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How long is sick leave extended after surgery? Duration of sick leave after surgery. Labor Code and regulation of relations between employer and employee

The duration of sick leave depends on the disease and the speed of recovery of the patient. How is sick leave paid after surgery? Let us consider the specifics of issuing a certificate of incapacity for work in this case.

From the first day of hospital stay, the patient is given a sick leave certificate, which is valid until the day of discharge. Then the patient goes to the clinic and extends his sick leave for the rehabilitation period. Rehabilitation periods can be very different. The procedure for issuing certificates of incapacity for work was approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 624n dated June 29, 2011 and Law No. 255-FZ).

IN medical practice All types of operations are classified according to severity. The time a person needs for rehabilitation and, accordingly, the length of sick leave depends on this.

Light operations

Light operations are considered to be those when the patient does not require many days for rehabilitation. The person can get up independently the next day and be discharged home after 3-5 days. But, if the employee is not yet ready to work, the attending physician prescribes sick leave for up to 15 days. The patient needs to visit medical institution for procedures and condition examination.

A person can start working on the 16th day. But the condition of patients after surgery may vary. It depends on the person's immunity. Sometimes complications arise that require an increase in hospital stay. The operation is then classified as a procedure moderate severity, And rehabilitation period increases to 30 days. In this case, the length of sick leave after surgery with complications is set by the doctor independently or in tandem with the director.

Heavy operations

Major surgery is a more serious intervention in the human body, when the patient requires additional care and medical supervision. The rehabilitation process may take several months.

Such procedures include:

  • compound fractures;
  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • deep wounds received at work or as a result of an accident;
  • surgery on the heart or other organs;
  • spine surgery;
  • appendicitis of complex form (peritonitis).

Special cases

Sometimes circumstances develop in such a way that one operation is not enough for a person to fully recover. There may be 2-3 or more of them until the desired result is obtained. In such situations, sick leave is issued for the period until the patient fully regains strength. The timing is determined by the attending physician independently or in agreement with the head of the department/hospital. There are situations when the decision to extend sick leave after surgery is made by a commission. It can be collected 4–6 months after surgery, when the patient has no positive dynamics and the question of disability arises. The patient is examined various specialists and decide what the complications should be like after surgery and whether the patient needs to be transferred to a group.

Many operations require not only hospital treatment, but also transfer of the patient to a sanatorium. This treatment lasts no longer than 24 days. It is for this period that the sanatorium doctor extends the sick leave. On the day of departure the document is closed. If there is a need to extend the rehabilitation period, the patient must go to the clinic at the place of residence, where the sick leave can be extended for health reasons.

An unambiguous answer to the question, how long is the maximum period of sick leave after different types operations, no. It all depends on the circumstances of a particular person.

Plastic surgery

Plastic surgery is not uncommon today. Some people do this procedure for aesthetic reasons; for others, plastic surgery is recommended by a doctor due to problems that interfere with full life and work.

If a citizen asks for help plastic surgeon only for the purpose of improving appearance, then the issuance of a certificate of incapacity for work will be denied.

Another thing is when plastic surgery is necessary to improve health and general condition person. For example, correction of the septum in the nose is required if there are breathing problems, or plastic surgery oral cavity in case of difficulties with eating.

If the operation is complex and is performed in a hospital, then sick leave after plastic surgery is issued in this clinic. The form is filled out on the first day of patient admission and closed on the day of discharge. Such sick leave is paid like any other form of sick leave after surgery.

In the case of plastic surgery without a hospital stay, the surgeon issues a certificate of provision of services and may recommend applying for sick leave to a local physician. But the clinic doctor is not obliged to issue a sick leave after plastic surgery of an aesthetic nature, because he does not consider this an insured event.

Plastic surgery of an aesthetic nature is not an insured event, and sick leave is not issued in this case.

A surgeon can only issue a document from a clinic or hospital that is licensed to do so. Therefore, even inpatient treatment in a clinic that does not have state accreditation does not give the patient the right to legal sick leave.

Sick leave payment

An employee's stay on sick leave is always paid if the employee is registered under employment contract and insurance premiums are paid for it to the Social Insurance Fund.

The amount of payments depends on:

  • duration of sick leave;
  • employee's insurance length;
  • medium size wages for the previous 2 years of work before the occurrence of the insured event.

If the operation and rehabilitation were successful, within the standard time frame (15 days), then the closed certificate of incapacity for work is transferred to the employer. Within 10 days, the accounting department must accrue benefits.

The maximum period of paid sick leave after surgery can be up to 1 year, if there are grounds for this and the conclusion of a medical commission.

In this case, sick leave is paid in installments, because the certificate of incapacity for work contains only a few lines to fill out. The period is then extended by next sheet. There may be several such forms. You can submit each closed form for payment or all immediately after the sick leave is closed.

With a long recovery period (more than 6 months), you should not delay certificates of incapacity for work, so that the employer does not regard this as refusing to pay.

Sick leave after surgery may be prolonged. The employer must take this calmly and give the employee the opportunity for a full recovery. And in the case when the employee decided to do plastic surgery without medical indications, it is better to offer him to take a vacation at his own expense, since you are not obliged to pay for such sick leave.

Or treatment gynecological pathologies, and is a minimally invasive procedure, through a short time after which you can begin to perform your work duties. How many days of sick leave are usually given after laparoscopy and how to ensure that the recovery period does not drag on? This is what we will talk about.

The start date of the sick leave is the day of hospitalization, and the end date is the last day of inability to perform your work. The document is drawn up by the attending physician, who decides the duration of the period of temporary disability for this patient. As an exception, a bulletin on the health status is given by the doctor of the clinic who referred the woman to the hospital to continue therapy.

If for medical advice or professional help the patient needs to travel to another area, the time spent on the road is also counted towards the duration of the temporary disability certificate.

It is necessary to visit the doctor on the day indicated by him for the possible closure of the sick leave. Otherwise, the specialist will make a note on the official document about the violation of the regime, which will allow the employer not to pay for the period of temporary disability in full.

The sick leave certificate is submitted to the human resources department, accounting department, or directly to the head of the organization in which the woman works. If the patient works in several places at once, then she must provide one copy of the document to each of them. It is important that each of them is designed correctly.

Sick leave period

The length of time a woman remains temporarily disabled after surgical intervention, determined by the doctor. Laparoscopy is considered a low-traumatic operation, so the recovery period usually does not last long. The patient does not need strict adherence bed rest, but is only limited in physical activity. During rehabilitation, doing certain things is even beneficial for health.

As a rule, a few hours after the manipulations, the woman can already sit down, and the next day she can move around the ward. The main thing is that the movements do not cause any discomfort and painful sensations. Moderate physical activity will not only help you quickly return to your normal life and go to work, but will also reduce the likelihood of developing.

How many days of sick leave are given after laparoscopy? There are no clear deadlines for the period of temporary disability. How quickly the body recovers is determined by the specifics of the surgical intervention and how it affected the patient’s well-being. The first time after the operation, the woman is in the hospital, but after a few days she can go home and continue to be observed by a gynecologist at her place of residence.

Periods of temporary disability for various operations

For what diseases is sick leave given? This document is drawn up, including for pathologies for which laparoscopy was performed, for various periods (depending on the complexity of the manipulations and the woman’s well-being). So, after surgery for diarrhea, the rehabilitation period is usually no more than 10 days. But after a hysterectomy, a woman may need a sick note for up to 40 days.

Below is a table that indicates the approximate periods of temporary disability for various gynecological operations performed (if there are no complications).

Grounds for extending sick leave

When can I return to work after laparoscopic surgery? The standard length of sick leave is 15 days. To increase this period, the doctor must have compelling reasons. Five days are allotted for staying in inpatient conditions and ten days to restore the house. If it is necessary to extend sick leave, a special medical commission is convened. The period of temporary incapacity for work is extended in the following cases:

Postoperative complications include:

  • damage to organs that occurred during surgery (for example, intestines), as well as blood vessels;
  • allergic reactions to medications;
  • bleeding;
  • irregularities in work of cardio-vascular system caused by anesthesia;
  • suture infection;
  • the appearance of blood clots.

If complications arise as a result of surgery, the woman may be referred for sanatorium treatment. In this case, the temporary disability certificate is extended for another 24 days. To make changes to it, the patient’s personal presence is always required.

How to make sure your sick leave doesn’t drag on

There are no uniform terms for the period of temporary disability. How quickly a woman can start labor activity, depends on her state of health after laparoscopy was performed and the extent of surgical intervention. If the patient wants to return to work faster, then after the operation she must adhere to the following rules:

  • follow a diet for seven days;
  • perform physical;
  • give up sports and intimacy for at least a month;
  • Do not lift heavy objects (weighing more than 3 kg) for 30 days;
  • wear supportive underwear for the first month;
  • do not drink alcohol for at least 30 days;
  • at the end of the specified period physical activity increase gradually.

Typically the rehabilitation period lasts from three to six weeks. At this time, you should not visit saunas, steam baths, take a bath, or take long trips. It's important to pay attention proper nutrition. You should avoid fatty, spicy, fried foods, marinades, alcoholic drinks, and give preference to food rich useful substances(vitamins and microelements).

A woman who has undergone laparoscopy needs to monitor her well-being. This procedure is low-traumatic and rarely leads to the development serious complications However, if signs indicating a deterioration in your health appear, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

A sick leave certificate is a document confirming the temporary disability of a citizen due to a certain disease. The rules for registering it and the procedure for payment are not thoroughly known to every resident of our country, although this situation can affect everyone. The nature of the illness may determine how long sick leave is issued.

Who issues the document

Document on incapacity for work for outpatient treatment for ARVI, mild food poisoning, minor injuries, inflammatory processes V mild form issued at the clinic. The maximum period of sick leave is 15 calendar days, including the first and last days actions. After this time, the patient must appear for an appointment with a doctor. If his illness continues, the sick leave may be extended. The period for which sick leave is extended is determined individually and depends on the nature and prognosis of the disease.

In some cases, this document can be drawn up by a dentist - if available. acute pathology oral cavity, which limits the ability to work, or a paramedic - when the patient lives in rural areas. The maximum period of sick leave in this case will be up to 10 calendar days.

Only government officials have the right to issue disability documents. medical institutions– clinics, hospitals, paramedic and obstetric stations. You can apply for sick leave by presenting an identification document (usually a passport). If a citizen is officially employed in several institutions, then 1 document is issued for each place of work.

Pregnancy and childbirth

For women preparing to become mothers, the law provides special conditions. A sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth is issued when the pregnancy has reached 30 weeks, for 140 days, i.e. 70 before the birth of the child and 70 after it. This procedure applies if a woman is carrying 1 child. If the birth occurs prematurely or complications are discovered, the period of incapacity for work is extended to 156 days. In case of a diagnosed pregnancy with 2 or more fetuses, the doctor issues a sick leave certificate for 194 calendar days.

Treatment in hospital

In cases serious illnesses requiring hospitalization and long-term treatment, the patient may be unable to work for much longer than the standard 15 days. This happens after acute disorders cerebral circulation(stroke), with pathologies of the cardiovascular system, chronic diseases with a severe course. In such cases, sick leave is issued for the entire period of hospital stay. The patient may be given an additional 10 days after discharge if necessary. What is the maximum period of sick leave (per year)? It all depends on the nature of the disease and the treatment that will be necessary. In some situations, the duration of temporary disability reaches 12 months.

Actions to take when diagnosed with cancer

When diagnosed cancer sick leave is issued for a period of up to 120 calendar days. Further actions depend on the prognosis of the patient's condition. With predicted improvement, sick leave can be extended for up to 10 months. In most cases, treatment of cancer pathology takes much longer. If the prognosis is negative, the patient is recommended to undergo medical and social examination, which determines the need to assign a disability group.

Sick leave after surgery

After surgery, the recovery period can last several weeks or even months. The period of sick leave after surgery is a maximum of 120 days without a break. This includes hospital stay and recovery period outside of it. The patient’s condition must be monitored, for which he must appear at the doctor’s appointment 2 times a month. In case of unsatisfactory condition after major surgical interventions, the maximum period of sick leave can be 10, and in some cases, 12 months.

If a child gets sick

A document on incapacity for work due to a child’s illness is issued only for one family representative. Most often, the mother receives sick leave. If outpatient or inpatient care is required for a child under 7 years of age, a document of incapacity for work is issued for the entire duration of the illness. For children aged 7 to 15 years, the mother or other family member has the right to a sick leave certificate for a period of 15 days for each case of illness.

Procedure for calculating benefits

Payment for sick leave is made individually in each case. The calculation of the amount due to a person includes his average earnings for the last 2 years, the duration of disability (in days) and a coefficient depending on the length of service at the enterprise.

You can only count on benefits after the document itself has been submitted to the accounting department. This must be done within 6 months after the closure of the sick leave. In practice, the document is required to be submitted much faster, otherwise the company has the right to consider undocumented days of absence as absenteeism.

For less than 5 years of experience, sick leave is paid in the amount of 60% of average amount earnings. In this case, the employee’s average daily earnings are calculated and multiplied by the number of days of incapacity. An employee with 5 to 8 years of experience can count on benefits in the amount of 80% of earnings. Those who have worked for more than 8 years are paid 100%, i.e. the full amount of payment for their labor. Mothers on maternity leave can expect benefits with similar coefficients.

If the illness occurs within 30 days after the employee’s dismissal, then he has the right to a benefit in the amount of 60% of the average amount of earnings for the entire period of incapacity. If the sick leave was opened when the person was officially registered at the enterprise, and closed and presented after the termination of work, the calculation coefficient remains the same. This applies only to the personal disability of the employee himself, but not to his family members.


Removing the uterus is a fairly complex procedure, followed by a long recovery period. At this time, a woman must be at home or even in a hospital to avoid complications. A sick leave certificate is drawn up after removal of the uterus, which gives the woman the opportunity to go on leave due to health problems.

What is sick leave and why is it needed?

A sick leave certificate is a document confirming a woman’s incapacity for work. After removal of the uterus, it is issued legally. Filled out on a special form and certified with stamps. This document must contain the following information:

  1. Last and first name of the patient, as well as her medical card number.
  2. Description of the disease using coded information. In this case, a certain term is designated by one or another code.
  3. Signature of the head physician and the patient. The woman must sign in person.

It must be filled out in block letters of the Russian language in black ink. Now it is possible to fill out the form on special printing printers, but there must be spaces between the words. Punctuation is used where necessary. Data must be entered into special columns for this purpose, and going beyond them is prohibited. All written information must comply with the rules of the Russian language and meet legal requirements.

Is sick leave provided after hysterectomy?

There must be certain grounds for issuing sick leave. As a rule, after removal of the uterus such grounds are present, therefore, by law, the woman must receive the appropriate document. However, the duration recovery period is individual, so the period indicated on the sick leave may vary.

For how long do they give it?

The postoperative period is all the time that passes from the operation to full recovery female body. During this period of time, the early and late stages of recovery occur. For 5-10 days, the woman should be in a hospital under the supervision of a doctor. At this time, the patient may experience very severe pain in the lower abdomen, which is accompanied by loss of appetite and insomnia.

The woman is then discharged from the hospital. At this time, she should be especially attentive to her condition. If new symptoms appear (for example, pain intensifies), an urgent check with a doctor is required. Naturally, during this period there can be no talk of any work. How long does sick leave last after hysterectomy? This usually takes at least 4 weeks, including the period of hospitalization.

But depending on the type of surgical intervention, this interval may vary:

  • If vaginal hysterescopy was performed accompanied by a laparoscope, tissue healing occurs faster. Therefore, a woman is given sick leave for no longer than 2-4 weeks.
  • For abdominal surgery, which is performed through abdominal cavity, sick leave is usually issued for 4 weeks.
  • If there are postoperative complications, for example, infection in the wound, the period of sick leave can be increased to 6 weeks.

Moreover, if at the end of the sick leave period it is discovered that the woman cannot yet return to work due to health problems, she is given another document. She can receive several hospital documents in a row at once.

In order for the body to recover faster, a woman must follow a number of measures. In particular, you should not lift heavy objects, but you must observe good personal hygiene.

Sick leave

How to get sick leave?

After removal of the uterus, a woman receives sick leave. This is indicated in various legislative acts: “Law on the protection of the health of citizens of the Russian Federation”, “Law on the procedure for issuing certificates of incapacity for work”, etc. To do this, she must be insured. The document can only be issued by a licensed organization. To obtain a certificate of incapacity for work, the patient must provide the hospital with a document indicating her personal data (this could be a driver’s license, passport, insurance, etc.).

If a woman has worked in 2 institutions at once for at least 2 years, she must present her work book. Upon confirmation of two years of experience, she is issued 2 sick leave certificates at once.

What to do if they don’t give you sick leave?

Unfortunately, in some cases a woman may be denied a sick leave certificate. Sometimes doctors refer to the fact that the patient did not apply to her place of registration for medical care. However, if a woman has an insurance policy, such a statement from doctors is illegal. After all, the patient has the right to receive treatment throughout the Russian Federation and independently choose a medical institution and attending physician.

If after surgery to remove the uterus they refuse to issue a certificate of incapacity for work, you should contact the district clinic. Here you need to write a statement that will be sent to the insurance company that issued the policy to the patient. After the temporary proceedings, the woman must receive the necessary certificate.

If the document is not issued because the doctor considers the woman to be able to work, and this is not the case after removal of the uterus, you should contact another specialist. It is advisable to use the services private clinic. The doctor will examine the patient and write his conclusions. After this, you need to present them at the district clinic so that the results obtained are confirmed or refuted.

Therefore, surgery to remove the uterus is legal basis to receive sick leave. Moreover, the woman should stay at home until her body recovers. If such a document is refused, it is recommended to contact the regional health department and the insurance company to clarify the circumstances.

The duration of sick leave varies. Often people take such a vacation for only 3 days - this is enough time to cure a cold or food poisoning. But if the illness is really serious, then the period increases. Maximum period if not emergency situations– 15 days, including the day of going to the doctor.

In situations with dangerous viral diseases, as well as with operations after which a long recovery is required, sick leave can be issued for a longer period of time.

The interval is set by the attending physician after examining the patient. But in normal situations (for example, acute respiratory viral infections), you can’t count on more than 15 days. It is clear that in case of complications, sick leave is extended.

How to register at the clinic?

The procedure for renewing a certificate is as follows:

  1. When the sick leave ends, we go to the doctor who issued it. It is advisable to do this on the last day of the sick leave, and not when the period has already expired.
  2. The doctor conducts an examination and makes a decision based on its results. There can be 2 solutions - either close the sick leave or extend it.
  3. If a decision is made to extend, the doctor enters the date until which the sheet is extended in the free field on this form.
  4. We inform the employer about the extension of sick leave, if necessary. This is worth doing, because the employer is probably familiar with the deadlines for issuing certificates of incapacity for work, and he will be at a loss if the employee does not show up after a long time.
  5. On the day indicated by the doctor as the final day for extending sick leave, we come back to the clinic for another examination. This must be done even if the person is already healthy. In this case, the sheet will be closed, and in case of illness, it will be extended for a short time.

Important! You cannot ignore the extension of sick leave. If a person does not show up for work for 2 weeks, and he only has sick leave for 7 days, then he will be given benefits in 7 days. Moreover, he will get into trouble for not showing up in the second week.

For how long?

At the clinic, sick leave is extended for no more than 3 days. When this period passes, you need to appear at the clinic again and meet with the doctor.

How does the procedure occur after inpatient treatment?

Extending a certificate of incapacity for work after hospital treatment is a common practice.

Before starting hospital treatment, it is difficult to predict how long it will take for rehabilitation. Therefore, the period indicated on the sick leave certificate is often not enough. Then the extension occurs.

Who makes the decision?

At a hospital, compared to a clinic, everything is much more serious. Here Sick leave can be extended only with the permission of the medical commission– the only authorized body in this situation.

The commission reviews the situation and makes a final decision. If a person has not yet recovered, then his sick leave will certainly be extended. But if the dynamics of the disease are frankly bad, then there may be other solutions - for example, assigning a disability group.

How does this work and the procedure for passing a medical commission?

The procedure for extending sick leave is quite simple, because most of the actions are performed by doctors instead of the patient:

  1. We receive a certificate of incapacity for work from the hospital. This should be done after the main phase of treatment has been completed and discharge is being considered.
  2. We contact the appropriate doctor. It is best if it is the same doctor who issued the sick leave. If he is on a day off or on vacation, we go to someone else. The disease must be within his area of ​​expertise. For example, if you have eye surgery, you need to contact an ophthalmologist. We show this doctor our previous sick leave and talk about the need for rehabilitation.
  3. The doctor conducts an examination. If he sees that rehabilitation is really necessary, he appoints a medical commission. Failures occur very rarely and only in exceptional situations.
  4. We go through a medical examination. Doctors comprehensively assess a person’s health and see how favorable the prognosis is. Based on the results of the commission, an extension of the previous sheet or a new copy may be issued.
  5. We see the doctor once every 14-15 days. This necessary condition when extending sick leave.

Important! If the commission concludes that a person’s health is very bad, then he will be sent for a medical and social examination. This examination considers the issue of assigning a disability group.

Where can a decision be made about longer rehabilitation after hospitalization?

If after treatment in a hospital there is a need for long-term rehabilitation, then the decision to extend the sick leave is made there, at the medical institution. But there are other cases:

For how long is it possible?

The length of sick leave after hospitalization depends on how complex the treatment was. The Ministry of Health does not establish clear periods, but There are approximate frameworks depending on the specific situation:

  1. If the disease did not require surgical intervention, then sick leave for rehabilitation is extended for up to 3 months. At serious illnesses the extension period may extend beyond these limits.
  2. After surgery, if there is a need for long-term rehabilitation, sick leave can be extended for up to 10 months.
  3. After complex operations, the maximum period is 1 year.

Important! This does not mean that a person always receives an extension for such a long period. If there is a positive trend in his illness, and he is already recovering, then the sick leave may well be extended by 1-2 weeks.

Is it possible to ask a therapist to extend the worksheet if you are not sick?

After recovery, many people want to stay at home a little longer. Therefore, they resort to cunning, pretending to be sick. In most cases experienced doctors They immediately see the catch, and the situation takes an unpleasant turn. Oddly enough, this issue is solved much easier.

What should you tell your doctor?

You should not feign illness - it is useless. It is enough just to tell the doctor that you feel a fever in the mornings or evenings.

Even if the doctor does not believe you, he will not be able to refuse to extend the sick leave - this is the recommendation of the Ministry of Health. At the slightest increase in temperature, the Ministry of Health advises taking sick leave so as not to encounter complications and not infect colleagues.

When talking to your therapist, it's worth remembering the following:

Maximum possible period

Citing a “jumping” temperature, a person can count on an extension of sick leave for 3 days. It won’t happen again, and the second time the same request is unlikely to be successful.

Therefore, without having good relations with a therapist healthy man can extend sick leave by only 3 days. This is quite enough to enjoy your vacation or solve problems without being distracted by work.


Extending sick leave is a simple procedure. But it has its own characteristics in the clinic and on inpatient treatment. To achieve an extension of sick leave, you need to remember the circumstances under which the treatment took place and act in accordance with them.

If the symptoms of the disease have already subsided, then the certificate of incapacity for work can still be extended for several days. It would be a trick, but who would refuse it? An additional 3 days of rest is a worthy reward after a successful fight against the disease.