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Does peach go well with banana? Ideal desserts made with seasonal fruits

One of the easiest and healthiest snacks is fruit. Firstly, they contain a large number of vitamins and microelements necessary for full functioning human body, and secondly, these products do not harm our figure (which is especially important for those who are on a diet and want to get rid of extra pounds).

Fruits can be eaten on their own, combined with each other, or made into salads or smoothies. But how to combine fruits correctly and are there any harmful combinations? You can learn more about this from our material.

What is the benefit?

Surely each of us knows that fruits can have a positive effect on the human body.

  • Thus, bananas, peaches, apricots and grapefruits contain elements that will help strengthen the cardiovascular system.
  • Pear, pineapple, melon and papaya normalize the functioning of the digestive system.
  • Citrus fruits (lemon, orange, tangerine, pomelo) strengthen the immune system and protect against colds.
  • Fruits are a great way to satisfy hunger for those on a diet. This product is an integral part of the diet of children and the elderly.

However, there are some contraindications. If you have an individual allergy or intolerance, the fruits should not be eaten.


The first thing to consider when arranging several fruits together is the correct flavor combinations. To do this, you need to know what types of fruits there are. So, nutritionists divide them into three groups:

  • sweet;
  • semi-sweet (or semi-sour);
  • sour.

The sweet group usually includes bananas, persimmons, figs, and dried fruits. It is believed that they can be combined with each other in salads and smoothies. It is no coincidence that on the shelves of shops and supermarkets you constantly see multiple mixes and assorted dried fruits. It is believed that such sets are an excellent addition to yogurt or porridge.

The semi-sweet (semi-sour) variety includes apples, pears, apricots, peaches, nectarines, plums, melons, watermelons, mangoes, and grapes. These products go well together and can be an excellent company with fruits from the above group. However, there are exceptions to this set. Thus, it is believed that melon and watermelon should not be combined with each other, and these fruits should also not be combined with other fruits of any subgroup. Any combination can cause disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system, so these products are best consumed independently, without combining with other fruits. Sour fruits include citrus fruits (lemon, lime, orange, tangerine, grapefruit and pomelo). Also included in this type are pomegranate, kiwi and pineapple. Some nutritionists include sour varieties of apples, pears, plums, grapes and other fruits in this same group.

The most delicious is usually called a combination of semi-sour and sour fruits. Sour fruits can be combined with each other only in small volumes, and they should not be combined with sweet ones at all.

How to combine correctly?

It was experimentally found that there are ideal combinations of fruits. Let's take a closer look at the most popular of them:

  • apple should be combined with mango;
  • apricot goes well with orange, peach and plum;
  • a magnificent fruit duet will be obtained from a pear and an apple;
  • the “company” of banana, mango and papaya has an excellent taste;
  • A combination of citrus fruits, apricots, peach and plums is considered delicious;
  • apricot, nectarine and plum will give a subtle, refined aftertaste;
  • coconut with banana and pineapple makes a great tropical dessert;
  • Apple, pear and mango are in perfect harmony;
  • The combination of figs, pears and citrus fruits will be no less impressive;
  • Grapes can also be added to citrus fruits;
  • grapefruit is “friends” with tropical fruits;
  • kiwi, apple, banana, coconut and mango will give a flavor explosion;
  • the taste of lemon, apricot, nectarine, pear and plum combined will not disappoint;
  • Lime, apple and plum will complement each other perfectly;
  • Lychee and citrus fruits will surprise you with their unusual taste;
  • Lemon, apricot, plum and peach combine well;
  • an interesting “company” will come from pomegranate and apple;
  • persimmons are very tasty to eat together with apples, kumquats and pears.

For good digestion and reducing intoxication of the body from the processes of rotting and fermentation in the stomach and intestines, the correct combination of foods consumed at one time plays an important role. Since each type of food secretes digestive juices of a certain composition, which contribute to the most efficient digestion of this product, then when mixed diet a combination of foods may arise in which one type of food interferes with the absorption of another.

G. Shelton (1992) wrote: “We do not benefit from food that is not digestible. Eating and at the same time spoiling food in the digestive tract is a waste of food. But even worse - spoiled food leads to the formation of poisons that are very harmful... An astonishing number of cases food allergies disappears completely when patients learn to eat food in the right combinations. Such people suffer not from allergies, but from indigestion of food. Allergy is a term applied to protein poisoning. Abnormal digestion carries into the bloodstream not nutrients, and poisons."

We present to the reader a classification food products with instructions on correct and incorrect combinations.

Group I. Sweet fruits. This group includes: banana, date, persimmon, fig, all dried fruits.

They go perfectly with each other (banana and fig), with semi-acidic fruits (persimmon and apple) and with fermented milk products(date and curdled milk).

Their combination with nuts, milk, moderately starchy and starchy vegetables, herbs and non-starchy vegetables is acceptable.

When combined with all other products, they cause fermentation.

Note. All fruits are very healthy if consumed as an independent food. You should not eat fruits and fruit juices as a dessert. It is better to drink juices 0.5-1 hour before meals.

Group 2. Semi-acidic fruits. These include: apricot, mango, watermelon, melon, blueberry, blueberry; sweet in taste - apple, pear, grape, cherry, plum, peach, as well as tomato in their properties.

They go well with each other (apple and plum), with sweet fruits (pear and persimmon), with sour fruits (peach and orange), with fermented milk products (apple and kefir).

They are compatible with protein foods containing a lot of fat, such as nuts, cheese and fatty cottage cheese (cherries and cheese, pears and nuts), with herbs and non-starchy vegetables (cucumber and plum). Combining them with other protein foods is harmful (apples and meat, apricots and eggs).

When combined with starch (grape juice and bread) and semi-starchy vegetables (plum and pumpkin), they cause fermentation.

Note. Melon, blueberries and blueberries are not compatible with any other product. They are perfectly digestible if eaten not in addition to food, but as food (or in small quantities 1 hour before meals).

Group 3. Sour fruits. These include: orange, tangerine, grapefruit, pineapple, pomegranate, lemon; sour in taste - apple, pear, cherry, plum, peach, grapes, currants, blackberries, cranberries, etc.

They go well with semi-acidic fruits (grapefruit and apple), with milk and fermented milk products (orange and fermented baked milk).

Their combinations with fatty cottage cheese, nuts, seeds, cheese, herbs and non-starchy vegetables (currants and lettuce) are acceptable. Incompatible with other protein products (tangerine and egg, cranberry and fish).

They are incompatible with starches (orange and potatoes), with sweet fruits (pineapple and dates) and with semi-starchy vegetables (lemon and green peas).

Group 4. Non-starchy vegetables. These include: cucumber, cabbage, sweet pepper, green beans, etc.

They go well with proteins (cucumber and meat), with fats (cabbage and butter), with moderately starchy vegetables (tomato and zucchini), with starches (cucumber and bread), with herbs (sweet peppers and dill with onions).

A combination with fruit is also acceptable.

Cannot be consumed with milk.

Group 5. Moderately starchy vegetables. These include: beets, turnips, rutabaga, carrots, mereka cabbage, zucchini, eggplant, pumpkin, green peas.

They combine well with starches (zucchini and bread), with non-starchy vegetables (green peas and cucumber), with fats (carrots and sour cream), and with herbs.
It is permissible to combine them with fermented milk products (carrots and kefir), cottage cheese, cheese, nuts and seeds.

Harmful compounds include proteins (eggplant and meat, green peas and eggs), sugars (pumpkin and jam), fruits (turnips and bananas), and milk.

Group 6. Starchy foods. These include: wheat, buckwheat, rye, oats, rice; potatoes, chestnuts, etc.

They pair perfectly with greens (bread and salad), non-starchy vegetables (potatoes and cabbage) and moderately starchy vegetables (porridge and pumpkin).

Combination allowed various types starches with each other (pasta and bread) and with fats (porridge and butter). However, for people who are prone to obesity, combining different starches is not recommended. When eating starchy foods with fats, it is advisable to also eat something green or non-green. starchy vegetables.

With great caution, their combination with cheese, nuts and seeds is allowed.

Combinations of starches with animal proteins(bread and meat, potatoes and fish), with milk, sugar (porridge and sugar, bread and jam), with any fruit (potatoes and apples, bread and grapes).

Note. Mushrooms in any form, sauerkraut and other pickles (cucumbers, tomatoes, etc.) are compatible with potatoes and not well with bread.

Group 7. Protein products. These include: meat, fish, eggs, cottage cheese, cheese, milk, curdled milk, kefir, beans, beans, peas, nuts (except peanuts), sunflower and pumpkin seeds.

They are ideally combined with greens (cheese and salad) and non-starchy vegetables (fish and cucumber).

Their combination with moderately starchy vegetables (meat and zucchini) is allowed.
It is unacceptable to combine two types of proteins (meat and cheese), proteins with starchy foods (egg and bread, meat and porridge), with sugars (egg and sugar), with sweet fruits (fish and banana).

It is also undesirable to combine proteins with fats (meat and sour cream), with sour and semi-acidic fruits (egg and apple).

Exceptions. Fat cottage cheese, cheese, nuts, and seeds can be combined with sour, semi-acidic fruits and berries (cottage cheese and apple).

Milk can be combined with sweet and semi-acidic fruits and berries (milk and figs).

Fermented milk products are compatible with sweet, semi-sweet and sour fruits (ryazhenka and banana, acidophilus and apricot, buttermilk and grapefruit).

Group 8. Greenery. These include: sorrel, dandelion, nettle, plantain, onion, lettuce, coriander, radish, horseradish, chicory, sage, acacia, rose petals, etc.
They can be combined with any food except milk.

Group 9. Fats. This includes: butter and ghee, vegetable oil, lard and other animal fats, sour cream, cream.

An ideal combination with greens (sour cream and salad), non-starchy vegetables (cream and cucumber) and moderately starchy vegetables (butter and zucchini).

Combination with starches (butter and bread) is acceptable! but in this case it is advisable to also consume greens or non-starchy vegetables.

Compounds with animal proteins (sour cream and eggs), fruits (sour cream and apple), sugars (cream and sugar), and confectionery products are harmful.

Group 10. Sahara. This includes white and yellow sugar, honey, jam and syrup.
It is best consumed separately from other foods, 1-1.5 hours before meals. When combined with proteins, starches and fats, sugars cause fermentation. That's why you can't eat desserts. In principle, combinations of sugars with herbs and non-starchy vegetables are acceptable.

Note. Honey is an exception to this general rule. In moderation, it is compatible with all foods except animal foods.

V. Lozinsky

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The orange tree was brought to Europe by the Portuguese, after which these fruit trees spread throughout the Mediterranean. Oranges are now grown in subtropical zones around the world.

The orange fruit has a thick peel containing essential oils. Inside the fruit there are juicy slices with seeds. The most valuable varieties are those with thin skins.

Orange varieties are divided into four groups:

  • Common multi-seeded fruit with yellow flesh
  • Umbilical with orange flesh and a rudimentary fruit inside
  • Sweet kings with red flesh
  • Jaffa oranges have thick, lumpy skin and are also very sweet.

Oranges occupy first place in world fruit production. The main suppliers of oranges to the world market are the Mediterranean countries, Morocco and the USA (Florida and California). Many oranges are also supplied to the world market from Brazil, Mexico, Pakistan, South Africa, India, Iran.

Orange flavor

Oranges have a sweet, slightly sour taste, although the sweetness of the fruit largely depends on the variety and the time when the oranges were picked. The sweetest fruits are harvested in November-December.

Combination of orange with other products

Oranges go well in desserts with any other fruit, as well as chocolate, cream, and yoghurt.

Use of orange in cooking

Orange is used for making desserts and as an independent dish.

Features of preparing an orange

When buying oranges, you should opt for more heavy fruits, as they tend to be juicier and sweeter. Small and medium fruits are sweeter than large ones.

Orange storage

At home, oranges are stored in the refrigerator in the fruit compartment. For long-term storage, each fruit should be wrapped in paper and placed in a basement or other dark and cool room.

Traditional role in dishes

Orange is good as an independent dish in its raw form. In addition, oranges are widely used to make juice, jam, marmalade, liqueur, and a variety of desserts.

Acceptable Substitutions

Oranges in recipes can be replaced with other citrus fruits, such as tangerines.

History of the origin of the orange

The orange tree came to us from China, where it was considered medicinal. These fruit trees are not found in the wild at present. Oranges are mentioned in Chinese written sources more than 2,200 years ago, and in the documents this fruit is mentioned as being brought from somewhere.

There is no exact information about the time of appearance of oranges in Europe. It is believed that these fruit trees came to the European continent thanks to the Portuguese, and from Portugal oranges spread throughout the Mediterranean.

Effect on the human body, beneficial substances

Orange contains a large amount of vitamin C, so these fruits are a good antiscorbutic remedy. Daily requirement The body's vitamin C levels are covered by just one orange.

Moreover, oranges are good remedy for the treatment of diseases of the heart and blood vessels, liver, nervous system, as well as to normalize metabolism and digestion.

In addition to vitamin C, oranges contain vitamins B and PP, as well as phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, potassium, and iron.

Phytoncides contained in orange juice are excellent anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agent. Orange stimulates the appetite and quenches thirst.

Interesting facts about orange

Orange plane

In Argentina, a special aircraft was developed to transport oranges. Its name means "Orange" or "Orange Merchant" in Spanish.

How many oranges can you pick from one tree?

Some large orange trees bear up to five thousand fruits per year.

The largest orange forest

The orange forest near the city of Milis in Italy has about 500 thousand orange trees.

Where is the Orange Monument located?

A monument to an orange has been erected in the city of Odessa.

The combination of products is also important point and gives results quickly. By following these principles, even if not 100%, you will feel the difference very soon.

When your digestive system digests food quickly, you minimize the amount of toxins in the body and eliminate the presence excess weight. The first thing to do is to give preference to foods that are easy to digest. Second, eat these foods in the combinations that are easiest for digestion. Natalya Rose calls such combinations Quick exit.

Some foods eaten together, take 2-3 times longer to assimilate than other combinations. An avocado on a piece of toast will stay in the stomach for 3-4 hours (Quick exit), but the same piece of toast with an egg will already be in the stomach for 8 hours (Slow exit).

Slow exit combinations direct all your energy to the stomach, robbing you of strength and energy. And such dishes, which take 8 hours to digest in the stomach, a person can eat three times a day. It clogs digestive tract and leads to many other troubles - from skin problems and fatigue to arthritis and asthma.

Products are divided into categories: starches, animal proteins, fresh vegetables and herbs, cooked vegetables, nuts and dried fruits, fruits.

- avocado (fruit, but combines like starches)
- cooked starchy vegetables (pumpkin, sweet potatoes, potatoes)
- cereals (millet, quinoa, buckwheat, brown rice)
- legumes,
boiled corn,
- bread and pasta made from whole grains.

Animal proteins
- goat/sheep cheese and other cheeses, preferably made from unpasteurized milk (ideally combined only with vegetables, but some can be combined with other animal proteins),
- fish,
- seafood,
- eggs,
- meat

Products from the same category are combined with each other.

With starches All vegetables are combined.

With animal proteins All vegetables are combined, except cooked starchy vegetables (potatoes, sweet potatoes, boiled corn).

Nuts, seeds and dried fruits combined with raw vegetables and herbs.

Avocado combines like starch. Can also be combined with bananas and dried fruits, but not with nuts.

Fruits should only be eaten on an empty stomach- at least 3 hours after light food. Never eat fruit after cooking - this will cause fermentation. Fruits leave the stomach in 20-30 minutes, so within half an hour after fruits, you can eat food from other categories.

Bananas combined with fresh fruit, dried fruits and avocados.

Dairy Can be combined with other animal proteins.

Neutral products
goes well with everything except fresh fruit. These are all raw vegetables; butter; olives, soy sauce, vegetable oils, mustard, spices; almond, etc., nut milk; unheated honey, maple syrup; lemons; dark chocolate (with 70% cocoa content).

Time between meals from different categories should be 3-4 hours.

If you have a big appetite, eat more food from one category. It is better to eat two servings of fish or two servings of whole grain pasta than to eat one serving of fish and pasta.

"Wrong" combinations you can afford it during dinner. The body will have enough time to absorb this before next appointment food - breakfast.

“Wrong” combinations during lunch can deprive you of energy for the rest of the day. In addition, if you then eat dinner earlier than 8 hours later, you will complicate the situation by adding a new portion of food to the lunch fermenting in your stomach.

Chocolate with 70% cocoa content- can be an excellent dessert after a dish from any category.

"From light to heavy"
Natalia Rose advises sticking to this principle both during the day and during every meal - start with light foods and end with heavier ones. The day starts with freshly squeezed vegetable juices, fruits, then salad fresh vegetables and at the end of the day - cooked food.

Morning- the time when the body gets rid of excess. Perfect breakfast, which fills you with energy and vigor - freshly squeezed juice and fruits. By having something more complex for breakfast, you interrupt the cleansing process, directing the body's forces to digestion.

Evening- a time when you want to relax, relax with family or friends. Dinner is the most substantial meal of the day, as the body will have enough time to digest it before breakfast. Dinner starts with a salad of fresh vegetables and greens (helps subsequent cooked foods digest faster), followed by nuts/cooked vegetables and grains/goat cheese with vegetables or other animal proteins.

The post talks about the essence of Natalia Rose’s approach.

In the following - about the features of detox for women.