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Melt water preparation at home. The source of good health and longevity in water

The secret of the properties of melt water has been the object of research by world scientists in the field of biology, chemistry and other natural sciences for decades. The reason for this was information about the healing properties of this drink from the inhabitants of Siberia, the Far East and other snow-covered regions, who amazed and inspired society with their longevity. What is the benefit of glacial liquid and is it true that it really stops the aging process and prolongs life, we will try to figure it out in this article.

Chemical composition and structure of melt water

Thawed glacial substance is a unique, environmentally friendly and oldest liquid on planet Earth. Today it is equal in quality to natural spring water, which is the safest for the human body. Thawed liquid can be natural or artificially prepared.

Natural melt water is a naturally produced solution that is formed during the process of snowmelt, thawing of glaciers, icebergs, and bodies of water prone to freezing. Artificially formed melt water- this is the liquid that is released during the defrosting of a previously frozen substance.

The water mixture obtained as a result of melting ice (artificial or natural) is today one of the most beneficial in its effects on the human body. This process is explained by the fact that tap or bottled untreated water is a chaotic large-molecular bond of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen.
Ideally, in addition to the fact that natural water molecular bonds are in a clearly defined order, these microparticles must be smaller than the pores of the cell membrane located in internal system person. Their ability to leak into intercellular fluid promotes unhindered and accelerated activation of the body's metabolism.

Thus, deep freezing of a liquid affects the chemical bonds of hydrogen with electronegative atoms, restoring their original structure. Thanks to this, the solution is thoroughly cleaned by the formation of small diametrically sized molecules, which are more easily and quickly included in the process of interaction with other substances.

As for tap water or any other untreated aqueous liquid, then its structure contains microparticles that cannot participate in vital processes of the body at all due to the discrepancy between the size of the holes in the cell membrane.

Because of this, the general human immune system spends more energy and effort in order to neutralize them at least at a minimal level, form a new structure suitable for the body and facilitate the absorption of microparticles that are already suitable for it. The quality of the liquid directly depends on the specific structure of water microelements in the molecular lattice.

Important!When ice melts, water retains the lightest isotope of hydrogen - protium (¹H), which has more high level solubility and the property of accelerating biochemical reactions of the body.

During laboratory tests melt water, it was found that this liquid has fairly acceptable pH (a measure of the activity of hydrogen ions), total mineralization (the amount of dissolved inorganic salts and organic substances contained in the substance), as well as liquid hardness. For example, the pH value of melt water at a temperature of 25 ° C is 7, and according to the standards, it is not acidic, not alkaline, but rather a neutral liquid, equal in chemical properties to distilled (purified from foreign impurities).

The total salt content in this case is less than 300 mg/l, and this indicates the absence of a salty, bitter taste and the presence of an average coefficient within the normal range (200-400 mg/l). The amount of calcium and magnesium cations contained in thawed water is equal to 25-35 and 5-10 mg/l, respectively, with acceptable standards of 200 and 100 mg/l.

Did you know?The beneficial effect of melt water on the life activity of not only flora and fauna, but also humans is evidenced by experimental studies by Russian scientists conducted in Tomsk back in 1958-61. According to them, after regular consumption of melt liquid by rodents from the mouse family, reproductive functionality increased significantly in males, and an increase in fertility was observed in females. The yield of cereals after watering them with melted water solution increased by 56%, and of vegetable crops - by 250%. None of the 25 patients who drank this liquid complained of stable bad feeling, but, on the contrary, everyone experienced progressively positive phenomena towards recovery.

The available number of anions reaches the following levels:

  • sulfates- less than 100 with an acceptable rate not exceeding 500 mg/l;
  • hydrocarbonates- from 50 to 100 at a rate of up to 1000 mg/l;
  • chlorides- less than 70 with standard values ​​not exceeding 350 mg/l.

Thus, the overall level of hardness during the interaction of cations and anions of the hydrochemical composition of melt water reaches a level of less than 7 mEq/L or mmol/L. The advantage of the effect of this type of liquid on the body is that it does not contain anions of sulfuric (H₂SO₄) and carbonic (H2CO3) acids, as well as active chlorine.
Due to the natural structuring of melted mountain water (particles are arranged in a strictly defined order, or the so-called crystalline hierarchy, in contrast to the chaotic structure of an ordinary aqueous solution), it is also called “living” or “life-giving”: it is the most appropriate in the process of quenching thirst, as well as replenishment water balance in organism. By launching an instant absorption process, the liquid saturates the body with beneficial nutrients, essential minerals, and also cleanses common system from toxins and waste.

What is the benefit

Melt water plays a positive role in human life due to the following effects on the general body system:

  • cleanses blood vessels, helps break up deadly blood clots;
  • stimulates strengthening of protective work immune system body;
  • reduces cholesterol and glucose levels in the blood, reduces the number of existing cholesterol plaques and prevents the appearance of new ones;

Important! Boiled water is a dead liquid that does not contain a single useful substance. It is useless to use it to prepare a melt solution.

There is an opinion that people living in the mountainous regions of the Caucasus and Yakutia are famous for their longevity precisely because they include mountain water extracted in their diet. natural conditions. In addition, the valley of the Hunza River, flowing in the Himalayas on the border of India and Pakistan, is called the “oasis of youth”, the source of which is ancient glaciers with blue ice: there people live 120-160 years, 40-year-old women look like young girls, and give birth to children even at 65. One of the assumptions that explains their longevity is the regular use of melt water.
Thanks to the constant intercellular renewal of the body, people who regularly consume melt liquid are famous increased performance and labor productivity, endurance and brain activity, concentration and improved memory, as well as vigor and good health.

When there is no benefit

Glacial or melt water is a quick-use product, so the contents of an open bottle (in the case of buying liquid in a store) should be consumed within 24 hours, and ideally, in the first 5-7 hours. In addition, this liquid quickly loses its beneficial properties after opening, being in a bottle or other container made of plastic material. To preserve biologically active properties, water purchased in a bottle or prepared independently in a plastic container should be poured into another container (glass or porcelain, but in no case enameled, aluminum or iron container) and tightly closed with a lid.

Important! Glass is the neutral material most suitable for preserving the structure and information field of a liquid. And if you also put shungite (slate stone) in a bowl with melt water, then the correct structure of the liquid, the level of indifferent energy and information field will be preserved longer.

It is also worth noting that beneficial properties are lost when heat treatment: melt water recommended for use in fresh, and for cooking use only distilled water.

Features of application

A “cheap and cheerful” option for using melt water every day is to prepare it at home. To achieve optimal results, it is necessary to take already filtered distilled liquid and use deep freezing in a porcelain or plastic container filled to 80% of the total volume. Additional terms this process There is:

  • the presence of certain conditions (freezer with minus temperature conditions 18 degrees or space on the balcony in the frosty winter season);
  • compliance with a minimum of three hours and a maximum of twelve hours of cold processing of the product (the time for freezing is determined experimentally in each individual case).

If it is not possible to use pre-filtered liquid for freezing, you can take plain water from the water supply. In this case, you need to know which auxiliary element is used in your area in the process of disinfecting raw tap water: fluorine or chlorine. If the first option is confirmed, such a liquid cannot be frozen, but if purification occurs with the help of chlorine, then it is necessary to leave this substance in an open container for at least one, maximum twelve hours before using freezing.
However, it is worth noting that simply pouring the liquid into the container and leaving it for the required time until it freezes completely will not be enough; you will need to regularly monitor this process, and as soon as a thin ice crust appears at the very top of the container, remove it immediately. Next, you need to wait until about two-thirds of the total volume of the mass turns into an ice substance, and drain the remaining liquid.

During the transition to the solid state, all the components that make up this solution separate and freeze in order: the first layer is deuterium (faster than water), the second is water (faster than salts), the third is that third saline solution, which we merge. It is thanks to this that the crystalline structure of the liquid changes and the natural hierarchy of its molecules is restored.

The initial crust of ice, and then the water that did not immediately freeze - these are those harmful impurities(heavy hydrogen, as well as salts of alkaline earth metals), which should be gotten rid of in order to obtain useful melt liquid in its pure form. The resulting ice chunks should be allowed to naturally thaw at room temperature.

Another method, closest to the natural cycle, is an artificially carried out process, reminiscent of episodes of evaporation, cooling, freezing and thawing of liquid. To do this, you need to heat the water to a temperature of 94-96 degrees, without bringing it to a full boil: as soon as small bubbles appear from the bottom, you need to remove the container from the heat and subject the substance to artificial cooling (put it in cold water). Once the liquid is suitable for placing in the freezer, place it in the chamber and monitor the freezing process: as soon as three-quarters of the total volume is frozen, the remaining liquid substance must be drained and hard material subject to natural room thawing. If the unfrozen part is in the middle of the ice, then you need to carefully pierce the surface above it with a hot metal object (preferably not sharp) and drain the liquid. Some experts advise freezing 2-3 times: first freeze, then thaw, freeze again and repeat natural defrosting again.

The most valuable is glacial water, which is collected by specialists from glaciers on mountain peaks, for example, Scandinavian countries, which has undergone special cleaning and bottled. Also useful would be liquid extracted from wells that are directly fed by the glaciers of the Caucasus or water from Arctic ice, which is less common. The structure of this type of liquid does not contain any atoms of complex hydrogen - deuterium (D and ²H), as well as isotopes of superheavy hydrogen - tritium (T and ³H). It is worth noting that you will have to pay a considerable amount for such water, but provided that the manufacturer truly complies with world standards and quality indicators, this will be irreplaceable useful look liquids.
Melt water is a universal liquid that has a multi-purpose application: it can be medical therapy, cosmetology, and healthy image life, and proper nutrition, diets, and vegetation care.

Important!If you buy bottled glacier water, choose products with a shelf life of up to 12 months, represented by a “regional” (Siberia, Far East, Caucasus) and always proven brand.

For treatment

Many healthcare representatives support the idea of ​​using melt (glacial) water in healing processes related to the digestive tract. To do this, it is recommended to consume the liquid immediately after thawing, 30 minutes before eating food for 30-45 days.

It should also be noted that the condition of the throat of people suffering from sore throat or other diseases of the ENT organs, after rinsing the throat with thawed liquid, noticeably improves, redness and painful sensations when swallowing, and also speeds up the healing process. The same properties of a thawed solution of aqueous liquid are observed when used in inhalation procedures.

Statistics show that regular consumption of water, equated to natural water, also has a positive effect on overall well-being, rejuvenates the skin, improving its color and elasticity, normalizing blood circulation and accelerating the regeneration process, and also increases life expectancy due to improved metabolism, lymphatic and other functions. systems in the human body.

The approximate norm for consuming glacial mountain or melt liquid is 30 ml of aqueous solution per 1 kilogram of body weight healthy person, and 2-3 liters per day will provide excellent health and increasing the body's defenses to combat various diseases, as well as prevention of potential inflammatory processes.

For visible results, it is worth taking at least a three-month course of melt water therapy. It is during this period that the process of replacing damaged body cells with correctly structured microparticles occurs, and the blood is also renewed. After completing the course, the patient will no longer want to stop these procedures.

In cosmetology

For cosmetic purposes, melt water is used due to its low level of hardness for washing and rinsing hair, as well as washing and wiping the face and décolleté.
The heavy metal salts contained in a regular aqueous solution have a very bad effect on the complexion, as well as the general condition of the skin, making hair dull and hard. Thawed liquid, on the contrary, has an extremely positive effect on the appearance of women: hair stops falling out as often, its growth is stimulated, volume and thickness appear.

Massaging the face and skin of the neck, as well as décolleté with cosmetic pieces of ice will help tighten the skin, make it more elastic, remove wrinkles, cracks, and clearly visible veins in the form of spider veins or capillary mesh.

When it comes to dental care, Melt water is also used during and after brushing your teeth to rinse your mouth and gums. This prevents diseases such as stomatitis, periodontal disease and other inflammations of the oral cavity.

For weight loss and dieting

Thanks to the use of melt liquid in diets for the purpose of losing weight, the following processes occur:

  • streamlining metabolism and timely removal of toxins and toxic substances from the body;
  • improving intestinal motility, increasing the level of absorption of nutrients by its walls;
  • work stabilization digestive system, reducing the risk of diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract, as well as preventing constipation and diarrhea.

In addition, it is this type of aqueous liquid that eliminates the burning sensation in the esophagus that occurs for various reasons.

Important! It is not recommended to heat treat melt water using heat. All useful substances included in the composition are available in its original form. It must be stored at a temperature not exceeding 22 degrees.

Glacier water for weight loss is used as one of the ingredients in the preparation of:
  • vegetable, fruit or berry drinks and smoothies;
  • diluted packaged drinks;
  • protein shakes and sports mixtures;
  • cold temperature instant teas.

To improve the result, you need to take care proper diet accompanying the consumption of liquid: it should contain vegetables and fruits, herbs, dietary dishes and foods, and also exclude fried, fatty, sweet, spicy, smoked and salty foods, alcoholic and carbonated drinks, coffee.

Structured in its own way chemical composition melt water, combined with various useful ingredients, will help the body quickly absorb the necessary vitamins and useful microelements. In the context of benefits, we mean berries, fruits, vegetables, herbs, low-fat dairy and fermented milk products, whole grain cereals and other dietary products.
Despite the above beneficial properties of melt water, it still affects the condition of tooth enamel, so nutritionists advise introducing it as a permanent element of the daily menu gradually, starting with 100-150 ml per day, while daily norm should range between 450-700 ml.

It is recommended to drink a glass of liquid in the morning and evening, 30-40 minutes before meals and throughout the day - an unlimited amount. Taking an aqueous solution in the morning invigorates, tones, forces the body to wake up and begin its active life; in the evening, on the contrary, it calms, promotes nighttime recuperation, processing of harmful substances and subsequent morning excretion along with urine. And drinking water before a meal cleanses the stomach of excess food deposits, prepares the gastrointestinal tract for the arrival of new food, and also stimulates appetite.

Important!A person in a healthy state can equallypainlessdrink a large number of water, you can easily do without the same volume. If you find it difficult to force yourself to drink a lot of fluid, or, conversely, you feel an increased feeling of thirst, you should consult your doctor about this.

For watering plants

Water is for plants what air is for humans. It is with water that oxygen and microelements useful for their life enter the root system of flowers, indoor and outdoor plants. Just as melted solution is the most useful for humans, in the case of vegetation, studies show that representatives of the flora growing on mountain slopes develop more efficiently and quickly, and in addition, they also produce a plentiful and healthy harvest.
Many of us have witnessed how our grandmothers and mothers, starting in early spring, brought into the house a full basin or bucket of snow that had fallen in winter, so that after it had melted, they could water flowers, other plants, and planted seedlings with the resulting liquid. . Melt water is certainly famous big amount beneficial properties, however, the substance obtained by defrosting street, especially city, snow or ice is not suitable for irrigation indoor plants, nor for human consumption.

By the way, water seedlings, flowers or plants boiled water it is impossible, since this particular type of liquid is considered dead. This is the case when amateur gardeners complain that, despite sufficient watering of their pets, the latter still dry out. During boiling, not only salts and other harmful impurities are destroyed, but also the oxygen atoms themselves and other useful microelements necessary for the life of the plant world.

Repeated studies have shown that the root system of plants watered with melt water developed faster and in all respects turned out to be stronger than that of vegetation that was watered with a solution from the water supply. In addition, differences were observed in the height of the sprouts (in the first case they are approximately 1-2 cm higher). It is the melting liquid that has a beneficial effect on seed germination and the full development of shoots.

Did you know? The correct structure of water is snowflake-like molecules that remain in fresh liquid for only 24 hours. They cannot be seen with the naked eye, only under a microscope with a magnification of the object of view of approximately 20,000 times. Such structural units completely fill the cells of a newborn baby, but their number in an adult decreases as age increases. However, with regular consumption of melt water, you can completely replace the incorrect liquid capacity of your body with the correct water molecules. The secret is that with the help of the healing properties of this liquid, partially destroyed cell structure is gradually being replaced by new ideally structured microparticles.

Melt water during pregnancy and breastfeeding

According to chemical and organoleptic parameters, melt water is absolutely safe even for children during breastfeeding liquid (it is devoid of harmful impurities, toxic substances and salts of heavy metals). The minimum content of organic elements and natural purification during passage through natural rock layers make this substance truly unique, environmentally friendly and absolutely safe for the human body.

Of course, melt water, prepared in the right way, will only have a beneficial effect on the body expectant mother, and on the baby’s developing body, however, you should consult your doctor about the norms of its consumption, since during pregnancy the process water-salt metabolism changes a little.
Tap water that is not purified from harmful impurities, on the contrary, penetrates the placenta, thereby provoking the development of irreversible negative processes in the development of the fetus. In addition, statistics show that when drinking melted liquid, the signs of toxicosis decrease, and nausea is not so pronounced.

Is there any harm possible?

Melt water itself is not beneficial, but it significantly affects all processes occurring in the body, and its lack, like no other product, has a bad effect on a person’s overall life activity. If prepared incorrectly, it will simply become useless, but the real danger to the body comes from an unrefined, especially fluoridated, aqueous solution.

Did you know? Water acts as the strongest carrier of information. Due to its physical properties, as well as the negative and positive charges in the oxygen and hydrogen atoms, during this procedure a kind of cluster (data storage unit) is created. Due to the formation of such memory cells, water has the ability to perceive, store and transmit various types of information.

In addition, there is an opinion that all natural water disasters that occur in the world depend on emotional state and the mood of humanity. Malice, envy, anger and other negative feelings are absorbed by water that encounters and crosses such an environment. At the same time, natural bodies of water, in the vicinity of which there are the smallest number of people, are the safest in terms of the information field. Due to the strong negative energy charge of the human information flow, which the substance is not able to withstand constantly, tsunamis, floods, storms and hurricanes occur.

The aqueous solution flowing through the pipes of houses in which quarrels and scandals occur between people also gains negativity, and when it encounters right angles of pipeline systems, it constantly breaks its original structure.
Representatives of alternative medical therapy claim that melting water, that is, a liquid that has undergone the freezing process, loses its energy and memory, thus becoming an energetically indifferent liquid.

One of the prerequisites for the correct effect of melt water on the body is the absence of counterfeiting, that is, compliance with all quality certificates and sanitary standards, which are established for this type of liquid.

A sufficient level of water in the body is 75% of the total size of the human body. Consuming these reserves, the system requires their timely replenishment, just as a car requires fuel in order to move on. And, I must say, the body requires exactly the kind of water that is inside it. In terms of structure, the most suitable liquid is melted liquid.

Thus, The main advantages of melt water are:

  • its impeccable purity in terms of structure and information field;
  • healing effects on the body during its use.
Naturally, the liquid formed under natural purification conditions is the most useful of all its kind.

In addition, water must necessarily take part in the metabolic processes in our body, and not juices, compotes, teas, coffee and other water-based drinks. The fact is that the above-mentioned components of our diet are perceived by the body as food. A sip of melt water, whether natural or properly prepared artificial method, gives the body tone, a cheerful state and vital activity faster and better than any coffee.

Remember: your health is not only what you eat, but also what you drink. Therefore, if you have the opportunity, try using melt water for a certain time, and the results will not keep you waiting long.

Surely everyone knows that the human body is 90 percent water and this is the absolute truth. Thus, the quality of water a person consumes directly affects his health. It is also known that water has a special crystal lattice, which can vary from external conditions environment. The more harmonious the molecular structure of an inorganic liquid, the more valuable its properties are for the body. Today, quite a lot of tools are known that allow you to change the molecular network of a substance, one of them is the freezing method.

Melt water - what is it?

It is necessary to start with the fact that water, which is considered drinking water and flows through a pipeline, is a homogeneous system. In other words, tap water is a substance in which several substances that are part of each other are evenly dissolved. The liquid has this structure because it is exposed to special chemicals that are aimed at destroying the bacteria living in it. Thus, specific inorganic substance can be divided into:

  • “living” water, which is fresh, the freezing point of which is 0 degrees;
  • “dead” water - in its structure, hydrogen atoms are replaced by deuterium and tritium atoms. It freezes at a temperature of 3-4 degrees;
  • Brine is soluble salts and pesticides that freeze only at temperatures from -5 to -10.

Thus, when freezing, “dead” water freezes first, then fresh water, and only finally does the brine, which consists of chemicals, freeze. This state of affairs makes it possible to separate layer from layer, thereby purifying “living” water from other harmful components.

Melt water is water which has been thawed after freezing. A peculiarity of such water is a change in the molecular structure, which, when defrosted, begins to resemble the structure of human blood protoplasm. It is obtained by systematically freezing the liquid with the removal of the first ice (“dead” water) and subsequent thawing to remove brine and various impurities.

Thanks to modern technologies, you can quite clearly see how ordinary tap water, when exposed to cold, changes its molecular lattice, which is similar to the structure of ice molecules. When defrosted, the molecular structure of water remains perfectly correct for some time, but this condition directly depends on temperature indicators. If you use a microscope, you will notice that melt water has the form of regular crystals.

The dimensions of the crystal lattice of melt water are much smaller than tap water; accordingly, such liquid will be much easier to absorb when passing through cell membranes. The described modernized drink helps to activate metabolic processes, as well as renew the body at the cellular level. It is also important that with the help of properly structured water you can carry out effective cleaning body from harmful deposits.

The benefits of melt water for the human body

It should be rightly noted that melt water is the best tool for preventing diseases of all organs and systems in the human body. This water perfectly tones, increasing the physical resource of everyone. At the same time, experts say that melt water is the recipe for longevity and eternal youth.

Thus, it is necessary to highlight the positive properties of melt water for human health:

  • increases the barrier properties of the body, enhancing the overall level of immunity;
  • rejuvenates the body;
  • cleanses the blood of cholesterol;
  • promotes the removal of waste and toxins from the body;
  • reduces the risk of developing dermatological disorders with daily washing;
  • accelerates metabolic processes;
  • is an excellent method of toning the gastrointestinal tract, having a beneficial effect on the digestive process;
  • increases the level of endurance and performance throughout the day;
  • has a beneficial effect on mental activity and development mental processes, including attention and thinking;
  • acts as a guarantor of normal blood circulation, taking part in the process of its formation;
  • makes the body more resilient and less sensitive to external changes, for example, extreme heat, high atmospheric pressure, etc.;
  • acts as a natural fat solvent, due to which it is used to lose weight, etc.

How is it useful for weight loss?

Melt water, as noted earlier, is extremely useful for people who are overweight or simply trying to lose a little weight. The specificity of the action of water in this case can be divided into two operating directions: the dissolution of fats and the removal from the body of harmful deposits that disrupt metabolic processes, including the absorption of valuable substances.

According to the recommendations of experts, in order to get rid of extra pounds, you need to drink melt water daily. If desired, the described substance can be used as an unloading tool or used for cleaning. During a specific event, intestinal plugs are softened and waste accumulated on the intestinal walls is removed.

General rules for freezing water to purify it

Oddly enough, but in order for the melt water to be truly effective means, having the proper properties, it is necessary to follow the basic rules for its preparation. Most experts believe that it is best to freeze water in glass or enamel containers, avoiding plastic containers, as they can be toxic. Others, on the contrary, say that the best vessel Food plastic is used for freezing, since it is easiest to prepare melt water in it.

It is also important to take into account that water freezes gradually, for this reason you cannot uncontrollably send a vessel with liquid into the freezer and forget about it. It is necessary to constantly monitor the freezing process, removing layer by layer, so that you can obtain high-quality, clean and structured water.

Methods for preparing melt water at home

There are several ways to prepare melt water at home. Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages, but the process does not always matter, because the main thing is to get good water. Typically, all approaches are divided into sequential freezing with the removal of each subsequent layer and complete freezing, in which the separation of harmful deposits occurs through their separate removal. That is why below are several options for creating melt water.

How to freeze water in a plastic bottle

It is known that the freezing point of each structural component of water is different. It is thanks to this that you can achieve desired result. In order to prepare melt water in a bottle, you will need to put it in a plastic container. cold water from the tap. Then place the container in the freezer for approximately 5 hours, but this is not an exact time and must be adjusted, constantly monitoring the freezing process.

After the contents of the bottle are covered with an ice crust, the water needs to be poured into another container, which will facilitate the process of removing ice, which is heavy water. After you have managed to get rid of the ice into the bottle, you need to return the liquid again and put everything in the refrigerator again. Now you need to wait until the total volume of the container becomes two-thirds ice - this is that very clean water. Now you need to pour the rest of the liquid out of the bottle and, after waiting for the ice to defrost, start drinking the melt water.

How to make melt water in a drinking jar

According to another method, you need to prepare a jar with sides that do not taper towards the top, so that the ice can be removed from the container without changing its shape. As part of the approach, you will have to fill a jar with running water and put it in the freezer. To do this, you need to set the temperature to approximately 1-2 degrees. After some time, the ice that appears is thrown away, and the unfrozen liquid is sent to the freezer until completely frozen. As a result, you need to take out a jar and place it under a stream of hot water to melt the cloudy, opaque areas out of it - these are deposits of harmful substances. The remaining ice is purified water, which should be drunk after defrosting.

Freezing boiled water

According to experts, it is the water that was initially brought to a boil that has great beneficial properties. This is justified by the fact that such water passes through everything states of nature: steam, water and ice. However, there is a little trick. In order to prepare melt water from boiled water, you will need to fill a pan with running water and bring it to a temperature at which bubbles begin to set on its surface, but the boiling process has not yet begun - this is a temperature of 95-96 degrees. The heated water needs to be cooled as quickly as possible and then frozen, passing it through the steps described above.

Video: how to prepare melt water

The video offered for viewing is informational material explaining the specifics of the formation, action and preparation of melt water. This particular video is presented by a television program in which a specialist describes in detail the features of the effects of crystallized water on the body, giving answers to the most interesting questions.

How to properly drink water from the freezer for treatment purposes

Doctors say that you need to drink melt water throughout the day, starting with a glass of water on an empty stomach. It is also recommended to drink liquid an hour before each meal. There is one significant rule: you cannot defrost water using an artificial increase in temperature. Water should melt at room temperature and be stored in liquid form for no more than 7 hours, since after this time the water will lose its beneficial properties.

Possible harm from using water

Melt water is an inorganic substance that has a regular crystal lattice, due to which such water is better absorbed. For this reason, there is no reason to claim that the drug in question can negatively affect the human body.

According to scientists, the famous “life-giving” water from fairy tales is not fiction at all. Quite recently, a study was conducted: old cats that had lost the ability to bear children were given melt water rather than running water for a month. After such an experiment, the cats carried and gave birth to kittens again.

Melt water is a healing liquid that was used by our ancestors, both for the prevention and treatment of various ailments. Our grandmothers did not use creams, they washed their faces with life-giving water, and their skin was healthy, they washed their hair with it and did not use any cosmetics and they became lush and shiny. Moreover, the thawed liquid was used to water the seedlings, and they were blessed with a rich harvest.

Before we begin our story about the amazing power of melt water, watch this useful video.

Preparation of water at home, endowed with miraculous properties, Maybe. Anyone can do this, especially since the process is very simple and will not take much of your time.

Freezing is recommended in containers made of glass or porcelain. As for plastic and metal containers, expert opinions differ somewhat. Some insist that when water is frozen in a plastic or metal container, it loses a lot of its beneficial properties.

Others believe that freezing water is only permissible in plastic containers, and not in metal and glass. It is better to use special trays for this purpose; they can be bought at any specialized store. The container volume is selected depending on your needs and the purposes for which you intend to use the liquid. In any case, the choice of container is yours.

Cooking instructions

How to make melt water? Follow the instructions.

  1. First, fill the container plain water. Close the lid and place in the freezer. Place a lining under the container, for example, made of cardboard (to insulate the bottom). It is advisable that the freezer is empty at this time.
  2. After a few hours, an ice crust forms in the container. The water underneath will not be frozen. The ice crust should be discarded because it contains heavy water.
  3. Then place the container back into the freezer. Now you need to freeze the liquid halfway.
  4. After some time (check periodically), remove the container, open the lid and pour the unfrozen liquid into the sink. It contains harmful substances heavy metals and various impurities.
  5. The transparent ice remaining in the container is our future healing melt water.
  6. If you notice that in some places the ice has a cloudy or slightly yellowish tint, don't worry. This means that the water is slightly overexposed, and after it has frozen living water(this happens first), the process of freezing the liquid with impurities has begun. Sometimes the bottom is cloudy. Just beat off the unnecessary part, or place it under a hot stream so that the unnecessary ice thaws.
  7. The last stage is thawing the ice. Place the container on the table and let the ice melt naturally.

You need to drink fresh water. In the first minutes after cooking, it is considered alive. After a few hours, it will also be healing, however, some of the beneficial qualities will still be lost.

The prepared liquid cannot be heated or defrosted in hot water. So she will lose all her useful qualities. The greatest effect can be achieved by drinking thawed liquid in which pieces of ice are still floating. It is recommended to drink it in small sips for five hours.

If you are cooking and are going to use the liquid for the first time, do not try to drink it in an hour, you need to get used to it. Start taking ½ cup healing drink per day. After three days, you can increase the dose by another half a glass. You can drink a liter of thawed water per day.

Description of the “drug”

Just one or two sips of melt water per day tones up several times better than any natural juice. Drinking 500 ml of thawed liquid daily will charge you with energy, give you strength, vigor and health.

The first dose is best taken immediately after waking up. The required amount of melt water per day is selected individually: 5 ml per kilogram of weight. Taking 200 ml of liquid half an hour before meals three times a day helps to significantly improve your well-being and general condition.

Benefits and harms

Many people are interested in the benefits and harm that the body receives when taking melt water. About her healing power we have already written. Talaya is recommended for people with:

  • CVS pathologies: hypertension, thrombophlebitis, angina pectoris, atherosclerosis;
  • gastrointestinal ailments: peptic ulcer, gastritis, intestinal atony;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the central nervous system.

Thawed water helps improve the functioning of all organs and systems of the human body. It helps in increasing physical resources, as well as slowing down the aging process.

In addition, the use of healing liquid promotes:

  • health improvement;
  • cleansing the body of toxic substances and waste;
  • improvement of metabolic processes;
  • improving performance;
  • reducing the concentration of harmful cholesterol in the blood;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • eliminating allergies and skin pathologies.

Properly prepared melt water has no contraindications and will not cause harm to the body. It is worth noting that melted rainwater is not suitable for internal consumption, as it may contain harmful atmospheric impurities.

Medicine prescriptions

Infusions, lotions, compresses and decoctions made with life-giving water are considered truly miraculous drugs. This liquid enhances the healing effects of plants several times.

  1. Ice in the treatment of warts. Brew 40 grams of dried crushed celandine with boiled water - 200 ml. Leave the composition for three hours. After filtering the composition, pour the liquid into molds and place in the freezer. Apply to affected areas.
  2. Melt water against gastrointestinal pathologies. For this purpose, it is recommended to consume 100 ml three times a day. You need to drink it slowly, in small sips.
  3. Heartburn therapy. Drink ½ glass of life-giving water after meals. Drink it slowly until the heartburn completely disappears.
  4. Diabetes mellitus: thawed water therapy. Drink a glass of medicinal liquid three times a day.
  5. If your hair is falling out, try the following. Massage every day skin covering heads with a piece of ice. The duration of the procedure is five minutes. The course of therapy is a month. For the same purpose, you can use ice infusions: celandine herbs, burdock rhizomes, nettles.

Can melt water cause harm?

If it is prepared correctly, it will only benefit you. If it preserved harmful substances and impurities, purification as such and imparting it healing power will not happen. Otherwise, drinking water will only have a positive effect on your well-being.

There is only one way to refute or confirm the usefulness of melt water - try it. It doesn’t matter at all whether you drink it every day or use it to wash your face - it won’t harm you. It is quite possible that after some time you will feel the effect and notice how rejuvenated and fresh your skin is, and that you feel much better.

The water available to us is not of good quality, but our health depends on it. When studying the biological activity of water of various origins, scientists found that melt water has a good healing effect on the body. It improves metabolic processes and increases immunity. About methods of obtaining pure melted water without any impurities water is coming speech in our article.

Composition of regular tap water

Ordinary water that comes to us from the water supply has 3 components:

  1. “Dead” or deuterium water D2O. Instead of hydrogen atoms, it contains deuterium atoms. It begins to freeze already at a temperature of +3.8 degrees.
  2. “Living” or protium water H 2 O, freezing at 0 degrees. Without it, the existence of living organisms is impossible.
  3. Impurities – organic compounds, pesticides, salts. They freeze at -7 degrees.

Preparation of melt water in a simple way

To obtain healthy melt water, you must adhere to a certain technology, otherwise, instead of healing, the effect will be the opposite. The sequence is:

  1. We collect water from an accessible source and let it stand for at least 12 hours so that the gases disappear from it.
  2. We pass the liquid through the filter.
  3. Pour water into a plastic container, close it and put it in the freezer for about 15 hours.
  4. We remove the dishes and place them under running hot water to wash away all the harmful impurities that have accumulated on a clearly visible white or slightly yellowish area. The clear ice remaining after this procedure is melt water for consumption.

3) The second method of obtaining melt water

The difference in temperatures at which freezing occurs is the basic point in the process of separating living melt water from harmful ballast. This is done as follows:

  1. We take a container - porcelain, glass or plastic, fill it with water, but not to the very edge, because... When freezing, the liquid will increase in volume.
  2. Cover the dish with a lid, place it in the freezer and observe.
  3. Deuterium water will begin to freeze first, and as soon as we see that the thickness of the ice crust has reached 15% of the total volume, we remove it and return the dishes to the freezer.
  4. After some time, usually several hours, 1/3 of the water in the container will remain in a liquid state - these are impurities in the form of salts and various chemicals. Let's drain this water.
  5. Defrost the ice remaining in the container at room temperature. This is protium water - the best for drinking.

Method three

In this way, a particularly useful “talitsa” is obtained, which has strong internal energy. Using this method, we simulate the water cycle in natural conditions, forcing it to go through all stages: evaporation, cooling, freezing, thawing. The algorithm is like this:

  1. We bring the water to the “white spring”, i.e. to a temperature of about 96 degrees.
  2. Place the dishes in a larger container filled with cold water so that it cools down to room temperature as quickly as possible.
  3. We put it on freezing and consistently carry out operations to separate “dead” water and impurities.

Water obtained by freezing and then thawing can be drunk by everyone, provided that the following recommendations are followed:

  1. Once you decide to drink melt water, let your body get used to it. Start with a serving of 100 ml per day and increase this dose by the same amount every 3 days, bringing it to 1.5 liters per day.
  2. Accelerate the melting process useful ice by placing it in hot water You can’t do it - all valuable properties will be lost.
  3. Water with ice floes floating in it is most beneficial, but you should drink it slowly so as not to get a cold in your throat.
  4. If you heat structured water to +37 degrees, it loses its biological activity and becomes simply well-purified water.
  5. Do not freeze water in a metal container, as this will reduce its effectiveness.
  6. Jars made of food grade plastic are preferable to glass jars, because... the latter can break.
  7. Before freezing, charge the water with positive information, for which you yourself should be positive, smile, read a prayer.

Frozen water becomes healthy for drinking after thawing. Water purification by freezing must be carried out according to certain rules in several stages.

Before describing the process of purifying water by freezing, it is worth understanding what is good about frozen water and why is it even needed? Since ancient times, glacial water was considered healing and was widely used in folk medicine. They received it simply: they collected freshly fallen snow in a bucket or trough and waited for it to melt. Nowadays, water obtained by this method is not only not useful - it is dangerous. The amount of impurities and harmful compounds within the city exceeds all acceptable standards and therefore melted snow will not add health.

The benefits of melt water

Even purified water that has passed through filters contains various additives, in particular deuterium, which replaces hydrogen atoms, soluble salts and organic compounds. They are deposited on the walls of blood vessels in tissues and internal organs and over time cause various chronic diseases.

After freezing and thawing, the structure of the crystal lattice of water aligns and becomes more ordered and structured.

Getting into human body, melt water replaces defective molecules, improving general state, blood quality and composition, reduces cholesterol levels. It also has a positive effect on blood vessels, improves memory, and helps lose weight.


To obtain the desired effect, water purification by freezing must take place in several stages:

  1. Water is poured into a plastic bottle or glass container, filling the container to approximately 80% of its volume, leaving room for expansion.
  2. Leave it open for an hour to ventilate the chlorine.
  3. Place the container in the freezer and leave it there until a crust of ice forms on the surface of the water. The freezing point of water containing deuterium is +3.8 degrees, clean water- 0 degrees. Accordingly, the part of the liquid that contains the hydrogen isotope will freeze first. The resulting ice crust is broken through, and the remaining water is poured into another container. The remaining ice is thrown away; it cannot be used for drinking, since it will contain deuterium.
  4. The drained water needs to be frozen again, this time completely. Depending on the initial volume, it will harden for several hours. The freezing point of water containing impurities is 7 degrees; it will crystallize last and remain the cloudiest part of the ice piece. Transparent part Frozen water must be melted at room temperature, and cloudy water must be left, even if it occupies half of the total volume. Melted transparent ice - this is necessary for the body"living" water.

There are several ways to properly get rid of opaque frozen water containing impurities. You can wait for the ice to partially melt on its own and throw away the cloudy part, or you can artificially wash it away under warm running water, directing the stream to the central part of the piece. The third option is not to wait for the ice to completely freeze at stage 4, but to keep the water in the freezer for a couple of hours so that the surface sets. When this happens, you need to break through the crust and drain the cooled liquid.

What is degassing?

There is a technique for increasing the biological activity of frozen water through degassing. To do this, tap water is passed through, heated to a temperature of 93-96 degrees, waiting until a large number of small bubbles form in the depths and on the surface of the liquid, but without bringing it to a boil. Then they quickly lower the temperature of the liquid - lower the container into a bath of cold water or place the pan outside (in winter). After this, the liquid must go through all the above stages of thawing and defrosting.

According to the developers of the method, the resulting water is as close as possible to natural water, since it goes through all natural cycles: evaporation, cooling, freezing and thawing.

Purifying water by freezing is not a quick process. In this case, the resulting water with a regular crystal lattice retains its properties only for 24 hours. Ideally, it should be consumed within 4-5 hours after preparation. When heated, the structure of frozen water is disrupted and it loses some of its properties. Therefore, it is not advisable to use it for making soups and tea, although it will certainly be healthier than ordinary filtered tap water. The shelf life of the liquid can be increased if you do not remove it from the refrigerator.

Many people wonder what container can be used for freezing? Thick-walled glass bowls that expand from bottom to top are best. Some people use 1.5 liter bottles, which are usually used for selling soda. True, in order to remove ice from such a container, you will have to cut it. Use glass jars It is also not advisable for canning, since the ice can tear them when they freeze quickly.