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Who is an andrologist and what does he do? What does a pediatric urologist do?

Not so long ago, urologists were involved in the treatment of so-called male diseases. Now andrology is identified as a separate medical branch. Its tasks include studying the anatomy, physiology and pathology of the male genital organs only. Unlike urologists, andrologists do not treat urinary tract diseases.

When to contact an andrologist

A male doctor should be contacted if any abnormalities occur on the part of the male genital organs.

The main ones include:

  • pain or discomfort in the perineum and genital area. Often the symptom occurs once, but this is not a reason to postpone the visit;
  • appearance discomfort when straining, physical activity, sexual intercourse;
  • pain radiating to the anus, lower back, thigh;
  • deformation or enlargement of the scrotum and penis, even if there is no pain;
  • redness or cyanosis of the skin of the genitals and perineum;
  • rashes on the skin of the pubis, penis, scrotum, perineum;
  • compactions noticed on palpation;
  • varicose veins of the spermatic cord;
  • pathological discharge of various types;
  • traumatic injuries to the external genitalia, pubis or tailbone;
  • complaints related to urination - frequent trips to the toilet, itching and burning during urination;
  • erectile dysfunction, syndrome premature ejaculation, decreased sexual desire;
  • absence of seminal fluid or an increase in its quantity, the appearance of an unpleasant odor, change in color and consistency, the appearance of blood and pus;
  • inability to get pregnant within a year;
  • if necessary, choose contraceptives.

An andrologist should be visited for a preventive examination if there is chronic diseases, as well as all men over 40 years of age. In addition, a doctor in this specialty advises potential sperm donors and all patients who are preparing for in vitro fertilization. It is advisable to consult an andrologist when planning a natural pregnancy.

What diseases does an andrologist treat?

The responsibilities of an andrologist include diagnosis, therapy, and prevention of diseases of the external and internal genital organs of men, namely:

  • scrotum;
  • penis;
  • testicles and epididymis;
  • prostate;
  • seminal vesicles.

The doctor identifies abnormalities in the structure and functionality organs, diagnoses pathologies, and, if possible, eliminates them. Also provides recommendations to prevent illness and prevent recurrent episodes. The goal of an andrologist, like any other doctor, is to completely cure the disease. If for some reason this cannot be done, then the doctor tries to achieve the most stable remission.

The main diseases that an andrologist diagnoses and treats include:

  • infertility - the inability to conceive a child within a year with active sexual activity;
  • absence or undescended testicles into the scrotum (anorchidism, cryptorchidism);
  • erectile dysfunction;
  • andropause - the age period during which testosterone production decreases;
  • sexually transmitted diseases;
  • congenital anomalies of the male reproductive system;
  • traumatic injuries;
  • endogenous deficiency in the production of male sex hormones;
  • disruption of the processes of reproduction and maturation of sperm;
  • gynecomastia - enlargement of the mammary glands caused by hormonal imbalance;
  • baldness caused by an imbalance of male sex hormones.

Therapy with an andrologist is also indicated for depressive disorders associated with erectile dysfunction. Sometimes a therapist, surgeon or specialist doctor refers you for a consultation with an andrologist. The reason for such tactics may be symptoms indicating pathology of the male genital organs.

Every human reproduction clinic should be staffed by a full-time andrologist. Only a specialist can deliver correct diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment, as well as qualitatively prepare the patient for in vitro fertilization.

Diagnostic methods used in andrology

The first and most important diagnostic techniques used by an andrologist are anamnesis collection and an objective examination.

When collecting anamnesis, the doctor asks the patient in detail about the complaints that have arisen. If possible, find out the time and reason for their appearance, dynamics.

It is important for the doctor to assess the signs of puberty and correctly compare the size of the organs to the age. In addition, the andrologist will definitely palpate the man’s genitals in a lying and standing position - this will eliminate neoplastic processes and a number of other diseases.

After examining and palpating the genital organs, the doctor measures arterial pressure, assesses the thickness of the fat layer in the waist area, examines the mammary glands, and performs reflex tests.

This is followed by palpation of the prostate gland. It is passed through the anus. During palpation, the size of the organ, its mobility, elasticity, and consistency are assessed. If deviations are detected, additional research is prescribed.

Of the laboratory and instrumental tests in andrology, the following are used:

  • Ultrasound;
  • X-ray examination;
  • endoscopic examination;
  • uroflowmetry;
  • intracavernous tests;
  • biopsy;
  • spermogram;
  • checking the concentration of hormones in blood plasma;
  • biochemical screening, general blood and urine analysis;
  • PCR;
  • genetic diagnostics;
  • analysis for tumor markers;
  • rheofallography;
  • CT, MRI.

Ultrasound examination is performed with both an abdominal and transrectal probe. Transrectal ultrasound is considered more informative and does not require special training. Due to its high information content, relative cheapness and ease of implementation, ultrasonography used as a screening method. There are no contraindications to the procedure. The average duration of manipulation is 10–15 minutes.

With the help of ultrasound, the doctor can assess:

  • structure internal organs and fabrics;
  • presence of pathological inclusions;
  • signs of the inflammatory process;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • structural anomalies.

Using an ultrasound, a doctor can see most diseases of the male reproductive system.

Endoscopic examination performed only by an andrologist who has undergone special training. The main instrument used during the procedure is an endoscope. This is an optical device equipped with a photo or video camera. Using it, the doctor can examine the mucous membrane of the urethra, identify pathological changes, and carry out diagnostic manipulations.

Uroflowmetry- a diagnostic technique with which the rate of urination is recorded. Used for prostate diseases, Bladder, sexually transmitted infections.

Intracavernous tests indicated for problems with erection. During these procedures, the doctor injects vasodilators into the cavernous bodies. The presence of an erection indicates psychogenic causes of impotence.

Biopsy necessary if you suspect malignancy. A small amount of tissue is collected under ultrasound guidance. Pathomorphological examination allows for differential diagnosis malignant tumors, as well as determine their type, origin, degree of differentiation.

Spermogram- a laboratory test that allows you to evaluate the motility and structure of male germ cells.

Blood test for hormones shows the level biologically active substances in blood plasma. Based on it, the doctor can make the correct diagnosis and prescribe its treatment. In addition, the analysis will show what caused a particular disease.

Biochemical screen G, general tests blood and urine allow you to assess the general condition of the patient’s body, assess the functioning of internal organs and systems.

PCR- most exact method diagnostics infectious diseases. Its essence is to copy a DNA molecule and create a large number of copies. This makes it possible to recognize the pathogenic pathogen.

Molecular genetic diagnostics consists of determining the number of chromosomes in a set, analyzing seminal fluid for DNA fragmentation of male germ cells.

Determination of the level of oncological markers- prescribed for suspected malignant disease.

Computed and magnetic resonance imaging used for visualization of internal organs and tissues. These are highly informative techniques with which you can see even the most minor changes.

Treatment methods in andrology

After diagnosing the disease and establishing its cause, the andrologist draws up a treatment plan. Complexity and an individual approach are the main principles on which the doctor relies. At the same time, the doctor tries to use highly effective medications, physiotherapeutic procedures, modern medical equipment. This allows you to achieve good results in the shortest possible time.

In his practice, the andrologist uses both conservative and surgical methods treatment.

The main ones include:

  • Drug treatment (antibacterial agents, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antifungal, immunomodulatory, symptomatic). In each case the volume conservative therapy determined individually.
  • Hormone therapy.
  • Diet therapy.
  • Physio therapeutic treatment.
  • Psychotherapy.
  • Sex therapy.

Surgical treatment is indicated in the following cases:

  • if the patient is diagnosed with a pathology, the therapeutic treatment of which will obviously be ineffective;
  • with congenital and acquired defects of the structure of the genital organs;
  • to eliminate malignant and benign tumor processes;
  • for the purpose of reconstruction of male genital organs (urethroplasty, penis, testicles).

Used to improve potency local treatment- medications are injected into the cavernous bodies of the penis. By affecting blood vessels, medications increase potency.

Each of the treatment methods used in andrology has its own advantages and disadvantages. It is very important to trust an andrologist with high level qualifications so that he can draw up a competent therapeutic plan and achieve maximum therapeutic effect.

All that is required of the patient is to consult a doctor when the first suspicious symptoms appear, and also visit an andrologist for preventive purposes. Timeliness is one of the key factors in a positive prognosis for the life and health of the patient. Timely treatment will completely eliminate the pathology and avoid serious complications.

If healing techniques completely exhausted, but did not give the desired effect, auxiliary ones come to the rescue reproductive technologies.

These include:

  • IVF - in vitro fertilization;
  • ICSI - injection of sperm into the cytoplasm of the egg;
  • IMSI - injection of a morphologically correct sperm into the cytoplasm of the egg;
  • artificial insemination - the introduction of prepared sperm directly into the uterus.

Assisted reproductive technologies allow a man to become a father even with such serious illnesses, such as azoospermia (complete absence of germ cells in the seminal fluid), complex genetic disorders, absence of one of the testicles or penis.

Where can I consult an andrologist?

You can get a consultation with an andrologist both in the state and in private clinic. The first thing you will encounter in municipal clinics is long queues and appointments at inconvenient times, but you need to visit the doctor several times. Second point - paid diagnostics. Even if the doctor sees you for free, then additional methods examinations will have to be paid separately, as well as for medicines.

Consult paid clinic much easier, and often cheaper, since the first appointment is free at the human reproduction center. Our clinic constantly monitors the level of qualifications of specialists, has its own laboratory and innovative diagnostic equipment. This allows you to undergo additional examination literally in one day. Reception is by appointment only. You can choose a time convenient for you and visit a doctor. To get to our doctor, just fill out the electronic form feedback or call the phone number listed on the website.

Andrologist is a doctor who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the male reproductive system. In Russia, an andrologist is often an andrologist-urologist.

An andrologist diagnoses and treats diseases of the genitourinary system of an inflammatory nature, as well as non-inflammatory diseases associated primarily with circulatory disorders, age-related changes, consequences of injuries and infectious diseases.

Andrological disorders in men are quite common. The problem is that not everyone finds the courage to consult a doctor at the initial stage and say “No!” diseases that prevent you from living an active and full-blooded life.

Andrology is a medical science that studies diseases, disorders of the development and functions of the male genital organs, as well as their treatment. Andrology, as a medical specialty, includes the treatment of somatic disorders and the correction of accompanying sexological and psycho-emotional disorders.

Andrology emerged from urology as an independent discipline recently and has become an important branch of medicine, because the problems that an andrologist solves are relevant for many men today.

What happens during an appointment with an andrologist?

The doctor will listen to your complaints, ask about your lifestyle and hereditary predispositions. Familiarize yourself with the available data from analyzes and examinations. During the examination, the doctor will ask you to show where you are experiencing pain, and will examine the external organs in a vertical and horizontal position, palpation of the kidneys, rectal examination of the prostate gland. Depending on the results obtained, he will prescribe additional examinations and (or) treatment, and will also give recommendations on lifestyle.

For what symptoms should you contact an andrologist:

What diseases does the andrologist treat:

What examinations are usually prescribed by an andrologist?

  • General urine analysis.
  • Analysis of prostate secretion.
  • General blood analysis.
  • Blood chemistry.
  • Spermogram.
  • Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) of the kidneys, bladder, scrotum, pelvic organs, prostate gland.
  • Urethroscopy.
  • Analysis of scrapings from the urethra for the presence of pathogens of sexually transmitted infections.
  • Microscopic examination of prostate secretion.
  • Microscopic examination of a smear from the urethra.
  • PSA (prostate-specific antigen test).




Tests for erectile dysfunction

Laboratory research

Andrologist for family planning

When planning a family, visiting an andrologist is necessary. According to statistics, the inability to conceive a child is associated with problems of 40% of men. The doctor solves problems with male infertility, first of all, examining the results of a spermogram. Based on its results, the specialist continues the diagnostic examination or prescribes the necessary treatment.

Men need to understand possible consequences diseases, do not delay your visit to the andrologist and, if the first symptoms of pathology occur, contact the clinic. Today, modern developments and equipment are used in the treatment of male diseases, which makes it possible to cure any disease at an early stage.

Questions and answers on the topic "Andrologist"

Question:Hello, I had a hernia operation as a child and now I can’t have children. Can this be treated? Thank you.

Answer: Hello. The connection between inguinal hernia and infertility in men is observed quite often. During surgery, the surgeon may touch the thin tubules that are involved in the transfer of sperm. As a result, male reproductive cells either do not reach the egg or reach it damaged. In both cases, the likelihood of conception is extremely low. You need to consult an andrologist in person for an examination.

Question:Hello! I am 22 years old, I ejaculate too quickly, I heard that it is possible to have surgery. I would like to know more about the operation. And is it possible not to resort to surgery, but to treat it with medication? Thank you in advance.

Answer: Hello. There are various methods for getting rid of early ejaculation, these include: drug therapy, physiotherapeutic procedures, laser therapy, massage, special exercises and other methods.

Question:Good day! My husband and I have a big age difference of 16 years, we are planning a child, but my husband’s sperm is thick, yellowish, and lumpy. I receive a refusal when asked to go to the hospital. Do you think that the color of sperm does not affect conception?

Answer: Hello! You definitely need to take him to a urologist and have a spermogram done! If the results are different from the norm, it is necessary to take a spermogram again after 1-2 weeks and, with the results obtained, contact an andrologist to look for the causes of the pathology.

Question:Good day! I have left testicle, less right, what it could be and how it could affect sex life and will I be able to have children!?

Answer: Hello! Perhaps it's dropsy. For an accurate examination and treatment, you need to visit a urologist.

Without the work of specialized specialists, it would be impossible to fully solve the problems of modern medicine. When it comes to men's health, one cannot help but remember the andrologist. This specialist deals with pathologies of the genital area of ​​the stronger sex. What does an andrologist treat? You can contact him with many unpleasant symptoms. The most common male diseases will be described below.

Why do you need an andrologist?

There are several medical specialties that are closely interrelated. A urologist is a doctor who treats diseases of the genitourinary system in men and women. A sex therapist is a doctor who helps solve problems with the sexual sphere. An andrologist can also work in both directions. However, only men can turn to him for help. If we are talking about a disease in a child, help will come pediatric andrologist.

The problem is that such a specialty is not provided in all medical institutions. In provincial cities, representatives of the stronger sex with problems are forced to consult a urologist. At the same time, the doctor does not always have the knowledge necessary to solve some problems related to men's health.

The competence of an andrologist includes all the features of the male body, its differences from the female one. A doctor can deal not only with physical disorders, but also with psycho-emotional and endocrine ones.


This is a disease with which representatives of the stronger sex most often turn to an andrologist. The essence of the problem is inflammation of the prostate gland. Many modern men face pathology. However, not everyone decides to ask an andrologist a question. The inflammatory process can begin after 25 years. The patient can attribute minor problems with urination and nagging pain in the lower abdomen to a sedentary lifestyle. However, many are in no hurry to seek medical help.

IN advanced stage Prostatitis leads to severe pain, difficulty urinating, and problems in the sexual sphere. If any of the listed symptoms appear, consultation with an andrologist is mandatory! Besides sedentary lifestyle During life, the development of prostatitis can be caused by hypothermia, the presence of neoplasms in the prostate area or kidney stones. Disruption of the normal rhythm of sexual activity can also lead to an inflammatory process.


The proliferation of glandular tissue of the prostate is another pathology that representatives of the stronger sex often encounter. What does an andrologist treat? It all depends on how advanced the pathological process is. At an early stage you can get by drug therapy. If the disease is advanced, without surgical treatment not enough.

Middle-aged and older men (after 40 years) are more likely to experience prostate adenoma. Refusal of timely therapy can lead to irreversible consequences. Among them are urinary incontinence and complete erectile dysfunction. With prostate adenoma, urine can be retained in the body, which leads to intoxication and the development of renal failure.

The sooner therapy is started, the greater the chance of returning to full life. An andrologist will determine the degree of neglect pathological process, decide on the method of therapy.


The correct name of the pathology is erectile dysfunction. Bad habits, lack of sleep, emotional overstrain and stress - all this leads to the development of the disease already in at a young age. What does an andrologist treat? First of all, the specialist finds out the cause of problems in the sexual sphere. Next is assigned complex therapy, aimed at returning a man to a full-fledged lifestyle.

The problem is that erectile dysfunction is not always associated with physical health. Pathology can develop after severe stressful situation or due to psychogenic factors. Thus, some young men cannot lead a full sex life due to an unsuccessful first experience.

An andrologist in Moscow will be more popular than in provincial cities. Another problem is the reluctance of many men to talk about sexual abuse. The problem is getting worse every day. Every day the risk of not returning to a full sex life increases.


Varicose veins of the spermatic cord are a male disease that should not be ignored. What does an andrologist treat in men? First of all, the specialist takes on the normalization of blood circulation and prescribes appropriate medications. The disease manifests itself as a feeling of fullness or nagging pain in the scrotum. In addition, already at an early stage, the patient may notice visible expansion of the veins in the genital area.

In most cases, secondary varicocele develops in patients over 50 years of age. Varicose veins veins in the scrotum area - a consequence of violation of cardio-vascular system generally. A consultation with an andrologist is needed. However, it is impossible to do without the help of a cardiologist. Only an integrated approach will allow us to cope with the problem. In the most difficult cases, patients are shown surgical intervention to excise veins.

Male menopause

Many people are accustomed to associate the diagnosis of menopause with the fairer sex. Few people know that men over 45 also experience hormonal changes in organism. This process is considered absolutely normal and is called “male menopause.”

In fact, representatives of the stronger sex experience physical aging of the body. What does an andrologist treat? A specialist helps to push back unpleasant changes. You should seek help from a specialist if potency problems are observed. For some men, menopause may begin too early - by age 35. Numerous stresses lead to this, bad habits, overwork, infectious diseases.

Any doctor’s actions are aimed at replenishing lost testosterone. The man is assigned special diet, hormone replacement therapy may be performed. Some representatives of the stronger sex require the help of a psychologist.


This pathological condition, at which foreskin the male penis is narrowed. In this case, exposure of the head becomes impossible. Pathogenic microflora accumulates under the foreskin, which subsequently leads to the development of an inflammatory process. Physiological phimosis is observed in 95% of newborn boys. Over time, the foreskin becomes more elastic. If you cannot open the head, you may need the help of an andrologist surgeon. But surgical intervention is carried out when patients reach the age of 7-8 years.

Phimosis in adulthood is considered a pathology. As a rule, the problem is faced by men who have experienced inflammatory diseases of the penis. In some cases, the disease is genetic. In addition to phimosis, a man is diagnosed with varicocele, flat feet, malformations of heart valves, etc.

The only treatment for phimosis is circumcision. This is a simple surgical intervention that is performed when local anesthesia. In this case, the foreskin is partially or completely removed.


The pathological process develops due to the failure of one or more testicles to descend into the scrotum. The diagnosis is made in the maternity hospital. If the situation does not normalize before the baby is 6 months old, special therapy is inevitable. Initially, the pediatric andrologist prescribes special hormonal therapy for the small patient. However, this treatment gives good results only in 20% of cases. Most often, surgery is required. Treatment must be carried out until the patient is two years old to avoid dangerous complications.

Experts diagnose some infants with “false cryptorchidism.” In this case, the testicle is located in the scrotum, but under the influence of cold or muscle tension it migrates to abdominal cavity. False cryptorchidism, as a rule, does not require special therapy. The pathology disappears on its own by the child’s adolescence.

Sexually transmitted diseases

To an andrologist in Moscow or others major cities Patients often present with suspected sexually transmitted infections. As a rule, patients with such problems make an appointment at private clinics, on condition of anonymity. Syphilis is a common disease that is most common in young men who active image life. The first symptoms of the pathological process appear on the mucous membranes, most often in the penile area. The disease requires long-term therapy and can occur with complications.

Human papillomavirus is another problem that many people face modern representatives stronger sex. It will not be possible to completely get rid of the problem. The andrologist will prescribe therapy that will help strengthen the immune system and stop further manifestations of the disease.

You can also contact for a consultation if you suspect the following ailments: genital herpes, gonorrhea, chlamydia, candidiasis, mycoplasmosis, etc.

Modern medicine is a vast scientific field that combines various specializations. Sometimes this gives rise to many misunderstandings, and patients cannot determine which specialist to go to with this or that ailment. In particular, confusion often arises with medical specialties such as urologist/andrologist. Who is this and how are they different?

Relationship between urology and andrology

Undoubtedly, these areas of medicine are interconnected, because they, one way or another, deal with However, not so long ago, andrology was considered part of urology and became a separate discipline only in recent decades. If we take into account the characteristics of the male body, namely the close relationship of the urinary and reproductive systems, then it should not be surprising that there is such a specialty as a urologist-andrologist. Who is this?

In this case, we are talking about a general specialist who can also be a sex therapist. In some cases, the help of a specialist focused on a specific range of problems may be required.

What does a urologist do?

Urology is one of the branches of surgery, and quite wide range who study processes related to it (urologist’s patients can be both men and women). In particular, diseases of the adrenal glands and some endocrine disorders are also under the jurisdiction of a urologist. Urology is partially related to nephrology, so in case of kidney problems, the patient can be treated by both a nephrologist and a urologist.

A urologist treats various diseases of the kidneys and adrenal glands, bladder and urethra, prostate diseases, sexually transmitted infections both through medication and surgery. In some cases, an examination by a urologist-andrologist can become an intermediate one if the help of a specialist is required.

What does an andrologist do?

Andrology at one time “spun off” from urology and is one of its specific areas. The main area of ​​work of an andrologist is the male reproductive system and the processes associated with this part of life. Thus, this specialist can be called a completely male doctor, by analogy with women's doctor- gynecologist. Another important difference that should not be discounted: andrology as such does not deal with acute conditions.

It is not difficult to understand why the question arises: urologist-andrologist - who is this? After all, both specialties often deal with the same problems, but there are differences. The disease can be treated by any of these specialists, depending on the severity of the diagnosis and the type of treatment to be performed.

and what is the fundamental difference?

Since we are talking about related specialties, as professional knowledge accumulates, the doctor can combine profiles. In this case, he is called a “urologist-andrologist.” If a specialist declares himself strictly as an andrologist, then in the vast majority of cases he has good experience as a urologist. We should also not forget that urology is a branch of surgery, therefore, part urological diseases treated surgically. This requires a high degree of professionalism and significant work experience.

Symptoms for a visit to the urologist

First of all, potential patients should remember that they do not necessarily have the ability to self-diagnose. If something is bothering you in the body, then first of all they turn to a therapist - it is this doctor who determines the scope of the disease and, if necessary, refers to a specialist, which may include a urologist-andrologist. Diseases can be of an infectious nature, with endocrine disorders, or they are pathological changes in organs.

You can make an appointment with a urologist without going to a therapist, especially if you experience the following symptoms:

  • pain during sexual intercourse or urination;
  • reproductive dysfunctions (infertility, erection difficulties);
  • pain in the lumbar region (may indicate kidney problems);
  • problems with urination (incontinence or retention);
  • any problems with ;
  • discharge from the urethra.

A urologist is definitely required if the symptoms become acute, that is, they seriously worsen the quality of life and reduce the degree of socialization.

Symptoms for a visit to the andrologist

In the vast majority of cases, an andrologist is consulted for male problems that are not related to acute conditions: No pain, fever or significant urinary problems. In fact, a good urologist-andrologist is able to solve those problems that are traditionally called delicate.

Reasons to contact an andrologist:

  • low libido (lack of sexual desires);
  • infertility;
  • endocrine disorders of the male genitourinary system.

If a urologist sees both men and women, then an andrologist is a specialist only for men.

Pediatric urologist-andrologist

For boys and young men, up to adulthood, works pediatric urologist- andrologist You should contact him if you notice any symptom related to the genitourinary system. In this case, responsibility primarily falls on the parents, because the baby cannot complain of discomfort. If a boy has some (including enuresis after four years), the testicle has descended into the scrotum, and inguinal hernias, the foreskin is not removed from the head or neoplasms or tumors are detected, then you should definitely contact a urologist-andrologist.

A general specialist will conduct an examination and, if necessary, prescribe tests, including for hormone levels: often in overweight boys there is a suppression of the function of testosterone production.

Even if there are no problems in part men's health at first glance, it is not observed, a visit to a urologist-andrologist is necessary for preventive purposes, because any disease is easier to prevent than to cure.

Prevention is the best way to stay healthy

By the age of forty, a man needs regular visits to an andrologist, even if nothing worries him. In most cases, recommendations are given similar to those that women receive for preventive examinations by a gynecologist: it is highly advisable to visit a doctor 1-2 times a year and get tested.

Age-related changes in a man’s body have three periods of potential risk. In infancy, it is easiest to correct some nuances in the development of the genital organs, which in the future can become problems. IN adolescence extreme hormonal changes, requiring increased attention. During adulthood, around the age of forty, problems with the prostate gland may begin, and in early diagnosis An andrologist-urologist will help. Reviews indicate that a visit to a specialist does not necessarily mean that serious problems will be discovered. On the contrary, calm confidence in your own health will significantly improve your quality of life.

You can choose a specialist based on reviews from patients who have already used his services. Recommendations from relatives and friends sometimes turn out to be the best advertising. You can only trust men's health experienced specialist, so it is advisable to contact medical centers and clinics that have a good reputation, have the necessary technical equipment for examination, and are not involved in any scandalous events.

Until the last century, a urologist treated all diseases of the male genitourinary system. A modern urologist specializes only in certain diseases. Thanks to differentiation, such a concept as “andrology” appeared; - the field of medicine that studies the male body as a whole. What is the difference between a urologist and an andrologist? To understand this, it is necessary to compare the functions of both doctors.

What is the difference between an andrologist and a urologist

A urologist is a specialist whose activity is the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases of the genitourinary system. A surgical doctor specializes in surgical and traditional conservative treatment diseases of the urinary tract, kidneys. The science of urology includes many smaller areas, including andrology.

An andrologist is a doctor who diagnoses and treats diseases of the male reproductive system; he also deals with the prevention of these diseases. The activities of an andrologist are aimed at preserving men's health. As a rule, this kind of specialist has two certificates: in the specialty of andrology and urology. Moreover, andrologists often have impressive experience working as urologists. However, such specialists are not found in every clinic; in public hospitals you can only find a urologist.

What does a urologist treat?

The main reasons for visiting a doctor of this profile are:

  • Problems conceiving a child (infertility).
  • Incontinence, urinary retention.
  • Pain when urinating or during sexual intercourse.
  • Lack of sexual desire, problems with erection.
  • Pain in the lumbar region (kidney disease).
  • Various types of discharge from the urethra.

  • Kidney diseases (inflammatory processes in the kidneys, adrenal glands, stones).
  • Diseases of the prostate gland (adenoma, prostatitis).
  • Sexually transmitted infection.
  • Diseases of the urethra (strictures, urethritis).
  • Bladder diseases (neoplastic tumors, cystitis).

What diseases does an andrologist treat?

What does a urologist andrologist do? The problems of patients who come to an andrologist for help are not as serious as when visiting a urologist. Despite the fact that both specialists often treat the same ailments, the category of patients who seek help from an andrologist is more specific. Only men consult such a doctor (both women and men come to see a urologist), and patients with emergency it almost never happens to him.

  • Dysfunction of the male genital organs.
  • Infertility in men.
  • Painful sensations during sexual intercourse.
  • Endocrine diseases of the male reproductive system.
  • Interruptions with erectile function.

What does a pediatric urologist-andrologist do?

A separate area in andrology is the study of childhood diseases. A doctor of this profile diagnoses and treats the genitourinary organs and reproductive system in young men and boys. Various defects or anomalies in the development of the genitourinary organs are also included in his specialization. Moreover, the pediatrician studies the patient’s dysfunction and helps in its treatment.

A pediatric urologist-andrologist accepts patients in the age category from birth to adulthood (18 years). He studies and treats the anatomical, physiological, psychosexual, endocrinological characteristics of young men and boys, including diseases of the genitourinary system. The doctor also conducts preventive examinations and, if necessary, performs surgical operations on an outpatient basis.

Boys should visit a specialist if they have one of the following problems:

  • The formation of unusual bulges or growths in the scrotal area.
  • Acquired or congenital pathology (undescended testicle).
  • Incorrect location of the urethra.
  • Problems with the penis in boys under 3 years of age (opening of the glans).
  • Production disruption male hormones with excess weight.
  • Enuresis after 4 years.
  • Difficulty urinating.
  • Pain in groin area.
  • Significant difference between testicular sizes.

As you can see, there is a significant difference between a urologist and an andrologist, although many ignorant people combine these specializations and do not see fundamental differences. So, if you are concerned about a problem related to the urinary system, it is better to consult a urologist for help, and if there are problems with the “male 9raquo; health, you need to go to an appointment with an andrologist.

Andrology is one of the sections of modern medicine, which is adjacent to some of its other areas. Among the roots that underlie andrology are urology, sexopathology, endocrinology, vascular, plastic and microsurgery. An andrologist, one might say, is a universal male doctor, since, in addition to problems in the above areas, he is able to provide qualified assistance for venereal and dermatological problems.

By contacting an andrologist, a man will be able to get rid of problems in the sexual sphere, because this is what the doctor performs diagnostics similar diseases and draws up the most appropriate treatment and prevention regimen for each individual patient. This is, so to speak, a personal “male” doctor whose competence includes solving health problems of the stronger half of humanity. He conducts consultations with an emphasis on male anatomical, endocrinological and psychosexual characteristics.

In addition, there is a pediatric andrologist who solves similar problems for young male patients. It helps to cope with diseases of the reproductive system of boys, only now, focusing on the characteristics of the child’s body.

Andrologist: what does this doctor treat?

To understand in more detail the activities of this male specialist, it is necessary to turn to the specific diseases that he treats:

Prostatitis, in which inflammation of the prostate gland occurs; (Read also: causes, signs and symptoms of prostatitis in men)

Varicocele, namely pathological expansion veins located on the testicles and other problems associated with this expansion - deterioration in sperm quality, the occurrence of infertility;

Prostate adenoma is a benign growth of prostate tissue;

Phimosis, expressed in the inability to bring out the head of the male genital organ, which is caused by a narrowing of the ring of the foreskin;

Menopausal manifestations in men;

Metabolic syndrome, which defines many pathologies that arise due to metabolic disorders and failures in the production of hormones.

In addition, you should contact an andrologist, as a specialist, if you have one or more of the following pathologies:

Infertility in men, regardless of its etiology; (Read also: causes, symptoms and treatment of male infertility)

Sexually transmitted diseases, that is, those that are sexually transmitted;

Male genital cancer;

Any diseases of the prostate gland;

Disturbances in the production of hormones - their lack or excess, which is associated with a malfunction of the endocrine gland;

sexual function disorders;

The need for surgical intervention of an androgenital nature, in particular, operations aimed at restoring sexual function, which arose against the background of external and internal deficiencies in the genital area;

Male menopause, which occurs when natural process aging of the body (the cardiovascular, genitourinary and other systems or organs may need treatment).

Organs treated by an andrologist

The above pathologies can affect the following male organs:

Testicles and their appendages;

Urethra and prostate;

Urethra, ureter, bladder;

Kidneys and other organs.

Urologist-andrologist: when is an appointment necessary?

You need to go to an appointment with a specialist in the field of andrology if the following problems arise:

There are questions regarding methods of contraception.

There are problems with erectile function. (Read also: erectile dysfunction in men)

If it is not possible to conceive a child, but the woman is reproductively healthy.

If there are signs of inflammation that affects the genitals. Medical consultation requires the presence of hyperemia, pain, urination problems, and discharge from the urethra.

Congenital or acquired pathologies of the genital organs.

Signs premature aging body.

If a family is planning to conceive a child, then the man needs to visit an andrologist for a consultation.

Problems with morning erection when a man is of reproductive age.

Age over 45 years. In this case, a visit to the andrologist is necessary in order to make sure that there are no pathologies that may go unnoticed by the man himself. If there are any, then getting rid of them in the early stages is always much easier than in later stages.

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Pediatric andrologist-urologist: when to go for an appointment?

Parents must bring the boy to see a doctor if he has the following disorders:

If at birth or during the first year of the child’s life the testicle does not descend into the scrotum.

If neoplasms or protrusions are noticed in the scrotum area.

If a child over three years old has problems opening the head.

If there are disturbances in the location of the urethra.

If the child has overweight body (this is often associated with impaired production of sex hormones).

If signs characteristic of a male do not appear, the child is under 13 years of age.

If after 4 years the child suffers from enuresis. (Read also: causes and symptoms of enuresis in children)

If you have problems with urination.

If they appear painful sensations in the relevant areas, that is, in the groin area, genitals.

If the baby's testicles are not the same size.

Other disorders in urogenital sulfur.

Appointment with an andrologist: how does it go?

When visiting a doctor for the first time, most likely, the patient will go through several basic points:

The doctor will find out the patient’s complaints, collect anamnesis, find out about the main disturbing symptoms, etc.

Perform an external examination of the genital organs, palpate the prostate gland through the wall of the rectum.

Prescribe the necessary tests, for example, an ultrasound scan or a urethral smear.

Concerning childhood, then a preventive examination by this specialist is not advisable in the absence of any complaints. If something worries your parents, you should first come to an appointment with a pediatrician. However, starting from the boys' entry into puberty(that is, between the ages of 12 and 16 years), examinations by an andrologist should become regular.

What an andrologist treats: a list of diseases and the main differences from other doctors

What does an andrologist treat, who is he and what is the difference between this doctor and a urologist or sexologist? Indeed, until recently, a urologist was considered exclusively a “male doctor”; in addition to diseases of the genitourinary organs and with obvious signs of prostatitis, people also turned to him in order to improve erectile function.

A sexologist, relying on comprehensive knowledge in urology and endocrinology, neurology, psychiatry and psychology, is called upon to solve sexual disorders, identify and establish the causes of impotence, frigidity and infertility in both men and women.

Briefly answering the question “Who is an andrologist,” we can say that this is a doctor who treats sexual and reproductive dysfunctions exclusively in men.

Andrology is a broader field of medicine aimed at in-depth study of male anatomy and physiology of male reproductive diseases and, based on this, methods of their treatment.

Diseases such as erectile dysfunction, decreased libido, sexual disorders, cosmetic defects genital organs and other intimate male problems are what an andrologist treats.

In addition, the andrologist treats male infertility and obesity, congenital underdevelopment of the gonads, their radiation damage, solves problems male contraception, physiological, sexual and psychological aging.

A timely visit to an andrologist helps to cope with the physiological menopause, which usually occurs in men aged 50-55 years, and although it is not as pronounced as in women, it causes a man much more problems: the work of the glands fades internal secretion, a change occurs hormonal status, the fertilization function atrophies, the man feels that he is getting old.

The andrologist also treats pathological menopause, which is caused by general diseases cardiovascular system, atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes mellitus and can occur in a man already in middle age. Treatment of erectile dysfunction in pathological menopause begins with treatment of the underlying disease, and then turns to the use of age-related androgen replacement therapy, which has long been used in the West: hormonal drugs long acting in the form of tablets, injections, and patches, etc.

Consultation with an andrologist: how does a patient see a male doctor?

Today, most men have clearly realized that in most cases, without a thorough examination and consultation with a doctor, it is not possible to solve sexual problems on their own.

When treating diseases of the genitourinary system in men, consultation with an andrologist is an important step, as it makes it possible to comprehensive diagnostics state of a man’s body, based on individual characteristics patient and anatomical specificity of male organs.

According to experts

As a preventive measure, men starting from middle age are recommended to be diagnosed by an andrologist at least once every six months, since any disease detected in the early stages is easier to treat.

The range of problems that a male andrologist successfully helps solve is quite wide.

These include the following:

  1. Male infertility.
  2. Gender disorders, sexual dysfunctions.
  3. Premature aging in men, pathological changes associated with it.
  4. Solving issues of male contraception.
  5. Treatment of nonspecific inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system, complications of sexually transmitted diseases.
  6. Prostate diseases, oncoandrology.
  7. Treatment of impotence.
  8. Congenital and acquired pathology of the external genitalia in boys.
  9. Aesthetic and reconstructive genital surgery, urethral surgery.
  10. Gender problems, sex change operations.

The following operations can also be classified as andrological:

  • penile prosthesis;
  • enlargement and lengthening of the penis;
  • circumcision of the penis for phimosis;
  • varicocele surgery;
  • operations on the prostate gland for adenoma and cancer.

Below are a number of reasons and main symptoms that require immediate consultation with an andrologist:

  • pain in the lower abdomen, perineal area;
  • discomfort, itching, burning when urinating, frequent urination, urinary incontinence;
  • discharge from the urethra, bad smell discharge, presence of blood and pus in the urine;
  • pain during sexual intercourse;
  • condylomas, papillomas, warts and other formations in the groin area;
  • decreased sexual activity, erectile dysfunction, ejaculation, problems with potency;
  • infertility in men.

The first appointment with an andrologist, like any other doctor, is an examination and interview of the patient. In order to prepare for your appointment, you must comply with all necessary measures hygiene: take a shower, put on clean underwear.

An andrologist examines the external genitalia, analyzes the condition of the scrotum, penis, inguinal lymph nodes, listens to the patient's complaints and symptoms.

The first appointment with an andrologist involves examining the prostate gland through the rectum.

Depending on the results obtained, more accurate diagnosis and prescribing treatment, the doctor may prescribe additional examination:

  • analysis of blood, urine, semen, prostate secretion;
  • urethral smear;
  • spermogram;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • Dopplerography of the vessels of the genitourinary organs;
  • determination of prostate specific antigen;
  • consultation of relevant specialists;
  • instant test for the presence of erectile dysfunction (intracavernous injection of a vasoactive drug).

For the convenience of patients, many modern private clinics offer an anonymous first consultation. male doctor andrologist and get tested.

On our website you can ask a question to our andrologist and get a free specialist consultation.

What does an andrologist treat?

Andrology is a field of medicine that deals with the treatment, diagnosis and identification of sexual dysfunctions in men. What is the difference between an andrologist and a sexologist and urologist, since they also treat male sexual pathologies? The fact is that andrology is a narrowly focused branch of medicine, based on the study of exclusively male anatomy. And the competence of specialists such as a urologist and sexologist includes identifying and eliminating problems associated with the genitourinary system, infertility or lack of libido in both men and women. Although an anrologist can be called a specialist in both andrology and urology.

Who is an andrologist

In addition to the diagnosis and treatment of major diseases associated with erectile dysfunction and sexual disorders, the competence of ailments treated by a urologist-andrologist includes:

  • male infertility;
  • obesity in men;
  • cosmetic problems of the genital organs;
  • problems associated with sexual and physiological aging;
  • underdevelopment of male genital organs or damage to them;
  • hormonal imbalances due to elevated blood sugar, lipids, or hypertension;
  • premature or uncontrolled ejaculation in men;
  • difficulties with ejaculation;
  • prostatitis;
  • BPH;
  • symptoms of prostatitis without signs of inflammation;
  • urethritis or inflammation of the urethra;
  • Peyronie's disease;
  • phimosis;
  • balanoposthitis;
  • venereal diseases.

What organs does a urologist-andrologist treat?

The main direction for treatment by this specialist is external and internal disorders of the genital organs in men, namely:

  • penis;
  • scrotum;
  • urethra;
  • testicles and their appendages;
  • prostate;
  • ureter and urethra;
  • kidneys;
  • bladder.

In addition to the problems listed above, a urologist-andrologist deals with disorders psychological nature caused by diseases such as: impotence, depression, menopause in men or infertility.

How patients are seen by an andrologist

On initial stage the specialist interviews the patient to find out the main symptoms and complaints and conducts a preliminary examination. To clarify the diagnosis and identify possible related problems, a number of tests are required. What kind of examinations will be required is decided in each specific case strictly individually based on the general clinical picture, severity of symptoms and their severity.

Tests for andrologist

In addition to mandatory laboratory tests, the doctor can also use medical equipment to clarify or confirm the diagnosis, these include:

  • magnetic resonance imaging of the genital organs;
  • simple or transrectal ultrasound examination of the prostate;
  • cysto- and urethroscopy;
  • cavernosography;
  • Dopplerography, etc.

Of the required laboratory tests, most often prescribed:

  • general or biochemical test of urine and blood;
  • bacterial culture of prostate juice or urethral secretion;
  • ELISA or PCR blood test for the presence of sexually transmitted infections;
  • blood test for prostate specific antigen levels;
  • blood test for hormone levels;
  • spermogram. It is carried out to determine the activity of spermatozoa;
  • biopsy and histological analysis testicular and prostate tissue.

When is it necessary to consult an andrologist?

Ideally, you should visit an andrologist at least once a year for a preventive examination. But most men ignore a specialist until the symptoms of the disease become too obvious. This is quite dangerous because running forms diseases are much more difficult to treat. In order to avoid a number of complications and prevent chronic form, a urologist-andrologist should conduct an examination if the following symptoms appear:

  • erectile dysfunction or decreased libido;
  • questions related to male contraception have arisen;
  • when external changes appear in the genital organs;
  • neoplasms have appeared in the groin area or any lumps are palpable;
  • if the partner cannot become pregnant for a long time;
  • when identifying any pathology associated with the genital organs. It does not matter whether the pathology is genetic or appears as a result of external factors;
  • if visible inflammatory process in any area of ​​the genital organs;
  • if atypical local redness has formed;
  • when pain appeared in the scrotum area;
  • if there is difficulty or pain when urinating in men;
  • when unusual blood or purulent discharge from the urethra;
  • with the appearance of male menopause and typical signs of aging of the body;
  • before planned procreation. The expectant father should consult and have his health checked by a specialist before conceiving;
  • if an uncharacteristic rise in erection appears, which has not been noted before.

Pediatric urologist-andrologist - what does he treat and when should you take your child to an appointment?

A pediatrician specializes in the treatment and diagnosis of external and internal genital organs in boys, as well as their urinary system and kidneys.

Diagnosis is carried out using an external examination or using medical equipment And instrumental methods. Does not exist age restrictions to visit a specialist. A pediatric urologist-andrologist treats even newborns and infants. The main activity of this doctor is various anomalies and disorders in the child’s genitourinary system, problems of the development of the reproductive system, deviations in urethra and bladder, various inflammations, hernias, phimosis, varicocele, metabolic nephropathies and much more.

A number of signs when it is necessary to show the child to a specialist:

  • the appearance of uncharacteristic seals, protrusions and neoplasms in the genital area of ​​the groin or testicles;
  • misplaced urinary canal in a newborn;
  • acquired or congenital abnormality in the form of undescended testicle;
  • insufficient development of the reproductive system of a boy aged 13 years and older;
  • manifestation of phimosis in a boy over 3 years old (problems with complete exposure of the head);
  • pain in the groin area or when urinating;
  • asymmetry of the testicles in their size or height;
  • bedwetting in a boy over 4 years old;
  • scanty or difficult urination;
  • excess weight, which may be caused by a disorder hormonal levels and lack of estrogen.

Due to their age, the immune system of children is still quite weak, as a result of which they often catch colds and get sick. Not all parents understand that complications even from simple acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections can also affect the genitourinary system of boys. For example, such a common disease as mumps often has a very negative impact on sexual function and can even lead to infertility in the future. It is the pediatric urologist-andrologist who, by conducting a timely check of the child’s health status, will help to detect and eliminate the problem and possible complications in a timely manner.

At what age should an andrologist check?

It is necessary to carry out preventive appointments with a specialist starting from the age of 16 years, when puberty begins. Until this point, if necessary, consultations are carried out by a pediatric urologist-andrologist. It is recommended to visit a doctor at least once a year throughout your life. After all, sexual health in men is one of the main components of a successful and happy life.

What does an andrologist treat? List of diseases treated by a urologist-andrologist

What does an andrologist treat? Surely this question interested many. What ailments can a doctor with such an unusual name cure?

Andrology is one of the areas of medicine that deals with the prevention, pathogenesis and treatment of sexual disorders in men. Moreover, only representatives of the stronger sex turn to him

It is noteworthy that the above-mentioned specialist appeared in our country not so long ago. If a man had problems with his sex life, he was forced to contact either a urologist, or an endocrinologist, or a psychoneurologist, or, finally, a sexologist. Of course, these doctors could not solve the issue comprehensively, so there was a need for the services of a professional who would specialize exclusively in “male 9raquo; diseases.

Of course, not everyone knows what an andrologist treats. At the same time, it should be noted that the range of ailments that it helps the body cope with is quite wide. It should be noted that the patients of the above specialist are not only adults and elderly men, but also children. Unfortunately, currently no one is immune from health problems, and the male body suffers to the maximum extent in this regard.

Multidisciplinary specialist

So, what does an andrologist treat?

If we consider the scope of it professional activity, then it includes the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases of the genital organs in men. It must be emphasized that the above specialist must be able to thoroughly understand several areas of medicine, namely: neurology, venereology, reproductive medicine, urology and sexology.

And for quality treatment Not only theoretical knowledge is important, but also rich practical experience.

How to prepare for your visit

Before going to see an andrologist, it is very important not to forget about hygiene procedures And clean linen. You should also take care in advance medical card. It is also necessary to refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages and pharmacological agents, since all this complicates the correct diagnosis of the disease.

Inspection and tests

Be prepared for the fact that at your initial appointment, the doctor will conduct a visual examination of the penis and palpate the prostate gland through the wall of the rectum. You must tell the andrologist about all your complaints without concealment. It is possible that at the next stage you will be asked to undergo tests (urethral smear, spermogram, ultrasound of the genital organs, examination of prostate juice, etc.).

What ailments does an andrologist treat?

And yet, what does an andrologist treat?

Firstly, lesions of the genital organs (including infectious ones), pain in the urethra, pain in the perineum, burning sensation in the groin area, lower abdomen and testicles.

Secondly, these are disorders of the genitourinary system. If you have a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder, and this process is difficult, then a urologist-andrologist will help you. “What else does he treat?” - you ask. In addition, the above specialist relieves premature ejaculation, hypogonadism, impotence, pathological disorders arising in the scrotum, difficulty ejaculating, prostatitis, and male menopause.

Unfortunately, not everyone knows what an important “mission” a urologist-andrologist performs. What does this specialist treat? This question is relevant for many. It must be emphasized that it helps fight sexually transmitted diseases. Every highly qualified physician is obliged to identify the cause of the pathology, which, by the way, is not always infectious nature. However, the above list of disorders cannot be considered exhaustive. There are other ailments that a urologist-andrologist fights. What does it treat, besides the rest?

The most common ailments

Currently, one of the common diseases is infertility. Unfortunately, the statistics are disappointing: in Russia, about 20% of families cannot have a child, and in almost half of the cases the cause of this is sexual dysfunction in men. We can talk about infertility when within 1 year (without using contraceptives) with regular sexual intercourse with a healthy woman of childbearing age, the family does not have children, although there is such a desire.

Male infertility can be explained by a whole arsenal of reasons, which include sexually transmitted diseases, viral hepatitis, mumps, rubella, and diabetes, and damage to spermatic cord during surgery, and blockage of the excretory ducts of the seminal vesicles.

In addition to diagnosing and treating infertility, it is important to consider another factor: every couple should have information about how to plan a family and how to ensure sexual hygiene in such a way as to increase the likelihood of conception.

Thus, if a family has been trying to have a child for several months, but they are unsuccessful, then the man is simply obliged to make an appointment with a specialist. An andrologist can solve his problems. What does it treat, besides infertility?

The second most common disease among the stronger sex is erectile dysfunction.

Today, most men suffer from this disorder. Stress, depression, troubles at work, family conflicts, quarrels, nervous tension - all this negatively affects the quality of male potency.

The problem is aggravated by the fact that a man is simply afraid to contact a specialist with such a problem, taking a wait-and-see attitude: “Maybe it will go away on its own.” As a result of such behavioral tactics, the disease begins to become more complicated, and treatment may take a long time. It is for this reason that you should consult a doctor as soon as possible in case of sexual impotence, in addition latest achievements Sciences in the field of andrology make it possible today to effectively correct and eliminate erectile dysfunction. Now you know what an andrologist treats for men. If you suddenly have signs of the above diseases, you know who to turn to.

Childhood diseases

Of course, many have heard that there is a pediatric urologist-andrologist. What cures this specialist? Naturally, we're talking about about sexual dysfunctions in boys. Most of the complaints of future men are congenital pathologies of the genital organs, and, as a rule, they do not disappear even after the baby becomes an adult, which, of course, is fraught with many health problems. That is why it is necessary to identify and eliminate the cause of sexual disorders in childhood.

What diseases occur in children

In children's and adolescence common problems of the reproductive system are paraphimosis, balanitis, balanoposthitis, phimosis, hydrocele of the testicular membranes, varicocele, curvature of the genital organ, short bridle genital organ.

Today, andrology clinics use advanced scientific achievements to treat diseases. At the same time, a wide range of medications. As before, it remains effective in the treatment of sexual disorders surgical intervention. In any case, an individual approach should be taken in treating patients: keep in mind that male sexual dysfunction has some characteristics, and female sexual dysfunction has others.

Cost of treatment

On average, the cost of an initial consultation is 1000-1200 rubles. The cost of a repeat visit to the doctor and subsequent treatment will be different. Be prepared to shell out money for tests as well.

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