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How to read pronouns correctly in English. Understanding English pronouns - with examples and pronunciation

Studying any topic starts with its basics. The same goes for English pronouns. Yes, you can immediately throw yourself into the pool headlong, studying all the intricacies of this topic. However, if you do not know how this or that pronoun is translated or pronounced, immediately combining the word with other members and making sentences with them will be at least difficult, and at most impossible. Therefore, if you are just beginning your acquaintance with this topic, let's look at English pronouns with translation and pronunciation in order to avoid problems in their further development.

English pronoun types

To begin with, it is worth noting that pronouns in English are divided into 9 types:

  1. Personal Pronouns or Personal Pronouns
  2. Possessive Pronouns or Possessive Pronouns
  3. Reflexive Pronouns or Reflexive Pronouns
  4. Reciprocal Pronouns or Reciprocal Pronouns
  5. Interrogative Pronouns or Interrogative Pronouns
  6. Relative and Conjunctive Pronouns or Relative and Conjunctive Pronouns
  7. Demonstrative Pronouns or Demonstrative Pronouns
  8. Quantitative pronouns or Quantitative pronouns
  9. Indefinite Pronouns and Negative Pronouns or Indefinite Pronouns and Negative Pronouns

Each type has a limited number of words that you need to remember to express your thoughts. These words, as a rule, consist of large quantity letters and do not contain sounds, the pronunciation of which may cause difficulties at the initial stage. Let's look at each type in more detail and study the pronouns of the English language with transcription and translation.

English pronouns with translation and pronunciation: meaning and transcription

  1. The main place among English pronouns is occupied by Personal Pronouns. This is the only group in which English allows case declension. Table for clarity:
Person and number Nominative Objective case
1 l., units I(ay) - I me(mi) – me / to me / by me
1 l., plural we(ui) - we us[ʌs] (as) – us / to us / by us
2 l., units you(yu) - you you(yu) – to you / by you
2 l., plural you(yu) - you you(yu) – you / to you / by you
3 l., units he(hee) - he

she[ʃi:](shi) - she

it(it) – this/it

him(him) – his / him / them

her(hyo) – her/her

it(it) is

3 l., plural they[ðei] (zey) - they them[ðem] (zem) – their / them / by them
  1. The second most important is the Possessive Pronouns group or the group of possessive pronouns. It also has two forms: attached and absolute. They both answer the same question (“whose?”), but differ in that the first requires a noun after itself, and the second does not. Let's compare:

As you can see, these forms have something in common, but they are written and pronounced differently. Let's consider full list possessive pronouns:

Attachable form Absolute form
my (May) – mine mine (mine) – mine
your (yo) – yours yours (yors) - yours
his (his) - his his (his) - his
her (hyo) - her hers (hes) - her
its (its) - his its (its) - his
your (yo) – yours yours (yors) – yours
our (oue) – ours ours (owers) – ours
their [ðeə(r)] (zea) – theirs theirs [ðeəz] (zeirs) – theirs
  1. Reflexive Pronouns or reflexive pronouns are a group of pronouns that are translated into Russian to mean “oneself” and “oneself” depending on the situation:

The second part of these pronouns may remind you of the famous word “selfie”, which actually comes from the word “self”. The first parts repeat the pronouns of the two above-mentioned groups.

  1. Reciprocal Pronouns or reciprocal pronouns in English are the group that will probably take the least time to memorize. It consists of two words with the same meaning:
Pronoun Translation Transcription Pronunciation
each other each other [ˌiːtʃ ˈʌðə(r)] ich aze
one another [ˌwʌnəˈnʌðə(r)] one enase
  1. The group of Interrogative Pronouns or the group of interrogative pronouns is more extensive. These pronouns, as the name suggests, are used to form questions:
Pronoun Translation Transcription Pronunciation
what what/which wot
who who/whom xy
which which/which wich
whom whom/to whom hum
whose whose khus
how How how
why Why wy
when When van
where where/where vea
  1. Relative and Conjunctive Pronouns or relative and connecting pronouns are used in complex sentences. There are not many of them, but you need to know these words:

Some words in this group and the group of interrogative pronouns are similar, but their functions and meanings are different.

  1. Demonstrative Pronouns or demonstrative pronouns in English are also often found in speech. Some of them have singular and plural forms:
Pronoun Translation Transcription Pronunciation
units h. this this/this [ðis] zys
plural these these [ði:z] zyz
units h. that that/that [ðæt] zet
plural those those [ðəʊz] zous
only units h. such such sach
only units h. (the)same same Sejm
  1. There are pronouns in English that denote quantity. They are called Quantitative pronouns or quantitative pronouns. These include:
Pronoun Translation Transcription Pronunciation
much many (with uncountable nouns) mach
many a lot (with countable nouns) [ˈmeni] mani
little little (with uncountable nouns) [ˈlɪtl] little
a little a little (with uncountable nouns) [ə ˈlɪtl] uh little
few little (with countable nouns ugh
a few several (with countable nouns) [ə fjuː] ugh
several some [ˈsevrəl] saveral
  1. The most extensive group can rightfully be considered Indefinite Pronouns and Negative Pronouns or indefinite and negative pronouns. Most of them are formed by a combination of pronouns, which independently also perform the functions of this group, and other parts of speech:
Pronouns Other parts of speech
thing [θɪŋ] one body [ˈbɒdi] where
some something (Samsing) - something someone (samuan) - someone somebody (sambadi) - someone somewhere (samvea) - somewhere
any [ˈeni] anything (enising) - anything anyone (eniuan) - someone anybody (enibady) - someone anywhere (enivea) - somewhere
no nothing (nasing) - nothing no one (but one) - no one nobody (nobadi) - no one nowhere (newa) - nowhere
every [ˈevri] everything (eurising) – everything everyone(euryuan) - everyone everybody (eurybadi) - everyone everywhere(evrivea) - everywhere

And also pronouns:

Pronoun Translation Transcription Pronunciation
other another [ˈʌðə(r)] aze
another [əˈnʌðə(r)] enase

These were all English pronouns with translation and pronunciation. I would like to pay special attention to pronunciation. The fact is that the sounds of the English language are different from the sounds of Russian, so it is actually quite difficult to convey how pronouns are pronounced in English.

The presented options are close to English pronunciation and were added to make them easier to understand at an initial level. With this pronunciation you will definitely be understood, but for a more correct sound, study the transcriptions in English. To remember the correct pronunciation, listening to audio of native speakers and imitating their speaking style are also great options.

Any person who has studied a foreign language at least a little is already well acquainted with pronouns. These words, usually short, appear in almost all sentences. “I”, “You” - they are used at every step. Like a baby born in England, a foreigner first learns to name himself and address other people. Then it’s time to speak abstractly in the third person, about someone or refer to someone.

You may not be familiar with some pronouns yet. But there are not too many of them; if you wish, you can easily master everything in one lesson. Time usually studied pronouns in English – 3rd grade secondary school. Even elementary school students can do the task, preferably with an emphasis on practical application. Adults should delve a little into the theory and get to know pronouns in more detail. Should pay more attention to correct pronunciation, and get a good workout. The effort expended will definitely bring benefits.

Pronouns in English

A pronoun (pronoun) is essentially the most important part of speech, which cannot be replaced by anything else. On the contrary, pronouns are often used to replace nouns, adjectives and entire phrases. This is done for the sake of brevity and simplicity, for generalization, or to ask the interlocutor. Depending on the functions performed, pronouns are divided into groups , which we will get acquainted with further:

  • personal;
  • possessive (posesive);
  • reflexive;
  • mutual (reciprocal);
  • demonstrative;
  • negative (negative);
  • interrogative;
  • vague (negative);
  • generalizing;
  • quantitative.

Table of pronouns in English

A table with translation and pronunciation will help you better study English pronouns.

Nominative case




I - I me – me, me, me
You - you you - you, you, by you
He – he him - his, him, him, dumb
She [ʃi:] – she her - she, her, her
It - it its - to him, him, him
We - we us [ʌs] – us, us, us
You - you you - you, you, you
They [ðei] – they them [ðem] – theirs, them, them, them

Personal pronouns designate specific individuals and entire groups. The objective case is translated into Russian by virtually any other case except the nominative. When translating instrumental and prepositional, appropriate prepositions are used. For example: with me - with me, about them - about them.

In basic form In aabsolutelyOuch
my - mine, mine mine – mine, mine
your – yours, yours yours - yours, yours
his – his (masculine)
her - her hers - her
its – his (neuter gender)
our – ours, ours ours – ours, ours
your – yours, yours yours – yours, yours
their [ðeə] – theirs theirs [ðeəz] – theirs

Posessive pronouns in absolute form are used in the absence of nouns. For example: your pencil - your pencil, it is yours - it is yours. Despite the sophisticated theoretical names, the meaning of each group of pronouns is quite simple. This denotes the affiliation of persons or objects.

myself – me, myself, myself
yourself - you, yourself, yourself
himself - him, himself, himself
herself - her, himself, herself
itself - him, himself, himself
ourselves - us, ourselves, ourselves
yourselves - you, yourself, yourself
themselves [ðem’selvz] – them, themselves, themselves

Reflexive pronouns in Russian are usually not translated into separate words , but the ending “-sya”, “-sya” is added to the active verb, and it becomes reflexive-passive. For example: she has washed herself - she washed herself, they are putting on themselves - they are getting dressed.

These pronouns have the same meaning in translation. The only difference is the definiteness or uncertainty of the expression.

Demonstrative pronouns are the same for all genders.

Interrogative pronouns are used in interrogative and affirmative sentences. Whom represents the objective case of the word who .

no – none, none (also no, none)
nothing - nothing
nobody - no one
none - nothing, no one
no one - no one, not one
neither – neither one nor the other
neither...nor – neither one nor the other
Interrogatives (interrogative)
what – what, which, which (about objects)
who – who, which, which (about persons)
whom – whom, to whom, by whom, com
which – which, which, which, which
whose – whose, whose, whose, whose
Undefined (indefinite)
some – any, some, any
something – anything, anything, anything
somebody, someone – somebody, somebody, somebody, someone
anybody, anyone – anyone, any, any (subject)
anything – any, any, any (object)

For brevity, near some the translation is given only in the masculine gender, but in the same way this word is used in the feminine or neuter, in any number.

There are several pronunciation options for several. The use or omission of vowels depends on the dialect, and even on the personal preferences of the speaker.

Rules of application

The word I (I) is always written in capital letter. Other pronouns begin with a capital letter only at the beginning of a sentence.

You is translated in Russian as “you” or “you”, depending on the surrounding context. It must be taken into account that you can politely address one person as “You”.

Some pronouns are used only in a certain context (like articles), or only in an indefinite one:

  • other (each other);
  • another (one another).

The language construction neither… nor… is used within one sentence. After neither, one option of negated objects, events or actions is mentioned, after nor - the second option (also with negation). Either... or is used in the same way, but in affirmative phrases.


E ither I will have read book in English or in French - I will read an English or French book (but not both at once).

Neither we visited London, no r you did – neither we were in London, nor you.

No one may enter this room – no one can (has the right) to enter this room.

Y ou had to do your homework, but had done nothing – you should have done your homework, but you didn’t do anything.

We asked few , but they gave us too much – we asked for little, but they gave us too much.

Bottom line

Full table of pronouns in English with transcription is useful as a reference. You don't have to look in a dictionary or use an online translator to find out how to pronounce a word correctly. It is also easy to choose the appropriate one by looking at the entire list when difficulties arise with choosing a pronoun.

» Table of pronouns in English

A pronoun, instead of a name, helps replace a noun in speech to avoid annoying repetitions. In English, as in Russian, there are several types of pronouns. Today we will talk about what these pronouns are, how they are expressed and how to easily and quickly learn them. How to easily learn English pronouns?

Getting to know the types of pronouns in English

The first type and the most important - Personal Pronouns. This type of pronoun is the most common in speech. Everyone, both beginners and people who have been practicing English for a long time, knows simple and short words:

I - I You - you / you
He - he She - she
It - it, this
We - we They - they

Pay attention to the offers:

  • I am busy now. - I'm busy now.
  • They are going to take their sister with them. — They are going to take their sister with them.
  • We must learn English pronouns. — We must learn English pronouns.

The same Personal Pronouns, but in the genitive and dative cases:

Me - me, me
You - you, you/you, you
Him - him, to him
Her - hers, her Its - his, him
Us - us, to us
Them - them, to them For example:

  • Tell us that you are not guilty! - Tell us it's not your fault!
  • Allow them to pass, please. - Let them pass, please.
  • Take me with you. - Take me with you.

The next type of English pronouns is Possessive Pronouns (possessives):

My - my (my, mine)
Your - yours/yours
Her - her Its - his
Our - ours
Their - theirs

  • Give me my copy-book, please. - Give me my notebook, please.
  • Where is your coat? -Where is your coat?
  • She is walking with her dog. — She is walking with her (her) dog.

Reflexive Pronouns or reflexive pronouns look like this:

Myself - I myself (myself, myself, etc.)
Yourself - you yourself
Himself - himself
Herself - she herself
Itself - it itself
Ourselves - ourselves
Yourselves - yourself
Themselves - themselves

  • It switches itself off. — It turns off by itself.
  • She does everything herself. - She does everything herself.
  • You should think about yourselves. “You should think about yourself.”

And finally, the absolute form or Absolute Pronouns, which is used without nouns:

Mine - mine, mine, mine
Yours - yours
Hers - her Its - his
Ours - ours
Theirs - theirs For example:

  • Don't touch this bag; it's mine! - Don't touch this bag, it's mine!
  • This is our classroom; where is yours? - This is our class, where is yours?
  • My flat is on the first floor, theirs is on the last floor. — My apartment is on the first floor, and theirs is on the last.

We will not dwell in detail on each type of English pronouns, because we examined them in detail in our previous articles. We'll just focus on how to learn them quickly and effectively.
Demonstrative pronouns in English

Learn English pronouns quickly and effectively!

So, you have decided to master pronouns in English and remember them once and for all! A very correct decision, because not a single dialogue, not a single conversation is complete without these words. We want to offer you several ways to quickly and firmly learn all these types of English pronouns. Moreover, this can be done without interrupting work, household chores or relaxation.

First, make yourself a table that contains all of the above types of “substitutes” for English nouns. For example, like this:

PersonalPronouns Genitive and Dative case PossessivePronouns ReflexivePronouns AbsolutePronouns
I - I
You - you/you
He - he
She - she
It - it, this
We - we
They - they
Me - me, me
You - you, you/you, you
Him - him, to him
Her - her, her
Its - his, him
Us - us, to us
Them - them, to them
My - my (my, mine)
Your - yours/yours
Her - her
Its - his
Our - ours
Their - theirs
Myself - I myself (myself, myself, etc.)
Yourself - you yourself
Himself - himself
Herself - she herself
Itself - it itself
Ourselves - ourselves
Yourselves - yourself
Themselves - themselves
Mine is mine
Yours - yours
Hers - her
Its - his
Ours - ours
Theirs - theirs

Make several copies of this sign, each type of pronoun separately and all together. Fortunately, English pronouns are short words, and each type is consonant with the previous one, that is, they are similar in sound and even in spelling.

So you've made a table; Now place the leaves or funny colored stickers with a sign wherever possible: on your desktop, on a bookshelf, in your work bag, in a case along with your mobile phone, in the kitchen near your favorite cup, near the cupboard with dishes. Let these pronouns be before your eyes until you “click them like seeds.”

Seeing English pronouns before your eyes at every step, simply repeat them out loud several times. Also, substitute auxiliary words with the help of which the pronouns will be more firmly etched in memory: my book, his cup etc. Complicate the task, add more auxiliary words: this is our house, that is their car etc.

Call things around you with pronouns

“Scan” English pronouns with your eyes at every opportunity and free minute: on the way to work, from work or from school, at night before going to bed, etc. You yourself will not notice how your visual memory will serve you well, and you learn pronouns in just a few days.

A pronoun is a word used instead of the name of an object (or its characteristics) and indicating it.

For example:

Instead of "girl", we can say "she".

Instead of “the dress that I am holding in my hands,” we can say: “this is the dress.”

There are 5 main groups of pronouns in English:

1. Personal pronouns

2. Possessive pronouns

3. Reflexive pronouns

4. Demonstrative pronouns

5. Interrogative pronouns

Let's take a closer look at the use of these pronouns.

Personal pronouns in English

Personal pronouns are the words with which we replace the character.

The actor may be:

1. Main (answers the question “who?”)

For example:

My friend is at work. She (we replace “my friend”) will come in the evening.

Personal pronouns that
You you/you
We We
They They
He He
She she
It it

2. Not main/secondary (answers the question “who?”)

For example:

My friend and I are going to the cinema. Friends invited us (my friend and I instead).

Personal pronouns that
replace the main character
me I
you you/you
us We
them They
him He
her she
it it

He invited me to the cinema.
He invited me to the cinema.

They sent her a letter.
They sent her a letter.

Possessive pronouns in English

Possessive pronouns reflect the ownership of objects and the connection between them.

For example:

There are two types of possessive pronouns:

1. Those that are used together with the subject (answer the question “whose?”)

Possessive pronouns
used with an item
my my
your yours/yours
our our
their their
his his
her her
its his/ee

2. Those that are used independently (without a subject)

Such pronouns are used to avoid repetition in a sentence. There is no need to place an object after them, since they already imply it.

Possessive pronouns
used independently
mine my
yours yours/yours
ours our
theirs their
his his
hers her
its his/ee

Their price is below ours.
Their price is lower than ours.

My box is smaller than yours.
My box is smaller than yours.

Reflexive pronouns in English

Reflexive pronouns show us that a person performs an action in relation to himself. Why are they returnable? Because the action is directed towards the one who performs it, that is, it returns to him.

Such pronouns are used to show that:

  • The action is aimed at the person himself
  • The action was performed by the person independently

In Russian, we most often show this with -sya and -sya, which we add to actions.

For example:

She cut herself (cut herself)

In English there are special words for this, which are formed by adding a tail to the pronouns my, your, our, them, her, him, it:

  • -self(if we are talking about one person/object);
  • -selves(if we are talking about several people/objects).

Let's look at the table of these pronouns.

I myself
you yourself
it is itself
you yourself
we ourselves/ourselves

For example:

She introduced herself when entered in the room.
She introduced herself (introducing herself) when she entered the room.

We ourselves cooked the dinner.
We prepared this dinner ourselves.

Demonstrative pronouns in English

We use demonstrative pronouns to point to an object/person or objects/people. Hence the name - index.

There are 4 most used demonstrative pronouns in English:

  • this - this
  • these - these
  • that
  • those - those

Let's look at the table of usage of these pronouns.

Pronoun Quantity
one something
next to us
then, that
one something
far from us

This book is interesting.
This book is interesting.

I know those girls.
I know those girls.

Interrogative pronouns in English

Interrogative pronouns are words that indicate a person, object or characteristics unknown to the speaker.

For example: Who baked this cake? (point to the person)

In English, the most common interrogative pronouns are:

  • who - who, whom
  • whose - whose
  • what - what, which
  • which - which
  • whom - whom

Let's look at the table of usage of these words.

Pronoun Usage Example
Who - who, whom/to whom 1. Who did or
specific action

2. Who was it?
specific action (colloquial version)

Who helps her?
Who helps her

Whom - whom, to whom Who was it for?
specific action (official,
written version)

Whom will you invite?
Who will you invite?

Whose - whose Asking about affiliation
to someone

Whose dog is it?
Whose dog is this?

What - what, which 1. Ask about the subject

2. Ask about the attribute of the object
(assuming unlimited

What did you read?
What have you read?

Which - which, which Please select
from some

Which dog is yours?
Which (what) dog is yours?

So, we've looked at the 5 main types of pronouns, now let's practice using them.

Reinforcement task

Translate the following sentences into English:

1. This car is red.
2. They invited me to the park.
3. She baked this pie herself.
4. Whose scarf is on the chair?
5. Your gift is better than hers.

Greetings, dear reader.

At the beginning of learning English, you can encounter so many things that are frightening and incomprehensible that it is not difficult to discourage all desire to learn. But if you approach the issue wisely, you can achieve significant success. Today, so that the desire to learn does not run away, the lesson will be devoted to a topic from the very “basics”: “Pronouns of the English language.”

With experience, I have come to the conclusion that any information needs to be sorted into shelves. Therefore, I will give you everything in a table, with translation and even pronunciation.

Let's get started, I guess.

Personal pronouns

The first thing you should become familiar with when learning a language is personal pronouns. This is what we use in speech every day. I, we, you, he, she, them, us, you... - all this forms the basis of any proposal. At the initial stage, 50% of your proposals will start with them. The rest will naturally contain nouns. Below in the table you can study them visually.

Possessive pronouns

« What's mine is mine! “- or a story about how to understand what kind of word “possessive” pronouns are. Mine, hers, his, theirs, ours - that's what hides behind this word. By the way, another 20% of your words will begin with these words: my mother- my mother,her dog- her dog.

By the way, if you thought that everything would end so simply, then you were sorely mistaken, because we have not yet discussed absolute possessive pronouns.

You probably have a question, what is the difference. The difference is that after these pronouns we do not use nouns. Let's look at an example:

It is my pen . - This is my pen.

The pen is mine. - This pen my.

The ball is his. - This ball his.

And note that in sentences with possessive pronouns the logical stress shifts to their side! The importance of who owns the thing comes first here!

Demonstrative pronouns

Often in speech it is necessary to use demonstrative pronouns. That, those, these, this - all these forms of pronouns are very often used in both written and spoken language. Let's take a closer look at how we can use them.

Reflexive pronouns

Probably not everyone has heard what reflexive pronouns are. Somewhere in 3rd grade Shocked schoolchildren begin to clutch their heads in search of an explanation. This is understandable, because in Russian we rarely use them in principle, and we are just starting to learn English.

If you still have questions that I could not answer in this lesson, ask them in the comments. If your thirst for knowledge requires more, subscribe to my newsletter. Regular and professional help in learning the language awaits you. For both children and adults, I have the most valuable and useful information from my experience.

See you!

P.S. Don’t forget to consolidate the information received, and then you can take it by storm)).