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Correct heart rate. What is the normal heart rate of a person?

Providing emergency medical care always starts with measuring your heart rate. Normal pulse in an adult it is a variable value, it depends on many factors, and often indicates the presence of serious pathologies. What indicators are considered normal? What could cause them to change?

Pulse is one of the most important criteria human health, it shows the rhythm and frequency of heart contractions, it can be used to judge the elasticity of blood vessels and the condition of the myocardium.

During physical activity and strong emotions, the heart begins to beat faster and the pulse quickens. U healthy person This state does not last long; within 5–6 minutes the heart rhythm is restored. Not only the frequency of contractions matters, but also their rhythm. Irregular vibrations indicate emotional overload, hormonal disorders, coffee abuse.

Important! The normal resting heart rate of an adult is 60–80 beats per minute. An increase in indicators is called tachycardia, a decrease is called bradycardia.

What does it depend on normal frequency pulse:

  1. A decrease in heart rate occurs during night rest, in horizontal position– however, this condition is not classified as bradycardia.
  2. Frequency heart rate depends on the time of day, the lowest values ​​are at night, the pulse begins to increase in the morning, reaching its maximum value by lunchtime.
  3. The heart begins to contract more intensely under the influence of tea, coffee, and alcoholic beverages. Some medications can provoke tachycardia.
  4. Tachycardia always occurs during hard work or sports training.
  5. Rapid heartbeat occurs with strong positive and negative emotions.
  6. If a person has a high temperature, it is hot outside, then the heart rate increases.

Women's heart rates are slightly higher than men's. During menopause, tachycardia often occurs, which is caused by hormonal fluctuations. The pulse of an untrained person differs from that of athletes; with regular physical activity, the heart rate becomes lower.

What is the normal heart rate of a person?

Heart rate depends on gender and age, physical fitness, and emotional stability.

Table of average heart rate values ​​depending on age

In newborn babies, the normal pulse is on average 140 beats. As you get older, the indicators decrease, in adolescence average heart rate – 75 beats.

In women, the indicators are on average 7–8 units higher. At early menopause In women aged 35–40 years, tachycardia often begins, which does not always indicate the presence of cardiac pathologies - this is how the body reacts to a decrease in estrogen levels in the blood.

Normal blood pressure and pulse in an adult are a relative concept; various external and internal factors influence the indicators.

Factors that affect the number of heartbeats in healthy people:

  1. Women are more emotional, so attacks of tachycardia occur more often in them than in men.
  2. During pregnancy, the heart pumps 1.5 liters more blood. What is the normal heart rate for pregnant women? It is allowed to increase the indicators up to 110 beats/min. When playing sports – up to 140 units. Heart rate increases during early toxicosis.
  3. A stable reduction of 10% is allowed for athletes and people who prefer active recreation.
  4. If the sport involves special endurance, then the number of heart contractions can decrease to 45 beats/min.
  5. U tall people pulse rates are slightly lower than in short men and women.

Important! A short-term increase in heart rate in a healthy 30-year-old person, even up to 200 beats/min, is not considered a pathology. If such attacks occur frequently without any particular reason, you should visit a doctor.

With a slight increase in heart rate, they can be normalized with the help of drops of hawthorn, peony, motherwort, and Corvalol.

The heart rate is determined by the pulsating beats in the arteries. They are best palpated on the inside of the wrist, since the skin here is thin and the vessels are located close. If there is a deviation from the norm, measurements must be taken on both hands. You can feel the pulse in carotid artery, on the temple, brachial subclavian artery.

To check your heart rate, you need to place 2 fingers on the artery and apply a little pressure. In a lying position, the indicators will be slightly underestimated. To track dynamics, measurements should be taken at the same time.

Important! Be sure to measure your heart rate before, during and after exercise.

Examination, measuring temperature and pulse, taking anamnesis are mandatory stages of initial diagnosis. Any deviations from the norm do not provide accurate information about the diagnosis, they only help the doctor determine possible reasons feeling unwell.

Pathological tachycardia is often accompanied by dizziness and fainting, which may indicate a violation of the blood supply to the brain. When coronary circulation is impaired, chest pain occurs. With a rapid pulse there is often shortness of breath, blurred vision, increased sweating, weakness and tremors of the limbs.

Possible causes of tachycardia:

  • congenital and acquired heart and vascular defects;
  • intoxication;
  • chronic respiratory diseases;
  • oxygen starvation;
  • hormonal imbalance.

Heart rate often increases when there is malignant tumors, pathological changes in the central nervous system, inflammatory processes, fever, strong pain syndrome. In women, the heart may contract more frequently due to heavy menstruation.

Pulse and blood pressure are not always interrelated, there are some exceptions. With normal indicators blood pressure an increase in heart rate may be sign of VSD, this often happens with severe intoxication or high temperature. Hypertension in combination with a rapid pulse occurs with emotional and physical fatigue endocrine pathologies, problems with the heart and blood vessels.

Hypotension and high heart rate are the most dangerous combination, which occurs in serious pathologies. Such indicators occur with large blood loss, cardiogenic shock. The lower the blood pressure and the higher the pulse, the more severe the person’s condition. In this case, you should immediately call an ambulance.

What does bradycardia indicate?

To assess your health, you need to know not only how many beats make up a normal pulse, but also what its sharp decrease may indicate. If a person does not exercise regularly, then his heart rate should not be very low.

Reasons for decreased heart rate:

  • hypoxia;
  • chemical poisoning;
  • meningitis, the presence of a tumor or edema of the brain, traumatic brain injury;
  • drug overdose;
  • blood poisoning, liver damage, typhoid fever.

Pathological bradycardia occurs with a heart attack, myocardial inflammation, or intoxication. High blood pressure can cause a decrease in heart rate intracranial pressure, ulcer, endocrine disorders, VSD. Pulse decreases noticeably after taking medicines based on foxglove.

Low number of heartbeats during high blood pressure often occurs in hypertensive patients who take beta blockers.

Self-regular measurement of the pulse will help to recognize problems in the body in time and prevent the development of serious illnesses. After 45 years, it is imperative to measure your heart rate - at this age, blood vessels begin to lose their elasticity, which affects the functioning of the heart.

When we say “the heart beats” or “beats,” we thereby characterize such a familiar concept as the human pulse. What he reacts to internal states or external influences- this is the norm. Pulse quickens from positive emotions and during stressful situations, during physical activity and during illness.

Whatever is behind the pulse rate, it is the most important biological marker of human well-being. But in order to be able to “decipher” the signals sent by the heart in the form of shocks and beats, you need to know what pulse is considered normal.

Majority medical terms are rooted in Latin, so if you are wondering what a pulse is, you should turn to the translation.

Literally, “pulse” means a push or a blow, that is, we give the correct description of the pulse by saying “knocks” or “beats.” And these beats occur due to contractions of the heart, leading to oscillatory movements of the arterial walls. They arise in response to the passage of a pulse wave through the vascular walls. How is it formed?

  1. When the myocardium contracts, blood is ejected from the cardiac chamber into the arterial bed, the artery at this moment expands, and the pressure in it increases. This period of the cardiac cycle is called systole.
  2. Then the heart relaxes and “absorbs” a new portion of blood (this is the moment of diastole), and the pressure in the artery drops. All this happens very quickly - description of the process arterial pulse takes longer than it actually does.

The greater the volume of blood expelled, the better the blood supply to the organs, therefore a normal pulse is the value at which the blood (together with oxygen and nutrients) enters the organs in the required volume.

A person’s condition during examination can be judged by several properties of the pulse:

  • frequency (number of shocks per minute);
  • rhythmicity (equal intervals between beats, if they are not the same, then the heartbeat is arrhythmic);
  • speed (a drop and increase in pressure in the artery; accelerated or slow dynamics are considered pathological);
  • tension (the force required to stop pulsation, an example of intense heartbeat is pulse waves in hypertension);
  • filling (a value composed partly of the voltage and height of the pulse wave and depending on the volume of blood in systole).

The greatest influence on pulse filling is exerted by the force of compression of the left ventricle. The graphical representation of pulse wave measurement is called sphymography.

A table of the normal human pulse by year and age is presented in the lower section of the article.

Pulsating vessel for measuring pulse rate at human body can be felt in different areas:

  • With inside wrists, under thumb(radial artery);
  • in the area of ​​the temples (temporal artery);
  • on the popliteal fold (popliteal);
  • on the bend at the junction of the pelvis and lower limb(femoral);
  • on the inside of the elbow (shoulder);
  • on the neck under right side jaws (sleepy).

The most popular and convenient measurement of heart rate remains on the radial artery; this vessel is located close to skin. To measure, you need to find a pulsating “vein” and press three fingers tightly against it. Using a watch with a second hand, count the number of beats in 1 minute.

Palpation points for peripheral arterial pulses on the head and neck

How many beats per minute should be normal?

The concept of normal pulse includes optimal quantity heart beats per minute. But this parameter is not a constant, that is, constant, since it depends on the age, field of activity and even the gender of a person.

The results of measuring heart rate during a patient examination are always compared with how many beats per minute the pulse should be in a healthy person. This value is close to 60-80 beats per minute in calm state. But under certain conditions, deviations from this heart rate norm of up to 10 units in both directions are allowed. For example, it is believed that the heart rate in women is always 8-9 beats faster than in men. And among professional athletes, the heart generally works in “ergonomic mode.”

The reference point for the normal heart rate of an adult is the same 60-80 beats per minute. Such a human pulse is the norm for a state of rest, if the adult does not suffer from cardiovascular and other diseases that affect heart rate. In adults, the heart rate increases under unfavorable weather conditions, during physical exertion, and during an emotional outburst. To return a person’s pulse to normal for age, a 10-minute rest is enough; this is a normal physiological reaction. If, after rest, the heart rate does not return to normal, there is reason to consult a doctor.

If a man engages in intense sports training, then for him at rest even 50 beats per minute is a normal pulse. In a trained person, the body adapts to the loads, the heart muscle becomes larger, due to which the volume increases cardiac output. Therefore, the heart does not have to make multiple contractions to ensure normal blood flow - it works slowly, but efficiently.

Men engaged in mental work may experience bradycardia (heart rate less than 60 beats per minute), but it can hardly be called physiological, since even minor stress in such men can cause opposite state- tachycardia (heart rate above 90 beats per minute). This negatively affects the functioning of the heart and can lead to a heart attack and other serious consequences.

To bring the heart rate back to normal according to age (60-70 beats per minute), men are recommended to balance their diet, regimen and physical activity.

The normal pulse rate for women is 70-90 beats at rest, but its indicators are influenced by many factors:

  • diseases of internal organs;
  • hormonal background;
  • woman's age and others.

A noticeable excess of the normal heart rate is observed in women during menopause. At this time, frequent episodes of tachycardia may occur, interspersed with other arrhythmic manifestations and changes in blood pressure. Many women often “get hooked” at this age on sedatives, which is not always justified and not very useful. The most correct decision when the pulse deviates from the norm at rest is to visit a doctor and select supportive therapy.

Changes in heart rate in women during pregnancy in most cases are physiological in nature and do not require the use of corrective therapy. But to make sure that the condition is physiological, you need to know what the normal heart rate is for a pregnant woman.

Not forgetting that for a woman a heart rate of 60-90 is the norm, we add that when pregnancy occurs, the heart rate begins to gradually increase. The first trimester is characterized by an increase in heart rate by an average of 10 beats, and by the third trimester – up to 15 “extra” beats. Of course, these shocks are not superfluous; they are necessary for pumping the volume of circulating blood increased by 1.5 times into the circulatory system of the pregnant woman. How much a pregnant woman's pulse should be depends on what her heart rate was before pregnancy - it can be 75 or 115 beats per minute. In pregnant women in the third trimester, the pulse rate is often disturbed due to lying in a horizontal position, which is why they are recommended to sleep reclining or on their side.

The most high rate pulse rate in humans by age - in infancy. For newborns, a pulse of 140 per minute is the norm, but by the 12th month this value gradually decreases, reaching 110 - 130 beats. Rapid heartbeat in the first years of life is explained by intensive growth and development child's body, requiring increased metabolism.

A further decrease in heart rate does not occur as actively, and the rate of 100 beats per minute is reached by 6 years of age.

Only in adolescence- 16-18 years old - heart rate finally reaches the normal adult heart rate per minute, decreasing to 65-85 beats per minute.

What heart rate is considered normal?

Heart rate is affected not only by diseases, but also by temporary external influences. As a rule, a temporary increase in heart rate can be restored after a short rest and elimination of provoking factors. What should be the normal heart rate for a person in various conditions?

At rest

The value that is considered the normal heart rate for an adult is actually the resting heart rate.

That is, when talking about the norm of a healthy heartbeat, we always mean the value measured at rest. For an adult, this norm is 60-80 beats per minute, but under certain conditions the norm can be 50 beats (in trained people) and 90 (in women and young people).

  1. Magnitude maximum heart rate is calculated as the difference between the number 220 and the number of complete years of a person. (For example, for 20-year-olds this value will be: 220-20=200).
  2. Minimum heart rate value (50% of maximum): 200:100x50 = 100 beats.
  3. Normal heart rate under moderate loads (70% of maximum): 200:100x70 = 140 beats per minute.

Physical activity can have different intensities– moderate and high, depending on which the heart rate of a person receiving these loads will be different.

Let us remember that for moderate physical activity the heart rate ranges from 50 to 70% of the maximum value, calculated as the difference between the number 220 and the total number of years of a person.

During high physical activity, an example of which is running (as well as speed swimming, aerobics, etc.), the heart rate is calculated according to a similar scheme. To find out what a person’s heart rate is considered normal while running, use the following formulas:

  1. Find out the difference between the number 220 and a person’s age, that is, maximum heart rate: 220-30 = 190 (for 30-year-olds).
  2. Determine 70% of the maximum: 190:100x70 = 133.
  3. Determine 85% of the maximum: 190:100x85 = 162 beats.

The normal heart rate when running ranges from 70 to 85% of the maximum value, which is the difference between 220 and the person’s age.

The formula for calculating maximum heart rate is also useful when calculating the heart rate rate for burning fat.

Most fitness trainers use for calculations the method of the Finnish physiologist and military doctor M. Karvonen, who developed a method for determining heart rate limits for physical training. According to this method, the target zone or FBL (fat burning zone) is a heart rate ranging from 50 to 80% of your maximum heart rate.

When calculating the maximum heart rate, the norm by age is not taken into account, but age itself is taken into account. For example, let’s take the age of 40 years and calculate the heart rate rate for life-saving lifestyle:

  1. 220 – 40 = 180.
  2. 180x0.5 = 90 (50% of the maximum).
  3. 180x0.8 = 144 (80% of the maximum).
  4. The heart rate ranges from 90 to 144 beats per minute.

Why is there such a discrepancy in numbers? The fact is that the normal heart rate for training should be selected individually, taking into account fitness, well-being and other characteristics of the body. Therefore, before starting training (and during it), a medical examination is necessary.

After meal

Gastrocardiac syndrome - a noticeable increase in heart rate after eating - can occur when various diseases Gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular, endocrine system. ABOUT pathological condition says the heartbeat is significantly higher than normal. Is there really a norm for heart rate to increase while eating?

Strictly speaking, a slight increase in heart rate during or 10-15 minutes after a meal is a physiological condition. Food entering the stomach puts pressure on the diaphragm, which forces a person to breathe deeper and more often - hence the increase in heart rate. Exceeding the normal heart rate occurs especially often when overeating.

But even if little food is eaten, and the heart still starts beating faster, this is not always a sign of pathology. Simply, digestion of food requires increased metabolism, and for this - and slight increase Heart rate.

The normal heart rate after eating is approximately normal indicator with moderate physical activity.

We have already learned how to calculate it, all that remains is to compare your own pulse after eating with the norm calculated using the formula.

Heart rate table by age

To compare your own measurements with the optimum, it is useful to have on hand a table of heart rate norms by age. It shows the minimum and maximum permissible heart rate values. If your heartbeat is less than the minimum normal value, bradycardia can be suspected; if it is more than the maximum, bradycardia is possible. But only a doctor can determine this.

Table. Normal human heart rate by age.

Age categoryMinimum normal value (beats per minute)Maximum normal value (beats per minute)Average
(beats per minute)
First month of life110 170 140
First year of life100 160 130
Up to 2 years95 155 125
2-6 85 125 105
6-8 75 120 97
8-10 70 110 90
10-12 60 100 80
12-15 60 95 75
Before 1860 93 75
18-40 60 90 75
40-60 60 90-100 (higher in women)75-80
over 6060 90 70

The data is given for people without special pathologies and measurements in a state of complete rest, that is, immediately after waking up or after a 10-minute rest while lying down. Women over 45 should pay attention to a slightly elevated heart rate, which is associated with hormonal changes during menopause.

Useful video

You can find out from the following video Additional information about the normal human pulse:


  1. Heart rate is an important physiological indicator of human health.
  2. Heart rate varies depending on age, gender, fitness level and others. physical features human body.
  3. Temporary fluctuations in heart rate by 10-15 units can be physiological in nature and do not always require drug intervention.
  4. If a person’s heart rate exceeds the norm for age by a significant number of beats per minute, it is necessary to consult a doctor and find out the cause of the deviation.

Correct operation of cardio-vascular system shows the pulse characteristic. This is the first thing that is checked in a person who seeks emergency help. Although, at first glance, it seems that this indicator does not carry much information about the state of the body and is not so important, it is still worth paying attention to Special attention. The frequency of pulsations determines the malfunction of the heart, the presence of inflammation and other serious diseases. The pulse pattern gives a general picture of the state of the body. It is impossible to diagnose a specific disease using pulse readings alone, but it is possible to identify the direction of the problem.

What it is?

The heart continuously pumps blood throughout the body. As it passes through the veins and arteries, it hits their walls due to resistance. These shocks are felt in places where blood vessels pass close to the surface of the skin. This is called the pulse and is indicated by beats per minute. The properties of the pulse depend on a number of factors and heart rate is determined from them. There are these types of pulse:

  • - a jerky oscillation in the artery, which occurs when filled with blood and has the characteristics of a pulse;
  • venous - pulsation of large veins in the neck and close to the heart;
  • capillary is a change in the color of the nail bed.

Briefly about the characteristics that are determined during the study:

Enter your pressure

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  • frequency reflects the number of complete vibrations of the vessel walls, determined by palpation;
  • rhythm is determined by the interval between blood pulses and shows the correct functioning of the heart;
  • pulse filling characterizes the volume of blood that entered the artery;
  • tension refers to the force needed to compress the artery;
  • the shape of the pulse means the rate at which the volume of the artery changes;
  • height is a value that combines tension and filling; it corresponds to the sum of their indicators.

How to measure?

The method of measuring heart rate is palpation of the pulse. More often, a pulse examination is carried out on an artery located on the wrist under the thumb, which is called the radial artery. The hand should be relaxed, and the hand should be grasped so that thumb was on the back side, and the rest were on the front surface. To obtain an accurate result, measurements are taken simultaneously on both hands. You can measure pulse impulses in other arteries:

  • sleepy;
  • femoral;
  • temporal;
  • brachial.
All accessible places for palpation of pulsation of the arteries, which are closest to the surface of the body.

With a slow, weak heartbeat, the peripheral pulse will be weakly felt, so it is difficult to find and determine. In this case, the study should be done on the carotid artery. On the area where this artery is located - on the anterior edge of the sternocleidomastoid muscle, slightly above the Adam's apple - you need to place two fingers, the index and middle. In this case, it is impossible to simultaneously determine the frequencies of pulse waves from both sides.

At normal operation The number of heart pulsations is calculated in 30 seconds and the result is doubled. If there are rhythm disturbances, then measurements are carried out for a minute. A person who knows independently carries out measurements and it is even possible to detect deviations: is the blood pump rhythmic and what is the frequency? The accuracy of the diagnosis depends on the quality of the measurements.

What does it depend on?

The nature of the pulse depends on various factors - action environment, physiological, pathological factors and age. Gender also has an effect - the frequency is higher in women than in men. The main reasons that influence the rate of reductions:

  • Physiological. Physical activity, stress, eating and digesting food, drinks such as coffee, Coca-Cola, alcohol, and smoking increase the heart rate. During sleep and monotonous quiet work, a slowdown occurs.
  • Pathological. An increase in heart rate is provoked infectious diseases, hypertension, tumors, asthma, bronchitis, blood loss. Heart attack side effects from different drugs slow down the pulse. If the heart malfunctions, the pulse wave becomes irregular. When there is blockage of blood vessels in the extremities, it may be completely absent.

Age norms

The pulse rate is affected by a person's age. Newborn children usually have a high frequency, unlike adults. It is also believed that before death the frequency of pulse waves increases, for what reasons there is no exact explanation. The table shows the normal heart rate depending on age. But it is worth understanding that these indicators relate exclusively to a healthy person, without pathologies and in a normal, calm state.

Reasons for change

The pulse may speed up or slow down depending on the presence of physiological and external factors influence and age.

With age, the normal heart rate changes. This is due to the fact that small newborn A child's heart is very small, so it must contract more often in order to pump the required amount of blood into the body. As the body grows, the heart also becomes large sizes, which means it can work slower. Therefore, in adults under 50 years of age, the frequency averages 70 beats/min. Under the influence of stress on the body, the heart also has to work faster to cover the oxygen consumption. In athletes who have pumped up strong heart, the contraction frequency is low - 40 beats and this is the norm for them.

One of the properties of the pulse is its filling. It mainly depends on the volume of blood that is ejected from the heart into the aorta and into the arteries during each heartbeat.

Arterial walls are elastic, therefore, when a pulse wave passes, the vessels are somewhat stretched under the influence of blood pressure. The feeling of changing pressure in the vessel when palpating the pulse, for example, on the radial artery, characterizes its filling.

The pulse, depending on the height of the filling wave, can be divided into 4 groups:

  1. Moderate pulse;
  2. Full pulse;
  3. Empty pulse;
  4. Thready pulse.

Factors determining pulse filling

This property of the pulse wave is determined by two factors:

  • stroke volume;
  • volume of circulating blood.

Stroke volume is the amount of blood ejected from the left ventricle of the heart during its contraction (systole). Normally it is 40 – 70 ml. With a significant increase in heart rate, the diastole period shortens, during which the left ventricle is filled with blood from the left atrium, therefore its quantity, and, consequently, the stroke volume, decreases with severe tachycardia.

The volume of circulating blood is the amount pumped by the heart through the bloodstream. Normally it is 4.7 - 5 liters per minute. This value may decrease with fluid retention in the extravascular space, for example, caused by edema. Also, the volume of circulating blood decreases with dehydration caused by external reasons(deficiency of fluid received) or with an increase in urine volume, for example, with sugar and diabetes insipidus.

Circulating blood volume increases:

  • when the body's energy needs increase (physical activity);
  • with an increase in plasma volume (intravenous infusion of large volumes of solutions);
  • with an increase in the number of red blood cells (erythremia and erythrocytosis).

All these conditions are reflected in the filling of the pulse.

Pulse is the vibration of arterial vessels that is associated with the work of the heart. But doctors consider the pulse more broadly: all changes in the vessels of the cardiac system that are associated with it. Each characteristic of the pulse indicates a norm or deviation in the state of activity of the heart muscles.

Main characteristics of pulse

Heart vibrations have six main indicators that can be used to diagnose the functioning of the heart muscles. The pulse and its characteristics are the rhythm and frequency of the beats, the force of the beats and tension, as well as the shape of the vibrations. The level of blood pressure is also characterized by the properties of the pulse. Based on the fluctuations in heartbeat, specialists can determine the disease that the patient is suffering from.


Heart rhythm is the cyclic alternation of “beats” of the heart muscles over the course of a minute. These are vibrations of the walls of the artery. They characterize the movement of blood through the arteries during heart contractions. For diagnostic purposes, the pulse is measured at the temple, thigh, under the knee, posterior tibia and other places where arteries pass close to the surface of the body. In patients, the rhythm of heart beats is often disturbed.


The pulsation frequency is the number of “beats” per minute. It can be calculated by clicking on arterial vessels. Heart rate (pulse) over a wide range of loads characterizes the speed at which blood is pushed through. There are two types of heart rate deviations:

  • bradycardia (slow heartbeat);
  • tachycardia (fast heartbeat).

The contraction interval can be calculated with a tonometer, and not just by simple palpation. The frequency rate depends on the age of the person whose pulse is measured. The frequency depends not only on age and pathologies. At physical activity the frequency also increases.

If your heart rate is high, you need to find out what your blood pressure is. If it is low, it is necessary to use means that reduce the rate of contractions by any of the methods available to the patient, since it is too rapid heartbeat very dangerous.

Heart beat size

The magnitude of the “blows” is characterized by the tension of the oscillatory movements and filling. These indicators are the condition of the arteries, as well as their elasticity. There are such deviations:

  • strong pulse if there is ejection into the aorta large quantity blood;
  • weak pulse if the aorta is narrowed, for example, or vascular stenosis;
  • intermittent, if large heartbeats alternate with weak ones;
  • thread-like, if vibrations are almost not palpable.


This parameter is determined by the force that must be applied to stop blood flow in the artery. Voltage is determined by the level of systolic blood pressure. There are different types of deviations:

  • hard contractions seen with high level pressure;
  • soft ones occur when the artery is easily blocked without effort.


This parameter is influenced by the quantitative volume of blood released into the artery. It affects the strength of vibration of the vascular walls. If the filling during the study is normal, the pulse is considered full. If the filling of the arteries is weak, the pulse will be weakly filled. For example, with a large loss of blood. At hypertensive crisis heartbeats are very full.

Pulse form

This indicator depends on the value of pressure vibration between vascular contractions. There are several options for deviating from normal value indicator:

  • rapid heartbeats occur when a large volume of blood enters from the ventricles and the elasticity of the arteries (This leads to a decrease in diastolic pressure);
  • slow with slight changes in blood pressure (with a decrease in the cross-section of the aortic walls or dysfunction mitral valve);
  • speech attacks are observed during the passage of an additional wave.

Parvus, tardus means “slow, small”. This filling of pulsations is typical when the amplitude of oscillations decreases and the speed decreases. Pulse tardus parvus is characteristic of patients with mitral valve disease or suffering from narrowing of the main artery.

Where and how can you explore?

There are a limited number of places on the human body where pulse contractions can be examined. And there are many fewer options for studying it at home. It is possible to examine the pulse without using instruments only by palpation. You can find and measure the quality and strength of your heartbeats at:

  • wrist (near the radius);
  • elbow;
  • brachial or axillary arteries;
  • temples;
  • feet;
  • neck (where the carotid artery is located);
  • jaws.

In addition, pulsation can be easily felt in the groin or popliteal fossa.

Normal pulse frequency

The rate of heart beat fluctuations varies depending on age. For a newborn baby, the number of beats is about 110 beats. At 5 years of age, their rate fluctuates around 86, and for 60 years, heartbeats fluctuate around 65 per minute. Doctors compiled a table of pulse fluctuation values:

This pulse is a beating in the jugular veins, in the fossa of the neck and several other places that are located close to the heart. It is impossible to measure it at the site of small veins.

The properties of the venous pulse, like the arterial pulse, are characterized by frequency, rhythm and other parameters. A study of the veins is carried out to determine what the pulse wave is and to assess venous pressure. The easiest way to study is the right inner jugular vein. Venous pulse is measured as follows:

  • the person is placed on the bed at an angle of 30 degrees;
  • the neck muscles need to be relaxed;
  • the neck is positioned so that the light falls tangentially to the skin of the neck;
  • The hand is applied to the veins in the neck.

To compare the phases of venous and cardiac cycles and not to confuse them, palpate the left vein.

Other research methods

One of the main ways to study the venous pulse is venography. This is a way of recording cardiac vibrations associated with the filling of large veins that are located near the heart. Registration is carried out in the form of a venogram.

More often, the device for this purpose is fixed near the jugular veins. There the pulse is more clearly expressed and can be felt with your fingers.

Diagnostic value

A venogram evaluates the quality of the pulse, characterizing the condition vascular wall veins, allows you to determine the shape and length of blood waves, judge the functioning and pressure of the right heart. In pathology, the graphic representation of individual waves changes. They increase, decrease, and sometimes even disappear. For example, when there is difficulty in the outflow of blood from the right atrium, the force of contractions increases.

This type of pulse is nothing more than redness of the edge of the nail plate when pressing on it. A similar effect can be performed with a special glass on the patient’s lips or forehead. With a normal capillary rhythm, in the area of ​​pressure along the border of the spot, one can observe rhythmic redness - blanching, which appears in time with heart contractions. These skin manifestations were first described by Quincke. The presence of a rhythm of capillary flows is characteristic of insufficient functioning of the aortic valves. The higher the degree of insufficiency of the latter, the more pronounced the capillary pulsation.

There are precapillary pulses and true pulses. True is the pulsation of the branches of the capillaries. It is easy to identify: noticeable pulsating redness of the nail at the end of the nail plate in young patients after exposure to the sun, in a bath, etc. Such pulsation often indicates thyrotoxicosis, a deficiency of blood flow in the arteries or veins.

Precapillary pulsation (Quincke) is characteristic of vessels larger than capillaries; it manifests itself when arterioles pulsate. It can be seen on the nail bed without pressing, it is also visible on the lips or forehead. Such pulsation is observed with aortic dysfunction in systole with a large stroke volume and a powerful wave that reaches the arterioles.

Identification technique

This pulsation is determined, as mentioned above, by pressing on nail plate patient. Pressure methods are described above. A test for the presence of these heartbeats is carried out in case of suspected pathology of the circulatory system.

There are several ways to identify this type pulse

Pulse rate

There are no normal characteristics of the capillary pulse. It is simply impossible to see such pulsation with the naked eye if circulatory system healthy.