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What do children do with glycerin? Review of glycerin suppositories. Side effects, overdose, interactions

When a child experiences constipation, many mothers feel that the only option to help the baby is an enema. However, there are also milder ways to facilitate bowel movements, for example, glycerin suppositories. Why buy candles with this ingredient for babies and how they affect the body small child?

Release form

Medical glycerin Available in several forms:

  1. Rectal suppositories. Most manufacturers simply call them glycerin suppositories or glycerin suppositories, but there is also a drug called Glycelax, which is available in two dosages. Typically, such suppositories are placed in cell packages of 5-6 pieces, and one pack includes 5, 10 or 12 suppositories.
  2. A solution that is used externally. It is sold in dark glass bottles, inside of which there are 25, 40, 50 or more grams of medicine in the form of a colorless, cheese-like substance. clear liquid without any smell.


The main component of any form of the drug is glycerin, which is also called glycerol. In suppositories it can be supplemented with solid fats, monoglycerides, polysorbate and other ingredients.

Operating principle

The effect of glycerol depends on the method of its use and dosage form:

  • When suppositories are introduced into the rectum, the glycerin in their composition begins to irritate the mucous membrane, as a result of which the contraction of intestinal smooth muscles is reflexively stimulated. In addition, it helps soften stool, allowing it to pass through the colon more easily and quickly. The appearance of a laxative effect from such suppositories is observed 15-30 minutes after use.
  • Applying glycerin to the skin softens it and protects it from adverse effects, and also activates metabolic processes in the skin. Such effects are used by pharmacists in the preparation of ointments and other topical medicines.

In neurology, they use the property of glycerin to increase osmotic pressure. With cerebral edema, glycerol taken orally or injected provokes the transition of water from brain tissue to plasma, as a result of which intracranial pressure decreases. The same effect of glycerol causes a decrease intraocular pressure, which is in demand in ophthalmology.

For cooking remedy Juice is squeezed out of lemon, mixed with glycerin and honey, and then this mixture is given to children with a debilitating cough up to 6-8 times during the day.


The main reason to use glycerin in children is bowel problems such as constipation. The medication in suppositories is prescribed for hypotonic, psychogenic, functional or other types of constipation.

Topical application of liquid glycerin is recommended for dry skin. Neurologists prescribe glycerol parenterally or orally for elevated intracranial pressure and cerebral edema, and ophthalmologists - with acute attack glaucoma and during eye surgery.

At what age is it allowed to take it?

Glycerin suppositories are prescribed to babies from the age of three months, although in some cases the doctor may recommend this way to get rid of constipation even for newborns.


Glycerin should not be used:

  • If you are hypersensitive to this substance.
  • For diarrhea.
  • With exacerbation of hemorrhoids.
  • For inflammation of the rectum.
  • For anal fissures.
  • For appendicitis.
  • In case of renal failure.
  • For tumors in the rectal area.
  • For bleeding.

Before allowing a patient to drink such a drug or administer it intravenously, be sure to evaluate possible risks, after all similar treatment may be harmful for heart disease, diabetes mellitus, problems with liver function and other pathologies.

Side effects

IN in rare cases suppositories with glycerin cause discomfort in the intestines or irritation. Such negative effects medications are usually detected with unnecessarily long-term use.

Instructions for use and dosage

  • A suppository with glycerin is administered rectally once a day. There is no need to lubricate the candle with anything before administering the drug. Approximately 20 minutes before use, the suppository should be removed from the refrigerator and left at room temperature. You can also warm the candle or part of it in your palms.
  • Before use, the medication is removed from the packaging, and the child is placed on his side. Carefully inserting the candle into anus to a sufficient depth, you need to squeeze the baby’s buttocks and hold them for about 5 minutes so that the drug lingers in the intestines.
  • If the glycerin solution is used externally, it is applied to the mucous membrane or skin as needed.
  • Glycerin suppositories not recommended for regular use or long time. As soon as stool normalization occurs, the medication is no longer used. Recommended frequency of use is once every 3 days. The drug should not be used for longer than 7 days.
  • Prophylactic use candles are not recommended.


Systemic treatment with glycerin in a high dose leads to dizziness, dry mouth, headache, vomiting, increased thirst, diarrhea, nausea and other negative symptoms.

Interaction with other drugs

If glycerin is used systemically, it can enhance therapeutic effect diuretics, as well as carbonic anhydrase inhibitors. At local application no interactions with other drugs are noted.

Terms of sale

Glycerin is sold in pharmacies without a prescription and is available anywhere in our country. The cost of the medicine depends on the manufacturer and packaging. The average price of 10-12 suppositories with glycerin is 160 rubles.

Storage conditions and shelf life

Constipation is enough a common occurrence, which newborn children face. For most parents, this condition of the baby causes concern. This is explained by the fact that they do not know how to treat pathology in small babies.

The ideal option in this case would be glycerin suppositories for newborns. They are characterized not only by efficiency, but also by safety.

Advantages and disadvantages of the drug


  1. These drugs are not absorbed into the intestines and are therefore characterized by the absence negative influence on the health condition of a small patient.
  2. TO undeniable advantages The advantage of a drug is that it is not addictive.
  3. The medicine is characterized high level safety and is therefore widely used to treat infants.
  4. Parents can buy glycerin suppositories for babies at any pharmacy without a prescription.


  1. During the period of use of the drug, infants may experience allergic reaction into its components.
  2. Long-term treatment with glycerin suppositories can lead to diarrhea in infant.
  3. In case of an overdose, children's glycerin suppositories can cause a burning sensation in the rectal area. This is why many children cry after. In this case, it is strictly forbidden to place the candle again.
  4. If the drug is used for a newborn baby for a long time, this leads to loss of sensitivity in the rectal area. That is why the baby cannot cope with the act of defecation on his own.

Features of use

The use of suppositories for the treatment of newborns is allowed, the dosage of which is 1.5 grams. They are characterized by a fairly small size, which ensures the most comfortable insertion into the baby’s anus.

The candle is placed in the anus of the infant. Before inserting the suppository, it is necessary to hygiene procedures. From the age of three months you can use 1.75 gram candles. This is 1 baby candle.

Adult suppositories can be used to treat newborn children. The dosage of the drug remains the same. Before use, the suppository must be cut in half and a candle made from it.

If the child is an infant, then he is allowed to put only 1 candle per day. The duration of treatment with this medication is 7 days.

Using suppositories to treat constipation in infants, parents need to be as careful as possible. If the dose of the drug is exceeded, this may lead to adverse reactions.

Most often they manifest themselves in the form of irritation and burning in the anal area. If after the administration of a traditional medicine the child begins to act up, this indicates the occurrence of adverse reactions. To eliminate them, warm sunflower oil is injected into the anus.

An ideal analogue of this substance is peach or olive oil. Newborn children need to administer no more than 15 milliliters of this drug.

The use of suppositories for the treatment of constipation in children is strictly prohibited if they have hemorrhoids. If there are cracks or any other damage in the anal area, then the use of suppositories is prohibited.

From 2 months this treatment can be carried out medicine. In this case, it is necessary to strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations.


Average price per package of 10 pcs. in Russia it is 140 rubles.

Parents' opinion

Anna, 26 years old

“My child suffered from constipation almost from birth. To combat them, I constantly used glycerin suppositories, which the doctor prescribed to me. This helped my child quite well drug, since the act of defecation was observed almost immediately after its administration.”

Irina, 32 years old

“I used glycerin suppositories to treat constipation in my baby. After completing the course of treatment, he did not experience remission for a long time. But what I like most is that the drug is not addictive.”

Yulia, 28 years old

“My baby often suffered from constipation, and laxatives in the form of a suspension did little to help. That is why the doctor prescribed glycerin suppositories for us. I liked the fact that within 15 minutes of inserting the suppository, my baby’s bowels were emptying.”

Glycerin suppositories are a highly effective medicine in the treatment of constipation in infants. Despite this, they are recommended to be used with a doctor's prescription.

Problems with bowel movements in babies are not uncommon. In this case, you should have an effective one on hand, safe remedy, acting gently, not irritating the fragile mucous membrane, convenient to use.

Suppositories with glycerin are just such a remedy. The active components provide additional lubrication of the rectal mucosa, facilitating the excretion of feces, stimulate intestinal motility, and also have high hygroscopicity, due to which they stimulate the flow of fluid and softening of feces.

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    Description of the product and principle of operation

    The active ingredient of suppositories is glycerol, which is an osmotically active substance. Its property of increasing hydrostatic pressure is used to soften feces in the lumen of the large intestine, which leads to easier emptying of this organ.

    In addition, the effectiveness of this drug as a laxative is facilitated by its locally irritating effect on the mucous membrane of the colon, as well as the ability to reflexively stimulate the motility of the distal parts of the gastrointestinal tract.

    When used rectally, the active substance undergoes rapid resorption. The time for the onset of action of the drug in the form of glycerin suppositories depends on individual characteristics body. From the time of administration of the suppository to the onset of action, it takes from 15 to 30 minutes.

    Indications for the use of glycerin suppositories in children

    Suppositories with glycerin are indicated for use when a child has difficulty defecating or its complete absence.

    It was noted that the effectiveness this tool same for constipation of various origins(functional, psychogenic).

    When suppositories with glycerin are contraindicated

    Glycerin suppositories should not be used in children in the following cases:

    • abdominal pain of unknown origin;
    • renal failure;
    • the presence of inflammatory changes in the rectal area;
    • appendicitis;
    • bleeding localized in the intestines;
    • anal fissures;
    • diarrhea;
    • established individual hypersensitivity or intolerance to the active substance and auxiliary components.

    Side effects

    With the use of rectal suppositories with glycerin, the following are possible:

    • allergic manifestations,
    • local reactions from the mucous membrane and skin in the form of burning and itching.

    In the case of long-term systematic use, a weakening of the normal physical process defecation.

    Directions for use and doses

    The dosage of the active substance of the administered suppositories depends on the age of the patient:

    • Newborns and children under 3 years of age are given a pediatric form of the drug (dose active substance it contains 1.24 g). Application is carried out once a day. A single dose is half a suppository.
    • Children from 3 to 7 years old are also prescribed a children's form of glycerin. The entire suppository is administered once.
    • Children over 7 years of age are used adult form drug (single dose is 2.12 g). Frequency of application - once a day.

    In case of emergency, after consultation with a specialist, the dosage can be doubled.

    Rules for administering suppositories

    Before using the drug, you must wash your hands thoroughly, then hold them under water for a while. cold water to cool the skin. This is necessary due to the fact that the basis rectal suppositories upon contact with warm skin softens. In addition to cooling your hands, it is recommended to cool the suppositories themselves by placing them in the refrigerator before use or holding them under cold water without removing them from the shell.

    Instructions for inserting suppositories:

    1. 1. Remove the primary packaging from the candle.
    2. 2. If it is necessary to use half a candle, it should be cut lengthwise into two equal parts.
    3. 3. During the administration of the suppository, the child should be in a side-lying position with the lower leg straight and the upper leg bent. To properly administer the drug to a newborn baby, you should lay the baby on his back, bending his legs tightly to his tummy, and slowly insert the suppository with the rounded end forward behind the muscle sphincter. After insertion, the baby’s buttocks must be closed and held in this state for one and a half to two minutes; this will prevent the candle from speaking out. The depth of insertion of the suppository into the rectum in infants is 2.5 centimeters.
    4. 4. It is advisable for the child to remain in supine position for another 5 minutes, as this will prevent the suppository from coming out prematurely.
    5. 5. After inserting the suppository into the rectum, you must wash your hands.

    Special instructions

    It is strongly not recommended to resort to the systematic use of this remedy, as this may negatively affect the physiological peristalsis of the child’s intestines. Dr. Komarovsky recommends using this remedy as a one-time aid, instead of an enema.

    Before inserting a suppository into the anus, you should not lubricate the suppositories or rectal mucosa with liquid mineral oils, as this will make it difficult for the active substance to contact the intestinal mucosa.

    Glycerin suppositories are approved for use from the first days of babies' lives in daily dosage½ baby suppository.

Glycerin suppositories or suppositories are one of the most popular means for relieving constipation in children. They are recommended by many pediatricians and experienced mothers. The main active ingredient of such suppositories is glycerin. When introduced into the rectum, the suppository melts, has a slight irritating effect on the intestinal wall, dilutes the stool and thereby facilitates bowel movements, during which the remainder of the suppository is expelled.

Is it possible to use glycerin suppositories for newborns?

Despite the fact that the main active ingredient of glycerin suppositories is the same - glycerin, not all manufacturers, according to the instructions, allow their use from birth. Thus, suppositories with glycerin produced by NIZHFARM are allowed for children from birth, and Glycelax produced by MosPharm is only allowed from three months. In this regard, before purchasing suppositories with glycerin for a newborn, you must carefully read the instructions for the drug.

Dosage of glycerin suppositories for infants

Purely glycerin suppositories are not produced; glycerin-containing products are commercially available, that is, in addition to glycerin, they contain excipients. Suppositories for children, depending on the glycerol content in them, are sold in two dosages:

  • with a glycerin content of 0.75 g “Glycelax” (price from 109 rubles);
  • with glycerin content 1.24 g “Glycerin” “NIZHFARM” (price from 145 rubles).

Due to high content glycerin (1.24 g) NIZHFARM suppositories for children under three years of age require dividing into two parts before use.

How often can I use it?

Suppositories are not intended for continuous use and do not eliminate the cause of constipation. Glycerin suppositories should be used only when necessary, once a day. If there is no effect, re-administration is allowed no earlier than after 12 hours. Put rectal suppositories It is recommended for the baby no more than 7 days in a row, optimally once every three days. In each specific case, the first and main authority authorized to give any recommendations is the pediatrician.

If this drug is abused, there is a risk of disruption of normal bowel movements. This may be iatrogenic (drug-induced) diarrhea or intestinal obstruction.


Despite the fairly harmless nature of glycerin suppositories, their use should be careful and under the supervision of a physician, since individual intolerance to the components of the suppositories may develop. The reaction can be caused by both glycerin itself and auxiliary ingredients (magnesium carbonate in the form of a basic salt, polysorbate 80, macrogol 400, stearic acid, etc.) It is also not recommended to insert glycerin suppositories for inflammation of the rectum.

Instructions for use of glycerin suppositories

  1. Before inserting a suppository if your baby is constipated, you need to wash your hands.
  2. Warm the candle or part a little in the palm of your hand and moisten it with warm water.
  3. The baby is placed on his back or side, his legs are bent so that his knees rest against his stomach.
  4. The suppository is inserted very carefully, without special effort so as not to cause pain to the baby.
  5. After inserting the suppository, the legs are released and the buttocks are lightly pressed together.
  6. Melting of the candle occurs within 10-15 minutes, bowel movement - within 30-40 minutes.

Important! There is no need to lubricate the candle with additional fat-containing products before use!

Video on how to place a glycerin suppository for a baby

Storage rules

Glycerin suppositories are stored in a cool place out of reach of children. Recommended storage temperature is +15 degrees, at more high temperature The spark plug may be deformed.

Advantages and disadvantages

  1. Glycerin suppositories are one of the most available funds against constipation in babies.
  2. In the pediatric form of the drug, not only the dosage is taken into account, but also anatomical features body structure of a small child.
  3. Laxative suppositories based on glycerin have almost no contraindications; individual intolerance to the components of the drug is quite rare.
  4. Some inconvenience of use is associated with the need to undress the child; in addition, the baby may resist and insertion of the suppository will cause him pain.
  5. No laxative is intended for continuous use and is not a drug for systemic treatment digestive disorders.

What to replace (possible analogues)

Among medical supplies intended for rectal administration, glycerin suppositories are the safest and are therefore approved for use with early age. Most drugs with other active ingredients, used rectally, the following are contraindicated for children: suppositories with bisacodyl, microenemas “Norgalax” with sodium docusate, etc. An exception is the drug "Microlax" in the form of a microenema based on sodium citrate, which can be used if glycerin suppositories do not help.

What are the drugs for oral administration(by mouth), an alternative to glycerin suppositories can be called lactulose preparations, in particular Duphalac, Prelax, Normolakt. They are easy to dose and completely harmless to child's body. In the large intestine, lactulose is broken down by bacteria living there to form large quantity water. Feces liquefies from the inside and is excreted naturally. Such oral medications like "Guttalax", "Forlax", castor oil prohibited for young children.

Children under one year old, regardless of the type of feeding and timing of introduction of complementary foods, are susceptible to various problems with the digestive system. And this is quite understandable and even normal. After all, a child is born with the functions of organs and systems not yet fully developed, and in the first year of life they mature and develop proper functioning. This is especially noticeable in the digestive tract.

In utero, the baby receives nutrition through the placenta, his stomach and intestines do not work.

When the baby is born, he begins to suckle at the breast and starts the activity of the digestive tract.

Then, when the child grows up, in addition to milk, other products with different consistencies begin to be introduced into his diet, digestive system again makes a leap in its development, adapting to new conditions.

Growing up a little more, the child begins to eat solid food, and this is another step in the development of digestive function.

And so, over about a year, the coordinated activity of the gastrointestinal tract is gradually formed from a non-functioning system.

At each stage of digestion development, failures and various disorders are possible. One of possible manifestations This kind of failure is constipation.

Of course, constipation is not a pleasant situation, but do not despair, most likely your baby’s constipation is of a functional nature, which means that everything will get better soon.

If constipation constantly bothers your baby, you need to contact your pediatrician!

Why are glycerin suppositories used?

Well, in order to help your baby with constipation, you can use glycerin suppositories. Why them?

Glycerin suppositories act only in the intestines, are not absorbed, are not addictive, and therefore they are safe even for newborn babies.

Glycerin suppositories are sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. The price of glycerin suppositories is not exorbitant. For 10 pieces in a package you will have to pay about 160 rubles.

There are no glycerin suppositories specifically for newborns. Glycerin suppositories are available for adults (1.5 grams) and for children (0.75 grams).

According to the instructions for use, glycerin suppositories can be used in children from three months.

However, glycerin suppositories can also be used in newborns, but it is advisable to consult a pediatrician before use.

For a newborn baby, the glycerin suppository should be divided in half if it is a child's candle, or into four parts if the candle is intended for an adult. That is, the dosage of a glycerin suppository for a newborn is 0.35 grams.

How to place glycerin suppositories for a newborn?

It's simple here:

  • An adult, mother or father or grandmother, washes his hands.
  • The candle is removed from the packaging, if necessary, divided into the required dosage.
  • The baby is placed on his back or side; it is more comfortable on his back.
  • We bring the baby's legs with his knees to his stomach.
  • To improve gliding, the candle can be wetted warm water, or lubricate the butt with baby cream or oil.
  • The candle is placed deep into the anus. It should be administered carefully, without force.
  • The child’s buttocks should be squeezed and held for a couple of minutes so that the child does not immediately push the candle out.

The glycerin suppository dissolves in the intestine and irritates the intestinal mucosa, which promotes bowel movements. Usually the effect occurs within 15-30 minutes. If there is no effect, then the administration of the glycerin suppository can be repeated only after 12 hours.

How often can glycerin suppositories be used for newborns?

For a newborn, and even for adult children, put glycerin suppositories no more than once every three days. Despite the fact that glycerin suppositories are safe for children, with more frequent use they may develop drug-induced diarrhea.

In addition, you should be aware of the possibility of developing an allergy to this drug, which means that when using for the first time it is necessary to carefully monitor the child’s reaction.

According to reviews from mothers who used glycerin suppositories for newborn babies, the drug was well tolerated and gave quick results.

Do not forget that glycerin suppositories do not treat constipation or prevent it; they only help the child to have a bowel movement. Therefore, you should not give glycerin suppositories to newborns for prophylactic purposes.

Other information on the topic

When I started giving my daughter complementary foods, constipation began. Neither massage nor prune puree helped. We have a good local police officer, she looked at us and prescribed suppositories with glycerin Glycelax. Unlike regular glycerin ones, these dosages are small. Just for babies from 3 months. They helped us quickly and gently. At first, they were the only way to escape.

I had to use these candles with my second and third daughter. As soon as I started introducing complementary foods in the form of zucchini, problems immediately arose. Vegetables usually make children weak. But for us, on the contrary, it strengthened strongly. And complementary foods were introduced correctly, starting with half a teaspoon. Apparently, this is a feature of my children. Candles came to the rescue. I used half a candle. For about two months I had to periodically use glycerin suppositories. Now my daughter is almost a year old. There are no such problems anymore. But there are candles in the refrigerator just in case.

Oh, and my baby suffered with constipation. I used both enemas and Glycerin suppositories. But it was still a little scary to give an enema, but a candle was easy. Before insertion, I held it a little in my closed hand, it melted and went in easily, plus there were no sharp edges that happen when you cut a candle.. The effect did not take long to appear. The candle didn't even have time to melt completely. I used a small piece. Even less than 1/4.

I had to use these candles with my second and third daughter. As soon as I started introducing complementary foods in the form of zucchini, problems immediately arose. Vegetables usually make children weak. But for us, on the contrary, it strengthened strongly. And complementary foods were introduced correctly, starting with half a teaspoon. Apparently, this is a feature of my children.
Candles came to the rescue. I used half a candle. For about two months I had to periodically use glycerin suppositories. Now my daughter is almost a year old. There are no such problems anymore. But there are candles in the refrigerator just in case.