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How to make a dog angry at strangers. Tips and tricks. How to teach a dog to guard the yard How to teach a dog to guard the territory

Training a dog to guard a thing is carried out with the goal of developing the animal’s skill of being in a state of alert for a long time upon the command “Guard!”
The conditioned stimulus when developing this skill is the command “Guard!”, the auxiliary conditioned stimuli are the commands “Place!”, “Lie down!”, “You can’t!”, and the unconditional stimuli are the protected object, stroking, and a treat.
When developing this skill, the following skills of the general training course are required:
– laying down the dog with restraint;
- return to place.
In addition, the dog must develop aggression and distrust of strangers.
For training, a place is chosen where it is possible to tie the dog and there are no distracting stimuli. On initial stage training uses a thing that is familiar to the dog. Having tied the dog on a chain, the trainer gives the command “Lie down!” and places an object near her front paws so that she can reach it. Then the trainer gives the command “Guard!” and stands next to the dog. After some time, the helper comes out of the hiding place and walks past the dog several times in different directions.
If the dog immediately shows aggression, the trainer corrects its behavior with the commands “Lie down!” and “Place!” If the animal lies calmly near the object, the assistant comes closer and imitates an attempt to take the object. At the same time, the trainer gives the command “Guard!”
If aggression occurs, the dog is rewarded with treats and praise. The assistant leaves and hides in a shelter. After the animal calms down, the exercise is repeated 2-3 times.
If it is necessary to increase aggression, the assistant attempts to take the thing with his left hand, and with his right swings at the dog or delivers light blows with a tourniquet.
To develop the dog’s skill of long-term guarding of a thing, the trainer takes it on a long leash, gives the commands “Place!”, “Guard!”, and then moves back at a distance of 3-4 steps. If the dog makes attempts to move away from the thing or shows aggression towards the assistant, the trainer gives the command “Place!” and with a slight tug of the leash encourages the animal to return to its proper place.
In order to accustom the dog to guarding things independently, during classes the trainer gradually moves further and further away and hides in a shelter. When the dog tries to follow the trainer, the command “Place!” is given. The dog's endurance is rewarded with treats and praise.
Next, the assistant tries to distract the dog from the protected object with a treat. Approaching the dog and saying its name, the assistant throws a treat aside and tries to take the object. When the dog tries to take a treat, the assistant strikes with a rod, and the trainer gives the command “Take!”
After the dog gets used to guarding a certain thing, they begin to use things of different shapes and sizes for protection.
To achieve optimal effect, it is recommended that the trainer work with two assistants. In this case, the assistants approach the animal from different sides and take turns trying to take the protected object.
The skill is considered developed if the dog guards the item warily for a long time, does not show aggression towards a calmly walking assistant, and does not take a treat offered by the assistants.
In the process of developing this skill, the following trainer errors are possible:
overdevelopment aggression in a dog leads to the dog attacking a calmly walking assistant, distracted from guarding the thing;
– the trainer leaving for cover or at a long distance without a sufficiently established skill in guarding the thing, which provokes attempts to groom the trainer;
frequent use commands “No!” at a time when the assistant offers the animal a treat, which slows down the active protection of the thing.

Your goal is to train the dog to guard the listed objects. Where to begin?

The first step is to decide which of the two learning paths to follow. The first is that when an intruder is detected, the dog gives a voice, thereby attracting the owner’s attention. The second way is that when an intruder is detected, it not only attracts the owner’s attention, but also attacks him independently.

So, you have decided how the guard will act when detected stranger. The next step is to show the dog the limits of the protected area and teach it to move along special routes: in the country, for example, between beds or along paths, in the courtyard of a private house along the perimeter of the fence.

Based on its growth and capabilities, one of the methods of movement in the protected area is selected: a short leash, free movement throughout the entire territory and a “checkpoint”.

Most experts believe that best option movement within the territory is free movement.

Let's say this issue is also resolved, the next move is to find a volunteer who will play the role of an outsider.

Note! During training, a volunteer must enter a protected area where a potential intruder could do so.

You have a volunteer, you have decided how your guard moves around the territory, now let's talk about the training process itself.

1. Upon detection stranger dog attracts the owner's attention.

A volunteer intruder approaches a protected area and begins making sounds of intrusion into the territory. You must give the command to the dog “Guard!” so that it turns all its attention to this noise, and then “Voice!” so that it begins to bark and scare the stranger. Is there any barking? Your assistant becomes quiet, letting the dog know that he has left. If everything is done correctly, your guard receives a portion of approval and treats.

After 5-10 minutes, having lulled the dog’s vigilance, the volunteer repeats his actions: imitates the sounds of penetration, causing the dog to bark. Are you focusing on the dog, or are you just looking behind it? the right actions, or repeat the commands. If successfully completed, of course, the dog should receive a reward treat. Having commanded the dog “Guard!”, you leave it for duty, and you leave.

2. When a stranger is detected, the dog attracts the owner’s attention and begins to attack the intruder.

What should you do to train your dog to actively defend?
Your volunteer assistant-intruder should not only imitate the noise of entry into the territory, but also enter it, and then try to attack the dog and allow it to grab the sleeve or other part of outer clothing and fray it. After this, the volunteer must run away. As an option, the dog detains the intruder and protects him until the owner arrives. After correct execution, be sure to reward the dog with a treat.

If a security guard has learned to attack and detain one outsider, then the next step in his training should be to protect the territory from two intruders. In this case, the dog should attack the one who first crossed the border of the territory.

Important! Both types of training should be supplemented by teaching the dog to refuse treats from the hands of strangers or those thrown into a protected area.

Worth knowing!

If the dog must guard a large but unfenced territory, then it should be taken to short leash to avoid trouble. After all, they can enter such a site completely by accident, without having bad intentions.

If there are various pets in such an area, then the training process should include teaching the dog not to attack animals.

If there is a need to let the dog off the leash to apprehend an intruder, do this: warn loudly three times that you will be releasing the dog, and if the stranger does not pay attention or shows aggression, then let the dog off the leash.

Any service dog must be able to guard. Does this apply to the house or things that were entrusted to her during the owner’s absence.

First you need to teach your dog not to trust strangers. It’s good that if a dog already knows how to get angry at strangers, it should also not take food from them.

Algorithm for teaching a dog the command “Guard!”

It happens that the dog only reacts to the helper, but does not pay attention to the protected item. Then a meter-long rope is tied to it, and when the dog rushes at the helper, he will pull the rope and attract the dog’s attention with a moving object. And if the animal tries to stop the thing, it must be rewarded. Once the dog has learned the lesson of guarding things well, the task can be complicated.

The assistant tries to bribe the dog with a treat and at the same time tries to steal the item from under guard. If the dog sniffs the treat, you need to move the thing slightly. If the dog tries to take the treat, then the helper should sharply hit him with the rod, and the owner should immediately hit him. The next training involves changing the owner’s protected items. This could be his clothes or shoes, bag, ball, etc.

Security positions also need to be changed. The skill should be consolidated with several assistants, and gradually increasing the time of guarding the object. With such training, it is important that the dog’s guarding of things does not develop into total anger. It is considered that the guarding skill has been developed if the dog guards the item for 20 minutes without reacting at all to people passing by. She begins to growl or bark only when a stranger wants to take away a protected item.

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How to teach a dog to properly guard an apartment and respond adequately to strangers? It is these service skills that are valued in a dog, among other general skills that are instilled in your pet from childhood.

The basic skills of a dog trained in the beginning are not only an adequate response to own nickname, but also the ability to approach the owner on command and bring objects, as well as performing simple commands: “place”, “sit”, “lie down”, “voice” and “impossible”. Moreover, the last command implies that the dog must stop any actions.
Initial skills serve as a reliable basis for raising a dog to be an excellent guard for an apartment, house or car. That is, the dog becomes not just a pet, but also a useful member of the family, performing its important function.

First, you need to teach your dog to treat strangers with a healthy amount of mistrust. This is why an overly friendly dog ​​cannot become a good watchdog, because for it all people are friends. By virtue of their nature, everyone tries to protect own territory and those whom he considers his pack are the owner and his family. Under no circumstances should you turn a dog into a living toy.

When you adopt a puppy, immediately establish a strict rule - strangers are prohibited from touching the dog. Strangers should not pet her, feed her, or play with her, because the dog can get used to the fact that a stranger is not a danger.

A moderately angry reaction to strangers is not a vice, but normal qualities for a guard dog. Therefore, as the puppy grows, cultivate this quality in him. If the need arises, you can also add to the training the ability to detain an aggressive person.

A dog, as is known, has a more subtle sense of smell than a person, as well as hearing, which distinguishes the slightest nuances. The dog clearly distinguishes its owners from other people not only by smell, but also by hearing - the sound of steps, the manner of touching the door, voice, features of gait. That is why the dog does not make mistakes in determining “friend or foe”, and does not bark at its own when approaching the door. The friend category may also include friends who regularly visit your home.

Even the smallest dog can be a wonderful watchman - it can signal that a stranger is behind the door, even if the guest does not call or knock. It is quite possible that this is an attacker. If the size of the dog allows, then you can develop in it the ability to fight with a person, stopping attempts to invade the apartment. But even without special training, the dog will certainly react to strangers outside the door and bark. This should be encouraged by reinforcing the reflex with the commands “alien” and “voice”. Formalize this behavior with the verbal command “guard,” and be sure to reward the dog if it understands you correctly.

If the dog reacts weakly to a stranger approaching the door or does not react at all to a knock or bell, then you need to teach it this. Usually a system of rewards for correctly performed actions works great. The usual praise, “Good, well done,” works great.

When the dog has completed necessary actions, you need to reassure her, show that you correctly understood her signals. After this, you can allow a stranger to enter the apartment, holding the dog by the collar and giving the command “No”. This way, the dog sees that you have taken responsibility. Never punish or hit a dog if it reacts angrily to strangers.

Also effective is the “Let everyone in, don’t let anyone out” scheme for detaining strangers. It works if you have an impressive large dog, appropriately trained.

Every dog ​​can be taught commands, today we will learn how to teach a dog to guard. This applies to both service dogs, and at home. The main thing in training is to teach not to trust strangers. This advantage will help in learning new commands, in defense and in your own safety.

Ways to teach a dog to guard

How to establish relationships with an animal that will perceive strangers as a potential threat. You will need to devote a lot of time and effort to learning. The animal must be well walked and fed. After which he is placed in a familiar environment where the dog feels comfortable and safe. Teach necessary actions You can do it in a few days, the main thing is to repeat the classes periodically. One of the effective techniques in studying:

Tie near the enclosure or house. At a distance, place a treat or an object familiar to the dog (maybe a toy). The dog should clearly see the object lying near it, but not reach it.
Order to guard. After which, near this object should pass stranger.
If the dog reacts by barking, you need to approach, lightly touch and give the command to sit.
This way the pet will feel safe, but at the same time, the importance of the actions taken to protect the item.

Frequent repetition of such actions over several weeks will lead to the animal perceiving every object you point to as protected. The main thing when performing actions is to be calm, not to raise your voice, not to frighten or punish the animal. Only in calm state You can quickly learn new commands.

Alien team

For your own safety, you need to teach your dog a stranger’s command. This is necessary for any breed, even if the animal is not used for guarding purposes. Many pet owners cannot at first distinguish between the commands fetch, face and alien, in fact only confusing the animal and teaching it incorrectly.

The essence of the order is to make one be wary when the owner utters these words. The pet should be calm when it sees a stranger, but it is possible to expect any actions directed at the owner. This action will allow you to be ready to protect and defend your owner. At these words, most breeds come forward in front of the owner to take the possible first blow.
Before teaching your pet this command, you need to learn the commands “fu” and “come to me” well. It is better to start training as early as possible; an adult will most likely not master the teaching.

To learn, you will need the help of a friend. Your friend should take a stick or other large object and approach you waving and yelling at the dog. The animal may be tied or on a leash at this time. During these actions, the owner must repeat the order of the stranger. If the dog reacts by barking and growling, you need to pet it and praise it.

During classes to learn a stranger's command, you should not give the dog a treat. The animal may become distracted or choke. It's better to just praise the dog.

If a dog lies down when commanded and covers its muzzle with its paws, it means standard reception she can't do it. In such cases, they resort to a more harsh method - a stranger quietly approaches and pinches the hind paw, at this moment the owner must say the words “stranger”. After several lessons such actions are associated with negative emotions. And the word of a stranger will be perceived with wariness and readiness to defend.

Train a dog to be mean to strangers

Sometimes it is necessary to teach a pet to be angry towards strangers, and also to teach it to bark at strangers. Such methods are used by the owners of private houses and various enterprises where strangers may enter.
When a dog has close contact with its owner, sometimes there is no need to cultivate anger. But in most cases, owners turn to a dog handler for help. Only a specialist can help set up training correctly.

Before this, the dog handler must warn that such a command can be dangerous for people around him, that you need to understand the seriousness and know how to pacify the dog. You need to teach an animal to be angry towards strangers from the very beginning. early age. By the age of 4 months, the dog should already know the commands “fu”, “come to me”, “stranger”. With the help of a dog handler, you will teach her to be aggressive when you order her. Teasing the dog, catching it, the dog handler by example will show that a stranger is dangerous and you need to act immediately.

After such activities, you need to behave calmly and restrainedly, praise your pet and give various treats. An experienced trainer will teach you how to develop anger and be wary of strangers after just 5-7 lessons. The main thing is to deal with aggression correctly and quickly calm the animal after such actions.

Teaching a dog to bark at strangers

Almost all breeds can learn to bark at strangers. Well amenable to training:

  • German Shepherd;
  • Rottweiler;
  • Staffordshire Terrier;
  • Boxer and others fighting dogs, as well as defenders.

Such breeds by nature react by barking at strangers. When training them, at the moment of barking, the main thing is not to stop performing certain actions, but, on the contrary, to force them to bark even more and longer. To do this, you need the help of strangers who are not familiar to the animal. During training, the pet must be on a leash so as not to harm people. Upon completion of the training, the owner must say “fu” in a calm voice and pet the animal. You need to achieve such a result that when you appear, the dog stops barking.

What do you prefer to feed your pets?

    Porridge with various additives 46%, 8371 voice

    Dry food only 26%, 4711 votes

    Exclusively meat 13%, 2464 vote

    I buy special canned food 7%, 1233 vote

    Special veterinary feeds 5%, 986 votes

    I don’t feed her, she finds food somewhere herself 3%, 575 votes

January 17, 2018

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