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Are there any benefits from nuts? The healthiest nuts for the human body

Nutrients, microelements, vitamins, alimentary fiber, which are contained in nuts, have a beneficial effect on the human body.

Nuts are a very high-calorie food product. But despite this, nutritionists claim that they are useful in the fight against overweight. The beneficial substances contained in the product improve metabolism. In order not to harm the figure, daily dose need to be reduced to 15-20 g.

Table - how many calories are in nuts:

Product Calories (kcal/100g) Fat (g) Proteins (g) Carbohydrates(g)
Peanut 548 45,2 26,3 9,7
Brazilian nut 656 66,4 14,3 4,8
Walnut 648 61,3 13,8 10,2
Hazelnut 704 66,9 16,1 9,9
Almond 645 57,7 18,6 13,6
Pine nut 673 61 11,6 19,3
Coconut 354 33,5 3,4 6,2
Cashew 643 54,1 25,7 13,2
Hazelnut 628 67 10 18
Pistachios 556 50 20 7

Beneficial properties of nuts:

  • Nuts are an undeniable source of vitamins and minerals (B vitamins, vitamin E, selenium, calcium, zinc, iron and iodine).
  • They are one of the most useful and necessary products for the mind.. Thanks to polyunsaturated fatty acids, they are indispensable for mental stress.
  • The increased calorie content of the product, a combination of light fats and vegetable proteins, serve as a real source of energy. Therefore, they are necessary when physical activity. To some extent, they can replace meat and eggs.
  • Contains omega-3 - fatty acid. Thanks to which the product is extremely useful for ailments of cardio-vascular system.

The healthiest nuts for the human body

Without exception, all types are beneficial to human health, but each of them has its own characteristics. Modern scientists identify the “five” most useful in the world - hazelnuts, almonds, Brazilian nut and peanuts.


Another name for hazelnuts is Lombard nut. "Die Hard" has been known since ancient times. Our ancestors made protective amulets from it evil spirits and disasters. Nowadays, it is extremely useful for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, anemia, arterial hypertension. Hazelnuts are recommended to be taken for the prevention of cancer, since they contain an anti-cancer substance - paclitaxel.


Even in ancient times, Hippocrates and Avicenna described healing actions Voloshsky (walnut) nut and its . And modern scientists call it the “tree of life” due to its rich composition. Indeed, this fruit contains many useful substances: vitamins, alkaloids, tannins and many trace elements. Walnuts are recommended to be added to your diet for people with problems thyroid gland, due to their high iodine content.

They will help walnuts with physical exhaustion, heart disease and nervous system.

The kernels of the fruit are used for diseases of the stomach, liver and kidneys, and also as an effective wound healing agent.


Almonds are also called royal or elite nuts. Although in reality it is not a nut - it is a stone fruit. A feature of this species is the high content of calcium in its composition. What makes it useful and indispensable for health? skeletal system. Thanks to phosphorus, iron and potassium, almonds are highly recommended for heart disease and circulatory system, doctors advise consuming about 60 g of almonds per week.

Regular use These nuts improve sleep and help with insomnia. For medicinal and preventive purposes, almonds are used for urolithiasis, gastritis, ulcers, hypertension, anemia, migraines, eye diseases.

You need to introduce this species into your diet very carefully, as it is difficult for the body to digest. You can eat almonds raw or roasted. It is often added to sweets and baked goods, and in eastern countries– for meat and rice dishes.

Brazilian nut

Brazil nuts are considered the most delicious, according to gourmets, and the healthiest, according to scientists. It is considered one of the most useful and necessary for female body and also called the nut of youth. All this is due to the presence of a huge amount of selenium in it, which prevents premature aging.

Just two Brazil nuts a day will have a beneficial effect on the skin. Due to their high calorie content, these nuts serve as a source of energy and vigor. In addition, they prevent the development of cancer and heart problems.


There are more than 70 types of peanuts in the world. These beans are a good preventative against heart disease, cancer and gastritis. Peanuts have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, calms overexcitement and helps with insomnia. It is an excellent antioxidant. Improves hearing, vision and memory.

Just a few peanuts can satisfy your hunger. For this reason, nutritionists consider it one of the most healthy nuts for weight loss, and are allowed to be consumed during a diet. Peanuts are easily digestible by the human body due to their high protein and protein content. But it is not recommended to abuse these nuts, so as not to provoke allergies and not disrupt digestive functions.

In addition to these “five” healthiest nuts, pine and hazelnuts, pistachios, cashews, and coconut are also very popular. All of them have a rich vitamin and mineral composition, help increase immunity, improve brain function and cardiac activity.

The healthiest nuts for women

Regular consumption of nuts by women improves reproductive function, strengthening memory, slowing down the aging process of the body, improving the condition of the skin, nails and hair.

Each type of nut has its own special benefits for the female body.

  • Almond. It has a large amount of fiber and vitamin E, which makes the skin healthy, clean and beautiful. This product is used in the fight against excess weight. It is recommended to consume 15-20 g of almonds daily. And to avoid difficulties in digesting it, you should soak it in water overnight.
  • Brazilian nut. Serves healthy snack to increase energy charging and concentration. The trace element selenium, which is included in its composition, increases a woman’s fertility, prevents cancer of the breast and bones. Selenium, along with other vitamins and antioxidants, rejuvenates skin cells. Brazil nut oil nourishes and moisturizes the skin, strengthens nails, and gives hair a healthy shine.
  • Cashew nuts. The product contains the least amount of fat, which allows it to be included in diet menu. This is the real source folic acid Therefore, cashews are useful for pregnant women and those planning to start a family. The composition contains painkillers and anti-inflammatory components that help relieve pain, including dental pain.
  • Hazelnut. It is recommended to use it for varicose veins from the outside and inside. It also increases immunity and improves memory, gives health to hair and nails.
  • Walnuts. A real helper women in the fight against cardiac and oncological diseases. They contain a lot of biotin, which prevents hair loss and helps strengthen it. Eating this nut during pregnancy prevents the baby from developing food allergies.
  • Pine nuts. Cleanse the kidneys, liver, gallbladder, which has a beneficial effect on a woman’s appearance. It is useful for nursing mothers to eat 2 tbsp. spoons of pine nuts to improve lactation and get more nutritious breast milk. Traditional medicine uses the shell and kernels in the treatment of gynecological diseases.

    For men

    Nowadays, men often face problems with potency and the ability to have children. Scientists say that men's nutrition plays a decisive role in this issue. Their diet must include nuts.

    • Walnuts. Their benefits for men have been proven by many studies. In men who regularly consumed walnuts, scientists found significant progress sperm quality, thanks to the organic acids contained in the fruits. Moreover, biologically active substances, in particular arginine, have a positive effect on male potency.
    • Brazil nuts. The most powerful antioxidant Selenium contained in the Brazilian fruit increases testosterone levels, thus improving the quantity and quality of sperm. It also serves as a preventative against prostate cancer. Arginine improves potency; it is also called natural “Viagra”. For increase male power 2-3 nuts are enough large doses Selenium is toxic and may have the opposite effect.
    • Almond. A real storehouse of vitamins and minerals, a source of energy. Thanks to a large number calcium, almonds are good for bone health, which is very important for athletes and older men. Almonds help increase libido and maintain a healthy sex life.
    • Pistachios. A handful of pistachios helps increase sexual desire in men and pleasure from sexual intercourse. Dietary fiber and fatty acids will help reduce blood cholesterol, and arginine will improve blood flow to the genitals.
    • Hazelnut. It has a healing effect on the male reproductive system, improves blood flow and cleanses the blood of cholesterol.

    Pistachios - healthy nuts for the male body

    For children

    Children under three years of age are not recommended to consume nuts, as they contain a lot of protein, which is quite difficult to digest.

    The child’s body has not yet produced enough enzymes that are responsible for the digestion and assimilation of proteins. In this case children's body will only receive stress on the pancreas, liver and kidneys.

    Nuts, in addition, are a strong allergen and should be introduced very carefully into the diet of a child over three years old.

    The most beneficial for children is walnut. It is an excellent source of iodine, so this product especially useful in childhood in areas with high radiation. Useful substances will help improve the mental abilities of children and cope with hypovitaminosis and anemia. For children, it is enough to eat 2 nuts per day.


    Nuts will bring maximum benefit to the body if you consume 30 g of them per day. They are indispensable for human body, have amazing taste. They can be consumed in different forms, adding to almost any dish.

The nutritious kernel under the hard shell is the main feature by which nuts were bred into separate group fruits Nutritionists recommend not trying to determine the healthiest nuts, because in many ways the composition of their edible parts is duplicated. It is better to learn how to choose a quality product and correctly introduce it into your diet. Compliance with several simple rules will allow you to diversify the menu with very useful products. They will help solve many problems and will not cause any harm to the body.

Composition and properties of nuts

Thanks to observations, even ancient people realized that a person can live for quite a long time by eating exclusively nuts. They even began to use this knowledge for health benefits by organizing fasting “nut” days. In those days the products plant origin were mandatory in the diet of athletes, warriors and scientists. The beneficial properties of nuts, established back in those distant times, are easily explained by their rich and balanced chemical composition:

  • Minerals. Regardless of the type of product, it contains potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, manganese and copper. Without these elements flow is impossible chemical reactions, which are the basis of biological processes.
  • Vitamins. Nuts are famous for their high content of B vitamins and tocopherol (). The former contribute to the establishment metabolic processes and stimulate brain function. The second acts as an antioxidant and anti-aging substance. In addition, each type of nut contains vitamins characteristic of it, sometimes very rare and necessary for health.
  • Carbohydrates. Substances thanks to which this plant product has gained the reputation of a natural energy drink.
  • Squirrels. In some nuts their volume can be up to 25%. Compounds of plant origin are absorbed by the body more easily and completely than their animal counterparts. But it is thanks to them that the body gets the opportunity to synthesize new tissues in the required volume.
  • Alimentary fiber. Contained in products in a volume sufficient to initiate intestinal cleansing, but not sufficient to create excessive stress on the digestive organs.
  • Fatty acid. These substances help normalize lipid metabolism, thereby improving blood composition and normalizing the condition of blood vessels. Despite the obvious fat content, nuts do not contain cholesterol, which reduces the quality of vitamin absorption.

The question of whether nuts are good for adults and children does not even arise today. When used correctly they can bring so much positive results no matter how much fruit they bring. You just need to understand the peculiarities of their selection, use and storage.

The benefits of nuts for the body

The benefits and harms of nuts directly depend on the correct use of them. If you enable plant foods into your diet on an ongoing basis, but do not abuse it, you can count on the following consequences:

  • The products will allow you to begin to control your appetite. Nutritious foods, serving as an appetizer, snack or one of the ingredients of a dish, contribute to faster satiety. Reducing the amount of food consumed has a beneficial effect on the condition of the kidneys, liver, and heart.

Advice: People who maintain strict diets with the obligatory exclusion of fat often find themselves with symptoms of vitamin deficiency. This is explained by the fact that fats are necessary for the absorption of a number of vitamins. In order not to be afraid of such consequences, you can include some nuts in your diet. This will not affect the results of the diet, but will save you from unnecessary problems.

  • The benefits of nuts for the body in old age are great. Products are being brought out bad cholesterol, which contributes to normalization blood pressure and reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular pathologies.
  • Men, including products in their menu, can count on stabilization of reproductive function. Nuts improve potency and reduce the risk of developing inflammation of the prostate gland.
  • Parents should know the benefits of nuts for children. The substances in their composition stimulate more active cell renewal and growth. This allows the child to develop without delays in the physical and intellectual spheres.
  • By stimulating the functioning of blood vessels, food components develop memory and help concentrate attention.
  • The benefit of nuts for women is to stabilize hormonal levels. The presence of accessible and delicious product in the diet will allow you not to suffer from PMS, painful sensations during menstruation and even smooth out the symptoms of menopause.

Finally, you can simply get gastronomic pleasure from nuts. According to nutritionists, if you consume up to 70-80 g of nut kernels per day, you will be able to satisfy the body’s need for “tasty” and not worry about the condition of your figure. True, there are exceptions to this rule due to individual susceptibility. individuals.

Harm and danger

Discussions about the benefits and harms of nuts for the body always begin with determining their calorie content. Regardless of the type of product, this is a very high figure. This is good if you need to replenish energy costs in short time. But it is the high calorie content of products that is the main factor determining their potential danger.

  • Overeating nuts can cause serious health problems negative consequences for the human body. First of all, this can lead to severe enlargement of the liver. The organ responsible for filtering everything that enters the digestive tract, under such a load will begin to grow rapidly, trying to cope with responsibilities.
  • People often have allergies, in which even one small nut can lead to critical consequences.
  • Nuts are still a heavy food, so you should not eat them if the functionality of the digestive organs is reduced. They will digest slowly, creating additional stress on problem areas.
  • Ingestion of products with mold or simply low-quality products can lead to the development of oncology.

Sometimes the benefits and harms of nuts depend on the characteristics of the human body. Some people quickly and fully saturate themselves with them, feel a surge of strength and increased brain activity. Others immediately after taking them begin to complain of fatigue, drowsiness and discomfort.

Today, nuts can be found in markets, grocery stores and even ordinary stalls. They are sold in shells, peeled and even already packaged in bags. To avoid making mistakes when purchasing, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. It is better to give preference to raw products in the shell. This will allow you to dry them yourself, according to all the rules. These nuts are also stored much longer and do not require special storage conditions.
  2. Peeled nuts packaged in plastic bags are often of poor quality. If you had to purchase them, you need to eat the preparations within 1-3 days. Once the packaging is opened, they will begin to deteriorate rapidly.
  3. You need to shake the nuts before purchasing. If the elements rattle, their contents are dry and unusable. Several copies should be opened. If you find at least one bad one, you must refuse to purchase products from a specific batch.
  4. High-quality nuts have a clean and smooth shell without dents, cracks or stains. They emit a pleasant, characteristic aroma and do not stain your hands.

A dry and cool place is ideal for storing nuts, regardless of whether they are whole products or just edible kernels. Linen bags are best suited for packaging. Every month their contents should be sorted out, and the fabric products themselves should be changed. Peeled kernels can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a month, in the freezer - up to 6 months. Salted nuts spoil much faster, so it’s generally better not to buy them in excess.

Types of nuts and their features

When asked which nuts are the healthiest, nutritionists answer unequivocally – all of them. Depending on your taste preferences and the results you want to get, you can give preference to one of the most popular types of products:

  • A nutritious and tasty product. In the case of men, it increases potency. Children from several cores become calmer. Women who include the product in their diet get rid of excess liquid in the body, which helps cope with cellulite.

  • An excellent remedy for treating diseases of the stomach and intestines. It also helps get rid of rheumatism and kidney stones. Hazelnuts are prescribed to children for anemia.

  • This product helps restore the amount of amino acids in the body. It also stimulates brain activity and normalizes hormonal levels.

  • Stimulates the natural cleansing of the body through a mild laxative effect. The oil of the component relieves headaches of various etiologies.

  • Peanut. Increases immunity by saturating body tissues with antioxidants. It is worth considering that roasted peanuts are several times healthier than raw ones.

  • A natural energy drink that is recommended for use during regular physical and mental activity.

  • Just a few nuts satisfy hunger while saturating the body with minerals and vitamins.

Today, nut mixtures are becoming more and more popular, but nutritionists believe that different types It is better not to mix products with each other. Such experiments can cause indigestion, an allergic reaction or the development of other unpleasant symptoms. side effects.

The benefits and harms of nuts

There are many scientifically proven facts in favor of regularly eating nuts. For example: nuts contain unsaturated acids that reduce cholesterol levels in the blood. In our age, characterized by a maximum consumption of unhealthy foods and a minimum motor activity, having a product on hand that cleanses your blood vessels and saturates you at the same time couldn’t come at a better time.

It’s just important not to overdo it with nuts, since this fatty product does not cancel its severe effect on the liver.

What are the benefits and harms of nuts?

It's all about quantity

By regularly consuming nuts, we thereby reduce the risk cardiovascular diseases(stroke, thrombosis, heart attack, atherosclerosis, etc.).

The presence of folic acid in them promotes cell growth and renewal, which means eating nuts prolongs our youth :)

What else is useful for eating nuts? Including various nuts in your daily menu helps improve memory and attention, and has a beneficial effect on potency.

Briefly about the benefits of nuts

Vitamin E contained in nuts neutralizes free radicals, damaging brain cells. PEANUTS are especially good for these purposes; in addition to the effect described above, it significantly reduces the risk of diabetes. In addition, peanuts are one of the lowest-calorie representatives of the nut fraternity.

However, it still contains calories, so you need to know the limit in everything.

WALNETS and PINE nuts are good aphrodisiacs.

HAZELNUT (hazelnut) is rich in biotin - a beauty vitamin that prevents skin aging, strengthens nails and hair. In addition, it normalizes protein and fat metabolism.

PISTACHIOS are one of a kind nuts that provide positive impact on vision.

PINE nuts are good for children - they are easily digestible and help activate thinking.

CHESTNUTS - nuts for people who count calories - contain a minimum of fat - less than peanuts.

In general, the question of the benefits and harms of nuts depends on the personal properties of the body and the amount consumed. Nuts should be treated as an ideal snack that fits in a handful, then the effect of their consumption will be the most significant.

Although vegetarians will refute this statement.

It is ideal to add nuts to salads, vegetables, and herbs. More harm what benefits nuts will bring in sweets - maximum fat and carbohydrates.

About the dangers of nuts

In a separate line it is necessary to say about negative side nuts

First of all, it is worth noting that nuts are not classified as light food, besides, they, as already mentioned, are very high in calories: on average, 100 grams of nuts account for 600-700 kilocalories. Therefore, the question of the benefits and harms of nuts largely depends on the quantities in which they are consumed.

Nuts are allergens. One of the most powerful allergens is peanuts.

By the way, as they say, “they knock out a wedge with a wedge”: the risk of a person developing a food allergy can be significantly reduced at the stage of intrauterine development. To do this, the expectant mother needs to eat foods rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, including nuts.

Fortunately, the benefits and harms of nuts are not equal :) The benefits are, of course, many times greater. And then don’t neglect this wonderful product and always keep a handful of nuts in your bag for a small snack.

Photo: © Lyn Adams | Dreamstime.com

A hard shell and a nutritious kernel are the characteristics by which nuts are classified into a separate family. These fruits grow on trees or shrubs. Benefit from walnuts big, but also harmful is also present. It is almost impossible to more precisely define the concept of this fruit, because everything depends on the angle from which to look at this product.

For example, in the popular understanding, almonds, peanuts or other hard-shelled fruits are classified as nuts, while biologists classify only hazelnuts and cashews in this family. The coconut has nothing to do with the species, nor do the Korean cedar nuts, but these products have acquired such names thanks to cooking.

Eating nuts has been known since ancient times. The mineral composition of these fruits is unique, because it is 3 times richer than that of any other fruit. Nuts contain:

The unique composition, which balances minerals and vitamins, allows this product to retain its beneficial properties for a long time (more than one season). Walnuts bring benefits and harm at the same time, but how they will influence a particular person is determined by several factors. Hard-shell products are classified as simple food, although even scientists do not want to argue about their taste, nutritional value, and benefits.

Nuts contain many complex proteins that the body needs for the structure of tissues. Plant proteins easily replace meat proteins, fully satisfying the body's need for them. Plant substances are absorbed more easily and quickly, so when switching to vegetarian food you should remember about nuts.

These products contain iron in large quantities, which is another advantage. In addition, there is no cholesterol in nut kernels, which could interfere with the absorption of vitamins. The fat content in fruits is quite high, although this can be attributed more to advantages than disadvantages.

Fat content of nuts

We will pay special attention to this property of the product in question! Myths about fat content should not scare you and now we will figure out why.

Benefits of nuts

The composition of the fruit allows a person to:

However, nuts cannot be considered a light food, so you should moderate your appetite. In terms of calorie content, the product is equal to chocolate or wheat bread (100 g of kernels contains about 712 Kcal). The benefits of walnuts are great, although they will cause considerable harm if you do not stop in time. The body’s reaction to such a product is unpredictable, because it depends on many factors, ranging from the type of fruit to the characteristics of the person.

By consuming 70-80g of nuts daily, you will stop worrying about excess weight, because this is the optimal dose for the body and it will not allow extra pounds to “stick” to you. An exception to the rule is hazelnuts, which can be consumed 20 units every day, while a person only needs five pieces of walnuts. Flax seeds, the benefits and harms of which do not depend on factors, can be added to many products.

Harm from nuts

Due to the high calorie content of the product, contraindications appear. Most often, overeating nuts threatens to enlarge the liver, which is responsible for filtering the body from all kinds of contaminants. People with a tendency to allergic reactions should use the fruits very carefully, because even a small crumb can cause allergies.

Contraindications apply to people with diseased digestive organs, since the fruits are heavy on the stomach and are reluctant to digest. The benefits of flax seeds and their harm should not be underestimated. Eating moldy nuts can lead to cancer.

How to choose nuts?

Walking through the market, you can come across dozens of sellers who offer us all kinds of nuts. It is still better to choose unpeeled fruits. The shell must be clean and free of visible damage. This type is much cheaper than peeled ones and is stored longer without losing its taste. Shake a few pieces in your hands - if it rattles, then the kernels inside are of poor quality or have dried out due to the length of storage.

Peeled fruit kernels are selected based on appearance and taste. Light or damaged ones indicate improper storage, as do dull or wrinkled ones. They have lost their taste and beneficial properties, so they are not worth buying. The benefits of flax seeds are great, but do not forget that they also cause harm.

The freshness of nuts can be judged by the color of the kernels - they should be golden or brown. It is also worth sniffing the contents of the shell, because the fresh fruit emits a pleasant, specific aroma. By tasting several kernels, you can determine a good product, because only rotten or old fruits will taste bitter.

Nut storage

It is better to choose a place to store nuts that is cool and dry, and it does not matter whether they are whole fruits or kernels. Improper storage of walnuts is harmful, because what is the benefit of spoiled products. The product will not stay in bags or boxes for a long time and in the spring its beneficial properties will disappear, as well as some vitamins. The refrigerator will not keep the kernels for more than 30 days in a sealed bag, while the freezer will increase this period to several months.

High-fat nuts store well. Hermetically sealed kernels can be stored even at room temperature. Important! Salted nuts won't last long! High temperature or humidity will lead to the appearance of mold, as ideal conditions have been created for it. If mold does appear, you should not cut it off or wash it.

Varieties of nuts

As mentioned above, from a biological point of view, only hazelnuts and cashews belong to the nut family. In nature, there are many other varieties of fruits that fit the characteristics, so we will try to talk about this in more detail. Almonds also belong to the nut family, because they also bring benefits and harm.

Walnuts: benefits and harm

The most common fruits on the European (and not only) continent contain many microelements and no less vitamins. In walnut kernels you can find quinones and tannins. The fruits are also rich in vitamin C, B, PP, iron, phosphorus and other substances.

There is more vitamin C in unripe fruits than, for example, in citrus fruits or currants. Potassium rids the body of excess moisture, while magnesium is a vasodilator. The fat content in the fruits is quite high, so people who are losing weight are not recommended to eat them.

Walnuts are nutritious and have a specific taste. Regular consumption of kernels in small doses helps men improve potency. You can lower blood sugar levels with a tincture of nut partitions, after first freeing them from shells or debris. Flax seeds can be beneficial or harmful.

Children can and even should be given walnuts, as they contain protein and fatty acids. For hyperactive guys, just a few cores a day will help them become calmer and more balanced.


It is difficult to list the beneficial properties of hazelnuts because there are quite a lot of them. Hazelnuts are often used as a preventative against stomach diseases, and in some cases even treat the intestinal tract. Regular consumption of hazelnuts will help get rid of kidney stones and rheumatism. People with anemia are also recommended to include this nut in their diet.

Hazelnuts contain a lot of fatty acids - about 70% of the total weight, but in addition to them there are carbohydrates and proteins. The product is also valuable because it soothes putrefactive processes in the intestinal tract, and sometimes can eliminate them altogether.

Pine nuts

The product contains vitamins B1 and B2, iodine and others. Cedar fruits also contain a lot of vitamin E, which has a positive effect on the endocrine system and creates an invisible barrier to cells, protecting them from damage. These nuts do not contain cholesterol and are easily digestible.


Antioxidants, which peanuts are rich in, contribute to the preservation of immunity. Surprisingly, it is widely used to prevent cancer. Roasted nuts are healthier than raw nuts due to polyphenols. These substances increase in quantity when heated.

Nuts - benefits for women's health, beneficial features- walnuts, hazelnuts, cashews, almonds, pistachios, pine nuts, peanuts, Brazil nuts

We can talk endlessly about the beneficial properties of nuts. Probably only lazy people didn’t write about them. Since repetition of valuable information is never superfluous, we will remember them again.

Why are nuts so beneficial?

  1. This is a storehouse of useful substances necessary for the full functioning of the body: minerals, vitamins, proteins, fiber, essential fatty acids, and their balance in each type of nut is unique. By mineral composition nuts are 2-3 times richer than fruits.
  2. Fats, which make up 60-70% of nuts, do not contain “bad” cholesterol.
  3. Nut kernels are a valuable source of ideal protein, which can be an excellent replacement for animal protein, this is especially important in a vegetarian diet.
  4. Despite their high calorie content, the fact remains undeniable that nuts can be consumed by overweight people. It has been clinically established that the body does not fully absorb the calories contained in nuts, since the cell walls of nuts act as a barrier when passing through the gastrointestinal tract. And the low carbohydrate content combined with beneficial properties makes nuts one of the best products for good health.
  5. Nuts retain their nutritional and medicinal properties for a long time.
  6. Eating nuts helps control not only weight, but also increased appetite.
  7. Nuts are one of the few foods that can be eaten in the evening without compromising your health (preferably before 20.00).
  8. Nuts are a great snack. Therefore, introduce the squirrel habit into your life: stock up on nuts and eat them when you are hungry. Agree, this is better than a bun, sandwich or chocolate bar. If you have nuts in your bag, you won't be tempted to buy something tasty but not entirely healthy to snack on.

Types of nuts - beneficial properties and their health benefits

Now let’s talk about the representatives of the “walnut kingdom” in more detail, because each of them deserves an individual presentation.

Walnuts are very beneficial for the heart, liver and nervous system. It has a positive effect on kidney function, improves metabolism in the body, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, treats hypertension, anemia, diathesis, improves memory, and helps with toothache. It contains a lot of iodine, so people with thyroid diseases should definitely eat walnuts (3-4 pieces per day are enough).

Walnut oil helps in the treatment of burns, wounds and even tuberculosis. It is also beneficial for pregnant and lactating women. 10 drops of walnut oil in combination with any nourishing cream helps reduce wrinkles. It is used to acquire an even nice tan, masks are made from it problem skin. Walnut oil has also found application in folk medicine. It is used to treat inflammation of the middle ear and conjunctivitis.

Walnuts go well with honey, green vegetables, and dried fruits. All these products only increase healing effect and enhance the nutritional value of the nut. Walnut kernels with honey, dried apricots or lemon are an excellent tonic.

If you have intestinal diseases, walnuts are not recommended.

IN Ancient Greece this nut was considered a symbol of wealth, prosperity, health and well-being in the family. In Rome, hazelnuts were the personification of strength and health. In Rus' they believed that hazel was a blessed tree that was never struck by lightning. Hazelnuts were considered a talisman that protects against dark forces and thunderstorms. They always carried them with them.

Hazelnut kernels contain a huge amount of valuable and rare minerals, such as sulfur, fluorine, copper, iodine, cobalt, iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc, sodium and 20 necessary for the body amino acids.

Hazelnuts slow down aging, improve metabolism, help with hypertension and high cholesterol, improves brain function, strengthens immune system, cleanses the body. For those women who suffer varicose veins veins, this is especially important. Hazelnut oil contains calcium and helps strengthen bones.

Hazelnut oil is rich in fatty acids, which protect the heart and blood vessels and ensure the normal development of all body tissues. Although hazelnuts are quite high in calories, the biologically active substances they contain help maintain healthy weight. The presence of hazelnuts in the daily menu is good for muscle health, reproductive system, cancer prevention. American scientists have found a substance in hazelnuts that has antitumor properties.

Eating 30 grams of hazelnuts daily can significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. This nut relieves diabetes, nervous disorders, syndrome chronic fatigue, urolithiasis.

Regular consumption of a mixture of hazelnuts, honey and dried apricots will help maintain the health of the heart and blood vessels, improve metabolism and prolong youth.

These nuts were brought to Europe by the Portuguese, and today they are considered a delicacy among many nations. Scientists call cashews “the product of the future.” These nuts have valuable medicinal properties. They contain such important health elements as calcium, selenium, iron, manganese, copper, 18 amino acids, dietary fiber, high-quality protein and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Thanks to this composition, cashews improve brain function, digestive and endocrine system, make blood vessels healthy, strengthen the immune system, treat the spine and joints, normalize metabolism, maintain normal memory, attention, vision, protect cells and the heart. Eating these nuts is a prevention of atherosclerosis, arthritis, osteochondrosis, and cancer. Cashews make it easier toothache, treat anemia, psoriasis, dystrophy, rejuvenate the body.

Cashew oil is used as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent for allergies, eczema, rheumatism, gastrointestinal diseases, toothache.

In cosmetology, it is used to strengthen nails, improve hair health, and slow down aging. Eating cashews in reasonable quantities, like other nuts, helps maintain a healthy weight. Daily norm – 30 g.

A very useful nut for women. It improves the functioning of the thyroid gland and normalizes hormonal functions.

Almonds are rich in microelements and vitamin of youth (24 g of vitamin E per 100 g of nuts). It is especially useful for people who have digestive problems. This nut helps keep required weight, improve intestinal function, improves vision, is used in the treatment of stomach ulcers, insomnia, anemia, and seizures. Every day you need to eat at least 10-15 pieces of almonds per day. This is the prevention of heart attack, protection of blood vessels, normalization of cholesterol and even reducing the risk of developing senile dementia.

There are two types of almonds: bitter and sweet. Sweet almond blossoms with white flowers. Its fruits are oblong in shape and contain oil, which is widely used in aromatherapy. Bitter almonds bloom with pale pink flowers. Its fruits are shorter and wide shape. They are used for food after removing the bitterness (hydrocyanic acid). Sweet almonds are added to ice cream, chocolate, nougat, marzipan, cookies, and bread. By the way, you can replace vanilla with almond extract, which is very important for people who suffer from diabetes.

Almond oil has a very wide application. It is used to treat cough, pneumonia, otitis media, bronchial asthma, heart disease, kidney disease, eye disease, stomatitis, tachycardia. Almond oil eliminates skin irritations and is used to strengthen hair and stimulate its growth. This is one of the most commonly used oils in cosmetology.

Pistachio nuts are mentioned in the Bible and were known in Assyria and Babylon. Pistachios are called “lucky nuts” because their open shell resembles a smile. But they are not only happy, but also very useful.

These nuts are rich in antioxidants that play important role in strengthening the cardiovascular system and immunity, rejuvenating the body and normalizing cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Medical research confirmed that people who eat pistachios regularly normalize blood pressure and lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels. These nuts are useful for atherosclerosis, diseases gastrointestinal tract, respiratory tract, including tuberculosis.

Pistachio oil protects the skin well from burns and at the same time provides a quick tan. It is useful for people who have suffered from influenza, pneumonia and other severe infections, patients with anemia and tuberculosis, since it has an invigorating, tonic and general strengthening effect. Pistachio oil perfectly cleanses the body, removes spots and freckles, whitens the skin and moisturizes it, smooths out wrinkles, heals skin diseases. It is ideal for women with sensitive skin: it is perfectly absorbed without leaving a greasy residue, and has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect.

Since ancient times, people have given Pine nuts the ability to heal a person from any ailment. Indeed, these small nuts have a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system, improve blood composition and muscle function, help the absorption of fats, and promote fast healing wounds, improving immunity, strengthening the cardiovascular system and normalizing blood pressure. You shouldn’t get too carried away with pine nuts, like any other representatives of the “nut kingdom.” The daily norm for this delicacy is 100 g.

7. Peanuts (“groundnut”)

Eating peanuts helps fight “bad” cholesterol, reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases, improves digestion, memory and attention, liver, heart and nervous system function. These nuts are a source of potassium and folic acid, which are especially beneficial for women. Peanuts taste better and, most importantly, are healthier after moderate roasting. The protein that peanuts are rich in has an optimal ratio of essential amino acids, so it is perfectly absorbed by the body.

This largest nut in the world came to us from the Amazon rainforest. It appeared in our country not so long ago, but many consumers immediately liked it. Brazil nuts contain selenium, an excellent antioxidant that reduces the risk of lung, breast and colorectal cancer.

The fiber that Brazil nuts are rich in perfectly cleanses the stomach. It is also a wonderful source unsaturated fats, sets minerals and microelements.

Brazil nuts have a rejuvenating effect, strengthen the immune system, help remove bad cholesterol and regulate blood sugar levels, and prevent diseases of the thyroid gland, heart and blood vessels.

Let's sum it up

Nuts are so healthy that a whole book could be written about it. But any knowledge is empty if it is not put into practice. Eat nuts every day. One handful is enough to protect your body and give it strength, youth, beauty and health. Be sure to take advantage of these valuable tips and share them with your loved ones. They will be grateful to you.

Nuts can be used to prepare very tasty and extremely healthy desserts. In combination with cottage cheese, dried fruits and honey, nuts have a tremendous rejuvenating, preventive, health-improving and therapeutic effect.

Nuts are best friends for those who want to become a long-liver and enjoy the strength and beauty of their youth for as long as possible. Eat nuts for your health, and then you will have a lot of health!