual characteristics of the human body, and also remember that it is strictly forbidden to use any tinctures with alcohol, as they only irritate the mucous membrane. The main recipes for medicinal mixtures for ulcers, which will help reduce symptoms and also promote rapid scarring of the ulcer, include:

  • Recipe 1. Mumiyo. Some people use mumiyo to treat ulcers. To do this, you need to take about 1 gram of mumiyo and dilute it with 20 grams of milk. Or some replace milk egg yolks. This mixture should be taken in the morning and before bed. How much mummy should be taken is calculated based on the patient’s weight. That is, people whose weight is less than 70 kilograms are recommended to take 0.2 grams, up to 80 kilograms 0.3 grams, etc.
  • Recipe 2. You need to take about 150 grams of propolis and melt it in one kilogram of melted butter. You need to take this mixture one teaspoon before meals.
  • Recipe 3. Honey. Honey has been famous since ancient times for its medicinal properties. True, some people are allergic to it. If there is no intolerance to honey, then you can make the following mixture. You need to take half a kilogram of honey and mix it with half a liter of olive oil, and then add the juice of two lemons. The resulting mixture is covered with a lid. Before use, you need to stir each time with a spoon. As for the number of doses, you need to take one tablespoon three times a day
  • Recipe 4. Pumpkin. You need to take the simplest ripe pumpkin, peel it from the seeds and cut it into cubes. After that, take the milk (for every 250 grams of pumpkin, a liter of milk is taken), pour it into a bowl and put the pumpkin there. Then cover with a lid and place in the oven until the pumpkin softens. After this, you need to take out the pumpkin, wait another twenty minutes, and start kneading. The resulting mixture of pumpkin and milk should be taken half a glass three times a day half an hour before meals.
  • Recipe 5. Buckwheat. You need to take raw buckwheat and fry it a little in a frying pan. After this, take three tablespoons and pour 10 grams of boiling water (it is best to do this in a thermos). And in the morning, for breakfast, eat soggy buckwheat

As a rule, the majority of patients use several mixtures at once to ensure the best possible effect. And he alternates them. That is, first a course of treatment with one, and then with another, etc.

A duodenal ulcer affects the mucous membranes; the symptoms of the pathology usually worsen in the autumn and spring seasons, when the period of remission turns into an exacerbation stage, requiring mandatory treatment.

When the disease occurs, ulcerations form on the mucous membranes - deep single or extensive defects that result in life-threatening complications. The disease is treated with therapeutic and surgical methods, methods of traditional medicine.

Scientists have proven that duodenal ulcer is formed under the influence of harmful bacteria - Helicobacter pylori. Microorganisms create pathogenic microflora in the intestines, which leads to peptic ulcers.

There are many carriers among people Helicobacter pylori, but the development of the disease occurs in a small proportion of them. The majority of infected people have no symptoms of the disease. Helicobacter bacteria are in a “dormant state” in their body.

The manifestation of the disease is facilitated by:

  • disrupted diet;
  • rough and spicy food;
  • nicotine, alcohol;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • stress;
  • systematic use of a number of medications;
  • high acidity gastric juice.

Therapy directly depends on the etiology of the disease. Therefore, treatment of duodenal ulcer is prescribed after establishing the symptoms and causes that led to its development.


When the disease progresses, the following symptoms occur:

  1. Pain of varying intensity, localized in the epigastrium and under the sternum. If an ulcer of the duodenal bulb occurs, the pain is similar to that which appears with cardiac pathologies, or radiates to the back.
  2. Painful sensations appear when empty stomach and at night.
  3. The pain subsides after consuming antacids - drugs that neutralize hydrochloric acid, or milk.
  4. Pain increases when a bolus of food saturated hydrochloric acid, from the stomach into the cavity of the duodenum.
  5. Attacks of pain occur up to several times a day. The further the disease progresses, the more often they appear, and their intensity increases.

In children and elderly patients, signs of the disease are mild. With erased symptoms, a duodenal ulcer is detected late, and treatment begins in advanced conditions. Sometimes this leads to dangerous complication– perforation (a through ulcer through which the contents of the intestines leak into the abdominal cavity) and, as a consequence, to peritonitis.


If duodenal ulcers are not treated, severe complications develop, life threatening sick. The disease, as it progresses, causes:

  1. Internal bleeding. Blood vessels affected by ulcerations, bleed. Internal blood loss is indicated by hematemesis and anemia. Surgery helps save the patient.
  2. Perforation. Open ulcers form on the intestinal drains. Through the lesions, intestinal contents leak into the abdominal cavity, causing peritonitis. In such a situation, treatment of the duodenum is performed only surgically. Otherwise the patient will die.
  3. Penetration. Ulcerated intestinal fluids penetrate the liver or pancreas. Conservative therapy brings temporary relief. From pathological condition the patient is relieved by surgery.
  4. Stenosis. The affected areas of the intestine swell and scar, which ends in narrowing of the lumen and blockage. Intestinal obstruction is accompanied by vomiting, constipation and flatulence, heaviness and pain in the stomach. Edema is eliminated using medications. The question of how to cure a duodenal ulcer complicated by adhesive stenosis has only one answer - surgery.
  5. Emergence cancerous tumor in areas of ulceration. In this case, treatment of the duodenum is carried out using chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery.

Drug therapy

Treatment of duodenal ulcer is carried out using the following medications:

  1. Pain syndrome relieved using medications that inhibit the production of gastric juice: Omez, Gastrozol, Bioprazol.
  2. Products that form a protective film on the intestinal walls are used: Almagel, Maalox.
  3. To destroy bacterial infection, antibiotics are prescribed: Amoxicillin, Clarithromycin, Metronidazole. If the therapy has not achieved its goals, a new treatment regimen for the ulcer is drawn up, which includes other antibacterial drugs: Omeprazole, De-Nol, Ranitidine, Tetracycline.
  4. To stimulate intestinal motility, the following are prescribed: Trimedat, Cerucal, Motilium.
  5. Therapy includes analgesics, antispasmodics, multivitamins, sedatives, antidepressants.

Using conservative methods, aggravated and chronic ulcer treated from 2 weeks to 1.5 months. The duration of treatment is influenced by the patient’s condition and the size of the lesions. Treatment regimens are selected only by a doctor.

In case of exacerbation, strict therapeutic diet– table No. 1. When remission occurs, variety is added to the diet. But in both cases, they adhere to fractional meals, take only gentle food, exclude fried, fatty, salty, smoked, and spicy foods. Products are boiled or steamed.

Surgery is performed if emergency situation, caused severe complication: intestinal obstruction, peritonitis, bleeding.

Folk recipes

Treating duodenal ulcers at home is a long process. Except medical supplies, patients are recommended to use folk remedies. Helps fight the disease herbal teas, honey, aloe, sea buckthorn oil, mineral water.

Products with sea buckthorn oil

The disease is treated with agents that can envelop the mucous membranes, tighten ulcerative formations on them, and regenerate damaged cells and tissues. Sea buckthorn oil has these properties. The medicine heals damage to the mucous membranes. To suppress the disease, pure malo or its combination with other natural remedies is used.

Recipes revealing how to treat duodenal ulcers with sea buckthorn oil:

  1. Before breakfast, drink 1 teaspoon of oil on an empty stomach. After taking the medicine, spend 1 hour in bed, periodically changing body position. Therapy is carried out daily until 200 ml of oil is drunk. At the beginning of treatment, heartburn sometimes appears. Tea soda dissolved in water (0.5 teaspoon per glass of liquid with a temperature not exceeding 60 °C) helps relieve the discomfort.
  2. Recurrence of the disease is prevented by consuming a mixture of oil (1 teaspoon) and honey (1 tablespoon) once a day. They are treated with the drug for a whole year. With daily use of the medicine, symptoms of the disease do not appear.
  3. To get rid of duodenal ulcer, make a mixture of a 2% solution baking soda and oils. For one dose, prepare a mixture of 50 ml of soda solution and 1 teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil. Drink the product for 30 days.

Traditional preparations with aloe

Aloe heals ulcers and erosions that occur on the intestinal mucosa. The juice of the plant enhances the effect of the components used in mixture with it and accelerates healing.

The following preparations are prepared based on aloe:

  1. Combine aloe, honey and butter in equal parts. The mixture is consumed 3 times a day. First, drink 1 tablespoon of homemade medicine, then eat. Honey inhibits the development of bacteria, oil, protecting the mucous membrane with a film, eliminates pain, aloe heals ulcerations.
  2. From a three-year-old aloe plant, the leaves are cut off and crushed. To 150 g of aloe add 50 g of honey and butter, pour in 10 ml of Cahors. They bet on water bath and heat until the components dissolve. Take 1 tablespoon three times a day on an empty stomach, washed down with milk or soda solution. After 30 minutes they eat. Treatment lasts 30 days. Repeat course carried out after 10 days.
  3. Healers have created an effective method that explains how to treat ulcers of the duodenum and bulb. Before breakfast, drink 1 raw egg. Maintain a five-minute interval, eat 1 teaspoon of honey. Then, after a 5-minute break, take a small piece of aloe and eat the pulp. Complete the procedure by taking 1 teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil. Have breakfast 30 minutes later.

Recipes with honey

It is useful to use honey for duodenal ulcers; it improves the functioning of the digestive organs, has an anti-inflammatory effect, relieves heartburn and irritation, nourishes the mucous membranes, and promotes the healing of ulcers.

Treatment of duodenal ulcers is carried out using the following recipes:

  1. Add 35 g of honey to 250 ml of warm water. Stir until dissolved and drink. Food is taken after 1.5 hours, provided that the acidity of gastric juice is increased. When acidity is low, drink the mixture 10 minutes before meals. Treatment lasts for 2 months. During the treatment period, sweets are completely removed from the menu. If heartburn occurs, it can be neutralized by drinking 125 ml of milk.
  2. Prepare a mixture from 500 g of honey, 500 ml of olive oil and freshly squeezed juice of 2 lemons. The mixture is made in a glass bottle, capped, and stored in the refrigerator. Before drinking the medicine, shake it up. Drink 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals. The interval between taking the medicine and food is half an hour. The pain syndrome subsides on the 5th day. Take the medicine again after a month. Treatment of duodenal ulcers according to this recipe is carried out twice a year: at the end of autumn and at the beginning of spring.
  3. Combine 500 g of honey and butter. Add 200 g of powder obtained from the partitions walnut. The mixture is mixed, consumed on an empty stomach before breakfast, 4 teaspoons.

Herbal infusions

You can treat duodenal ulcers with folk remedies using herbs. Symptoms of the disease will disappear if you take decoctions of the following medicinal plants:

  1. A collection is prepared from elecampane, licorice, chamomile, calendula, yarrow, marshmallow and blueberry flowers. Measure out 2 teaspoons of each herb. Pour the mixture into 1 liter of boiling water. To infuse, leave for 1 hour. Drink ½ glass three times a day. The interval between taking the decoction and eating is 30 minutes. Home remedy indicated for the treatment of ulcers with high acidity of gastric juice.
  2. At low acidity a collection is prepared from aralia, chamomile, St. John's wort, dandelion root, calendula, wormwood, mint, plantain, calamus, and sage. Mix 2 teaspoons of raw materials. Add 1 liter of boiling water to the prepared mixture. Let the mixture stand for 1 hour. Use 125 ml. Food is taken after 30 minutes.
  3. To 20 g of mint add 10 g of fennel and caraway seeds. The collection is poured into ½ liter of boiling water. Leave to infuse for 30 minutes. The decoction is used for ulcers accompanied by indigestion, intestinal cramps, bloating.

Mineral water

After the disease passes from acute condition During the remission stage, patients are advised to drink non-carbonated alkaline mineral water. The following mineral water is suitable for treatment:

  • Borjomi;
  • Essentuki No. 4;
  • Slavyanovskaya;
  • Berezovskaya;
  • Smirnovskaya No. 1;
  • Jermuk.

Drinking healing waters three times a day, 200 ml. If acidity is high, consume warm water while taking small sips. A glass is drunk within 7 minutes and eaten after 30 minutes. Drinking water is allowed 1.5–2 hours after eating.

If the goal is to relieve heartburn, drink water slowly, in small doses (no more than 50 ml) with an interval of 20 minutes.

Before treatment, mineral water is heated to 40°C in order to release gases that provoke increased secretory function.

When secretion is reduced, drink cool water before eating. Between medical procedure and eating food, maintain an interval of 30 minutes.

If an exacerbation occurs when drinking water, reduce the dose, frequency of administration, or interrupt treatment for 1–2 days. If individual side effects occur, consult a doctor or stop treatment.

The pathology quickly recedes and does not produce side effects if treatment with folk remedies is combined with drug therapy, physiotherapy, dieting, taking mineral waters. Recovery is accelerated by quitting alcohol and smoking. The risk of relapse is minimized if the patient eliminates provoking factors, strengthens the immune system, and increases stress resistance.