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Meditation is an effective way to get enough sleep in 20 minutes. When can REM sleep help? Consistent sleep schedule

All people on earth spend a third of their lives sleeping. How much sleep to get enough sleep? Everyone knows that proper sleep should last 7-8 hours. It must be admitted that our modern rhythm of life sometimes leaves only 4-5 hours for sleep. In this article we will figure out how to get enough sleep in a short time and not cause damage to your own body.

About sleep

Let's try to answer this question by analyzing the processes occurring in the body during night sleep. Healthy sleep is on average divided into 4 cycles, including two phases: REM sleep and slow sleep. These phases change every hour and a half. During the fast phase, the sleeper's muscle tone weakens, the body becomes completely motionless and the work of the internal organs is activated. It is during this time that we see most of our dreams.

The slow-wave sleep phase, on the contrary, relaxes muscles, lowers the temperature in the human body, and slows down the heart rate and breathing. The eyeballs begin to move slowly, and metabolic processes slow down. This phase lasts approximately 15 minutes.

A full night's sleep is a necessity. But if you don’t have enough time to get enough sleep, try these tips on how to get enough sleep quickly:

First of all, you need to relax. Before going to bed, you need to turn off your consciousness from problems and try to tune in to rest. You can drink a glass of milk, listen to relaxing music and ventilate the room.

  • Do not overeat at night, because the body spends a lot of energy on processing, instead of restoring the body. The same applies to alcohol, the body spends even more energy to neutralize it.
  • Stick to a sleep schedule - you should try to fall asleep at the same time you choose. When choosing a schedule, it is important to remember that one hour of sleep before twelve is equal to two after.

How to get enough sleep quickly

Let's look at how to get enough sleep in an hour. As modern scientists say, a person can get a full night’s sleep in one hour without causing damage to his body. Let's figure it out: in modern history there are facts about great people who constantly did not get enough sleep and at the same time did their great deeds. For example: the great statesman Napoleon, who slept a maximum of five hours a day.

Reducing sleep is now considered possible. To do this, during the resting process it is necessary to plunge into a deep phase, in which the body completely rests and recovers. Let's look at these rules. They will help you learn how to sleep less and get enough sleep.

  • It is necessary to always ventilate the room before going to bed, since the presence of oxygen in the air encourages deeper sleep.
  • You need to go to bed in a relaxed and calm state, completely disconnected from the problems of the day.
  • Provide comfort during sleep, namely a comfortable and comfortable bed, pillow and blanket.
  • Do not overeat or drink alcohol at night.
  • Determine your most optimal start to the biological night.

How to get enough sleep in three hours

Let's look at the most important aspects of how to sleep to get three hours of sleep.

The most important thing is not to focus on the fact that you are only going to sleep for three hours. Mentally tell yourself: that you will sleep soundly, calmly and will be able to fully recover after sleep. You need to try not to think about tomorrow's affairs, and also stop worrying that you won't be able to get a full night's sleep.

You should also set yourself the task of waking up at the right time. Every person has a biological clock that will always help you get up at the time you need. When you lie down on the bed, mentally say: I will wake up at the time I need (indicate the exact time). You can also mentally imagine the clock and the required time for it, as well as yourself waking up on time.

If you question these methods, try setting your alarm 2-3 minutes later than usual. In most cases, people wake up at their programmed time and turn off the alarm before it even rings.

It is always worth remembering that your brain is your friend, and the best one, which will always complete the task assigned to it. Therefore, cast aside all doubts and completely trust him, and then you are guaranteed to wake up cheerful, rested and full

People are desperately short of time. In order to live better, you need to work more. While a person is young and healthy, he asks the question: “How to get enough sleep in a short time in order to remain alert and productive?” If you have a busy work schedule, before the session you can only take a couple of hours away from sleep for entertainment, household chores or additional work. Doctors warn about... People should think not how to sleep less, but how to get a good night's sleep. But life dictates its own conditions, and scientists are developing methods for short sleep that do not deprive the body of full recovery.

The problem of how to get enough sleep in just 4-5 hours is not faced by a person who follows a routine. If you go to bed on time and not, six hours of night rest is enough for physical and mental health. The most productive time for sleep is from 22:00 to 02:00. The brain rests until midnight, renewal mechanisms are launched, and the day's information is processed. During this period, recovery processes occur, the body accumulates energy for subsequent activities. After three o'clock in the morning, the organs begin to wake up, the metabolism accelerates. At four in the morning you can get up and get to work, play sports, and do your favorite things. Six hours of sleep is enough to remain productive and not have serious health problems. The technique of how to get a good night's sleep in 6 hours so as not to want to sleep throughout the day is not difficult.
You only need to worry about proper rest in advance:

  • Provide comfortable conditions (comfortable bedding, ventilation);
  • Learn to relax in order to let go of anxious thoughts that prevent you from falling asleep quickly;
  • Do not drink caffeinated drinks 3-4 hours before bedtime;
  • Don't overeat at night. To prevent an empty stomach from interfering with sleep, you need to eat vegetables, fruits, nuts, oatmeal, and drink a glass of warm milk with honey.
  • Develop the habit of going to bed and getting up at the same time.

After 3-4 weeks, a person will adapt to the regime - he will quickly fall asleep and feel alert all day.

How to ensure an easy awakening

The sleep cycle lasts 90 minutes and ends with REM sleep, when the heart rate accelerates and brain activity increases. This phase lasts about 10 minutes. The end of the cycle is the most appropriate moment to awaken. Four cycles are enough for proper rest, you just need to accurately calculate the interval so that the alarm clock does not ring during deep sleep. The one and a half hour cycle may shift slightly in one direction or another. You can find out the duration of the period yourself by observing the state at the moment of awakening. If you feel tired, it means you woke up in the slow-wave sleep phase and you should move your awakening forward. When calculating, you need to take into account that on average it takes 10-20 minutes to fall asleep, and in the subsequent cycle the REM sleep phase becomes longer. For example, you need to get 5 hours of sleep. If you decide to go to bed at 22:00, you need to add 15 minutes to fall asleep and 4.5 hours (three cycles). The alarm clock should be set for 02:45. If you want to wake up at four in the morning, then go to bed so that by 22:00 or 23:30 you are already asleep. When the calculations are made correctly and the moment of rise is determined, you can get 3 hours of sleep and wake up full of energy. But you can’t create extreme conditions for the body and don’t get enough sleep too often. If you don’t know how little to sleep and get enough sleep, contact a sleep center for 24-hour EEG monitoring. Based on the results of the data, experts will determine the duration of the cycle and how much time you need to sleep to recuperate.

Alternative Sleep Modes

If you don't know how to learn to sleep less, try the polyphasic sleep method. Polyphasic sleep is that instead of a long eight-hour sleep, which is considered necessary for an adult to sleep per day, it is divided into several periods with a reduction in its duration. According to adherents of the idea, the quality of sleep improves and a surge of energy and strength is felt. Sleep time is reduced by reducing the slow-wave sleep phase. This way you can get enough sleep in two hours. In addition, the period after waking up is considered the most productive. Polyphasic sleep results in several periods of increased productivity. This regime requires strong motivation, patience and willpower.

Since complete Non-REM lasts about an hour and a half, that is, up to 80% of all sleep, it takes up basically all of its volume. According to adherents of the method, the body does not have a special need for the Non-REM phase, because energy “recharging” occurs during the REM fast phase. Therefore, the main task of polyphasic sleep is to learn to immediately enter the fast phase.

Several multiphase sleep modes have been developed with different durations and an indication of how many times a day you need to sleep:

  • Dymaxion.
    Sleep is divided into 4 parts of 30 minutes every 6 hours. The total duration of rest, excluding the time of falling asleep, is 2 hours. This REM sleep technique is difficult for an ordinary person.
  • Uberman.
    Sleep lasts 20 minutes every 6 hours. The implementation of the method may be hindered by your work schedule. It is necessary to strictly adhere to the schedule. Rest dates cannot be transferred to another time. Skipping one phase ends in unbearable drowsiness and fatigue. The energy obtained during a short recovery period is quickly consumed. In 20 minutes, a sleeping person does not have time to fall into a state of deep sleep, wakes up easily, but throughout the day he feels tired and lacks strength. If you decide to use the method and are wondering how to learn to sleep less, think about how the experiment might end for your health.
  • Everyman.
    1.5-3 hours are allotted for night rest; during the day you need to sleep three times for 20 minutes at equal intervals. A good way for those who don’t know how to get enough sleep in a short time and maintain performance. It is advisable that the first phase of sleep occurs before midnight. For example, from 22:00 to 01:30. After two o'clock in the morning, sleep will be of less quality.
  • Siesta.
    The most gentle mode for those who are wondering how to get enough sleep in a few hours and have time to prepare for a session or submit a project. Five hours of sleep at night and 20-90 minutes during the day allows you to restore vitality and the nervous system, and obtain the energy necessary for work. After a day's rest, the material covered is better absorbed and your ability to work increases.
  • Tesla.
    It turns out that the famous electrical engineer Nikola Tesla knew how to learn to sleep little. Perhaps thanks to such an extreme regime, he made many discoveries. Just 2 hours of sleep at night and 20 minutes of daytime sleep give you a lot of free time. Is it possible to get enough sleep during this period? Most likely no. And in the future, giving up this most important physiological need will affect your health.

Adherents of the teaching believe that it is important to painlessly move from traditional to polyphasic sleep, then everything will be much simpler. The recommended transition mechanism is usually as follows:

  1. First, just learn to go to bed and get up at the same time.
  2. Then break the long sleep into 2 phases of 3-4 hours per sleep - that is, practice biphasic sleep.
  3. The transition to polyphasic sleep, which includes 3-4 hours of sleep at night and short periods of sleep during the day.

For full effective adaptation to the polyphasic sleep technique, it usually takes no more than three weeks. It will be most difficult for those people who are not used to resting during the day at all, so it is more difficult for them to quickly fall asleep during daylight hours.

However, it should be noted that polyphasic sleep has never been studied at a medical level. Many doctors express their concerns about it. For some diseases, such as cardiovascular and nervous diseases, reducing sleep time is directly contraindicated.

How to sleep less using the Wayne method

Doctor of Medical Sciences Alexander Moiseevich Wayne has been studying the effect of sleep on brain function for a long time and has developed a method for getting enough sleep in 4 hours. The essence of the technique is that a person must determine the most favorable periods for sleep. You will have to devote a day to the experiment. It is necessary to listen to the sensations in the body, evaluate the intensity and record the duration of the moments when you most want to fall asleep. After a day, you will need to choose the two longest intervals with the strongest desire to sleep. You will have to sleep at this time. For example, 2.5-3 and 1-1.5 hours. For the method to work, it is important to fall asleep at the exact time.

Proponents of the polyphasic regime claim that short periods of sleep activate the body's hidden resources and are a stepping stone to new achievements. Doctors believe that most methods that teach how to get enough sleep in an hour are harmful to the immune system, mental and physical health. It is especially difficult for people who take a long time to fall asleep to switch to polyphasic mode.

List of used literature:

  • Zepelin H. Normal age related changes in sleep // Sleep Disorders: Basic and Clinical Research / ed. by M. Chase, E. D. Weitzman. - New York: SP Medical, 1983. - P. 431-434.
  • Morrissey M., Duntley S., Anch A., Nonneman R. Active sleep and its role in the prevention of apoptosis in the developing brain. // Med Hypotheses: journal. - 2004. - Vol. 62, no. 6. - P. 876-9. - PMID 15142640.
  • Marks G., Shaffery J., Oksenberg A., Speciale S., Roffwarg H. A functional role for REM sleep in brain maturation. // Behav Brain Res: journal. - 1995. - Vol. 69, no. 1-2. - P. 1-11. - PMID 7546299.


Remember that the effect of such a short sleep will not last long - the reserve of vigor will only last three to four hours. Next, you should repeat the short sleep session. However, this will not work forever - you will still have to take a break for a full sleep.

Provide access to fresh air in the room: only if there is sufficient oxygen, a short nap will be beneficial. Go to bed with the window slightly open.

Choose the optimal sleeping position. Sleeping in a sitting or crouched position will not help. You need to lie down and completely relax all your muscles. Choose a pose at your own discretion - the main thing is that both arms and legs are comfortable.

Going to bed for 15 minutes is still not after eating. It is better that the person is almost hungry at this time. Perhaps a glass of milk with honey will help you very quickly. However, some short sleep “practitioners” recommend a cup of coffee before falling asleep. In just 15 minutes, an invigorating drink will help you wake up easily and simply, with an additional boost of energy.

If you have the opportunity to take a shower before bed, be sure to do so. Only the water must be warm and comfortable, otherwise it will be quite difficult to fall asleep. Another option is a soothing bath with aromatic sea water. However, it is unlikely that a person who has taken only 15 minutes to sleep will find half an hour to relax in the bathroom.

Don't sleep near the TV. A fifteen-minute sleep in a “buzzing” room will only worsen the condition, adding to the headache. You should sleep in perfect silence.

Try to pamper yourself at least once (or better twice) a week with a full eight-hour sleep in a quiet and ventilated room. Only if you regularly “sleep” will there be any benefit from short-term sleep.

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  • how to get enough sleep if you don't have time

On busy weekdays, there is often a need to complete all the tasks before going to bed, or to wake up early for the same purpose. Recently, notes began to appear on the Internet that it turns out that if you want, you can sleep only two hours a day.


For quite some time now, scientists have discovered that human sleep occurs in different phases. In the first few hours, the deep sleep phase passes, and closer to the morning, sleep becomes more superficial and intermittent. Moreover, if you go to bed late, the first phase may never occur, as a result the person will not be able to rest completely. Therefore, experts recommend going to bed earlier, preferably after 21:00. Of course, it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to get enough sleep in two hours, but if, for example, you work a shift, you’ll be able to get some energy for a while before going on it.

Ukrainian Alexey Mas published a detailed plan in which he told how to get enough sleep in two hours a day, while feeling great. To do this, he suggests using a philosophical method based on the understanding that sleep is an avoidance of various problems, troubles, as well as the desire to work and simply live. If you detach yourself from all this and tune in to the positive, trying to get only joy and pleasure from life, anyone can get a peaceful night's sleep in just two hours. At the same time, you can go to bed at any time as soon as the body itself wants it.

In addition, there is a special science - valeology. Representatives of this area believe that the healthiest sleep lasts from 19 to. At this time, renewal processes are actively occurring in the body, so just an hour of sleep during this period can restore strength as if a person had slept for many hours.

However, doctors say that there are not yet sufficiently effective ways to shorten sleep without causing harm to health. On average, a person needs to sleep at least 5.5 hours, which is a little over three sleep cycles. This is the only way to restore strength, although a person is unlikely to feel well-rested. You should listen to your body and understand how many hours it actually needs to rest.

The high pace of life and stressful situations affect mental and physical health. After a stormy day, a person goes to bed, thinks about how to quickly fall asleep and get enough sleep, but his thoughts return to problems again, planning the next day. The result is insomnia, difficulty waking up, headaches and bad mood. Constant lack of sleep is manifested by dizziness, fatigue, irritability, and decreased performance.
People themselves create situations that interfere with rest. To get a good night's sleep you need
provide conditions for full restoration of strength.

In order to sleep and get enough sleep you need to follow simple rules.

  • Provide your body with magnesium. Wrong food and stressful situations lead to a lack of magnesium, which is necessary to maintain the order of sleep phases and muscle relaxation. Magnesium deficiency can cause seizures and early awakenings. Unpleasant sensations in the lower extremities force you to move and prevent you from getting enough sleep at night. Magnesium is involved in the synthesis of melatonin, the lack of which disrupts the depth and cycles of sleep. The following will help to compensate for magnesium deficiency: cocoa, cheese, buckwheat, oatmeal, almonds, prunes, dried apricots or Magne B6 and its analogues.
  • If you don’t know how to get enough sleep, follow biological rhythms. Patients with insomnia often ask: “What time should you go to bed?” Try to go to bed between 21:00 and 23:00 and get up at the same time in the morning. Researchers have determined that the nervous system and all organs rest between 10 pm and 2 am. After 5 o'clock in the morning, sleep becomes restless and metabolism accelerates.
  • Exercise your body during the day, you will fall asleep better and get enough sleep at night. People whose profession involves intellectual work cannot sleep because they are not physically tired at work. Lack of physical activity contributes to the development of heart and vascular diseases and leads to sleep disturbances.
  • Hiking and cycling in the fresh air, swimming, rhythmic gymnastics 3-4 hours before bedtime are a little tiring, relieve nervous and mental tension, and improve your mood. After performing sports exercises, the production of melatonin (sleep hormone) increases. In addition, moderate physical activity helps to destroy the stress hormone (cortisol), which provokes restlessness, increased blood pressure, insomnia at night, etc.

Physical overload is stressful for the body and increases cortisol.

  • Don't go to bed with a full stomach or feeling hungry. Many people complain: “I can’t get enough sleep, I don’t fall asleep well, sometimes I don’t sleep at all, even though I go to bed at the same time.” Sleep quality is related to food. Avoid heavy meals after 6 pm. To prevent hunger from interfering with falling asleep, you can eat dairy products, vegetable salad, omelet, and lean fish.
  • Leave negative thoughts outside the bedroom. You won’t be able to sleep if you’re replaying the situation in your head, getting angry, or offended. To distract yourself and calm down, you need to read, watch a light movie or listen to pleasant music. Think less about how to fall asleep quickly and why am I not sleeping again. Don't look at the clock thinking about how to start getting enough sleep. Take a comfortable position, dream about good things.
  • Do not take sedatives uncontrollably.

A sleeping pill can be replaced by:

  • banana;
  • a glass of warm milk;
  • lemon balm or valerian tea;
  • a glass of water with honey and lemon juice;
  • inhaling the scent of lavender or valerian.

Natural sleeping pill

With the onset of darkness, the pineal gland begins to produce melatonin, a sufficient amount of which accelerates the onset of sleep. The hormone is produced not just in the dark, but under the condition that the person is in a dark room. The light-sensitive pigment in the retina sends information to the pineal gland about light levels. The brain can be tricked by not turning on bright lights in the room in the evening. At night, if your bedroom window faces a lighted street, you can use a blindfold.

Sleeping area

The bedroom is meant to be slept in. There is no place for a TV or computer. How can a wife get enough sleep if her husband is watching an action movie or tapping on the keyboard? The chic, well-thought-out interior is conducive to relaxation. But not everyone even has a separate room. You need to organize a sleeping place based on the circumstances. Everyone can choose beautiful bed linen, a comfortable mattress and pillow. When choosing bedding, you need to focus on your preferences. The sleeper needs fresh air. The most acceptable temperature for sleeping is 19–20 °C.

What is the best position to sleep in?

Everyone chooses the most comfortable position for themselves. Lying on your stomach strengthens your back muscles, but makes breathing difficult. Due to the unnatural position of the cervical spine, the vertebral artery is partially blocked, and the blood supply to the brain deteriorates. In the supine position, the load on the spine is minimal, the abdominal organs are not compressed, and the muscles relax. The position is not suitable for the sick, suffering and those who snore. When sleeping on the side, the airways do not close, enough oxygen is supplied to the organs, and the load on the lower back is reduced. But sometimes my arms or legs become numb. If you don't know how to lie down and sleep to get enough sleep, try falling asleep in a different position. Perhaps they arose due to a position that seems comfortable to you, but internal organs feel inconvenienced.

Sleep norm

How much sleep you need to wake up alert and rested depends on biorhythms, age, and stress. The need for sleep may vary for the same person. After hard work, during periods of illness, the body needs a long rest. Older people get enough sleep faster. Women's brains work more intensely and they need more sleep to allow the brain to recover. At least 7-8 hours of quality sleep per day is a condition for good health during the day.

Many people do not know how to get enough sleep when rest time is limited. Try to sleep from 10 pm to 3 am. During this period the body will rest. But what to do if you haven’t gotten enough sleep and there are exams or a difficult work day ahead? They will help the body turn on, invigorate, create a good mood:
  • physical exercise;
  • cold and hot shower;
  • bright light;
  • coffee with a piece of dark chocolate.

No work can replace health; to be productive, take more rest. It's bad to sleep too much. Systematic oversleeping weakens the body, can cause headaches, and increases the risk of developing heart disease. If you want to sleep constantly despite having enough hours of sleep, you need to contact a specialist. This may indicate metabolic disorders, diabetes mellitus, anemia.

It seems that everyone knows the truth, but for various reasons people do not pay attention to such little things. And having developed insomnia, he comes to see a specialist with the question of how to learn to get enough sleep. Sound sleep depends on a healthy lifestyle. The best prevention of insomnia is moderate nutrition, physical activity, a positive attitude towards life, and avoidance of stimulants and bad habits.

List of used literature:

  • Zepelin H. Normal age related changes in sleep // Sleep Disorders: Basic and Clinical Research / ed. by M. Chase, E. D. Weitzman. - New York: SP Medical, 1983. - P. 431-434.
  • Morrissey M., Duntley S., Anch A., Nonneman R. Active sleep and its role in the prevention of apoptosis in the developing brain. // Med Hypotheses: journal. - 2004. - Vol. 62, no. 6. - P. 876-9. - PMID 15142640.
  • Marks G., Shaffery J., Oksenberg A., Speciale S., Roffwarg H. A functional role for REM sleep in brain maturation. // Behav Brain Res: journal. - 1995. - Vol. 69, no. 1-2. - P. 1-11. - PMID 7546299.

Most people have thought at least once in their lives about how to get enough sleep in the shortest possible time. A person cannot function normally without sleep, but at the same time it takes away a very significant portion of his life.

Debates have been going on for many years about how much time a person needs for his body to fully recover. Some sources say 7-8 hours, others prove to us that 5 hours is enough for a person to sleep. But no matter what anyone says, we still dream of sleeping less every day, but not having to suffer or feel overwhelmed when waking up.

Is it possible to sleep little and still get a good night's sleep?

Sleep is necessary for a person, and this is no secret to anyone. Lack of sleep makes us unproductive, aggressive, and lethargic. You can immediately tell from a person that he did not get a good night's sleep by his appearance. This is evidenced by a gray skin tone, circles under the eyes, and a inhibited reaction to questions from others. So, perhaps there is no point in writing this article, because it is clear that you need to sleep for a long time. And we won’t get away from this. But no.

Each of us remembers how one day I really wanted to sleep, my eyes closed, and even the strongest coffee did not help. And when there was an opportunity to literally lie down to sleep for 15-30 minutes, they got up as if born again. There was not a trace of weakness in your body; you looked at the world with wide eyes.

But it also happened that you went to bed very early, you had twice as much time for sleep as usual, but you got up completely exhausted. The eyes did not want to open, the body was lethargic. It’s not for nothing that there is an expression: “The more you sleep, the more you want.” All this tells us that you can still get enough sleep in a short time. So what's the secret? This will be discussed below.

How to get enough sleep quickly in a short time?

Why is there such a phenomenon that after sleeping for 15 minutes, a person feels rested and invigorated? The fact is that when we fall asleep, our entire sleep is divided into two stages:

  • REM sleep phase

It lasts about 15-20 minutes. During this time, the brain has time to process information and transfer it from short-term memory to long-term memory. He is partially released. Therefore, if possible, you can practice short-term sleep for 15 minutes several times a day. Especially if your job allows it, and you work a lot mentally and not physically;

  • slow-wave sleep phase

It occurs after the REM sleep phase. If a person is woken up during this period, he may feel overwhelmed. You won't be able to get enough sleep in an hour or more. But there is one nuance here.

The phases of REM and NREM sleep alternate throughout the night.

Therefore, if you wake up at the moment when slow-wave sleep is replaced by a rapid phase, you will feel great. And vice versa.

What does this look like in practice?

It's simple. To get a quick rest and for you to be productive again, you should practice taking a 15-minute nap every day. This practice helps reduce the time it takes for the body to recover during the night. To do this, you simply have to take breaks when you work. Then set an alarm clock and go to bed to rest, but do this for no more than 15-20 minutes.

Once, the famous billionaire was asked in an interview how he manages to manage so many things. His answer, of course, said that you shouldn’t be afraid to do whatever you like. But he also said that he practices 15-minute naps during the day, so he doesn't need as much sleep at night as other people.

So, who else should you listen to, if not those people who actually manage to do a lot of things and at the same time always look healthy.

How to sleep 15 minutes a day?

There are a number of rules that, if followed, will help you make your vacation even more productive and useful:

  1. Always ventilate the room. And when you sleep for 15 minutes during the day, and when you rest at night;
  2. If possible, take a shower, but it should not be cool or contrasting;
  3. Never sleep with a TV or other devices that distract your brain in the background;
  4. Don't overeat. Otherwise, the brain will work to digest the food;
  5. Set an alarm.

It is worth noting that you must comply with all of the above before you rest for the night.

Go to bed before midnight. Every hour of sleep before midnight is equal to two. This means that if you go to bed at 10 p.m. and wake up at 6 a.m., your body will feel like it’s been after 10 hours of rest, not after 8.

Try to sleep for 15 minutes whenever possible: during lunch breaks, on public transport. Of course, this is difficult for those people who work in offices. Not every entrepreneur practices 15-minute naps for their employees. But such offices exist. For everyone else there is lunch time. Of course, the best way to practice short naps is for those who work for themselves.

It is also worth noting that you need to wake up in the morning during the REM sleep phase. How to do this, you ask? Modern technology is amazing. These days you can buy watches that record your movements throughout the night and calculate the moments when one phase gives way to another. There are also special programs for phones or tablets. But then you will have to sleep together in the gadget.

All of the above explains why a person can rest in a short period of time. Put the tips into practice and you will notice how much easier it becomes for you.