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Emphysema treatment with folk remedies reviews. Emphysema, life prognosis, treatment with folk remedies. Treatment of emphysema with folk remedies

Emphysema is a severe disease in which the walls between the alveoli are destroyed, causing the latter to increase in volume. As a result, the lungs swell, the respiratory passages in them narrow, and the organ loses its functionality, and very rapidly. This is accompanied by coughing and shortness of breath, because the body does not receive enough oxygen.

To clearly understand the process, you need to remember the anatomy. What are human lungs? These are two separate but interconnected “bags” that, when inhaling, draw in air, and when exhaling, push it out. If a person is sick with emphysema, then some of this air remains in his lungs. As a result, the air causes hyperextension organ.

This is an extremely dangerous disease, especially if it affects not just any area, but the entire left or right lung. This causes the patient's chest to swell and he constantly suffers from shortness of breath. It gets to the point where he has difficulty climbing stairs, let alone exercising. The cough is often accompanied by sputum and pus. This soon leads to deformation of the bronchi, in the cavities of which bronchiectasis– small saccular tumors.

Emphysema symptoms and causes

Emphysema can accompany not only diseases of the respiratory organs, but also be hereditary as a result of a lack of the Alpha-1 antitrypsin protein. By the way, a disease caused by a genetic factor develops very quickly, especially if the patient is a smoker.

But even if you smoking man with Alpha-1 proteins everything is in order, emphysema can still occur under the influence of the increased intensity of the release of enzymes - “destroyers” in the lungs.

Main symptoms of emphysema

We have already considered some of them, so let’s summarize.

  1. Dyspnea. At first, it appears only during physical exertion, but soon the patient may begin to suffer from it, even while lying on the sofa.
  2. A person with emphysema is usually very thin and their skin turns red.
  3. The chest becomes “barrel-shaped”.
  4. When exhaling, the patient folds his lips into a tube.
  5. The person constantly coughs and there is pus in the sputum.

Important! Almost all symptoms of the disease appear only after the damage to the lungs reaches serious proportions!

Video – Emphysema

Can this disease be cured? Yes, it is possible, but to do this it is necessary to eliminate the factor that caused it.

Breathing exercises

Breathing training will help you get rid of shortness of breath. To do this, try to inhale/exhale the air fully, make sure that when breathing, the abdominal wall and bottom are involved chest. Let's look at some exercises.

Exercise No. 1

Sit on the edge of a chair, wrap your arms around your chest so that your fingers point forward. Inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth, pursing your lips. As you exhale, squeeze your chest with your palms to help your lungs expel carbon dioxide. Draw in your imagination a breathing apparatus with all its elements, try to strain it as much as possible. As a result, the exhalation should be quite noisy, because all the muscles involved in the process will be tense.

Exercise No. 2

Very useful to do breathing exercises and while walking. Do it like this: take four steps - inhale, four more steps - exhale. Try to accustom yourself to this. At first, it will undoubtedly be difficult, because you will have to constantly count your steps and regulate your breathing. But soon this walking will become normal for you, and even with accelerated movement, you will breathe correctly, focusing on the number of steps.

Exercise No. 3

Inhale, hold the air, close your lips and exhale sharply. Repeat similar procedure, exhaling air in bursts.

Exercise #4

Train your abdominal wall and diaphragm by lying on your back with your knees bent (you can place a small bolster between your knees). Place one hand on your stomach, the other on your chest. As you inhale, the abdominal wall will rise, along with your arm. When you exhale, the stomach will retract, and you should press down with your hand lying on top. Inhale through your nose, exhale traditionally through your lips with a straw.

Physical exercise

Exercises like these help develop shoulder muscles. There are many such exercises, but they are all very similar. Let's look at the most effective of them.

Stand up and begin to spread your arms, then bend them and touch your fingers to your shoulders. You can hold small dumbbells in your hands - this is welcome.

Important! Each person's endurance may vary, so if after several days of exercise you manage to climb four steps without shortness of breath, it is better to stop and rest. Soon you will be able to climb eight steps, the main thing is to do everything in moderation, without overloading the body (this cannot be done with emphysema).


Below we have provided several recipes from medicinal herbs that will help get rid of the symptoms of the disease.

Take a teaspoon of freshly cut potato flowers and pour a glass of hot water over them. Leave for two hours, then strain through cheesecloth. Drink the resulting infusion over the next hour.

You can take it another way - drink 1/3 cup of infusion three times a day for a whole month, preferably before meals.

Important! Inhalations from potatoes boiled in their skins are also useful.

Potato tops can also be useful in treating the disease. Squeeze the juice from the tops and drink a teaspoon per day, gradually increasing the dose to one glass.

Herbal “cocktail” No. 1

Mix marshmallow, sage, pine buds and anise (in approximately equal proportions). Take a tablespoon of the mixture, pour ½ liter of hot water and leave for several hours. Drink ¼ glass before each meal.

Herbal “cocktail” No. 2

You need to mix dandelion, juniper and birch leaves in a ratio of 1:1:3. Take a spoonful of the resulting mixture, pour boiling water over it and leave it to steep. Then filter and take 1/3 cup three times a day for three months.

Herbal “cocktail” No. 3

To prepare, you will need horsetail and adonis herbs, cumin and fennel fruits (in the ratio 2:2:1:1). Mix everything, take a tablespoon of the mixture and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Drink 1/3 glass per day in case of insufficient blood circulation.

Herbal “cocktail” No. 4

Prepare the following ingredients, taken in equal quantities:

  • eucalyptus;
  • elecampane;
  • sage;
  • thyme;
  • mint.

Take a spoonful of the collection. Add 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave for several hours in a dark place. Take ¼ cup after each meal - this will help get rid of shortness of breath.

Alcoholic herbal “cocktail”

Take crushed lemon balm and blue inflorescences (about 25 grams each) and pour 1 liter of white wine. Leave for a day to infuse, remembering to shake periodically. Drink ½ glass 2 times a day, as well as “unscheduled” during attacks.

Grind and dry the flowers of the plant, pour two tablespoons into a thermos and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Leave for two hours to infuse. Strain the infusion and drink one glass while still warm three times a day.

If the cause of the disease is bronchitis, then the most effective remedy will be inhalation of wild rosemary and ingestion of the infusion. The plant contains a lot of essential oils, so it has been used for centuries in the treatment of respiratory organs. By the way, the infusion will help you with poorly separated sputum.

Prepare the infusion as follows:: take a teaspoon of herb, put it in a thermos, pour two glasses of hot water and leave for half an hour. Take twice a day, approximately ¼ cup of infusion.

And here inhalation is prepared slightly differently. Boil 0.5 liters of water, then add a tablespoon of the mixture to it and leave in a water bath for about fifteen minutes. For use, it is advisable to use traditional inhalers from a pharmacy, otherwise use an ancient, but very effective way: pour the solution into a pan, cover yourself with a thick blanket and start inhaling the vapors. This should last no more than fifteen minutes.

It is important that the water does not continue to boil during the procedure, otherwise you will burn the surface of the respiratory organs.

By the way, you can just as successfully use eucalyptus leaves in the proportion of 1 spoon per liter of water. Follow all instructions and stay healthy!

Most people do not know what emphysema is until they experience the disease themselves. Meanwhile, this is one of the most unpleasant diseases of the respiratory system. And if emphysema occurs, it is important to get medical help as quickly as possible.

Translated from Greek, “emphysema” means growth.

An excursion into illness

When a person inhales oxygen, they exhale carbon dioxide. It's no secret that the process of gas exchange occurs in the respiratory system of any living organism. From the alveoli (the final part of the respiratory apparatus), oxygen is carried through the blood to everyone internal organs and parts of the body. This is a vital process in the body.

If air begins to accumulate in lung tissue, a disease such as emphysema appears.

An important point is not only the constant accumulation of air during emphysema, but also oxygen starvation of the body as a whole. In this case, the lung tissue increases in size and its functions are disrupted. Emphysema contributes to shortness of breath, because a new portion of air cannot enter the body.

Forms of the disease

Emphysema is a serious pathology of the respiratory system. To understand how the disease affects a person, you need to know what changes occur in the alveoli and the respiratory system as a whole.

There are two types of pathological process: bullous pulmonary emphysema and diffuse pulmonary emphysema. They differ in the amount of affected lung tissue.

Bullous pulmonary emphysema occurs when the organ is not completely affected - there are dilated alveoli filled with air. But next to them there is also healthy tissue, which continues to properly perform the function of gas exchange.

There is also paraseptal emphysema - it can be defined as a subtype of bullous emphysema. In the paraseptal form, only the distal (remote, terminal) parts of the organ are affected. Most of the tissue remains healthy.

Diffuse pulmonary emphysema is most often associated with genetic mutations. With this form, there are no healthy alveoli in the lungs. If a child is born with diffuse damage to the lung tissue and does not receive a transplant, he will die. The same applies to adults - diffuse emphysema of one lung can be treated, but if the process extends to the second, this is an indication for transplantation.

These forms can transform into one another: paraseptal can become diffuse or bullous and vice versa. This is possible in the absence of timely medical care, and also if the patient does not change living and working conditions. If the disease is advanced, the person will eventually develop diffuse pulmonary emphysema, which is much more difficult to treat than bullous or paraseptal emphysema. Moreover, it requires an organ transplant, which is difficult in any country in the world - there are not so many suitable donors for a person, and there are always long waiting lists for transplantation.

Manifestation of symptoms of the disease

Most often, emphysema is a complication of chronic inflammatory diseases bronchi. In addition, the disease can occur in old age if there is concomitant pathology history, for example, of bronchial asthma for more than 30 years. Diseases of the respiratory system are often observed in smokers. Almost all of them suffer from chronic bronchitis.

The causes of the disease are not only inflammatory processes, but also a decrease in the volume of lung tissue.

Emphysema, like any other disease, has a characteristic clinical picture. But symptoms of pulmonary emphysema become pronounced only in the later stages of the process, so it can be difficult to make a diagnosis in time.

Emphysema manifests itself:

  • expiratory shortness of breath ( deep breath and a long exhalation, the so-called “puffing”);
  • a changed shape of the chest, it becomes barrel-shaped or cone-shaped (at the same time its size increases significantly);
  • weakness, fatigue during physical activity;
  • weakened breathing.
  • If you discover the above signs, you must immediately consult a doctor to exclude the diagnosis of “pulmonary emphysema.” It is important to remember that if the presence of the disease is confirmed, medications in this case are prescribed exclusively by a doctor. Otherwise, there is a risk of complications, including heart failure.

    Extrapulmonary localization

    Emphysema most often affects the respiratory system. But this is not the only place of localization. In essence, this is an accumulation of air in tissue in which it should not normally exist.

    If a person has subcutaneous emphysema, it can be easily noticed. In this case, not only does air accumulate in the tissue, but it also increases in size. Emphysema does not destroy tissue - it stretches it and increases its surface area. The disease can appear anywhere on the human body: on the chest, on the arm, on the stomach, on the thigh.


    The main causes of emphysema are smoking and chronic bronchitis. However, not all patients with this diagnosis have these factors. There are other reasons that cause emphysema.

  • Malformations of the respiratory system. In this case we're talking about about a congenital anomaly. Then the person develops diffuse pulmonary emphysema.
  • Chest deformity.
  • Circulatory or lymph circulation disorders. This is one of the main reasons for the appearance of a pathological process not only in the alveoli, but also in all tissues of the body.
  • Injuries and operations.
  • Toxic substances that a person inhales (typical for areas with poor ecology or for people in professions such as builders, miners, etc.).
  • Treatment of the extrapulmonary form should be prescribed by a doctor. It can be either medicinal or surgical (depending on the location of the process). Traditional recipes for emphysema are used only as additional therapy.

    Treatment at home

    If a disease such as emphysema is detected, it is important to consult a pulmonologist. The doctor will assess the severity and stage of the disease and provide appropriate assistance. In addition, the specialist knows how to prevent various complications, including heart failure.

    It should be remembered that treatment of emphysema folk remedies only complements primary drug therapy and does not replace it. Herbal preparations and infusions are widely used for various pathologies respiratory system. But if you use only folk remedies, emphysema will not disappear, but only some symptoms will decrease.

    Grandma's remedy - potato inhalations - will help get rid of the symptoms of the disease. Wash the potatoes, but do not peel them. Boil and inhale the steam. Just do this carefully so as not to burn the mucous membranes of the nose and mouth with the steam.

    If pulmonary emphysema is diagnosed, aromatherapy can be added to the main treatment. Use essential oils of lavender, chamomile, bergamot, eucalyptus, and incense. A few drops must be added to the water in the aroma lamp and heated. The oil vapor will evaporate and thus enter the patient's respiratory tract. The procedure should be carried out up to 3 times a day until the emphysema goes away.

    One of the symptoms of pulmonary emphysema is fatigue during physical activity. However, you shouldn't give up exercise completely. Breathing exercises and yoga are great here. Exercises will not cause severe fatigue and increased breathing.

    If a person who smokes has emphysema, it is important for him or her to quit smoking immediately. Without this, not a single remedy, even the most effective, can help.

    Emphysema is treated with various infusions and decoctions.

  • A tablespoon of dry coltsfoot leaves should be poured with two glasses of boiling water and left for an hour. Drink a tablespoon of infusion 4-6 times a day.
  • Take 50 grams of dried centaury, coltsfoot, scolopendra foliage and linden flowers. Pour two tablespoons of the mixture into half a liter of boiling water and add a teaspoon of flaxseed. This collection must be boiled for 10 minutes in a closed saucepan. Then cool and strain. Take a tablespoon 4 times a day for several weeks.
  • Mix marshmallow root, licorice root, pine buds, sage leaf and anise fruits in 1 part each. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture into a glass of boiling water, leave for several hours and strain. If diagnosed with pulmonary emphysema, take a quarter glass three times a day.
  • Take dried elecampane root, thyme and leaves of mint, eucalyptus, sage, 1 part each, and pour a glass of boiling water. Leave for an hour, strain and drink a quarter glass 4 times a day. This infusion is good for getting rid of shortness of breath.
  • Pour half a liter of boiling water over buckwheat flowers and leave for several hours. Drink half a glass of infusion three times a day.
  • It should be remembered that most folk recipes are aimed at treating the pulmonary form. This is due to the fact that the most effective help in other cases is drug therapy or even surgery. Sometimes it is necessary to surgically remove stagnant air accumulation for the body to function properly.


    Emphysema is an increase in the volume of the alveoli due to the destruction of the partitions between them. The lungs increase in volume, do not collapse, become flabby, and the respiratory passages narrow. Exhalation (a normally passive movement) requires great effort in case of emphysema.

    Gas exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the alveoli, due to tissue damage and blockage, it drops to dangerous levels. The disease can be hereditary and caused by a deficiency of the protective protein alpha-1 antitrypsin. Emphysema can accompany other diseases of the bronchi and lungs.

    In people with hereditary emphysema, the disease progresses to an extremely severe form very quickly. This happens even faster in smokers.

    Studies have shown that smoking increases the release of destructive enzymes in the lungs. This explains why emphysema develops in smokers even with normal production of the alpha-1 antitrypsin protein and why smoking is a significant factor in the development of non-hereditary emphysema.

    Symptoms of emphysema: Symptoms of emphysema usually appear when; the lungs are already significantly damaged. They include shortness of breath - first during physical effort, and then during rest, and decreased exercise tolerance.

    People with emphysema are often very thin, with a barrel chest and reddish skin, and exhale through pursed lips.

    Folk remedies, treatment of emphysema

    Folk remedy for the treatment of emphysema—potato tops

    Pulmonary emphysema is treated with the juice of green potato tops, starting with 0.5 teaspoon and increasing to 0.5 cup. Inhale fumes from jacket potatoes.

    Treatment of emphysema with potatoes, a folk remedy

    Apply cut potato tubers boiled in their jackets to the chest, greased with turpentine or goat fat.

    Horsetail in the treatment of emphysema (folk remedy)

    Take 2 parts of horsetail herb, 1 part each of spring adonis herb, caraway fruits, and fennel fruits. Pour 1 tablespoon of the collection with 1 glass of boiling water, leave, strain. Take 0.3 cups 3 times a day. The collection helps with hidden circulatory failure.

    Folk remedy: treatment of emphysema with pine cones

    Collect green pine cones. Pour honey over the pine cones and leave for 2-3 months. For 2 kg of cones 1 kg of honey. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day before meals, for diseases of the throat, bronchi and lungs

    Folk remedy: treatment of bronchitis and emphysema with pine cones

    For bronchitis, emphysema, bronchial asthma, pulmonary tuberculosis: a decoction of 30 grams of cones or young shoots per liter of milk. Boil until half the milk has boiled away. The decoction is used in three doses per day.

    Folk remedy: treatment of bronchitis, emphysema, colds, sore throat with pine cones

    Prepare green pine cones. Pour vodka over the cones and leave for 30–40 days. For 1 kg of cones, 1 liter of vodka. Use tincture (buy) 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals for coughs, sore throats, flu, bronchitis, throat and lung diseases.

    Collection of herbs for emphysema, treatment with folk remedies

    Take 2 parts of birch leaf and 1 part of juniper fruit and dandelion root. Pour 1 tablespoon of the collection with 1 glass of boiling water, leave, strain. Take 0.3 cups 3 times a day 1 hour after meals. The course of treatment is at least 3 months.

    Another collection of herbs for the treatment of emphysema - a folk remedy

    Take marshmallow root, anise fruit, licorice root, pine buds and sage leaf in equal proportions. Pour 1 tablespoon of the collection with 1 glass of boiling water, leave, strain. Take 0.25 cups of infusion 3-4 times a day before meals.

    Herbs for emphysema, folk remedy

    Take elecampane root, mint leaf, thyme herb, sage leaf, eucalyptus leaf in equal proportions. Pour 1 tablespoon of the collection with 1 glass of boiling water, leave, strain. Take 0.25 cups 3 times a day after meals for shortness of breath.

    Potato flowers for the treatment of emphysema (folk remedy)

    Take 1 teaspoon of potato flowers, pour 1 glass of boiling water. Leave for 1-2 hours, strain and drink within 2 hours or 30-40 minutes before meals, take 0.5 cup 3 times a day for 1 month. Take for shortness of breath.

    A good collection of herbs for the treatment of emphysema with folk remedies

    Take 50 g of dry crushed lemon balm herb, 20 g of dry meadow grass inflorescences, pour in 1 liter of dry white wine, leave for a day, shaking occasionally, strain. Drink 0.5 cups 2 times a day, as well as during attacks.

    Folk remedy for emphysema - buckwheat flowers

    Take 3 tablespoons of buckwheat flowers, brew 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 2 hours in a thermos, strain. Take 0.5-1 glass of warm infusion 3-4 times a day.

    This disease is an excess of air in the lung tissues. There appears to be swelling of the lungs. That is, the lungs increase in volume, the alveolar septa become thinner, and the capillaries become empty.

    Emphysema can rightfully be considered a disease of men, mainly of older age. The factors influencing the occurrence of this disease, which entails sluggishness of the lungs, are well known. This is smoking, occupational hazards (dust, presence in the air chemical substances, for example when welding), systematic respiratory diseases. Symptoms: cough, with purulent discharge, shortness of breath both during physical activity and at rest. Emphysema, causes difficulty in breathing, cyanosis, the chest is expanded, closer to the bottom.

    Emphysema, in folk medicine, is treated in the same way as bronchitis. First of all, all activities are aimed at cleansing the lungs, fighting inflammation, and increasing immunity.

    - mix half a glass of well-heated milk with carrot juice. Reception: for a month, in the morning, instead of breakfast;

    — Bran boiled with honey. Decoction, strain. Use hot, instead of tea or compote;

    - three tablespoons of linden (dried inflorescences), add one liter of boiled water and heat in a water bath for fifteen minutes. Cool, strain, dilute with water (a full glass). Intake: half a glass three times a day;

    Before starting herbal treatment, you should consult your doctor, herbalist or homeopath.

    Any self-medication for serious illnesses– this is a dangerous and dubious experiment on oneself.

    Emphysema treatment | Alternative treatment for emphysema

    Patients with pulmonary emphysema mainly complain of shortness of breath and cough. Shortness of breath, gradually increasing, reflects the degree of respiratory failure. At first it occurs only during physical stress, then it appears while walking, especially in cold, damp weather, and sharply intensifies after coughing attacks - the patient cannot “catch his breath.” Shortness of breath with emphysema is inconsistent, changeable (“it doesn’t happen from day to day”) - stronger today, weaker tomorrow. Treatment of pulmonary emphysema should be comprehensive. We will also tell you about recipes traditional treatment emphysema.

    Treatment of emphysema

    How to cure pulmonary emphysema?

    A complete cure is impossible due to the steady progression of emphysema and irreversibility structural changes lung tissue. Treatment of pulmonary emphysema is mainly aimed at combating the underlying disease that caused its development (for example, chronic bronchitis), respiratory failure, pulmonary hypertension and chronic decompensated cor pulmonale.

    Thus, in the presence of chronic obstructive bronchitis, in the treatment of pulmonary emphysema, expectorants and cough sedatives are prescribed for the treatment of emphysema (thermopsis, mucolytics, codeine), aerosol therapy, tracheobronchial infusions of antimicrobial solutions, enzymes; for bronchospasm - bronchospasmodics (ephedrine, aminophylline), for decompensated cor pulmonale - cardiac glycosides (corglycon), drugs that relieve the pulmonary artery system (Lasix).

  • Treatment of respiratory failure in pulmonary emphysema primarily involves mandatory smoking cessation, restriction physical activity, teaching rational breathing using the diaphragm, prohibiting the consumption of alcoholic beverages.
  • When treating emphysema, it is recommended to work in a warm room with good ventilation and clean air.
  • Work in polluted air, damp and cold rooms is contraindicated.
  • Patients with pulmonary emphysema should not be in a smoky room.
  • Sometimes it is advisable to change your place of residence, and preference should be given to areas with a dry and warm climate.
  • Massage and breathing exercises for emphysema

    Physical therapy can be of great benefit in the treatment of pulmonary emphysema, which strengthens the respiratory muscles and ensures full exhalation.

    Particular attention is paid to breathing exercises. The patient is advised to take short breaths and long exhalations. Moreover, the muscles of the diaphragm and abdominal wall. If these muscles are trained, exhalation increases. One of the most common exercises for the treatment of pulmonary emphysema: inhale through the nose, then, while exhaling slowly through the mouth, the patient pronounces one of the following letters as long as possible: C, 3, III, F, I or U. This exercise is repeated 4 to 5 times with pauses of one to one and a half minutes.

    Chest massage is also prescribed in the treatment of emphysema, aerotherapy - walks on fresh air with a gradual lengthening of the route. Oxygen therapy courses are indicated to reduce hypoxemia and help reduce pressure in the pulmonary artery. In cases of severe respiratory failure, auxiliary artificial ventilation can be used using respirators of any type, adjustable in volume, frequency or pressure (RO-1, RO-2, RO-5, RD-1, DP-8, RChP-1).

    Auxiliary technique artificial ventilation in the treatment of pulmonary emphysema consists of conducting two sessions lasting 40–60 minutes. The duration of the course is 3 – 4 weeks. For localized forms of pulmonary emphysema (within a lobe), large bullae, complications in the form of spontaneous pneumothorax, surgical treatment of emphysema is prescribed. Removal of emphysematous bullae leads to straightening and improvement of the functioning of that part of the lung that was previously compressed and practically inactive.

    How to treat pulmonary emphysema with drugs?

    Bronchodilators and glucocorticoids are used to treat pulmonary emphysema.

    Bronchodilators for the treatment of emphysema: blockers (the drug of choice is ipratropium bromide), short-acting adrenomimetics (for example, salbutamol, Berotec) and long-acting (salmeterol, saltos, formoterol), long-acting theophylline preparations (for example, Teopek, Retafil) for life.

    Glucocorticoids in the treatment of pulmonary emphysema: in severe cases, glucocorticoids are prescribed: short courses prednisolone up to 20-30 mg orally with rapid decline dose and discontinuation of the drug within 7-12 days. The effectiveness of treatment of pulmonary emphysema is monitored using the flow-volume curve. If there is no effect, hormones are no longer prescribed. If the effect of systemic glucocorticoids is positive, it is advisable to continue therapy with inhaled glucocorticoid preparations, for example budesonide or flunisolide 400-500 mcg 2 times a day.

    Surgery for emphysema

    Surgical reduction of lung volume (bullectomy, preferably during thoracoscopy) - relatively new method treatment of pulmonary emphysema, which is still not very common in Russia. The method consists in resection of peripheral areas of the lungs, which leads to “decompression” of the remaining areas and, according to observations of patients after this operation for 2 years, significant improvement functional state lungs. This method in developed countries is used in 15-20% of patients with severe pulmonary emphysema, especially in the formation of peripherally located bullae. Attempts are being made to perform lung transplantation.

    Alternative treatment for emphysema

    Traditional treatment of emphysema with herbal infusions

    Take a couple of parts of birch leaves and one part of juniper fruit and dandelion root. Pour everything above into 200 gr. boiling water The collection must infuse, after which it must be filtered. Drink 75 g. three times a day, after each meal for the treatment of emphysema.

    It is necessary to purchase mint, thyme, sage, eucalyptus. Pour boiling water over all this and leave. Take a glass three times a day for treatment.

    To prepare a medicine based on medicinal soapwort, you need to boil a teaspoon of the crushed roots of this plant in five hundred milliliters of water for five minutes. Then you need to strain the broth. After this, it can be taken on a schedule three times a day, fifty milligrams, to cure emphysema.

    This plant is included in most preparations for chest diseases. This herb loosens bronchial secretions and also relieves bronchodilator spasms. It may also have anti-inflammatory, expectorant and antispasmodic properties.

    Inhalations and compresses for the treatment of emphysema

    Inhalation of boiled potatoes directly in the peel is also very useful in the treatment of such an ailment.

    It is also very useful when treating emphysema to make compresses on the chest from the same jacket potatoes. Only for this kind of procedure, the potatoes must be chopped and greased with goat fat.

    Diagnosis of emphysema

    Of the instrumental methods for diagnosing pulmonary emphysema, the most informative are x-ray and spirographic studies. X-ray examination reveals increased transparency of the pulmonary fields, widening of the intercostal spaces, drooping of the lower borders of the lungs, sluggish mobility of the dome of the diaphragm. The role of computed tomography is invaluable, making it possible to accurately identify bullous formations in the lung tissue, determine their location and extent. Modern ones are also of great importance radioisotope research emphysema. With their help, valuable information about pulmonary ventilation in the bloodstream is obtained. The use of bronchoscopy makes it possible to detect such a sign of pulmonary emphysema as hypotension of the trachea and bronchi.

    Pulmonary emphysema can cause any dysfunction of the lungs, so there are no pathognomonic spirographic indicators for it. Usually there is a persistent decrease in speed indicators (forced expiratory velocity, Tiffno index) and vital capacity of the lungs, an increase in the total and functional residual capacity of the lungs. An early sign Pulmonary emphysema is considered to be a change in the volume-flow curve of maximum exhalation, expressed in a decrease in flow and the appearance of a concavity directed upward from the volume axis.

    Complications of emphysema

    What complications are characterized by pulmonary emphysema?

    Complications of pulmonary emphysema during treatment are manifested by the development and progression of irreversible respiratory and pulmonary heart failure, among emergency conditions The occurrence of spontaneous pneumothorax (especially valvular pneumothorax, with an increase in intrathoracic pressure) is dangerous. With the development of spontaneous pneumothorax, drainage of the pleural cavity and air aspiration are necessary for treatment. Modern thoracoscopic technology creates the prerequisites for surgical treatment of this complication through excision of bullae and operations that reduce lung volume.

    Prevention of emphysema

    Anti-smoking programs aimed at stopping smoking and preventing smoking among adolescents and young people are essential for reducing the incidence of pulmonary emphysema. It is also necessary to prevent chronic inflammatory diseases of the lungs and upper respiratory tract, vaccine prevention, timely detection (including based on the parameters of the forced expiratory flow-volume curve), adequate treatment and observation by a pulmonologist of patients with chronic respiratory diseases.

    In fact, there are many methods for treating pulmonary emphysema using folk remedies and traditional medicine, the only question is whether folk remedies alone can cure pulmonary emphysema. In our opinion, the optimal treatment is complex treatment. Take care of yourself, appreciate every new day in your life, and be healthy and cheerful!

    Traditional methods in the treatment of emphysema

    Emphysema is an obstructive pulmonary disease that can lead to irreversible consequences.. This pathology is considered quite dangerous; if not treated properly, it can cause a lot of complications. Treatment is always complex, using medications, vitamin preparations and some traditional medicine recipes. It is not recommended to use only infusions and decoctions of herbs for treatment, as this will not give any effect. Treatment of pulmonary emphysema with folk remedies is possible only in combination with medications and on the recommendation of the attending physician.

    Mechanism of disease development

    Emphysema is characterized by severe stretching of the alveoli. Due to which the air content in the lung tissue becomes too high. This leads to metabolic and carbon dioxide disturbances.

    This pathology is most often diagnosed in older people. Emphysema in young people often leads to partial or complete loss performance. Young people diagnosed with this disease often become disabled.

    The disease can occur in two different forms:

    1. Bullous - damaged lung tissues are connected to healthy ones.
    2. Diffuse - the pathological process affects the entire respiratory organ.

    Emphysema occurs due to various reasons. Provoking factors include poor ecology, harmful conditions labor and smoking. Heredity also plays a significant role in the occurrence of the disease. But main reason Doctors consider frequent bronchitis to be the pathology.

    As the disease progresses, a person develops the following characteristic symptoms:

    • severe shortness of breath;
    • cyanosis of the skin and mucous membranes;
    • noticeable increase in chest size;
    • reduction of respiratory movements of the diaphragm;
    • expansion and protrusion of intercostal spaces.
    • It becomes difficult for a person to breathe, due to this, performance decreases. Lethargy, apathy and deterioration in sleep quality are observed.

      The most dangerous complications emphysema are pneumothorax, as well as cardiac and respiratory failure.

      Features of treatment

      Pulmonary emphysema is treated with both traditional and traditional methods. Only a doctor should determine the treatment protocol for this disease.. Depending on the severity of the disease and the form of emphysema, it is determined where treatment can be carried out, in a hospital hospital or at home.

      Timely measures will prevent the disease from progressing. Thanks to treatment, it is possible to eliminate all the symptoms of respiratory failure that prevent a person from living. The main areas of treatment are:

    • Normalization of bronchial patency.
    • Liquefies sticky mucus and makes it easier to expectorate.
    • Suppression of bacterial microflora if the cause of the disease is infection.
    • Elimination of symptoms of respiratory failure.
    • If conservative methods If the treatment does not give an effect, then they resort to surgery, during which the damaged lung tissue is removed. This method is indicated for the bullous form of the disease.

      With emphysema, the lung tissue undergoes irreversible changes, so it is impossible to completely cure this disease.

      Treatment with traditional recipes

      Duration drug treatment usually does not exceed 4 weeks, and you can be treated with traditional medicine recipes almost constantly. It is decoctions and tinctures medicinal herbs help a sick person feel satisfactory and live a full life.

      Herbal infusions help expand the lumens of the bronchi, facilitate the removal of sputum, and activate respiratory function and help increase the body's defenses.

      The most effective way to treat emphysema is considered to be a medicine with garlic.. For preparation take:

    • 10 large heads of garlic;
    • 1 liter of liquid honey;
    • 10 lemons, medium size.
    • Lemons are washed and peeled, after which the juice is squeezed out of them. The garlic is peeled and finely chopped, you can grate it. Mix the juice and garlic pulp thoroughly with honey and transfer to glass jar and put in a dark place for a week. After infusion, the composition is taken 1 teaspoon, 4 times a day..

      The medicine with garlic and lemon is taken with caution when increased acidity stomach, as well as other pathologies of the digestive tract.

      Inhalations with garlic

      To prepare, take 3-4 cloves of garlic, a liter of water and 2 teaspoons of baking soda.. Water is poured into a wide saucepan and brought to a boil, dissolve soda in it and add previously grated fine grater garlic. After this, they tilt their heads over the container with the composition, cover themselves with a large towel or blanket, and inhale the vapors.

      The essential oils contained in garlic help expand the lumen of the bronchi and cleanse the respiratory tract of pathogenic microflora. Baking soda softens mucous membranes and makes breathing easier. Procedures are performed once a day, duration does not exceed 15 minutes.

      When conducting steam inhalations you need to inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth.

      Potato tops

      Green potato tops cut, washed with running water, crushed and squeezed out the juice. Do they start drinking? teaspoon per day, then the volume is gradually increased. In a week and a half daily dose juice should be equal to half a glass.

      Potato compress

      Several medium-sized potatoes are boiled in their jackets. Hot potatoes are cut in half, and the cut area is greased with goat fat or turpentine ointment. Next, the cut is applied to the chest and kept until completely cooled.. The patient needs to be covered warmly so that the potatoes stay warm longer. This procedure is good to do before bed.

      You cannot put any compresses on the heart area. This can lead to serious consequences.

      Decoction of medicinal herbs

      To prepare effective medicine, you need to take the following ingredients:

    • Adonis herb – 1 teaspoon.
    • Cumin and fennel - 1 teaspoon each.
    • Horsetail herb - 2 teaspoons.
    • All components are thoroughly mixed, take a full tablespoon of the resulting mixture and pour into a thermos. Pour a glass of boiling water, then leave for about an hour. You need to take this composition 1/3 cup, 3 times a day..

      Buckwheat flowers

      3 tablespoons of buckwheat flowers are poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water and brought to a boil. Then leave to infuse for a couple of hours. Strain and take up to 4 times a day, half a glass. To improve the taste, you can add a little honey to the broth.

      Honey should be used with caution by people who are prone to allergies.

      Collection with juniper

      To prepare this decoction, take a teaspoon of juniper berries, the same amount of chopped dandelion roots and 2 teaspoons of birch buds. Mix all ingredients and measure out a tablespoon. This amount of collection is poured into a thermos and filled with a glass of just boiled water. Leave for about an hour.

      Take the infusion 1/3 cup at least 4 times a day. Drink medicine necessary one hour after eating. The course of treatment lasts at least 3 months.

      A teaspoon of crushed wild rosemary is poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water and left for an hour in a warm place. You need to drink this infusion half a glass, twice a day..

      It should be remembered that wild rosemary belongs to poisonous plants, therefore, you cannot exceed the dosage of the decoction.

      Black radish

      The root crop is washed well with a brush and peeled. Next, grind on a fine grater and squeeze out the juice.

      The resulting juice is mixed with liquid honey at the rate of 2 tablespoons of honey for every 50 grams of juice.

      Use the resulting drug 2 times a day, a tablespoon. You need to drink the composition before meals.

      You can prepare the medicinal composition in another way. Take a large radish, cut out the center and fill the hole with honey. After a couple of hours, you can take the composition that has formed inside the root vegetable.

      carrot juice

      A tablespoon of freshly squeezed carrot juice is diluted in a glass of heated, full-fat milk. You need to take this drink one glass at a time for a month, always on an empty stomach.. Prepare a medicinal drink immediately before use.

      Herb tea

      2 teaspoons of mint, thyme and sage herbs are mixed and poured into a thermos. Pour the herb collection into a glass of boiling water, then leave to infuse for a couple of hours. Drink 1/3 cup of this tea, 3 times a day, after meals..

      Parsley and celandine

      Take a teaspoon of chopped parsley and the same amount of celandine herb. Add 4 teaspoons of bearberry herb. Pour 0.5 liters of water into the plant material, bring to a boil and leave for 20 minutes. Drink a glass of decoction, 2 times a day, before meals..

      When treating pulmonary emphysema, therapeutic massage gives good results. It promotes the expansion of the bronchial tree and facilitates the removal of sputum.

      The most effective is acupressure, which affects certain active points. A massage course usually does not exceed 10 procedures, but after a break it can be repeated.

      Massage is not done at high temperatures, or during exacerbation of certain chronic diseases.

      Emphysema should be treated as early as possible. Although it is impossible to achieve a complete recovery, you can at least eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of this pathology and improve the patient’s quality of life.

      Traditional medicine

      Emphysema. Treatment with folk remedies

      According to experts, in the near future, pulmonary diseases will become “leaders” and will occupy the leading place in disability and third place in mortality. Today, let's look at such a common disease as emphysema.

      Not rarely, pulmonary emphysema is a consequence of chronic bronchitis, and its occurrence can also be caused by other diseases of the bronchus - pulmonary system: pleurisy, tumors, tuberculosis, etc. It can be acute, chronic, congenital and acquired.

      - chop five hundred grams of onion well, add four hundred grams of sugar, fifty grams of honey and cover everything with a liter of water. Simmer for 3 hours, cool, filter, pour into a clean container. Intake: one tablespoon, five times a day;

      — from black radish, squeeze the juice, mix with 50 grams of honey. Dosage: two tablespoons before meals and bedtime;

      — To relieve inflammation, we use various infusions from eucalyptus leaves. The infusion is prepared as follows: pour one tablespoon of leaves into 1/2 liter of boiling water. Reception: half a glass before meals 3-4 times;

      - if there is phlegm, brew it? liter of boiling water with four spoons of finely chopped plantain leaves, leave for four hours. Reception: four times a day? glasses.

      — A decoction gives a positive result for pulmonary emphysema Icelandic moss on milk. To do this, pour one tablespoon of Icelandic moss into one glass of milk, boil it in an enamel container. We drink the cooled and strained liquid before bed. It is recommended to use goat fat for rubbing the chest.

      Emphysema is a complex disease, acceptance herbal preparations and infusions, in no case can replace a hospital. Don't miss out!

      In this material I present only a small part of traditional medicine recipes. There are many pitfalls of such treatment. After all, against the background of an existing disease, the old one may worsen. It is well known that many drugs have contraindications.

      Treatment of emphysema with folk remedies

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    According to experts, in the near future, pulmonary diseases will become “leaders” and will occupy the leading place in disability and third place in mortality. Today, let's look at such a common disease as pulmonary emphysema. This disease is an excess of air in the lung tissues. There appears to be swelling of the lungs. That is, the lungs increase in volume, the alveolar septa become thinner, the capillaries become empty. Not uncommonly, pulmonary emphysema is a consequence of chronic bronchitis; it can also be caused by other diseases of the bronchus - pulmonary system: pleurisy, tumors, tuberculosis, etc. It can be acute, chronic, congenital or acquired. Pulmonary emphysema can rightfully be considered a disease of men, mainly of older age. The factors influencing the occurrence of this disease, which entails sluggishness of the lungs, are well known. These include smoking, occupational hazards (dust, the presence of chemicals in the air, for example during welding), and systematic respiratory diseases. Symptoms: cough with purulent discharge, shortness of breath both during physical exertion and at rest. Pulmonary emphysema causes difficulty in inhaling, cyanosis, the chest is expanded, closer to the lower part. Recipes Pulmonary emphysema, in folk medicine, is treated in the same way as bronchitis. First of all, all activities are aimed at cleansing the lungs, fighting inflammation, increasing immunity. - Chop five hundred grams of onion well, add four hundred grams of sugar, fifty grams of honey and cover everything with a liter of water. Simmer for 3 hours, cool, filter, pour into a clean container. Reception: one tablespoon, five times a day; - from black radish, squeeze the juice, mix with 50 grams of honey. Reception: two tablespoons before meals and bedtime; - half a glass of well-heated milk mixed with carrot juice. Reception: throughout the month, in the morning, instead of breakfast; - Bran boiled with honey. Decoction, strain. Use hot, instead of tea or compote; - To relieve inflammation, we use various infusions from eucalyptus leaves. The infusion is prepared as follows: pour one tablespoon of leaves into 1/2 liter of boiling water. Reception: half a glass before meals 3-4 times; - if there is phlegm, brew ½ liter of boiling water with four spoons, finely chopped plantain leaves, leave for four hours. Intake: four times a day, ½ cup - three tablespoons, linden (dried inflorescences), pour one liter of boiled water and heat in a water bath for fifteen minutes. Cool, strain, dilute with water (a full glass). Intake: half a glass three times a day; - A positive result for pulmonary emphysema is given by a decoction of Icelandic moss in milk. To do this, pour one tablespoon of Icelandic moss into one glass of milk, boil it in an enamel container. We drink the cooled and strained liquid before bed. It is recommended to use goat fat for rubbing the chest. P.S. Pulmonary emphysema is a complex disease; taking herbal infusions and infusions cannot in any case replace a hospital. Don't miss the time! In this material I present only a small part of traditional medicine recipes. There are many pitfalls of such treatment. After all, against the background of an existing disease, the old one may worsen. It is well known that many drugs have contraindications. Before starting herbal treatment, you should consult with your doctor, herbalist or homeopath. Any self-medication for serious diseases is a dangerous and questionable experiment on yourself.

    Beaver stream and musk deer, bear bile and badger fat in the treatment of pulmonary emphysema Pulmonary emphysema is a change in the structure of the alveolar walls, which leads to respiratory depression and disruption of the shape of the chest. Immediately after detection, it is necessary to begin treatment of pulmonary emphysema using folk remedies or methods of traditional medicine, including surgical ones. Emphysema - description of the disease and folk remedies against it. Various factors can lead to the appearance of the primary disease: - smoking; - microcirculation pathologies; - cadmium compounds and nitrogen oxides; - constant dust pollution of the air; - alpha-1-antitrypsin protein deficiency and many others. There is a violation of the elastic properties of the respiratory organs, which increases the resistance on exhalation and increases the pressure on the alveoli. This leads to stretching of the alveoli and destruction of the alveolar septa. As a result, the process of breathing and oxygen saturation of the blood is disrupted, and respiratory acidosis develops. Brightest clinical manifestation emphysema - the appearance of shortness of breath, decreased resistance to physical exertion, increased intercostal intervals and bloating of the chest. The body is trying to adapt to the changed breathing pattern. Treatment of symptoms of pulmonary emphysema with folk remedies is primarily aimed at slowing down or eliminating obstructive processes in the lung tissue, improving overall well-being, endurance and resistance of the body. We must not allow the development of obstructive chronic bronchitis - it will gradually destroy bronchopulmonary system. Sometimes the use of active natural ingredients allows you to delay or completely avoid the removal of part of the lung using surgical methods. The main drugs for the treatment and prevention of pulmonary emphysema using folk methods are beaver stream, bear bile, musk deer stream with the simultaneous use of badger (bear) fat. To improve the result, you can also use turpentine balsam (resin in cedar oil) and ensure a sufficient daily water intake. As soon as the first symptoms of emphysema appear, it is worth starting preliminary treatment natural remedies and produce detailed diagnostics. Surgery may be required. The main complexes of folk remedies for pulmonary emphysema Complex One The basis of this complex of treatment for pulmonary emphysema is regular intake of tincture of beaver stream, bear bile and badger fat. Both tinctures are used in parallel before meals, with a difference in time of administration of half an hour, after which badger fat is ingested at the same interval. The minimum treatment period is 30 days; repeat treatment may be required.

    Complex two In the second option, a beaver stream and a musk deer stream with the traditional addition of badger or bear fat are used to treat pulmonary emphysema. The system, schedule and duration of admission are similar to the previous complex. Complex three And in this version there are some differences. In the first part of the course, the patient must take beaver stream and badger fat at half-hour intervals before meals. After completing the beaver stream course (takes approximately 2-2.5 months), the next stage begins: bear bile and fat. This stage lasts about a month. Next, it is advisable to do tests and, based on their results, make a decision on continuing treatment. If continued treatment is indicated, the next step will be to apply musk deer jet and badger fat(this stage takes about a month). After completing any complex, you should undergo a routine examination with a doctor to assess changes in the body and record the results obtained. After the examination, decide on the further use of beaver stream, bear bile, musk deer stream and fats. Auxiliary elements for the treatment of emphysema with folk remedies Simultaneously with the use of systemic drugs for the treatment of emphysema (beaver stream, bear bile, musk deer stream), in medical practice there are two more recommended therapeutic and preventive measures: taking turpentine balm from cedar resin and cedar oil and the method of sufficient supplying the body with water with the addition of some salt. The use of cedar resin can be combined with any of the three treatment complexes that are described earlier in the article. 10% cedar resin and cedar oil for pulmonary emphysema perfectly reveal their potential to combat bronchopulmonary diseases. The effect is based on the dual effects of resin and oil. Cedar resin cleanses the body, acts as an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory in areas of the disease, additionally restoring the affected areas. There is also a targeted healing effect on the respiratory tract and organs. And cedar oil not only saturates the cells with a complex of nutrients, but also helps the resin to reveal its healing potential. If taking oleoresin for some reason is impossible (individual intolerance, persistent deterioration in health), cedar nut oil can be safely used as a food additive, using pure form for dressing salads, cereals and other dishes. An exceptionally good addition to the question of how to treat pulmonary emphysema will be information about the method of Dr. Batmanghelidj, who was the first to point out the dependence of human health on a regime of sufficient water consumption. According to the factual opinion of the doctor, the human body is in a state of constant thirst, but the person is accustomed to this state and does not notice it. A lack of water leads to the fact that the vital part of it is excreted through sweat and urine, while fresh water is not supplied actively enough. This leads to the development and exacerbation of many diseases. Batmanghelidj believes that when a person is sick, very often the reason lies in dehydration of the body. The body wants to drink. Athletes often face this same problem.

    Emphysema is an obstructive pulmonary disease that can lead to irreversible consequences.. This pathology is considered quite dangerous; if not treated properly, it can cause a lot of complications. Treatment is always complex, using medications, vitamin preparations and some traditional medicine recipes. It is not recommended to use only infusions and decoctions of herbs for treatment, as this will not give any effect. Treatment of pulmonary emphysema with folk remedies is possible only in combination with medications and on the recommendation of the attending physician.

    Mechanism of disease development

    Emphysema is characterized by severe stretching of the alveoli. Due to which the air content in the lung tissue becomes too high. This leads to metabolic and carbon dioxide disturbances.

    This pathology is most often diagnosed in older people. Emphysema in young people often leads to partial or complete loss of ability to work. Young people diagnosed with this disease often become disabled.

    The disease can occur in two different forms:

    1. Bullous - damaged lung tissues are connected to healthy ones.
    2. Diffuse - the pathological process affects the entire respiratory organ.

    Emphysema occurs for various reasons. Provoking factors include poor ecology, hazardous working conditions and smoking. Heredity also plays a significant role in the occurrence of the disease. But doctors consider frequent bronchitis to be the main cause of the pathology.

    As the disease progresses, a person develops the following characteristic symptoms:

    • severe shortness of breath;
    • cyanosis of the skin and mucous membranes;
    • noticeable increase in chest size;
    • reduction of respiratory movements of the diaphragm;
    • expansion and protrusion of intercostal spaces.

    It becomes difficult for a person to breathe, due to this, performance decreases. Lethargy, apathy and deterioration in sleep quality are observed.

    The most dangerous complications of pulmonary emphysema are pneumothorax, as well as cardiac and respiratory failure.

    Features of treatment

    Pulmonary emphysema is treated using both traditional and folk methods. Only a doctor should determine the treatment protocol for this disease.. Depending on the severity of the disease and the form of emphysema, it is determined where treatment can be carried out, in a hospital hospital or at home.

    Timely measures will prevent the disease from progressing. Thanks to treatment, it is possible to eliminate all the symptoms of respiratory failure that prevent a person from living. The main areas of treatment are:

    • Normalization of bronchial patency.
    • Liquefies sticky mucus and makes it easier to expectorate.
    • Suppression of bacterial microflora if the cause of the disease is infection.
    • Elimination of symptoms of respiratory failure.

    If conservative treatment methods do not produce an effect, then they resort to surgery, during which the damaged lung tissue is removed. This method is indicated for the bullous form of the disease.

    With emphysema, the lung tissue undergoes irreversible changes, so it is impossible to completely cure this disease.

    Treatment with traditional recipes

    The duration of drug treatment usually does not exceed 4 weeks, and treatment with traditional medicine recipes can be done almost constantly. It is decoctions and tinctures of medicinal herbs that help a sick person feel satisfactory and live a full life.

    Herbal infusions help expand the lumens of the bronchi, facilitate the removal of sputum, activate respiratory function and help increase the body's defenses.


    The most effective way to treat emphysema is considered to be a medicine with garlic.
    . For preparation take:

    • 10 large heads of garlic;
    • 1 liter of liquid honey;
    • 10 lemons, medium size.

    Lemons are washed and peeled, after which the juice is squeezed out of them. The garlic is peeled and finely chopped, you can grate it. The juice and garlic pulp are thoroughly mixed with honey, transferred to a glass jar and placed in a dark place for a week. After infusion, the composition is taken 1 teaspoon, 4 times a day..

    The drug with garlic and lemon is taken with caution in case of increased acidity of the stomach, as well as in other pathologies of the digestive tract.

    Inhalations with garlic

    To prepare, take 3-4 cloves of garlic, a liter of water and 2 teaspoons of baking soda.
    . Water is poured into a wide saucepan and brought to a boil, soda is dissolved in it and garlic, previously grated on a fine grater, is added. After this, they tilt their heads over the container with the composition, cover themselves with a large towel or blanket, and inhale the vapors.

    The essential oils contained in garlic help expand the lumen of the bronchi and cleanse the respiratory tract of pathogenic microflora. Baking soda softens mucous membranes and makes breathing easier. Procedures are performed once a day, duration does not exceed 15 minutes.

    When performing steam inhalations, you need to inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth.

    Potato tops

    Green potato tops are cut off, washed with running water, crushed and the juice is squeezed out.. Start drinking ½ teaspoon per day, then gradually increase the volume. After a week and a half, the daily dose of juice should be equal to half a glass.

    Potato compress

    Several medium-sized potatoes are boiled in their jackets. Hot potatoes are cut in half, and the cut area is greased with goat fat or turpentine ointment. Next, the cut is applied to the chest and kept until completely cooled.. The patient needs to be covered warmly so that the potatoes stay warm longer. This procedure is good to do before bed.

    You cannot put any compresses on the heart area. This can lead to serious consequences.

    Decoction of medicinal herbs

    To prepare an effective medicine, you need to take the following ingredients:

    • Adonis herb – 1 teaspoon.
    • Cumin and fennel - 1 teaspoon each.
    • Horsetail herb - 2 teaspoons.

    All components are thoroughly mixed, take a full tablespoon of the resulting mixture and pour into a thermos. Pour a glass of boiling water, then leave for about an hour. You need to take this composition 1/3 cup, 3 times a day..

    Buckwheat flowers

    3 tablespoons of buckwheat flowers are poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water and brought to a boil. Then leave to infuse for a couple of hours. Strain and take up to 4 times a day, half a glass. To improve the taste, you can add a little honey to the broth.

    Honey should be used with caution by people who are prone to allergies.

    Collection with juniper

    To prepare this decoction, take a teaspoon of juniper berries, the same amount of chopped dandelion roots and 2 teaspoons of birch buds. Mix all ingredients and measure out a tablespoon. This amount of collection is poured into a thermos and filled with a glass of just boiled water. Leave for about an hour.

    Take the infusion 1/3 cup at least 4 times a day. You should take the medicine an hour after eating. The course of treatment lasts at least 3 months.


    A teaspoon of crushed wild rosemary is poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water and left for an hour in a warm place. You need to drink this infusion half a glass, twice a day..

    It should be remembered that wild rosemary is a poisonous plant, so the dosage of the decoction should not be exceeded.

    Black radish

    The root crop is washed well with a brush and peeled. Next, grind on a fine grater and squeeze out the juice.

    The resulting juice is mixed with liquid honey at the rate of 2 tablespoons of honey for every 50 grams of juice.

    Use the resulting drug 2 times a day, a tablespoon. You need to drink the composition before meals.

    You can prepare the medicinal composition in another way. Take a large radish, cut out the center and fill the hole with honey. After a couple of hours, you can take the composition that has formed inside the root vegetable.

    carrot juice

    A tablespoon of freshly squeezed carrot juice is diluted in a glass of heated, full-fat milk. You need to take this drink one glass at a time for a month, always on an empty stomach.. Prepare a medicinal drink immediately before use.

    Herb tea

    2 teaspoons of mint, thyme and sage herbs are mixed and poured into a thermos. Pour the herb collection into a glass of boiling water, then leave to infuse for a couple of hours. Drink 1/3 cup of this tea, 3 times a day, after meals..

    Parsley and celandine

    Take a teaspoon of chopped parsley and the same amount of celandine herb. Add 4 teaspoons of bearberry herb. Pour 0.5 liters of water into the plant material, bring to a boil and leave for 20 minutes. Drink a glass of decoction, 2 times a day, before meals..


    When treating pulmonary emphysema, therapeutic massage gives good results. It promotes the expansion of the bronchial tree and facilitates the removal of sputum.

    The most effective is acupressure, which affects certain active points. A massage course usually does not exceed 10 procedures, but after a break it can be repeated.

    Massage is not done at high temperatures, or during exacerbation of certain chronic diseases.

    Emphysema should be treated as early as possible. Although it is impossible to achieve a complete recovery, you can at least eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of this pathology and improve the patient’s quality of life.

    A deficiency of alpha-1 protein in the body provokes the appearance of a disease such as pulmonary emphysema, treatment with folk remedies (in combination with medication and physiotherapeutic methods) is today the most effective way to combat the disease.

    Emphysema is considered a dangerous pathology. In the process of damage to the lung tissue, it swells. This is facilitated by the expansion of the alveoli and disruption of the structure of their walls. The most common cause of the disease is smoking, as well as poor environmental conditions.

    Features of treatment of the disease

    Along with physical therapy, water treatments, hardening measures and the fight against physical inactivity, the use of folk remedies makes it possible to make the healing process more effective.

    Medicinal herbs are the main component of folk treatment. Typically, when using herbal infusions preference is given to those aimed at treating chronic bronchitis, since they contain herbs that can relieve inflammatory processes and enhance the body’s protective properties.

    Most herbalists prefer herbs that include lemon balm, marshmallow, and juniper. A combination of marshmallow and lemon balm helps well with emphysema.

    For treatment, marshmallow infusions prepared in different ways are used:

    1. 30 g of marshmallow root pour 300 ml of cold boiled water. Leave for an hour, strain. Take 3 times a day, 0.5 cups. The treatment course is 8 weeks. For the purpose of prevention, the drug is taken annually.
    2. Pour 2 tablespoons of marshmallow flowers and leaves into 400 ml of boiling water. Leave for 1 hour, strain. Take 1/2 cup three times a day.

    The use of marshmallow root is prohibited for diseases such as pancreatitis and diabetes. Efficiency in the treatment of marshmallows is ensured by the introduction of drug therapy lemon balm. To prepare the infusion, you need to take 4 tbsp. spoons of herbs and pour 1 liter of dry white wine. Insist for a day. They drink this healing agent 3 times a day, 1/3 cup in combination with marshmallow infusion. If an attack begins, you can only use lemon balm tincture.

    It is contraindicated for people suffering from low blood pressure. In case of bradycardia with very weak pulse indicators, it should not be taken categorically.

    Treatment of emphysema with folk remedies involves the use of celery. It is taken as a means of increasing general tone body. In case of weakness and illness, it is considered an excellent stimulant of physical and mental activity. To prepare a remedy from celery, you need to cut it lengthwise, dry it, grind it into powder and even use it as salt.

    3 tbsp. spoons of finely grated celery root are poured into 1 liter of boiling water and left for 8 hours. Take 2 tbsp. spoons 3 times a day. People with high acidity should consult a herbalist before using celery infusions.

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    Treatment with potatoes

    The valuable properties of potatoes have been known for a long time. The starch it contains helps regulate cholesterol levels in the blood serum and liver. Great content Potassium helps remove excess fluid from the body. Due to its significant content of proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, organic acids, macro- and microelements, it is the most valuable product to strengthen the body's protective properties. Since it removes fluid from the body, it is used without fail in the treatment with antibiotics and sulfonamides, which are prescribed for the treatment of acute forms of pulmonary emphysema.

    Despite the fairly extensive list of contraindications, it is recommended to use it in combination with infusions of lemon balm and marshmallow. People with low acidity and diabetes should not overuse the product. It is especially dangerous to eat green tubers, as they contain large amounts of solanine, a toxic substance. Boiled potatoes are a wonderful remedy for inhalation during not only pneumonia, but also emphysema.

    Treatment with green potato tops is very effective. Its juice should be taken 1 teaspoon at a time, gradually increasing the dosage to half a glass. Improvement occurs immediately after several doses.

    Potato flowers help with such a symptom of emphysema as shortness of breath. 2 tablespoons of flowers are poured with a glass of boiling water. Leave for 2 hours. The infusion is filtered and drunk in one go. Course - 30 days.

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    Traditional methods of treatment

    A warming compress made from goat fat is an excellent aid for emphysema and other pulmonary diseases. To use it, the patient needs to rub the chest with fat, lay out cut potato tubers with peel. Wrap the patient up and leave him in this condition overnight.

    Pour 500 ml of boiling water over buckwheat. Leave for 2 hours. Drink half a glass 3 times a day.

    A product made from the juice of one lemon mixed with 2 tbsp has a good enveloping and anti-inflammatory effect. spoons of glycerin and honey. Lemon is boiled before use. Drink the product 3 times a day.

    Rubbing the chest area with fir oil at night helps relieve the main symptoms.

    It also works great as an air disinfectant in aromatherapy.

    Ledum is a wonderful helper for emphysema. It is used as a means for inhalation and oral administration. For inhalation, it must be filled with boiling water in the amount of 2 tbsp. spoons of herbs per 1 cup of boiling water.

    An effective medicine for internal use is the following pulmonary collection: 1 tablespoon of a mixture of dandelion, birch leaves, juniper fruits, pour 200 ml of boiling water. The medicine is infused for 1 hour. After filtering, drink it in three doses per day, 1/3 cup each.

    A decoction of thyme, sage, mint and eucalyptus in equal proportions (one leaf at a time) is poured with boiling water and infused. After straining, drink 2 times a day after meals (during attacks of shortness of breath).

    The main symptoms of emphysema associated with impaired oxygen metabolism and blood circulation are eliminated with the help of a potent mixture: 2 parts of horsetail, 1 part of adonis herb, cumin fruits, fennel (in the amount of 1 tablespoon) are poured with a glass of boiling water and infused, filtered. Drink half a glass 3 times a day.

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    Products made from coniferous ingredients

    Cones are an excellent anti-cold, antibactericidal and anti-inflammatory agent. Since ancient times, honey with cones was considered the most effective way to overcome lung diseases. For emphysema, this recipe is very effective. The cones are poured with honey at the rate of 2 kg of cones per 1 kg of honey. They insist for 3 months. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 4 times a day.

    A decoction of 30 g of cones and 1 liter of milk treats not only emphysema, but also bronchial asthma and pulmonary tuberculosis. The cones are poured with milk and boiled until half of the milk has boiled away. The decoction is drunk 3 times a day.

    Pine or spruce cones are poured with vodka in a 1:1 ratio. Insist for a month. Drink the tincture 4 times a day, half an hour before meals, 1 tbsp. spoon. This tincture treats lung diseases.

    Cedar is a remedy for many pulmonary diseases. Cedar resin and cedar oil cleanse the body, acting as an effective antiseptic. Their properties are aimed specifically at restoring and treating the respiratory system. Cedar oil in combination with resin enhances each other’s properties. Cedar oil can be used not only as a healing substance in its pure form, but also as a dressing for salads and cereals. An excellent addition to treatment with these components is badger or bear fat.

    Treatment of emphysema with folk remedies can give a positive result with the combined use of all therapeutic techniques: traditional medicine, hardening and strengthening measures, eliminating bad habits.

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    How to treat emphysema with folk remedies

    Emphysema. Symptoms, treatment with folk remedies

    In recent years, pulmonary emphysema has often been reported in elderly and senile people. What is the danger of this disease? The fact is that its development proceeds at a slow pace, with an increase in symptoms unnoticed by the patient.

    The patient does not have any concern about the cough that appears at first, accompanied by the release of light sputum; the person is active and cheerful, he has no idea that he needs to see a doctor for medical help.

    Hello, dear readers and guests medical blog"Recipes of traditional medicine"!

    Symptoms and mechanism of development of emphysema

    ● Pulmonary emphysema is a chronic pulmonary disease, accompanied by an increase in air content in the lung tissue (alveoli), which leads to impaired breathing and gas exchange (oxygen and carbon dioxide).

    The development of the disease is associated with irreversible pathological changes in the wall of the lungs and bronchi, which, as a rule, occur against the background of prolonged inflammation and spasm of the respiratory tract.

    In this case, the elastic properties of the lungs are disrupted: after exhalation, a larger amount of air remains in them than should be normal, and this in turn leads to inflation (overstretching) of the lungs.

    ● Moreover, excess air does not participate in the act of breathing, and overstretched lung tissue is not able to function fully. Thus, the flow of oxygen into the blood and the removal of carbon dioxide from it is disrupted, which is why a patient with pulmonary emphysema experiences shortness of breath.

    Under the influence of negative changes in the lungs and bronchi, the amount of connective tissue that replaces the airy areas of the lung tissue (alveoli) progressively increases, which contributes to a long-term narrowing of the bronchi, no longer dependent on the existing inflammatory process.

    ● In medical practice, pulmonary emphysema is extremely rare primary disease when swelling of the lung tissue develops without the presence of prolonged inflammation. Almost 90% of patients have obstructive or secondary pulmonary emphysema, which arose against the background of chronic obstructive bronchitis.

    Symptoms of the disease:

    1. Difficulty breathing (shortness of breath).

    2. The chest becomes barrel-shaped.

    3. The intercostal spaces and supraclavicular region bulge.

    4. Main symptom– shortness of breath, most often occurring during physical exertion; if at first it is unstable and appears more often in winter, then later it accompanies the patient all year round.

    Gradually, shortness of breath occurs with minor physical exertion, and then occurs at rest. The patient’s breathing is characteristic: a “sharp”, short (“grasping”) inhalation and an extended exhalation.

    Exhalation occurs with closed lips and puffed out cheeks. Movements of the chest during breathing are reduced; additional muscles of the neck and chest are forced (reflexively) involved in this process.

    5. Patients with pulmonary emphysema take a forced position with the shoulder girdle and head lowered down - this brings them relief.

    As for the severe form of the disease with pronounced changes in the chest and weakening of the respiratory muscles, patients often find a comfortable sitting position with the torso tilted forward and resting their hands on the bed or knees; in this position, the shoulder girdle is fixed and additional muscles are included in the act of breathing.

    ● Due to the fact that with pulmonary emphysema the ventilation of the lung tissue is significantly affected, the lungs become very vulnerable to bacterial infection, foci of inflammation form.

    Both respiratory and heart failure gradually increases and the so-called “ cor pulmonale" As a complication, pneumothorax may develop - penetration of air from the lungs into pleural cavity, which is extremely dangerous for the patient’s life, and immediate intensive treatment is required.

    Conservative therapy

    ● I would like to immediately warn all readers that this article, like all others, is for informational purposes only and cannot serve as instructions for treatment, which can only be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

    ● It is extremely important to begin treatment at the stage of bronchitis, without leading to the development of emphysema. For this purpose, in a hospital setting, the patient is prescribed antibiotics. wide range actions: doxycycline, amoxicillin.

    As well as drugs that thin and reduce the amount of mucus produced; medications that dilate the bronchi and relieve spasms of the bronchial muscles: terbutaline, salbutamol, fenoterol. The latter are preferably used in the form of inhalations.

    ● In severe cases of the disease, the doctor prescribes anticholinergic drugs, for example, ipratropium bromide or combined berodual (fenoterol in combination with ipratropium bromide).

    If there are indications, long-acting inhaled bronchodilators are used - salmeterol And formoterol, as well as from the group of anticholinergics - tiotropium bromide.

    ● In order to prevent the development of secondary pulmonary emphysema, it is necessary to carry out therapeutic and preventive measures in relation to chronic instructive bronchitis.

    These include the fight against bad habits - giving up smoking and drinking alcohol, eliminating the patient’s contact with harmful occupational working conditions: working in the coal industry or in the production of asbestos, silicon and other chemicals; restriction of physical activity.

    Traditional methods of treating emphysema

    ● For emphysema traditional medicine recommends application medicinal plants, having antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, such as: pine needles, essential oils, eucalyptus, St. John's wort, calamus, sage; chamomile, plantain, peppermint, linden, calendula, yarrow, elecampane.

    Desensitizing herbs: tricolor violet, agrimony, bedstraw, licorice, marshmallow, string. Expectorants - mantle, anise, clover, wild rosemary, oregano, black elderberry, elecampane, thyme, Thermopsis lanceolata, plantain. Antispasmodic – chamomile, mint, coriander, fennel, dill, belladonna. General strengthening agents – rosehip, elecampane, nettle, St. John’s wort.

    ● We must not forget that it makes no sense to treat emphysema in isolation from other accompanying diseases. Below are several fees for the treatment of ARVI, bronchitis, acute inflammatory diseases of the ENT organs (tonsillitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, pharyngitis):

    1. First, chop, then mix four parts of rose hips and calamus rhizomes, three parts of marina root and St. John's wort, two parts of golden root, pine buds, elecampane root and wild rosemary herb, one part of licorice root.

    Next, cook two teaspoons of the mixture in a glass of boiling water over low heat for ten minutes, let it cool, filter and take slightly warm three times a day, ⅓ glass half an hour before a meal or an hour after it.

    Store the medicine in the refrigerator, but no more than two days. Similarly, we prepare and take the next two collections of medicinal herbs.

    2. Mix, after crushing, equal parts of rose hips, linden color, chamomile flowers and willow bark.

    3. Grind and mix five parts each of calendula flowers, St. John's wort, raspberry leaves; three parts each of pine needles, oregano herb and bergenia root; two parts licorice root.

    ● Pulmonary emphysema may be aggravated by chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). In such cases, herbalists recommend the use of the following fees, the preparation and use of which are exactly the same as described above:

    1. The collection consists of nine parts of elecampane root, eight parts of calamus rhizomes, clover flowers, nettle leaves, knotweed grass and agrimony; five parts of plantain leaves and three parts each of licorice and bergenia roots, eucalyptus leaves.

    2. We also collect ten parts of St. John's wort, eight parts of oregano and thyme, raspberry and lingonberry leaves, calamus rhizomes; seven parts of plantain leaves, six parts of elecampane root, five parts of wild rosemary herb, four parts of pine needles and two parts of echinacea flowers.

    3. Grind and mix in equal weight proportions the rhizomes of chaga and calamus, thyme herbs, St. John's wort, agrimony; plantain and birch leaves; burdock root.

    Good health to you, God bless you!!!

    A disease of the respiratory system, which is characterized by a violation of gas exchange in the blood vessels of the lungs: between the intake of oxygen and the removal of carbon dioxide from the blood, according to medical terminology, called pulmonary emphysema.

    This pathology leads to excessive stretching of the walls of the alveoli of the lung tissue, a weakening of the contractile function of the lungs, an increase in volume and air retention in them. As a result, respiratory function and ventilation of the lungs are impaired.

    How does pulmonary emphysema occur and what are its symptoms?

    The causes of this serious disease are:

    1. Chronical bronchitis.
    2. Bronchial asthma.
    3. Pulmonary tuberculosis.
    4. Smoking.
    5. Contaminated air.

    Symptoms of the disease:

    1. Dyspnea.
    2. Heart failure.
    3. Smoker's cough.
    4. Enlarged chest size (barrel sternum).
    5. Divergence of the rib bones.
    6. Expansion of the supraclavicular areas.

    Treatment of the disease should begin at the earliest stage. During this period, chronic bronchitis is observed, which without proper treatment leads to irreversible changes in the lung tissue.

    How is the disease treated?

    Prescribed: oxygen therapy, special breathing exercises, drugs that remove phlegm from the lungs and bronchi and dilute it, as well as antispasmodic drugs.

    Without adequate therapeutic treatment in case of complications with emphysema, they often resort to surgical intervention. Its essence comes down to the removal of bullae (tense bubbles filled with air in the lungs).

    As an additional therapy in the treatment of the initial form (bullous), it is recommended to use some folk remedies. Let's get to know them better.

    Folk remedies for emphysema

    1. For emphysema, you can use potato inhalations. They will improve respiratory function and reduce symptoms of the disease. The potatoes are thoroughly washed and boiled in their skins until tender. Warm steam is inhaled while covered with a blanket.

    2. For emphysema against the background of bronchitis, you can do inhalations with a decoction of wild rosemary. For half a liter of boiling water, take two tablespoons of herbs. Heat for 20 minutes in a steam bath. The broth is poured into an inhaler or its vapor is inhaled over a regular saucepan. This remedy from wild rosemary can also be taken orally. Directions for use: Take a tablespoon of decoction three times a day before meals.

    3. Inhalation with a decoction of eucalyptus leaves will reduce sputum production and improve breathing. Add a pinch of crushed eucalyptus raw material into one liter of boiling water. Boil the potion for 5-7 minutes, cool slightly so as not to burn the mucous membrane of the throat and inhale the steam. The procedures are carried out twice a day.

    3. Pine needles are crushed, and a spoonful of such raw materials is thrown into half a liter of boiling water. Boil for 2 minutes. Remove from heat and inhale with the decoction.

    4. Aromatherapy should be used for emphysema. Inhaling essential oils of lavender, eucalyptus, benzoin, sandalwood, bergamot and chamomile has a beneficial effect on lung recovery. They are added to the aroma lamp and breathing procedures are carried out at least twice a day until the emphysema is completely cured.

    5. Coltsfoot decoction helps eliminate the symptoms of the initial form of the disease. A tablespoon of plant leaves is poured with water (0.5 l) and put on fire. Boil for 1 minute and then infuse. Take the finished potion at least 4-5 times a day. The course of treatment is carried out for 1-2 months.

    6. A decoction of cyanosis helps with pulmonary emphysema. To do this, grind a tablespoon of the roots of the plant and pour a cup of boiling water. Boil and leave for two hours. Take the finished, strained potion one tablespoon four times a day.

    7. Licorice gives excellent results in the treatment of this pulmonary disease. The root of the plant is used for this. Two large spoons of plant mass are poured with hot (at least 95 degrees) water (500 ml) and left under a tightly closed lid in a steam bath for 45 minutes. Take the drug one spoon at least three times a day. For elimination pathological processes in the lungs, the course of treatment should be continued for at least 2 weeks.

    8. A collection of herbs helps eliminate the symptoms of a serious lung disease: centaury, coltsfoot, scolopendra stone and linden inflorescences. Take 50 grams of each plant and mix. One big spoon herbal mixture pour boiling water (250 ml) and heat in a steam bath. After this, pour everything into a thermos, add a teaspoon of flax seed and leave for another hour. To restore the function of lung tissue, the finished potion should be taken a tablespoon at least 4-5 times a day.

    9. In case of a pulmonary disease accompanied by a cough with the release of viscous and viscous sputum purulent in nature, a collection of the following plants is widely used: pine buds (20 g), thyme (10 g), violet (15 g), sundew (420 g) and plantain leaves (400 g). It is also recommended to add a spoonful of dried herb here. Next, take two spoons of the herbal mixture and pour 320 milliliters of hot boiling water. Insist and after filtering take 50 milliliters of the drug every 4 hours.

    10. The following collection will help restore gas exchange in the lungs and eliminate pathology: juniper berries, birch leaves, dandelion roots. Take everything in equal volumes and mix. Place two spoons of the mixture in a saucepan and pour in boiling water (250 ml). Leave for three hours in a thermos. Warm and strained potion is taken 200 milliliters in the morning and after dinner.

    11. For emphysema accompanied by a severe cough, you can prepare this remedy according to the following recipe. Take a lemon. Boil it in 500 milliliters of water over low heat for about two hours. Next, cut the citrus in half, squeeze all the juice into a glass and add two tablespoons of glycerin. Beat this mixture and pour in honey almost to the top. Mix everything again. Take the medicine up to 7 times a day. Course of treatment: until the symptoms of the disease decrease.

    Prevention of lung diseases

    To prevent lung diseases, you need to give up the bad habit of smoking and take up in a healthy way life. Helps you avoid this disease timely treatment acute bronchitis.

    Beware of respiratory exposure to contaminated air masses. Dusty industrial premises containing acids, alkalis, combustion products and various chemical particles in the air often cause lung diseases, including emphysema.

    The sooner the disease is diagnosed, prescribed and started correct treatment, the faster the disease will recede. Therefore, at the first signs of this terrible disease, you should urgently contact a therapist or pulmonologist. Only a doctor will prevent the occurrence of dangerous complications and provide competent medical care.

    Emphysema implies chronic pathology lungs, the alveoli are affected, they lose their natural ability to contract. The disease in 90% of cases is accompanied by respiratory failure. Frequent precursors of emphysema are prolonged diseases of the respiratory system, such as bronchitis and pneumonia. Pathology in the medical environment is considered insidious, since it has no obvious manifestations and can develop over a fairly long period of time without causing severe discomfort to the patient.

    What is it, forms of the disease

    Emphysema comes from the word “to bloat” and represents the process of disruption of gas exchange in the lungs and respiratory function. The alveoli, which are located at the endings of the bronchi and in the lung cavity, have a responsible function - they help in the breathing process. When a person inhales air, they fill and swell like a small ball; when exhaling, they become the same due to natural contractions.

    Emphysema is a violation of this process, when, as a result of various diseases of the respiratory system, the alveoli begin to perform increased work, the air pressure in them increases, which leads to their stretching. This is where the derivative of the definition comes from - “to inflate”.

    When the alveoli lose their ability to participate in the breathing process as before, the lungs begin to suffer. Impaired gas exchange leads to an increased amount of air in the lungs, which contributes to malfunction organ. If the pathology is not noticed and treated in time, it can spread to the heart and lead to complications. Often, every third patient has a history of cardiac or respiratory failure.

    Emphysema in medicine has a specific classification. On its basis, the disease is divided according to the nature of its manifestations, its prevalence, anatomical features and origin. It is possible to consider the classification of emphysema in more detail using the table presented.

    Shape (variety) Description
    Due to the occurrence
    Lobarnaya Newborns suffer from the disease from birth. The cause of the pathology is obstruction of one of the bronchi.
    Senile Associated with age-related involution of the lungs, when the elasticity of the walls of the alveoli is impaired.
    By localization
    Bullous Accompanied by the appearance of bullae in the lung cavity. These are blisters that can reach a diameter of up to 20 cm. They can form throughout the parenchyma or in the pleural area. They always appear in the area where the affected alveoli are localized.
    Vesicular One of the severe forms of pathology. Accompanied by respiratory failure. It is characterized by the absence of an inflammatory process.
    Centrilobular Accompanied by an inflammatory process, swelling and mucus, which is actively released when coughing. Leads to expansion of the lumen of the bronchi and alveoli.
    Okolorubtsovaya The source of inflammation is localized in the area of ​​scars or fibrous lesions. As a rule, it does not have distinct and vivid symptoms.
    Subcutaneous Accompanied by the appearance of air bubbles due to rupture of the alveoli. They form under the skin. The form is dangerous because the bubbles can spread through the lymphatic ducts and gaps between tissues to the subcutaneous area of ​​the neck and head. If they burst in the lung cavity, this can lead to complications, such as spontaneous pneumothorax.
    Distal It is a consequence of previous tuberculosis. Often causes a complication in the form of pneumothorax.
    According to the course
    Acute The alveoli are stretched and the lungs bloat. The disease can be caused by the entry of a foreign object into the bronchial cavity, active exercise stress, asthma attack. This form requires emergency medical care.
    Chronic The development of pathology occurs slowly, without an acute course. If the disease is recognized in time and therapy is started, it is possible to achieve full recovery respiratory function of organs. Ignoring therapy can lead to disability.
    By nature of distribution
    Focal Does not have obvious symptoms. It is a consequence of other lung lesions or diseases, for example, tuberculosis, blockage of the bronchi.
    Diffuse The destruction of the alveoli spreads throughout the lung cavity, the inflammatory process affects the entire tissue of the organ, which often leads to donor transplantation.
    By origin
    Primary Progressive appearance, which is characterized congenital features body, therefore it is often diagnosed in infants. One of dangerous forms pathology.
    Secondary Emphysema is a consequence of other pathological processes in the respiratory organs. Can occur at any stage of life due to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

    The classification helps specialists understand what to focus on during therapy and which treatment methods to use.

    Symptoms and first complaints

    Emphysema is a pathology that is difficult to recognize immediately, since at the initial stage the symptoms are minor. It can be confused with signs viral infection or inflammatory process in the bronchi, trachea. Without a medical examination, it is extremely difficult to recognize the disease, therefore, if even minor symptoms of cough and accompanying signs of a respiratory infection appear, it is necessary to contact a specialist.

    Signs of pulmonary emphysema include the following manifestations.

    1. Cyanosis. This strange definition speaks of the pathology that often accompanies emphysema. It is expressed in a bluish tint to the earlobes, tip of the nose and nails. The manifestation is associated with oxygen starvation of the body, resulting in pale skin and a bluish tint. The capillaries cannot fully fill with blood.
    2. Shortness of breath, which manifests itself slightly at the initial stage and only during physical activity. Over time, the patient begins to notice strangeness in breathing; during inhalation, it seems that there is not enough air, and the process of exhalation becomes difficult and lengthy. The symptoms are associated with the accumulation of mucus in the lung cavity.
    3. “Pink puffer” - this strange definition also refers to the symptoms of the disease. With emphysema, the patient is plagued by coughing attacks. At the same time, the skin of the face becomes pink. This is a distinctive feature from COPD, since with the latter disease, during the coughing process, the person’s face takes on a bluish tint.
    4. Swelling of the veins in the neck, associated with increased pressure inside the sternum, which is reflected in a coughing attack. During it, the neck veins swell, the same phenomenon can be observed when exhaling.
    5. Losing weight. Due to the intense work of the respiratory muscles, a person begins to lose weight over time, which becomes noticeable to others.
    6. Intensive functioning of the respiratory muscles is associated with increased work diaphragm, intercostal muscles and abdominal muscles. They help the lungs stretch when inhaling, since the organ loses this function with emphysema.
    7. Changes in the location and size of the liver. These symptoms can only be detected through diagnosis. It is one of the components in making a diagnosis. When examining the patient, a specific position of the diaphragm may be detected; it should be elevated. As a result, the localization of the liver changes under its influence. The decrease in size of the organ is associated with stagnation of blood in its vessels.

    Experienced specialists can diagnose “pulmonary emphysema” just by appearance. They focus on external manifestations that occur in patients with a chronic form of the disease. This is a shortening of the neck, protrusion of the supraclavicular fossa, the patient’s chest looks voluminous. In addition, the specialist may ask the patient to breathe and then note the specific location of the diaphragm and abdomen, which becomes saggy under its pressure. When inhaling, there is a protrusion of the intercostal muscles; they seem to stretch under the pressure of air.

    Causes leading to illness

    According to statistics, about 60% of patients affected by emphysema had a history of other pathologies of the respiratory system. Pneumonia, chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, tuberculosis can cause the development of the disease.

    There are other reasons that are worth paying attention to, because many of them are related to a person’s daily lifestyle. For example, the state of the environment in the area where the patient works or lives. If a person is exposed every day to coal dust, smog, toxic substances, nitrogen and sulfur released during the operation of enterprises, then his lungs may eventually fail. In a polluted atmosphere, they function with increased efficiency and are at the same time permeated with harmful substances, which affects their condition.

    Separately, it is worth mentioning about smokers, since inhalation of vapors tobacco smoke can lead to disease of the bronchi and lungs. Nicotine lovers may eventually develop bronchial asthma, followed by emphysema, if the person does not stop smoking. Constant cough should make you think about immediately eliminating the dangerous habit.

    The disease can also occur in newborns. This is due to several factors:

    • congenital defects in the structure of lung tissue;
    • congenital deficiency of α-1 antitrypsin, when the walls of the alveoli are destroyed independently;
    • heredity, expressed in insufficient functioning of the respiratory organs, while over time the elasticity and strength of lung tissue is impaired.

    In adults, the cause of the disease can be hormonal in nature, when the ratio between estrogens and androgens is disrupted. Hormones are involved in the process of contraction of bronchioles. Therefore, if the balance is disturbed, they can stretch over time, but do not affect the functioning of the alveoli. It is worth considering age-related changes. In old age, the lungs do not have the same density, strength, and elasticity as at a young age.

    Doctors identify causes that relate to increased pressure in the lungs. As a rule, it is because of this process that emphysema develops. Negative pressure can form in the lungs due to blockage of the bronchial lumen, chronic obstructive bronchitis, or at harmful work, which implies an increase in air pressure in the lungs, for example, in trumpet musicians.

    Modern experts will never take into account one factor that could influence the development of pathology, since they believe that only a combination of several reasons can contribute to emphysema.

    Features of the disease in children

    According to statistics, among children, infants are more often susceptible to pathology; boys have a greater risk than girls in developing the disease. Several factors are considered to be the cause of pulmonary emphysema in newborns. One of them is associated with congenital characteristics, that is, the process of improper development of the organ and breathing occurs even in perinatal period. The second one speaks of obstruction of the bronchial tubes, but modern specialists think that this factor no longer relevant.

    Numerous observations and studies have proven that a common cause of emphysema in children is insufficient development of tissues, the organ itself or a separate bronchus. Lung stretching is caused by a pathological process when, during breathing, the bronchi narrow and the alveoli slow down the flow of oxygen that is in the lungs.

    Congenital emphysema has symptoms that any parent will undoubtedly notice:

    • tachycardia;
    • shortness of breath, which manifests itself quite clearly in childhood;
    • there is a blue tint of the skin in the area of ​​the nose and lips;
    • during an attack, the child may lose consciousness due to lack of air;
    • breathing is accompanied by a distinct whistle.

    In childhood, there are several forms of the disease: decompensated, subcompensated, compensated. The first appears in the first days of a baby’s life and is observed in premature babies. It is easy to recognize this form of the disease; the symptoms manifest themselves clearly. The second one is not talking about congenital pathology, but acquired.

    Symptoms may appear several years after birth; they will be subtle at the initial stage.

    The compensated form is considered the most dangerous, since it does not imply the presence of severe symptoms. Signs of the disease may be completely absent, which complicates the diagnostic process.

    Surgery for pulmonary emphysema is indicated for children. In case of decompensated form, it should be carried out urgently. Subcompensated and compensated imply elective surgery.

    How to treat - drugs for emphysema

    Therapy is usually prescribed not only by the therapist, but by the treating pulmonologist. Without his consultation, it is impossible to obtain an adequate treatment plan. All measures boil down to the patient following a special diet, giving up bad habits, oxygen therapy is prescribed, therapeutic physical training and massage are prescribed. The treatment complex also includes taking special medications that help eliminate the manifestations of the disease.

    1. Inhibitors are prescribed, for example, Prolastin. It helps reduce the level of enzymes through protein content that destroy the connective fibers of organ tissue.
    2. Antioxidants are prescribed to improve tissue nutrition and metabolism. They help slow down and eliminate the pathological process occurring in the alveoli. The representative is Vitamin E.
    3. A prerequisite is the use of mucolytic drugs, such as Lazolvan or ACC. They thin mucus, help remove mucus from the lungs and bronchi faster, and reduce the production of free radicals.
    4. Teopek is a bronchodilator inhibitor, often used for pulmonary emphysema. It leads to relaxation of the smooth muscles of the bronchi, reduces mucous edema and helps to expand the lumen in the organ.
    5. Prednidazole is a glucocorticosteroid. Prescribed only if bronchodilator therapy is ineffective. It has a strong anti-inflammatory effect on the lungs and helps expand the lumen of the bronchi.
    6. Atrovent is used in the form of inhalations. The drug is used together with saline solution in a nebulizer. Prevents bronchospasm, improves the breathing process.
    7. Theophyllines are prescribed; these are long-acting medications that help eliminate pulmonary hypertension. They help the respiratory system not to get tired by influencing its muscles.

    In addition to a complex of medications, the use of massage, oxygen therapy, therapeutic exercises and diet, specialists can prescribe breathing exercises. It helps strengthen the respiratory muscles and restore the process of natural inhalation and exhalation, which was disrupted by emphysema.

    Folk remedies

    In combination with drug treatment, you can use the advice of traditional medicine. Before using a specific recipe, you should consult with a therapist and pulmonologist; each plant has its own contraindications for use, and each person is individual in their response to herbal medicine.

    Among the numerous traditional medicine treatments for emphysema, the following 3 recipes are popular.

    1. An infusion of coltsfoot can help with complex therapy emphysema. It is necessary to collect the leaves of the plant and dry it; only ground components are used. They are taken per 1 tbsp. spoon of leaves 2 cups of boiling water. The duration of exposure to boiling water should be at least an hour. After the infusion, use 1 tbsp. spoon 6 times a day.
    2. You can use a collection of herbs: sage, eucalyptus, raspberry leaves, thyme and elecampane root. The components are used in equal proportions, usually a measure of 1 tbsp is used. spoon, pour a glass of boiling water and infuse for 60 minutes. The decoction is great for coping with shortness of breath. Apply after straining ¼ cup per day, 4 times.
    3. There is a simple recipe that does not cost money. Potato flowers are used. 1 teaspoon of the plant is poured into a glass of boiling water and infused for 2 hours. Use the decoction for shortness of breath, strain and drink 1/2 cup half an hour before meals, 3 times a day.

    Life forecast - how long do people live with emphysema?

    The life expectancy of a patient after therapeutic intervention can be influenced by many factors. There are no specific statistics that could indicate favorable or unfavorable development of emphysema after surgery or conservative treatment. The further development of the pathology and life of the patient depends on the individual characteristics of the body and the patient himself, to what extent he adheres to the specialist’s recommendations.

    Separately, there is a forecast for morbidity among patients who have a genetic form of pathology, because life expectancy in this case depends on heredity.

    After therapy, it is advisable to undergo a special examination, which helps determine the patient’s respiratory capabilities. It is carried out through a test that determines the volume of air exhaled by a person over a certain period of time, indexes the patient’s body weight, and diagnoses the presence of shortness of breath. Based on the results of the study, a professional can draw a picture of the further development of the disease and whether relapses are possible.

    Much depends on the patient’s life and lifestyle. If the patient refuses to eliminate bad habits or change working conditions, this can adjust the doctors’ prognosis in a negative direction.

    Patients in whom the pathology was detected in time and given adequate treatment can count on a favorable outcome. People who follow all the doctor’s recommendations during the postoperative or therapeutic period can also count on a positive outcome.

    In children, the life prognosis depends on the form of the pathology and how early neonatologists or pediatricians were able to detect the disease and proceed to its treatment. If your child has frequent relapses inflammatory processes respiratory organs, for example, tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, it is necessary to urgently seek advice from a pulmonologist to examine the lungs in order to exclude the possibility of the formation of emphysema.

    It is easier to prevent any illness than to treat it; every person needs to monitor their lifestyle. Availability negative factors, bad habits, heredity can cause the development of pathology. By eliminating the causes that influence the predisposition to the development of emphysema, the occurrence of pathology can be prevented.

    Emphysema is an obstructive pulmonary disease that can lead to irreversible consequences.. This pathology is considered quite dangerous; if not treated properly, it can cause a lot of complications. Treatment is always complex, using medications, vitamin preparations and some traditional medicine recipes. It is not recommended to use only infusions and decoctions of herbs for treatment, as this will not give any effect. Treatment of pulmonary emphysema with folk remedies is possible only in combination with medications and on the recommendation of the attending physician.

    Mechanism of disease development

    Emphysema is characterized by severe stretching of the alveoli. Due to which the air content in the lung tissue becomes too high. This leads to metabolic and carbon dioxide disturbances.

    This pathology is most often diagnosed in older people. Emphysema in young people often leads to partial or complete loss of ability to work. Young people diagnosed with this disease often become disabled.

    The disease can occur in two different forms:

    1. Bullous - damaged lung tissues are connected to healthy ones.
    2. Diffuse - the pathological process affects the entire respiratory organ.

    Emphysema occurs for various reasons. Provoking factors include poor ecology, hazardous working conditions and smoking. Heredity also plays a significant role in the occurrence of the disease. But doctors consider frequent bronchitis to be the main cause of the pathology.

    As the disease progresses, a person develops the following characteristic symptoms:

    • severe shortness of breath;
    • cyanosis of the skin and mucous membranes;
    • noticeable increase in chest size;
    • reduction of respiratory movements of the diaphragm;
    • expansion and protrusion of intercostal spaces.

    It becomes difficult for a person to breathe, due to this, performance decreases. Lethargy, apathy and deterioration in sleep quality are observed.

    The most dangerous complications of pulmonary emphysema are pneumothorax, as well as cardiac and respiratory failure.

    Features of treatment

    Pulmonary emphysema is treated using both traditional and folk methods. Only a doctor should determine the treatment protocol for this disease.. Depending on the severity of the disease and the form of emphysema, it is determined where treatment can be carried out, in a hospital hospital or at home.

    Timely measures will prevent the disease from progressing. Thanks to treatment, it is possible to eliminate all the symptoms of respiratory failure that prevent a person from living. The main areas of treatment are:

    • Normalization of bronchial patency.
    • Liquefies sticky mucus and makes it easier to expectorate.
    • Suppression of bacterial microflora if the cause of the disease is infection.
    • Elimination of symptoms of respiratory failure.

    If conservative treatment methods do not produce an effect, then they resort to surgery, during which the damaged lung tissue is removed. This method is indicated for the bullous form of the disease.

    With emphysema, the lung tissue undergoes irreversible changes, so it is impossible to completely cure this disease.

    Treatment with traditional recipes

    The duration of drug treatment usually does not exceed 4 weeks, and treatment with traditional medicine recipes can be done almost constantly. It is decoctions and tinctures of medicinal herbs that help a sick person feel satisfactory and live a full life.

    Herbal infusions help expand the lumens of the bronchi, facilitate the removal of sputum, activate respiratory function and help increase the body's defenses.


    The most effective way to treat emphysema is considered to be a medicine with garlic.. For preparation take:

    • 10 large heads of garlic;
    • 1 liter of liquid honey;
    • 10 lemons, medium size.

    Lemons are washed and peeled, after which the juice is squeezed out of them. The garlic is peeled and finely chopped, you can grate it. The juice and garlic pulp are thoroughly mixed with honey, transferred to a glass jar and placed in a dark place for a week. After infusion, the composition is taken 1 teaspoon, 4 times a day..

    The drug with garlic and lemon is taken with caution in case of increased acidity of the stomach, as well as in other pathologies of the digestive tract.

    Inhalations with garlic

    To prepare, take 3-4 cloves of garlic, a liter of water and 2 teaspoons of baking soda.. Water is poured into a wide saucepan and brought to a boil, soda is dissolved in it and garlic, previously grated on a fine grater, is added. After this, they tilt their heads over the container with the composition, cover themselves with a large towel or blanket, and inhale the vapors.

    The essential oils contained in garlic help expand the lumen of the bronchi and cleanse the respiratory tract of pathogenic microflora. Baking soda softens mucous membranes and makes breathing easier. Procedures are performed once a day, duration does not exceed 15 minutes.

    When performing steam inhalations, you need to inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth.

    Potato tops

    Green potato tops are cut off, washed with running water, crushed and the juice is squeezed out.. Start drinking ½ teaspoon per day, then gradually increase the volume. After a week and a half, the daily dose of juice should be equal to half a glass.

    Potato compress

    Several medium-sized potatoes are boiled in their jackets. Hot potatoes are cut in half, and the cut area is greased with goat fat or turpentine ointment. Next, the cut is applied to the chest and kept until completely cooled.. The patient needs to be covered warmly so that the potatoes stay warm longer. This procedure is good to do before bed.

    You cannot put any compresses on the heart area. This can lead to serious consequences.

    Decoction of medicinal herbs

    To prepare an effective medicine, you need to take the following ingredients:

    • Adonis herb – 1 teaspoon.
    • Cumin and fennel - 1 teaspoon each.
    • Horsetail herb - 2 teaspoons.

    All components are thoroughly mixed, take a full tablespoon of the resulting mixture and pour into a thermos. Pour a glass of boiling water, then leave for about an hour. You need to take this composition 1/3 cup, 3 times a day..

    Buckwheat flowers

    3 tablespoons of buckwheat flowers are poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water and brought to a boil. Then leave to infuse for a couple of hours. Strain and take up to 4 times a day, half a glass. To improve the taste, you can add a little honey to the broth.

    Honey should be used with caution by people who are prone to allergies.

    Collection with juniper

    To prepare this decoction, take a teaspoon of juniper berries, the same amount of chopped dandelion roots and 2 teaspoons of birch buds. Mix all ingredients and measure out a tablespoon. This amount of collection is poured into a thermos and filled with a glass of just boiled water. Leave for about an hour.

    Take the infusion 1/3 cup at least 4 times a day. You should take the medicine an hour after eating. The course of treatment lasts at least 3 months.


    A teaspoon of crushed wild rosemary is poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water and left for an hour in a warm place. You need to drink this infusion half a glass, twice a day..

    It should be remembered that wild rosemary is a poisonous plant, so the dosage of the decoction should not be exceeded.

    Black radish

    The root crop is washed well with a brush and peeled. Next, grind on a fine grater and squeeze out the juice.

    The resulting juice is mixed with liquid honey at the rate of 2 tablespoons of honey for every 50 grams of juice.

    Use the resulting drug 2 times a day, a tablespoon. You need to drink the composition before meals.

    You can prepare the medicinal composition in another way. Take a large radish, cut out the center and fill the hole with honey. After a couple of hours, you can take the composition that has formed inside the root vegetable.

    carrot juice

    A tablespoon of freshly squeezed carrot juice is diluted in a glass of heated, full-fat milk. You need to take this drink one glass at a time for a month, always on an empty stomach.. Prepare a medicinal drink immediately before use.

    Herb tea

    2 teaspoons of mint, thyme and sage herbs are mixed and poured into a thermos. Pour the herb collection into a glass of boiling water, then leave to infuse for a couple of hours. Drink 1/3 cup of this tea, 3 times a day, after meals..

    Parsley and celandine

    Take a teaspoon of chopped parsley and the same amount of celandine herb. Add 4 teaspoons of bearberry herb. Pour 0.5 liters of water into the plant material, bring to a boil and leave for 20 minutes. Drink a glass of decoction, 2 times a day, before meals..


    When treating pulmonary emphysema, therapeutic massage gives good results. It promotes the expansion of the bronchial tree and facilitates the removal of sputum.

    The most effective is acupressure, which affects certain active points. A massage course usually does not exceed 10 procedures, but after a break it can be repeated.

    Massage is not done at high temperatures, or during exacerbation of certain chronic diseases.

    Emphysema should be treated as early as possible. Although it is impossible to achieve a complete recovery, you can at least eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of this pathology and improve the patient’s quality of life.

    http://www.pulmonologiya.com/zabolevanie-bronhov/emfizema/bulleznaya.htmlPulmonary emphysema is a disease that significantly impairs the quality of life and limits a person even in everyday activities. It is associated with pathological destructive process, occurring in the lung tissue, which cannot be reversed. It is impossible to cure a patient with emphysema. But slowing down the progression of the disease is a very realistic goal. For this you can use traditional medicine. And before that, change your life habits.


    No folk remedies will help if a patient with emphysema does not make changes to his daily routine and living habits:

    • Stop smoking definitely. Eliminating tobacco smoke is 80% of success in treatment. This also applies to passive smoking.
    • Avoid any air pollution: paint fumes, car exhaust, aerosol perfumes, smoke from a fire, incense, incense, etc.
    • Change filters in air conditioners and air purifiers in a timely manner.
    • Do physical exercises and breathing exercises daily.
    • Avoid cold air. This constricts the blood vessels of the bronchi and lungs, impairing respiratory function.
    • Protect yourself from respiratory infections. Wear a face mask during seasonal peaks and get an annual flu shot.

    Treatment with folk remedies

    Having made the necessary adjustments in your life habits, a patient with bullous pulmonary emphysema can proceed to the use of folk remedies.

    1. Garlic

    Eat a few cloves of garlic every morning. It has the property of thinning mucus and, therefore, promotes better coughing. There is an opinion that if this folk remedy is used regularly, you can achieve a noticeable improvement in your well-being.

    2. Massage with eucalyptus oil

    Massage of the back, chest, and back of the neck has a stimulating effect, promotes mucus discharge, improves metabolic processes and dilates the bronchi. The use of eucalyptus oil creates an additional healing effect. Use this remedy regularly.

    3. Lemon or lime juice

    There is an assumption that drinking a teaspoon of lime or lemon juice in the morning, afternoon and evening can improve the condition of a patient with emphysema. Lemon should not be consumed by people with gastritis, ulcers, diseases of the esophagus, pathologies of the secretory glands - pancreas, prostate, etc.

    4. Folk remedy made from coltsfoot, oregano and pine buds

    Mix the ingredients, one tablespoon each. Fill with hot water and leave for up to half an hour. Drink as tea. Add raspberries to make the infusion more tasty, aromatic and healthy.

    5. Vegetables, berries, fruits and juices from them

    This simple and natural food contains vitamins and antioxidants, micro- and macroelements that improve well-being, promote better tissue regeneration, and improve immunity.

    6. Avoid salt

    The property of salt to retain water causes tissues and organs to swell. Swelling often occurs on the legs (after a working day) or on the face (in the morning). But this is only what we can observe. In fact, all organs are affected by swelling, especially those that suffer from illness. Salt impairs blood circulation and can increase arterial pressure, reduces lung functionality.

    The video shows the mechanism of the destructive effect of tobacco smoke on the human lung

    A disease of the respiratory system, which is characterized by a violation of gas exchange in the blood vessels of the lungs: between the supply of oxygen and the removal of carbon dioxide from the blood, according to medical terminology, is called pulmonary emphysema.

    This pathology leads to excessive stretching of the walls of the alveoli of the lung tissue, a weakening of the contractile function of the lungs, an increase in volume and air retention in them. As a result, respiratory function and ventilation of the lungs are impaired.

    How does pulmonary emphysema occur and what are its symptoms?

    The causes of this serious disease are:

    1. Chronical bronchitis.
    2. Bronchial asthma.
    3. Pulmonary tuberculosis.
    4. Smoking.
    5. Contaminated air.

    Symptoms of the disease:

    1. Dyspnea.
    2. Heart failure.
    3. Smoker's cough.
    4. Enlarged chest size (barrel sternum).
    5. Divergence of the rib bones.
    6. Expansion of the supraclavicular areas.

    Treatment of the disease should begin at the earliest stage. During this period, chronic bronchitis is observed, which without proper treatment leads to irreversible changes in the lung tissue.

    How is the disease treated?

    Prescribed: oxygen therapy, special breathing exercises, drugs that remove phlegm from the lungs and bronchi and dilute it, as well as antispasmodic drugs.

    Without adequate therapeutic treatment, complications of pulmonary emphysema often involve surgical intervention. Its essence comes down to the removal of bullae (tense bubbles filled with air in the lungs).

    As an additional therapy in the treatment of the initial form (bullous), it is recommended to use some folk remedies. Let's get to know them better.

    Folk remedies for emphysema

    1. For pulmonary emphysema, you can use potato inhalations. They will improve respiratory function and reduce symptoms of the disease. The potatoes are thoroughly washed and boiled in their skins until tender. Warm steam is inhaled while covered with a blanket.

    2. For emphysema against the background of bronchitis, you can do inhalations with a decoction of wild rosemary. For half a liter of boiling water, take two tablespoons of herbs. Heat for 20 minutes in a steam bath. The broth is poured into an inhaler or its vapor is inhaled over a regular saucepan. This remedy from wild rosemary can also be taken orally. Directions for use: Take a tablespoon of decoction three times a day before meals.

    3. Inhalation with a decoction of eucalyptus leaves will reduce sputum production and improve breathing. Add a pinch of crushed eucalyptus raw material into one liter of boiling water. Boil the potion for 5-7 minutes, cool slightly so as not to burn the mucous membrane of the throat and inhale the steam. The procedures are carried out twice a day.

    3. Pine needles are crushed, and a spoonful of such raw materials is thrown into half a liter of boiling water. Boil for 2 minutes. Remove from heat and inhale with the decoction.

    4. Aromatherapy should be used for emphysema. Inhaling essential oils of lavender, eucalyptus, benzoin, sandalwood, bergamot and chamomile has a beneficial effect on lung recovery. They are added to the aroma lamp and breathing procedures are carried out at least twice a day until the emphysema is completely cured.

    5. Coltsfoot decoction helps eliminate the symptoms of the initial form of the disease. A tablespoon of plant leaves is poured with water (0.5 l) and put on fire. Boil for 1 minute and then infuse. Take the finished potion at least 4-5 times a day. The course of treatment is carried out for 1-2 months.

    6. A decoction of cyanosis helps with pulmonary emphysema. To do this, grind a tablespoon of the roots of the plant and pour a cup of boiling water. Boil and leave for two hours. Take the finished, strained potion one tablespoon four times a day.

    7. Licorice gives excellent results in the treatment of this pulmonary disease. The root of the plant is used for this. Two large spoons of plant mass are poured with hot (at least 95 degrees) water (500 ml) and left under a tightly closed lid in a steam bath for 45 minutes. Take the drug one spoon at least three times a day. To eliminate pathological processes in the lungs, the course of treatment must be continued for at least 2 weeks.

    8. A collection of herbs helps eliminate the symptoms of a serious lung disease: centaury, coltsfoot, scolopendra stone and linden inflorescences. Take 50 grams of each plant and mix. One large spoon of the herbal mixture is poured with boiling water (250 ml) and heated in a steam bath. After this, pour everything into a thermos, add a teaspoon of flax seed and leave for another hour. To restore the function of lung tissue, the finished potion should be taken a tablespoon at least 4-5 times a day.

    9. For pulmonary disease, accompanied by a cough with the release of viscous and purulent sputum, a collection of the following plants is widely used: pine buds (20 g), thyme (10 g), violet (15 g), sundew (420 g) and plantain leaves (400 g). It is also recommended to add a spoonful of dried herb here. Next, take two spoons of the herbal mixture and pour 320 milliliters of hot boiling water. Insist and after filtering take 50 milliliters of the drug every 4 hours.

    10. The following collection will help restore gas exchange in the lungs and eliminate pathology: juniper berries, birch leaves, dandelion roots. Take everything in equal volumes and mix. Place two spoons of the mixture in a saucepan and pour in boiling water (250 ml). Leave for three hours in a thermos. Warm and strained potion is taken 200 milliliters in the morning and after dinner.

    11. For emphysema accompanied by a severe cough, you can prepare this remedy according to the following recipe. Take a lemon. Boil it in 500 milliliters of water over low heat for about two hours. Next, cut the citrus in half, squeeze all the juice into a glass and add two tablespoons of glycerin. Beat this mixture and pour in honey almost to the top. Mix everything again. Take the medicine up to 7 times a day. Course of treatment: until the symptoms of the disease decrease.

    Prevention of lung diseases

    To prevent lung diseases, you need to give up the bad habit of smoking and adopt a healthy lifestyle. Timely treatment of acute bronchitis will help to avoid this disease.

    Beware of respiratory exposure to contaminated air masses. Dusty industrial premises containing acids, alkalis, combustion products and various chemical particles in the air often cause lung diseases, including emphysema.

    The sooner the disease is diagnosed, the correct treatment is prescribed and started, the faster the disease will recede. Therefore, at the first signs of this terrible disease, you should urgently contact a therapist or pulmonologist. Only a doctor will prevent the occurrence of dangerous complications and provide competent medical care.