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Blueberry leaf tea. Medicinal properties of blueberry leaves

We do not know whether Mendeleev went to the forest for leaves or bought them at a pharmacy, but that he brewed them - that's for sure.

Of course, he understood that with such a chemical composition, the medicinal properties of blueberry leaves break all records and are extremely beneficial for the body.

The organism responded to Dmitry Ivanovich with gratitude, and the 42-year-old scientist was able to charm the 16-year-old Cossack Anna and give her four children.

Sometimes he made an assortment: mixed the leaves of blueberries, lingonberries and strawberries, and all big family spent time culturally drinking evening tea.

And on holidays, Anya treated her beloved husband to a blueberry pie, the recipe of which the great scientist immortalized and now our housewives can cook the same yummy.

So what attracted the lover of young girls to Blueberry Leaf? Which chemical substances inspired a famous scientist to make infusions from them and prolong his youth?

The benefits of leaves are due to their chemical composition.

Arbutinantimicrobial effect, used to stop inflammatory processes of the bladder.
sticks, normalize blood pressure, stabilize the heartbeat, and increase the elasticity of blood vessels.
Tanninsstop inflammatory processes, have bactericidal and hemostatic properties. Used to prevent poisoning, diarrhea, salt deposits heavy metals.
Caroteneprevents some forms of cancer, protects the skin from ultraviolet rays, supports the functioning of the prostate gland, reduces the risk of coronary disease and atherosclerosis, and protects the retina from destruction.
Glycoside neomirtillinelowers blood sugar levels by up to 40%. Used to treat diabetes in the early stages.
Essential oilsnormalize metabolic processes, nervous and endocrine systems, remove toxic substances, restore hair and skin.
Saponinsanti-sclerotic, anti-ulcer effect, enhance the secretion of all glands.
Vitamin Csynthesizes collagen protein, strengthens the immune system, protects the body from numerous viruses, regulates metabolism.
Vitamin B1our energizer. Processes proteins, fats, carbohydrates into energy.
Vitamin B2synthesizes hemoglobin, restores hair and skin, and participates in almost all metabolic processes.
Vitamin B3participates in the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates, in redox reactions.
Vitamin B5synthesis of adrenal hormones, sex hormones, hemoglobin, cholesterol, growth hormones. Helps in the fight against arthritis, allergies, cardiovascular disease
fight stress and fatigue.
Vitamin B6these are our nerves: it relieves cramps, twitching and inappropriate reactions, it is necessary for diabetics - it lowers sugar. Produces red blood cells, participates in carbohydrate metabolism.
Vitamin B9with its participation, erythrocytes are formed and nucleic acid, cells divide, all organs and tissues develop, it is extremely necessary for a newborn baby.
Vitamin Eantioxidant, restores the cell membrane, protects against free radicals, improves nutrition of hair and skin., helps female body establish menstrual cycle, improves reproductive functions.
Ironoxygen transport, redox processes, stimulation immune system, DNA production, thyroid hormone production.
Potassiumensures proper contraction of muscles, including the heart, normalizes intracellular pressure, ensures the conductivity of nerve fibers, and maintains acid-base balance.
Iodineis the activity of the brain healthy condition hair, skin, nails and teeth, providing the body with energy and burning excess fat.
Sodiummakes a huge contribution to the normalization water-salt balance, neuromuscular activity. Has a vasodilating effect and takes part in the production gastric juice.
Magnesiummanages the “internal peace” of our body, regulates blood sugar and pressure, prevents ischemic heart disease, heart attack and stroke.
Sulfurprotects body tissues from oxidation, participates in the transformation and absorption of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
Phosphorusparticipates in the processes of cell growth and division, helps saturate the body with energy, strengthens bones, and improves metabolism.
succinic acidstrengthens the walls of blood vessels, normalizes blood circulation, regulates cellular respiration, participates in the secretion of insulin, helps perform reproductive function.
Oxalic acidfights intestinal and sexual infections, infertility and impotence, relieves pain during menstruation and discomfort during menopause.
Gallic acidensures the relationship between individual cells, improves brain function, attentiveness and intelligence.
Benzoic acidthe main guard in the fight against germs. Stops the processes of decomposition and rotting.
Wine acidimproves digestion, metabolism and metabolic processes in the body. Dilates blood vessels and tones the heart muscle.
Oleanolic acid.
Quinic acidsuccessfully fights arrhythmia, restores and makes the walls of blood vessels elastic, reduces blood pressure and cholesterol levels in the blood.

So, to summarize: the medicinal properties of blueberry leaves are multifaceted and undeniable. Those who brew blueberry leaves are much healthier than their peers.

Why does the body need this forest medicine?

  • Facilitates the removal of stones from the kidneys and gall bladder. Together with other herbs, blueberry leaves soften and crush compressed formations, which can then pass through the ureter and bile duct.
  • Vessels dilate, their walls strengthen and become elastic, normalization heartbeat and pressure decreases.
  • The headache stops and gets better cerebral circulation, memory, attentiveness increases, and the risk of stroke decreases.
  • They have an effect similar to plantain leaves. The lower surface of the leaf is applied to a shallow wound to stop bleeding and disinfect.
  • Hair, skin and nails become smooth and beautiful. If you apply them to the problem area, you can eliminate redness and itching. The leaves are also good for treating small pustules and boils.
  • Unlike lingonberries, which relax, blueberry leaves, on the contrary, are used for diarrhea. Tannins promote fixation and normalize intestinal flora suffered during diarrhea.
  • The female body performs the reproductive function more easily, pain during menstruation is relieved, and menopausal syndrome is mitigated.
  • Newborns receive the necessary vitamins for their development.
  • People with increased content sugars partially solve this problem.
  • The nervous system is normalized, the person calms down, and comes out of a stressful state.
  • Hemorrhoid sufferers will also find relief in a bowl of blueberry leaf infusion. Daily procedures will definitely save you from this trouble.
  • Infections from rotavirus to intestinal and genital infections are receding. Of course, syphilis will not go away here, but chlamydia is very possible to fight.


The most important thing is not to collect leaves from gas stations and busy highways. Then there will be few contraindications.

And for regular leaves from the forest:

  • Everyone knows the rule: if you overdo it, you will only get harm instead of benefit. Drink decoctions in cycles rather than continuously.
  • If you are prone to constipation, do not aggravate your situation!
  • If you have diseases of the pancreas, use carefully and monitor your urine.

When to collect blueberry leaves for drying and treatment

It is better to harvest blueberry leaves, both for the treatment of diabetes and for other purposes, in May-June, before or during flowering, until the berries appeared .

With the appearance of berries, the amount of tannins increases and there is a risk of constipation. The leaves become less fragrant and aromatic.

It is better to cut with scissors, along with the stem. Leaves that are dried out and have black spots do not need to be collected; they will be of less benefit.

At home, we separate the leaves from the stems and lay them out to dry. It is recommended to do this in a ventilated area, without direct sunlight. We dry it directly on newspaper, on the kitchen table.

The stems can be ground in a coffee grinder or finely chopped with a knife and also dried.

Blueberry leaves photo:

Video about beneficial properties:

In folk healing, the foliage of shrubs, fruit trees and berries is often used to eliminate ailments. Blueberry leaves are also used with great success in therapeutic and preventive therapy due to their healing qualities. They have found wide recognition, and therefore it makes sense to consider the main characteristics of the raw materials in detail. It will also take into account possible side effects that need to be taken into account.

Composition of blueberry leaves

The foliage contains a lot of saccharides, flavonoids, glycosides, essential oils, arbutin, and organic acids. Among the latest great benefit It has oxalic, malic, quinic, citric, and succinic acids.

In addition, the composition is rich ascorbic acid, which is both an immune system stimulant and an antioxidant. From minerals Manganese, calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, and selenium should be highlighted.

On this basis, all incoming compounds have a complex effect on the human body. The properties include the ability to remove toxins, reduce the concentration of glucose in the blood, normalize intestinal function, heal abrasions, relieve inflammation, and soothe.

Who should use blueberry leaves?

The raw materials are used as lotions, decoctions, infusions, and compresses. There are diseases for which foliage will have the maximum healing effect. This list includes:
  • pathological changes in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diarrhea;
  • cough;
  • inflammatory processes of the bronchi;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • diabetes;
  • varicose veins;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • loss of vision;
  • SARS, influenza, tonsillitis;
  • dermatological problems.

Benefits of blueberry leaves

With the systematic use of leaves, you can improve the health of the body as a whole. Among the impressive useful qualities The following are distinguished:

  • treatment and cleansing of the urinary system;
  • normalization of the activity of the central nervous system;
  • fight against insomnia, apathy, anxiety;
  • elimination of diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • fight against viruses, prevention of colds;
  • antioxidant effect;
  • improvement of heart activity;
  • cleansing blood channels;
  • conclusion toxic substances;
  • decreased glucose levels;
  • tissue regeneration;
  • skin healing;
  • strengthening vision and increasing its sharpness;
  • fight against infectious diseases of the genital tract.

In therapeutic and preventive therapy, not only dry, but also fresh raw materials are used. The berries are frozen and steamed, but all these actions must be carried out with caution.

The composition is dominated by tannins, which knit. The fruits effectively cope with the first signs of influenza and ARVI, increase protective functions in the off-season.

The anti-inflammatory properties of raw materials encourage people to treat sore throats and diseases with blueberries. respiratory tract. This berry is included in multivitamin complexes to strengthen blurred vision.

The raw materials under discussion are famous for their ability to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract of stagnation and toxic substances. Blueberries are effectively used to relieve inflammation in the kidneys and pancreas.

Benefits of blueberry roots

Not everyone knows that in addition to blueberry foliage, young roots also have beneficial qualities. They are famous for their astringent, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties.

Prepared from raw materials various tinctures and decoctions that can improve human health significantly. The roots are especially valuable for patients with diabetes because they lower blood sugar levels.

In addition, the shoots cleanse intestinal tract from toxic and stagnant phenomena, prevent colon cancer. Teas and decoctions of young shoots strengthen vision and help restore the eyes in case of diseases.

Rules for collecting, drying, storing blueberry leaves

  1. It is important not only to have knowledge regarding healing properties raw materials, but also to be able to prepare them correctly. For medicinal purposes, the leaves are collected in April-May, then dried and used to make tea.
  2. It is worth clarifying that the main condition for collecting is the complete absence of fruits on the bush. The foliage should be young, only then will it have the maximum healing effect.
  3. Due to the fact that blueberries quickly absorb all poisons from the surrounding area, they are collected exclusively in ecologically clean areas.
  4. If there are brownish or whitish spots, as well as black spots on the foliage, you should refuse to collect from such a shrub. It has already absorbed enough toxins, and therefore will not bring any benefit.
  5. As for collection, we figured it out, now let's look at drying. It cannot be carried out under direct ultraviolet light. The entire process is carried out in the shade. Some housewives dry the foliage in a dryer at a temperature of 40 degrees.
  6. When drying is complete, the foliage should retain its characteristic greenish tint. If some dark elements suddenly appear, they must be eliminated and not used.
  7. To ensure that the prepared raw materials retain maximum of their useful qualities, make linen bags in advance. The product must have good air circulation. Check periodically to see if there are any insects in the bag.
  8. As for the duration of storage, if all conditions are met and a minimum level of humidity is maintained, the leaves will last about 2 years. The place should not be damp.

In terms of taste characteristics, tea is somewhat reminiscent of a drink prepared on the basis fresh fruits. But it doesn’t have that sourness that usually appears when making tea from berries.

In order to ultimately get the most useful raw materials suitable for everyday consumption, follow the proportions. For a teapot with a volume of 0.5 liters. approximately 2 tsp. foliage. Fill with hot water rather than boiling water, then leave for 25-40 minutes.

Blueberry leaves in cosmetology

  1. The raw material has gained great popularity in home cosmetology. The leaves of the plant have proven themselves excellent as all kinds of masks. The main properties of the product are deep hydration and nutrition. skin. After the procedures, the epidermis is noticeably toned.
  2. Most representatives of the fairer sex know that the systematic use of leaves as homemade masks does not leave a dark pigment. It is very difficult to remove it if you use fresh berries. Therefore, the leaves of the plant are considered completely safe in this regard.
  3. To prepare the mass, you can use fresh or dried crushed blueberry leaves. Add 30 ml. rustic cream and stir. Distribute ready-made product over the face and neck. Wait half an hour, then wash with warm water.
  4. The leaves have pronounced wound-healing and antiseptic effects. Such properties will come in handy in the fight against acne and similar inflammatory processes. It is enough to prepare a decoction based on the product in question and wipe your face with it 3 times a day.
  5. As universal mask There is one more recipe you can consider. Grind fresh leaves, pour in boiling water. You should end up with a paste. Leave the product to cool completely. This composition will be used as a basis for various masks. You can add to the decoction egg white or cosmetic clay.

  1. Based on raw materials, a weight loss product is used. This composition can significantly dull the feeling of hunger. In addition, metabolic processes are significantly accelerated.
  2. To prepare the drug you need to combine 0.5 liters. boiling water and 20 gr. crushed leaves. It is recommended to infuse the product in a thermos for 5 hours. Strain the mixture and take 100 ml. twice a day during weight loss.
  3. The leaves have shown themselves to be excellent for treating diabetes mellitus. Also, raw materials help to recover faster from pathologies of the urinary tract and pneumonia. Preparing this medicine is quite simple.
  4. Pour 15 g. finely chopped leaves 250 ml. boiling water Close the container with a tight lid and leave for at least 1 hour. After cooling, strain the mixture. Drink 180 ml of the product. 4 times a day.
  5. The leaves of the plant in question are good at relieving inflammatory and painful sensations from hemorrhoids. To do this, take 55 g. dried blueberry leaves and fill them with 1 liter. boiling water Keep the raw materials for 1 hour in an airtight container.
  6. Strain the mixture. Each time before use, warm the product to 37 degrees using steam bath. Use healing agent as an enema 1 hour before bedtime.

Damage to blueberry leaves

  1. Every time you use any new remedy to eliminate various problems, it is important to consider contraindications. It is prohibited to use blueberry leaves for health purposes if you are prone to constipation. Or it is worth carrying out short-term procedures and with extreme caution.
  2. Also be extremely careful if you have problems with the pancreas. If the drug is taken orally uncontrolled, there may be serious consequences. It is not necessary to conduct long health courses, the leaves contain hydroquinone. In some sense it is a carcinogen.

Due to the variety of composition therapeutic effect manages to achieve in short time. Thanks to numerous studies, the main components that have the best effect on human health have been identified. But it is necessary to take into account possible contraindications.

Video: beneficial properties of blueberries

A significant part of the properties of blueberries noticed by herbalists and healers later received scientific confirmation. As for blueberry leaves, science has a much cooler attitude towards their therapy. On the one hand, they contain some of the components that are completely absent in berries: tannins or glycosides that are useful in certain cases (compounds whose molecule consists of a carbohydrate "skeleton"). On the other hand, their composition is largely identical to the leaves of any other plants. And contraindications of blueberry leaves are often associated with the same area in which they are used most often - with the treatment of the digestive and excretory organs.

Composition and proportions

So, chemical composition blueberry leaves and shoots, which are also used in folk medicine, differ from its berries. As often happens in such cases, blueberry leaves contain almost everything that is in its berries, only several times less. Plus, they contain a number of substances that usually do not end up in berries, but are included in almost any foliage of any plant in the world.

  • Essential oils. They give blueberries their specific aroma and have a stimulating blood circulation and warming effect.
  • Vitamins. Groups B, C, PP, A, albeit in relatively small quantities.
  • Organic acids. Suitable for consumption and even necessary for the body, but in very limited quantities. There are more than a dozen of them in blueberries, but in the leaves you can only find resin, oleanolic, quinic, and ursolic acid. All of them provide a slight antipyretic and bactericidal effect and stimulate intestinal peristalsis.
  • Micro- and macroelements. Calcium, potassium, cobalt, manganese, zinc and some others. Their concentration in blueberry leaves is not too high, but may be important in case of long-term and acute deficiency in the diet. It must also be remembered that plant leaves readily accumulate unsafe substances from this series along with useful ones, depending on their content in the local soil and water. In particular, we are talking about chromium, copper, lead, barium, bromine.
  • Anthocyanins. Including the above-mentioned glycosides, among which the “antidiabetic” myrtilline is present. Anthocyanins serve plants as red and red-blue dyes. And for the human body they are antioxidants with a stimulating effect on the central nervous system. They are not always as useful as they seem. For example, mirtilline showed in experiments on rats a good ability to reduce blood sugar (up to 40%), although its effect on the level of glucose in human blood can be neglected due to its almost complete absence (and there are many reasons for such a difference). And another anthocyanin, amygdalin, is most widely known as hydrocyanic acid - an instant and completely lethal poison.
  • Tannins. Good anti-inflammatory and antiseptics, of a kind natural antibiotics. They protect plants from pests, including insects and fungi, and serve humans in the same capacity. But most of all tannins are not in the blueberry leaf, but in the bark of the oak - the plant whose name they inherited.

In general, blueberry leaves cannot be called dangerous - rather, less useful than its berries. They do contain many components suitable for the treatment of certain diseases, but in small quantities. Therefore, it is more reasonable to look for these substances in other plants, where they are contained in therapeutically significant concentrations. And the most valuable part of blueberries for health has always been and remains its berries.

Views on blueberries traditional healers on the one hand, and among doctors, on the other, differ seriously. So, in folk medicine, indications for the use of blueberry leaves are quite extensive.

  • In gynecology. As a hemostatic (for heavy menstruation And uterine bleeding), an antiseptic (genital infections) remedy that strengthens the immune system during pregnancy. All of these properties of blueberries are explained by the presence of tannins in their leaves. Their use, from the point of view of traditional medicine, is also useful for men - for adenoma and prostatitis, as well as cystitis.
  • For vision. That is, to improve it when age-related and other deviations appear. Blueberry leaves are believed to improve visibility both during the day and at night by stimulating blood circulation in the retina.
  • From diarrhea. And also dysentery, food poisoning and everything that can cause it. Sanitation of the digestive tract here is again ensured by tannins - poisonous to microorganisms, however, as well as to body cells.
  • For pancreatitis. As well as cholelithiasis, hepatitis, biliary dyskinesia, indigestion, dysbacteriosis and other pathologies gastrointestinal tract. The therapeutic effect here is facilitated by the essential oils contained in blueberry leaves, which stimulate appetite, bile secretion and improve blood circulation in the walls of the digestive organs. Peristalsis stimulants - anthocyanins - also contribute.
  • To lower blood pressure. Probably due to the anti-inflammatory effect of food acids and tannins on blood vessels.
  • For joint pathologies. In particular, gouty, traumatic and age-related arthritis. This indication is most often explained by the presence of food acids in blueberry leaves that, like acetylsalicylic acid, can remove joint pain and inflammation.
  • When coughing. To remove inflammatory process upper respiratory tract thanks to the same tannins and acids.
  • To strengthen hair. And getting rid of dandruff and other scalp problems. Tannins are excellent against any foreign microflora, and root strengthening is achieved due to the presence of nicotinic acid in blueberry leaves.
  • For weight loss. Decoction, infusion and tincture of blueberry leaves speed up metabolism and are believed to reduce the body's need for carbohydrates.

...and doctors' opinions on the medicinal properties of blueberry leaves

When discussing the benefits or harms of blueberry leaves, doctors who are much more skeptical suggest paying attention to the following nuances, which healers usually forget about or do not know.

  • At diabetes mellitus. Using blueberry leaf for diabetes is unlikely to harm the body in any way, but it will not give any result. The reason is that the above-mentioned anthocyanin myrtilline lowers sugar in laboratory animals with artificially induced diabetes by 35-40%. However, the metabolism of the vast majority of land animals (with the exception of reptiles and some other cold-blooded animals) is four or even seven times faster than humans. Therefore, they have a more pronounced and rapid (accelerated sevenfold) effect of all medicines. Thus, what gives 40% effectiveness in a laboratory rat will give a diabetic person four to seven times less effect. In this case, the maximum reduction in sugar that can be obtained from blueberry leaves will be 10%, and such a result, as doctors say, can be neglected. Besides, in onions, periwinkle and pink, aconite, others poisonous plants with a burning taste, and also in the root of ginseng there is many times more myrtilline than in blueberry leaves. However, they also do not significantly lower blood sugar. And if it were otherwise, diabetics would not need insulin, because reducing the glucose concentration by almost half of the existing one is an excellent result, almost equal to that of insulin.
  • For the treatment of women. Concerning antiseptic properties, then they are lower in blueberry leaves than in a decoction of St. John's wort, celandine and the oak bark itself. They are still suitable for fighting candidiasis, but definitely not for infection with papillomavirus, genital herpes, or gonorrhea. The benefits of blueberry leaves during pregnancy are all the more questionable, since if they contain about 20% tannins, then vitamin C is no more than 250 mg per 100 g of leaves (while the opposite is true in berries). Tannins are poisonous not only to microorganisms, but also to the mother and her child. Thus, taking the same ascorbic acid with blueberries, any citrus fruits, or even in tablets is much safer.
  • Effect on vision. From a medical point of view, blueberry leaves do not possess it at all, since carotenoids, which are important for the functioning of cones and rods (those very light-sensitive formations in the retina), are present in abundance in blueberries and in all varieties of dark grapes, but are almost completely absent in them. leaves.
  • Effect on the joints. Blueberry leaves are quite rich in what can help relieve chronic inflammation in joints - tannins and anthocyanins. There is only one exception here - gout and the characteristic changes in the joints provoked by it. Traditional medicine does not distinguish gout from other age-related diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Meanwhile, it is caused by the accumulation in the synovial (articular) fluid of one of the food acids - uric. Urea is formed in our body during the breakdown of animal proteins and excreted by the kidneys. But in excess, it leads to the formation of urate stones and the accumulation of a considerable amount of the same urates, only in the form of sand and crystals in the joints. In principle, all of the above does not apply to other acids, including those contained in the leaves or blueberries. However, practice shows that a violation of the metabolism of one acid disrupts the metabolism of the others, although not so noticeably. That is why consuming foods rich in acids in case of gout is prohibited. This applies to both the decoction of blueberry leaves and its berries.
  • For the urinary tract. In general, medicine confirms the medicinal properties of blueberry leaves in terms of relieving inflammation in bladder and kidneys, improving capillary blood circulation in the glomeruli of the renal parenchyma. But apart from gout, in which urate sand and stones become the cause of all the deteriorations, they do not apply to another type of stones - oxalates. Oxalate stones are formed in people whose body, for some reason, loses the ability to absorb oxalic acid - one of the valuable food acids found in all sour and sour vegetables, herbs, berries and fruits, from sorrel itself to blueberries. There is little of it in blueberry leaves, but it is there, and there is a lot of it in the berries. That is why both products are strictly prohibited for use if oxalates are detected.
  • For the digestive tract. It is commonly believed that blueberry leaves increase the acidity of the stomach. In fact, it is increased by the presence of food acids in them - including ascorbic acid. In other words, when low acidity(from birth or due to gastritis) taking them is useful, as it returns acidity to normal. And with hyperacidosis, acidity will rise even more noticeably, which can result not only in heartburn, but also in erosions or “Barrett’s esophagus” - a precancerous condition.

The topic of the presence of a carcinogen in plant materials is also discussed. It's about about hydroquinone - one of the anthocyanins in blueberry leaves. They contain relatively a lot of it, and at first it was used as a developer for photographic film. Nowadays it can most often be found in whitening cosmetics for the face and body, since hydroquinone inhibits the production of melanin in skin cells, which provides tanning. As a result, solar radiation begins to affect those layers of the skin that it usually does not “reach”, which is fraught with cancer.

The most common side effect from taking tea from blueberry leaves and its berries is an allergy. Its development is facilitated by the relatively high content of both ascorbic acid and tannins, together with essential oils. That is why it is strictly prohibited for use under any autoimmune diseases, starting with psoriasis and ending hay fever. Preparations from its mature leaves should not be taken if you have constipation, as there is a risk of worsening it.

How to prepare raw materials

So, as is the case with many others medicinal plants, ethnoscience tends to overestimate positive traits blueberry leaves and spread overly rave reviews about their effectiveness. And manufacturers of various fashionable products are now plant extracts manipulate scientific data for advertising purposes.

Whether to use an infusion / decoction of blueberry leaves under such conditions or to dwell on its berries and products from them is a personal matter for each patient. Here, a lot depends on the essence of the existing pathology, and on the characteristics of its course or combination with other diseases. But since the leaves of any plants readily accumulate from environment Because it contains dangerous components, it is better to collect blueberry leaves, taking into account some safety and efficiency requirements.


Blueberries do not grow in a vegetable garden or on a summer cottage - only in a real deciduous forest. It is rarely possible to recreate such conditions artificially, so you will first have to take a walk into nature to get raw materials. The most useful in all respects are the young leaves and shoot tips. However, tannins (and from a scientific point of view, proven therapeutic effect possess only they) more in mature leaves.

  • Escape. It is permissible to cut young leaves together with the shoots, but mature leaves only separately.
  • Weather. The weather on the day of collection should be dry. Otherwise, excess moisture risks spoiling the raw materials during drying.
  • Quality. Leaves should be chosen that are evenly developed and colored, without signs of spoilage.
  • Safety. The collection point should not be located closer than 5 km from large industrial enterprises, railways, waste heaps, nuclear power plants. Due to the accident at the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan, the measurement of background radiation when collecting blueberries and their leaves throughout the Far East (where the lion's share comes from) requires attention.
  • Collection time. You need to cut leaves with shoots in May-June, and July is intended for collecting already mature leaves (if they are needed) and blueberries.


Drying blueberry leaves at home, like any other, is better in the shade - to avoid fermentation (oxidation of chlorophyll in the sun). To do this, it is enough to spread them in one layer on clean (not containing printed text and drawings) paper in a well-ventilated area, and leave them, stirring occasionally, for four to seven days, depending on the air temperature.


Keep dried leaves Blueberries can be stored in paper bags or tin jars with a lid without rust spots inside, in a cool, dry place. The bottom shelf of a refrigerator that is not too powerful, a pantry, or one of the top shelves of a cellar are suitable.


As for how to brew blueberry leaves, there are no significant differences between the recipes for preparing it and other herbs. However, much will depend on how saturated the solution we need. For example, tea from blueberry leaves is a very weak solution, and a decoction or tincture contains maximum concentration active substances.


You will need:

  • two or three dry blueberry leaves.

Preparation and use

  1. Warm up the cup with boiling water, as usual, and add tea leaves.
  2. Add blueberry leaves (you can chop them or throw them whole - to taste).
  3. Pour boiling water over and drink as regular tea.


You will need:

  • a glass of warm drinking water;
  • a heaped tablespoon of dry blueberry leaves.

Preparation and use

  1. Crush the blueberry leaves with your fingers, place in an enamel bowl and cover with water.
  2. Put her on water bath and bring to a boil.
  3. Cover with a lid and leave to cook gently for half an hour, adding water as needed.
  4. Then remove from heat and strain through a double layer of gauze. Top up with drinking water to the initial volume.
  5. Take 30-50 ml three times a day, between meals. The duration of the course is a week. Then you can take a week off and repeat the dose.


You will need:

  • a tablespoon of dried blueberry leaves;
  • a glass of boiling water;
  • thermos with a non-metallic inner flask.

Preparation and use

  1. Grind the dry blueberry leaves and place them in a thermos.
  2. Pour boiling water over, close the lid immediately and leave to cool completely (about two hours).
  3. Strain through double or triple folded gauze.
  4. Take this option half a glass at a time - due to the relatively low saturation of the product active ingredients. This should be done twice a day, morning and evening, 15 minutes before meals, for two weeks.


You will need:

  • a glass of vodka, alcohol or diluted moonshine with a strength of strictly 40%;
  • two tablespoons of dried or fresh blueberry leaves/shoots;
  • glass container with a tight lid.

Preparation and use

  1. Grind blueberry leaves or its shoots in a coffee grinder, pour into a dry, clean jar.
  2. Fill the raw material with vodka/alcohol, close the lid, and shake.
  3. Leave for a week in a dark, warm place to infuse, then strain through cheesecloth folded into three or four layers.
  4. Store the resulting product in a dark, but already cool place, tightly closed.
  5. Take ten drops orally, three times a day, after meals, adding to tea, juice, any other drink of your choice, including a glass of plain water.

And yet, the best beneficial properties of blueberry leaves, prepared as a tincture, are manifested when applied externally. For example, this tincture, diluted in a 1:1 ratio, can be used to gargle for acute respiratory infections, flu, tonsillitis, as well as stomatitis and other diseases of the oral cavity. It is also used to wipe areas of rashes and suppuration on the skin, but is never used for douching.

Of all the wild berries, blueberries are the hardest to pick. It grows not in sunny meadows, like strawberries, but in the darkest corners, into which they do not penetrate. Sun rays. However, people do not pay attention to these inconveniences and every summer they flock to the forests to collect fruits from low-growing bushes. Blueberries are prepared for the winter - the beneficial properties and contraindications are already known to everyone, not only the berries, but also the leaves and shoots, because they contain the main medicinal properties for human body. There are a huge number of recipes for preparing the plant.

What are blueberries

A perennial, deciduous, slow-growing blueberry bush (chernega, bilberry, blueberry) belongs to the genus Vaccinium of the Heather family. It grows up to 60 centimeters high. Flowering lasts from May to June, and the berries ripen in July-August. The plant begins to bear fruit in the second year. At first, a small number of large berries appear on the bush, but over time there are many of them, but smaller in size. Fresh fruits are low in calories: 100 grams contain only 57 calories.

Where does it grow

IN southern hemisphere Blueberries don't grow. Residents of hot regions are not familiar with this plant either. eastern countries. The only place on the planet where you can find large blueberry plantations is North hemisphere. In the North it is easy to see thickets of bushes that stretch for tens of kilometers. Blueberries grow in well-moistened swampy areas, in coniferous or mixed forests. The largest berry plantations are located in Russia.

What does it look like

In ordinary forests, the height of a blueberry bush reaches 20-35 centimeters, but near a swamp the plant can grow up to half a meter. The berries there are also juicier and larger. The stems of the shrub are straight, branching, and the leaves are thin, smooth, and finely serrated. The small flowers of the plant are white-greenish in color with a pink tint. Blueberry fruits are a blue-black berry similar in shape to a small ball. Inside it is purple-red in color with numerous seeds.

Beneficial properties of blueberries

The plant is rich in antioxidants that help fight stress. Eating berries, thanks to the neutralization of free radicals, slows down the aging process of the body and prevents cancer, stroke, atherosclerosis, and heart attack. Vitamin composition plants are represented by ascorbic acid, retinol, tocopherol, group PP, B.

  • chromium;
  • zinc;
  • sulfur;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus.


They are famous for their bactericidal properties due to the fact that they contain vitamin C. large quantities. The use of preparations containing blueberry leaf helps get rid of heartburn, relieves stomach cramps, increases the acidity of gastric juice. Blueberry leaves have useful anti-inflammatory, choleretic, diuretic properties, therefore they are effective for kidney diseases and liver diseases. Decoctions are used for infections oral cavity– stomatitis, periodontal disease. Blueberry leaves can cause one harm to the body - cause allergic reactions.


For treatment, use fresh, frozen or dried blueberries, unless there are contraindications. The presence of beneficial tannins in them has an anti-inflammatory effect. Frozen berries are indispensable in winter for the treatment of sore throats and for the prevention of colds. When frozen, blueberries do not lose their beneficial properties, having a beneficial effect on the immune system and digestive system. It is used for indigestion, diseases of the pancreas, and liver. Dried berries have a diuretic effect, so they are used for urolithiasis.


The benefits of blueberries for the body have been known for a long time, but not all people know that the shoots of the plant also have anti-inflammatory properties. If there are no contraindications, they are used for diabetes mellitus due to their ability to lower glucose levels. Blueberry shoots collect toxins and heavy metal salts, remove toxins from the body, which helps eliminate inflammatory reactions for diseases of the stomach and intestines. Young elements of the plant are used for degenerative changes in the retina, so using tea from blueberry shoots improves vision.

Traditional recipes with blueberries

Due to the presence of valuable microelements, blueberries are used during diets, used in cosmetology and cooking. It helps cope with tumors, strengthens blood vessels, and improves metabolism during weight loss. In folk medicine, rejuvenating berries are used to treat rheumatism, burns, hemorrhoids, cough, and other pathologies. IN gynecological practice douching is carried out with infusion from the shoots or leaves of the plant. Blueberry antioxidants help cope with anemia and control blood pressure.

For vision

The benefit of blueberries for the eyes is that their components improve vision in case of myopia. Use for the treatment of infusions, freshly squeezed juice, jam. How blueberries are prepared and used for vision:

  1. A decoction of dried berries. Pour 200 g of blueberries with ½ cup of boiling water. Let it brew for 30 minutes, then drink half a glass. medicinal drink 2-3 times a day until vision improves.
  2. Fresh blueberry drops. Extract the juice from several fresh berries, dilute with water 1:2, instill in both eyes daily, if there are no contraindications.

For gastritis

Inflammation of the gastric mucosa imposes certain restrictions on the diet. Plant secretin, which is found in blueberries, helps normalize the digestion process. A rich complex of minerals and vitamins promotes the regeneration of cells in the stomach walls, preventing their destruction. How to take blueberries for gastritis:

  1. Blueberry wine. Increases acidity levels. To prepare, take half a glass of berries, rinse, add 100 ml of water, and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. Then add 1 glass of homemade grape wine and simmer for another 10 minutes. The product is taken three times a day, 1 tbsp. l. 30 minutes before meals.
  2. A decoction of dry leaves. To prepare, you need to pour 60 g of crushed raw materials with a liter of water and cook for 20 minutes over low heat. You should take half a glass of the drink before each meal.

From hemorrhoids

If we compare the benefits and harms of blueberries, we must take into account that there are very few contraindications, and the medicinal properties of the berry are countless. For example, the dry leaves of the plant are widely used for hemorrhoids. And compresses are made from the berries, which are applied to hemorrhoids. Folk recipes for hemorrhoids:

  1. Blueberry infusion enemas. Steam a couple of tablespoons of crushed dry leaves in a glass of boiling water, boil for 25 minutes. After the broth, strain, add boiling water to the edge of the glass and divide into 4 procedures.
  2. Sitz baths. In a sealed container, boil 20 grams of dry or fresh berries for 20 minutes, then squeeze and strain. The temperature of the decoction should not exceed 60°C. Baths should be taken until the water cools down.

From impotence

Blueberry will also help with sexual impotence. This dietary product effectively fights kidney diseases and genitourinary system, provoking erectile dysfunction in a man. Recipes for impotence:

  1. Blueberry tea. For its preparation, both berries and leaves of the plant are used. A richer and brighter taste can be obtained from young shoots. The plant for impotence is brewed and drunk like regular tea.
  2. Blueberry juice. It is recommended to drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice without sugar every morning. A natural drink for impotence is drunk on an empty stomach, chilled.

For throat diseases

Blueberries are very useful for children. Especially during a sore throat or severe cough. As a rule, along with drug treatment For throat diseases, doctors prescribe medications such as Blueberry Forte or others containing blueberry extract. Recipes recommended by traditional medicine:

  1. Infusion. One tbsp. l. crushed fresh berries need to be poured with boiling water (250 ml), let it brew. Drink the drink in two doses every day until symptoms disappear. When treating a cold, you can make the infusion more concentrated.
  2. Gargling. Thick blueberry decoction should be used not only for oral administration, but also for rinsing the mouth. This should be done as often as possible during the day to get rid of inflammatory processes.

For skin diseases

The plant is effective in the treatment of eczema, dermatitis and other skin diseases. Especially the plant saves pregnant women, who are forbidden to use many medicines while carrying a child. The plant has many useful properties that are not lost when used externally:

  1. Compresses. Pour dried berries with water in a ratio of 1: 5, cook until half of the liquid boils away. The mixture should be cooled, put on gauze, then used on the affected areas of the skin in the form of a compress, if there are no contraindications from the doctor.
  2. Puree. Instead of broth, you can use freshly squeezed puree. The berries should be mashed, put on a gauze bandage, which must be changed several times a day.

From pressure

Organic acids, proteins and monosaccharides contained in blueberry fruits have a positive effect on work of cardio-vascular system. The following recipes will help normalize blood pressure:

  1. Infusion. With hypertension, it is useful to drink blueberry infusion at a dose of one glass per day. To prepare it, pour 4 teaspoons of fruit with a glass of boiling water, then leave for 8 hours.
  2. Morse. To prepare the drink you will need 200 g of fresh berries, 1 liter of water, 4 tbsp. l. Sahara. Blueberry fruits must be wiped, filled with water, and cooked for 7 minutes. Then remove the drink from the heat, filter and add sugar. You need to drink 2 glasses of fruit juice every day.

For diarrhea and constipation

Blueberries contain a lot nutrients, which help normalize any stomach disorders. Recipes:

  1. For constipation. The berries are famous for their ability to remove toxins and act as a mild laxative, so if you are constipated, it is better to use them in the morning. fresh. You can get rid of the problem by eating 100 g per day.
  2. From diarrhea. Excellent product for diarrhea - blueberry jelly. You can prepare it from 200 g of berries, 200 g of sugar, 4 tbsp. l. starch and 2.5 liters of water. You need to drink jelly 3-4 times a day in small portions.


Use the plant as medicine in some cases it is not possible. Contraindications for use:

  • in the presence of individual intolerance to plant components;
  • if the baby has allergies during breastfeeding;
  • with caution when treating the liver and pancreas;
  • at joint use blood thinners (may cause bleeding).


In Rus', blueberries were called “rejuvenating berries”; their beneficial properties have long been used to treat digestive disorders, eliminate putrefactive processes in the intestines, prevent and restore, treat diseases of blood vessels, joints, the oral cavity, inflammation of the throat, for thinning the blood - the prevention of heart attack and stroke, dissolution of stones, at .

Harvesting berries and leaves

Blueberries are common in Siberia, the European part Russian Federation. Unpretentious, grows in spruce forests, pine forests, forest-tundra, sphagnum bogs. The bush is low, the rhizome is located near the surface.

The berry is spherical, black and blue. The pulp is juicy, purple-red. A little astringent, sourish, but pleasant to the taste. The harvest is harvested in late July - early August, better in the morning or in the evening.

Blueberries will retain more beneficial properties if they are dried under a shelter or in an attic with good ventilation. Dry it faster in the oven, maintaining a temperature of +40C for the first 3-4 hours, then dry it until ready at a temperature of +55-60C.

Dried berries are stored in wooden boxes lined with paper on the inside.

They can also be frozen. First, they are washed and dried. Place on a tray lined with paper on the inside and place in the freezer. Frozen berries are packaged in plastic bags and stored in the freezer.

Blueberry leaves are not officially considered a medicinal raw material, but they are used for medicinal purposes.

Harvested during the flowering period, May-June, carefully cutting with scissors from non-flowering branches. Dry in a dark, ventilated area. Having separated the petioles, the leaves are stored in canvas bags.

Useful properties of berries

The calorie content of a glass of fresh blueberries is 88 kcal. This property is especially useful in weight loss programs.

Macroelements are represented by phosphorus, potassium, sodium. High.

Modified: 02/11/2019