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Where to start good morning. How the morning begins, or how to change your life for the better. What does tongue cleaning do?

If you are tired of running headlong to work every morning, taking your children to kindergarten/school so as not to be late, if you are tired of the chaos at home, the chaos in your head, your relationships with loved ones have worsened... Think, maybe it’s just one small detail? Where does your day start? We offer you 16 effective methods What's the best way to start your morning!

You don’t have to do everything at once, choose the ones you like and begin the magical transformation, gradually adding or changing techniques, and monitor the changes! They won't keep you waiting. Completing each item will not take you even 5 minutes, but it will change your dull everyday life once and for all!

1. The first hour of the day is the golden hour

Don't rush to run to urgent matters. Take these 60 minutes for yourself: think, dream, read a few pages from your favorite work. Try not to think about problems, do not turn on the computer and TV.

2. Put your thoughts on paper

Get into the habit of keeping a personal diary. Morning is the best time for this. The notes will help you get rid of bad thoughts and start the day with a fresh head.

3. You can meditate in the morning

The simplest meditation that Eckhart Tolle mentions in his book “The Power of Now”: immediately after waking up, in bed, without opening your eyes, mentally walk through your body from your feet to the top of your head. Stop your attention on areas of the body for 10-15 seconds and move higher, not forgetting about breathing. This is your body, feel it.

This simple meditation will leave you energized and grateful for your body.

4. Say positive affirmations

Morning does not tolerate pessimism. Therefore, it is worth starting the day with positive statements. Say out loud every morning, “I enjoy life every day.” “I celebrate every day” and “Life is an endless stream of joy, success and abundance.”

5. Don't forget to read

6. Start the day with sports

Another one good habit, which will keep you healthy and give you energy for the whole day - playing sports. Hike to Gym It's better to plan for the morning. Physical exercise They are better tolerated in the first half of the day. If you don’t yet practice sports in the morning, we advise you to try this set of exercises from the video. Do it for just a week and you will notice a result that you will like. The complex takes only 15 minutes. I recommend it with all my heart!

7. Don't put off important things

It is best to do the main work in the first half of the day. These hours are considered the most productive for a person. And here it doesn’t matter at all whether you paint pictures or manage a megacorporation.

8. Plan your day

Even if you have an excellent memory, make it a habit to plan your day. In this case, it will be easier for you to prioritize by importance, seeing the whole picture and you will not forget about some task and will not have to postpone it until tomorrow.

9. Forget about fuss

Morning is not the time to rush. Set your alarm clock half an hour earlier and spend that time thinking positively.

10. Wake up on time

Train yourself to wake up at the same time. If you find this as difficult as I do, try this trick: move your alarm clock back 10 minutes every night. So, in about a week you will already get up 1 hour earlier). Of course, you should go to bed early to get enough sleep and look good.

11. Iron breakfast

Remember, no matter what diet you are on, breakfast is the most important technique food for the day!

Research shows that a lack of iron in the blood makes us irritable, lethargic, and unable to concentrate. Is this the kind of woman your loved one needs? I think no. In addition, a lack of iron affects the amount of oxygen that our body is able to receive.

Therefore, make sure that your breakfast menu includes products such as: eggs, greens, peanut butter, legumes or tofu.

12. Dress up properly

It doesn't matter whether you work in an office or at home. Wear work-appropriate attire. Forbes research shows that wearing loungewear signals to your body and mind that it's time to relax.

13. No sleeping in on weekends

Do you remember how you tried to stick to your schedule all week and get up on time? So, don’t even think about abandoning this during the weekend! Otherwise, everything will have to start again.

14. Cleanliness = mood

Make sure that before you leave home for work, or if you work from home, before you start your work day, that everything is orderly and clean. Having spent time on a little cleaning in the morning, you will be glad to come home to a clean apartment in the evening. And, of course, you work more productively in a clean apartment!

15. Be grateful

16. Water is a source of energy

Before running to the refrigerator, drink a glass of water. This will be enough to replenish the moisture deficit and you will feel much better. Water with a slice of lemon or lemon juice will help start processes in the stomach and promote digestion.

Having rid yourself of unnecessary fuss in the morning and wisely planned the beginning of the day, by the evening you will be pleasantly surprised. The whole day will be extremely productive: all the planned tasks will be done, and you will not feel wildly tired, but satisfied. This means that you will still have energy for your family and hobbies. Is this the kind of life you like? In this case, accustom yourself to the main thing: start your day early in the morning. Well, our tips on the best way to start your morning will only help you!

We don’t know how our day will turn out: whether it will be fruitful and positive or, on the contrary, gloomy and inhospitable. However, we can help this - after all, a lot, according to doctors and psychologists, depends on what and how we do in the morning. Do you want your day to be a success, and you to feel cheerful and look your best? Then listen to our advice and find out how to start your day right.

  • 1
    Let more light into the room!

Did you know that natural light affects a person's body weight? This unexpected conclusion was reached by scientists from the Feinberg School of Medicine at Northwestern University in Chicago (USA). Doctors don’t yet know exactly why this happens, but they assume that the light synchronizes The biological clock person.

The best time for sunbathing, according to researchers, is from 8 a.m. to 12 noon. If there is no sun in the morning or very little of it, a malfunction occurs in the body, which, alas, can negatively affect metabolism and provoke the appearance of excess weight.

To ensure your biological clock is set correctly, expose your face and body to light for at least 20 minutes in the morning. Experts advise drinking your morning cup of coffee outside; if you don’t have this opportunity, try to at least have breakfast in front of the window. And don’t forget to ventilate the room before doing this - let fresh air penetrate into all corners of your apartment!

If there is a catastrophic lack of sun in the morning (and this happens often in our country), vitamin D will help regulate biochemical processes in the body.

In its “natural” form, it is formed in the skin under the influence sun rays. When they are not enough, doctors advise taking vitamin D in capsules (there are other forms: drops, solutions, tablets) or increasing the consumption of foods that contain it - eggs, dairy products, fish fat. Frequent use Vitamin D supplements can lead to an overdose, so it is better to consult a specialist before taking them.

  • 2 Don't forget a glass of water in the morning on an empty stomach!

At night, when our body is resting, and its systems and organs are working with minimal energy load, on the walls gastrointestinal tract Digestive waste settles, in other words - toxins and waste. In order to wash them off and prepare the gastrointestinal tract for new daily stress, you need to drink a glass of water in the morning on an empty stomach. In addition, simple clean food gives a person vigor and gives strength for an active working day, says Leslie Bonzi, director of the department sports nutrition Treatment center Sports Medicine at the University of Pittsburgh (USA).

If the body does not have enough fluid, it causes fatigue, increases sweating and even contributes to headaches.

Drink at least one glass in the morning clean water. It is optimal if after this your breakfast starts in 20–30 minutes. Raw water with honey on an empty stomach will strengthen the body's defenses and calm nervous system. And also, if you do not suffer from stomach diseases, you can add lemon to the water - lemon water on an empty stomach will charge you with energy for the whole day and, in addition, will help cleanse blood vessels and arteries.

How to start the day right? Of course, with charging! But this should not be done on an empty stomach. Firstly, you simply cannot, being hungry, do well in the morning those exercises that require maximum dedication. Secondly, at this time fat reserves are not consumed, but the muscles are subjected to destructive stress. This can lead to loss of energy and feelings of chronic fatigue.

Before starting your workout (or better yet, 15–20 minutes before you start exercising), “supply” your body with simple carbohydrates, which will give him strength and energy.

Simple carbohydrates are easily absorbed by the body, and you will not feel heavy in your stomach during exercise. So you can easily eat half an avocado or banana with a cracker before exercising.

In the morning, the human body must receive the required portion of calories. And if before playing sports you already had a little snack, after them ( better than minutes after 30, unless, of course, you are in a hurry to get to work and you have time for this) you need to eat more thoroughly. If morning exercises are not your thing, start not with a snack, but right away with.

It is advisable that the amount of protein in breakfast be at least 30 g, according to scientists from the University of Texas at Austin (USA). This will give you the opportunity for a long time not feel hungry, which is especially important for those who want to lose weight.

However, it is undesirable to consume more than 30 g - at once, in one sitting, protein in large quantities is absorbed worse by the body. According to other studies, the metabolism of those people who receive a sufficient amount of protein at breakfast (but not more than what we named) is on average 4% more intense than the average, which also has a good effect on both well-being and weight.

Want to know if you ate enough for breakfast? The best way do it - cook for yourself oatmeal. What are the benefits of oatmeal for breakfast? Oatmeal is rich in protein, so when you eat it in the morning, you will get one of the healthiest and most satisfying meals. In oatmeal (to prepare it, half a cup is enough oatmeal) you can add cinnamon, honey, apples or walnuts.

Eggs for breakfast are also a great idea. Previously it was believed that chicken eggs- the product is harmful because they contribute to the accumulation of “bad” cholesterol in the body, however modern research show that this is not the case; on the contrary, when consumed in moderation, eggs are very useful (they contain about twelve essential vitamins and a huge amount of microelements). In addition, according to latest research, they reduce the risk of obesity. Doctors recommend eating no more than 2-3 eggs in the morning.

  • 5 Smile!

Psychologists advise starting your day with a smile. And even if you got up on the wrong foot, still try to “squeeze out” a smile - after this, according to experts, you will feel better and, perhaps, your mood will improve.

Start by simply smiling at your reflection, and then at breakfast, choose dishes in the brightest, rainbow colors - this will set you up in an optimistic mood.

If nothing makes you happy, think about something pleasant, turn on your favorite music and think that everything will work out great for you today, and the new day will bring many interesting meetings and events.

I suspect that now half of the readers have already decided that this article on their favorite website was not written for them. What kind of thing is there? good morning, when the daily alarm-clock-breakfast-make-up-child-to-school-husband-to-work-late-everywhere is inevitable???

But don't rush!

After all, you can learn how to start your morning in such a way that you feel much better during the day and at the same time spend the same amount of time in the morning (or even save it!)

How to wake up correctly?

Hear the alarm clock, turn it off, curse. Roll over to the other side and fall asleep for another 10 minutes. Hear the alarm clock again, curse again, jump up sharply and start doing his morning chores in a hurry.

This is the wrong way to wake up. If you wake up like this every day, then there is a risk of harming your health! How should you start your morning?

First of all, it's great to learn how to wake up without an alarm clock. An alarm clock (or any sharp sound) is stressful for a sleeping person. In an unawakened body, a dose of adrenaline is suddenly produced, which normal conditions shouldn't happen!

A person is undermined and begins to act actively - because it is necessary, it’s time! Meanwhile, some areas of the brain are still asleep, the muscles are relaxed... In this state, we drop cups, look for the right things for a long time, etc., and so we say - “I haven’t woken up yet...”.

Therefore, you should train yourself to wake up on your own.

To do this, you need to go to bed and get up at the same time, and measure out the sleep time that would be enough for you personally.

There is no need to get attached to the “standard” 7-8 hours of sleep - there are people for whom 5-6 hours are enough, and there are those who cannot do without 10. When you lie down, you need to think to yourself (or say out loud): “Tomorrow I will wake up exactly at seven in the morning!” Not “oooh, I’m going to open my eyes again at seven o’clock, ugh...”, but simply - calmly, clearly, without negative emotions. There is a high probability that soon the body will learn to carry out this command itself!

Also watch yourself - you need to “catch” the moment to awaken between two phases deep sleep when it's easiest to wake up. There is no clear time when this happens for you - it depends on the duration of sleep, the time when you fell asleep and just individual characteristics. If you don’t force a person to wake up, then this is how he wakes up! Therefore, some people who are attentive to themselves say that it is easier for them to wake up, for example, at half past six than at seven - since at seven they enter a “deep” phase.

How to wake up in the morning correctly? Having passed the moment between sleep and wakefulness, do not jump up suddenly - this would force the heart to start active work, when it is still “sleeping” - during sleep, the heart rate is minimal. Think about something good, hug your beloved man or cat...

Try to "awaken" sensory sensations- mentally concentrate on different parts of your body. For example, concentrate on your legs: how do they feel the sheet, blanket? Are your feet warm or cold? Are your muscles relaxed or tense?

You can start doing some smooth movements - this will help you wake up. Our natural “stretches” are the most natural way to “wake up” the muscles, cardiovascular system and brain. So stretch for your health!

Yawning is also a correct natural mechanism: this is how we “awaken” respiratory system, because when yawning, more air enters the lungs, and their work is activated! We set aside 5-10 minutes to wake up - this is time that was already spent fighting with the alarm clock.

How should you start your morning? 10-15 minutes after waking up, no exercise is recommended, physical activity and other stressful situations for the body. At this time, it is useless to have breakfast (the gastrointestinal tract is asleep), do exercises or take cold and hot shower. You can get dressed and prepare breakfast.

If you want to take a shower, let it be warm.

When and how to have breakfast?

We will not dwell in detail on the menu issue now. healthy breakfast(especially since the site “Beautiful and Successful” already offered). Let's just say that it is absolutely not necessary to spend a lot of time preparing breakfast in the morning: the most healthy foods can be eaten raw (vegetables, fruits and dried fruits, nuts) or cooked in literally five minutes: for example, any cereal mixtures can not be boiled, but filled with milk.

In the evening you can boil hard-boiled eggs for breakfast, chicken breast or fish, and add them in the morning fresh vegetables. It’s also great to have a variety of ready-made crack breads, cheese, and lavash on hand (you can quickly wrap almost everything you have in the refrigerator in it—any salad, chicken, etc.).

How to start the morning right? There is no need to have breakfast immediately after waking up. The stomach is sleeping.

It is best to drink half a glass or a glass after waking up warm water(you can do it with lemon), and then wait half an hour (in the meantime, redo your usual morning routine).

Not the best bad option– eat an apple or yogurt in the morning, and have a “serious” breakfast an hour and a half after waking up, when real hunger begins to be felt! In the interval between a small snack and breakfast, you can do exercises, do yoga or go for a run (we have already told you).

Morning exercises: is it necessary?

  • Before half an hour after sleep, exercise is not useful.
  • Strength training, stretching exercises, exercise equipment, etc. – this is no longer exercise, but training. Before moving on to training, you need a warm-up. And in general, you simply won’t be able to do a serious workout in ten minutes in the morning, so put it off until the day or evening!
  • The optimal charging option that is suitable for most people is swinging your arms, turning, bending, and squatting. You can consult with a trainer or doctor - perhaps you should add or remove something (for example, for back problems, scoliosis, and other diagnoses).
  • Light morning exercises can be done in 10-15 minutes maximum. Start with the lightest movements, gradually move on to the most active, maximum load, and then return to the light ones again.

After charging, a contrast shower is appropriate.

You'll soon notice that your day goes differently - you'll feel more energetic if your morning has started right!
Author – Dasha Blinova, website www.site – Beautiful and Successful

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What do many of the most successful people in business, art and politics have in common? They all follow special morning rituals. The decisions you make in the morning can set you up for success and help you do right choice throughout the day - or seriously sabotage your overall well-being.

Problem: You set your alarm to later.

When you realize that you can totally stay under the covers for a few more minutes, it always feels like a gift—but whether you do it once, twice, or 10 times, it's not doing your body's sleep patterns any favors. Those extra few minutes don't help you rest better and move on to the day's tasks more easily—in fact, they contribute to weakness and increased fatigue.

Why? For starters, if you have to rely on an alarm clock, it means your body isn't waking up at its natural time, throwing off its circadian rhythm. Circadian rhythm is essentially your internal “clock,” which roughly follows a 24-hour cycle, and tells your body when to sleep, wake up, and so on.

It makes you feel sleepy at night and wakes you up in the morning once you've had enough rest. Jumping up to the shrill sound of your iPhone disrupts your body's natural rhythm for the rest of the day.

Those few minutes of sleep you give yourself by pressing the button on your alarm clock are no different. high quality. This practice can lead to sleep inertia, a feeling of grogginess and disorientation that comes after waking up from too little sleep and can last for several hours.

Finally, getting enough sleep is necessary to regulate the production of ghrelin and leptin, two hormones that control hunger. Ghrelin is the "hunger hormone" that tells your brain you need food, and leptin helps your body know it's full so hunger can be turned off. When you don't get enough sleep, leptin levels decrease by 15%, and ghrelin levels increase by the same 15%. This means that you will feel hungrier more acutely, and at the same time it will be more difficult for you to get enough.

Solution: Set your alarm for a later time initially.

You can try to train yourself to rise with the sun, but for most of us this is unrealistic. The best solution will set the alarm for a later time, but not set it in the morning. It even sounds too simple: instead of setting your alarm for 6 a.m. and expecting that if something happens you can sleep for another hour, just try to get up at 7! You won't have as much trouble dragging yourself out of bed because you'll have an extra hour of deep sleep.

Problem: You're checking messages from bed.

7% of people get used to sleeping with their phone at hand - and this not only interferes with falling asleep quickly, but can also ruin the next morning.

Spending just a few minutes reading news feeds, checking recent messages, and sorting through work email long before your work day begins can cause anxiety to rise and reduce your ability to concentrate.

If first thing in the morning you check email, this means that you don't have a "clear list of priorities" and you're more likely to get bogged down in work than get anything done that you really want to do. Instead of devoting some time to planning your to-do list, you immediately immerse yourself in work - and this only makes the day more chaotic.

Solution: Replace Smartphone Time with Zen

Instead of using your first waking moments to scroll through Instagram, take at least 10 minutes to breathe and meditate. Scientific research show that regular meditation can reduce anxiety, improve the ability to concentrate and connect facts into a single picture, and generally help you look at life in a positive way.

Start your day with this five-minute meditation that will help you overcome anxiety quickly!

Problem: You skip breakfast and settle for coffee

It may seem like a good idea to swap porridge, cereal or toast for coffee to perk you up and cut down on calories, but if your goal is to lose weight, this practice can have the opposite effect.

And not for the reason you think - contrary to popular belief, breakfast does not boost your metabolism. Research shows that people who skip breakfast burn as many calories per day as those who don't. Moreover, coffee really speeds up your metabolism.

But when you rely on caffeine alone to get you through the day's work or ward off sleep—especially if you're stressed while doing so—it can increase your production of the hormone cortisol. Increased level cortisol levels can lead to abdominal fat, decreased immune function and cognitive impairment- and that's definitely not what you wanted to achieve by skipping breakfast.

Solution: Find a way to eat breakfast quickly and efficiently

There's nothing wrong with your morning coffee, just make sure you're giving your body some fuel as well. Will do protein cocktail, a nutrition bar, or even a slice of sprouted grain bread with almond butter are all relatively low-calorie options and contain enough macronutrients to provide you with energy and protect you from stress.

Problem: You're neglecting sleep in favor of morning workouts

Do you kick yourself out of bed in the name of a scheduled gym session, ignoring the bags under your eyes? We must admire your dedication. But have you ever wondered at what point training stops being worth your time?

If you don't get enough sleep, it causes your body more harm than good. Chronic lack of sleep- it occurs if you regularly sleep six hours or less per night - actually reduces the effectiveness of training and can lead to injury. Research shows that tired athletes not only move more slowly, but also suffer from impaired motor function and difficulty maintaining balance. At the cellular level, the body of a sleep-deprived person is more susceptible to inflammation, is less able to repair damaged muscles, and is also more vulnerable to overtraining syndrome, which can occur. catastrophic consequences, if you are preparing yourself for a big race or other sporting event.

Solution: Don't go to training

If you got one a sleepless night, this is not enough to derail the effects of a big workout. But if you've been sleeping five hours a night for several weeks, it may be better to rest.

The beginning of every new day is another chance to become better. Here are 7 morning rituals that will make you look and feel better today - and will completely change your quality of life in the long run.

A saying about New Year(which, as you know, how you meet, is most likely how you will spend) is suitable for every morning.

If we woke up cheerful and fresh and started our day correctly, then the rest of the hours will pass like clockwork.

If we have set the alarm clock five times, we feel overwhelmed, and the future does not have anything pleasant in store for us, then it is better to live such a day as quickly as possible and forget it.

But we ourselves can manage our day, mood and state - the main thing is to start the morning correctly, make the morning good. How?

1. Get quality sleep.

The characteristics of our sleep can be different: even 12 hours of hot semi-delirium will not bring relief.

It is important to get quality sleep: go to bed early, fall asleep with pleasant thoughts, not immediately after the computer, smartphone or TV. After a movie or online game, be sure to take a break for a cup of tea and a conversation with loved ones.

Think only about good things - meetings with interesting people, chances for career growth, an evening trip to the store. It is best to sleep in a cool place (18-20 degrees), with the window slightly open.

2. Wake up early.

A day that started in turmoil with burnt scrambled eggs and spilled coffee does not promise to be languid.

Wake up promptly to the alarm and get up immediately. Give yourself a reserve of time for a morning ritual - pleasant, measured, daily.

Everyone has their own - someone meditates over a cup of freshly brewed coffee, someone goes for a run around the house, someone walks the dog and chats with a neighbor.

For Europeans, for example, it is completely normal to go to bed at 9 pm and get up at 5 am - along with the sun, trying not to miss a single ray.

3. Cancel alarm.

If you learn to get up not when the bell rings, but in advance, this will be a real feat for the benefit of your health. A sharp sound in the morning, which some people listen to even several times, is a real stress for a person.

By the time you find it, by the time you turn it off, all the pleasant morning mood will pass. If you wake up earlier than expected, don’t ignore it, don’t go back to bed, take advantage of it - this way you’ll save both your nerves and time.

4. Morning stretching.

Before you even get out of bed, you can help yourself wake up. Stretch like a cat in different directions, bend, twist. Give yourself a facial massage (finger tapping).

Turn on your favorite music, open the window, let in the sunshine. If your lover is sleeping next to you, invite him to wake up with you and have a little fun.

5. Full breakfast.

How to start the morning right? To start our body, we need to “throw some firewood into the firebox.”

The best fuel slow carbohydrates(porridge).

But it is in the morning that you can allow yourself excesses - scrambled eggs with bacon, toast with cheese, sweets.

Nothing you eat is guaranteed to be deposited on your sides! Before eating, drink a glass of water with lemon 40 minutes before your meal to replenish your hydrobalance.

6. Exercise and/or contrast shower.

Your body needs to shake itself up and warm up. Instead of sitting in front of your laptop and scrolling through the news feed, it’s better to go to the bath, lather yourself with refreshing shower gel, stand under the running water, and focus on the tasks ahead.

You will feel how your muscles are filled with energy and how your brain turns on. Strength exercises, jogging, morning yoga or regular exercises not only strengthen the body, but also give the right psychological charge: we feel strong and capable of anything.

It is useless to do a warm-up right after waking up - the muscles are still dormant. But after half an hour and a glass or two of water, you can already start training with medium activity - swings, squats, “bicycle”, turns.

In this case water procedures You should put it aside and run it after charging.

7. Find fresh air.

Drink your morning coffee on the balcony, or at least open the window wide, walk the dog, walk to work. On fresh air the head clears, worries go away, only the most important remains.

8. Start your morning correctly and brightly.

Energetic colors (red, yellow, orange) subconsciously influence our mood.

And if you see them first, then you are guaranteed programmed activity for the whole day.

Hang a colorful picture or clock in front of your bed, buy a bright robe or make the bed with linens in rich colors.

9. Spend 15 minutes on self-development.

It is difficult to respect a person who is mired in a routine and does not strive to learn new things and improve in at least something. Come up with a hobby (for example, learning Spanish or French, farming, winemaking, photography).

When you get up early, be sure to devote part of the morning to your business: take a new lesson, read a useful forum, add new information to your diary.

10. Focus on plans.

A clear understanding of the goals for the coming day is much more calming than mint tea.

Make a to-do list, schedule or table, focus on time management, decide what you will do first. Any conquest of Olympus begins with a well-thought-out plan of action.