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Interview with Ekaterina Andreeva. Ekaterina Andreeva shared the basic rules of life About bad habits

The beautiful TV presenter Ekaterina Andreeva has always aroused and arouses envy among women and admiration among men. The star recently celebrated her 55th birthday. However, age does not affect her appearance in any way. What helps her look so charming and attractive? What are the secrets of Ekaterina Andreeva’s youth and beauty?

The frantic pace of work, constant broadcasts and lack of sleep, it would seem, should worsen appearance. Fans call her an ageless diva, envious people call her a witch who has “preserved” her youth and beauty... She simply has not changed over the past 20 years. How does she do this? The TV presenter happily shares her secrets proper care behind you.

At 52 years old, the TV star is 176 cm tall and weighs 66 kg. Agree that this is an excellent result.

Sleeping mode

Nothing makes a woman as beautiful as healthy sleep. After a quiet rest for many hours, the skin of the face looks fresher. The TV presenter advises creating in your room the necessary conditions for a healthy sleep.

  • Darkness. The bedroom must have curtains made of thick fabric so that light cannot disturb your sleep.
  • Cold. The optimal temperature for beauty is 18-20 degrees. Ekaterina Andreeva admits that in winter she even opens the window at night.
  • Early lights out. Best time for sleep starts at 22.00, it is during this period that the beauty hormone is produced. Resting on an orthopedic pillow will be very useful.

It has been known since ancient times that deep sleep is the key to beauty. If you want to stay young, sleep more.

Morning awakening

The new day must begin no later than 8 am. No need to jump out of bed and run to the bathroom. You won't get anything good except dizziness and irritability. The TV presenter recommends choosing an alarm clock with a pleasant melody.

After waking up, it is recommended to stretch, smile and tune in to the positive. Katerina Andreeva advises doing it in the morning special gymnastics for facial care, as well as exercises for the neck and head, which will help you wake up:

  1. Lightly pat yourself on the head 10 times. This stimulates blood flow and improves brain function.
  2. Rub your ears in a circular motion about 15 times.
  3. Slowly rotate your head from side to side. Repeat the movements 100 times.

After gymnastics, you can feel a surge of energy that will accompany you all day. Andreeva admits that the procedures help her maintain youth and beauty.

Water balance

Man consists for the most part of water. This is why it is important to support water balance at the proper level. One of the beauty secrets of the TV presenter is daily use water.

Ekaterina says that the liquid should not be from the central water supply, but specially purchased in eggplants or filtered. Before breakfast, you need to drink a glass of this water to wake up your stomach. The star advises replenishing fluid in the body an hour after eating or before it.

Tea ceremony

Ekaterina Andreeva willingly shares the secrets of youth and beauty with her fans. Next tip- properly selected tea. It is this drink that has given its healing power to our ancestors.

The TV presenter does not accept coffee and tea leaves in bags. Her favorite drink is loose leaf green tea. Moreover, it must be collected no more than 8 months ago and must be stored in the refrigerator.

Andreeva orders leaves from China because she believes that all the rules for growing and packaging are followed there.

TV presenter nutrition

Healthy breakfast

The correct lifestyle that Catherine adheres to dictates its own rules. The first meal should be light but nutritious.

TV presenter having breakfast oatmeal, buckwheat or black rice. You can use fresh and dried berries, chopped nuts. Such a breakfast will not only give you strength for the whole day, but will also help people trying to lose weight.

Menu Rules

Ekaterina Andreeva's nutrition consists of: healthy dishes. She completely abandoned the enemies of youth and beauty - fatty and fried foods, canned food, smoked foods and sweets. By the way, the TV presenter has been a vegetarian for many years. Ekaterina Andreeva's diet consists of ecologically clean products, preferably without further processing.

The star menu includes:

Andreeva eats dairy products very rarely, only once every one and a half to two weeks. She believes that milk promotes the proliferation and development of microbes and bacteria in the body.

Healthy foods

The TV presenter is a fan of environmentally friendly products. No chemistry! Ekaterina Andreeva uses the services of a store that supplies natural products. Recently, the popularity of such a network has been growing.

Star tip: Try to eat more raw foods. Heat treatment takes away vitamins from food, which contribute to better metabolism between organ cells.

Such foods include:

  • fresh unsweetened berries;
  • sprouted flax or millet grains;
  • greenery;
  • vegetables and fruits in limited quantities.

In these simple rules lies the main secret of Ekaterina Andreeva’s youth and slimness.

With this diet, the star’s figure parameters remain normal. Ekaterina is not dialing excess weight, but simply controls it.


The TV presenter advises not to use hot oil, much less reuse it. At high temperatures it releases harmful substances.

Ekaterina Andreeva cooks in special pans designed for cooking at low temperatures. She is confident that with this method, more beneficial vitamins remain in the products.

Want to bake vegetables in the oven? Set the temperature to 120 degrees and start baking. This regime will provide greatest benefit dishes.

Salt and sugar

The TV presenter completely gave up sweets, including sugar. She knows very well. If you are not ready for such radical steps, then replace granulated sugar with honey or fructose. This way you will avoid a huge amount of carbohydrates and sweeten your food.

Andreeva’s diet contains salt, but in limited quantities.

The star admits that without salt, all food becomes bland and monotonous. And dining should be enjoyable.

Weight control

Maintaining normal weight is much easier than later getting rid of excess weight. Ekaterina Andreeva weighs herself daily, and if the arrow moves to the right, she immediately begins to restore the original balance. As a strict measure, she follows a diet of water and rice. According to the TV presenter, such control is important part self-care.

It also helps to heal and cleanse the body Lent. At this time, only fresh vegetables and fruits, cereals and water are included in the diet. If you are interested, listen to Ekaterina’s advice. The star additionally observes fasts on Wednesday and Friday.

Friendship with sports

Ekaterina Andreeva: “If you compare me in my youth and now, my sports activity has become much higher.” The presenter cannot live a day without sports.

Fitness, Pilates, swimming - all this is Catherine’s daily route. Free time in the morning and evening after work is devoted to training. The result is a beautiful, toned body.


The secret of the TV star's slimness is fast. She is sure that those who walk a lot do not get fat. The fact is that fat begins to disappear after half an hour of walking.

If possible, walk from and to work, and take walks in the park in the evenings. This will not only preserve youth, but also cope with the problem of extra pounds.

Beautiful skin

Facial and body care is a major part of your daily beauty ritual.

Ekaterina Andreeva is a frequent visitor to the sauna and beauty salons. Among salon treatments that include facials, she prefers oxygen therapy and massage with the addition of silver ailerons.

Refusal to tan

The TV presenter chooses a one-piece swimsuit for the beach season, and for good reason. According to her, ultraviolet radiation has an aging effect on the appearance of the skin.

And if you want to get a beautiful bronze shade on the beach, then use a sunscreen emulsion with a filter of at least 50. And you can admire the sea and sunbathe even while in the shade. Scattered light does not have such a harmful effect on the skin.


Ekaterina does not like bright, provocative makeup. She states that Foundation, powder and blush age the skin. “For me, daily makeup is mascara, clear gloss and a small amount of powder,” admits the star.

Even the most expensive cosmetics have bad influence on the skin of the face, so do not overuse it.

About bad habits

When it comes to the question of how to maintain youth and beauty, getting rid of bad habits comes first. The TV presenter gave up smoking and noticed a noticeable improvement in skin color. Therefore, if you want to maintain your youth, then quit smoking.

Andreeva does not refuse a glass of wine from time to time. On the contrary, she believes that good wine is good for health. Preference should be given to the dry red variety.

Psychological attitude

Infect with positivity

Your household members are skeptical about healthy image life? Reeducate them! We need to demonstrate that healthy eating, good sleep and exercise are doing their job. Be sure that they will follow your lead.

In the family of Ekaterina Andreeva, the husband and daughter also adhere to a healthy diet and vegetarianism.

Love your job

The Japanese work until old age and that is why there are many long-livers there. The later you retire, the longer you will stay young! The secret is simple.

Peace of mind

It is very important to remain in harmony with yourself and nature. Don't envy anyone and don't get angry over little things. You will see how the condition of your skin improves and wrinkles disappear.

Alone with everyone: interview with TV presenter (video)

We have highlighted the main secrets of youth and beauty of Ekaterina Andreeva, whose parameters are ideal. Do you want to stay young and beautiful? All in your hands!

The host of the “Time” program on Channel One, EKATERINA ANDREEVA, has been in a suitcase mood for several months now. Her apartment is being renovated, and so she and her daughter Natasha and her husband Dusko rented an attic in the same house. True, it is so cozy and energetically bright here that this space cannot be called a temporary refuge

Photo: Maxim Aryukov

Katya adequately plays her role on the screen, creating the image of a strict business woman, who prefers a discreet style in everything. Off the screen, Andreeva is completely different. A few years ago, when we met during a trip to France, I noticed that Katya prefers a hooligan style in clothes and bright colors. She also has a strong and beautiful family. Beautiful - in the truest sense of the word. And this is the beauty of not only the hostess herself, but also her daughter and husband. Having visited Andreeva, I found out that she has a small dog - her daughter’s favorite, and huge cat- a real Behemoth from The Master and Margarita.

Katya, is it true that you auditioned for the role of Bulgakov’s Margarita? You are far from the world of cinema.
In my opinion, director Yuri Kara saw me in the “Good Morning” program - I had a hairstyle that apparently reminded him of some photographs of Elena Sergeevna Bulgakova. In one of the pictures she was wearing a bob, and the bob was wavy. I just had a short wavy bob at that time. He thought that I could be like Margarita. But I flatter myself with the hope that he saw something else in me that was not there then, but later appeared.

For example?
Let's say I can foresee certain situations in the future. For example, I was sure that you would come to me and interview me. I wanted this and waited for weeks. When you called me, I already knew what you would say.

I'm glad to hear it. Isn’t it dangerous to live with such a gift?
It doesn't bother me, I was born with it. When Kara’s assistants called me, they offered to come to the film studio on the Volga. And I heard from actors: if you are invited to star in
movie and they give you a good car, and this was in the 80s, then they are unlikely to invite you to play an extra role. I tried to figure out who I could play in the film “The Master and Margarita”. Gella is a redhead, but there were no others. I didn’t even think about Margarita. When I arrived at the Film Studio. Gorky and Kara offered me the role of Margarita, I was discouraged: this offer exceeded my most positive calculations.

Were there any screen tests?

Because I went to the meeting with the conviction that this movie would be a turning point for Kara: he wouldn’t cope with the task, and if he did, then this film would disappear for a long time. I told Yuri Viktorovich that it was dangerous for him to make this movie.

And what was his reaction when you said that he shouldn’t make this movie?
He was surprised. To be honest, I didn’t watch his reaction, I just had a clear feeling that I had to tell him this, and his reaction didn’t bother me much. This is exactly what I came for. I wasn’t sure that I could act in the film, and I didn’t want to do anything bad. Using the situation for your own purposes, knowing that you can get exposed, is not interesting to me. I don't understand how you can sing a song without having a voice. By the way, I went back by metro, and not by Volga.

It turns out that you had an important mission to visit Kara. And the main thing is that you yourself realized it.
You use big words - “mission”, “gift”. I just wanted to tell him about it. Since this touched me and this story hooked me, I realized that I had to do it. I know Bulgakov’s story well - many things connected with Elena Sergeevna, mystical things that are connected with him. Of course, I wanted to tell Kara this, since he had the courage to do this project.

Has this gift ever failed you?
Not yet.

Does it apply to your daughter, to your husband?
To strangers I'm not saying anything. Although it all depends on the situation: if it is dangerous for a person, I can say.

Okay, if you were offered the role of Gella, would you dye your hair red? Are you ready to experiment with your hairstyle, ready to go blonde?
No, I'm not ready. One of my colleagues suggested that I dye my hair blonde, and then, he said, I would get a position at Good Morning, which was just becoming vacant. He himself ran this program, but worked only with blondes. I suited him in all respects, except that I was a brunette.

And you refused.

Why of course?
I don't think it's right to dye your hair blonde to get a position. Then I became the presenter" Good morning", without repainting.

Katya, a few years ago we had a wonderful trip to France together, we spent a lot of time there, and you told me about proper nutrition. To be honest, after that I began to live differently.
Did it help you?

Yes. A rolled oats porridge in the morning has now become my fetish!
And notice how good you look.

Thank you. What made you start watching your diet so much? Working on television?
No, television has nothing to do with this at all. At some point I realized that it was easier and more interesting for me: proper nutrition gives a lot of energy. The struggle for energy is what motivates people.

Don't you have an internal rebellion when you want to eat, for example, a cake and a half at night?
No, if energy circulates properly in the body, then you don’t want half a cake for dinner. I understand what will happen to my pancreas then. Besides, I don’t like cakes, especially half of them.

Don't you like sweets at all?
I love dark chocolate, honey, dried fruits. I eat what I like and don't eat what I don't like.

Is it the same with clothes? For a long time I liked the Armani style that you love, but then I thought it was a bit boring.
And conservative.

However, now you are dressed conservatively, and it is almost Armani style.

So I came to meet you.
Did you want to please me?

IN ordinary life I love casual style: jeans, sweaters, shirts, sneakers. I love T-shirts with the words Che Guevara forever. On air, I know that some viewers perceive me or want to perceive me differently from the way I wanted to present myself. But there is another part of the audience who are impressed by my image. It's hard to please everyone.

Katya, I read that when you appeared on television, they asked you: “Girl, did you come to the casino?”
I had a beautiful bob hairstyle and was wearing a wonderful low-cut dress that was cinched in at the waist. The head of the information editorial office, looking at me, said: “She works well, I saw her samples, but look how she looks, like she fluttered out of the casino.”

Were you offended then?
No, I'm not touchy at all. But once I realized that I needed a different hairstyle and clothes that would not distract attention from the news, I got where I wanted.

I could go into the kitchen in the evening and turn on a frying pan. fried potatoes with chicken, eat a jar of some squash and wash it down with tea and mom’s pies. The most interesting thing is that I never realized that I was getting better! Maybe because there were no scales in the house? By the way, if you want to stay slim, you must have scales. You can't rely on clothes alone.

In what places in Moscow did you live?

First on Kutuzovsky Prospect, then on Leninsky, now in the center, from the balcony you can see the Ivan the Great Bell Tower. The Kremlin has always been so close, as a child it even seemed to me that I was living in the Spasskaya Tower. When I first came to kindergarten, the teacher introduced herself just like that. She was alarmed: what if it’s really a high-ranking child and it’s worth putting an extra cutlet on the plate? They began to find out who the parents were. - Who are the parents, by the way? - Dad served as deputy chairman of the USSR State Supply Committee, now retired. And my mother has not worked for more than 20 years, since my birth younger sister Sveta (she graduates from the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University). My parents loved my sister and me, and this feeling of a loved child - I value it very much - never leaves me.

What about kindergarten Is the exposure of the little impostor over?

She was hit hard for telling a lie. But I didn’t lie, it actually seemed to me that my home was in the Kremlin. The same feeling covers the museums where I often visit, especially in the Ryabushinsky mansion, donated to Maxim Gorky (once I was even going to get a job there as a caretaker), where today’s traces of the past that make up my world have not been erased. This is the second quarter of the century. It was the autumn time, so rich and fruitful in life and art, if you compare the era with the season. Everything is mine there: paintings, films - silent, black and white, books. Bulgakov, Zoshchenko, Tsvetaeva, Akhmatova, Pasternak, Mandelstam remained there.

Where do you see yourself in those days?

More likely, a high military rank. Zhukov.

And then Katya and her friends went south. And one day on the beach, a cheerful group of young people began to weigh themselves. Katya weighed the most, the needle crept close to 80! She didn’t immediately believe it - she had never had such weight. Moreover, for her height, she did not seem to be terribly fat.

I was just all big: powerful neck, arms, large face. And I saw and understood that I was no longer just big, but huge, only after weighing myself.

Arriving in Moscow, Katya immediately ran to the sports club. They measured everything there body fat, suggested a certain set of exercises and diet. Actually, from that moment the Ekaterina Andreeva we know was born.

She found a good coach. He explained to the young lady that there are no miracles in the world and that weight cannot be lost in one or two weeks (or even in one or two months) without harm to health, and there is no need to starve yourself either. You just need to follow a reasonable diet and exercise.

Today Katya competently says that the main thing is patience. The weight begins to “melt off” only after two to three months, and not the next day. In four years of “reasonable life” she lost 20 kilograms. And the old weight never returned! This is the main advantage of diet and exercise (two to three times a week) as opposed to miracle pills. In addition, the lifestyle “imposed” by the coach gradually became her norm.

Andreeva's menu

I no longer want and cannot eat more than my body needs. A physical exercise promote the release of a special hormone called the joy hormone. It enters the brain through the blood, and the person experiences a feeling of euphoria, pleasure, and bliss. The mood is always high, excellent vitality.

Katya still adheres to this lifestyle. Therefore, he definitely goes to the pool and sauna once or twice a week. But shaping is a thing of the past.

Katya doesn't consider herself a gourmet. And she doesn’t like any frills in food.

Everything should be simple. I consider Japanese cuisine ideal: natural products, maximum vitamins. If you cook, as we are all used to, on fire, then on a very high one: so that in these couple of minutes the vitamins remain “alive.”

The TV presenter's menu necessarily includes breakfast, lunch and dinner. “Otherwise,” she believes, “the stomach begins to panic: aha! Yesterday they didn’t feed me, so I’ll put aside a supply just in case.”

And yet, it’s interesting to know what the breakfast-lunch-dinner of a television prima consists of?

Breakfast. As a rule, it is some kind of porridge. The porridge is cooked in water or 0.5 percent milk without butter. By the way, butter Katya doesn't eat. He cooks all kinds of porridge, with the exception of semolina. But most of all he loves wild black rice (sold in supermarkets) and English porridge (similar to our rolled oats, but more tender). For breakfast you can eat an egg or yogurt. And definitely a glass of green tea. Naturally, without sugar. Sugar, jam and, unfortunately, honey gradually became unloved foods.

Dinner. For starters - soup, but not for meat broth: vegetable, mushroom, fish. For the main course: a piece of steamed fish, meat, chicken, game with a minimum of salt, soy sauce instead of salt. And no sausages, sausages, or cold cuts! This doesn't happen in the house. True, Katya’s husband sometimes buys a piece of some natural meat for himself. But this rarely happens. Natasha, Katya’s daughter, adheres to her mother’s rules.

Dinner. Dinner is light. About the same as for breakfast. At the same time, Katya believes that it doesn’t matter what time you eat, the main thing is what time you go to bed. She adheres to the rule that dinner should be two to three hours before bedtime, no later. Fruits are constantly in her diet, preferably not exotic ones, but those to which she has become accustomed since childhood. The only exotic thing she loves is mango. And she doesn’t really like the now fashionable pineapple, which breaks down fat well.

In this regard, our heroine does not chase fashion. Unless you consider vitamin consumption a fashion. She always accepts them, regardless of the season. In first place is ascorbic acid. The rest are due to health reasons and the season. Now it is pycnogynol (a grape seed extract that removes free radicals from the body).

But there is also a know-how: drink a glass on an empty stomach cool water. Katya has been following this rule for a good dozen years now, on the advice of Slava Zaitsev.

However, let's talk about water separately.

“Tell me what you drink, and I’ll tell you who you are” - this is approximately how Katya judges people and their concern for their own health. By the way, Ekaterina speaks very poorly of Moscow tap water.

This water is completely undrinkable.

Her family only drinks bottled stuff. clean water.

Tap water is for technical needs only. But even so, we have powerful cleaning filters on our pipes.

Morning and evening Katya drinks green tea. That's all! Only water and green tea! And no "100% natural juices" from packages, no sparkling water. Well, since their house is always open to friends, and they themselves visit quite often, sometimes Katya allows herself to drink a little red wine. Of course, the real one. For example, Georgian, Spanish or Portuguese. Oddly enough, she doesn’t really like French wines, and German wines - only white ones.

And further. With such a strict diet, she never allows herself to be pretentious when visiting, or to demonstrate her fastidiousness. However, her friends know that Katya is a little girl, and they never insist that she enjoy some delicacy.

As for purchased water, Katya believes that it is not a luxury; any working person can only afford to drink this water. It's not that expensive. In the end, the miser pays twice.

Bad habits

Our heroine has them too! She doesn't even try to get rid of them anymore. Her “w/n” is chocolate and cigarettes. And if the passion for chocolate and “Mishka in the North” candies can be tamed rationally, then with nicotine addiction our otherwise positive heroine doesn’t even fight anymore. True, she smokes ultra-light cigarettes, with a carbon filter, and always only “Muratti”. “They are the most purified,” says Katya. Unfortunately, these cigarettes are not sold in Moscow; they have to be imported from Italy. Italy is Katina’s favorite country; her chosen fashion designers live and work here. She goes there a couple of times a year to update her wardrobe.

I would like to put an end to this, but suddenly I remembered how Katya said something very important for herself (and maybe for everyone).

The path to television

Ekaterina Andreeva could have become a lawyer, historian, actress... But she chose television. And, telling us about various events in the Vremya program, she becomes an actress, a historian, and a lawyer...

Here's how Katerina herself talks about everything that preceded her work on television:

From an interview with Ekaterina Adreeva:

I studied at law school, but I didn’t succeed in law. And I’m proud that I switched to history, because I’ve always been interested in history. Why become a prosecutor who will only hand down death sentences because you don't like your job? I got into television after learning about recruitment for advanced training courses for TV and radio broadcasting workers. I was not confident in my abilities, I was often scolded.

For what?

They probably thought I was cold and arrogant on screen. Now this is all still there, just mixed. Dima Krylov called me Snow Queen. I studied with Igor Leonidovich Kirillov and was one of the last to go through announcer school. I was inspired when he said: look closely, there is something in her. Kirillov is a super professional. When we meet, he always tells me something and gives advice.

Are there any problems on air?

Once we had a teleconference with a very famous Italian count. We start talking to him, but there is no translation. The viewer hears my question, hears the answer in Italian... And at this time the simultaneous interpreter, who apparently had something wrong, is breathing heavily and wildly worried. Suddenly he shouts directly on the air: The audience sees and hears all this. They probably found it funny. And after the show, we had such a debriefing that it didn’t seem like much.

Beautiful women intelligence and talent are often denied, considering these concepts to be incompatible. Beautiful women are not at risk of being entrusted with a responsible task. “Are you crazy, taking her? It’s like she just flew out of the casino!” - the chief director of the central television channel was scared when Ekaterina Andreeva was recommended to him for the role of TV presenter. This happened 13 years ago.

By that time, Katya graduated from the Faculty of History of Moscow State University, the All-Union Institute for Advanced Training of Television and Radio Broadcasting Workers, and wrote a dissertation on Nuremberg trials. She started working on television in the announcer's department, then she was invited to host the "Morning" program, later - "News", and last year she became the host of the "Time" program. But interest in historical science remained. However, journalism is also a way of understanding history, the latest, the modern.

And here’s how Andreeva remembers her first broadcast:

“When I first went on air, my pulse was pounding so hard that I could barely breathe,” Katya said in an interview. Now she is a pro, and it seems that nothing can upset her: “I can concentrate and work in any conditions. And if I start to collapse from fatigue, I lie down right here on the sofa and sleep for about twenty minutes. This time is enough for me to recuperate.”

Immediately after the broadcast, the Vremya team went to a meeting with the management. Katya returned from the debriefing in a happy mood (which means she didn’t get a scolding) and quickly began to get ready to go home. “I start to rest immediately after I go off the air,” said Katya. - And, like anyone normal person, after work I want to return home as soon as possible.”

Style and cosmetics

Ekaterina Andreeva is her own stylist. And at the same time, she is considered one of the most stylish presenters of Russian television. Strict and sophisticated style in everything: in cosmetics, clothing, manners.

Ekaterina Andreeva selects and buys all the on-air clothes herself, makeup and hairstyle are also the work of the TV presenter herself, and in Katya’s office a plump bag was seen where she keeps her cosmetics.


Excerpt from the interview:

I love going to antique stores. I have a nose for old things. I feel them with my whole body or I don’t feel them. I cannot be deceived or sold a fake. I know how to bargain, especially if I know that it’s mine.

Last time what did you buy?

Portrait of Stalin.

Will you name the price?

I will say that I made a bargain, but they gave in to me.

You are solving Stalin's riddle. Do you have your own concept of this personality? Did you discover it from an unexpected side? Or maybe this is an extravagant hobby?

Of course, I discovered Stalin from an unexpected side. It is still difficult to present a clear concept of this personality. There is too much that is fundamental but unknown in his life. He was always considered an atheist, although he studied at a theological seminary. It is reliably known that in 1942 - the difficult situation at Stalingrad, Russia had not been so close to defeat for three hundred years - Stalin met with priests, with those who remained. The press secretary of the then patriarch is still alive, but does not reveal the secrets of that conversation, after which the leader gave orders that were strange for a man who denied religion: a pilot with an icon of the Kazan Mother of God - now in the Yelokhovsky Cathedral - flew around the battlefield, churches were reopened. And the turning point came in World War II.

I'm interested in understanding how a person - illiterate, stupid, tongue-tied and not possessing the signs of a leader (as his comrades are trying to present him as) suddenly took control of everything - politics, art, social sphere, books, painting. In addition, he knew everything, saw everything, read everything, people sincerely believed that he was the father of nations. It’s interesting and important for me to understand this also so that no one can ever dominate me like that.

Catherine's family

Ekaterina “one hundred percent” corresponds to the currently popular type of business lady who successfully combines career growth and caring for her family. Andreeva does not hide the fact that she is happy in her personal life with her husband Dushan and daughter from her first marriage Nastya

She says in numerous interviews that her future husband Dusan saw her on TV. I found her through journalist friends. He is a Montenegrin, originally from Yugoslavia. At one time he was forced to leave the country, leaving his mother, brother and nephews.

For three years he courted Andreeva, and one day he achieved his goal: she suddenly realized that Dusan was the person she had always been looking for. For his sake, Catherine broke up with her husband. They have been together for many years and their relationship is wonderful.

From the interview:

Your daughter didn’t follow in your footsteps, didn’t she get infected by television?

I hope Natasha is a smart girl. She knows how difficult, sometimes impossible, it is for a person without certain skills and character to endure this work for a long time. Natasha heard a lot of talk about my work. And she never had the desire to do it. My daughter is 19 years old and studies at MGIMO in the Faculty of Law - Finance and Law. She doesn’t know what she will do yet, but she already wants to work. And it will start with next year so as not to sit on the parent's neck. I support her in this. I believe that a person should become independent early. I help my parents. And it would be nice if Natasha would help me someday too.

Apparently, she always saw her mother arriving after work, squeezed like a lemon?

And on the way from work to home I have time to rehabilitate myself. I get into the car that I drive myself, turn on loud music and quickly get out of my tense state.

What is your car?

- "Volvo". I love her. I treat her like a living person, and she doesn’t let me down. Recently, one acquaintance said: But I can’t part with her. Before her there was a little one. I was taught driving by a wonderful guy who specialized in teaching women. I asked what is special? He explained that one should not shout at women. And he also said that he did not have a single student that he could not teach. And there were men. One, for example, switched gears with both hands and did not understand that he needed to do it differently.

You said that when you met your husband Dusan, a Yugoslav by nationality, he knew ten words in Russian. How did you communicate?

And that’s why we didn’t communicate. He tried to court me for three years and studied Russian all this time. For me, language explanation is very important. If I can't talk to a person about topics that concern me, I'm not interested in him. Dusan is generally a polyglot, he knows several languages: English, Italian, French... Maybe because he travels often, communicates with different people. He is engaged in business and is a very advanced person. Now he speaks Russian so that you can hardly distinguish him from his compatriot, he knows jokes, and has a keen sense of humor. Once we came to his homeland, Montenegro, we were standing in a hotel by the window, looking at the sea, and Dusan asked: I was joking: . And he begins to remember, repeats the word. I already know that he immediately fixed in his head how to speak. I had to get better quickly. Sometimes he uses funny words: horse, flowers...

What holidays do you consider family holidays?

New Year and birthdays. For me, family is, first of all, spirit. Mental communication and mutual understanding at such a level when you feel that the person is dear to you.

You haven't been seen on screen for some time. Did you go somewhere?

I had a free week and I went to Thailand. This is such a mini-paradise with absolutely stunning moonlight. I read Maugham's description of silver light and could not understand what it was. And now I saw it. In Thailand, everything is turned upside down, even the starry sky.

Do you like to travel?

Yes, I'm easy-going. I can pack up and leave right away.

Alone or with your husband?

In the summer, as a rule, we always travel together. He just doesn’t have such a free schedule, vacation once a year. And since I work every other week, I have more opportunities. I'm traveling with friends and my daughter.

26 April 2011, 16:42

Katya fulfills her role on screen with dignity, creating the image of a strict business woman who prefers a discreet style in everything. Off the screen, Andreeva is completely different. A few years ago, when we met during a trip to France, I noticed that Katya prefers a hooligan style and bright colors in clothes. She also has a strong and beautiful family. Beautiful - in the truest sense of the word. And this is the beauty of not only the hostess herself, but also her daughter and husband. Having visited Andreeva, I learned that she has a small dog - her daughter’s favorite, and a huge cat - a real Behemoth from The Master and Margarita. Katya, is it true that you auditioned for the role of Bulgakov’s Margarita? You are far from the world of cinema. In my opinion, director Yuri Kara saw me in the “Good Morning” program - I had a hairstyle that apparently reminded him of some photographs of Elena Sergeevna Bulgakova. In one of the pictures she was wearing a bob, and the bob was wavy. I just had a short wavy bob at that time. He thought that I could be like Margarita. But I flatter myself with the hope that he saw something else in me that was not there then, but later appeared. For example? Let's say I can foresee certain situations in the future. For example, I was sure that you would come to me and interview me. I wanted this and waited for weeks. When you called me, I already knew what you would say. I'm glad to hear it. Isn’t it dangerous to live with such a gift? It doesn't bother me, I was born with it. When Kara’s assistants called me, they offered to come to the film studio on the Volga. And I heard from actors: if they invite you to act in a movie and give you a good car, and this was in the 80s, then they are unlikely to invite you to play an extra role. I tried to figure out who I could play in the film “The Master and Margarita”. Gella is a redhead, but there were no others. I didn’t even think about Margarita. When I arrived at the Film Studio. Gorky and Kara offered me the role of Margarita, I was discouraged: this offer exceeded my most positive calculations. Were there any screen tests? No. Why? Because I went to the meeting with the conviction that this movie would be a turning point for Kara: he wouldn’t cope with the task, and if he did, then this film would disappear for a long time. I told Yuri Viktorovich that it was dangerous for him to make this movie. And what was his reaction when you said that he shouldn’t make this movie? He was surprised. To be honest, I didn’t watch his reaction, I just had a clear feeling that I had to tell him this, and his reaction didn’t bother me much. This is exactly what I came for. I wasn’t sure that I could act in the film, and I didn’t want to do anything bad. Using the situation for your own purposes, knowing that you can get exposed, is not interesting to me. I don't understand how you can sing a song without having a voice. By the way, I went back by metro, and not by Volga. It turns out that you had an important mission to visit Kara. And the main thing is that you yourself realized it. You use big words - “mission”, “gift”. I just wanted to tell him about it. Since this touched me and this story hooked me, I realized that I had to do it. I know Bulgakov’s story well - many things connected with Elena Sergeevna, mystical things that are connected with him. Of course, I wanted to tell Kara this, since he had the courage to do this project. Has this gift ever failed you? Not yet. Does it apply to your daughter, to your husband? I don't say anything to strangers. Although it all depends on the situation: if it is dangerous for a person, I can say. Okay, if you were offered the role of Gella, would you dye your hair red?Are you ready to experiment with your hairstyle, ready to go blonde? No, I'm not ready. One of my colleagues suggested that I dye my hair blonde, and then, he said, I would get a position at Good Morning, which was just becoming vacant. He himself ran this program, but worked only with blondes. I suited him in all respects, except that I was a brunette. And you refused. Certainly. Why of course? I don't think it's right to dye your hair blonde to get a position. Then I became the host of “Good Morning” without changing my color. Katya, a few years ago we had a wonderful trip to France together, we spent a lot of time there, and you told me about proper nutrition. To be honest, after that I began to live differently. Did it help you? Yes. And oatmeal porridge in the morning has now become my fetish! And notice how good you look. Thank you. What made you start watching your diet so much? Working on television? No, television has nothing to do with this at all. At some point, I realized that it was easier and more interesting for me: proper nutrition gives a lot of energy. The struggle for energy is what motivates people. Don't you have an internal rebellion when you want to eat, for example, a cake and a half at night? No, if energy circulates properly in the body, then you don’t want half a cake for dinner. I understand what will happen to my pancreas then. Besides, I don’t like cakes, especially half of them. Don't you like sweets at all? I love dark chocolate, honey, dried fruits. I eat what I like and don't eat what I don't like. Is it the same with clothes? For a long time I liked the Armani style that you love, but then I thought it was a bit boring. And conservative. Yes. However, now you are dressed conservatively, and it is almost Armani style. So I came to meet you. Did you want to please me? Certainly. In everyday life, I like casual style: jeans, sweaters, shirts, sneakers. I love T-shirts with the words Che Guevara forever. On air, I know that some viewers perceive me or want to perceive me differently from the way I wanted to present myself. But there is another part of the audience who are impressed by my image. It's hard to please everyone. Katya, I read that when you appeared on television, they asked you: “Girl, did you come to the casino?” I had a beautiful bob hairstyle and was wearing a wonderful low-cut dress that was cinched in at the waist. The head of the information editorial office, looking at me, said: “She works well, I saw her samples, but look how she looks, like she fluttered out of the casino.” Were you offended then? No, I'm not touchy at all. But once I realized that I needed a different hairstyle and clothes that would not distract attention from the news, I got where I wanted. READ THE FULL INTERVIEW IN NO. 16 OF OK! DATED APRIL 21, 2011.

In her interview, the popular TV presenter of Channel One, Ekaterina Andreeva, talked about what it costs her to read news about earthquakes and explosions in a calm voice and shared the secret of how to look 15 years younger than her age.

- TV viewer Katya Andreeva was not faced with the question of who to root for at the recent Eurovision?

Of course, for “Buranovskie Babushki”! I even sent an SMS and received confirmation that I had voted. But then they told me that I had done something wrong, and apparently my voice didn’t get through. And the problem is that my phone was in roaming... I don’t know what really happened there, but in any case, I sincerely did everything to help the grandmothers win this competition. But the participant who took first place also seemed very worthy to me. A wonderful performer: music, movements - everything was very beautiful!

Many experts expressed the opinion that the “Buranovsky Babushki” became almost victims of show business: they tore peasant women out of their usual life, from their environment, but at their age it is difficult to participate in such noisy projects.

I don’t agree: at their age it’s difficult to become a victim. Such people have already experienced so much and have become so wise that they will not allow themselves to be made victims. Only young (sorry!) fools can become victims.

Channel One regularly holds charity events to help children. Money, medicine, medical equipment, toys and equipment collected as a result of these events go to Russian hospitals, orphanages, and large families. Traditionally, you participate in these promotions. Last year, a lamp of your work was sold for more than 260 thousand, and the country saw that you, it turns out, are a good painter.

Yes, I was very flattered by the attention to this lamp. This action was called “Good Light”. Of course, I tried when I painted it - I charged it with my vivacity. I hope it brought good luck to the owner, as I wanted. And this year my colleagues from Channel One and I went to Astrakhan. It was an action to support children left without parental care, as well as to help foster care and large families. As always, we gave a lot of gifts, and it just brought tears to our eyes at how little people sometimes need to feel happy!

Ekaterina, you give the impression of a very self-possessed person - according to at least I've never seen you cry on camera. But sometimes you have to talk about the most terrible news. How do you stay calm - do you abstract yourself?

On the contrary, I pass everything through my heart. Sometimes even in live I can’t hold back my tears, but you rarely see it - I’ve already learned to hide them professionally. Although I remember when I was covering the terrorist attack in Beslan, tears rolled straight down my face, but then there was such a moment - it was simply impossible not to cry!

- Do you cry often?

It happens sometimes, but overall I consider myself a fairly balanced person. I have an internal credo that I try to adhere to: do not envy anyone, do not be offended by anyone, love yourself and the world around you. It gives me a feeling of calm and balance. By the way, this is the main guarantee female beauty, its durability.

Yes, at the beginning of this year many were surprised to learn from the media that you had turned 50 years old. Still, what exactly are you doing to look 35?

You need to sleep normally, drink only clean water and exercise. More than once I have heard arguments that if your work requires you to spend a lot of time on your feet, then additional physical activity is not required. I don't agree with this. I walk a lot at work - everyone knows that the Ostankino corridors are long. But at the same time, sport takes third place in my life after family and television work.

- Ekaterina, you spoke about your life credo. How is it specified in relation to profession, family?

Everything can be united by one principle: do not impose and do not lie. I never force my opinion on anyone, be it my husband, daughter or TV viewers. If we talk about news, then my job is to provide information, and the viewer will form his own attitude towards it. You can’t put pressure on people, it suppresses them, humiliates them and takes away their freedom. My husband is an amazing person in this regard - a real man. And his older brother is the same. I know that their mother never put pressure on her sons or deprived them of independence, so now none of them are fulfilled at the expense of women. Next to such a man I feel like a woman.

But you are completely independent, you do not depend on your husband in any way. We achieved everything ourselves. The image of the submissive wife of a hot Balkan man (Ekaterina’s husband is from Montenegro) is not yours.

Yes, not mine, that's true. I am who I am, and my husband and I have parity: each is an independent person with his own achievements and successes. And we don't compete! It’s just that everyone realizes themselves in their own area.

-What would you never be able to do?


- Vacation time is ahead. Have you already decided where you will go?

But of course! In Ostankino! (Laughs.) I will work all summer. But the work of a TV presenter has its own characteristics: my schedule is week after week. That is, I disappear for a week at Ostankino - from 11 am to 11 pm. And then she was left to her own devices for a week.

- What do you usually do this week? Are you relaxing?

No. At this time, I do all the household chores, and also participate in social and social events - charity evenings, concerts. I regularly go to the theater and exhibitions. And I definitely read in the evenings. I go to bed very late - around 5 am on a free week and 3 am when I have to go to work in the morning. I am never bored with myself - in this sense, I am a completely self-sufficient person.