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Mucus discharge in women is like snot: causes and methods of treatment. What does sticky, odorless discharge mean?

Female vaginal discharge is a secretion that contains dead particles of epithelium, cervical mucus, a large number of microorganisms and leukocytes. When the volume of the last two exceeds normal values, the vaginal secretion immediately changes its characteristics - it becomes a different color, acquires a different smell and consistency. What can they tell you about?sticky discharge in women? Is their appearance associated with an increase in the number of pathogens in the vagina? Or do they arise due to the development of other diseases? Let's talk about it.

Does increased stickiness always indicate pathology?

There are certain criteria by which one can determine whethersticky vaginal discharge in womena sign of the development of pathological processes or not. After all, not in all cases their increased stickiness indicates illness.

There are certain phases of the menstrual cycle during which vaginal secretions can also change their characteristics. An example of this is the ovulation period, during which progesterone levels in the body rise sharply. Under the influence of this hormone, not only does the maturation and release of the egg from the follicle occur, but also a change in the secretions themselves. They begin to stand out in larger quantities, become viscous, like snot, and slightly sticky. Moreover, they can even give off a slightly sour smell, which is also not a deviation. However, this phenomenon is observed only for 2-3 days, after which the nature of vaginal discharge becomes the same.

But it is not only in the middle of the cycle that the stickiness of vaginal secretions increases. This can also happen at the moment of sexual arousal, during and after sexual intercourse. In this case, women may experience excessive white orclear sticky dischargewithout and with odor. However, they are also observed for a short time - until complete emotional calm and taking a hygienic shower.

Important! If clear or white sticky discharge with an odor does not go away 2-3 hours after sexual intercourse, but only intensifies and begins to smell even more, you should immediately visit a doctor and take a smear for bacterial culture. Since such symptoms are characteristic of the development of STDs.

In addition, increased stickiness of vaginal discharge may occur due to:

  • Frequent stress.
  • Taking certain medications.
  • Neglect of personal hygiene rules (in this case, an unpleasant odor may even appear).
  • Abrupt climate change.

It should be understood that if sticky vaginal discharge is short-term in nature and does not provoke the appearance of unpleasant sensations in the intimate area, it means that they appear for physiological reasons that do not require specific treatment. But if they are observed constantly and cause itching or burning in the vagina, then this is no longer normal. In this case, you should definitely visit a gynecologist and undergo all the necessary tests.

What other reasons can lead to increased stickiness of vaginal secretions?

When talking about why vaginal discharge becomes sticky, we should also mention a reason such as hormonal disorders. They can occur not only against the background of pathological conditions, but also physiological ones. And in this matter the main role is played by the following factors:

  • The formation of the menstrual cycle in young girls.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Menopause and menopause.

If a girl has just recently had her first menstruation, then she should prepare for the fact that hormones will begin to “seethe” in her body during the first 4-6 months. Their jumps can cause not only irregular menstruation, but also the appearance of sticky discharge, the volume of which can either decrease or increase. And this will happen until the menstrual cycle is completely restored.

In the early stages of pregnancy, hormonal changes also occur in the body. During the first few weeks of gestation, there is an increased production of progesterone, which was already mentioned above. And while it is actively synthesized in the body, vaginal discharge can constantly change its character - sometimes it becomes transparent and watery, sometimes it becomes thick and sticky. The main thing is that they do not cause unpleasant sensations in the vagina and do not deplete the sharp specific aroma, since these symptoms often indicate the development of various pathologies, including infectious ones.

Important! If sticky vaginal discharge is observed in the second or third trimester of pregnancy, this indicates a lack of iron in the body and the development of iron deficiency anemia, which can lead to fetal hypoxia. Therefore, when these symptoms appear, it is imperative to take a biochemical blood test. If the diagnosis is confirmed, you should immediately undergo a course of medical therapy.

During menopause, the body also experiences hormonal changes associated with the decline of reproductive functions. In this case, women experience not only sticky discharge, but also irregularities in the menstrual cycle. Menstruation becomes irregular (accompanied by frequent delays or occurs several times a month), and also changes in character (become scanty or, conversely, abundant). In this case, there is a deterioration in general health (weakness, irritability, sweating, etc.), but this happens exactly until menopause occurs. After it, the woman’s condition becomes stable, and the nature of the discharge returns to normal.

Pathologies accompanied by increased stickiness of vaginal discharge

As mentioned at the very beginning, vaginal discharge contains pathogens and leukocytes. When their level increases, this always causes an increase in the stickiness of vaginal secretions, and this happens only in cases where the vaginal microflora is disturbed or inflammatory processes develop in the organs of the reproductive system.

Disturbance of the microflora occurs against the background of activation of pathogenic microflora in it. This is observed as a result of infectious and non-infectious causes. In the second case, the vaginal microflora is disrupted due to:

  • Frequent douching.
  • Taking antibacterial drugs.
  • Long-term abstinence from sexual intercourse.
  • Insufficient hygiene.

When exposed to these factors, the acid-base balance is disrupted, which often causes the development of fungal infections, the activity of staphylococci and streptococci, resulting in symptoms such as:

  • Itching and burning in the vagina.
  • Sticky, foul-smelling discharge.
  • Redness of the labia.

Such conditions are easily treated. Depending on the pathogen, the doctor may prescribe antifungal, anti-inflammatory or immunostimulating drugs. But in cases where a disturbance of the microflora occurs due to the development of an infection in the vagina, the therapeutic actions are slightly different, since the main provocateurs of their occurrence are:

  • Gonococci.
  • Chlamydia.
  • Mycoplasmas, etc.

When such microorganisms are activated, antibacterial therapy is always used in conjunction with taking multivitamin complexes and drugs that help maintain intestinal microflora.

As a rule, infectious processes in the vagina manifest themselves with the following symptoms:

  • Sticky or foamy discharge that is green or yellow in color.
  • A specific aroma, reminiscent of rotten fish.
  • Itching and burning.
  • Hyperemia of the labia.

If a woman periodically notices blood in her discharge and nagging abdominal pain, this indicates the development of acute inflammatory diseases that require immediate treatment. These may include:

  • Erosion, which is characterized by the formation of an ulcer on the cervical canal.
  • Endometritis, accompanied by inflammation of the uterine mucosa.
  • Endometriosis, in which there is a pathological growth of the inner epithelial layer of the uterus beyond its limits.
  • Cervicitis, characterized by inflammation of the cervical canal.
  • Oophoritis, during the development of which inflammatory processes cover the ovaries.
  • Vaginitis, accompanied by inflammation of the vaginal mucosa.

Women's health is especially important, because it plays a major role in procreation. Here you need to know which discharge from the genital organs is normal in the body, and which is pathological. What information do you have on this matter? If you don’t know anything about mucous discharge in women, then the information below will help fill this gap. What is normal for women's health, and what is a cause for concern?

Causes of mucus secretion in women

Natural mucous discharge from the vagina occurs for various reasons:

  1. Hormonal fluctuations during the cycle. Before and after menstruation, the amount and structure of mucus changes significantly.
  2. A pregnancy condition that increases the amount of estrogen in the body, which affects the quantitative and qualitative composition of discharge.
  3. The secretion of mucus is provoked when excited.
  4. Experiencing any stress.
  5. Abrupt climate change.
  6. Treatment with hormone-containing medications.
  7. Allergy of local or general manifestation.
  8. Improper intimate hygiene.

Clear vaginal discharge

If the mucus has a transparent structure, without emitting a pungent odor or causing discomfort, then this is simply proof of the proper functioning of the reproductive system, i.e. ovaries. Up to 2 ml of such secretion can be released per day, while a slightly whitish tint does not indicate pathology. This is simply the process of cleansing the vagina. The volume and structure of discharge changes according to the phases of the menstrual cycle:

  1. From 1 to 5-7 days – the period of menstruation. First, spotting pink or brown secretions appear; on days 2-4 they include the maximum volume of blood in the form of lumps or clots; on days 5-7 they again decrease to spotting.
  2. From 5-7 to 13-14 days is the period of egg maturation. Copious mucus is not secreted at this time - only about 2 ml of watery, mucous or thick particles with lumps. Don't worry if the color changes from clear white to yellowish.
  3. Day 14-15 is the time of ovulation. Estrogen reaches its maximum level, so mucus comes out up to 4 ml. Its structure is stretchy, but sometimes it can be watery, and often even sticky. The hue during this period is the most saturated.
  4. Days 16-28 – the period before menstruation. The reproductive system calms down a little - there is less discharge, but just before the end of the cycle a sudden surge is possible due to an increase in the amount of hormones.

White discharge

This is when leucorrhoea occurs:

  1. Gynecological diseases: vaginitis, prolapse of the vaginal walls, adnexitis, bacterial vaginosis, candidiasis, chlamydia.
  2. Sexually transmitted diseases: trichomoniasis, gonorrhea.
  3. Ovulation. This is the second half of the menstrual cycle, characterized by 1-3 days of colorless or whitish mucus. White, mucous, odorless discharge is normal.
  4. Sexual intercourse. During or after it, such leucorrhoea is normal.
  5. Pregnancy. White mucous discharge during pregnancy is caused by hormonal changes.


Vaginal discharge with blood is colored in tones from scarlet to dark brown. The appearance of the last shade indicates slight bleeding inside, because the blood has time to oxidize before it comes out. This is when brown discharge appears:

  1. Disorder of the menstrual cycle, characterized by spotting dark secretions between periods, and sometimes instead of them.
  2. The spiral is accompanied by short-term and non-discomfortable discharge.
  3. Microtrauma of the genital tract mucosa due to aggressive sexual intercourse, douching, cauterization of cervical erosions or after an abortion.
  4. Inflammation of the uterus - endometriosis, endometrial polyps.
  5. Ectopic pregnancy, threat of miscarriage in the early stages and placental abruption in the late stages.


The following are considered normal yellow discharge:

  1. Before the onset of menstruation, during or after sexual intercourse, if the amount does not exceed 1 tsp.
  2. The color is light yellow or cream, which does not leave very noticeable shades on the linen.
  3. Not accompanied by an unpleasant odor.
  4. Have a clear, stretchy or watery consistency rather than thick and rich.

Here are the reasons that cause yellow mucus:

  1. Sexual infection – trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, genital herpes, mycoplasmosis. Often accompanied by a strong odor, itching and burning, and the color may change to green.
  2. Stress, decreased immunity, hormonal imbalance, taking antibiotics.
  3. Thrush or bacterial vaginosis.
  4. Allergies to synthetics, personal hygiene products, condoms.

Mucus with blood

If the discharge is bloody, then the reason for this may be:

  1. The beginning of menstruation or the release of residues after their end.
  2. If the discharge persists for a long time after menstruation, use an IUD or unsuitable contraceptives.
  3. Mucous discharge with an odor indicates endometritis.
  4. Cervical erosion.
  5. Trauma to the vagina after sexual intercourse.
  6. Ectopic pregnancy, unexpected miscarriage.
  7. During menopause - benign or malignant formations, but in the case of hormone replacement therapy, blood is the norm.

Why do women produce mucus?

All girls and women have mucous discharge in a certain amount. In addition to climate and living conditions, their manifestation is influenced by:

  • menstruation;
  • contraceptives;
  • the period before and after childbirth;
  • change of partner;
  • menopause period.

During pregnancy

Abundant mucous discharge during early pregnancy occurs due to changes in hormonal levels. This occurs due to increased blood supply to the genital organs. The structure of such mucus is transparent, watery or completely liquid. An even greater increase in the production of mucous structures occurs in later stages of pregnancy. This is not a pathology unless very thin discharge occurs just before birth. This process indicates the danger of premature birth.

After childbirth

The discharge accompanies the woman even after the birth of the baby. At first they have blood admixtures, but after 7-8 weeks they acquire a liquid and transparent structure, as they did before pregnancy. During lactation, female secretions such as mucus are scanty, so the appearance of an unpleasant odor, a sharp change in color, accompanied by swelling or itching, may indicate a pathology. In this case, to avoid complications, it is better to immediately contact a gynecologist.

After menstruation

Mucous discharge in all women after the end of menstruation is a normal process if it has a transparent, liquid or jelly-like structure. The main thing is that there should be no unpleasant odor, pain or burning or itching sensation, otherwise this is already evidence of improper functioning of the genital organs. This discharge can be caused by an infection or a disruption of the menstrual cycle. Although if the symptoms are accompanied by pain, then it is possible that this is inflammation of the urethra.

Video: mucus discharge

Women's health, like the woman herself, can be so fickle. For this reason, you need to carefully monitor it and note any changes, even the most imperceptible at first glance. It is easy to determine the pathological process by mucous secretions in women, if you know what they should be. Learn to listen to your body by watching the useful video below, directly related to women's health.

Discomfort in the intimate area always worries the fair sex. And a cause for concern is often viscous mucous discharge from the vagina, the consistency and color of which changes depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle and during pregnancy.

However, leucorrhoea also changes as a result of certain diseases, so every woman needs to be aware of the symptoms that require a visit to the doctor.

What is viscous discharge in women?

Mucous, viscous discharge or leucorrhoea is a physiological phenomenon characteristic of the menstrual cycle. Essentially, it is a biological fluid that is produced by the gonads. All women experience discharge during puberty, and there is no need to worry about this.

But if the liquid thickens greatly or acquires any shade, this may be the first symptoms of some diseases, for which an additional examination is carried out (for details on the meaning of the color of the discharge, see).

The primary source of such mucus is the sex glands located in the uterine cavity and on its cervix. When passing through the vagina, various sputum, dead epithelial cells, and sometimes blood are added to the fluid (for example, in the presence of injuries or during menstruation).

Normal discharge does not have any special odor, and its amount may vary depending on the current hormonal state of the woman and the phase of the menstrual cycle.

In addition, during sexual intercourse, the intensity of mucus production increases - this is a natural reaction that allows you to avoid unpleasant and painful sensations.

If the leucorrhoea has a nasty smell, an uncharacteristic color (rotten fish, for example) and a too thick consistency, then this may indicate a pathological process - it’s time to contact a specialist to clarify the situation.

Sticky discharge during pregnancy

In the first 2-3 weeks after fertilization of the egg, the gonads of the uterus and its cervix synthesize a large amount of hormones and biological fluid, informing the entire body that conception has taken place. In this case, an increase in the density of leucorrhoea is normal.

White viscous discharge closer to childbirth may become brownish due to blood impurities. Often this indicates that the mucous plug from the cervix has moved away, thereby clearing the way for the baby.

But there is also a dangerous point: the presence of blood in leucorrhoea can signal the possibility of a miscarriage, so a pregnant woman needs to inform the doctor about any changes in her condition.

During the period of bearing a child, the expectant mother is also not immune from infection in the vagina, the development of bacterial vaginosis or candidiasis. Such diseases can greatly complicate a child’s life after birth. And in order to protect the baby from unwanted pathologies, a woman needs to consult a gynecologist with the following symptoms:

  • mucus has become more viscous and lumpy;
  • the discharge foams, acquires an uncharacteristic color and odor;
  • there is a burning or itching sensation in the genital area;
  • the external genitalia become very red and swollen.

Sticky discharge in women during menstruation

Before the onset of menstruation, the amount of stringy discharge increases. This is an absolutely normal physiological process. In general, leucorrhoea during the menstrual cycle is characterized as follows:

  1. First phase. The mucus is watery and not very abundant.
  2. Second phase. Estrogen reaches its maximum level, ovulation occurs, and the viscous discharge takes on a jelly-like consistency.
  3. Third phase. The leucorrhoea acquires a pinkish tint and liquefies again.

With the beginning of the menstrual cycle and before menopause, the female reproductive glands synthesize mucous secretions: transparent, viscous and without a pungent odor.

If the quantity and quality of this biological fluid changes during the above periods, then the process is normal and does not require any therapeutic measures. If the color of the leucorrhoea changes, a pungent odor appears, or its consistency increases to a pathological level, you must go to the hospital.

Normally, the vaginal microflora consists of 95% beneficial microorganisms - lactobacilli. However, with an immune failure, a shift in the normal balance is possible, which contributes to the proliferation of completely unwanted strains and progression.

In addition, the entry of Candida fungi into the vagina often causes candidiasis. If with vaginosis the discharge usually has the smell of rotten fish and is gray-white in color, then with candidiasis the mucus takes on the consistency of a curd mass.

Although these diseases are not considered sexually transmitted infections, if you have unprotected sex, your partner can also become infected. Pathological microflora disorders are usually contributed to by several factors:

  • low immunity;
  • suffered stress;
  • poor hygiene of the intimate area;
  • poor lifestyle, including nutrition;
  • injuries in the vaginal area.

The result of such disorders can be not only a change in the color, smell and consistency of leucorrhoea, but also itching and burning in the external genital area, pain during urination and sex. To restore the balance of bacteria in the vagina and eliminate unpleasant symptoms, women are usually advised to undergo a course of oral or vaginal therapy, usually with antibiotics.

If green or yellow viscous discharge is observed in the fair sex, then it may indicate both a sexually transmitted infection, cervical erosion, inflammation of the appendages, and other diseases. In such a situation, doctors perform an additional examination of the woman’s body to identify the exact cause of the pathology and provide the necessary treatment.


The best option for every woman is to visit a gynecologist at least once a year. Regular examination will make it possible to timely detect the presence of pathology in the vagina and take appropriate measures. But if a woman has an active sex life, and even with different partners, then the frequency of visits to the doctor should be increased.

Doctors say that natural vaginal lubrication can be colorless or yellowish in color. Its consistency, color, presence of impurities and volume depend on the phase of the female cycle, hormonal levels, and various external and internal reasons. Is odorless yellow discharge in women normal or pathological?

Main reasons

Copious or scanty yellow discharge without a pungent odor may be a sign of pathological changes in the reproductive and genitourinary organs and indicate the presence of a focus of inflammation. But they can also arise due to natural reasons.

Why is there a yellowish discharge? Even a healthy woman can experience various kinds vaginal mucus. The vaginal discharge includes fluid from the cervical canal, internal secretions of the vaginal glands, dead epithelial cells, and dead bacteria.

The inner lining of the uterus and vagina consists of epithelium, which is periodically renewed. Dead cells combine with mucus - leucorrhoea appears, which may have a white or yellowish tint. Vaginal discharge plays the role of natural lubrication and protective barrier, preventing pathogenic microflora from entering the vagina. Yellow mucus often appears in large quantities after an abortion or artificial termination of pregnancy.

What does yellow mucous leucorrhoea after sexual intercourse mean? If they appear after unprotected sexual intercourse and do not change color, then the vaginal secretion comes out along with sperm. After sex with a condom, yellow mucus is the result of the active activity of the glands that produce vaginal lubrication.

Important! Yellow discharge on panties is considered normal if it is not accompanied by itching, burning, or pain. Normal leucorrhoea has a uniform structure and does not emit a strong odor.

Yellow discharge from the urethra is less common in women than in men - this is due to some anatomical features.

Reasons for the appearance of yellow mucus from the urethra:

  • urolithiasis - large stones injure the walls of the urethra, and an inflammatory process develops;
  • venereal diseases;
  • unbalanced diet - excessive consumption of fatty, spicy, sour foods can lead to inflammation of the genitourinary system;
  • hypothermia.

Sometimes discharge appears not only from the vagina, but also from the mammary glands. In most cases, this is a sign of the development of a serious disease - mastitis or even breast cancer. An exception is pregnancy, 1–2 days before the start of menstruation, strong sexual arousal.

Discharge during menopause

During menopause, the activity of hormones decreases, and less natural lubricant is released - this leads to frequent exacerbation of gynecological diseases during menopause. After 55 years, the functions of the ovaries completely decline; the discharge should be transparent, homogeneous and not watery. All discharges of a different nature indicate the presence of pathologies.

Causes of yellow leucorrhoea during menopause:

  • sexually transmitted diseases, thrush;
  • benign neoplasms of the uterus or cervix;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • oncological diseases.

With the onset of menopause, a woman should more carefully monitor the condition of her body, regularly visit a gynecologist, and follow all his appointments.

Yellow leucorrhoea during pregnancy

After conception, a powerful hormonal change occurs in the body, many habitual processes change, and leucorrhoea may acquire a yellow tint of varying degrees of intensity.

Causes of yellow leucorrhoea in pregnant women:

  1. In the early stages, a mucous plug forms, which protects the baby from the negative effects of external factors, the body takes care of the safety of pregnancy. Along with the discharge, excess plug comes out, which is colored pale yellow.
  2. In the second trimester, against the background of active growth of the fetus, many processes in the female body change, and the immune system weakens. Against this background, sensitivity to allergens increases - reactions to panty liners and intimate hygiene products may occur. Often in the second half of pregnancy, inflammatory processes occur in the ovaries and fallopian tubes, which are accompanied by yellowish discharge.
  3. 2-3 weeks before birth, yellow mucous discharge appears as the mucus plug comes out.
  4. Yellow sticky discharge from the mammary glands - colostrum, most often appears immediately before childbirth, sometimes at 5-6 months.
  5. After childbirth, yellow discharge normally appears at the final stage of lochia release.

Cystitis often occurs in pregnant women; it occurs against the background of hormonal changes and weakened immunity. Normally, the disease is accompanied by clear discharge. If during cystitis the discharge changes color or smell or consistency, this may indicate vaginosis, sexually transmitted infections, or colpitis.

The nature of leucorrhoea, its structure and quantity depends on the phase of the menstrual cycle. Why does yellow discharge appear in teenage girls? Leucorrhoea without a particular odor appears approximately 10–12 months before the first menstruation, which indicates the beginning of preparation for reproductive activity.

What does white-yellow discharge indicate during ovulation? Moderate leucorrhoea indicates the maturation of the cells; as the date of menstruation approaches, their quantity increases, but at the same time they become more liquid.

The week before menstruation, the amount of leucorrhoea becomes maximum, and if a woman is depressed or stressed, the volume of dark yellow discharge increases noticeably.

Important! Yellow leucorrhoea often occurs as a result of allergies to pads, tampons, underwear, and contraceptives.

Normally, yellow leucorrhoea before menstruation should be uniform, without clots, and their amount should not exceed 4–6 ml. If yellow discharge is accompanied by pain and burning, or its volume significantly exceeds the norm, you should consult a specialist.

Discharge like yellowish snot is often the first sign of pathologies of the genitourinary organs.

In what cases does mucus appear constantly:

  1. With vulvovaginitis, leucorrhoea can become bright yellow; with this pathology, pain occurs during emptying the bladder and sexual intercourse.
  2. Cervical erosion is characterized by inflammatory processes in the tissues of the vaginal mucosa and cervix. This weakens the protective barrier, and the organs of the reproductive system are affected by pathogenic microorganisms. Against the background of erosion, concomitant diseases often appear - vaginitis, cervicitis. In this case, after sexual intercourse, yellow discharge with blood appears.
  3. Adnexitis, salpingitis - inflammatory processes are accompanied by yellow-brown discharge with purulent inclusions. Additional signs are nagging pain in the lower abdomen, lower back, the process of urination causes discomfort.
  4. Yellow, curd-like discharge is a sign of candidiasis, and it often has a sour odor. The pathology develops against the background of frequent stress, hormonal imbalance, and weak immunity.

Important! Yellow discharge and itching, pain in the groin area are the main signs of many diseases that are sexually transmitted.

With chlamydia and trichomoniasis, yellow-green discharge appears, which acquires a rotten smell as the disease progresses. The labia and nearby tissues constantly itch, emptying the bladder and sexual intercourse is accompanied by pain and burning. The mucous membrane of the labia minora becomes swollen and acquires a bright red color.

Treatment methods

Only a doctor can determine the exact cause based on the results of various laboratory tests. In addition to a clinical blood test and a vaginal smear, an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and PCR diagnostics may be required.

Treatment is aimed at eliminating the causes of discharge and includes general and local antibacterial therapy. Additionally, medications are used that help restore normal vaginal microflora, improve blood circulation - lactobacilli, and physiotherapy usually has a good therapeutic effect. For treatment, suppositories and vaginal tablets are most often used; general medications are used only for acute forms of pathologies.

How to treat:

  • trichomonas vaginitis – Tinidazole, Clotrimazole;
  • fungal infections - Fluconazole, Tsiskan, Orunit, Pimafucin;
  • menopause - vaginal tablets with estrogen Ovestin;
  • infectious diseases - Hexicon, Terzhinan, Betadine suppositories.

Only a doctor can choose the right drug and describe a treatment regimen. Any self-medication can be dangerous, especially during pregnancy or menopause.
The variety of causes for the appearance of yellow, watery discharge in women makes diagnosis difficult; the doctor will be able to prescribe adequate therapy only after a comprehensive examination of the patient. You can protect yourself from serious diseases only by regularly visiting a gynecologist.

It is important for every woman to know and be able to calculate the date of ovulation. There are many ways to do this, including monitoring vaginal discharge. The white thick discharge that occurs during ovulation cannot be confused with others because of its unique structure and viscousness.

Features and types of discharge

In our article we will trace the connection between the nature of the discharge and the period of the menstrual cycle. There are only two such periods. In the first, under the influence of the hormone estrogen, the egg matures. Then comes the ovulation phase, which lasts about 24 hours. And the second stage begins, characterized by the formation of the corpus luteum, which produces the hormone progesterone. It prepares the uterus to receive the embryo.

Due to the influence of hormones, the female body undergoes changes, which provokes other metamorphoses:

  • In the first phase, the mucus is very thick. It forms a soft plug in the cervix to prevent germs and sperm from entering prematurely. Because they are so dense, they do not pass out.
  • Before ovulation, the mucus plug dissolves. The contents will be sticky and sticky.
  • At the moment of ovulation, the structure of the discharge changes again: abundant, viscous and transparent. This facilitates the passage of sperm and helps them survive in this environment for up to 3-5 days.
  • After ovulation, white thick discharge lasts throughout the second period, but before menstruation it will be watery.

What is considered normal?

A young girl may even be frightened by such an abundance of mucus. But in the period after ovulation, white, thick, odorless discharge is quite typical. If they become cheesy, have a sour smell and are accompanied by itching, this is a sure sign of “thrush” caused by a fungus. It is not recommended to postpone a visit to the doctor. You can't do without medical help here.

If one of these points is violated, then a disruption has occurred in the body’s functioning and the problem should be identified and promptly eliminated.

And after ovulation, thick white discharge shows that the female cell has prepared for fertilization. Now, after meeting the sperm, it will continue its journey to the uterus, and as soon as the embryo begins its development, the cervix will again be “sealed” with mucus.