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Foot baths at home - various recipes. Foot bath at home: review of baths with the addition of different ingredients

Social life, entertainment and pleasant walks. Not always in this hustle and bustle there is time to get to the beauty salon.

However, feet that experience constant stress require regular care. A well-known proverb says: “A man grows old on his feet” in order to prevent premature aging, you need to pay at least a little attention to your feet every day. It doesn’t matter if visiting beauty salons does not fit into your plans and capabilities, complete care feet can be provided at home.

One of the simplest and most affordable home procedures is foot baths. It is not necessary to set aside separate time for this; a spa procedure can be combined with working on the computer, checking your child’s homework, reading books, and if you are very busy, peeling potatoes or making dumplings. It is not recommended to keep your feet in water for more than 30 minutes; this can lead to dehydration of the skin and the appearance of unsightly wrinkles.

Types of foot baths

Based on the operating principle, foot baths can be divided into several main types:

Calming(relieve fatigue and soothe pain).

Tonic(refreshes the skin).

Emollient(soften rough skin, preparing it for a pedicure).

Nutritious(saturate the skin with nutrients).

Medicinal(helps get rid of skin diseases and excessive sweating of the feet).

Warming(improves blood circulation).

For getting maximum effect In one procedure, you can pursue several goals at once. To do this, just add ingredients of different effects to the water. The results and pleasure from water procedures, if instead of a regular basin you use a special hydromassage foot bath.

Tonic bath with sea salt

Bring two liters of water to a boil and dissolve a glass in it sea ​​salt. Allow the solution to cool to a temperature that can be tolerated, and immerse your feet in the water. Sea salt quickly relieves fatigue, eliminates swelling, and in combination with hot water, absorbs excess salt deposits accumulated in the feet.

Soothing bath that promotes the healing of calluses and cracks

Pour two liters of boiling water over a mixture prepared from 3 tablespoons of St. John's wort and 2 tablespoons of calendula, cool until warm state, immerse in herbal infusion clean feet for 15 minutes. After the procedure, do not rinse your feet, but wipe them with a towel and apply cream.

Soothing bath with a softening effect

Pour two liters of boiling water into 4 tablespoons of chamomile and 2 tablespoons of flaxseed, cool, add a couple of drops of pine essential oil and soak your tired feet.

Toning bath with essential oils and sea salt

For such a bath it is best to take essential oils conifers (spruce and pine) or eucalyptus. Dissolve sea salt and a few drops of oil in warm water.

Nourishing milk bath

Boil two liters of water, add a glass of milk, two tablespoons of olive oil, juice from half a lemon and a pinch of cinnamon. Cool the resulting composition to a comfortable temperature and enjoy the action, and then the result of a pleasant procedure.

Softening bath with soda

In two liters warm water dissolve two tablespoons baking soda and 3 tablespoons ammonia. Duration of reception: 15 minutes. To get rid of rough heels, corns and dry calluses, you will need to do this bath twice a week.

Nourishing and softening oil bath

Add olive, linseed or baby oil to warm water (about one tablespoon per liter of water) and a few drops of ylang-ylang essential oil. After the procedure, dry your feet and put on socks.

Heel softening bath with boric acid

4 teaspoons are diluted in a liter of warm water boric acid and lower your feet into the resulting solution. After 15 minutes, the feet are wiped, the heels are generously lubricated with Vaseline, bandaged or socks are put on.

Toning mint bath

Pour 50 g of dry mint and the zest of one lemon with two liters of boiling water and leave for 10 minutes. Immerse pre-washed feet in the infusion for 20 minutes, then wipe the feet dry and lubricate with nourishing cream.

Therapeutic bath for fungus

Prepare herbal tea from pharmaceutical chamomile, flax seeds, horsetail (take two tablespoons of each ingredient), pour the mixture of herbs with two liters of boiling water, cool and keep your feet in the antibacterial infusion for 15-20 minutes.

Baths for swelling

Natural apple cider vinegar and lemon juice help fight swelling. Both ingredients are simply added to the water at the rate of half a glass per 2 liters of water.

Baths against sweating feet

To combat excessive sweating, it is good to use essential oils tea tree, eucalyptus, orange, mint, lemon or tangerine. A few drops of one of the listed oils are added to lukewarm water. To get the effect, just soak your feet in water for 20 minutes and wipe dry.

Cooling baths

Cooling baths are obtained by adding ice to water; they quickly relieve fatigue and are also good for bruises and swelling. Such procedures should last no more than three minutes; most often, it is enough to simply dip your feet in cold water for a few seconds.

Warming baths

Warming baths must be hot; they help fight colds and improve blood circulation. In this regard, a solution of mustard, prepared at the rate of one tablespoon of powder per liter of water, has proven itself well. You can also use a bath with the addition of essential oils of pepper, cloves and cinnamon.

Hello dear blog readers. Today I am asking you this question: “how often and when do you do foot baths at home”? Please share your personal experience in the comments to the article.

I assume that most of us pay little attention to the health of our legs and feet. Therefore, in this article I will introduce you to the types of foot baths, their properties and effects. I'll tell you about important rules foot care to maintain their health and beauty. We will definitely mention contraindications.

Foot baths have beneficial properties due to the influence on vital reflexogenic points that are located on the surface of the feet. Any impact they have has a beneficial effect on the health of the entire body. For example, water therapy relieves fatigue and tension, improves mood, relaxes the body and relieves existing pain.

The thermal effect of such baths accelerates blood circulation throughout the body.

And the addition of natural solutions and herbs solve many problems associated with the poor functioning of the processes of vital organs.

What is being treated?

Foot baths can serve additional means in combination with the use medications in the treatment of other diseases. This will only improve the quality and effectiveness of treatment. Faster man walking on the mend. Do not forget about the contraindications, which we will mention at the end of the article.

  1. They help in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections, bronchitis, pneumonia.
  2. Combat excessive sweating of the feet.
  3. Treat fungal and pustular diseases.
  4. Helps with cardiovascular diseases.
  5. Used for rheumatism and joint inflammation.
  6. Reduce blood pressure.
  7. Excellent effect on nervous system before bed, thereby helping you fall asleep faster.
  8. They soften the skin on the heels and feet, corns and calluses disappear, and are removed.

If you choose the right foot bath, taking into account the characteristics of your body, without neglecting contraindications, you can quickly and effectively solve the problem that you want to get rid of by resorting to these means.

Sequence of proper foot care procedures

  • First, you need to disinfect your feet by washing them with soap and cleaning them with special products;
  • Then apply a scrub or exfoliating foot cream to the skin of your feet;
  • Immerse your feet in a pre-prepared bath, which we will look at later in the article.

Then you can treat your feet with a special brush in areas with delicate skin. Where the rough skin should soften after the procedure, we remove it using files made of pressed granite chips. Files also come in different varieties, but first we take ones with a larger grain, then with a finer one. Do not cut the skin with scissors or tweezers under any circumstances, as this can easily cause injury.

Rinse your feet after this procedure and wipe your feet dry. Apply a suitable cream or foot mask.

I highly recommend paying attention to this one -. An excellent set for yourself and a gift for a loved one for foot care; you don’t even have to buy anything else for it. You can use all types of baths in it, which I will talk about a lot more in other articles.

When caring for your feet, don’t forget about the benefits gymnastic exercises. After a pedicure, use at least two or three simple exercises, which maintain elasticity calf muscles and knees.

Various baths

There are 4 types: hot (from 50 to 60 degrees), warm (36-37 degrees), cold (20-25 degrees) and contrasting.

Hot baths are enough medical procedure to help cope with colds: for cough and runny nose. Please note - when elevated temperature such baths are strictly contraindicated. You can add salt, mustard, decoctions and infusions to them medicinal herbs, essential oils. The procedure is carried out for no more than 20 minutes, while periodically adding hot water to maintain the temperature. After this, it is recommended to immediately go to bed under a warm blanket.

Warm baths in summer can be reduced to 30 degrees. Add to them various means to fix a particular problem. The duration of the procedure is from 15 to 20 minutes.

Cold ones do an excellent job of eliminating excessive sweating of the feet, and also help relieve fatigue at the end of the working day. The duration should not exceed five minutes.

Contrast baths very popular for beginners to get used to hardening the body, relieve leg fatigue. Temperature hot water should be at 40-50 degrees, alternating with cold (20 degrees). You can alternate chamomile infusions into a hot bath, linden color or nettle.


Such baths, very common in beauty salons, are valued as the most effective remedy to give the skin velvety and elasticity. They help get rid of sweating, provide the legs with increased blood flow, thereby helping to relieve fatigue.

Aromatic and essential oils are added to the paraffin bath, which enhance the effect of the procedure. This topic requires more detailed consideration. There are contraindications. Therefore, expect a detailed article on this topic in the near future.

From odor and excessive sweating of feet

Both men and women suffer from this problem. Baths made from herbs and essential oils are a good way to cope with such troubles when used regularly.


  • You can make collections, or take each of the following herbs separately: infusion or decoction of oak bark, willow bark, horsetail, pomegranate peel, sage, bird cherry. To prepare an infusion for the bath, you need to take 3 tablespoons of dry herbs or mixture, pour 2 tbsp. boiling water and let it brew for 2-3 hours. Before the procedure, it will be enough to add half a glass of the prepared infusion to the foot water.
  • With essential oils. Good feedback We collected the following oils: tea tree, eucalyptus, citrus fruits, which tone the skin well, regulate the process of sweating and eliminate unpleasant odors. Add 3-4 drops to the bath. one essential oil for up to 20 minutes. After the procedure, lubricate the skin of your feet with a 2% boric acid solution.
  • Take equal parts of spruce needles and oak bark 50 grams each, pour one liter of boiling water and cook over low heat for about thirty minutes. Let cool slightly and strain. Pour the broth into a warm bath, lowering your feet for 20-30 minutes. Wipe dry and lubricate feet with cream.
  • Take 50 grams dried leaves birch and pine needles. Pour also boiled water (1 liter) and let it brew for 40 minutes in a warm place. Strain and pour the infusion into the foot bath. Take 3 times the first week, then the next one once for fifteen minutes. Then wipe your feet dry and apply cream.

Moisturizing and softening the skin - aromatic baths

Such procedures will be very useful for general well-being and relieving fatigue. Oil baths, depending on their composition and type, can have different effects on the human body. They saturate the skin of the feet well with moisture and useful substances. Cracks and calluses on the skin are eliminated. The following recipes will help you achieve the desired effect.

1. Pine oil is a decongestant, improves peripheral circulation, has a diuretic effect, and calms the central nervous system. Contraindications for baths with the addition of essential pine oils and other pine extracts is:

  • stroke and heart attack, as they increase the thrombin index;
  • apply for a duration of no more than 10 minutes and one week.
  • You should also use only fresh oils stored in cold places, since old and stagnant oils lose their healing properties.

2. Peppermint essential oil soothes and cleanses the skin. Use oil with caution. If you also add salt (coarsely ground), then such a bath will give a huge boost of energy and calm.

3. Lavender oil perfectly calms the nervous system and has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and nails. However, such baths should not be used by people with gallbladder problems.

4. Sage oil treats fungal and staphylococcal infections. Excellent effect on the skin. There are no contraindications.

5. Essential oils of rosemary and fennel are used in combination with each other, so the effectiveness increases due to the normalization of vascular tone, because individually rosemary increases arterial pressure, and fennel reduces.

6. Geranium oil removes excess fluid and has diuretic properties.

You can mix salt, sugar, soda, honey, mustard, and herbal infusions into the oils of homemade baths.

7. Mixture the following oils– 5 ml of castor and 2 ml of fir, pour into warm water (1 l). We lower our legs and hold for 15 minutes. Rinse and wipe.

8. Mix olive oil(20 ml) and lavender oil (3 ml), add to one liter of warm water. Next, in the same way, lower your feet for 15 minutes, then rinse and wipe dry.

9. Vegetable oil(50 ml) mix with orange (5 ml) and add a liter of warm water. We also do the same as the previous procedures.

10. In warm prepared water – 1 liter, add jojoba oil (10 ml). We keep our feet in this bath for 15 minutes. Rinse and wipe.

11. Rose oil – mix 10 ml in 1 liter of warm water. Keep your feet for 15 minutes and rinse warm water.

12. Stir a mixture of tangerine (3 ml) and peach (20 ml) oils, dilute with 800 ml of warm water. Next we do the same as the previous mask.

13. How to make a foot bath with hydrogen peroxide, which will help soften and clean rough skin on the heels, watch the following video:

Simple recipes for softening the skin of the feet and strengthening nails

To strengthen your toenails, the masks and baths that I wrote about will help. Follow the link if it is important to you.

Honey: dissolve honey (50 g) in one liter of warm water. Keep your feet in this water for 20 minutes. This procedure not only softens the skin of the feet, but also has a beneficial effect on the entire nervous system as a whole.

With cabbage juice: Stir 200 ml of sauerkraut juice with 1 liter. warm water. Lower your legs for 15-20 minutes. The skin becomes softer and more elastic.

Dairy: Add half a glass of milk to one liter of not hot water. Keep your feet in this water for 15 minutes. Then wipe dry.

Herbal bath: Brew 25 g of chamomile in a glass of boiling water for 30 minutes. Then pour into a warm foot bath. This procedure not only softens the skin, but also has an anti-inflammatory effect on the skin, strengthens nails, and heals various cracks on the feet.


  1. Crush 100 g of dry orange zest, pour 1 liter. boiling water and let it brew for an hour. The duration of use of this bath is twenty minutes.
  2. 200 ml orange juice pour into hot water, add 20 ml of peach oil to them. You need to take it for 20 minutes. Such baths relieve tired legs and have a beneficial effect on the skin of the feet.

Salt: dissolve 25 g of salt (table or flavored), with 5 ml of iodine in one liter of water. Lower your legs for fifteen minutes. Rinse in clean water and wipe dry. Salt refreshes and cleanses the pores of the skin of the feet from impurities, relieves swelling, and relaxes. By the way, if there are violations of the integrity of the skin (cuts, wounds), then you should not take such baths.


Before doing any foot baths, consult your doctor if you have any doubts about use. For your own health. The following conditions may be contraindications for use:

  • Pregnancy.
  • Elevated body temperature.
  • For diabetes mellitus.
  • Complications of the cardiovascular system.
  • Thrombosis.
  • For peripheral vascular disease.
  • Individual intolerance.

This concludes the article. But there are also foot baths that require a more detailed consideration in detail - these are paraffin baths, hydromassage baths and other types, which we will consider in the following articles. Next, watch another video with recipes that I didn’t mention in the article, here you will see everything clearly:

After a long time working day you feel heaviness in your legs and often cannot fall asleep, because the muscles “twist”, hurt, pull - it seems that it is impossible to fall asleep. To all this, the next day there is swelling and pain in the joints. How to unload your legs at the end of the day so that you can sleep peacefully and wake up comfortably? Foot baths will help combat this problem.

When and how to take foot baths

A foot bath is an affordable spa treatment that you can do at home. All you need is a few useful ingredients, a container in which you can immerse your feet, water, a towel and 20 minutes of your personal time. The relevance of using local baths is due to the regular load on your legs that you receive during the day. Both intense walking, running, and constant exposure to sitting position, wearing high heels - all this equally affects whether you fall asleep peacefully, whether there will be swelling in the morning or not.

Indications for relaxing baths:

  • the need to be on your feet during the day;
  • a clear feeling of heaviness in the legs, decreased joint mobility;
  • increased swelling of the legs at the end of the day;
  • It's a dull pain in muscles;
  • inability to sleep due to muscle torsion;
  • itchy pain in the feet.

Remember that hot baths should not be performed if you have varicose veins veins - in this case, the baths can only be warm, and the total time of the procedure should not exceed 10 minutes. Also, the water temperature should be adjusted depending on your condition. Do not use hot foot baths at elevated temperatures and high blood pressure, as this may make your condition worse. Pregnant women should also approach this issue with extreme caution. A number of other contraindications may depend on the ingredients you use, then individual intolerance to the components is taken into account.


  • baths are used only after the main cleansing of the feet;
  • the duration of any bath should not exceed 20 minutes;
  • after the procedure, the feet are wiped dry - this is a prerequisite for preventing the occurrence of irritation and the development of fungal diseases;
  • as additional measure To soften the feet and improve the condition of the legs, one can and should use creams and lotions with a nourishing, moisturizing effect, or ointments aimed at normalizing activity blood vessels- for example, troxevasin ointment.

Foot baths for fatigue

The main task of anti-fatigue baths is to remove the main swelling from the legs after a hard day, normalize metabolism in tissues, improving blood circulation. Painful sensations at the same time, they can be removed due to the removal of lactic acid from the body, which can also be achieved using this procedure.

To relieve swelling and normalize blood circulation, use infusions of herbs such as calendula, linden and birch leaves, juniper berries, lingonberry berries and leaves, horsetail herb, marshmallow roots. They can be used as a single mixture, or you can combine only two components at your discretion. Of course, you can use one of the above herbs to achieve the desired result.

After the choice is made, prepare the decoction according to the instructions on the package and refrigerate the composition. If you use fresh raw materials (you cannot collect herbs in cities and regional industrial zones!), just rinse it in cool water, and then fill it with boiled water, but cooled to 40-45oC. When the base of the bath is ready, add a tablespoon of soda and sea salt to it - they will help quickly remove lactic acid and toxins accumulated in the tissues.

It should be noted that when using fresh raw materials, you should not add essential oils to the bath, since the leaves and flowers already contain the esters necessary for the effectiveness of the procedure. But you can combine dry infusions with the addition of 1-2 drops of juniper, fir, grapefruit, ylang-ylang, iris, peach, tea tree.

Rinsing your feet in “sea” water helps relieve fatigue. At home, you prepare it using sea salt, which can be enriched with plant extracts. It is especially good to use pine salt in combination with propolis or resin melted in water to relieve heaviness. In addition to the muscle-relaxing effect, this procedure allows you to cope with prickly heat, irritation, fungus and bad odor.

To ensure that the anti-fatigue bath has the maximum effect, put on warm socks after it and let your feet rest. It's best if you accept horizontal position, and place your feet on a pillow to elevate them a little.

Foot baths for good sleep

Fatigue and heaviness in the legs are often combined with the inability to sleep. The main task of the baths in this case is to improve blood circulation, relieve pain and calm muscle receptors, which together allows you to get rid of torsion, syndrome restless legs and increased swelling in the morning.

Contrast baths help to cope with restless legs syndrome and torsion. To carry them out you will need two containers with hot (45oC) and cool water(10-15oC). Lower your legs one by one, then the other, keeping your feet in the water for no more than one and a half minutes. For greater effect, it is better to use two buckets so that the legs are immersed at least to the middle of the shin. This procedure should be carried out 10-20 minutes before going to bed, or in the morning to prevent overstrain of the legs and the appearance of muscle twisting. But remember that after such a bath your feet should stay warm for some time.

Excellent bath ingredients for good night are decoctions of herbs such as motherwort, valerian, lemon balm, mint, St. John's wort, lavender, chamomile, sage. They have a wonderful effect on the entire nervous system, relieving not only muscle tension, but also emotional tension. This allows you to calm the nerve receptors in the tissues and relieve pain syndrome, get rid of tired legs. In combination with them, essential oils of lavender, eucalyptus, and lemon balm can be used. For better effect conduct this procedure necessary on days when it is not expected active work on your feet or walking in heels, or just before bed, so that your feet are at rest after the bath.

Vitamin baths containing currant, strawberry, raspberry leaves, leaves and stems of lemongrass, lemon balm, and celandine will also help relieve fatigue and stabilize sleep. This incredibly aromatic composition will nourish the blood big amount nutrients will help maintain the health of your feet, but most importantly, such a bath will awaken your consciousness, restore energy and performance. It is useful to use this procedure as preventative measure against fatigue, strained legs, joint diseases, swelling, sweating, as well as during periods of exacerbation of infectious and respiratory diseases as a means of vitaminizing the whole body! There are many capillaries concentrated on the feet, which quickly pick up nutrients from the water and spread them throughout circulatory system. At the same time, vitamins and minerals enter from the blood nerve cells, due to which the activity of the entire nervous system improves.

Zinaida Rublevskaya
For women's magazine website

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To be happy, sometimes you need very little - just go home and take off your shoes. If so, then relaxing foot treatments will especially appeal to you. However, in other cases it is good to do foot baths at home. Plus it's so simple. And there really is a result. And the procedure itself is like a declaration of love to yourself - it is so pleasant.

Homemade foot baths

For the baths you will need the container itself, warm or hot water, as well as additional components, according to the recipe.

Procedures may be contraindicated if:

  • varicose veins;
  • vascular diseases;
  • allergies to certain components;
  • availability open wounds, inflammation on the legs;
  • elevated body temperature.

Typically, a foot bath at home takes no more than 20 minutes. But it is advisable to lie down with your legs elevated and relax for half an hour after it.

Some recipes involve solving several problems at once, for example, relaxation and hydration or preventing sweating and relieving swelling. Therefore, you can safely experiment and alternate compositions.

Baths to relax your feet at home

Baths for relieving swelling

  • Take 3 large spoons of chamomile and linden flowers. Pour them with a couple of glasses of boiled water and let them brew for half an hour. Strain. Stir a large spoonful of honey into the infusion. Dilute the preparation with warm water. Instead of these herbs you can take horsetail, rowan, calendula, wormwood.
  • 3 large spoons natural apple cider vinegar stir in water. These homemade foot soaks will be most effective if you use homemade vinegar.
  • A large spoonful of salt and an infusion of linden flowers is another option for a bath that eliminates swelling of the legs.
  • Take half a lemon fruit. Squeeze out the juice and mix it into the bath. Lemon acid stimulates blood circulation, and therefore this procedure will also be very productive.
  • A handful of dried nettle pour a glass of boiling water. Wait half an hour. Mix with three liters of warm water.

So that the procedures have more greater effect, you can alternate hot and non-hot water. That is, make contrast baths, lowering your feet alternately: either in a container with cool water or in a container with hot water. You definitely need to finish it cold. Such manipulations perfectly activate blood circulation. It is also good for relieving fatigue.

And you need to finish everything off with a foot massage with a warming gel or cream. Afterwards, be sure to lie down with your legs elevated.

Recipes to reduce sweating

A foot bath at home can also be done to eliminate bad smell.

Softening baths for cracks and corns

  • Once a week you should do procedures with 3 large tablespoons of salt and a similar amount of ammonia. This recipe helps soften the skin. By making such a foot bath at home, you can greatly facilitate the task of removing rough skin.
  • Mix 1 large spoon of soap shavings, soda and ammonia and stir in 2 liters of hot water. The duration of the procedure is 35-40 minutes.
  • If cracks in your legs do not heal, then you can try this recipe. Dissolve 50 grams of boric acid in a glass of water. Do the bath for 15 minutes. Then dry your feet, lubricate the cracks with Vaseline and put on socks. In the morning, rinse your feet with warm water. Repeat such manipulations at least 5 times.
  • Stir ½ glass of milk in 2 liters of water. This is an excellent softening procedure.
  • Stir 3 large spoons of white clay powder in water. This will make it easier to remove rough skin.
  • Dissolve 3 large tablespoons of starch in water.

It is advisable to complete foot baths at home by thoroughly rubbing the feet while simultaneously light massage, as well as treatment with softening, tonic or deodorizing creams and gels. This will keep the results longer and make your legs well-groomed and attractive.

All women and girls know how beneficial foot baths are - but not all of them do them, limiting themselves to more or less regular visits to a pedicurist and a shared bath. Meanwhile, this procedure can work wonders, having a beneficial effect not only on tired legs and rough heels, but also on overall well-being.

Preparing foot baths at home is not at all difficult - you will only need the most basic and inexpensive ingredients. In addition, this procedure can be combined with other useful activities: While your feet are soaking in a basin of warm water, you can make a couple of calls, finally clear the memory in your phone or laptop, or just relax in front of the TV.

What does this procedure do?

Conventionally, foot baths can be divided into:

  • medicinal, acting as aid for various diseases;
  • cosmetic – preparing the skin and cuticle around the nails for further procedures and caring for them;
  • preventive and relaxing– for example, when you need to relieve fatigue at the end of the day. Such procedures also prevent the formation of calluses and cracks, and have a softening and moisturizing effect on the skin of the feet.

To prepare baths, salt, soda, soap, ammonia, essential oils and infusions of medicinal herbs are most often used - we have collected only proven and simple recipes which actually give good results.

General rules for doing foot baths

It's not as simple as it seems at first glance. You can pour hot water into a basin, add foam and salt to it, put your feet down and enjoy. But if you follow simple tips experienced cosmetologists, the effect and pleasure will increase significantly.

  1. Water temperature. Depending on what goal is set, the temperature is selected. For a softening bath that prepares your feet for a pedicure and removal of dead skin and calluses, the water should be hot. For therapeutic baths warm water is used.
  2. Quantity. Ideally, three to five liters. There is no need to immerse your feet in water up to your knees; this can be hazardous to your health.
  3. Duration. A quarter of an hour is enough to soften the skin, and the substances added to the water have had their effect. Leaving your feet for too long is also harmful.
  4. Supplements You shouldn't even abuse it regular salt

After a foot bath, you should always treat your feet with pumice stone, then wipe dry and apply a nourishing rich cream. You can wear socks.

Tip: if the skin is very rough, treat your feet before the bath lemon juice. To do this, cut the lemon into slices and apply to problem areas and calluses, secure with special cosmetic socks or simply wrap in cellophane and hold this compress for 15-20 minutes. Natural acid will soften dead skin layers more naturally and safely than chemical compounds.


Not everyone can have their feet soared and not always - this will be confirmed by any qualified cosmetologist and physician. Foot baths are contraindicated if:

  • you are pregnant, especially early stages– there is a threat of miscarriage;
  • you have high blood pressure - the exception is mustard baths, since mustard normalizes blood pressure, but even then the water should not be hot;
  • you suffer from allergic and infectious skin diseases - dermatitis, urticaria, etc.;
  • the feet have suffered from burns or frostbite, there are cuts and wounds.

Nail fungus is considered infectious disease, but in this case, foot baths are indicated on the contrary.

Therapeutic baths for fungus

Many people suffer from nail fungus; it is very easy to catch, but getting rid of it is problematic. If you can't afford expensive drugs, try folk recipes that improve the condition of nails:

  1. Celandine. Fresh stems with leaves and flowers are slightly chopped and poured with boiling water - 1 liter. Let it brew and cool to room temperature, add two to three liters of warm water and immerse the feet. You need to steam your feet for about 20 minutes.
  2. Salt. Salt baths can only be done if there are no cuts or irritations. First, you need to combine two tablespoons of sea or iodized table salt with warm water and stir to make a paste. Apply it to the surface of damaged nails, leave for a few minutes, then put it in a basin of warm water and steam for a quarter of an hour. Salt in high concentrations perfectly kills fungal spores. After the bath, be sure to wash your feet clean water and wipe dry.

Tip: Never apply medicated or softening cream to your feet if they are not dry or poorly dried, especially if they have fungus. A humid environment promotes the proliferation of spores, and the cream will not be absorbed and your skin will remain dry and not moisturized.

Cosmetic baths with soda and herbs for calluses and cracks

Soda foot baths are good for rough skin that is prone to the formation of calluses and cracks. Soda - simple and accessible remedy for softening and disinfecting the skin, well known to our mothers and grandmothers, when there was not such a wide selection of different cosmetics foot skin care. Modern cosmetologists also do not refuse it. Why is soda so good and what does it give you if you steam your feet in it?

  • baking soda perfectly softens even very rough skin with old keratinized areas, calluses and corns;
  • this substance has bactericidal and disinfectant properties;
  • baking soda kills unpleasant odor and prevents its appearance;
  • it penetrates deep into the pores of the skin and dissolves even stubborn dirt;
  • Using soda baths you can prepare the nail cuticle for a pedicure - it will be much easier to remove.

Do you want perfect legs and heels like a baby in a week? Try this recipe: in five liters of hot water, dissolve two spoons of soda, two spoons of white clay, two spoons of liquid soap and a few drops of ammonia. Soak your feet for 20 minutes, then treat with pumice, rinse with cool water, dry and lubricate with cream.

Advice: even if you are not a professional cosmetologist, but you take care of yourself and monitor your health, do not spare money on purchasing a hydromassage bath. You will not only enjoy the procedure, but also improve your health - after all, there is a huge amount of nerve endings, which are associated with almost everyone internal organs. Depending on which of them stimulate vibrations, you will get a relaxing or tonic effect.

Preventative relaxing salt baths

After a long day of work, active shopping or a stormy party at the club, relaxing foot baths with sea salt and essential oils perfectly restore strength and relieve fatigue.

  • Dissolve two tablespoons of sea salt in five liters of warm water, add a few drops lavender oil. To better combine the oil with water, you can drop it directly onto the salt crystals. Steam your feet until they cool down, then do the necessary care procedures, rinse your feet with clean water, wipe and lubricate with cream.
  • A bath with salt and herbal decoction is very good for nails and skin. Pour a liter of chamomile or calendula decoction into three liters of water, add salt. Steam the legs for no more than 15 minutes.

If you don’t have any time or suitable means, and you need to get your feet in order very quickly, take a block laundry soap, soak it and apply soap suds to your feet. Hold for five minutes, then lower into a basin and keep in hot soapy water for another ten minutes. Then treat your heels and calluses as usual.

Looking your best, being well-groomed and beautiful is not at all difficult, even if you do not have enough money to visit a fashionable spa - you can arrange one at home using folk recipes.