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I dreamed of a dead man alive. Why do you dream about dead relatives - is this a good or bad indicator?

Good day, dear friends! Today we will look at another dream. But it's creepy. We will try to find out why you dream of a living person as a dead person.
But in reality, everything is not so scary and the dream is not so bad. In many sources, it just means a change in the weather.

At the same time, the person who was seen in a vision so badly will have a long and happy life.

If a person who is alive in reality dies in a dream, then this indicates changes in life. This phenomenon symbolizes the rejection of everything old, as well as the desire for the new.

It may be a signal for an imminent move, a change of activity, or even a move to another country.
Such dreams may indicate disappointment and abandonment of old principles. They may even change.

Changes can also affect the person who was dreamed. Moreover, the dreamer may be involved in these events.
What does the death of a living person mean in a dream can be read in various dream books.

For example, this may also indicate changes in the relationship with him.
At the same time, it is necessary to analyze your attitude towards this person; maybe aggression, envy or other negative feelings come from him.

If a living person dies in a dream, then this may be a warning.

Perhaps someone from this person’s circle wishes him harm and is hindering his progress. In this case, the person may be in danger, but not physical, but psychological or financial.
If a person died unexpectedly in your dream, then this may also indicate a change in the weather. For example, on the street, and you react to changes in atmospheric phenomena.

But if in your dream people you know die in an accident, then this advice is to remain careful and stay alert.

You can find yourself in a whirlpool of unusual and rapid events. Moreover, they will arise unexpectedly. At the same time, it will be unclear where the enemies are and where the friends are.

But such a whirlwind will pass very quickly.
There is nothing terrible about meeting a dead person. This may be a harbinger of good news. If a dead person passed by, this may mean that bad things will pass you by.

Who do the dead dream about?

If a deceased person dreams of a living and close relative, this means that a long and happy life, health and prosperity awaits him.

Therefore, you should not panic if your husband or wife appeared in this form in a dream.
Such a dream can also be a warning, for example, condemning the dreamer’s lifestyle. In this case, caution is shown in your statements and deeds.
If you dream that your mother, who is alive, has died, then this foreshadows the emergence of new responsibilities and rights. Girls in reality will lose support, and they will have to shoulder many responsibilities.
A dream in which your father died warns that he may soon have problems and failures.

For girls, such a vision means deception on the part of young people.
If you have lost a boyfriend or girlfriend, then this is a harbinger of disappointment and loss. Business people should be wary of business failures, poor financial condition and a large number of other difficulties.

Also, such dreams promise difficulties in relationships with friends, business partners, or even difficulties in business.
If you were truly grieving in a dream, then in the morning you can rejoice, since this person will be healthy and happy for a long time and nothing bad will happen to him.
A living person in a coffin can mean difficulties and... Such a vision may also mean that you yourself are creating various difficulties for yourself along the way.

At the same time, you can project your complexes and problems onto loved ones.
In this case, it is important to analyze your actions and pay attention inward.
In addition, such a dream can symbolize receiving material profit, unexpected news and dramatic changes in life situation.

You may dream about a grandfather or grandmother who is still alive. In the gypsy dream book, such a dream foreshadows help from somewhere or advice.

It is important to remember the words that were spoken in the dream. If your grandmother died in a dream, then this could mean your long life.

It may also mean that you will find answers to many questions.
It is considered a favorable sign to see a grandmother’s house, which is a symbol of a hearth for support, warmth and shelter.

Po may mean some changes for health. If the housewife entered the house during sleep, this could be a sign of imminent wealth.

Meanings in the dream book

If people you barely know die in your dream, this indicates that you need to change. Think about your associations.

You can initiate changes in this area, because they will work out. If the dream was terrible and you immediately woke up, then this symbolizes a flurry of changes.
Also, seeing a living person dead in a dream can also mean that in real life he will lose his authority for you.

The dream can be interpreted as a hostile attitude towards this person. In this case, you should show restraint to avoid conflict situations.
A dream when a person dies before our eyes, then you should prepare for troubles, disagreements and even separation.

Adaskin's Dream Book

A dead person is most often dreamed of in rainy weather, but it can promise danger or a bad outcome to some business.
If the dead person is calm and even cheerful, then this is a wonderful sign, but if he is sad or violent, then it is a bad sign.

Giving something to a dead person is not a good value, but taking something is excellent.
If a dead person suddenly comes to life and says that he is alive, then you will return something long lost. In a dream, dressing or moving a dead person can promise illness.
Relief is foreshadowed by a vision in which the dead man disintegrates or crumbles.

Values ​​according to Kratov

This dream book says that the dead can come to a person in dreams, on whom he greatly depended.

Often such people may even need help, especially if the loss occurred recently. Such visions can last up to 40 days.
When you have nightmares with the dead, this may indicate a feeling of guilt.
Sometimes the dead try to convey information that will help the dreamer in his life. For example, to protect from something.

Different meanings of unusual dreams

Let's consider other popular interpretations from different dream books:

  1. According to the dream book, a dead man in a vision is a symbol of the fact that goals and desires are not moving anywhere, but are stuck inside you. These are subconscious prohibitions, fears or even psychological barriers.
  2. A dead man lying motionless in a coffin is a warning about the difficult life path that lies ahead of you. You just need to prepare, and there is nothing to be afraid of. Even if there are difficulties, you will be able to overcome them.
  3. If suddenly a dead man comes to life in a dream, then this is just a sign of some kind of news. Maybe you will receive news from afar or strangers will bring news.
  4. A large number speaks of fears that are mostly unfounded. But they interfere with your self-realization.
  5. If you see yourself dead, then do not panic. Such a dream promises new life, happiness and renewal.
  6. Walking zombies can be a dream to show the emptiness of your fears and worries. This is advice to change something in your life, since anxiety prevents you from achieving the desired result.
  7. If you dream of an acquaintance who died a long time ago, then this means the resurrection of abandoned affairs, as well as new strength. Such a vision symbolizes a surge of new opportunities and fruitful work.
  8. Talking to the dead is also a good sign; it can mean peace, harmonious relationships and well-being.
  9. Don't be scared if a dead person kisses and hugs you in a dream, as this could be a sign of a new romance. Moreover, your object of love is a very famous, important person and has authority in society. If he swears, it’s not so bad either.
  10. If a dead person cries in a dream, then you should be wary of conflicts with relatives. Perhaps you are inattentive to the people around you.
    Many people are interested in why they dream of dead animals and birds. For example, dead pets symbolize temporary difficulties. If it's dead cattle, then it means a cold. Dead birds indicate that you cannot relax. But bodies to get rid of problems.

In any case, analyze your dream and think about it. Remember not to trust the dream world too much. What matters is what you think about all this and your attitude.

Perhaps this is just a dream, a figment of your imagination and subconscious and nothing more. In reality, only you yourself are responsible for what is happening around you.

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For a long time, scientists tried to decipher dreams, but every time, all attempts were unsuccessful. Because it is quite difficult to project a certain vision that comes from the subconscious. After all, every person is individual, and everyone’s life has its own special directions, and therefore much remains a mystery. The only thing that can be noted is that experts have come quite close to understanding some points. For example, the question of why a dead person dreams of being alive has almost a complete explanation. After all, this fragment always brings some changes to the future. Almost every such vision is identified with certain events.

A man who lives only in the subconscious

The line between life and death has never had precise outlines. Everything related to the kingdom of the dead has always caused fear, and therefore many people think that seeing a loved one who is no longer in the world of the living promises misfortune. We will try to somewhat dispel this assumption and reassure you. Using examples, we will look at the most common predictions that come true after such a dream.

First of all, you need to accurately remember the dream. Never try to understand the future through the prism of a dream if you are not fully able to project all the fragments and remember the details.

What matters is who you are as a person. If he is one of your close, blood relatives, then by his appearance he foreshadows events that will be related to your health. Often, the dead try to warn about illnesses or illnesses, misfortunes or some circumstances that threaten your life. Many people believe that such dreams do not have any positive omens. Increasingly, they promise trouble, Unfortunately it is so. But we should not forget that not only the person is important, but also the circumstances under which he appeared.

The Four Most Significant Key Values

The interpretation of such a dream comes down to several decodings. So, to understand why a dead person dreams of being alive, you need to know:

  • When you dreamed of a friend who was recently buried, he tells you that a meeting will take place and it may be quite important. Seeing a friend does not always mean that the meeting will be good; sometimes the prediction is different - an enemy will appear in your life.
  • Regarding that, if you see deceased children in such a role, then this can only mean negative events that will begin to occur.
  • For example, if you see a deceased father in a dream talking to you or behaving appropriately in certain circumstances, then this foreshadowing is always classified as predictions and hints. The way the conversation goes and the topic of communication is the key to the solution. If he advises something, then it is better to listen and follow the recommendations.
  • Seeing your mother alive and hugging you means you need support. You lack understanding; now the period will come when the help of a reliable person will be the best way for you to get away from problems.

To understand why dead people dream of being alive, one should turn to the knowledge of the past. People have long known that dead people enter dreams for a reason. Sometimes they come to say something, and in other situations they simply show the person not peace of mind.

If such dreams are repeated and always have one definite course of events, then you should go to church and light a candle. In this way you will give peace of mind to the person who has left this world. If such manipulation does not change anything, then you should understand what kind of information is conveyed to you. Most often, you need to look at your life and re-evaluate your behavior and understanding - this is the only way you will be able to hear a person.

Another look at a dream

It is not uncommon for a deceased person to come to you alive, which also means that you should let the person go. We all perceive the departure of our loved ones differently, but this is not a reason to keep them here, which means we should accept what is happening. Very often, parents come to their children to reassure them and show that they are there. It seemed that this was impossible, but very often such a dream does not carry any meaning, but is simply a relay of subconscious restlessness. Therefore, no matter how difficult it may be, you need to perceive everything correctly, because death is the end of life, this is the rule that exists.

Why dream of the death of a person who is alive - such a dream is a warning, it says that life is unpredictable, and therefore something bad can happen to this person. Often This version of the vision testified to the death of a loved one, a long illness. Small children often have such dreams, but then they have no meaning, but are only the child’s fear. If a living person appears dead in an adult’s dream, then it is important to know that this is a harbinger of sorrows.

Remember that every dream is a message and a hint, it is a fragment of the future, which means you need to take such phenomena seriously. You should remember that each dream in your life has an individual meaning and only you can understand it.

Incredible facts

If you've ever lost a loved one, you know that their loss can last a lifetime until one day you feel a little relieved.

Regardless of our religious or spiritual beliefs, when we experience the death of a loved one, we often feel like we see them everywhere, or they come to us in our dreams.

But can a deceased person talk to us through dreams?

When we see dreams, some nooks and crannies of our subconscious, our memories and emotions are revealed to us, which remain unnoticed by us in a conscious state.

Dreams of the deceased are a normal part of the bereavement experience. This way we remember the person and for a short time feel less pain from their loss.

Sometimes a dream is just a dream, which is a memory of a person who has passed away.

But many believe that deceased relatives, loved ones and close friendstrying to contact us through dreams and convey some message . Here are a few signs that a deceased person wants to contact you in a dream.

Seeing a dead person in a dream

1. You wake up feeling like you were being watched.

Many people feel as if loved ones are watching over them after they leave this world. When you wake up from sleep and feel as if someone was in the room with you, it is possible that the deceased was trying to tell you that he is watching over you.

Although the feeling of being watched can be alarming, in this case you feel a sense of security. All this may be a sign that a loved one is making themselves known.

2. You had vivid memories of a loved one in your dreams.

Sometimes when we are awake we remember loved ones, but memories in dreams are a sign that they may be trying to contact you.

This is especially true in cases where a loved one helps you remember something that you wouldn't normally think about, for example, through a forgotten memory of him.

This memory may contain a message that they would like to bring to your attention.

Seeing the deceased in a dream

3. A loved one looked different than usual.

If a close relative or friend appears in your dream, but does not look the same as usual, this may be a sign that he is sending you some kind of warning.

Pay attention to the signs you see in your dreams. He may be trying to warn you of a dangerous situation or upcoming changes.

4. You wake up feeling peaceful.

What could be more beautiful than a feeling of complete calm and serenity?

This doesn't happen very often, and if your loved one is concerned about your health or well-being, they may tries to help you by sending you a sound and peaceful sleep.

5. Your dreams seemed very real.

Dreams of the deceased can be vivid and realistic to the point that the person feels as if the deceased was actually there. In a dream you can smell, touch and hear the deceased.

These dreams can also be emotionally charged, and since you feel their presence strongly, this can stir up painful feelings again.

It is likely that a deceased loved one does not want to hurt you, but is trying to be close to you.

Dream about a dead person

6. Your loved one looks younger and better than when he passed away.

Loved ones often appear in dreams healthier and more vibrant than they were when they passed away.

You see them in the way you chose to remember them. So they trying to let you know that they didn't suffer when they have died, and are able to appear happier and more whole to you.

7. A deceased person says that everything is fine with him, and he is with you.

In dreams, the deceased sometimes speak to us. You may hear their voice or feel as if they are speaking. Very often they know that you care about them and appear in your dreams to let them know that they are okay where they are.

Sometimes it happens that in a dream a person appears before us who is no longer in this world. This could be our relative, friend or just an acquaintance. A special role in explaining the dream is played by what the plot was, what the deceased told you. Also, the gender and age of the dreamer have a bearing on obtaining an accurate answer.

For example, men may have this dream before an important event related to their business sphere. This can well be considered a sign that the dreamer is on the wrong path; his further actions can have a detrimental effect on his future life. After having a dream, it is better to refrain from driving and entertainment - this can end in trouble.

If a young girl dreamed of a man who died, then she may soon encounter unforeseen circumstances that will radically disrupt her planned actions. Also, this plot can symbolize a quarrel or separation with a loved one. For married ladies, this is most likely a warning that a tense period has begun in the family. Further relationships in the family depend only on your ability to smooth out conflicts and transfer negativity into a peaceful direction.

It is great if the dreamer remembers what the deceased told him. Very often, words literally represent valuable advice or directions to the right path. It is also important what mood the deceased was in. Seeing a smile on the face of the deceased is a good sign, promising long-awaited news. A person who saw a dead man in a good mood will soon become happy and lucky. If in a dream the deceased people were not in the mood, then this is a symbol of difficulties and sadness. It is possible that after seeing the person they will be severely and undeservedly offended.

If a deceased person comes in a dream with a gift, then this is a very positive sign. Very soon you will find a money find or a profitable acquisition. It is better not to invest the money you find or win in everyday life; spend the money on yourself personally - this investment will bring much more benefits.

If a person dies in a dream, what to expect?

It also happens that a person who is alive and well in reality suddenly dies in his sleep. This is in no way a reason to fear for his life. On the contrary, such a person will live happily for a long time and without serious illnesses. In addition, the dream is interpreted as a quick unexpected meeting that will color your future with bright positive emotions. Perhaps this will be your soulmate, or maybe you will meet a true and loyal friend with whom you will have a lot in common.

A dream about dead people should under no circumstances cause panic in the dreamer. On the contrary, in order to avoid troubles or meet joyful events, you can safely follow the interpretation received.

The case when a deceased person appears in a dream is very common. Therefore, there are many interpretations of what an unexpected meeting with the deceased portends. And although such a plot causes excitement and anxiety, the dream book hastens to reassure: the vision does not pose any real danger.


Miller, answering the question of why a resurrected person dreams, foretells prosperity if the dead person is favorable to you.

Seeing the resurrection with your own eyes - long-awaited guests will visit you or something that was considered lost will be returned, reassures Zhou-gong.

The modern dream book interprets the living dead as a new period in life.

If a dead person is haunting you, it means that in reality you need to pay attention to the events of the past days.

In addition, the Noble Dream Book foretells a change in the weather if you see a deceased person come to life.

What was the conversation about?

The Ukrainian dream book deciphers a conversation with a dead person as an important event in which a person will have to participate. To find out what it is connected with, you need to remember the topic of the conversation.

Loff's dream book suggests that departed souls are hinting: there is too much unsaid in your life.

When the dead are silent, they wish the living happiness, joy and success.

The company of the gone beyond

When trying to decipher what a dead person dreams about, it is important to take into account the degree of your relationship and relationships during life.

The search for the deceased means that in reality it is impossible to establish communication. But if you found who you wanted, it means that in reality you will be able to resolve the issue.

People filled with despair risk daring to call the dead in a dream. Spirits can answer and help find a way out of a situation that has arisen in reality.

Emotions for the departed

Kissing a dead man in a dream means for lovers a cooling of feelings, disappointment, separation, Medea prophesies.

Why do you dream of kissing the deceased, according to the healer Vanga? You are tormented by guilt in front of the departed, and with all your heart you want to correct the mistake, return the past.

An unusual interpretation if a dead person kisses you in a dream. The dream book speaks of the likelihood of getting a higher and more prestigious position. Perhaps a new stage will come in the development of relations with your soulmate.

The big dream book prophesies illness and disappointment if the deceased hugs and kisses you. But a kiss on the forehead is reassuring: the troubles will be temporary.

Why do you dream of spiritual closeness with the deceased? Many seers agree that all sorts of material benefits and prosperity await you.

For a woman, such events in a waking dream foreshadow a romantic acquaintance and new, unforgettable sensations in sex.

Festive event

Celebrating the birthday of someone who has passed beyond the border means that joyful events and positive changes in fate await ahead. In addition, the dead man asks not to forget and remember him more often.

Why do you dream of dancing with the deceased? In everyday life, pay more attention to the feelings and emotions of others, otherwise you risk behaving tactlessly and indecently.

If a dead person dances by himself, the dream book urges you not to reproach yourself and to let go of the feeling of guilt towards the deceased person. Your self-flagellation upsets him.

And the medium Hasse is encouraging: if in a dream the deceased presents a bouquet, then in reality the most cherished desire will come true.


Sharing a meal with the deceased at the table and he treats you is a favorable symbol. Your home will be full.

And if you offer a guest delicious dishes and delicacies in a dream, higher powers will not support your endeavors and you will have to cope with the difficulties that arise yourself.

Quarrels and disagreements

Having a row with a dead man foreshadows a showdown in real life. It is even possible that the causes of the conflicts will be similar.

The dream book deciphers a fight with a dead person as your disrespect for family traditions. This is the reason for the troubles and failures that befall you.

And an attack on a deceased person in a dream characterizes the dreamer as a stubborn person, unable to admit delusions and mistakes.

Actions of the deceased

Is the deceased dissatisfied with you and swearing? The Dream Interpretation recommends remembering as accurately as possible what was discussed. In other words, fate gives a sign that you need to change something in yourself in order to achieve what you want.

Why do you dream of a dead man shedding tears? You are heading in the wrong direction and there is a high chance of making a serious mistake.

If a guest who appears in a dream looks sick, it means that he is signaling the onset of a difficult period.

Is the deceased joyful and joking cheerfully? You are on the right path that will lead to victory and bring success.

Giving help

Why do you dream about a dead person holding out money? In reality, to solve a complex problem, help will come on time, the dream book promises.

Did the deceased begin to put things in order in his dream and wash the floor? Thus, it helps restore your reputation.

Helping a dead person is not a good sign. Give up your plans. The plan will not only not bring profit, but is also extremely risky. However, if a dead person asks for help financially, then in reality prosperity awaits you.

Appearance of the deceased

Why do you dream if a dead man comes to you without clothes? Hard times are coming soon. To survive them, start saving now for a rainy day.

Who is he to you?

Did a deceased relative appear in a dream? Watch your behavior, do not allow ugly, dishonest actions.

An unkemptly dressed man, who was your relative during his lifetime, portends troubles and communication with unpleasant people.

The dream book deciphers a dead baby as the futility of the business started, although perhaps you simply do not believe that you can cope.

Did you dream about an older child being dead? If in reality the child is alive, it means that in reality his life is in danger.

The dream book interprets your own funeral as renewal, global change.

Close relatives

The deceased father (or the stepfather who replaced him) symbolizes the position in society. Is he happy and cheerful? The dream book promises honor and respect. But if she is sad and sad, get ready for dirty rumors and gossip.

Why do you dream about the late grandfather? A lot of trouble awaits you.

The dead daughter symbolizes anxiety in reality. And the son is interpreted as the end of the black streak, and possibly pregnancy.

In a dream, did your dead sister give you something to drink? This means that the upcoming changes will be extremely good.

If a child dies in his arms, but can be brought back to life, the dream book urges you to get ready: there is only one last push left to achieve what you want.

Distant relatives

The mother-in-law who appears, even after death, continues to worry about her relatives, so her advice is worth listening to.

But the father-in-law in a dream predicts quarrels with her husband. The dreamer will be to blame for them.

A meeting with your great-grandmother promises that you will find what you are looking for.


Meeting a wife is interpreted as help and support from her relatives in reality.

Why does a young woman dream about a deceased boyfriend: a new romantic acquaintance awaits her.

Friends and buddies

The dream book interprets a meeting with the godmother as a warning: family problems are brewing.

Seeing dead neighbors means being deceived. Don’t rush to trust people’s word, check the information you receive.

Have you met deceased acquaintances? The dream book advises you to rely only on yourself and think for yourself. These people will be happy to see how you are manipulated.

Time of death

When figuring out why deceased relatives and friends appear in a dream, it is necessary to take into account when they died. If this happened recently, then your grief is natural and does not need special interpretation.

Why do you dream about someone who died a long time ago? Did the vision not cause strong emotions and experiences? This means that it is interpreted as neutral.

If you often meet the same person who has gone beyond the bounds, think about whether you have fulfilled all the promises you made to him.


The American dream book interprets burial as a chance to start living again.

The European dream book foresees that seeing off the deceased on his last journey is a harbinger of sorrows in reality.

Dressing a dead person actually increases the likelihood of getting sick. Washing it in a dream and soaking clothes in water portends a deterioration in the health of relatives.

Dreaming of a freshly dug grave means overwork and the need for rest.

Killing and crying over something that has passed a long time ago means you are “stuck” in the past, trying to realize previous successes.

The deceased and his belongings

If in a dream the deceased visited his earthly abode, pay attention to the area where you feel at home.

Receiving a letter from the departed is an omen of an interesting meeting. Details are contained in the contents of the message.

To see a photograph in a dream where someone who has gone beyond the brink is angry - your feelings will be tested.

Using the things of a dead person means there is a high probability of repeating his fate.

Walks and travel

Why do you dream of going on a journey with the deceased? The past will suddenly remind you of itself. In the case when the deceased calls you or organizes the trip himself, the interpretation of the vision is extremely negative.

Vanga promises that if you were driving in a car with a dead person, then good health and long happiness await you. Events will move smoothly, worries and troubles will be avoided.

If in a dream a dead man takes you away by force, in reality your life is in mortal danger.


Seeing a dead animal healthy and beautiful means: you are on the right path, at the end of which a well-deserved reward awaits.

The dream book interprets a deceased pet as a harbinger of financial difficulties.

The Mayans interpret the dead horse that appears in a vision this way: “If your horse has fallen, get off, it won’t go any further.” In other words, the idea that you have been nurturing for a long time is doomed to failure. Stop implementing it before it's too late.

A dead cat in a dream is interpreted as an easy victory over ill-wishers. However, seers advise paying attention to the behavior of your beloved. Perhaps they are going to cheat on you.

The dream book interprets a dead bird as unsettled personal life.

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