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Prediabetes - first signs of the disease, diagnosis, treatment methods and detailed diet. What is prediabetes and what are the blood sugar levels?

Prediabetes is a condition preceding type 2 diabetes mellitus. Whether prediabetes becomes a kind of point of no return or remains just a warning about the need to change your lifestyle depends on how seriously the patient takes treatment.

Can prediabetes be cured?

Diabetes is almost always preceded by a condition that is not yet a disease, but indicates serious impairment carbohydrate metabolism- prediabetes. At this stage, the body still copes with the absorption of glucose, which comes in the form of carbohydrates with food, but it no longer copes fully and is getting worse. A blood sugar test in the morning on an empty stomach in a patient with prediabetes will show a glucose level of about 6.1 mmol/l. At this stage it is possible complete cure. Let's take a closer look at ways to combat prediabetes.

In the treatment of prediabetes, in many cases it is possible to limit yourself to only diet and exercise, and this is due to the mechanism of the disease. Most often, the condition develops in people who have overweight bodies. The tissues of their body and internal organs, enveloped in adipose tissue, having in their structure fat cells, lose sensitivity to insulin, so they stop absorbing glucose. This phenomenon is called insulin resistance.

And this is logical - fat cells, which are becoming more and more numerous in tissues, do not need glucose. Fat is a reserve that does not work in any way, it is simply stored. Glucose is needed by the muscles, first of all, and the muscle tissue of a sedentary, obese person is depleted. This is why unclaimed glucose remains in the blood, thickening it and causing pathologies. circulatory system and other problems.

Thus, in the process of treating prediabetes, the following tasks are consistently solved:

  • Reducing blood sugar levels to values ​​close to normal to ensure normal functioning body.
  • Reducing fat mass and increasing muscle mass to increase tissue sensitivity to insulin.
  • Increasing the body's need for energy so that henceforth its carrier - glucose - does not remain unclaimed, and tissues do not lose sensitivity to insulin.

To solve these problems, you do not need expensive drugs or procedures - only strict adherence to a low-carbohydrate diet and daily physical activity.

It must be remembered that a glucose-lowering drug, even the most modern one, will not force your body to normalize carbohydrate metabolism, that is, the problem will deepen until the onset of type 2 diabetes, and then very unpleasant complications.

Nutrition rules for prediabetes

If you have been diagnosed with prediabetes, the following rules must be followed:

  1. Meals should be fractional - 5-6 times a day. You need to get up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger. Meals are repeated every 4 hours.
  2. It is advisable to create a menu in such a way that carbohydrate foods (cereals, fruits) are consumed in the first half of the day, and protein foods in the second.
  3. Eliminate so-called fast carbohydrates from the diet - foods containing simple sugars that are digested without any transformation into digestive system and immediately increase blood sugar levels abruptly. These are any products and dishes containing refined sugar, premium flour, sweet fruits, honey, vegetables with a glycemic index of more than 50.
  4. Avoid junk food, processed foods and processed foods, even if they do not contain simple sugars or excess fat - than simpler food, all the better.
  5. Limit consumption fatty varieties meat, fatty dairy products, refined oils.
  6. Do not use high-calorie sweeteners (fructose, xylitol, sorbitol). Stevia-based sweeteners are the best - they are natural, calorie-free and even useful in terms of normalizing carbohydrate metabolism. The article will tell you more about sugar substitutes: sweeteners for diabetes.
  7. Drink 1.5-2 liters of water per day. In addition, it is allowed herbal teas and coffee without sugar, vegetable juices.

To make it easier to determine permitted and prohibited products, you can also refer to the following table:

It is necessary to calculate individual daily calorie content taking into account the deficit for smooth weight loss. In this case, you can rely on therapeutic diets No. 9 and No. 8:

Diet menu for prediabetes for 3 days

Here sample menu diet for three days:

Day 1

  • Breakfast : boiled egg, vegetable salad, slice of rye bread.
  • Afternoon snack : low-calorie yogurt.
  • Dinner : portion of boiled beef, buckwheat, fresh vegetables and greens.
  • Afternoon snack : vegetable soup, sauerkraut, slice of rye bread, 1 apple.
  • Dinner : boiled fish, fruit jelly.
  • Before bedtime : a glass of kefir.

Day 2

  • Breakfast : oatmeal with fresh berries, a slice of bread made from wheat flour.
  • Afternoon snack : 1 orange.
  • Dinner : soup for chicken broth, bread, vegetable puree.
  • Afternoon snack : yogurt.
  • Dinner : boiled beef, fresh vegetables, baked zucchini.
  • Before bedtime : jelly.

Day 3

  • Breakfast : wheat milk porridge, 1 grapefruit.
  • Afternoon snack : glass with fruit and yogurt.
  • Dinner : soup with meatballs, buckwheat porridge, cabbage salad with cucumbers.
  • Afternoon snack : low-calorie cottage cheese with nuts.
  • Dinner : pumpkin puree soup, 2 boiled eggs, a slice of bread.
  • Before bedtime : a glass of kefir.

Physical activity in the treatment of prediabetes

It is equally important to introduce daily physical activity into your life to treat prediabetes. It is known that for the normal functioning of the body, a person must walk 8 km every day. If your body weight is large, you need to start with half-hour leisurely walks, gradually increasing the speed and duration of walking. Nordic walking with poles is a great place to start.

When an hour-long walk at a fast pace is the norm for you, you can add training in the fitness room, go jogging (if normal weight), ride a bike, etc.

A useful type of activity for an obese person is swimming - in water the load on the joints is minimal, which is important for a novice athlete. Optimal when reaching average physical fitness do weight training. They, again, do not overload the joints and harmoniously develop muscles, which is important for reducing tissue insulin resistance. It is advisable to work out, at least initially, with a personal trainer who is aware of your health problems.

When are medications needed?

There are times when, in addition to diet and exercise, the doctor prescribes medications. These are hypoglycemic drugs - Maninil, Amaryl, Gliquidone, Glinides, alpha-glucosidase inhibitors, etc. If a doctor prescribes them, it means that he sees the point in helping the patient quickly normalize blood sugar and reduce body weight (see also - how to lose weight with diabetes). The main thing is not to “get hooked” on these medications, using them to compensate for diet breaks, and to understand that medications cannot be absolutely harmless - the less you take them, the better.

IN individually Your doctor may prescribe insulin therapy. As a rule, insulin for this diagnosis is prescribed as a temporary measure necessary to support the “tired” pancreas. As treatment progresses, when through exercise and diet it is possible to reduce tissue resistance to insulin, the “rested” pancreas will begin to cope with its functions, since there will be no need to work “for wear and tear”.

In the case of prediabetes, insulin stimulants are not prescribed because they can be harmful. As a rule, at this stage of carbohydrate metabolism disorders, the pancreas not only does not reduce insulin secretion, but also produces more of it than usual. The problem is not in the pancreas, but in tissue insulin resistance. If you additionally stimulate insulin production, the pancreas will simply deplete faster than it would have happened without drug intervention.

Treatment of prediabetes with folk remedies

Of course, in the treatment of prediabetes, rely exclusively on traditional medicine it is impossible, but using her recipes as auxiliary ones with the permission of the attending physician is possible and necessary. Most of these recommendations are aimed at normalizing digestion and metabolism, inhibiting the absorption of carbohydrates from the gastrointestinal tract and supporting the pancreas:

  1. It is useful to drink 250-500 ml of melt water every morning. To obtain this, it is necessary to freeze clean, settled water. In this case, the ice in the center of the piece will be white. Defrost only transparent part, removing white ice from the container.
  2. For 20-25 days, before each meal, drink 50-75 ml of a mixture of freshly squeezed beet juice and sauerkraut brine in a 1:1 ratio. After a 5-10 day break, this course can be repeated.
  3. Every day for six months before breakfast, drink a warm decoction of flaxseed, which is prepared as follows: boil 2 tablespoons of crushed seeds in half a liter of water for about five minutes.
  4. Half an hour before breakfast and before dinner, eat two tablespoons of ground buckwheat infused in a glass of kefir. The morning portion is prepared in the evening, and the evening portion is prepared immediately after breakfast.
  5. Elecampane root blueberry leaves, mix chopped black currant branches in equal parts. Brew a tablespoon of the collection with a glass of boiling water and drink 50 mg 2-3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 20-25 days, the break between courses should be 5-10 days.
  6. Bean leaves and blueberry leaves 4 g each, rose hips and strawberry leaves 3 g each, yarrow 1 g pour into a glass hot water and brew over low heat for about 5 minutes. Drink after meals 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment is as in the previous recipe.
  7. As a salad, it is useful to eat the following composition daily: 50 g of chopped onions(need to be scalded before slicing), 15 g of parsley and dill, 10 g of olive oil.

The most important thing that those who have medical card is diagnosed with “Prediabetes” - this is not diabetes, but borderline state, which can be corrected. Proper diet, regular physical activity and possibly short drug treatment, and you will be healthy again.

Prediabetes is a condition in which blood glucose levels increase and insulin production by the pancreas decreases. This symptom cannot yet be called diabetes mellitus, however, if treatment is not started in time, the condition may worsen and develop into diabetes. To prevent this from happening, it is important to know the basic symptoms and treatment methods to normalize blood sugar levels. Diet for prediabetes plays one of the main roles in treatment. Compliance with it is important to prevent the development diabetes mellitus 2 types.

How does this condition manifest itself?

Prediabetes consists of several nonspecific symptoms, which together allow one to suspect elevated sugar levels even before testing. laboratory tests. Knowing these manifestations, you can not only understand what this condition is, but also suggest how to treat it.

The following are signs of prediabetes:

  • Sudden weight loss.
  • Sleep disturbance.
  • Intense headaches.
  • Decreased visual acuity.
  • Deterioration of skin condition.
  • Frequent thirst.
  • Cramps.

Sudden weight loss is due to the fact that, against the background of a decrease in insulin production, the absorption of glucose significantly worsens. In this regard, the body's cells begin to lack energy. Impaired glucose absorption also affects hormonal system, leading to insomnia. Sleep disturbances also cause a decrease in insulin levels. This condition often occurs in women.

Intense headaches occur due to changes in the walls of capillaries and larger vessels. This leads to disruption of blood flow and oxygen starvation brain cells. An increase in blood glucose levels increases its viscosity, which leads to a deterioration in blood flow through the vessels. This causes blurred vision and changes in the skin.

Constant thirst occurs because to thin the blood, a person suffering from prediabetes needs to drink a lot of water and, as a result, urinate frequently. This symptom is like diagnostic sign curable if glucose levels do not exceed 6 mmol/l.

When blood sugar rises, patients often complain of feeling hot and cramping at night. These prediabetes symptoms are caused by a lack of nutrients And sharp increase glucose concentrations. This is also associated with frequent unreasonable feeling hunger.

During pathology, a person often experiences a feeling of thirst

How can you avoid developing diabetes?

If a diagnosis is made and therapy is started on time, then it is possible not only to cure prediabetes, but also to prevent the development serious complications. The main methods of treatment and prevention are:

  • Diet.
  • Fight bad habits.
  • Normalization of weight.
  • Sports activities.
  • Normalization blood pressure.
  • Controlling cholesterol levels.
  • Medicines (metformin).

Nutrition for prediabetes plays one of the most important roles in the treatment of this disease. First of all, you need to adhere to a diet according to which you should remove easily digestible carbohydrates, fatty, fried and salty foods, honey from your diet, but it is recommended to increase protein. It is best to focus on cereals, vegetables, salad, cabbage, and celery. About potatoes and semolina porridge, while prediabetes is diagnosed, it is better to forget for a while. You are allowed to eat fish, soy dishes, dairy products, and lean meat.

To make hyperglycemia well treatable, you should avoid eating sweets, carbonated drinks, muffins, cakes, grapes, raisins, etc. It is advisable to drink about 2 liters of fluid and not overeat. If you have prediabetes, you should not eat foods such as honey, potatoes, corn, cottage cheese, rice, milk, muesli, bread, fruits, beets, beans, pumpkin.

To ensure complete and proper nutrition, you can create a menu for the week. For example, consider several options:

  1. For breakfast: cocoa, buckwheat porridge. For lunch: bread, pumpkin soup, fresh cucumber, two boiled eggs. For dinner: baked zucchini with minced meat, vegetables.
  2. For breakfast: zucchini pancakes with sour cream. Drink tea or chicory. For lunch: vegetable puree, vegetable broth soup, bread. For dinner: chicken cutlet steamed, tomato, cottage cheese casserole.
  3. For breakfast: millet porridge with milk, chicory. For lunch: cabbage salad, barley porridge, soup with meatballs. For dinner: boiled fish, bread, stewed cabbage.

When treating a disease, you should avoid bad habits

As can be seen from the example, nutrition at increased quantity glucose and type 2 diabetes should be three meals a day with three snacks. The following list of products is allowed as snacks: cottage cheese, fruit salad, glass fermented milk product or milk, vegetable salad, diet food. The benefits of this diet are also talked about positive reviews sick.

If you follow all the rules, this diet for prediabetes allows you not only to normalize blood sugar, but also to reduce weight, which is also an important part of treatment. The same effect can be achieved through exercise. It is recommended to spend at least 20 minutes a day on exercise. This will help reduce cholesterol and sugar levels. Normalization of blood pressure in both women and men is achieved thanks to correctly selected drug therapy. This treatment, especially if prediabetes occurs, can only be selected by the attending physician, so if increased figures pressure, it is better to immediately go to the clinic and start taking the necessary medications.

Drug treatment of prediabetes is used only in severe or advanced cases when the disease cannot be cured by other methods. The most commonly prescribed drug is Metformin. This remedy increases the sensitivity of cells to insulin, thereby increasing the absorption of glucose. This effect occurs and continues quite smoothly, which avoids periods of hypoglycemia. Metformin also helps lower cholesterol and normalize weight by reducing appetite. To achieve this effect, the medicine must be taken for six months and combined with physical activity. However, Metformin has a significant number of contraindications and side effects, so it is better to consult your doctor when prescribing it. It increases the load on the kidneys, which means it can only be used in the absence of kidney diseases. In addition, Metformin causes a disorder gastrointestinal tract and lactic acidosis.

prediabetes is treated with medications only in severe and advanced cases

If the reason high sugar If you become pregnant, it is important to stick to a diet and regularly monitor your blood tests. As a rule, this condition goes away on its own after childbirth, regardless of whether the woman took lipid-lowering drugs or not. In a child, Gerbion syrup, which is often prescribed for colds, can increase the sugar level, therefore, if there is a family history, it is better not to drink this remedy. Although prediabetes is treatable, it is important to know how it manifests itself and what to do if it occurs.

Thus, prediabetes is a harbinger of such a serious disease as type 2 diabetes. The symptoms and treatment of these diseases are quite similar. Prediabetes can cause weight discomfort and symptoms, however, timely treatment will help to completely recover from this disease. At the same time, you can normalize blood glucose levels using proper nutrition and physical activity.

Doctors are sounding the alarm: by 2030, diabetes will become the leading cause of death. Its harbinger is prediabetes, in which the blood sugar level already increases and exceeds the norm.

The modern way of life is very far from perfect: we have stopped walking, playing sports, and instead healthy food We snack on fast food. All these factors negatively affect our health.

With prediabetes, the functioning of the pancreas is disrupted; it can no longer produce insulin in the required amount. If you consult a doctor in a timely manner and follow all his recommendations, you can avoid complications.

What is prediabetes?

Prediabetes is a condition in which glucose tolerance is impaired. That is, sugar supplied with food cannot be properly absorbed. As a result, the sugar-lowering hormone is not produced by the pancreas in the required quantities.

If a patient has been diagnosed as pre-diabetic, their chances of developing type 2 diabetes increase. However, don't panic right away. This condition is curable if the patient makes every effort to do so. To do this, you need to lead an active lifestyle, observe special diet and take hypoglycemic drugs.

When a patient takes a sugar test, for prediabetes, the test results will be values ​​from 5.5 to 6.9 mmol/l. At the same time, the norm is healthy person is up to 5.5 mmol/l, and the norm for a diabetic is more than 7 mmol/l.

In addition, one test cannot be an accurate proof of the development of prediabetes or diabetes. To identify such serious pathologies, tests for glucose concentration must be performed several times.

When drawing blood from a finger prick to measure sugar levels important role Several factors play a role. This could be anxiety, food eaten or coffee drunk in the morning, severe physical stress, taking medications, and others.

Below you can see the data in the table, which presents the main indicators of glucose levels and the range of values ​​​​for an intermediate state and diabetes mellitus:

If the test on an empty stomach shows inflated values ​​several times, the doctor will order you to take another test for glycated hemoglobin.

This study is quite long (about three months), but it shows average sugar levels and helps make the correct diagnosis.

Symptoms and signs of prediabetes

The main symptom, increased sugar levels, can be detected by undergoing a test. The main diagnostic methods are analysis capillary blood, oral glucose tolerance test and analysis venous blood to glycosylated hemoglobin.

In fact, pronounced signs There is no prediabetic condition.

Many people who have increased content blood glucose may for a long time not suspect the development of prediabetes.

However, what you need to immediately pay attention to is dryness in oral cavity, constant thirst and frequent urge to the toilet "in a small way".

Less severe symptoms are:

  • decreased vision;
  • hunger;
  • poor sleep;
  • fatigue;
  • irritability;
  • headache;
  • convulsions;
  • slight weight loss.

Some people are much more likely to develop prediabetes and type 2 diabetes than others. The risk group includes:

  1. People with a hereditary predisposition.
  2. Overweight people.
  3. People from 40-45 years old and older.
  4. Women who gave birth to a child weighing more than 4 kg and diagnosed with gestational diabetes.
  5. Women with polycystic ovary syndrome.
  6. People leading a sedentary lifestyle.

Features of prediabetes treatment

The idea that prediabetes is not dangerous and can be left untreated is erroneous. Neglect of your health can lead to serious and irreversible consequences.

But people who follow all the instructions of their doctor have a positive outlook.

The specialist develops an individual treatment regimen for the patient, taking into account the characteristics of his health condition.

The basic rules that must be followed in the development of prediabetes, as well as for prevention, are:

  • special diet;
  • active lifestyle;
  • monitoring blood sugar levels with a glucometer;
  • taking medications.

It should be noted that only by following each rule in combination with others, can you achieve real results in which the blood glucose level will be up to 5.5 mmol/l. Patients taking only hypoglycemic drugs cannot achieve reduction in sugar levels and resolution of prediabetes symptoms. Eating sweets fatty foods, baking, drinking sweet carbonated drinks, patients make a huge mistake and increase the already elevated level of glycemia.

It is especially important to lose excess weight when treating prediabetic conditions. Thus, the patient can count on a decrease in glucose levels and overall improvement of the body.

If a person is at risk of developing prediabetes and type 2 diabetes, it will also be useful for him to follow these rules.

Nutrition in the treatment of prediabetes

Diet is one of the main components of the successful recovery of patients not only from prediabetes, but also from other equally serious diseases.

It is very important to eat small portions, but often - up to 6 times a day. A patient diagnosed with prediabetes should visit a nutritionist who will develop individual plan nutrition. Thus, the patient will be able not only to lower sugar levels, forget about annoying symptoms, but also get rid of extra pounds.

Nutrition for this disease involves complete failure from fats (canned food, sausage, cheese), fried foods, foods containing easily digestible carbohydrates (baked goods, sweets, chocolate, cakes, honey, jam, sugar).

But patients can include the following products in their diet:

  1. Bread (coarsely ground or rye).
  2. Low-fat lactic acid products (cottage cheese, sour cream, fermented baked milk, kefir).
  3. Dietary meat and fish (rabbit, chicken, turkey, hake and others).
  4. Unsweetened fruits (lemon, orange, pomelo, plum, sour cherry, grapefruit, peach).
  5. Vegetables (cabbage, carrots, tomatoes, pumpkin, cucumbers, greens).
  6. Oatmeal, pearl barley and buckwheat.
  7. Lightly salted foods.

Drug therapy for prediabetes

Nowadays, more and more endocrinologists prescribe a drug or 1000 to patients. This is a hypoglycemic agent that can reduce the amount of glucose produced in the liver and eliminate glucose tolerance. In addition, diabetics and patients with intermediate conditions may claim that taking the drug Metformin helps reduce excess body weight. Of course, this result can only be achieved by following a diet and active image life.

In 2006, the effects of Metformin were tested by the International Diabetes Federation. The drug was found effective and recommended for the initial treatment of prediabetes and type 2 diabetes. Statistics show that Metformin reduced the likelihood of developing diabetes, its severe consequences and a mortality rate of approximately 30%. Such a colossal result cannot be achieved by insulin therapy and sulfonylurea drugs.

This hypoglycemic agent is very popular in the world. Therefore, it is not surprising that on the Russian pharmacological market there are a lot of drugs containing active substance metformin, for example, Glucophage, Glycomet, Metformin-BMS, Metfogamma and others.

At correct use and compliance with dosages, medicine extremely rarely causes adverse reactions. However, Metformin has some contraindications:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • individual intolerance to the component;
  • lactic acidosis and precomatose state;
  • surgical interventions;
  • chronic alcoholism;
  • liver/renal/adrenal failure;
  • infectious pathologies;
  • diabetic foot;
  • dehydration and hypoxia.

At the beginning of therapy, patients take 1000 mg of the drug per day, drinking plenty of water. How long should you take Metformin? The medicine at a dosage of 1000 mg is used for 1 to 2 weeks. Then the dose can be increased. However, all these points should be discussed with a specialist. Self-medication is strictly prohibited.

The maximum dosage of the drug is 3000 mg per day. Many doctors recommend dividing the dosage into 2-3 doses at the beginning of treatment so that the body can adapt normally to the effect of the drug.

While the body gets used to Metformin, the patient may complain of indigestion, but this normal reaction, which goes away on its own in 1-2 weeks.

Traditional medicine in the fight against prediabetes

Traditional treatment methods will not be able to completely cure prediabetes, but will certainly help reduce sugar levels and strengthen the body's defenses.

Advantage natural medicines Compared to medications, they do not cause side effects. The only issue is the patient’s hypersensitivity to any components of the plant.

In combination with drug therapy folk remedies will help you get rid of the disease faster.

The following plants have sugar-lowering properties:

  1. Goat's rue officinalis.
  2. Walnut leaves.
  3. Bean pods.
  4. Blueberry and

Many people don’t even want to think about the fact that diabetes can affect them. For some reason, these people believe that such diseases happen among their neighbors, in the movies, but that they will pass by and not even touch them.

And then during the clinical examination they take a blood test, and it turns out that the sugar level is already 8, and maybe higher, and the doctors’ prognosis is disappointing. This situation can be prevented if the signs of the disease are recognized in time at the very beginning of its onset. What is prediabetes?

Prediabetic condition - what is it?

It's called prediabetes high degree the likelihood of the occurrence and development of diabetes. Can this condition be considered the initial stage of the disease?

It is very difficult to draw a clear line here. People with prediabetes may already develop damage to the tissues of the kidneys, heart, blood vessels, and organs of vision.

Scientific research shows that complications chronic begin to develop already at the prediabetic stage. When diabetes is diagnosed, organ damage is already present and cannot be prevented. Therefore, timely recognition of this condition is necessary.

Prediabetes is an intermediate condition in which the pancreas produces insulin, but in smaller quantities, or insulin is produced in normal quantities, but tissue cells are not able to absorb it.

People in this position are especially at risk of developing type 2 diabetes. However, this condition can be corrected. By changing your lifestyle and eradicating unhealthy habits, you can regain lost health and avoid more serious pathologies.

Reasons for development

There are a number of reasons that cause prediabetes. First of all, this is a hereditary predisposition.

Most experts believe that the likelihood of getting sick increases significantly if there have already been cases of this disease in the family or among close relatives.

One of the most significant risk factors is obesity. This reason, fortunately, can be eliminated if the patient, realizing the seriousness of the problem, gets rid of excess weight, making considerable efforts to do so.

Pathological processes during which the functions of beta cells are disrupted can become an impetus for the development of diabetes mellitus. These are pancreatitis, pancreatic cancer, as well as diseases or injuries of other endocrine glands.

The role of the trigger that starts the disease can be played by infection with the hepatitis virus, rubella, chickenpox, and even the flu. It is clear that in the vast majority of people, ARVI will not cause diabetes. But if this is a person burdened by heredity and extra pounds, then the influenza virus is dangerous for him.

A person who does not have diabetics in his immediate family may repeatedly suffer from ARVI and other infectious diseases– at the same time, the likelihood of developing and progressing diabetes is significantly lower than that of a person burdened with poor heredity. So the combination of several risk factors increases the risk of the disease many times over.

Next should be called nervous stress as one of the causes of diabetes. It is especially necessary to avoid nervous and emotional stress for persons with a genetic predisposition to diabetes and excess weight.

Age plays an important role in increasing risk - the older a person is, the more predisposed he is to the disease diabetes mellitus. Another risk factor is night shifts at work, shifts in sleep and wakefulness. Almost half of the voluntary participants in the experiment who agreed to live a displaced life developed a state of prediabetes.

Symptoms of the condition

High glucose levels are one of the indicators of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. If you do a blood test several times in a row at intervals of a day, and it shows the presence of hyperglycemia in all periods, you can assume diabetes mellitus.

Glucose table:

There are other signs of the disease. For example, a strong thirst that is practically not quenched. A person drinks a lot, five or even ten liters a day. This happens because the blood thickens when too much sugar accumulates in it.

A certain area in the brain called the hypothalamus becomes active and begins to make a person feel thirsty. Thus, a person begins to drink a lot if he has high level glucose. As a result of increased fluid consumption, frequent urination occurs - the person is actually “tied” to the toilet.

Since diabetes interferes with the absorption of glucose into tissues, fatigue and weakness appear. A person feels that he is literally exhausted, sometimes it is difficult for him to even move.

In addition, men exhibit erectile disfunction, which negatively affects the sexual (sexual) sphere of the patient’s life. In women, the disease sometimes gives cosmetic defectsdark spots on the skin of the face, hands, hair and nails become fragile and brittle.

One of the brightest external signs Prediabetes is excess weight, especially in combination with old age.

Over the years, metabolism slows down, and then excess fat prevents glucose from entering the cells - the presence of these factors significantly increases the risk of developing the disease. Also, the pancreas of older people begins to produce less insulin with age.

With type 2 disease, weight gain often occurs. The fact is that with this type of diabetes there is a high content of glucose and, at the same time, insulin in the blood. The body strives to convert all excess into adipose tissue, as the most convenient for storage. Because of this, a person begins to gain weight very quickly.

Another symptom is a feeling of numbness in the limbs, tingling. This is especially felt in the hands and fingertips. When normal blood microcirculation is disrupted due to increased glucose concentrations, this causes poor nutrition nerve endings. Because of this, a person experiences various unusual sensations in the form of tingling or numbness.

And finally itchy skin, which is also one of the symptoms of diabetic disease. This may make you wonder how glucose levels can affect your skin? Everything is very simple. With hyperglycemia, blood circulation worsens, which causes a decline in immunity. Therefore, in diabetics, a fungal infection on the skin very often begins to multiply, which gives a feeling of itching.

The final diagnosis must be made by an endocrinologist, based not on one, but on several examinations. The specialist will determine whether it is diabetes mellitus or not, decide how to treat it, what medical supplies will be most effective in each individual case.

To prevent diabetes from becoming an unpleasant surprise, it is necessary to monitor your blood sugar levels; this can easily be done in a clinic or at home using a glucometer.

Treatment methods

To stop the progression of diabetes initial stages, it is necessary to normalize the work and rest regime. Both a lack of sleep and its excess are harmful to the body. Physical overexertion and constant stress at work can become an impetus for the development of serious pathologies, including diabetes. At the stage of prediabetes, folk remedies and various unconventional methods treatment.


Must be observed healthy eating. Cancel trips to the sausage department, forget about all types of baked goods, use instead white bread products made from wholemeal flour with the addition of bran; eat not white rice and pasta, but brown varieties of rice and whole grain porridge. It is advisable to switch from red meat (lamb, pork) to turkey and chicken, and eat more fish.

The main thing is to ensure that there are enough fruits and vegetables in your diet. You need to eat half a kilogram of both each day. Most heart and other diseases occur due to the fact that we eat too little greens and fresh fruits.

You should not only reconsider your diet, but also get rid of bad habits. Sometimes it is enough to quit smoking or reduce the consumption of alcoholic beverages to prevent the onset of diabetes.

It is necessary to reduce the amount of sweets in your daily menu or eliminate them completely. Their excess consumption can also be a decisive factor in the development of diabetes.

Physical activity

Four hours of brisk walking a week and diabetes will be far behind you. It is necessary to spend at least twenty or forty minutes every day walking, but not at a slow walking pace, but a little faster than usual.

It is advisable to introduce sports into your daily schedule. You can start with morning exercises for 10-15 minutes a day, gradually increasing the intensity of the load. This will help speed up metabolic processes in the body, reduce glucose levels, reduce the number of extra pounds. By losing weight by 10-15%, you can significantly reduce the risk of diabetes.

Video material about prediabetes and methods of its treatment:

Physical activity may include hiking or more serious sports activities. You can choose jogging, playing tennis, basketball, cycling, skiing. In any case, glucose will be consumed as a source of energy, cholesterol levels will decrease, which will serve as an excellent prevention of diabetes and cardiovascular pathologies.

Many people are concerned about the question: can prediabetes be treated or not?

Yes, prediabetes is treatable: to do this, it is necessary to correct problems in the body, for example, reduce sugar levels.

People leading sedentary life, as well as overweight patients make up the bulk of all patients with prediabetes.

The cause of the disease is glucose: elevated sugar levels and decreased insulin production in the pancreas lead to difficulty feeding cells, which causes symptoms characteristic of type II diabetes.

Patients at risk of developing a prediabetic condition are:

  • WITH frequent jumps blood glucose levels;
  • Overweight;
  • Over 50 years old;
  • WITH high cholesterol in blood;
  • Women with current polycystic ovary syndrome or who have had gestational diabetes during pregnancy.


Prediabetes in most cases occurs secretly: normal operation the body is disturbed, but is not expressed.

Among the provoked violations the following are clearly expressed:

  • Sleep problems. Impaired generation of insulin in the pancreas in combination with high sugar lead to disruption of the nutrition of nerve endings, which, affecting the brain, lead to insomnia;
  • By similar reason appear problems with the organs of vision. Impaired nutrition of blood vessels causes various disturbances in the functioning of the eyeballs;
  • Itching is defensive reaction body, indicating the inability to nourish a specific area of ​​the body useful substances, delivered through the blood;
  • Reduced blood clotting combined with elevated sugar provokes constant thirst and dryness of various parts of the body;
  • Lack of nutrition leads to weight loss and seizures. Convulsions in the case of prediabetes - the body’s reaction to a lack of vital important elements in a certain area where blood access is difficult;
  • Short-term sharp jumps glucose leads to the occurrence headache, fever and heaviness in the legs. pass quickly enough.

If you suspect prediabetes, you need to start monitoring your sugar levels.


Glucose levels in the bloodstream above 10 after eating and 7 on an empty stomach are a reason to consult a doctor.


If you have predispositions to prediabetes and the listed symptoms occur, you should visit a therapist.

Elevated sugar when tested on a glucometer is a reason to visit a doctor and take a referral for general tests to check your blood in the laboratory.

General tests must be taken on an empty stomach, preferably in the morning.

Except general analyzes, you should go through the body's reaction to glucose. During the test, blood is drawn from the patient, then he is given a small portion of glucose, after which blood is drawn again after 30, 60 and 120 minutes.

A timely diagnosed disease allows you to protect the body from serious complications and begin treatment earlier, the main goal of which is to normalize body processes and lower blood sugar levels. In addition to the methods proposed below, you should think about purchasing vitamins and a glucometer to monitor the process at home.

General directions in the treatment of prediabetes are:

  • Losing excess weight. Gaining weight when underweight;
  • Making a list of workouts to maintain health;
  • Procedures aimed at getting rid of bad habits;
  • Treatment higher level cholesterol;
  • If present, treatment of other diseases associated with malnutrition of body cells.

Drug treatment

Medications for prediabetes are infrequently used. The drugs are similar to diabetic ones, but since the disease is only a precursor, the effect of the drugs is much weaker.

Medications that lower sugar or serve to generate insulin are used. Doses are only a fraction of normal because the drugs may cause side effects or addiction.

Drugs for generating insulin are prescribed in exceptional cases, since the need for them is rare.

Today, one of the most popular drugs is Metformin, available in dosages of 850 and 1000. The main purpose of metformin is to lower the patient’s blood sugar, as well as to reduce excess weight, which is a problem for many prediabetics.

Based on statistical data, it can be argued that treatment of prediabetes with Metformin, together with diet and healthy image life reduces the risk of developing non-insulin-dependent diabetes and complications by 30-40%.


Only your doctor can give you a prescription on how to take metformin correctly for prediabetes!

Also, depending on the type of disease and the characteristics of the body, the doctor temporarily prescribes insulin. As you recover, the course gradually fades away. Physical exercise and diet are more frequent recommendations in the treatment of prediabetes.

How to cure a disease with nutrition?

Prediabetes is a disease, almost entirely. It is necessary to normalize meals, divide them into 5-6 daily, eat healthy foods. If you are overweight, you should consume fewer calories, but more substances with beneficial microelements.

To create a diet, you should contact your doctor. A balanced meal includes various aspects. A varied diet is recommended, including stewed or baked meats.

We must not forget about vegetable fats. Carbohydrates are also necessary, but any foods with a simple type of substance are prohibited. Easily digestible foods include sugar, honey and any products containing them. You should also not eat puff pastries, gastronomic products, except doctor’s sausage, or sweet fruits. There are no restrictions on cereals, except semolina.

To prepare food, you should resort to boiling, stewing, baking, and steaming.

Therapy with folk remedies

Traditional medicine is not a cure for all diseases, and its benefits for prediabetes are very questionable. The proposed recipes are aimed at normalizing insulin production in the pancreas and restoring metabolism.

  1. Every morning it is recommended to drink from a quarter to half a liter of melt water. It is not necessary to collect snow in winter, just freeze it plain water. When defrosting, only water obtained from the clear part of the ice should be retained;
  2. For 3-4 weeks you should drink a quarter glass of the mixture. Mix in a one to one ratio beet juice with brine obtained from fermenting cabbage. Take immediately before each meal. After a week's rest, you can take the course again;
  3. Take a heated decoction of flaxseeds daily for six months. To prepare, you need to grind two tablespoons of grains and send them to boil in 500 ml of water for 5 minutes
  4. Every day before morning and evening receptions food you need to eat two tablespoons of ground buckwheat infused with 200 ml of kefir. Portion for next appointment prepared immediately after consumption
  5. For 3-4 weeks with breaks between courses per week, it is recommended to eat the following mixture daily. Blueberry leaves and currant branches are mixed in equal weight ratios and boiled in boiling water for several minutes. The decoction is taken half a glass twice a day before meals;
  6. In a similar way to recipe number 5, use the following mixture: bean husks and blueberry leaves, rose hips and strawberry leaves, yarrow are mixed in a ratio of 4: 4: 3: 3: 1, respectively;
  7. It is also useful to take a small salad as a supplement to your main meal. To prepare, finely chop a small onion and some greens. Season with a drop of olive oil.

There are several factors to consider when creating your workout list.

The daily program should include light exercise - a walk on fresh air and the intensive part - exercises at home or outside.

Walks should last at least an hour, and intensive exercise should last half an hour daily or one hour every two days.

Physical exercise not only helps restore body tone, but also reduces sugar, since glucose is used to provide energy for exercise. Depending on the activity, different variations of physical exercises may be prescribed to an individual patient.


Prediabetes is not a death sentence. The resulting disease turns around quite easily, the easier it is the earlier it is detected. To prevent the onset of full-blown diabetes, you should immediately visit a doctor and consult with him. It is necessary to strictly follow the prescribed treatment so that the body recovers.