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Scenario of the event for disabled children with intellectual disabilities “Autumn Tale. Events for the Day of Persons with Disabilities: why carry them out

Goals and objectives: to develop in children a correct and reasonable attitude towards people with disabilities; to attract the attention of schoolchildren to the problems of children with disabilities; contribute to the development of moral qualities of students.

Equipment. Prizes for games, recording of songs and dance music.

Progress of the event

Host: Good afternoon, Dear friends! We are very glad to see you in our hall. International Day of Persons with Disabilities was established on December 3 by the UN General Assembly in 1992. This holiday is aimed at attracting public attention to the problems of people with disabilities and protecting their rights and dignity.

Who said you're not like that?
You are full-fledged citizens of the country
And for us, and for our people, and for Russia
You are needed just like anyone else.

The whole world celebrates your day today,
After all, in order to overcome all difficulties
It's easy - and everyone knows it,
Under no circumstances should you be sad or timid.

Today is a special day
For special people
We all wish that illnesses
They left quickly.

Let the sun shine brighter -
Beautiful light
And remember, in this life, you are not alone!

Leading. Very often, people with disabilities can achieve more than completely healthy people. For many years now various sport competitions and Special Olympics. Often such people show high results.

Here are examples of people who, despite their illnesses, have achieved great success in life.


Blind musicians.

The artist GZhuravlev - he had no hands, painted with a brush, holding it between his teeth.

Famous figures of science and culture who have diabetes. Russian actors M. Boyarsky, Yu. Nikulin, Elvis Presley, rock singer, inventor Thomas Edison, Fyodor Chaliapin Russian singer. Everyone is helped by the attention and kindness of people.

There is a song about kindness.
Music is playing. Red-haired clown. The clown comes out.

Hello guys!
Hello, friends!
I'm glad to see you on a winter day!
I am glad to welcome dear guests,
I’m in a hurry to meet you as soon as possible.

Name full name.

Clown: Well done guys! And now maybe you will please me with your knowledge and guess my riddles.

  • He's floating on the sheet

Like a boat on the wave.

  • He to the housewives good friend Electric... (IRON)
  • If you know everything,

That's what you'll get at school... (FIVE)

  • I sit, almost crying,

Very difficult... (Task)

  • Whoever swims towards me,

It will swallow everyone... (CROCODILE)

- Well done!

Leading. Now guess. “Whose words?”

  • “I left my grandfather, I left my grandmother.” (Kolobok)
  • “I’ll sew new legs on him, he’ll run along the track again” (Aibolit)
  • “Come, cockroaches, I’ll treat you to tea.” (Fly Tsokotukha)
  • “Calm, just calm” (Carlson)
  • “Oh, you, my poor orphans, my irons and pans.” (Fedoroa)
  • “What kind of stop is this? Bologoe or Popovka?” (Abstract Man)

Clown. And here are some more riddles for you. Give the full name of the literary hero.

  • Brownie... (Kuzya), Ole-... (Lukoye), Postman... (Pechkin), Uncle (Fedor), Doctor...
  • (Aibolit), Baron... (Munhausen), Signor... (Tomato), Nif-... (Nif), Ali-...
  • (Baba), Winnie-... (Pooh), Karabas... (Barabas), Naf-... (Naf)

Leading. The games continue. Tell me the rhyme because I I forgot.

All the riddles have been solved
And now we continue.
Games are fun, we know.
We enjoy playing
These games every time.
Let's play now!

We invite you to play a game called “Funny monkeys. Leading. (8 Human) Prize notebook.

We are funny monkeys.
We play too loud.
We clap our hands
We stomp our feet
Puff out our cheeks
Let's jump on our toes,
And we’ll even show each other our tongues!
Let's jump to the ceiling together
Bring your finger to your temple.
Let's stick out our ears,
The tail is on the top of the head.
Let's open our mouths wider,
We'll make all the faces.
How can I tell you I number "three"
Everyone is grimacing - freeze!
One two Three!

The one who makes the funniest grimace wins. The game can be repeated. Pupil.

It's hard, it's difficult,
But of course it's possible
Love yourself, people,
And find some friends
Become a great person
Respect yourself for this
To be self-confident,
And go towards your dream.

Everything will happen, just wish it
Don't give up,
There is nothing more beautiful in the world
A real person,

We wish you strength
Fulfillment of dreams!
Let your health not be lame,
This will not break our spirit,
Life is not easy today
So what now?
Why be sad and despondent,
We'd better dance.

Host: We offer you a dance game called “Orange disco”, and it is called orange because the participants in the game must have an orange. The main rule: you can’t throw an orange on the floor. The one who does not follow this rule stops the dance and steps aside, and the one who copes with the task receives a prize!

So, 6 people are invited

1 – hold the orange between your knees and dance Twist. Prize pen.

2 – we hold the orange under the chin and dance Rock'n'roll Prize eraser

3 – while dancing, the dancers transfer the orange from one hand to the other and dance Macarena. Prize pencil.

4 – dance in a circle, hold the orange under your arm and dance together Lambada. Prize tassel

  • So that the ardor of fun does not fade away,
    To make time go faster.
    We now invite you
    Gather in a circle and quickly.

Presenter (8 people invited)

Game “A” come on.” Prize candy V.Come on, clap like me (2 claps),

K. Come on, clap like me (2 claps),

Only here they clap like that! (clap-clap). (2 times)
V. Come on, stomp like me (2 stomps),

K. Come on, stomp like me (2 stomps),

V. Come on, meow like me (meow-meow),
K. Come on, meow like me (meow-meow),

V. Come on, bark like me (woof-woof),
K. Come on, bark like me (woof-woof),

B. Come on, grunt like me (oink-oink)
K. Come on, grunt like me (oink-oink)

Come on, all together, all at once -
Only here they grunt like that! (oink-oink) (2 times)

Clown. Now let's laugh. (6 people)

Game “Laughter. Form a large circle. In the center is the presenter with a scarf in his hand. He throws the handkerchief up, until the handkerchief flies to the floor, everyone laughs loudly. There is a handkerchief on the floor - everyone falls silent: whoever can’t stand it and laughs sits down. How many of the most self-possessed children will remain?

Prize nose handkerchief

A person's actions are glorified,
What shines in the eyes.
And let everyone gain health
That help contained in deeds!

And if you suddenly get a little bored,
Don't be shy, call right away.
We'll bring some joy with us
Worthy of friendship, sincere love.

And now a song will sound for all friends “A strong friendship will not break”

Clown. Contest " Strong hand" (8 people)

They are called to the ring to measure their strength. Each player is given a newspaper. Children take hold of the newspaper with one hand: whoever can gather the newspaper into a fist the fastest, but you cannot help with the other hand and press it closer to you.

Prize ruler

Game “Don't Laugh”, (two circles) Those who wish.

All players squat in a circle.

Grab the nose of the neighbor on the right, grab each other's hair, hug each other's shoulders, pull the neighbor's cheeks, pull the neighbors' ears, stroke the knees of those sitting next to them, twirl it at the temple of the one sitting on the left. Prize napkin

Host: Yes, indeed, guys, how can you not laugh here, after all. Surely even your desk neighbors have never shown you such attention. Yes, and laugh, for your health! After all, laughter This best medicine not only from boredom, but also from many diseases. Scientists have found that a cheerful, cheerful person gets sick less often and lives longer than a gloomy person who is always dissatisfied with something. I wish you a good mood, smiles, warmth and cheerful laughter. Smile more often!

Clown: Dear guys! By your eyes, by your warm smiles and good mood, we feel that you liked our extraordinary holiday. There are real miracles in life: a smile, fun, the right word spoken at the right time, a dream... In any fairy tale, wizards help dreams come true. And in life, only you yourself can make your dream come true.

Presenter In Valentin Kataev’s fairy tale “Flower - Seven Flowers” ​​a girl made wishes and only one wish was the kindest and truest.

Clown. We wish that your wishes come true and bring you joy.

Music “Fly-fly petal”

Petals are flying around the hall, scattered by the clown and the presenter.

Clown. Let hope warm your heart,

Presenter Let doubts melt like snow,

Clown. May all your best dreams come true,

Pupil. Let all the best flowers bloom for you!

Clown Let your home be very cozy,

Leading. Let people not forget about you,

Clown. Let friends fill your life.

Pupil. Will be a loving, attentive family!

Clown. Of course, we wish you good health - Where would we be without it today?

May your Guardian Angel and human warmth protect you in life.

Leading: Have a great mood, peace and goodness! Song “We wish you happiness”

Together: Before new meetings, expensive Friends!

Report on events for people with disabilities for 2019.

"Game Twilight" (promotion)

On April 22, 2019, the library hosted promotion "Igrotwilight" , in which people with disabilities took part. IN evening time from 18:00 to 21:00 the library welcomed its guests at the following venues: “Shadow Theatre”, “Theater Mosaic” quiz, reading with a flashlight, master class “Finger figurines”, “Masks”, “Marionette dolls”; DIY workshops "Book-Art"; “Book Tea - Selfie - Zone”, “Pantomime - Live Picture”, “Open Microphone”, games “Checkers”, “Tower”, “Twist”. The "Igrotwilight" event was fun and interesting. Everyone who was there that evening had positive emotions. The most active participants received prizes.

"Life of Dance"

Dance is inspiration
Dreams and fairy tales come true.
The flight of souls, the fluttering of bodies,
And a very difficult matter.

April 20, 2019 The library hosted a theatrical kaleidoscope “The Life of Dance” for people with disabilities. During the event, the fascinating history of dance was revealed, which was accompanied by presentations on “International Dance Day” and “Maya Plisetskaya”. The event ended with a quiz “Everyone Dances” and a viewing of the book exhibition “The Wonderful World of Dance”.

"Everything for queens!"

03/07/2019 In honor of International Women's Day on March 8, a festive program was organized in the library reading room "Everything for queens!" prepared for the disabled community.

On the eighth of March, every time

On this wonderful spring holiday,

I would like to congratulate you,

So mysterious and different.

March 8- International Women's Day, the main holiday of spring, flowers and good mood. Feminine beauty and charm have always inspired men to great feats and daring. On this day, congratulations, songs and poems were heard for beautiful and charming ladies. The guests took part in humorous competitions and games; answered unusual quiz questions; sang songs and poems. The holiday ended with tea drinking in a warm, friendly atmosphere.

February 22 in the reading room of the library there was an educational entertainment “Today is your holiday, men!” for people with disabilities.

Our country is under reliable protection,
When we all take care of it together!
So let it always be peaceful and friendly,
Our common, beloved Father's home!

February 23 All residents of Russia have a big holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day ! Our army has an ancient and glorious history. The valor of the Russian soldier is known to everyone. And we can rightfully be proud of them. Russia was famous in the past and now for its military leaders, great commanders. The names of these people are forever in the people's memory: Alexander Nevsky, Alexander Suvorov, Mikhail Kutuzov, Fyodor Ushakov, Pyotr Nakhimov, Georgy Zhukov, K. Rokossovsky, A. Vasilevsky.

"From Hussar to Special Forces"

On the eve of Defender of the Fatherland Day, a virtual tour was held in the library reading room "From hussar to special forces" which was accompanied by the presentation “February 23 - Defenders of the Fatherland Day.” The event participants met our fellow countrymen who served in Afghanistan and Chechnya. Bykov Viktor Engelsovich is a graduate of Pashiyskaya secondary school. Air Force Lieutenant Colonel. Killed in the line of duty in the Republic of Afghanistan. Evgeniy Vladimirovich Prosvirnev is a graduate of Pashiyskaya Secondary School. Police ensign. Died in the line of duty in the Chechen Republic. Nagorny Sergey Petrovich is a graduate of Pashiyskaya secondary school. Police Sergeant. Died in the line of duty in the Chechen Republic. All fallen heroes were honored with a minute of silence. The women congratulated the men on the holiday and gave each of them a handmade gift. The event has ended competitive program and viewing the book exhibition “Defender of the Fatherland Day”.

Regional action

"Healing by reading"

February 01, 2019 a regional event took place in the library "Healing by reading" dedicated to World Day reading aloud and dedicated to the 140th anniversary of the birth of our fellow countryman-storyteller and the 80th anniversary of the publication of the book by P.P. Bazhov "Malachite Box". Bazhov’s tales “The Jumping Firefly” and “The Silver Hoof” were read by the actors of the school theater-studio “Zhivinka” for people with disabilities.

"Daniil Granin - soldier and writer"

01/26/2019 In honor of the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the writer Daniil Granin, a literary hour was held "Daniil Granin - soldier and writer." Members of the disabled people's society got acquainted with the life and work of the writer Daniil Granin, whose books are still loved by many literature fans. And this is no coincidence, because the works of Daniil Alexandrovich describe life common man: his little problems and joys, finding his own path, struggling with everyday problems and temptations. In conclusion, the participants of the event took an active part in the quiz “With the love of science, a soldier and a writer.” The event was accompanied by a presentation “Daniil Granin - creator, St. Petersburger, soldier.”

Report on events for people with disabilities for 2018.

"Born in the forest Christmas tree"

An entertainment program took place in the library reading room "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree". Members of the disabled people's society learned a lot of interesting things about the upcoming New Year and had a lot of fun. Participants of the event took an active part in New Year's quizzes, competitions, games and the play “The Three Little Pigs”.

"The Miracle of Good Hands"

On December 1, 2018, in the reading room of the inter-settlement library, the results of the regional competition of arts and crafts and fine arts for people with disabilities were summed up "The miracle of kind hands." Works for the competition were accepted from October 10 to November 23, 2018 in the categories: “Decorative and Applied Arts”, “Preservation of Folk Arts and Crafts”, “Fine Arts”, in four age groups:

From 40 years and older.

40 people took part in the competition, 92 works were presented.

In the category "Decorative and Applied Arts" The following participants became winners:

IN age category up to 14 years

Diploma for 1st place - Novikov Georgy Sergeevich;

Diploma for 2nd place - Efimova Valeria Dmitrievna, Shalashova Varvara Alekseevna

Diploma for 3rd place - Borisyuk Maxim Alekseevich;

Special prize - Norkin Vladislav Alekseevich, Shutov Ivan Dmitrievich, Krasnoperov Egor Andreevich, Demidov Ruslan Alekseevich, Ponomareva Kristina Anatolyevna.

In the age category 14 -20 years

Diploma for 1st place - Fomichev Daniil Vyacheslavovich

Diploma for 2nd place - Anastasia Sergeevna Mamaeva, Ksenia Andreevna Sheyan

Diploma for 3rd place - Almazov Pavel Olegovich, Popov Sergey Mikhailovich

Special prize - Shepeleva Elena Vladimirovna, Maas Sergey Ivanovich, Rybko Nikita Aleksandrovich

In the age category 20 -40 years

Diploma for 1st place - Luchnikova Lyubov Gennadievna, Salnikova Natalya Vladimirovna

Diploma for 2nd place - Natalya Vladimirovna Kuzminykh

Diploma for 3rd place - Pyslar Marina Ivanovna

Special Prize:

Ushakov Oleg Vladimirovich

Vaulina Elena Vladimirovna

Trushkova Gulya Alexandrovna

Diploma for 1st place - Olga Aleksandrovna Lagutina

Diploma for 2nd place - Lomovtseva Valentina Nikolaevna,

Demidova Tatyana Mikhailovna

Diploma for 3rd place - Khokhryakova Galina Nikolaevna

Special Prize:

Bulychev Anton Valerievich

Kupriyanov Alexander Alexandrovich

In the Fine Arts category

In the age category up to 14 years

Diploma for 1st place - Norkin Kirill Alekseevich

Diploma for 2nd place - Gabtrakhmanov Artyom Albertovich, Molchanov Matvey Vladimirovich

Diploma for 3rd place - Fistin Danil Aleksandrovich

Special prize - Permyakov Vladislav Ivanovich

In the age category 14-20 years

Diploma for 1st place - Grishatkina Irina Andreevna

In the age category from 40 years

Diploma for 1st place - Timorgalieva Lyubov Nailievna, Andryukha Andrey Viktorovich

Diploma for 2nd place - Kynkurogova Elza Nikolaevna

The winners of the competition received diplomas and souvenirs.

“A person is able to understand everything”

On November 17, a literary hour “Man is able to understand everything” was held in the library’s reading room to mark the 200th anniversary of the birth of the world-famous Russian writer Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev. Members of the disabled society plunged into the world of poetry and prose of the writer, who owns many outstanding works that have become literary classics: “Fathers and Sons”, “ Noble Nest", "Asya", "Notes of a Hunter", "Rudin". At the end of the event, participants were asked to answer the questions of the “Researcher of the Russian Soul” quiz. During the event, presentations of “Biographies of I.S. Turgenev", " Interesting Facts from the life of a writer”, book trailers based on the works of I.S. Turgenev “First Love”, “Asya”, “The Noble Nest”, “Fathers and Sons”, “Notes of a Hunter”, “Mumu”. A book exhibition “Singer of Russian Nature” was prepared for the event.

"Autumn Kaleidoscope"

Crimson leaves like snails

They lie curled up on the damp ground.

E. A. Asadov

Autumn is generous, lyrical, mysterious. Participants in the educational and entertainment event “Autumn Kaleidoscope” were able to touch its beauty and lift the veil. How many amazing, inspired lines are dedicated by writers and poets to this wonderful time of year. Everyone remembers their favorite poems from childhood: “There is in the original autumn” (F.I. Tyutchev), “Glorious autumn!” (N.A. Nekrasov), “The autumn day is high and quiet...” (A.A. Blok), “The golden grove dissuaded” (S.A. Yesenin). Beauty - Autumn. She came for a reason, but to the music of falling leaves and golden leaves, with poems and riddles, proverbs and sayings. During this wonderful time of year, amazing people were born. Eduard Arkadyevich Asadov, an outstanding Russian poet and prose writer, hero of the Soviet Union, a man amazing in fortitude and courage, who lost his sight in his youth, but found the strength to live and create for people. Dina Rubina is a popular prose writer. The writer's novels have been translated into Bulgarian, English, Polish, German, and Hebrew. Vivid images and witty style allowed Dina Rubina to firmly conquer her niche in modern literature. The event was accompanied by videos: “Dina Rubina”, “E.A. Asadov", poems of the classics "Golden Autumn". At the end of the event, a viewing of book exhibitions took place: “Dina Rubina. In the world of fascinating stories”, “Poetry of conscience and love. Eduard Asadov”, “Autumn, autumn, we invite you to visit us!”

"Feast of the Three Great Saviors"

On August 10, the “Holiday of the Three Great Saviors” event for the society of disabled people was held in the reading room of the MBUK GCMB. In the last month of summer, Orthodox believers celebrate three major holidays, the Three Saviors. "Spas on the Water" - Honey Saved. "Spas on the Mountain" - Apple Saved. "Spas on canvas" - Nut spas. These days, people collected numerous gifts of nature, storing them for the long winter. On the last Spas, fairs opened everywhere, festivities began, and there was always a lot of laughter and music. The event participants got acquainted with these holidays and traditions and took an active part in the “Three Rescues” quiz. The event was accompanied by an electronic presentation “Apple, Honey and Nut Saved”. In conclusion, a viewing of the book exhibition “Three Saviors” took place.

"Together and forever"

On July 20, an educational and entertainment program took place in the library reading room "Together and forever", which was dedicated to the All-Russian holiday of family, love and fidelity. Family is a great gift. Leo Tolstoy said beautiful words: “Happy is he who is happy at home.” The symbol of the day of love and fidelity was chamomile - a flower of Russian fields and meadows.

A simple flower, it is a symbol of happiness

Christian devoted love.

Through all the troubles and all the bad weather

Carry the love of chamomile.

On this beautiful summer day, the holy saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom, patrons of family happiness, love and fidelity, are venerated. Members of the society for the disabled took an active part in the competitions: “Divination by a daisy”, “Proverbs about the family”, “Favorite relatives”, “Riddles about the family”, “Tasty riddles”; Quiz “About Love”; guessing the crossword puzzle “Chamomile”, songs and poems about love. At the end of the event, the participants were invited to watch the film “Peter and Fevronia”.

“Komsomol, you are in my memory”

April 7 In honor of the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Komsomol, a literary and musical lounge “Komsomol, you are in my memory” was held. October 29, 2018 will mark the 100th anniversary of the formation of the All-Union Leninist Communist Youth Union (VLKSM). Komsomol is a mass patriotic organization of Soviet youth. There are no other examples in history of a youth movement that over the years of its existence has reached more than 160 million people. Komsomol was the hope and pride of the Soviet people. Its glorious traditions were passed on from one generation to another - to ardently respond to the call of the Motherland, to be where it is difficult. Show your initiative and initiative in any matter, be a faithful, reliable assistant in everything. Komsomol generations. Many songs and poems have been written about them, novels have been written, and films have been made. Each generation brought its own uniqueness, its own biography, its own courage into history. Throughout the event, poems and songs about the Komsomol “I will not part with the Komsomol”, “Love, Komsomol and Spring”, “Komsomol Volunteers” were sung. The event was accompanied by videos: “History of the Komsomol”, “How the steel was tempered”, “The feat of Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya”, “Young Guard”. The event participants shared memories of their Komsomol youth. Lyudmila Mikhailovna Komarova worked at the Perm plant from the age of 15 during the Great Patriotic War. Patriotic War“All for the front, all for victory!” Pervushina Zinaida Ivanovna went on a Komsomol ticket to work on the virgin lands of Kazakhstan. While studying at school, Olga Aleksandrovna Lagutina was a class Komsomol organizer and did a great deal of work on the patriotic education of youth. A photo exhibition “Legendary Komsomol Heroes” was prepared for the event. The event was prepared and conducted by L.G. Lukina.

“Vivat, men!”

Defender of the Fatherland is a proud title,
You can hear the echo of distant centuries in it,
When, with faith in God, under enemy curses
The heroes of the fatherland crushed their enemies.

February 10 In honor of the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Red Army, an educational program “Vivat, men!” was held. for invalids. On February 23, our entire country celebrates Defender of the Fatherland Day. The word "Army" comes from Latin word“aptyu” - “I arm.” But the army is not only strong in weapons, it is strong in the tenacity and courage of its soldiers. To commemorate the victory over the German invaders near Narva and Pskov, on February 23, 1918, a decree was issued to celebrate the Day of the Red Army and Navy. This year Russia celebrates the 100th anniversary of the formation of the Army. For a long time in Russia, the military profession was one of the most respected and honorable. To serve the Fatherland is to protect the peaceful life of our people, it is to preserve the honor and dignity of our Motherland. Guests were invited to watch films about the history of the formation of the Army: “Steps of History - February 23 (Red Army)”, “Russian Army”. After watching the films, the guests took a historical excursion “100th Anniversary of the Red Army” at the M.P. Starostin Gornozavodsk Local Lore Museum.

"Once on Epiphany Eve"

On January 13, a competitive and entertainment program took place "Once on Epiphany Eve" for the disabled people society (10 people). The most ancient holiday in Rus' was winter Christmastide. It was believed that during the period from the birth of Christ (January 7) to baptism (January 19), a little god walked the earth, so people tried to do as many good deeds as possible during this time. After all, the more good you give, the more you receive in return. On Christmastide, even time flows differently, as if a fairy tale had descended on earth. Love and harmony triumph all around. It’s not for nothing that they say, “Christmas has its own rules - rituals, customs, and carols.” Christmastide was celebrated by everyone, especially young people. Games, songs, carols, gatherings, and fortune telling created a unique atmosphere of Christmas fun. Guests were invited to watch the film “Christmastide in Rus'”, take part in fortune telling using books, buttons and beans, in comic predictions, games and skits. The unusual exhibition “Telling Fortunes in the Library” attracted the special attention of the guests. The event was prepared by library employees E.S. Kazaryan, E.N. Zhurova, O.V. Shak, O.V. Pushkareva, L.G. Lukina, and conducted by L.G. Lukina.

« Christmas story»

This is a holiday New Year,
The fairy tale begins
All dreams come true.

On December 23, 2017, the library hosted an entertainment program “New Year’s Tale” for the disabled community. Guests were invited to joke, laugh, play, ask riddles, sing songs, guess proverbs and sayings, and participate in competitions throughout the program. The participants especially liked the quiz “Who is most important to us?” and the competition “Grandfather Planted a Turnip.” There were 14 people present.

festival "Light of the Heart"

December 2nd 2017 a festival took place at the House of Culture named after L. I. Behr "Light of the Heart" within the framework of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. Festival participants had the opportunity to take part in sports competitions under the motto “We will overcome everything!”, get acquainted with the exhibition - competition of decorative and applied arts and fine arts for people with disabilities "The miracle of kind hands." The works presented at the exhibition are the result of a competition that was organized by the Department of Culture and Work with Youth of the Administration of the Gornozavodsk Municipal District and the Gornozavodsk Central Intersettlement Library. The regulations were developed and approved. The competition was held in the following categories: “Decorative and applied arts”, “Preservation of folk artistic crafts", "Art", in four age groups. A total of 47 people from the city and region took part, ranging in age from 3 years to 91 years. The jury members emphasized that the skills of the participants are growing year by year, interesting ideas are emerging, and evaluation criteria are being met: mastery of execution, originality, originality, mood, expressiveness, emotionality..

In a solemn atmosphere, a ceremony was held to award the winners with diplomas and souvenirs. The following winners of the competition have been announced: in the category "Art" up to 14 years old, a diploma for 1st place was received by Korotaeva Daria Nikolaevna, a student of MAOU DO "House of Creativity", a diploma for 2nd place - Latysheva Yulia Aleksandrovna, a student of MAOU "Secondary School No. 1", Gornozavodsk, a diploma for 3rd place - Myasnikova Anna Ivanovna, a student and MAOU “Secondary School No. 1”, Gornozavodsk, Sergey Ivanovich Maas, a student of MAOU “Secondary School No. 1”, Gornozavodsk, was also awarded a diploma for 3rd place; V age group from 14-20 years old, a diploma for 3rd place was received by Aleksey Fedorovich Zapevalov, a student of the MAOU “Secondary School” in the village of Pashiya; in the age group of 40 years and older - Andrey Viktorovich Andryukha, Mining Branch of KGASUSON "Kuchinsky PNI", was awarded a diploma for 1st place, a diploma for 2nd place was awarded to Lyubov Nailievna Timorgalieva.

In nomination "Preservation of folk art in the age group up to 14 years old, Norkin Kirill Alekseevich, a student of MAOU “Secondary School No. 1”, Gornozavodsk, received a diploma for 1st place; in the age group of 14-20 years, a diploma for 1st place - Fomichev Danil Vyacheslavovich, student of MAOU "Secondary School No. 3", Gornozavodsk, in the age group of 20-40 years - Ponomareva Olga Aleksandrovna.

"Decorative and applied creativity" in the age group up to 14 years old, a diploma for 1st place was received by Irina Andreevna Grishatkina, a student of MAOU "Secondary School No. 1", Gornozavodk, a diploma for 1st place - Dmitry Aleksandrovich Zykov, student kindergarten No. 8, Pashiya village, diploma for 2nd place - Galuzina Yana Aleksandrov, student of MAOU "Secondary School No. 3", Gornozavodsk, diploma for 3rd place - Nikita Aleksandrovich Rybko, student of MAOU "Secondary School No. 1".

A special prize went to Artem Sitnikov, a pupil of kindergarten No. 8, Pashiya village, and Alisa Aleksandrovna Rutter, a student of MAOU “Secondary School No. 3”, Gornozavodsk.

In the nomination “Decorative and applied creativity” in the age group of 14-20 years old, a diploma for 1st place was received by Semenov Ivan Yuryevich, a student of the GBPOU PK “GPT”, a diploma for 2nd place was awarded to Anastasia Sergeevna Mamaeva, she applied from two places of study as a student of MAOU “Secondary School No. 1”, Gornozavodsk and a student of the MAOU DO "House of Creativity", Diploma for 3rd place - Ponomareva Anna Vyacheslavovna Student of the State Budgetary Educational Institution "Gornozavodsk Polytechnic College".

Special prizes were received by: Olga Vladimirovna Rusanova, student of MAOU “Secondary School No. 1”, Gornozavodsk”, Sergey Mikhailovich Popov, student of MAOU “Secondary School No. 1”, Gornozavodsk.

Age group from 20-40 years, diploma for 1st place from Natalya Vladimirovna Kuzminykh, Mining branch of KGASUSON "Kuchinsky PNI" also diploma for 1st place from Natalya Vladimirovna Salnikova, Mining branch of KGASUSON "Kuchinsky PNI", diploma for 2nd place - Maxim Nikolaevich Popov, Mining branch of KGASUSON "Kuchinsky PNI", diploma for 2nd place - Vaulina Elena Vladimirovna Mining branch of KGASUSON "Kuchinsky PNI", diploma for 3rd place - Luchnikova Lyubov Gennadievna Mining branch of KGASUSON "Kuchinsky PNI", diploma for 3rd place - Rybkin Sergey Gennadievich Gornozavodsk branch KGASUSON "Kuchinsky PNI".

Special prizes - Pyslar Marina Ivanovna Mining branch of KGASUSON "Kuchinsky PNI" Tsvetkova Elena Valerievna Mining branch of KGASUSON "Kuchinsky PNI".

Nomination “Decorative and Applied Creativity” in the age group of 40 years and older, Mairam Olimjonovna Temirova received a diploma for 1st place, Olga Aleksandrovna Lagutina also received a diploma for 1st place, Valentina Nikolaevna Lomovtseva received a diploma for 2nd place, and Galina Nikolaevna Khokhryakova received a diploma for 3rd place.

Special prizes - Bulychev Anton Valerievich, Komarova Lyudmila Mikhailovna

Certificates of participants in the nomination “ Decorative and applied creativity” received: Vinogradov Vladislav Andreevich, student of MAOU "Secondary School No. 1", Gornozavodsk, Almazov Pavel Olegovich, student of MAOU "Secondary School No. 1", Gornozavodsk, Grigoriev Sergey Nikolaevich, student of MAOU "Secondary School No. 1", Gornozavodsk, Kuragin Pavel Igorevich, student of MAOU "Secondary School No. 1", Gornozavodsk, Krasnoperov Egor Andreevich, student of MAOU "Secondary School No. 1", Gornozavodsk, Sukhorukova Valeria Arkadyevna, student of MAOU "Secondary School No. 3", Gornozavodsk, Maltseva Polina Evgenievna, student of MAOU "Secondary School No. 3", Gornozavodsk, Smurago Dmitry Mikhailovich, student of MAOU "Secondary School No. 3", Gornozavodsk, Lyudmila Afonasievna Dontsova, Elena Vladimirovna Shepeleva, student of MAOU DO "House of Creativity", Shalashova Varvara Alekseevna, student of MAOU DO "House of Creativity", Borisyuk Maxim Alekseevich, student of MAOU DO "House of Creativity".

Throughout the holiday there were master classes on making a symbol for the coming New Year - the year of the dog, amulets, hearts, in which everyone took part. The guests attended concert performances by “Gems”, artists of the “Avos” theater, and students of the Children’s Art School. The event ended with a tea party. All guests, without exception, went home in a good mood, with with gratitude in my heart for the festival "Light of the Heart"

"Beloved City"

Our small regional town

In an hour you can walk both lengthwise and crosswise.

And in the winter snowstorm, and the summer heat -

My hometown is always beautiful!

B. Bulychev

November 3, 2017 In the reading room of the library, together with the museum named after M. P. Starostin, an educational and entertainment program “The City Beloved by the Heart” took place. Members of the Society of Disabled People made a fascinating journey through the pages of the history of Gornozavodsk. Until the mid-40s of the 20th century, on the site of the modern city there was a small railroad station, to which the forest approached closely. In 1947, construction of a cement plant began. Along with the development of the plant, the village, called Novopashiysky, also grew. In 1950, it was given the status of an urban settlement. In 1965, the population exceeded 9,000 people, the settlement received city status and was renamed the city of Gornozavodsk. The presentation “50 years - 50 frames” introduced guests to the sights of the city, and the cartoon “The Tale of the Taiga City” revealed the secrets of history native land. The event ended with a quiz “50 fragments of the native city” and a museum tour of historical places in Gornozavodsk.

"Prikamye. Repressions. 1930s-50s"

October 6, 2017 a tour of the traveling exhibition “Prikamye. Repression. 1930s-50s for the disabled society. The exhibition is dedicated to one of the most tragic pages in the history of our Motherland - massive political repressions and their reflection in the history of our region. The guests got acquainted with the stages of formation and development of the system of state terror during the Soviet period in the country and in particular in the Perm region, and about the innocent people who were subjected to reprisals by the totalitarian regime. According to Perm state archive In recent history, more than 38,000 Perm residents have been arrested and convicted for political reasons. About half a million people, victims of state terror, were deported to the region or imprisoned in Gulag camps. The event ended with a screening of the film “White Line”.

“Every minute of camp life is a poisoned minute”

Varlam Shalamov.

"Gold autumn"

September 8, 2017 The educational and entertainment program “Golden Autumn” for people with disabilities took place in the library’s reading room. Autumn is the most beautiful time of the year, which is glorified by writers, artists, and musicians in their works.

Glorious autumn! Healthy, vigorous

The air invigorates tired forces;

Fragile ice on a chilly river

It lies like melting sugar.

Autumn is the time for desperate actions. At this time of year, people strive to start something new, change their lives, do extreme things. There is a feeling of calm and readiness for new events. Autumn brings joy with a rich harvest, beautiful landscapes and a surge of energy. Catching a falling leaf in autumn means good luck. Throughout the event, poems and songs about the golden autumn were sung. Guests took an active part in the quizzes “Riddles from the Garden” and “Apple Rescue”.

"We baked a loaf"

08/04/2017 The inter-settlement library hosted an educational program “We Baked a Loaf” for the disabled community. Loaf is the oldest bread and its name comes from the word “kara” - circle, round bread. Our ancestors put a lot of meaning into the concept of “circle”: a round red sun, all year round The new cycle is all year round; our ancestors saw the universe as closed in the form of a circle, and all life was believed to develop in a circle. A person is born, lives and dies in order to be born again. And that’s why bread - a symbol of life - was round. Not a single birthday is complete without a loaf of bread. At name days they dance in a circle and sing a song about a loaf, which you all know very well. The guests got acquainted with the history and museum of bread, which is located in St. Petersburg, and took part in the quiz “Here is a ruddy loaf - open your mouth wide”, the game “Loaf, loaf, whoever you love - choose”. The event was accompanied by the presentation “The History of Bread”, the films “Museum of Bread”, “A Secret for the Whole World” and “Sunny Loaf”.

"Ocean is shaking"

On 07/07/2017, in the reading room of the library, an educational and entertainment program “The Sea is Troubled” was held to mark the 200th anniversary of the birth of the world famous Russian marine painter I.K. Aivazovsky. The guests got acquainted with the life and work of Ivan Konstantinovich, who painted mainly seascapes and several paintings on the theme of war. Aivazovsky painted six thousand paintings, which he created at fantastic speed. The work of Ivan Konstantinovich leaves no one indifferent. They say that Aivazovsky brought chaos to Europe with his painting “Chaos. World creation". The Pope saw this painting and wanted to buy it, but the artist presented his work as a gift. This generous gesture was appreciated in Europe, and then the name of Aivazovsky first thundered throughout the world. Ivan Aivazovsky was the first artist to present his paintings at an exhibition in the Louvre. Now the marine painter’s paintings are valued all over the world. The artist’s most expensive work was the painting “View of Constantinople and the Bosphorus Bay,” which was sold for 153 million rubles. The event was accompanied by a presentation “Biography of I.K. Aivazovsky”, a documentary film “Ivan Aivazovsky and Feodosia” and a review of the book and illustrative exhibition “Aivazovsky - the Great Marine Painter”. The guests took an active part in the quiz “The Life and Work of Aivazovsky.”

Reading competition dedicated to the birthday of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

06 June 2017 year our country celebrated Pushkin Day of Russia. Municipal libraries hosted a series of events dedicated to the birthday of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. 09 June 2017 year, in the reading room of the inter-settlement library, a poetry reading competition was held by A.S. Pushkin “Gornozavodsk is reading Pushkin” among the members of the Gornozavodsk district organization PKOVOI (Society of Disabled People). The event was planned at the beginning of the year, so the participants prepared for the competition responsibly and thoroughly. Participants were asked to read by heart or from a collection of poems any poem of their choice. The verses were sung: “I remember wonderful moment”, “Autumn”, “Storm”, “When sometimes a memory”, “I loved you”, “I erected a monument to myself not made by hands”, excerpts from the poems “Eugene Onegin”, “Ruslan and Lyudmila” and others. All competition participants received diplomas. And the listeners -great mood for the whole summer!

"Read a book about war"

05/05/2017, in honor of the celebration of Victory Day, a literary hour was held in the reading room of the Moscow State Central Library. "Read a book about war" for members of the disabled community. The guests got acquainted with the “Book of Memory of the Gornozavodsky District,” which contains information about our fellow countrymen who went to defend our Motherland and fight the worst enemy of humanity - fascism. He entered into mortal combat “not for the sake of glory - for the sake of life on Earth” (A. Tvardovsky). He remained in mass and unmarked graves, where an eternal flame burns - a symbol of immortality. Their names are on obelisks, steles, and in the Book of Memory.

Victory over the fierce enemy is near!

So that brighter days come,

Forward! - our native country tells us

Forward! - Stalin ordered us!

Guests took an active part in the “Our Memory Lives” quiz. The event was accompanied by a screening of the film “Heroes of the Great Patriotic War”. 15 people attended the event.

"Through hardship to the stars"

April 7, 2017. In the reading room of the Moscow City Center for Children's Library, a conversation “Through Hardships to the Stars” was held for the disabled people's society. The guests got acquainted with significant dates in the history of space. On October 4, 1957, the first artificial Earth satellite was successfully launched. Three words never left the lips of people all over the world: Moscow, Sputnik, Russians. This year Russia celebrates 60 years since the launch of the first satellite. On April 12, 1961, Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin, who was 27 years old, made his historic flight into space. From the memoirs of Yuri Gagarin: “When I first looked out of the window of a spaceship at our planet, I admired the beauty of the blooming Earth.” On June 16, 1963, the first woman, cosmonaut Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova, made her space flight. Before the start, she said the phrase: “Hey! Heaven, take off your hat! Today Valentina Tereshkova works as a deputy of the State Duma. On March 6, 2017, Valentina Tereshkova turned 80 years old. The event was accompanied by the screening of documentaries: “The First Sputnik”, “Hey! Heaven, take off your hat!”, “Know what kind of guy he was!” At the end of the event, guests took an active part in the “Journey into Space” quiz and got acquainted with the “Path to the Stars” book exhibition. 15 people attended the event.

“Oh, woman, earthly beauty!”

On March 3, 2017, in honor of International Women’s Day on March 8, an educational and entertainment program was held in the library’s reading room “Oh, woman, earthly beauty!” for the disabled community. There were songs, poems and words of great people about a woman-worker, a woman-mother. The guests got acquainted with the book exhibition “You can’t live in the world without women...”, with the horoscope “What awaits us women on this day?”, took an active part in the competition “Guess what kind of flower this is?”, in the quiz “What does a woman wear?” was it the first? and games. At the end of the event, poems and songs by the poet Larisa Rubalskaya were sung.

"Long live men!"

17.02.2017 An entertainment and educational program “Long live, men!” took place in the library reading room. Guests got acquainted with the history of the holiday and took an active part in the “History of the Russian Army” quiz, competitions and games. 10 people attended the event.

Report on work with disabled people for the fourth quarter of 2016.

December 24, 2016 In the reading room of the library, an educational and entertainment program “New Year's Serpentine” was held for the disabled community. In the circle of friendly company, congratulations were heard “Happy New Year!”, They played games “New Year’s telegrams”, “Guess the movie”, “Guess the word”, sang ditties, read poems and danced. The guests learned about how the New Year is celebrated in other countries and got acquainted with a musical joke astrological forecast for 2017. 15 people attended the event. The event was held by L.G. Lukina

The sparkle in the Monkey's eyes has gone out

The Rooster is replacing her.

Friends, what can you wish for in the New?

May we all have grace,

And there would be something to peck.

December 03, 2016 at MAUK “House of Culture named after. L.I. Bera" held the festival "We will overcome everything" as part of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, which included sports competitions and a master class on making New Year's crafts. At the end of the event, there was a concert and awards ceremony for all festival participants.

December 01, 2016 The exhibition “The Miracle of Kind Hands” opened in the library’s reading room as part of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. The exhibition features 120 works of arts and crafts and fine arts.

November 18, 2016 In the reading room of the library, a literary and educational hour “The Many Faces of Dostoevsky” was held to mark the 195th anniversary of the birth of F.M. Dostoevsky - Russian writer, philosopher and publicist. Members of the disabled people's society got acquainted with the life and work of Dostoevsky, who continues to excite minds different generations. The work of Fyodor Mikhailovich leaves no one indifferent. He not only describes, but empathizes with the tragedy of the heroes. For this, he was nicknamed the most deeply moral writer, a real “psychologist of the pen” and a researcher of human souls. “He was not only an apostle, ... he was a prophet, he was a teacher of all good things, this was our public conscience” (from a letter from P.M. Tretyanov to I.I. Kramskoy). The event was accompanied by a presentation “Dostoevsky Fyodor Mikhailovich.” The guests discussed the documentary film “Fyodor Dostoevsky”, took part in a quiz based on the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment” and got acquainted with the book and illustrative exhibition “The Great Seer”. There were 10 people present. The event was held by Lukina L.G.

October 14, 2016 In the reading room of the library, a conversation “Favorite Actor” took place on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the birth of actor Leonid Vyacheslavovich Kuravlev. The guests got acquainted with the life and work of the actor and discussed the film “There Lives a Guy Like This,” with his participation in the title role. 15 people attended the event. Conducted by Lukina L.G.

Report on work with disabled people for the third quarter. 2016

September 16, 2016. In the reading room of the library, a screening of the film “First-Grader” took place for members of the disabled society. The guests got acquainted with the history of the film. The main character of the film, first-grader Marusya, goes to school. The girl had a very difficult time getting used to school rules. But the help of a wise teacher and sensitive comrades helped Marusya a lot. The film was shot in 1948 by director Ilya Frez. The guests watched the film with interest and shared their memories of the school. 15 people were present. The event was held by Lukna L.G.

August 19, 2016 The inter-settlement library hosted a literary hour “Books by Vasily Shukshin in films - the best memory of him.” The guests got acquainted with creativity. V.M. Shukshina. During his short life, Vasily Makarovich was able to successfully realize himself in many directions: he was a writer, actor, screenwriter, and director. The country will forever remember his priceless works and wonderful films: Kalina Krasnaya, Pechki-benches, Strange people, There lives such a guy, your son and brother, They report from Lebyazhye. Guests were invited to watch the film “Stoves and Benches”. 15 people were present. The event was held by Lukina L.G.

July 15, 2016 A conversation “The Russian ruble is 700 years old” took place in the reading room of the library. The history of the ruble is interesting and fascinating and is closely related to the history of our state. The first ruble was issued in 1316 in Veliky Novgorod and weighed 28 grams. The conversation was accompanied by viewing of the presentation “History of the Ruble”. The guests got acquainted with the book exhibition “Money of the World”. The event ended with a screening of the film “The First Ruble - 700 Years.” There were 21 people present. The event was held by Lukina L.G.

Gornozavodsk regional organization "All-Russian Society of Disabled People"

04/09/2015 A screening of the documentary film “Cosmonauts are Born on Earth”, dedicated to the anniversary of Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin’s flight into space, was organized for the disabled community. On April 12, 1961, Gagarin was the first to overcome gravity and usher in a new era - the era of space exploration.

A slightly shy guy looks openly

Stubborn, steep chin.

So this is you - our comrade Gagarin,

Direct and so difficult.

After watching the film, a conversation took place about the people who created spaceships and about space heroes.

Yesterday's Smolensk, shy guy

How you have matured with your country!

Old man Tsiolkovsky and young Kibalchich

They are standing behind you.

And who, who will rush after Yuri!

It's not hard to find these.

Laughs and cries, as on Victory Day,

Russia - Happy Mother

In conclusion, the guests were shown the film “Hey! Heaven, take off your hat! about the first woman in the world who flew into space after Yuri Gagarin. An exhibition “Heroes of Space” and a book exhibition were prepared for the event "The path to the stars".
15 people were present. The event was held by L.G. Lukina.

01/30/2016. an interesting event took place in the library reading room conversation "Film, film, film" for the disabled community. The guests got acquainted with the decree of Russian President Vladimir Putin on holding Russian Federation- Years of Russian cinema. Guests were invited to watch a funny, manimated film "Film, film, film", in which shows the process of making a film, starting with the approval of the script, which is redone many times. Then comes the work of selecting actors, first filming, inconsistencies, inconsistencies, pre-infarction state the director after the antics of the actors, editing and the first show, applause and flowers. The entire journey of the film to the viewer. The conversation ended with a screening of a short film by Soviet director Leonid Gaidai, “Barbos the Dog and the Extraordinary Cross.” There were 12 people present. The event was held by L.G. Lukina.

On December 17, 2015, a reporting and election conference of the Gornozavodsk regional organization and the Perm regional organization “All-Russian Society of Disabled People” was held in the library reading room. The conference was attended by the deputy chairman of the PKO "VOI" Elena Vladimirovna Korol and members of the Gornozavodsk regional organization of the Perm regional organization "All-Russian Society of Disabled People".

The following were heard at the conference:

Report on the work of the board of the Gornozavodsk regional organization of the Perm regional organization “All-Russian Society of Disabled Persons”;

Report on the work of the control and audit commission of the Gornozavodsk regional organization of the Perm regional organization “All-Russian Society of Disabled People.”

Elections took place:

Chairman of the Gornozavodsk regional organization of the Perm regional organization "All-Russian Society of Disabled Persons" - Olga Aleksandrovna Lagutina;

Board of the Gornozavodsk regional organization of the Perm regional organization "All-Russian Society of Disabled Persons" - Lagutina O.A., Pervushina O.V., Maltseva O.Yu., Potokina N.A., Oskolkova N.S., Lyazgina E.V.;

Control and Audit Commission - Chairman Khaziakhmetov S.A., members: Belov Yu.F., Sitnikova N.K., Lukonina N.Yu., Shirokova A.I.

34 people were present.

“By doing good, we multiply the soul”

12/14/2015 The library hosted an educational and musical composition “By doing good, we multiply the soul” for members of the disabled community. Each of us has a little sun - kindness. You yourself, your family, friends and those around you need it. After all, kindness and care warm people. Every person should leave a good mark on earth. One wise man remarked: “A man has not lived his life in vain if he built a house, grew a tree and raised a child.” IN game form the guests built a “Kindness” house and met wonderful people.

Mother Teresa is the founder and superior of the Catholic Order of Charity (India 1950). She founded schools, medical clinics, and shelters for the poor in various countries. On the territory of India, she opened an entire “City of Peace”, in which the unfortunate were not only rescued, but also taught a craft so that they could feed themselves. In 1979, Mother Teresa received Nobel Prize, which she completely donated to a charity mission. Fedorov S.N. is a talented surgeon, the author of many inventions and discoveries in ophthalmology, the creator of the huge scientific and technical complex “Eye Microsurgery”. The poet A. Voznesensky called him “The Eye Genius.”

Leonid Roshal is a world-famous pediatric surgeon, director of the Moscow Research Institute of Emergency Pediatric Traumatology Surgery of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, president of the International Charitable Public Fund for helping children in disasters and wars. The doctor worked in Chechnya, Turkey, India, Afghanistan, providing assistance to children. Journalists called him the Children's Doctor of the World. Roshal received the titles: “Pride of Russia”, “Person of the Year”, “Person of the Year”; Order of Courage - for the dedication shown in rescuing the hostages, the insignia “For Services to Moscow.”

The event was accompanied by the presentation “Kindness Works Miracles”, book trailers “Kindness Comes Back with Kindness!”, “Do Good!”, and ended with the songs: “What is kindness?”, “Friendship”. The event was held by L.G. Lukina

Report on events for the first quarter of 2015 for the society of disabled people of the Gornozavodsky district

January 20, 2015 An educational and entertainment program “Day of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden” took place in the reading room of the Moscow City Center for Children's Library. The guests got acquainted with the history of the holiday, participated with pleasure in all competitions and became interested in the book “Twelve Months” by the Perm writer B.Yu. Pyankov, which included stories about animals, birds, plants, and a wide variety of natural phenomena. A slide presentation and quiz were prepared for the event. 15 people were present. The event was held by Lukina L.G.

February 20, 2015 in the reading room of the MBUC GSMB a holiday “We will save this fragile world” was held, dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day. An amazing woman, a participant in the Great Patriotic War, Maria Sergeevna Pilipchuk, was present at the celebration. She went to the front at the age of 17, from December 1941 to September 1943, as a medical instructor, fought on the central front near Staraya Russa, near Kursk, and ended the war in Latvia. During the hostilities, she met and talked with Marshal Rokossovsky, she has awards - orders of the Second World War and anniversary medals. Maria Sergeevna told the guests about how she pulled wounded soldiers from the battlefield. One day, finding herself in the forest, completely alone in a clearing, a German plane appeared in the sky and began circling over her head. The girl was very scared, but remained alive. Those present were surprised by the courage and heroism of this woman. The guests congratulated Maria Sergeevna on the holiday. The event ended with the presentation of the “Unfading Feat of the People.” 15 people were present. The event was held by Lukina L.G.

March 6, 2015 in the reading room of the MBUK GSMB, the holiday “Oh, women, how beautiful you are!” took place, dedicated to International Women’s Day - March 8. Gornozavodsk poet and journalist A.V. came to congratulate the guests. Yakimov. Throughout the holiday, poems and songs about women were sung by the author. Alexey Vladislavovich presented his book of poems “I won’t say it was about a woman...”. The guests really enjoyed the live communication with the poet, who received a charge of energy and a lot of positive emotions. 15 people attended the celebration. The event was held by Lukina L.G. and Kazaryan E.S.

Report on events for the second quarter of 2015 for the society of disabled people of the Gornozavodsky district.

April 1, 20015. The library hosted a literary hour “Let’s laugh, let’s smile at luck!”, dedicated to “April Fool’s Day”. Throughout the event, fables and poems were performed by the Gornozavodsk poet Gennady Pavlovich Danilov. The guests enjoyed the live communication with the poet, but especially remembered the poems about love. There were 12 people present. The event was held by Lukina L.G.

May 25, 2015. A round table “Accessible environment” dedicated to the “International Day of the Fight for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities” was held in the reading room of the MBUC GCMB. The purpose of the event is to draw attention to problems related to the protection of the rights of people with disabilities. Representatives were invited to the event local authorities and municipal organizations:

1. Popovich Faina Ilyinichna - head of the Education Department of the State Register;

3. Babina Lyudmila Nikolaevna - head of the Department of Land and Property Relations of the Administration of the Gornozavodsky Municipal District;

4. Marina Anatolyevna Rogozina - head of the department of land relations and urban planning of the department of land and property relations of the administration of the State Mining and Development Administration;

5. Khokhryakova Larisa Yuryevna - consultant of TUMSD PK for Chusovsky and Gornozavodsky municipal districts;

6. Vershinina Elena Nikolaevna - head of the department for assignment, recalculation and payment of pensions of the Pension Fund Administration;

7. Miniakhmetova Gulfira Ilgizovna - leading legal consultant of the State Budgetary Institution "State Bureau Pk"

8. Olga Aleksandrovna Lagutina - Chairman of GROPVOI

9. Dubov Igor Vladimirovich - Chairman of the Zemsky Assembly of the Gornozavodsky District

10. Ekaterina Igorevna Dubrovina - Deputy Head of the Culture Department

11. Igor Vladimirovich Lbov - head of the Optima Central Committee

12. Zerova Valentina Vladimirova - deputy head of the administration of the GMR.

During the meeting, issues regarding medical care, employment, social protection population, housing, housing and communal services, pensions and accessibility of socially significant facilities for people with disabilities. There were 17 disabled people present. The event was held by L.G. Lukina.

June 5, 2015. In the reading room of the library there was a literary hour “And He’s in a Hurry to Live, and He’s in a Hurry to Feel!”, dedicated to the great Russian poet A.S. Pushkin. A presentation about the life and work of A.S. was prepared for the guests. Pushkin, which was accompanied by reading the poet’s works.

Here I am with a mysterious shield

The holy farewell dawned

Poetry is like a comforting angel,

She saved me, and I was resurrected in soul!

All participants of the event took an active part in the quiz “A Journey through Pushkin’s Fairy Tales” and enjoyed watching the fairy tale “About the Priest and His Worker Balda.” There were 10 people present. The event was held by L.G. Lukina.

ABOUT report on events for the third quarter of 2015 for the society of disabled people of the Gornozavodsky district

September 4, 2015. The reading of the poem “Vasily Terkin” took place in the library, in connection with the 105th anniversary of the birth of Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky and the 70th anniversary of the poem “Vasily Terkin”. The core of the poem is the image of the main character - private Vasily Terkin. This is a collective image that combines the main features of the spiritual appearance and character of an ordinary Russian soldier.

Terkin - who is he?

Let's be honest:

Just a guy himself

He's ordinary.

A lot can be said about Terkin: hardworking and patient, cheerful, a collectivist by nature, but familiar with loneliness, daring and courageous. And most importantly, he is talented! The conversation ended with the reading of the poem “Vasily Terkin”.

Report on events for the 4th quarter of 2015 for the society of disabled people of the Gornozavodsky district.

October 9, 2015 A conversation took place with a group of disabled people on the topic “In the protected areas of the Gornozavodsky district.” Guests of the event got acquainted with the specially protected natural areas of the Gornozavodsky district: the Basegi Nature Reserve, Mount Kolpaki, the fighting stones Owl, Robber and Four Brothers, Holly Ribs and others. The following books were presented to the attention of visitors: “Travel with “Alit”, “Specially Protected Territories of the Gornozavodsky District”, “Specially Protected Natural Territories of the Perm Region”. 15 people were present. The event was prepared and conducted by L.N. Lashkevich.

12/08/2015 As part of the ten-day period for people with disabilities, a conversation “Who conquered fate” took place in the library. Nick Vujicic - amazing person, whose biography is replete with examples of real manifestations of fortitude. He is a world-famous preacher, speaker, a person who is able to convey his thoughts to thousands of people. His performances are always very popular, he charges people with his positive energy and positivity. But... Nick is different from ordinary speakers - he has had no arms or legs since birth! This is a person who excites the brains of people who believe that “everything is bad” for them. He helps millions of people start enjoying life. Nick Vujicic is a man who shows willpower every second of his life and enjoys every moment of his life. He doesn’t blame anyone for being “like this” because he is sure that everything in the world is done for a purpose. In 2009, he starred in the film “The Butterfly Circus,” which tells the story of a man without limbs, Will, and his fate. Nick has traveled to over 45 countries speaking at schools, universities and other organizations. Participates in television shows and writes books. His first book, Life Without Limits: Inspiration for a Ridiculously Good Life, was published in 2010 and was translated into Russian in 2012. Currently lives in California, USA. On February 12, 2012, he married Kanae Miyahara, and on February 14, 2013, they had a son, Kiyoshi James Vujicic. One day, speaking in front of an audience, Nick said: “And to be honest, sometimes you can fall like this” and falls on his face in the table on which it stood.

“It happens in life that you fall, and it seems you have no strength to get up. You wonder then if you have hope... I have neither arms nor legs! It seems that even if I try to get up a hundred times, I won’t be able to. But after another defeat, I don’t give up hope. I will try again and again. I want you to know that failure is not the end. What matters is how you finish. Are you going to finish strong? Then you will find the strength to rise up - in this way.” He leans his forehead, then helps himself with his shoulders and stands up.

The women in the audience begin to cry.

The event ended with the film “Nick Vujicic”. The event was held by Lukina L.G.

12/10/2015 a literary hour “New names in literature” took place in the library’s reading room, which was dedicated to the new star of modern Russian prose Elena Werner. Elena, a graduate of the screenwriting department of VGIK, is called one of the most promising authors of our time. Elena was born in 1988. Until the age of 19, she was almost blind, having lost her sight due to her love of reading under the covers. It took four surgeries to restore it. Poor vision always provides an opportunity to develop imagination - and Elena did not waste time: she thought and composed. She spent every summer on Lake Baikal - and this mystical place cast its mysterious spell on the future writer. The result was a bright, original talent. Elena Werner's prose is deep and pure, like the waters of Lake Baikal, and most importantly, interesting. Like life itself. Werner's books are called the discovery of 2015. Read! “Sad Jam”, “Swimming Night”, “Black Clover”, “Give Me Back My Wings!” And let the whole world wait! The event was accompanied by a presentation about new books by Elena Werner. The event was prepared and conducted by Lukina L.G.

The International Day of Persons with Disabilities is celebrated around the world annually on 3 December in accordance with General Assembly resolution 47/3 of 14 October 1992.

On December 3, special events are held all over the world that do not allow us to forget about the many problems of people with disabilities. However, the main goal of this holiday is not to evoke pity for these people, but rather to remind them that people with disabilities are on an equal basis with all members of society.

Planmain events within the framework of the decade of disabled peopleand International Day of Persons with Disabilities in the city of Sevastopol



Time and place

Responsible executor

I. Cultural events

Book exhibitions and expositions “Roads of Goodness”, “For Equal Opportunities”, “Golden Thread of Kindness and Compassion”


(Branch libraries

Literary and musical excursion “Read the City”

(Library-branch No. 5

State Budgetary Institution of Sevastopol "CBS system for adults")

Main Department of Culture of the City of Sevastopol State Budgetary Institution of Culture of Sevastopol “CBS system for adults”

Concert program of creative groups “From Heart to Heart”

(GBU “Sevastopol boarding home for the elderly and disabled”)

Main Department of Culture of the City of Sevastopol State Budgetary Institution of Sevastopol "Cultural and Information Center"
Concert dedicated to the International Day of Persons with Disabilities

(Inkerman City Club)

Role-playing game “Together the clouds are not scary”

(Branch No. 4

Conversations for club members: “On relationships with grandparents”, “What it means to be responsive”, “How you can help a person with disabilities”

(GKUK of Sevastopol “Ternovsky Center of Culture and Leisure”)

Main Department of Culture of the City of SevastopolGKUK Sevastopol "Ternovsky Center of Culture and Leisure"
Volunteer event “Relay of Good Deeds”. Visiting disabled people at home

01.12– 02.12.2016

Intracity municipal formation Ternovsky municipal district (VMO Ternovsky MO)

Charity performance “Magic Elixir”

(Sevastopol State Public Institution rehabilitation center for children and adolescents with disabilities")

Intra-city municipal formation Balaklava Municipal District (VMO Balaklava MO) State Budgetary Institution of Sevastopol "Balaklava Palace of Culture"
Thematic evening “Mercy - a landmark of the 21st century”

(Library-branch No. 16

State Budgetary Institution of Sevastopol "Central Library for Adults")

Charity performance “Quint”

(Sevastopol Academic Russian Drama Theater named after A.V. Lunacharsky)

Main Department of Culture of the City of Sevastopol State Budgetary Institution of Culture of Sevastopol “Sevastopol Academic Russian Drama Theater named after. A.V. Lunacharsky"
System-wide campaign “A trickle of mercy” Hour of communication “Here’s my hand for you!” Hour of communication “Kindness and mercy in our lives”

01.12 – 04.12.2016

(Central city children's library named after A.P. Gaidar and

branches No. 1-17)

Main Department of Culture of the City of SevastopolCentral City Children's Library named after. A.P. Gaidar
Exhibition of applied arts “Without kindness and compassion there is no man” Meeting “Goodness will heal the soul”

(Palace of Culture in Orlinoe village)

Sevastopol Days of Inclusion in Moscow Concert program “Look at me as an equal” Concert of students of the Sevastopol State Educational Institution of Education “Sevastopol Music School No. 8” Festive program for the International Day of Persons with Disabilities


(Central City Library named after L.N. Tolstoy)

Main Department of Culture of the City of SevastopolCentral City Library named after. L.N. Tolstoy
Concert dedicated to the International Day of Persons with Disabilities “From Heart to Heart”

(Palace of Culture in Verkhnesadovoe village)

Main Department of Culture of the City of SevastopolGKUK Sevastopol "Cultural Complex "Korabel"
Hour interesting messages“Believe in yourself and you will achieve it!”

(Branch No. 16 of the State Cultural Institution of Sevastopol “CBS for Children”)

Main Department of Culture of the City of SevastopolGKUK Sevastopol "CBS for Children"
Celebration “Together with books we grow”

(Branch No. 2 of the State Cultural Institution of Sevastopol “CBS for Children”)

Main Department of Culture of the City of SevastopolGKUK Sevastopol "CBS for Children"
Puppet show “Mashenka the Helper”

(Branch No. 14 of the State Cultural Institution of Sevastopol “CBS for Children”)

Main Department of Culture of the City of SevastopolGKUK Sevastopol "CBS for Children"
Kindness lesson “Hurry to do good”

(Branch No. 8 of the State Cultural Institution of Sevastopol “CBS for Children”)

Main Department of Culture of the City of SevastopolGKUK Sevastopol "CBS for Children"
Holiday "With an Open Heart"

(Branch No. 9 of the State Cultural Institution of Sevastopol “CBS for Children”)

Main Department of Culture of the City of SevastopolGKUK Sevastopol "CBS for Children"
Literary quiz “Cinema – a magical land”

Exhibition of paintings by the Sevastopol Union of Artists of Russia

Open Day at the People's Museum of the History and Development of the Fishing Industry of the Azov-Black Sea Basin named after. A.V. Buryachenko for disabled people and people with disabilities

(State Budgetary Institution of Sevastopol “Cultural and Information Center”)

Main Department of Culture of the City of Sevastopol

State Budgetary Institution of Sevastopol "Cultural and Information Center"

Charity concert “Hello, how are you living?”

(Regional public organization "Society for the Protection of the Blind of the City of Sevastopol")

Main Department of Culture of the City of Sevastopol State Budgetary Institution of Sevastopol "Balaklava Palace of Culture"
The play “Everything is Somersault” by Donald Bisset (charity show for pupils of the State Institution “Sevastopol Rehabilitation Center for Children and Adolescents with Disabilities”)

(Puppet Theatre

State Budgetary Institution of Sevastopol "Cultural and Information Center")

Main Department of Culture of the City of Sevastopol Puppet Theater of the State Budgetary Institution of Culture of Sevastopol “Cultural and Information Center”

Series of conversations “Strong in Spirit”

(Clubs Goncharnoye, Shirokoe, Novo-Bobrovka, Rodnikovoe

State Cultural Institution of Sevastopol "Orlinovsky Center of Culture and Leisure")

Main Department of Culture of the City of SevastopolGKUK Sevastopol "Orlinovsky Center for Culture and Leisure"
Holiday "Winter's Tale"

(Branch No. 1, No. 5, No. 13

State Cultural Institution of Sevastopol "CBS for Children")

Main Department of Culture of the City of SevastopolGKUK Sevastopol "CBS for Children"
Performance “Ryaba Hen” Performance “My Dad”

(State Budgetary Institution of Sevastopol “Theater of Young Spectators”)

Main Department of Culture of the City of Sevastopol State Budgetary Institution of Culture of Sevastopol "Theater of Young Spectators"
Dance show “The Hunchback of Notre Dame”

(GAUK Sevastopol "Sevastopol Academic Dance Theater")

Main Department of Culture of the City of SevastopolGAUK Sevastopol "Sevastopol Academic Dance Theater"
Open day for all groups of disabled people. Acquaintance with the main exposition of the museum and exhibitions “Still Life of the 17th - 20th centuries.” from the museum’s funds and a temporary exhibition of Sevastopol artist Igor Shipilin. Master class on painting mirrors as part of the project “Art Therapy in the Museum”

(Sevastopol State Budgetary Institution “Sevastopol Art Museum named after M.P. Kroshitsky”)

Main Department of Culture of the City of Sevastopol State Budgetary Institution of Sevastopol "Sevastopol Art Museum named after M.P. Kroshitsky"
Thematic lesson “This is how I see it”, dedicated to the peculiarities of the life and work of artists and musicians with physical disabilities

(Sevastopol State Budgetary Educational Institution “Sevastopol Art School”)

Main Department of Culture of the City of Sevastopol State Budgetary Institution of Culture of Sevastopol "Sevastopol Art School"
Evening "Let's wish each other well"


State Budgetary Institution of Sevastopol "Central Library for Adults")

Main Department of Culture of the City of Sevastopol State Budgetary Institution of the City of Sevastopol "CBS for Adults"
Information hour “Look at me as an equal”

(Library-branch No. 27

State Budgetary Institution of Sevastopol "Central Library for Adults")

Main Department of Culture of the City of Sevastopol State Budgetary Institution of the City of Sevastopol "CBS for Adults"
Conversation-advice “There is no such thing as someone else’s pain”

(Library-branch No. 21 of the State Budgetary Institution of Sevastopol “Central Library for Adults”)

Main Department of Culture of the City of Sevastopol State Budgetary Institution of the City of Sevastopol "CBS for Adults"
Concert dedicated to the International Day of Persons with Disabilities “Kind Heart”

(GKUK of Sevastopol “Cultural complex “Korabel”)

Main Department of Culture of the City of SevastopolGKUK Sevastopol "Cultural Complex "Korabel"
Theatrical performance "Magic Wand"

(Branch No. 10 of the State Cultural Institution of Sevastopol “CBS for Children”)

Main Department of Culture of the City of SevastopolGKUK Sevastopol "CBS for Children"
Communication hour “Strong in spirit”

(Branch No. 7 of the State Cultural Institution of Sevastopol “CBS for Children”)

Main Department of Culture of the City of SevastopolGKUK Sevastopol "CBS for Children"
Performance of the reader's theater "Springs" "Spain"

(National Society "Hesed")

Main Department of Culture of the City of SevastopolNational Society "Hesed"
Film lecture for rural youth on the occasion of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities and AIDS Day

(Palace of Culture Fruktovoye

GKUK of Sevastopol "Cultural complex "Korabel")

Main Department of Culture of the City of SevastopolGKUK Sevastopol "Cultural Complex "Korabel"

II. Sports and public events

Qualifying competitions for the All-Russian Spartakiad of the Special Olympics in mini-football

(SC "Sevastopol")

Qualifying competitions for the All-Russian Spartakiad of the Special Olympics in artistic gymnastics Department of Youth and Sports Affairs of the City of Sevastopol

Boccia competition among athletes with musculoskeletal impairment

Qualifying competitions for the All-Russian Spartakiad of the Special Olympics in basketball

(SC "Monsoon")

Department of Youth and Sports Affairs of the City of Sevastopol
Swimming competitions among athletes with musculoskeletal disorders, hearing, vision and intellectual disabilities

(Swimming pool SOK Branch of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov)

Department of Youth and Sports Affairs of the City of Sevastopol

III. Events in educational institutions of the city of Sevastopol

Regional competition of professional skills among disabled students and persons with disabilities in the profession “Wood Artist”

28.11 – 02.12.2016

(GBOU PA "Sevastopol Professional Art College")

Charity event “Do Good”

(Educational institutions No. 11, No. 15)

Department of Education of the City of Sevastopol
Concert “We can do anything”

(State budgetary educational institution of secondary education of the city of Sevastopol “Educational school - boarding school” No. 1)

Department of Education of the City of SevastopolLocal Administration of the Intracity municipality city ​​of Sevastopol - Leninsky municipal district
Art exhibition of student works “Help your neighbor”


(Educational institutions No. 6, No. 8, No. 60)

Department of Education of the City of Sevastopol
Information hour “We are together”

01.12 – 07.12.2016

(Educational institutions of the city of Sevastopol)

Department of Education of the City of Sevastopol
Exhibition “We are the same as everyone else, but a little stronger”

01.12 – 11.16.2016

(Educational institutions No. 14, No. 23, No. 47)

Department of Education of the City of Sevastopol
Book exhibition “There is no person without kindness and compassion”

01.12 – 15.12.2016

(Libraries of educational institutions No. 11, No. 14, No. 23, No. 55, No. 58, No. 60)

Department of Education of the City of Sevastopol
Campaign “Equal Among Equals” with presentation of gifts for disabled people

(State budgetary educational institution of secondary education of the city of Sevastopol “Educational school – boarding school” No. 6)

Department of Education of the City of Sevastopol
Hour of creativity “Give a friend a smile”

02.12 – 03.12.2016

(Educational institutions No. 22, No. 57, No. 58)

Department of Education of the City of Sevastopol

Scenario of an event for the Day of Persons with Disabilities for children.


- Good afternoon dear friends! Today we celebrate International Day of People with Disabilities.

– This holiday, which was established on December 3 by the UN General Assembly in 1992, is designed to remind us that together we must take care of those who need our help.

– There are currently about 1 billion disabled people in the world. There are about 12 million 800 thousand such people in Russia. These are people suffering various diseases, - not only the elderly, but also children.

Despite the difficulties and obstacles, these people have proven that they are able to overcome a lot. Genuine respect is evoked by their active life position, participation in the life of society, and the ability to express themselves in creativity, sports and other areas.

Poetry reading:

- They have the same hearts, exactly the same thoughts,

They deserve the same rights that everyone in the world has,

After all, their destiny is not a death sentence; we are on the planet together.

– And everyone is free to choose what he wants to do,

Where to go, where to fly, and what to enjoy here.

Support for life on earth, kindness, love and happiness!

Reading the fairy tale by V. Kataev “The Seven-Flower Flower”


– As you can see, guys, only one wish that the girl Zhenya made was kind and important. She wished that the boy Vitya, who could not walk, would become healthy again, and this wish came true.

– If each of us lends a helping hand to a disabled person at least once, they will have fewer problems and their lives will be better.

The event on the Day of Persons with Disabilities for children will be completed with the following poems:

– Don’t be indifferent to people with disabilities,

To these people deprived of fate.

We can’t immediately see their pain,

It is enough to hear them sometimes.

- A person’s actions are glorified,

What shines in the eyes.

And may it add health to society

Help in action!

Class hour for the International Day of Persons with Disabilities for primary school

Description: This material can be used by class teachers of junior and middle levels to conduct extracurricular activities.

Goal: Introducing children to the International Day of Persons with Disabilities.

Create a comfortable, friendly environment;

Develop children’s psycho-physical abilities and emotional sphere;

Form an aesthetic culture;

To instill in children feelings of empathy, mercy, and tolerance towards people with disabilities.

Progress of the event

The song “We are just different” plays (Music by Alexander Ermolov, lyrics by Vadim Borisov)

I have a beloved brother.

He's not like everyone else.

He is very strange, they say

Completely helpless.

I'm interested in playing with him

But I can't have it

Leave it not for a minute

In the world of one.

I learned to understand

How difficult it can be for him.

And the hardest thing is

Say everything yourself.

Imagine what's happening here

Wonderful magic -

His soul enters me.

And I speak for him:

We're just different

We live at a different depth.

That's just who we are.

It is unknown whose fault it was.

We can no longer change ourselves

And we won’t become like you.

So try to be close

Just try to understand us.

We speak differently

And the world is different for us.

And that’s why we keep it within ourselves

Scared pain.

And I won't be able to learn

Deceive and be rude.

And the heart beats and strives

To love the world unrequitedly.

There is my mother and my sister.

Not a single day without them

I can't survive even in an apartment

After all, this is foreign land.

All you see is rain

And he comes for you.

Water flows, water flows

And freezes into ice.

We see patterns of snowflakes,

Crystals in a block of ice.

All the droplets that freeze

For you it is just water.

But in our world everything is not like that.

The clock can freeze here,

And millions of raindrops

We started our event with a song that is dedicated to all the people who are no worse and no better than you and me. These people are just different. Maybe they don’t know how to do everything like you and me, but they simply cannot do much at all. But you and I are not perfect either. The difference is simply that if we try, make an effort, show desire, we can do it, but they can’t. They need help from other people.

Reading poetry.

Today is the third of December -

Disabled Day, sadly dated,

But we did not live our lives in vain:

After all, they were strong once.

We worked, we were tired without knowing,

Everything seemed within our reach,

How much strength have we lost?

I’d better keep silent about this.

Successes inspired the soul,

Adversity has hurt our hearts,

And we forgot about ourselves,

There was no end to the worries.

We've all changed a little

After all, it’s old age that keeps busy,

The whiskey has long since turned silver,

Well, the soul doesn’t want to grow old.

And it's good that we're all together

We can get together and sit

And again here, in this place

Have fun and sing.

Romances, listen to music

And to be sad about those who have left.

And God give us even longer,

So that our meetings take place,

Give us all more health,

So that we smile at each other.

E. Gromova

Disabled Day is an unusual day.

Solemn, but with a hint of sadness.

No, no, and a shadow will come over their faces.

We have noticed this more than once.

But you have the same hearts, exactly the same thoughts,

The same blood and kindness, the same smiles.

And you deserve the same rights that everyone in the world has,

After all, being disabled is not a death sentence; we are on the planet together.

And everyone is free to choose what he wants to do,

Where to go, where to fly, and what to enjoy.

So let every new day carry within itself the destiny

Support for life on earth, goodness, love and happiness.

The sky is not always reflected in their eyes,

Their words are not always sharp, like a stylus,

But everyone has hidden spiritual strength,

Everyone wants support, hope, love.

And they conquer the peaks and distances,

Where an ordinary person suddenly gets lost,

Their tenacity is worthy, their nerves are made of steel.

I bow my knees before them forever.

You are the same people as everyone in the world,

May heaven always be kind to you,

Every beginning is warmed with happiness,

On the day of struggle for the rights of the disabled

We want to wish you well,

So that the Fatherland loves deeply,

And in trouble so that it can help!

We wish you priceless care,

We wish people respect,

So that you have a job,

To have many friends!

When your soul hurts from tears,

Don't speak in vain

That life isn't worth a penny

She's always beautiful.

Sometimes gray clouds

The sun will be hidden for a long time.

And life isn't easy

Under the black stripe.

But you have to believe, you have to wait.

The wind will dispel the clouds,

and through the fog it will sparkle again

A bright ray of hope.

He's above you and above me,

Shines in the clear sky.

And life under this star,

Truly beautiful.

What is disability? (Children's answers)

Disability is a condition in which there are obstacles or limitations in the activities of a person with physical, mental, sensory or mental disorders. And of course there are millions of people with disabilities living in the world. They live every day in the struggle for their lives, overcoming their limitations, overcoming themselves every day. These are real heroes who perform feats every day of their lives.

On this day, we want to wish people with disabilities not to lose heart, set a certain goal for themselves and achieve it, even if it is the most basic thing, but this will already be their achievement, their success! We wish you good luck, respect and help from the people around you.

What are our troubles! Nearby is a disabled person,

bedridden hourly.

Both his body and his soul hurt unquenchably,

difficult and... silent.

And why should we grieve, since we have hands,

And your head is intact, and your heart is tight?

And the ardent forces and plans cannot be counted,

And is it simply interesting to live in the world?

We keep complaining. We're looking for that vest

In which it doesn’t hurt to cry tears.

But the neighbor has no sun in his windows: he is blind.

And therefore moaning is enough!

And accompany you home.

Listen to the parable.

One young man was driving a shiny new Jaguar in a great mood, humming some tune. Suddenly he saw children sitting by the road. After he carefully drove around them and was about to pick up speed again, he suddenly heard a stone hit the car.

The young man stopped the car, got out of it and, grabbing one of the boys by the collar, began to shake him and shout:

Brat! Why the hell did you throw a rock at my car? Do you know how much this car costs?!

Forgive me, mister,” the boy replied. - I had no intention of harming you or your car.

The fact is that my brother is disabled, he fell out of the stroller, but I cannot lift him, he is too heavy for me. We have been asking for help for several hours, but not a single car has stopped. I had no choice but to throw the stone, otherwise you wouldn't have stopped either.

The young man helped sit the disabled man in a chair, trying to hold back his tears and suppress the lump that had come to his throat. Then he went to his car and saw a dent in the shiny new door left by the stone.

He drove this car for many years, and every time he said “no” to the mechanics’ offer to repair this dent on the door, because every time it reminded him that if you ignore the whisper, a stone will fly at you.

Why is the desire to do good considered a miracle in our society today?

Why doesn’t everyone on the street approach a person who needs help?

So many questions, but no answer yet.

Why don't many of us know the word compassion?

How little is needed for happiness -

So that the child is healthy!

How much complicity is needed?

So that those who are ill become happy...

And we pass by the pain,

And, lowering my eyes to the floor,

Let's say quietly: "God help..."

But isn’t God me?

Be God for a minute!

Hear those who pray to you!

Without gratitude and noise

Be an Angel now.

Extend your childhood, but with a smile,

And give me a chance to live -

She can be very unsteady

When there is no faith that you are alive...

How little is needed for happiness...

What does it mean to be merciful and kind? Kindness is a special state of mind when a person is able to help. But not everyone can feel someone else’s grief and sacrifice something for people. And without this there can be neither kindness nor mercy. a kind person attracts to himself like a magnet, he does not spare the warmth of his soul for those around him. But you must admit, each of us needs at least a little love and warmth.

It's no secret that children get sick,

And everyone has their own diagnosis,

That they believe in a miracle from a book

The one that mom reads sometimes.

They believe and wait impatiently,

That the wizard will come one day

And a birthday box

He will bring health with him.

They believe that good wins

And friendship can save you from evil,

The fact that cowardice hinders the weak

What a happy ending is ahead!

After the thunder the sun always shines

And you can walk on a rainbow

To that wonderland beyond the horizon,

Where dreams would come true overnight.

They believe, you hear, they BELIEVE!

They cry quietly, but still they wait,

That they will give a box of miracles,

Because fairy tales don’t lie!

And many of these children did not wait for the wizard to come and cure him. But they simply began to live at 100% and try to achieve everything that healthy people can achieve

Here are just a few examples of people with disabilities achieving great things. And one can only be amazed at their fortitude, patience, and their ability to achieve their goals.

One such example is the great inventor Tom Edison.

Until the age of 12, he could not read, and as a child he was considered developmentally retarded. But it was this man who became famous all over the world for his discoveries. Here are some of them - electric light bulb, telegraph, batteries, telephone, cement and much more.

Everyone knows the works of Ludwig Beethoven. At one time he was a popular musician. But deafness, which he had for a third of his life, did not prevent him from becoming the author of great musical works.

One cannot help but recall the great Soviet and Russian theater and film artist Zinovy ​​Gerdt, whose voice is spoken by Captain Vrungel in the favorite children's cartoon.

During the Great Patriotic War, he was seriously wounded in the leg by a fragment of a tank shell. After the operations, doctors had to shorten his leg by 8 cm. The artist began to limp heavily. But strength of spirit and will helped him become a truly great artist.

And this list is very long.

Summing up the results of today's meeting, we, the participants of this event, would really like you to become kinder, more attentive, and more responsive.

We hope that everything we heard and saw touched your hearts. I would like to add that every disabled person wants to be treated as a full-fledged person. And as one of these people said: “We feel normal, like all other people, what makes us disabled is the attitude of people towards us.

The famous idol said to everyone:

Beauty..."Beauty will save the world!"

I just argue with him again and again -

Kindness and love will save the world!

Who lives with kindness and love,

He reaps the same thing in return.

Therefore I affirm again:

Kindness and love will save the world!

The song “Love and Kindness” is performed by the Fidget ensemble.

Love and kindness

There are so many people in this huge world,

But we all have one dream.

Let the children laugh at dawn

We are greeted with love and kindness.

Love and kindness

There are millions of eyes on us.

We live here and now.

We cry, we laugh, we love and we believe

On a new day, all doors are open for us.

We don't need much

Let friendship rule the whole world.

It's just that the sun always shines for everyone

On a big planet.

We will share with friends

Only good news.

All the bad things will remain in the past

If you think about good things.

Do you see kind faces here?

Know this is something you can be proud of.

Do you hear how this world loves you?

If you want it, it will always be so

Friendship is not measured by years,

Friendship she will always be with us.

Any dispute with a friend,

You can confidently trust a friend.

True friend he will always understand you

Best friend will not betray, will not leave.

Friendship is in everyone,

Feel, the rest doesn't matter.

How a blind boy became a famous scientist. A story of perseverance and friendship

At one Moscow school, a boy stopped going to classes. He doesn’t go for a week, two... Lyova didn’t have a phone, and his classmates, on the advice of the teacher, decided to go to his house. Levi's mother opened the door. Her face was very sad. The guys greeted each other and timidly asked: “Why doesn’t Lyova go to school?” Mom sadly replied: “He will no longer study with you. He had surgery. Unsuccessful. Lyova is blind and cannot walk on his own...”

The guys were silent, looked at each other, and then one of them suggested: “We’ll take him to school one by one.”

And accompany you home.

“And we’ll help you do your homework,” classmates chirped, interrupting each other.

Tears welled up in my mother's eyes. She led her friends into the room. A little later, feeling the way with his hand, Lyova came out to them with a blindfold. The guys froze. Only now did they truly understand what a misfortune had happened to their friend. Leva said with difficulty: “Hello.” And then it started pouring in from all sides: “I’ll pick you up tomorrow and take you to school.” - And I’ll tell you that we took algebra. - And I'm in history.

Leva didn’t know who to listen to and just nodded his head in confusion. Tears rolled down my mother's face. After leaving, the guys made a plan - who would come in when, who would explain what subjects, who would walk with Lyova and take him to school. At school, the boy who sat at the same desk with Lyova quietly told him during the lesson what the teacher was writing on the board. And how the class froze when Lyova answered! How everyone rejoiced at his A’s, even more than their own! Leva studied well. The whole class began to study better. In order to explain a lesson to a friend in trouble, you need to know it yourself. And the guys tried. Moreover, in the winter they began to take Lyova to the skating rink. The boy loved classical music very much, and his classmates went with him to symphony concerts...

Lev graduated from school with a gold medal, then entered college. And there were friends who became his eyes. After college, Leva continued to study and eventually became a world-famous mathematician, academician Pontryagin. There are countless people who have seen the light for good

Lev Semyonovich Pontryagin (1908-1988) - Soviet mathematician, one of the greatest mathematicians of the 20th century, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences, who lost his sight at the age of 14. He made significant contributions to algebraic and differential topology, the theory of oscillations, calculus of variations, and control theory. In control theory, Pontryagin is the creator of the mathematical theory of optimal processes, which is based on the so-called. Pontryagin's maximum principle; has fundamental results on differential games. The work of Pontryagin's school had a great influence on the development of control theory and calculus of variations throughout the world

“Lesson of kindness” taught in 3rd grade by a teacher

Abstract: In connection with the development of inclusive education in schools, I propose the development of an extra-curricular activity “Hurry up to do good” in order to form an adequate respectful attitude towards people with disabilities and familiarize themselves with the lives of people with disabilities. This material presents a detailed course of the lesson. Contains the necessary information, methodological games, and didactic materials. It is proposed to reveal the words kindness, the source of kindness. This material can be used both in literary reading lessons and in class hour.

Goal: fostering a humane attitude towards people with disabilities.

1. Reveal for children the concept of “kindness”, sources of kindness (nature, good deeds).

2.Teach children communication and observation skills.

3. Form a person’s moral qualities: caring for others, mutual assistance, the ability to be friends, and doing good for others.

4.Promote the formation of moral attitudes towards people with disabilities;

Equipment: computer presentation “Hurry up to do good”, event development, plasticine, scissors, glue, blindfold.

Preliminary work. Reading the work of V. Kataev “The Seven-Flower Flower”

Forms of work: individual, frontal.

Working methods: relaxation methods, game methods, visualization techniques, training exercises, conversation

During the classes.

Teacher: So, friends, pay attention - the bell has rung.

Guys! Today we have an unusual lesson.

And what will be discussed in this lesson, we will now find out with the help of a hint

Good is you!

Good - it's me!

Good is our whole Earth!

Good is a holiday in the family,

Good is the song of a stream in spring,

Good is a sea of ​​joy and laughter,

Good is as wonderful as summer!

When mom and dad are nearby - Welcome!

And people walk smiling in the subway,

Well, in general, good is something like that

What I can’t explain at times!

So, what will we talk about in our lesson?

An unusual lesson - a lesson of kindness!

Teacher: So, what is good? Where did you meet him? (Children answer)

A kind person is one who loves people and is ready to help them in difficult times.

Loves nature and takes care of it.

Polite in communication, respectful towards adults and younger people

Loves birds, helps them survive in winter

Teacher: Now you can hear that evil triumphs over good. Kindness, mercy, empathy for others create the basis of human happiness. Doing good to people has been preserved from distant ancestors. Kindness and mercy have been developed over centuries to make our lives easier.

Teacher A kind person is ready to help, and is ready to do this not for profit, for show, but does it at the behest of his heart.

Kindness must come from the heart. Already in the fourth century BC, the ancient Greek philosopher Plato argued: “By seeking the happiness of others, we find our own happiness.” (Plato)

The same idea was continued in the first century AD by the Roman philosopher Seneca: “A person who thinks about himself and seeks his own benefit in everything cannot be happy. If you want to live for yourself, live for others.” Let us remember the words of L.N. Tolstoy: “In life there is one undoubted happiness - to live for others.”

A person who does good to others and knows how to empathize with them feels happy.

Teacher What is evil?

Let's make evil out of plasticine?

And then we’ll smear it on the board, think about which stripe we’ll smear on? (there are two strips of paper on the board - blue and gray)

Teacher. One day, one wise old Indian - the leader of the tribe was talking to his little grandson. Why are there bad people? - asked his inquisitive grandson. – Bad people“It doesn’t happen,” the leader answered. – Every person has two halves – light and dark. The bright side of the soul calls a person to love, kindness, responsiveness, peace, hope, and sincerity. A dark side represents evil, selfishness, destruction, envy, lies, betrayal. It's like a battle between two wolves. Imagine that one wolf is light, and the second is dark. Understand? - It's clear. said the kid, touched to the depths of his soul by his grandfather’s words. Boy for a while. He thought about it, and then asked: “But which wolf wins in the end?” The old Indian smiled barely noticeably: “The wolf you feed always wins.”

As is known, the parable gives answers to the most difficult questions that life puts before us.

Should a person cultivate light or dark qualities in himself?

Teacher. Guys, why do we feel sad?

If you are sad or someone has offended you, I have a “Bad Weather” card - you just take it and put it on your desk, and we will not disturb the one who has “Bad Weather”

We need to forgive offenses.

Teacher. Watching a film about disabled people.

How did this movie make you feel?

Conversation about disabled people. December 3 is World Day of Persons with Disabilities. And we will talk about disabled children. These people live very close to us. But they try not to notice them. They live in a special world, the existence of which even their closest neighbors may not be aware of. They may be incredibly talented and spiritually rich people, but society stubbornly rejects them because...

survey of all students.

1.Who knows people with disabilities?

2. Have you met people with disabilities?

3. How many people with disabilities do you think there are in the city?

4. What types of disabilities are there?

5.Why do they become disabled?

6. At what age do people become disabled?

7.Which people have more disabilities - the elderly or the young?

8. Who and where do people with disabilities work?

Mini-lecture on disability.

Disabled children are real people with a face and character. IN harsh conditions, sometimes, catastrophic disability, as if on parched soil, they live their one and only life. Their body, in the case of serious, multiple developmental disorders, is capable of causing rejection in healthy people by its appearance. Disabled people are the same people as you and me, only they understand much more the value of ordinary things - seeing, hearing, walking, sitting. They understand that seeing the morning, people, cats is great. Modern man does not appreciate the priceless things he has - vision, hearing, speech, the ability to walk..? Disabled people are the same people as you and me, only they understand much more the value of ordinary things - seeing, hearing, walking, sitting.

Conclusion. Disabled people do not need guardianship. Disabled people need equal opportunities, a little comfort in their environment, understanding and dialogue with society.

Physical education minute.

Kindness must come from the heart.

Place your hands on your heart.

Close your eyes, smile (necessarily from the heart), think about what is good and good in your soul, for what qualities you love, value, and respect yourself. Whoever is ready, open your eyes.

Teacher. - I suggest you remember the work of V. Kataev, where these lines are taken from:

Fly, fly, petal,

Through west to east,

Through the north, through the south,

Come back after making a circle.

As soon as you touch the ground -

To be according to my wishes.

Order to...

Teacher. What decision did Zhenya make with the last petal? (Helped Vita recover, who could not move on his own).

Which of the seven wishes do you think was thought through?

The most thoughtful and correct desire was the seventh.

From what side did Zhenya appear before us when making her 7th wish?

She saw, understood and accepted a stranger to her for who he is. My wife wanted to help Vita feel healthy, like everyone else

Exercise “Tied Hands”.

Goal: to create an opportunity to survive the limitation of arm movement.

Children's hands are tied and then they are asked to button up - unfasten the buttons on their jacket, write on the board with chalk, etc.

Exercise: “What do you hear?”

Goal: drawing attention to the importance of hearing in life, developing auditory attention.

I invite you to pay attention to the sounds around them for 1 minute and then tell them what they heard.

How wonderful it is to wake up in the morning, hear the birds singing, the rustling of leaves on the trees, feel the harmony of soul and body... - this is happiness. Treat him as an equal person.

Exercise “Blind, Deaf, Mute.”

Goal: immersion of completely healthy people into the world of a person with disabilities, development of empathy.

To complete this exercise, 3 people are selected who will need to play the roles of people with developmental problems suggested on the cards.

1st – does not move, does not hear, but speaks and sees

2nd – does not speak, does not hear, but moves and sees

3rd - does not speak, does not see, but hears and moves

Conclusion. You cannot insult, speak disrespectfully about anyone, make value judgments, criticize

Teacher. Now you will learn about human resilience, courage and unbending fortitude of people with limited capabilities, but limitless abilities

Children talk about people with disabilities.

Diana Gurtskaya. Her story is similar to that of Cinderella. Diana Gurtskaya was born on July 2 in Sukhumi (Abkhazia) in the family of a former miner and a former teacher. Her story is similar to that of Cinderella. . Medicine has not reached the level to give her sight. He has been singing since childhood. Graduated from a school for the blind. Musical education: music school for piano, Moscow College named after. Gnesins. Until the age of sixteen, she suffered greatly because of her blindness, cried, and complained about her fate. And then a turning point came - Diana not only accepted the fact that she would always live in SUCH a world, but also found in it many reasons for joy. In her family, she was and is always surrounded by love.

Teacher. Look at the blackboard. What does it look like?

To the ground.

And the earth grows only good things.

We will grow your dream with you. Let's draw some sprouts together, and what would a garden be without flowers?

Now let’s cut out the flowers - wishes and glue them onto the board and write wishes on them.

Conclusion: Doing good is great.

Song “The Road of Goodness” Music - Mark Minkov, lyrics - Yuri Entin.

1. Ask strict life

Which way to go?

Where in the white world

Leave in the morning.

Follow the sun

Although this path is unknown,

Go my friend, always go

On the way to goodness.

2. Forget your worries,

Ups and downs

Don't whine when fate takes over

She doesn't act like a sister.

But if things go wrong with a friend,

Don't rely on a miracle

Hurry to him, always lead

On the way to goodness.

3. Oh, how many different ones there will be

Doubts and temptations

Don't forget that this is life

Not a child's game.

Drive away temptations

Learn the unspoken law

Go my friend, always go

On the road to goodness

4. Ask strict life

Which way to go?

Where in the white world

Leave in the morning.

Drive away temptations

Learn the unspoken law

Go my friend, always go

Concert script - game program for children with disabilities "Colorful holiday".

Goals and objectives: develop in children a correct and reasonable attitude towards people with disabilities; to attract the attention of schoolchildren to the problems of children with disabilities; contribute to the development of moral qualities of students.
Music is playing. Dunno enters.

Dunno(reads out loud). Problem. There are 3 apples in the basket. How to divide between three girls so that one apple remains in the basket? Well, a problem... How to divide the apples? Yes, if I had apples, I would certainly eat them myself. There was a desire to share with someone.

Music is playing. Vasilisa the Wise enters.

Vasilisa. Hello, Dunno. What are you doing?
Dunno. I'm solving the problem.
Vasilisa. Well done for deciding to study.
Dunno. Yes, I bet with Znayka that I could solve this problem without any difficulty.
Vasilisa. So how did you decide?
Dunno. There is nothing to decide here. The apple that remains in the basket is extra, which means I’ll take it for myself, and give two apples to the girls.
Vasilisa. Your problem is very simple, but you solved it incorrectly.
Dunno. Why is this wrong?
Vasilisa. I think the guys can give you some advice.
It's very simple, Dunno. You need to give two girls one apple each, and the third one an apple along with the basket.
Dunno. And not keep a single apple for yourself? I won’t solve such problems anymore.
Vasilisa. Don't worry, Dunno. Do you want me to invite the guys, and you too, to my magical country? Are you ready to go on a trip? Offers extraordinary adventures on our way.
Dunno. Adventures? That's great! I agree. What about you guys?
Vasilisa. To go on a journey we need to say the magic words.
Eni-beni, chrebeni,
The pendulum swings
Eni-beni, chrebeni-
The journey begins.
The guys repeat these words in chorus, music sounds.
Vasilisa. Welcome to our country. All residents of this country know magic words that help them escape from trouble and trouble. Do you know the magic words?
Dunno. Hello good Bye.
Vasilisa. Well done, Dunno. I'm sure you know a lot of magic words. We'll check this now. If I say the magic word, then you complete my task, if not, do not move. It's clear?

Game "Please".

Raise your right hand up, please, raise your left hand too and squat, etc.
Vasilisa. We can safely hit the road further.

Music is playing.

Friends, we have found ourselves in the city of colorful lanterns. In the evenings, lamplighters light lanterns in the city to make all residents light and comfortable. This is a difficult job for lamplighters because they have to carry the fire from one end of the street to the other.
Dunno. Is this really difficult work? If necessary, we will help. Really, guys.
Vasilisa. Well done, Dunno, of course they need your help.

Game "Lanternmen".

Children are divided into two teams. Each team receives two balls. You need to pass them over your heads from hand to hand without dropping them, and return them back.

Vasilisa. And now, friends, we are in an amazing city. Everything is unusual in this city. Here vegetables are planted on Tuesday and harvested on Wednesday.
Dunno. This can't be true.
Vasilisa. Maybe you forgot that this country is magical, and it also rains here very often, which helps vegetables ripen quickly.
Let's remember how it starts to rain.

Game "Rain".
That's right, from one drop - we clap our hands quietly once, then two drops fell (2 claps), and then 3 and a light drizzle began (applause). The rain began to intensify and it began to pour... (loud applause). After the rain, you can also plant vegetables. Let's help residents with this.

Game "Harvest".
The teams line up one after another. The first player plants vegetables in the hoop, the second collects them in a basket, the next players plant and collect, etc.
Vasilisa. Well done, you completed the task very quickly, and most importantly, you helped the residents of the city.
Music is playing.

Attention, friends, there is danger ahead of us - this is a swamp that we must cross to get to another city.

Game "Crossing the Swamp".
To participate in show jumping you need 8 rings - these are bumps. You need to go over bumps from start to finish.

Vasilisa. We crossed the swamp and found ourselves in the city of artists.
Assignment for teams: draw a cat on a landscape sheet with felt-tip pens tied to sticks.
Competition "Artist".

Dunno. Well done boys. You are good artists.

(Children's crying is heard).
Dunno. You hear? Someone is crying.
Vasilisa. We are in a city where the inhabitants are children, they cry very often.
Dunno. What can we do to make them smile?
Vasilisa. I think the babies will stop crying if we sing to them.
Dunno. Oh, how simple it is. Let's all sing together my favorite song, “A grasshopper sat in the grass.” Start singing! (Children sing the 1st verse of the song).
Vasilisa. You sing well, but that won't help. You need to sing your own song for each baby.
"Song" competition.

Each participant is given a doll, their task is to sing 1 verse of the song to the baby.
Vasilisa. Well done guys, you sing well. Now, take your seats and listen to how our young artists sing.

Concert program.

Vasilisa. Our circle members have prepared handmade gifts for you.
So our journey through the magical land has ended.
Dunno. I like it. What about you guys?
Vasilisa. Our country is small, but beautiful and kind. She brings smiles and good mood to everyone. If you want, you can invite Dunno and me and we will continue our journey. Bye for now!
Dunno. Goodbye