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A mother saves a fox that attacked her daughter. Mother saves a fox that attacked her daughter Live broadcast of a furious mother saving a fox

The essence of the program is not at all that the fox’s wild instincts came into play and an accident happened to this beautiful girl, and it is not at all that the persecuted mother made a mistake because of which her baby suffered so much. The point is that this woman Lena had a very difficult time in life... maybe she did not always act correctly and wisely, but she dutifully trusted the call of her heart. When indifferent evil people They advised her to abandon the sick child, she did not abandon the child to the mercy of fate. She herself was in a similar situation as a child, and only thanks to a kind, compassionate couple who came to her aid and became her mom and dad, she grew up in a family where she was loved and still loved. When she could calmly walk past the farm where these foxes were sold for fur products, she again did not pass by, but decided to save at least two lives in any way. This deserves great respect. I think that her compassion for living beings (children and animals) is somehow connected with her difficult childhood past, and that somewhere in her subconscious lurks a desire to save the innocent and unfortunate from violence and from the fact that someone I just took it and threw it away. Accidents can be different...sometimes parents' children accidentally fall out of windows or break bones out of the blue, sometimes older children inflict heavy blows on younger ones while playing, sometimes a pet(cat/dog) by for some unknown reason suddenly attacks the baby, sometimes the car suddenly flies out of nowhere and the child ends up under the wheels. This is life, everything happens and no one is immune from it, so we all have no right to condemn this woman for what happened. She is honest with herself and completely blames herself for this situation, she does not run away from responsibility. This is a very difficult life lesson for her and she will never allow this to happen again. The question is: how can blood relatives be so cruel and vile as to try to separate a mother and child who love each other so much? It's simply a shame, it's immoral. Indeed, despite this terrible situation with bites, the girl looks well-groomed and developed. She has such beautiful, bright eyes and you can see how loved she is by both her mother and grandmother judging by her smile at the end of the program. This mother chose a difficult one for herself. life path. She did not shift responsibility for the life she created either to society or to the family of the girl’s father, who clearly never needed her and are unlikely to ever need her. She does not neglect lives...she tries with all her might to protect them from evil and cruelty. And let the harsh society condemn her for this, but at least she listens to her heart and knows how to care for, love and not abandon her at a difficult moment in order to somehow make her life easier. It's easy to judge someone when a crowd of hypocrites are shouting the same thing, trying to teach others how to live correctly. It’s easy to give birth and abandon a “sick child” because she has 4 fingers, not five, or because her eye is blind. It is easy to pronounce a death sentence on an innocent being who was only following his natural instincts. It is easy to leave your family because it is difficult to cope with a child (sick or healthy, there is no difference) and not bear responsibility for the life you have created. This woman is not a saint or a perfect mother; She doesn’t even try to be one, because ideals don’t exist. But, on her own, she takes care of a child with cerebral palsy from birth without help from the father and his rotten family, from year to year, harsh conditions and at the same time, she still has the desire to save others and be useful. How, after all this suffering, does anyone think that he has the right to condemn her? Strength to her and great female happiness, and to her daughter good health and more reasons to smile so sweetly.

De una gestión completamente estatal a la gradual apertura hacia la inversión extranjera y el impulso al emergente sector privado, los cambios en la política económica en la isla sirven para ilustrar el complejo recorrido de la Revolucion Cubana que ya entra en su sexta década de existencia.

El único país comunista de America Latina Paco ice Gil Para P3236 Mujer Con Punta Beige Cerrada Bailarinas ha tenido que aprender a sortear escollos, primero políticos y luego principalmente económicos, y flexibilizar la mayoría de sus férreas posturas iniciales para mantenerse a flote sin "volver al capitalismo".

La "batalla económica" es hoy prioridad para la nación caribeña, sobre la que se cierne el fantasma de la recesión, reaparecido en el 2017 por primera vez en 23 años.

Empeñado en resucitar una economía frágil, que se tambalea entre la insuficiente liquidez, el embargo estadounidense, la falta de autonomía y la corrupción interna, el hoy expresidente Raúl Castro impulsó a poco de su llegada al poder en 2008 una serie de reformas pen sadas para " actualizar" el modelo centralizado de la isla.

Su hermano, el fallecido Fidel Castro (1926-2016), nacionalizó las industrias de propiedad extranjera y borró completamente la actividad privada del país en la primera de las más de cinco décadas que se mantuvo en el poder, tras el triunfo revolucionario de 1959.

Durante esos años Cuba centralizó su economía, adoptó el sistema de la empresa estatal socialista y se lanzó a cumplir planes quinquenales, lastrada por errores de previsión y la excesiva burocracia.

EL "Cuentapropismo" Reapareció tímidamente en 1978 Para Luego Regresar de Forma Definitiva Tras El ColaPso de lason Soviética a principios de 1990, unnsa yt después para cu cu cu cu Ba, Que Dependía Casi Enteramente de Los Productos Subsidiados Enviados Por El Gigante Comunista.

Para la Revolución Cubana significó el despertar a una nueva era, en la que había que adaptarse para no perecer.

En medio de la crisis, bautizada por Fidel Castro como "periodo especial en tiempo de guerra", Cuba abrió su maltrecha economía a la inversión extranjera y despenalizó el uso del dólar.

También amplió las modalidades en el sector privado, estigmatizado aún por no "aportar a la construcción del socialismo" y en su lugar contribuir al "enriquecimiento personal".

El impulso definitivo vino durante el mandato de Raúl Castro (2008-2018), que promovió reformas para dar un respiro a las arcas cubanas y "desinflar" las abultadas plantillas estatales.

El pequeño de los Castro también derogó en el 2008 prohibiciones de décadas, como las que impedían a los cubanos alojarse en sus propios hoteles, comprar teléfonos celulares, computadoras y tener líneas móviles a su nombre, además de iniciar en el 2015 la aún insuficiente apertura de internet en Cuba.

Impensable en las décadas de los 70 y 80, hoy trabajan en el país 1.3 millones de autónomos - de 4'474,800 cubanos empleados-, responsables en gran medida del cambio en la geografía de la isla, donde casi cada semana surge un negocio privado diseñado para cubrir los vacíos dejados por el Estado.

De ofrecer cortes de pelo en portales y cocinar modestas comidas en sus propias casas a un límite de 12 clientes, los cubanos han pasado a regentar "spa" y salones de belleza, y administrar "paladares" o restaurantes privados cubanos que han desbancado por su Calidad la oferta estatal, más escasa y menos especializada.

Los emprendimientos cubanos cada vez son más variados y van desde peluquerías para mascotas, pequeños hoteles boutique, servicios de decoración personalizada de eventos, directorios y mapas en línea, hasta bares cosmopolitas que rivalizan con cualquier establecimiento de Nueva York o Madrid.

Al cierre de 2018, más de 588,000 isleños poseían licencias para el trabajo por cuenta propia, cifra que representa el 13% de la población activa del país y casi cuadruplica los 157,000 del 2010, a pesar del freno de más de un a ño y media a la concesión de nuevos permisos.

La regulación del sector privado estuvo entre las primeras medidas del nuevo Gobierno de Miguel Díaz-Canel, el primer presidente que no lleva apellido Castro en 60 años de Revolución, tras su llegada al poder en abril pasado.

El malestar entre los "cuentapropistas" cubanos hizo que el Gobierno diera un paso atrás y suavizara su posición en el último momento, reconociendo el poder del sector emergente en el destino económico del país.

"Los trabajadores por cuenta propia no son enemigos de la Revolución, son resultado del proceso de actualización, y han resuelto problemas que recargaban al Estado. Su funcionamiento tiene que ser fruto de la legalidad, contamos con ellos para impulsar la economía. Hay que eliminar los prejuicios, la desconfianza y la inseguridad", pidió recientemente Díaz-Canel a la Asamblea Nacional.

En la misma sesión del 22 de diciembre pasado, el Parlamento cubano aprobó el borrador final de la nueva Constitución cubana, que por primera vez reconoce "otras formas de propiedad como la cooperativa, la propiedad mixta y la propiedad privada".

De ser ratificada la nueva Carta Magna en el referendo de febrero próximo, esta inclusión representará un importante cambio respecto al texto vigente de 1976 que solo reconoce la propiedad estatal y la cooperativa agropecuaria.


Verochka, I also like your comments...., from the very beginning I noticed that you unusual person..., even if the comments sometimes may not be in the same form...., I’m not used to judging people..., we are all partly the same, for us it also all depends on our mood, today is bad, tomorrow is good..... Since childhood I have there have always been animals; and cats and dogs, and I still remember every animal by name; I still regret that due to relocations I had to give away the dogs, but I was a child then and couldn’t decide anything, but I still feel sorry for it... I can imagine how worried and tormented they were. We also had a lot of stray cats and kittens, it was always said that cats are not friends with dogs, but they were friends with me, a kitten that wandered into our place one day remained to live with us, I myself did not expect that my dog ​​would accept a kitten, they slept together in a booth! My grandfather’s dog smiled... when he saw his relatives, he ran to meet him... can you imagine? Smiled! In general, I want to say that when they treat animals, they treat them humanely, they understand it.....! My friends have 8 cats... they all came to them on their own, some were actually picked up, some were hit by a car, some just ran into the house! We have a lot of old people who keep cats, unfortunately, when they unexpectedly pass away, the poor fellows are left alone... well, then they either go to a shelter or are taken by good-natured people. We have laws against cruelty, and all the dogs are microchipped... some are not allowed to roam. I often watch programs, read, people say, unfortunately, such actions towards animals are acceptable... for which in our country a person is responsible, even to prison. Thank you Vera for the pleasant communication, especially thank you for your correct, good deed! I understand how it’s not easy for you when all around, well, let’s say many, the majority of people are not kind and embittered…. . Many people don’t understand, let’s take dogs for example, because everything that happens is only the fault of the people themselves..., no one else! Angry dogs from evil owners, they tame them to be like this...., therefore, when people encounter evil owners and their charges, without understanding, they develop hatred for all dogs, and homeless people are absolutely not to blame here, homeless people suffer, and besides, dogs , cats have absolutely similar diseases as humans, for example, diabetes, disease Bladder and so on... If at least once the so-called “owner” who had once thrown an animal into the street had been on the street sick and hungry in search of food..., I don’t know if he would have done so later or maybe he would have thought about it...?! P.S. Sorry if there are any mistakes in words