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Fighting cancer with folk remedies. How to fight cancer without chemotherapy? Nobel Prize gives hope

The number of cancer patients is growing and getting younger. Thus, the number of cancer cases in China is more than 3 million per year and this figure is growing by 3% annually, and in Russia for last years The number of women diagnosed with breast cancer has increased by a third. More and more young people are becoming ill or at risk.

What you need to know about oncology!

Basic pathological processes in the body lead to a shift in pH towards acidification and, conversely, acidic environment aggravates and promotes development tumor diseases. Acidification also occurs due to insufficient water flow, which supplies the body with oxygen and cleanses it. Long-term water deficiency is another aggravating factor that contributes to the transformation of ordinary cells into cancer cells, which quickly develop, their colonies grow and threaten our lives. Young people prefer drinks that are not water and additionally “acidify” the body.

Smart people - made a conclusion!?

To prevent cancer, you need to drink water and get more oxygen. But it turns out that not everything is so simple. The water is all different. Only active water enters the intercellular space through the walls of the capillaries, which differs in many respects from what we usually drink.

And the oxygen we need is not the one we breathe, it is neutral. Required active forms oxygen - ROS.

There are only up to 500 of them in the air and in the blood, which is 94% water, they help produce ROS from neutral oxygen (NO). There are 1016 degrees of NA molecules in 1 ml of air, 8-10% of ROS are produced from it in the blood, and in stressful situations, for example, during illness, they are already needed by 20-30%.

And here, as studies conducted at Moscow State University have shown, active waters (“BioVita” and “Svetla”) quickly thin the blood and help increase the amount of ROS produced by 3.5 times, and the healing process is accelerated by 35-40% - this is already a study at the Scientific Center for Resortology. But studies conducted in 2001 at the Oncology Research Center named after. Blokhin, showed that the deficiency of ROS and its derivatives during chemotherapy and radiation sessions is life-threatening.

What is the takeaway for cancer patients?

During oncology, when undergoing chemotherapy and radiation sessions, it is vital to drink active waters to increase the production of ROS.

What about medications?

In recent years, 46 cancer drugs have been developed in Europe, but they prolong the lives of patients only from a few hours to several months.

Is it possible to prevent cancer?

Yes! And even calmly leave the risk zone of its occurrence if you have significantly exceeded the K - malignancy coefficient for RO (cancerous tumor), it should be. Have studies been carried out in the presence of oncology?

Yes, and they showed impressive results. The first were studies on restoring healthy functioning of the body after surgery, chemotherapy sessions and radiation for oncology of the breast, prostate and thyroid glands.

In the experimental group (OG), which took water, the immune system worked to the envy of healthy people and was restored by 100% (this has never happened!) In the control group (CG), the indicators did not reach the minimum level. Patients drank water 15-20 minutes before meals medicinal water"Stelmas Mg", and 2 and 3 hours after - active water "BioVita". Released guidelines for doctors.

Then studies were carried out after surgery on the mammary gland (on which organ the operation was performed does not matter). During chemotherapy, women drank 0.5 liters of Svetla active water 3 times a day 0.5 hours before meals and 1.5 liters of BioVita - drunk 2 and 3 hours after meals. In the CG who did not drink water, her hair fell out, her body was covered with ulcers, and there were other indicators that indicate illness in the whole body. But the OG went through chemotherapy as if it had never been done. After all chemotherapy sessions, K was significantly below the limit value, which means that the risk of new cancer was excluded.

Today, studies are carried out during chemotherapy sessions before surgery. Stelmas Mg water was added to the diet - drink 15 minutes before meals and a glass before bedtime. We hope that someone will be able to overcome the disease without surgery.

What is the reaction of official medicine?

Probably everyone understands that domestic medicine is aimed at eliminating the consequences, at the same time, prevention is very important, but it does not bring money and, accordingly, no emphasis is placed on it. So according to Dr.Med.Sc. Prof. A.A. Maschan - Deputy general director Children's Oncology Center named after D. Rogachev, more than 200 thousand rubles are allocated for the treatment of each patient, and more than 2 million are required. This is what medicine strives for, and our efforts with preventive measures those who help well are not enough. Therefore our proposal is free provision the patients needed water and the speech of the professors who conducted the research was rejected. And this happens not only in oncology - gastritis, diabetes, Parkinson's disease..., special selection of water helps, but is not accepted by medicine, and today this information is still prohibited by law. Why?

What to do?

According to the WHO (World Health Organization), 20% of our health depends on the environment - we cannot influence it, but we can help the body maintain endoecology (the ecology of the body), which is much more important for health. 20% - from heredity. Released interesting book Oliver James, and it turns out “It’s not about the genes.” 12% - from the help of doctors and 48% - from our lifestyle, and if you analyze it, then at least 70%. And the WHO claims that 1% of patients die from side effects medicines. Of course, the WHO is disingenuous - much more.

Today, scientists have studied the mechanisms leading to cancer by about 80%. However, even this knowledge does not yet provide grounds for asserting that it will be invented in the near future. perfect medicine and the disease will finally be defeated. But the best minds our planet is busy with this issue. For example, in the USA they are developing new diagnostic and treatment methods cancerous tumors, publish articles in the scientific press. Each of them is a small discovery about the mechanisms of disease development. It developed targeted therapy, an innovation that has made a breakthrough in cancer treatment. It is based on the effect of special antibodies on certain target molecules (targets) in the tumor cell, which cause malignant growth or degeneration normal cell to the tumor. Before the advent of targeted therapy, chemotherapy drugs, which were discovered back in 1944, ruled the roost. Chemicals They kill everything in the body, but antibodies only block what needs to be killed.

Story targeted therapy began in the 1990s with the advent of a drug to treat the most aggressive form of breast cancer. With this type of disease, the disease quickly progresses and metastasizes - and even 15-20 years ago, patients died from it within six months. But with the advent of the drug, which scientists called a revolution in oncology, the situation changed dramatically. The survival rate of women with the most aggressive forms of breast cancer has become even higher than with less aggressive forms. Today, targeted drugs are used all over the world, many of them are included in the list of vital and necessary drugs in Russia. More recently, drugs have appeared (two at once) even for metastatic forms of cancer with the HER2+ mutation. This opens up new ways for doctors to treat patients with the most aggressive forms of the most common cancer among all types of cancer - breast cancer.

In fact, for each tumor, if you find its genetic target, you can select your own antibody. In addition, the same targets can occur when different types tumors - for example, breast cancer and stomach cancer. Scientists say that making a diagnosis based on the “geographical localization” of a tumor in the body (liver cancer, kidney cancer, etc.) is becoming a thing of the past. It won’t be long before cancer will be diagnosed based on the molecular portrait of the tumor, depending on what genetic mutation he is called. These targets must be identified in order to select correct treatment- individual for everyone. In America they are already using the so-called. phenotypic screening of tumors (this technique does not yet exist in Russia). In the process of analysis it turns out that with a larger share will probably kill the cell.

Immunotherapy. Scientists continue to search for new methods of treating cancer. Today malignant tumors 80% studied. It would seem that another 20% and we will defeat cancer. But it's not that simple. A lot of knowledge has been accumulated, but so far we cannot apply even half of it. But just a couple of years ago, another breakthrough technology for fighting cancer appeared, which scientists are actively working on today - the so-called immunotherapy. It was named the main scientific discovery of 2013. The method is based on the ability to “wake up” the immune system, which is exhausted in the fight against cancer cells and eventually “falls asleep” - it ceases to recognize them and mistakes them for normal, allowing them to multiply uncontrollably. Theoretically, as soon as the immune system “wakes up”, it will be able to cope with hostile cells on its own. In many cases, research has already shown the veracity of this theory. It is already known how cancer cells manage to “hide” from the immune system - with the help of certain receptors. Now researchers are busy creating inhibitors of these receptors—that is, substances that can suppress them. Other methods are also in development. Here they study cell apoptosis, that is, the process of cell death. " Cancer cells they have forgotten the mechanisms of death, they want to live forever. And the task of scientists is to find a way to remind them how to die,” the researchers explain. For example, scientists are trying to learn how to suppress proteins that help a cancer cell survive, and “multiply” those that lead it to the path of death.

Another breakthrough technology of the future is called "". Its essence is to train T-cells to recognize those cells of the body that choose a bad, carcinogenic development program, and destroy them on the way to this program. Research in this area is also underway. ...However, the cancer cell constantly proves how cunning and resourceful it is. Sometimes she manages to bypass all the traps set. Have time to adapt to the mechanisms designed to destroy her, and make them act in her favor. Or find other proteins that provide it eternal life. In addition, many proteins cannot yet be made targets for innovative medicines- they are hidden too deep inside the cells. Therefore, scientists are thinking about ways to deliver antibodies there; trying to learn how to guide bad proteins from the depths of the cells directly to the “garbage bin” (every cell has one). In addition, the development of armed antibodies operating inside the cell (when attached to a cancer target, special toxic substances are added to them), bispecific antibodies (simultaneously with the destruction of the cancer cell, they activate immune system), bispecific armed antibodies (both at once). It is very difficult to say which technology will be called the next breakthrough. But today it is known that various methods cancer therapies must be combined.

Today, oncology therapy has achieved fantastic success. “If back in the 60s of the last century only 5% of children with lymphoblastic leukemia survived, today 95% survive if the full range of therapy is used.

However, all innovative biological drugs extremely complex. If aspirin, for example, has 21 atoms, and insulin has 3 thousand, then a monoclonal antibody has 25 thousand atoms. The synthesis of one such protein takes 6 weeks of continuous cell growth.

Of course, in the field of cancer treatment there are still a lot of questions that scientists will have to solve in the near future. However, the hope is that in this century terrible disease will still be able to win, getting stronger every day.

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Official medicine

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Prostate cancer is for men what breast cancer is for women. It is the No. 1 cause of death after laryngeal cancer, but most men cannot put two words together about this disease. That is why prevention, which reduces risks to a minimum, is also lame. So, everything you wanted to know about prostate cancer: how to cure it and how to prevent it from happening in the first place.


There are several methods to get rid of prostate cancer:

Waiting method

Prostate cancer occurs gradually and very slowly. Men over 40, who are already chronically ill with something and are under the supervision of a doctor, have the opportunity to recognize its manifestations in the bud - and destroy them. If you often use the services of a doctor, check your prostate regularly and you are guaranteed to get rid of severe forms diseases.

Complete removal

This type radical treatment called prostatectomy. The entire prostate gland plus some tissue around it is removed. The operation is performed if the cancer has not yet managed to “go” far beyond the prostate.

Prostatectomy can be done using either open surgery, making cuts, and in a closed way. It's called laparoscopic. Without cutting the skin, a mechanical manipulator or long surgical instruments, which remove the gland.

Transurethral resection

A special instrument is inserted through the urethra to remove part of the prostate. It is done, naturally, under anesthesia - local or spinal, when the entire Bottom part torso.


Radiotherapy kills cancer cells using special radiation. It is used if the tumor is still small or has slightly affected the tissue near the prostate. Open and closed irradiation methods are used. The latter is called brachytherapy: an implant is inserted into the patient, which is a source of radiation. This allows you to irradiate the affected area, almost without affecting healthy areas.


The affected areas of the prostate are frozen and thawed several times, after which the cancer cells die. The freezer is inserted through the perineum with a minimal incision. The operation is performed under general or epidural anesthesia (through the spinal cord).

Hormone therapy

It is also called androgen blockade. The patient's level is artificially lowered male hormones, which stimulate the prostate to grow. Accordingly, cancer cells also slow down their division. However, this method of treatment, as a rule, accompanies other, more radical ones.


Medicines that kill cancer cells are administered intravenously or simply drunk with water. This method is good because it “hits” not only prostate cancer, but also destroys metastases, since the medicine enters the blood and spreads throughout the body.

It should be said that the above methods are rarely used one at a time - they are mainly carried out in combination. And at the same time they prescribe painkillers.


Diet will help prevent prostate cancer correct image life, as well as the help of doctors.


Avoid fatty foods, especially saturated fats - those that remain solid at room temperature. This is butter, margarine, hard cheese, white fat on meat and even chicken skin.

Limit red meat and industrially processed meat products - sausages, sausages, etc.

Less alcohol - no more than two drinks per day. One serving means 0.3 beer, 100 grams of wine or 40 grams of strong alcoholic beverage.

More fruits, vegetables and whole grains

More foods rich in lycopene: tomatoes, pink grapefruit and watermelon. Lycopene prevents DNA damage that causes cancer

Broccoli, cauliflower and other cruciferous vegetables are serious enemies of cancer

Soy products, legumes, pomegranate juice And green tea are also considered “killers” of cancer in the embryo, but this has not yet been sufficiently confirmed by science

Vitamin E or selenium may reduce the risk of prostate cancer, but it is suspected that excessive doses these antioxidants can do exactly the opposite

Consume more omega-3 fatty acids- There are a lot of them in fish and nuts.


More movement. Not a day without aerobics or at least exercise

Reset excess weight. It has been proven that cancer occurs more often in obese people

More ejaculations. Scientists say that 20 ejaculations per month reduce the risk of getting sick. If you can't have sex, practice masturbation. However, if this is too much for you, choose your own regime. After all, sexual excesses are also a test for the prostate.


Doctors often prescribe medications that are taken in courses. Some of them slightly reduce the level of male hormones, which interferes with the growth of prostate cells. True, such drugs suppress a man’s sexual functions, but it’s up to you to decide.

In the fight against cancer, or how to eat right.

Nutrition plays a critical role in the treatment of serious illnesses

You yourself know that almost all diseases originate from the stomach, from not proper nutrition, depends on how thoroughly you chew your food. All our little “weaknesses” in nutrition develop into bad habits eat wrong.

But unfortunately there is also congenital diseases, including hereditary oncological diseases.

Today we will touch on the topic of cancer. diseases and chronic illnesses that appeared due to poor nutrition and bad habits.

The disease creeps up unnoticeably.

People who do not have health problems are unlikely to understand this. After all, as long as our body’s buffer systems keep the parameters of life standards within the normal range, we will not notice the manifestations of the disease.

But the body's strength - the so-called immune resource, or the strength of the body's buffer systems - is not infinite.

And this is very well understood by those who managed to sit on antibiotics, suppressing the symptoms of the disease in the hope of being cured, or at least reducing their condition a little.

Ask these people: - did they think that because of some of their habits this or that illness would worsen in them.

It is unlikely that any of them will say that he expected illness.

Every day, undermining the immune system, they did not notice how the disease was creeping up through small, indirect and barely noticeable signs.

As a result, the disease came unnoticed.

Where does oncology come from?

Unfortunately, in many cases, pills alone cannot improve your health.

Good nutrition can help.

So, nutrition must be correct.

It should include a large number of products that create as little as possible in the human body free radicals that damage healthy cells and which deplete the resources of our buffer systems.

Have you ever wondered why people who are seriously ill lose their appetite and stop eating normally?

According to some sources, this is due to the fact that the body is trying with all its might to return to a healthy cellular balance, and every meal, even the healthiest and most wholesome, loads the body so much that it simply does not have enough strength to fight the disease.

This is why cancer patients and people seriously ill with chronic diseases feel worse after eating.

There are famous cases when people who did not receive food for a long time were independently cured of their ailments. But things are not always so simple.

Maintaining the Ph balance of food does not always guarantee protection against illnesses.

Yes, healthy food increases the chances that oncology will never get to you.

But believe us - we have come across cases where people were engaged in clean vegetable diets, without a hint of meat.

And the oncology kept coming. Perhaps in oncology the sum of many factors has come together, which modern medicine does not consider.

And these factors in cancer and chronic disease are not just related to food or cleanliness. environment.

Apparently, and this is certainly true, that the level emotional and psychological load gives the most great food for the development of cancer.

The lack of hormonal surges that should be there, but which do not occur for one reason or another, gives oncology the ground to develop.

And finally, a depressed moral and psychological state of a person also leads to illness.

What to expect after chemotherapy, or indeed from any treatment, even natural means, if you haven’t worked on eliminating the factors that led you to cancer.

Does fasting prevent cancer?

This is not entirely true..

Here, too, you can’t get by with fasting alone. We all remember the case of a man who had cancer and somehow ended up in the mountains, where he was cut off from the outside world.

So, the only food he had was garlic.

Eating it out of desperation, he did not die from cold and hunger, but was able to survive.

By the way, I was not poisoned by garlic, since there is an opinion that garlic in large quantities(more than 1 average clove per day) is toxic, dangerous, and can cause memory and vision loss. In general, what kind of horrors are written about garlic!

So, we are not talking about garlic, but about a person who had a hopeless health condition!

They found him alive, exhausted and tired, and conducted an examination of his condition and could not find any signs of cancer.

Where did she go?

Was it eaten by garlic or hunger?

And if so, then you can sit at home in front of the TV on a garlic ration and recover? No, of course not, our dear guests.

We are confident that in this story, the role played not only by garlic, whose merits in the fight against oncology breaks all records, and not by hunger, which made oncology dissolve.

We think, and we have reason to believe, that this is a rapprochement with nature, with clean, moist air, the absence of any kind of radiation, plus the body was not cluttered with unnecessary food, that at home this would have happened, as well as contained in Garlic complex of elements stopped oncology with shock.

Prostate oncology.

Let's take prostatitis and cancer associated with prostatitis. The number of such diseases is breaking all records. Hidden chronic prostatitis turns into a more severe form.

Over time, tumors and prostate adenomas may appear.

But for some reason, some people had this prostatitis, have it and will have it, while for others it turns into more severe consequences.

The answer is the fact that hormonal background Some people with prostatitis are so unstable and susceptible to environmental influences that the disease deepens and the pathology turns into the formation of foreign cells, whose division is not controlled by the body.

Prostatitis is a disease endocrine system. Ecology, various electromagnetic radiation, bad water, lack of movement, nutrition - these are the factors that allow oncology to progress further. Among these factors, there is one that can stop cancer, even if all the others are disrupted. This factor is the presence of movement. If a person moves, forces himself to move, then this will slow down, stop, or even get rid of oncology.

Movement is the strongest factor that supports immunity. For example, prostatitis can be cured with three things. The first is movement. For example, walking 5 km a day. The second is getting closer to the opposite sex, at least 2 times a week. And thirdly, disease prevention with herbs, dietary supplements, or any natural means.

Prostate cancer is stopped in the same way. These 3 important factors should be applied whenever possible.

In case of prostate cancer, you also need to work with your doctor to select the most harmless drugs to control the pathogenic flora.

A few words about radiation, at least one cell phone: at serious illnesses harmful electromagnetic radiation has a much stronger effect on the chronicle than on healthy person, but fortunately in our time there are means of protection even from mobile phone radiation.

But let's return to the person who was deprived of food and all the unfavorable manifestations of human existence, including polluted air and the electromagnetic load of the city.

So, the most important thing saved him - this great desire to survive, the desire that forced that man to overcome those difficulties and stay alive.

Taken together, this gave results.

If you want to feel better, you need to leave large city to the outback, in clean air, to be treated exclusively with natural remedies, and the result will be higher than that of any oncology clinic.

An appointment with a doctor who may be able to help.

It is possible to schedule an interview with a doctor regarding cancer. It is possible that you have already been to doctors more than once. Perhaps such a traditional doctor can give answers to your health conditions. Chinese medicine, How, which our team knows, and whose approach to the disease somewhat changes the prevailing opinion about medicine. You can ask her: “what in general, in your case, can I advise you to do next, in some kind of dead-end situation?” Be it oncology, chronic disease or simple sore throat. The doctor sees patients in Moscow, but often flies to China. Of course, with such colossal experience as hers, many people have hope. The main thing is that she is looking for the cause of the illness, which is what we most approve of in her approach to restoring people.

Alternative medicine in the treatment of oncology.

The secret of the popularity of Dorogov candles is their ease of use.

They also get around the problem with the unpleasant odor of Dorogov’s drug, which not all people can tolerate.

Suppositories also have this smell, but these suppositories are taken orally mainly rectally.

This moment makes it easier for those people who could not overcome fear to take Dorogov’s drug unpleasant odor.

A little history of the use of Dorogov’s drug is outlined! We tried to bring a diverse perspective to history, despite the great respect for Dr. Dorogov and his drug

These natural substances are very effective against cancer cells. And don’t think that I already drank propolis and it didn’t cure me.

It won't cure, but it is very important role in the formation of healthy cells, it corrects the immune system and it is also capable of producing even greater results when used with other means of combating oncology.

Celandine is an alkaloid that contains toxic celandine.

It is 10 times more toxic to cancer cells than to healthy cells of the body - this is why celandine is significant in oncology.

Those dosages that a person tolerates completely painlessly - with such dosages of celandine, cancer cells stop dividing.

We have already talked about them, describing the fact that this well-known Altai company manages to produce very high-quality herbal tincture-syrups at very favorable price. And this significantly distinguishes these syrups from other products.

Of these syrups, we note the most interesting in terms of fighting cancer - these are (oncology genitourinary system, lungs), (oncology respiratory tract), (oncology gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system), this is a storehouse of microelements that can be added to all other syrups as additional vitamin support.

Narine herbal tincture syrups are good because they do not require special preparation, do not even require water for sealing, and they can be used anywhere.

This moment makes your favorite herbs always at hand, and you will not miss taking them on time.

Garlic protects health.

Garlic against cancer cells!

Is it worth talking about cancer cells, if we can give the following example: if you make steamed beef, putting it in a plastic food container and forget to put it in the refrigerator, then after 12 hours it is already dangerous to eat, and after another 12 hours the characteristic smell of a spoiled product will appear .

But if you chop a clove of garlic and leave the meat at room temperature in a tray for a day, then after 24 hours it will not give off the unpleasant smell of a spoiled product.

Moreover, you can eat it without getting poisoned.

Microflora, especially pathogenic ones, are simply afraid of it (garlic), cannot reproduce normally, and the main part of this flora dies even with small amounts of garlic. You say that pathogenic microflora and cancer cells are two different things.

We agree with you, but we can’t argue with this point: before a cancer cell settles in a certain place, its bad deed must be done pathogenic microorganisms, which first clog healthy cells with the products of their metabolism, in parallel the body’s immunity decreases, and then, after the cells do not form normally, they either die or degenerate into neoplasms, including cancer cells.

However, the mechanism of action of garlic in cancer diseases is far from clear and is not limited to effects on pathogenic organisms alone.

One thing has definitely been noticed - garlic significantly increases the chances of recovery from chronic and oncological diseases..

Garlic. An amateur's story.

I'll tell you about garlic from my own experience.

To this day I consider it a panacea for illness and all kinds of viruses.

People with chronic diseases need it like water.

I began my history of acquaintance with garlic in childhood, when I was healthy and young.

Now I feel completely different.

Already at the age of 30 I felt worse, they crept up chronic diseases genitourinary system and thyroid gland.

I didn’t believe in medicines before, using them only when it was too late, so I picked up a book traditional healer Professor Neumyvakin I.P. I began to study what is what in the human body, and what is interconnected with what.

It turned out that everything is interconnected, from a little stress to a small cold - everything affects the overall well-being.

What struck me in the book was that Professor Neumyvakin gives advice on treatment with means that are absolutely ordinary and, even moreover, seemingly not at all related to the means that treat diseases such as cancer and put bedridden and chronically ill people back on their feet .

Such natural remedies sea, as well as methods of treatment with them.

And one of them is garlic. And I became very interested in him, apparently because I love him very much.

However, my little experiments that I did with garlic gave simply magical results.

It turned out that if you consume garlic in fairly good quantities - 2 or 3 cloves per day, then this immediately affects digestion, in positive side of course. Nothing surprising - just eat 1-2 cloves of garlic with a bowl of soup for your appetite.

But if you become addicted to this procedure, that is, make it permanent, you will see how your stool improves.

It becomes normal sausage-shaped, as it should be.

The mushy shape of the stool, which the stool has enough constant time, suggests that in the intestines some of the families of bacteria (pathogenic or conditionally pathogenic) that live there in colonies began to multiply intensively.

Bacteria must always be present in the intestines (both pathogenic and non-pathogenic), but their numerical ratio to each other is quite strictly defined, and if some species begin to dominate in numbers, then an imbalance occurs in digestion, which is reflected in the chyme, and as a result, on a man's chair.

You need to know that not only beneficial bacteria for humans are contained in the intestines, but also pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic ones, such as, for example, Klebsiella ( Klebsiella) , which is in normal quantity lives in the intestines and is necessary for the digestion of food.

But with dysbacteriosis, it can exceed its numerical values ​​by an order of magnitude.

Garlic, it makes its own adjustments to these processes (processes in the vital activity of microorganisms), it suppresses pathogenic foci of bacteria, helps beneficial ones restore their numbers, it affects metabolic processes in intestinal cells.

And as I saw from my own example, not immediately, but over the course of several months, I achieved clear, good stool.

But if you think about it, when you buy probiotics or other drugs at the pharmacy, you get the feeling that they help for 1-3 days.

The effect is not absorbed at all for a long period. Because after a course of garlic, the results are very long lasting.

Garlic for oncology.

Garlic contains many heavy metals and connections. In part, in oncology, in the remission stage, garlic can have a toxicological effect on cancer cells. Cancer cells accumulate heavy metals and toxic compounds much faster than healthy ones. This is what chemotherapy is based on. A person easily tolerates small portions of garlic, up to 3 cloves a day, and cancer cells begin to slow down their growth and even die. In conjunction with the main therapy, garlic excellent remedy. Just be careful, as garlic is not considered with all medicines.

List of products, as well as BA Dovs helping in the fight against cancer:

Onions and green onions, garlic, kelp - sea seaweed, ASD factions both the second and third (outer), almost all greens and many fruits, ginger, roots, various herbs, walnuts and almonds.

What sweets can you eat if you have cancer?

IN survey on what sweets people with oncology and chronic diseases can eat inflammatory diseases worries many, even those who do not have cancer.

And our practice, based on the fact that any nuts and legumes are protectors of the body from tumor processes, suggests that halva is that sweet product that does not contribute to tumor growth.

Moreover, this halva can be made from different nuts. Even from seeds!

Regular sunflower halva is useful for neoplasms!

Sunflower halva is useful for zinc, which is contained in large quantities and does not give inflammatory process expand.

Peanut halva has the properties of the peanut itself to suppress the division of cancer. cells.

What should not be eaten if you have cancer and other chronic diseases.

Unfortunately, cancer is a disease of our time, and from this we can conclude that all products that have undergone heat treatment, preservation, products of modern production, in the manufacture of which preservatives are used in order to increase shelf life, flour products, especially sweets, greatly help diseases take root.

It's very important to drink clean water at oncological diseases, also use water infused on flint stones.

Useful for oncology Rye bread which is watered linseed oil and moderately salted. This bread is eaten with a small clove of garlic, which makes it especially useful for treatment intestinal disorders, for oncology various stages This recipe allows you to delay the disease if you eat this bread on an empty stomach, 2 hours before meals.

Flaxseed oil is a source of omega acids...

This oil gives more strength to the body when mineral energy is lost during the digestion of food, which gives the body strength to fight the disease.

Oncology depends on the PH environment.

It is generally accepted that the fight against cancer is influenced, or rather, not by the ph of the products themselves, but by the ph of what enters the blood as a result of metabolism in the liver and digestion of food in the stomach and intestines. Important point which residues increase after eating a particular food, acidic or alkaline.

And this, by the way, does not know that if apple juice is consumed (it is slightly acidic in pH), then the body becomes acidic. It is the metabolites after the decomposition of the juice that matter. After reception apple juice ph of blood, saliva, lymph and rises.

Oncology - we noticed!!!

Let us remind you that acid-containing foods do not necessarily acidify the body. Let's take apples - acids are a dime a dozen, and after taking an apple, the pH of a person's saliva increases by almost 0.5-0.7 units. The fact is that alkalis are formed from acids and vice versa. Given the complex chain of metabolism, the example of an apple can demonstrate this well.

Here is an example of products with different pH values ​​of their environment, but, nevertheless, in the end, they most strongly alkalize the human body.

Ph Lemon-(2.2-2.4)

Ph Watermelon-(5.5-6.0)

Ph Lime-(1.8-2.1)

Ph Grapefruit-(2.9-4)

Ph Asparagus-(6.0-6.5)

Ph Leek-(5.5-6.2)

But the Dorogova antiseptic drug, ASD-2, has a strong alkaline reaction already initially, and does not dissociate from alkali into acid, thereby greatly helping the cancer patient to increase the pH in the tissues of the body and, as one of the mechanisms stopping cancer and chronic diseases, ASD-2 will be one of the first to help increase the pH of the body. ASD-2 also has other mechanisms that stop cancer, cure chronically ill patients and boost immunity, but you can read about them on the following page:

Oncology, chronic diseases and also ODS or - is it possible to do without pills???

We probably won’t give a definite answer, but let’s rely on practice.

And it says that more and more doctors are coming to the conclusion that pills do not always help with serious illnesses.

However, we cannot exclude the fact that the tablets provide a good springboard to start treatment. Sometimes it turns out that joint reception tablets and dietary supplements give the effect of a very stable remission.

But let's not forget that you can take a pill once, maybe another, but not constantly sit on them. We will absolutely tell you that there are ways to win without pills, but modern life these methods are nullified.

The most striking example is diet. After all, if you follow it, you can even defeat oncology.

What, you think it's that simple?

And so!!! Diet and victory?

And you try to follow it, this diet, so as not to give yourself the slightest indulgence in anything.

And strictly and strictly observe it.

Few people can do this.

This is why victory, sometimes, moves so far away from us from healing from oncology.

But that is not all...

Let's move on to the urology section and see what's going on there.

"Pravmir" writes a lot about the fight against oncology and victory over the disease, about helping loved ones and remembering the departed. Today, on World Cancer Day, we bring you some of the best stories.

Oncologist Mikhail Laskov: “Don’t rely on a pill for cancer”

Previously, we discussed cancer of a specific organ, but now we are discussing cancer with a specific genetic fingerprint, as is the case with conventional fingerprinting. It doesn’t matter where the cancer is, what matters is what genetic “finger” it has. This does not mean that we will cure all of this in 10-15 years, but we will definitely treat it at a different level.

Oncohematologist Satya Yadav: Tumors will no longer be a death sentence

In the future, using genetic technology, thanks to the method cell therapy CAR T we will be able to teach patients’ own cells to destroy malignant cells and cure the body of cancer. Transplantations bone marrow will go into oblivion along with all the problems of finding a donor, bone marrow registries and graft-versus-host disease.

Ekaterina Chistyakova: Until the last drop of blood

We can only look for those doctors who want something, who strive for development, and hope that the rest will simply have to catch up to this bar at some point. And if the doctor only acts on the principle of “cut it off - take it away - next one,” what can you do about it?

Katyusha Remizova. About cancer, humility and forgiveness

A healthy person can rely on himself in many ways, can control himself, can create a certain image for himself, can do good deeds, and not quarrel with anyone in particular. You can create this appearance for a long time. But when you get sick, this whole “self” suddenly collapses.

Legend of Russian cancer

Dad came to his senses faster. Mom was helped by a brochure from the hospital, something like “Lymphoma for Dummies.” After it, she began to cry less often and even laughed at my jokes without regret. Everyone understood that I might not be cured. I understood this too, but even in this case I did not want to be pitied.

“I beat chondrosarcoma and am expecting my third child”

I didn’t know how to save myself from the insane pain. It got worse at night. I even tried to sleep in the bathroom: finding a comfortable sleeping position was simply impossible. And then, out of the blue, she broke her leg. And then the doctors finally saw the cancer. Several months passed from the moment of the first symptoms to the diagnosis.

Olesya and leukemia: “I had to pass judgment on myself”

For all my family and friends, the diagnosis was a shock. This is difficult information and information that needs to be spoken personally. As soon as I got to the hospital, I tried to tell all my family and friends myself. I tried to inform them in such a way that they understood that I am able to cope with this information, and life does not end!

Katerina Gordeeva: Russian story about cancer and people

A person - both big and small - must understand the cyclical nature of life, its stages, understand that no one has ever managed to avoid death, but it is also a part of life. And there’s no getting around this either. But we are afraid of completely different things: pain, fear, humiliation, ignorance, powerlessness and helplessness.

You have heard a terrible diagnosis. What's next?

And for sure, for sure, after the first shock you will discover your own methods of fighting yourself - and the fight against cancer is precisely the fight with yourself! Share them then, okay? And the most important thing, in my opinion, is that it is not in our power to know our life span, but in our power to spend this time in such a way that those around us would also envy.

When the doctor says, “You have cancer,” you feel like you’re flying into a concrete well.

Yes, you have additional problem, it is serious, it requires your vital resources - material, intangible, spiritual and psychological state. But you don’t need to put everything off until you recover. Live now, within your capabilities, as far as your well-being allows.

Scarier than cancer

The main accomplice of advanced, almost incurable oncology is the cancer-phobic society. One that prefers to be afraid and unaware, to be inert and paralyzed by its own fears.

Oliver Sacks: I have no time left for unimportant things.

This is not indifference, but distance - my heart still hurts for the situation in the Middle East, for climate change, for the growing inequality between people, but all this no longer concerns me, these events belong to the future. I am filled with joy when I meet gifted young people - even the one who diagnosed me with metastases. I know the future is in good hands.