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The likelihood of becoming infected with HIV through sexual contact. Probability of HIV infection

On the pages of the medical publication Journal of Infectious Diseases, a study that once again clarified the degree of risk of contracting HIV during heterosexual sexual intercourse. In addition, doctors analyzed the factors that influence this risk.

Let's start with the main finding: for heterosexual couples in which one partner is infected with HIV, the risk of infection is 1 in 900. That is, on average, one infection occurs for every 900 unprotected sexual acts - this is an order of magnitude consistent with past estimates and slightly higher than them. Using a condom reduces the risk by about 78%, or to a rate of 1 infection in 4,000 sexual acts; The key risk factor is the concentration of the virus in the blood of the infected partner. Everything else, that is, age, the presence of concomitant infections or circumcision, are second-order factors. Although, for example, circumcised men become infected almost half as often, and with age the risk significantly decreases.

The authors of the study, including specialists from both the University of Washington in the USA and their colleagues from medical centers in Kenya and South Africa, separately noted a greater risk of infection in a pair “infected man - uninfected woman,” but when asked whether this is due specifically to correlation of roles in sexual intercourse, found it difficult to answer. According to the scientists’ article, it is also possible that men, on average, had a higher concentration of viral particles, so it is clearly premature to draw conclusions about the supposedly better protection of men from the virus.

Context: sex, HIV and risks

The riskiest sexual act from the point of view of epidemiologists is anal sex, especially for the receiving partner. Moreover, regardless of sexual orientation, since the permeability of the mucous membrane is the same in both men and women.

The safest act is either oral sex (the risk is about one infection in several thousand), or even mutual caresses with your hands.

The study was conducted in sub-Saharan Africa, a region that is rightfully considered the most disadvantaged on the planet in terms of the number of people infected with HIV. Doctors examined 3,297 couples where one of the partners was HIV-positive and collected information on all cases of infection, along with all the information that allowed them to identify risk factors.

They, of course, may seem quite obvious, since similar studies have been carried out before. But in the same issue of the Journal of Infectious Diseases there is also a commentary by two third-party experts - Ronald Gray and Maria Waver from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore (note that both have dozens of publications on the topic of HIV, based on clinical studies). These experts point out that the American-African group has obtained the most reliable data to date on how great the risk of HIV infection is in a regular heterosexual couple.

This knowledge is primarily useful not even to epidemiologists, but to ordinary citizens. In Russia, according to various estimates, from almost 550 thousand (official data) to one and a half million people are infected; The virus has long spread beyond a narrow circle of intravenous drug users or people who have a large number of unprotected sexual contacts with casual acquaintances. Today there is not a single 100% reliable means of protecting against infection, but research shows us how and to what extent the risk can be reduced.

Context: statistics and their reliability

The most disadvantaged countries are Swaziland, Botswana, Lesotho, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Namibia. These African states are characterized by a proportion of HIV-infected adults ranging from 15 to 25%.

According to the CIA directory, the Central Asian republics are among the least affected by the spread of the virus, but it is not very clear how much local statistics can be trusted. However, official data from the World Health Organization also directly indicate a spread of estimates within at least a dozen or two percent, even where there is more trust in local health authorities: the number of HIV-positive residents of industrialized countries is estimated from 1.9 to 2.7 million.

We can only say with confidence that the proportion of HIV-positive citizens in Russia does not exceed several percent, according to the most pessimistic estimates, and the same statement is true for most developed countries.

Context: therapy and money

On the one hand, modern antiviral drugs already make it possible in some cases to say that it is possible to live no less with HIV than without it - there are examples of patients who, with the help of medications, have successfully curbed the growth of the number of viruses in the body for more than two decades.

On the other hand, drugs are expensive, containing the virus costs tens of thousands of dollars per infected person. In Russia, according to official data from the Ministry of Health and Social Development, it is planned to provide therapy to 105 thousand people in 2012 - anyone can compare this number with the official number of infected people. In African countries, the situation is even worse: the Zimbabwean economy, with 80 percent unemployment and a collapsed national currency, is in principle unable to support even programs to prevent HIV infection among children of HIV-infected mothers.

Context: Fidelity and Probability

From all the accumulated data on the risks of infection and the number of HIV-infected people, several conclusions can be drawn about how high the probability of infection is:

    After a year of marriage with a single partner (who with a probability of about 1% is HIV-positive) - about 0.1%

    After one casual relationship with an HIV-infected person - about 0.11%

    After one random relationship (the partner is infected with a probability of 1%) - about 0.001%

For these reasons, it is obvious: abstaining from promiscuity alone is not enough - even people who have never practiced casual unprotected sex are not immune. Some of the new cases are not caused by frivolous behavior at all: unless, of course, you include in this the very fact that a person could have more than one partner during his life!

The likelihood of contracting HIV infection through various routes indicated in the article “ How is HIV infection transmitted?", is not the same. To assess the risk of HIV transmission, we will use percentages.

There is almost a 100% chance of contracting and developing HIV infection through transfusion of infected donor blood and its components.

The probability of transmission of the virus from a pregnant woman to a child is about 30%. However, with the current level of antiretroviral drugs and provided that a pregnant HIV-infected woman is registered in a antenatal clinic on time, is observed by doctors and receives antiviral therapy, the risk of transmitting HIV from mother to child will decrease by 3 times.

The most dangerous moment for a child is the moment of childbirth, since it is associated with trauma to the birth canal of the mother and the child’s tissues and blood. Preventive measures lead to the fact that at the time of birth there are no free viruses left in the woman’s blood that could enter the baby’s blood. This is an effective method of prevention, which, I repeat, can reduce the risk of infection of a newborn from 30% to 10%.

When injecting drugs intravenously with an HIV-infected person, the probability of infection is about 30%

The risk of infection during unprotected heterosexual (vaginal) contact is 0.1%. Quite a low probability, isn't it? Only 1 in 1000 cases. I don't want you to assess this risk in exactly that way. Among my patients there are those who became infected through a single heterosexual contact with an HIV-infected person.

During homosexual (anal) contact with an HIV-infected person, the possibility of infection is 1% and this is 10 times more than with heterosexual (vaginal) contact. In both cases, the partner receiving the seminal fluid is at greater risk.

In emergency and traumatic situations, contact with the blood of an HIV-infected person can occur and the virus can enter the blood of a healthy person through wounds, cuts, and through mucous membranes. The probability of contracting an infection through such contact is from 0.03% to 0.3%.

When kissing, shaking hands, hugging, when being HIV-infected in the same room, when using a shared shower, toilet, swimming pool, through food, household items, or with blood-sucking insects, the risk of transmitting the virus is zero.

No one has studied the risks of infection from non-sterile instruments during tattooing, piercing, or when sharing a razor (possible cuts) and a toothbrush (possible wounds on the mucous membrane and bleeding gums) with an infected person. The probability of infection in these cases is low, but it exists.

I will dwell on one more point. At the very beginning of the disease, when antibodies are not yet detected in the blood, the concentration of the virus in the blood of the infected person is high and the risk of infection from him during this period increases. Also, patients with HIV infection at the AIDS stage become more infectious for the same reason because the virus content in the blood increases.

Many people believe the myth that the likelihood of contracting HIV from a single unprotected contact is minimal. For this reason, they lead a carefree, sexually, lifestyle, and during one-time intercourse they ignore contraceptives.

The number of HIV-infected people is increasing every day. An untested infected person with whom you had sexual contact is a carrier of immunodeficiency, and is one of the main reasons for contracting the virus

Actually this is not true. It is during a single contact that the immunodeficiency virus is transmitted much more often than through other routes of infection.

The number of HIV-infected people is increasing every day. An untested infected person with whom sexual contact occurred is a carrier of immunodeficiency, and is one of the main reasons for contracting the virus. Such contact can result in disastrous consequences not only for health, but also for life.

According to survey statistics, most patients not only do not remember their partner’s last name, but even their first name. This factor indicates that most people do not believe in the likelihood of infection through unprotected contact that occurred only once, and do not want to realize the danger that threatens not only their health, but also that of some others.

Specialists and scientists in the field of medicine who study immunodeficiency have concluded that the chances of becoming infected with HIV, as well as not being infected, are approximately the same. Of course, the risk of acquiring an infection is higher.

It may be worth considering whether unprotected sexual intercourse is so important, as it increases the chances of contracting HIV, and AIDS will naturally follow.

Immunodeficiency virus and human gender

When HIV infection occurs, a person’s gender plays an important role.

To this day, there is constant debate among scientists about whether the risk of contracting HIV is the same for both females and males during a single sexual intercourse.

Some experts are of the opinion that yes.

But others have a completely different point of view. They believe that an unprotected act is more dangerous for a woman. One of the main reasons is even the slightest damage to the vagina and uterus. For example, with erosion.

An open wound allows infection to enter the bloodstream immediately. After this, the spread of infection throughout the body can no longer be avoided.

Many people mistakenly assume that during the menstrual cycle with unprotected contact, the risk of infection is almost impossible.

Women are more at risk of contracting any disease that is sexually transmitted. All this happens due to ulcers and erosions that are located on the external and internal areas of the genital organs. This factor increases the likelihood of contracting HIV, the consequence of which is AIDS.

We also must not forget that in women, the immune system greatly reduces its activity during any infectious diseases that can only be contracted through sexual contact. This situation further increases the chance of acquiring the immunodeficiency virus.

Although the percentage of HIV infections in men is slightly lower, this does not mean that the safety of unprotected sexual intercourse is guaranteed. Every male representative should remember this and always take precautions.

It should be borne in mind that the presence of immunodeficiency in the sperm of an infected man is much greater than in the secretion secreted by the vagina. This is another reason why the fair half of humanity is more susceptible to developing a disease such as AIDS.

For a man, unprotected one-time contact with an infected partner is no less dangerous when the following factors are present:

  • during the menstrual cycle,
  • in the presence of erosions or any other damage,
  • if there are any other diseases, the infection of which occurs only through the genitals.

For men, the pressing question is what is the likelihood of contracting HIV, AIDS, if interruption of sexual intercourse is used for contraception.

The likelihood of infection through non-traditional sexual contact

An equally common question is whether it is possible to become infected with HIV if you deviate from traditional sexual intercourse, or whether it is possible to acquire the infection during other types of sexual contact?

Having information about the acquisition of immunodeficiency during a single sexual intercourse is not enough. By taking all necessary precautions, you can not only not risk your health, but also protect yourself completely.

Scientists say that with a single anal intercourse without using contraception, the likelihood of becoming HIV-infected is much greater than with traditional sex. HIV transmission lies in the mucous membrane of the anus and passage, which are covered with a large number of microcracks and ulcers. It is not safe to experience this type of sex for the first time.

The reason in this case lies not only in the first penetration, but also from such influencing factors: poor nutrition, constipation, hemorrhoids, proctitis or other similar problems.

When sperm lands on a damaged surface, its penetration into the blood occurs much faster, and immunodeficiency cells immediately begin an active spreading action.

For this reason, the percentage of HIV and AIDS infection among homosexuals is much higher than in other cases.

At first glance, it seems that the safest is oral sex. But that's not true. Although minimal, there is a risk of contracting the immunodeficiency virus.

In this case, the threat of infection increases for the receiving partner. The reasons for this are damage to the oral cavity:

  • the mucous membrane is damaged as a result of the slightest injury:
  • after tooth loss or extraction if there is an open space for infections,
  • for gum diseases.

Having information about the acquisition of immunodeficiency during a single sexual intercourse is not enough. By taking all necessary precautions, you can not only not risk your health, but also protect yourself completely. But, in no case should you give in to passionate impulses and ignore contraception.

If you always remember that contraceptives, in the form of a condom, protect against HIV infection almost one hundred percent, then during a one-time contact there is practically no possibility of becoming infected.

What to do after a suspicious contact?

After one-time sexual intercourse with an unreliable partner, in order to reduce the likelihood of acquiring the immunodeficiency virus, it is worth contacting specialists to prescribe certain medications designed to reduce the risks of infection.

In most cases, after a course of treatment, everything ends well. You just need to contact no later than the third day. The duration of the prophylaxis itself is approximately a month. Then a re-examination is done. If the infection is still present, special medications are prescribed to prevent the rapid spread of the virus in the body.

But you shouldn’t have much hope that earlier medical intervention will be able to completely protect against HIV.

You should never forget to take safety precautions. The best option is to lead a sexual lifestyle with only one reliable partner.

The human immunodeficiency virus is the causative agent of slowly progressive HIV infection. The danger of the pathology lies in the ongoing destruction of immune cells, which leads to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and serious consequences when the body's protective functions are weakened so much that it loses the ability to resist diseases. Without specific treatment, an HIV patient dies on average 10 years after infection. Antiretroviral therapy helps extend life to 70-80 years.

To date, there is no vaccine against HIV. The only way to prevent danger is to follow preventive measures that reduce the risk of transmission of the virus to a minimum. There are several variants of infection. To understand how to protect yourself from this, you need to figure out what the likelihood of contracting HIV is in each specific case.

Transmission of the virus through blood

In a sick person, the virus is contained in the blood, semen, vaginal secretions, saliva, sweat and other biological fluids. Infection occurs through direct contact with damaged mucous membranes and the circulatory system. The high probability of HIV infection through blood transfusion is due to gross non-compliance with mandatory donor screening by medical personnel. If the donor is a carrier of the virus, a healthy person will show signs of infection within the next 3 months. They are similar to the symptoms of a cold - fever, sore throat, headaches, loss of appetite.

The virus can penetrate from blood to blood through contact between open wounds. Intact (intact) skin serves as a kind of barrier that prevents the transmission of infection, therefore, infected blood itself that gets on healthy skin, does not pose any threat. With injections, the likelihood of HIV increases rapidly if medical instruments are poorly or not sterilized at all. This method is common among drug addicts who use the same needles.

Attention! About 10% of HIV-infected people are drug addicts who inject psychotropic substances.

Infection at home - is it possible?

The household route is one of the rarest options, accounting for less than 1% of all cases of transmission of the immunodeficiency virus. Infection is possible when the following things are used simultaneously with the patient:

  • manicure scissors, tongs;
  • razors, hairdressing equipment;
  • tools for tattoos, piercing;
  • glucometer lancets;
  • other piercing and cutting objects.

Health care workers whose patients may be HIV carriers are also susceptible to “occupational” infection, although the risk is small. This occurs when a needle accidentally punctures and enters infected blood into the eyes, mouth, open wounds, on mucous membranes.

Mother-to-child transmission of HIV

Diagnosed HIV in a pregnant woman is not an indication for abortion. Modern therapeutic methods have reduced the likelihood of HIV transmission from woman to child to 1%. The main thing is to start treatment already in the first trimester and be under constant medical supervision. To protect the baby during delivery, it is recommended to perform a caesarean section.

The lactation period also deserves special attention. An infected mother has the immunodeficiency virus in her breast milk. The probability of pathogen transmission during lactation reaches 20-25%. This can only be prevented through artificial feeding.

Risk during sexual intercourse

Sexual transmission of infection is the most common among all possible ones. The probability of HIV during unprotected intercourse with a sick person reaches 80%, and this figure does not change depending on the type of intimacy. Anal sexual intercourse almost always involves injury to the rectal mucosa and the formation of cracks in the anus, which facilitates the penetration of infection. During oral sex, the likelihood of HIV rapidly increases in the presence of acute diseases of the oral cavity, caries, inflammation of the gums, and after swallowing the sperm of a partner with a positive HIV status.

Important! Women are infected 3 times more often than men. This is due to the fact that the vagina has a much larger area of ​​mucous membrane than the penis.

The probability of HIV with a single contact will be the same as with multiple contacts. The risk is minimized by high-quality barrier contraceptives. A condom made of latex that is too thin or has expired can break at the most crucial moment, which can lead not only to the transmission of the virus, but also to contracting an STD, as well as an unwanted pregnancy.

Factors that increase the risk of sexual transmission

Statistics show that sex with a sick person does not always lead to infection, but there are several factors that increase the likelihood of HIV transmission:

  1. Venereal diseases in acute form. Most of them accompany inflammatory processes in the internal genital organs, ulcerative formations, and inhibition of healthy microflora. In addition, a huge number of lymphocytes - immune cells that serve as the main target for the immunodeficiency virus - "seek" towards the pathological focus.
  2. The risk group includes women suffering from cervical erosion during menstruation, in case of defloration.
  3. A large number of sexual partners, especially if there is unprotected intimacy.

Low immunity and chronic diseases contribute to the rapid spread of the virus throughout the body. The development of HIV infection and later AIDS can be prevented through antiviral therapy started immediately after sexual intercourse. The prophylactic course usually lasts at least 28 days.

How to avoid infection

The fight against a dangerous infection has long been brought to the global level, due to the high prevalence of HIV among the population of the entire planet. Schools, higher education institutions, and various public organizations are informed about the seriousness of the disease and ways to prevent infection. Prevention includes several standard recommendations:

  1. For any type of sexual contact, you must use a condom. The likelihood of contracting HIV is reduced to 1%.
  2. Avoid spontaneous intimate relationships with casual acquaintances.
  3. Completely stop using drugs. Addictions of this kind push people to rash actions - using unsterile syringes, engaging in intimacy without contraception.
  4. Timely treat chronic pathologies that reduce the body's resistance.

A single test is not enough to confirm or refute an HIV diagnosis. To ensure the reliability of the result, at least 3 laboratory tests must be done. During an active sexual life, for the purpose of prevention, it is recommended to periodically test for both HIV and sexually transmitted diseases.

It is worth noting that HIV is not transmitted by airborne droplets, through water, touch, household items (unless they have a piercing function), or insect bites. This leads to the conclusion that if basic precautions are taken, communication with an infected person is safe.

HIV infection is a slow-acting infection. It penetrates the human body, attaches to immune cells and begins to act gradually. From the moment it appears in the body until the first signs of damage, a fairly long period of time can pass. It actively multiplies, affects organs and organ systems, but for the time being the body does not react.

Even if a particular disease occurs, the immune system does not react in any way, since it is weakened as a result of infection by the virus. In addition, HIV infection has the ability to change rapidly, which makes it difficult for immune cells to recognize it.

Over time, the human immunodeficiency virus leads to AIDS, when the body is completely devoid of immunity and no longer resists any diseases. This is a dangerous disease incompatible with life.

Most often, men are susceptible to the disease, since they are the ones who have a richer intimate life and often change sex partners.

Routes of HIV infection

HIV infection in men predominates in semen and blood, and in women it is also found in secretions and breast milk. Therefore, infection most often occurs through sexual relations, through the blood and milk of the mother during breastfeeding. Other fluids in the human body contain no or very few infected cells. This applies to urine, saliva, tears, and bowel movements. Therefore, the virus is not transmitted through handshakes and household methods, just as it is not transmitted by airborne droplets.

HIV infection occurs:

  • up to 80% of cases – during sexual contacts;
  • up to 10% - through blood infection, in drug addicts through a syringe needle;
  • 0.01% - risk of infection among healthcare workers;
  • up to 10% when carrying and feeding a baby with breast milk;
  • up to 5% during transfusion of contaminated blood in a hospital setting.

The most dangerous and most common route of infection is unprotected sex with an infected person. At the same time, a woman becomes infected from a man much more often than he from her.

The reason for this is as follows:

  • The area of ​​a woman's vagina is much larger than the area of ​​a man's intimate organs. Accordingly, the area through which the infection can penetrate is larger;
  • sperm has a larger number of infected cells than a woman’s mucous secretions;
  • The risk of infection increases for both partners if there is cervical erosion. In this case, a large number of infected cells peel off, and the erosion itself is an open door through which HIV penetrates very freely;
  • the risk increases with the presence of genitourinary infections. They cause the appearance of wounds, cracks, and other foci of inflammation, through which the virus easily penetrates into the body.

In the case of unprotected sex, the likelihood increases depending on the type of contact:

  • oral contact causes the smallest number of infections and accounts for less than 1% of all cases of infection as a result of sexual intercourse;
  • the highest probability is during anal intercourse without protection. In this case, women are especially at risk. This situation is due to the fact that the rectum is often injured, blood appears, and the infection penetrates directly into it.

Among drug addicts, more than 70% of patients are infected with HIV. This is due not only to the repeated use of the same syringe and needle by different people, but also to the promiscuous intimate relationships that arise in this environment.

HIV in men: first symptoms

The first symptoms of HIV do not appear immediately; the infection has an incubation period in the body. From the moment it penetrates the human body until the production of antibodies, it can take from several weeks to several months. And sometimes the incubation period drags on for a year or more.

The virus actively multiplies, but does not make itself felt, does not manifest itself in any way. A person does not even realize that he is already a carrier of HIV infection, although there are characteristic, first symptoms of HIV that are known to specialists. They can manifest differently in people of the opposite sex.

The first HIV symptoms in men manifest themselves mainly indirectly:

  • general malaise suddenly appears, chronic fatigue, lack of vital energy and performance;
  • a temperature of up to 38 degrees also occurs suddenly and can last for several days;
  • A headache occurs that sometimes does not go away for several days and has a completely different character. The head may ache, the back of the head may throb, painful sensations occur of varying intensity. This condition can last a week or even more;
  • the appearance of a rash or white areas on the skin should also alert you, especially if you have recently had unprotected sexual relations with a casual partner;
  • It is worth paying attention to the enlargement of the lymph nodes, where the largest number of immune cells are located and which are the first obstacle to the penetration of the virus. They swell in the neck or groin area, behind the knees or under the arms;
  • Gastrointestinal disorders may suddenly appear. They are also the first symptoms of HIV. Sudden nausea, vomiting, stool instability in combination with the other signs described above should alert you;
  • the appearance of drowsiness and depression, fatigue, general malaise;
  • sudden weight loss as a result of loss of appetite.

How long does it take for HIV to appear after infection? The presence of one or more symptoms for two or three weeks is a reason to visit a doctor. It is not necessary to say that a diagnosis of HIV infection will be necessary in 100% of cases. After all, similar symptoms can be caused by other pathogenic organisms. For this you should contact a specialist. Based on the interview and diagnosis, he will make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Febrile and asymptomatic phases

Signs of HIV infection can have febrile and asymptomatic phases.

All of the above symptoms occur only in half or 70% of cases after infection and occur within a period of two weeks to one and a half months after the infection has entered the body. This is the feverish period of HIV.

The asymptomatic phase passes completely unnoticed. Its duration depends on the speed at which infected cells multiply throughout the body. Sometimes this period reaches ten years. But the man does not even suspect that he is an HIV-infected patient and continues to live a full life and have sexual intercourse. This is how partners become infected and the infection spreads to other people.

The level of CD4 lymphocytes in the blood is significantly reduced. If the analysis shows its content below the 200 μl mark, we can talk about the first signs of AIDS in men.

Symptom of acquired immunodeficiency

Speaking about AIDS, we can say that the immunodeficiency virus in the human body has fully activated, and the disease has reached its final stage. Opportunistic bacteria, which previously did not make themselves felt and did not pose a threat, can now provoke serious diseases that cause human death.

Symptoms of AIDS in men:

  • a man loses ten or more kilograms compared to normal body weight;
  • appear on the skin inflammatory processes, acne, rash, red spots that are caused by the presence of viral, bacterial and fungal infections;
  • diseases of the ENT organs, pharynx and larynx that occur with enviable regularity - pharyngitis, sinusitis, otitis;
  • a red, inflamed rash appears on the upper and lower extremities;
  • gums begin to bleed;
  • symptoms of AIDS in men include bowel dysfunction, diarrhea, intestinal infections caused by candidiasis;
  • a man can be diagnosed with tuberculosis and pneumonia caused by the penetration and activation of bacterial flora;
  • feeling of chronic fatigue and high fatigue;
  • decreased immunity causes cancer;
  • A symptom of AIDS in men is Kaposi's tumor, characterized by the immediate growth of a tumor in the head area.

Men at risk

The first signs of AIDS can be observed in the following categories of men:

  • experienced drug addicts infected with a needle from a disposable syringe;
  • leading a disorderly intimate life, not observing basic rules of personal hygiene, not using contraception, and frequently changing partners;
  • having diseases of the genitourinary organs, especially infectious ones, sexually transmitted diseases;
  • non-traditional sexual orientation;
  • lovers of anal sex without a condom.

The upper layer of the epidermis is a reliable protection against HIV infection. Therefore, you don’t have to be afraid, even if droplets of an infected person’s blood simply fall on healthy skin that has no wounds or scratches. In general, the virus is not transmitted through household means, through dishes and general hygiene products.

Sexual contact is another matter. During sex, there are always several microdamages present. And with close contact, the infection simply rubs into them with an incredible amount of effort. Therefore, sexually transmitted infections are quickly transmitted from partner to partner and vice versa.

The risk of contracting an infection is very high among teenagers. Due to their age, they often do not think about the consequences of their actions. Once they try a drug, they end up in an environment of drug addicts, in which the drug is generally always taken from a common container, and the syringe and needle are often used several times. The infection, once in the drug, can easily enter the human blood through a needle.

Those who like to get tattoos and piercings should also beware. Often in such workshops, instruments are sterilized very poorly or not at all. And who can guarantee that the procedure was not performed on an HIV-infected person shortly before? And maybe he himself doesn’t know about it yet.

How to reduce the risk of contracting HIV

HIV infection today poses a serious threat to human health and even life. After all, there is no complete guarantee that the condom will not break during sex. What can we say about other methods of infection?

But every man and woman, especially those without a family or a regular sexual partner, should know how to minimize the risk of getting such an infection.

They are as follows:

  • streamline sexual relations, do not enter into relationships with partners about whom you know nothing;
  • be sure to use condoms and special mouth solutions;
  • regularly carry out tests to ensure the absence of sexually transmitted diseases and other infections affecting organs genitourinary system;
  • undergo prophylaxis immediately if you have suspicions about contact with a sick person. Today there are medications that, if taken no more than three days after such contact, kill viruses, minimizing HIV infection;
  • Check your own health regularly. To know your status, get tested for HIV infection.

Today, scientists around the world are concerned about the number of infected patients and are constantly searching for methods to combat this infection. Drugs have already been developed that, if they do not get rid of it completely, can stop its growth and spread in the human body.