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Cervical erosion, why it is dangerous, consequences and complications. Why does cervical erosion occur?

Cervical erosion is ulcer defect vaginal part of the cervix. According to statistics, this disease is diagnosed annually in almost 70% of women. reproductive age. The pathological process is manifested in the fact that, under the influence of various factors, the normal epithelium of the cervix is ​​replaced by a cylindrical one. Simply put, small wounds appear on the mucous membrane of the cervix, which initially do not cause any discomfort.

It would seem that any ulcers and wounds, especially those found in such a “delicate” place, require immediate implementation of all kinds of therapeutic measures. However, according to many experts, modern gynecologists often confuse real cervical erosion with so-called pseudo-erosion, which is not a disease and is considered a normal physiological phenomenon that does not require any treatment. In foreign medical literature the term “cervical erosion” appears very rarely precisely due to the fact that real erosion is also rare.

Cause for concern

Of course, after the message that pseudo-erosion does not need treatment, many women breathed a sigh of relief - this means there is no need to worry, everything will go away on its own. This is partly true - the healing process of ulcers on the cervix occurs especially quickly in young girls. The problem is that it is impossible to independently determine what type of erosion you have and whether it is dangerous. This can only be done experienced doctor using modern methods research.

According to scientific data, cervical erosion, which is dangerous to health, can increase the risk of developing cervical cancer, which initially does not manifest itself. That is why every woman needs to undergo regular preventive examinations, which help to identify pathology in the early stages of development, when the disease can still be stopped. Cervical erosion also increases the risk of developing urogenital formations.

Don't skimp on yourself and your health! Remember to visit a gynecologist you trust regularly.

Where does cervical erosion come from?

One of the main reasons for the development of cervical erosion is various genital tract infections. Infection with trichomoniasis, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, gonorrhea, bacterial vaginosis (gardnerellosis), candidiasis (thrush) and papillomavirus infection (HPV) leads to irritation of the mucous membrane of the cervix, which causes inflammation. HPV of high oncogenic risk is especially dangerous (numbered 16, 18,31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 66, 68, 73, 82). Similar types HPV virus found in 95-100% of cases of preinvasive and invasive forms of cervical cancer.

Infection of the cervix and the development of erosion can also lead to hormonal imbalance, too much early start sexual life, various microtraumas, difficult childbirth, abortions and inflammatory diseases vagina and uterine appendages.


Cervical erosion - insidious disease, which in most cases is asymptomatic. Most often, such disorders are detected by chance, during an examination by a gynecologist. But given that cervical erosion can develop against the background of genital tract infections, the following symptoms may be observed:

  • The appearance of vaginal discharge, unpleasant odor.
  • Discomfort and itching in the genital area.
  • Painful sexual intercourse, the appearance of bloody discharge.
  • Pain in the perineum and lower back.

If any of these symptoms appear, immediately make an appointment with a gynecologist! You should consult a doctor immediately if you have any tumors on the genitals that look like cauliflower on a leg - genital warts.

Diagnosis and treatment of cervical erosion

The main methods for diagnosing erosion are examination by a gynecologist and colposcopy, which allows one to examine the pathological focus of the disease under multiple magnification. If necessary, the doctor may also prescribe a targeted biopsy of the cervix and histological analysis the resulting fabric.

Pathologically changed tissue during erosion is removed using coagulation, cryodestruction, laser coagulation and radio waves. Remember - timely treatment protects against the development of complications and restores health!

Cervical erosion is a violation of the integrity of the epithelial layer of the vaginal segment of the organ. The disease is diagnosed during gynecological examination. If we talk about what the damage area looks like, these are areas bright red.

The disease is one of the most common pathologies of the female genital organs. According to statistics, the condition is detected in 50% of all sexually mature representatives of the fairer sex.

Highlight the following types cervical erosion: true, (pseudo-erosion) and congenital.


It is formed as a response to the influence of unfavorable factors. Most often, these are mechanical injuries, in particular, damage caused by bullet forceps during a medical abortion or diagnostic curettage.

As a result of injury, the integrity of the mucous membrane is disrupted and inflammation develops. In most cases, true erosion is determined by lower lip vaginal segment of the uterus. The area changes physiological shape and acquires a rich red color. The pathology is characterized by bleeding.

False (pseudo-erosion, ectopia)

False erosion differs from true erosion in its origin. The disease is accompanied by the removal of columnar epithelium lining inner surface cervical canal, beyond the external pharynx.

Ectopia occurs in approximately 40% of those who apply for gynecological care women. In the absence of a secondary infection, it does not cause any inconvenience.

In case of complications, the patient develops characteristic symptoms:

  • severe vaginal leucorrhoea;
  • pain in the lower abdomen (projection area of ​​the uterus);
  • spotting after sexual intercourse.

There are separate types of pseudo-erosion:

  • follicular (glandular) – characterized by cystic formations and visually distinguishable glandular ducts;
  • papillary - characterized by the presence of growths in the form of papillae, symptoms of inflammation;
  • mixed (glandular-papillary) - proceeds in combination, accompanied by signs of both subtypes of ectopia.


Congenital erosion is rare in gynecology. It is characterized by a displacement of the columnar epithelium zone outside the cervical canal.

Moreover, the causes and treatment of the disease differ from the true form and ectopia. Pathology is formed during intrauterine development.

Can be diagnosed in childhood and adolescence. Prone to self-healing.


The true causes of cervical erosion are not known to medicine. There are several theories about what causes the disease. This:

  • inflammation. Quite often, damage to the mucosa occurs against the background of endocervicitis, which is accompanied by activation of the secretion of the cervical epithelium;
  • injury. Aggressive sex, abortion, childbirth can provoke damage;
  • sexually transmitted infections. The appearance of erosion can cause HPV, genital herpes, chlamydia, Candida fungus, gonococci, Trichomonas;
  • early sexual debut;
  • violations menstrual cycle caused by hormonal imbalances.

The cause of the development of pathology may be a decrease in immune defense.

Symptoms of the disease

Symptoms of erosion are quite specific. The pathology manifests itself as pain during and following sex spotting. Slight spotting also occurs after physical exertion and getting up heavy objects. Such discharge can appear on any day of the menstrual cycle and have nothing to do with menstruation.

If the disease is complicated by the addition of a secondary infection, then the woman develops additional signs. The clinical picture looks like this:

  • profuse leucorrhoea of ​​a greenish or yellowish color with an unpleasant odor;
  • pain felt in the lumbar region and lower abdomen;
  • discomfort when urinating and frequent urge to the toilet.

Malignant erosion is recognized initial stage cervical cancer. Its difference is the uneven elevation above the tissues of the mucosa and the presence of a border groove that separates the neoplasm from healthy cells. At initial degree the symptoms of the pathology do not differ from the classic course of the disease. Continuous pain varying intensity appear at later stages.

Large erosion is diagnosed with an extensive affected area: over 60% of the mucosal surface. In this case, the symptoms of the disease are more pronounced.


Diagnosis of erosion only on the basis of the patient's complaints is difficult, since an uncomplicated disease is almost asymptomatic. The appearance of any serious changes is due to the addition of a secondary infection.

Main diagnostic techniques are examining the cervix in speculums and performing colposcopy.

Examination using a speculum

During examination of the vagina with the help of mirrors, a bright red area is visualized on the cervix. The formation has uneven contours and is characterized by increased bleeding, which develops even with a slight touch.


Cervical erosion is the most informative way to detect pathological changes. During the study, the vaginal segment of the uterus is examined by a gynecologist under 10x magnification.

The surface of a healthy mucosa is smooth pink color. The vessels are not visible.

The affected areas are visually different. Depending on the stage and severity of the disease, the patient can be determined:

  • accumulations of enlarged cells in the form of grape-shaped formations;
  • spherical papillae;
  • ectopic fragments;
  • open glands represented by dark dots;
  • immature epithelium;
  • retention cystic formations- bubbles filled with yellow liquid.

An advanced version of colposcopy allows you to get a clearer picture. The gynecologist performs additional tests - Schiller and acetoacetic.

In the latter case, the affected area is treated with a 3% vinegar solution. At the same time, unchanged – healthy – areas retain their original pink color. The area of ​​inflammation becomes glassy, ​​and the vessels narrow sharply.

Schiller's test involves smearing erosive areas with Lugol's solution. Healthy areas are evenly painted dark brown. Pathological cells do not change color.

Required laboratory tests

Determining erosion also requires laboratory research. The woman is prescribed the following tests:

  • microflora smear;
  • tests for urogenital infections, HIV, syphilis, hepatitis;
  • cytological examination.

If necessary, a biopsy is performed.

Treatment of erosion

If we talk about how to treat erosion, then modern methods are based on destruction pathological cells, their subsequent rejection and restoration.

It consists of taking various groups of drugs - antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal - that help eliminate the disease, which resulted in erosion. Additionally, immunostimulants are prescribed and hormonal agents, if the pathology is caused by a background disorder.

Erosion removal surgically is prescribed if conservative methods do not bring the expected therapeutic result.

Conservative therapy

If we consider treatment options for cervical erosion, we cannot rule out prescribing a course of medications.

Conservative treatment of erosion is as follows:

  • carrying out nonspecific anti-inflammatory therapy;
  • appointment medicines, helping to suppress microbial activity when identifying diseases from the STI group;
  • adjustment of immune and hormonal levels;
  • implementation of physiotherapeutic methods (rarely practiced) - tamponing with therapeutic mud, iontophoresis, irrigation with mineral waters.

If such methods of treatment do not bring results, then the patient will be recommended to cauterize cervical erosion with the help of chemicals.

To remove erosion, in most cases, Solkovagin is used. The medicine contains aqueous solutions of acids and zinc citrate. The drug acts selectively and affects only the eroded area of ​​the mucosa. At the same time, the stratified squamous epithelium lining the inner surface of the cervical canal remains intact. Cauterization of the affected area is carried out twice (during one procedure). Repeated chemical coagulation is rarely prescribed.

In addition to Solkovagin it is used water solution Polycruzene 36%.

Surgical methods

Removal of cervical erosion is surgically implemented different ways. Most often used:

  • cryodestruction;
  • laser vaporization;
  • radio knife.

If we consider how erosion is removed by cryodestruction, then liquid nitrogen is used in this case. After treatment, the affected tissues of the neck are necrotic and subsequently rejected. It takes 16 to 40 days for healing and new cells to form. The duration depends on the size of the erosion.

The downside of cryodestruction is the inability to control the forces of nitrogen exposure, so the substance can penetrate to a depth of up to 5 mm. A complication in this case is a narrowing of the cervical canal.

Laser vaporization uses a medical laser. The advantages of the technique include:

  • control of the total area and depth of processing, which completely eliminates damage to the neck;
  • absence of bleeding and inflammatory processes.

But the process itself is very painful and requires anesthesia. In addition, the technique is quite expensive.

Radio wave surgery is a fully controlled excision of the inflamed mucosa without direct interaction with the epithelium. Under the influence of radiated thermal energy, the affected cells are destroyed and their subsequent evaporation.

The advantages of using a radio knife include:

  • almost complete absence of pain during the procedure and during the recovery period, due to cauterization of nerve endings;
  • bactericidal effect;
  • healing of the wound surface without scar formation.

The technique is widely used in the treatment process nulliparous women.


Erosion after treatment, subject to all the recommendations of the doctor, heals quickly enough. But in the absence of adequate medical care, the disease develops into chronic form, which can lead to the development of serious diseases of the uterus.

Pseudo-erosion is a serious threat to women's health has no idea. But if favorable factors arise, ectopia can transform from a false to a true form.

Complications during chronic erosion may be as follows:

  • cervical dysplasia – with the development of the fourth degree, a malignant tumor is diagnosed;
  • the appearance of uncharacteristic cellular structures.

Advanced erosion can cause complications such as:

  • endometritis is a disease of the uterine body, accompanied by inflammation of the internal mucous layer;
  • myometritis – pathological process, developing in the muscle layer of the organ;
  • endomyometritis - combined inflammation of the lining endometrial and muscular layers of the uterus;
  • salpingitis - inflammation of the fallopian tubes;
  • oophoritis - damage to the ovaries;
  • adnexitis – combined inflammation of the fallopian tubes and ovaries;
  • pelvioperitonitis - inflammation of the peritoneum of the pelvic region.

An untreated disease can provoke early opening of the cervix in pregnant women. Similar state threatens spontaneous termination of gestation or the onset of premature labor activity.

Cervical erosion is a frequently diagnosed gynecological pathology. Absence adequate treatment and the transition of the process to a chronic form can cause serious problems with health. This is why women are recommended to visit a gynecologist at least twice a year.

Cervical erosion- This is an ulceration of the mucous membrane of the uterine pharynx. The pathology is widespread and occurs in a third of women who come to see a gynecologist. However, true erosion should be distinguished from pseudo-erosion, since these are two various diseases, which means their treatment will differ.

Cervical erosion - is it dangerous?

Every woman who has been diagnosed with this question wonders how dangerous this disease is. To assess the degree of threat to the body, you need to check with your doctor what exactly he means by the word “erosion.”

If a woman has pseudo-erosion, then this is a non-hazardous condition for the body. When true erosion is detected, it is necessary to find out the reasons that led to its development. If it is a vaginal infection, then there is a risk of its ascending spread to the uterus and appendages, which can lead to serious illnesses, including to.

In any case, when a doctor prescribes treatment, you should not ignore it. Most common gynecological pathologies, such as , and , are associated with erosion - they either provoke its development or arise against its background. Cervical erosion is most dangerous during pregnancy, as the risk of miscarriage increases and there is a possibility of fetal sepsis and death. Therefore, you should not underestimate the danger of erosion and take treatment lightly.

Causes of cervical erosion

There are several possible reasons or theories of the origin of this pathology.

Among the most common ones are:

    According to doctors, endocervicitis plays a particularly significant role. This is due to the fact that during such processes there is an increase in the excretory function of the glands located in the epithelium of the cervix, which causes its damage;

    Pathological discharge from the uterus, for example, destroyed polyps, endometrium, myomatous nodes. Such substances promote desquamation and maceration epithelial tissue cervix. This does not happen immediately, but as a result lasting influence discharge on the surface of the cervix. As a result, the woman develops true erosion, and its surface is populated by pathogenic microorganisms that cause infectious inflammation. Among the possible dangerous inhabitants of the vagina: Trichomonas, gonococci, chlamydia, etc.;

    Injuries. Mechanical damage to the cervix often occurs during operations, childbirth, abortion, installation of intrauterine devices and other gynecological manipulations. All this causes cervical eversion and the development of erosion;

    Hormonal imbalances. Among the most dangerous conditions in terms of cervical erosion - later or, on the contrary, too early puberty girls, irregularities in the menstrual cycle or the functioning of the ovaries, their inflammation, pregnancy at an early and too late age;

    Immune disorders, leading to various malfunctions in the body, including erosion. In this case, diseases of a non-gynecological nature play a role;

    Special development of the fetus during pregnancy. Sometimes a zone of cylindrical cells forms outside the cervical pharynx. However, such a defect is not considered a disease, does not require treatment and resolves on its own.

In addition, in nulliparous women, erosion occurs more often in the presence of the following predisposing factors:

    Irregular sex life with rare sexual intercourse;

    Early sexual debut;

    Weak immune defense;

    Frequent change of sexual partners and promiscuous intimate relationships.

There is also a connection between the development of the pathological process and for the following reasons:

    A woman's addiction to smoking;

    Hereditary predisposition to the formation of erosion;

    It is possible that the use of hormonal drugs for contraception has an effect, but this relationship is still being established.

Sometimes absolutely healthy women who have not given birth or had abortions, erosion occurs for no apparent reason. Most often it goes away on its own, and doctors associate it with physiological processes, occurring in the body. As for frequent stress and the influence of other psycho-emotional causes on the development of the disease, the connection between them and cervical erosions has not been proven.

The latent course of the erosive process is observed in 90% of cases. If there are symptoms, they are extremely scanty and do not force the woman to see a doctor. Therefore, pathology is mostly discovered completely by accident, when a woman comes to the gynecologist for a routine examination.

Possible rare manifestations of the disease may include:

    With uncomplicated erosion, a woman’s natural vaginal discharge. This factor is due to the fact that the increased area of ​​the columnar epithelium produces large quantity mucus;

    Sometimes a woman is forced to go to an appointment due to painful sensations in the lower abdomen, menstrual irregularities, or the appearance of leucorrhoea that has an unpleasant odor. However, these clinical manifestations are explained concomitant diseases genital area, and not an erosive process;

    In rare cases, erosion itself can cause a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen and discomfort. These sensations are especially intensified after intimacy. In addition, after sexual intercourse, a woman may notice the appearance of minor bleeding.

At neglected form Leucorrhoea becomes thick and slimy, and may contain blood or purulent contents.

Doctors distinguish several types of erosion, each of which has its own characteristics:

    True erosion, which resembles an abrasion. In this case, the surface of the stratified squamous epithelium is inflamed and damaged. After 1-2 weeks, this type of erosion either resolves itself or transforms into ectopia, when the stratified squamous epithelium is replaced by columnar cells;

    Pseudo-erosion, or ectopia itself. The columnar epithelium seems to creep onto the area of ​​the cervix, which is normally lined with stratified squamous epithelium. Upon examination, the doctor sees a red surface with small villi. Ectopia can be acquired or congenital. As for the acquired type of erosion, it occurs as a result of either a hormonal imbalance or becomes a consequence of any diseases of the woman;

    Erosion is congenital. In this case, the border between the flat multilayered and cylindrical epithelium is shifted and is located on the vaginal part of the cervix. This defect is not large in size and by about 23 years of age goes away on its own and without treatment. This type of erosion is very typical for nulliparous women under the age of 25 and for those who take oral contraceptives.

In turn, true erosion comes in several types. It is classified depending on what caused the development of the pathology:

    True inflammatory - becomes the result of any infection of the genital organs (this can be trichomoniasis, chlamydia, etc.);

    True traumatic - appears as a result of injuries during rough sexual intercourse, childbirth, diagnostic curettage, abortion, etc.;

    True chemical - is formed as a result of damage to the cervix by aggressive substances used for douching during independent unqualified treatment;

    True burn - formed as a result of cauterization of the cervical pharynx;

    True trophic - occurs as a result of impaired blood supply to the cervix or due to irradiation of the genital organs;

    True specific - becomes a consequence of infection or;

    They cauterized the erosion, but after 2 years it appeared again. What to do? You will need re-treatment. Perhaps more radical. From existing methods Laser therapy gives the lowest percentage of relapses.

    I have watery discharge mixed with blood after cauterization of cervical erosion. This is fine? Yes. They can last a month after cauterization.

    How long can you not have sex after cauterization of cervical erosion? Approximately 4 weeks until bleeding completely disappears.

    Is it possible to deal with erosion sex life? Yes, you can.

    The doctor suggested cauterizing the erosion with liquid nitrogen. Will I have a scar on my cervix after the procedure? No, it won’t, this method does not leave any problems, it can be recommended to nulliparous women planning a pregnancy in the next year.

In order to decide on a therapeutic regimen, it is necessary to take into account many factors, the main one among which is the cause that caused the erosion.

It is important to eliminate it first:

    If a woman has genital infections, they should be treated depending on what pathogen caused the disease. For this, either antibiotics or antiviral agents are used;

    When the course of therapy aimed at eliminating inflammation is completed, the doctor will decide the best way to get rid of pseudo-erosion. This is influenced by the area of ​​the cervical pharynx, which is involved in the pathological process, and what age the patient is, and whether she plans to have children, etc.;

    Modern methods of eliminating erosion allow even nulliparous women to get rid of the pathological process. While in the past it was recommended to treat erosion only after childbirth, and the process itself was delayed for several years;

    The defect is eliminated in the first phase of the next menstrual cycle, as soon as the bleeding stops. However, there are exceptions, in particular, the diathermocoagulation method.

It is worth knowing that so-called cauterization is not always an effect using any instrument. In some cases, the defect can be removed using special preparations.

This method of ridding a woman of cervical erosion comes down to treating the area with the defect with a chemical. Solkovagin can be used as such. It contains zinc nitrate, nitric, oxalic and acetic acid. The use of chemical coagulation is possible for minor erosions.

In the recent past, doctors used another drug, Vagotil, to eliminate the defect. It was applied to a tampon and inserted deep into the vagina for a week. However modern doctors it is not used, since it acts on the surface layers without penetrating inside, which causes the low effectiveness of the drug. While after treatment with Solkovagin, a scab is formed, which is rejected after a few days. After two months, complete tissue regeneration occurs and the healing process is completed.

Among positive points chemical coagulation:

    Absence pain during the procedure;

    Easy to use method (cauterize the erosion with the drug twice with a break of several minutes);

    Low cost of the drug (the price of two Solkovagin ampoules does not exceed 1200 rubles).

If we consider negative sides, then the only negative is the ability to treat only minor erosion.

This method of getting rid of pathology is an outdated method, and it has many disadvantages. The essence of diathermocoagulation is that the erosion is cauterized with a high-frequency current, and a black scab is formed on the treated area, looking like a burn. In this regard, this method of treatment is currently used extremely rarely.

Other disadvantages of this method include:

    During treatment, the woman experiences pain;

    Both during cauterization and after it, there is a risk of bleeding;

    The cervix is ​​deformed as a result of scarring, so it is not possible to use this method in women about to give birth, as well as in girls who have not given birth.

Recovery occurs after 1.5 months, and cauterization itself is performed immediately before menstruation so that the scab comes off faster and more painlessly. Among the advantages of diathermocoagulation are the ability to perform conization of the cervix beforehand, as well as the low cost of the method and its simplicity.

This method is one of the most common. It boils down to the fact that the affected area is treated using a beam of laser beams. Before irradiation, the cervix is ​​wiped with a solution acetic acid and iodine solution. This allows you to achieve vasospasm, and also makes it possible to “outline” the boundaries of erosion. Code for pathological tissues The laser beam hits, moisture evaporates from the damaged cells and as a result they are destroyed.

Among the positive aspects of this technique are:

    No pain during the procedure;

    High efficiency, while the guarantee of recovery is 98%;

    Scars do not form on the cervix.

Among the main disadvantages of this method are the relatively high cost of the procedure, and the zone of decay of healthy tissue is quite large compared to radio wave erosion therapy.

This relatively new method is based on the fact that the affected area is treated with liquid nitrogen; its temperature can reach 150 degrees minus. Nitrous oxide is sprayed using a special apparatus. In this case, the area of ​​​​the treated tissue acquires a light color and becomes insensitive. The fluid in the affected cells turns into ice crystals, which leads to the destruction of pathological tissues. The procedure takes on average 15 minutes, and complete recovery occurs after 1.5 months. After the treatment, the woman experiences copious discharge, which mainly consists of water.

Among positive aspects this treatment method:

    High efficiency, which reaches 97%;

    Ease of implementation;

    No pain during treatment;

    No cervical deformation.

Among the disadvantages of cryocoagulation, doctors highlight possible risk incomplete treatment of the damaged area, as well as the appearance of heavy discharge (possibly with blood) after the procedure.

This treatment method is one of the most popular in modern medicine. It is preferred by most gynecological oncologists, calling radio wave treatment the most effective. The method is non-contact, while electricity, passing through the special apparatus Surgitron, is transformed and converted into radio waves. Using an electrode, they are directed precisely to the affected area.

During the procedure, there is no contact between tissue and the electrode, the cervix is ​​not exposed high temperatures and does not heat up, which does not cause burns. In this case, the liquid from the pathological cells evaporates, and the diseased cells themselves are destroyed. The immediate affected area is small, healthy tissue does not suffer from radio waves, which is an undoubted advantage of this method.

It is worth knowing that the procedure can be painful, so local anesthesia is necessary.

Among the positive aspects:

    100% cure for erosion is guaranteed;

    The risk of bleeding is reduced to zero;

    There is no scar formation on the neck, it is not deformed.

After a maximum of three weeks it happens full recovery tissues, and the woman recovers. In addition, the procedure can be performed on any day of the menstrual cycle. As for the disadvantages, there is only one - not every clinic has equipment for radio wave treatment, and it is not cheap.

Surgitron in the treatment of cervical erosion is a recognized leader in effectiveness. This is a special device that is used to eliminate erosion using radio waves. Damaged tissue they simply evaporate under the influence of ultra-high-frequency vibrations. The patient experiences almost no pain during this treatment. In this case, the vessels are instantly sealed or coagulated, which prevents complications such as. After the treatment is completed, a special protective film is applied to the damaged surface, which makes it possible to protect the uterus from various infections.

Treatment using this modern apparatus suitable for most women, even those who have not been pregnant or gone through childbirth. This is due to the fact that scars will not form on the surface of the cervix, as with other methods of exposure. It is scars that often become the cause of disruption of labor in the future. Also, treatment with Surgitron is suitable for women who have recently given birth and whose lochia has just ended, while lactation is not a contraindication to the procedure.

However, despite the fact that the method is minimally traumatic, before undergoing treatment, a woman must carefully prepare.

These activities boil down to:

    Detection of genital tract infections, including hidden ones. Any inflammatory process must be excluded: vagina, uterus, ovaries, tubes;

    The procedure is not done during menstruation;

    Treatment with Surgitron should be carried out with extreme caution if a woman has poor blood clotting;

    Before starting treatment using radio waves, a woman must undergo a complete diagnosis.

When the session is completed, you should not lift weights, bathe or live for two weeks. intimate life. When the doctor confirms that the recovery process has come to an end, you can begin planning your pregnancy.

Suppositories for cervical erosion

Erosion can be treated not only with cauterization, but also with various suppositories.

This method is the most gentle among the indications for suppository therapy:

    An erosive process caused by an imbalance of the vaginal microflora;

    Painful sensations during the menstrual cycle localized in the sacral area;

    Erosion caused by sexually transmitted diseases;

    Injuries sustained after abortion or difficult childbirth;

    Erosion formed as a result of hormonal imbalance.

However, it is worth knowing that suppository therapy is only possible for small areas that have undergone a pathological process. Larger erosions, as a rule, do not respond well to conservative treatment. Also, suppositories can be prescribed as an auxiliary therapy after cauterization. You should not prescribe the drug yourself and use it to eliminate erosion, as this can be harmful to your health. It is worth taking into account that sea buckthorn oil is not used to treat ectopia, as it promotes the proliferation of epithelial tissue, and therefore stimulates the growth of erosion. Treat ectopia sea ​​buckthorn candles only possible after it has been cauterized.

    Depantol candles. They are administered intravaginally twice a day. The maximum duration of course treatment is 3 weeks. During therapy, it is forbidden to use toilet soap for washing, since its components neutralize the effect of candles;

    Hexicon candles. They are able to relieve inflammation, normalize microflora, and have no contraindications. They are also used twice a day, the duration of the course can be a maximum of 20 days;

    Livarol candles. The advantage of this remedy is that it is enough to administer it once, and healing effect can be achieved after just five days. However, they cannot be used during pregnancy, during lactation and in the presence of hypersensitivity to the components included in the suppositories;

    Phytor suppositories. This product is made from natural basis, more often used after cauterization of erosion;

    Clotrimazole suppositories. The therapeutic course is 6 days, a suppository is administered once a day;

    Suporon candles. Based on healing mud, use is possible only after consulting a doctor.

Is it necessary to treat erosion at all?

Cervical erosion does not always require treatment. The need for therapy is determined by the doctor and depends on a number of factors. It is important to establish the type of erosion, the degree of its progression and the cause of its occurrence.

According to etiology, it is customary to distinguish the following types of cervical erosion:


    Ectopia of columnar epithelium;

    Erosion is true;

    Inflammatory erosion or so-called cervicitis.

As a rule, the doctor informs the patient about the problem, but does not name the type of erosion when announcing the diagnosis. Although this point is one of the key ones regarding the need for therapy. Therefore, after making such a diagnosis, a woman must independently clarify it.

To determine whether erosion needs to be treated, the patient is referred for colposcopy. At the same time, tests are performed for hidden sexually transmitted infections (syphilis, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, etc.). Only after receiving the results of all studies can you decide on further treatment tactics.

If there are no hidden genital infections, and inflammation of a nonspecific nature (candidiasis, vaginal dysbacteriosis) is not detected, then there is no need to treat the mucosal defect. It does not matter what type of erosion the woman has.

The next diagnostic step is to take a smear to identify atypical cells. If it is negative, then you should take a wait-and-see approach. This is explained by the fact that any erosion against the background full health reproductive system may resolve on its own. Even if there is no cure, surgery will not be required until undesirable changes are detected in the cytology smear, or other signs appear that indicate the presence of severe cervical dysplasia.

Treatment of erosion is required if it is covered with ulcers, or if there is an inflammatory process in the vagina. Therapy comes down to taking medications (antibiotics, antifungals and anti-inflammatory drugs), which should act directly on the cause of the pathology. Success medicinal correction achieved in 90% of cases. Therapy can last up to 3-4 months. Only after this time is it possible to make a decision to carry out surgical intervention using one or another method (radio wave surgery, laser or chemical coagulation, diathermocoagulation, etc.).

The operation is indicated for severe dysplasia, which is detected by the results cytological examination smear It does not matter whether there is an inflammatory process in the vagina or not. The affected tissue must definitely be removed.

Prevention of cervical erosion

All doctors are unanimous in one opinion - erosion, like any other disease, is easier to prevent than to take a long time, and sometimes painfully, to get rid of it. Therefore, prevention of this cervical pathology is a fairly pressing issue:

    Regardless of whether a woman is healthy or not, she needs to undergo regular examinations with a gynecologist. Both visual inspection and smear collection are important;

    It is important for a woman to adhere to basic hygiene rules, do not forget about the need to wear underwear made from quality materials;

    A regular sexual partner is a guarantee of protection from the majority venereal diseases, which, in turn, can provoke erosion. Don't ignore this elementary way contraception, like a condom. It will protect a woman not only from diseases, but also from unwanted pregnancy which can lead to abortion, injury and erosion;

    It is important to monitor the condition immune system and eliminate any diseases in a timely manner. For this purpose, it is worth taking vitamin and mineral complexes, which are especially relevant in the autumn and spring. In this regard, they “work” perfectly for the immune system. physical exercise, balanced diet, yoga classes, etc.

These measures are quite enough to avoid such an unpleasant pathology as cervical erosion, especially for nulliparous women. Naturally, before planning a pregnancy, it is best to get rid of erosion, if it is not congenital. This will help maintain the health of the woman and the unborn child.

Education: Diploma in Obstetrics and Gynecology received from the Russian State medical university Federal Agency for Health and Social Development (2010). In 2013, she completed her postgraduate studies at NIMU named after. N.I. Pirogova.

Cervical erosion- a pathological process in which its ulceration is observed. This is one of the most common pathologies, which is detected during examination in a third of patients.


Erosion or, in other words, ectopia of the cervix is ​​a disease in which ulcers (erosions) are found on the mucous membrane of the cervix. What cervical erosion looks like, as well as the size and number of ulcers depends on the degree to which the disease has developed. Women are susceptible to the formation of erosions, regardless of age. When ectopia is detected, a thorough examination is required, since its presence may indicate the development of an oncological process.

Cervical erosion is a pathology that is found in 30% of women upon examination

Important! Typically, cervical erosion occurs in a latent form and there are no symptoms indicating it. This is the difficulty of identifying it - as a rule, erosion can only be detected by chance, during an examination.

Signs by which the disease can be suspected are:

  • discharge due to cervical erosion, accompanied by an unpleasant odor;
  • pain in the lower abdominal cavity;
  • disturbed;
  • increase in leucorrhoea. This is due to the fact that the section of columnar epithelium increases and produces mucus in a larger volume.

At an advanced stage, discharge from cervical erosion becomes thick, and may contain bloody spots or pus.


Erosions can be different in etiology and pathogenesis:

  • True erosion. By appearance looks like an abrasion. The process of its development is accompanied by damage or inflammation of the epithelium. A couple of weeks after its occurrence, such erosion may disappear or transform into ectopia, in which the stratified squamous epithelium is replaced by cylindrical epithelium.
  • Pseudo-erosion. With this form, the columnar epithelium is displaced to the area of ​​the cervix, covered with stratified squamous epithelium. This form can be either congenital or acquired. The cause of the acquired form may be hormonal imbalance or female diseases.
  • congenital form. It manifests itself as a shift in the boundary between flat multilayered and columnar epithelium. As a rule, this form goes away on its own by a certain age and does not require treatment. It often occurs in nulliparous women, as well as in those taking oral contraceptives.

There is a separate classification of true erosion, which is based on the reason that caused its occurrence:

  • inflammatory form– occurs as a result of any genital tract infection;
  • traumatic– develops as a result of curettage, rough sexual intercourse, etc.;
  • chemical– appears after using aggressive chemicals, which are sometimes used for self-medication by douching;
  • burn– formed due to cauterization of the cervical area;
  • trophic– a consequence of impaired blood supply to the uterus;
  • specific– occurs due to infection or;
  • cancerous– one of the forms of malignant neoplasms.

A photo of the cervix with erosion can be seen below.

Photo of the cervix without pathologies, with pseudo-erosion and erosion


The causes of erosion may be the following:

  • Inflammatory processes of the female genital organs. The most significant role in this case is played by endocervicitis.
  • Discharge from the cervix resulting from pathology. These could be polyps. As a result of such secretions, desquamation and maceration of the epithelium occurs. Since this process takes a certain time and does not appear immediately, many women develop true erosion, on the surface of which dangerous microorganisms (Trichomonas, gonococci, etc.) begin to multiply.
  • Injury. Tissue may be damaged during childbirth, surgery, or insertion or removal of the IUD.
  • Hormonal disorders. They may be associated with early or late puberty, menstrual cycle failure, ovarian failure, inflammatory processes in the ovaries, late or early pregnancy.
  • Violation.

Erosion after childbirth can be caused by a large fetus, rapid birth process. In women who have given birth, the occurrence of erosion can be triggered by surgical intervention.

Cervical erosion in nulliparous women can be caused by:

  • lack of regular sexual relations;
  • early onset of sexual activity;
  • bad;
  • promiscuous sex life.

Provoking factors that apply to all women are nicotine addiction and genetic predisposition.

Reception is cited as a possible factor. oral contraceptives, however, this connection has not been reliably established.

The photo shows cervical erosion


Symptoms and treatment are interrelated and treatment is prescribed based on the results of the diagnosis. There are several options for how to cure erosion. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to eliminate the cause due to which the pathology has developed. For example, eliminate inflammation or cure sexually transmitted infections, if any. Experts note that in some cases, after the cause is eliminated, erosion goes away on its own.

Treatment methods are based on a direct effect on erosion:

Chemical coagulation- application to the cervix of a drug that affects the cylindrical epithelium. With this exposure, the squamous epithelium quickly covers the treated area. This treatment option is one of the most gentle and is usually used to eliminate small pseudo-erosions. In some cases, the procedure may need to be repeated.

Diathermocoagulation- exposure to high-frequency current, in which tissue melting occurs. As a result of cauterization, the overgrown epithelium is removed, in place of which a normal multilayer then appears. As a rule, the procedure goes without complications, however, there is a risk of scar formation, which may make it difficult to open the cervix during childbirth.

Diathermoconization– excision of overgrown tissues with a special loop. A scab forms on the surface of the cauterized erosion, which departs a week after the procedure. Overgrowing of the zone with stratified epithelium usually ends in a month and a half.

Cauterization with radio waves makes it possible to remove overgrown cells with the help of high-frequency current, without affecting the surrounding tissues. This method can be used to treat any disease of the cervix that is benign.

When treating erosion, preference is given to the use of radio waves. It is necessary to understand how cervical erosion is cauterized by this method - this is a non-contact method, during which the cervix does not heat up, there is no risk of burns.

takes a smear from the uterus

Local anesthesia may be used during the procedure.

Radio wave treatment provides a 100% guarantee of eliminating erosion in the absence of bleeding and the risk of scar formation.

Removal of cervical erosion by cryotherapy is the use of low temperatures to eliminate erosion. The disadvantages of the procedure include the insignificant depth of impact and the high frequency of relapses. However, the method has advantages: no painful sensations and blood, as well negative influence to dilatation of the cervix during childbirth. This method cannot be used for cancer.

Laser surgery refers to the most effective methods for removing cervical erosion. The most commonly used laser is a carbon dioxide laser. During the procedure there is practically no effect on healthy cells. Healing takes less time than with diathermocoagulation. Laser treatment of cervical erosion can be used for any diseases of the cervix that presuppose the absence of oncological formations, as well as scar deformities.

Prices for treatment of cervical erosion vary greatly depending on the method chosen. Drug treatment is the most budget option. The most expensive treatments will be laser and radio waves. Moreover, the price for treatment of cervical erosion will also depend on the size of the lesion.

Can treatment be carried out with medication? Gentle methods of treatment include the use of suppositories. Suppositories for cervical erosion are prescribed in the following situations:

  • erosion is caused by a violation of the vaginal microflora;
  • pain during menstruation, localized in the sacral area;
  • erosion caused by sexually transmitted diseases;
  • erosion caused by hormonal disorders;
  • injury as a result of abortion or difficult childbirth.

Important! Treatment of cervical erosions with suppositories can only be used when small areas are affected. This treatment is relevant as an additional treatment after cauterization of erosion.

Treatment with traditional methods

It should immediately be noted that the benefits folk remedies for the treatment of cervical erosion has not been confirmed. In any case, you should not start treatment with folk remedies on your own, as this can lead to the growth of erosion.

Folk recipes provide treatment in the form of laying tampons or douching. The tampon is soaked in sea buckthorn oil - this is what one of the folk recipes. However, sea buckthorn oil can lead to an increase in erosion in size and should only be used after cauterization. The attending physician can tell about such nuances and how to treat erosion with the help of folk remedies. What directly affects the treatment sea ​​buckthorn oil, then a tampon soaked in it is placed overnight. The course of treatment is 14 days.

For douching, use a 2% calendula solution. The product is used for 10 days, after each visit to the toilet.

After examination, the doctor prescribes treatment for cervical erosion


TO preventive measures that are recommended by experts include:

  • regular visits to the gynecologist and a smear test;
  • compliance with the rules of intimate hygiene and wearing high-quality underwear made from natural fabrics;
  • regular sexual partner;
  • using a condom as a method of contraception;
  • strengthening the immune system.

Effect on pregnancy

It’s good if you can identify and treat erosion before pregnancy. In cases where cervical erosion is detected during pregnancy, surgical methods They usually don’t resort. Held conservative treatment to eliminate infections and strengthen the immune system.


The lack of treatment of cervical erosion can lead to the following consequences:

  • inflammation of the endometrium;
  • inflammation of the muscular layer of the uterus;
  • inflammation of the fallopian tubes;
  • inflammation of the ovaries.

Cervical erosion during pregnancy is of particular danger to a woman, as it can lead to premature dilatation, creating a threat.

The appearance of cervical erosion is fraught with the fact that it creates a favorable background for the development pathogenic microorganisms. As a result, its presence can become a factor preventing conception.

Another danger is that there is a risk of degeneration of erosion into a malignant formation.


A cervical test for erosion may be prescribed if there is a suspicion of the development of an oncological process. When performing a biopsy under anesthesia, local anesthesia is used. After the procedure, the woman needs a gentle regime: sexual activity is not allowed for 2 weeks, heavy lifting is not allowed, and bathing is prohibited.

Cervical erosion - what is it, what are the causes of its appearance, and how can it be cured. Today we’ll talk about one of the most common female diseases.

Causes of cervical erosion

There are many reasons that can cause erosion. This is what makes it difficult to identify a specific source. Let's look at the most common ones.

  • Sexually transmitted diseases. , developing on the mucous membranes begin to destroy the latter. In addition, along with the onset of the disease, immunity will significantly weaken, which gives rise to a bunch of additional sores.
  • Diseases inflammatory in nature. Such as colpitis, thrush, bacterial vaginosis, vaginitis. Primarily associated with a violation of the vaginal microflora.
  • Mechanical damage to the mucosa, which includes childbirth, abortion and rough sex. Any, even the smallest cracks that occur as a result of these actions, can cause erosion.

In addition to the above factors, there are reasons that will serve as an additional impetus to the development of the disease. This:

  • early onset of sexual activity;
  • frequent change of sexual partners;
  • weakened immune system;
  • hormonal disorder;
  • menstruation disorders.

Too early (under 12 years old) or too late (over 16 years old) the onset of menstruation may indicate problems with hormones. The reason for the occurrence of erosion can be hormonal drugs, which are taken for a long time (including during treatment). Pregnancy and childbirth that occurred before the age of 18, when the body has not yet fully formed, can cause erosion.

Smoking and frequent drinking of alcoholic beverages, lack of sleep, poor nutrition, private stress, sedentary lifestyle life - all this can also be classified as provocateurs, since for this reason the immune system weakens.

Symptoms of cervical erosion

As a rule, cervical erosion is characterized by mild or mild symptoms. A girl can live her whole life with such a “silent” disease and not even know about its existence. In addition, erosion can go away on its own. In the vast majority of cases, erosion is discovered by a doctor who conducts an examination.

But still experts highlight some characteristic manifestations diseases:

  • pain during sexual intercourse;
  • barely noticeable discharge of blood from the vagina, which often appears after sex;
  • light nagging pain lower abdomen;
  • copious vaginal discharge that is colorless and odorless.

Installation accurate diagnosis only happens after full examination the affected focus. For greater persuasiveness, the specialist may prescribe additional tests. And only after this the treatment itself is prescribed.

Cervical erosion: types

Doctors distinguish the following types of cervical erosion:

  • Congenital. It looks like a bright red round formation. Appears in adolescence and adolescence. This is the only species that is able to regenerate without outside help. Degeneration into pathology is almost impossible.
  • True. A bright red formation on the cervix, the diameter of which does not exceed 1 cm, has clear boundaries. The existence of true erosion is estimated at a maximum of two weeks, after which the stage of pseudo-erosion begins. The risk of pathology is minimal.
  • Pseudo-erosion. A red area located near the external pharynx, mainly on the posterior lip. It can exist quietly for several months or several years. There are only rare cases, when at this stage healing occurred without outside help. If there is no cell atypia, then the chances of degeneration into oncology are very low. If the patient has human papillomavirus, the risk increases.

Treatment of cervical erosion

No matter what various “virtues” say, erosion cannot be cured with tampons soaked in sea buckthorn and other herbs. If you engage in non-surgical treatment, then only with the permission of a doctor. Otherwise, you risk spending a lot of money and getting absolutely no results. The earlier the disease was diagnosed, the easier and faster it is to cure.

All treatment can be divided into three types:

  • Medication.
  • Non-drug.
  • Surgical.

In the first case, cure occurs by taking anti-inflammatory drugs that eliminate the cause of the disease and also restore the mucous membrane of the tissue.

Non-drug treatments are drugs that act directly. Basically, it's candles. They have an antimicrobial effect and help normalize the functioning of the mucous membrane. This treatment is highly effective, but only a doctor can prescribe a specific drug.

There is another type of surgical intervention - cauterization. Very often, doctors prescribe just this method of treatment, considering it to be the fastest and most effective. This frightens women, firstly, the word “cauterization” itself sounds frightening, and secondly, given the negative experience of 20 years ago, when the procedure was very painful, it is difficult to believe otherwise. There is also an opinion that after cauterization, scars remain, which will subsequently affect pregnancy.

But with medicine that has made great strides forward, established myths can be dispelled. Instead of one method, experts offer five variations of medical intervention based on cauterization.

  • Diathermocoagulation. Speaking plain language This is a primitive removal of erosion using current, after which a burn is formed that develops into a scar. The technique is very crude and any careless action on the part of the doctor can harm healthy cervical tissue. The procedure itself is quite useful and it is possible that instead of one, 2-3 sessions may be required. Now this technique is fading into oblivion, since it can really harm the reproductive functions of a woman, especially one who has not given birth.
  • Cryotherapy. The essence of the technique comes down to exposing the affected area to a stream of liquid nitrogen. The impact zone is determined very precisely, which allows it to remain unaffected. healthy tissue. The process takes about 10 minutes. At the time of the operation, the patient does not feel pain. The only sensations are as if something is pulling in the lower abdomen.
  • Agonoplasmic coagulation. A completely new method of removing erosion is laser exposure. None discomfort. However, some doctors do not advise young ladies who have not given birth to use this method. Unfortunately, it is not possible to try agonoplasma coagulation in all clinics, mainly only in private institutions. This is due to the high cost of equipment.
  • Radio wave radiation. Healing after such exposure occurs after a month. There are no scars at all, the technique is absolutely painless and quick, but after the procedure you may experience bloody discharge.
  • Chemical exposure. Applicable only in cases where the affected area is small (does not exceed the diameter of a 2-kopeck coin). The area is treated with a special chemical composition, which destroys the epithelium. Complete healing is not guaranteed and depends on the individual.

Regardless of the method of surgical treatment, it is carried out. Until complete healing under strict ban taking baths, overheating the body and sexual activity.

Erosion prevention

In order to prevent erosion in the future, you should adhere to simple rules. First of all, it is worth realizing the importance of regular visits to the gynecologist. You need to go through the gynecological chair twice a year. This will help identify the problem in early stage, which means to cure without the use of rough methods.

Secondly, carefully monitor intimate hygiene. Take a shower twice a day, especially during critical days. Lead a decent sex life. When starting sexual activity with a new partner - use barrier method contraception to prevent STDs.

Does it hurt to cauterize cervical erosion

From everything described above, it is clear that cauterization of erosion, in most cases, does not cause even the slightest discomfort. But old and cheap methods can hurt. Now, knowing about all the treatment methods, you can consult with your doctor, ask him about each and find out what exactly is right for you.

Alternative treatment of cervical erosion

The Internet is replete with a huge number of recipes from traditional medicine who promise to help in the treatment. But even if you dare to use this method of healing, discard each of them and use simple logic. All the reasons that cause erosion can be united by one characteristic - weakened immunity. And that means you have to work on it. As soon as it strengthens, protective internal mechanisms are activated and the chances of independent healing increase exponentially.

In any treatment, to avoid this, always focus on eliminating the source that triggered the onset of the disease. If it is not identified and eliminated, the disease will return again and again, constantly progressing. It is precisely because this point is ignored that most women cauterize erosion several times throughout their lives.

Attention, before self-medicating, make sure that the sources were not STDs!

Uterine erosion during pregnancy

Erosion itself is not even dangerous. However, if it arose at the time of bearing the baby, the process of identifying the cause that led to its occurrence becomes especially important. If it is not infectious diseases which are sexually transmitted, the doctor postpones treatment until postpartum period, provided that the tests are within normal limits.

Erosion treatment - reviews

A lot of women do not attach importance to erosion and continue to walk with it. Of course, in some cases it may not make itself felt, but there are often situations when problems arise precisely because of erosion at the most inopportune moment. For example, the cervix may simply rupture during childbirth if there is erosion on it. Therefore, the importance of treatment is obvious. In addition, it is much more pleasant to realize that everything in the body functions “like a clock”.

Girls and women who decided to undergo the erosion removal procedure were satisfied with the result. Most of them noted a positive trend in normalizing the cycle and reducing pain during menstruation.