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Causes of heartburn. Chronic bacterial prostatitis

The incidence of prostatitis occurs in men at any age, but more often problems with the prostate gland appear after 40 years. Age-related changes in the body, harmful addictions (alcohol and smoking) affect poor nutrition, bad ecology. If detected in time, prostatitis can be treated effective treatment. Most often, doctors prescribe the drug Vitaprost. Its price ranges around 600-1100 rubles (various types of the drug).

Prostatitis - enough serious illness, which can develop into more severe diseases such as prostate adenoma, and later (if left untreated) into prostate cancer. Therefore, doctors recommend that at the first suspicion of such a disease, contact a urologist to undergo a full medical examination.

Composition and properties of the drug

This medical medicine is available in various forms and with various components.


The main active component of this drug Vitaprost is a substance made from natural ingredients “Samprost”, another name is “prostate extract”. This component acts only on the prostate gland itself, reducing its swelling and inflammation. It helps normalize the synthesis of prostate secretion and additionally affects its composition. Vitaprost also relieves pain and relieves discomfort.

Reviews from doctors and men treated with this medicine indicate that it effectively treats inflammation of the prostate gland (and even in chronic form). It is often prescribed in for preventive purposes patients who have already been operated on for the prostate.

Vitaprost plus

The drug "Vitaprost Plus" is supplemented in its composition with the antibiotic lomefloxacin hydrochloride and exhibits an antibacterial effect on many gram-negative aerobes (Neisseria, Klebsiella, Citrobacter, Enterobacter, Proteus, etc.).

This medicine is prescribed for the treatment of diseases:

  • prostatitis ( various forms- acute or chronic), which is accompanied by infections of the urinary system;
  • aseptic prostatitis with the threat of infectious infection;
  • during the preparatory period before surgery on the urinary system;
  • in the postoperative period.


This is a drug with a double (100 mg) dosage active substance, accordingly has a more effective effect.

Release form

Different types of the drug also have a wide variety of release forms. The most popular form of this medicinal drug are rectal suppositories, which dissolve directly in the rectum and directly act on the prostate. Therapeutic effect very high, because the medicine is completely absorbed in the desired organ.

The drug in the form of suppositories:

  • Vitaprost includes 50 mg active substance in 1 candle;
  • Vitaprost-forte includes 100 mg of Samprost;
  • Vitaprost plus - 400 mg of substance + antibiotic.

This medicine is also available in tablet form, 20 pieces per package, each tablet includes 100 mg of prostate extract. The price in Russian pharmacies is in the range of 1000-1500 rubles.

This medicine should be used carefully and better under the supervision of a doctor due to possible complications and transition light form illness to more severe. Typically, the doctor selects the initial dose of the drug and monitors the man’s condition during the treatment process. At neglected form illness, the doctor can prolong the course, but reduce the dosage (so that the body does not experience adverse reactions).

Therefore, urologists do not recommend taking the drug Vitaprost on your own.

The first two types of suppositories are most often prescribed for prophylactic purposes to prevent exacerbations of chronic prostatitis.

But Vitaprost plus helps to cope with complex and neglected cases, and in a fairly quick time frame.

Vitaprost-suppositories. The instructions for use advise using them once a day, optimally at night. Before using the medicine in the form of a suppository, it is necessary to empty the intestines using a small enema or naturally. After administering the medicine, it is better to lie horizontally for an hour, while the medicine dissolves and is absorbed.

The course of treatment is a minimum of 10 days, can be extended by the attending physician up to 1 month.

When saturated with blood, the drug relieves inflammation that occurs in urinary system, eliminates spasms in the bladder, and the man restores the process of normal urination. This reduces swelling of the prostate gland. The medicine provides antiseptic effect which helps reduce inflammatory process which was called harmful bacteria. The therapeutic effect is achieved by including the antibiotic Lomefloxacin in the drug.

Vitaprost tablets. The instructions for use recommend taking 1 tablet twice a day, the duration of treatment is at least 10 days.

Vitaprost for prevention

Prostate extract is a substance of animal origin that helps improve blood circulation in the male genitourinary organs. Congestion in these organs is caused precisely by weakened blood circulation, which leads to male body cannot fight infection.

In the chronic form of prostatitis, the drug is used to eliminate possible exacerbations, helps relieve swelling of the prostate and reduce the inflammatory process.

Prevention of prostatitis in men can be done at any age. However, it would be optimal to combine this with maintaining healthy image life. For prophylaxis, it is absolutely prohibited to take alcoholic drinks, and especially beer.

When prescribing Vitaprost for the prevention of exacerbations of diseases, the ability of the drug to normalize all biological functions in the organs of the urinary system and lead to normal metabolic processes due to regeneration is taken into account healthy cells in prostate tissues.

Usually doctors prescribe a preventive course once a year (maximum 2 times) with a course lasting 1 month. These are either tablets (1 piece, 2 times a day), or rectal suppositories (1 suppository in the evening for 10 days).

For preventive purposes, to prevent relapses of chronic prostatitis, Vitaprost-Forte suppositories are often prescribed, the standard course is 20 days.

Contraindications and side effects

  • high sensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • children under 18 years of age - due to the formation of the musculoskeletal system during this period;
  • malignant tumor in the prostate;
  • the medicine is prescribed with great caution in patients with epileptoid diseases and with a diagnosis of cerebral atherosclerosis.

Undesirable effects relate primarily to the drugs Plus and Forte:

  • from the gastrointestinal tract: diarrhea, colitis, microflora disturbance;
  • dizziness, anxiety and nervousness, asthenic syndrome;
  • deterioration of kidney function;
  • from the outside circulatory system: lymphadenopathy, bleeding in the stomach or intestines;
  • in cardiovascular organs: arrhythmia, low blood pressure, myocardiopathy;
  • allergic reactions;
  • redness, swelling, photodermatitis.

If the dosage of the drug is exceeded, the following may occur: unpleasant symptoms: convulsions and tremors of the limbs, photophobia, hallucinations and psychosis. If they appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Where else is it used?

With complex treatment erectile dysfunction Vitaprost is prescribed as an additional drug that helps improve the quality and characteristics of the spermogram.

This medicine also helps in treating:

  • benign tumor in the urinary system and prostate;
  • urinary incontinence (with complex treatment).

Vitaprost: reviews from men

Here are some reviews.

Dmitry, 46 years old

I tried Vitaprost suppositories and I can say that it helps well and quickly - after 2 days I already felt relief. None side effects I didn't feel it.

Sergey, 52 years old

Analogues of the drug

Prostamed is a similar herbal preparation, tablets are prescribed for the treatment of prostate adenoma.

Prostaplant - herbal medicine from fruits dwarf palm, helps reduce pressure on the urethra, stimulates the process of urine output, and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Serpens - synthetic drug in tablets, prescribed for prostate adenoma.

Cernilton is a medicine based on natural ingredients, is used to treat prostatitis of various forms.


For the treatment of inflammatory processes in the prostate gland, modern medicine offers such a wide range of medications that when selecting the right medication, it is better to rely on the opinion of a urologist and your feelings during the treatment process.

How to cure prostatitis yourself without medications

Many men wonder how to cure prostatitis themselves and successfully overcome it. Nowadays, we can say with confidence that this disease can be dealt with independently with the help of natural preparations, candles and gymnastics at home. And all this will be effective. There is a persistent opinion that prostatitis cannot be cured, but this can be refuted.

When you read the annotations for various medications and dietary supplements, it seems that there is a lot of useful information there, but, unfortunately, they may not work and may not help. The ineffectiveness of such drugs is due to non-compliance with strict regulations during their production. Many patients have already been convinced more than once that the fight against prostatitis, which lasts less than a month, is convenient for the doctor, but not for the patient.

Repeated courses often lead to a dead end and lead in circles, but the doctor will make good money.

Not very honest doctors can entice you with “new” techniques on how to cure prostatitis yourself without prostate massage. And people give a lot of money in the hope of a cure, avoiding such an unpleasant procedure. Thank God that such “specialists” appear and disappear, thereby proving that prostate massage is the basis in the treatment of this disease.

Prostate massage

The effect of prostate massage is to squeeze the inflamed secretion into the ducts and ultimately into the urethra with your finger. At the same time, blood supply to the prostate gland improves (after all, congestion in the pelvis is the main factor in the development of prostatitis).

The effect of this massage is determined by the unique structure and location of the gland. After all, this is the only organ where massage will really help in curing acute inflammation.

The diagnosis was made chronic prostatitis"does not imply an incurable disease. It simply states the fact that the disease is protracted. Prostatitis that is prolonged is usually supported by an incorrect lifestyle, namely: gluttony, drunkenness and physical inactivity.

That's why different types massages and meals with the addition of a large amount of seafood have proven themselves well.

If treatment lasts less than a month, as a rule, the person does not complete treatment. In another month or three, a breakdown and exacerbation will follow, and this is inevitable if the man has already undergone a couple of courses of antibiotic treatment. The state will return to its original position. What should you do, go to the doctor again for a temporary result? There are ways to fight prostatitis and forget about this disease in six months.

Self-medication methods

Before you start self-medicating prostatitis, be sure to listen to your body, you can’t do without it. Learn to relieve aggravation easily and quickly as needed.

The benefits of onions

Since one of the causes of prostatitis is an infection that enters the prostate from the urethra, it is necessary to fight it.

Replace chemical antibiotics with onions. Every evening before going to bed, eat a small head of onion.

Also use an effective recipe on how to cure the prostate: chop 100 g of onion and pour 600 ml of dry white wine into it, leave in a cool place for 10 days, strain and take 2 tablespoons three times a day before meals.

Warm bath

Warm baths of a strong decoction of chamomile will relieve pain and discomfort. When will it pass acute period, take a low-pressure shower, alternating warm water with cold. Direct the stream to the prostate area.

More zinc

Another important point for men is zinc. This trace element will trigger the production of the male sex hormone testosterone and maintain its level. If prostatitis is caused hormonal disorder, then zinc is simply necessary. It is found in large quantities in pumpkin.

Sports and gymnastics

Try not to use public transport, but do race walking and gymnastics every morning. After all, a sedentary lifestyle is also a cause of prostatitis. Poor blood circulation in the pelvic area leads to stagnation and inflammation of the prostate gland.

Proper nutrition

It is important to monitor your digestion. Avoid constipation so as not to irritate the prostate by putting pressure on it. In the very as a last resort drink a laxative, but prevention is best: plenty of fluids and a balanced diet.

Physiotherapeutic methods

Today, physiotherapists will tell you how to quickly cure prostatitis. Reflexology, ultrasound, magnetic laser inductotherapy, treatment with leeches, and thermal procedures. In recent years, many companies have been releasing various devices and simulators onto the market.

By purchasing such a device for the treatment of prostatitis, a man has the opportunity to prevent relapses and receive physiotherapeutic procedures without visiting a doctor. The prostate is affected by vibration, vacuum, temperature or light waves of different lengths.

The question of how to cure prostatitis is decided by the doctor together with the patient. Many men, contrary to logic, are led by shame and unreasonable complexes.

It should be remembered that self-medication without consultation with experienced specialist may not only not lead to a positive result, but also, ultimately, to a worsening of the disease. When thinking about how to treat prostatitis on your own, do not forget that this should not contradict the main therapy and the prescriptions of the urologist. After all, only timely prescribed comprehensive treatment will save you from this disease.

According to statistics, from five to ten percent of the adult male population (from twenty to forty years old) suffers to one degree or another from the most common disease of the prostate gland - prostatitis. About a third of all cases are due to bacterial prostatitis, which goes from an acute form to an advanced one. chronic course. Why is chronic bacterial prostatitis dangerous and why is it difficult to cure?

Inflammatory disease of the prostate gland begins acutely, with characteristic symptoms.

  • Localized pain in the lower abdomen, in the perineum, sometimes above the pubis. Pain may intensify during bowel movements, during sexual activity and during abstinence. Sexual intercourse becomes problematic due to erectile dysfunction.
  • The pain is accompanied by fever, chills and aches.
  • Urination causes pain, becomes intermittent and sluggish. Ejaculation is also painful.
  • Tests show the presence of bacteria that cause inflammation in biological fluids (sperm, prostate secretions, urine).

The danger of the disease is that painful signs, even without treatment, can gradually fade when the disease enters the stage of remission (temporary attenuation). Then, after waiting for the “right” moment, bacterial prostatitis worsens again, causing incredible suffering not only physically, but also secondary, emotional nature. If you let things take their course again, there is a risk of developing abscesses (purulent foci), deposition of stones in the prostate, cystitis and other complications, including oncology.

During the remission stage, symptoms are mild.

Patient in chronic phase bacteriological prostatitis may concern:

  • urinary disorders,
  • weak erection and weakened libido, weak orgasm,
  • ejaculation disorder (too fast or abnormally delayed),
  • imbalance, irritability, anxiety and others.

Causes of the disease

The main cause of the disease is infection with bacteria, among which Escherichia coli dominates (86%), and staphylococci, enterococci, Klebsiella, Proteus, chlamydia, mycoplasma and ureoplasma are also found. Infection occurs against the background of decreased immunity, sometimes after sudden hypothermia or alcohol abuse.

Doctors note cases secondary infection when pathogens cause chronic tonsillitis, sinusitis, and infections urinary tract became the cause of the onset of acute and then chronic forms of bacteriological prostatitis.


At the first appearance of symptoms similar to those listed above, you should consult a doctor the next day. At the appointment, a urologist or andrologist listens to the patient’s complaints and assesses his general condition. Urgent laboratory tests for microflora and ultrasound of the pelvic organs, including the prostate gland, are prescribed.

Almost immediately, targeted anti-inflammatory therapy is prescribed to relieve pain and relieve the patient from suffering. Sometimes, during exacerbation of chronic prostatitis, treatment in a hospital is necessary, where physiotherapy sessions with UHF, baths and therapeutic enemas with medicinal herbs are prescribed.

The patient receives antibiotics, suppositories or tablets, and sometimes antidepressants according to indications. The therapy is designed for a period of about two weeks, after which a second appointment with the attending physician is scheduled. Full recovery is rare. Most often it is possible to achieve long-term remission.

Self-treatment of chronic prostatitis, refusal of treatment or unauthorized interruption of prescribed procedures and medications are unacceptable and dangerous for complications for the entire body.

It is believed that prostatitis, which has not been treated for more than three months, becomes chronic form with all associated pathologies. Chronic prostatitis is a fairly common diagnosis in men after 35-40 years of age. In addition to physical discomfort, this disease often causes depressive state And mental disorders. Many people are concerned about the question: how to live with chronic prostatitis?

Causes of chronic prostatitis

Let's look at the main points of the onset and course of the disease, and also focus on recommendations that will help minimize discomfort and prevent the development of complications dangerous to health.

Development chronic inflammation prostate cancer is caused by two factors: the presence of infection or congestive processes in the prostate gland.

congestive processes in the prostate gland

If you have these symptoms, you should contact a specialist as soon as possible. When the disease is diagnosed in the early stages, the likelihood of a complete and speedy recovery is much higher.

Untreated or advanced inflammation of the prostate, as a rule, causes the development of many complications, some of which are quite serious. Over time, the inflammatory process can spread to neighboring tissues and organs. The urethra, seminal vesicles and seminal tubercle are primarily affected. Quite often, chronic prostatitis becomes the cause of the development of diseases such as spermatocystitis, cooperitis, urethritis.

The chronic form of prostatitis is also dangerous for the gland itself. Untimely or incomplete treatment causes the development of quite serious prostate pathologies.

One of them is prostate sclerosis. During its development, the glandular tissues of the organ are gradually replaced connective tissue, which leads to a decrease in secretion production. Gradually, the prostate decreases in size and practically ceases to function.

Another complication is the formation of stones, which, if not treated appropriately, can increase in size. Acini stones enhance painful sensations and catalyze the occurrence of relapses of the inflammatory process. They not only damage organ tissue, but are also a source of re-infection.

The consequence of a long-term inflammatory process of the prostate can also be infertility. The likelihood of its development is especially high in the bacterial form. Found in the tissues of an infected organ pathogens affects spermatozoa, which leads to loss of their motility.

That is why chronic prostatitis, the consequences of which can be quite dangerous to health, requires timely comprehensive treatment.

What is a PSA test?

When diagnosing long-term inflammation of the prostate, the doctor may prescribe a test. What kind of analysis is this, and for what purpose is it carried out?

Prostatitis-specific antigen (PSA) is one of the components of the secretion secreted by glandular tissues. The main task of this enzyme is to liquefy sperm and enhance sperm motility. In addition, it provides normal work bladder, regulates libido.

Carrying out a PSA test for chronic prostatitis has several goals, the main one of which is to identify tumors on the early stage development.

An elevated level of the enzyme does not yet indicate the presence of neoplasms, but is a reason for a more detailed examination of the organ.

Since there are a number natural causes increasing the concentration of PSA (ejaculation during the day, mechanical stress, taking certain medications), before taking tests, certain preparation is required to obtain the most reliable results.

The patient is advised to abstain from sex for a week before the study. If the organ has been palpated, it is not recommended to take the test earlier than 10-14 days later. 10-12 hours before the test, you must stop taking juices, tea, coffee and drinks containing alcohol.

Happens with age natural increase the amount of antigen, so the norms are adjusted for certain age categories.

In cases where the patient has a systematic increase in PSA levels over the course of certain period, the doctor may prescribe to exclude the development of malignant neoplasms.

Life with chronic prostatitis

Like every chronic disease, prostatitis has two stages of development: and remission.

It is characterized by fever, pain, difficulty urinating and sexual dysfunction.

With successful treatment, the stage begins remission. During this period, the patient feels significant improvement, and in some cases, the symptoms of the disease are eliminated almost completely.

At in the right way life and carrying out the necessary preventive measures in patients diagnosed with chronic prostatitis, remission can last from a couple of months to several years.

It should be remembered that even after a fairly long period, the disease can worsen at any time.

  • stick to active image life;
  • give up bad habits(smoking, alcohol, intemperance in food;
  • include in your diet foods high in vitamins A and E, as well as microelements such as zinc and selenium;
  • increase immunity;
  • have regular sex life.

The complex of measures listed above is an effective prevention of exacerbations of the disease.

Prostate massage

Speaking about the prevention and treatment of chronic prostatitis, we should dwell separately on such a method as. Its use is especially effective for long-term inflammatory processes in the organ.

Some men refrain from this procedure, considering it unpleasant and humiliating, however this method over the centuries-old history of its existence has proven its effectiveness.

Prostate massage

Why is prostate massage so beneficial for chronic prostatitis? During massaging of organ tissues, blood circulation improves. The additional flow of blood and lymph with nutrients and oxygen contributes to their restoration, and when taking medications, it increases the concentration of active substances.

Another important point is to normalize the outflow of secretions and prevent stagnant processes, which significantly complicate the course of the disease. After a course of procedures, most patients also note a decrease in pain, improved potency, increased duration of sexual intercourse and increased sensations.

This procedure must be carried out exclusively, since there are some contraindications, the presence of which can only be determined by a specialist. Thus, massage is recommended only for those patients who have been diagnosed with chronic non-infectious prostatitis, since, otherwise, the infection can spread to nearby organs and tissues.

The procedure is also contraindicated in cases where the gland has complications such as cystosis, stones, malignant neoplasms on different stages development.

Is it possible to cure congestive prostatitis?

So, is it possible full recovery? Experts agree that it is quite difficult to get rid of a long-term inflammatory process in the prostate gland. The disease is characterized by relapses, the frequency of which is influenced by sufficient a large number of factors. It is believed that approximately a third of patients have an unfavorable prognosis for full recovery.

In most cases, the reason for this is not the lack of effective medications or an incorrectly selected treatment method. Most often, patients themselves are to blame for delaying treatment. Many of them, when relief occurs, stop taking medications and return to the same lifestyle that led to the development of the disease.

In addition, stopping the course of taking medications prescribed by a doctor leads to the fact that the pathogenic microflora becomes resistant to the effects of the drugs. In this case, when the next exacerbation occurs, it is necessary to prescribe stronger ones, the use of which has Negative consequences for other organs.

It should be remembered that the key to recovery is strict adherence to doctor’s prescriptions, complete abandonment of bad habits, nutritional correction and elimination of other factors that contribute to exacerbation. And although recovery may not be complete in every case, compliance with the recommendations can guarantee long-term, and in some cases lifelong, remission.

Every tenth man in Russia sooner or later faces an unpleasant and potentially dangerous prostate disease. And then the acute question arises - how to deal with prostatitis? The insidiousness of this disease is that for a long time the disease can be asymptomatic, without manifesting itself and causing serious harm internal tissues, impairing the functioning of the sexual organ.

How is prostatitis diagnosed?

All four types of prostatitis have approximately the same symptoms, which are difficult for an inexperienced person to distinguish, and there is a high probability of error. Development modern medicine allows you to accurately determine the type of prostatitis and cure it with almost no damage to the health and functioning of the reproductive system. It is important to remember here that there is no need to be ashamed of the disease and endure pain in the hope of waiting out the disease. The longer you delay treatment, the longer it will take in the future for a full recovery.

If you experience any pain in the pelvic area, you should go to a urologist, who will begin a diagnosis.

It takes place in several stages:

  • primary clinical examination– collecting anamnesis and examining the patient. The anamnesis includes clarification of data on the symptoms of the disease, its duration, the presence of a sexual partner, past operations and illnesses genitourinary system, information about current sexually transmitted diseases;
  • laboratory tests - analysis of urine, blood, gland secretion, sperm and urethral smear. For patients over 50 years of age, a special procedure is carried out to identify specific antigen, signaling the presence of prostate cancer;
  • instrumental diagnostics - conducting an ultrasound examination to identify stones or abscesses of the prostate, determining the degree of compression of the urinary canal;
  • additional diagnostics - examination inner surface bladder, biopsy or tomography of the pelvic organs.

The range of therapeutic measures in the fight against prostatitis

After collecting and analyzing research results, the urologist develops individual plan treatment of prostatitis depending on the type, its congestion or severity, and other associated factors.

Typically, all measures aimed at combating prostatitis can be divided into three large categories:

  • treatment of the disease with medications - antibacterial, antiviral and symptom-relieving;
  • physiotherapy using modern techniques;
  • massage to improve blood circulation and restore organ function.

During the course of treatment, the patient must adhere to proper nutrition, give up bad habits and exercise regularly. physical exercise like running or at least long walks. At the same time, hypothermia and contact with sick people should be avoided.

Drug treatment of prostatitis

The very first stage is to take medications prescribed by a urologist, depending on the type of disease. Drugs are prescribed based on the severity of the symptoms of the disease, for example, pain or difficulty urinating.

Acute bacterial prostatitis

In the fight against pathogenic microflora, the patient is prescribed a range of antibiotics. During the treatment process, the doctor must also normalize blood circulation in the prostate and adjacent organs, increase blood fluidity and viscosity. Application special drugs helps reduce inflammation and size of the prostate, causing the outflow of lymph and venous blood. Medicines are prescribed intravenously and intramuscularly.

Since the disease is characterized by acute pain and painful urination, the urologist prescribes painkillers to relieve discomfort. These can be oral medications such as tablets, as well as rectal ones. The latter are preferable, since their effect is enhanced by local administration.

If the patient is experiencing a period acute intoxication due to severe inflammation, he is prescribed various solutions for detoxification and maintaining electrolyte balance. In this condition, doctors insist on hospitalization to prevent death.

In the most difficult cases at severe inflammation of the prostate, the patient is deprived of the ability to empty himself bladder, since the swollen gland blocks the urinary canal. Then it is appointed surgical intervention, also used in case of abscess formation.

Medicines are used for 14 to 30 days. After this course, the patient undergoes a repeat ultrasound. If the bacteria have not been completely destroyed, therapy is extended for another month.

Chronic bacterial prostatitis

Treatment is the same as for the acute stage, only recovery should be waited longer. Medicines are prescribed depending on the group of bacteria that caused the inflammation. For this type of prostatitis, several courses are prescribed antibacterial agents, after each of which the patient undergoes an ultrasound and related diagnostic procedures.

Treatment chronic stage can be very long, which affects emotional condition men and their libido. In difficult cases, the urologist refers the patient to a psychotherapist to prescribe antidepressants.

The practice of treating prostatitis also includes the use of Viagra if inflammation of the prostate affects the sex life of the patient and his partner. Viagra contains a substance that causes a rush of blood to the prostate gland. Improving blood circulation promotes the resorption of congestion in the prostate tubules, prevents suppuration and the development of pathogenic microflora.

At inpatient treatment Hospital staff can perform bath procedures and therapeutic enemas.

Chronic prostatitis is very dangerous disease, since it is impossible to cure it completely. All efforts only lead to the establishment of long-term remission.

Acute and chronic nonbacterial prostatitis

For viral prostatitis, doctors also use antibiotics along with medications to relieve pain symptoms, reduce inflammation, alpha-blockers and antispasmodics. For improvement psychological state Doctors prescribe antidepressants and tranquilizers for the patient. In case of chronic potency problems, the urologist will advise taking Viagra.

The drugs are used according to the instructions. If a drug is ineffective, doctors replace it with another one. the desired group. When using medication, it is important to remember that only a comprehensive fight will lead to recovery, eliminating not only the symptoms, but also the cause of the disease. Neither acute nor chronic prostatitis should be self-medicated.

Physiotherapy for prostatitis

Successful recovery is impossible without the use of physiotherapeutic procedures that enhance the effect of medications. Physiotherapy is possible not only in a hospital setting, but also at home or during sanatorium-resort treatment.

The following methods are used in the fight against prostatitis:

  • Baths using liquids of different temperatures.
  • Physiotherapy. Thanks to it, blood circulation is normalized and the muscles of the groin area are strengthened. The most famous complex therapeutic exercises Kegel exercises are considered. This complex does not require special equipment or separate premises. An alternative would be leg raises from a lying position.
  • Impact of current. The treatment occurs due to the effect of current on the tissue, which has a pronounced stimulating effect. Sometimes they add to the current medicinal substances, enhancing the effect. This method is not suitable for all patients, as there are contraindications and restrictions for use.
  • Use of ultrasound. A popular method, as it has an anti-inflammatory effect, promotes the absorption of fluids and stimulates the genitals. Ultrasound is used in small doses, sometimes adding medicinal substances.
  • Light therapy. The procedure is carried out using laser, infrared or ultraviolet radiation. Due to exposure to rays, the patient's temperature rises and the patient's immunity is strengthened.
    Therapy magnetic field. The physiotherapist influences the genitals with a magnetic field of frequencies in different modes. The magnetic field dilates blood vessels, and thus fights spasms, accelerates the restoration of damaged tissue, and reduces pain.
  • Masks made of mud, paraffin or mountain resin (ozokerite). Apply to the groin area and warm the genitals, improving blood circulation and absorption of fluids.

Prostate massage occupies a special place among physiotherapeutic procedures. A properly performed massage relieves pain and normalizes prostate function. Massage is carried out on a regular basis three times a week. The procedure lasts only a few minutes. Massage causes the outflow of gland secretions, promotes the penetration of medications and stimulates the work of the gland muscles. It is massage that can uncork ducts clogged with viscous secretions.

Among other effective methods, it is worth mentioning acupuncture, which, it is worth noting, has not received widespread, although its effectiveness is not disputed among the medical community.

All physiotherapy procedures should be entrusted to a specialist, and if using devices at home, consult a doctor and follow the instructions.

Physical therapy does not begin immediately after the first dose of medication. At the first stage, doctors resort only to medicinal method, especially in the acute stage of bacterial and non-bacterial prostatitis. They expect a decrease in pronounced symptoms and pain. The use of physiotherapeutic devices is limited to certain diseases in which their effect may worsen the patient's condition.

Not used medical devices for the treatment of the prostate if the patient has:

  • Prostate tuberculosis.
  • Malignant tumor of the rectum or prostate gland.
  • Acute inflammation in the rectum.

It is important to tell your doctor about any unpleasant sensations and anxiety symptoms during physical therapy. The doctor selects a physiotherapeutic complex based on the severity of the disease and individual characteristics patient.

Herbal medicine as a method of treatment

When a problem arises, a person’s first desire is to resort to folk remedies, avoiding going to doctors. Prostatitis is a very dangerous disease, the treatment of which should not be left to chance. Folk remedies should be used only as a complement to medicinal and physiotherapeutic methods. Doctors approve of herbal medicine, but only as an additional remedy. A man with prostate disease can use various herbs for baths and therapeutic enemas. Echinacea, Licorice root, St. John's wort and other herbs that have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect are most suitable for these purposes. In pharmacology there are rectal suppositories, using extracts of these herbs.

To others folk recipes relate:

  • Honey. Flower or linden honey is taken daily, replacing sugar.
  • Pumpkin seeds. They contain a large amount of zinc, the deficiency of which contributes to the occurrence of prostatitis. A man should eat a small amount of pumpkin seeds (about 30) daily to replenish daily norm zinc in the body.
  • Hazel infusion. In glass hot water Brew a tablespoon of hazel bark or leaves. The infusion is filtered and taken in small portions 4 times a day.
  • Aspen bark. The bark should be collected in the spring, when the sap begins to flow through the tree. The dried bark is crushed and infused in a large container for two weeks. The strained infusion is drunk 3 times a day before meals, diluting twenty drops with water.
  • Sagebrush. It is used in dry form orally, and decoctions are made for drinking and douching the urethra. Taking Wormwood requires following a strict diet.
  • Parsley. Rich in vitamins, parsley helps reduce inflammatory processes in the body. Take parsley juice one tablespoon before meals 3 times a day.

Prevention of prostatitis

Every man, even if he has already experienced prostatitis, should not forget about prevention in order to avoid unpleasant consequences in the form of infertility, chronic pain, impotence, malignant and benign tumors prostate.

To reduce the risk of disease, you should pay great attention to personal hygiene, refrain from unprotected sex, unhealthy lifestyle and chronic diseases.

To prevent this, men should strengthen their pelvic muscles by performing various lifts and leg swings. For a healthy prostate, it is enough to do exercises three times a week, paying attention to squats that strengthen the muscles of the perineum. You need to squat deeply, lowering your pelvis below knee level, hold for a few seconds, and then stand up.

Kegel exercises have proven themselves not only during treatment, but also for... You can perform them anywhere at the first opportunity. For example, contract and relax pelvic muscles, starting with 10 repetitions and gradually increasing their number. You can also squeeze your pelvic muscles tightly, gradually relaxing them for 5 seconds. While urinating, to train your muscles, interrupt the process several times, straining them, and then relax. Repeat this several times.

These workouts normalize good blood circulation, and this is the key to a healthy prostate.


Prostate inflammation affects many men, regardless of their age. This is very unpleasant disease, accompanied by pain, loss of erection and difficulty urinating. The causes of inflammation are various factors, ranging from poor lifestyle to age-related changes.

In case of any discomfort in the pelvic area, a man should contact a urologist who will take necessary measures to fight the disease. You should not put off treatment for a long time or ignore the symptoms, as the consequences of prostatitis can affect the reproductive and endocrine system, spoiling physical health and decreasing self-confidence.

Who said that it is impossible to cure prostatitis?

DO YOU HAVE PROSTATITIS? Have you tried a lot of remedies and nothing has helped? These symptoms are familiar to you firsthand:

  • constant pain in the lower abdomen, scrotum;
  • difficulty urinating;
  • sexual dysfunction.

The only way is surgery? Wait, and do not act with radical methods. It is POSSIBLE to cure prostatitis! Follow the link and find out how the Specialist recommends treating prostatitis...

Prostatitis is inflammation of the prostate gland. Unfortunately, due to the fact that patients with acute prostatitis rarely see a doctor, it very often becomes chronic. This disease is much more difficult to treat. A direct consequence of chronic prostatitis is benign tissue growth, the so-called prostate adenoma, which poisons the lives of most of the male population over 50 years of age. And adenoma, in turn, often gives rise to cancerous tumor. Therefore, there are more than enough reasons not to let this problem take its course. Moreover, since prostatitis, like many other diseases, is rapidly making people younger, this issue is relevant for men after 30 years of age.

The causes of prostatitis are multiple; as a rule, they are associated with weakened immunity and congestion in the pelvis: infectious diseases, sedentary work, lack of regular sex life, chronic constipation. Signs of prostatitis are pain during sexual intercourse or urination. In addition, a decrease in sexual function is usually observed. As the disease progresses, problems with sex life and urination become worse.

Diagnosis of prostatitis, as a rule, does not present any difficulties for a qualified urologist; palpation of the gland through the rectum and analysis of secretions is sufficient. But the treatment of prostatitis requires an integrated approach and often its success depends on the correctness of the measures chosen by the doctor. In the field of treatment of prostate diseases, medicine has made great progress recently. First of all, since prostatitis is associated with the penetration of bacteria into the gland, antibiotics are required. As in any case of prescribing antibiotics, the medicine and dosage regimen must be determined by the doctor, and all his recommendations must be carefully followed by the patient. Otherwise, you may end up with new infection, is already much more difficult to treat. Good results gives a massage of the prostate gland - the procedure is unpleasant, but extremely effective, since it allows you to directly combat both stagnation of secretions and impaired blood supply. Numerous physiotherapeutic procedures are aimed at achieving the same goal, from the use of electromagnetic waves to warm enemas with herbal decoctions. Hirudotherapy is also used for prostatitis. And finally great importance cares about general condition immunity: proper nutrition, sufficient physical activity, regular, sex life and normal work and rest schedule.


Today I will answer one question that interests many: how can a man get rid of prostatitis at home once and for all, so as not to return to the disease later.

Home treatment is one of the important stages in getting rid of this male disease. It's no secret that many official medicine could not cure completely, and they are still suffering from prostatitis. Disillusioned with doctors, men begin to look for unconventional methods, they try to cure the disease with the help of traditional medicine, they buy some miracle plasters on the Internet, but the result is still zero. What's the matter? Soon you will know everything. In this article, I will reveal to you real recipes for getting rid of prostatitis, I will tell you how you can cure insidious chronic prostatitis at home almost quickly, and I will show you why the methods that are usually used are not effective.

How to understand that a man has prostatitis

Let's recall the main signs of prostatitis. After all, many men suffer from pain or discomfort, but do nothing because they do not know that they have prostatitis.

Signs of acute prostatitis:

  • severe pain and burning in the perineum;
  • pain and pain during urination;
  • increased body temperature;
  • Maybe purulent discharge from the urethra.

Signs of chronic prostatitis:

  • also burning, pain, discomfort in the perineum;
  • irradiation of pain to neighboring tissues and organs, for example to the testicles;
  • frequent or difficulty urinating;
  • sexual weakness;
  • premature ejaculation;
  • deterioration in general health.

But often chronic prostatitis is practically asymptomatic, with minor discomfort. This is often the reason for not seeing a doctor. But untreated and neglected prostatitis can lead to impotence, prostate adenoma and even cancer.

Therefore, you need to fight it, and today you will find out how.

Causes of prostatitis

To understand how to cope with prostatitis and cure it, you first need to know the reasons for its occurrence.

Everything is simple here, because there are only two main reasons:


as well as impaired blood circulation, congestion in tissues.

There are other causes of prostatitis, but they are special cases of the two above or are a consequence of them.

That is, in other words, the prostate becomes inflamed if it gets into or is activated harmful microorganisms, and also, if due to stagnation it will not be ensured normal circulation blood. That's all. Also, these two reasons are closely interrelated. After all, the infection just multiplies in the prostate due to poor blood circulation, which is supposed to fight foreign enemies.

Let's look at what you need to do if you have prostatitis and how to cure it. You just need to exclude the above triggers for the occurrence of the disease.

Treatment will consist of eliminating the two main causes of prostatitis. AND most You can, even must, do the treatment yourself, since official medicine will only help you half. Only you yourself, on your own, can cure the disease completely, so that later again after a while you don’t have to run to the doctor.
Here's what doctors say:

Cure by eliminating infection

An infection can get into the prostate for various reasons. These include sexually transmitted infections, such as gonorrhea or chlamydia. Urethritis, complications with sore throat, flu. Routes of exposure: blood, lymph, during sexual intercourse.

That’s why at the first signs of prostatitis, immediately run to the doctor. Here home treatment powerless. Only he will be able to determine what infection caused the inflammation and prescribe a course of treatment. Antibiotics or other medications may be needed.

But often, due to decreased immunity, as well as congestion in the prostate, microorganisms that are always inside us are activated and lead to inflammation. Therefore, this must be prevented. Preventing stagnation in the prostate, as well as increasing immunity and will continue to do so self-treatment prostatitis and its prevention.

After all, by eliminating blood stagnation in the organ, as well as improving your overall health, you can forget about prostatitis forever and cure the disease. And no microorganisms will be able to trigger the inflammatory process (except, of course, highly pathogenic ones). And this is the only way to treat and prevent prostatitis on your own. What are we going to do now?

Don't get too cold

Frequent hypothermia or sitting in the cold can cause male illness.

This occurs due to improper heat exchange in the prostate tissues, as well as as a result of the activation of harmful microorganisms.

Therefore, be sure to exclude this factor, otherwise the disease cannot be cured. If you are treating prostatitis, you should not sit in the cold at all, otherwise there will be no benefit from the treatment. If in public transport the seats are cold, it is better to travel the route standing or wear thermal underwear. For those who work outdoors, I also recommend thermal underwear. If you drive in your car in winter, turn on the heated seats. If it is not provided with the car, install it yourself, buy a cap heater, or, at worst, take a warm pillow from home. But do not overdo it with heating, excessive heat is also harmful.

Constant sitting

For many professional activity due to the fact that you have to sit a lot. As a consequence, congestion occurs in the pelvic region, leading to a decrease in arterial blood supply to the prostate gland. This means that a lot of new oxygen-rich blood cannot enter the organ. Prostate cells do not receive nutrients, resistance to infections decreases. The pelvic area is already prone to blood stagnation, and constant sitting aggravates this.

That is why all men should remember that they cannot sit for a long time without a break, otherwise there is a high probability of inflammation of the prostate gland. We need breaks from sedentary work, warm-up, and even better exercises for the pelvis. If you already have prostatitis, you need to avoid constant sitting, otherwise prostatitis simply cannot be cured. Take breaks, get up, stretch, walk, find a way out of the situation. What about those whose work specifically involves constant sitting and there is no way to get up?

Of course, it will be more difficult to get rid of blood stagnation, but there is still a way out. In this case, try to change the position of the pelvis and spine more often, transfer the weight to different sides of the pelvis so that the load does not fall on one point. If possible, place your leg, bent at the knee, under your pelvis. Also, place a pillow so that the main weight falls on your legs and there is less pressure on the prostate. And also while sitting, use an excellent exercise called mula bandha, which will relieve you of prostatitis, but I will talk about it a little later.

Cure with movement

If you not only sit for a long time, but also lead a sedentary lifestyle, this will also lead to stagnation in the pelvic area, which means prostatitis in the future. Therefore, to prevent illness, you need not only to rest, but also to move. If possible, engage in light sports, that is, lead a healthy lifestyle.

If you are already sick, then you simply need movement to disperse the blood in the pelvic area. Regular walking is fine if you don't have time to exercise, but you should walk every day. It’s great if you do exercises in the morning, with mandatory exercises for the pelvis and legs. Better yet, practice hatha yoga asanas, especially inverted ones. They help well with prostatitis, but more on that later.

You should not get involved in heavy sports if you have prostatitis or are predisposed to it, for example, weightlifting. They have been proven to have a negative effect on the prostate gland.

Cure by eliminating problems in other organs

Our organs are closely interconnected. If there is a problem in one place, it will definitely be reflected in another. Inflammation in the rectum or urethra, bowel dysfunction, constipation, and hemorrhoids can provoke inflammation in the prostate gland due to poor blood supply, as well as infection. If you are treating prostatitis, you need to look at where there are other problems in your body and also eliminate them. Therefore, many cannot be cured, since they only treat prostatitis, forgetting about the relationship in the entire body. cure male disease You can, to do this, take the path of a healthy lifestyle.

How to cure prostatitis in men with the help of a healthy lifestyle and improving immunity

If you lead an unhealthy lifestyle, move little, consume harmful products If you are obese, drink alcohol and smoke, forget about getting rid of prostatitis. The treatment your doctor prescribes for you will be ineffective. First of all, you need to accelerate the blood in the prostate gland and maintain the body in healthy condition, increase immunity. After all, weak immunity is an open gate for infections, including those that cause prostatitis.

During treatment, you need to take the path of a healthy lifestyle, try to consume healthy food, increase immunity. To increase immunity, I recommend, which will be useful for prostatitis, as it trains the blood vessels of the whole body and helps to accelerate the blood even in stagnant zones.

Alcohol and smoking

During the treatment of prostatitis, you need to give up alcohol, and it is also better to quit smoking. Much has already been written about it. But people still smoke. If you treat any disease, not just prostatitis, while simultaneously poisoning the body with alcohol and nicotine, the effect of treatment will simply be insignificant. Why waste time on such treatment and still suffer from the disease. Therefore, get over yourself and get rid of bad habits at least for the duration of treatment. It is difficult to cure anything if you drink alcohol.

Cure male illness with massage

To eliminate congestion and improve blood supply, prostate massage is used.

It is effective for all forms of prostatitis.

The massage is performed rectally, through anus, as well as massaging through the perineal tissue.

Although you can do a massage yourself using the first method, it is better to entrust it to a specialist.

But you can and should periodically do external perineal massage yourself if you want to cure your prostate as quickly as possible. If blood stagnates there, it will negatively affect not only the prostate, but also the entire reproductive system, as well as other organs. For example, external perineal massage is also a prevention of hemorrhoids.

Using circular movements and gentle pressure, massage the perineum between the anus and scrotum.

This type of massage has always been used in Taoist practices for improving sexual energy, and practitioners have never had problems with male diseases, including prostatitis.

You can use a tennis ball for this purpose. Sit on it and massage your perineum with all kinds of movements. About prostate massage, be sure to watch this video, which also tells you how to cure our sore in general.

Cure with a healthy sex life

Now let's talk about one of the main causes of prostatitis and what you need to do so that you do not have problems with the prostate. Without eliminating this cause, it is generally impossible to cure other male diseases.

We can safely say that the largest percentage of patients have prostatitis precisely because of this main reason. To cure prostatitis you need to establish a healthy sex life. What does it mean?

It is very harmful for the prostate when sexual arousal occurs without subsequent release in the form of ejaculation.

The lower part of the body is filled with energy: the reproductive system is filled arterial blood, decreases venous drainage. During natural sexual intercourse with ejaculation, energy leaves (given to the woman or simply dissipates), and blood circulation is restored. Without ejaculation, blood stagnation occurs, which has a very negative effect on the prostate. Those who complete sexual intercourse without the desired ending will definitely develop prostatitis, and will also never be able to cure it.

If you think you're not at risk because you always end up intimacy ejaculation, then I will upset you. The fact is that in modern sexually liberated society we too often receive signals that excite the male reproductive system. This includes the accessible display of naked women on the Internet and on television, obscene behavior modern women in everyday life.

Although it seems that all these signals are insignificant and have no effect on the body. But the brain still sends small nerve impulses, resulting in frequent energy filling of the genital organs, without satisfying sexual desires. After all, we cannot ejaculate every time with any minor daily stimulation.

That’s why you don’t need to frequently view pornography or watch adult content on the Internet. But if you really like this activity, then do it as little as possible. And if you have committed such a sin, then finish the finale as is natural. If there is no partner, then do it yourself. Of course it's not the best option, and I would not recommend engaging in self-gratification. But for the health of the prostate and to cure it, it will be better than daydreaming about sex, looking at naked women on the Internet, without subsequently ejaculating. And best of all, if you don’t want to get prostatitis or worsen the condition, you need to find healthy sex and stop watching naked girls on the Internet and in magazines.

Healthy means intimacy with a regular partner and correct frequency classes. Frequent sex is also harmful. They lead to overstrain in the prostate, it weakens and is less able to withstand the onslaught of infection. But if we rarely have sex, even if we don’t get excited, that is, we don’t think about it at all, then this is also bad. The prostate gland is an organ that must work and perform its function. It periodically produces secretory fluid. The ducts fill with fluid, the person does not dump it, resulting in congestion and prostatitis, and then impotence.

That's why the frequency of sex is very important if you want to cure prostatitis. How to determine it? Arriving at healthy sex, you will stop worrying about it. You will periodically make love exactly when the body wants, and not the perverted mind, watching obscene films or magazines. The body itself will tell you when to do this. The frequency of sex is different for everyone, depending on age, health, and energy. Therefore, listen to your body, if it really wants, do not interfere with the natural call. Have sex as soon as possible and be sure to end it with ejaculation. But after that, in between, stop thinking about him, don’t look at adult sites on the Internet. After all, there are much more interesting things to do. This is the only way you can keep your prostate healthy and cure it.

How can a man quickly cure prostatitis at home using mula bandha?

There is a very wonderful technique that not only prevents the development of inflammation in the prostate, but will actually help cure prostatitis. I was convinced of this on own experience. If you are desperate and nothing helps you, try this simple technique, I assure you, you will forget about painful symptoms forever.

We are talking about drawing in the lower abdomen, internal muscles genital area, perineum, as well as compression of the anus. That is, use all the muscles of the genital area as much as possible, as well as the muscles surrounding the prostate. To put it correctly, there are three different techniques:

  1. retraction of the lower abdomen and genital muscles;
  2. retraction of the perineal muscles between the anus and genital organs, mula bandha itself;
  3. Ashwini mudra, contraction of the anus.

To effectively cure a disease, you need to combine these three techniques, and for convenience, many simply call it mula bandha.

This is very good exercise, eliminating congestion in the prostate. To improve your well-being and cure prostatitis, you need to perform it several times a day for 5-10 minutes. You can practice lying down, sitting at your workplace, unnoticed by others, in any free time. The main thing is to perform it smoothly, consciously, without effort or sudden movements. First, try with a small number of repetitions, monitor how you feel. Mula bandha cannot be performed in case of acute prostatitis and its exacerbation. First you need to eliminate the cause of inflammation, expel the infection, cure acute stage illness, following the doctor's recommendations.

Heal with inverted asanas

To cure a male disease, you will also need to perform inverted asanas from hatha yoga daily. Sarvangasana (the well-known birch tree), viparita karani and halasana (plow pose). It is enough to choose one and perform it every day during the treatment of prostatitis. With the help of such asanas, when the legs are higher than the body, we facilitate the outflow of venous blood and get rid of stagnation.

Contraindications: headaches, high pressure. Also perform these asanas carefully when cervical osteochondrosis. Without fanaticism, the main thing here is not the perfect execution of the exercise, but that the pelvis is higher than the heart, for better return of blood from the genitals to the heart.

How can you cure chronic prostatitis forever by walking on your buttocks?

There is an excellent exercise that will quickly disperse the blood in the pelvic organs and, in combination with other methods, will help cure prostatitis. This is the so-called walking on the buttocks. It will be useful not only for men, but also for women, as it heals many pelvic organs.

We just sit on the floor, legs forward and slightly apart, arms also stretched forward at chest level.

We begin to walk on our buttocks. We move forward the right side of the body, leg, buttock, shoulder, and outstretched arms in the other direction, to the left. Then forward left side body and arms to the right. Thus, movement occurs. The more repetitions, the better. But it is not recommended to perform the exercise in acute prostatitis. Wait for the painful attacks to end, try to cure the acute stage of the disease first.
Watch the exercise technique in the video:

How to cure insidious chronic prostatitis with folk remedies

There are also recipes and methods for treating prostatitis using traditional medicine. How can you help cure prostatitis at home?

Pumpkin seeds, birch leaves, golden root, celandine, Kalanchoe, aspen bark and other gifts of nature are used.

But these methods will be useful only in complex treatment and only if you follow the recommendations that I gave above.

Remember, get rid of prostatitis folk remedies impossible if you have not eliminated the inflammation using traditional medicine. If you also continue to sit a lot, move little, sit in a cold place, drink alcohol. If you lead the wrong sex life.

To be honest, I have not tried to treat prostatitis with these methods of traditional medicine. The advice I gave before was quite enough for me.

Therefore, let’s summarize the article, where I will briefly say how to effectively cure prostatitis.

Summary of the article

Prostatitis, like many diseases, cannot, simply cannot, be cured in one way. Only an integrated approach will help you. You need to combine both traditional medicine treatment and follow my advice from this article. This is the only way you will forever forget what prostatitis is. I guarantee you this, because I went through it myself and was able to defeat prostatitis once and for all, cure the disease. The main thing is to take it, don’t be lazy, and believe in your success. Is it even possible to cure chronic prostatitis forever and completely at home, otherwise many do not believe that this is possible? I firmly affirm that yes, it is possible to cure it on your own, because I cured prostatitis myself, I shouted “hurray” when I defeated it, and I told you how today.

Why can't many people recover? They just don’t treat it comprehensively and continue to abuse the prostate. For example, they go to the doctor, undergo treatment, and then continue to lead the lifestyle that led to their disease. Or they rush into traditional medicine without eliminating the cause of inflammation. Or they neglect such wonderful methods that treat prostatitis well: mula bandha, walking on the buttocks.

Therefore, first consult a doctor, undergo a course of treatment, try to cure the acute stage of the disease. Then follow my recommendations.

Reduce, or better yet stop, drinking alcohol.

Don't get too cold and don't sit on a cold surface.

Establish a healthy sex life.

Move more and don’t sit for long periods of time, and if your work involves constant sitting, then take breaks, change your body position, put your leg under your buttock, and periodically squeeze your anus.

Perform a perineal massage.

Do exercises for the prostate every day: mula bandha, walking on the buttocks, inverted asanas.

After some time, a miracle will happen, prostatitis will leave you forever. But it was not a miracle, but your efforts. You can cure this unpleasant disease, everything is in your hands, victory is inevitable, this is the law of nature. I repeat, it is possible to cure, this is a fact.

Good luck in getting rid of prostatitis.

At the end, I suggest watching another video about the treatment of prostatitis: