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How to remove the curse yourself. How to remove the curse from yourself. How to remove a generational curse

Damage, the evil eye and similar negative magical effects on a person are usually called a curse. Hearing this word, many people’s “blood freezes in their veins,” although its variants of action can relate to completely different areas of life. A foggy future consisting of fears, poverty, health problems or the inevitable approaching death is frightening. And one question arises - how to remove the curse?

There is no time to lose if there is a suspicion that a person has been damaged or has been jinxed. Any negativity should be gotten rid of as quickly as possible.

Curse or fiction?

Some people deny the existence of magic, while others believe and even use it. Each person, for himself, for his own well-being, takes the position of a supporter of magic or its opponent. Some people tend to see and feel the energy of loved ones, friends, relatives and their work colleagues. Others act intuitively. But how then can we explain the thousands of facts about magic that have come to us from our ancestors? Maybe higher powers really exist?

Anyone facing a curse is experiencing bad luck or health problems, especially if it is a maternal, money or health curse. Sometimes a magical program concerns human relationships, as well as financial well-being. Sometimes problems drag on and become a long, destructive “black streak.” Magicians are sure that this is the main symptom of the curse.

But how can you tell if a magician is lying or telling the truth? Magical diagnostics for many people is something unknown and mysterious. Therefore, anyone who wants to know how to remove the curse needs to prepare. You can recognize the truth or lie of a mysterious fortune teller, a little-known magician, or a simple charlatan by several signs.

Signs of a curse

Damage and evil eyes are evil sent from an ill-wisher. Who they may be is most often unknown. Magicians warn that one should not look for the “parent” of negativity for the sake of revenge. Higher powers will punish the ill-wisher in full, since the conduct of ceremonies and rituals for the purpose of causing damage does not pass without leaving a trace. Sent evil can return to the sender and punish him. Therefore, they often spend hours of their own time reading prayers and conspiracies, hoping for God’s forgiveness.

The main task of the person on whom the curse is sent is to identify and destroy the magical program at home. This is difficult to do, but possible. The symptoms of a curse recognized by thousands of magicians can help with this:

  • a mysterious series of deaths of loved ones in a short period of time;
  • hopeless existence in poverty;
  • a series of problems relating to accidents, illnesses, work, etc.;
  • prolonged depression;
  • problems conceiving a child;
  • alcohol and drug addiction.

Some of the signs appear separately in males and females. The female curse often manifests itself in widowhood, alcoholism and infertility. The male influence is the desire for suicide and hatred of the opposite sex. In addition, according to magicians, a strong curse always manifests itself in several signs.

Help of the Saints in the fight against the curse

There are many ways to remove a curse from yourself or your loved ones. The most powerful of them are rites and rituals, during which a prayer, mantra or conspiracy is read. Even psalms are used to cleanse oneself from negative energy. Having become the one upon whom evil was sent, you can look for the necessary method against it in the church.

You can protect yourself from the effects of the evil eye, damage sent, or even the curse of your parents by ordering a prayer service in the temple. You should also buy a candle and light it for the repose of all your relatives. Having done this, do not rush to leave the church premises. It is necessary to monitor how the candle burns. The flame will tell you what to do next.

If the candle sparkles, then a series of problems will soon go away from the person. If its flame burns calmly, he has become a victim of magical influence. You should ask for your health and salvation from your Guardian Angel or from St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. You should light a candle in front of his icon and pray for help. The priest can also help, a conversation with whom will give the victim of the magical influence the power to fight the curse. But you shouldn’t be frank with a clergyman. In Orthodoxy, Islam and many other religions, the topic of magic is taboo.

Fighting the mother's curse

Magicians consider the parental, maternal curse one of the most dangerous and unpredictable. Kinship energy is very sensitive to changes created within the family. Women are more often involved in this matter. The curse sent from a daughter to her mother is one of the most powerful. Paternal - less dangerous. The fact is that often relatives do not even know about the consequences of the words spoken to each other. In addition, a woman’s curse is also dangerous if it is directed from the mother to the closest, only daughter.

Negative energy directed towards a soul mate brings the most severe health problems, and even death, to a mother or daughter. Even when the relationship between children and parents is not going so well, you cannot insult your mother and wish her harm. It is difficult to know whether her daughter was cursed or not. But if this happened, the mother's curse will be merciless. Therefore, you should choose a strong, effective way to remove it. One of these is a ritual that is performed during the waning moon.

What is required to perform the ritual against the maternal curse?

You can remove the maternal curse by performing a ritual every night during the waning moon. For this you will need:

  • cup of water;
  • church candle.

The prepared knife should be sharp, and it is better to buy several candles (the ritual is carried out for several days in a row).

How is the ritual for the maternal curse performed?

Having prepared all the magical accessories and waited for the right time, you can begin the ritual. A mother who has become a victim of a curse must:

  1. Light a candle and place it on the table.
  2. Cut off a few hairs from your head with a knife.
  3. Burn the cut off hair with the thought of peace and harmony with your loved one (the “parent” of the curse).
  4. Collect the ashes and pour them into the water.

After the ritual, the mother who has suffered from the magical influence should go outside with the cup. It is necessary to empty the contents of the container away from home. In addition, the farther this place is located from the home, the better.

It is rare to get rid of negative energy in one magical session. The victim himself should repeat this ritual at home every night during the waning moon. The main thing is to believe in its effectiveness and not hold a grudge against your child. In addition, according to magicians, such a magical act is also suitable for a father who has suffered from the evil sent by his child.

The Cemetery Method of Removing the Death Curse

Some magical performances are performed at home, while others are performed on the street. Sometimes rituals are carried out in the most unpleasant and dangerous places. An example of this is a cemetery. Experts believe that the territory of the dead is capable of taking the souls of the living. This is true, but only partly. If you act correctly, following magical instructions, you can get help from the dead. An example of this is a ritual in which a graveyard breaks a killing curse.

What is required for a cemetery ritual?

The cemetery ritual does not tolerate mistakes from the one who performs it. It is necessary to carefully follow the magical instructions and hope for a favorable outcome of the entire action. In addition, we must not forget about the magical accessories that should be prepared:

  • three candles;
  • three slices of black bread;
  • a thin chain (preferably silver).

Anyone who removes damage to death should choose a suitable place for the ritual in advance. The goal is to find 3 graves at the burial site with the same name (the same as the name of the victim). In addition, magicians advise looking for the oldest burial places.

How is a cemetery ritual performed?

The magical performance takes place in the afternoon. You should not go to the cemetery at night. The victim of the curse must:

  1. Place one candle and a piece of bread on the graves of the three dead found.
  2. Ask the deceased for forgiveness for disturbing and asking for help.
  3. The chain should be removed from the body and broken into 3 parts.
  4. Standing between the graves, you should say the words:

“I brought death to you dead. You must sleep soundly and guard my death, put it in a coffin, and lock it with strong locks. Where they brought it to me from is where I return it. Hold the mortal curse and don’t let go.”

After the spoken words, you should throw the broken chain over your left shoulder, and without looking back, go away from the burial sites. Having reached home, you need to light a church candle and say the words:

“Whoever lit a candle for the servant of God (name) performed the funeral service for himself. Amen".

Such a ritual removes the curse sent very quickly. In addition, it allows you to find your “parent”. Most often it is a person from the victim’s environment. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the condition of your acquaintances and even friends. Maybe someone will complain to you about their sudden problems. This will give away the ill-wisher.

Curse ritual with a mirror

One of the most effective rituals that help against curses is the ancient method with a mirror. Its peculiarity is that preparation for the magical action should begin a week in advance. In addition, the ceremony is performed only on the full moon.

What is required for the ritual of the curse with the mirror?

It is possible to remove the evil eye or damage only if all the features of the ritual are observed. The main thing is to prepare the following magical accessories:

  • 2 candles - black and white(you can make black one yourself by adding soot to the melted wax);
  • old and new underwear;
  • 2 large mirrors;
  • vessel with holy water.

It is especially important to install the mirrors correctly. One should be placed in front of the person, and the second behind. The main thing is that the victim can see his reflection from the back in the rear mirror.

How is the ritual against a curse with a mirror carried out?

Before you remove the curse from yourself, it is important to be well prepared. The ritual is prepared a week in advance. You need to find the oldest underwear and wear it. You should wear underpants until the ceremony itself. Having waited until the right time, you need to bring the candles to the altar. The ritual is carried out as follows:

  1. A black candle is placed in front of the front mirror, and a white candle in front of the rear mirror.
  2. Holy water is placed to the right of the victim;
  3. The words of the conspiracy are read facing the first mirror, and then towards the second (you should turn counterclockwise):

“The night is dark, the candle is white (black), the mirror is witchcraft, reflect the damned evil word from me. For the first time I ask you. The night is dark, the candle is white (black), the mirror is witchcraft, reflect from me everything that you see bad in me. For the second time I ask you. The night is dark, the candle is white (black), a witchcraft mirror, reflect the human curse from me. Reflect it from me, return it to the one who created it. For the third time I ask you. Let it be so!".

After reading the words of the conspiracy, you need to wash yourself with holy water, take off your worn underwear and wipe yourself with it. The removed panties should be brought to the flame of a black candle (preventing fire) and the words “So be it!” should be said. The next action is the same, but is carried out over a white candle. Next, you can dress in clean, prepared underwear. Having reclined, you should say something.

A person interacts with many other people every day. Some of them treat him with warmth, while others may literally hate him. Moreover, hostility is not necessarily justified, because there are a huge number of envious and downright evil people who may dislike another simply because he exists. Such people tend to shower a person with abusive words and curses, which can cause great harm to his thin shell.

Curse: what should someone who is cursed do?

A blood relative, a passerby you meet by chance, or a once loved one can curse. What is a curse? This is sending a huge amount of energy to the detriment of a person. Our subconscious, willy-nilly, remembers what we hear, and a person begins to unconsciously attract more and more unpleasant situations, from which sometimes it is, in principle, impossible to emerge victorious. That is why the curse must be lifted before something irreparable happens.

A true believer who has been, needs to pray to the Lord that He will remove the curse. Churched people know that not a single hair will fall from their head unless it is the will of the Lord, therefore the curses of other people should not frighten them.

How to remove the curse and is it even possible?

The curse of an acquaintance who hates you can have enormous destructive power. Sometimes a person whose life begins to collapse on all fronts - health, finances, family life - turns to a magician in time and he diagnoses that the reason for everything that is happening is that the person... He can also remove the curse through a special ritual. If the ritual is carried out successfully, then in the shortest possible time a person’s life will improve.

If the damned has a prejudice against magicians, sorcerers, fortune tellers and clairvoyants, then he can get rid of it on his own. This can be done by a true believer Christian, living according to the commandments and taking part in church sacraments. If a person who has been cursed leads a righteous life and regularly goes to church, then the power of the curse addressed to him gradually weakens and eventually the curse simply ceases to work.

Thus, it is possible to remove the curse by force, but this is a rather lengthy and labor-intensive process. Getting rid of such destructive negativity should not be delayed, because the curse tends to take root in a person’s etheric body and be transmitted to his descendants. Therefore, it is best to turn to a strong magician who will remove all the negativity and return it to the curser.


  • Why are curses dangerous?
  • Remove the ancestral curse

It happens that all members of one family at a certain age die or become ill with the same illness, which cannot be explained in any way by bad heredity. And you know for sure that this started with one of the ancestors, who did something bad, and it flew after him a curse. You can try to remove the ancestral curse with a candle.

You will need

  • Wax candle
  • Iron utensils
  • Grater
  • Glass of water
  • Tack


Go to church and buy a wax candle. At the same time, it doesn’t matter at all which temple you go to. Biblical a curse“until the seventh generation” exists among the Orthodox, and among the Catholics, and even among. But go to the church to which your ancestor belonged, from whom the curse began. A candle is enough.

Grate the candle into an iron bowl. Hold the jar over the heat to melt the wax. It should turn into a homogeneous mass. It should not be stirred. Keep the wax on the fire until you read the prayer.

Say the Lord's Prayer and remove the jar from the heat. Hold the jar in front and say a prayer into the wax asking it to free you from the generational curse. The text can be arbitrary, but at the beginning the address “I ask, such and such, the Lord God, His Son, Jesus, His Mother, the Most Pure Virgin Mary” is necessary. Next, ask them to take it off you and

Black magic and its “derivatives” - whispers, evil eye love spells, curses and damage - can greatly poison the lives of even the most atheist-minded people who do not believe, as they say, in either God or the devil. Dark forces do not ask for our consent. They don’t care whether we know anything about “that” world or not. They simply do their dirty work, and everything for the person collapses, goes downhill, and then he himself is taken to the graveyard.

Your own assistant

What to do if trouble knocks on the door? Of course, it’s great if you can find a healer or a connoisseur, a sorcerer or a sorceress, an appeal to whom will be timely and save the situation. What if there is no one suitable in mind? In this case, how to remove the curse from yourself? There are many first aid methods. But in order to use them, you need to know some conspiracies and perform certain rituals. Most often they are associated with a church and a cemetery. So, one of the most effective options on how to remove the curse from yourself or your loved ones is to contact the Pogostnik.

Master of the cemetery

This is how in magic they call the man who was the last to be buried on a given day. Yes, Pogostnik is precisely a male spirit, not a female one! He is considered the owner of the cemetery until the next funeral occurs and another body is lowered into the ground. Then the “honorary title” of the owner passes to him. How to remove the curse from yourself through Pogostnik? The ritual must be performed on the waning moon. Buy an offering - something baked and sweet. It can be cookies, pie, roll, etc., i.e., a rich sweet. Remove rings, bracelets, beads and other round-shaped jewelry. Just don't take it off. Walk at night, completely alone and silently, to the churchyard. Approach the cemetery gate, the gate itself, but do not enter the territory. Knock three times and call the Pogostnik, saying the corresponding sacred words and three times “Amen”. If he wants, he will appear. You will feel it by the special movement of air, the wind that comes out of nowhere. And by the vague male silhouette that appeared behind the fence. Say hello, apologize for disturbing you, express your request. Place the offering on the ground, bow and leave. Most likely, your wish will come true. Just remember that this method of removing a curse from yourself is quite dangerous, the ritual must be performed strictly as described and under no circumstances should you set foot on the cemetery ground.

Conspiracy text

What exactly should be said to the person asking for the Pogostnik to respond to the call? The plot looks like this:

  • “Hey, you spirits, all of you spirits!
    Inveterate spirits and not inveterate ones!
    Y'all are awake
    and bring your Master to me!
    Let him come in his own spirit,
    He will take my request to the angels!
    If your eyes, Master, are open,
    If my voice is heard by you,
    Open, coffin, open the earth,
    Late master, come to me!
    Amen, amen, amen!

What is the complexity of this ritual “How to remove a curse yourself”? It is not always the case that the Pogostnik, having heard a request, hurries to go to his monastery. Sometimes he strives to take a living person to “that” world. Or the damage that the person asking wanted to get rid of begins to act more strongly. And then little can save! Therefore, even if you find out how to remove the curse yourself, try to first find a master and consult with him.

If a curse is placed on the family

Damage or a curse is usually imposed on one specific person. But sometimes it happens that they are passed on to other members of the family, from generation to generation. And then in one family all the male representatives die, in another the women marry unsuccessfully or are struck by serious illnesses. total bad luck and lack of money also belong to such factors of the negative impact of someone else's evil will. How to remove a family curse, besides turning to the Pogostnik? It all depends on how it is made. For example, if we're talking about about illnesses, misfortunes, you again go straight to the cemetery. No, don't die - what are you talking about! You need to go there for your health!

Ritual with a cross

Now remember how to remove the generational curse from yourself: buy a loaf of black bread and an apple, as well as a fairly long piece of white waffle towel (without any patterns). The towel must be new! The ceremony is carried out on an odd day and on the waning moon. Go to the cemetery in advance and mark a grave, preferably a lonely one. The deceased should have the same name as you. In the morning on the scheduled day, get up, wash, and dry yourself with the prepared towel. Without telling anyone, go to the grave and tie the cloth to the cross. Say the following spell:

  • “Take your sins, remove evil and drive away all evil spirits from the servant of God (name). Just as you cannot rise from the grave, do not walk in the white world, do not trample the earth with your feet, so do not torment or torment the servant of God (name) by corruption and evil! As long as the light remains white, there is no way back for evil!”

Place the gifts you brought under the cross, bow, say “Thank you!” and leave without looking back. Walk the whole way back in silence. Related advice to those who are looking for how to lift a family curse on their own: in the next 3 days after the ritual, do not give anyone money, food, or things, and do not take anything from anyone, even from your loved ones. Why this is important: the curse can return again, and with a vengeance.

Let's hurry to church

Suppose your personal life is not improving at all. And not only you, but also your brothers and sisters, if you have any. And your parents did not live their lives in peace and harmony, and your grandparents, and their parents’ parents... Family legends keep many secrets and mysteries. How to remove a family curse yourself if it is associated with unsuccessful loves, the inability to give birth to a child and other private troubles? Try this effective method. Go to church. Preferably an old one that has been open since the day it opened and was not closed during the years of Soviet power. There, light it for all the deceased relatives whom you know by name. And note: with whose name the candle begins to crackle, that person brought misfortune to the entire family. When the torches have burned more than half, take another candle, place it in front of the icon of St. Nicholas and pray that the libel will be lifted. Between prayers repeat:

  • “Let my sins burn away too! Give them peace, Lord! Save, preserve and have mercy! Thank You, my Lord!”

You need to wait for the candle to burn down a third, order a magpie and a prayer service for all deceased relatives. Here's how to break the curse of loneliness without resorting to graveyard magic.

And more about the power of prayer

Prayers are the strongest energy message that cleanses and heals the one who pronounces sacred words. Their power can rival the most serious conspiracies. In fact, prayers can also be considered conspiracies, only church ones. Through them there is a connection to the divine egregor, which is the main protection against any terrible negativity. How to lift a curse with prayers: first of all, you should read them consciously, passing them “through yourself.” You should definitely order magpies from churches for your health and light candles for the repose of the dead. Confess regularly. There is a special prayer “From all curses”, which is read for 40 days in a row. Through it you can not only cleanse yourself, but also cleanse your family. And you can then keep yourself normal with the help of a “live” prayer-amulet. It sounds like this: “My guardian angel, savior and patron, save and save me from all illnesses, sorrows, misfortunes and misfortunes. Save me everywhere: on the road and at home!” Next, say “Amen!” three times. It would be a good idea to write down the text on paper and keep it with you at all times.

Back to magical rituals

Let's continue the conversation about how to remove the curse yourself using ritual magic. Masters consider this kind of conspiracy against mortal melancholy and sadness that takes possession of a person who has been subjected to hostile energy influence to be very effective and efficient. Light a church candle and say “Our Father” three times. Then say:

Handkerchief ritual

If you know that damage or a curse has been placed on you, this simple ritual will tell you how to remove them. It is performed on the waning moon. An important role is played by what day the ritual ends (it lasts 3 days). If you are a man, then you need to start so that the end falls on Monday, Tuesday or Thursday (one of the men's days). And for women, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday are suitable. They usually don’t do magic on Sunday! So, you will need 3 brand new handkerchiefs. Wipe everyone's face, neck, shoulders and chest well so that the fabric is saturated with your energy. At the same time say:

  • “I wipe, wipe and remove all the dirt from myself.”

Then tie the scarves together, put them in a little bag and put them in the freezer for 3 days. Then take it out and cut the knots with a knife so that you are left with just scraps of fabric. Place the remains of the scarves in a pile and burn them, and bury the ashes under a tree away from the house. You will feel better almost immediately after the ceremony; the black streak in life will change to white.

If the parent's heart is embittered

It is known that there is nothing stronger and more sacred than maternal love and self-sacrifice. But there is nothing stronger and more terrible than maternal anger and hatred. It is very dangerous when parents, consciously or unconsciously, speak swear words to their children, splashing out on them their dissatisfaction with life, the people around them, or their children themselves. How to remove the mother’s curse so that it does not affect the victim and spoil the future of the entire family? With the help of special reports. First of all, you need to order magpies from the church for your health and your mother’s. Then buy candles and place 3 of them in front of the icons of Christ (the Savior), the Virgin Mary and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. If you are sick or an illness overcomes one of your family members, then 3 more candles should be lit in front of the icon of St. Matrona. Read “Our Father” and Psalm 90 in front of the images 3 times. Over the next 40 days, you need to visit the temple of God and place 3 candles in front of each of these icons. Do not tell any of your relatives about your actions. A positive result will definitely appear.

Help from the looking glass

The answer to the question “How can a curse be lifted?” Mirror magic will also give you. The described ritual is proposed to be carried out in case of particularly long-standing negative influences. You will need 2 mirrors and place one mirror in front of you, the second behind you. At midnight, light a candle and, holding it in your hand, read the spell, looking straight into the eyes of your reflection. Wash yourself with blessed water and dry yourself with an undershirt or shirt. Move away from the mirrors, wait until the candle burns out, wrap the candle in a piece of paper, draw a cross on it and bury it under a tree. Place mirrors away from prying eyes, for example, in a closet. And next Sunday, go to church and place 3 candles in front of the icons of the Savior, the Mother of God, and the Holy Spirit. In your prayers, thank the Lord for helping you free yourself from the curse.

Text of the “mirror” conspiracy

Here's what you need to say to your through-the-looking-glass counterpart:

  • “You, black night, you, dark mirror, reflect from me evil words, the curse of man, the sign of hell. I ask you for the first time..."

Repeat the spell three times, specifying: second time, third time. And end with a threefold “Amen.” It should definitely help you!

❖ In order to free your family from such a spell, you need to go to a cemetery at night, when you see the waning moon in the sky, where they no longer bury you. There, stand facing the gate and say:

« The dead sleep and spend the night here. People don’t judge them, they don’t read sentences to them. They do not put shackles on their hands and feet. So in our blood family, shackles and chains would not be put on, sentences would not be announced. Whoever interrupts my plot will go to hard labor in shackles. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen».

Over the next 24 hours, visit the temple and light a candle for the health of the person you suspect of casting a spell on you, with the words:

« I forgive you. From now on, God will be your judge. Amen" When leaving the temple, make a donation that you can. For three days, do not give anything to anyone and do not take anything from anyone.

❖ On the day you were born, go to the cemetery exactly at 12 noon, find a fresh grave (up to 40 days) with the name you bear. Stand at your feet (where the cross is) and be sure to put something on the grave: cookies, candy, flowers (never go to the cemetery empty-handed). Standing at the feet of the tombstone, lower your head, clasp your hands in front of you and quietly read the spell seven times:

« Dead land, help me, remove the curse from me, but don’t take my life. Evil people cursed me, chained me to the dead earth, wished for my death. Give me back my life and punish my enemies. Amen!»

After reading, touch the grave with your hands. When you return home, wash yourself from head to toe with running water. In church, light a candle for your health. The ritual must be performed three times.

❖ On the waning moon at midnight, take two mirrors, place one in front of you, and the second behind you. Light a candle and, looking in the mirror, read the plot:

« Black night, dark mirror, reflect from me the evil word, human curse, widow's sign. I'm asking for the first time. Black night, dark mirror, reflect from me the evil word, human curse, widow's sign. I ask for a second time. Black night, dark mirror, reflect from me the evil word, human curse, widow's sign. I ask for the third time. Amen!»

After this, wash with holy water and dry with your shirt. Let the candle burn out. Next Sunday, go to church, light 3 candles for the Savior, 3 for the Mother of God, 3 for St. Nicholas and 3 for Panteleimon the Healer. There should be 12 candles in total. Thank the Lord for lifting the curse.

❖ Light a candle and read twelve times:

« Heavenly King, heavenly powers, earthly powers, break my evil words. Protect the servant of God (name) from dashing words and bad wishes. Guide the feet of the slave (name) along a good road, save him from all trouble. Enlighten his path and preserve, protect and protect him now and ever and forever and ever. Lord, Son of God, Jesus Christ, have mercy on us. Amen!»

Hide the candle stub.

In our life, it will not be superfluous to know how to remove the curse yourself, because there are more and more ill-wishers and evil people. And a curse can even be understood as unkind views and wishes.

Perform the ritual - live life without a curse

If there is a dark streak in your life or the lives of loved ones, you should perform rituals at home that will help cleanse the aura, remove negativity, etc. Every person is subject to a curse. To prevent anything bad from happening, you should believe in God, attend church, and forgive your enemies. But often you can help your family and yourself in the fight against dark forces.

In order to remove the curse from yourself, there are the following rituals:

Removing the curse of church candles

Ancestral curses cannot be caught like a runny nose or the flu. It’s just that once upon a time a negative event occurred in your family, which after several generations, growing like a snowball, destroyed your life.

This leads to the fact that now a curse hangs over every member of this family (including both children and grandchildren). When someone in the family dies, their share of the curse is inherited and distributed among the survivors. Therefore, often after the death of a loved one there is a feeling of heaviness. This is not always a consequence of the grief experienced. Perhaps some of these sensations are associated with the inherited part of the family curse, which previously lay as a burden on the soul of the deceased.

Often it is the generational curse that is the reason that does not allow you to have a successful career and/or run a business; does not allow you to get married; does not allow you to conceive or have a child; makes you drink heavily; causes health problems that are difficult to explain; constantly turns away favorable life circumstances.

And if there is a family curse in your family, then the most inexplicable things can happen in your life.

After all, the ancestral curse is aimed at destruction, it is passed on over many generations until it reaches its main goal - the total destruction of all members of your family!

Removing the ancestral curse frees you up to accept all the best that can happen in your life and helps to improve all areas of life. By removing the generational curse (if there is one), you get the opportunity to take from life everything that is destined for you by fate and that you are able to get from it.

Removing the ancestral curse

If you have a family curse or if you were cursed by your parents, you need to undergo unction. Unction is a church rite that is usually carried out in the church during Lent, but can also be performed as required. It is aimed at cleansing a person from all sins, including those unknown to him (which he cannot confess, simply because he does not know), as well as at cleansing the sins of the family.

Maria Semyonovna sends all the damned to unction, and she also says that if the curse is not very strong, then each person can remove it on their own.

The ritual is performed on the night from Tuesday to Wednesday at 12 o'clock at night. The time of the moon is no earlier than the 17th lunar day until the 29th–30th lunar day. On Monday (before the ceremony) you read the akathist to the guardian angel. For the night of the ceremony, prepare three candles and church water.

So, in front of you is a mirror with candles. You place another mirror behind you. You stand between two mirrors in a T-shirt and swimming trunks or a combination. These things (without traces of dirt and blood) must be worn for at least two days (except for swimming trunks, of course). Light the candles and read (from memory!), looking into your eyes, without looking up and preferably without blinking (although the last condition will be impossible for everyone to fulfill - it’s okay, just try to blink less if this condition is not at all possible for you):

I look into clear eyes, I’m not afraid of anyone. No demon, no thief, no evil man. The Lord is with me, the Holy Spirit is with me, Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary is with me. It’s not a mirror in front of me, it’s the shield of God in front of me. It’s not the mirror behind me, it’s the shield of God behind me. I will defend myself with a shield, I will defend myself with a shield, I am not afraid of anyone. God the Lord is with me, an angel behind me, the Mother of God in front. Amen.

You wash yourself right there in front of the mirror with holy water prepared in advance (you will also need to prepare a small basin in advance), wipe yourself with a T-shirt or a combination, without taking off this thing.

Look in the mirror as much as you want. The candles must burn out. While they are burning down, there is no need to stand near them.

On the first Sunday after the ceremony, you need to go to church and light 12 candles: 3 - to the Mother of God, 3 - to Jesus Christ, 3 - to the Holy Spirit, 3 - to Panteleimon the Healer. Thank them for lifting the curse.

If boys die in the family

Maria Semyonovna explained how this spell is removed. On Easter there is such a custom: everyone in the church is allowed to ring the bells. Three relatives must climb the bell tower, grab the rope together and ring the bell twelve times. After this, everyone must give the ringer three colored eggs and some money with a request to pray for them. When descending from the bell tower, you need to stop on the steps and read the following plot:

A call from heaven, Christ has risen! Death defeated, hell destroyed. So our Christian race, baptized and forgiven, will rise again, defeat death, and destroy the curse. Just as the Church of Christ is strong, so our male race will be strong. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Curse of the Pregnant Womb

This curse is usually sent by rivals or mother-in-law if she does not recognize her daughter-in-law, but anyone can do it in anger. As a result, the woman loses the child and becomes infertile. This curse is aimed at destroying the family, so if the cursed one has sisters, then the same fate may await them. Just in case, it is better for pregnant women to carry a talisman against an evil word. This is how it is done.

Buy a white silk scarf. On the next full moon at midnight, spread a scarf in the middle of the room, undress naked and stand on this scarf. Read the plot. After this, soak this handkerchief in melt water and wipe all the thresholds in the house. Then the scarf should be washed and ironed by one of your relatives. Place the handkerchief under your bed: it should lie there until your child is born. After giving birth, give this scarf to the one who read the plot. Words of the amulet:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I, the servant of God (name), will go out, blessing myself, I will go, crossing myself, from doors to doors, from gates to gates. I will throw this clean board, it will spread out before me along a wide road, without potholes, without hummocks, without holes, without stones. I’m walking along the toll road, three angels are in front of me. The first angel clears the way, the second guards the road, the third saves the soul. The Lord is above me, the cloth is below me, the child is in me, the Mother of God is with me. The Mother of God bore fruit and was protected by God, and I, the servant of God, will be protected as long as I carry the burden. Amen. Amen. Amen.

If you are cursed and you don’t have a talisman, a spell to pay you back will help you.

You take a rope, tie five knots in it, and fold it in a circle on the ground. Then you put 12 silver objects on it, maybe not new ones, and step over them with a cross. There should be no metal on the body. Hair down. Mistakes must not be made in the spell; rearrangements in words are unacceptable. When reading, do not stammer or stop mid-sentence. It is very serious! If you are not confident in yourself, let someone you trust do this for you so as not to cause harm.

Dead in the earth, living on the earth. Silver is not good for the dead, silver is not money for the living. I throw in silver and buy myself out of trouble. From a dashing man, from a wild beast, from a sword, from a bullet, from a crooked road. I renounce silver, I redeem myself from evil. Go away, purchased evil, return, purchased good. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Oath before death

Once a young man came to Maria Semyonovna and told the following story: “When my wife was dying, she asked me to take an oath that after her death I would not marry anyone. She said: “Go out with whoever you want, and as much as you want, but don’t take another wife.” Well, I swore not to upset the dying woman. She died, I grieved and grieved, and I got married again. I’m still a young man, strong, I’m not used to walking, I’m used to living with a family. And then I had a dream: my wife stood by my bed and said: “You did not keep your oath, but you will not live with another wife. I’ll take it from you.” Less than a month later, my wife was hit and killed by a car. A year later I got married again, and again I had the same dream. After that, he protected and protected his wife as best he could. But she died anyway: her heart stopped. I want to get married for the fourth time, but I’m afraid that I might have to bury him again.”

Maria Semyonovna advised him to go to the monastery for repentance and live there as a monk for a year, and then think about marriage again. For those who have sworn in this way and then broken the oath, she recommends the following. You need to order a memorial service for a year for the person to whom you swore. During this year, every great holiday you need to go to church, confess and receive communion. Drink a sip of holy water every day with the following prayer:

Lord my God, may Your holy gift and Your holy water be for the remission of my sins, for the enlightenment of my mind, for the strengthening of my mental and physical strength, for the health of my soul and body, for the subjugation of my passions and infirmities, according to Your boundless mercy through the prayers of the Most Pure One Your Mother and all Your saints. Amen.

In addition, you need to take water from the well (about 1 liter) and speak on it and also then drink it all a little:

Water of God, Holy water. There was a Samaritan wife who went to the well early in the morning and met the Savior. The Savior says: “Give me, wife, Samaritan, some water to drink!” The Samaritan wife answers: “Lord, You have living water, let me drink it, let me wash with it, me and Your servant (name), so that he may live forever, not grieve and not be sad. For the dead there is paradise and peace, and for the living the joy of God.” Amen. Amen. Amen.

Parental curse

As a rule, a parental curse occurs involuntarily. It’s worth telling the child angrily: “May the devils take you!” - and the child begins to be tormented by demons. It happens that children go missing after such words. Only church prayer helps here. The one who pronounced the curse needs to repent in church, and order a magpie for the child and give alms. Sometimes a curse is attached to a child without mentioning the unclean. If a child is constantly told that he is “parental punishment”, “a backbreaker”, “stupid” and the like, then the curse itself will stick to him. It will truly be a punishment for the family. Therefore, parents should keep their mouths shut and never take their irritation out on their children. This does not mean that children cannot be scolded and punished. You need to scold them, but without anger.

From a bad parent's word

Relatives often curse each other - during the division of property, during some other disputes. Recently a girl came to Maria Semyonovna and told her about her family’s troubles: “When my brother got married, my mother still couldn’t come to terms with his choice. And so and so she cursed the bride, she kept trying to dissuade him. When he got married, she said to his face right at the wedding: “God forbid you, son, to have children from this…”. Here she called her daughter-in-law an obscene word. And for sure: they have been living for five years, but they have no children. We went to the doctors, were examined, and they said everything was fine; it was impossible that she couldn’t get pregnant. They laugh: they say you’re trying hard. But my brother and his wife are not laughing. My grandmother said that their mother cursed them, and that’s why there are no children.

Maria Semyonovna taught me how to act in this case. Read the amulet at dawn:

A simple-haired girl was walking, and the holy elder Simeon met her. “Where are you going, simple-haired girl?” - “I’m going to the dry swamps to collect rotten moss.” - “Why do you need rotten moss?” - “Twist ropes.” - “Why do you need ropes?” - “Catch wild ducks.” - “Why do you need ducks?” - “Milk.” How not to make ropes out of rotten moss, how not to catch wild ducks with these ropes, how not to milk milk from ducks, how not to spoil, not to curse the servant of God (name), baptized, born, brought into the world by God’s will, by the Lord’s mercy. The Lord creates, the Lord gives birth, the Lord protects. Get away, cursed word, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

For poverty

One woman who came to Maria Semyonovna for help told me her story. “My daughter married a foreigner and went abroad. We didn’t see each other for five years, we only wrote letters, and she also sent me parcels for me and my youngest. And the parcels contained fashionable things - not new, apparently, but all of them were of good quality and in good condition. I thought: if he sends second-hand goods, it means there is no money for new things, well, thank you for that. Everyone wanted to go and visit her - somehow she lives there, in a foreign land? And so I went... Yes, I looked at their life - and gasped. He lives and rolls around like cheese in butter. Big house, two cars, husband has a good job. And I felt offended: she was rich herself, but she sent her cast-offs to her sister. I tell her: why did you, daughter, spare money for new things? But she shrugged it off - they were good things, they shouldn’t throw them away. I'm even more offended. This means: what is wrong with you, God, for us? And I began to steal money from them and buy new clothes for my youngest daughter. So my hubby, a foreigner, noticed that the money was disappearing... Apparently, he said something to my eldest. She walks around, hesitates, but doesn’t say anything to me. Finally, I made up my mind. She started from afar and asked if anyone had entered the house while they were away? No, I said, I didn’t come in, but what’s wrong? “Well, he says, the money has gone somewhere.” And I blurt out: I took your money. I have the right: I am a mother. You yourself live like a millionaire - you have a house and two cars, and you send your sister cast-offs! I buy things for her with this money. My daughter was upset and said: the house and the cars were all bought on credit, we live on credit... And if you needed money, you would have asked, why steal? I would have given it anyway. What will I tell my husband now? And I got even more angry with her and said: you live in debt, so you will never pay off these debts, since you grovel so much before your Fritz! “Choke on your money!” and threw her the money that I had left from shopping.

I left. A month later, the eldest calls and says: “Mom, write down my new number. We moved". It turns out that their house was taken away from them because their husband lost his job and now they have nothing to pay off the loan. And they became upset and ruined... They rarely call: it became expensive to call. They live on unemployment benefits and rent an apartment somewhere in the slums. She didn’t call for a long time, so I came to Maria Semyonovna to find out if anything had happened. And she answers: It happened, and a long time ago. If it weren’t for you, she said, everything would have been fine with her daughter, and the baby would have been born. You did this to her."

I tell her:

-Can a mother really harm her daughter?

– It may very well be so. Remember what happened when you visited your daughter abroad.

Well, I remembered... Now I’m walking around - my conscience torments me both for the stolen money and for the curse.”

Maria Semyonovna told how this can be corrected.

You need to buy three church candles, cut them into pieces and throw them into boiling water. When the wax melts, throw three coins there, saying the following spell:

I don’t throw money into wax, I give money for a candle, I donate money to the church. The candle is boiling, the church is standing, growing rich in the Lord. As long as the money is in the candle, wealth will come to me. Wax money, settled in your pocket, invite your sisters to live. You have a lot of sisters, and I will have a lot of money. Amen to my word, three times amen and once again amen.

After that, remove it all from the heat. When it cools down, you need to take out the coins and give them to the person who was cursed. Then you need to go to church and confess. As you do, the curse will disappear and the wealth will return.

From a curse in the family

If there is no peace and harmony in the family, relatives are like enemies, then you need to buy 12 candles and light them after 12 midnight. Be sure to make sure that the sky is not gloomy, but starry. The eldest in the family reads:

May God rise again and let His enemies be scattered! May the enemy forces of Satan, evil words, envy and malice disappear from my house! Go, run, go to hell! I put a cross on forty places, on the motherboard, on the shelves, on the corners, on the ceiling, on the windows, on the walls, on the windowsills, on the roof, on the thresholds, on the doors, on the jambs, on the window sills. The Lord Jesus Christ Himself, the Most Holy Theotokos, John the Baptist, the holy apostles, all the saints, all the martyrs and martyrs, all the virgins and saints, all the blessed and holy fools, all the angels and archangels with the leadership of St. Michael, all the Lord's saints and righteous people! Pray, defend, stand before God, remember me, defend my house. There is no place for you, Satan, in this house of residence, there is no place for you, you have no power over this house, over me, over my children, over my ancestors, over my cattle, over my yard. Here is the power of the Lord, the Mother of God throne. Amen. Amen. Amen.

There are certain magical influences that cause a curse for the entire family - it is difficult for even an experienced specialist to cope with them, not to mention a simple layman. The consequences of the influence of such spells are terrible - they can cause quarrels, the inability to live in peace, as well as loneliness and even the formation of very serious diseases that are inherited.

If you want to know how to remove a curse, you should prepare for the fact that there are no easy ways to get rid of black magic - you will have to spend a lot of time and effort. You can use a variety of rituals, as well as prayers - but you can never say which person is better suited for one or another technique. Sometimes removing a strong curse can take months until an individual effective method is selected.

A curse, unlike damage or the evil eye, is never imposed on a specific person - even when pronounced against him, it is inherited by his children and more distant descendants.

Previously, it was believed that such an impact lasts seven generations, but modern experts say that it is impossible to get rid of such a problem on your own - after time it only weakens, although it may resurface again in the future. Removing a curse is extremely difficult - it is best to contact a professional who can help you do it safely and reliably.

There is such a thing as generational curse- it means that the influence was directed by the ancestors on their descendants who committed an objectionable act. Removing it is the most difficult - it requires lengthy prayers and unwavering faith in one’s own strength. Most often, there is a curse imposed on the female line - in this case, the mother usually renounces her dissolute daughter, who brings shame to the whole family.

If the ancestral spell is considered one of the most complex, then it is definitely worth mentioning separately about such a phenomenon as mother's curse- its consequence is loneliness and the crown of celibacy.

Slightly easier to remove curse passed on by father to son- it is usually a consequence of betrayal, refusal to procreate, as well as betrayal of the spouse. Diseases, insanity, and impotence are more often transmitted through the male line, which can also be a consequence of strong magical influence. Such a generational curse is somewhat less dangerous than a maternal one - it rarely leads to the inability to have children, and the family usually continues its life even if it is not lifted.


The most common consequences

If we do not touch on the complex cases of ancestral curse described above, then we can highlight countless more options for the consequences of using such black magic.

It’s worth starting with celibacy, which can arise even after the mother’s word - such a measure is considered the worst, because after it the clan ceases to exist. It is much more often transmitted through the female line, but usually does not bypass a single person belonging to a given family - they are doomed to lifelong loneliness if they do not get rid of this problem.

If you need to know how to remove a generational curse, it is worth mentioning magic that causes physical and mental illness - it already prefers to go down the male line, although there are exceptions. If the maternal spell is less painful, but more cruel, then people suffer from such a ritual for years, unable to heal. Doctors shrug their shoulders, but it’s impossible to treat yourself. At the same time, it is unknown which curse is worse - physical pain or mental confusion.

The ancestral influence on relationships within the family is also widespread - it is the easiest to determine. If even two loved ones cannot get along with each other, we can definitely talk about the presence of outside interference. Such a curse is equally easily transmitted through both the female and male lines, and in the end it can also cause loneliness with all its consequences.

Quite serious magic, which must be removed as quickly as possible - lack of money. For an inexplicable reason, money begins to disappear from the families’ pockets at a tremendous speed - and no prayers or protective rituals help. If you do not remove this type of ancestral curse, soon everyone will become beggars and will be forced to beg. Moreover, it will affect every person in the family for several generations.

How can the church help?

If you need to find out how to remove a generational curse, the best way to do this is by visiting church. First, it’s worth determining which of your relatives caused you to have such a problem.

To remove the impact yourself, go to church on Sunday and read prayers for the repose of all the deceased whom you knew personally. Next, getting rid of the ancestral curse will require lighting candles one by one for all the dead people you can remember, as well as for the health of all living and healthy loved ones. Remember for which person you lit a certain candle, and then begin to read the “Our Father” prayer.

Determining the source of a family curse will be relatively easy - the required candle will begin to hiss strongly, and its flame will be uneven and may contain shades of blue. If such influence is maternal or otherwise, transmitted through the female line, you must first cleanse yourself of any types of damage using special prayers and rituals.

After the preparation is completed, you need to light another candle for the person from whom the family curse came, and also go to the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Light a candle and say the following prayer:

"Our family was punished
And both the evil eye and the dashing word fell on us
But we are not broken, and we are not tired
They bore their heavy cross, but did not regret
And now it's time for us to rest
You, Lord God, and Saint Nicholas, help me with this
Let the sins of our family burn out like a candle flame.
May they fly like free birds from our land!

After reading these words, you must order an annual prayer service for all deceased relatives, and also donate at least a tenth of your monthly income to the temple.

A maternal curse, or another spell descending on descendants through the female line, will also require fasting for a month in order to prevent incurring additional sin.

In addition, when leaving the church after prayer, you must give at least one coin to each beggar sitting near it. It will also be possible to remove black magic if you do not communicate with your relatives on this day and try not to think about them.

Against the mother's evil words

If misfortune came to you like a mother’s unkind word, and was passed on during the life of both generations, you should get rid of it as soon as possible so as not to stop the continuation of the family. To remove it, prayer against curses can be used in various versions. The most effective method is one that involves performing the ritual at home - its only condition is that the mother who created a similar problem for you is not at home.

To perform the ceremony you will need the following items:

  • saucer without rim;
  • salt;
  • new scarf;
  • church candle;
  • Icon of the Mother of God “Seven Arrows”.

At noon, lay a scarf on the table and place the icon on it, and next to it put a saucer on which pour a large pile of salt and place a candle in it. The maternal curse can be lifted if you light a candle, close your eyes and read the words of the Hail Mary prayer. You cannot open your eyes until the candle burns out - you can time this time in advance so as not to make a mistake.

After this, check your feelings yourself - if you have negative emotions, the icon will reflect the spell of your mother, and she will receive eternal loneliness, which will make her suffer.

To remove a generational curse, you must read the following prayer:

“Mother of God, our long-suffering mother!
Forgive your ignorant servant (mother's name)
She did not wish me harm, and did not want to start a dark sorcery!
Forgive me, a sinner, your servant (your name)
I don’t want to live out my life on my own!
Help me find my betrothed,
Yes, he is happy to give birth to a child
Help me, and I will never forget you
I will be grateful forever, and everyone who comes after me!

In order for the curse transmitted through the female line to completely leave you, you need to wrap the icon in a scarf that lies on the table and hide it under the pillow. There it should lie for three days, after which it should be placed in a prominent place and, if possible, prayers should be read in front of it as often as possible.

It must be remembered that it is not always possible to remove a serious family curse - in many cases it is only possible to stop its further spread in the family.

Therefore, the scarf will become your amulet, without which loneliness will find you again and you will need to start performing the described rituals again on your own.

Even when you find a loved one and give birth to a child, the curse can quickly return - it is extremely rare to completely remove it. Therefore, it is worth carrying a scarf with you at least a few hours a week - you don’t have to tie it on your head if you don’t like this style. It is enough to put it on your hand or around your neck as a stylish accessory so that you can remove the consequences of a family curse passed down through generations.

If you feel that problems are overtaking you again, and in your personal life everything is not as cloudless as you would like, you should go to church and say prayers. Putting a scarf on your head, go to the icon of the Mother of God, and then light a candle for your mother’s health and say the following words:

"Mother of God, kind, fair
Help me, don't leave me in trouble!
I don’t want to be on my own, I don’t want to live out my life alone
The dark fortune-telling comes to me again,
The demonic forces are rolling in again
Help me, shed your light on my head!
Save the perishing servant of God (your name),
May she have healthy and happy offspring!

The words that a mother speaks to her children have special power. It is enough to remember the tradition of blessing a child, giving him powerful generic support. But often, instead of help, a person receives negativity. This is how the mother's curse works - a terrible program that always achieves its goal. What is the essence of such an impact? Is it possible to get rid of it?

Mother's curse - what is it?

An ordinary curse is deliberately imposed. His goal is to harm a person, punish for wrongdoing, and take revenge. The sorcerer performs a special ritual, creating an energy channel between himself and the victim. Only by opening the way can a black magician convey negativity. But the mother's curse is an influence that does not require any rituals. After all, a woman’s connection with her children is formed even at conception. From this moment on, thoughts and words addressed to the child influence him. In fact, a woman can only formulate the desired message, and no problems will arise with its transmission. It is enough for a mother to become angry, angry, irritated, lose her temper - and every word directed at the child will powerfully hit him, launching a curse.

Most often, women thoughtlessly throw out such phrases: “Die!”, “Disappear!”, “Go to hell!”, “May the devil take you!”, “Go away, you damned one!”, “You will not be happy!”

A mother does not necessarily hate her child. In many cases, she expresses aggression due to lack of restraint, excessive emotionality, and fatigue. Perhaps the woman will regret the words that were inadvertently released and will try to make amends. But nothing will help: a mother’s curse on her son or daughter is imposed precisely at such moments of loss of control. And the more often such incidents are repeated, the stronger the negative program will be.

How to protect yourself from the mother's curse

The child is absolutely defenseless against his mother. He subconsciously perceives her words as truth and does not feel the need to resist. The maternal curse applies even in cases where:

  • the person has already grown up and lives separately (the connection still remains);
  • the woman sincerely repented and would like to take back her words (you can’t take back what was said);
  • the family does not believe in magic, including curses (influences exist regardless of people’s opinions).

That is why the mother’s curse is considered so terrible: it is extremely difficult to protect yourself from it, although not impossible. The main thing is to realize that the relationship with the parent is destructive and that you need to resist, forgetting about family feelings.

It is possible to provide complete protection from a curse only if the influence has not yet taken effect (for example, the mother often says something unpleasant and offensive, but has not yet reached the point of real threats). It is also permissible to use the ritual to prevent the situation from getting worse (new curses will not overtake the person).

You will need:

  • mirror;
  • photograph of mother;
  • church candle.

You need to lean the front side of the photo against the mirror. Then you need to light a candle and read the plot:

“You gave birth to me, carried me in your womb, protected me from others, but did not save me from yourself. From now on, let your evil remain with you, and not concern me, but be reflected in a mirror.”

You should wait until the candle burns out completely. It is recommended to always keep the mirror with you, especially during conversations with your mother. This is a talisman that will serve as protection against a curse. It is advisable to give the used photo to the parent; You shouldn't keep it at home.

Mother's Curse: Signs of Impact

It is very important to recognize the induced negativity as early as possible. Usually people themselves feel that they are under the influence of a mother’s curse: the symptoms of such influence are quite obvious.

The main signs of a maternal curse:

  1. Feeling of dependence on the will of the parent. Even adults who have their own families and are distinguished by a strong character feel that their mother suppresses them. They may not understand why this happens and how it is expressed: the feeling is purely intuitive.
  2. The words spoken by the mother in anger or irritation come true. Understanding does not come immediately, but at some point a person realizes: he is living the life that his parent once predicted for him.
  3. General poor health, persistent problems, depression.

Since the maternal curse acts in the same way as damage, it affects all areas of life to one degree or another. The main emphasis is on the area that the parent has “jinxed,” but part of the power of the destructive program is directed toward the general destruction of a person’s full existence.

There are many examples of maternal curses. The most common situations are:

  • a girl leaves her husband while pregnant and returns to her parents' house, where she is not very loved. The mother keeps repeating: “So that neither you nor your offspring are here!” The result is a miscarriage, the birth of a sick child, and in the worst case, a generational curse;
  • the son enters the university in a specialty that his mother does not like. She constantly repeats: “If you sit without a crust of bread with your diploma, you won’t earn any money.” The result is that the guy leads a miserable existence and cannot get a normal job;
  • the daughter goes against her mother's wishes and wants to marry an "unsuitable" man. The parent shouts in her hearts: “It would be better if you stayed as a girl forever!” The result is that the guy leaves, and the girl remains lonely for the rest of her life (the program for the crown of celibacy is activated).

The Mother's Curse exists and many more people experience it than one might imagine. Under no circumstances should you let the situation take its course: you need to cleanse yourself of negativity as soon as possible.

How to remove the mother's curse yourself

It is difficult to get rid of the mother's curse. Many healers and magicians refuse to perform the ritual, since removing such an effect gives a very strong kickback. It is recommended to look for an experienced black sorcerer who specializes in working with related magical effects and is not afraid to take risks.

If there is no way to seek help, the only thing left to do is try to remove the mother’s curse on your own. The procedure is quite long and complicated, but all conditions must be met.

You will need:

  • sharp knife;
  • church candle;
  • container with water.

The ritual involves gradual cleansing of the curse. They cast a spell on the waning moon (the phase of the moon can always be seen in the lunar calendar). You should light a candle and say the following spell:

“The mother gave birth to a child, left it in an open field, abandoned it in a dark forest, gave it to evil beasts to be torn to pieces, blessed it with an unkind word, called it black trash, did not baptize it in the name of God, left it for the amusement of the dark forces. Pure fire burns a mother’s unkind words, cleanses a child in a mighty flame, frees a child from the shackles of a curse, drives away evil beasts, leads dark forces away, illuminates life with light, protects from a mother’s misfortune. The wax melts, flows down, disappears, and so the parental curse leaves me, does not touch my life, takes away its troubles, leaves me forever, so that the evil word no longer has power over me, so that the evil spoken never reaches me again. My existence will be illuminated with heavenly light, what I deserve will return to my mother, but it will no longer touch me, dark words will no longer stick to me, as this candle burns out to the end, so the curse will disappear.”

Next, you need to make a deep cut on your left hand and squeeze out some blood into a bowl of water. You should also cut off a lock of hair with a knife, burn it, and throw the ashes into water. The ritual will end when the candle burns out. The water must be poured under a dry tree.

The ritual is repeated daily until the end of the waning moon phase. Then they take a break until the next such period. You need to cleanse yourself until you feel like the mother’s curse has stopped working. It is advisable to combine this ritual with a protective ritual on the mirror to prevent new magical attacks.

How to remove the curse of a dead mother

Death does not stop the negative program. The mother's curse on the child continues to work, even if the woman has died long ago. Old magical influences are removed using a special ritual.

You will need:

  • wax;
  • container with cold water;
  • a handful of coins.

Spells to get rid of the ancestral curse.

In this article:

A family curse is a curse that someone close to you has been subjected to. It is valid if you do not remove it earlier, until the seventh generation.

What is called a generational curse? Does it exist or is it a myth? How to deal with it and remove it? What conspiracy is suitable to remove the generational curse? These are the main questions that have bothered a large number of people for many years.

Some seek answers to these questions on their own, some turn to professionals, and some do not consider it necessary to find out the truth, believing that it is easier to live without it, but life does not change for the better.

If there is a generational curse, then it will work until it is removed. How to do it? More on this later. But first we will learn more about the generational curse. Only by understanding and knowing what you are faced with can you choose the right way to fight.

Ancestral curse

Any curse that can be imposed deliberately or accidentally is a serious danger to a person’s bioenergy, his physical and mental health, as well as fate in general. A generational curse is like a time bomb with enormous destructive power.

The wave from an exploding shell affects not just one person, but an entire family, often destroying all relatives, young and old. It is not easy to recognize a generational curse, since it has many faces. It is even more difficult to identify a family curse if it was imposed recently and you cannot trace the sequence of troubles that befell you and your blood relatives.

Only people with extrasensory and magical abilities are able to identify a family curse in its very embryo. However, it is important to do this as early as possible, since the curse will gain momentum and draw new victims into its karmic funnel.


  • In your family there are many suicides, mentally ill people, those who died tragically and died early from serious illnesses.
  • All women of the clan cannot have children due to suffering from diseases of the reproductive organs, and if children are born, they are either dead or sick.
  • There are many drug addicts and alcoholics in the family.
  • Each subsequent generation completely copies the fate of its parents, which, by the way, is sad.
  • Marriages are breaking up.
  • There is no peace and harmony in families; chaos and scandals constantly reign.
  • All members of the clan are haunted by minor and major failures.
  • Children disown their parents.
  • The women of the family become widows early.

All this leads to the eradication of the race as such and complete disappearance from the face of the earth.

Where to begin

If you have at least one third of the above symptoms, you need to decide: come to terms with the existing curse or try to save yourself and your family.

On your own, you can not only soften the power of the ancestral curse, but also completely neutralize it. But all this is possible only on the condition that the curse was imposed unintentionally, by a person in a state of complete disappointment, in the hearts. For such a case, there are a lot of conspiracies and rituals that can save you from negativity. But for this, again, one more condition is needed - you must have powerful positive energy.

If the family curse is very old and tragic events in your family develop with lightning speed, you cannot cope with it on your own, you can only make things worse. To begin the fight against such a curse, you need to go to a psychic so that he can identify the cause, source, time of onset of the curse, and also evaluate the possibility of its elimination or at least easing.

Removing the Curse

Having realized the fact that you have been cursed, do not wait for the curse to happen, remove it quickly! Regardless of the reasons for the curse, start by reading a prayer to remove the generational curse. Regular reading of prayer can either negate the curse or simply weaken it. In any case, you will achieve a positive result. And the lack of development of the curse is also a result.

But reading a prayer and calming down is not enough. This way you will not achieve your goal. Do not give in to troubles and troubles, continue to act!

A curse is an area of ​​negative energy, reinforced by the forces of the curser. The outcome of the case depends entirely on your strengths. If there are not enough of them, and you are not able to overcome this energy clot, due to a low spiritual level or an unstable psychological state, contact a specialist.

What should be done

To get rid of a family curse on your own, read the plot outlined below, and also be sure to follow a number of the indicated actions, otherwise you will not only not achieve results, but also harm yourself and your relatives:

Father or mother, grandmother or grandfather, Who have not been around for a long time. Having once received a spell, It is their fault that I endure the generational curse.

It was born along the family chain, Like a malicious ulcer, it settled in me. I wish it to stop and return to the bowels of the earth.

As soon as midnight comes, I will light the candles, Having said these words, I will burn the paper. I will leave the innate evil in the earth, and tomorrow morning I will light candles in the church.

Seven pieces so that the ancestors rest in peace, Seven more candles for health - to the divine powers.

Amen! Amen! Amen!"

Go to church and buy 7 expensive candles. Fill a pre-prepared container with holy water. If you do not have the following icons, buy them on the same day in the church shop, these are the icons of the Mother of God, Jesus Christ, Matrona of Moscow and the Great Martyr Panteleimon. Place the blessed cross around your neck and do not take it off under any circumstances.

At 24.00, close yourself in the room and light the candles, placing a vessel with holy water and the above icons next to them. Read “Our Father” 7 times. Drink holy water. Read the plot to remove the ancestral curse 7 times from the sheet. Wait until the candles burn out completely, wrap the stubs in a sheet with the text of the plot, place it on a saucer and set it on fire.

Drink holy water again. Wearing disposable gloves, take the combustion products and place them together with the saucer in a plastic bag, which is buried in a deserted place. Go home and don't look back, and don't talk to anyone.

Drink holy water again. Put the icons in their places, take off your gloves and throw them away. In the morning, go to church and convey the repose of your deceased relatives by purchasing 14 candles. Give a note for health not only to yourself, but also to all your relatives, from children and grandchildren to parents, if they are alive.

Place 7 candles on the eve and 7 candles to the icon of Jesus Christ, the Mother of God, the Matrona of Moscow and the Great Martyr Panteleimon. Go to church as often as possible, observe fasts and spiritual traditions, this is the only way you can hope that no evil intentions will harm you and your children.

May the Lord Bless you and deliver you from the curse of the generation that lives inside your soul!

No related posts.

Reviews and comments


Good day! I have a story that is out of the ordinary...
I am a former - I'm not afraid of this word - drug addict. And the situation is this, due to many reasons (with your permission I will not list any of them), being a person distant from society in recent 2012 (the year I quit), I uttered words that in no way give me peace and I think in the heads of those close to me and the people close to me, they may not have calmed down either (although they don’t show it). I, at the moment when my wife, with whom we have been officially married since 2011, and have been living together for about 10 years, found the so-called “next dose”, said the words --- Damn me and my entire family and my family children……….. and so on, I can’t convey exactly, but the gist was this. Question: could I myself harm my family and loved ones.


Yes, Stepan, you could have harmed your loved ones, and quite badly.
See an experienced magician to remove possible damage or curse.

You see, in a state of emotional explosion, all our words are tens of times stronger, so we should not exclude such a possibility.


Let me explain that I “was” a drug addict for 2 years, 2011 and 2012, although until that moment I had despised these creatures and everything connected with them. There was a discord in our family life, and there was... betrayal... I couldn’t forgive her... although I myself am not without sin, and that’s why I got involved with “rubbish” out of the blue, stupid, but it happens... Friends helped me distract myself They offered me a dose, then another... I didn’t refuse and went O.

At the moment, by my own volitional decision (just in 2012), I moved to live in another region! started everything from scratch! moved the family! and we gave birth to a daughter with my beloved wife. I forgave everything, she forgave me for the horror that she experienced with me. But still I remember those words and worry. I am ready to bear any punishment……. but if only I wouldn’t have had any impact on my child or loved ones. I apologize for the many letters, thanks for the help 😉


Good afternoon Please tell me what and how I should do, the fact is that I haven’t been able to get married for 12 years. My relationship with my husband ended 12 years ago, the official divorce was in 2013. I dated men and broke up. After some time, she met with the same men again and broke up again. That is, the meeting took place in a circle at different times. I am currently dating a married man for 4 years. I know that this is all wrong, I think that I am not particularly to blame. Could my own mother have harmed me in my situation? Her situation with divorce is the same. Several times in a drunken stupor she cursed me, saying that she would light a candle for my repose. The quarrels took place because I forbade her to drink and took away the alcohol. Currently I offered her to live with me. For some time I lived constantly drinking and arguing. She went to live with my father. There she also continued her actions with alcohol. She did not live with him. Now he’s wandering around visiting relatives. I'm mad at her. I understand that I need to forgive and let go of this situation, I can’t help it. Tell me what to do, what to do. I think my mother is to blame for my loneliness, or maybe someone else. Or maybe this is a generational curse?


Hello! I want to tell you my story. I don’t know when it all started. The fact is that before I was always lucky, I was very strong, everyone loved and respected me. Everything always worked out the way I wanted. Since about 2009, everything is going not like that. First of all, my health has gone. I feel like I can’t work, my head, my eyes are starting to hurt, I’m not getting along with my wife. It feels like someone is draining my energy. I’ve had charlotans everywhere I’ve turned. Help me, tell me what to do. Your friend Serik.M.A.


Hello, Serik!
It is likely that energy is being “sucked”. You chose a very precise definition.
Unfortunately, we cannot help from a distance. Try to find a good magician, use city forums, advice from friends.
Good luck!


Good day! Please tell me what to do. When I was a child, a gypsy woman responded to me on the street, I stopped and she handed me candy.
I don’t remember anything after that, I woke up to the fact that other children were loudly calling me. It was as if I stopped seeing and hearing the world around me for some time.
Now I am 45 years old, I had three sons. The youngest drowned at age eight. The eldest died in 2014, he was 24. The middle son remains.
My personal life hasn’t been a success either, I’m constantly plagued by some kind of problem... Including financial ones, although we seem to be working on everything, but there’s always not enough. At night I very often have nightmares, some of them come true. Sometimes I'm even afraid to fall asleep.
Can you please tell me what to do? Is there a way to fix all this? Thank you in advance.


Hello, Svetlana!
I am a Muslim by nationality. My mother had two marriages in her life. The first marriage produced four daughters. I'm fourth. Dad died in an accident. Then, after a while, my mother got married. My stepfather had a family, in his first marriage. It seems to me that his first wife cursed her mother. After some time, the third sister died, the machine broke up. It was a long time ago. We still don't have happiness. Stepfather died. I divorced my husband. My sister is not happy either. They also divorced their husbands. What kind of plot can you read? They won’t let us into church, we’re Muslims. Help! Please tell me! Thank you in advance!


Hello, Zulya!
You will not be allowed into the Orthodox Church, but you can go to the mosque.
I can’t suggest any conspiracy, because... I don’t know what exactly is going on with your family. It could be a curse or damage. In this case, you need to first remove them, and then attract something.
Good luck!


in 2010, my dad died, and literally a month before that he found my mother (his wife) with such notes in her notebook, saying that they were to blame for my life…. and all relatives on the father's side are listed. Within five years, almost all of them died. I look like my dad and my son went to prison in 2014. I had a female surgery and was diagnosed with cancer. I'm scared of what will happen next.


Hello, in our family everyone dies young and from cancer, cirrhosis of the liver and female. We recently learned that this is all a generational curse. But according to you, this is for the Orthodox. I’m a Muslim and don’t wear a cross, what should I do then? There was one Muslim woman who reads, and she also said that this curse can be removed for almost a thousand dollars. She asked, but I don’t have that kind of money, what should we do?


Hello. I have a serious situation. Since childhood I have felt negativity, a negative attitude of those around me... There is a lot of bad things in my life, nothing works out, no matter how hard I try, I seem to be going in circles... I have two children, a second marriage, but everything is not going well. Children get sick often, they don’t get good jobs, husbands are whores... in general hope for the future is dying. help me. thank you


Love, first I recommend that you roll it out with an egg. Then put up a shield: a charm-spell against any witchcraft (mirror shield). Read while holding figs on both hands, pointed forward. Observe men's and women's days, do not do it on Sundays and major church holidays. Read only after sunset, when it is dark. The shield not only protects, but also removes almost any witchcraft. “To my words - mirrors, to my deeds - Saints of the Image, with me is the Triple Power, in my hands are figs, from this moment, whoever conjures God’s servant (name) will suffer from his own evil. With a fatal fiery arrow, return everything witchcraft home, where it came from, do your evil there, let the one who did evil to God’s servant (name) suffer. Whether you are a sorcerer or a sorceress, or the Tsar-Queen of all Sorcerers, if you conjure God’s servant (name), it is from your own evil you will suffer. The Lord is with me in the One Holy Trinity, all His Holy Host, they will protect and defend God’s servant (name). With me, the Triple Power of God preserved the servant (name), turned back all witchcraft, closed the road to all evil and defeated all evil. To my words - mirrors, to my deeds - Saints of the Image, the Triple Power is with me, and to you adversaries and scoundrels - all your words are nothing. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and in the Trinity of the One God and the entire Holy Host and the Most Holy Theotokos Mother. Amen. Amen. Amen.” Place a talisman every three months. You can also do this: the amulet in the photo. Take the photo in your hands and turn it face up. Go to the eastern part of the room where you are and looking at the photo 7 times say: Whoever attacks you will die, whoever looks unkindly will get sick. So be it.


I, too, like Lyudmila, who wrote above, was cursed several times by a drunken mother...
You answer her:
If your mother has strength, then, yes, her curses at your back could begin to take effect. If not, then her words are empty.
What forces are we talking about? Magical? And how do you know if she has them or not?
Because many say that any words have their own power... And the parental curse is the most powerful!?


Hello, Svetlana! I have a VERY sad story. My mother has an essence transfer and the development of ancestral programs. There is a generational curse. First, a year ago, a black witch attacked her, poisoned her. I fought as hard as I could. And now everything is very bad. Mom will probably die soon. Her strength will give her strength. From size 46 she lost weight in a short time to 38. She has only bones. Her eyes are sunken. There are attacks of uncontrollable aggression. Well, this is due to the addition of an essence of a demonic nature. There is not just an essence, but a high order. That witch I tried. She sacrificed something valuable for such a service, so that my mother would be killed from the world. And then the ancestral robots turned on ((In short, I don’t know how to save her. If I don’t do anything, she’ll die within the next year.
I need advice, just practical advice. I have abilities. And the connection with my family is strong. But I just don’t have practice in these matters.


How can one accurately determine whether a family is cursed or not? It seems to me that our family on my mother’s side is cursed or something similar. Because Mom has 5 brothers, three of them are not married, and are no longer getting married because they are getting older in age and one is slowly dying from diabetes, two are married, they have children, but nothing goes well for the children in life either, mostly just girls , still not married, was alone, divorced, also gave birth to two girls. One uncle had a son and died immediately; another had a son, but did not marry and became an alcoholic. My mother has two girls, we are also not married, we are already over thirty, we don’t seem to be ugly, but life is not going well, my cousin gave birth to a child without a husband and she also died. It feels like the species is cursed to extinction. My grandfather had a family before his grandmother, while he was at war, his wife left for someone else, but he still had a daughter there, she was very offended by my grandfather that he did not take her with him, because it was bad for her to live with her stepfather, so this daughter also later had children, a son and a daughter, the son is the spitting image of my grandfather, and so this son dies of cancer at the age of 30, my grandfather also died of cancer, and her daughter, like all of us, never She got married when she was already 45. What is it, are we cursed? The men die and become drunkards, and the women don’t get married and don’t give birth to children, only one sister has two children - girls, I don’t even know what will happen. We are Muslims, we don’t go to church, we don’t wear crosses, we don’t buy icons, it’s not accepted.


Hello. .my name is Shushan, I am Armenian..I feel that there is a family curse on me...the curse is very old..and probably also damage..I divorced my husband and was left alone with my daughter. .quarreled with all my relatives...my documents were stolen..I can’t get a job..you can say I live with my daughter..what should I do, please tell me what should I do? ????


For forty days, wash your face with the charmed water and dry with the same towel each time. After the fortieth day, burn the towel. The spell words are:
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
As in the first law of the Virgin Mary
She covered the Son of Jesus Christ with Her robe,
She protected Him from enemies and adversaries,
So do I, God’s servant (name),
Cover, Lady Most Holy Theotokos:
From damage, spells and blood curses,
From all demonic unfaithful forces.
Raise, O Lord, Your hand over me.
Save me, protect me and protect me.
I believe in one God,
Father and Son and Holy Spirit.


Unfortunately, I can’t recommend you a master in St. Petersburg.
You need to undergo unction. Unction is a church rite that is usually carried out in the church during Lent, but can also be performed as required. It is aimed at cleansing a person from all sins, including those unknown to him (which he cannot confess, simply because he does not know), as well as at cleansing the sins of the family.

The ritual is performed on the night from Tuesday to Wednesday at 12 o'clock at night. The time of the moon is no earlier than the 17th lunar day until the 29th–30th lunar day. On Monday (before the ceremony) you read the akathist to the guardian angel. For the night of the ceremony, prepare three candles and church water.
So, in front of you is a mirror with candles. You place another mirror behind you. You are standing between two mirrors in your underwear. These things (without traces of dirt and blood) must be worn for at least two days (except for swimming trunks, of course). Light the candles and read (from memory!), looking into your eyes, without looking up and preferably without blinking (although the last condition will be impossible for everyone to fulfill - it’s okay, just try to blink less if this condition is not at all possible for you):
I look into clear eyes, I’m not afraid of anyone. No demon, no thief, no evil man. The Lord is with me, the Holy Spirit is with me, Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos is with me. It’s not a mirror in front of me, it’s the shield of God in front of me. It’s not the mirror behind me, it’s the shield of God behind me. I will defend myself with a shield, I will defend myself with a shield, I am not afraid of anyone. God the Lord is with me, an angel behind me, the Mother of God in front. Amen.
You wash yourself right there in front of the mirror with holy water prepared in advance (you will also need to prepare a small basin in advance), wipe yourself with a T-shirt or a combination, without taking off this thing.
Look in the mirror as much as you want. The candles must burn out. While they are burning down, there is no need to stand near them.
On the first Sunday after the ceremony, you need to go to church and light 12 candles: 3 - to the Mother of God, 3 - to Jesus Christ, 3 - to the Holy Spirit, 3 - to Panteleimon the Healer. Thank them.


Hello, our family also has a curse. The fact is that my late grandmother made a love spell from a fortune teller to marry my mom and dad, my mom was 19 years old at the time, she didn’t even understand what was happening. They got married, but none of them were happy, my father started drinking and died at the age of 50, they say he didn’t hold on to life, my mother was unhappy all her life, we have three children, I’m the only girl and 2 brothers are all very decent, kind, I would even say too much. Nothing goes well with the brothers, no matter what they undertake they go bankrupt on every case, and the older brother also has some kind of mysterious illness, all the doctors have already gone to all the money only to hospitals and go, but they can’t find anything, they have no luck with women either, the eldest is already 33, and even in plans no, get married, have children. I have a son, he is 6 years old, and I began to notice in him that his character is very similar to his brothers, such a shirt guy, as people say, and it scares me. Maybe this is a consequence of a love spell that affects the male line. Please tell me how to pray out this sin of a long-dead grandmother


This is not true.
Read 3 times 3 days - a candle to the Heavenly Father
I am the only father who says everywhere: “I’m cleaning up. Eliminating it. I remove all kinds of vipers for a solitary age from the servant of God (name) I burn out with my fire and light both the afterbirth and the remains!
Amen Amen Amen. The Lord is holy! Amine. Amine. Amine

This prayer was given by the Great Father from the Lonely Age.
Father You are with us! I ask you hard, don’t leave (name) in trouble, I ask you hard to take away her lonely age. I ask you to give him a lifetime of life. Take away from (name) everyone who spoils her; teho koto single age knits her (to him). Please remove the afterbirth in a businesslike manner. Protect (name) from their elms and clothespins, sewing, prilepovo, kidev, chetevo on food, drink, clothing, God’s creature, gift, debt, praise, bribe, obscurity, hemming gravy, grease, substitute and other nasty things knitted for a single century, and if you try to knit this again (name) at the request of others, or you yourself will burn from God’s Fire, For from the reading of this prayer, God the Great Himself (name) protects her, her family, and her Family. For in this prayer is HIS Will. Amen.
After cleansing with prayers - a conspiracy.

They read “Seven Arrows” in front of the icon of the Mother of God. You cannot interrupt reading and be distracted, so turn off your phone, lock the door and do not open it for anyone until you have read this report 40 times. Place 7 church candles in front of the icon, light them and first read these words:
“O long-suffering Mother of God, who surpassed all the daughters of the earth in Her purity and in the multitude of sufferings You endured on earth, accept our much-painful sighs and keep us under the shelter of Your mercy. Do You know of no other refuge and warm intercession, but, as you have boldness in the One born of You, help and save us with Your prayers, so that we may without stumbling reach the Kingdom of Heaven, where with all the saints we will sing praises in the Trinity of the One God, now and ever and ever forever and ever. Amen."
Take a break and proceed directly to reprimanding loneliness:
“The word bad, cursed, evil, like an enemy’s arrow, struck me with loneliness. But with God’s help, with the Most Holy Theotokos, I will cover myself with invincible hope, I will lift myself up with pure prayer, I will find Jesus’ help, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."



Icons of the Most Holy Theotokos: “The All-Tsarina”, “Kazan”, “Three-Handed”; Great Martyr Catherine, Great Martyr Varvara, Great Martyr Paraskeva Friday.

Candles in candlesticks, ritual candle, black linen, linden, aspen, willow branches.


There is a black tablecloth on the table, icons in a semicircle, a candle in front of each, a branch in the center, a prayer cloth on the floor, light the candles, stand in the center of the cloth, read the appeal.


Mother Lady, Most Holy Theotokos in the image of the All-Tsarina, come to me, the servant of God (name), to help. Help me remove the curse from myself.

Mother Intercessor, Most Holy Theotokos in the image of Kazan, come to me, the servant of God (name), to help. Help me remove the curse from myself.

Great Martyr Catherine, come to help me, God’s servant (name). Help me remove the curse from myself.

Great Martyr Barbara, come to help me, God’s servant (name). Help me remove the curse from myself.

Great Martyr Paraskeva Friday, come to me, the servant of God (name), to help. Help me remove the curse from myself.


KAZAN - 1 R,


Three dawns do not meet in the blue sky,
in a dense forest three trees do not grow from one root,
three holy virgins are coming across clear skies to help me,
with them is the Mother of God, Mother of God, Queen of queens and holy virgins.
Three maidens: Katerina, Varvara and Paraskeva - three branches were broken from three trees,
three trees whispered holy prayers, curses from me, God’s servant (name), swept away, removed, shook off. Mother of God Mother of God took out the curse
and with her white hand she picked from the ridge, from the sacrum, from the back, from the vertebra,
from bones, veins, blood, livers.
As three branches dry from three trees, so I have grief and sorrow,
not to know curses and spells, to remain in joy from century to century. Amen.

Wait until the branches dry out in the sun, and then burn them at the third corner of your house.


Please explain what it means to go to church in the morning and convey the repose of your deceased relatives (I don’t know what needs to be conveyed where), buy 14 candles and what to do with them. And then I understand why you need to put 7 candles on the canon, but do the other icons also need 7 candles? Please explain so that I can do everything correctly.

I urgently ask for help!!!08.10.2016

In my family, for 5 generations in a row (this is what I know), women on my mother’s side have been repeating their fate and each time it gets worse and I’m afraid for myself and my daughter! We are all alone, men bring only pain and do not live with us for a long time, we are constantly sick and very seriously (internal organs, skin diseases, I personally suffered serious operations on the verge of life and death), eternal poverty and debts. And everything gets worse and worse every year. Eternal anxiety, no strength to live, suicidal thoughts, but I keep thinking about my mother and daughter, they won’t be able to live without me. Creditors are strangling, it’s impossible to get out of the funnel. I’m afraid for my daughter, who is 17 years old and has been sick with skin diseases throughout her childhood, has a weak heart, etc. HELP!!!


Hello! My name is Victoria, I would like to decide whether there is a curse or not and whether I can cope with it myself. My husband’s father was once a big official, in those days they didn’t ask whether you wanted it or not, you had to follow the orders of your superiors , so, my father-in-law was tasked with building a park on the site of an ancient cemetery in the very center of the city, I think that more than one person in those days sent a bunch of “good” wishes to his father-in-law, my husband’s relationship with his father was not easy, my father-in-law was not of a simple character, my husband is also not soft and fluffy, I can’t say that we live badly, but problems and some trials do not leave us, now my son and her husband also have a very difficult relationship, and in general everything is somehow not going well - we give up sometimes you don’t want anything at all, but that’s not all, the fact is that my father and grandmother’s relationship didn’t work out very well either, and now I can’t communicate with my father at all, in general the family is a complete mess, I don’t know how to get out , I’m in despair, I remember from childhood a bad conversation between my father and his mother, and in my opinion, well, maybe I screwed myself up, of course, but it seems to me that she wished something bad for my father then, in general, I can’t understand, I always I tried to live correctly and raise my children correctly, but now everyone in the family hates each other. I haven’t spoken to my sister for 3 years, although it’s not my fault, and it’s always me who feels guilty, but everyone else lives happily ever after and doesn’t even worry. Here and I want to figure out whether someone cursed my family and whether I can get out of all this on my own. Thank you in advance.


Great-grandmother (2 twin brothers died in the war) gave birth to 3 daughters. Two have sons without wives or children. One fell in love with God and renounced everything, the other is a pervert (in the literal sense of the word). The third daughter (my grandmother) had twin boys die (either in infancy or were stillborn). I gave birth to two daughters, both unhappy, one (divorced) gave birth to a dead boy and a girl with congenital diabetes, my mother drinks all her life and is married 4 times. My 2 brothers died at 3 months and at almost 15 years.
My grandmother did not communicate with her mother, my mother did not communicate with her, now I have not communicated with mine for a long time, and with all that relatives (because there is always intrigue, gossip, anger and curses).
I’m 30, I was married for only a few months, my husband was a tyrant, I ran away just in time.
All my life I come across men who don’t want a family, or who already have one.
I don’t know any reviews about the masters, I live in Moscow, they deceive me at every step)))
Please advise how to deal with this myself.
Thank you


Olya, this is most likely generic, although diagnosis in your case is simply necessary, I think, to work for sure. But then work on your own. Perform the ritual in courses, as the moon wanes, do not limit yourself to one time. When it is carried out, there should be nothing distracting in the room. Windows must be closed and tightly curtained. You should not be wearing any rings, chains, or bracelets. You cannot do the ritual if you are on your period. Clothes should be plain, ritual actions are carried out barefoot. The ritual cannot be performed on Sundays and major church holidays, and it is performed only on the waning moon. At the end of the ritual, it is advisable not to talk to anyone or watch TV for at least two hours.
On a table covered with a white tablecloth, place 3 icons: “Holy Trinity”, “Seeking the Lost”, “Nicholas the Wonderworker”. Light a candle in front of each icon. Kneel before the icons, make three prostrations and three signs of the cross and say a prayer address:
In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages.
Holy Trinity, God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit! Stand up to me, servant of God (name), to help me.
Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker! Stand up to me, servant of God (name), to help me.
Most Holy Theotokos “Seeking the Lost”, arise for me, servant of God (name), to help me.
Stand up and recite the “Door of Mercy” prayer:
Open the doors of mercy for us, Blessed Mother of God, so that we who trust in You may not perish, but may we be saved from troubles by You. For you are the salvation of the Christian race.
Place round white bread on the table, place 3 signs of the cross on it and say the following spell 3 times:
In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I, servant of God (name), will stand up, pray, and walk, crossing myself, from the red corner in my hut to the far side. I will go along the roads on horseback and on foot, I will go through forests and seas, through rivers and lakes, through marshy swamps. I will walk under the red sun, under the blue sky, under frequent stars.
I'll get to the far side. In that temple, on the golden throne, sits the Most Holy Trinity, the Affirmer of life. I will stand, servant of God (name), before the Trinity in prayer, and pray and ask: straighten and correct, Most Holy Trinity, the life paths of the servant of God (name) of the family of the father
(name) and mother (name), cut with your fiery spear all family ties and shackles, teachings and ties, all damage and cramps, all curses and spells, envy and hatred, your own and others, blood and bloodless, the evil dashing word sent , sent, toil, slander, vanity,
heartache, despair, despondency, deception, intoxication, negligence and laziness. The Lord will touch you with the cross, from the servant of God (name), sin - trouble will turn away. The Most Holy Trinity, the dear Mother of God, Nicholas the Wonderworker came to help, they brought the light of God and prayer to the family of God’s servant (name). Eight blessings strengthened the clan, eight blessings opened the roads of life, eight strengthened the roots of the clan, and extended life in the clan of the servant of God (name), from the clan of the father (name) and mother (name).
The birds of heaven devoured their daily bread, all the damage and cramps from the path of life of the servant of God (name) disappeared. My word is strong.
Do not cut with a knife, do not chop with an ax. As said, so be it. Amen.
After this, carefully break the bread into small pieces with your hands and take it to a place where birds frequent. Without looking back, leave and don’t give anyone anything from home for 3 days.05/01/2017

The father disowned his son before his death. My son died of cancer at 53 years old 9 days ago (we have been divorced for more than 7 years). I am afraid for my daughter (last year I had a serious accident with my boyfriend and had problems conceiving). Can you recommend specialists in St. Petersburg?


Hello! Can you please tell me what to do. I don’t even know where to start. The fact is that since childhood, since the death of my mother (I was 7), I have been haunted by constant misfortunes. In general, at the age of seven, the mother dies, her heart simply stopped, at 32, an absolutely healthy woman has never complained about her health. I’m 18 (I’m pregnant) my sister 24 murder of my sister. They didn’t find anyone. My father is an inveterate atheist, doesn’t believe in God or anything in hell, and then he begins to tell me, when I was already 28-29 years old, that (he is very interested in reading, psychology and a lot of things in general) the atheist claims that there is, that he is inclined to believe that a certain program is installed in every person and that we ch the family apparently has some kind of sin in person, because supposedly none of my mother’s iodine lived more than 35-40 without drinking and mostly from alcohol. Knowing all this, they categorically avoid alcohol, but... Ever since the death of my mother, it’s as if I weren’t floundering all over the place. It’s scary. I’m scared not for myself, for the children, I want them to live their destiny and not be tied to someone on someone’s whim, they shouldn’t have to pay for someone else’s sins. Tell me what to do…..