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Coursework on rehabilitation of disabled people

INTRODUCTION 3 Chapter 1. THE CONCEPT OF DISABILITY AND SOCIAL REHABILITATION 5 1.1 The concept of disability 5 1.2. The concept of social rehabilitation 10 Chapter 2. SOCIAL WORKERS IN THE REHABILITATION OF DISABLED PEOPLE 15 2.1.Boarding homes 15 2.2.The role of the social worker 18 CONCLUSION 22 REFERENCES 24


Today, the process of social rehabilitation is the subject of research by specialists in many branches of scientific knowledge. Philosophers, psychologists, sociologists, social psychologists, teachers, etc. reveal different aspects of this process, explore the stages, mechanisms, factors, stages of social rehabilitation. According to the UN, there are about 450 million people in the world with disabilities of physical and mental development. This represents 1/10 of the planet's inhabitants. Data from the World Health Organization (WHO) indicate that the number of such people in the world reaches 13%. Disabled citizens are a subject of concern for the state, which puts social policy at the forefront of its activities. The main concern of the state in relation to disabled people is their material support (benefits, allowances, pensions, etc.). But disabled citizens need not only financial support. Providing them with effective organizational, psychological, physical and other assistance plays an important role. Disability - social phenomenon, which no society can avoid, and each state, in accordance with its capabilities, priorities and level of development, forms an economic and social policy towards people with disabilities. The extent of disability depends on many factors; socio-economic development, development of the healthcare system, state of health of the nation. In the Russian Federation, all of these factors have a pronounced negative orientation, which predetermines a significant spread of disability in society. The object of the course work is social rehabilitation of disabled people. The subject of the course work is social workers for the rehabilitation of disabled people. The purpose of the course work is to determine the role of social workers in the rehabilitation of disabled people. Objectives of the course work: - consider the concepts of disability and social rehabilitation - determine the role of social workers in the rehabilitation of people with disabilities. IN course work theoretical forecasting and modeling methods were used; methods of systems approach; method of dialectical evaluation of empirical data. In understanding the problem of disability as a social phenomenon, an important place is occupied by the concept of social norm, which was studied from different angles by R. Merton, M. Weber, T. Luckman, A.I. Kovaleva, V.N. Kudryavtsev and others. Issues of social rehabilitation of a disabled person in various aspects, problems of his status in society are considered in the works of such researchers as V.P. Belov, P.K. Anokhin, A.A. Dyskin, N.F. Dementieva, V.I. Lagunkina, E.I. Kim, A.I. Osadchikh, A.I. Mukhlaeva, L.P. Khrapylina, etc. Methodologically important are the works on the problems of social assistance to people with disabilities as a socially vulnerable category of the population by scientists such as V.G. Bocharova, S.A. Belicheva, I.A. Zimnyaya, L.G. Guslyakova, A.M. Panov, A.V. Martynenko, E.R. Smirnova-Yarskaya, M.N. Reush, E.I. Kholostova, V.N. Shabalin, B.Yu. Shapiro, etc.


Disability is the condition of an individual with mental, mental or physical impairments that create obstacles to productive work. This status established by special medical and social examination institutions. The first group of health limitations. In this category, disability is a severe social deficiency for which a person needs help. Disabled people of the second category have moderately severe limitations in their ability to live. They can often look after themselves and lead relatively independent lives, but need protection social services and the help of others. The third group is assigned to people who are almost completely independent and who are not hindered by disability from working and studying. Rehabilitation is the process of restoring health and ability to work that have been impaired by illness, injury, physical or social factors. Its goal is the quick and effective return of the patient to society, to work and everyday responsibilities. Social rehabilitation is the process of restoring in society the status of a person that he lost due to problems or difficult life situations. These include the onset of disability, migration, imprisonment, unemployment, etc. Social rehabilitation is a set of measures for closer interaction between the individual and society. It, on the one hand, includes a method of transferring social experience to individuals and a way of including it in the system of relationships, and on the other hand, personal changes. Disabled people, as a social category of people, are surrounded by healthy people in comparison with them and need more social support, assistance, and protection. The most physically severely disabled people are in boarding homes. Depending on the nature of the pathology, adult disabled people are kept in boarding homes of a general type, in psychoneurological boarding schools, children - in boarding homes for the physically disabled and for the mentally retarded. The activity of a social worker is determined by the nature of the pathology of a disabled person and correlates with his rehabilitation potential. To carry out the activities of a social worker in boarding homes, knowledge of the features of the functions and structure of these institutions is necessary. The role of the social worker is to create special environment in a boarding house and especially in those departments where young disabled people live. Environmental therapy occupies a leading place in organizing the lifestyle of young disabled people. The main direction is the creation of an active, effective living environment that would encourage young disabled people to engage in “independent activities”, self-sufficiency, and a departure from dependent attitudes and overprotection.


1.Galaganov V.P. Organization of work of social security authorities in Russian Federation(for colleges). Federal State Educational Standard, Publisher: Knorus. Year: 2016. 2. Kuzina I.G. Social work theory. Textbook Publisher: Prospekt. Year: 2016 3.Social security law: textbook / V.P. Galaganov. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: KNORUS, 2016. - 510 p. 4.Social security law: textbook / ed. KN Gusova. –. M.: PBOYuL Grachev S.M., 2015. - 328 p. 5. Social security law: a textbook for university students studying in the specialty “Jurisprudence” / [R.A. Kurbanov and others]; edited by R.A. Kurbanova, K.K. Gasanova, S.I. Ozozhenko. - M.: Yu NITI-DANA, 2014. - 439 p. 6. Social security law: textbook / team of authors; edited by V.Sh. Shaykhatdinova. - M.: JUSTICE, 2016. - 552 p. 7.Social security law: textbook / T.K. Mironov. - M.: KNORUS, 2016. - 312 pp. 8. Samygin S.I., Tsitkilov P.Ya., Tumaikin I.V.. Theory of social work for bachelors. Textbook. Federal State Educational Standard, Publisher: Phoenix. Year: 2016 9. Suleymanova G.V. Social security law. Textbook Publisher: Knorus. Year: 2016. 10. Tuchkova E. G., Akatnova M.I., Vasilyeva Yu.V. Social security law in Russia. Workshop. Textbook, Publisher: Prospekt. Year: 2016.



Currently, the process of social rehabilitation is the subject of research by specialists in many branches of scientific knowledge. Psychologists, philosophers, sociologists, teachers, social psychologists, etc. reveal various aspects of this process, explore mechanisms, stages and stages, factors of social rehabilitation.
According to the UN, there are approximately 450 million people in the world with mental and physical disabilities. This is 1/10 of the hour of the inhabitants of our planet.
Data from the World Health Organization (WHO) indicate that the number of such people in the world reaches 13%.
Disabled citizens in every country are the subject of concern of the state, which puts social policy at the forefront of its activities. The main concern of the state in relation to older people and disabled people is their material support (pensions, allowances, benefits, etc.). However, disabled citizens need not only material support. Providing them with effective physical, psychological, organizational and other assistance plays an important role.
Relevance of the work. Disability is a social phenomenon that no society can avoid, and each state, in accordance with its level of development, priorities and capabilities, forms a social and economic policy towards people with disabilities. Of course, the scale of disability depends on many factors, such as; state of health of the nation, development of the healthcare system, socio-economic development. In Russia, all of these factors have a pronounced negative orientation, which predetermines a significant spread of disability in society.
The purpose of this work consider the essence of rehabilitation of disabled people.
The tasks include:
    Consider the concept and essence of rehabilitation of disabled people;
    Describe the role of social workers in the rehabilitation of disabled people
    Employs disabled people and provides support in difficult life situations.

Chapter 1. Essence, concept, main types of rehabilitation of disabled people

Rehabilitation is an active process, the purpose of which is to achieve complete restoration of functions impaired due to illness or injury, or, if this is unrealistic, the optimal realization of the physical, mental and social potential of a disabled person, his most adequate integration into society. Thus, medical rehabilitation includes measures to prevent disability during the period of illness and help the individual achieve the maximum physical, mental, social, professional and economic usefulness of which he will be capable within the framework of existing disease. Among other medical disciplines, rehabilitation occupies a special place, since it considers not only the state of the organs and systems of the body, but also the functional capabilities of a person in his Everyday life after discharge from a medical institution.
According to the international classification adopted in Geneva in 1980, the following levels of medical, biological and psycho-social consequences of illness and injury are distinguished, which must be taken into account during rehabilitation: damage - any anomaly or loss of physiological, psychological structures or functions; disability - resulting from injury, loss or limitation of the ability to carry out daily activities in a manner or within the limits considered normal for human society; social restrictions - arising as a result of damage and disruption of life, restrictions and obstacles to fulfilling a social role considered normal for a given individual.
IN last years The concept of “health-related quality of life” has been introduced into rehabilitation. At the same time, it is the quality of life that is considered as an integral characteristic that must be focused on when assessing the effectiveness of rehabilitation of sick and disabled people.
A correct understanding of the consequences of the disease is of fundamental importance for understanding the essence of medical rehabilitation and the direction of rehabilitation effects.
The optimal solution is to eliminate or completely compensate for the damage through restorative treatment. However, this is not always possible, and in these cases it is desirable to organize the patient’s life in such a way as to exclude the influence of the existing anatomical and physiological defect on it. If the previous activity is impossible or negatively affects the state of health, it is necessary to switch the patient to such types of social activity that will most contribute to the satisfaction of all his needs.
The ideology of medical rehabilitation has undergone significant evolution in recent years. If in the 40s the basis of policy regarding chronically ill and disabled people was their protection and care, then in the 50s the concept of integrating sick and disabled people into ordinary society began to develop; Particular emphasis is placed on their training and their receipt of technical aids. In the 70s - 80s, the idea of ​​maximum adaptation of the environment to the needs of sick and disabled people, comprehensive legislative support for people with disabilities in the field of education, healthcare, social services and employment support was born. In this regard, it becomes obvious that the medical rehabilitation system depends to a very large extent on the economic development of society.
Despite significant differences in medical rehabilitation systems in different countries, international cooperation in this area is increasingly developing, and the question of the need for international planning and development of a coordinated program for the rehabilitation of physically disabled persons is increasingly being raised. Thus, the period from 1983 to 1992 was declared by the UN as the International Decade of Disabled Persons; In 1993, the UN General Assembly adopted the “Standard Rules for the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities,” which should be considered a benchmark in the field of rights of persons with disabilities in UN member countries. Apparently, further transformation of ideas and scientific-practical tasks of medical rehabilitation is inevitable, associated with the socio-economic changes gradually occurring in society. 1
The basic principles of medical rehabilitation are most fully outlined by one of its founders, K. Renker (1980):
Rehabilitation should be carried out from the very onset of illness or injury until the person’s full return to society (continuity and thoroughness).
The problem of rehabilitation must be solved comprehensively, taking into account all its aspects (complexity).
Rehabilitation should be accessible to everyone who needs it (accessibility).
Rehabilitation must adapt to the constantly changing structure of diseases, and also take into account technological progress and changes in social structures (flexibility).
Taking into account continuity, there are inpatient, outpatient, and in some countries (Poland, Russia) - sometimes also sanatorium stages of medical rehabilitation.
Since one of the leading principles of rehabilitation is the complexity of impacts, only those institutions in which a complex of medical, social and professional pedagogical activities are carried out can be called rehabilitation. The following aspects of these events are highlighted (Rogovoy M. A. 1982):
Medical aspect - includes issues of treatment, treatment-diagnostic and treatment-and-prophylactic plan.
Physical aspect - covers all issues related to the use of physical factors (physiotherapy, exercise therapy, mechanical and occupational therapy), with increasing physical performance.
Psychological aspect - acceleration of the process of psychological adaptation to a change as a result of the disease life situation, prevention and treatment of developing pathological mental changes.
Professional - for working persons - prevention of possible reduction or loss of ability to work; for disabled people - if possible, restoration of working capacity; This includes issues of determining ability to work, employment, occupational hygiene, physiology and psychology of work, and labor training and retraining.
Social aspect - covers issues of the influence of social factors on the development and course of the disease, social security of labor and pension legislation, the relationship between the patient and family, society and production.
Economic aspect - the study of economic costs and the expected economic effect when in various ways rehabilitation treatment, forms and methods of rehabilitation for planning medical and socio-economic measures.
Forms and methods of solution social problems disabled people. Historically, the concepts of “disability” and “disabled person” in Russia were associated with the concepts of “disability” and “sick”. And often methodological approaches to the analysis of disability were borrowed from healthcare, by analogy with the analysis of morbidity. Ideas about the origin of disability fit into the traditional schemes of “health - morbidity” (although, to be precise, morbidity is an indicator of ill health) and “sick - disabled”. The consequences of such approaches created the illusion of imaginary well-being, since relative indicators of disability against the background of natural population growth improved, which is why real incentives to search true reasons There was no increase in the absolute number of disabled people. Only after 1992 in Russia there was a crossover between the lines of fertility and mortality, and the phenomena of depopulation of the nation acquired a distinct character, accompanied by a steady deterioration in disability indicators, and serious doubts arose about the correctness of the methodology for statistical analysis of disability. Experts have long considered the concept of “disability”, starting mainly from biological prerequisites, regarding its occurrence mainly as a consequence of an unfavorable outcome of treatment. In this regard, the social side of the problem was narrowed to disability, as the main indicator of disability. Therefore, the main task of the medical labor expert commissions was to determine what professional activities the person being examined cannot perform, and what he can do was determined on the basis of subjective, predominantly biological, rather than socio-biological criteria. The concept of “disabled” was narrowed to the concept of “terminally ill”. Thus, the social role of a person in the current legal framework and specific economic conditions receded into the background, and the concept of “disabled person” was not considered from the point of view of multidisciplinary rehabilitation using social, economic, psychological, educational and other necessary technologies. Since the beginning of the 90s, the traditional principles of state policy aimed at solving the problems of disability and people with disabilities due to the difficult socio-economic situation in the country have lost their effectiveness. It was necessary to create new ones and bring them into compliance with the standards international law. Currently, a disabled person is characterized as a person who has a health disorder with a persistent disorder of body functions, caused by diseases, consequences of injuries or defects, leading to limitation of life activities and causing the need for his social protection (Federal Law “On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation”, 1995 ). Disability is one of the most important indicators of social ill-being of the population, reflects social maturity, economic viability, moral integrity of society and characterizes the violation of relationships between a disabled person and society. Considering the fact that the problems of disabled people affect not only their personal interests, but also to a certain extent affect their families, depend on the standard of living of the population and other social factors, it can be stated that their solution lies on a national, and not a narrow departmental plane, and in many respects determines the face of the state's social policy.
In general, disability as a problem of human activity in conditions of limited freedom of choice includes several main aspects: legal; social-environmental; psychological; socio-ideological; production and economic; anatomical and functional.
Legal aspect of solving problems of disabled people. The legal aspect involves ensuring the rights, freedoms and responsibilities of people with disabilities.
The President of Russia signed the Federal Law “On social protection disabled people in the Russian Federation." Thus, the especially vulnerable part of our society is given guarantees of social protection. Of course, the fundamental legislative norms regulating the position of a disabled person in society, his rights and responsibilities are necessary attributes of any rule of law state. Therefore, the entry into force of this Law should be welcomed. And now the new Law has come into force. Although it contains some errors and needs some improvement. For example, regarding the distribution of powers between federal authorities and authorities of the constituent entities of the Federation. But the appearance of such a document is a significant event, and above all for millions of Russian disabled people who finally received “their” law. After all, in order to survive, they must have economic, social and legal guarantees. And the law that came out establishes a certain scope of such guarantees. It is worth noting three fundamental provisions that form the basis of the Law.
The first is that disabled people have special rights to certain conditions for receiving education; provision of means of transportation; for specialized housing conditions; priority acquisition of land plots for individual housing construction, farming and gardening, and others.
The second important provision is the right of people with disabilities to be active participants in all those processes that relate to decision-making regarding their life activities, status, etc. Now federal executive authorities and executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation must involve authorized representatives of public associations of people with disabilities to prepare and make decisions affecting the interests of people with disabilities. Decisions made in violation of this rule may be declared invalid in court.
The third provision proclaims the creation of specialized public services: medical and social examination and rehabilitation. They are designed to form a system of ensuring the relatively independent life of disabled people. At the same time, among the functions assigned to the state service of medical and social examination is the determination of the group of disability, its causes, timing, time of onset of disability, the need of a disabled person for various types of social protection; determining the degree of loss of professional ability of persons who have received a work injury or occupational disease; level and causes of disability of the population, etc.
The law draws attention to the main directions for solving the problems of people with disabilities. In particular, it talks about their information support, issues of accounting, reporting, statistics, the needs of people with disabilities, and the creation of a barrier-free living environment. The creation of a rehabilitation industry as an industrial base for the social protection system for disabled people involves the production of specialized means that facilitate the work and life of disabled people, the provision of appropriate rehabilitation services and, at the same time, partial provision of their employment. The law talks about the creation of a comprehensive system of multidisciplinary rehabilitation of people with disabilities, including medical, social and professional aspects. It also touches on the problems of training professional personnel to work with disabled people, including disabled people themselves. It is important that these same areas have already been developed in more detail in the Federal Comprehensive Program " Social support disabled people." Actually, with the release of the Law, we can say that the Federal Comprehensive Program received a unified legislative framework. Now there is serious work to be done to ensure that the Law works. It is assumed that specialized public services will be created under the Ministry of Social Protection.
Social-environmental aspect.
Social-environmental includes issues related to the microsocial environment (family, work collective, housing, workplace etc.) and macrosocial environment (city-forming and information environment, social groups, labor market, etc.).
A special category of “objects” of service by social workers is a family in which there is a disabled person or an elderly person in need of outside help. A family of this kind is a microenvironment in which a person in need of social support lives. It seems to draw her into the orbit of an acute need for social protection. For a more effective organization of social services, it is important for a social worker to know the cause of disability, which may be due to a general illness, associated with being at the front (disabled war internationalists), or have been disabled since childhood. Belonging to a particular group of a disabled person is related to the nature of benefits and privileges. The role of the social worker is to, based on awareness of this issue, facilitate the implementation of benefits in accordance with existing legislation.
It turned out that the role of a social worker as an organizer, mediator, executor is most significant for these families in the following areas: moral and psychological support, medical care, social services. When assessing the need for moral and psychological support, of all its types, the most relevant for all families were the following: organizing communications with social security authorities, establishing contacts with public organizations and restoring ties with work collectives. In two-parent families, the ranking places in the need for these types of medical care are somewhat different: in the first place is the need for observation by a local doctor, in the second place - in dispensary observation, in the third place - in consultations with specialized specialists.
It was found that the greatest need of the surveyed families concerns social and domestic services. This is explained by the fact that disabled family members are limited in their mobility, require constant outside care and “tied” to themselves healthy people who cannot deliver food, medicine and provide them with various other household services related to leaving home. In addition, at present this can be explained by social tension, difficulties in food supply and in obtaining household services. In connection with these circumstances, the role of the social worker increases sharply. It is necessary to formulate the scope of activity of a social worker. In addition to those responsibilities that are set out in regulatory documents and qualification characteristics, taking into account the current situation, it is important not only to perform organizational and intermediary functions. Other types of activities are acquiring a certain relevance, including: awareness of the population about the possibility of wider use of the services of a social worker, the formation of the needs of the population (in a market economy) in protecting the rights and interests of disabled citizens, the implementation of moral and psychological support for the family, etc. Thus, The role of a social worker in interaction with a family with a disabled person or an elderly person has many aspects and can be presented in the form of a number of successive stages. The beginning of work with a family of this kind should be preceded by the identification of this “object” of influence by the social worker. In order to fully cover families with an elderly person or a disabled person who need the help of a social worker, it is necessary to use a specially developed methodology.

1.2. The role of social workers in the rehabilitation of disabled people

Disabled people, as a social category of people, are surrounded by healthy people in comparison with them and need more social protection, help, and support. These types of assistance are determined by legislation, relevant regulations, instructions and recommendations, the mechanism for their implementation is known.
It should be noted that all regulations relate to benefits, allowances, pensions and other forms of social assistance, which are aimed at maintaining life and passive consumption of material costs. At the same time, disabled people need assistance that could stimulate and activate disabled people and suppress the development of dependent tendencies. It is known that for a full, active life of disabled people it is necessary to involve them in socially useful activities, develop and maintain connections between disabled people and a healthy environment, government agencies of various profiles, public organizations and management structures.
Essentially, we are talking about the social integration of disabled people, which is the ultimate goal of rehabilitation.
According to the place of residence (stay), all disabled people can be divided into 2 categories:
1- located in boarding schools;
2 - living in families.
The specified criterion - place of residence - should not be perceived as formal. It is closely connected with the moral and psychological factor, with the prospects for the future fate of disabled people.
It is known that the most severely disabled people live in boarding homes. Depending on the nature of the pathology, adult disabled people are kept in boarding houses of a general type, in psychoneurological boarding schools, children - in boarding houses for the mentally retarded and with physical disabilities.
The activity of a social worker is also determined by the nature of the pathology of a disabled person and correlates with his rehabilitation potential. To carry out adequate activities of a social worker in boarding homes, knowledge of the features of the structure and functions of these institutions is necessary.
General boarding houses are designed for medical and social services for people with disabilities. They accept citizens (women over 55 years old, men over 60 years old) and disabled people of groups 1 and 2 over 18 years of age who do not have able-bodied children or parents obligated by law to support them.
The objectives of this boarding house are:
- creation of favorable living conditions close to those at home;
- organizing care for residents, providing them with medical care and organizing meaningful leisure time;
- organization of employment of disabled people.
In accordance with the main objectives, the boarding house carries out:
- active assistance in the adaptation of disabled people to new conditions;
- household facilities, providing those arriving with comfortable housing, equipment and furniture, bedding, clothing and shoes;
- organization of meals taking into account age and health status;
- medical examination and treatment of disabled people, organization of consultative medical care, as well as hospitalization of those in need in medical institutions;
- providing those in need with hearing aids, glasses, prosthetic and orthopedic products and wheelchairs;
- in accordance with medical recommendations, organizing employment that helps maintain active image life.
In general boarding houses there are young disabled people (from 18 to 44 years old). They make up about 10% of the total population of residents. More than half of them have been disabled since childhood. Their condition is very serious. This is evidenced by the predominance of disabled people of group 1.
The largest group consists of disabled people with consequences of damage to the central nervous system ( residual effects cerebral palsy, polio, encephalitis, trauma spinal cord and etc.).
Unlike older people with relatively limited needs, among which vital needs and those related to prolonging an active lifestyle predominate, young disabled people have needs for education and employment, for the fulfillment of desires in the field of recreational leisure and sports, for starting a family, etc.
In the conditions of a boarding home, in the absence of special workers on staff who could study the needs of young disabled people, and in the absence of conditions for their rehabilitation, a situation of social tension and dissatisfaction of desires arises. Young disabled people are essentially in conditions of social deprivation; they constantly experience a lack of information. The role of the social worker is to create a special environment in the boarding house and especially in those departments where young disabled people live. Environmental therapy occupies a leading place in organizing the lifestyle of young disabled people. The main direction is the creation of an active, effective living environment that would encourage young disabled people to engage in “independent activities”, self-sufficiency, and a departure from dependent attitudes and overprotection.
To implement the idea of ​​activating the environment, one can use employment, amateur activities, socially useful activities, sports events, organization of meaningful and entertaining leisure, and training in professions. Such a list of activities should not be carried out only by a social worker. It is important that all staff are focused on changing the style of work of the institution in which young disabled people are located.
In this regard, a social worker needs to be proficient in methods and techniques of working with persons serving people with disabilities in boarding homes. Given such tasks, the social worker must know functional responsibilities medical and support staff. He must be able to identify commonalities and similarities in their activities and use this to create a therapeutic environment.
To create a positive therapeutic environment, a social worker needs knowledge not only of a psychological and pedagogical plan. Often we have to resolve legal issues (civil law, labor regulation, property, etc.). Solving or assisting in solving these issues will contribute to social adaptation, normalization of relationships among young disabled people, and, possibly, their social integration.
When working with young disabled people, it is important to identify leaders from a contingent of people with a positive social orientation. Indirect influence through them on the group contributes to the formation of common goals, the unity of disabled people in the course of activities, and their full communication.
Communication, as one of the factors of social activity, is realized during work and leisure time. Long stay young disabled people in a kind of social isolation ward, which is a boarding school, does not contribute to the formation of communication skills. It is predominantly situational in nature, characterized by superficiality and instability of connections.
The degree of social and psychological adaptation of young disabled people in boarding schools is largely determined by their attitude towards their illness. It is manifested either by denial of the disease, or a rational attitude towards the disease, or “withdrawal into the disease.” This last option is expressed in the appearance of isolation, depression, constant introspection, and avoidance of real events and interests. In these cases, the role of the social worker as a psychotherapist is important, who uses various methods to distract the disabled person from a pessimistic assessment of his future, switches him to everyday interests, and orients him to a positive perspective.
The role of the social worker is to organize the social, everyday and socio-psychological adaptation of young disabled people, taking into account the age interests, personal and characterological characteristics of both categories of residents.
Providing assistance in the admission of disabled people to an educational institution is one of the important functions of the participation of a social worker in the rehabilitation of this category of persons.
An important section of a social worker’s activity is the employment of a disabled person, which can be carried out (in accordance with the recommendations of a medical labor examination) either in normal production conditions, or in specialized enterprises, or in home conditions.
Thus, the participation of a social worker in the rehabilitation of disabled people is multidimensional in nature, which presupposes not only a comprehensive education and awareness of the law, but also the presence of appropriate personal characteristics that allow a disabled person to trust this category of workers.

1.3. Employment of people with disabilities

Before 1995, there was practically no comprehensive approach to the social protection of people with disabilities. By resolution of January 16, 1995, the Government of the Russian Federation approved the federal comprehensive program “Social support for people with disabilities,” which includes five targeted subprograms. In November 1995, the Federal Law “On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as the law) was approved. 2 It lays the foundations of the legal framework for the social protection of people with disabilities, defines the goals of state policy in this area (providing people with disabilities equal opportunities with other citizens in the implementation of civil, political, economic, social and other rights and freedoms provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation) taking into account the principles and norms international law adopted in relation to persons with disabilities.

Applications to job responsibilities specialist in social work The structure of ITU activities includes the following:

Participation in assessing the severity of the disease;

Assessment of rehabilitation potential and rehabilitation prognosis;

Assessment of social and living status;

Determination of social protection measures, including rehabilitation, and, if necessary, correction of measures;

Identification of persons in need of social and medical assistance;

Identifying the causes of emerging medical and social problems among disabled people undergoing examination;

Assistance in solving these problems;

Promoting the integration of the activities of various state and public organizations and institutions to provide the necessary socio-economic assistance to people with disabilities;

Assistance in placing disabled people in treatment, preventive and educational institutions;

Promote more widespread use every disabled person own capabilities for social self-defense of people in need;

A social work specialist in the structure of the general technology of expert rehabilitation work occupies an intermediate place between an expert clinician and a rehabilitation specialist. Not having medical education, he uses clinical information to organize his activities. A social work specialist interacts with a rehabilitation specialist at the stage of developing and implementing individual rehabilitation programs for people with disabilities.

One of the tasks of a social work specialist as part of ITU Bureau is to determine the social status of a disabled person, which should be carried out during social and social-environmental diagnostics. Educational level, profession, employment status, and marital status are taken into account. The latter circumstance is especially important for judging the possibilities of social rehabilitation, which is the prerogative of a social work specialist. A disabled person in a family is a person who evokes the sympathy of close relatives and, at the same time, burdens family members due to the need to provide physical and social assistance to a disabled person. The family, as one of the instruments of social rehabilitation, depending on its structure and the psychological orientation of its members, can perform either an activating, rehabilitative role, or an inhibitory spontaneous activity, showing “overprotection” and “overprotection” of the disabled person, covering him from any attempts to fulfill social responsibility. useful activity.

The task of a social work specialist is not only to identify the composition of the family, but also to determine its attitude towards the disabled person. But also to formulate the attitude of this family towards the rehabilitation of a disabled person, taking into account the socio-economic opportunities and social culture of its members.

Analysis of the family situation of a disabled person is also important because it often has an economic aspect, since a disabled person may be the main source of financial support for the family. In this case, the need to help a disabled person find employment is identified in accordance with indications based on an assessment of clinical and social status.

As part of the analysis of the microsocial environment, a social work specialist identifies the immediate environment of a disabled person (friends, peers, former or current colleagues), the nature of contacts (emotional, formal) and their changes in connection with his disability.

During the examination of a disabled person, the state of living conditions is revealed: a separate apartment, a private house, a room in a communal apartment, a room in a dormitory, rented space, and the state of sanitary housing standards.

Next, it is necessary to identify issues such as the availability of utilities and telephone. For disabled people with damage to the musculoskeletal system, with visual and hearing impairments, it is important to clarify the issue of the condition of the apartment equipment in accordance with the type of defect, about the adaptation of the kitchen, about the presence of auxiliary devices, alarms that facilitate cooking, about the equipment of the hallway, bathroom, toilet, o the presence of special devices that ensure the everyday independence of a disabled person (putting on shoes, remote control for opening windows, doors, etc.).

The IPR form issued by the Federal State Institution ITU contains:

▪ passport part indicating the group and cause of disability, the degree of limitation of the ability to labor activity;

▪ medical rehabilitation program;

▪ vocational rehabilitation program;

▪ social rehabilitation program;

▪ psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation program (for children under 18 years of age);

▪ conclusion on the implementation of an individual rehabilitation program.

The medical rehabilitation program is developed by a rehabilitation specialist together with medical specialists from the ITU institution who conducted the examination.

The vocational rehabilitation program is filled out by a rehabilitation specialist together with a career guidance specialist based on the conclusion of medical specialists from the MSE institution on the degree of limitation of the disabled person’s ability to work. IN necessary cases Medical specialists from the ITU institution, as well as a psychologist, are involved in the development of a professional rehabilitation program.

The social rehabilitation program is developed by a rehabilitation specialist together with a social work specialist and a psychologist.

A psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation program is being developed for children recognized as disabled, under the age of 18. In addition to a rehabilitation specialist, a psychologist, a social work specialist, and a teacher at an ITU institution take part in its development. If necessary, specialists from educational institutions, medical-psychological-pedagogical commissions and other organizations are involved as consultants in the development of this program.

145. Social and medical work with persons suffering mental illness, formation of tolerance towards persons suffering from mental illnesses:

Social and medical work with persons suffering from mental illness is carried out in accordance with Federal law“On psychiatric care and guarantees of the rights of citizens during its provision.” Social and medical work includes care and medical and social rehabilitation of persons suffering from mental disorders. Social and medical work is carried out with persons seeking psychiatric help.

Psychiatric assistance is provided upon the person’s voluntary application or consent. A minor under the age of 15, as well as a person recognized as legally incompetent, is provided with psychiatric care at the request or with the consent of their legal representatives. Federal Law “On Psychiatric Care and Guarantees of the Rights of Citizens in Its Provision” dated July 2, 1992 No. 3185.

Information about the fact of seeking help, the state of health of a citizen, the diagnosis of his disease and other information obtained during his examination and treatment constitute a medical secret. The citizen must be confirmed with a guarantee of confidentiality of the information transmitted to him.

Disclosure of information constituting medical confidentiality by persons to whom it became known during training, performance of professional, official and other duties is not permitted, except in cases established by law.

The state guarantees:

1. emergency psychiatric care;

2. consultative and diagnostic” therapeutic, psychoprophylactic, rehabilitation assistance in out-of-hospital and inpatient conditions;

3. all types psychiatric examination, definition of temporary disability;

4. social assistance and assistance in employment of persons suffering from mental disorders;

5. resolving custody issues.

The provision of social and medical assistance to a person suffering from a mental disorder is carried out after receiving his written consent, with the exception of cases provided for by law. Professionals providing assistance are obliged to provide a person suffering from a mental disorder, in a form accessible to him and taking into account his mental state, information about services and types of assistance and expected results. A record is made of the information provided in medical documentation. Social and medical work can be carried out without the consent of a person suffering from a mental disorder, or without the consent of his legal representative, only when compulsory medical measures are applied on the grounds provided for by the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, as well as in case of involuntary hospitalization.

A person suffering from a mental disorder or his legal representative has the right to refuse or terminate the proposed medical and social services.

The formation of tolerance depends largely on individual characteristics: existing moral principles, ethical attitudes, development of intellectual and emotional-volitional spheres, level of development mental processes, personal experience, relationships. Thus, the formation of tolerance is influenced by: education of moral quality, respectful attitude towards the individual, actualization positive traits, positive social experience, fostering acceptance and understanding of people with mental disabilities, the ability to interact positively with them, creating a tolerant environment, possessing socio-psychological knowledge about the problems of people with mental disabilities, teaching individualized interaction techniques, correctly assessing oneself and others, removing barriers that interfere with real communication with these categories of people through diagnosis and correction of personal qualities and skills. Comprehensive and systematic implementation of all measures aimed at creating a tolerant attitude in society.

146. Persons entitled to a labor pension. The right to choose a pension and the procedure for applying for it. Conditions for assigning and amounts of old-age labor pensions:

In order to qualify for a labor pension, a person must meet three necessary conditions listed in Art. 3 of the Federal Law “On Labor Pensions”. Firstly, the person must be a citizen of the Russian Federation. Foreign citizens and stateless persons have the right to receive a labor pension only if they reside permanently on the territory of the Russian Federation. Secondly, to obtain the right to a labor pension, a person must be insured in accordance with the Federal Law “On Compulsory Pension Insurance in the Russian Federation”. Thirdly, the person must fulfill the conditions stipulated by the Federal Law “On Labor Pensions” necessary to receive a labor pension.

Article 4. Right to choose a pension: 1. Citizens entitled to simultaneously receive labor pensions various types, in accordance with this Federal Law, one pension is established at their choice.

3. An application for a labor pension (part of a labor pension) can be made at any time after the right to a labor pension (part of a labor pension) arises, without any time limit.

Application procedure: 6. Citizens submit an application for a pension to the territorial body Pension Fund Russian Federation at place of residence.

7. Citizens may apply for a pension at any time after the right to it arises, without any time limit, by submitting an appropriate application directly or through a representative. An application for an old-age pension can be accepted by the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation before the citizen reaches retirement age, but not earlier than a month before the right to this pension arises.

9. In cases where the person to whom the pension is assigned is a minor or incompetent, the application is submitted at the place of residence of his parent (adoptive parent, guardian, trustee). Moreover, if the parents (adoptive parents) of the child live separately, then the application is submitted at the place of residence of the parent (adoptive parents) with whom the child lives. In the event that the legal representative of a minor or incompetent person is the corresponding institution in which the minor or incompetent person resides, the application is submitted to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the location of this institution. A minor who has reached 14 years of age has the right to apply for a pension independently in accordance with these Rules.

9.1. Citizens submit an application to establish the share of the insurance part of the old-age labor pension at the location of the pension file of the pension recipient

The application of a citizen who has applied for a pension must include documents proving his or her identity, age, place of residence and citizenship as part of the required documents.

  • Content

1. The theoretical essence of social work with persons with disabilities 1.1 Content of the concepts “disability”, “disabled people”, “rehabilitation”

  • 1.2 The role of social workers in the rehabilitation of people with disabilities
  • 1.3 Forms and methods of solving social problems of people with disabilities

2. Social rehabilitation as a direction of social work

2.1 Essence, concept, main types of rehabilitation

  • 2.2 Legal support for social rehabilitation of persons with disabilities
  • 2.3 The problem of social rehabilitation of disabled people and the main ways and means of solving it today
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography
  • Relevance. The problem of rehabilitation of disabled people remains one of the most complex, requiring from society not only its understanding, but also the participation of many specialized institutions and structures in this process. Rehabilitation is not only treatment and improvement of health, but also a process aimed at achieving maximum independence and readiness for an independent and equal life in society. Rehabilitation activities are based on the following principles of organizing services: individuality, complexity, continuity, efficiency and accessibility. The implementation of an individual rehabilitation plan is based on family-centered and interdisciplinary approaches.
  • For the state, solving issues of social rehabilitation of disabled people makes it possible to implement the principle of social orientation and reduce social tension among this category of citizens. In this regard, it seems necessary that when choosing forms of social protection for various categories of disabled people, the guideline should be to meet the needs of a higher order - obtaining education, vocational training, assistance in finding a job.
  • And due to the fact that since January 2005, benefits for disabled people have been replaced monetary compensation, then the question of the work activity of disabled people is even more relevant, since these cash will not be able to fully satisfy all the needs of a disabled person.
  • Among the reasons contributing to the occurrence of disability, the main ones are the deterioration of the environmental situation, unfavorable working conditions for women, an increase in injuries, the inability to lead a normal lifestyle, and a high level of morbidity among parents, especially mothers.
  • Thus, restoring the ability of disabled people to function socially and to create an independent lifestyle, social workers and social rehabilitation specialists help them determine their social roles, social connections in society that contribute to their full development.
  • The degree of scientific and theoretical development of the problem:
  • Currently, the process of social rehabilitation is the subject of research by specialists in many branches of scientific knowledge. Psychologists, philosophers, sociologists, teachers, social psychologists, etc. reveal various aspects of this process, explore mechanisms, stages and stages, factors of social rehabilitation.
  • The main problems of social rehabilitation of disabled people, which include the concept of personality, social relations that go beyond legitimate discrimination, adaptation as the most important condition socialization, were analyzed in the works of A.I. Kovaleva, T. Zhulkowska, V.A. Lukova, T.V. Sklyarova, E.R. Smirnova, V.N. Yarskoy.
  • In the studies of N.K. Guseva, V.I. Kurbatova, Yu.A. Blinkova, V.S. Tkachenko, N.P. Klushina, T. Zhulkowska considered the concept of social rehabilitation of disabled people, proposed a detailed diagram of the social rehabilitation system and defined the functions of social institutions .

Has been and is working on a wide range of disability issues a large number of domestic and foreign scientists. Medical and medical-statistical aspects of disability are discussed in the works of A. Averbakh, V. Bureiko, A. Borzunov, A. Tretyakov, A. Ovcharov, A. Ivanova, S. Leonov. Current issues of medical and social rehabilitation of disabled people were developed by S.N. Popov, N.M. Valeev, L.S. Zakharova, A.A. Biryukov, V.P. Belov, I.N. Efimov.

The work of A.P. is devoted to the relationship between medical and social in disability, as well as to the organization and methods of medical and social services. Grishina, I.N. Efimova. A.I. Osadchikh, G.G. Shakharova, R.B. Klebanova, Trends in interaction and social partnership in the formation of a single rehabilitation space are considered by I.N. Bondarenko, L.V. Topchiy, A.V. Martynenko, V.M. Cherepov, A.V. Reshetnikov, V.M. Firsov, A.I. Osadchikh.

It should be noted that in foreign scientific literature much more attention is paid to the medical and social aspects of disability, in particular, the works of H.J. Chan, R. Antonak, B. Wrigt, M. Timms, R. Northway, R. Imrie, M. Law, M. Chamberlain and others, in which the research is carried out social action and interactions of individuals in relation to disability.

Thus, in the theory of social work there are contradictions integration and adaptation related to social rehabilitation of disabled people .

In the theory of social work, these contradictions are poorly developed. In the practice of social work, these areas are more effectively disclosed. There are many disabled people in the world who are ready to undergo social rehabilitation. Integration approaches do not exclude people with disabilities. And in the adaptation process, correctional and rehabilitation measures are used. These areas contribute to the self-realization of persons with disabilities.

Thus, the emphasis shifts from the adaptation of a disabled person to “normal” social life to changing society itself . The problem of social adaptation of disabled people to living conditions in society is one of the most important facets of the general integration problem. Recently, this issue has acquired additional importance and urgency due to major changes in approaches to people who are disabled.

Thus, based on the presented contradictions, a problem arises.

Problem. Problem this study lies in the insufficient knowledge of social rehabilitation of disabled people.

An object. The object of study are persons with disabilities as a client group.

Item: social rehabilitation of disabled people.

C spruce: analyze the social rehabilitation of persons with disabilities.


2.Study forms and methods of solving social problems of people with disabilities.

3. Consider the legal support for social rehabilitation of persons with disabilities.

4. Find out the problem of social rehabilitation of disabled people.

1. The theoretical essence of social work with persons with disabilitieshealth

1.1 The essence of concepts"disability", "disabled people", "rrehabilitation"

In order to analyze the process of social rehabilitation of disabled people, people with disabilities in general, it is necessary to find out what the content of the concept of “disability” is, what social, economic, behavioral, emotional geniuses turn into certain health pathologies and, naturally, what constitutes the process of social rehabilitation , what purpose it pursues, what components or elements go into it.

In Russian usage, starting from the time of Peter I, this name was given to military personnel who, due to illness, injury or injury, were unable to perform military service and who were sent for further service to civilian positions. It is characteristic that in Western Europe this word had the same connotation, that is, it referred primarily to crippled warriors. From the second half of the 19th century. the term also applies to civilians who also became victims of war - the development of weapons and the expansion of the scale of wars increasingly exposed the civilian population to all the dangers of military conflicts.

In 1989 The United Nations has adopted the text of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which has the force of law. It also enshrines the right of children with developmental disabilities to lead full and dignified lives in conditions that ensure their dignity, promote their self-confidence and facilitate their active participation in society (Article 23); the right of a disabled child to special care and assistance, which should be provided whenever possible free of charge, taking into account the financial resources of the parents or other persons caring for the child, in order to ensure that the disabled child has effective access to educational, vocational training, medical care, and rehabilitation services , preparation for work and access to recreational facilities in a manner that leads to the fullest possible involvement of the child in social life and the achievement of personal development, including cultural and spiritual development child. They should receive the support they need through the regular health, education, employment and social services systems.

Rule1 -- Enhancing understanding -- provides States with an obligation to develop and promote programs aimed at increasing people with disabilities' understanding of their rights and opportunities. Increasing self-reliance and empowerment will enable people with disabilities to take advantage of the opportunities available to them. Deepening our understanding of the problems should be important part educational programs for disabled children and rehabilitation programs. Persons with disabilities could help develop understanding of the issue through the activities of their own organizations.

Rule #2 -- medical service-- directs measures to be taken to develop programs for the early detection, assessment and treatment of defects. Disciplinary groups of specialists are involved in the implementation of these programs, which will prevent and reduce the extent of disability or eliminate its consequences. Ensure full participation in such programs of persons with disabilities and members of their families on an individual basis, as well as organizations of persons with disabilities in the process of the system general education. Parent groups and organizations of people with disabilities should be involved in the education process at all levels. A special rule is devoted to employment - states have recognized the principle that persons with disabilities should be given the opportunity to exercise their rights, especially in the field of employment.

States must actively support the inclusion of persons with disabilities in the free labor market. Social security programs should also encourage people with disabilities themselves to find work that generates income or restores their income.

Standard rules in the field family life and personal freedom, it is envisaged to ensure the opportunity for people with disabilities to live with their families. States should ensure that family counseling services include appropriate services related to disability and its impact on family life.

The standards provide for the adoption of measures to ensure equal opportunities for recreation and sports for people with disabilities. Such measures include providing support to recreation and sports staff, projects to develop methods for access and participation of people with disabilities in these activities, providing information and developing training programs, encouraging sports organizations to increase opportunities for the inclusion of people with disabilities in participation in sports activities .

In some cases, such participation requires simply ensuring that people with disabilities have access to these events. In other cases it is necessary to take special measures or organize special games. States should support the participation of persons with disabilities in national and international competitions. The collection of such data could be carried out in parallel with national population censuses and household surveys and, in particular, carried out in close cooperation with universities, research institutes and organizations of disabled people.

This data should include questions about programs, services and their use. Consider creating data banks on people with disabilities, which would contain statistical data on available services and programs, as well as on different groups of people with disabilities. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the need to protect personal life and personal freedom. Develop and support programs to study social and economic issues affecting the lives of persons with disabilities and their families.

Such research should include an analysis of the causes, types and extent of disability, the presence and effectiveness of existing programs and the need to develop and evaluate assistance services and interventions. Develop and improve survey technology and criteria, taking measures to facilitate the participation of people with disabilities themselves in data collection and study. Organizations of persons with disabilities should be involved at all stages of decision-making in the development of plans and programs concerning persons with disabilities or affecting their economic and social status, and the needs and interests of people with disabilities should be included, whenever possible, in general development plans, and not considered separately. The need to encourage local communities to develop programs and activities for persons with disabilities is specifically addressed. One form of such activity is preparation teaching aids or compiling lists of such activities, as well as developing training programs for field staff.

The Standard Rules stipulate that States are responsible for establishing and strengthening national coordinating committees or similar bodies to serve as national focal points on issues affecting persons with disabilities. Special aspects of the standard rules are devoted to responsibility for the ongoing monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of national programs and for the provision of services aimed at ensuring equal opportunities for persons with disabilities, as well as other provisions. Despite the development of these international documents, they do not fully reflect the essence and content of such broad and complex concepts as “disability” and “disabled person”. In addition, social changes that are objectively occurring in modern societies or reflected in the minds of people are expressed in the desire to expand the content of these terms. Thus, the World Health Organization (WHO) has adopted the following characteristics of the concept of “disability” as standards for the world community:

any loss or impairment of psychological, physiological or anatomical structure or functions;

¦ limited or absent (due to the above defects) ability to perform functions in a manner that is considered normal for the average person;

¦ a difficulty arising from the above-mentioned disadvantages, which completely or partially prevents a person from performing a certain role (taking into account the influence of age, gender and cultural background) 1 ..

An analysis of all the above definitions allows us to conclude that it is quite difficult to give an exhaustive presentation of all the signs of disability, since the content of the concepts opposite to it is itself quite vague. Thus, highlighting the medical aspects of disability is possible through the assessment of loss of health, but this latter is so variable that even reference to the influence of gender, age and cultural background does not eliminate the difficulties. In addition, the essence of disability lies in the social barriers that health status erects between the individual and society. It is characteristic that in attempts to move away from a purely medical interpretation, the British Council of Disabled People's Associations proposed the following definition: “Disability” is a complete or partial loss of opportunity to participate in normal life society on an equal basis with other citizens due to physical and social barriers. “Disabled people” are persons who have a health impairment with a persistent disorder of body functions, caused by diseases, consequences of injuries or defects, leading to limitation of life activity and necessitating social protection. 2.

International public opinion is increasingly convinced that full social functioning is the most important social value modern world. This is reflected in the emergence of new indicators of social development, used to analyze the level of social maturity of a particular society. Accordingly, the main goal of policy regarding people with disabilities is recognized not only as full recovery health and not only providing them with the means to live, but also the maximum possible recreation of their abilities for social functioning on an equal basis with other citizens of a given society who do not have health limitations. In our country, the ideology of disability policy has developed in a similar way - from a medical to a social model.

In accordance with the Law "On Basic Principles social security disabled people in the USSR", a disabled person is a person who, due to limited life activity due to the presence of physical or mental disabilities, needs social assistance and protection" 3. .Later it was determined that a disabled person is “a person who has a health impairment with a persistent disorder of body functions, caused by diseases, consequences of injuries or defects, leading to limitation of life activity and necessitating his social protection” 4 ..

By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 16, 1995. No. 59 approved the Federal Comprehensive Program “Social Support for Persons with Disabilities”, consisting of the following federal target programs:

¦ medical and social examination and rehabilitation of disabled people;

¦ scientific support and informatization of problems of disability and people with disabilities;

¦ development and production of technical means of rehabilitation to provide for disabled people.

Currently, people with disabilities make up approximately 10% of the world's population, with significant variations across countries. Thus, in the Russian Federation, officially registered and registered disabled people make up less than 6% of the population 5

while in the USA - almost a fifth of all residents.

This is, of course, not due to the fact that the citizens of our country are much healthier than Americans, but to the fact that certain social benefits and privileges are associated with disability status in Russia. Persons with disabilities strive to obtain official disability status with its benefits, which are significant in conditions of scarcity of social resources; The state limits the number of recipients of such benefits to fairly strict limits.

There are many different reasons behind the occurrence of disability. Depending on the cause of occurrence, three groups can be divided into three groups: a) hereditary forms; b) associated with intrauterine damage to the fetus, damage to the fetus during childbirth and during early dates child's life; c) acquired during the development of an individual as a result of diseases, injuries, or other events that resulted in a persistent health disorder.

Paradoxically, the very successes of science, primarily medicine, have their own reverse side an increase in a number of diseases and the number of disabled people in general. The emergence of new medicines and technical means saves people's lives and in many cases makes it possible to compensate for the consequences of a defect. Labor protection is becoming less consistent and effective, especially in non-state owned enterprises - this leads to an increase in occupational injuries and, accordingly, disability.

Thus, for our country, the problem of providing assistance to persons with disabilities is one of the most important and pressing, since the increase in the number of disabled people acts as a stable trend in our social development, and there is no data yet indicating a stabilization of the situation or a change in this trend. Disabled people are not only citizens in need of special social assistance, but also a possible significant reserve for the development of society. It is believed that in the first decade of the 21st century. they will make up at least 10% of the total workforce in industrialized countries, 7 and not only on primitive manual operations and processes. The understanding of social rehabilitation has also gone through a rather meaningful development path.

Rehabilitation aims to help the disabled person not only adapt to his environment, but also to have an impact on his immediate environment and on society as a whole, which facilitates his integration into society. Disabled people themselves, their families and local authorities should participate in the planning and implementation of rehabilitation activities 8 . From the point of view of L.P. Khrapylina, this definition unjustifiably expands the responsibilities of society towards people with disabilities, while at the same time not fixing any obligations of the disabled themselves to “perform their civic functions with certain costs and efforts” 9 .. Unfortunately, this one-sided emphasis persists in all subsequent documents. In 1982 The United Nations adopted the World Program of Action for Persons with Disabilities, which included the following areas:

¦ early detection, diagnosis and intervention;

¦ consultation and assistance in the social field;

¦ special services in the field of education.

On this moment The final definition of rehabilitation is the one adopted as a result of the UN discussion of the Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities cited above: Rehabilitation means a process designed to enable persons with disabilities to achieve and maintain an optimal physical, intellectual, mental or social level of functioning, thereby providing them tools designed to change their lives and expand their independence.

3. The role of social workers in the rehabilitation of disabled people

Disabled people, as a social category of people, are surrounded by healthy people in comparison with them and need more social protection, help, and support. These types of assistance are defined by legislation, relevant regulations, instructions and recommendations, and the mechanism for their implementation is known. It should be noted that all regulations relate to benefits, allowances, pensions and other forms of social assistance, which are aimed at maintaining life and passive consumption of material costs. At the same time, disabled people need assistance that could stimulate and activate disabled people and suppress the development of dependent tendencies. It is known that for a full, active life of disabled people it is necessary to involve them in socially useful activities, develop and maintain connections between disabled people and a healthy environment, government agencies various profiles, public organizations and management structures. Essentially, we are talking about the social integration of disabled people, which is the ultimate goal of rehabilitation.

According to the place of residence (stay), all disabled people can be divided into 2 categories:

Those located in boarding homes;

Living in families.

The specified criterion - place of residence - should not be perceived as formal. It is closely connected with the moral psychological factor, with the prospect of the future fate of disabled people.

It is known that the most physically severely disabled people live in boarding homes. Depending on the nature of the pathology, adult disabled people are kept in boarding homes of a general type, in psychoneurological boarding schools, children - in boarding homes for the mentally retarded and physically disabled.

The activity of a social worker is also determined by the nature of the pathology of a disabled person and correlates with his rehabilitation potential. To carry out adequate activities of a social worker in boarding homes, knowledge of the features of the structure and functions of these institutions is necessary.

General boarding houses are designed for medical and social services for people with disabilities. They accept citizens (women over 55 years old, men over 60 years old) and disabled people of groups 1 and 2 over 18 years of age who do not have able-bodied children or parents obligated by law to support them.

The objectives of this boarding house are:

Creating favorable living conditions close to home;

Organizing care for residents, providing them with medical care and organizing meaningful leisure time;

Organization of employment of disabled people.

In accordance with the main objectives, the boarding house carries out:

Active assistance in the adaptation of disabled people to new conditions;

Household facilities, providing applicants with comfortable housing, equipment and furniture, bedding, clothing and shoes;

Organization of meals taking into account age and health status;

Medical examination and treatment of disabled people, organization of consultative medical care, as well as hospitalization of those in need in medical institutions;

Providing those in need with hearing aids, glasses, prosthetics orthopedic products and wheelchairs;

In general boarding houses there are young disabled people (from 18 to 44 years old). They make up about 10% of the total population of residents. More than half of them are disabled since childhood, 27.3% - due to a general illness, 5.4% - due to a work injury, 2.5% - others. Their condition is very serious. This is evidenced by the predominance of disabled people of group 1 (67.0%).

The largest group (83.3%) consists of disabled people with consequences of damage to the central nervous system (residual effects of childhood cerebral palsy, polio, encephalitis, spinal cord injury, etc.), 5.5% - disabled due to pathology internal organs.

The consequence of varying degrees of dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system is the limitation of motor activity of disabled people. In this regard, 8.1% need assistance, 50.4% move with the help of crutches or wheelchairs, and only 41.5% move independently.

The nature of the pathology also affects the ability of young disabled people to self-care: 10.9% of them cannot serve themselves, 33.4% serve themselves partially, 55.7% fully.

As can be seen from the above characteristics of young disabled people, despite the severity of their health condition, a significant part of them are subject to social adaptation in the institutions themselves, and in some cases, integration into society. Due to this, important acquire factors influencing the social adaptation of young disabled people. Adaptation suggests the presence of conditions that facilitate the implementation of existing and the formation of new social needs, taking into account the reserve capabilities of the disabled person.

Unlike older people with relatively limited needs, among which vital needs and those related to prolonging an active lifestyle predominate, young disabled people have needs for education and employment, for the fulfillment of desires in the field of recreational leisure and sports, for starting a family, etc.

In the conditions of a boarding home, in the absence of special workers on staff who could study the needs of young disabled people, and in the absence of conditions for their rehabilitation, a situation of social tension and dissatisfaction of desires arises. Young disabled people are essentially in conditions of social deprivation; they constantly experience a lack of information. At the same time, it turned out that only 3.9% would like to improve their education, and 8.6% of young disabled people would like to get a profession. Among the wishes, requests for cultural and mass work dominate (41.8% of young disabled people).

The role of the social worker is to create a special environment in the boarding house and especially in those departments where young disabled people live. Environmental therapy occupies a leading place in organizing the lifestyle of young disabled people. The main direction is the creation of an active, effective living environment that would encourage young disabled people to engage in “independent activities”, self-sufficiency, and a departure from dependent attitudes and overprotection.

To implement the idea of ​​activating the environment, one can use employment, amateur activities, socially useful activities, sporting events, organization of meaningful and entertaining leisure, and training in professions. Such a list of activities should not be carried out only by a social worker. It is important that all staff are focused on changing the style of work of the institution in which young disabled people are located. In this regard, a social worker needs to be proficient in methods and techniques of working with persons serving disabled people in boarding homes. Given such tasks, the social worker must know the functional responsibilities of medical and support staff. He must be able to identify commonalities and similarities in their activities and use this to create a therapeutic environment.

To create a positive therapeutic environment, a social worker needs knowledge not only of a psychological and pedagogical plan. Often we have to resolve legal issues (civil law, labor regulation, property, etc.). Solving or assisting in solving these issues will contribute to social adaptation, normalization of relationships among young disabled people, and, possibly, their social integration.

When working with young disabled people, it is important to identify leaders from a contingent of people with a positive social orientation. Indirect influence through them on the group contributes to the formation of common goals, the unity of disabled people in the course of activities, and their full communication.

Communication, as one of the factors of social activity, is realized during work and leisure time. A long stay of young disabled people in a kind of social isolation ward, such as a boarding house, does not contribute to the formation of communication skills. It is predominantly situational in nature, characterized by superficiality and instability of connections.

The degree of socio-psychological adaptation of young disabled people in boarding homes is largely determined by their attitude towards their illness. It is manifested either by denial of the disease, or a rational attitude towards the disease, or “withdrawal into the disease.” This last option is expressed in the appearance of isolation, depression, constant introspection, and avoidance of real events and interests. In these cases, the role of the social worker as a psychotherapist is important, who uses various methods to distract the disabled person from a pessimistic assessment of his future, switches him to everyday interests, and orients him to a positive perspective.

The role of the social worker is to organize the social, everyday and socio-psychological adaptation of young disabled people, taking into account the age interests, personal and characterological characteristics of both categories of residents.

Providing assistance in the admission of disabled people to an educational institution is one of the important functions of the participation of a social worker in the rehabilitation of this category of persons.

An important section of a social worker’s activity is the employment of a disabled person, which can be carried out (in accordance with the recommendations of a medical labor examination) either in normal production conditions, or in specialized enterprises, or in home conditions.

At the same time, the social worker must be guided by regulations on employment, on the list of professions for people with disabilities, etc. and provide them with effective assistance.

When carrying out the rehabilitation of disabled people living in families, and especially living alone, important role this category of persons receives moral and psychological support. The collapse of life plans, discord in the family, deprivation of a favorite job, severance of habitual connections, deterioration of financial situation - these are far from full list problems that can maladapt a disabled person, cause a depressive reaction in him and be a factor complicating the entire rehabilitation process. The role of the social worker is complicity, penetration into the essence of the psychogenic situation of the disabled person and an attempt to eliminate or at least mitigate its impact on the psychological state of the disabled person. The social worker must, in this regard, have certain personal qualities and master the basics of psychotherapy.

Thus, the participation of a social worker in the rehabilitation of disabled people is multidimensional in nature, which presupposes not only a comprehensive education and awareness of the law, but also the presence of appropriate personal characteristics that allow a disabled person to trust this category of workers.

One of the basic principles of working with older people and people with disabilities is respect for the individual. It is necessary to respect and accept the client as he is.

The professional competence of a social worker lies, of course, in knowledge of gerontological and psychological characteristics age, registration, belonging of clients to one or another social group. The needs, interests, hobbies, worldview, immediate environment, living and material conditions, the way of life of clients - this and much more are in the field of view of a true professional, which undoubtedly makes it possible to choose the optimal technology for social assistance, correctly identify the problem and ways to solve it. As foreign technologists say, it is necessary to open “three drawers of the table”: What happened? (What is the problem?). Why? (What was the reason?). How to help? (What can I do?). This technique helps social workers, psychologists, doctors assist a person in adapting to the surrounding reality, to the real and difficult conditions of external and inner world.

Older people and people with disabilities must have hope to be to the right people, society, to be respected by them. Various techniques are used for this: having identified the problem, do everything to fulfill at least some needs: help establish contact with relatives, fill out the necessary requests, etc. And, of course, concrete help through action is very important: clean up the room of a hearing-impaired old woman, maybe bring a hairdresser to her home to prove that “age is just a state of mind,” get a new hearing aid; increase, with the involvement of various authorities, the meager pension; invite you to participate in an exhibition, in a competition of creative works, confirming the truth that “the world is not without good people", and etc.

An essential aspect of communication between a social worker and a client is perception, that is, perceiving each other as a relationship partner and establishing mutual understanding on this basis.

The dominant subject of communication dominates the dialogue and strives to take the initiative in the conversation; in making requests and demands, he is not concerned about their intelligence and expediency. This attitude of his can be detected by his posture, facial expressions, gestures, glances, and remarks. Sometimes he is assertive in communication, repeating the same thing over and over again. The social worker needs to give such a client the opportunity to identify his dominance.

The non-dominant subject of communication is a person (client) who constantly feels like a supplicant and is very sensitive to the state of his partner - the social worker. He is overly shy in his requests and finds it difficult to express them. It is important to help him communicate: stimulate, support, provide him with initiative and the opportunity to express himself, state his requests.

Disabled people. The object of the study is the activity of a social work specialist, the subject of the study is the main areas of activity of a social work specialist of the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise in the implementation of individual rehabilitation programs for people with disabilities. Objectives of the study: 1. Consider the organizational and regulatory framework of the activities of the bureau of medical and social examination. ...

The information process itself, its reproduction. · intellectual - aimed at developing and stimulating the mental activity of people, developing their creative abilities. Theory and practice in Russia and abroad have revealed a number of areas of social work with various groups population: social diagnostics and social prevention, social supervision and social...

Norms and principles, that is, it is necessary to know the Code of Ethics for a social worker and be able to use it when working. Conclusion Based on the preparedness study young specialist In social work, the following conclusions can be drawn to independent work with clients. 1. The peculiarities of training a social work specialist at a university are that...