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Sex hormones LH and FSH. Sex hormones: FSH, LH, prolactin, estrogens, androgens and others

One of the hormones with which the brain regulates the activity of the reproductive organs of the system is FSH. Therefore, for clear, harmonious functioning of the reproductive system, it is very important that. If tests show that the level of FSH is increased or decreased, this signals serious problems in the body, and often warns of the development of a benign or malignant tumor.

Produced by the pituitary gland, an endocrine gland, with the help of which the hypothalamus, one of the parts of the brain, controls the activity of the entire endocrine system. In addition to follicle-stimulating hormone, the pituitary gland produces LH to regulate the functioning of the gonads. The activities of LH and FSH are closely related to each other, and if the ratio between them is not within normal limits, this can signal the development of a wide variety of diseases.

Another hormone with which the pituitary gland regulates reproductive function is prolactin: it is responsible for milk production and inhibits the production of estradiol and progesterone after childbirth, preventing the rapid onset of a new pregnancy.

Under the influence of FSH in the female body, the egg matures in the ovary, and estrogens are also produced, primarily estradiol, the task of which is to prepare the body for conception. In men, follicle-stimulating hormone stimulates the growth of seminiferous tubules and promotes sperm maturation. In a healthy man, the level of this hormone is stable and, depending on the individual characteristics of the body, ranges from 0.7-11.1 IU/ml.

But in women, FSH levels are unstable and fluctuate depending on the phase of the cycle. Follicle-stimulating hormone predominates in the female body in the first phase of the cycle, immediately after menstruation begins (in connection with this, this stage got its name - the follicular phase). At this time, the hypothalamus gives the order to begin preparing for a new potential pregnancy, as a result of which the pituitary gland increases the production of FSH.

The hormone first “awakens” several follicles, then after a few days it inhibits their development, leaving only the dominant one, promoting its development and the maturation of the egg inside it. Under its influence, the developing follicle begins to produce estradiol, the task of which at this stage is to begin preparing the body, primarily the uterine mucosa, for pregnancy.

When estradiol signals the pituitary gland that the egg is ripe, it sharply increases the level of FSH and LH in the blood. The result of this is ovulation, when the follicle ruptures, in its place a corpus luteum is formed, which begins to produce progesterone, and the egg begins to move towards the uterus. After this, the amount of follicle-stimulating hormone drops and its functions are taken over by the LH hormone.

Immediately before the onset of menstruation, FSH in the blood increases sharply and its value at this time greatly exceeds the readings during the follicular phase. If conception has taken place, the hormone level remains low and begins to increase only a few weeks after birth.

Interpretation of results

Due to the strong fluctuations in FSH levels throughout the entire phase, it is extremely difficult to correctly interpret test results on your own, and you need to listen to the opinion of specialists who take into account the individual indicators of the body. Another point that should be taken into account when interpreting the results is that FSH standards differ somewhat in different laboratories. On average, the normal indicators look like this:

  • in girls before the onset of puberty: 0.11-1.6 mIU/ml.
  • follicular phase: from 1.9-11.0 mIU/ml;
  • ovulatory phase: 4.8 to 20.5 mIU/ml;
  • luteal phase: from 1 to 9 mIU/ml;
  • menopause: 30 to 128 mIU/ml;
  • postmenopause: 21.7-153 mIU/ml.

High levels of follicle-stimulating hormone during menopause and postmenopause are explained by the fact that when the ovaries stop responding to hormones, the body becomes oversaturated with FSH and LH, resulting in poor health and unpleasant symptoms. This is the only case when the amount of FSH in the blood can be increased; in all other cases, an increase in the level of the hormone indicates a disease or negative environmental impact.

What are the dangers of deviations?

If the tests show, this is a reason to undergo an examination to find out the cause and further treatment, since it signals serious health problems and disruption of the reproductive organs. For example, if FSH rises to 40 mIU/ml, a woman will not be able to get pregnant. High FSH levels can be caused by the following reasons:

  • dysfunction, as well as underdevelopment of the gonads;
  • cyst in the uterus;
  • early menopause;
  • surgical removal of the ovaries or testicles;
  • inflammation of the testicles;
  • pituitary tumor;
  • renal failure;
  • exposure to x-rays;
  • alcoholism, smoking;
  • taking medications;
  • Shereshevsky-Turner syndrome is a pathology when the body is missing one chromosome or one of the chromosomes has undergone structural changes.

High FSH is accompanied by clear symptoms that are very difficult to ignore.

In children, this may be premature or too late puberty, short stature. In women, increased levels of the hormone are indicated by the absence of ovulation and menstruation, uterine bleeding unrelated to menstruation, the inability to become pregnant, or frequent miscarriages. In men, high levels of FSH are often the cause of lack of potency, decreased or complete absence of sexual desire.

If FSH is too low, it may indicate problems with the pituitary gland or hypothalamus. Hormone levels may be reduced due to excess weight or polycystic ovary syndrome. Low FSH can be caused by prolactin, a hormone that is activated before childbirth and is responsible for milk production. In this case, prolactin blocks the production of estradiol and progesterone, preventing a new pregnancy until the end of the lactation period.

If the increase in prolactin is not associated with childbirth, it can provoke a benign tumor of the pituitary gland, prolactinoma. What exactly in this case caused the increase in prolactin and the subsequent appearance of the tumor is currently unclear. To get rid of it, treatment with medications is often sufficient (especially at first); if therapy is unsuccessful, surgery must be performed.

Diagnostics and therapy

If tests show low or high FSH, in order to determine the cause and develop a treatment regimen, you will need to undergo a full range of examinations. You will need to donate blood to check the levels of LH, testosterone, prolactin, progesterone, and estradiol. In this case, doctors pay special attention to the ratio of LH to FSH (it should be noted that in order to obtain it, blood must be donated on different days).

If the cause of low FSH turns out to be, treatment is prescribed to reduce the level of the hormone. If the cause of increased FSH is smoking or alcohol abuse, they should be excluded during treatment.

If FSH turns out to be elevated as a result of an x-ray examination, no special treatment is provided: the hormone level returns to normal within six months to a year. For more serious diseases, in order to increase or decrease FSH levels, the use of hormonal drugs, for example, containing estradiol, may be required. For tumors, surgical intervention is not excluded.

A woman's health largely depends on hormones: in her youth, sex hormones stimulate the development of female characteristics and reproductive functions through cyclic menstruation.

In addition, menopause can be accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, which in some cases require.

Luteinizing hormones (LH), follicle-stimulating hormones (FSH), progesterone and estrogens play an active role in these processes. Closer to 40 years of age, the first signs of menopause appear, expressed by changes in hormonal levels and a slowdown in the production of estrogen by the ovaries due to a decrease in their reserves of eggs.

Gradually, menstruation comes less and less often, the endometrium in the uterus is no longer renewed due to a drop in progesterone levels, the mucous membranes become thinner, and the genitals decrease in size. This restructuring also affects the synthesis of LH and FSH, which in general greatly affects the general well-being of women during menopause.

Climax and its phases

The physiological process, when in a series of age-related transformations of the female body the processes of gradual cessation of reproductive and then menstrual functions prevail, is called menopause, which translated from Greek means “stairs” or “step”.

It takes place in 3 stages:

  1. Premenopause. It begins at the age of 40-50 and lasts about one and a half years, during which conception is still possible, because... eggs, although less common, still mature, and menstruation occurs at increasing intervals and with less blood loss and duration. In the intervals between them they may appear. Ovulation before menstruation occurs less and less often, then stops. Menstruation still comes for some time, but soon they disappear. The second period of menopause arrives.
  2. Menopause– this is the year after the end of the last menstruation. The activity of the ovaries and other genital organs stops. Pregnancy is no longer possible. There is a high risk of developing osteoporosis, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, etc.
  3. Postmenopause– the final period of menopause, which lasts until the end of life. At this time, menopausal symptoms are no longer observed, and high levels of FSH and LH tend to decrease.

How to delay the onset of menopause, read.

How do female hormone levels change?

By the time of the first phase of premenopausal menopause, the supply of eggs in the ovaries, laid down in the embryonic period of the future girl, is depleted, the level of female sex hormones estrogen decreases significantly, first to a minimum limit of 50 pg/ml, and then to 6 pg/ml. Progesterone, which is responsible for the condition of the uterine mucosa, also decreases to the lower limits of 0.64 nmol/l (and even lower).


Follicle-stimulating hormone during menopause is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland; in women, it actively participates in the growth and maturation of follicles in the ovaries, stimulates the release of specific female hormones estrogen. In men, it controls the maturation of sperm.

Its values ​​are not constant, they increase in the middle of the menstrual cycle, during ovulation, and are especially high at the onset of menopause. During pregnancy, the level of substances is inhibited by the hormone of the corpus luteum - progesterone. Based on the dynamics of FSH growth in the phase of the menstrual cycle when its values ​​are maximum, one can judge the approach of menopause.

The reproductive mechanism is built on the tandem of the pituitary gland and ovaries. When the ovarian resources are depleted and they produce estrogen more sparingly, the pituitary gland seeks to stimulate it by increasing the production of FSH. This is observed as the first phase of menopause approaches and begins.

Meaning of indicators

As menopause approaches, FSH levels in the ovulatory phase of the cycle increase every month. So, if at a young age this figure corresponded to 10 mIU/l, then in a year it can double, and during menopause it increases three to four times.

Tendencies towards increasing FSH values ​​persist in the first and second phases of menopause, when it can reach up to 135 mIU/l. And then the level of the hormone decreases slightly, remaining, however, stably high.


The FSH norm during menopause is different in its different stages. In the initial phase it is minimal and does not exceed 10 mU/l. At this time, fluctuations in the indicator are still observed during the menstrual cycle: at the beginning it is 4-12 mU/l, during ovulation it increases 2-3 times, and in the luteal period it again decreases to a minimum.

During menopause, the level of estrogen decreases by half compared to childbearing age, and the concentration of FSH in the blood increases 4-5 times. This is considered normal. For several years after the cessation of the last menstruation, this FSH indicator remains at the level of 40-60 mU/l, and then gradually decreases. If this does not happen, then they talk about pathological processes in the body.

What are the dangers of increased and decreased levels?

Elevated FSH levels are observed in the following cases::

  • Taking a number of medications: statins, antifungals and drugs to normalize insulin in diabetes.
  • Bad habits (smoking, alcoholism, coffee addiction).
  • For infectious diseases.
  • During times of stress.
  • When the level of estrogen in the blood is low due to endometriosis, pituitary or ovarian tumors.

A significant decrease in FSH levels is associated with an increased level of estrogen in the blood, the causes of which include:

  • Use of glucocorticosteroids, oral contraceptives, anabolic steroids, hormonal drugs.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Hypofunction of the hypothalamus or pituitary gland due to a tumor.
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome.
  • Anorexia or starvation.
  • A hereditary disease with impaired iron metabolism in the body.
  • Obesity.

A high level of FSH indicates the onset of menopause, and a low level is often found in malignant tumors.

How to get it back to normal?

During premenopause, a gynecologist-endocrinologist prescribes medications to alleviate the accompanying symptoms and facilitate the body’s adaptation to hormonal changes. These are combination products with low estrogen and progesterone content.. Moreover, if a woman has had her uterus removed, then only estrogen-based medications are needed.

Read about all the pros and cons of hormonal therapy for menopause.

In addition, to increase FSH levels, a diet containing foods that cause cholesterol synthesis is prescribed:

  1. Meat, lard, liver.
  2. Fatty fish
  3. Butter.
  4. Greens, nuts, fruits.

Infusions based on non-hormonal phytoestrogens are useful: black cohosh, flax, soy, hops.

Hops are a natural estrogen, beer based on it is considered a feminine drink that helps normalize hormonal levels.

Read also how to treat the symptoms of menopause with folk remedies.


Luteinizing hormone (LH) is synthesized by the pituitary gland, located at the base of the brain. In women, it controls egg maturation and ovulation, participates in the formation of the corpus luteum and the secretion of estrogen in the ovaries. During ovulation, it reaches its maximum level in just one day.. And during menopause, trying (like FSH) to stimulate the female hormones estradiol and progesterone, the substance quickly increases - compared to the childbearing period by 2-10 times.

How the level changes

If a woman is still getting her period, the LH level (depending on the period of the cycle) fluctuates. In the first phase, it ranges from 2 to 25 mU/l, during ovulation its level increases 4 times, and in the luteal period it decreases to minimum levels (0.6-16 mU/l).

If pregnancy occurs, which is only possible during premenopause, then its level is quite low. But during menopause, depending on how long ago the last menstruation took place, there is a significant increase followed by a slight decrease. The dynamics and reasons for fluctuations in LH are exactly the same as described in the case of FSH.

The norm and what threatens its increased and decreased levels

The LH norm during menopause in its different periods ranges from 5 to 60 mU/l. The maximum values ​​of this indicator are observed in the absence of menstruation during the menopause phase. As in the case of FSH, it can remain at this level for several years until the body adapts to new conditions, and then gradually decreases to 20 mU/l.

But the absolute value of this hormone, especially in the initial period of menopausal changes, should also be compared with the value of FSH. It is considered normal if it lags slightly behind the numbers of another hormone. If this is not the case, then they are not talking about menopause, but about pathologies: polycystic disease or ovarian depletion, tumors, kidney failure and others.

Another significant increase in LH levels indicates such conditions:

  • Dysfunction of the pituitary gland and ovaries.
  • When taking medications (clomiphene, spironolactone).

And a decrease in the level of this hormone signals such pathologies or is a consequence:

  • Malfunction of the pituitary gland or hypothalamus.
  • Insufficiency of the corpus luteum.
  • Increased secretion of prolactin by the pituitary gland.
  • Obesity.
  • Anorexia nervosa or stress.
  • Bad habits.
  • Taking medications: digoxin, megestrol, progesterone.
  • . It is carried out on an empty stomach, 10 hours before this you should refrain from eating, and a day before the procedure, stop smoking, alcohol, sexual intercourse and physical strain. During this time, the specialist also stops taking hormonal medications.

    Typically, these tests are taken at different phases of the menstrual cycle; the time of greatest activity of each test substance is selected. In case of an irregular cycle, these procedures are repeated at certain intervals.

    Age-related hormonal changes are a physiological process that lasts a single year and cannot be avoided. Quantitative changes in hormone levels are purely individual and require close monitoring, especially if these fluctuations are painful. Deviations of female hormones from norms noticed in time will allow the doctor to determine their cause and prescribe appropriate treatment.

    Useful video

    From the video you will learn about the effect of hormones on menopause:

    In contact with

    Why is it so important to know the ratio of luteinizing hormones (LH)? These substances play an extremely important role in ensuring the reproductive function of women and men. Their relationship determines whether a woman is capable of becoming a mother and whether a man is capable of becoming a father. These hormones stimulate the production of estrogen, and then estradiol in women and testosterone in men. In women, the menstrual cycle depends on the production of estrogen. Estrogen influences egg maturation and ovulation. Therefore, the ratio of LH and FSH is important for conception.

    Secretion and meaning

    The hormones FSH and LH are generated by the pituitary gland, which is also called the endocrine gland. It is placed in the sphenoid bone of the skull and is adjacent to the brain in the head. The pituitary gland includes 2 sections. The two hormones described are produced by the anterior part of the gland. They are classified as gonadotropic.

    The hormones produced by the pituitary gland directly affect the condition of the endometrium inside the uterus. FSH in women increases the production of estrogen and, therefore, estradiol, and LH - progesterone. The effect occurs according to the opposite principle - the lower the level of sex hormones, the higher the level of LH and FSH. During menopause, the production of the hormones LH and FSH increases.

    FSH in men promotes the development of seminiferous tubules, encouraging the formation of testosterone. The LH hormone in men increases the permeability of testicular tissue, allowing testosterone to penetrate into the blood vessels.

    Dependence of the ratio of LH and FSH on the girl’s age

    Before the onset of puberty, the named gonadotropic hormones should be in the same volume in the girl’s blood. Then, at the age of 13-14 years, menstruation begins. As a rule, the cycle is 4 weeks. A slight deviation in one direction or another along the cycle length is considered normal. After puberty, the ratio of LH to FSH changes. LH increases by 1.5 - 2 times. To calculate the ratio, the LH volume is divided by the FSH volume.

    The phases of the female cycle are named after the hormones - follicular (first) and luteal (third). The names make it clear which hormone affects the condition of the genital organs. During the follicular phase, follicles are formed and eggs develop inside them. By the middle of the cycle, the volume of FSH in the blood decreases, while the content of LH in women increases sharply. This moment corresponds to the second phase - ovulation. If the child is not conceived, the ratio of hormones changes - the LH content drops, and the FSH content rises. Then new follicle formation begins in the first phase, and FSH rises. The follicular and luteal phases last from 14 to 16 days, the ovulatory phase - 48 hours. The cycle occurs periodically and continuously. From the above it is clear what gonadal hormones are, what FSH and LH are.

    Normal hormone levels in women depending on the phase of the cycle

    The following table shows the levels of gonadotropic hormones in a woman. It can be used to determine the correct ratio of LH and FSH in the follicular, ovulatory and luteal phases of the cycle:

    HormonePhaseLower limit (mU/ml)Upper limit (mU/ml)
    LHFollicular1,67 15,0
    Ovulatory22,0 57,0
    Luteal0,6 16,0
    FSHFollicular1,3 10,0
    Ovulatory6,1 17,1
    Luteal1,08 9,1

    Gonadotropins are produced in a child from the day he is born. By the age of 1 year, their number decreases greatly, and then gradually increases.

    If a girl’s cycle is disrupted, it has become too long, the volume of blood discharge has dropped, it is necessary to contact a gynecologist or endocrinologist so that the doctor can prescribe a blood test for hormones and find out the cause of the deviations. Determining, among other things, the amount of estradiol will help make a diagnosis.

    Hormone interactions during pregnancy

    When a woman is expecting the birth of a child, the normal ratio of LH and FSH changes. In a pregnant woman, the content of estrogens, including estradiol, increases. Estradiol stimulates the generation of prolactin. This leads to a decrease in luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones. After childbirth, the volume of sex hormones sharply decreases, and gonadotropic hormones increase.

    In order to maintain a normal amount of prolactin, receptors in the woman’s nipple serve. When the baby begins to suckle, the amount of prolactin increases, as this is facilitated by the production of oxytocin during feeding. Prolactin will keep sex hormones at a minimum so that the young mother cannot become pregnant until the baby finishes feeding on mother's milk. Although such cases occur, this natural contraception does not provide a 100% guarantee.

    Possible causes of elevated FSH levels

    The reasons for the increase in hormones can be classified according to their type:

    • The reasons are physiological. If a woman has crossed the 40-year mark, she begins menopause - the body’s preparation for menopause. During menopause, libido does not suffer, but the possibility of getting pregnant is very small. In this case, the volume of FSH reaches a value in the blood of up to 40 mU/ml. This indicator can be considered normal.
    • Pathological depletion of female ovaries. With this disease, the content of lutein and follitropin can be greatly increased, which means pregnancy is hardly possible. In this case, you must take medications prescribed by your doctor for treatment.
    • An increase in hormone levels may occur after taking certain medications.
    • Other diseases in which the level of gonadotropic hormones increases. This could be kidney pathology, a pituitary tumor, X-ray radiation, etc. To perform a more accurate analysis, additional examinations are required.

    It is necessary to understand that only a doctor can make a diagnosis and carry out treatment. No psychics or traditional healers will benefit your health. Even if you can be treated with traditional medicine, treatment methods must be agreed upon with a specialist. They are different for women of reproductive age, girls and women during menopause.

    Reduced FSH content

    A reduced amount of FSH can be observed in the following diseases:

    • The disease Kallmann syndrome, which consists of a hereditary deficiency in the production of gonadotropins;
    • The disease Sheehan syndrome, consisting of pituitary infarction or death of pituitary cells;
    • Hyperprolactinemia, expressed in pathologically high production of prolactin;
    • Hypothalamic-pituitary insufficiency;
    • Neoplasms of the adrenal glands or ovaries;
    • Fasting leading to anorexia;
    • Obesity condition.

    You can take medications that stimulate hormone production only as prescribed by a doctor. On his recommendation, hormone replacement therapy can be prescribed. A blood test for FSH will not give a complete picture; other hormones must also be checked.

    Reasons for the increase and decrease in the volume of LH in the blood

    In women, when menopause occurs, the LH level increases. This is a natural process. The hormone is also increased during menopause. Other reasons for increased hormone levels:

    • If a woman is young enough and the amount of the hormone exceeds the norm, this may indicate early menopause.
    • An increase in LH may indicate multiple ovarian cysts.
    • A woman may suffer from ovarian exhaustion.
    • Growth is caused by a pituitary tumor.
    • Disease with endometriosis of the uterus.
    • Taking hormonal medications, including contraceptives.

    If LH levels are high, a woman may be diagnosed with infertility. But we must not despair. It makes sense to repeat the analysis for FSH and LH to avoid errors. When blood is tested for LH, LH can fluctuate for a variety of reasons. As a last resort, if there is no error, if your own eggs cannot be fertilized, there are methods of artificial insemination with donor eggs.

    A decreased level of LH and a change in the ratio of FSH and LH can be observed during periods of stress, in the presence of chronic inflammatory diseases, in various hereditary pathologies, hypopituitarism, characterized by insufficiency of the pituitary gland or hypothalamus with a decrease in the production of any hormone or its cessation.

    Hormone analysis

    How to take a blood test? To analyze FSH and LH, blood is taken from a vein. Like any venous blood test, a test for the ratio of FSH to LH is taken by patients who come to the laboratory in the morning on an empty stomach. The day before, you should watch your diet. FSH and LH must be taken after preparation. The gynecologist-endocrinologist will tell the woman on what day of the cycle to donate blood. On the eve of the test, you should not eat spicy or fatty foods, canned food, or sweets, since at the same time the doctor may prescribe a blood glucose test. AMH () may also be included in the analysis. The test is taken on the condition that you abstain from drinking alcohol the day before and in the morning and from smoking before the test. It's not a complicated system.

    It is better not to take medications, since some drugs affect hormonal balance, including LH and FSH, and their ratio. If the patient takes any pills daily and permanently, you must tell the attending physician about this.

    How to calculate whether the hormone ratio is normal? After receiving the analysis results, the LH content is divided by the amount of FSH. If the arithmetic result falls within the normative limits, the family can plan the birth of a child. If there is a deviation from the norm, additional diagnostics must be carried out.

    It is better to entrust the interpretation of the results to a specialist who, in case of deviations from the norm, will refer you to other specialists and other examinations for diagnosis. accurate diagnosis. When to get tested for these hormones depends on the gender and age of the patient. During menopause in women and during the period of possible conception, this time is different. If a young woman has a question about what day to donate blood, she should go to the laboratory on the 6th – 7th day from the start of the cycle.

    Balanced hormonal levels are an important condition for the normal functioning of all organs and systems. General well-being, activity, sleep, mental state and many other processes, especially activity, depend on the concentration of hormones reproductive system. If the level of one of the hormones changes, this entails an imbalance in other elements of the endocrine system that trigger the reaction pathological processes causing disorders of the reproductive system. Therefore, a blood test for the hormones LH, FSH, testosterone, estrogens, progesterone and others are important studies that help assess health status.

    FSH, LH and other sex hormones: role in the body

    LH, FSH, estradiol and other hormones are secreted by various endocrine glands. In a certain concentration, they act on target organs, but deviations from the norm cause serious disorders that affect the entire body, in particular the likelihood of pregnancy and childbirth. The female body is more complex, as it is subject to serious cyclical changes in the level of various hormones that trigger various reactions.

    Female hormonal levels directly depend on the concentration of FSH, LH, prolactin, estradiol, testosterone and other hormones, the level of which varies depending on the day of the cycle, age and other factors. Therefore, the norms of LH, FSH, estradiol and other components at a young age are signs of pathology in women after 45 years. Regulation of the activity of sex hormones is carried out at three levels: hypothalamus, pituitary gland, ovaries.

    The pituitary gland produces FSH, LH and prolactin, which have a strong influence on the functionality of the genital organs, their development, the formation of gametes, the appearance of sexual characteristics and the general condition of the body. In addition, FSH, LH, prolactin, being gonadotropic hormones, affect the production of hormones in ovarian tissues. FSH and LH stimulate the synthesis of estradiol.

    The production of FSH, LH and prolactin in the pituitary gland is also regulated: due to a feedback mechanism (increasing or decreasing the concentration of estrogens and testosterone), as well as due to the influence of liberins and statins of the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus receives signals from all tissues of the body and, depending on the data, synthesizes liberins, which stimulate the production of FSH, LH and prolactin, or statins, which inhibit the formation of gonadotropes.

    The role of hormones in the male body should also not be underestimated, although their levels remain fairly stable throughout life. FSH and LH stimulate the production of testosterone, affect the processes of spermatogenesis, influence the development of the genital organs and other mechanisms. FSH, LH and testosterone do not depend on the day of the month, but their levels differ at different age periods.

    How to donate FSH, estradiol and other sex hormones

    The concentration of FSH, prolactin and other hormones depends not only on age and individual characteristics of the body, it is influenced by external factors, so you should prepare for testing. Responsibility and a serious approach will help to obtain objective data reflecting the real state of the body.

    Hormones LH, FSH and other elements depend on the degree of physical activity, so sports activities should be limited for several days. It is also necessary to avoid stressful situations, eat nutritiously, and normalize your work and rest schedule. FSH, LH and sex hormones should not be taken in the presence of infectious diseases and exacerbation of inflammatory processes.

    Basic rules for testing FSH, LH, prolactin and other hormones:

    • Hormone tests are taken in the morning on an empty stomach;
    • The day before the test for LH, FSH and other hormones, avoid alcohol, smoking, sexual intercourse, and physical activity;
    • It is necessary to avoid taking medications; it is advisable to take tests no earlier than a week after the end of the course of therapy; if this is not possible, then the conditions should be discussed with the attending physician.

    Features when testing FSH, LH, prolactin, estradiol, testosterone and progesterone:

    • FSH, LH, estradiol and other hormones described above are most often given on days 2-5 of the cycle - provided there is a regular 28-day cycle;
    • On days 5-7 with a longer cycle;
    • On day 2-3 with a cycle of less than 24 days.

    FSH and prolactin are sometimes prescribed on days 21-22 of the cycle (during the luteal phase), and LH levels are often used to determine the timing of ovulation.

    Features when analyzing FSH, LH and other hormones

    • FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) is an important component of the reproductive system, which triggers the process of follicle maturation and egg development, and also causes the synthesis of estrogens and endometrial growth. In men, FSH is responsible for the formation of seminiferous tubules, the development of sexual characteristics, spermatogenesis and the secretion of testosterone. The concentration of FSH and estradiol (testosterone) is regulated by a negative feedback principle, the higher the level of one, the lower the level of the other. An FSH test is taken on days 3-8 or 19-21 of the cycle. The norms are within wide limits and depend on the phase of the cycle; it is worth noting that the hormone is released into the blood in a pulsed mode, which affects the results obtained;
    • LH (luteinizing hormone) is an element of the reproductive system that affects ovulation, estrogen synthesis and maintains the activity of the corpus luteum. LH and FSH work together, reaching their maximum, they provoke the release of an egg from a mature follicle - ovulation. The norm of FSH and LH depends on the phase of the cycle: in the first, FSH predominates, in the second, LH. The ratio of FSH and LH is an important diagnostic sign, often a deviation from the norm, but maintaining an adequate ratio of LH and FSH is a sign of an individual norm, and vice versa, normal levels of FSH and LH, but a violation of the ratio is a sign of pathology. An LH test is also taken on days 3-8 and 19-21 of the cycle;
    • Prolactin– this hormone affects the corpus luteum, water-salt metabolism, stimulates the production of milk, and also suppresses the formation of the follicle. Prolactin levels affect FSH concentrations, reducing the likelihood of ovulation and pregnancy. The amount of the hormone increases during sleep and decreases after waking up; a prolactin test is taken in phases 1 and 2 of the menstrual cycle;
    • Estrogens– a group of female sex hormones that ensure the functioning of the reproductive system, behavior and secondary sexual characteristics. Estradiol is the most active, but during pregnancy estriol is more important. FSH and LH affect the concentration of estrogen in the blood. The levels of estradiol, FSH and LH are maximum during ovulation. Estrogen testing is performed throughout the entire menstrual cycle;
    • Progesterone is a hormone produced by the corpus luteum and creates optimal conditions for the development of the embryo. The analysis is taken on days 19-21 of the cycle; deviations may indicate problems with pregnancy and infertility. The hormone also inhibits the synthesis of FSH, LH and follicle maturation;
    • Androgens– a group of male sex hormones, the most active are testosterone and DEHA sulfate. A high concentration of testosterone suppresses the synthesis of FSH and LH, causing miscarriages, infertility, and anovulation. The analysis is carried out throughout the menstrual cycle.

    Hormones LH, FSH and other components of the endocrine system influence each other's levels: some stimulate synthesis, others suppress formation, so deviations of one hormone cause disturbances in the activity of the entire reproductive system. Timely detection of violations makes it possible to prevent the development of serious consequences, as well as to carry out adequate therapy that will give maximum effect.

    For this reason, if you identify any negative symptoms, menstrual dysfunction, changes in your psycho-emotional state, weight or general well-being, you should immediately consult a doctor who will conduct a thorough examination and refer you for a full examination, including hormonal tests. You can undergo a medical examination, take hormone tests, perform additional diagnostic measures and complete a full course of therapy at the IVF Center in Kaliningrad.

    The norms of FSH, LH and other sex hormones depend on the phase of the menstrual cycle, so a qualified specialist carries out dynamic monitoring of the patients’ condition. In addition, repeated tests are required, which help not only to identify any violations, but also to monitor therapeutic measures. Methods for determining hormones in the blood may be different, so the norms of FSH, LH and other elements may differ in different laboratories, so it is recommended to perform tests in one institution.

    Hormonal status is the ratio of biologically active chemicals. HS is considered normal if the balance of hormones ensures a balance between androgens and estrogens. In this state, the processes of menstruation and ovulation proceed without complications. The hormones LH and FSH stimulate the functioning of vital glands that synthesize estradiol, testosterone and estrogens. A GS study helps determine the condition of the pituitary gland and ovaries. Read this topic in more detail to know how to prevent the development of hormonal imbalances.

    What is FSH

    It is known that FSH is a follicle-stimulating hormone synthesized by the pituitary gland, which performs the important function of stimulating the biological production of estradiol. The secretion of this biologically active substance is carried out in pulse mode, at intervals of 1 to 4 hours. The duration of each ejection is about 15 minutes. During this period of time, the hormone level exceeds the average norm by 1.5-2.5 times. Knowing the current level of FSH in the body, specialists can determine the cause of hormonal imbalance.

    What is LG responsible for?

    Luteinizing hormone is produced by the pituitary gland, along with follicle-stimulating hormone. It is responsible for stimulating the synthesis of testosterone and estrogen. LH ensures the normal functioning of the reproductive system. A peak increase in luteinizing hormone levels in women triggers the process of ovulation. Determining this indicator will make it possible to assess the functions of the pituitary gland.

    When to get tested

    Only your attending physician can tell you about the need to study your hormonal levels. Such an analysis will help detect diseases associated with dysfunction of the organs and glands of the reproductive system. You need to donate blood for hormones early in the morning, on an empty stomach. To determine the level of this hormone in a woman, it is necessary to visit the clinic 5-8 days after the start of the ovulation cycle.

    The ratio and norm of hormones

    It is known that the hormones FSH and LH ensure the full functioning of the reproductive system only if their ratio is within normal limits. This indicator accurately determines a woman’s fertility – the body’s ability to fertilize. In addition, hormone tests allow us to determine the condition of the ovaries with a high degree of accuracy.

    LH and FSH levels

    In women, the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle (first) is accompanied by significant changes in hormonal levels. The FSH norm increases by 2-2.5 times, but this phenomenon is quite natural. A few days later, the second, luteal phase of the menstrual cycle begins. The concentration of follicle-stimulating hormone decreases to normal. At this time, the LH content in the blood increases with the same intensity.

    Each of these parameters is taken into account when planning pregnancy, but the relationship between them is much more important. Until full puberty, the levels of the hormones LH and FSH in the blood are the same. Upon completion of the formation of the reproductive system, the PH norm in women increases by one and a half to two times. The permissible ratio of these hormones takes on a value of 1.5-2 to 1. If the transcript of the tests shows a result that is within these limits, then the hormones are normal, and there is nothing to worry about.


    The FSH norm in women is in the range of 10-12 international units (IU) per 1 ml. With the onset of menopause, the permissible level increases. During reproductive age, increased levels of follicle-stimulating hormone significantly complicate the process of fertilization of eggs. For this reason, women who cannot get pregnant have to have a blood test for the hormones LH and FSH.

    An increase in LH levels in a woman’s body does not always indicate a problem. Such a change in hormonal levels may be a sign of upcoming ovulation. An increased amount of LH begins to be secreted by the pituitary gland 12-16 days after the start of the menstrual cycle. In men, under normal conditions, the concentration of luteinizing hormone is constant. An increase in LH levels is clearly a sign of serious disorders of the pituitary gland.


    With a low concentration of follicle-stimulating hormone, there is a decrease in natural sexual desire, a slowdown in the formation of vegetation on the body, and the appearance of wrinkles on the body. In addition, due to a lack of FSH, impotence occurs in the stronger sex and the testicles atrophy. Semen does not contain sperm because the body lacks the hormone responsible for their formation. Women with low FSH concentrations face such dangerous problems as dysfunction of the hypothalamus, obesity, polycystic ovary syndrome

    During pregnancy, the LH level in women decreases. This phenomenon is considered absolutely normal. If there is no talk of pregnancy, low levels of luteinizing hormone may indicate problems with the pituitary gland. For men, a decrease in LH concentration may be a sign of insufficient sperm count in semen. In such cases, infertility may develop.

    Reasons for decrease and increase

    Below is full list Factors that can cause a significant decrease in the level of the hormones LH and FSH in the human body:

    • luteal phase deficiency;
    • nicotine abuse;
    • absence of menstruation;
    • polycystic ovary syndrome;
    • Simmonds disease;
    • growth retardation (dwarfism);
    • obesity;
    • systematic use of potent drugs;
    • Sheehan's syndrome;
    • disruption of the activity of the hypothalamus and/or pituitary gland;
    • Denny–Morphan syndrome;
    • increased concentration of the hormone prolactin in the blood;
    • pregnancy;
    • cessation of menstruation after the establishment of a cycle.

    Reasons for increased concentrations of the hormones LH and FSH:

    • starvation;
    • stressful state;
    • polycystic testicular syndrome;
    • pituitary tumor;
    • alcoholism;
    • insufficient function of the gonads;
    • ovarian wasting syndrome;
    • excessive exposure to x-rays;
    • endometriosis;
    • intense physical activity (often found in athletes);
    • renal failure.

    How to increase or decrease luteinizing hormone

    You have already learned about what PH is in women. It's time to understand how to correct imbalances in the level of this hormone. After passing the tests at the clinic, the doctor will prescribe appropriate treatment with hormonal drugs. The choice of medication depends on the nature of the problem. Women are prescribed treatment for hormonal imbalances during an IVF protocol and for polycystic ovary syndrome. Men take hormonal drugs as part of therapy aimed at restoring spermatogenesis.

    To solve the problems described, doctors have in their arsenal pharmaceutical preparations containing estrogens, progesterone, and androgens. These substances help normalize the activity of the reproductive system organs and glands, and also help restore metabolic processes in the body. Provided timely access to specialists, men and women suffering from hormonal imbalances can cope with their ailments within a few weeks.

    How to normalize follicle-stimulating hormone

    Abnormal FSH levels can have serious consequences, so you need to know how to deal with them. In such cases, simple hormonal treatment will help solve the health problem, but it should be prescribed by the attending physician after an examination. As a rule, people suffering from impaired FSH levels are prescribed replacement therapy. Patients are prescribed hormonal medications containing estrogens. Among other things, experts recommend avoiding stressful situations, sleeping at least 8 hours a day and eating right.

    Video about the hormone prolactin

    You’ve learned a lot about what FSH is in women, so now it’s worth paying attention to a reliable remedy that will help maintain normal levels of this hormone. After watching this video, you will receive basic information about an incredibly effective drug that can cope with serious hormonal imbalances. Listen to the recommendations of specialists, and many problems will bypass you.