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What is igg positive. Conditions of infection and chronic carriage. The presence of IgG in newborns: what does it mean?

Scroll pathological conditions and the diseases that a person suffers throughout his life largely depend on his way of life. After entering the body pathogens, the immune system is activated and begins to take measures to combat them.

In the case when the protective properties are reduced, the body is not able to fight pathogenic microflora. As a result, the development and progression of the disease occurs, and the mass reproduction of microorganisms: bacteria, viruses, fungi.

One of the most frequently diagnosed pathogenic microorganisms is the herpes virus. It is represented by several strains. No person is immune from the penetration of pathogens of various diseases into the body. This pathology can affect both men, women and children. The worst thing is that there is still no method of therapy that can destroy the virus and cure the pathology.

It deserves special attention. Quite often, after undergoing an examination, people ask the question: “Cytomegalovirus IgG is positive: what does this mean?” The infection can affect any system and organ. Active reproduction of the virus is fraught with critical consequences.

CMV: what is it

Before understanding the issue of a positive result for cytomegalovirus IgG, as well as what this means, you should learn in more detail about the pathogenic infection itself. CMV was first identified in 1956. Scientists and doctors have not fully studied it to this day. But despite this, there is the possibility of timely diagnosis of pathology, and, consequently, timely therapy, and prevention of the development of complications.

According to statistics, a third of the world's population is carriers of the herpes virus. The spread of the pathogen is weak, and in order to become infected, you must be with the infected person for an extended period. Infection can occur through sexual contact, during childbirth and through saliva.

It is quite difficult to immediately identify and diagnose the disease. And this is due to the presence incubation period. The patient or carrier of the infection can live with the disease, feel normal and not even suspect the presence of CMV.

Pathology is insidious, as it can masquerade as other, less dangerous diseases, especially colds.

In the initial stages, the disease is accompanied by the following manifestations:

  • hyperthermia;
  • chronic fatigue, weakness;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • chills;
  • frequent headaches;
  • sleep disorder;
  • dyspeptic disorders;
  • joint pain;
  • decreased appetite.

Timely detection of the disease is very important, since the lack of appropriate therapy is fraught with serious complications, in particular the development of encephalitis, pneumonia, and arthritis. With weakened immunity, eye damage and malfunctions in the kidneys and urinary system, as well as the gastrointestinal tract, may occur.

If alarming symptoms appear, you should undergo an examination. A positive test result for cytomegalovirus IgG means that the infected person has protection against CMV and is its carrier.

It is not at all necessary that a person is sick and that he is extremely dangerous to others. Everything will depend on protective properties his body. CMV is dangerous during pregnancy.

The essence of analysis

The essence of the IgG test is to look for antibodies to CMV. To do this, they take different samples (blood, saliva). To make it clearer, Ig is an immunoglobulin. This substance is a protective protein that is produced by the body to destroy pathogenic microorganisms. The immune system produces a specific antibody to any new pathogenic organism. The G in the abbreviation IgG stands for one of the classes of antibodies. In addition to IgG, there are also groups A, M, E and D.

If a person is healthy, then specific Igs have not yet been produced. The danger is that, having entered the body once, the infection will remain in it forever. It is impossible to destroy it. But since the immune system produces protection against it, the virus exists in the body harmlessly. It is important to know that in addition to IgG there is also IgM. These are two absolutely different groups antibodies.

The second are fast antibodies. They are large and are produced for a quick response to the herpes virus entering the body. But they do not have immunological memory. This means that after their death, after about four to five months, the protection against CMV subsides.

As for IgG, these antibodies tend to clone and maintain protection against a specific pathogenic microorganism throughout life. They are small in size, but are produced later than IgM, usually after suppression of the infectious process.

And it turns out that if IgM antibodies are detected, then the infection occurred recently and most likely infectious process is in the active phase.

How are analyzes deciphered?

In addition to IgG+, the results often contain other data.

A specialist will help you decipher them, but in order to understand the situation, it is useful to familiarize yourself with some meanings:

  1. 0 or “-” - there is no CMV in the body.
  2. If the avidity index is 50-60%, then the situation is considered uncertain. The study is repeated after one to two weeks.
  3. Above 60% - there is immunity, the person is a carrier.
  4. Below 50%, the person is infected.
  5. Anti- CMV IgM+, Anti- CMV IgG+ - the infection has reactivated.
  6. Anti-CMV IgM-, Anti-CMV IgG- - protection against the virus has not been developed, since there has never been penetration of the virus before.
  7. Anti-CMV IgM-, Anti-CMV IgG+ - the pathology occurs in an inactive stage. The infection happened a long time ago, the immune system has developed a strong defense.
  8. Anti- CMV IgM+, Anti- CMV IgG- - acute stage pathology, the person became infected recently. Fast Igs to CMV are available.

Result “+” in a person with strong immunity

If there are no health problems, a “+” result should not cause panic or anxiety. Regardless of the degree of the disease, with persistent protective properties, its course is asymptomatic. Occasionally, sore throat and fever may occur.

But it should be understood that if tests indicate activation of the virus, but the pathology is asymptomatic, the patient should temporarily reduce social activity (limiting communication with family, excluding conversations and contacts with pregnant women and children). During the active phase, a sick person is an active spreader of cytomegalovirus infection and can infect a person whose body CMV will cause significant damage.

CMV IgG positive: in immunodeficiency, pregnancy and infants

A CMV “+” result is dangerous for everyone. However, a positive CMV IgG result is most dangerous for a patient with immunodeficiency: congenital or acquired. Such a result signals the development of serious complications.

  • Retinitis- development of the inflammatory process in the retina. This pathology can lead to blindness.
  • Hepatitis and jaundice.
  • Encephalitis. This pathology is characterized by severe headaches, sleep disturbances, and paralysis.
  • Gastrointestinal ailmentsinflammatory processes, exacerbation of ulcers, enteritis.
  • Pneumonia. This complication, according to statistics, is the cause of death in more than 90% of people suffering from AIDS.

CMV IgG positive in such patients signals the course of the pathology in chronic form And high probability the occurrence of exacerbations.

Positive result during pregnancy

No less dangerous IgG result+ for pregnant women. CMV IgG positive signals infection or an exacerbation of the pathology. If IgG to cytomegalovirus is detected in the early stages, you need to take Urgent measures. Primary infection with the virus carries a high risk of the fetus developing serious abnormalities. With relapses, the risk of harmful effects on the fetus is significantly reduced.

Infection in the second and third trimester is fraught with the occurrence of congenital CMV infection in the child or its infection during passage through the birth canal. The doctor judges whether the infection is primary or an exacerbation by the presence of specific group G antibodies. Their detection signals that there is protection, and the exacerbation is due to a decrease in the body’s protective properties.

If IgG is absent, this indicates infection during pregnancy. This suggests that the infection can cause enormous damage not only to the mother, but also to the fetus.

Result “+” in a newborn

Quadruple magnification IgG titer, when two studies are performed thirty days apart, indicates congenital CMV infection. The course of the pathology in infants can be either asymptomatic or characterized by pronounced manifestations. The disease may also be associated with a high risk of complications. Pathology in small child is fraught with the appearance of blindness, the development of pneumonia, and malfunction of the liver.

What to do if you get an IgG+ result

The first thing to do if you have a positive CMV IgG is to seek help. qualified specialist. CMVI itself often does not provoke critical consequences. If obvious signs There are no diseases, there is no point in carrying out treatment. The fight against infection should be left to the immune system.

At severe symptoms The following medications are most often prescribed:

  • Interferons.
  • Immunoglobulins.
  • Foscarnet (taking the drug is fraught with disruptions in the functioning of the urinary system and kidneys).
  • Panavira.
  • Ganciclovir. Helps block the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms, but at the same time provokes the appearance of disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract and hematopoietic disorders.

You should not take any medications without your doctor's knowledge. Self-medication can lead to unpredictable consequences. It is important to understand one thing - if everything is in order with the immune system, the “+” result only informs about the presence of a formed defense in the body. The only thing you need to do is support your immune system.

Methods for laboratory diagnosis of cytomegalovirus infection (CMV infection) also include carrying out serological reactions, the purpose of which is to detect antibodies to cytomegalovirus (CMV) or its antigens in the blood of the subject or in other substrates (urine, cerebrospinal fluid, saliva, washings from the trachea and bronchi , smears from the urethra and vagina).

The detection of antibodies in blood serum is based on the fact that in the laboratory (as well as in the body) they strive to contact the antigen of the pathogen to inactivate it.

Thus, if in the laboratory there are reagents containing a cytomegalovirus antigen labeled in some way, then, using them to bind to immunoglobulins in the blood serum, it is possible to calculate the antibody titer by the number of “spent” antigens. This is how direct methods of specific diagnostics work.

Indirect (indirect) methods for diagnosing CMV infection are used less frequently.

To perform the analysis, preliminary preparation is non-specific:

  1. On an empty stomach (in order to prevent rapid blood clotting (the minimum fasting period is 4 hours)).
  2. Better before 11 o'clock.
  3. Do not drink alcohol the night before the test.
  4. It is advisable not to smoke on the day of the test.

What serological tests are used to detect antibodies to CMV

The following methods can be used to detect antibodies to cytomegalovirus:

  • complement fixation reaction (CFR);
  • immunofluorescence reaction (RIF);
  • enzyme immunoassay (ELISA);
  • solid phase radiological analysis;
  • immunoblotting.

The last three types of serological reactions have the greatest specificity and sensitivity, and therefore are used much more often than others. We will not describe the mechanism of action of each reaction; the main thing about them is that they are all aimed at identifying immunoglobulins of class M, G and determining their avidity index.

Immunoglobulins class M (anti-CMV-IgM) in large quantities are formed during the primary immune response (the body’s response to an infectious agent (or one of the serotypes) that first entered the body and caused the disease).

Class G immunoglobulins (anti-CMV-IgG) are synthesized after IgM, causing “immune memory” in relation to a specific serotype of the infectious agent. When re-infected with the same microorganism (same serotype), the human immune system reacts by producing IgG in large quantities.

Next, it is necessary to decipher the concept of the avidity index of antibodies to cytomegalovirus, as well as its significance in the laboratory diagnosis of this infection. Avidity is the ability of immunoglobulins to bind tightly to CMV antigens. And the avidity index (AI) is an indicator that characterizes the degree of strength of the bond between antibody and antigen. Speaking about CMV infection, to clarify the degree of its activity, the avidity index of class G immunoglobulins (anti-CMV-IgG) is used. IgM avidity is not determined.

Interpretation of examination results

  1. If class M immunoglobulins (anti-CMV-IgM) are detected in the blood serum in any titer (they also say: IgM to cytomegalovirus is positive), then the patient being examined is questioned about the diagnosis: primary cytomegalovirus infection. Further laboratory diagnostics will be aimed at identifying class G antibodies (anti-CMV-IgG) and the virus itself using PCR and/or DNA hybridization methods.
  2. Positive IgG results against cytomegalovirus are assessed differently. The table below details various options positive serological reactions to cytomegalovirus.
  3. To prevent overdiagnosis of CMV infection, the “paired serum method” is often used. Its essence is to determine the levels of IgG and IgM twice with an interval of 2-3 weeks between blood draws. If the quantitative content of immunoglobulins increases 4 times or more, the likelihood of acute (active) CMV infection in the subject is high.
  4. Additionally, I would like to point out the fact that quantitative values ​​in a single serum test are not particularly important. As a rule, significant quantitative antibody levels begin at a titer of 1:100 or higher (threshold values ​​may differ among different laboratories).
IgM IgG Decoding the result
Negative Negative The person is not infected with cytomegalovirus and has never had contact with it; another option is low-quality or unsuitable reagents
Positive, the avidity index (AI) is high, its value is above 42%, if titers increase over time by 4 times or more, activation of a “dormant” infection in the body is likely The examinee once (6-12 months ago or more) suffered a cytomegalovirus infection
Positive, AI is low, its value is up to 41% Possible diagnostic errors, repeat after 2 weeks
Negative Likely initial stage CMV infections, when IgG has not yet begun to be synthesized (first week of the disease), the second option is a diagnostic error, should be repeated after 2 weeks, additionally perform PCR
Positive, AI less than or equal to 35%, increase in titers by 4 times or more Acute stage (active stage) of CMV infection, control after 2 weeks
Positive, AI 36-41% Recovery stage
Positive, AI more than 42% The so-called “tail”, when the patient still has IgM after a CMV infection, the second option is the activation of a “dormant” infection in the body, PCR of blood serum should be performed, and, if necessary, cerebrospinal fluid

What diagnostic methods are used to detect CMV antigens

At the end of the material, it should be noted that to verify the diagnosis of CMV infection, it is not enough just to detect antibodies to the virus; it is also important to confirm the presence of individual antigens or cytomegalovirus DNA in the blood (if necessary, in the cerebrospinal fluid). If DNA or antigens are found in saliva or urine, this does not indicate the activity of CMV infection. The main laboratory methods that can confirm the presence of cytomegalovirus antigens (or DNA) are PCR and DNA hybridization.

Cytomegalovirus belongs to the herpes virus family, namely. A blood test for the virus will help detect it.

Cytomegalovirus affects different types of cells:

  • salivary glands;
  • kidney;
  • liver;
  • placenta;
  • eyes and ears.

But, although the list is impressive, in most cases cytomegalovirus is not dangerous to human health!

What is the danger of cytomegalovirus?

  • hearing loss;
  • impairment or even loss of vision;
  • mental retardation;
  • the occurrence of seizures.

Such consequences can occur both during the primary infection and during activation. You just need to remember the likelihood of such serious consequences occurring.

In an infant who became infected during pregnancy, the following external manifestations of cytomegalovirus infection are possible:

  • intracerebral calcifications;
  • ventriculomegaly (extended lateral ventricles brain);
  • the liver and spleen are enlarged;
  • excess fluid occurs in the peritoneum and chest cavity;
  • microcephaly (small head);
  • petechiae (small hemorrhages on the skin);
  • jaundice.

What is analysis on igg?

If igg positive, this is evidence that the patient has developed immunity to the virus, but at the same time the person is its carrier.

This does not mean that cytomegalovirus is active or that the patient is in danger. The primary role will be played physical state and the patient's immunity.

Most important It has positive test for a pregnant woman, since the baby’s body is still developing and does not produce antibodies to cytomegalovirus.

During the study of igg for cytomegalovirus, samples are taken from the patient’s body to find specific antibodies to cytomegalovirus igg. Igg is an abbreviation for Latin word"immunoglobulin".

This is a type of protective protein produced by the immune system to fight the virus.

The immune system begins to produce special antibodies for each new virus that appears in the body.

As a result, upon reaching , a person may already possess a whole “bouquet” of such substances. The letter G denotes a certain class of immunoglobulins, marked in humans with the letters A, D, E, G, M.

Thus, a body that has not yet encountered the virus is unable to produce antiviral antibodies. This is why the presence of antibodies in humans indicates that before the body was already exposed to the virus.

Please note: antibodies of one type, which are intended to combat various viruses, there are significant differences. This is why the results of cytomegalovirus tests on igg are quite accurate.

How is the analysis deciphered?

An important feature of cytomegalovirus is that after the initial damage to the body, it remains in it forever. No treatment will help get rid of its presence.

The virus functions virtually without harm in internal organs, blood and salivary glands, and its carriers do not even suspect that they are carriers of the virus.

What are the differences between immunoglobulins M and G?

Igm combines fast “large” antibodies produced by the body in order to respond to the virus as soon as possible.

Igm do not provide immunological memory, dying off within six months, and the protection that they are supposed to provide is eliminated.

igg refers to antibodies that the body clones from the moment they appear. This is done with the aim of maintaining protection against a particular virus throughout a person's life.

These cytomegalovirus antibodies are smaller in size and have a later production time. Typically, they are produced from igm antibodies after the infection has been suppressed.

That's why finding it in the blood cytomegalovirus igm, which reacts to, it can be argued that the person became infected with the virus relatively recently and at the moment there may be an exacerbation of infection.

To get more full information, additional research indicators need to be studied.

Antibodies to cytomegalovirus igg

What additional tests can be done?

It may consist not only of information about cytomegalovirus, but also carry other necessary data. Specialists interpret the data and prescribe treatment.

To better understand the values, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the laboratory test indicators:

  1. Іgg– , igm+: specific igm antibodies were found in the body. With a high degree of probability, the infection occurred recently, and now there is an exacerbation of the disease;
  2. igg+, igm– means: the disease is inactive, although the infection occurred a long time ago. Since immunity has already developed, virus particles that re-enter the body are quickly destroyed;
  3. igg– , igm– – evidence of a lack of immunity to cytomegalovirus, since this virus has not yet been recognized by the body;
  4. igg+, igm+ – evidence of reactivation of cytomegalovirus and exacerbation of infection.

Another important indicator is called immunomodulins:

  • below 50% is evidence of primary infection;
  • 50 – 60% – the result is uncertain. The analysis should be repeated after 3 - 4 weeks;
  • over 60% – there is immunity to the virus, although the person is a carrier or the disease has become chronic;
  • 0 or negative result– the body is not infected.

If the person has no disease immune system, a positive one should not cause concern.

At any stage of the disease, good immunity is a guarantee of imperceptible and asymptomatic diseases.

Only occasionally does cytomegalovirus manifest itself with the following symptoms:

  • general malaise.

It is important to remember that intensive and aggravated infection, even in the absence of external signs, it is recommended to reduce your activity for several weeks:

  • appear less often in public places;
  • communicate as little as possible with children and pregnant women.

At this stage, the virus is actively spreading, capable of infecting another person and requiring serious treatment for cytomegalovirus.


The greatest danger to the fetus occurs when the virus enters the female body during pregnancy. The danger increases if a woman becomes infected for the first time and is between 4 and 22 weeks pregnant.

If we're talking about about the reactivation of cytomegalovirus during pregnancy, the risk of infection for the fetus is minimal, but during pregnancy, cytomegalovirus infection can lead to the following consequences:

  • birth of a mentally retarded child;
  • The baby develops seizures, hearing or vision loss.

But don't panic: tragic consequences cytomegalovirus are registered in 9% of cases with primary cytomegalovirus infection and 0.1% with re-infection.

Thus, the vast majority of women with such an infection give birth to healthy children!

Situations typical for pregnant women:

  1. If, even before pregnancy, a blood test showed antibodies to cytomegalovirus), then such a woman will never have a primary infection during pregnancy, since it has already occurred in the past - this is evidenced by antibodies in the blood.
  2. A blood test for antibodies was taken for the first time during pregnancy and antibodies to the virus were detected. In such cases, reactivation of the infection may occur during pregnancy, and the probability of serious damage to the fetus is 0.1%.
  3. The blood test was taken before pregnancy. The woman did not have antibodies to cytomegalovirus (igg-, CMV igm-).

Based on other medical publications, it can be argued: unfortunately, in domestic medicine, everything bad that happens to a child is usually attributed to cytomegalovirus infection.

Therefore, repeat tests are prescribed for CMV IgG and CMV IgM, as well as a PCR test for CMV mucus from the cervix.

Given the evidence of constant levels of CMV igg and the absence of CMV igg in the cervix, it can be safely denied that possible complications pregnancies are caused by cytomegalovirus.

Treatment of cytomegalovirus infection

It should be emphasized: none of the available treatment methods completely eliminates the virus.

If cytomegalovirus is asymptomatic, women with normal immunity do not need treatment.

Therefore, even if cytomegalovirus or antibodies to it were detected in a patient with good immunity, there are no indications for treatment.

Efficiency of use, polyoxidonium, etc. is not a panacea.

It can be argued: immunotherapy for cytomegalovirus infection, as a rule, is driven not so much by medical as by commercial considerations.

Treatment of cytomegalovirus in people with weakened immune systems is reduced to the use of (ganciclovir, foscarnet, cidofovir).

Cytomegalovirus penetrates the child’s cells immediately, remaining there for life, existing in an inactive state.

Children aged 2–6 months are infected with virtually no symptoms or any serious problems for good health.

But if a child becomes infected in the first months of life, infection can provoke a real tragedy.

We are talking about congenital infection, when the child became infected in the mother’s stomach during childbirth.

Which children are more dangerous from the virus?

  • children who have not yet been born become infected during the period of intrauterine development;
  • with a weakened immune system;
  • children of all ages with weakened or absent immunity.

Congenital infection with cytomegalovirus carries the risk of affecting the child with serious damage to the nerves, digestive system, blood vessels and musculoskeletal system.

There is a possibility of irreversible damage to the organs of hearing and vision.

Diagnosed using laboratory analysis. Enzyme immunoassay is widely used in the Russian Federation today.

Preventive measures

Using condoms reduces the risk of acquiring infection during sexual intercourse.

Those with a congenital infection should avoid casual intimate relationships during pregnancy.

Cytomegalovirus infection belongs to the herpetic group. In most cases it proceeds without any external manifestations or with mild symptoms. People often do not pay attention to this disease and do not take any measures to eliminate it. But CMV during pregnancy is very dangerous because it can lead to pathologies of fetal development and interruption of the gestation process.

An infection of this kind is difficult to treat, especially during the period of waiting for a child, when taking many antiviral agents prohibited. That's why great importance has diagnostics at the conception planning stage.

The question of what CMV is during pregnancy and how to protect yourself from infection interests many expectant mothers. CMV or cytomegalovirus is a pathogen that belongs to the herpes family. In the human body, it behaves in the same way as the well-known cold on the lips: most of the time it does not manifest itself in any way, but with a decrease in immunity, an aggravation occurs. After the initial infection, it is no longer possible to completely get rid of it; the person becomes a carrier of the virus for life.

Cytomegalovirus was first identified by scientists in 1956. The infection is now widespread throughout the world. In economically developed countries, antibodies in the blood are found in 40% of the population, in developing countries - in 100%. Women are more susceptible to the disease. Among infants, the prevalence of infection ranges from 8% to 60%.

Most carriers of the virus are unaware of its presence in the body. CMV is an infection that worsens during pregnancy and other conditions accompanied by decreased immunity. Therefore, expectant mothers are at risk.

The source of cytomegalovirus infection is a person with an acute form of the disease. Transmission can occur in several ways: airborne, sexual, contact, intrauterine. After infection, the virus enters cells and destroys their structure. The affected tissues fill with fluid and increase in size.


CMV during pregnancy can occur either for the first time or recur. The main causes of infection are a natural decrease in immunity, necessary to maintain pregnancy, and contact with a carrier of the virus.

After fertilization of the egg, many changes begin to occur in the woman’s body. The main ones are perestroika hormonal levels and decreased immunity.

On initial stage this is necessary for the successful fixation of the embryo in the uterus, and then for maintaining the pregnancy. The woman's immune system becomes less active and thus reduces the risk of fetal rejection, as foreign body. But as a result, a woman becomes more vulnerable to any infectious diseases.

If previously in the body expectant mother If there was no CMV, then primary infection is possible through contact with a person whose disease is in the acute stage. Transmission can occur through sexual contact, not only genital, but also oral or anal.

Less likely to become infected by everyday means: through a kiss, the use of dishes and personal hygiene items of the patient. The risk of transmission through blood is very small and is more likely to occur in people who use intravenous drugs.


A woman who is a carrier of CMV and/or HSV during pregnancy may not show any signs of the disease and may not even know what it is. With a relatively active immune system during this period, the infection occurs latently.

If an exacerbation occurs, then most often symptoms similar to ARVI are observed. The body temperature rises, the woman feels that she has become tired faster, a runny nose appears, headache, increase salivary glands, the tonsils may become inflamed. Often all these manifestations are mistaken for a cold and do not cause much concern. But cytomagelovirus infection lasts longer than respiratory infection (1-1.5 months).

Sometimes the symptoms of cytomegalovirus infection are similar to mononucleosis. The temperature rises sharply to 38-39° C, the tonsils and salivary glands become inflamed, the lymph nodes enlarge, pain appears in the muscles, joints, in the right and left hypochondrium, fever, chills. This condition is called mononucleosis-like syndrome and develops 20-60 days after infection. Symptoms continue for 2-6 weeks.

CMV during pregnancy in some cases occurs with complications. This disease may be accompanied by pneumonia, arthritis, pleurisy, myocarditis, encephalitis, vegetative-vascular disorders, lesions internal organs.

It is extremely rare to observe a generalized form of infection, in which the virus spreads throughout the body. IN clinical picture may be present:

  • inflammation of the kidneys, adrenal glands, spleen, liver, pancreas and brain;
  • damage to the tissue of the lungs, eyes, digestive organs;
  • paralysis.


Since cytomegalovirus infection often occurs in a latent form, and during exacerbations it is similar to a common cold, it is impossible to identify it yourself. Analysis for CMV during pregnancy is carried out using laboratory methods research, for this purpose blood, urine or saliva is taken from the patient. Not only cytomegalovirus is determined, but also the causative agents of toxoplasmosis, rubella, and herpes simplex (TORCH infection).

Three diagnostic methods are used:

  1. PCR (polymerase chain reaction) – in special conditions under the action of enzymes, sections of the DNA of the virus are copied.
  2. Cytological examination of sediment in urine and saliva - examination of biomaterial under a microscope to identify virus cells.
  3. Serological examination of blood serum using enzyme immunoassay(ELISA) - search for antibodies specific to a given virus.

Most often, CMV during pregnancy is determined using ELISA, which detects two types of immunoglobulins: IgM and IgG. The first type is produced by the body 4-7 weeks after infection, and when an immune response is formed, its amount decreases. Immunoglobulin G increases in this phase.

How does CMV affect pregnancy?

The acute course of cytomegalovirus infection can affect the condition of the fetus and the course of pregnancy. Greatest danger represents the primary infection during pregnancy. In this case, antibodies have not yet been formed in the woman’s blood; the virus is very active and quickly penetrates the placental barrier. The probability of infection and the appearance of fetal development pathologies is 50%.

If CMV worsens during pregnancy, the prognosis is more favorable. Already in the body IgG antibodies, the virus has been weakened. The probability of its penetration through the placenta is 1-2%. And even in these cases, its damaging effect is reduced.

The shorter the period at which CMV manifested itself, the more serious complications and consequences. If infection occurs in the first trimester, there is a high risk of spontaneous abortion. It is also possible that abnormalities may occur in the fetus, including those that cause intrauterine death.

When the disease manifests itself in the second and third trimesters, the danger is lower: the fetus develops normally, but there is a risk of pathologies of its internal organs, premature birth, polyhydramnios, congenital cytomegaly. It is very important to diagnose CMV at the planning stage, since during pregnancy this disease is difficult to treat and poses a danger to the unborn child.

Norms of CMV during pregnancy

Once cytomegalovirus enters the body, it remains there for life. But if the disease occurs in a latent form, then it does not cause much harm. In many women, when tested for TORCH infections, antibodies to CMV are detected. Their level indicates the characteristics of the disease and its stage.

There is no norm for CMV during pregnancy as such. Enzymatic immunoassay is a complex procedure that uses dilution of blood serum in a certain ratio. The interpretation of the result depends on the test system, its sensitivity and components.

When studying the diagnostic results, you need to pay attention to the following options:

  1. IgM is not detected, CMV IgG is normal (absent) - during pregnancy this is the optimal result. This means that there is no pathogen in the body and no complications will arise.
  2. IgM was not detected, but CMV IgG was positive during pregnancy. The virus is present in the body, the infection occurred a long time ago and the disease occurs in an inactive form. The likelihood of transmission of infection to the fetus is minimal.
  3. CMV during pregnancy, when IgM is positive, a primary CMV infection has occurred or an exacerbation of an infection that was previously hidden. At the same time, the risk of infection of the fetus is high.

How is CMV treated during pregnancy?

As already noted, it is impossible to completely get rid of the virus. Treatment of CMV during pregnancy it comes down to transferring it to an inactive state.

For this purpose:

  1. Antiviral drugs. Reduce the number of viruses and suppress their activity.
  2. Human immunoglobulin against CMV. The drug is made from the blood of people who have formed antibodies to the pathogen.
  3. Immunomodulators. Increases the body's resistance to viruses, bacteria and other pathogenic microflora. The effectiveness of drugs in this group has not been fully proven.

All medicines should be selected only by a doctor, taking into account the duration of pregnancy and the characteristics of the course of the disease. In this case, you cannot self-medicate.

Should the pregnancy be terminated?

The question of whether it is necessary to terminate a pregnancy is decided individually in each case. An abortion may be recommended (but not prescribed) by a doctor in cases where the risk of infection is high and the likelihood of serious developmental anomalies is high (primary infection has occurred on early). The final decision on this issue is made by the woman. The termination can be performed up to the 22nd week of pregnancy.

With timely treatment, the risk of transmission of infection to the fetus is significantly reduced. If infection or reactivation of CMV during pregnancy occurred during later, interrupt not shown.


The earlier the infection or reactivation of the virus occurred during pregnancy, the more serious the consequences will be. In the early stages, this can provoke a miscarriage or abnormal development of the fetus: underdevelopment of the brain, epilepsy, cerebral palsy, disorder mental functions, deafness, congenital deformities.

If the infection occurs in the later stages, then the child does not develop developmental defects, but he is born a carrier of CMV (congenital cytomegaly). The virus can affect the course of pregnancy: cause polyhydramnios, premature birth.


Prevention of CMV involves strengthening the body and limiting contact with sick people. If, as a result of diagnosis, the presence of a virus in the body is revealed, but the infection remains hidden, then all the woman’s efforts should be aimed at activating the body’s defenses. Walking required fresh air, water treatments, proper nutrition and maintaining a daily routine and taking multivitamins.

To prevent primary infection you should:

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly after coming home, especially if you have had contact with small children.
  2. Use only your own dishes, do not finish eating after others (even children), and do not drink from other people’s glasses.
  3. Don't kiss strangers.
  4. Do not contact people who show signs of a cold.

Cytamegalovirus is present in the body of many people, but becomes dangerous in immunodeficiency states and pregnancy. The prognosis is most unfavorable when a woman is initially infected early. This can lead to miscarriage and fetal malformations. When the virus is reactivated, as well as in later stages, the consequences are less serious: a child can become a carrier of CMV, having become infected from the mother in utero or during childbirth.

Useful video: cytomegalovirus infection and its consequences

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A positive diagnosis for cytomegalovirus IgG cannot be considered a significant reason for despair. The conclusion about the presence of this representative of the herepesvirus family in the body is quite natural, and the likelihood of its detection in an adult is very high. We have to admit that only 10% of the planet’s population are not carriers of this insidious virus that temporarily lurks in the body. The only thing that saves us is that the disease often occurs latently, and only under certain circumstances does the activation process begin, which does not exclude fatal consequences.

It is very easy to become a victim of infection - the virus is actively transmitted in the simplest and most widely available ways. Like representatives of the respiratory galaxy of viruses, it penetrates human body by airborne droplets and household routes, it does not disdain sexual spread.

Complaining about fate or blaming yourself for lack of caution is an absolutely thankless task - the vast majority of infections occur in childhood. Usually this happens before the age of twelve. If all people were tested today, 90% of those tested would have positive cytomegalovirus IgG. Such statistics allow us to assert that today, infection with the virus in question is the norm for earthlings rather than the exception.

The nature of the symptoms signaling infection depends on the strength of the immune system. If some patients peacefully coexist with cytomegalovirus for decades, without even knowing about its existence, then others may experience a variety of clinical manifestations and complications from the ravages of the virus.

In what cases should you be tested for cytomegalovirus IgG?

The risk group includes people who have undergone organ transplantation and people with HIV. Cytomegalovirus is especially dangerous when pregnant. is accompanied by a decrease in immunity, and therefore the risk of activation or, even worse, primary infection increases many times over. The latter, causing infection of the fetus, can not only contribute to the development dangerous pathologies, but also lead to fetal death. Before pregnancy, you should definitely get tested for cytomegalovirus IgG.

It should also be remembered that most children infected with cytomegalovirus become infected in the first six months of life.

What does a positive test for cytomegalovirus IgG mean?

When infected, the human body almost immediately begins to produce antibodies to IgG. It is these stubborn warriors of the human immune system that, by suppressing the development of the virus, become the cause of the asymptomatic course of the disease. The presence of antibodies is determined laboratory analysis blood plasma. If the analysis does not detect antibodies to a positive cytomegalovirus IgG, this indicates not only the absence of infection, but also an increased susceptibility to primary infection. At the same time, the presence of antibodies does not mean that a person is absolutely protected from future infection. It must be emphasized that stable immunity is not developed to positive cytomegalovirus IgG.

The analysis is carried out by one of existing methods– ELISA or PCR. The first option involves finding antibodies that indicate the immune response to the presence of infection. A positive cytomegalovirus IgG in this case confirms that the primary infection occurred no more than three weeks ago. An excess of IgG of more than four times indicates activation of the virus. This, as well as primary infection, is evidenced by increased number IgM antibodies Therefore, the concentration of both immunoglobulins is usually analyzed.

Using the PCR method, it is possible to detect the presence of the virus in urine, semen, saliva, and vaginal secretions.

Cytamegalovirus is part of the torch family of infections, including the most dangerous infections-, herpes, chladydia - all of them are deadly for the fetus. Ideally, the test should be taken before pregnancy.

Testing for antibodies to cytomegalovirus is mandatory before pregnancy. A positive cytomegalovirus IgG and negative IgM is what is needed before conception, as it confirms the impossibility of primary infection during gestation. But when positive IgM Pregnancy will have to be postponed and normalization of the indicator will have to take place with the help of doctors.

And finally, if both results are negative, you should be especially careful, avoid any physical contact, especially with small children, and carefully observe personal hygiene.

Treatment of cytomegalovirus IgG

Alas, cytomegalovirus is difficult to fight, and no one has yet been able to cure it completely. Thanks to drug treatment you can only achieve an increase in the period of remission and manage the relapse of infection. It is impossible to get rid of the virus. The body is doomed to coexist with an insidious neighbor that has moved in. Our main task is to detect the virus in time. This makes it possible to “put to sleep” the cytomegalovirus for many decades. In treatment positive cytomegalovirus IgG doctors use anti-inflammatory drugs - ganciclovir, foxarnet, valganciclovir. It should be clarified that all of them are quite toxic and can cause dangerous complications. That is why they are prescribed very carefully - if the patient’s vital signs force them to do so. A positive diagnosis is also accompanied by the appointment of anti-cytomegalovirus immunoglobulin (cytotect) to patients.

Important! The specifics of the treatment require it to be carried out exclusively in a hospital under the close supervision of doctors.