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Sperm activity: how to increase it in a man. Restoring low sperm motility

Deformed, overheated, weakened, lazy... Sperm motility is constantly deteriorating. Increasingly, it is men who become the cause of fruitless intimate relationships. What threatens male fertility and sperm activity?

Sperm activity

According to research, every fifth couple has problems conceiving, despite the regularity of sexual intercourse and non-use of contraception. According to statistics, male health problems (in particular, sperm activity) are already observed in half of these couples, although doctors involved in infertility (with potentially treatable people) argue that recently the data has fluctuated against men. At the same time, they emphasize that treatment is much easier than for women. Eight out of ten potential fathers leave the doctor's office with a prescription to increase sperm motility.

In particular, it is recommended to change lifestyle and undergo therapy using oral medications(usually vitamins, antibiotics, hormones), and in the near future they will be able to enjoy the joy of fatherhood. Sometimes, of course, surgical intervention is necessary - for example, in the case of the location of the testicles outside the scrotum or varicocele, which is a pathological expansion of the pampiniform venous plexus, which is responsible for supplying the testicles with blood.

1. Cigarettes and tight underwear affect sperm motility

Even a minor injury, seemingly harmless at first glance, and an infection caused by bacteria, viruses or fungi can significantly reduce male fertility. There are actually a lot of reasons for this - at least autoimmune diseases, limiting the mobility of sperm, or retrograde ejaculation (when ejaculation goes into the bladder, and not into the urethra, and therefore does not have the opportunity to reach the target). The latter can be caused by urological surgery, multiple sclerosis, or even the use of sedatives.

A healthy person can also have fertility problems if their sperm is weakened. Sperm are very sensitive. Even smoking has a bad effect on them. Not only does it provoke an obvious decrease in the motility of germ cells, but also the amount of sperm decreases and potency deteriorates. Even worse, it has been scientifically proven that nicotine tar can damage the DNA of sperm, causing the offspring to have birth defects. Thus, even if it is possible to conceive a child, the father will already harm him by smoking. Therefore, before planning a pregnancy, both parents should give up this harmful habit. Fight with nicotine addiction after the birth of the baby is also welcome, but it may be too late...

Unsatisfactory sperm condition may be associated with a man's contact with drugs, anabolic steroids(used by gentlemen who dream of Schwarzenegger's biceps), lead and even caffeine.

If you are taking any medications, be sure to ask your doctor about their effects on fertility. Remember that many diseases, as well as their treatment, negatively affect general state body, including the quality of sperm. The most dangerous in this regard include diabetes mellitus, tuberculosis, heart disease. vascular diseases, thyroid disease and chronic anemia. Sometimes the culprit for sperm problems can be “simply” stress.

2. Are everyone infertile?

Analyzing the above factors affecting sperm quality, it seems that all people must be infertile. However, don't get ahead of yourself. It all depends on the individual quality and quantity of sperm at the beginning, as well as the totality of these unfavorable factors. A single reason (for example, a man’s addiction to coffee) does not have such negative consequences. However, when coffee is consumed by a smoker, or a cycling enthusiast wears tight synthetic clothing, there is a risk of decreased fertility. Moreover, if a woman’s fertility is not optimal, then the probability of paternity is at a very low level.

The reaction of the partner’s body to sperm is also extremely important. specific man. Sometimes her cervical mucus is especially unfriendly to them, and then obstacles to conception arise on both sides. The wrong strategy is when a couple wants a child, but only the woman is examined and treated. But only when long time nothing brings results, then he goes to the doctor with great reluctance future father. It turns out to be a waste of time: diagnosis and treatment of both partners must take place in parallel. Sperm also ages, so it cannot endlessly “rely” on the determination of its owner. The sooner you start treatment, the better.

3. How to do this for a test tube?

Reluctance to visit a specialist for infertility treatment, not to mention donating semen for analysis, is typical male behavior and a source of conflict in relationships. Women think that men don't want to get tested because "they don't care," but in fact, the more they care, the more determined they are. Men are afraid of their partner's reaction if it turns out that they are the problem.
They are afraid of "irrefutable, verifiable evidence" that they are inferior as men. In the end, what holds them back is that they have to masturbate in a dark toilet because that's the only way to get sperm for testing.

Few people know that modern clinics They not only set up special rooms that help men feel an intimate atmosphere, but also allow them to take sperm for analysis at home. Above all, however, they provide psychological support to each couple. The long-term struggle between motherhood and fatherhood provokes mental discomfort, while chronic stress only aggravates the problems. Thus, infertility treatment often begins from the soul, with lessons in mutual openness and recognition. Sometimes this is enough.

A whole team of specialists is increasingly struggling with infertility. Sometimes trying to conceive a child helps people diagnose other diseases that are dangerous to life and health. A decrease in fertility is promoted by diabetes mellitus (then you need to register with an endocrinologist and treat this disease) or asymptomatic celiac disease (requires examination by a gastroenterologist), which leads to oncological diseases intestines.

4. When you dare... get tested for sperm activity

The seed is the best material for research if a man abstains from sexual intercourse 3-5 days before sperm donation. The analysis will help identify many possible deviations, including the following:

- oligozoospermia, or a decrease in the number of sperm in the ejaculate (a single dose of sperm released during ejaculation). We are talking about it when the number of sperm is less than 20 million in one milliliter.

— asthenozoospermia – decreased sperm motility.

- teratozoospermia - abnormal sperm structure.

– azoospermia – indicates the absence of sperm in the ejaculate.

- hypospermia, or small volume of ejaculate (less than 2 ml).

- aspermia - absence of ejaculate.

Semen examination also helps detect inflammation of the male genital organs (indicated by the presence of white blood cells) and recognize autoimmune diseases (in this case, more than 20% of sperm are covered with antibodies).

A one-time result of a semen analysis, which indicates certain abnormalities, is not the basis for a final diagnosis: it must be repeated after a quarter. If the same deficiencies are re-identified next time, the man will need further specialized diagnostics (for example, functional and contact tests, hormonal studies, testicular biopsy), as well as treatment under the supervision of an andrologist.

5. It takes time!

If the doctor decides that your infertility requires drug treatment, then you should expect the first results of such therapy no earlier than three months later. It takes time for vitamins, antibiotics or hormones to take effect. The production of sperm in a man's body takes two months, and its journey to the appendages takes another two weeks. The process slows down significantly when something interferes with the production of class A sperm (for example, hypothermia or lack of sleep).

If the treatment requires surgery (usually performed in a urology department), then you need to be prepared for the fact that you will not be in optimal shape immediately after surgery. It will take time for both you and the sperm to gain strength and energy.

When the number of sperm is small and they are inactive, or problems arise during penetration through the female cervical mucus, then the solution to the problem may be artificial insemination, or delivery of sperm using a syringe and special catheter directly into the uterus. Sometimes micromanipulation is necessary, when the sperm is injected directly into a mature egg.

The test tube fertilization method is considered the most stable. It is especially recommended for older couples who have suffered from infertility in marriage for many years, as well as when the sperm has low-quality fertile parameters, and classical attempts to improve the situation do not bring results.
Video sperm motility

A man's reproductive function directly depends on the activity and motility of his sperm. Therefore, for most infertile men, the only option for prolongation is medicinal methods how to increase sperm motility. Otherwise, passive sperm in acidic environment female genital organs will die instantly without reaching the egg.

If the majority of the sperm show passivity, the doctor, after performing a spermogram, renders a verdict - infertility. In simple words Doctors call the fact of the predominance of passive “tadpoles” in the ejaculate the term asthenozoospermia. This pathology can be eliminated in several ways, after which full male fertility returns.

Before increasing sperm motility using the method chosen by the doctor, it is important for a man to understand what factors can negatively affect reproductive function. Most often, the prerequisites for this are diseases genitourinary system, which were not fully cured and led to complications.

In addition, the activity of “tadpoles” depends on:

  • harmful environmental conditions;
  • negative impact of chemical toxic substances;
  • decline of the immune system;
  • tight underwear;
  • overheating or hypothermia of the scrotum.

For reference! According to statistics, for the majority of men experiencing infertility, the cause of low fertility was the abuse of alcoholic beverages.

Based on this, it is already possible to find a way to increase fertility - eliminating such prerequisites. Artificial activation is also appropriate, but only if agreed with a doctor in combination with therapeutic treatment.

How to increase sperm activity using folk remedies?

In ancient times, increase sperm activity in men who for a long time did not produce offspring, it was possible with the help of a decoction of elecampane, which had to be taken for at least 10 days.

Until today the most in effective ways The following recipes are considered to increase sperm motility:

  1. Ginseng tincture. There are about 50 grams of crushed plant root per liter of vodka. The tincture, left for 2 weeks, should be taken 10 drops every day before meals.
  2. St. John's wort decoction. A tablespoon of herb is dissolved in half a liter of boiling water, after which the broth is infused for 4 hours. Every day you need to take half a glass twice.
  3. Rose hip tea. To prepare the drink, the fruits are poured with boiling water and simmered a little over the fire. After this, the drink is taken 3-4 times a day, one glass.

In addition to this, it is important for a man to lead active image life, eat mainly protein foods, monitor your weight and health. Useful for recovery metabolic processes will bee bread, which is consumed one tablespoon before each meal for 2 months.

What foods increase sperm activity?

To improve fertility and sperm quality, a complete nutritional adjustment is necessary. There are a number of foods that doctors recommend to support fertility, such as those rich in vitamin A:

  • red pepper;
  • carrot;
  • oats;
  • dried apricots;
  • all types of greens;
  • sweet potato;
  • milk products.

Also foods that contain vitamin C:

It's just elementary! To restore and enhance potency, you need every evening...

  • asparagus;
  • tomatoes;
  • strawberry;
  • ginger;
  • greenery.

Products containing omega-3 will be indispensable for sperm fatty acid, For example:

  • all types of nuts;
  • anchovies;
  • salmon and other seafood;
  • chickens.

You should also include foods that contain zinc in your diet, for example:

  • seafood;
  • liver;
  • lean meat;
  • eggs;
  • oatmeal;
  • grain products;
  • yogurt.

An important condition for the possibility of procreation is folic acid. You can get it by consuming the following foods:

  • green vegetables;
  • legumes;
  • avocado;
  • whole food grains;
  • apples.

To track the effect of proper nutrition on the quality of sperm and the motility of “tadpoles”, it is necessary to undergo a spermogram at the beginning of the journey, and after some time.

Drugs that increase sperm activity

To improve fertility and reproductive function male body The doctor may prescribe special medications. Under no circumstances should you take them on your own without the consent of your doctor. Typically, such drugs should be a source of vitamins E and C, which improve blood flow in the pelvic organs, and hence fertility.

Zinc-containing products, for example, Speman, will also be useful.. A drug containing antiestrogens, Clostilbegide, is considered effective. If there is a lack of testosterone, the doctor may prescribe appropriate hormonal drugs- Andriol, as well as Proviron. Gonadotropins - Pregnyl or Pergonal.

For reference! In general, a set of measures to restore normal sperm motility consists of specific therapy medications, antibacterial therapy if necessary, hormonal therapy, physiotherapy, surgery, antioxidant therapy and diets.

If the causes of infertility were various diseases, the doctor first carries out appropriate therapy to eliminate the cause, and then selects auxiliary drugs to restore seed quality. A complex approach is the only way to increase sperm activity.

Diagnostic methods

Not the least important role in choosing the optimal solution for increasing fertility is the correct comprehensive diagnostics. It is impossible to reach a verdict of asthenozoospermia without the following examination techniques:

  • spermogram- taking ejaculate to calculate sperm velocity and the number of active “tadpoles”;
  • additional techniques- Ultrasound, X-ray, blood test, CT or MRI, etc.

It is necessary to carry out a spermogram at least twice, with a 2-week break between each examination. This method of studying semen also allows one to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment methods chosen by the doctor.

There should be at least 40-50% of active sperm in a man’s seminal fluid. The condition when the volume of motile sperm is reduced is called asthenozoospermia. Impaired sperm motility is diagnosed using the spermogram method. When such a pathology is identified, it is necessary to understand the reasons that provoked the disorder and understand how to increase sperm activity.

  1. Related or past illnesses. The most common diseases that provoke poor sperm activity are prostatitis and prostate adenoma. Often the disorder can be caused by genital infections or vascular diseases.
  2. Changes in hormone levels in the blood. Hormonal disbalance in the male body has a negative effect on spermatogenesis.
  3. Injuries to the genital organs. Inflammation resulting from injury to the testicles or prostate gland can also lead to changes in sperm counts.
  4. Poor nutrition. In many cases, the cause of decreased sperm activity may be an improper diet.

The reasons may also be bad habits, insufficient physical activity, too frequent sexual intercourse or prolonged abstinence from sex. Establishing the causes will help determine how to increase sperm motility. After the reasons are clarified, the man will be prescribed individual treatment.

In most cases, if spermogram results are poor, drug therapy is used. Surgery is less often indicated. Often the pathology is eliminated if a man begins to lead a healthy lifestyle and eat right.

Treatment with drugs

Medications are prescribed to a man for inflammatory and infectious diseases, as well as for hormonal disorders.

Among non-hormonal agents the most popular is SpermActive

Popular non-hormonal drugs

Among non-hormonal drugs, the most popular are:

  • Spermactin;
  • SpermActive;
  • Menogon;
  • Speman.

Main properties of non-hormonal drugs:

  • increased sperm motility;
  • improvement of spermatogenesis;
  • increased testosterone levels in the blood;
  • improving blood supply and eliminating congestion in the genitals;
  • elimination of various inflammations;
  • infection control;
  • stabilization of the reproductive system.

Among herbal medicines special attention deserves Collection 72, often used as a means for sperm activity. To prepare the recipe, it is recommended to pour one tablespoon of the mixture into 500 ml of boiling water and wrap the container with the mixture with a warm cloth. After an hour, the mixture should be strained. You need to drink a decoction that increases sperm speed half an hour before meals 3-4 times a day.

Hormonal agents

Among the hormonal drugs, the most common are:

  • Humegon;
  • Andriol;
  • Klostibegit.

Hormonal agent Andriol

A stimulating type of hormone therapy is most often prescribed to a man with low sperm activity. This treatment is based on the introduction into the body of low doses of hormones that have a beneficial effect on inflammatory, immune and metabolic processes. The endocrine regulation of the gonads does not undergo significant changes.

Vascular diseases require additional examination. In case of damage or compression of blood vessels, the patient is prescribed drugs that normalize blood circulation and help eliminate swelling.

Surgical intervention

If the cause of low sperm activity is such disorders as inguinoscrotal hernia or scrotal asymmetry, treatment with medications will be powerless. In such cases, the patient is indicated for surgical intervention. Some diseases (for example, varicocele) can also only be eliminated by surgery. Plastic urethra indicated if sperm speed is affected by such congenital anomalies, like epispadias and hypospadias.


Men who are wondering how to increase sperm motility and how to improve sperm quality should pay attention to their diet. In some cases, proper nutrition can replace medication treatment. A diet to increase sperm activity involves eating 5-6 times a day in small portions. All spicy, salty and smoked foods must be excluded from the diet. You also need to give up flour products and spices. In addition, food should not be heavy or fatty. It is best to steam or stew food; baking and frying food is not recommended. You need to drink enough liquid every day.

To increase the number and motility of sperm, you need to include foods containing vitamin A in your diet. Among them:

It is necessary to include foods containing vitamin A in your diet, such as broccoli.

  • dried apricots;
  • carrot;
  • oatmeal;
  • red pepper;
  • spinach;
  • broccoli.

Products containing vitamin C can also increase sperm activity. Most useful for men:

  • tomatoes;
  • strawberry;
  • asparagus.

Sperm activity can decrease significantly if there is a lack of folic acid, zinc and magnesium in the body. Avocados, oysters and nuts will help make up for the lack of these useful substances. Among the nuts that are most suitable for men, walnuts, nutmegs, Pine nuts and hazelnuts. Beekeeping products include honey and bee bread, which help normalize metabolism.

To improve your sperm count, you should definitely include dairy products, fruits, eggs, meat and fish in your diet. The healthiest fish for men are considered to be mackerel and tuna.

Among the drinks that increase sperm production, the most beneficial for men are teas (ginger, hibiscus, green) and freshly squeezed juices (pumpkin, grape, mango, pomegranate).

Folk recipes

Treatment with folk remedies can also speed up sedentary sperm.

  1. Pour 50 grams of dry, crushed ginseng roots into a liter of vodka. Take 10 drops before meals.
  2. Pour a tablespoon of dry St. John's wort herb into half a liter of boiling water, then remove the mixture to infuse in a dark place. Take half a glass of decoction twice a day.
  3. Pour 200 ml of boiling water over a tablespoon of chopped elecampane roots and cook over low heat for 10 minutes. Take a tablespoon four times a day.

St. John's wort, which increases sperm motility, pour boiling water over it, infuse and take twice a day.

Testosterone levels decrease, which leads to a decrease in the activity of germ cells. Great importance has a timely request for help. If the case is extremely advanced, it will be much more difficult to improve sperm motility.

  1. For men who want to maintain high sperm activity, hypothermia is unacceptable. In cold weather, it is recommended to wear insulated clothing and avoid prolonged contact with snow or ice.
  2. can negatively affect sperm motility high temperatures, so it’s better not to visit baths and saunas.
  3. Care products should be chosen without fragrances.
  4. Men with problems with sperm motility are not recommended to wear tight synthetic underwear.
  5. Particular attention should be paid physical activity and walks. Stay on fresh air and regular physical exercise have a positive effect on increasing sperm activity.
  6. To increase sperm volume and sperm activity, a man should stop drinking alcohol and smoking.
  7. Representatives of the stronger sex need to pay attention to their mental state. Experts advise, if possible, to avoid situations that lead to stress. Neuroses block the cells responsible for regulating testosterone levels in the blood, resulting in inhibition of spermatogenesis.
  8. To prevent asthenozoospermia, men need to monitor their health with early age and visit a urologist regularly.

Treatment of asthenozoospermia can take from two to three weeks to several months. During therapy, it is important to take into account many factors affecting sperm activity. Timely contact with a specialist to determine the causes of the disorder largely determines the success of treatment.

Do you have serious problems with potency?

Have you tried a lot of remedies and nothing has helped? These symptoms are familiar to you firsthand:

  • sluggish erection;
  • lack of desire;
  • sexual dysfunction.

The only way is surgery? Wait and don't act radical methods. It is POSSIBLE to increase potency! Follow the link and find out how experts recommend treating...

In almost half of married couples who cannot have children, the cause of the problem is male infertility. It can be caused by various factors, but the most common of them is sedentary sperm (or sperm, if you prefer).

Sedentary sperm treatment with folk remedies

To determine the activity of sperm, a spermogram is used - a detailed study of the ejaculate. But even if studies have shown low sperm quality, then you shouldn’t be upset, because asthenozoospermia(the scientific name for low sperm motility) is not a death sentence. To improve sperm, you can resort not only to traditional medicine, but also to folk remedies.

How is mobility assessed?

Sperm motility is assessed by examining a smear of sperm under a microscope. We will not go into all the details of the procedure; we will only note that mobility can be of several types.

Morphological analysis of sperm

  1. Type A sperm are characterized by active forward movements.
  2. In type B sperm, the movements are slow, although progressive.
  3. In type C, there is no progression in movements at all. Such sperm often move in a circle, although quite quickly.
  4. Type D – immotile sperm.

First, the number of sperm of the first and second groups is determined, then the third and fourth.

Note! One more important criterion is how long they remain mobile.

The mobility rate is as follows:

  • A and B – more than 50%;
  • A – more than 25% of the total.

Video - How to get pregnant with poor sperm count

Causes of low sperm motility

Factors influencing sperm motility can be:

  • exogenous;
  • endogenous.

TO exogenous factors The following may be included.

  1. The body is adversely affected by the external environment.
  2. Long-term exposure to electromagnetic radiation, computers.
  3. The influence of toxic substances.
  4. Alcohol and drug abuse.
  5. Tobacco smoking.
  6. Radiation.
  7. Overheating of the body, climatic fluctuations.
  8. Unfavorable working conditions.

Endogenous factors- this is, so to speak, internal problem. This includes various kinds defects in the structure and function of flagella (often genetic in nature), which lead to energy disturbances during sperm movement. These disorders appear mainly at the cellular level (for example, mitochondrial pathology).

Moreover, chronic inflammation of the gonads can also cause low sperm motility. The products of this process have a toxic effect on the epididymis, resulting in reduced secretion. Another common cause is an autoimmune process.

Alcohol and male sperm

Alcohol is no less harmful to sperm than chemicals. With regular abuse, sperm activity decreases, which sooner or later will lead to complete infertility. If the cause is removed (i.e., stopping drinking), activity may resume.


Sedentary sperm: treatment with folk remedies

Increased sperm activity can be achieved by leading an active lifestyle and performing daily exercise. Play sports, because lazy people have lazy sperm. In addition, there are also diets and folk remedies. We will talk about all this further.

What's not allowed?

To begin with, you must give up some things, such as:

  • fast food;
  • smoking;
  • fatty food;
  • alcohol (especially beer).

We hope there is no need to explain why this needs to be done.


Changing your diet

It is considered normal if only 40-50% of all sperm move during ejaculation. Of course, the higher the percentage, the better for you. To get as close to the “ideal” as possible, you should include nuts, milk, meat, fruits, grains and vegetables in your diet. But remember at the same time that you need to eat regularly. Moreover, you need to follow a daily routine, wake up and go to bed on time, rest, etc.

In principle, diets may be different, but they are all similar in one thing: vitamin C must be present in the diet. Therefore, in addition to everything listed above, you should consume red pepper, potatoes and black currants.

Note! Be sure to include parsley in your diet - after all, it is known to not only increase sperm activity, but also restore “male strength.”

Be sure to include parsley in your diet - after all, it is known to not only increase sperm activity, but also restore “male strength”


One of the most common methods for treating asthenozoospermia is beebread. Basically, these are bee products (also known as royal jelly) that are sold in all pharmacies. Bee bread contains a lot of active enzymes, which has a beneficial effect on the release of semen.

Ideally it should be drone milk. Drink half a teaspoon of it every morning before breakfast. This should be done slowly, dissolving the beebread. An equally useful “bee” product that can improve sperm is honey.

Healing baths


Another effective way to “speed up” sperm production is to regularly take baths of field herbs. It is best to use chamomile. To do this, fill a bowl with heated water (but not too hot, otherwise you will have to be treated for two ailments) and add 2-3 tablespoons of dried and crushed chamomile. After checking the temperature, sit over the bowl so that your genitals are completely submerged in the water. This should last 15-20 minutes. Then dry yourself thoroughly, get dressed and go to bed.

It is advisable to do this procedure at night (it’s more convenient) until the result appears. No contraindications were noted.


Honey can not only be consumed as food, but also used to lubricate the genitals. It is also advisable to do the procedure at night before going to bed: heat the honey (about 100-150 grams) and slowly apply it to the scrotum and penis, gently massaging it. Then wrap it with a leaf of fresh cabbage and go to bed. In the morning, remove the compress and wash off the remaining honey. Repeat the procedure daily until the result is visible.


Elecampane root

You can also use a decoction of elecampane root. To prepare it, take a tablespoon of crushed root and pour a glass of boiling water over it. Stand for fifteen minutes. After cooling the decoction, take a tablespoon every two hours.

Rose hip

Rosehip decoction is useful for sedentary sperm. Pour boiling water over pre-dried rose hips (in the proportion of two glasses per handful of berries) and leave for several hours. Use 100 g. decoction three times a day for two to three weeks.

Abstinence from sex

Abstinence from sex

As paradoxical as it may sound, sperm activity can be increased by abstaining from sexual intercourse for two or three days. The fact is that the fastest sperm are released during the first ejaculation.

Hardening procedures

For the treatment of asthenozoospermia, as well as for prevention, hardening procedures are recommended. Perform cold water douches regularly, ideally every day. Moreover, if you really want to have children, then you need to completely give up hot showers and baths, visiting the sauna, etc.

Pay special attention to your underwear. In no case should it be synthetic - only from natural materials. It should also be free, without pressing anything down.

Pay special attention to your underwear. In no case should it be synthetic - only from natural materials

If most days you spend in sitting position(if you work in an office, for example), then do not cross your legs. The fact is that this will compress the arteries and veins, reducing blood flow in the lower torso.

Note! If none of folk remedies For some reason it didn’t help you, then the only salvation is medical treatment, but it will be quite expensive. Know that such treatment in most cases does not consist in restoring the reproductive function of a man, but in artificial insemination eggs. This can occur either extracorporeally or intrauterinely.

Despite this, modern achievements in medicine they still offer little hope. AND we're talking about not about everyone there chemicals, but about natural, plant-based ones. Among them, I would like to highlight several of the most effective (according to people who have already taken them).

  1. "Speman" is a drug for increasing sperm viscosity and sperm activity.
  2. Tribestan has similar properties, but at the same time increases the lifespan of sperm without any side effects.
  3. "Verona" is a product based on medicinal herbs, which promotes the release of testosterone, improving sperm quality and sperm motility. Hormonal balance after using the drug it is not disturbed.

Well, we found out that sedentary sperm are a sure path to infertility. AND the best treatment is prevention, that is, management healthy image life.

Video - The role of sperm in conceiving a child

Sperm motility affects a man’s reproductive function; a spermogram helps determine the level of activity. Mobility is affected by many factors, such as stress, inflammatory processes genitourinary system and lifestyle. In this article we will tell you how to increase sperm activity in men through nutrition and treatment.

Causes of low sperm activity

The speed of male reproductive cells directly depends on the amount of mobility in one second. Normal sperm activity covers half its size or 0.025 millimeters in one second. There are several criteria for sperm activity:

  • And the class is hyperactive, with a straight trajectory of movement and a speed of 0.025 millimeters per second;
  • In class - cells move progressively slowly, the trajectory of movement is straight, but the movement is slow, less than 0.025 millimeters per second;
  • C class - cell activity is abnormal, irregular, can move around its axis;
  • D class - sedentary sperm.

For information! Inactive sperm die before they have time to pass through the female genital organs, this is due to the fact that the sperm is not able to liquefy.

Factors that can cause sedentary sperm:

  • disorderly sex life- increases the risk of infection venereal diseases, reduces cell activity;
  • long-term abstinence - leads to low speed and aging of cells, resulting in infertility;
  • delays during ejaculation - occur as a result of decreased sexual desire, use alcoholic drinks, smoking;
  • poor nutrition and low level vitamin - deficiency of zinc, microelements and vitamin leads to disruption of the production of the protein structure of gametes, resulting in the speed male cells decreases;
  • the presence of infections in the gonads - influenza, tuberculosis, typhus, smallpox, specific inflammation of the testicles;
  • low testosterone levels - production decreases with age, with hypertension, and also with excess weight;
  • increase in temperature in the scrotum - the temperature rises due to dilation of the veins when wearing thick and warm underwear.

Violation of sperm activity must be diagnosed. It is important to determine the cause of the decrease in speed, as well as prescribe correction and treatment. Typically, an improvement in the speed of male cells occurs when proper diet and consumption of microelements.

What does sperm activity depend on?

A normal indicator of the quality of male cells is considered to be 50% of sperm with pathologies from the total number, i.e. healthy cells must be half or larger number of the total number of sperm. Let's take a closer look at what determines sperm activity? Factors that negatively affect the activity of male germ cells:

  1. Stress and depression. It has been proven that stress negatively affects the function of childbirth, reducing the level of sex hormones and the number of cells in the ejaculate.
  2. Overheating of the testicles. Long stay in a sitting position causes overheating of the testicles and poor circulation in the pelvis.
  3. The influence of ecology and working conditions. Constant inhalation of toxic fumes, work with chemicals and by industrial means can cause temporary infertility.
  4. Infectious diseases of STDs and the genitourinary system. For example, when the testicle is injured, an immune reaction is formed that begins to work against male cells, i.e. Antibodies produced by the body to fight the disease begin to attack sperm.
  5. Radiation from household appliances. It is not recommended to place the laptop on your lap, because... overheating of the testicles occurs. Also, urologists do not recommend wearing mobile phone in the trouser pocket, because electromagnetic waves have Negative influence on sperm quality.

In order to increase sperm activity, it is recommended to monitor your health, diet and diet.

For information! Reduced or impaired blood circulation in the pelvis causes male infertility and inflammatory processes of the prostate.

Methods to increase sperm activity

How to increase sperm activity? To improve the quality of ejaculate, it is recommended to adjust nutrition, increase time for rest, and eliminate stress, depression and promiscuity. The reduction in the speed of male cells is influenced by different reasons however, you can increase their speed in several ways: diet, drug treatment and traditional medicine. Let's take a closer look at how to increase sperm activity.

Diet food

Motile sperm completely depends on the quality of food. Daily use vegetables, fruits, grains and herbs can increase cell activity in a man. How to increase sperm activity? It is recommended to include the following components in your diet:

  • Vitamin B9 and folic acid - helps improve conception in men;
  • Vitamin C - considered a powerful antioxidant in the human body;
  • Vitamin E - is responsible for sexual function and fertility in men, daily dosage is 15 milligrams;
  • Arginine and Vitamin B11 - useful for increasing fertility levels.

Sperm becomes active when normal quantity zinc and selenium. These microelements are found in seafood, daily norm is 15 and 70 milligrams. It is imperative to exclude from the diet:

  • smoked products;
  • fast foods;
  • baked goods and baked goods;
  • sweets;
  • fatty food.

For information! Regular intake of ginger root can improve sperm quality and overall health.

Folk remedies

Medicinal herbs and various products prepared on the basis natural ingredients, can improve sperm quality and increase the possibility of conception. Let's take a closer look at how to increase sperm motility using folk remedies:

  • Wheat sprouts - wash the grain thoroughly, add water and cover with a cloth, it is recommended to eat 2 tablespoons every morning;
  • Nuts and cranberries - one glass of peeled nuts, mix with softened cranberries, add 2 cubes of chopped apple, add 0.5 liters of water, add 500 grams of granulated sugar, it is recommended to take 2 times 1 tablespoon daily;
  • Pumpkin seeds - dried seeds, crushed, mixed with honey, it is recommended to take 1 tablespoon 25 minutes before meals;
  • Plantain seeds - it is recommended to brew the seeds with regular tea and drink throughout the day;
  • Anise tincture - add 1 teaspoon of anise seeds to water, let it brew and mix with milk, it is recommended to take it daily 1 hour before meals.

It is important to note that you should not use all folk remedies at the same time; it is recommended to choose the most suitable way, product, herbal mixtures and systematically adhere to the dosage and administration regimen.

For information! Hyperactivity of male reproductive cells is necessary to break through physical barriers that protect the egg from fertilization.


Among the medicines, there are tablets for sperm activity - Speman forte. This drug helps improve sperm count due to the following effects:

  • normalizes the morphology of male germ cells;
  • improves sperm speed;
  • dilutes sperm when it is highly viscous;
  • reduces prostate hypertrophy;
  • increases blood circulation in the pelvis.

Speman contains natural ingredients, extracts in the form of powders medicinal plants(compass lettuce, astercanthus, orchis tubers, argyrea roots, velvet beans). It is recommended to take 2 tablets per day, the course of treatment is 1 month.

For information! You can take the medicine again to increase sperm count after 14 days.

Another one, effective drug Speroton is a medicine that contains vitamins, biologically active substances, vitamins B9, C, E, zinc, beta-carotene, which help improve men's health. The drug has the following effects on the male body:

  • increases the speed of reproductive gametes;
  • increases the number of germ cells in seminal fluid;
  • stimulates the process of sperm synthesis.

The optimal course of treatment is 3 months; it is recommended to take the medicine once a day.

Any drug must be agreed upon with the attending physician; self-medication is not recommended.

High sperm velocity is the main factor influencing the reproductive function of a man and the fertilization of the egg. Stimulation of germ cells using diet therapy, folk or medications, allows you to increase the functionality of gametes, blood circulation and potency.

You’ve been living with a girl for more than two years without protection, and still no pregnancy? Has your partner undergone a lot of examinations and claims to be healthy? This means the man needs to get checked. By taking a spermogram, a person can immediately find out what the problem is. If the cause of infertility is low sperm motility, a man who wants to become a father will have to completely change his lifestyle and take special medications and vitamins for a long time.

Why does sperm motility decrease?

A pathology in which sperm activity decreases is called stenozoospermia by experts. It is not isolated as a separate disease; it can be combined with teratozoospermia - the production of an excessive amount of atypical sperm. Deterioration in sperm quality is caused by:

  • Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system.
  • Injuries, bruises of the genital organs, surgical operations on the pelvic organs.
  • Congenital pathologies of the prostate, testes, vas deferens.
  • Genetic mutations inherent in sperm.
  • Varicocele, congestion venous blood in the pelvic organs.
  • Violation of the temperature regime - hypothermia or severe overheating of the testicles.
  • Atherosclerosis of the vessels of the genitourinary system.

A man's sedentary work has a negative impact on sperm motility. Sperm activity also decreases in a person working in the chemical industry, in an oil refinery, or under radiation or radiation exposure.

A man who smokes has less motile sperm than a man who has never put a cigarette in his mouth. If a man abuses alcohol, his blood vessels are destroyed, his brain ages prematurely, and areas of the brain die off. nervous system, responsible for laying down the genetic material.

A natural decrease in sperm motility occurs with age. More precisely, a man over 50 will naturally have only 25-30% of active livestock.

When a laboratory technician conducts an analysis of sperm motility, he counts the number of sperm that are actively moving in a straight line, and takes into account those sperm that do not move at all or “run in place.” It is considered normal to have more than half of the motile sperm moving straight. If there are less than 29% of such sperm in the ejaculate, the man is indicated for treatment that will improve the quality of sperm.

Drug-induced increase in sperm activity

Of course, if the reason for the decrease in sperm activity is a certain disease, you need to start by eliminating it. For genital infections, the urologist prescribes an appointment for the patient antibacterial drugs, anti-inflammatory drugs.

If a man is sick diabetes mellitus, he needs to regulate the level of sugar in the blood, achieving a constant normal balance, otherwise the blood vessels crumbling due to sugar will not allow sperm to move normally.

But there are situations when a man is, in principle, absolutely healthy, and his sperm are inactive. In such cases it is prescribed special treatment sperm motility, which includes diet and medication.


Drugs to normalize spermatogenesis are prescribed in a comprehensive manner. To improve blood circulation, vasotropic drugs are indicated medicines, blood-thinning medications, drugs to strengthen blood vessels. These include:

  • Trental. Stabilizes venous drainage, reduces capillary fragility, improves metabolism in the vascular wall.
  • Actovegin. Natural medicine, created based on the blood of calves. Improves blood composition, eliminates thrombosis, normalizes cholesterol.

Long-term use of these medications helps improve the functioning of the prostate and increase the productivity of the seminal vesicles.

To stimulate zinc production and improve sperm quality, men are prescribed:

  • Speroton.
  • SpermoPlant.
  • Tribestan.
  • Zincteral.

These medications are taken to improve sperm motility. Basically, each drug consists of an optimal set of natural components: extract of argyrea roots, orchis, tribulus, velvet bean seeds, leptademia stems and others. In combination, they have a stimulating effect on the prostate gland, improving the production of secretions that help sperm move normally.

In addition, with the help of these drugs it is normalized cellular metabolism, cell membrane permeability improves, immunity increases. For example, Tribestan is used to treat immunological infertility, normalization of erection and elimination of asthenozoospermia.

How to increase sperm motility naturally

Hormone therapy

Hormonal imbalance, increased production female hormones, lack of testosterone also leads to a decrease in the mobility of live bait. In this case, a sexologist may recommend taking medications for sperm motility that stimulate testosterone production:

  • . Helps restore testosterone production even in the presence of anatomical defects that have led to loss of fertility.
  • Proviron. Stimulates production male hormones, increases the functionality of the sex glands, normalizes potency.

With a low level of gonadotropic hormones, the regulation of gonadal activity deteriorates, the production of secretions and nutrients necessary for sperm maturation. Such problems are observed in men with cystic formation on the pituitary gland or underdevelopment of this gland, as well as in patients who have suffered a head injury. A deficiency of human chorionic gonadotropin leads to the fact that, although sperm are produced, they have poor motility or a violation of the trajectory of movement.

For normalization hormonal levels The following gonadotropin drugs are prescribed:

  • Menogol.
  • Rotten.
  • Profasi.

Before increasing sperm motility, you need to make sure that stimulating therapy for androgen deficiency is mandatory. To do this, a man needs to donate blood for hormones and determine which elements are missing for normal spermatogenesis.


Every man with asthenozoospermia is prescribed vitamin E.. It has a beneficial effect on the sex glands, stimulating the production of healthy active sperm. Vitamin E normalizes regeneration processes and helps improve reproductive function.

  1. Zinc in pure form necessary for the production of testosterone. In addition, without zinc, germ cells will not be able to mature. With the help of this substance, you can increase the volume of seminal fluid and improve its composition.
  2. When the activity of the livestock decreases, a man must take vitamin C. It stabilizes the thickening/liquefaction of sperm, which is necessary for the normal passage of sperm through the vaginal mucosa.
  3. To normalize the production of germ cells, men are prescribed folic acid. Not only does sperm production decrease without this vitamin, but the risk of developing genetic material with mutations and genetic abnormalities increases.

With a lack of selenium, testosterone production decreases. At the same time, a man's fertility deteriorates. It is necessary to drink selenium for those who want not only to increase the number of active sperm, but also to avoid the appearance of underdeveloped, atypical sperm.

Vitamins for sperm motility can be taken individually or in special complexes. Men with asthenozoospermia are prescribed:

  • Gerimaks with ginseng.
  • Magne B6+Selenium+Zinc.
  • Verona.

If a man wants, he can not only take vitamins, but also completely change his diet, adhering to vitamin diet, helping to increase the mobility of live bait.

Of course, it is possible to improve the quality of semen by using herbs to improve sperm motility. But we must remember that traditional treatment only complements the traditional. Most popular recipes:

Before increasing sperm motility using products containing bee products, you need to find out if a man is allergic to honey.


Weak potency, a flaccid penis, lack of a long-term erection are not a death sentence for a man’s sex life, but a signal that the body needs help and male strength is weakening. Eat a large number of drugs that help a man gain a stable erection for sex, but they all have their own disadvantages and contraindications, especially if the man is already 30-40 years old. Capsules help not only to get an erection HERE AND NOW, but act as prevention and accumulation male power, allowing a man to remain sexually active for many years!

How to increase the activity of livestock using nutrition

It is believed that it is better to get vitamins from food, rather than from synthetic drugs. To replenish vitamin C reserves and restore normal spermatogenesis, a man can eat:

Peas normalize the pH of seminal fluid, which helps increase sperm motility. Asparagus, beans, and other legumes have the same effect.

Men need to constantly eat natural dairy products. It is not for nothing that they suggest feeding your husband with sour cream in order to achieve the birth of offspring. Dairy products and meat contain L-carnitine. According to latest research, this vitamin helps increase sperm activity by 4 times.

To improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs, you need to eat food rich in omega-3 acids. These are shrimp, mussels, oysters, crabs, seaweed and other seafood, nuts and seeds.

If low sperm motility is caused by a lack of zinc, a man needs to add the following foods to his diet:

  • Spinach.
  • Eggs.
  • Oatmeal.
  • Red meat (especially beef and turkey).
  • Sprouted wheat, rye.
  • Liver.
  • Corn.

To compensate for the lack of folic acid, a man needs to eat cabbage, green apples, cucumbers, avocados, and greens. You can build your diet so that every dish includes onions, onions or green ones.

Lifestyle change

Every person understands that if a man smokes, moves little, and still visits a hot bath or swims in a hot bath, he may never restore sperm motility to normal levels. If a couple is seriously concerned about having offspring, the man will have to completely reconsider his lifestyle. To improve reproductive function, you need to play sports:

In order not to subject the scrotum to temperature tests, it is necessary to wear panties made of natural fabrics and avoid tight synthetic underwear. In winter, wear tights under your trousers.

  • Increased irritability;
  • Lack of desire;
  • Sluggish erection;
  • Sexual dysfunction.

The only way is surgery? Wait, and do not act with radical methods. It is POSSIBLE to increase potency! and find out how experts recommend treating...

Today, many married couples are faced with the impossibility of having children. As practice shows, both men and women can be equally guilty of such troubles. And to accurately determine the cause of infertility, it is extremely important to see a doctor together and undergo a full examination. One of the most common factors that make pregnancy simply impossible is insufficient sperm activity. Let’s try to figure out how to increase sperm activity most effectively.

Sperm motility is recorded using a special study - spermogram. This is the only analysis that allows you to accurately determine the ability of a particular man to conceive, as well as draw conclusions about general male health. All possible deviations from the norm they reduce the likelihood of a partner becoming pregnant, but do not completely exclude it, since sperm activity can be increased.

The speed of movement of male germ cells can depend on a variety of factors. For example, it can decrease by an order of magnitude if a man suffered from some kind of infection in childhood, if he suffers from prostatitis and other ailments. In addition, a decrease in sperm activity may be explained by an insufficiently good environmental situation, the presence bad habits, poor nutrition and excessive loads.

If the spermogram shows that a third or slightly more of the sperm are active, this is considered to be a normal variant.

To increase the mobility of male sperm cells, the first thing you need to do is change your lifestyle. You should pay special attention to your daily diet, including more fruits, dairy products, vegetables and grains. It is extremely important to systematically consume high-quality lean meat and fish, as well as various nuts.

Important role organization of an adequate daily routine plays a role. So, to ensure normal sperm activity, you need to sleep at least seven to eight hours a day, and properly differentiate between work and rest.

Many experts also recommend that men remember about vitamins. Thus, the qualitative activity of the gonads is largely determined by the sufficient intake of tocopherol - vitamin E - into the body, and ascorbic acid also affects sperm motility. That is why it is necessary to include in the diet vegetable oils, nuts, rose hips, red peppers, various herbs, black currants and meat.

As practice shows, sperm become especially active if a man abstains from intimate relations for a couple of days.

In parallel with lifestyle changes, it is strongly recommended to take stimulant medications, which greatly increase the total sperm count and have a positive effect on their motility. An increase in sperm activity occurs if stimulating compounds are consumed for at least two to three months. This recommendation is explained by the natural duration of the spermatogenesis cycle.

Medical methods

To increase sperm activity, doctors most often advise men to take vitamin supplements, with special attention paid to tocopherol and ascorbic acid. In addition, drugs that can improve regional blood flow have a good effect, such as Actovegin, Trental, etc.

To improve the quality and motility of sperm, zinc preparations, various herbal remedies, for example, Speman, and also antiestrogens, represented by clostilbegide, can also be used. In certain cases, the medications of choice are testosterone drugs, including Proviron and Andriol, as well as gonadotropins, represented by pergonal, menogon, pregnyl and prophase.

Quite often treatment male infertility, including poor sperm motility, is carried out by taking the drug Speman. This remedy consists of a whole complex of medicinal plants, characterized by a moderately pronounced androgen-like quality, as well as prostatotropic properties. It is believed that taking it helps reduce sperm viscosity, increase the mobility of male germ cells, and also activate spermatogenesis.

Folk remedies

Good effect during therapy lack of activity sperm control is provided by taking traditional medicine. However, they should be consumed in parallel with official treatment.

Sperm activity in men can be increased by a tincture based on ginseng root. For this purpose, you need to take fifty grams of dried roots of this plant and combine them with one liter of vodka. The medicine is prepared for two weeks, after which it is filtered. Take ten drops of ginseng tincture shortly before meals.

You can also prepare a decoction of St. John's wort. Brew a tablespoon of dried and crushed raw materials with half a liter of boiling water. Infuse this remedy for four hours, then take half a glass twice a day.

Also, do not forget to drink 1.5 liters of water, not counting the amount of tea, coffee, soup or borscht.

If low sperm activity is detected, therapy should be carried out under the supervision of a qualified doctor. The advisability of using any medications and folk remedies should be discussed with a specialist.

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A man's reproductive function directly depends on the activity and motility of his sperm. Therefore, for most infertile men, the only option for prolonging the birth is medication to increase sperm motility. Otherwise, passive sperm in the acidic environment of the female genital organs will instantly die without reaching the egg.

If most of the sperm show passivity, the doctor after the test makes a verdict - infertility. In simple words, doctors call the predominance of passive “tadpoles” in the ejaculate the term asthenozoospermia. This pathology can be eliminated in several ways, after which full male fertility returns.

What does sperm activity depend on?

Before increasing sperm motility using the method chosen by the doctor, it is important for a man to understand what factors can negatively affect reproductive function. Most often, the prerequisites for this are diseases of the genitourinary system, which were not fully cured and led to complications.

In addition, the activity of “tadpoles” depends on:

  • harmful environmental conditions;
  • negative impact of chemical toxic substances;
  • decline of the immune system;
  • tight underwear;
  • overheating or hypothermia of the scrotum.

For reference! According to statistics, for the majority of men experiencing infertility, the cause of low fertility was the abuse of alcoholic beverages.

Based on this, it is already possible to find a way to increase fertility - eliminating such prerequisites. Artificial activation is also appropriate, but only if agreed with a doctor in combination with therapeutic treatment.

How to increase sperm activity using folk remedies?

In ancient times, it was possible to increase sperm activity in men who had not given birth for a long time using a decoction of elecampane, which had to be taken for at least 10 days.

To this day, the following recipes are considered the most effective ways to increase sperm motility:

  1. Ginseng tincture. There are about 50 grams of crushed plant root per liter of vodka. The tincture, left for 2 weeks, should be taken 10 drops every day before meals.
  2. St. John's wort decoction. A tablespoon of herb is dissolved in half a liter of boiling water, after which the broth is infused for 4 hours. Every day you need to take half a glass twice.
  3. Rose hip tea. To prepare the drink, the fruits are poured with boiling water and simmered a little over the fire. After this, the drink is taken 3-4 times a day, one glass.

In addition, it is important for a man to lead an active lifestyle, eat mainly protein foods, and monitor his weight and health. Bee bread, which is consumed a tablespoon before each meal for 2 months, will be useful for restoring metabolic processes.

What foods increase sperm activity?

To improve fertility and sperm quality, a complete nutritional adjustment is necessary. There are a number of foods that doctors recommend to support fertility, such as those rich in vitamin A:

  • red pepper;
  • carrot;
  • oats;
  • dried apricots;
  • all types of greens;
  • sweet potato;
  • milk products.

Also foods that contain vitamin C:

  • asparagus;
  • tomatoes;
  • strawberry;
  • ginger;
  • greenery.

Products containing omega-3 fatty acids are essential for sperm, for example:

  • all types of nuts;
  • anchovies;
  • salmon and other seafood;
  • chickens.

You should also include foods that contain zinc in your diet, for example:

  • seafood;
  • liver;
  • lean meat;
  • eggs;
  • oatmeal;
  • grain products;
  • yogurt.

An important condition for the possibility of procreation is folic acid. You can get it by consuming the following foods:

  • green vegetables;
  • legumes;
  • avocado;
  • whole food grains;
  • apples.

To track the effect of proper nutrition on the quality of sperm and the motility of “tadpoles”, it is necessary to undergo a spermogram at the beginning of the journey, and after some time.

Drugs that increase sperm activity

To improve fertility and reproductive function of the male body, the doctor may prescribe special medications. Under no circumstances should you take them on your own without the consent of your doctor. Typically, such drugs should be a source of vitamins E and C, which improve blood flow in the pelvic organs, and hence fertility.

Zinc-containing products, for example, Speman, will also be useful.. A drug containing antiestrogens, Clostilbegide, is considered effective. If there is a lack of testosterone, the doctor may prescribe the appropriate hormonal drugs - Andriol, as well as Proviron. Gonadotropins - Pregnyl or Pergonal.

For reference! In general, a set of measures to restore normal sperm motility consists of specific drug therapy, antibacterial therapy if necessary, hormonal therapy, physical therapy, surgery, antioxidant therapy and diet.

If the causes of infertility were various diseases, the doctor first carries out appropriate therapy to eliminate the cause, after which he selects auxiliary drugs to restore the quality of the semen. An integrated approach is the only way to increase sperm activity.

Diagnostic methods

Not the least important role in choosing the optimal solution for increasing fertility is correctly performed comprehensive diagnostics. It is impossible to reach a verdict of asthenozoospermia without the following examination techniques:

  • spermogram- taking ejaculate to calculate sperm velocity and the number of active “tadpoles”;
  • additional techniques- Ultrasound, X-ray, blood test, CT or MRI, etc.

It is necessary to carry out a spermogram at least twice, with a 2-week break between each examination. This method of studying semen also allows one to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment methods chosen by the doctor.