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How does an open wound heal? Basic principles of treating open wounds at home

In the life of every person, annoying troubles happen: abrasions, cuts, bruises. Besides the pain and discomfort, injuries are accompanied cosmetic defect. In our article we will talk about how to speed up wound healing and maintain the beauty of the skin. Wound healing is natural physiological process which is called regeneration. This process is laid down by nature itself, and a huge amount of the body’s reserves are aimed specifically at healing all types of damage.

In the lower layers of the skin - the basal layer of the epidermis - reserve cells are located. When the skin and underlying structures are damaged: fiber, muscles and other tissues, reserve cells begin to divide, forming new skin cells. Gradually multiplying, new cells form new tissues and fill wound defects.

Tissue regeneration is a very individual process that depends on many internal and external factors:

  • Age;
  • The presence of diseases of the skin, endocrine and immune systems;
  • The extent and depth of the wound surface;
  • The presence of foreign bodies in the wound;
  • Presence of wound infection;
  • Quality and speed of primary wound treatment;
  • Features and thoroughness of wound care.

Wounds heal poorly in older people, weakened and poorly nourished patients, people with diabetes mellitus and diseases of the immune system (HIV, AIDS, hereditary immunodeficiencies).

Wounds on the legs do not heal well in patients with varicose veins and chronic venous insufficiency (CVI). Moreover, CVI itself can provoke the formation of wounds on the legs. Such non-healing wounds are called trophic ulcers.

Also heal very poorly primary or secondary infected wounds. Pathogenic microbes penetrate into such wound defects - immediately at the time of injury or after some time.

The scientific name for "poor healing" is "healing secondary intention" This means that the wound defect heals through the processes of suppuration or tissue rejection. In this case, gross skin changes are formed - keloid scars.


Let us list in detail all the factors that determine the speed and quality of regenerative processes.

First aid. High-quality and timely provision of first aid is very important. First aid includes washing the wound with antiseptic solutions (Chlorhexidine, Miramistin, hydrogen peroxide, Mucosanin and others), treating the edges of the wound alcohol solutions(iodine, brilliant green, chlorophyllipt and others) and applying a sterile dressing.

First aid consists of the so-called primary surgical treatment or toilet wound. Treatment of wounds is the task of a surgeon or traumatologist. The doctor treats the wound with antiseptics and removes foreign bodies, blood clots, dead tissue and dirt, stitches as necessary.

It is very important to apply sutures to incised wounds, since bringing the edges of the wound together suture material or special glue significantly improves healing and leaves a neat, thin scar.

Prevention of infection wound infection. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe general or local antibacterial drugs. With small and not deep wounds ah, with proper treatment, antibiotics may not be prescribed. In any case, the decision about the need to take antibiotics rests with the doctor.

Follow-up wound care. It is very important to regularly change bandages, keep the wound clean and dry, and also treat the wound surface with antiseptics and special healing agents.

We will talk below about what medications and folk remedies accelerate regeneration and how to quickly heal a wound.


Treatment of wounds is prescribed by the doctor, taking into account the nature, extent and type of wound surface. Let's take a closer look at how wound healing products work and how to speed up the process with pharmaceutical drugs.

Most often, to activate regeneration processes they use local remedies: ointments, gels, creams, powders.

I would like to immediately note that fat-based products are strictly not recommended for use on wet, weeping wounds. This does not speed up, but rather slows down the wound healing process.

Sea buckthorn oil – natural natural component. Sea buckthorn oil contains a huge amount of vitamins and biologically active substances, which accelerate cell recovery processes.

Aloe extract also works great for skin damage, accelerating epithelization. Aloe extract also provides an analgesic effect and reduces the feeling of burning and tightness of the skin.

Methyluracil ointment has anabolic properties, accelerates the processes of cellular regeneration, wound healing, and increases activity local immunity, and also has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Dexpanthenol and its various combinations with vitamin E and medicinal plant extracts. The product stimulates the regenerative processes of the mucous membranes and skin, accelerates cell division, increases the density of collagen fibers, and also normalizes cellular metabolism. The medicine penetrates perfectly into the deep layers of the skin.

Actovegin and Solcoseryl - widely known remedies, used in all areas of medicine. Actovegin and Solcoseryl ointment significantly accelerate the wound healing process by increasing cellular energy metabolism– that is, they work in the very heart of regeneration processes.

Contratubeks – combination remedy, stated by the manufacturer to prevent the formation of rough keloid scars. The main effect of the drug is based on suppressing the activity of cells producing connective tissue, forming the basis of the keloid scar.

I would like to immediately note that the product shows its effect only on initial stage regeneration. Treatment with ointment on old scars, contrary to advertising, is useless.

Curiosin drops and cream. Zinc hyaluronate, which is part of the drug, eliminates the deficiency hyaluronic acid in the skin. This acid is a kind of supporting matrix for skin cells.

The product replaces the tissue defect and causes an acceleration of epidermal cell division. Hyaluronate also stimulates the skin's natural defense mechanisms. Zinc ions, in turn, have an antibacterial effect. Curiosin drops work well on wet wounds, burns and other weeping skin lesions.

Various combination drugs based on polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins E and A, extracts of sea buckthorn, rose hips and other medicinal components (Reparef-1 and 2 ointments and others).

Powders and “dry” creams on a fat-free basis containing zinc oxide, salicylic acid, bismuth oxide, oak bark powder, calamus root and other astringent and drying components, as well as antibiotics, work great with wet and weeping wounds. Examples of such products are powders Baneocin, Xeroform, Ambulance, ointment with zinc oxide and even banal baby powder for diapers.

Physiotherapy or treatment with natural factors in some cases gives excellent results. Most therapies have an accelerating effect cellular metabolism effect, improves blood supply to the lesion and stimulates local immune processes.

Most effective methods physiotherapy to accelerate regeneration are laser therapy, darsonvalization of tissues, UHF, Thermal treatments, ultraviolet irradiation, massage and drug electrophoresis. I would like to immediately note that any methods of physiotherapy are used on already healing wounds after the formation of primary epithelialization.

Folk recipes

Very many medicinal plants contain components that can enhance the healing effect. Such grandmother's remedies include various decoctions and lotions based on chamomile, calendula, oak bark, celandine, comfrey, and tea tree oil.

A proven means for healing wounds is mumiyo, as well as beekeeping products - beebread, propolis and various means based on honey.

Treatment with herbs and others traditional methods should only occur with the permission of a doctor, and only as a additional funds therapy. And before using any product, you need to make sure that you are not allergic to it.

For diabetes (video)

Some of the most annoying injuries people encounter are facial wounds. They are visible to the naked eye and spoil appearance and lower a person’s self-esteem. At improper treatment and caring for such damage leaves scars that sometimes cannot be hidden even with the help of cosmetics.

Small wounds on the face can be quickly treated at home; large injuries require a visit to a surgeon and the use of special medications.

Features of facial skin damage

Wounds can form in any area of ​​the face for various reasons:

  • mechanical and thermal damage;
  • exposure to chemicals;
  • surgical intervention;
  • acne;
  • dermatological or infectious diseases.

Compared to wounds on other parts of the body, the treatment of injuries on the face has some peculiarities due to anatomical features:

  • active facial expressions;
  • constant muscle movement;
  • close location of blood vessels;
  • a very thin layer of fat cells.

In case of significant damage to the skin and muscles of the face, sutures can be applied within 36 hours. In other areas of the body, tissues need to be sutured within 24 hours to avoid microbes from penetrating into the deeper layers of the skin.

Possible difficulties during treatment

Anatomical features may cause some difficulties in the healing process of injuries on the face:

  • Edge separation. If large wounds occur in the lower two-thirds of the face, healing may be slower due to facial movements.
  • Intense bleeding that is difficult to stop.
  • Infection. The penetration of microbes occurs when the rules of wound treatment are violated, therefore, in case of significant damage to the facial skin, local and general antibiotics are often prescribed.
  • The occurrence of edema accompanies almost all injuries on the face. This not only affects the appearance of the victim, but can also slow down the tissue healing process.

In addition, almost all wounds on the face cause discomfort to a person when eating and communicating. Due to the constant movement of the facial muscles, the victim experiences discomfort and pain.

At the same time, healing of wounds on the face occurs faster than with tissue damage in other areas. This is due to big amount capillaries and intensive blood circulation. Active nutrition of tissues with oxygen accelerates regeneration. Healing of injuries near the mouth occurs faster than in other areas of the face due to the special structure of the tissues.

Treatment rules

Minor injuries can be successfully treated at home. To do this, you must first clean them of contaminants and treat them with an antiseptic. If the injury is large, contacting a surgeon cannot be delayed.

Professional help may also be needed after a few days of treating a small wound at home. The reason for contacting medical institution may serve sharp deterioration condition of the wound (appearance of pus, swelling, divergence of edges), bleeding.

The specialist will assess the severity of the damage using several parameters:

  • size;
  • depth;
  • presence of infection.

Redness indicates possible infection. severe swelling tissues, high temperature at the site of injury.

After the examination, the surgeon performs several actions:

  • treats the edges of the wound with a professional antiseptic;
  • applies stitches to the damage (if necessary);
  • gives an anti-tetanus injection (if necessary);
  • informs about the rules of care.

The wound on the face needs to be treated several times a day. If the damage is deep or covers a large area, this should be done in a clinic.

Whatever the wound, you should follow several recommendations:

  • Treatment cannot be delayed; the sooner therapy is started, the faster tissue healing will occur and the lower the risk of complications.
  • Do not treat the wound with iodine or medical alcohol. Concentrated liquids will burn the edges, which may delay tissue healing. In addition, such actions can leave marks on the skin, which will be very difficult to get rid of.
  • For primary processing It is recommended to dilute alcohol or iodine boiled water, or use hydrogen peroxide, furatsilin solution or boric alcohol.
  • Do not stop bleeding with adhesive tape. It will reduce oxygen supply to damaged tissues and slow down scarring. If the wound is bleeding, after treatment you need to stop the bleeding using sterile wipes. The patch is applied a few days after the injury and changed several times a day.
  • To increase overall immunity, it is recommended to take during treatment vitamin complexes. During this period, it is recommended to cancel all diets and consume more protein and plant food. Improving your health will speed up the regeneration process.
  • Choose the right form of medications. At the initial stage, it is forbidden to use oily ointments and fatty creams; they are much more effective after tightening the edges of the wound.
  • If the damage does not heal for several days or signs of infection appear, antibiotics are prescribed.

First aid immediately after an injury to the face is carried out in several stages:

  • removal of contaminants;
  • antiseptic treatment;
  • applying a bandage (sterile bandage or napkin).

You cannot keep the wound closed all the time; the bandage must be removed several times a day to ensure oxygen access.

To speed up the healing process, you must strictly follow your doctor’s recommendations and protect the wound from exposure to high and low temperatures, high humidity and ultraviolet radiation. Until the end of regeneration, it is not recommended to visit the beach, swimming pool, solarium and sauna.

Medicines, creams, ointments for quick treatment of wounds on the face

The rate of healing of a facial wound depends on the medications used and adherence to the care instructions received at the hospital.

Wound treatment products can be divided into several groups:

  • bactericidal;
  • drying;
  • accelerating cell regeneration;
  • antibiotics (if necessary).

Wounds are treated with bactericidal agents immediately after injury and before each application of other medications to wet areas. These include the already mentioned hydrogen peroxide, manganese solution and iodine diluted with water and medical alcohol. After the wound has dried, these drugs are not used.

Drying agents include drugs in the form of aqueous solutions or jelly. They do not block the access of oxygen to tissues, protect against penetration of microbes into the wound and accelerate the formation of a crust. These include:

  • Solcoseryl (gel).

The drug from Switzerland is obtained from purified calf blood, which activates the production of collagen in the skin. The gel is applied to the damaged area in a thin layer several times a day. The drug is used for all types of burns, ulcers, deep and superficial injuries.

  • Actovegin - Russian analogue Solcoseryl.
  • Eplan ( water solution or napkins). The drug has antibacterial, analgesic and regenerating effects. The product is applied to the skin several times a day, the wound heals approximately three days after the start of use.

After the wound heals and stops getting wet, you can apply ointments and creams to it. They will create a protective film on the surface, speed up recovery and soften dry skin.

Tissue regeneration occurs due to components that accelerate collagen synthesis and metabolic processes in cells. Such drugs include:

  • Levomekol - ointment combined action: regenerating, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial. It can even be applied to infected wounds. Levomekol is used to heal burns, cut wounds, purulent boils.
  • Rescuer is an ointment that is used for any skin damage. The product has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, normalizes blood circulation and relieves swelling.
  • Bepanten. The ointment stimulates tissue regeneration, moisturizes and protects against the penetration of microbes.
  • Contatubex is an ointment that heals wounds and prevents the formation of scars.
  • Panthenol. The regenerating, anti-inflammatory and analgesic agent is available in the form of a spray, ointment and cream.
  • Solcoseryl and Actovegin in the form of ointment.

When wounds on the face become inflamed, apply antibacterial agents after treatment with an antiseptic. This group includes several drugs: Baneocin (powder), Tetracycline ointment, Levomekol.

You cannot use the listed remedies without consulting a doctor.

Traditional medicine to speed up healing

You can also take care of damaged facial skin using products you prepare yourself:

  • Lotions from fresh juice aloe or Kalanchoe is applied to the wounds for 10-15 minutes several times a day.
  • Homemade Vaseline ointment ( butter) and plantain. 1 part of the crushed leaves of the plant is mixed with 5 parts of Vaseline. The product is applied to the lesions 3-5 times a day. An ointment with calendula is prepared in the same way.
  • To speed up healing, apply a thin layer of badger fat to the skin several times a day.

You can use the above remedies only after the wound stops getting wet in combination with medications.

How long can wounds take to heal?

Regeneration of tissue on the face takes place in 2 stages. Their duration depends on the size of the damage and the state of health of the person. How long it takes to heal a wound is difficult to determine. The healing stage lasts from several days to a month, during which time the wound becomes scarred. At the next stage, the appearance of the damaged area is finalized.

The final result (whether the scar will remain and what size it will be) depends to a large extent on how the damage was cared for and treated.

Possible consequences

If the wound on the face is not properly cared for, tissue infection may occur. This will not only slow down the healing process, but also threaten unpleasant complications:

  • general blood poisoning;
  • necrotization of surrounding tissues;
  • damage to the facial nerves.

One of the consequences of facial damage is the formation of scars. To reduce them, you can use special creams that activate collagen production, exfoliate dead cells and even out the color of tissues.

The products are applied several times a day only to the scar, without affecting healthy skin. You can start using such products only after the scar has hardened (after 2-3 months).

In addition to scar creams, you can use oils that are rubbed into colloidal tissue.

The scar remedy is effective if the injury mark is small. In cases where the scar area is significant, they resort to cosmetic procedures, for example, laser facial resurfacing or acid peeling.

Weeping wounds represent damage to soft tissue structures. The skin is the body's natural barrier and performs many functions.

The superficial skin is exposed to aggressive environmental influences.

Orthopedist-traumatologist: Azalia Solntseva ✓ Article checked by doctor


There are different degrees of damage. Localization: skin, blood vessels, bones, sometimes internal organs.

For non-healing wet the injury is coming inflammation. During the healing process, scars form. Treatment consists of regular dressings, antibiotics and disinfectants. medicines.

Ointments for drying

Treating with drying agents means using ointments and gels.

Products that protect the skin from infection:

  1. Levomekol. Disinfecting, drying ointment has an antibacterial effect and prevents the formation of pus. Improves the functioning of the immune system, leads active struggle With pathogenic microorganisms. Usage: for weeping injuries, suppuration, the product is applied with a syringe directly to the lesion.
  2. Solcoseryl. Regenerating, drying ointment composition. Promotes the production of new cell fibers, stops the process of fluid formation. Application: apply ointment to the affected area, no more than 2 times a day. Apply to semi-closed dressings. The course of treatment is 2 weeks. There are no contraindications.
  3. Povidone-iodine. Gel medication with regenerating, anti-inflammatory, drying effects. The gel penetrates deep into the dermis, neutralizes the lesion, restores the skin structure, and prevents the formation of scars. Application: rubbed onto the wound surface, washed off after 25 minutes. Contraindications: renal pathology, allergic reactions for iodine is not recommended for children under six years of age.

The listed medications have antimicrobial and drying properties. Before use, consult a doctor.

Healing products

When the dermis is traumatized, a person experiences pain and discomfort.

To avoid negative consequences and complications, wound healing agents are used that prevent the development of pathogenic bacteria and accelerate regeneration skin:

  1. Bepanten. Wound healing cream, effectively cares for damaged skin, which separates exudate. The components of the cream normalize tissue metabolism and enhance the healing process.
  2. Eplan. A regenerating, wound-healing medicine, has an analgesic and bactericidal effect. Apply directly to the affected area several times a day. Can be used as a compress.
  3. Argosulfan. Therapeutic cream based on salt (silver). The drug heals the dermis and has an antibacterial effect. Used for the treatment of weeping wounds, purulent lesions, trophic ulcers, burns.

The choice will depend on the location, area and severity of the lesion.

Antibacterial drugs

When treating a weeping wound, sterile dressings are used.

  • Furacilin solution;
  • Sodium hypochloride;
  • Miramistin;
  • Okomistin.

Antiseptics reduce the release of exudate.

If the wound continues to get wet and does not heal for a long time, antibacterial drugs are prescribed.

Treatment is carried out:

  • Streptocide ointment;
  • Mafenide;
  • Streptonitol;
  • Fudisin (gel).

The products are applied to the wound surface, and a sterile bandage or tampon is applied on top. Often, Xeroform or Baneocin powder is used to treat the skin layers.

Healing process

If the injury oozes, does not heal long time, there is a possibility of secondary infection. As a result, a wet surface is formed.

The immune system tries to fight inflammation on its own, and the production of excess blood plasma increases.

On the foot

Damage to the skin on the leg with the release of fluid occurs as a result of injuries, varicose or erysipelas, thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, and diabetes.

The main goal of treatment is to create a systematic outflow of fluid. When purulent fluid accumulates, inflammation spreads to nearby tissues.

In a hospital setting:

  • treatment with antibacterial solutions (Dioxidin);
  • at pain symptoms painkillers are used (spray Lidocaine, Xylocaine);
  • To cleanse necrotic masses, powdered medicine Trypsin is used (a napkin is moistened in the preparation and applied directly to the affected area).

For shallow, weeping injuries on the legs, therapy is carried out at home. Salicylic or Ichthyol ointment.

Streptocide (tablets or powder) is used as an antiseptic. Before applying ointment compositions, the skin is treated with hydrogen peroxide.

Reasons for long delays

Weeping wounds that do not heal for a long time indicate the presence of pathology in the body and the addition of an infection.

Why skin abrasions do not heal:

  1. Improper treatment of wound surfaces.
  2. Diabetes. When the disease occurs, the limbs swell, blood circulation is impaired, and the activity of the immune system decreases. Dermal cells lack nutrition.
  3. Age criteria. The immune system of older people is weakened. Therefore, the body is not able to fight inflammatory processes on its own, and regeneration slows down.
  4. Lack of vitamins in the body. The wound does not heal with vitamin deficiency.

Cell regeneration slows down in people diagnosed with cancer, obesity, exhaustion, HIV.

Liquid oozing

The fluid that oozes from the wound is lymph. Its release is a normal, natural phenomenon. It removes salt impurities, proteins, toxins, and water from tissue structures. Then it returns them to the circulatory system.

If the ichor is not released abundantly, there is no cause for concern. It is recommended to carry out the prescribed course of treatment.

The abundant flow of lymph from the wound surface is affected by:

  • Poor quality treatment of the dermis;
  • polluted environment;
  • alcoholic drinks and nicotine;
  • the presence of vascular and dermatological pathologies;
  • excessive physical activity.

Process and dry

Any wound, regardless of location or origin, needs treatment.

  • provide Free access to a damaged area of ​​skin;
  • touching the wound surface is permitted with gloves or tweezers;
  • should be cleaned of contamination, rinse the damaged area with clean water;
  • apply an antiseptic (initially treat with hydrogen peroxide, then brilliant green or iodine);
  • cover the area with sterile gauze;
  • stop the bleeding (if any).

Prohibited independent use medicines (gels, ointments, powders). The doctor examines the injury. Then a course of treatment is prescribed.


Any weeping wound, including a burn, is accompanied by bacterial infection. Humidity appears when the immune system unable to cope with inflammation.

Treatment of weeping burns consists of systematic dressings, taking antiseptics and wound-healing drugs. .

They are the ones who are able to ensure the outflow of fluid, tissue regeneration, and prevent the development of inflammatory processes.

Step-by-step therapy for weeping injuries:

  1. Antiseptic treatment. These include Miramistin, Furacilin.
  2. An hygroscopic dressing is used, which is changed every 2-3 hours.
  3. When changing the dressing material, the damage is treated with an antiseptic. Then it is superimposed antibacterial drug Betadine. It can dry out the skin.
  4. If pain is present, painkillers (tablets, aerosols, injections) are used.
  5. For purulent injuries, ointment compositions Levomekol and Levosin are applied under the bandage.

After eliminating inflammation, it is recommended to use a burn patch. At the stage of recovery and scarring of the skin, Solcoseryl ointment is applied under the bandage, at least 4–6 times a day. Vitamins A, C, and E are taken in combination with the main therapy.

Folk recipes

Together with pharmaceuticals used to treat weeping injuries traditional medicine that are prepared at home:

  1. Potato juice. Fresh potatoes are grated using a grater. The juice is squeezed out. A sterile napkin is moistened in the liquid, applied to the wound, and bandaged. The compress is applied before bedtime. The medicine draws out bacterial exudate.
  2. Onion. Vegetable (1 large head) is grated. The gruel is laid out on a gauze cloth and applied to the damage (20 - 30 minutes), 4 -5 times a day. The drug reduces swelling and cleans the surface.
  3. St. John's wort oil. The leaf and inflorescence (100 grams) of St. John's wort are finely chopped, and the golden mustache (50 grams) is added. The mixture is poured olive oil(250 ml). The container with the medicine is covered with paper and infused for 15–20 days in a warm place. The product is filtered and stored in the refrigerator. The napkin is moistened with the medicine and applied to the wound 2 – 3 times a day.

Folk remedies are used after consultation with your doctor.

Open purulent wound

Therapy is carried out:

  • antibacterial drugs;
  • detoxification measures (toxins are removed from the body);
  • medications that stimulate the immune system.

The goal of treatment when a purulent focus forms is to clean the open wound, reduce inflammation, and eliminate pathogenic bacteria.

For accelerated process skin regeneration is prescribed:

  • Vishnevsky ointment;
  • Synthomycin liniment;
  • Tetracycline ointment composition.

Medicines are applied to a bandage. Use once a day, preferably before bedtime. To eliminate pus from large wounds, drainage is installed.

What is prohibited

For effective treatment wet abrasions, it is recommended to observe certain rules processing. If the wound does not heal for a long time, you need to consult a surgeon.

What is prohibited to do in case of weeping injuries:

  1. Interrupt treatment. Dressing is carried out every day, in some cases 2 - 3 times a day.
  2. Treat injuries with contaminated materials. Bandages gauze bandages, the mesh for fastening must be sterile.
  3. Do not perform dressing with clean hands. If there are no sterile gloves, the palms of the hands are washed with soap and treated with an antiseptic.
  4. Remove dried bandages. They are soaked with water.
  5. Use expired medications, violate the instructions.

If during therapy the amount of fluid discharge increases, the wound grows, throbbing pain, swelling or redness appears, all parts of the body ache, it is recommended that the injury be examined by an experienced surgeon.


With improper therapy, weeping ulcers and wounds spread, affecting large areas of the skin and nearby tissues.

Treatment and healing of weeping wounds

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The most unpleasant injuries are wounds on the face that cannot be covered with clothing and hidden from prying eyes. They spoil the appearance, force you to wear a bandage and are fraught with the formation of scars that can remain for life.

To prevent this from happening, you must initially contact a surgeon in time to properly treat the damaged area and undergo a course of treatment. It is especially important to use ointments that prevent further scar formation. The more competently you care for injured skin, the faster and without consequences the healing will occur.


Due to the anatomical features of the face, wounds have specific features that in one way or another affect the treatment. This is due to active facial expressions, which involves a large number of muscles. In addition, there is very thin skin and a relatively small layer of fat.

It is for these reasons that injuries on the face do not heal quite the same as those on other parts of the body.

  1. Severe trauma can cause wound dehiscence, which slows healing. Facial muscles especially suffer from damage.
  2. Even a small injury causes heavy bleeding, since on the face the vessels are located too close to the surface of the skin.
  3. You will have to endure a lot of inconveniences: discomfort and pain when smiling, communicating, facial expressions, eating, etc.
  4. High risk of infection due to careless handling or improper care. It is this factor that determines the use of antibiotics in the treatment of such injuries.
  5. Facial wounds are usually accompanied by severe swelling, which really spoils the appearance.
  6. Healing occurs much faster than in other areas of the body. This is explained by the fact that the cells here have an increased potential for regeneration, and the blood supply to this area is enhanced.
  7. Sutures on the face can be applied even 36 hours after the injury, while on other parts of the body this interval is only 24 hours.
  8. There are areas where healing is facilitated and accelerated due to the specific structure of the tissues - in particular, this is the mouth area.

Everyone wants to quickly heal a wound on their face so that they can go out into the world and not be embarrassed by bandages and scars. But for this you will have to take a number of measures and undergo a course of treatment.

This is interesting! With proper healing, the wound itches very much, because not only new cells grow there, but also damaged nerve endings. It is this process that causes itching.


If you receive an injury, it is advisable to see a surgeon as soon as possible. He will take necessary measures: he will professionally process the edges, apply stitches (if necessary), give an injection against infection, talk about the rules of care, and most importantly, prescribe the appropriate treatment and explain how to quickly heal it with the help of medications and even folk remedies.


Facial injuries should not be taken lightly. They won't heal on their own. Damaged tissues need to be helped to recover as quickly as possible so that recovery occurs without consequences or side effects. This is possible thanks to medications, appointed by the surgeon after examination.

  1. Do not treat the edges of the wound with alcohol or iodine. Delicate and sensitive skin will take too long to heal after this. To avoid irritation, they must be diluted with water.
  2. It is much more effective for this purpose to use a solution of furatsilin or potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide or boric acid and other antiseptics. Proper treatment at the initial stage will significantly speed up healing.
  3. Multivitamins will help the body quickly cope with injury and avoid infection.
  4. To finally heal a wound that has not healed for a long time, antibiotics may be prescribed.

You can stimulate the regeneration process by using pharmaceutical ointments (for dry skin) or jelly-like preparations (if the damage becomes wet or fester), prescribed by a doctor. Only he will explain what to apply to the injured area and recommend certain remedies:

  • Actovegin is an analogue of Solcoseryl, this fast-healing ointment is applied under the bandage;
  • Baneocyon - powder for weeping wounds and ulcers, ointment - for more dry ones;
  • Bepanten;
  • Dermatix is ​​a silicone gel that ensures rapid healing of wounds and prevents the formation of scars;
  • Contratubeks - regenerating ointment for healing wounds on the face from a German manufacturer;
  • Xeroform;
  • Levomekol - best ointment antibacterial action (also helps with);
  • Levosin;
  • Doctor;
  • Malavit;
  • Panthenol - the best remedy in the form of a spray (about this drug how about cosmetic product, read);
  • Sinyakoff;
  • Solcoseryl - gel for fresh wounds, ointment - for dry ones;
  • Rescuer;
  • Sulfagin;
  • Cycaderma;
  • Eplan is an anti-infective agent, under this name a wound healing cream, solution and gauze wipes are available for sale - medicinal and antiseptic.

Keep in mind. It is not advisable to smear fresh, weeping wounds with anything, so as not to cut off the access of oxygen to the tissues - this will slow down the recovery process.

If you want to use natural remedies, you can consult your doctor about using wound-healing herbs at home.

Folk remedies

Anti-inflammatory, wound healing, promoting rapid tissue regeneration, painkillers - such herbs can be used in the treatment of wounds on the face. But! Only with the doctor's permission, so as not to accidentally introduce an infection or cause an allergic reaction.

  • Aloe juice

Squeeze juice from the lower fleshy leaves of aloe, moisten small pieces of a bandage folded several times in it, and apply to the damaged area for 10 minutes 2-3 times a day.

  • Ointment with plantain

Grind plantain leaves in a meat grinder, mix with Vaseline, maintaining a ratio of 1 to 5. You will get a very effective homemade healing cream. Apply three times a day.

  • Kalanchoe juice

Squeeze a few drops of fresh Kalanchoe juice onto the damaged area. You can make lotions similar to those described above with aloe juice.

  • Horsetail

Grind dry horsetail into powder and sprinkle it on the injured area.

  • Calendula

Mix 10 grams of crushed calendula flowers with 50 grams of butter (vaseline). Lubricate several times a day.

You can also use it at home.

If, when using folk remedies, a wound on the face does not heal within 7-10 days, it should be shown to a doctor, stopping the use of herbs. Perhaps it’s not them at all, but rather insufficient care for injured skin.

In any case, consultation with a specialist is necessary. Well, be more careful when handling the wounded surface.

It turns out that... For the treatment of superficial wounds of a small area, the use of hydrogen peroxide is not justified. It damages tissues and cells adjacent to the injury, but remaining healthy and intact. This increases the healing time. It is advisable to use this product for cleaning only very complex wounds from pus, dirt, and blood clots before introducing an antiseptic solution.

Rules of care

To speed up healing, it is not enough to use only ointments prescribed by a doctor. It is very important at any stage of restoration of damaged tissue to properly care for the skin. This will avoid aggressive, irritating factors and will promote rapid cell regeneration.

  1. Washing the affected area. If no dirt gets into the wound, it will be enough to direct a stream of flowing water into it. clean water. If severe contamination occurs, you will have to use antiseptic solutions. If pharmaceuticals If you don't have it on hand, use regular soap.
  2. Next, a bandage is applied to protect against new contamination and stop bleeding. For this, a sterile bandage and cotton wool are used.
  3. Do not stick the patch on, because when removed it will tear the edges of the wound even more.
  4. You can leave the area open to help it heal faster, but this increases the risk of infection.
  5. If healing is successful, the bactericidal patch can only be used after 3-4 days. It will need to be constantly changed.
  6. Hide injured skin from temperature changes, frost and ultraviolet radiation.
  7. Until it is completely healed, do not visit solariums, baths, or swimming pools.
  8. If left within 2-3 weeks non-healing wound Most likely, infection has occurred. You will have to see a doctor and undergo a course of antibiotic treatment.
  9. Food should be enriched with vitamins and proteins. Consume daily fresh vegetables and fruits, dairy products, nuts, greens.
  10. Keep the surface perfectly clean.
  11. You cannot treat wounds on the face yourself, only folk remedies. Remember: your appearance will depend on this. You should consult your doctor about using even aloe juice.

If damaged skin is provided with proper care, most likely everything will work out without consequences for beauty and health. This requires patience so as not to give up and despair every time you look in the mirror.

Bandages, dressings, plasters and ointments will soon run out if done correctly. Otherwise, you will have to face complications.

Wow! In America, Indian tribes used soldier ants, which had well-developed powerful jaws, to heal wounds. They launched insects onto the damaged area of ​​​​the skin, and with their jaws they tightened the edges of the wound, preventing them from moving apart.


If the wound does not heal well, it may become infected. In this case, it will fester and take too long to heal. You can’t do without antibiotics, and they are known to kill the immune system and disrupt the intestinal microflora. In addition, the consequences of injury can be:

  • colloidal scar;
  • scars;
  • defeat facial nerve, which can lead to necrosis of the damaged area;
  • loss of sensitivity.

If it is small in size and area and was quickly processed by a professional, tissue restoration occurs in up to 10 days. Residual effects in the form of scars and cicatrices, while they are still fresh, can be eliminated (help in selecting the necessary cream for this can be found in ours).

It’s another matter if you’re too amazed most of face if the edges of the wound are severely separated or dirt has gotten into it. Treatment will require time and patience.