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Wound treatment products - what can be used to treat wounds. Rules for the primary treatment of various types of wounds

One of the most common injuries in humans is wounds. When they occur, the integrity of the skin is compromised and muscles, ligaments, blood vessels and internal organs can be damaged. The area affected depends on the location and depth of the wound.

Classification of wounds

All skin lesions can be classified into a specific type. So, in everyday life, people most often encounter cuts. They are made with sharp objects tangentially. You can cut yourself with a blade, an ordinary knife, or a piece of glass. In case of such damage, it is enough to simply know

But for deep puncture injuries, it is not recommended to self-medicate. Depending on the depth of the puncture, both skin, muscles and internal organs can be affected. There is another type of injury for which it is also better to consult a doctor. These are the so-called chopped wounds. They appear after a blow with a pointed heavy object, for example with an ax. A doctor must assess the complexity of such damage. He will be able to check the integrity of the bones, internal organs, and if necessary, sew up such a wound.

Domestic injuries

Most often, people wonder how to treat a wound in cases where we're talking about about a shallow cut with a knife, a broken knee and other simple injuries to the skin and muscles. Even with a small scratch, it is important to properly approach the process of disinfection. In most cases, an ordinary household wound does not pose any threat and can heal without problems. Main danger is that it can become infected. This is what you should pay attention to first.

It is worth knowing that from the point of view of surgeons in everyday life, people usually receive minor injuries. Therefore, if you know how to treat a wound, there is no point in going to the hospital. Of course, we are not talking about cases where the cut is so large and deep that it needs to be stitched. It is also worth going to the emergency room if the wound is deep, there is dirt or foreign bodies in it. So, for example, if you stepped on Rusty Nail, then you shouldn’t wait until the puncture site heals on its own. It is important to clean out all the dirt in a timely manner and properly treat the wound. Also, many deep, contaminated or bleeding wounds require the administration of anti-tetanus serum.

Action tactics

If you have a small domestic injury, then you can figure out on your own how to properly treat the wound. First of all, it must be washed with soap. This must be done from the center to the outer edges. Otherwise, you can only make the situation worse by increasing the number of microbes in the middle. But if you just use a clean, sharp knife, you can skip this step.

After this, you can begin to disinfect the damaged area. To do this, it is important to know how to treat the wound. So, the problem area must be filled with an antiseptic. Hydrogen peroxide is considered the ideal option. By the way, it is highly undesirable to use cotton wool for any cuts. If its fibers get inside, it will be very difficult to get them out. And they will contribute to the development of infection. In this case, healing of the damaged area will be difficult. It is advisable to treat the edges of the wound with iodine solution. This will prevent the introduction of germs from adjacent areas of the skin. But pouring it inside the cut is strictly prohibited!

After this, the wound must be covered with a sterile napkin, which will need to be secured with a plaster or bandage. Please note that the bandage must be changed as it begins to get wet. The damaged area can be moistened with peroxide each time.

When to go to the hospital

If you doubt what you can do for yourself qualified assistance, and the resulting wound seems too big and deep to you, then it’s better to go to the doctor. The specialist will properly wash it, disinfect it and apply a sterile bandage. If necessary, he will sew it up and insert it into you antitetanus serum. It is also necessary to see a specialist if you received an injury more than 6 hours ago, and during this period of time you did not have the opportunity to properly treat it. Wounds in which bleeding cannot be stopped must be shown to a doctor. This may be due to damage to large vessels.

You should not continue to self-medicate if you see the appearance of exudate in the wound. Even if you know how to treat a purulent wound, you should show it to a specialist. He will be able to choose the most appropriate tactics of action.

Signs of infection

Every person should not only know how to treat an open wound, but also be aware of what indicates deterioration of the condition. So, a sign that bacteria continue to multiply in it will be the following factors:

Swelling of the edges, their inflammation;

Redness of the skin around the affected area;

Temperature increase;

Shooting or stabbing pain at the incision site.

When running, it may start general reaction body, a fever will appear. Infection is also accompanied by general malaise.

The next stage will be the appearance of exudate. In this case, the doctor must decide what to do next with the damaged area. He may prescribe one of the water-soluble ointments. These include “Levomekol”, “Dioxidine ointment 5%”, “Furagel”, “Streptonitol”, “Miramistin 0.5%”, “Nitacid” and a number of others. The doctor will also explain how to treat a purulent wound and prescribe an antiseptic. It can be in the form of a solution, for example, “Dimephosphon 15%”, “Furagin potassium 0.2%”, “Iodopirone” or an aerosol - “Gentazol”, “Dioxysol”. The listed drugs should not be prescribed to yourself; they should be prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the patient’s condition.

How to treat damage at home

If you have a shallow, fresh wound, then you can figure out what needs to be done on your own. But for this it is important that you have a stocked first aid kit. It’s not enough to just know how to treat a wound; you also need to have the right tools at hand.

It is advisable that every first aid kit contain a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide. It is a universal antiseptic that can be safely poured even onto open wounds. An alcohol solution of brilliant green is capable of destroying pathological microorganisms that may be in the wound. The advantage of this drug is that it can long time maintain its antiseptic properties.

Fukortsin is less known in our country, but it can also be used for disinfection. It is suitable for treating any area of ​​the skin, including mucous membranes. This bright crimson-colored drug washes off the skin better than brilliant green. But it has contraindications - breastfeeding and pregnancy.

When figuring out how to treat a wound, don’t forget about iodine. Its solution cannot be poured onto an open area of ​​damage, but it is ideal for treating its edges. It will prevent bacteria from neighboring areas of the skin from entering the wound site.

How to treat a wound with peroxide

Unfortunately, not all people who have encountered household wounds believe that they need to be treated. As a result, some of them become clients of surgeons. But it’s not at all difficult to figure out how to treat a wound with hydrogen peroxide and cover the affected area gauze bandage or an adhesive plaster.

If you have a regular household cut, then fill it with this antiseptic. Please note that the wound should be watered generously with peroxide and not blotted. As a result, you should see the solution foaming. This will ensure not only good disinfection of the damaged area, but will also help remove small particles of dirt from the wound that are not visible to the naked eye. After this, you can apply a medical bandage folded in several layers or a gauze bandage to the wound.

Damage in children

Very often, parents wonder how to treat a child’s wound. If you have a baby in the house, then the first aid kit must be equipped with hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green, fucorcin or an alcohol solution of chlorophyllipt. The tactics for dealing with cuts in children should be the same as for injuries to the skin of adults.

The difficulty is that children often do not give the opportunity to treat the wound. But this is not the case when you need to feel sorry for the baby. Parents should do everything possible to wash the damaged area and treat it properly. At this time, there is no point in scolding the baby, you need to calm him down and try to explain what exactly you are doing with his wound.

Animal bites

Unfortunately, some people experience another type of skin damage. If you are bitten by a dog, you need to treat the damaged area as soon as possible. To do this you will need hydrogen peroxide and brilliant green. But you shouldn’t douse the bites with alcohol, cologne or iodine. This will only make the situation worse. Alcohol burns the wound, causing it to become even more injured. Please note that you may need information on how to process deep wound with torn edges.

After washing the damaged area with peroxide, it is better to see a doctor. Perhaps he will decide that it is better to sew up the edges of the wound or simply treat it further. In some situations damaged tissue It is better to remove them, because they can be a source of infection.

Surgical debridement

Many people believe that they can cope with a cut or puncture of any complexity on their own. Some of the victims underestimate the seriousness of the situation, while others are simply afraid to go to the doctor. But in some cases it is simply necessary. After all, only a specialist knows how to treat an open wound without introducing additional infection into it. But often surgeons have to work with those lesions in which pus has already begun to accumulate.

The specialist can remove dead areas, make a decompression incision, clean the wound and, if necessary, apply stitches. Severe lesions may even require skin grafting.

An open wound is the result of injury skin and deep tissues.


In some cases, such injuries can lead to quite serious consequences:

  • The likelihood of bleeding, which may result in anemia.
  • In some situations, the integrity of vital organs may be compromised.
  • A state of shock leading to organ dysfunction.
  • Development of infection.

Most often, this category of injuries does not pose any particular danger. And when a person begins to treat an open wound right away, the healing process goes much faster. However, there are situations in which the simplest home methods do not help.


Types of open mutilation can be divided into four conditions:

  1. Cut. Its difference from others is its clear, even contours. Typically, such injuries are caused by thin objects with sharp edges, as well as their careless use. Sometimes, if you are not careful, you can injure yourself with a simple sheet of paper. At the right approach It won't be difficult to heal a cut.
  2. Chopped. It has a small area of ​​damage, but can be quite deep. You can injure yourself and inflict a puncture wound with a thin, sharp object such as an awl or a nail. This variety can be dangerous, since a puncture injury can cause damage to internal organs or muscle tissue.
  3. Lacerations are ruptures of soft tissues, accompanied by their detachment, blood loss and acute pain.
  4. The surgical type is processed only by a specialist in a surgical manner.

What to do immediately in case of tissue damage

If the injury is minor and the tendon and muscle fibers are not damaged, open wounds should be disinfected with an antiseptic and bandaged. It can be replaced using a plaster if the size of the damage allows.

Stab wound

With this variety, the first step is to treat the open wound and deal with the bleeding. If blood loss cannot be stopped, apply a sterilized bandage until the problem of blood loss is resolved. With this type of open injury, the patient should see a specialist, as the help of a surgeon may be required.

Ragged damage

Treatment of a laceration begins with treating the wound site with hydrogen peroxide. Next, apply a sterile bandage.

In cases where the injury is serious, the victim should not touch the open wound or try to collect it. on our own. It is necessary to contact a surgeon who can assess the situation and apply the necessary stitches.

Injuries are classified according to the following characteristic features:

  • Causes of occurrence.
  • Level of injury.
  • Infection rate.
  • Level of microbial damage.

How to treat an injured leg

What to treat and how to do it, the doctor knows best. During the examination, the surgeon determines the characteristics of the injury and symptoms. When a leg is injured, the following symptoms may be pronounced:

  • Sharp pain.
  • Heavy bleeding.
  • Tissue defect
  • Leg functions are impaired.

An open wound on the leg, in some cases, can also cause shock, traumatic toxicosis and infections. Later certain period Once injured, the area will recover, but the speed of healing will depend on the circumstances under which the injury occurred.

In order to quickly and without complications heal open wounds on the leg that were caused by a sharp object, you should take this process seriously.

Key points that influence the healing process:

  • Competent.
  • Followed rules during the first surgical treatment.
  • Daily and methodical execution of all assignments.

What should be done immediately if there is an open injury to the leg?

If severe bleeding occurs, use a tourniquet or tightly tied cloth. It is necessary to treat the affected area with hydrogen peroxide. If there are foreign elements on the tissues, it is advisable to carefully remove them using sterilized tweezers. A sterile bandage is also suitable for this task.

Sometimes foreign particles can be located quite deep under the skin. In such cases, only treatment of the open wound is performed. Diagnosis and removal foreign bodies should be entrusted to a specialist who, if necessary, will numb the injured area in advance of cleaning. In addition, the hospital will provide prophylaxis against tetanus.

Having noticed traces of infection, you need to thoroughly but carefully rinse the affected area and apply an antiseptic to it, and only then apply a bandage.

Upper limb cuts

How to treat an open wound on the hand? The principles and recommendations are the same as in treatment lower limbs. The damaged area should be washed with peroxide solution and also use iodine. Do not forget that the medicine should not be applied to the center of the injury, otherwise burns will not be avoided.

I would like to remind you that when open wounds are treated, proper treatment is the key to a speedy recovery. If after a couple of days there are no manifestations of inflammatory reactions, there is no purulent discharge, it is reasonable to add Vishnevsky ointment or medications containing streptocide to the treatment.

Perhaps in this period time, the most popular remedy that can quickly heal injured tissue is Panthenol. It contains a lot of vitamin B and normalizes protein metabolism.

Head wounds

Help should begin with treating wounds and abrasions. In this case, it is advisable to exclude such material as cotton wool, since in the future it will be problematic to remove particles remaining on the surface.

If the wound is on the scalp, before treating it, it is necessary to trim the hair so that the injured area is accessible. The areas around the affected area are smeared with iodine or a solution of brilliant green.

In case of severe bleeding, a gauze pad is made and a pressure bandage is applied on top. This area should not be opened or disturbed until the bleeding stops. For pain and swelling, you can relieve the condition with ice or a heating pad with cold water.

How to deal with weeping cuts

In the treatment of weeping injuries, it is necessary to change bandages more often. Carrying out this procedure, the wound should be treated with furatsilin solution. Sodium hypochlorite or liquid antiseptics are also suitable: miramistin, okomistin and the like.

To reduce the amount of discharge, doctors use a ten percent sodium chloride solution. Dressings should be done every four hours. In the treatment of weeping injuries, antimicrobial drugs are used in the form of ointments: streptocidal ointment, Mafenide and Fudizin gel. The medicine should be applied to a sterilized bandage or tampon and the affected area should be treated.

Xeroform powder will help dry the injured area. Its ability to remove inflammation will come in handy during the healing process.

How are open purulent injuries treated?

This type of open injury is the most difficult to treat. With each treatment, it is necessary to remove pus from the damaged area. Are used drainage systems to be able to withdraw purulent discharge. As antibacterial agent Dimexide is used.

To stop the necrotic process, doctors prescribe powders such as Trypsin and Himopsin. In order to enhance the effect of treatment, the patient is also prescribed medications antibacterial properties, which are taken orally and also in the form of injections.


For those who prefer traditional healing and plan to treat open wounds on their own at home, the following remedies are suitable:

  • An aqueous solution of propolis is well suited for the treatment of weeping open injuries.
  • Decoction medicinal chamomile, St. John's wort herb, eucalyptus leaves, yarrow, raspberry twigs, calamus or comfrey root, and calendula flowers.
  • For shallow ones open injuries A medicine made from aloe juice, sea buckthorn oil and rosehip oil is suitable. All ingredients are combined in the same volume.

These products do not cause any harm and are quite effective. However, before starting treatment traditional methods you should make sure that there is no allergic reactions patient to these plants.

Of course, when treating open wounds, you should rely on the opinion of specialists. A qualified doctor will be able to prevent the development of complications and prescribe suitable medications. If you decide to undergo treatment at home, monitor your condition especially carefully in the first days.

If your body temperature begins to rise and pain increases, you should still contact a surgeon who can accurately determine the situation and prevent the development of dangerous forms diseases.

A wound is damage to the skin. There are many various types such injuries: punctures, cuts, torn, bites, chopped, etc. Regardless of the type and severity of the injury, it is important to be able to properly provide first aid to the victim. The life and health of the victim depends on the actions carried out in the first minutes after injury..

Photo 1. A timely bandage will protect the wound from infections. Source: Flickr (Naser Chawroka).

The importance of proper wound care

At the moment of injury, microorganisms inevitably enter tissues unprotected by the epidermis. Over time, their number only increases. In the nutrient medium, bacteria begin to multiply and produce toxins, which causes inflammatory reaction. Proper treatment is aimed at destroying microorganisms in the wound.

What untreated injuries can lead to

If the wound is not treated immediately, the following complications may develop:

  • . Pus is a mixture of bacteria and dead neutrophils (cells that help clean the wound). Purulent exudate can corrode tissue and spread, causing inflammation even in those areas of the skin that have not been damaged.
  • Massive necrosis. When wounded, some tissues die; it is important to remove them in time, since they contaminate the wound and can lead to damage to adjacent tissues and massive necrosis.
  • Gangrene. The damaged area of ​​the skin is the entry point for infection. The most dangerous of them is anaerobic. Such microorganisms quickly destroy tissue and can lead to gangrene, that is, death of an entire limb or a large area of ​​soft tissue.
  • Sepsis. In this case, bacteria enter the bloodstream from the wound, begin to multiply in the blood and colonize other organs and tissues. Foci of bacterial infection may be observed throughout the body.

In what cases should you go to the hospital?

Some wounds can be treated yourself at home, but there are situations when you should go to the hospital.

You need to see a doctor if:

  • The wound is deep.
  • Large area of ​​tissue damage.
  • Muscles or nerves are affected.
  • Massive bleeding from the wound.
  • The wound is heavily contaminated.
  • The wound was caused by an animal bite.
  • There is suppuration.
  • There is a need to administer antitetanus serum.
  • The distance from one edge of the wound to the other is more than 1 cm.

It is important! If the injury is caused by an animal bite, you should consult a doctor. The animal, whether indoor or outdoor, should be taken to a veterinarian to be tested for rabies. This is very dangerous disease, the only treatment for which is the administration of anti-rabies serum in the first hours after the bite.

Rules for primary wound treatment

The basic rule for treating a wound is: correct observance sequence of actions:

  • Cleansing;
  • Inspection;
  • Disinfection;
  • Environmental protection.

Features of processing at home

At home, the scope of treatment is limited by the skills and abilities of those around the victim, as well as the first aid supplies that are in the first aid kit. Such processing should be as simple as possible.

It is advisable to have on hand: hydrogen peroxide, which is suitable for treating wounds, a sterile bandage or gauze to make aseptic dressing.

Photo 2. Conventional dressings are quite sufficient for first aid. Source: Flickr (kenga86)

How to treat open wounds

First you need to free the wound from clothing and foreign objects, handle it several times (just watering it on the wound).

The skin around the wound is then treated alcohol, chlorhexidine or betadine, and then they wash the wound with them. It should also be washed by simply pouring it with an antiseptic solution.

If there is no need to go to the hospital, the wound can be closed. To do this, you can use a sterile bandage or prepare it from gauze by making a napkin and ironing it at maximum temperature. An ironed napkin becomes sterile and can be safely applied to the wound. To fix the napkin, you can use bandage or adhesive plaster. As the wound heals, it can be applied to its surface. with antibiotics or silver.

Rules for treating purulent wounds

Pus appears in the wound no less than a day after infection. If this happens, you must consult a doctor.

A purulent wound is easy to recognize: the discharge becomes cloudy green, foul-smelling, and there is inflammation around it.

After surgical treatment and drainage, the doctor will give recommendations on further treatment wounds.

As a rule, it is necessary to go to the doctor every morning for 1-2 weeks to dress the wound. Sometimes it may be necessary hospital treatment. Try to treat on your own purulent wounds Not recommended.

Caring for a Weeping Wound

A weeping wound is a wound from which it is regularly exudate or transudate is released. You can tell by the wetness of the bandage. There are several features of caring for such damage:

  • Most often, the bandage sticks to the wound, so it must be removed very slowly and carefully, first moistening it with plenty of water.
  • If purulent contents are released from the wound, you should consult a doctor.
  • To dry the wound, it can be treated alcohol solutions(iodine, brilliant green, alcohol);
  • Ointments on a weeping wound cannot be applied.

Prevention of wound infection

Accidental wounds are always infected, but correct their treatment– the main measure to prevent the development infectious process. If the wound is cleaned of microorganisms in a timely manner, it will be sterile.

To prevent re-infection, it is necessary to ensure that nothing comes into contact with the wound. It can also be treated only by pouring solutions from bottles, and you should not touch the wound itself with the neck.

The dressing must be sterile. Until the tissue heals, nothing other than a sterile napkin should come into contact with the damaged area.

Wound treatment products

For treating wounds it is advisable to use pharmaceutical drugs, but if they are not at hand, you can use.


Open wounds can be treated with any antiseptics, here are some of them:

  • 70% alcohol;
  • Chlorhexidine;
  • Alcohol solution of brilliant green;
  • Alcohol solution of iodine;
  • Betadine;
  • Miramistin;
  • Unisept;
  • Dioxidine.

It is worth noting that Hydrogen peroxide is not an antiseptic. After the exudation of fluid has stopped, you can begin to apply ointments to the wounds (Levomikol, Vishnevsky ointment, ointments with silver).

It is important! It is advisable to administer the tetanus vaccine to the victim. Tetanus is a dangerous disease that can be contracted when injured by various objects. It is impossible to cure tetanus, but prevention can be carried out before injury or in the first hours after it. The serum is administered at the clinic at the place of residence.

Folk remedies and recipes

Due to the widespread availability of pharmaceutical antiseptics, use for wound treatment folk remedies only possible if there is nothing else at hand:

  • Celandine juiceA. The clean stem of this plant must be cut off and the wound treated with the flowing juice.
  • Burdock. The burdock leaf must be cut until the juice appears and applied to the wound.
  • Plantain. The method of use is similar to the use of burdock.

Features of surgical treatment

Carried out in emergency rooms or departments general surgery under sterile conditions. The wound is inspected and cleaned, then an anesthetic is injected, treated and sutured.

The peculiarity of this processing is that besides use antiseptic to cleanse the wound, surgeon scalpel excises her the edges to remove as many bacteria as possible.

After such processing less chance to suppurate the wound. Suturing the edges of the wound promotes rapid healing without scarring.

In everyday life there is always quite high probability receiving various injuries– abrasions, punctures, cuts. Housewives receive such injuries much more often - in the kitchen from the sharp edge of a can of canned food, from a knife, a piece of glass, etc. Men can get injured in their garages, and then, with hope in their eyes and a sense of pride, they raise their finger to the keepers of the home so that they take pity on them and provide first aid. medical care. In this article we will tell you in detail how to wash a wound and what to do to make it heal faster. Of course, this only applies to those wounds that do not require stitches or a visit at all medical institution.

The fact that the wound needs to be disinfected and washed is, in general, no secret to anyone, but only a few do it correctly. Many home “healers” wash burns with peroxide, fill wounds with iodine and do other stupid things. In fact, each antiseptic has its own purpose, let’s try to understand this issue in detail.

What is it intended for?

This tool used for disinfection of non-bleeding superficial wounds, as well as for the treatment of wound edges, skin for burns and other purulent inflammations.


As iodine grid This medicine is excellent for muscle inflammation - neuralgia and myositis, having an excellent absorbable and long-lasting disinfecting effect.


In people with fair skin and hair are often allergic to iodine. This remedy is contraindicated for acne, hyperfunction thyroid gland, skin ulcers. Iodine is good for stopping bleeding, but not for washing wounds. If iodine gets into a deep wound, a brown mark may remain in this place.

What is it intended for?

Zelenka perfectly disinfects the skin during various purulent inflammations - furunculosis, pyoderma, etc.


When treating wound edges, it provides a long-lasting disinfecting effect.


It does not stop bleeding and cannot be used to wash wounds. If it gets into a deep wound, it can leave a green mark forever.

Hydrogen peroxide

What is it intended for?

Peroxide is used to wash and disinfect any wounds, including deep ones, rinse oral cavity for sore throat and stomatitis, douche for various gynecological diseases and is used to stop bleeding.


Excellent blood clotting, preventing bleeding.


The disinfection effect is short-lived and weak compared to other means.


What is it intended for?

Alcohol kills all germs in non-bleeding superficial wounds.


Being a powerful antiseptic, alcohol effectively relieves swelling due to mastitis, panaritium and other subcutaneous inflammation, has an excellent absorbing effect.


Alcohol can cause burns, so it is not suitable for washing wounds and is not used to stop bleeding.


What is it intended for?

Chlorhexidine is used to treat any wounds or burns.


Has a strong long-lasting disinfection effect. Effective even on pathogens venereal diseases, therefore it can be used for the prevention of chlamydia, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, ureoplasmosis, etc., by washing the genitals with it and instilling it into urethra.


May cause itching and dry skin, dermatitis in the area of ​​application. This product does not have a hemostatic effect.

So, let's summarize. You can lubricate a normal abrasion with brilliant green, alcohol, chlorhexidine or iodine of your choice. A wound that is bleeding must first be washed with hydrogen peroxide, then its edges should be lubricated with brilliant green or iodine or washed with chlorhexidine. After washing, apply a dry, sterile bandage and cotton wool bandage to the wound. For boils and burns, lubricate the skin on the sore spot with brilliant green, chlorhexidine or iodine, then apply a sterile bandage.

Every adult periodically has to treat wounds. These can range from small cuts to serious damage to the skin. The time and process of its healing depends on the correctness of the first treatment of the wound. Therefore, it is necessary to know what means to treat wounds should be used, so that if necessary, you do not get confused and do everything correctly.

Poor treatment of a wound can cause microbes and fungi to multiply in it.

Rules for treating wounds with special means

Treatment of wounds with an antiseptic delays the development of microorganisms and kills germs.

Before starting the procedure, you must wash your hands, then wash the damaged area with running water and soap.

Even if the wound is deep, there is no need to fill it with an antiseptic, as this will further injure the tissue. Should be processed special means only the edges of the wound.

For the treatment and treatment of purulent wounds, antibacterial and disinfectants are used. During the healing stage, medications are used to prevent the surface of the wound from drying out, and then agents are used to promote epithelization of the skin.

The use of antiseptic agents is permissible only in initial stage treatment of the wound, since in the future they have a damaging effect on the wound healing process.

How to treat a wound - popular remedies

Hydrogen peroxide

Perhaps the most known means for wound treatment is − clear liquid without smell. This remedy can be applied directly to a fresh wound. This antiseptic is even used to treat umbilical wound in newborns.

When applied to a wound, the product does not cause any painful sensations, peroxide foams, cleanses the wound site of germs, pus and dead tissue.

Do not allow this product to come into contact with mucous membranes and eyes, as this may cause burns. If peroxide gets into your eyes, you should rinse them big amount running water.

Brilliant green or brilliant green

This product is an aniline dye. In the 19th century, scientists discovered that aniline dyes destroy microbes, and since then brilliant green has been used to treat wounds and skin rashes. The product has a quick disinfectant and disinfectant effect. Zelenka is not used for heavy bleeding and with hypersensitivity to this drug. You cannot use brilliant green at the same time as iodine or ammonia.

Despite all positive properties brilliant green is used only in countries of the former Soviet Union. This product is no longer used in any countries, since there is no information about its safety. At the time of its appearance, no carcinogenicity studies were conducted, and now there are no people willing to conduct studies with the old and cheap drug.


A five percent iodine solution is one of the most famous and popular antiseptics for treating cuts and wounds. High concentrations of the product may cause skin burns. Previously, the product was produced only in liquid form, but now you can purchase it in pencil form, which is very convenient for treating the edges of a wound.

Iodine is great at killing germs, but applying it to damaged skin can cause a burning sensation. When iodine gets into small wounds, short-term painful sensations. The product is used to treat inflammatory and pustular skin lesions, it is used to treat the edges of surgical wounds to avoid infection, and is used to destroy fungal infections.

Iodine should not be treated with mucous membranes or poured directly into wounds. The simultaneous use of iodine with ammonia and ichthyol.

Miramistin solution

This is modern antiseptic has a wide spectrum of action. Miramistin easily copes with bacteria, fungi, and viruses. The drug is often used in cases where other drugs fail to cope with microorganisms. Transparent, tasteless, colorless and odorless, the liquid does not cause irritation when it comes into contact with mucous membranes and does not cause allergies. These properties make it possible to use the product for treating wounds in children from the first days of life.

Miramistin solution is used in the treatment of cuts and abrasions, in solar and thermal burns. The product is used to treat the oral cavity for stomatitis, and is used for candidiasis to treat affected areas of the skin, sore throat, pharyngitis, and for nail and skin fungus.

Apply Miramistin solution using a cotton swab. Issued various drugs based on miramistin, which are available in bottles with droppers or sprayers. Miramistin solution destroys harmful microorganisms, promotes faster healing wound surfaces.

Chlorhexidine solution

Chlorhexidine can be purchased as a solution, gel, cream, or even a patch. The drug has a bactericidal effect, fights fungi and viruses. Chlorhexidine remains active in the presence of blood, pus, or any organic substances in the wound.

The drug has wide range actions. It is used to treat wounds, treat fungal infections, bacterial infections, treatment of periodontitis, stomatitis and gingivitis.

Chlorhexidine should not be used orally. When used externally, the drug sometimes causes side effects in the form of dermatitis. Use the product with caution during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Childhood also applies to careful use of this drug.

Potassium permangantsovka

For wound treatment, 0.5-1% is used water solution potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate). Soak a cotton swab in the solution and blot the edges of the wound.


An aqueous 0.02% solution of furatsilin is also used to treat wounds. A cotton pad soaked in a solution of furatsilin is applied to the edges of the wound for a few seconds.

Folk antiseptics


The plant has excellent anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. According to latest research scientists, the aloe flower contains about 200 active chemical components. It is easy to grow at home as it is unpretentious.

Tear off an aloe leaf, rinse thoroughly under running water, cut the leaf lengthwise and apply the cut to the cut or wound. Secure the top with adhesive tape. After six hours, the healing process begins. If necessary, apply to the wound fresh leaf aloe.

Nettle tincture

It wouldn't hurt to have a nettle tincture at home. Place washed fresh nettle leaves tightly into the bottle, fill with alcohol to the top, and leave in the sun for 14 days.

If necessary, soak a cotton pad in the tincture and apply to the wound for a few seconds.


Powerful antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties make this plant indispensable for treating wounds. The substances that make up the herb destroy pathogenic organisms such as streptococcus and staphylococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa coli. Effective use of plantain juice for primary processing wound