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How many boiled eggs can you eat per day? How many eggs can you eat per day? The healing properties of eggs of various birds

Eggs are included in the daily diet of almost everyone who plays sports. Which is quite logical, because this is a source of protein, which is so important for building muscles, the value of which lies in its ability to be absorbed almost 100%. In addition, egg white is rich in leucine, threonine and other amino acids. One egg a day is 5% daily dose iron, 4% zinc and 3% calcium. It would seem that in this situation you don’t have to limit yourself to this product. However, there are some nuances here too. Together with nutrition specialist Olga Shumskaya, BeautyHack looks into how many eggs you can eat per day and why.

Cholesterol alert!

Eggs were considered an absolutely harmless food until scientists started talking about the dangers of the cholesterol they contain. Omelette lovers immediately hit the ball, saying that this cholesterol is light because it is neutralized by the amino acid leucine contained in the protein. Who is right?

WHO experts have established a safe level of cholesterol per day: no more than 300 mg. One egg yolk its about 200 mg. If we follow this principle, it turns out that the norm is 1.5 eggs per day?

For many years, domestic nutritionists have urged everyone to reduce the norm to two eggs every three days. However, the author of the book “Encyclopedia of Misconceptions” S. A. Mazurkevich states that this makes absolutely no sense. Healthy, active person can easily afford 1-2 eggs a day. Another thing is that the menu should be varied and balanced.

The American Heart Association shares the same opinion (although it does not absolve cholesterol of responsibility for cardiovascular disease). Not long ago she published the results of research that lasted 14 years! During this time, experts studied the gastronomic preferences of 120 thousand people. It turned out that cases of malfunction of cardio-vascular system among those who consumed up to 14 eggs per week, about the same as among those who reduced their consumption to two. Verdict of American cardiologists: 6–7 eggs per week!

Nutrition specialist Olga Shumskaya says that the cholesterol contained in eggs is truly harmless for a healthy adult, but fat can cause serious damage to both health and figure: “One yolk contains about 7 g of fat. Accordingly, an omelet made from three eggs is 21 g. The daily lipid intake ranges from 18 to 25 g. Therefore, it is logical that after such a breakfast you should limit yourself in fat consumption during the day. And this is not entirely correct. Our diet should contain not only animal fats, but also vegetable fats.”

There is a known case when a resident of Great Britain ate up to 25 eggs daily for 15 years and at the same time blood vessels were in perfect condition, without a single atherosclerotic plaque. Therefore, resolve the dispute without taking into account individual characteristics every human body is impossible.

“The acceptable content of eggs in the daily diet depends not only on general condition health, but also from weight,” Olga comments. - If your body weight is up to 55 kg, your safe “dose” per day is one egg along with the yolk. Additionally, you can eat three proteins. The protein norm per day is 1.4 g per 1 kg of body weight. In one egg white their content ranges from 2.6 to 4.8 (depending on the class). So one egg and three whites is enough to maintain the balance of KBJU. Take this into account when planning your diet. On days when you have to train, the amount of protein in the menu can be doubled, since daily norm for muscle building reaches 4 g per 1 kg of body weight.”

Nutritionists advise paying attention to the choice of accompanying products. If you love scrambled eggs and bacon in the morning, arrival bad cholesterol you're guaranteed. And here is the fried egg with a drop olive oil and a salad of green vegetables - an excellent choice for those who care about their health and figure.

They are a valuable food product. There are a number of misconceptions regarding their supposed harm to health. In fact, eggs that have undergone due heat treatment, cannot pose a danger to the human body. This is an excellent source of proteins that are much easier to digest than protein from other types of animal foods. However, not everyone knows how often you can eat eggs. Some believe that you can eat this product as much as you want, while others practically refuse to eat it. Let's find out how things really are!

Table of contents:

Nutritional value of chicken eggs

Chicken eggs contain a number of amino acids, vitamins, micro- and macroelements and mineral compounds.

The most important substances:

Amino acid composition of egg white:

  • glutamic acid;
  • aspartic;
  • leucine;
  • isoleucine;
  • lysine;
  • serine;
  • threonine

Important:The proteins of this product are absorbed almost 100%! Therefore, eggs are not only possible, but must be eaten! How often is another question. More about him a little later.

Waterfowl eggs

Some people believe that you can only eat chicken and quail eggs, but this is not true - the nutritional value of duck and goose eggs is even higher. But it is advisable to boil waterfowl eggs for at least 15 minutes, since the likelihood of the presence of dangerous bacteria slightly higher.

Do eggs raise cholesterol levels?

A high level in the blood threatens the development, and this, in turn, leads to other diseases of the cardiovascular system.

A medium-sized chicken egg contains about 200-270 mg of cholesterol (mainly in the yolk) and 5 g of fat. Indeed, this is a lot. However, large-scale studies conducted by nutritionists convincingly indicate that this product has virtually no effect on total cholesterol levels. It increased slightly (within safe numbers) in only 30% of the subjects.

So what should a person with high cholesterol do? How often can he eat eggs? If you already have high cholesterol, we can recommend periodically cooking scrambled eggs from 1 yolk and 2-3 whites. Lecithin contained in eggs is capable of dissolving and is necessary for normal functional activity nerve cells. You should not artificially limit the intake of this protein into the body.

Optimal balance fatty acids– in eggs obtained from laying hens not in a poultry farm, but during “free range”, in other words – from village chickens.

Are eggs digestible well?

There is an opinion that eggs are a “heavy” food that is not very well digested and puts a high burden on the body. digestive system. This statement is not true.

The raw product and soft-boiled eggs are easily digested within 1-2 hours. Denatured protein (coagulated during heat treatment) is characterized by relatively poor digestibility, so it will take the body about 3 hours to digest a well-fried or hard-boiled egg. It should be noted that meat fibers are digested much worse, even if there are diet cutlets and steamed meatballs.

Are eggs dangerous for the liver?

Is it possible to eat eggs while eating? We often hear that consuming large quantities of eggs has a negative effect on liver function. This statement is completely false! In addition to proteins and vitamin compounds, this product contains the amino acids methionine and choline, which have a very beneficial effect on the liver.

Compounds present in the yolk stimulate peristalsis of the gallbladder, preventing cholestasis (stagnation of bile). Normal bile flow, in turn, promotes the absorption of lipids in the intestines. Persons suffering from liver diseases are not recommended to consume eggs with mayonnaise, ketchup and other hot sauces and seasonings.

Important:It is advisable to reduce egg consumption if diagnosed! Increased peristalsis due to the presence of stones in the bladder or bile ducts provokes colic, i.e. pain syndrome high intensity. This is the only one justified reason to refuse valuable product nutrition.

Is it possible to eat eggs every day?

Some nutritionists recommend consuming eggs no more than two to three times a week. Of course, the diet should be varied; it should include other sources of protein (both animal and plant origin). T.n. Food conservatism can lead to metabolic disorders over time. But a person who does not suffer from serious chronic diseases, and presenter active image life, it is quite possible to eat 2-3 eggs a day without any harm to health.

Moreover, the complete exclusion of this product from the diet is dangerous, since the body is deprived of easily digestible protein and a number of other valuable compounds. And yet, how often can you eat eggs during the week? Experts believe that during this period of time it is quite justified to consume from 6-7 to 10-15 eggs.

Important:in organism healthy person More cholesterol is produced per day than can be obtained through nutrition by eating a dozen eggs!

Eggs and salmonellosis

From time to time, outbreaks are recorded in various regions of our country. This disease belongs to the group of acute intestinal infections. One of the main products whose consumption leads to contamination are eggs that have not undergone sufficient heat treatment (as well as culinary products that contain them).

According to statistics, bacteria of the genus Salmonella are found in fresh chicken eggs with a frequency of 1:7000. The risk of infection increases when the product is stored in violation of basic recommendations. Before cooking, it is recommended to wash eggs thoroughly warm water with soap. Refrigerator drawers should also be regularly treated using detergents. If an outbreak of salmonellosis is recorded in the area, then in order to minimize the likelihood of infection, it is recommended to avoid consuming raw and soft-boiled eggs, as well as fried eggs.

How long do eggs stay fresh?

The freshness of eggs directly depends not only on the timing, but also on the conditions of their storage. They need to be kept in the refrigerator; otherwise, they are considered stale after just a week.

Note:It is advisable to place eggs in refrigerator compartments with the pointed end down. This reduces the pressure on the natural air gap between the shell and the protein, which slightly increases permissible period shelf life (such eggs can be stored and eaten for 3 weeks).

It is dangerous to store eggs with cracked shells as there is a high risk of penetration into the contents. pathogenic bacteria. If even a weak one appeared bad smell, the egg cannot be eaten even after a long heat treatment.

The color of the yolks varies from pale yellow to deep orange or reddish. You can often hear the opinion that eggs with bright yolks are healthier. This is wrong. This feature is determined only by the composition of the feed that the bird received.

Do eggs make you fat?

Although the high nutritional value of eggs is undeniable, their consumption does not lead to weight gain. extra pounds. Excess weight is most often caused by metabolic disorders in the body and excessive consumption of “fast carbohydrates”. Eggs are even included in some special diets for weight loss. They contain about 13% easily digestible protein and 155 calories per 100 g of product. Thus, the average chicken egg contains from 60 to 80 calories.

How many eggs can children eat?

Eggs are very healthy for children! In a growing body, metabolic processes are more active, and the child needs more energy. Previously, mothers started with eggs at 4 months. However, today pediatricians have completely abandoned this practice. This is due to the fact that the fats in the yolk can cause quite swipe because the child’s liver is not yet fully formed, and the product itself often provokes the development of allergies.

Today you will no longer hear doctors say that a child can eat eggs before the age of six months. At the same time, it is recommended to give a six-month-old toddler egg yolk only if he does not have. If there is such a predisposition, then it is better to postpone the baby’s acquaintance with the egg until later. late date– by 9-12 months of the child’s life.

Moreover, some leading Russian pediatricians categorically prohibit parents from giving egg yolk, and even more so, whites before a year.

Note: the introduction of egg yolk begins with a minimum dose equal to the size of a match head. In this case, the yolk must be hard-boiled.

For children preschool age You can give 1 piece per day without any fear for their health. The exception is children with a diagnosed allergy to this product.

Important:best given to children; the likelihood of developing an allergy to them is close to zero. In addition, salmonellosis is not detected in quails.

How often can you eat eggs during pregnancy?

Eggs are a must for expectant mothers. They are an integral part of optimal balanced diet nutrition. The choline present in them greatly reduces the risk of developmental disorders of the fetal neural tube. In addition, an egg is exactly the product that will allow you to get enough energy without the risk of gaining excess weight. You shouldn’t eat them raw during pregnancy, because you shouldn’t discount the possibility of salmonellosis infection.

During pregnancy, the level of hemoglobin may decrease. Iron is required to normalize it. This trace element, as well as potassium and phosphorus, is especially abundant in quail eggs. This product does not cause allergies; it contains the protein ovomocide, which suppresses hypersensitivity reactions.

Chumachenko Olga, medical observer

Eggs are one of the most nutritious foods on the ground.

Just imagine...a whole egg contains the nutrients needed to develop a whole chick from just one cell.

However, eggs have a bad reputation because the yolks have very high cholesterol levels. You need to eat eggs, but how many eggs can you eat a day?

In fact, one egg contains 186 milligrams of cholesterol, which is 62% of the recommended daily value.

You can eat as many eggs as you like per day, as long as your daily protein intake does not exceed 2 grams per kilogram of your body. Otherwise, this is a great resource. complete protein, which is often so lacking to modern man. If you have any doubts, then read on and find out why eating eggs is not harmful, but beneficial, even in large quantities with yolks.

People believe that the more cholesterol you eat, the higher your blood cholesterol levels and the higher your risk of developing heart disease.

In reality, everything is not so simple. The more cholesterol you consume, the less your body produces.

Let's look at how this works.

How our body regulates cholesterol levels

"Cholesterol" is often perceived as a negative word.

When we hear someone talk about cholesterol, drugs, heart disease and early death immediately come to mind.

However, the truth is that cholesterol is very important for our body. It is a structural molecule that is an integral part of every cell membrane.

In addition, cholesterol is used to form hormones such as testosterone, estrogen and cortisol.

Without cholesterol, you and I wouldn't exist.

Given the importance of cholesterol, our body is used various ways so that we always have the necessary supply of this substance.

Since it is not always possible to obtain cholesterol from food, our liver produces it itself.

However, when we start eating food rich in cholesterol, the liver begins to produce it in smaller quantities.

Thus, the total cholesterol level in the body changes by a very small percentage (if at all). The body simply gets it from food, and does not produce it itself.

Conclusion: The liver produces large amounts of cholesterol. When we eat a lot of cholesterol-rich eggs, our liver begins to produce less of it.

What happens when we eat several eggs a day?

For many years, people were advised to limit their consumption of eggs, or at least egg yolks (whites contain almost no cholesterol).

It is usually recommended to eat 2 to 6 yolks per week. However, there is no scientific evidence to support this claim.

Luckily, there is some excellent research to help us sleep soundly.

During these studies, people were divided into two groups. One group had to eat several eggs a day, the other group had to eat something else (such as an egg substitute). The researchers then followed the people for several weeks or months.

Research has shown that:

  • In almost all cases, the level of “good” (HDL) cholesterol rose.
  • General level and level LDL cholesterol sometimes it didn’t change at all, and sometimes it increased a little.
  • Eating eggs containing Omega-3 reduces the level of triglycerides in the blood, which is also important factor risk.
  • Blood levels of antioxidants such as lutein and zeaxanthin increased significantly.

It seems that everything is purely individual.

In 70% of cases, eating eggs does not play any role in general level cholesterol in the body. However, in 30% of cases (for the so-called “hyper reagents”) the indicators increase slightly.

Essentially this is not big problem. Research shows that eggs exchange small, dense LDL particles for larger ones.

People who predominantly have large LDL particles have a lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease. So, even if eggs cause a slight increase in total cholesterol levels, there is no need to worry.

It is clear that 1-3 eggs a day is absolutely safe for our health.

Conclusion: Eggs increase HDL (“good”) cholesterol levels. In 70% of cases, there is no increase in total cholesterol levels at all. There may be minor changes in only a small number of people.

Eggs and heart disease

A large number of studies have been conducted to study this issue.

These are all so-called “observational studies.” In these studies, groups of people are followed for years.

Scientists then use statistical methods to find out whether certain habits (such as diet, smoking or exercise) are associated with a reduced or increased risk of developing certain diseases.

Research data, some involving hundreds of thousands of people, show that people who regularly eat eggs are no less likely to develop heart disease. Some of the studies even show a reduced risk of stroke.

However, it is worth noting that most of these studies noted an increased risk of heart disease in diabetics.

Whether this is actually true remains to be seen. These studies are relative and it is possible that diabetics who eat eggs are simply less concerned about their health than those who do not eat eggs.

It may also well depend on the rest of your diet. On a low carbohydrate diet (currently this is best diet for diabetics), eggs may actually increase your risk factors for heart disease.

Conclusion: Most studies show that those who eat eggs do not usually have an increased risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. However, some studies show an increased risk of developing such diseases in people with diabetes.

What are the health benefits of eggs?

Let's not forget that eggs contain more than just cholesterol. They have a lot nutrients and they are good for health. Here are some of the benefits:

Among other things, eggs are easy to prepare and very tasty.

So even if eggs could have an adverse effect on blood cholesterol levels (in reality this is not the case), there are still more benefits from eating them.

Conclusion: Eggs are one of the most nutritious foods on earth. They contain nutrients and powerful antioxidants, which can protect the eyes from various diseases.

How many eggs are there already?

Unfortunately, there have been no studies where people ate more than three eggs a day.

It is possible (though unlikely) that eating more than three eggs a day will have detrimental effects on your health.

However, there is one interesting research, in which only one person participated. He was an 88-year-old man who ate 25 eggs a day.

He had absolutely normal level cholesterol in the blood and he felt great.

Of course, one single study doesn't prove anything, but it's still worth thinking about.

It is also worth understanding that not all eggs are the same. Most of the eggs we buy in supermarkets come from factory-raised, grain-fed chickens.

The most healthy eggs eggs fortified with Omega-3 fats or eggs from pasture-raised chickens. The Omega-3 content in such eggs is much higher.

In general, eating eggs is completely harmless to health. Even if you eat three eggs a day.

Even if you eat 3-6 eggs a day, nothing will happen to you.

Given the huge amount of nutrients, eggs can be considered one of the healthiest foods on earth.

Source of information: http://authoritynutrition.com/how-many-eggs-should-you-eat/

Eggs are one of the most nutritious foods on earth. Just imagine...a whole egg contains the nutrients needed to develop a whole chick from just one cell. However, eggs have a bad reputation because the yolks have very high cholesterol levels. You need to eat eggs, but how many eggs can you eat a day?…

Eggs and cholesterol: how many eggs can you eat without harming your health?

Eggs and cholesterol: how many eggs can you eat without harming your health?

Irina Mishina

Eggs have long been firmly established in the human diet, both as an independent product and as part of a variety of dishes - they are not only tasty, but also very healthy. Let's figure out why eggs are good for the human body, and in what quantity they are safe to eat.

Composition and calorie content of chicken eggs

The nutritional value of the product is approximately 157 kilocalories for every 100 g of weight. Depending on the size, an egg can weigh on average from 50 to 70 g, that is, one piece will contain about 78 - 110 kilocalories. The yolk is much more nutritious than the protein - 358 kilocalories per 100 g of weight versus 45 kilocalories.

The main components of a chicken egg:

  1. Fats, carbohydrates and proteins, including a number of essential amino acids
  2. Fatty acid
  3. Vitamins A, D, E, K and group B
  4. Macro- and microelements: phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc and others.

Read also:

Dosage: How many eggs can you eat per day?

Although eggs are rich in healthy and necessary to the human body substances, no one should abuse them, especially people with high cholesterol levels in the blood. The following amount is considered safe for humans:

  • For healthy adults: no more than 3 pieces per day and 6-8 in total per week
  • For adults on therapeutic diet or for cholesterol problems: 2-3 pieces per week
  • Athletes: up to 8-10 pieces every other day when gaining muscle mass or the same amount, but exclusively protein, when the drying phase is underway
  • Elderly: 1-2 per day and up to 4-5 per week.

IN children's diet Egg yolk can be introduced from about six months with the permission of the pediatrician. You need to start with small pieces, carefully monitoring the child’s condition and the absence of allergy symptoms. Protein is a much stronger potential allergen, and it is better not to give it to a child until about a year old. Starting from the age of one, by the age of three you can gradually increase the number of eggs in the diet from 1-2 to 3.

Read also:

How to eat correctly

Before eating, eggs must be heat-treated, and it is better to rinse the shell with water. You can’t eat them raw - you can get salmonellosis or other dangerous diseases. In addition, the raw product is much less digestible and puts a lot of strain on the gastrointestinal tract, while fried or boiled eggs are absorbed almost completely. Yolk and white have similar composition, although the yolk has more calories due to high content fat and less likely to cause allergies. Therefore, when dieting for weight loss, it is recommended to eat protein, and if you are prone to allergies, it is recommended to eat yolk.

Other types of eggs

Although in Russian cuisine they are most often used chicken eggs, but they are not limited to them. A person can, without harm to the body, consume heat-treated eggs of many birds, both domestic ones like geese and ducks, and wild ones - blackbirds, seagulls or even penguins. But after chicken, quail are the most popular, and they differ from the former not only in a different color, smaller size and weight, but also in composition.

The nutritional value of these products is approximately the same - about 150 kilocalories per 100 g of weight. The weight of one quail egg, depending on the breed of bird, ranges from 9-18 g, respectively, the calorie content of a quail egg (one piece) is 13-26 kilocalories. Quail eggs are richer in micro- and macroelements and have a more delicate and light taste. Another advantage is that they are significantly less likely to occur. allergic reaction. But there's a risk of getting caught intestinal diseases when consuming chicken and quail eggs in their raw form they are approximately the same, so the latter must also be boiled or fried before eating.

  • The norm of quail eggs for an adult is up to 5-6 pieces per day and up to 20-25 pieces per week
  • IN children's menu the product is introduced from about one year of age, starting with a couple of pieces per week
  • By the age of three, this amount can be increased to 1-2 eggs per day.
  • For ages 4-10 years, optimally no more than 3 pieces daily
  • From 10 to 18 years old, children can eat up to 4 eggs per day.

Who should not eat eggs and when?

The only one absolute contraindication to eating eggs is their individual intolerance. Elderly people should not give up the product completely, but its amount in the diet should be reduced - with age, eggs begin to be absorbed worse. If a person has diabetes, increased level cholesterol, diseases of the cardiovascular system, liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract, you should consult your doctor. It will help determine how many eggs you can eat without harm to the body.


Eggs are very useful product food that everyone should have in their diet. They are rich in protein, including essential amino acids, valuable vitamins, micro- and macroelements. Regular moderate consumption eggs will help support the health of the nervous and circulatory systems, will improve bone condition, have a positive effect on memory and cognitive abilities.

Eggs are a product rich in protein and other nutrients, which means they are very healthy. This makes it very popular in various diets and systems. healthy eating. However, at the same time, eggs are considered a poor choice due to their high saturated fat and cholesterol content. Where is the truth and how many eggs can you eat?

In addition to being a source of protein, eggs are also a real storehouse of the carotenoids zeaxanthin and lutein - antioxidants that protect the eyes from external factors and relieve us from many vision problems. Eggs also contain choline, a nutrient that improves brain function. In addition, eggs help increase muscle mass and strengthen bones. In a word, their benefits are undeniable.

“A lot” and “a little” - how much?

But what number of eggs can be considered normal for a person? According to the Department of Health, you can eat as many eggs as you want - while still being healthy, of course. balanced diet. Their consumption should be limited only to those people who have high level cholesterol in the body.

Another study published by nutritionists suggests that eating one egg per day will not cause any harm (or rather, no more than one yolk per day; the white can be eaten in unlimited quantities). Eating more than one egg per day may increase your risk of heart disease in the future. Moreover, a diet high in saturated fat combined with eggs may have Negative influence on your cholesterol levels.

In short, eggs themselves are a good choice. But it’s still better to diversify your diet. Complement them with another healthy food, such as oatmeal with milk and berries, chicken, fish, legumes.

Is it dangerous to eat too many eggs?

But there is also other information. Eggs today contain 20 percent less fat, 13 percent fewer calories and 10 percent less cholesterol than 30 years ago.

A study conducted by American Journal clinical nutrition, suggests that eggs help maintain normal blood pressure. And scientists from the University of Alberta found that egg yolk contains twice as many antioxidants as an apple, not to mention important amino acids such as tryptophan and tyrosine. What's more, they also contain 13 key nutrients for the body, including vitamin D and selenium.

How many eggs can you eat per week?

In short, there is no conclusive evidence as to how many eggs are too many or too few. Overall, it is possible (though unlikely) that eating them in large quantities may have harmful effects to your health. But it's still completely safe to eat eggs, even if you eat 3 eggs a day - that is, two dozen a week.