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Placental therapy is a new word in cellular rejuvenation. About the possibility of true rejuvenation of the body

Cosmetology at its current level of development has truly fantastic means for rejuvenation, correction of congenital and acquired defects in appearance, and treatment of skin diseases.

Beauty standards are changing: the way women looked 30-40 years ago does not suit modern beauties at all. Now a fifty-year-old woman who takes care of herself, while using the latest advances in science in the field of cosmetology, looks at least 10-15 years younger.

In the huge range of cosmetic procedures, skin care methods using peptide drugs >>> . Organic preparations - placental ones - are now gaining great popularity. They are not addictive, do not cause allergic reactions, and can be combined with drug treatment.

The content of the article:

Placentotherapy in cosmetology

Placental therapy originated as a means of treating diseases and prolonging active life in the 30s of the 20th century. However, during use, it gave such a “side effect” as improving the aesthetic condition of the face and body, noticeably tightening them, disappearing wrinkles and curing various skin diseases. As a result, the direction of using placental drugs for cosmetic purposes began to develop.

Japan is the leader in the research and production of these products. In Russia they are becoming increasingly popular Laennec and Melsmon >>>. The preparations use a specially prepared, thoroughly cleaned placenta. It goes through several stages of cleaning.

Placental therapy. Benefit

Preparations based on the human placenta are a biological treasure trove active substances capable of performing miracles. They have powerful regenerative properties, that is, the ability to enhance the growth and division of body cells. The antioxidant effect of these products is also important, which eliminates the influence of free radicals and, accordingly, slows down the aging process of the skin.

No other organ has such characteristics or has such a restorative and healing effect on the body - this is the uniqueness of the placenta.

Thanks to its regenerative capabilities, cell reproduction and renewal are stimulated, blood circulation improves, the skin receives nutrition from proteins, amino acids, microelements, and toxins are eliminated. The result is a noticeable rejuvenation of the face and the body as a whole.

Having a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, placental therapy helps get rid of acne, acne and other types of rashes, significantly improving the quality of the skin.

The result of the use of placentotherapy is the following characteristics: turgor improves, fine wrinkles disappear and deeper wrinkles are smoothed out, complexion is refreshed, pigmentation disappears, lifting occurs, skin diseases are cured and, in general, skin aging slows down.

Being initially immunomodulating substances, placental products, providing a local visible cosmetic effect, have a beneficial effect on the entire body, improving immunity and harmonizing the functioning of all organs and systems. What are their benefits?

  • enhance the growth and division of body cells;
  • have an antioxidant effect;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • slow down skin aging processes;
  • smoothes wrinkles and removes skin unevenness;
  • relieves acne and acne.

Placental therapy. Harm

Placental preparations have virtually no side effects, but very rarely they still occur, so supervision by a specialist is necessary. There are no proteins in such preparations, so they cannot cause allergic reactions.

Placental injections are organic preparations, so they are well tolerated. Contraindications include oncological and autoimmune diseases, age under 18 years, as well as individual intolerance to the substances included in the drug. Side effects include increased drowsiness.

When is placentotherapy used?

Acupuncture, at certain points located on the woman’s body, Japanese placental preparations are used in the following cases:

  • with hormonal disorders of the body;
  • in case of violations menstrual cycle(in case of failures when stopping the use of contraceptives or after IVF);
  • preparation for pregnancy;
  • for menopausal syndromes;
  • for sleep disturbances;
  • with excessive stress;
  • for neurological disorders;
  • for skin problems;
  • for hair loss;
  • with excessive skin pigmentation.

How is placentotherapy performed?

Placental therapy in cosmetology is an injection method of introducing these drugs into the deep layers of the dermis.



2 UDC BBK-53 Reviewers: Gurkin Yuri Aleksandrovich, doctor medical sciences, Professor of the Department of Pediatric Gynecology and Female Reproductology of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "St. Petersburg State Pediatric Academy", member of the board of the International Federation of Child and Adolescent Gynecologists Pavel Naumovich Krotin, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "North-Western State Medical University named after. I.I. Mechnikov" Rassokhin A.V. Placental tissue therapy / A.V. Rassokhin. SPb.: ELBI-SPb, p. The book is dedicated to the oldest method of treatment, placental therapy. The reader is given the opportunity to familiarize himself with information about the history of the development of the method of tissue placental therapy, and numerous experimental and clinical data are provided. From a modern perspective, the main types of treatment are considered, namely: the use of placental drugs, placental cosmetology, placental implantation. The publication also reflects the basic principles of placental tissue therapy and describes in detail the methodology for placental implantation. The clinical part covers types of placental therapy in various fields of medicine: therapy, surgery, urology, gynecology, neuropathology, etc. The book is intended for doctors of various specialties and a wide range of readers. ISBN Rassokhin A.V., 2014 ELBI-SPb, 2014

3 Everything new is a well-forgotten old INTRODUCTION This book owes its appearance to an amazing fact: on the one hand, thousands of works on tissue therapy have now been published in Russia and abroad; this method is used in many countries; it was the subject of discussion at symposia, congresses, conferences in Germany, Italy, Belgium, Poland, Hungary, Ukraine and other countries (the last conference took place in May 2013 in Odessa and was dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the existence of the method of tissue therapy by Academician V.P. . Filatova); Several monographs have been published on this topic, and many doctoral and master's theses have been defended. On the other hand, unfortunately, not a single work has been found that would be intended for general practitioners and patients, that is, for those who are most interested in this. In reality, it turns out that tissue therapy is a kind of corporate treatment method. Scientists gather at conferences and congresses, discuss new achievements in this field, but we have to admit that all the results of their work remain within the scientific community, not finding wide application in clinical practice. To ordinary people, like most doctors, tissue therapy treatment remains virtually unknown. Where can the average person look for information on this topic? If you look on the Internet, you can find only a few scattered articles, mainly concerning the essence of the method and the history of the issue. However, it is impossible to find out about the results of treatment for many diseases, 3

4 Tissue placental therapy in which tissue therapy helps, it is impossible to find a detailed description of the mechanism of its effect on pathological processes. There is no information about this method in the publicly available popular medical literature. Only scientific libraries, where all information on this problem is stored. The need to fill the existing gap prompted the writing of this book about this amazing method. There is confidence that this publication will be useful not only to patients, but also to doctors of various specialties who will learn about another effective method of treating a large number of diseases. The tissue therapy method is truly unique. Among non-drug treatment methods and methods of alternative medicine (acupuncture, physiotherapy and balneotherapy, homeopathy, etc.), it stands out for its breadth of action and effectiveness. What other means can cure such serious diseases as lupus erythematosus, psoriasis, bronchial asthma or, for example, obliterating endarteritis (which caused the premature death of such famous people as Lev Yashin and Pavel Luspekayev)? Conventional alternative medicine methods for these diseases are not as effective as tissue therapy. There are diseases in the treatment of which only tissue therapy helps and other methods of conservative treatment are ineffective, these are Meniere's syndrome, Dupuytren's contracture, etc. The method of tissue therapy is one of the few discoveries of the Soviet period that have received great recognition and distribution throughout the world. It can be compared with the well-known methods that were given to the world by academicians G.A. Ilizarov in traumatology and S. N. Fedorov in ophthalmology. The fate of tissue therapy as a discovery is also surprising. In 2013, this invention of the brilliant ophthalmologist V.P. Filatov turned 80 years old. For a long time, Academician V.P. Filatov studied and developed this method. 4

5 Introduction For his services, he was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor, awarded four Orders of Lenin, and became a laureate of the Stalin Prize of the first degree, i.e., awarded the highest awards. Thanks to the efforts of V.P. Filatov found a method of tissue therapy wide use in more than 40 countries (from Iran to Canada). During the Great Patriotic War, when antibiotics were unavailable, its use for a wide variety of diseases saved thousands of lives. In the 1990s XX century tissue therapy has been used not only in medical purposes, but also to improve athletic performance in athletes (placenta implantation was successfully prescribed to track and field athletes, hockey players of some clubs, etc.). It was also used for the healing and rejuvenation of both high-ranking politicians (L. I. Brezhnev, F. Castro, etc.) and famous actors (Elizabeth Taylor, Frank Sinatra, Sylvester Stallone, etc.). High efficiency tissue therapy (placenta transfer) in the process of working with CSKA basketball players was noted by team doctor V.A. Avramenko. The services of this remarkable specialist were used by many outstanding athletes, such as S. Marciulionis, Yu. Sedykh, G. Beloglazova, etc. In the history of medicine, there are few examples when a completely new hypothesis, put forward within one narrow specialty, finds its application in many areas . Proposed by Academician V.P. Filatov in 1933, the method of tissue therapy began to be used not only in ophthalmology, but also in surgery, therapy, gynecology, neurology, gerontology and other branches of medicine. Briefly, tissue therapy can be described as a method of treatment by introducing under the skin animal or plant tissues and preparations from them preserved in the cold (or in another way). According to the concept of V.P. Filatov, in tissue preserved in the cold (or preserved in another way), in the process of its adaptation to unfavorable environmental conditions, substances with high biological activity, so-called biogenic stimulants, accumulate, which determine the therapeutic effect of tissue therapy. 5

6 Placental tissue therapy The problem of tissue therapy is of obvious interest to both clinicians and biologists, physiologists, immunologists and specialists in other fields of knowledge. It addresses a number of issues related to the survival of isolated tissues under low temperature conditions. A large number of works on this problem, published in domestic and foreign literature, along with clinical observations, contain information about important theoretical and experimental studies of the effect of tissue therapy on the diseased organism. Clinical and laboratory studies have shown that tissue therapy has an unusually wide range of effects on the human and animal body. At one time V.P. Filatov was reproached for speaking about this method as universal remedy curative medicine. He objected, answering that the human body is universal and it is able to cope with all diseases on its own, and we simply help it with our therapy. The study of works and materials published over many years allows us to come to the conclusion that tissue therapy activates all systems and vital forces of the body, but this does not occur through stimulation, but through the regulation of its basic functions. The regulatory influence concerns all systems without exception: the central nervous system, immune, endocrine, cardiovascular system, etc. Based on large clinical and laboratory material, numerous studies have proven the following therapeutic effects of placental tissue therapy: 1. Immunomodulatory and immunostimulating effects, i.e. e. tissue therapy increases immunity and has a desensitizing effect to the influence external factors on the human body, which makes it possible to prescribe it for chronic infectious diseases (tonsillitis, prostatitis, adnexitis, etc.), immunodeficiency states, and pathologies with impaired immune status (bronchial asthma, psoriasis, eczema, etc.). 6

7 Introduction 2. Regulation and activation of the function of the endocrine glands, which makes it possible to prescribe tissue therapy for diabetes, female and male menopause, hypothyroidism and other diseases. 3. Antitoxic and powerful hepatoprotective effect, which can be used for intoxication, in the treatment of chronic viral hepatitis, cholangitis, steatohepatitis of alcoholic and non-alcoholic origin, cirrhosis of the liver. 4. Improving metabolism is used for metabolic diseases, malnutrition, asthenic conditions, acne, etc. 5. Absorbing effect (the ability to absorb excess fibrous connective tissue) is used in the treatment of keloid scars, adhesions of various origins, contractures, Dupuytren's syndrome , hearing loss, cataracts, strokes, heart attacks, etc. 6. The analgesic effect allows the use of tissue therapy for chronic pain syndromes, migraines, radiculitis, neuralgia of various origins. 7. The ability to stimulate the reverse development of hyperplastic processes gives grounds to prescribe tissue therapy for precancerous conditions, uterine fibroids and breast mastopathy in women, prostate adenomas in men, intestinal polyps, etc. 8. The psychosedative effect provides for the possibility of using tissue therapy for various disorders of the central nervous system and stressful situations: hysteria, manic-depressive psychosis, increased conflict and nervous excitability, difficult life situations (death of loved ones, divorce), with suicidal tendencies, for an anti-stress effect, etc. 9. Increasing the adaptive capabilities of the central nervous system is used to prevent heart attacks, strokes, nervous breakdowns, to enhance the stability of the central nervous system in athletes before competitions, during intense mental work, chronic fatigue syndrome. 7

8 Tissue placental therapy 10. Reducing the risk of cancer is used to prevent cancer pathology in case of a family history (breast, stomach, intestinal cancer, etc.). 11. Reducing the activity of processes provoked by free radicals opens up the opportunity to reduce the influence of harmful factors external environment on the human body. 12. Normalization of calcium metabolism is used for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the bone and endocrine systems (osteoporosis in women with pathological menopause, diseases of the parathyroid gland, etc.), as well as in dentistry for the prevention of caries. 13. Activation of blood flow and hematopoietic effect are used for vascular pathology and blood diseases. 14. Stimulation of tissue regenerative activity is successfully used for wound healing, treatment of the consequences of heart attacks and strokes, long-term non-healing fractures, trophic ulcers, and for the prevention of skin aging in aesthetic medicine. 15. Mitigation of radiation exposure on humans makes it possible to use this method in cancer patients after radiation therapy, as well as in the treatment of the consequences of accidents at nuclear power plants and nuclear explosions (used in Hiroshima and Nagasaki). 16. Regulation of the autonomic nervous system is used to treat vegetative-vascular dystonia and many other diseases with autonomic disorders. 17. Increasing sexual and fertile activity makes it possible to use placental tissue therapy to treat various sexual disorders and infertility, as well as to improve quality of life. 18. The ability to exhibit antiplatelet properties and prevent increased thrombus formation can be used in the treatment of diseases with disorders of the blood coagulation system (Werlhof's disease, etc.), deep vein thrombosis, for the prevention of strokes and heart attacks. 8

9 Introduction There are other effects of tissue therapy, such as the ability to reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels in the blood, which makes it possible to fight such serious diseases as hypertonic disease and atherosclerosis. It also has a powerful restorative and trophic effect, normalizes acid-base balance, blood formula and its biochemical parameters. We must not forget about such “side” healing effects of tissue therapy as improved vision and hearing; increased performance, physical endurance; the appearance of cheerfulness and vigor; improved sleep, appetite; feeling of being “slacked”. With the constant use of tissue therapy, its ability to have a general rejuvenating effect on the human body is manifested. This ability is caused primarily by the intensification of synthesis processes in cells of new biologically active compounds against the background of increased production of sex hormones and timely removal of metabolic products and cell activity. The rejuvenating effect of tissue therapy has external manifestations improving the structure and color of skin and nails; increasing muscle tone, as well as motor and mental activity, straightening posture, improving gait; increased sexual potency, restoration of hair color, etc. The internal state of a person also changes: physical endurance and creative activity increase; interest in life increases; the function of internal organs (intestines, heart, liver, endocrine glands) improves. Changes in the central nervous system are especially noticeable: emotional stability is noted, memory and attention improve; blues, hypochondria, tearfulness, and nervousness disappear. Such a multifaceted positive effect of tissue therapy on almost all functions of the human body makes it possible to use it in the treatment of a huge number of diseases, as well as for the purposes of rejuvenation and healing. For certain types of pathology, such as migraine, menopausal disorders in women, bronchial 9

10 Placental tissue therapy Asthma, fresh forms of psoriasis and some other diseases, tissue therapy can give quick results. However, most often it is not an “ambulance” method, therefore it is not indicated for most acute inflammatory processes (flu, acute pneumonia, acute polyarthritis, etc.). This is a method of gradual, smooth influence on the entire body, allowing to improve its metabolism, the functions of all organs and systems, activating the processes of self-regulation and self-renewal. The effect of harmonization of structures and systems of the body caused by tissue therapy is especially highlighted. Tissue therapy regulates the activity of human physiological systems, stimulating at the cellular level sluggish, stagnant life processes that are fading due to various diseases or age-related changes, and, conversely, corrects and reverses pathological conditions. The specificity of the “intelligence” of tissue therapy is that (to put it popularly) that it itself finds painful areas and imbalances in various systems organism and takes adequate measures for their sanitation. If you compare a person with a computer, then tissue therapy is a kind of anti-virus program that guards his health. If the “programs” begin to “freeze” (diseases appear), then tissue therapy “reboots the computer” (the human body) and it begins to function normally again. The rate of restoration of functions in damaged systems during treatment depends on the severity of the disease and especially on the duration of its course. The longer the pathological process develops, the more time is needed for its complete cure. This method has a significant advantage over drugs due to the absence of side effects in the form of various sensitizations, up to “drug illness” and other numerous complications. According to the World Health Organization, about 15% of modern medicines, even with correct diagnosis diseases harm the body. Eliminating pathological 10

11 Introduction symptoms, they often cause undesirable consequences, which, in turn, require subsequent treatment. Experimental studies have established the practical harmlessness of tissue therapy, the absence of adverse effects on the fetus, and its oncological safety. Tissue therapy does not cause allergies, addiction, and does not have a histamine-like or cumulative effect. It does not reduce, but, on the contrary, increases the antitoxic function of the liver. Tissue therapy can be included complex therapy a large number of diseases. This is facilitated by the established fact that the side effects of drugs are reduced when they are combined with tissue preparations, which allows clinicians to develop optimal treatment regimens for patients with various pathologies, often with a reduction in the dose of the main drug. Tissue therapy practically does not fail in its application, as it has many positive “side” effects in the form of cure concomitant diseases(osteochondrosis, migraine, dysfunction of internal organs, etc.) and improvement of the body. Almost never happens negative reviews about this method from patients. If the underlying disease for some reason cannot be treated (tissue therapy, of course, is not a panacea for all diseases), patients usually do not make any complaints, as they remain satisfied with the positive changes in their lives. Increased overall vitality, performance, improved sleep and quality of sexual life often make patients forget about the underlying disease (if it was minor), and they continue to come, in their words, for a “new quality of life.” All of the above primarily applies to placenta implantation, since this is the main and most effective type of tissue therapy. Implantation (or transfer) of the placenta is the only type of tissue therapy today in a “pure” form, when tissue is injected under the patient’s skin, and not something else (extracts, suspensions, etc.). eleven

12 Placental tissue therapy Academician V.P. Filatov began to develop his famous method by planting various tissues (skin, cartilage, spleen, etc.) under the skin of patients for therapeutic purposes. The most successful of these tissues was the postpartum placenta, which was used after appropriate preservation by cold at a temperature of 2-4 degrees above zero for 6-7 days. The placenta suited all researchers due to its unique properties, since no other tissue contains such an amount of biologically active and useful substances. This is truly the storehouse of all building materials for most human proteins. The placenta contains 20 amino acids, higher fatty acids, coenzyme Q10, cytokines (interleukins, interferons, growth factors), alpha-fetoprotein, a balanced natural complex of vitamins (A, D, E, C and all B vitamins), immunoglobulins, trace elements (magnesium , manganese, zinc, copper, selenium, etc.), enzymes and many other factors. According to many authors, the human placenta is more successful than other means in restoring the vitality of the body, which leads to its rejuvenation. It is genetically configured to stimulate self-renewal processes and bring functional systems person to a state of youth. This applies even to those periods of existence when the peak of biological activity has passed and signs of aging begin to appear. The placenta exists to build a new, young organism. During pregnancy, a woman’s own body does not produce anything new to grow a child, while the placenta produces all the substances necessary to create a new life. One should not confuse the implantation of cold-preserved and autoclaved postpartum placenta according to Acad. V.P. Filatova with cellular technologies (stem cells) and embryonic tissue therapy, which is often also called tissue therapy. The general directions of influence of the above methods are similar to tissue therapy according to V.P. Filatov: stimulation and correction of the immune system, improvement of trophic function in tissues and organs, rapid improvement of mental and physical activity, nor- 12

13 Introduction malization of homeostasis, etc. However, these technologies, unlike placenta implantation according to V.P. Filatov, are labor-intensive, expensive and are only in the initial stages of study, without clear indications and standards for use. In its effect on the human body it is close to the method of placenta transfer and Japanese drug"Laennec". At the end of the 50s. last century student of academician V.P. Filatova from Japan Hieda Kentaro developed a drug hydrolyzed human placenta for the treatment of liver diseases. It is distinguished from other drugs in this series by its high degree of purification. But even this “pure” drug can be frightening due to the possibility of such a serious complication as anaphylactic shock, which is reflected in the instructions for its use, as well as its high price. Placenta implantation according to V.P. Filatova has been used for 80 years and has been used on more than tens of thousands of patients. None of the many published studies have reported evidence of anaphylactic shock or other allergic complications. On the contrary, numerous studies have proven the desensitizing effect of placenta transfer according to V.P. Filatov, therefore it can be used for various allergies and diseases such as bronchial asthma, eczema, psoriasis, etc. Placenta implantation according to V.P. Filatova is also distinguished by a greater breadth of action, a smoother and milder effect than other methods of placental therapy, and the possibility of long-term continuous use (for many years). It should be noted that in the available literature there is not a single work with negative statements regarding placenta implantation according to Acad. V.P. Filatov. The materials for this publication are taken mostly from works of past years, since new studies on tissue therapy according to Academician V.P. Filatov, very little has been carried out recently, which is explained by several reasons. Currently, many scientists have switched to more “fashionable” research into cell technologies (stem cells) and embryonic tissue therapy. Of great importance was the fact that at about 13

14 Tissue placental therapy For 15 years (from the mid-80s to the end of the 90s), all placentas after birth were sent to Western European countries for use in the cosmetic industry. The lack of specialists in tissue therapy has also proven to be a limiting factor in the development of this method. Unlike homeopathy, acupuncture and other areas of alternative medicine, this method was not promptly included in the register of medical specialties. If there are no specialists, then it is difficult for doctors, except obstetricians and gynecologists, to assess the condition and suitability of the placenta for use (signs of infection, postmaturity, malformations, etc.). Considering the above, the purpose of this publication is not only the desire to familiarize a wide range of doctors and patients with the method of tissue therapy according to V.P. Filatov, but also the intention to try to breathe a second life into this wonderful method, the desire to resume research in this area. Most of the works referred to by the author of this book are based on extensive clinical and experimental material and leave no doubt about their reliability. Currently, placental therapy is being studied most deeply in Ukraine. Professor V.I. Grishchenko, for example, introduced cryobiological technologies into tissue therapy and for the first time began to use them in pregnant women for various complications of pregnancy. A large number of studies are also carried out at the Odessa Research Institute of Eye Diseases and Tissue Therapy named after Acad. V.P. Filatov, where they are being implemented modern materials for tissue therapy and proposed new treatment methods for various diseases. In the book, the terms “tissue therapy” and “placenta implantation” are often used interchangeably; This is due to the fact that for more than 50 years, only the placenta has been the implanted tissue. Special thanks must be expressed to Dr. Irina Sergeevna Loginova, who provided invaluable assistance in preparing the published material. 14

15 1. HISTORY OF THE METHOD OF TISSUE THERAPY AND ITS ESSENCE The essence of the method of tissue therapy is that tissues of animals and plants, separated from a living organism and preserved in conditions unfavorable for their existence, but not killing them, undergo biochemical restructuring. As a result, the formation and accumulation of special substances, which were first called “resistance substances” and then “biogenic stimulants”. Isolated from tissues and introduced into the patient’s body, biogenic stimulants increase vital functions and activate recovery processes in organs. At the same time, the body’s resistance to a number of pathogenic factors increases, which contributes to its recovery. Biogenic stimulants activate metabolism, synthesis of animal protein, increase the content of protein nitrogen and nucleic acids in the blood and organs, increase the tone of the central and autonomic nervous system, normalize hormonal function, etc. The question of the importance of the body’s defenses, as well as methods of stimulating and strengthening them to combat the pathological process, has not yet been sufficiently developed. All means of influencing the body to help return the patient to his normal state physiological state, should be based on protective physiological properties body against the influence of harmful factors. These funds are academician I.P. Pavlov called the “physiological measure” of the organism 15

16 Placental tissue therapy against the disease. Such therapy, applied unconsciously, was the injections, cauterizations, incisions used in the old days, as well as treatment with mud and mineral springs. Observed positive results and were the first steps towards a general impact on the body in order to mobilize its “internal forces” to fight the disease. Since the time when medicine began to use these remedies with scientific justification, they have evolved into a wide range of modern types of therapy: balneotherapy, mud therapy, physiotherapy, x-ray therapy and other types of “irritation therapy”. The use of various extracts from plant, animal and human tissues also refers to one of the methods of general influence on a living organism. The doctrine of tissue therapy arose and successfully developed in the Soviet Union. One of the founders of this trend in Soviet medicine was Academician M.P. Pushnov. He developed an original theory of using waste products and the breakdown of body cells “natural cellular poisons” for treatment various diseases, restoration of vitality and fight against old age. He called these tissue stimulants “histolisates” and successfully cured a number of functional disorders of the female reproductive system, hyperthyroidism, and hypolactation. In each case, M.P. Pushnov used specific lysates. Tissue therapy in its modern form was developed in the works of Academician V.P. Filatova. Unlike M.P. Pushnov, who gave the most great importance tissue breakdown products, V.P. Filatov believed that her therapeutic effect is determined by specific substances that are produced and accumulated by living cells in the process of their fight against death in tissue separated from the whole organism. The idea of ​​tissue therapy arose while solving the problem of corneal transplantation. Usually, human material was used for these purposes. Corneas were removed from patients due to injury or other serious illnesses. The amount of such material was very small, while it was needed - 16

17 History of the method of tissue therapy and its essence given in this operation there were a huge number all over the world. Based on numerous studies by V.P. Filatov found that the cornea of ​​deceased people can be preserved in conditions of low temperature for several days without losing its transplant properties. The results of these studies and the detailed work developed by V.P. Filatov discovered the technique of corneal transplant surgery real opportunity restoring sight to millions of blind people. Having accumulated sufficient material, the scientist began to examine the results of his work. When analyzing the results of operations, he discovered an interesting phenomenon accompanying the engraftment of the transplant, the clearing of the cloudy tissue of the cataract around the transplanted material and the gradual healing of the cornea changed by the pathological process. This was almost always detected in cases where tissue preserved in the cold was used for transplantation. At the same time, clearing of the cataract around the transplant from cadaveric cornea preserved in the cold was observed more often and was expressed to a much greater extent than when transplanted from “fresh” cornea. This fact could only indicate that, along with the transplanted cornea, some biologically active substances enter the patient’s body and accumulate in the graft during its preservation by cold. These substances stimulate vitality in the transplanted cornea and regenerative activity in the surrounding cataract. Subsequently, another significant discovery was made: with a bilateral cataract, as a result of the operation of transplanting a cadaveric cornea into one eye, the cornea cleared in the other eye. Interested, V.P. Filatov began to closely study this unusual process. He wanted to know why cornea transplants gave better results if they were exposed to the cold for several days. For several years he worked on solving this problem at the Odessa Research Institute of Eye Diseases. The study of cadaveric corneal transplantation led to the creation of the theory of “tissue therapy.” What is the essence of this 17

18 Placental tissue therapy discovered by Academician Filatov? It is as follows: tissues separated from the body, under conditions that complicate life processes in them, maximally mobilize all remaining reserves, they produce new substances that are a powerful stimulator of metabolic processes in all organs and tissues. According to Academician V.P. Filatov, during cryopreservation of tissue separated from the body, the struggle for life continues in it, and there is an active tension in metabolic processes. As a result of this “struggle”, highly active “resistance substances” or “biogenic stimulants” are formed in the tissue. These substances, when introduced into the body, cause a powerful healing effect. They have a stimulating effect on the patient’s metabolic processes and increase his resistance to disease. It has been shown that fresh tissue can also exhibit a healing effect when transplanted into the body, but the therapeutic effect is much less pronounced compared to cold-preserved tissue. Academician V.P. Filatov tried to transfer the results of his research to objects of the plant world and there he received confirmation of his guesses. Thus, the scientist suggested that if a plant is deprived of light (the most necessary factor for its existence), this will lead to the formation of biologically active substances in it. By preserving aloe leaves in the dark, he discovered a significant increase in their medicinal effect. Numerous experiments by Filatov’s students and followers have shown that “resistance substances” are also formed in some other plants. This was the beginning of a new, completely unknown previously, method of treatment. Discovered by Filatov new method therapy of eye diseases by transplantation of preserved tissues was very soon used for a number of other diseases. His first patient was a woman with incurable lupus. As a result of transplantation of cold-preserved cadaveric skin, the patient fully recovered. The healing of this patient gave birth to the theory of “tissue therapy.” 18

19 History of the tissue therapy method and its essence So, the theory has turned into reality. Corneal transplantation was the basis on which the general principle of treatment with preserved tissue transplantation was born and developed. Filatov began to widely implement his method in clinical practice. The range of diseases for which tissue therapy was used expanded. The scientist took pieces of skin, spleen, cartilage and other tissues, subjected them to cold cryopreservation and transplanted them into patients. Trophic ulcers of the lower leg, which could not be cured before, for a long time non-healing wounds, extensive scars after burns and other serious diseases disappeared relatively quickly when using the new method. It was successfully used by Filatov and for various internal diseases: for stomach ulcers, bronchial asthma, etc. The results obtained were striking in their effectiveness. As already mentioned, academician. V.P. Filatov also noted that when patients with a cataract in both eyes received a cornea transplant to one of them, the cataract on the other eye became more transparent. Apparently, this happened under the influence of resistance substances that are produced in the transplanted tissue. The transplanted piece of cornea had a diameter of 4 mm and weighed less than 0.2 g. It is difficult to imagine how small an amount of biologically active substances entered the patient’s blood from the transplanted cornea. But, fact is fact, they still gave such an amazing effect. This suggested the conclusion that resistance substances have very high biological activity. The scientist suggested that they have the properties of catalysts, which in very small doses can change the course of chemical reactions. Based on his hypothesis, Academician Filatov explained why plants grow faster at night than during the day. This occurs as a result of the production of biologically active substances in them at night due to the deterioration of living conditions. These substances enhance growth; this was found when applying fertilizers from aloe leaves preserved in the dark. Agronomists know that best performance Seeds subjected to cooling give germination. This fact is easy 19

20 Tissue placental therapy is explained by assuming that when cooled, biologically active substances are formed in the seeds. There are other, insufficiently explained phenomena that can be deciphered based on the hypothesis of Acad. V.P. Filatova. This hypothesis implies that if the body of an animal or plant finds itself in difficult conditions for them, a profound restructuring of chemical processes occurs in its tissues and, as a result, biologically active substances are formed. It may seem surprising that the same treatment method is effective for such diverse diseases that have nothing in common. Filatov explained this versatility by the fact that tissue therapy does not affect the causative agent of the disease or the affected organs, but only mobilizes the protective forces inherent in the body, and thus promotes recovery. Just as the protective reactions of a sick organism are diverse, so is the effect of tissue therapy. In some cases, it promotes the resorption of the inflammatory process, in others it stimulates activity connective tissue, thirdly, it causes clearing of the cornea, and fourthly, it increases immunity. This is why tissue therapy can be useful for numerous diseases. The influence of biogenic stimulants on the entire body is proven to be enormous clinical experience application of this method for various diseases. As clinical and experimental studies have shown, biogenic stimulants also activate physiological processes. By stimulating the activity of basic physiological mechanisms, they thereby increase the reactivity of the entire organism and the level of its protection. At the first stages, tissue treatment was carried out in the form of implantation under the skin and conjunctiva. Then a manufacturing technique was developed and implemented aqueous extracts from preserved tissues that were injected. Full description methods are available in special instructions for the manufacture and use of tissue preparations - 20

21 History of the method of tissue therapy and its essence, published by the Ukrainian Experimental Institute of Eye Diseases named after. acad. V.P. Filatova. As noted above, being a practical treatment method, tissue therapy brought enormous benefits during the Great Patriotic War. Thousands of wounded people were saved with its help amid a lack of antibiotics and a shortage of medicines. Thus, Filatov went far beyond the boundaries of ophthalmology, applying the treatment method he discovered in other areas of medicine. His hypothesis also gave impetus to numerous studies that are still being conducted in various branches of science. The doctrine of tissue therapy is based on the fundamental position put forward by Russian medical science about the leading role of the patient’s body itself in the course and outcome of any disease. Each new method, as a rule, goes through certain stages in its development. In the history of tissue therapy, three stages can be distinguished: 1st stage accumulation clinical observations(years); 2nd stage conducting experimental clinical studies (years); Stage 3: widespread introduction of the method in various fields of medicine and veterinary medicine (since 1968). First stage the development of tissue therapy can be called a period of clinical observations, although at this time certain morphological and biochemical research to study the effect of low temperature on tissue. The development of tissue therapy at the very beginning was characterized by the accumulation of data primarily in the field of ophthalmology. Tissue preparations have found widespread use for corneal opacities and dystrophy, atrophy optic nerve, diabetic retinopathy, progressive myopathy. They helped stabilize the process, expand the field of vision, and increase its sharpness. Later it was found that tissue therapy is effective not only for eye pathologies. According to numerous authors, this method has a therapeutic effect at 21

22 Placental tissue therapy for diseases such as bronchial asthma, peptic ulcer of the gastrointestinal tract, polyarthritis, thyrotoxicosis, hypofunction of the gonads, etc. The following most important events in the history of tissue therapy: In 1936, the first monograph by academician was published. Filatova "Tissue therapy". In 1938, at the Second Ukrainian Congress of Ophthalmologists in Odessa, Academician V.P. Filatov made a presentation “From optical corneal transplantation to therapeutic transplant fabrics." The Congress highly appreciated the brilliant results obtained by V.P. Filatov when transplanting cold-preserved tissues for the treatment of a number of diseases. It was stated that tissue therapy is a new biological principle of treatment in medicine. In 1941, academician V.P. Filatov was awarded the Stalin Prize of the first degree for outstanding achievements in the field of corneal transplantation and tissue therapy. During the Great Patriotic War, 97 scientific papers were published on the problem of tissue therapy. Books by V.P. were published in separate editions. Filatov “Tissue therapy” (Tashkent, 1943) and “Optical corneal transplantation and tissue therapy” (Moscow, 1945). In 1951, the USSR Ministry of Health issued Order 100 “On the widespread introduction of tissue therapy according to the method of Academician V.P. Filatov to medical and preventive institutions of the USSR." The “Instructions for the production and use of tissue preparations” was approved and published in large quantities. Since 1956, the Institute of Eye Diseases in Odessa began to be called the Ukrainian Research Institute of Eye Diseases and Tissue Therapy named after. acad. V.P. Filatova. The introduction of tissue preparations into the body significantly increases its regenerative properties. In this regard, they began to be used in surgical practice to stimulate wound healing and resorption of adhesions, as well as as a means of promoting bone healing in fractures. In dermatology, tissue preparations have proven effective in various 22

23 History of the tissue therapy method and its essence for dermatoses, tuberculous lupus, psoriasis, chronic eczema. In the process of tissue therapy, pain in causalgia, radiculitis, and phantom pain decreased. It is characteristic that preserved tissue preparations most clearly demonstrate their therapeutic effect in diseases that are accompanied by a reduced regenerative ability of the body: with sluggish inflammatory processes, trophic disorders, general atony due to nervous or muscle fatigue. The effect of increasing the body's resistance to a pathological agent was a theoretical justification for the systematic preventive administration of tissue preparations for chronic diseases with a tendency to relapse. Establishing a clearly defined preventive action tissue therapy. For example, in an experiment on animals, when using such strong poisons, such as strychnine, dicoumarin, strophanthin, an increase in the resistance of the organism to them, previously prepared with tissue preparations, was revealed. While in the control group of animals mortality after the administration of poisons occurred in 100% of cases, in the group that received preliminary preparation only in 30%. Similar experiments were carried out many times on a large number of animals, and the effect was always unambiguous. The effect of preliminary administration of tissue preparations on the development of the disease was studied in animal models of gastric ulcers, atherosclerosis, liver cirrhosis, myocardial infarction, and the presence of an undoubted preventive effect. These data served as the basis for the use of tissue preparations in geriatrics and gerontology to prevent premature aging. Extensive research conducted at the Research Institute of Eye Diseases and Tissue Therapy named after. acad. V.P. Filatova, together with the Institute of Gerontology of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, established the positive effect of such drugs on the function of the cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system, central nervous system and others 23

24 Placental tissue therapy of the aging organism system. Renal activity is also regulated and normalized hormonal function adrenal cortex, general well-being noticeably improves. Thus, this method is of great importance in the fight against premature aging. The scope of tissue therapy is constantly expanding. It is successfully used in the treatment of gynecological diseases, pulmonary tuberculosis, and in the clinic of childhood diseases. This is facilitated by the established fact that the effect of drugs is enhanced when combined with tissue preparations, which allows clinicians to develop rational schemes for the complex treatment of patients. In recent years, tissue therapy has begun to be used in pregnant women to improve the condition of the fetus and treat placental insufficiency. The mechanism by which tissue therapy affects the body is multifaceted. Numerous studies have shown that tissue therapy normalizes metabolic processes in the body, has antioxidant and detoxifying properties, stimulates the immune system, which ultimately determines its ability to increase the body’s resistance to adverse environmental factors. Tissue preparations easily penetrate cell membranes and biological barriers, resulting in the rapid completion of their pharmacological effect. In intracellular environments, drugs are broken down into their constituent components, which are easily excreted from the body, mainly in the urine. In contrast to antibiotics and other drugs that forcibly change the functions of certain biochemical systems, tissue therapy creates the most favorable conditions in the body for the manifestation of its own protective mechanisms and compensatory capabilities, returning impaired metabolic reactions to physiological norms. This is its main difference and advantage. Important role tissue therapy played a role in veterinary medicine and animal husbandry, which is not surprising. It should be emphasized that 24

25 The history of the tissue therapy method and its essence even in the initial period of development of this method, this possibility was predicted by V.P. Filatov. Tissue preparations are used not only for the treatment and prevention of various diseases, but also to stimulate the physiological functions of the body; to increase the digestibility of products, obtain greater weight gain when fattening farm animals. Animal studies have convincingly confirmed the high biological activity of tissue preparations. Clinical and experimental data revealed more and more new medicinal properties in tissues preserved during low temperature. For theory and practice, it was very important to clarify the question of whether corneal tissue is exclusively the site of accumulation of therapeutically active substances during cryopreservation, or whether similar processes can be observed in other isolated tissues preserved in the cold. The list of such fabrics has expanded significantly over time. In addition to the cornea and skin, muscle tissue, peritoneum, placental tissue, spleen, as well as tissue fluids, chamber fluid, vitreous body, and cerebrospinal fluid were tested. Thus, tissue therapy according to V.P. Filatov is a nonspecific treatment method that increases the body’s resistance due to its regulatory effect on enzyme systems, immunobiological reactivity and the central nervous system. Tissue preparations can be classified as adaptogens, which have the ability to control the physiological functions of the body as bioregulators. They are able to facilitate its adaptation to physical, chemical and psychological influences environment. In modern conditions, tissue therapy is most rationally used in three directions: 1) in the form of a preventive bioregulator of the body's resistance when exposed to environmentally unfavorable factors (starvation, toxic substances, ionizing radiation), to prevent premature aging; 2) as 25

26 Placental tissue therapy is a therapeutic agent, both alone and in combination with other methods of treatment for various diseases and to prevent their relapses; 3) as a method of general healing and rejuvenation of the body. The study of the method of tissue therapy is of interest to a wide range of specialists, as it comes into contact with many areas of knowledge in biology, physiology, biochemistry, morphology, immunology, veterinary medicine, clinical medicine, etc. 26

27 2. HUMAN PLACENTA Of all organs human body the placenta is probably the most mysterious and little-studied. The mystery of how the placenta inhibits fetal rejection without disrupting the functioning of the mother’s immune system has not yet been fully solved. After all, the placenta and fetus are genetically unique and completely different from the mother’s body in their protein composition. The most important question about the antitumor effect of placental drugs is also under study. Placentology (the science of the placenta) is currently addressing these problems. Placentology is developing intensively these days, within its framework international and national congresses, publishes the magazine “Placenta”. It brings together specialists of various profiles: morphologists, physiologists, obstetricians-gynecologists, biochemists, immunologists, geneticists, specialists ultrasound diagnostics. The word “placenta” is translated from Greek as “flat pie”, “flatbread”. The human placenta is a discoidal type of hemochorial villous placenta. It is the main component of the placenta, which also includes the umbilical cord and extraplacental membranes. Naturally, historically, the placenta has attracted people's attention since ancient times. Many peoples of the world have developed various traditions associated with the placenta, in which it was endowed magical properties. In Russia, midwives advised burying her under the threshold after childbirth 27

28 Tissue placental therapy or in a hole in which a tree was planted, a symbolic twin of the born child. In the legends of some peoples, the placenta with the umbilical cord is an “antenna” connecting the child with the world from which he came. The mystery of this organ so captured the imagination of the ancient Egyptians that they even placed its image on their banners. Quite preserved detailed descriptions placenta of the son of the ancient Egyptian pharaoh Amenhotep IV with predictions of his future. The first manifestations of scientific interest in the placenta can be traced back to the time of Hippocrates (c. 460 c. 370 BC), who designated the relationship between the fetus and the mother with the term “cotyledon” (“suction pillow”). Aristotle (BC) coined the term “chorion,” which means “after birth.” The term “placenta” was first proposed by Realdus Columbus in the 16th century. The placenta is an extremely peculiar and in many respects unique organ. It differs from all other organs in many ways, some of which are mentioned below. 1. The placenta is a temporary, provisional organ that develops during pregnancy in a short period (9 months) and manages to grow old during the same period of time, however, the name “placenta” is applicable only after the 14th week. 2. The placenta lacks nerve fibers and lymphatic vessels, which makes it unique in terms of the mechanisms of regulation and integration of the functions it performs. 3. The placenta is constantly developing. During pregnancy, its structure and functions change significantly, taking into account the needs of the fetus. During its development, the placenta goes through the stages of differentiation, growth, maturity and aging. This pace of development places special demands on the metabolic processes underlying its functional activity. They must have high intensity and provide ever-increasing control over regulatory mechanisms. 28

29 Human placenta 4. The placenta is located on the border of two genetically foreign organisms of mother and fetus and is formed with the participation of two genetically different systems. There is no other such heterogeneous organ in nature. This feature attracts the interest of specialists studying issues of immunological compatibility and transplantation immunity. The placenta is both a maternal and fetal organ. Thus, it not only connects two organisms that have different antigenic properties, but also separates them. 5. The placenta consists of only two tissues: connective and epithelial. Both of these tissues are embryonic. The main role here is played by syncytiotrophoblast, the surface layer of the trophoblast of the human embryo. It is a simplast with fragmented and giant nuclei. The total surface of the syncytiotrophoblast can reach 20 m². It performs the function of suction nutrients from the mother's blood and produces proteolytic enzymes that promote the introduction of chorionic villi into the uterine tissue. The total length of the fibers can reach 50 km. 6. The placenta is the only organ that can be studied in isolation from the human body without harming its former owner. Moreover, if certain conditions are created (nutrition through double perfusion), it can remain viable outside the body for quite a long time. 7. The placenta can be considered the most important department diffuse neuroendocrine-immune system due to its uniqueness in terms of integration of functions and the presence of key regulatory neuropeptides and hormones. Numerous studies have proven that the placenta synthesizes more than 100 biologically active substances related to neuroendocrine regulation: hormones, growth factors, enzymes, receptors, inhibitors, transport and binding proteins, etc. 8. The placenta has two circulatory systems. : fetal and maternal bloodstreams, which are separated from each other by the hematoplacental barrier. Thickness 29

30 Placental tissue penetration of this barrier, especially towards the end of pregnancy, is very small, but there is no direct contact between the blood of the mother and the fetus. The hematoplacental barrier is formed by the walls of the uterine and fetal vessels located closely in the placenta, as well as the tissues surrounding them. It consists of fetal capillary endothelium, a layer of loose connective tissue, trophoblast basement membrane and syncytiotrophoblast. It should be noted the huge area of ​​the placenta vessels is about 11 m². 9. With a fairly simple structure, the placenta is the most complex organ in mammals and humans in terms of the composition of the biologically active substances it contains. Structure of the placenta. After fertilization of the egg, the first organ that begins to develop is the placenta. When a fertilized egg divides into two first cells, one of them is intended for the development of the placenta, and the second for the fetus. The placenta is formed due to the expanding trophoblast (fetal membrane) and the decidual (rejected) part of the uterine mucosa, with the help of which the placenta is attached to its wall. From the growing trophoblast, villi are formed in large numbers, and the cells covering them lose their boundaries and turn into syncytiotrophoblast. This syncytium ensures the germination of villi into the mucous membrane of the uterus, which facilitates the implantation of the embryo into its wall. The hemochorionic type of placenta involves “bathing the villi in the mother’s blood lakes.” Due to the trophoblast, which turns into a villous membrane (chorion) with blood vessels grown into the villi, the fetal part of the placenta is formed. The maternal part of the placenta is formed from the mucous membrane of the uterus, in which the uterine glands are located and spiral arteries and veins pass. This part of the mucous membrane is called the decidua basalis. Externally, the mature placenta resembles a thick, soft cake (Fig. 1 and 2). The average weight of the placenta is g, thickness 2-4 cm, diameter cm. The maternal surface of the mature placenta usually has a grayish-red color and is represented by the remains of the basal 30

31 Human placenta Umbilical cord Chorion Amnion Fig.1. Fruit surface of Cotyledona Fig. 2. Mother surface 31

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Back in the 30s, the famous Odessa scientist and practitioner, ophthalmologist, academician V.P. Filatov proposed a number of tissues for introduction into the human body for therapeutic purposes. Of all the tissues, the most successful was the fresh postpartum placenta (baby place), which was used after appropriate preservation, which was named after V.P. Filatov. Fresh postpartum placenta is the most active due to its high content of a number of biologically active substances. Its high activity and effectiveness were proven in their research not only by V.P. Filatov himself, but also by his students and followers. Thus, in 1949, N.S. Kharchenko proved the presence of a large amount of hormones and biologically active substances in the placenta. In 1972, E.R. Barkadze and E.R. Bagramyan showed that the placenta is the only endocrine gland that simultaneously produces hormones of different chemical nature: both protein and steroid.

In the same 1972, I.I. Chikalo, O.S. Stepanova, S.A. Kozak determined that placental tissue contains 39 microelements. Amino acids and enzymes. The bulk of the fresh postpartum placenta preserved according to the method of V.P. Filatov is gamma globulin, which is directly related to the reactivity of the body and its increase.

Therefore, in 1949 N.S. Kharchenko, in 1950 V.P. Filatov and V.A. Biber, in 1968 M. Timar et al. and many others proved that placental tissue, or substances obtained from it, have extremely beneficial effect on the body. This is what contributed to the fact that the placental tissue preserved according to the method of Academician V.P. Filatov found its application: increasing the reactivity of the body, improving regulatory processes, stimulating the metabolic functions of the reticuloendothelial system. All this led to the use of this tissue in the treatment of many, many diseases, which is reflected in domestic and foreign literature.

According to K.A. Kurysheva (1957), tissue therapy of placenta preserved according to the method of Academician V.P. Filatov is effective method in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the internal genital organs in women. In such patients (with inflammation of the uterine appendages, etc.), the elevated temperature decreases, the morphological composition of the blood normalizes, complete or partial resolution of inflammation occurs, and a pronounced analgesic effect is observed. In 1958, M.P. Nikiforovsky showed that V.P. Filatov’s method is significantly effective in the treatment of menstrual function, including dysminorrhea, as well as primary and secondary infertility.

Enough good results This method was also used in the treatment row urological diseases : resorption of inflammatory infiltrates not only in situ pathological process, but also in the pelvic tissue, enhancing the effect of antibiotics in acute strepto- and staphylococcal infections. Using placental tissue grafting according to V.P. Filatov for bedwetting in 1956, E.A. Kobylchak received recovery and significant improvement in a large percentage of cases. And E.S. Osechkin used placenta transfer in the treatment of chronic complicated and uncomplicated gonorrhea in men and women, narrowing of the urethra (urethral strictures) and Peyronie’s disease (plastic induration of the penis in men).

In the 70s, placenta transfer was also used in the treatment of other diseases, such as: epilepsy, adhesive disease, depression of one kind or another, sexual dysfunction in men and women, trophic and other ulcers, cerebral atherosclerosis, other lesions of the central nervous system and others.

So, since there is an anti-inflammatory effect, placenta transfer is used for almost all chronic inflammatory diseases in principle, of all organs and systems, being both an independent method and enhancing the effect of antibiotics. Its second effect is resolving. Based on this, the effect of placenta transfer is expressed in a wide variety of adhesive processes, cicatricial changes after burns, and operations. Thirdly, there is an immunomodulatory effect, which at present, under unfavorable environmental conditions, is quite significant. Fourthly, the transplanted placental tissue has an antidepressant effect. Fifth, powerful biostimulation (when tissue is transplanted or preserved, a large number of biostimulants are formed in it).

Placental therapy is treatment with drugs that are made from the female placenta.

What is placental therapy?

Placental therapy is treatment with drugs made from the female placenta. They are produced in Japan.

If we look at history, the use of placenta began in Russia in 1933. Then Professor Vladimir Petrovich Filatov scientifically substantiated the technique of tissue therapy, which makes it possible to treat wounds, scars and burns using freshly frozen placenta.

In Japan, the production of placental preparations began in 1956. Their use is provided for by the state program for the improvement of the nation, and their production is a whole industry.

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A careful selection of female placenta donors is carried out. They are examined before pregnancy. If the pregnancy is progressing normally, then when the baby is born, the placenta is removed and stored frozen until the baby is six months old. If the child has no abnormalities up to six months, the placenta is sent for work.

What drugs are related to placental therapy and for what problems are they indicated?

There are three such drugs: “Laennec”, “Melsmon” and “Curasen”. On the territory of Russia they are registered as medications. They are used in areas such as gynecology, neurology, immunology, dermatology, cosmetology and gerontology.

If we talk about cosmetology, indications can be very different. Poor complexion, pigmentation, rashes, dry or excessively oily skin, decreased muscle tone, sagging skin, fine and deep wrinkles, rosacea, scars.

"Laennec" is used for intramuscular and intravenous administration. It is used as a hepatoprotector, that is, if a person has liver problems.

In cosmetology, injections are made pharmacopuncture, at certain points. An improvement in skin color, facial contours, and a lifting effect is achieved. The drug causes slight swelling at the injection points, which goes away after 30-40 minutes.

In this case, there is a systemic effect on the entire body:

  • increased performance,
  • reduction of stress,
  • relief from chronic fatigue,
  • improved sleep,
  • increased sexual activity,
  • improving quality of life.

Placental therapy increases performance, reduces stress, and improves quality of life.

“Laennec” is used in aesthetic cosmetology: in weight loss programs, anti-cellulite complexes, and helps maintain the quality of the skin and body.

"Melsmon" is a drug for subcutaneous administration. It is widely used in gynecology, cosmetology, and is also administered at certain points and patterns. With its help, metabolic processes are improved.

Stimulation of fibroblasts' own cells occurs, which produce collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid. This drug contains everything necessary to normalize cell function.

For cosmetologists, the drug is also interesting because it is used for alopecia of any origin, i.e. hair loss in both female and male patterns.

An average of 10 treatments are required on the scalp. The results are very good.

“Melsmon” is interesting for cosmetology because regimens have been developed for the treatment of pigmentations of various origins, the prevention of aging processes and the fight against signs of aging of the body as a whole; it also helps to treat other chronic skin diseases.

"Curasen" is most often used at the age of 35 years and older, when there are accumulated skin problems. The drug is administered intradermally. Its task is to prevent and combat skin aging processes. Used for any skin type for any problem. The result is pronounced and lasting. The complexion improves, the tone increases, rosacea decreases, the skin becomes radiant.

What are the contraindications?

Contraindications are the same as for all injection procedures. This is an aggravation chronic diseases body, on the skin, colds, autoimmune conditions, mental disorders. There may also be an allergic reaction, but this has not yet been encountered in practice.

At what age can therapy be used?

Mostly from the age of 18, but if a doctor prescribes treatment for a teenager, it can be done earlier.

What frequency of procedures is needed to achieve a visible effect?

If this is a general health effect, then, as a rule, 1-2 times a week, a course of 10 ampoules. If this therapeutic effect, for example, anti-cellulite with Laennec, then you need to administer 20 ampoules, which, if necessary, are placed for at least 4 days.

“Melsmona”, which works subcutaneously, if we talk about hair loss, you need at least 10 procedures.

Is therapy appropriate in the autumn season?

Therapy is not only appropriate, but beneficial. Normalization occurs, cell function is restored after the sun, and a powerful antioxidant effect occurs. The therapy prevents and fights the signs of photoaging.

What side effects might there be? Have you encountered anything like this in your practice?

The absence of hormones, proteins, and growth factors in the preparations eliminates the possibility of side effects.

A side effect can only be individual intolerance, which cannot be predicted. Allergic reactions in my practice and among the doctors who share their experience, there was no such thing.

Why should you not be afraid of placental injection therapy?

Because these drugs have been very well studied and have been successfully used all over the world for a long time. The drugs are certified in Russia. They solve many problems.

Today there is no alternative to them. Drugs that are administered by injection go directly to the destination in the required dose.

For comparison: when you take, for example, pills to maintain healthy hair or skin, the beneficial substances are used first for the needs of the body, and the skin and hair receive them on a residual basis. Therefore, you need a lot of tablets to be effective.

During the injection, the substance is delivered directly to the required level in the required concentration. The effect comes much faster.

Since the times of alchemists, people have struggled to create the elixir of youth. Herbal medicines and ointments from snake venom and animal organs, exercises to open energy centers... Japanese scientists managed to discover the secret formula for rejuvenation. Taking the mother's placenta as a basis, they spent 50 years looking for a way to cleanse it of unnecessary substances, including hormones, and leave only the most valuable. This is how the drugs Laennec and Melsmon were born.

Placental therapy using Laennec and Melsmon is a revolutionary rejuvenation technique! You will not only look, but also feel 10-15 years younger!

Placental preparations are produced using patented technology. When preparing biomaterial, all conditions for its collection, storage and processing are strictly observed. Particular importance is attached to the selection of donor tissue.

To obtain high-quality biomaterial it is necessary that:

  • the expectant mother was healthy (the list of diseases is discussed separately);
  • the placenta was taken only during natural uncomplicated childbirth;
  • the child was desired, the birth was planned;
  • the child was healthy and born on time;
  • The female donor underwent regular examinations and tests for infectious diseases.

How does placental therapy work?

Placental therapy is treatment with “smart” drugs that independently find areas of trouble in the body and immediately “get to work.” With the help of these drugs, liver cells are cleansed, blood viscosity is reduced, cerebral circulation and heart function are normalized, immunity is increased, and the activity of all organs and systems is optimized. As a result, the entire body is healed and rejuvenated.

In other words, placental therapy makes you younger both biologically and externally!

In this article we will look at the placental drugs Laennec and Melsmon.

What is Laennec?

« Laennec "is the brightest representative of drugs for placental therapy. The author of the invention is a Japanese scientist, Doctor of Medical Sciences Hiedo Kentaro, who in 1958 developed a medicine for liver diseases based on the maternal placenta.

"Laennec" is a hydrolyzate of human placenta high degree cleaning and is an absolutely natural, environmentally friendly and natural product for our body.

Unique bioactive substances contained only in the placenta provide the effect of skin rejuvenation at the cellular level. “Laennec” is an ideal preparation in its composition, which includes 18 amino acids, 11 cell growth factors, about 40 minerals, vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, C, D, E, over 100 enzymes, and other essential substances. A special feature of Laennec is that its components activate cell regeneration.

Placental therapy also helps remove toxins and waste from the body, improve hormonal status, and increase immunity.

Reviews of the drug "Laennec" indicate the constant effectiveness of "Laennec" injections for rejuvenating the body and increasing its defenses.

Methods of using the drug "Laennec":

  • intravenous drip (Laennec droppers);
  • intramuscularly;
  • pharmacopuncture method (impact on biologically active points);
  • combined.

Placental therapy procedures are comfortable, hypoallergenic and painless for the patient.

Effect of placental therapy

"Laennec" has a unique ability to accumulate and retain moisture and nutrients in the skin. This is why placental therapy gives such noticeable aesthetic results:

  • wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • pigmentation disappears;
  • the skin becomes fresh and moisturized;
  • turgor and elasticity are restored;
  • passes acne, spider veins;
  • Scars and post-acne dissolve;
  • pustules and fungal diseases are cured;
  • wounds and ulcers heal.

In addition, Laennec is effective against more than 70 different diseases and problems, including:

  • dermatological diseases (neurodermatitis, psoriasis, herpes, etc.);
  • stress, insomnia, chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • liver diseases (hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, etc.);
  • alcohol, drug and other types of intoxication;
  • deterioration cerebral circulation, vision, hearing, memory;
  • dysfunction and (or) diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • problems of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, etc.);
  • lipid metabolism disorders, excess weight, etc.;
  • allergic diseases, including bronchial asthma;
  • hair loss.

Placental therapy cannot be considered just a course of cosmetic procedures for the face and body. Rather, it is a natural rejuvenation and healing of the whole body, which is reflected in appearance. Today placental rejuvenation is available to patients of the MedicCity clinic!

MedicCity also presents the latest rejuvenation program using the drug MELSMON developed in Japan. " Melsmon " is created on the basis of placenta extract obtained by a unique molecular purification method.

The technique was developed in 1956 and has been constantly improved since then.

“Melsmon” is made from placenta that has undergone an extra-freezing procedure. The biomaterial is then dried, heated under water and steam pressure, and hydrolyzed. Using sophisticated membrane filters, it is divided into fractions and undergoes test control in independent laboratories. Reviews of the drug "Melsmon" speak of excellent prevention of aging and rejuvenation of the entire body.

A course of placental therapy restores the structure of the skin at the molecular level, gives an immediate lifting effect, evens out skin color, and actively eliminates dark spots, smoothes wrinkles, models the oval of the face.

Despite the obvious similarities between the two drugs, they also have certain differences. First of all, this is a method of purifying the material and a technology for preparing a solution for injection. “Melsmon” is distinguished by a higher purification system, it is absorbed faster by the body and gives a more pronounced rejuvenating effect. And “Laennec” is optimal for healing liver cells; It is also used for alcohol intoxication, complex treatment hepatitis and for weight loss.

It is better to administer Laennec intravenously, so it enters the blood faster and begins to act faster.

"Malsmon" is administered only subcutaneously. It is used to rejuvenate and renew the body, including during menopause.

This placental therapy drug helps with the following female diseases:

  • violations of the monthly cycle; - high-class professionals who master the most modern techniques and work only with high-quality, certified drugs.

    With the MedicCity clinic you will be young, healthy and beautiful!