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Is it possible to lose your sense of smell with a runny nose? Why does the sense of smell disappear when you have a runny nose, and what to do?

In the absence of smells and taste, the world seems dull, monotonous and boring. Despite the fact that smell and taste cannot compare with such important senses as vision and hearing, living without smell is very, very difficult. You can’t smell your favorite coffee aroma in the morning, don’t show concern if you suddenly smell something burning, and don’t appreciate your friend’s new perfume. Living without taste is even worse - will you really like monotonous food, devoid of any flavor nuances?!

It is possible to restore your sense of smell and taste, but first you need to decide why you might lose these important and much-needed senses.

Why is the sense of smell and taste lost?

In the human nose there is an olfactory cavity, the surface of which differs from the mucous membrane. This cavity contains a huge number of receptors that send information to the brain about various odors. After processing this information, the brain remembers and associates the smell with a specific event. We all know what fresh strawberries or oranges smell like. Sometimes a smell can be associated with something unpleasant - all this is painstaking work of the brain. However, sometimes foreign odors simply cannot make their way to the olfactory cavity due to swelling of the mucous membrane - that is, the smell simply has no way. There are several reasons that lead to loss of smell and taste, let's look at the main ones.

  1. The most common and common cause is a runny nose. This becomes especially true if rhinitis is left untreated for a long time. The virus enters the mucous membrane, causing mucus to be produced and swelling to appear. When the body is infected with a virus, the sense of taste is also lost.
  2. Injuries, fractures and curvatures of the nasal septum also prevent the smell from penetrating inside.
  3. Various growths, polyps, and tumors also block the passage to the olfactory cavity.
  4. Sometimes loss of taste and smell is caused by an allergic reaction. When dust, plant pollen, animal hair and other allergens enter the nose, the mucous membrane also begins to produce mucus and swell.
  5. Sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, sinusitis and other inflammations in the nasal appendages, as well as chronic forms of these diseases, often lead to loss of taste and olfactory qualities.
  6. Loss of smell often occurs due to overdose vasoconstrictor drops. Everyone knows that these drugs are aimed at alleviating the patient’s condition, but do not have any healing properties. You can use such drops no more than 3-4 times a day; they cannot be used for more than 5 days, otherwise addiction will occur. With the constant use of vasoconstrictor drops, the vessels atrophy, they cannot contract and unclench on their own, their nutrition is disrupted, which leads to loss of smell.
  7. Sometimes loss of smell and taste can occur due to hormonal changes in a woman's body. This is often observed during pregnancy, after starting to take new oral contraceptives, during menstruation.
  8. If your work involves constant inhalation of poisons, chemicals, or odors of paint and varnish products, your sense of smell may suffer from this.
  9. Smokers often complain about the lack of smell and taste, as they slowly kill their receptors year after year. Often, it is simply impossible to restore the ability to capture odors.

Surely you know the approximate reason for the loss of smell and taste. If you suddenly stop feeling smells and tastes, for no apparent reason, you need to see a doctor for an accurate diagnosis.

how to get rid of a runny nose at home

How to restore your sense of smell and taste

If you are not ready to put up with the current state of affairs, you need to try to regain your senses in order to once again enjoy the aromas of the world around you.

  1. Treatment. First you need to relieve swelling of the mucous membrane, and for this you need to eliminate the very cause of the runny nose. If your runny nose is allergic, take antihistamines; if you have a cold, start taking anti-inflammatory drugs. Use vasoconstrictor drops, but not if you have been dependent on them for a long time.
  2. Gymnastics. Gymnastics for the nose is very effective. It improves blood circulation in the nasal cavity, which allows the receptors to become active. Try to open the wings of your nose while tensing your muscles. Stay in this position for a minute and repeat the exercise several times.
  3. Massage. Massage the wings of your nose with your fingers several times a day. This promotes blood flow and improves receptor function.
  4. Warming up. Can be heated nasal cavity ultraviolet lamp, and if it is not there, use a regular lamp. Direct the light and heat beams towards your nose so that the lamp is 25cm away from your face. Warming up should be daily for a week.
  5. Inhalations. It is very effective to breathe hot air, which disinfects the nasal cavity from the inside, defeating the virus. If you add essential oils of mint and eucalyptus to the inhalation liquid, this will help you immediately get rid of swelling of the mucous membrane. To restore the ability to capture odors and tastes, you can make the following composition for inhalation. Prepare a decoction of calendula, add to it lemon juice, peppermint essential oil and a little cumin. Inhale the vapors of the prepared decoction - they are very useful both for restoring the sense of smell and against the runny nose itself.
  6. Washing. It is very effective against runny nose and for restoring the functioning of taste buds. Rinse your nose with salt water using a small teapot - insert the spout into one nostril so that the liquid comes out of the other nostril. If this procedure is not within your power, drip medications based on sea ​​water– Aquamaris, Delphi, Humer.
  7. Drops. If you feel that your mucous membranes are dry, use nasal drops based on medicinal oils, for example, Pinosol.

Don't forget about the air quality in the room you are in. It is very important that the air in the room is moist and the nasal mucosa does not dry out.

how to cure a runny nose in a child using folk remedies

Folk remedies for restoring the sense of smell and taste with a runny nose

  1. Prepare small cotton swabs that need to be soaked in honey and placed in the nose. Honey has antiseptic properties and will help restore receptor function.
  2. The pungent smell of horseradish, onions, mustard and garlic will help restore your sense of smell. Inhale these aromas as often as possible.
  3. You can restore the ability to capture odors using smoke. Burn a sprig of wormwood, onion or garlic peel and inhale the smoke. Very soon you will be able to enjoy foreign smells and tastes again.
  4. Apply a little eucalyptus oil or Star balm to your chest or clothing so that the menthol vapor constantly enters the nasal passages.
  5. Don't melt a large number of lamb fat and mix it with diluted mumiyo. Take a cotton swab and soak it in the prepared mixture. Lubricate the nasal mucosa with this product - it is very effective against runny nose and colds.
  6. You can restore your ability to smell and taste by warming your feet. Prepare the following solution: add a tablespoon of salt, the same amount of soda and two teaspoons of mustard to hot water (45-50 degrees). Dip your feet into the prepared mixture up to the ankles. Soak your feet in the water for at least 10 minutes, then pat your feet dry. Lubricate your feet with iodine and put on cotton socks and wool socks on top. The procedure is usually done at night. In the morning you will forget about the runny nose and all related problems.
  7. Propolis is a very useful product that can relieve many diseases. You can prepare propolis tincture yourself or buy it at a pharmacy. Pieces of propolis must be filled with alcohol and kept in a cool, dark place for at least a week, shaking occasionally. Soak cotton balls in the prepared tincture and place them in the nasal passages for 10-15 minutes. In just a week you will be able to enjoy your favorite scents.

These simple rules will help you get rid of a runny nose quickly and safely.

After a runny nose is completely cured, the sense of smell and taste may be restored within 7-10 days. If smells and tastes have not returned to your life after the specified time, perhaps a more serious malfunction has occurred in the body. In this case, you need to contact a specialist. Take care of your health and don’t get a runny nose so as not to suffer from a dull and monotonous world.

how to treat a runny nose in a baby

Video: 3 reasons for loss of smell

In the cold season, when protective forces decrease human body, the number of colds and flu is increasing sharply. All of them are inevitably accompanied by a runny nose, which may be accompanied by loss of smell and taste.

Many people are concerned about how to restore their sense of smell and taste, and what needs to be done for this.

Why does the sense of smell disappear?

The loss of the ability to distinguish smells and tastes during a runny nose is an absolutely natural consequence of the disease itself, so there is nothing wrong with it. The cause of the loss of smell is swelling of the nasal mucosa and the resulting disruption of the receptors. On the mucous surface of the nose there is a zone of smell. It consists of very sensitive nerve receptor cells that capture the smell and transmit data about it to the brain. In the brain, the received data is analyzed, correlated with the available information, and as a result, the smell receives an image and a name.

When you have a runny nose, the mucous membrane swells, the nose is stuffy, mucus constantly accumulates in the cavity - all this quickly reduces the functioning of receptor cells and prevents aromatic molecules from entering the olfactory zone. As a result, the ability to distinguish odors is greatly reduced.

If you have lost your sense of smell due to a runny nose, do not be alarmed - this is a natural and reversible process. Its treatment consists of reducing swelling of the mucous membrane and eliminating the underlying disease.

Why does the taste disappear?

The receptors on the tongue are responsible for taste, which remain normal during a runny nose. However, loss of smell is very often accompanied by loss of taste. This is due to the fact that complex flavor combinations are inextricably linked with their aromatic component.

In the absence of data on the smell of the product, the brain cannot fully analyze the subtle nuances of taste of complex dishes, although it still accurately identifies simple and bright ones - sweet, salty, bitter, sour. Therefore, without feeling the smell, a person cannot receive the usual pleasure from food.

Diseases that cause swelling of the nasal mucosa

Can cause swelling various diseases, but to effectively eliminate it, you need to find the cause. Do this and assign necessary treatment Only an otolaryngologist can.

Diseases that cause nasal congestion:

  • hypothermia;
  • viral infections;
  • allergy;
  • polyps, adenoids;
  • vasomotor rhinitis;
  • deviated nasal septum;
  • sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, sinusitis.

Clinical picture

According to statistics, the most common disease of the upper respiratory tract is just a runny nose. It manifests itself in the form of copious discharge, which appears as a result of acute inflammation of the nasal mucosa. This acute inflammation serves as a response to hypothermia of the body or the introduction of the influenza virus, which provoke the activation of conditionally pathogenic flora.

This flora is constantly located in the nasal cavity and if the body is weakened, it begins to multiply quickly if there is unfavorable factors. A severe runny nose affects both nostrils at once or alternately, causing loss of smell and partially taste. Eliminating swelling and freeing the nose from mucus will lead to a gradual return of these feelings.

When to sound the alarm

When the sense of smell disappears due to a severe runny nose due to a cold or flu, there is no need to worry; it is enough to follow all the doctor’s prescriptions accurately. The ability to smell and taste will return within 3-5 days after recovery.

If the reason was allergic edema, then it may take a little more time. Vasomotor rhinitis that occurs against the background of polyps or a deviated nasal septum will not go away on its own; in this case, you will need surgical intervention to eliminate the cause of swelling. Often the sense of smell is absent after sinusitis. In this case, if appropriate treatment has been carried out and the inflammation has been eliminated, they will help salt rinses nose, which should be done 4 times a day.

If there has been no nasal discharge for a long time, breathing has been restored, but after a runny nose the sense of smell has disappeared, you should definitely contact an otolaryngologist.

You should not choose treatment on your own, since there are many reasons for the absence of odors and only a specialist can find yours. While diagnosis and examination are taking place, you can use traditional medicine recipes that will not cause harm and will help restore your sense of smell and taste.

Traditional treatment

To treat a runny nose, otolaryngologists use several groups of drugs:

  1. vasoconstrictor drops and spray;
  2. moisturizing solutions;
  3. antibacterial drugs;
  4. antihistamines in the form of drops, spray or tablets.

Your doctor will tell you how to restore your sense of smell when you have a runny nose. To do this, the first thing you need to do is relieve the swelling of the nasal mucosa.

When treating a runny nose caused by a cold, ARVI, sinusitis, allergic rhinitis, vasoconstrictor drops or spray are always prescribed:

  • "Tizin";
  • "Afrin";
  • "Nazol";
  • "Vibrocil";
  • "Xymelin";
  • "Pinosol";
  • "Otrivin";
  • "Oxymetazoline."

Their choice is huge, and the mechanism of action is identical - after their use, swelling of the mucous membrane quickly disappears, mucus formation decreases, and nasal breathing and the ability to smell.

Along with vasoconstrictor sprays, doctors prescribe irrigation of the nasal passages with moisturizing saline solutions:

  • "Aqua Maris";
  • "Salin";
  • "Morenazal";
  • "Physiomer";
  • "Quix".

Which facilitate the removal of mucus, improve the mobility of cilia, normalize the functioning of receptors and help restore the sense of smell and taste. If you do not want to buy a ready-made drug at the pharmacy, a similar remedy can be prepared at home by dissolving 2 tsp. sea ​​salt in 1 liter of boiled water. The water must be warm, and the resulting solution must be filtered through gauze to collect undissolved salt crystals.

In the treatment of sinusitis, combination antibacterial drugs are widely used:

  • "Polydex";
  • "Isofra".

Which, in addition to the vasoconstrictor effect, have an anti-inflammatory effect due to the antibiotics they contain.

To relieve the allergic component, which often accompanies rhinitis of various etiologies, antihistamines in the form of tablets are included in complex therapy:

  • "Claritin";
  • "Loratadine";
  • "Koldakt";
  • "Orinol";
  • "Cetrin";
  • "Zodak".

In the form of nasal drops and spray:

  • "Sanorin-Analergin";
  • "Rinofluimucil";
  • "Flixonase";
  • "Nasonex".

Traditional medicine recipes

For its recipes that help restore the sense of smell and taste, traditional medicine uses only natural ingredients:

  • herbs;
  • garlic;
  • beets;
  • propolis;
  • essential oils.

To restore the sense of smell, she suggests doing inhalations, using drops, ointments and many other, sometimes unexpected, methods of treatment.

Below are some of the simplest and most common recipes:

  1. Hot inhalations. Pour 1 tbsp into 1 liter of boiled water. fresh lemon juice and 2 drops of essential oil. Eucalyptus, peppermint, lavender or lemon balm oils are best. Mix well. You can cover your head with a thick towel and inhale the steam alternately through each nostril for 7-10 minutes. If you feel that the steam is too hot, you need to let the water cool a little so as not to burn the mucous membrane. You don't need to take too deep breaths to avoid getting dizzy. Treatment with hot inhalations can be carried out for 7-10 days.
  2. Ointment with propolis. To prepare it, add 1 tsp. propolis you need to add 3 tsp. olive oil and the same amount of cream. If there is no olive oil, it can be replaced with corn, flaxseed, peach, and sunflower oil. The mixture must be heated in a water bath and mixed thoroughly. The finished ointment is applied to gauze or cotton pads and placed in both nasal passages for 20 minutes. The procedure can be done morning and evening for 5-7 days.
  3. Beetroot-honey drops. Raw beet juice and honey are mixed in equal parts. The resulting mixture is instilled 3 times a day, 2-4 drops. The course of treatment is 5-7 days.

When you have a runny nose, pathogenic microorganisms inhabit the nasal mucosa, provoking inflammatory processes, causing swelling, and significantly increasing mucous secretions. These factors act as blockers of olfactory and taste receptors. A person ceases to smell, and considers the taste of dishes to be bland.

Why does the sense of smell and taste disappear when you have a runny nose?

The most common factors that have a negative impact on sensitivity to smells and tastes include the following problems:

  • Virus infection. Itchy sensations are first accompanied by sneezing, then replaced by congestion and unpleasant discharge.
  • Rhinitis, sinusitis. The course of a common cold becomes complex, with sharp deterioration health, a jump in temperature, the appearance of headaches, loss of taste and smell.
  • Nasal medications. Overdose, overuse vasoconstrictor medications damage the nasal mucosa, making it impossible to smell.
  • Harsh irritants. Contact between the nasal mucosa and oral cavity with some foods (garlic, onions, coffee, vinegar, alcohol) can temporarily deprive the sense of smell and block taste receptors accordingly.
  • Allergy. The formation of swelling and copious discharge appear as a result of an allergic runny nose, which sometimes leads to loss of olfactory properties. Immediate isolation of the allergen is necessary, as well as taking antihistamines as prescribed by a doctor.
  • Hormonal disbalance. The elimination of taste and olfactory characteristics is due to menstruation, use oral contraception, pregnancy. Hormonal disorders are temporary, and soon the problems with the nose will be solved.
  • Exposure to chemicals, poisons. Contact with certain substances (aerosols, cleaning products) not only provokes a runny nose, but also leads to olfactory dysfunction. All smokers (active, passive) are targeted. The efficiency of their receptors is reduced due to cigarette smoke entering the nasal mucosa.
  • Anatomy of the nose. Structural changes, polyps, adenoids, inflammation, deviated septum - defects that affect sensitivity to odors in the direction of its significant reduction. The problem is solved surgically.

Olfactory disorders have several degrees:

  • Hyposmia. Partial loss of olfactory ability. It is caused by a poor sensation of substances with a strong odor and a lack of perception of mild odors.
  • Anosmia. Complete absence of smell. Zero perception of odors due to a stroke and the presence of serious infectious diseases.
  • Cacosmia. The development of an illusory sense of smell, when normal odors seem unpleasant.
  • Hyperosmia. Psychical deviations contribute to the formation of a heightened sense of smell.

Olfactory distortions deprive you of comfort, causing depression, apathy, irritability and other negative states.

Loss of smell. Why is this happening? (video)

How does loss of smell occur? The effect of a runny nose on loss of sensitivity. For what reasons does a person lose the ability to smell?

How to restore your sense of smell and taste with a runny nose

Restoration of taste and olfactory function is carried out through complex therapy, which includes the following points:

  • Sanitation. Elimination of the causes of difficulty breathing by rinsing the nasal cavity with silver-based solutions (“Collargol”, “Protargol”).
  • Vasoconstrictor drops. If the edema persists, the drugs “Naphthyzin”, “Nafazolin”, “Tizin”, “Galazolin” are prescribed.
  • Immunocorrection. To eliminate recurrent conditions, medications are used to normalize work protective functions body (“Kagocel”, “Imudon”, “Likopid”, homeopathic remedies).
  • Endonasal blockades. Carrying out injections of novocaine and a suspension of "Hydrocortisone", as well as ingestion of tablets with extracts of motherwort, valerian, bromine.
  • Physiotherapy. It includes the following activities: UHF, ultraviolet irradiation, darsonvalization, electrophoresis using Diphenhydramine, magnetic therapy, laser therapy, inhalations based on the drugs Dimexide and Hydrocortisone.
  • Surgical intervention. Constant nasal congestion, as well as swelling caused by anatomical problems, the presence of adenoids and polyps, is eliminated through surgery.

Effective treatment aimed at normalizing the functioning of the olfactory and taste receptors is prescribed exclusively by a doctor.

How to restore your sense of smell (video)

How to restore your sense of smell after a runny nose.

Inhalation procedure

Its duration. Precautions and course of treatment.

Traditional methods of treatment

You can restore loss of sensitivity due to a runny nose at home by using the following folk methods:

Inhalation It is performed by uniformly inhaling the vapors generated over a saucepan with healing decoction. The duration of the procedure does not exceed 5-7 minutes, and is carried out on the basis of the following components:

  • Potato. Boil several fruits (peelings).
  • Essential oils. Add 5-7 drops of extract (eucalyptus, lavender, basil) to 1 liter of boiling water and mix evenly.
  • Herbal infusions. 3 tbsp. l. raw materials (chamomile, calendula) pour 1 liter of boiling water and leave for half an hour.
  • Lemon. Add 10 drops of citrus juice and a couple of drops of essential oil to hot water. Use once with forced breaths.

Therapeutic tampons (turundas) For a 5-15 minute insertion into the nose before bedtime, cone-shaped tubes (bandage wicks) made of cotton wool are used, soaked in the following healing solutions:

  • liquid/melted honey is mixed in equal proportions with butter;
  • propolis with water (oil) in a ratio of 1 to 1;
  • mumiyo and olive oil of the same volume;
  • diluted aloe juice (individually);
  • proportional mixture of water and Kalanchoe.

Drops For instillation, use self-prepared solutions from natural ingredients:

  • menthol oil mix with the same amount camphor oil, apply 3 drops per nostril twice a day for a week;
  • extract juice from celandine and bury it in your nose three times a day, 2 drops per nostril, if there is no allergic reaction;
  • freshly squeezed beet juice is mixed with a small amount of linden honey and applied three times a day, 2-5 drops per nostril (used in pediatrics);
  • Grate the horseradish root, add 10 times the volume of water to the pulp, strain and use 2 drops up to 3 times a day.

Washing. To prepare the solution you need 10 g of sea salt, 4 drops of iodine and half a glass of warm water. Ensure complete dissolution of all ingredients by shaking/mixing. Use a 2 ml syringe to rinse the sinuses.

Balm “Star”. The procedure involves delicate lubrication of the septum and wings of the nose, frontal and maxillary sinuses. Course duration – 5 days.

The effectiveness of traditional methods depends on individual characteristics body and the absence of contraindications.


The following tips will help you avoid or prevent the development of olfactory dysfunction:

  • Timely treatment of nasopharyngeal diseases.
  • Conducting regular hygiene procedures for chronic runny nose, using herbal infusions and saline solutions.
  • Minimizing contact with allergens.
  • Strengthening protective properties body.
  • Reception healthy food, minerals, vitamins.
  • Rejection of bad habits.
  • Use of gauze bandages and respirators when in contact with chemicals.
  • Massage procedures in the nose area using essential oils.
  • Breathing exercises.
  • Walking in the forest, in the fresh air.

Losing the ability to taste and smell causes great discomfort. Medicines, inhalations, special drops and traditional medicine help fight the disease. Systematized therapy with an integrated approach V as soon as possible will restore olfactory properties, and preventive measures will help avoid problems in the future. 0 comments

The ability to perceive smells and tastes allows a person to feel the fullness of life, enjoy pleasant aromas and avoid bad-smelling things. Often, a common runny nose causes the development of smell disorders. This condition brings significant discomfort and can last for several days or much longer. If your sense of smell is lost due to a runny nose, the lost function can be restored fairly quickly. For this purpose various effective ways, recommended by conventional and alternative medicine.

Why does the sense of smell and taste disappear when you have a runny nose?

Anosmia is a complete or partial loss of the ability to distinguish odors. If similar phenomenon occurs with a runny nose, there should be no reason for concern - in this case, this process is natural. Most often, it is easily reversible, since in most patients the condition normalizes after reducing the swelling of the nasal mucosa and eliminating the root cause of the development of the disorder.

During a cold and a severe runny nose, the following processes occur, leading to the disappearance of the sense of smell:

  • the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity (neuroepithelium containing odor-sensitive cilia) swells;
  • its structure changes;
  • the sensitivity of the receptors in the nasal passages weakens.

A condition in which the nose breathes, but does not smell, is often accompanied by a large accumulation of mucus, deterioration in the quality of sleep, and increased irritability.

The pathology occurs in two main forms - hyposmia and anosmia. In the first case, the negative phenomenon is temporary, sensitivity is partially lost and gradually normalizes with minimal external influence. The development of anosmia is fraught with a complete loss of sensitivity to smells and tastes, can result in more severe consequences and requires a professional approach to treatment.

Most often, after a runny nose, full sense of smell returns after 5-7 days. Under unfavorable circumstances, the defect may remain forever - as an unpleasant consequence of the illness.

Causes of loss of smell

The most common cause of temporary loss of olfactory sensations in most people is untimely and poor-quality treatment of a runny nose. With rhinitis, weakening or complete disappearance also occurs. taste sensations, for which the receptors covering the body of the tongue are responsible. Colds and runny nose do not affect them normal functioning, and loss of taste is naturally associated with a lack of smell.

The lack of smell makes it impossible to fully enjoy the taste of food. If a person does not smell food, the brain is not able to analyze in detail the various flavors of different dishes. At the same time, it retains the ability to detect sweet, salty, etc.

In addition to a runny nose, causes of loss of smell include:

  1. Viral infections that also cause itching in the nasal cavity, sneezing, nasal congestion, and copious mucus discharge.
  2. Infectious and inflammatory processes occurring in the nasopharynx.
  3. Sinusitis, after which there is often a loss of taste and olfactory function.
  4. Uncontrolled use of medications intended for nasal use. An overdose of such drugs can damage the nasal mucosa and deprive it of the ability to perceive even strong odors.
  5. Irritation of the nasopharyngeal mucosa by substances with a pronounced taste and aroma (alcohol, garlic, spicy seasonings) or substances of chemical origin.
  6. Allergic reactions causing severe swelling and copious nasal discharge.
  7. Hormonal imbalance that develops against the background of menstruation, the use of oral contraceptives, during the period of bearing a child.
  8. Anatomical features of the structure of the nasal cavity, the presence of polyps or adenoids in it.

A common cause of loss of smell is regular smoking (both active and passive). The full functioning of nasal receptors is reduced as a result of constant irritation of the mucous membrane by tobacco smoke.

How to restore your sense of smell

In order to normalize lost taste sensations and the ability to distinguish aromas, the following is used:

  • drug therapy;
  • physical procedures;
  • treatment using folk remedies;
  • surgical intervention.

For effective fight With the disease, first of all, you will need to eliminate the runny nose and mucus accumulating in the nasal cavity. To do this, doctors recommend resorting to the following methods:

  1. Washing with saline solutions and preparations containing silver (in children this procedure must be carried out under the supervision of adults and taking into account age characteristics). For nasal irrigation, pharmaceutical products Quix, Salin, Physiomer, Morenasal, Aqua Maris, etc. are used.
  2. The use of nasal drops that have a vasoconstrictor effect (Tizin, Xylometazoline, Naphazoline). Similar drugs can be used for no more than 7 days, since prolonged instillation can lead to the opposite effect.
  3. The use of sprays that help eliminate swelling of the mucous membrane, reduce the amount of nasal discharge, restore full breathing and restore the function of taste buds. For this purpose, Vibrocil, Afrin, Otrivin, Ximelin, Oxymetazoline are indicated.
  4. Prescription of immunocorrectors (for frequent relapses). Imudon or tincture of Echinacea purpurea help increase the body's defenses.
  5. Sedative therapy with the ingestion of valerian and motherwort preparations that help improve general well-being, making it easier to fall asleep and relieving irritation.

To restore a patient’s sense of smell and taste during a runny nose, a specialist may prescribe endonasal injections (injection of hormone-containing medications into areas of pathology).

After completing the therapeutic course, effective physical procedures are prescribed to consolidate the results of treatment and speed up the recovery of the body. Many patients are recommended to undergo phonophoresis, ultraviolet irradiation of the pharynx and nose, electrophoresis, and nasal massage. At home, if you have a runny nose, warming can be done using a blue lamp, but such sessions must be coordinated with a specialist.

Independent use of pharmaceutical drugs to restore the sense of smell during a runny nose is unacceptable. Any treatment methods for anosmia should be discussed in detail with your doctor.

Help of traditional medicine in restoring taste and smell

Traditional medicine can offer various ways restoration of weakened sense of smell and taste perception in normal home conditions. Good effect with a weakened sense of smell, it can be obtained through inhalations, applications, instillations and foot baths.

Inhalations with natural ingredients

If vegetable oils have not been used before, the first step is to conduct sensitivity testing. A small amount of the product is applied to the elbow and wait for the skin reaction. In its absence, the product can be used without fear.

When starting the procedure, you need to add the following components to a small amount of water:

  • lemon juice;
  • lavender oil;
  • peppermint oil.

Inhalations are carried out during an exacerbation of a runny nose and after it decreases. For sessions, a steam inhaler or a wide enamel pan can be used. In the second case, you need to cover your head with a towel. For adults, you will need to inhale the steam for at least 3 minutes; for children over 3 years of age, 1 minute is enough. The water temperature should reach 30-40 degrees.

Sessions can be held up to 3 times during the day. Also, decoctions of calendula, sage, and freshly squeezed garlic juice can be used for inhalation treatment of impaired sense of smell.

Instillation of herbal remedies for a runny nose

Celandine juice helps to quickly and effectively restore your sense of smell and taste. Clean product not suitable for preparing nasal drops - it will need to be diluted with clean boiled water in equal proportions and instill the resulting product into each nostril (3-4 drops). It is recommended to carry out the procedure 3 to 5 times a day.

A pronounced therapeutic effect in case of deterioration of the sense of smell can be provided by natural combined drops. Honey and Fresh Juice beets are mixed in equal quantities. The resulting mixture is injected into the nasal passages three times throughout the day (2 drops per childhood and 4 for adults). Duration of treatment is from 5 to 7 days.

Applications and foot baths to improve the sense of smell

Ointment with propolis is effective for applications. It is prepared as follows - combine a small amount bee product with two types of oils (olive + butter). Flaxseed, corn or sunflower are also suitable. The mixture is heated using a water bath, after which all components are thoroughly mixed. Turundas with the finished composition applied to them are placed in both nostrils for 20 minutes. The procedure must be repeated in the morning and evening time for 5-7 days. And after a runny nose, your sense of smell will return within 7-8 days

To restore your sense of smell when you have a runny nose, you can use natural liquid honey. For this purpose, gauze turundas soaked in bee product are inserted into the nostrils for 20 minutes.

If you have lost your sense of smell and taste due to a cold and runny nose, a pronounced positive result will be provided foot baths. To prepare them, various components are used - mustard, eucalyptus tincture or pepper. These products are added in small quantities to a container with clean hot water. The procedure allows not only to restore lost functions, but also improves blood circulation, eliminates nasal congestion, and speeds up recovery.

If you have lost your sense of smell and taste due to a cold, then inhaling sharp aromas (onions, horseradish), vapors of menthol oil, smoke obtained by burning garlic peels, loved by many generations, will benefit your weakened sense of smell. pharmaceutical drug"Star".

When loss of smell becomes a reason for surgery

Surgical treatment may be indicated if there is no runny nose or nasal discharge, breathing has been restored, but the sense of smell and taste have not returned to normal.

TO radical method elimination of anosmia is resorted to if, during the examination of the patient’s nasal cavity, polyps or cystic formations are discovered. Surgery is also indicated for a deviated nasal septum.

In case of malignant tumors appearing in the nose, except surgical intervention, chemotherapy and radiation are used, after which the chances of full recovery sense of smell increases significantly.

Prevention of deterioration of smell after a runny nose

To avoid loss of smell and taste, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Treat rhinitis and colds at the initial stage of development.
  2. During periods of increased incidence, rinse your nose with saline solutions, chamomile, and eucalyptus decoction.
  3. Regularly conduct aromatherapy sessions with medicinal essential oils.
  4. Practice moderate exercise.
  5. Include natural foods fortified with zinc and vitamin A in your daily diet.
  6. After suffering from ARVI or flu, harden and strengthen the body’s immune system.

With a runny nose vasoconstrictors for the nose should be used after receiving a doctor’s prescription, in full accordance with the attached instructions.

Any disturbances in the sense of smell may indicate the development of pathology in the central nervous system or impaired blood supply to the brain. If the ability to distinguish smells and tastes is weakened or lost, not accompanied by deterioration in nasal breathing, an immediate visit to the doctor and medical examination will be required.

The mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract is the first barrier of the human immune system that encounters viruses and bacteria. Pathogenic microorganisms penetrate inside this shell, and then begin active development. The reason for this is swelling of the nose and the appearance of a runny nose. Loss of smell and taste is one of the symptoms that indicates the presence of inflammatory processes.

Causes of loss of taste and smell

The most common cause of loss of taste and smell is the development of a viral or bacterial disease upper respiratory tract. The mucous membrane of the upper part of the nasal cavity is responsible for the sense of smell. The perception of smell is carried out thanks to special cells that transmit impulses to the brain through nervous tissue. Viruses penetrate the mucous membrane, and then begin active division and reproduction. Due to swelling of the mucous membrane, there is a loss of connection between receptor cells and nervous tissue. A person loses the ability to distinguish between smell and taste. Loss of receptor sensitivity can be either partial or complete.

Diseases that cause loss of taste and smell:

  • runny nose;
  • frontal sinusitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • scleroma;
  • long-term use of nasal sprays;
  • deviated nasal septum;
  • neoplasms or polyps;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • olfactory nerve injury;
  • complicated course of diabetes mellitus;
  • age-related tissue atrophy.

Diagnosis confirmation

Set of substances for olfactometry

Sometimes the patient claims that he has lost his sense of smell and cannot taste food. But these fears can be wrong. There is a special test - olfactometry. It is aimed at determining the sensitivity of the receptors of the nose and tongue. Alternately inhaling vapors of various substances allows you to determine the degree of odor loss. The test is performed on an outpatient basis. Kit odorous substances allows you to accurately determine the degree of loss of smell. This test can be done at home, you will need:

  • vinegar essence 0.5%;
  • wine spirit;
  • valerian;
  • ammonia.

Such substances are well perceived by the sense of smell. The person should take one shallow breath, after which it will become clear whether there is a loss of smell or not.

Vapors should be inhaled with caution ammonia. This substance is extremely toxic to humans. You should inhale no more than 1-2 times. With prolonged exposure, ammonia can lead to swelling of the mucous membrane and even the brain.

The performance of taste buds is determined using products of a specific taste. You should try the following substances in turn:

  • sugar;
  • salt;
  • chocolate;
  • burnt match;
  • coffee.

If any component cannot be detected by taste or smell, then this is a reason to consult an otolaryngologist. Hot peppers does not apply when passing the test. This product contains a substance that promotes tissue swelling. Ice cream is also not used due to the low temperature of the product.


It will not be enough to reduce the swelling of the mucous membranes to restore the sense of smell. Should be eliminated primary cause so that there is no relapse of the disease. The main treatment is carried out with antibacterial and antiviral drugs.

What is the therapy aimed at:

  • A viral runny nose causes most cases of loss of smell and taste. With this disease, the mucous membrane swells greatly, and the nose does not breathe at all. Appointed antiviral drugs and symptomatic treatment.
  • Bacterial diseases of the upper respiratory tract are treated with antibiotics. Penicillin and cephalosporin drugs are used.
  • Allergic rhinitis must be treated with antihistamines.

Drops for constricting blood vessels can reduce swelling and restore the sense of smell. However, such drugs do not eliminate the cause of the problem and only help for a short period of time. A person gets used to such drops, after which they stop helping.

Without treatment, the mucous tissue of the respiratory tract degenerates. It becomes not a barrier for viruses and bacteria, but their focus. Diseases in this case turn into chronic form. If you have a runny nose and loss of smell, you should begin treatment as quickly as possible to avoid this.

Antibacterial and antiviral drugs show the first results a few days after taking them. To speed up recovery, it is necessary to rinse the nasal passages with saline solution. Saline solution (sodium chloride) is sold in pharmacies in the form of ampoules or nasal drops. The drug can be made at home. To do this, you need to dilute one teaspoon of salt in a glass of boiled water. The saline solution should be instilled carefully; a syringe without a needle is used for this. Before use, make sure that all salt granules are dissolved in water.

Folk remedies

Treatment with folk remedies is suitable as an adjuvant therapy to the main one. drug method treatment. The nasal mucosa has a delicate structure. Therefore, hazardous or caustic substances should not be used. If your sense of smell has disappeared, the following recipes will help restore its functionality:

  • Inhalation with essential oil and lemon. For colds, you can add lavender, chamomile or mint to this recipe. For 2-3 liters hot water You will need 10 drops of lemon juice and two drops of oil. Inhalations are carried out for 4-5 minutes. You should be careful when doing this. It is necessary to take shallow breaths to protect yourself from developing allergic reactions to lemon. Five procedures will be enough to free up breathing.
  • Essential oil, fir and eucalyptus. A few drops of each ingredient are added to a bowl of hot water. Eucalyptus has antibacterial property. The recipe allows you to relieve nasal congestion and disinfect the mucous membrane.
  • Inhalation with regular steam. Similar procedure Suitable for older people if their nose is stuffy. Various additives to steam can have a negative impact on the health of people of retirement age.
  • Propolis. Beekeeping products have bactericidal properties. Inhalations with propolis are not carried out. It is applied in a small amount onto cotton wool and inserted into the nasal passages for 1-2 minutes. Caustic substance can cause tissue burns. Therefore, it must be used in small quantities and for a short time.

The speed of recovery depends on the severity of the disease. Some patients lose their sense of smell for a day, while others lose their sense of smell for several weeks.

A runny nose is a problem that often occurs in a person’s life. Loss of smell with a runny nose along with this - common occurrence which occurs as a result of exacerbation of the disease. If both halves of the nose are affected, a person ceases to recognize odors. The ability to perceive various odors is extremely important in a person’s life, so quickly getting rid of an illness is the goal of everyone who is deprived of the ability to sense the world.

To do this, you first need to figure out why, in general, there may be a problem with the sense of smell. Information about each perceived aroma is transmitted through various receptors located in the olfactory cavity and processed by the brain. Thus, a person can associate certain smells with certain events, later having already established ideas about what damp asphalt or an apple smells like.

The reason lies in the swelling of the mucous membrane, which prevents the penetration of various foreign odors in the nasal cavity. Accordingly, there is nothing to process: no aromas are observed. With taste perception, everything happens in a similar way, because the receptors covering the tongue are responsible for them. The taste ceases to please in acute forms of various diseases.

The main causes of loss of smell:

  1. The main and often encountered problem is the runny nose itself. If you neglect treatment, the problem may worsen. Viral infection may cause loss of taste sensations.
  2. Injury to the nasal septum, fracture, curvature.
  3. Closure of the passage by various growths and tumors.
  4. Allergic reaction to conditions environment(poplar fluff, dog hair, flower pollen).
  5. Overdose with drops that serve to constrict blood vessels. This drug does not have medicinal properties and serves to alleviate the patient's condition. To avoid getting used to the drops, it is not recommended to use them for more than five days.
  6. Hormonal imbalances can also significantly affect the loss of olfactory and taste perceptions.
  7. Smoking over a long period of time necessarily has a negative effect on the receptors.

If the root cause is not clear, but the smell and taste are still impossible to feel, and if this happened suddenly, contacting a doctor should not be postponed until later. Only a specialist can make the correct diagnosis.

To relieve swelling of the mucous membrane, it is necessary to eliminate the root cause of its manifestation. We must not turn a blind eye to the problem, but treat it. At allergic rhinitis It is better to turn to antihistamines. If it's a cold, then you need to pay attention to anti-inflammatory drugs. If your sense of smell has disappeared due to a runny nose, you need to resort to one of the following methods to get yourself back on track:

  • inhalation. The defeat of the virus itself will help you acquire the ability to distinguish odors again. Hot air vapors help effectively with this, disinfecting the cavity and eliminating pathogenic bacteria. Swelling can be relieved by adding essential oils. Using medicinal marigolds, lemon juice, and mint essential oil, you can make a composition for inhaling vapors. At the same time, not only the sense of smell is restored, but also the runny nose itself ceases to remind of itself;
  • washing. Recovery work activity receptors that are responsible for taste perception will be helped by washing. Water with salt will also effectively help in the fight against a runny nose. To rinse the nasal cavity, you can use a small teapot. The composition should be poured into one nostril so that it flows out of the other. A replacement for the procedure will be preparations based on sea water;
  • drops. When the mucous membrane is dry, you need to use nasal drops.

The quality of the air you breathe is also important. If there is insufficient humidity, drying out of the mucous membrane begins to bother you, which negatively affects your health.

The question of how to restore your sense of smell with a runny nose was asked long before you were born. You can be cured by turning to folk medicine, ready to offer several methods to get rid of the problem. If you find it easier to treat yourself at home, these methods are ideal for you.

What to do if your sense of smell is lost due to a runny nose?

  1. Use honey: it will need to be applied to cotton swabs. This product has a beneficial effect on receptors, restoring their function. A runny nose should go away within a few days: this is facilitated by the antiseptic properties of the product.
  2. Strong odors can also force the sense of smell to return. When inhaling the aromas emitted by horseradish, mustard or garlic, the activity of the receptors is restored.
  3. Smoke remains one of the most effective means of restoring the ability to feel the world. By inhaling it at regular intervals, you will again be able to detect different aromas and taste sensations. To do this, you need to burn a branch of wormwood or onion peel.
  4. Use a folk remedy - “Star” balm. Applying it to chest promotes inhalation of menthol vapors. If they regularly enter the nasal cavity the runny nose will go away in a short time.
  5. In the fight against a runny nose, lamb fat mixed in melted form with Mumiyo helps well. Cotton swab, soaked in the broth, it will be necessary to lubricate the mucous membrane.
  6. One of the main ways to get rid of a runny nose is to warm your feet. To regain the opportunity to inhale the aromas and taste the food, you need to prepare a special decoction where you need to put your feet. To do this, heat the water to 50 degrees and add salt, soda and mustard. It is recommended to keep your feet in the prepared mixture for about ten minutes, and then wipe them with a dry towel. For greater effect use iodine and anoint your feet with it. They must remain warm afterwards: put on wool socks over cotton ones, this should be done to avoid complications. If you do the procedure before bed, you will be able to enjoy the pleasant smells again in the morning.
  7. Buy or prepare your own propolis. This tincture will give you the opportunity to get rid of a large list of diseases and is a useful drug in the treatment of a runny nose. To cook it yourself, take pieces of the product and fill them with an alcohol solution. Until it is completely ready, you need to keep the decoction for seven days. Use a cool place away from sunlight for this. Shake the infused solution from time to time. Moisten cotton wool in propolis and place it in the nasal cavity for some time (fifteen minutes is enough). A week of periodically repeated procedures will bring results: you will regain both your sense of taste and sensitivity to aromas.

Taste and smell may not immediately please you with their presence in your life. This usually takes seven to ten days. If after due date this did not happen, there is a malfunction in the body. Then don’t put off going to the doctor too long: go to a specialist so as not to have complications in the future.

When does loss of smell become a reason for surgery?

When the odor is not accepted properly by your body, surgery may be required. The question of how to restore your sense of smell after a runny nose is best answered by a specialist. This treatment is carried out when the patient no longer blows his nose and does not suffer from nasal discharge, but residual effects interfere with his daily life.

The radical method is also used when there are polyps or cystic formations. And also if the nasal septum was deviated. Along with surgical treatment, chemotherapy and radiation may be used. This is done when a malignant tumor is detected.

In order not to suffer from similar problems later, and also not to suffer in the future from loss of taste and olfactory sensations, you need to follow several recommendations. This will help you avoid similar incidents in the future and improve your health:

  1. Try to carry out treatment on time, not missing the moment when they appear serious complications. Rhinitis and common acute respiratory infections initial stages are treated much easier and faster than in acute forms. And then you won’t have to ask yourself how to restore your sense of smell after a runny nose through surgery.
  2. When the incidence of illness experiences an unprecedented rise, try to pay more attention to your health. Rinse your nose with decoctions and special solutions, drink vitamins.
  3. Periodically treat yourself to relaxation with aromatherapy sessions. Use healing essential oils that will have a beneficial effect on your health.
  4. Don't give up on exercise, but practice it in moderation. Don't overload your body.
  5. Eat natural foods enriched with vitamins. Try to include these in your daily diet.
  6. Do not give up hardening and strengthen in every possible way immune system of your body. Especially if you have recently suffered from an illness: this will help you recover quickly

Vasoconstrictor drugs deserve special mention, which should be taken with extreme caution and best after they are prescribed to you by a specialist. Do not ignore the instructions for this drug and try not to take it for a long time, as it is addictive.

An integrated approach to treatment will help you quickly get rid of problems associated with olfactory properties, and following the recommendations for prevention will help eliminate them in the future. It is better to prevent the disease from occurring than to face problems in its treatment later.

Loss of smell (anosmia) – serious problem negatively affecting not only the quality of life, but also health. If your sense of smell is lost, immediately use medications from the pharmacy or traditional methods medicine to avoid complications.

If your sense of smell has disappeared, find out the reason so that you can get it back without complications.

Reasons for lack of smell

Loss of smell, or anosmia, is classified as either congenital or acquired.

Congenital anosmia occurs due to underdevelopment of the respiratory tract. Often this pathology is concomitant in non-standard development nose or facial part of the skull. Central loss of smell and taste predominantly occurs in diseases based on the activity of the brain and central nervous system.

Diseases that cause cerebral loss of smell:

  • sharp or chronic disorders brain activity due to atherosclerotic changes;
  • tumor-like formations of the anterior lobe of the brain;
  • encephalomyelitis;
  • meningitis;
  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • ethmoiditis;
  • arachnoiditis.

If the localization of the pathology is determined in the subcortical segments of the sense of smell, the patient can only determine the presence of odor without further determining it.

Doctors call the causes of acquired anosmia peripheral or central pathologies. Peripheral decreased sense of smell (hyposmia) occurs directly in the nose area. Hyposmia of viral origin, for example, due to a runny nose, sinusitis, ARVI, flu or after a cold, is completely restored after treatment.

Hypertrophy of the nasal concha can cause loss of smell

Peripheral signs of a lack of smell include:

  • functional disorders - swelling of the nasal mucosa after a viral illness. After treatment, the pathology disappears;
  • respiratory damage - curvature or hypertrophy of the nasal passages, tumor-like formations in the nasal cavity;
  • age-related causes - senile atrophy of the nasal cavity with decreased mucus production;
  • essential lesions - inflammation, burn or trauma of the nasopharynx.

Peripheral symptoms are most characterized by deterioration in the senses of smell and taste of food.

Which doctor should I contact?

If your nose no longer smells, you need to contact an otolaryngologist. Diagnosis is carried out on the basis of a patient interview, external examination, medical examination and analysis of the data obtained. If cerebral anosmia is detected, the patient needs to consult a neurosurgeon.

At the first problem with your sense of smell, consult an otolaryngologist


When the patient does not smell, it is important to quickly and accurately determine the cause of the pathology.

To methods medical research relate:

  1. Clarification of symptoms and external examination of the nose.
  2. X-ray or rhinoscopy of the sinuses.
  3. MRI or CT scan of the nasal cavity, sinuses or brain.
  4. Olfactometric tests with strong odors.
  5. Identification of the threshold of perception.

An ultrasound of the nasal cavity is performed to find out the cause of loss of sense of smell.

Olfactometry is carried out to measure the acuity of odor perception. With a special device in the form of a hollow cylinder containing aromatic substances, the patient’s threshold of sensations and their recognition of odors are determined.

If the patient has complete absence perception, the doctor prescribes computed tomography brain to determine the causes of anosmia.

Treatment with drugs

Drugs are prescribed depending on the cause of the pathology.

  1. Vasoconstrictor drugs. Naphthyzin, Galazolin, Nazivin, Nazol.
  2. Antihistamines. Alleron, Loratadine, Suprastin, Cetrin, Eden, Zodak.
  3. Saline solutions. Aqua Maris, Aqualor, Rhino Stop, saline solution.

Naphthyzin has a vasoconstrictor effect and is used to treat pathologies of the nasal passages

“Golden Star” balm – rub the balm into the dorsum of the nose and the central part of the forehead for a week.

How to restore your sense of smell using folk remedies?

Along with the traditional drug treatment, in the fight against a weak sense of smell, folk remedies are also popular among patients. A particular advantage of this treatment is that therapy can be carried out at home.

For a stuffy nose or poor sense of smell, use ether inhalations. The simplest recipe is to drip essential oil onto a napkin and place it near the patient’s pillow.

Salt baths

If your nose suddenly stops breathing, use. Salt liquid has pronounced antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.

Rinse your nose with saline solution to clear mucus from your nasal passages.

Dissolve 2 grams of sea or sea water in 200 ml of warm water. regular salt, you can add a drop of iodine. Draw the solution into your nostrils, passing it through your mouth. The liquid should not be swallowed, so spit out any remaining solution. .

Salt shower is an effective and safe treatment method for the body that can be used during pregnancy.

Lemon inhalation

Lemon juice contains large amounts of vitamin C, which has the ability to suppress the proliferation of viral infections by stimulating the immune response.

Add a tablespoon of lemon juice and 5 drops of essential oil (mint or lavender) to 200 ml of warm water. Bring the solution to a boil and breathe over it. A course of lemon therapy should be carried out every day for two weeks.


Treat the nasal cavity with a propolis-based solution to stop the development of bacteria on the mucous membranes

Acts as a natural antibiotic, quickly eliminates the development pathogenic microflora and strengthens the immune system.

Mix propolis with butter and vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:3. Moisten a tampon with the mixture and insert it into the nostril for 15 minutes. Do the procedure no more than twice a day.


Thanks to its anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties, vinegar is very effective in the treatment of diseases of viral etiology.

Heat some table vinegar in a frying pan and inhale its vapors. Be careful not to get vinegar vapor in your eyes.

Inhalation with basil oil

Use basil essential oil to treat persistent nasal congestion

Essential oil is useful for prolonged runny nose. Mix 200 ml hot water with 5 drops of basil oil. Inhale the scent while covering the container with a towel.

Burning onion skins

Inhaling smoke from burning husks is effective for chronic nasal congestion. For the procedure, you can also use dried wormwood or garlic peel. Inhalations should be carried out at least three times a day for 7 minutes.

Instillation with menthol or camphor oil

Essential menthol oil - a natural alternative to nasal drops

Place three drops of oil in your nostril every day. To enhance the effect, rub the oil onto your temples, forehead and area under your nose.


Ginger root has bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties. For the procedure, you need to grind the ginger to a powder and dry it in the oven.

Boil a teaspoon of powder in 50 ml of milk, strain the solution. Apply into each nostril three times daily.


Apply medicinal sage to relieve swelling of the nasal cavity

The plant has a disinfectant and anti-edematous effect. Effective for illnesses when the sense of smell has disappeared due to swelling of the nasal sinuses.

Pour 400 ml of boiling water over a tablespoon of the mixture, leave for half an hour and strain. Take 100 ml of infusion three times a day.

Herbal infusions with the addition of medicinal chamomile, mint, cumin or beet leaves will help restore the lost sense of smell and feel the taste of food again.

Possible complications

A week after the loss of smell, with appropriate and correct treatment, the smell perception function is completely restored.

If you refuse to treat the disease, a person may develop pathology, which is fraught with the following symptoms:

  • lack of any emotional reaction to the smell (food poisoning);
  • odor immunity as a threat to human life (gas leak, toxic air contamination or electrical fire);
  • under the influence of partial loss of smell, appetite decreases and depression appears;
  • progression of anosmia leads to functional impairment brain activity.

Lack of sense of smell can be life-threatening

The smell promotes the production gastric juice, which stimulates digestion. Lack of sufficient digestive juice in the stomach can cause gastrointestinal upset.

Prevention of deterioration of smell

To avoid the development of undesirable consequences, the following preventive measures must be observed:

  1. If you have a cold, you need to treat diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses.
  2. For disinfection and prevention infectious disease rinse your nose regularly with decoctions medicinal herbs– chamomile, sage, eucalyptus or calendula.
  3. Avoid exposure to allergens or known nasal irritants. For protection use gauze bandages or respirators.
  4. Quit smoking. Cigarette smoke irritates the mucous membrane and has a detrimental effect on taste and olfactory receptors.
  5. Observe healthy diet nutrition. High quality and rich in vitamins food strengthens the immune system.

Avoid exposure to nasal irritants to avoid smell problems

Gymnastics is one of the effective methods of preventing nasal diseases.

Performing simple exercises every day will forever relieve problems with breathing and smell of an adult or child:

  • Smell the imaginary smell for 6 seconds, strongly drawing in short breaths of air through your nostrils;
  • pressing on the tip of the nose with your finger, press it down while simultaneously trying to pull back the lower lip;
  • press your finger on the bridge of your nose and try to move your eyebrows.

Do therapeutic exercises at least three times a day.

If you lose your sense of smell, determine the cause before self-medicating. The development of the disease can provoke an irreversible inflammatory process in other organs. Remember, if serious disorders are detected, treatment of the early stage of the disease is much more effective than drug support for advanced and inoperable cases.

With the help of smell, a person perceives aromas and tastes the food consumed. There are cases when, with nasal congestion during an illness and some time after it, this feeling and the ability to distinguish odors disappear.

Loss of smell due to colds - normal phenomenon due to symptomatic manifestations of the disease. Do not panic if this deviation occurs in the nose area. To understand why this happens, it is necessary to have information about the causes of the pathological process.

The culprit for the disappearance of taste perception is the formation of edema of the organ mucosa with the development of adverse consequences, including changes in the functioning of certain parts of the nervous system.

On the inner surface of the nose there is a zone of sensitive cells that have the ability to capture aroma and then transport information to the brain. It's happening there detailed analysis, as a result of which the smell acquires its characteristic direction and name.

The resulting runny nose with regular accumulation of mucus significantly reduces the performance of nerve receptors, blocking the penetration of molecules into areas responsible for the sense of smell. In such cases, treatment should be aimed at reducing the level of swelling of the mucous membrane, as well as eliminating the underlying clinical signs diseases.

Receptors located on the surface of the tongue are responsible for taste sensations and do not change their functions during colds. But due to their inextricable connection with the organ of smell, there is a loss of sensitivity in this area.

This is explained by the fact that if there is insufficient information about the smell of food, the brain is not able to fully perform a qualitative analysis of flavor shades, while at the same time accurately distinguishing deeply expressed elements:

  • bitter;
  • sweet;
  • sour;
  • salty.

Attention! When the ability to sense smells disappears, a person loses the ability to distinguish the taste of foods.

When to worry

To avoid neglect of pathological processes, as well as the formation various complications you need to know about the peculiarities of the process associated with loss of sensitivity to aromas:

  1. If your sense of smell is absent due to a cold or viral disease accompanied by a runny nose, you should not worry. By following all the necessary medical recommendations, the perception of odors will return a few days after treatment.
  2. If nasal congestion occurs against the background of the development of an allergic reaction, the period for restoring normal receptor activity increases.
  3. If the sense of smell is lost in case vasomotor rhinitis formed when a person has a deviated nasal septum or polyps, to eliminate the source causing swelling, the use of surgical intervention surgically.
  4. With sinusitis, aromatic and taste sensations may also be lost. After completing an effective therapeutic course to get rid of the disease, rinsing the nasal passages with saline solution several times a day, the perception of odors usually returns.

Attention! When, after recovery, the lost functions are not restored, it is necessary to seek help from medical institution for medical consultation and a full examination.

Therapeutic actions aimed at restoring lost functions consist of several stages.

Identifying and eliminating the source of the disease

Basically, there are several main reasons for the formation of a runny nose:

  • viral rhinitis - on average accounts for 55% of all cases of rhinitis, involves symptomatic therapy in the form of warming up and the use of antiviral drugs;
  • a runny nose of a bacterial nature - in addition to physiotherapy, it involves the use of antibiotics;
  • allergic manifestation - treatment consists of taking antihistamines.

Attention! Vasoconstrictor drops relieve nasal congestion, but do not have a therapeutic effect. Due to the large number of side effects, as well as rapid addiction, these drugs are recommended for use for up to seven days.

Clearing the nasal cavity of mucus

The next step towards restoring your sense of smell is to rinse the nasal mucosa with a solution prepared from 1 teaspoon of salt dissolved in 200 ml of warm boiled water. The cleansing procedure is carried out as follows:

  • fill the syringe with the prepared liquid;
  • leaning over the washbasin, turn your head to the side;
  • place the tip of the device in the area of ​​one nostril;
  • by pressing the syringe, rinse the cavity, and the solution should flow out of the other nasal passage.

The irrigation procedure should be done up to 4 times a day.

  • Aquamaris;
  • Rizosin;
  • No-Sol;
  • Aqualor;
  • Humer.

Easier breathing

In order to reduce congestion in the nasal passages and speed up the process of restoring the olfactory receptors, it is recommended that certain conditions be met:

  1. Taking a hot bath or shower before going to bed. Steam has a positive effect on the condition of the nasal cavity, providing a moisturizing and cleansing effect, helping to get rid of mucus. At the same time, hypothermia should be avoided after taking the procedures.
  2. Maintaining normal humidity in rooms. For this purpose, special air humidifiers are used. You can use the home method by placing soaked towels or sheets in the room.
  3. Drink warm regularly. It is necessary to drink hot drinks as often as possible throughout the day. Especially useful are tea with the addition of lemon or raspberry jam, as well as broth from low-fat varieties meat.

There are many various recipes, used to treat colds, resulting in the restoration of the sensitivity of taste and smell. The most effective of them are:

  1. Oil inhalation. To carry out the procedure at home, you need to pour 1 glass of purified water and 1 tbsp lemon juice into a container. spoons, mint or lavender oil. After boiling, keep the liquid on low heat for 1-2 minutes. Use the resulting medicine once a day, warm, and inhale through the nose alternately through one and the other nostril. The therapeutic course is 12-15 days.
  2. Propolis. A mixture is prepared consisting of 1 part propolis, 3 parts butter, 3 parts sunflower oil. Mix thoroughly until smooth. Cotton wool, twisted into turundas, soaked in medicine, placed in both nostrils for 10 minutes. It is recommended to perform the manipulation twice a day.
  3. Cabbage juice. 1 drop of squeezed juice from fresh leaves plants should be instilled into the nose three times a day. The condition in which patients do not feel odors improves significantly after 10-15 procedures.
  4. Garlic or onion juice. Garlic liquid is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:20, onion liquid - 1:50. In the absence of an allergic reaction to honey, you can add a few drops of a liquid natural beekeeping product to the solution.
  5. Milk with sage herb. Renders positive effect for sinusitis of various origins, helps improve immunity. To prepare the product, it is recommended to heat 200 ml of milk, without bringing to a boil, and combine with 1 tbsp. spoon of dry sage raw material. Leave for 10-15 minutes. After this, strain the product and take it orally in small portions throughout the day.
  6. Potato inhalation. The potatoes are boiled in their skins. Without draining the liquid, use a container with potatoes to inhale the vapors for 5-10 minutes. Procedures are performed daily for 7-10 days.
  7. Gymnastics and facial massage. Carrying out sessions improves blood supply, as a result of which blood in the nose area begins to circulate faster, gradually restoring sensitivity to aroma receptors.

Loss of smell and taste does not pose a particular danger to human health. But this only applies to cases that are a complication of colds or allergies. If sensitivity of taste and smell does not return over a long period of time, it is worth visiting an otolaryngologist to determine the source of the pathological abnormality and prescribe effective treatment for the problem.