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Japanese crosswords small 10x10 online. How to solve Japanese crosswords? Instructions. General logic and tactics for solving Japanese crosswords

Now there are many periodicals entirely devoted to crossword puzzles. Almost every newspaper has a page for those who like to test their erudition. One of the popular types of crosswords recently is the Japanese crossword.

Technique of how to solve Japanese crosswords, quite complicated. But if you figure it out once, you can always keep yourself busy and train your brain.

How is a Japanese crossword different from a regular one?

In regular crosswords we guess the words, but in Japanese we need to decipher the hidden picture. The Japanese crossword pattern looks like this:

Fig No. 1.

The numbers indicate how many cells in a row should be crossed out. For example, there should be nine of them in the first line. There are eight in the first column.

What do you need to know?

  • The entire field of a Japanese crossword puzzle is usually divided into squares of five cells. That is, you don’t need to count one cell at a time, you can count by fives. Thus, we can calculate that our drawing is 14 by 15 cells in size.
  • The order of the numbers does not change. In whatever order they appear, they will be crossed out in a row or column.
  • There must be at least one space between the shaded numbers. There may be more, but there should be a gap of one cell. For convenience, they can be crossed out with crosses or marked with dots.
  • It is better to draw crosses with a pencil, because later you will be able to erase them and see a beautiful picture.

Instructions for solving a Japanese crossword puzzle

Let's proceed, in fact, to the very technique of how to solve Japanese crosswords. Find the largest numbers first. In our case it is 9 in the first line. Now you need to determine where to cross out these 9 cells in the first line? We need to find out which cells will be 100% crossed out. To do this, we count 9 cells from the left like this:

Fig No. 2.

And now nine cells on the right:

Fig No. 3.

Those cells that are at the intersection will be crossed out:

Fig No. 4.

Now we look at the columns that contain the crossed out cells. These are the sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth columns. Each of them contains the number one - that is, one cell. One cell has already been crossed out, which means there must be a gap under it. We mark them with crosses and cross out the number so as not to get confused later:

Fig No. 5.

We do the same with the next descending numbers. We have 9 in the last column, 8 in the first and 7 in the last row:

Figure No. 6.

Please note that our last line consists of 14 cells, and therefore seven on the left and seven on the right give exactly half, which means there will be no intersection.

Now is it clear how to solve Japanese crosswords? Let's move on. Now we look horizontally at what the filled cells give us. In the seventh line, we have one cell colored on the right. This means that we cross out the rightmost unit and put a cross in front of the cell - we mark the gap:

Fig No. 7.

Eighth line. Two units are two filled cells. We mark the gaps and cross them out. Congratulations, the eighth line has been solved! This means that we can cross out all the space between them.

Figure No. 8.

Let's see what this gives us. In the seventh and ninth columns we see the number five. Five cells must be filled in after the one we have already crossed out. Let's look at the distance between the crosses in these columns... Exactly five cells! The question arises why they cannot be in the lower part of the field, after the crosses. Let's return to the rules once again: the numbers are indicated in order. That is, if we painted one cell from the very top, then there must be five, and only then 4 cells, one at a time. So, feel free to paint over these cells:

Figure No. 9.

We check the lines horizontally. Alas, in the third and fourth lines this does not give us anything - it is impossible to determine whether one cell is shaded or, perhaps, two. But we can definitely put a cross between them, since there cannot be three in a row in a line:

Figure No. 10.

But in the fifth line we can put as many as three crosses and cross out two ones. In this case, it doesn’t matter which ones, since the entire line consists of ones, and the drawing will not go astray:

Figure No. 11.

Checking the sixth line gives us only a cross between the black bars, the seventh line does not give us anything yet. We skip the eighth, since it has already been solved, and in the ninth we put a cross in the penultimate cell and cross out one.

Figure No. 12.

Further, alas, for now we cannot cross out anything horizontally. Let's go back vertically again. Checking the first six columns doesn't tell us anything. At first glance, the seventh one too, but if you take a closer look... We have 4 units left. And there are six empty cells in the column. That is, just enough space to place four filled cells and the gaps between them. The same situation applies to the ninth column:

Figure No. 13.

The art of solving Japanese crossword puzzles is to constantly double-check yourself. Now let's go back to the horizontal again and see what the crossed out cells in the lower field give us. In the ninth line we get a cross. Nothing in the tenth yet. In the eleventh there is also no reliable information, as in the twelfth. But in the thirteenth we can draw a cell between two already sketched ones, because we have the number 5. It cannot be somewhere on the side, because there are ones on the sides. And even if we put units on the sides, we leave a gap - and five cells won’t fit.

Figure No. 14.

Let's look further at the last two lines. In the very last one, where 7 cells should be drawn, we can cross out something. Since the cells in the seventh and ninth columns are crossed out in the middle, the cell between them will also be filled in. Three out of seven. We retreat the hypothetically possible four to the left and right, and mark everything else with crosses:

Figure No. 15.

And we will continue to act in the same spirit. Checking horizontally and vertically again and again, calculating all the options, we cross out new cells. When you have almost only units left, you need to look at the drawing itself; as a rule, the picture emerges and you can understand what the author wanted to say and where to sketch the cell. This is what you should end up with:

Figure No. 16.

This is the funny smiley you will get when you understand how to solve Japanese crossword puzzles!

We also invite you to watch a very interesting video "How to Solve Japanese Crosswords" .

Good luck and have fun!

In Japanese puzzles, unlike other crosswords, not words, but images are encrypted. When solving it, you need to reconstruct the picture using the numbers that are written to the left of the lines above the columns. The numbers in the Japanese crossword grid show how many groups of black cells are in the corresponding row or column and how many merged black cells each group contains.

For example, a set of numbers 4, 1, and 3 in a Japanese crossword puzzle grid means that there are three groups in this row: the first of four, the second of one, and the third of three black cells. Groups are separated by at least one empty square. Empty cells can also be at the edges of the rows. When solving a Japanese crossword puzzle, you need to determine the placement of these groups of cells.

And now on simple example Let's look at how to solve Japanese crosswords.

The algorithm for solving the Japanese crossword puzzle is as follows. The easiest way to start solving a Japanese crossword is with those lines that are completely filled in. In our example, there are only three such lines of 9 cells each (Fig. 1).

Now let's pay attention to the second line, consisting of two groups of 4 cells. In this case, the space between the groups will be in the 5th column. After this, in the 1st and 9th columns of the Japanese crossword puzzle, we have 4 cells filled in, which is what we need according to the conditions.

All other cells in these columns of the Japanese crossword definitely turn out to be unshaded. We mark them with crosses (Fig. 2). Next, in the line with the number 7, we paint over all seven remaining cells. In the middle column the beginning of the group was formed - 4 out of 7 required by the condition. Let's complete this group.

Continuing the solution of the Japanese crossword puzzle, we note that the line with the number 1 already has a cell; All others are marked with a cross. In our Japanese crossword, in the line with the number 3, the second and eighth cells must remain free, and in the line with groups 2-2, the third and seventh cells will definitely be filled in (Fig. 3).

Next, we complete columns 3 and 7, connect three cells from the line with the number 5, paint over the two remaining cells in the line with the number 3. Now all that remains is to paint the first cells in the second and eighth column, and the Japanese crossword puzzle is ready (Fig. 4) .

We wish you good luck in solving Japanese crossword puzzles!

Today we would like to talk about the so-called Japanese crosswords, which have become very popular in our country. Why so called? Because in translation the word crossword means the intersection of words, but in the Japanese crossword there are no words at all. The Japanese crossword puzzle contains an encrypted pattern drawn in cells. It is necessary to draw this picture, knowing the number of shaded cells in each row and column. And if solving ordinary crosswords requires general erudition and memory, then solving Japanese crosswords requires logic and attentiveness. This is why solving Japanese crossword puzzles is very useful for children. The simplest Japanese crossword puzzles can be offered to children aged 5 years and older.
In this issue we will offer you several of the simplest Japanese crossword puzzles, which may become the first for your child. But first, for those who are not yet familiar with Japanese crosswords, let’s take a closer look at the rules.
So, the Japanese crossword puzzle is a checkered field with numbers written on the left and top. The numbers show how many cells should be shaded in a column or row. If one number is indicated, for example, 4, then 4 cells must be filled in a row, without spaces, all other cells in this column must remain empty. If several numbers are indicated in one row or column, for example, 3 4, then a group of 3 cells must be filled in, and then, through a space in one or more cells, another 4. That, in principle, are all the rules. Next, you need to move directly to solving simple crossword puzzles and in the process everything will become completely clear.

Today we offer you 5 crossword puzzles to solve with your children. They are listed in order of increasing difficulty.

Crossword puzzles can be printed using the link

If this is your first time encountering Japanese crosswords, you may need a few tips. Let's look at the solutions to some of the given crossword puzzles, at the same time dwelling on the main solving techniques.

So, the first crossword puzzle.

1. The last line contains the number 5, since we have only 5 cells in the lines, this means that the last line will be completely painted over. Finding those rows or columns with the maximum number of shaded cells is the first step in solving any crossword puzzle

2. Now you can paint the specified number of cells in all columns, starting from the bottom cell, which is already painted.

Let's look at the second crossword puzzle.

1. As in the previous case, find the column and row with the maximum possible number of filled cells

2. Now let's look at the first column, there should be only one shaded cell in it, it already exists. This means that all other cells will be uncolored. Unfilled cells should be marked, for example, with dots. We do the same with the cells in the fifth column, first, fourth and fifth row. Tip: be sure to mark all the cells that will definitely remain unfilled.

3. It remains to paint over the last cells.

Crosswords 3 and 4 are also solved by starting by finding the row or column with the maximum possible number of shaded squares.

Let's talk a little about crossword 5.

Here you cannot paint over an entire row or column at once. Let's pay attention to the lines with nai big amount shaded cells. In the sixth line, out of the available 5 cells, 4 should be painted over. No matter how we do it, the 3 central ones will always be painted over, so they can be safely painted over right away (which side the 4th cell will be painted over will be determined later). So, one more rule: We look for rows and columns with a large number of painted cells and determine which cells in them will be exactly painted.

Promised additions:
You can print crossword puzzles and instructions

Hello, dear readers of the site. Japanese crosswords They differ from ordinary ones in that solving them does not require racking your brain to guess a variety of intricate words. The Japanese crossword puzzle contains an encrypted picture that needs to be unravel by painting the cells.

A crossword puzzle is a field consisting of a certain number of empty cells, which, during the solving process, are painted over in the required sequence, indicated by the clue numbers.

The clue numbers indicate the number of shaded cells in the vertical and horizontal lines of the crossword puzzle, and each number forms a group of closely shaded cells, between which there is a gap of one or more empty cells.

For ease of counting, cells are combined into squares of 5 cells, and the squares themselves are highlighted with thick lines, which allows you to count five cells at once.

Groups of cells are painted in the sequence in which the clue numbers are located: for a horizontal line, counting starts from left border fields, and for a vertical line from upper limit . But it is necessary to take into account that, depending on the pattern, there may be several empty cells between the first cell of the group and the border of the field.

For example.
Horizontal line with numbers 5 , 3 , 1 five cells -> pass -> group of three cells -> pass -> one cell.

Vertical line with numbers 4 , 1 , 1 can be painted like this: a group of four cells -> pass -> one cell -> pass -> one cell.

They begin to solve the crossword puzzle by searching for the largest clue numbers located in the vertical and horizontal lines, because it is these numbers with a large number of merged cells that are painted first, and then these shaded cells are used as a starting point when further solving the crossword puzzle.

When solving Japanese crosswords, learn a few rules:

1. Use a simple pencil, as this gives you a chance to erase if you make a mistake. wrong decision and continue solving the crossword puzzle. In case of an error, I recommend not to waste time searching for the error, but to clear the field completely and start solving the crossword puzzle all over again.

2. When solving a crossword puzzle, you need to mark empty cells that cannot contain a picture. This reduces the search area and makes it easier to solve the pattern.
As a rule, empty cells are crossed out with a cross or marked with a dot. If you mark with dots, the drawing turns out to be more expressive.

3 . Each group of colored cells found is separated on both sides by a dot or a cross. Let's say that we have identified a group of five cells in the horizontal line 5, 3, 1. This means that we put a dot before the first and after the last cell.

When all groups of cells 5, 3, 1 are found in a horizontal line, then each is separated on both sides.

Well, now, when all three groups of cells are finally found in the horizontal line 5, 3, 1, but there are still empty cells left, then we fill these empty cells with dots, since there should be no more filled cells in this line.

We do the same with the vertical line.

4 . It is advisable to cross out the hint numbers, the lines of which will be completely filled with dots and groups. The crossed out number will indicate that the line is finished and you should no longer pay attention to this number.

5 . There are no approximate solutions to the Japanese crossword - only exact calculation. You cannot approximately paint over a cell or select an empty one.

The process itself solving a Japanese crossword puzzle It is very difficult to describe, because when solving it, many “ifs” arise that cannot be explained within one page. Take at least one cell, when painted over, several options with “if” may arise.

I suggest you watch videos where, in the process of solving crossword puzzles, I tried to tell the main points, possible nuances and little tricks. In the first video it is solved easy crossword, designed for beginners, and in the second, a complex one is solved, but the explanation is also given with beginners in mind.

Have you noticed that recently many people around you have begun to solve not ordinary, but Japanese crosswords? And there is an explanation for this. Regular crosswords and their lighter version - scanwords - have not forced you to strain your intellect for a long time. The same formulations like “3-letter parrot” or “clothing for the walls” migrate from newspaper to newspaper. Boring…

What are the “Japanese” good at? Oh, this is a completely different level, each task is unique, and as a result you get moral satisfaction not from the fact that you remembered all the words you know, but from the fact that you saw a picture drawn by you yourself, and the more complex the crossword puzzle, the more detailed the details will be drawn all its details.

The rules for solving such crossword puzzles are not complicated. Let's study? So…

The Japanese crossword is a picture encrypted using numbers. The numbers opposite each row (column) indicate the number of shaded cells in that row (column). If more than one number is written in a row, this means that in this row (column) there are several groups of filled cells, between which there is at least one unshaded cell. The order of the numbers coincides with the order of the shaded groups. Your goal is to determine the location of all groups of numbers on the field and as a result get a picture. There can only be one solution to a crossword puzzle, so if something doesn’t add up, we go back a step and carefully check all our steps. That's all the rules.

Everything seems to be simple. But in practice many questions arise. In magazines and newspapers that publish Japanese crossword puzzles, very primitive pictures are given as examples. And it often happens that you can’t solve any of the proposed options on your own. Therefore, I suggest starting to learn from the example of a more complex picture, for example, 15x15 cells in size.

1. We start by searching for the largest number, or group of numbers. This is the line with the number 14.
We count 14 cells from left to right and put a point. We repeat the countdown from right to left and also put a point. We connect them and paint over the entire group. We ended up with 13 shaded cells. We don’t yet know where the 14th cell will be - on the right or on the left.

2. Repeat the countdown for the line with the number 9, also from left to right and vice versa. Paint 3 cells:

3. Now let's look at the very bottom line with the numbers 8 and 4. This entry means that in this line there is a group of 8 cells, then a gap of at least one cell, and a group of 4 cells. Let's try to calculate them.

From left to right we count 8 cells, put a dot, skip one cell and continue counting 4 cells. Let's put an end to it. Now from right to left: count 4 cells (dot), skip one and count 8 cells (dot). We connect the points belonging to the eight and four in pairs, and we get groups of 6 and 2 cells. Let's paint them over. It is still unknown in which direction each of the groups will continue.
Please note that when we calculate several groups in a row or column, we always skip 1 intermediate cell, although after completing the solution you will see that there are sometimes more of them. But we will always use this calculation mechanism if we want everything to work out. Let's move on.

4. We apply the same counting algorithm to the line “4 - 7”. You should end up with groups of one and four cells - these are pieces from 4 and 7, respectively.

5. Now let's look at the overall picture:

Pay attention to the columns. Many of them end with the number 1. This means that the lowest group of cells in these columns is equal to one. Therefore, in the line “8 - 4” we can safely mark those “ones” that automatically emerged for us, and the “twos” that can be safely completed. At the same time, we remember that between groups of numbers there must be at least 1 unfilled cell and we agree that we will mark such cells with crosses. Such cells will not be painted over under any circumstances.

6. Next, let's do it ourselves:
- column “2-1-6-2” - after the bottom “two” there is a “six”. We count 6 cells and paint it completely. Everything came together naturally here. At the end of the group, do not forget to put a cross;
- column “1-3-5-2” - we do the same with the “five”;
- line “9” - we have two filled cells closer to the right edge. From there we count 9 cells, put a dot and connect it to a group of 2 cells. Let's color it in and see that we have 7 out of 9 shaded cells. Since we have only one group in this line, we leave 2 cells free from its supposed left edge, and mark the rest with crosses. There won't be anything there anyway;
- check the vertical and notice the “threes” that appear (columns “1-1-3-1”, “1-3-1-3-1” and “2-1-2-3-1”), paint them over and not we forget to separate them with crosses;
- in the line “1-6” we count the “six”: from right to left we count six cells (dot) and from the cross from left to right also 6 cells and put a dot. Let's connect, paint over 5 out of 6 cells. We don’t pay attention to the “one” in this line for now;
- we also recalculate the line “7-1”, as a result we paint over 6 out of 7 cells;
- do the same actions with lines “1-5” and “7”;
- then check the verticals and draw the groups that start immediately after the crosses. After each move, check how the picture changes, complete the positions that appear. You should end up with an intermediate picture like this:

In the process of solving, think logically. If in the line “1-6” there is only one position left for one, then it is also part of the “two” from the first column. Therefore, leave room for the completion of the “two”, and mark the rest of the column with crosses. Now you can finish line “14” and count the rows and columns again, marking with crosses those positions where there cannot be any filled cells. Complete the line “4-1-1”, recalculate the columns “1-3-5-2” and “1-3-1-3-1”, and then think logically and be careful, all the cells will appear with each next step . As a result, we got a drawing of a mouse in a shoe.

I congratulate you on your first success!
I hope you enjoyed it and will join our ranks of Japanese crossword puzzle fans!