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Message schoolchild's daily routine. A properly organized student’s daily routine includes

What is the correct daily routine for a schoolchild and why is it so important for maintaining the health of your child? This question interests not only parents of first-graders, but also everyone who wants their child not only to study well, but also to grow up healthy.

Unfortunately, the majority of school-age children are not absolutely healthy, having one or more diseases already at this age - statistics show this. This fact worries parents very much. The health of a schoolchild depends on many factors, including how his daily routine is organized.

Why is the correct daily routine so important for a schoolchild?

Thanks to a correct, balanced daily routine, the child develops habits, and a certain sequence of actions sets him up for study, relaxation or physical activity. Thanks to conditioned reflexes, the process of learning and doing other things is greatly simplified. For a schoolchild, the correct daily routine is the basis good health, good performance and mood, which will help avoid overwork and ensure excellent academic performance.

The correct daily routine is important not only for the student, but also for his parents. But, unlike adults, a child’s body grows and develops, and this fact cannot be ignored. Therefore, when drawing up a daily routine for a schoolchild, it is important to correctly distribute the load, alternating work and rest, mental and physical activities, as well as taking into account the habits, character and state of health of the child himself.

What is important when creating the correct daily routine for a schoolchild:

  • alternation of work and rest. Remember: overload can lead to a nervous breakdown and disruption of the immune system.
  • timely nutritious meals.
  • wake up on time in the morning and go to bed on time in the evening. This habit is the best guarantee of a pleasant awakening in the morning and a quick fall asleep in the evening.
  • adequate sleep for 9-10 hours a day (for primary schoolchildren - 10-12 hours). Rest time at night is important for maintaining the health of a growing body. Healthy sleep improves performance and assimilation of new information, but at the same time, lack of sleep is very harmful to a child’s health.

Basic elements of a schoolchild's daily routine:

Study: school lessons and homework;

Additional classes: clubs, sections;


Free time;

Food and sleep.

Sample daily routine for a schoolchild


Calculate how much time your child needs to calmly and without fuss get ready for school and be on time for the start of classes. This is an important point in the correct daily routine. As a rule, the body wakes up gradually in the morning, and rushing at this time will create unnecessary stress. Morning exercises are at your discretion. Some children are better at waking up gradually, naturally, and some will enjoy morning exercises.

Not all children like to eat breakfast early in the morning, but it is the most important meal of the day, and over time it will become a habit.


Proper organization of the day after school, which can be quite tiring for your child, is a very important point. Most children feel very tired after classes and need proper rest. A good way out of this situation could be a daytime nap. For younger students this is a necessity. For older children, another, no less effective and healthy way to restore strength is a walk on the fresh air.

Do not forget about timely meals: the interval between meals for a child 6–7 years old should not exceed 3–4 hours.

Having rested, the child can start doing homework and attending clubs and sections. When doing homework, you should remember to take 10 minute breaks. The optimal time for assimilation of information is from 16:00 to 18:00. If your child studies during the second shift, then the best time to do homework is in the morning.


Evening is the time for dinner and free time: rest, hobbies, chatting with friends, etc. Parents should ensure that the child goes to bed on time: bedtime depends on the time of awakening in the morning. The optimal time is 21:00.

Remember: for a schoolchild, the right regime is what will help maintain the health of the developing organism, and take an important step towards the ability to organize not only your current day, but your whole life.

You've probably noticed more than once that your time flies by at such a terrible speed that before you even have time to look back, it's time to sleep. But you didn’t even do half of what you planned for this day. Why does this happen? And the whole point is that you don’t know how to value time and plan it. So let's talk about what it is student's daily routine, and also give advice on how to draw it up and comply with it.

Daily schedule for schoolchildren

Two friends meet and one of them says to the other:

You know, I start following a daily routine the day after tomorrow.

Why not tomorrow?

Because there's a great action movie on TV tomorrow.

Seryozha and Yura are friends about whom they say “do not spill water.” Everything seems to be fine with them: they don’t quarrel or fight over trifles, they go to the swimming pool together and participate in competitions, but sometimes Seryozha gets offended by Yura. No matter how Seryozha comes to pick Yura up at school, but Yura is not ready yet, he just sits down to have breakfast, and then he spends 20 minutes packing his school bag, and then 10 minutes getting dressed, and in the end it turns out that Seryozha is late for school because of Yura. One day the boys were supposed to have a competition in the pool, Yura and Seryozha trained for a whole month and carefully prepared for this important competition: they jumped from the tower, swam long distances, and finally this exciting day came. Seryozha got up early, did his morning workout, had breakfast and went to pick up Yura. And Yura just got out of bed...

Yura, there are 30 minutes left before the competition, we need to have time to get dressed and prepare everything we need, and you are digging around as always, again we will be late because of you. Why don't you always have time to do anything? - Seryozha, angry with Yura, desperately blurted out.

Yura felt very guilty before Seryozha, he so wanted to get up early, but for some reason he didn’t succeed again.

Why do you have time to do everything: walk the dog, go to training, and still have time for games, but I don’t have time to do anything? - Yura turned to Seryozha.

Do you follow a daily routine?

No,” Yura said, lowering his head, “what’s it like to follow the regime?”

Hurry up and get dressed and run to the competition, and after it I’ll tell you everything in detail.

After the competition, the boys excitedly discussed their demonstration performances and were very pleased with their results.

Seryozha, you promised to tell me about your daily routine,” Yura reminded his friend.

Let's go to my house and I'll tell you everything.

As soon as Yura entered Seryozha’s room, the first thing he saw was a large lined piece of paper with a schedule attached to the wall.

“Here is my schedule,” Seryozha said, pointing at this piece of paper and began to tell it to Yura in detail.

An example of a student's daily routine. Seryozha's schedule

I get up at 6.30 am when my alarm clock rings. Previously, when I didn’t have a smartphone, I asked my mother or older sister to set the time I needed on my alarm clock. But now I have a smartphone and I use the alarm function on it.

Then I open the window to thoroughly ventilate the room, and make the bed myself. All this takes me 2-3 minutes.

Then I start morning exercises, which I spend no more than 15 minutes on. After gymnastics I feel cheerful and energetic.

Then I go for a walk . We run with her for 15-20 minutes, after which we return home satisfied.

After walking the dog, I go to the bathroom, wash my face, rinse with cold water, and in hot weather I even douse myself with cold water. Then I carefully brush my teeth and comb my hair.

At 7.30 my mother calls me for breakfast. I eat a full plate of oatmeal porridge, a sandwich and drink a glass of cocoa or tea.

After breakfast I go to school. I prepare my school clothes in the evening: I clean my shoes, if necessary, and iron my trousers myself. I make sure to check if my shirt is clean or if my jumper is fresh. I always wear clean trousers to school. I don't like it when they are wrinkled and dusty.

School starts at 8.30, but I leave early to slowly walk to school and watch how the whole city is gradually waking up.

Our school classes end at 12.40. After school I go home, taking my time to walk for another half hour.

At home I change into home clothes, have lunch at about 13.30, rest for half an hour and go to training.

The training ends at 17:00. When I don't have a workout, I do various household chores: tidying up, going to the store, helping my parents or looking after my little brother. I definitely walk the dog again, because she needs to go to the toilet and also stretch out in the open air.

At 18 o'clock I drink a glass of kefir or compote with a sandwich and start studying.

I have two to three hours allotted for lessons, sometimes I manage to do my homework faster, then before dinner I go for a walk or read my favorite book, or play on the computer.

At 8 o'clock in the evening, the whole family gathers at the table, has dinner and discusses the news of the past day.

From 9 o'clock I get ready for bed: I wash my face, brush my teeth, take a shower. so as not to rush in the morning. I make sure to prepare clothes for tomorrow if necessary.

So you should have something like this daily routine.

How can you train yourself to eat, do homework and go to bed at a certain time? - Yura asked in surprise.

Firstly, accustoming yourself to a regime is not so difficult, all you need for this is just to be patient, and secondly, eating food at a certain time contributes to its good absorption. And preparing homework at the same time helps you complete them faster and better, and the habit of going to bed at the same time helps you fall asleep quickly and sleep deeply,” Seryozha answered his friend.

From today I will do everything the same as you,” Yura said happily.

How to manage time correctly

Let's leave our heroes for a moment and talk to you about your routine. Do you follow a daily routine like Seryozha, or are you simply wasting time?

You probably know that there are 24 hours in a day. The day was not invented by people, but by nature. It seems like 24 hours is so much! How many things can be done during this time! But in fact, many guys mismanage their time and end up not having time to do anything, like our hero Yura. But Seryozha doesn’t waste time, everything is planned out down to the smallest minute, and therefore he manages to do the necessary things, and also has time for rest.

Without a routine, your life will be unsystematic. You won't be able to do anything. And if you want to do everything quickly, then you will only rush. And no good will come of this haste. How can you get everything done in a day? And it's very simple.

How can you manage your time wisely and get as much done as possible? Read, chat with friends, do homework, play football and prepare for lessons for tomorrow... All this can be done only under one small condition, which, as you already guessed, is called a daily routine. Please don’t think that it’s so boring and unpleasant to live according to a schedule. On the contrary, properly planned time will give you the opportunity to always feel energetic, healthy and cheerful.

You can stick to the regimen that Seryozha uses, or you can create your own daily routine. If you are afraid that you will not be able to cope with this on your own, then we are very happy to offer you our help.

How to create a schoolchild's daily routine. Approximate diagram (sample)

    Wake up and get up - 7.00.

It’s better to get up as soon as you wake up, and not to lie in bed for a long time, otherwise it will be even more difficult for you to get up.

    Morning exercises, hardening procedures (dousing with water and wiping with a hard towel) - 7.15.

If you have never done exercises in the morning, then start doing it immediately. Morning exercises will not take you that much time, but it will help you recover from sleep, and you will gain vigor and a working mood.

    Bed cleaning - 7.25.

Learn to clean your bed right away, and not leave it for later! Just imagine that your friends decided to come over to your place right after school. And you only remembered that you had an unmade bed in your room at that moment when your comrades were standing on the threshold of your room. Inconvenient...

    Washing, brushing teeth - 7.30.

For this point, we think no comments are needed. You know that you need to wash your face and brush your teeth in the morning.

    Breakfast - 7.35.

It is necessary to have breakfast in the morning. No wonder there is a golden rule: “Eat your own breakfast.” And then some guys limit themselves to just one glass of tea in the morning or refuse breakfast altogether, and as a result, during lessons they develop headaches, weakness and decreased attention.

    The way to school is 7.45 - 8.15.

Seryozha does the right thing by leaving home early to take a walk before school. Fresh air is very good for the brain, enhances attention and gives vigor.

    Stay at school (second breakfast - during the big break) - (8.3 0 - 12.00).

    On some days, your school schedule may have one more lesson, and then your daily routine will shift by 40-50 minutes (in this case, you will have less free time). But in any case, you need to go to bed on time.

The working day at school is planned taking into account your age. 40-minute lessons, during which you noticeably get tired, alternate with fun breaks where you can relax. But don’t get too carried away with running around the school corridor with your classmates and playing all kinds of games during the big break, but have time to have breakfast. Your body has already become hungry, since 3-4 hours have passed since your first breakfast.

    The way home from school is 12.00 - 12.30.

    Lunch - 12.30-13.00.

After school lessons, you just need to have a good meal. Your lunch must necessarily consist of a first hot dish (borscht, soup or fish soup), a second and compote.

    Afternoon rest - 13.00-13.30.

You can use this time as you wish: take a walk outside, read your favorite book or play some game. You can also use this time to clean your room or help your mom.

    Doing homework - 13.30-16.00.

If you were given a lot of lessons, then you can use a little more time, or, conversely, if the task was not too difficult and you completed it quickly, then you can finish earlier.

    Afternoon tea - 16.00 - 16.20.

    Free time - 16.20-20.00.

    Dinner - 20.00 - 20.30.

    Preparing school clothes, bags, etc. -20.30 - 21.00.

You should prepare everything and clothes in advance, in the evening, so that you don’t have to rush in the morning.

    Evening toilet - 21.00 - 22.00.

At this time, you should prepare for bed: wash (take a shower), brush your teeth thoroughly and make out the bed. Don't forget to ventilate the room before going to bed, then your sleep will be stronger.

But under no circumstances later! Before school, you need to get a good night's sleep, and a full, healthy sleep should be at least 9 hours.

It was student's weekday schedule and it is optimal for a primary school student (grades 1-2-3-4), that is, 6-7-8-9-10 years old.

The need to maintain a daily routine

Of course, it is not necessary to strictly adhere to the above routine. If you go to a sports section or attend some kind of club, music school, or pick up your little brother or sister from kindergarten at a strictly defined time, then you can include these or some other things that are important to you in your routine.

At first, you won’t have to get up so easily, eat at a certain time, etc., but if you put in a lot of effort, you’ll soon get into an iron rhythm, get used to the routine, and everything will work out for you.

And what happened to Yura and Seryozha later? You probably already guessed that this story ended well. Yura was no longer such a hoarder as before; on his wall hangs a lined sheet of paper with a daily routine, which Seryozha helped him draw up. Yura clearly fulfills all the points of the daily routine and manages to do everything.

Did you know that following a daily routine helps improve health, as it increases the body’s defenses (immunity) and resistance to various diseases? This is a proven fact. When you achieve strict adherence to your daily schedule, you will not only have time to do many different things in one day, but you will also become healthy, strong and agile. Good luck to you!

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In the primary grades, exemplary academic performance and grades result not only from the efforts of children, but also from proper rest, day and night. The daily routine refers to the optimal distribution of time for certain work and rest during the day.

The daily routine of a primary school student has the following elements:

  • activities at school and at home;
  • regular outdoor recreation;
  • good nutrition;
  • sound, healthy sleep;
  • independent hobbies and activities of your choice.

A primary school child should sleep at least 11 hours. If a child often suffers from illness while attending school, he is recommended to sleep during the day, after school hours. During sleep, he will gain strength and energy, which will help him complete his homework.

It is better to go to bed at 10 or 11 pm so that he has time to sleep and get ready for school in the morning. You cannot shout or swear at children before bedtime, otherwise he will get upset, his nervous system will be excited, and he will not be able to sleep peacefully.

It is necessary to ask about the past day, discuss existing problems, and praise for its successes. Parents need to ensure that their child gets ready for school in the morning without haste or fuss.

It consists:

  1. Ironing clothes and collecting the briefcase should be done in the evening.
  2. All things, clothes, shoes should be in a permanent place so that you don’t have to look for them before classes.
  3. Be sure to do morning exercises with your children, which will give them vigor, strength, and energy for the whole day.
  4. It is best to feed breakfast after exercise, 5 minutes before going to school.

You need to plan in advance and calculate how much time it will take to get ready for school. In primary school, parents are always required to accompany their child to school. You need to manage your time so that you can walk at a calm pace and not be late for class.

  1. Along the chosen route, explain to the child the meanings of the road signs encountered along the way.
  2. Watch other road users, tell your child about the mistakes they make while driving.
  3. Tell your child how to cross the street and use traffic lights correctly.

It is important to know! Explain to your child that even if the traffic light is green, you need to look both ways before crossing the road.

Student schedule

In order to make it easier for your child to adhere to the schedule, you can create a sample schedule for the school week yourself.

You can draw a schedule for your child with your own hands, a table can help for this, and hang it in a visible place. Or you can buy a special form and fill it out. But there are classes that take place in the second shift, where children study from lunch. It is more difficult for them to adapt and get used to this regime.

You need to create a correct daily schedule so that your child has time to do homework, play, and relax. Health status, positive grades at school, and physical development directly depend on a well-designed daily routine.

Each student requires a designated area to complete homework assignments. The desktop should be comfortable so that workbooks and notebooks can fit on it.

The dimensions of the table and chair must correspond to the height of the child. If they are not suitable, curvature of the spine may occur, the baby will quickly get tired and will not be able to do his homework correctly.

Daily routine during exams

Exams place mental stress on students' bodies. During this period, you should pay close attention to your daily routine and periodically change your activities and rest. When taking exams, you need to strictly monitor the favorable atmosphere and situation in the family.

Rest and sleep times should not be disrupted in order to prolong mental stress. This can seriously affect the nervous system and physical condition of the student as a whole. On weekends and holidays, the daily schedule should differ from the school week.

These days you should spend as much time as possible in the fresh air, going to theatres, shops, cinemas. During the holidays, it is useful for children to relax in health camps and sanatoriums. It is also necessary to create a daily routine for the summer so that the child can recover for the new school year.

Routine for high school

Daily routine for high school. As with younger grades, a proper daily routine is important for high school students. They have differences from each other. Adult children are allowed to stay up during the lunch break.

High school students will also benefit from walks outside, health-improving sports, nervous system, and the musculoskeletal system.

The favorable time for doing homework is from 16-00 to 19-00, after which the body begins to become overtired, headaches, and memory deterioration begin.

You should not distract children's attention while doing homework; they may lose their thoughts and it will be difficult to remember the main idea. Academic achievement and good grades depend largely on parents.

We need to help them carry out the daily routine, prepare things so that he is neat and accustomed to order.

If a student does not follow the correct daily routine, then classes at school can negatively affect his health:

  • incorrect posture at a desk causes curvature of the spine;
  • the muscular system weakens;
  • blood circulation to the muscles and brain is impaired;
  • frequent stress can cause nervous breakdowns;
  • by the end of the training sessions the child becomes tired and drowsy;
  • stomach upsets may occur due to poor diet;
  • vision decreases.

If you don’t take care of your children, school can negatively affect their physical and mental development.

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When moving from kindergarten to school, a child’s daily routine changes dramatically and additional mental stress appears. To make this transition easy for the child, you need to clearly plan your study and rest hours. The entire day of a primary school student should be scheduled literally by the hour and minute, with mandatory breaks for walks and free activities in the form of games. This will make it easier for the child to get involved in the learning process and adapt to new conditions.

In order for a child to achieve maximum performance at school, he needs to be provided with adequate rest and sleep. For a primary school child, it should be at least 11 hours a day. This is useful for maintaining the child's immunity, so he is recommended to take a nap after school.

Morning preparations

It would be easier for the child to get used to the new daily routine if all actions were clearly planned in time, and the parents adhered to approximately the same daily routine every day. Stress at school greatly affects the nervous system of a primary school student. In order not to overload her even more and not to start unnecessary arguments at home, try to make getting ready for school as convenient and comfortable as possible for your son or daughter.

  • Prepare your school uniform the night before and always hang it in the same place.
  • Collecting the necessary books and notebooks for classes should also be done in the evening.
  • Be sure to do morning exercises with your child, this will help him wake up faster and recharge with strength and energy for the whole day.
  • Have breakfast right. Because this is the most important meal for a primary school student, and it should be very nutritious and, most importantly, healthy. For example, porridge with fruit, cheesecakes with cottage cheese or a sandwich with hard cheese will be the key to a successful day at school.

Rest and free time

Each school day of a student must necessarily contain time for rest, from 1 to 1.5 hours. It is better to spend this period in a calm environment. If the child agrees to nap during the day, then this is an ideal option. Because the whole body must rest. If your daughter or son considers themselves old enough and does not want to sleep during the day, then it is still better to ensure a quiet pastime without gadgets, books and TV. So that the eyes and nervous system of a young schoolchild have time to rest.

It is also very important for younger schoolchildren to spend their free time in the fresh air. Moreover, both active sports games and quiet walks in the park are useful. At this moment, the brain is saturated with oxygen and the young student is again ready to solve complex problems and mental stress.

Doing lessons

When switching to a new daily routine, at first it is difficult for a child to readjust and get used to accurately completing homework every day. A great idea would be a schedule drawn by yourself or a special ready-made table filled in by hand. You need to hang it in a visible place so that your child can easily navigate it himself. The home workplace of a young student also plays a very important role. After all, the table and chair should be comfortable for the student and correspond to his height. Only in this case will he be comfortable doing his homework and will not get tired.

Preparing homework, as a rule, takes primary school students from 1 to 3 hours a day. During this period of time, they must have time to complete mathematical tasks, written tasks in the Russian language and learn oral subjects. But before starting them, children need to take a good break from school. Allow at least 2.5 hours for this.

To illustrate the usual daily routine of a primary school student, let’s present a table:

For 1st shift students

Climb 7.00
We wash ourselves and do exercises 7-7.30
Breakfast 7.30-7.50
Road to school 7.50-8.20
Lessons at school 8.30-12.30
Way home 12.30-13.00
Dinner 13-13.30
Daytime nap or rest 13.30-15.00
Walk in the fresh air 15.00-16.00
Afternoon snack 16.00-16.15
Doing homework 16.15-18.30
Dinner 18.30-19.00
Free time (games, reading, sections) 19.00- 20.30
Preparing for tomorrow's school day and bedtime 20.30-21.00
Dream from 21.00

For students 2 shifts

Climb 7.00
Charging, hygiene procedures 7.00-7.20
Breakfast 7.20-7.35
Doing homework 8.00-10.00
Free time (games or walk) 10.00-11.00
Lunch 11.00-11.30
Preparation for school 11.30-12.00
Dinner 12.00-12.30
Road to school 12.30 -13.00
School lessons 13.00-18.00
Way home 18.00-18.30
Dinner 18.30-19.00
Interest classes (section, reading or preparing homework for tomorrow) 19.30-20.00
Walk or quiet games 20.00-21.00
Preparation for sleep 21.00-21.15
Dream from 21.15

Second shift: getting used to the new routine

For some parents and their children, going to school during the second shift becomes a real challenge. Since, according to all the rules of the correct daily routine, homework in this case should be completed in the morning. But as practice shows, it is at this time that young students want to sleep longer, especially if their parents have already left for work and no one is monitoring the completion of their lessons.

In this case, you also need to adhere to a regime of alternating work and rest, so that when the child returns from school, he has time to distract himself from classes. But still, in the evening you will also have to work a little on your homework and complete at least part of it. And which one is decided by the parents. Because it is most convenient for working mothers and fathers to solve more complex examples in the evening, and leave the easiest ones in the morning, which the child can handle on his own. And for those who, for example, work on a flexible schedule and are at home in the first half of the day, it is easier to teach all the lessons with their children at this time.

By teaching a schoolchild to manage their time and be smart about their daily routine, you instill in your child a sense of responsibility and punctuality, which will be very useful to him in the future.

A properly planned daily routine organizes the child, helps him to be collected and neat. Junior and senior schoolchildren should have their own daily routine, which would correspond to the physiological characteristics of a particular age.

In elementary school, special attention is paid to such processes as teaching perseverance, attention, and memorization. In a small schoolchild, these processes are not yet mature, but are in the stage of active development. In a high school student, attention should be paid to perseverance, since he is capable of writing, reading and remembering information, but due to entering puberty, perseverance is replaced by laziness.

For all age groups, it is very important not only to develop your intellect, but also to take care of your physical health.

How to structure your day so that you can do everything, not get tired and stay healthy?

Rise at 6.30 - 7.00.

The schoolchild's day should begin with an active awakening: pouring cold water on the face, hands and feet. This express method of awakening will not only force all the body’s forces to mobilize, but also has a hardening effect.

Breakfast at 7.10 – 7.30

Prepare a delicious hot dish for breakfast for your schoolchild. Breakfast should be rich and high in calories. Don’t worry about your child’s figure – all these calories will be “eaten up” by the brain during the first hours of school. It is known that after a rich, hearty breakfast, hunger sets in later, closer to 12 noon, and all the mental activity of a schoolchild is aimed at studying, and not at comprehending the feeling of hunger.

Road to school 7.40 – 8.00

Send your child from home to school 10-15 minutes early, let him spend this extra time outside, breathing fresh air. The blood is saturated with oxygen, providing the child with a “fresh” head and vigor.

School classes 8.00 – 12.00

Give your child a snack between breaks. Nuts, sweet buns, and sweet tea are very useful for mental activity. The snack should be not so much filling as sweet – the brain really needs glucose during the study period. A huge amount of energy is spent by the body on mental and mental processes. It would seem that the brain is very small compared to the whole body, but during intense moments of study, more energy is spent on its maintenance than on the muscles when running.

During classroom activities, the child’s intelligence increases, but his health deteriorates:

Long static posture while sitting causes the appearance of scoliosis and scoliotic posture

Muscles weaken

Blood supply to muscles and brain is disrupted

Periods of short-term but frequent stress harm the nervous system

At the end of the school day, the child is sleepy and tired.

Digestive problems may occur due to irregular and unhealthy diet.

Vision deteriorates

If you don’t care for a child and don’t organize his routine, then school can become, no matter how terrible it sounds, a crippling phenomenon.

For elementary school students:

The way home, a walk after school, sports section 12.00 – 14.00.

After school, the child needs some time to “blow off steam” in the fresh air. If he fell asleep in class, then outside he becomes physically active, his muscles are saturated with oxygen, fatigue is relieved, and his cheeks turn pink.

Daytime nap 14.00 – 16.00

If a child has been accustomed to sleeping during the day since kindergarten, then this rosy-cheeked, cheerful fellow must be put to bed during the day, according to the old habit, having been fed a hot lunch beforehand. Until approximately 15.00-16.00, the child will have a daytime nap.

Doing homework 16.00 – 19.00

After a nap, it's time to do homework with him. It should be remembered that elementary school students get tired very quickly, not to mention their poor perseverance and absent-mindedness. It doesn’t take long for them to write continuously – no more than 10 minutes. When reading continuously, they get tired even faster. Therefore, take short breaks for physical activity while reading or writing. After completing one lesson, take a long break and then move on to the next subject. There is no need to study lessons until the night; a couple of hours is enough. The fact is that after 19.00 the performance of a junior high school student sharply decreases and everything that he reads or writes will not be deposited in his head. And in order to complete all the homework in a couple of hours, use gaming techniques to complete the task: if the child does not understand mathematics well, analyze this example using his favorite toys, and instead of reading, arrange a small one-man show - this way the child will remember the images better, and the text will be easy for him .

Walks and sports clubs, time to socialize with family and friends 19.00 – 21.00

After 19.00 is the time for active walks or sports sections. During school years, it is best to send your child to active, play sports or the swimming pool. Of course, it’s good if you raise your child to be a comprehensively developed personality who speaks five languages, understands the paintings of Van Gogh and Picasso, and embroiders with cross stitch, satin stitch and ribbons. But, alas, this lifestyle will not improve your health. It would be ideal if you can combine all interest groups (often according to the interests of the parents, not the child) - both sports and handicrafts and intellectual ones, but, nevertheless, you need to choose in favor of sports and physical development.

Sleep 21.00 – 7.00

Night sleep for a primary school student should begin no later than 10 p.m. Before going to bed, parents should try as much as possible to balance the child’s mental state: reduce his activity, calm him down. To do this, dim the lights in the apartment, eliminate all noisy sources (TV, radio), give the child warm milk and honey, and ventilate the bedroom. In this case, falling asleep will be physiological, without overexcitation.

For high school students.

Adult students do not need to sleep during the day. But it is necessary to unload the nervous and musculoskeletal system. For this, the same walks after school and sports clubs are recommended. A high school student can go to the sections both immediately after school and after 19.00.

It is best to study lessons from 15.00 to 20.00. After 20.00 the student’s performance decreases and memory deteriorates. There is no point in studying further lessons - the nervous system is overloaded, the eyes are tired, the head may hurt, and symptoms of overwork appear.

High school students have a lot of extracurricular work - from clubs within the school itself to preparation for university. Sometimes all the time is spent on these preparations, and there is no time left for physical development. It is not right. Lack of muscle training leads to poor posture, flat feet, decreased tone and the appearance of asthenia. It is important for parents to organize sports activities on weekends when the student is busy on a daily basis. It is clear that strumming a guitar or communicating on the Internet is often more interesting than physical development. Therefore, the important mission of parents is to somehow influence their child and engage in his physical development.

Rise 7.30 – 8.00

Breakfast, water procedures 8.00 – 9.00

Second shift students are advised to get up no later than 8.00. You need to start the day with an invigorating douche of cold water on your face, hands and feet or a general contrast shower. Then be sure to have a tasty and hearty breakfast, giving preference to high-calorie but healthy foods.

Doing homework 9.00 – 11.00

After breakfast, ventilate the room and do some homework.

Lunch, getting ready for school 11.00 – 12.00

You need to have a hearty lunch before school. Lunch, unlike breakfast, should consist of meat dishes and, preferably, soup. A hearty meat lunch will help stave off the feeling of hunger for a long time.

School classes 13.00 – 17.00

After classes, it's time to go to the sports section. For high school students, when they are heavily loaded with additional classes, it is optimal to spend time in sections at least twice on weekdays and always on weekends.

Walks, sections, clubs 17.00 – 19.00

Doing homework 19.00 – 21.00

After 19.00, when the student returns home, you can learn some of the lessons. Go to bed no later than 22.00-23.00.

The life of a student cannot be regulated by lessons and strict discipline. The child has a lot of other important things to do - friends, a computer, a skateboard, shopping, riding a bike and much more.

Important! At the beginning of the week, the child becomes accustomed to the learning process. It lasts until the middle of the week, when peak performance is observed. By the end of the week, performance decreases sharply; Thursday and Friday are especially difficult days. If we consider performance during the day, it reaches its peak at 12.00-13.00 and at 16.00-19.00.

Based on the weekly peaks of performance, it is necessary to plan the section schedule for Tuesday and Wednesday, as well as weekends. On weekdays, a child attending school during the second shift must go to the section immediately after school, and on weekends - after 10.00 or in the evening from 16.00-19.00

A separate complex topic remains the computer and television in the student’s daily routine. Nowadays, all children, starting from diapers, know how to handle technology. By the time they graduate from school, many children become gambling addicts. This menacing trend worries both parents and pediatricians and psychologists. It is extremely difficult to wean a child from the computer, because the attachment formed in childhood is very difficult to give up. Therefore, only by their personal example can parents show their child that there are many things in life that are much more interesting than a computer. Pediatricians advise spending no more than 2 hours a week on the monitor.

Attention! While doing homework, do not distract your child with small errands: turn off the kettle, open the door, hand over something. Such little things distract attention and disorganize. For subsequent work, the child needs a lot of effort to “pull himself together” and get back into learning.

Make sure that everything is prepared for school in the evening - clothes are ironed, shoes are clean, books are in the backpack. Constant disorganization neuroticizes and slows down the child - he becomes sloppy and forgetful.

Consistency is important for a child - help him go to bed and get up at the same time every day, always prepare a fresh breakfast, check his lessons, the main thing is that this should not be done in bursts, but systematically. A child's educational success largely depends on the parents!