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Marlboro cigarettes. Philip Morris moved Marlboro production to Germany Marlboro as spelled

– the most recognizable brand not only in the tobacco market in the world. Its value in the world ranking allows it to be in twenty-sixth place, ahead of the world-famous companies Coca-Cola and Nike.

Not every tobacco manufacturer can boast such an interesting success story.

History of the company's development and trademark Marlboro serves as a good educational resource for business development and marketing.

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Marlboro cigarettes and their manufacturer

The owner of the Marlboro cigarette brand is one of the largest transnational tobacco companies International (PMI). Its main office is located in Switzerland in the city of Lausanne.

Not every tobacco product manufacturer can boast of such a long and interesting success story. When an unknown employee, Philip Morris, opened the first small tobacco shop on Bond Street in the capital of Great Britain back in 1847, he himself could not imagine how it would all end.

After his death, the company was given a new name: Philip Morris&Co., Ltd. William Curtis Thomson then became the owner. With the help of their business qualities, acquaintances among high-ranking officials, seeks permission to supply his products to the royal court.

Since 1902, the company has American owners. By the early twenties, the joint American and English company had a new emblem with a crown.

Now it is one of the most recognizable in the whole world; five years later, by 1924, the production of cigars under the Marlboro brand began at a factory in Virginia. Thus begins the journey of this famous brand.

The most interesting thing is that filter cigarettes were originally created for the fair sex. On the wave of emancipation, the company's owners hoped to make a good profit. However, their hopes were not justified.

To preserve the brand, we had to urgently adapt to a different target audience. However, men refused to buy with a filter, as they did not want to become objects of ridicule.

Therefore, the best American advertising specialist Leo Burnett was tasked with forming a new view of the entire public on filter cigarettes. He coped with this task perfectly. The company has taken its place in the United States market.

To combat the established stereotype, he used male images representing brave, difficult, courageous professions: military men, sea captains, travelers. But the most successful image, which received the greatest success, was the image of the cowboy, the conqueror of the wild west, beloved by all Americans.

This was a time of enormous popularity in literature, cinema, and on television of stories about brave guys conquering the endless prairies. All that remains is to provide them with more than just a revolver. But also a pack of Marlboro.

After the release of the famous film “The Magnificent Seven,” the “Marlboro Man” appeared, which to this day represents Marlboro cigarettes.

In 1961, it received its current name - Philip Morris International began to develop the tobacco markets of other countries. A well-promoted brand and excellent reviews of its products have opened up wide opportunities for developing sales markets in other countries.

The main directions for promoting Marlboro brand cigarettes were: registration of various licensing agreements allowing the production of cigarettes, creation of new branches in many large cities.

For example, in 1963 the first branch opened on the European continent. By the early seventies, sales of Marlboro amounted to more than 113 billion units.

Since the mid-seventies of the last century, the development of the tobacco market of the Soviet Union began. During this period, Marlboro was produced under license by five tobacco factories.

The Soyuz-Apollo brand was specially developed. It was sold only on the domestic market. Twenty years later, the company began building factories in the countries of the former Soviet Union.

According to analysts of the company itself, by 2009 it was possible to reach a record sales volume of almost 870 billion cigarettes. This made it possible to make a profit of more than ten billion dollars.

These figures account for 15.6 percent of the total global tobacco market. Only due to the fact that the company has a high level of quality of its products, it manages to maintain such high economic indicators.

In today's difficult conditions, when in many countries of the world there is ongoing active struggle with smoking, even at the legislative level, tobacco companies forced to develop new types of products, advertising methods and sales methods.

Modern technologies do not bypass the Marlboro brand. Starting in 2013, the development of electronic cigarettes began. According to open sources, the company will release new Reduced-Risk products. This will be a new brand, with the help of which it is planned to occupy its market segment.

Test for smokers

Main types of Marlboro cigarettes – nicotine and tar content

In the production of Marlboro cigarettes, the tobacco itself has always been used. High Quality. New technologies for the use of various additives are constantly being used to create different types.

The very first innovation is considered to be the use of so-called “ammonia technology”. This technology allowed the company to obtain its unique taste, increase the burning time and the addictive power of these particular cigarettes.

In addition, various flavoring additives began to be added to tobacco. Back in 1966, the company released Marlboro Menthol. For that time it was truly a unique novelty.

The manufacturer did not stop there; a new line was prepared - light ones. The first new products were Marlboro Menthol Lights cigarettes.

To expand the range, Marlboro Mediem is introduced. After the introduction of a ban in the United States on the complete sale of so-called light cigarettes (“light”, “low-tar”, “mild” - these are the same variations on the theme “light, with a very low tar content”), Marlboro manufacturers had to change names of individual brands. This is how Gold and Silver appeared. They successfully replaced

Marlboro Light and Marlboro Ultra Light. In other countries where there is no such ban, cigarettes with mint additives are sold freely.

In 2010, the company's technologists released a new type onto the market. They were named Ice Boost, Ice Ball and Blue Fresh. They all have one thing in common.

A small capsule was inserted into the filter. Menthol oil is placed inside this capsule; when you crush it during smoking, you feel the effect of real “frosty freshness”.

Another new product from Marlboro is the developed pack. It was the Marlboro developers who proposed the hinged lid. This made it possible to improve the convenience of constant use of the pack. The effect of involuntary advertising has increased. It was possible to get a cigarette only by pulling out the pack for everyone to see.

According to the marketing department, the number of types of Marlboro cigarettes produced in all countries is about 30 unique flavors. They satisfy the requirements of a wide range of hobbyists.

The main line of cigarettes is presented in all countries where active sales. The company itself notes that the same brand of cigarettes, but produced in different countries, has its own special taste. It is quite difficult to find real cigarettes produced in the USA with their original taste outside of America.

The following are considered real Marlboro cigarettes:

  1. Red Soft is true. They are the most popular and best-selling. For their production, only the highest quality tobacco is used without additives or flavorings.
  2. Red contains 10 mg of tar and 0.8 mg of nicotine. The taste cannot be confused with any others.
  3. 100S – high quality. Even the design of the pack itself remains the same - strict corporate brown tones.
  4. 83mm eighty threes is a very small series in the Marlboro range. For their production, tobacco is selected in a special way, according to the methods of well-known company technologists.

Take the smoking test

Russian market – tastes and preferences

Based on the results of studies conducted among Russian smokers and analysis of their reviews, the list of the most popular cigarettes looks like this:

  1. First place already long years holding Winston cigarettes. They are chosen by 12.4% of Russian tobacco consumers.
  2. Second place remains with the L&M brand. She has 8.9% of respondents.
  3. Kent took third place. 7.8% of respondents gave their preference.
  4. The fourth is retained by the Bond Street brand. Their adherents make up 6.3%
  5. Fifth place goes to Marlboro. Their figure is 5.5%.

Despite different ratings, Marlboro cigarettes remain quite popular around the world. This popularity is ensured by: high level production technologies, a wide range of types, variety of taste qualities, different level fortresses

Each consumer chooses his own type. He relies on his own preferences in accordance with the characteristics offered.

Today, tobacco stores in Russia sell cigarettes produced in Russian tobacco factories and imported from other countries.

In trade you can find Marlboro products, which are represented by seven different types:

  1. Filters – contains standard 0.8 mg of nicotine. The amount of resin content reaches 10 mg.
  2. Mediem. It contains 0.6 mg of nicotine, 8 mg of tar.
  3. Light. They have a reduced nicotine content, reaching 0.5 mg, and only 6 mg tar.
  4. Ultra Light. Even lighter. Contains 0.4 mg of nicotine and only 4 mg of tar.
  5. Crips Mint. With a distinctive taste. Contains nicotine 0.5 mg, tar 6 mg.
  6. Fresh Mint. They contain 0.5 mg of nicotine and about 6 mg of tar.
  7. Filter Plus. These are the lightest cigarettes presented on the Russian market. They contain only 0.2% nicotine and only 3% tar.

The ability to satisfy the most demanding tastes of tobacco lovers allows the company to feel securely in the Russian market.

With button and capsule

The Marlboro tobacco brand offers types of cigarettes that change their taste at the request of the smoker.

"Marlboro Double Mix" - cigarettes with an amazing aroma and a pleasant aftertaste. Their uniqueness lies in the presence of 2 capsules. The filter has two buttons of the corresponding shades. The choice consists of 4 flavor options:

  • menthol – press the blue button;
  • fruit – press on the purple circle on the filter;
  • menthol – fruit – press two buttons at once;
  • classic tobacco – don’t touch anything on the filter, just smoke the cigarette.

The taste and integrity of the cigarettes is ensured by a completely sealed pack - after closing, the foil fits tightly to the package. The strength is not high - tar 5 mg, nicotine 0.4 mg.

A stylish tutu of black color combined with an insert of blue and blue blending into each other. purple. The name "Marlboro" is silver with an embossed effect. Above it is a glow in the shape of an arc. The buttons shimmer in the same shades and are shaped like an infinity symbol.

Marlboro Ice Boost is not just a tobacco product with a minty flavor, but a wave of icy freshness. Rich taste attached capsule with menthol oil, enclosed in a filter. A pleasant taste is felt in the mouth even before lighting. The aroma is so frosty that it almost completely overpowers the smell of tobacco. After finishing smoking, you feel not the usual tobacco taste, but a pure mint aroma.

The location of the capsule in the filter is indicated by a green dot. In order to crush it, a small force is applied. The cigarettes have a comfortable strength - tar 7 mg, nicotine 0.4 mg.

A rather strict and eye-catching design: the black background of the relief walls is set off by a diagonal small turquoise checkered pattern. The button resembles a simplified version of the “cardinal direction indicator”: a green ball against the background of two crossed blue arrows.

"Marlboro Ice Blast Crush" is a special type made using special technology. A ball called “Iceball” is placed in the upper part of the filter. It is designed to enhance the menthol flavor and add a cooling effect while smoking.

The tobacco product is not very strong. Tar content is 8 mg, nicotine – 0.5 mg.

The pack has the brand's traditional insert at the top of the package, but this time it is blue with iridescence. The main background is black, on top of which there is a kind of turquoise mesh. The button design is schematically similar to the one located on a pack of Marlboro Ice Boost.

“Marlboro Fuse Beyond” – there are 2 buttons on the filter, which, depending on your mood, can be pressed separately or together. Around each there are inscriptions:

  • green – “Mintball” – gives a menthol aroma;
  • blue – “Iceball” is responsible for icy freshness.

Classic logo on the pack white presented with a holographic effect that shimmers in blue and green. The buttons are designed in the same style as on the Marlboro Double Mix. The difference lies in the color: they are painted to match the brand logo for this species tobacco product. The strength of the cigarettes is moderate: tar 6 mg, nicotine 0.4 mg.

4.7 (94.67%) 15 votes

We say Marlboro, but we represent the whole country. A country with endless prairies and wild rivers. A country with a beautiful romantic name. A country where fearless cowboys live, capable of any madness.

Rarely does a brand manage to form such a clear picture in the consumer’s head. A picture that, despite all the harmfulness of the advertised product, forms a positive attitude towards the brand as a whole.

For several decades now, Marlboro cigarettes have been among the top ten most purchased cigarettes in the world. For a long time These cigarettes were the top sellers in the USA. Songs are sung about them (the name of cigarettes is mentioned in Mylene Farmer’s track “California” and the Fort Minor group’s track “Cigarettes”, in songs Russian group“Basta”, etc.) and even make films (“Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man”). Smoking Marlboro is fashionable and prestigious... By at least This is exactly what thousands of fans of this brand of cigarettes thought several years ago. And although today Marlboro cigarettes are not the No. 1 cigarette brand, the demand for them is still very high.

Background of the company. Targeting the weaker sex

The year 1920 in the United States was marked by the victory of the suffragette movement. Fighting for gender equality in addition to the right to vote, women also received other purely male rights. One of these rights was the right to smoke, because before that smoking was an exclusively male prerogative. It is worth saying that at that time a smoking woman was looked at approximately the same way we would look at a child smoking today, and accordingly, no one had even thought about producing women’s cigarettes.

Philip Morris, the founder of Philip Morris International, realized faster than other entrepreneurs that this niche was free and decided to put the business on stream. This happened in 1924 - the year the Marlboro brand was founded. Thus, Philip Morris became one of the first companies to risk producing “ladies’” cigarettes.

In 1924 smoking woman was nonsense. In order to somehow “soften” public censure, the Marlboro company equipped its cigarettes with a supposedly “safe” filter and launched an advertising campaign in which it convinced that women's cigarettes Marlboro “Mild as May” - soft as May.

Where did the name "Marlboro" come from? Philip Morris understood that the name of "ladies'" cigarettes should also be "ladies'." It should attract women no less than the product itself. At that time, one of the most popular figures in the political arena was Winston Churchill, who was often compared to the famous Earl of Marlborough, a talented diplomat and politician. It was in honor of the Earl of Marlborough that cigarettes got their name. And to make the name easier to understand, it was slightly trimmed, dropping the last 3 letters.

Change of course

In the 50s, a powerful anti-tobacco campaign began in the United States. Doctors “screamed” about the dangers of smoking and, lo and behold, for the first time in US history, tobacco consumption in the country fell sharply. True, there was one nuance: only cigarettes without a filter were considered harmful, and women’s cigarettes, i.e. cigarettes with a filter, for some reason were considered safe for health.

In any case, the demand for women's cigarettes has also decreased markedly. To stay afloat, something had to be solved. And the Philip Morris company made an unconventional decision for those times - to launch the production of filter cigarettes for men. It is worth clarifying that at that time men, even if they would like to smoke less harmful cigarettes with a filter, we still wouldn’t dare. A man smoking a cigarette with a filter... Then it seemed shameful and funny, the filter was considered a purely feminine “cigarette” attribute.

But it’s one thing to start producing filter cigarettes for men, and quite another to make them popular. Here simple advertising was not enough; something else was required. And Philip Morris has found the perfect solution. A decision that made her products an incredible success. In just one year, the Marlboro brand managed to climb to 4th place in the ranking of tobacco product sales in the United States (before that it was in last place and supplied less than 1% of cigarettes to the American market).

Secrets of success

What helped the Marlboro brand climb to the “cigarette Olympus”?

1. Flip top - a radically new packaging for cigarettes - a rectangular hard cardboard “box” with a folding top. It was the Marlboro company that made the cigarette pack as we know it today. The new pack gave the company several advantages at once:

– it looked more fashionable and modern than the packs that existed before, and thereby attracted the attention of smokers;

– it was more convenient than the previous ones - thanks to thick cardboard and special form cigarettes did not wrinkle in it;

– and most importantly, it was impossible to take a cigarette out of it right in your pocket, and therefore every time the smoker had to take out a pack of Marlboro “into the world,” thereby demonstrating it to others.

2. New design packaging. The previous packaging was developed specifically for the female “audience”, while men required something more masculine. As a result, the pack radically changed its appearance, became, so to speak, more “courageous.” The main colors were red and white. To date, the color of a pack of Marlboro cigarettes has remained virtually unchanged.

3. Marlboro Cowboy. By and large, it was the “Marlboro cowboy” who helped the brand turn into a champion of the cigarette market. The successful advertising character was developed by Leo Burnett, a talented marketer and author of several popular advertising characters.

The Marlboro cowboy's main goal was to prove that real men can smoke filter cigarettes. The sight of a cowboy - a strong, fearless man with a Marlboro cigarette in his teeth - convinced absolutely everyone.

The second subtask is to convince smokers that the filter does not distort the “taste” of the cigarette. In one of his commercials he declared: “The filter doesn’t get between you and the flavor").

In addition to the cowboy, Leo Burnett offered Philip Morris several more advertising images (a war correspondent, a “sea wolf”, a high-rise builder), but it was the image of a cowboy that they decided to take as the basis for the whole advertising campaign. They took it - and they were right - the handsome, daring, brave man was liked by both the male and female population. In addition, the image of the Marlboro cowboy appealed to people of different nationalities and skin tones. So, blacks and Spaniards accepted him as one of their own, because many of them really worked as cowboys. And to each of the white-skinned men, he somehow reminded him of himself (or they really wanted it), and the Marlboro cowboys were always portrayed by men with light skin.

The image of the cowboy was so successful and so strongly associated with the cigarettes themselves that when the advertising of tobacco products was banned in the United States in 1971, the cowboy continued to appear on screens in advertisements for other products of the Philip Morris concern - he, as before, peered into the distance and, as always , was thoughtfully silent, that is, with his whole appearance he resembled a smoker who, while smoking, briefly seems to distance himself from those around him.

How do you become a Marlboro cowboy? Over the long history of the company, dozens of people have played the role of a Marlboro cowboy. At first, the Marlboro cowboy was played by professional actors, but this idea had to be abandoned very quickly - after all, some of them did not even know how to ride a horse. Therefore, the organizers of the advertising campaign came to the conclusion that it was necessary to involve real cowboys in the filming. One of the first “natural” cowboys was Clarence Haley Long, whose photo and story they saw in one of the issues of Life magazine. And Clarence ended up on the pages of the magazine absolutely by accident: one day he simply got out of his ranch in Texas to go shopping and was “caught” by a magazine photographer.

4. Special composition tobacco It was rumored that it was not only the cowboy who helped Marlboro cigarettes achieve such fame. According to unproven data, the composition of the cigarettes included ammonia plates, due to which the content of free nicotine in cigarettes did not decrease, despite the reduction in tar and nicotine in the tobacco composition. Smokers received the same effect from smoking “light” cigarettes as from smoking the strongest ones.

The legendary Marlboro brand: continuation of the story

In 1976, the documentary film “Death in the West” (original title - “Death in the West”) was shot. The main idea of ​​the film is a condemnation of the Marlboro advertising campaign. It showed people - former cowboys who starred in Marlboro commercials. At the time of filming, many of them were diagnosed with lung cancer. According to doctors, the cause of cancer could only be smoking, since all the cowboys lived in ecologically clean regions of the country and had no other bad habits. Naturally, Philip Morris immediately sued and even won, forcing them to destroy all copies of the film. However, already in 1981, one of the copies nevertheless “surfaced” and was shown on one of the American channels.

Marlboro cigarettes are one of the most recognizable and popular tobacco products in the world. When thinking about this brand, the image of a stern cowboy immediately appears, riding a horse across the unexplored expanses of the American prairies. A fact that few people know is that the brand was originally developed for the fair half of humanity. How Marlboro cigarettes have gained such great popularity as their story and what types of them exist? You will learn about this in our article.

History of creation

Marlboro cigarettesare rightfully considered one of the most famous tobacco products in the world. Their story began in 1924, but these products are still in use today in great demand. The manufacturer of this brand is the famous Phillip Morris company.

Due to the fact thatamerican cigarettes Marlborough have been on the tobacco market for many years, the brand has managed to release various kinds cigarette The most popular is Marlboro. Gold ”, “Medium” and “Silva”. The creators of the brand initially focused on a female audience. The manufacturer used various tricks to attract the fair sex. In those days, each cigarette was decorated with a red stripe, which was supposed to hide the mark left by red lipstick. In addition, they were supplemented with a filter so that smokers' teeth were not so yellow. Soon the cigarettes had their own slogan, Mild as May, which was advertised by the famous Hollywood actress Mae West.

After some time, the brand decided to rebrand. It was then that the decision was made to make the brand’s products more masculine. The brand began to support motorsport and chose the Ferrari team as its partner. The changes affected the design of the packaging, as well as the way it was opened.

These american cigarettesbegan to correspond to the image of a real man.

Various assortment

Today on the Russian market you can find such types of these cigarettes as:

  • Marlboro Filter Plus brand cigarettes;
  • Marlboro Medium;
  • Marlboro Lights;
  • Marlboro Crisp Mint;
  • Marlboro Filters:
  • Marlboro Ultra Lights.

Cigarettes that look like Marlboro Filter Plusand Filters, have a special filter that cleans tobacco smoke from part harmful substances. Each pack contains 20 cigarettes.

Most suitable for women light versions. These include Marlboro Lights and Marlboro Crisp Mint. Each of these options contains 6 mg of tar and 0.5 mg of nicotine.

For those trying to quit smoking, you can try Marlboro Ultra Lights. They contain 0.4 mg of nicotine and 4 mg of tar.

Cigarettes called Marlboro Redenjoy most in demand among buyers. They contain 9 mg of tar and 0.7 mg of nicotine. The cigarettes are equipped with an acetate filter, the surface of which is orange in color.

Filter Plus has its own characteristics. Its filter consists of two parts: acetate and carbon. Between them there is a special tobacco insert. It makes the taste of cigarettes brighter and richer. This product is most popular among women.

Everyone knows the harm caused by smoking, but many find it difficult to give up the quality product offered by the Marlboro brand.

- (English Marlboro, Marlborough) English-language toponym and surname (genus). Personalities Duke of Marlborough the greatest British commander Geography Marlborough (city) (eng. Marlborough) a city in England, after which many are named ... ... Wikipedia

Marlboro- noun, number of synonyms: 1 raspberry (26) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Synonym dictionary

Marlborough- (Marlborough) John Churchill (Churchill) (26.5.1650, Ash, near Musbury, Devonshire, 16.6.1722, Cranborne Lodge, Windsor), Duke (1702), English commander and politician, general (1702). He owes his career to the Duke of York (with... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Marlborough- (John Churchill of Marlborough), later Earl and Duke of M. English commander and statesman(1650 1722); was a page of the Duke of York (later King James II), served in Flanders, then spent five years in the French service and... ... encyclopedic Dictionary F. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

MARLBOROUGH- (Marlborough), John Churchill (26.V.1650 16.VI.1722), Duke, English. commander and politician activist, gene sergeant-major (1702). Initially, he owed his career to the Duke of York (since 1685, King James II). In the army since 1667, participant... ... Soviet historical encyclopedia


Marlborough- I uncl. Wed 1. A winter-hardy variety of high-yielding garden raspberries with round, light red, rather large berries. 2. Garden raspberries of this variety. II unclass. Wed 1. Name of the type of cigarette. 2. Cigarettes of this type. Ephraim's Explanatory Dictionary... Modern Dictionary Russian language Efremova

Marlborough- (Marlborough) John Churchill (1650 1722), eng. watered and military activist, gene (1702), Duke (1702). Under Queen Anne, thanks to his wife’s closeness to her, he played a large role in the Whig government; in 1711, with the Tories coming to power, he was removed from... ... Dictionary of generals

Marlborough D. C.- MALBORO (Marlborough) John Churchill (Churchill) (16501722), Duke of M. (1702), English. commander and state figure, general sergeant-major (1702). Belonged to the Whig party. During the Spanish War. inheritance until 1711 commanders-in-chief. English army... Biographical Dictionary

MARLBOROUGH John- (in full John Churchill, Duke of Marlborough; Marlborough, Churchill), (May 26, 1650, Ash, near Musbury, Devonshire June 16, 1722, Cranborne Lodge, Windsor), English commander and statesman, Earl of Marlborough (1689), Duke of Marlborough ( 1702).… … encyclopedic Dictionary

Marlborough John Churchill- (1650 1722) Duke of Marlborough (1702), English commander and statesman, Feldmaster General (1702). Belonged to the Whig party. During the War of the Spanish Succession until 1711, the commander-in-chief of the English army on the continent... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary


  • Military campaigns of the Duke of Marlborough Eyewitness accounts of 1702-1713, J. Faulkner. The book by James Faulkner, one of the outstanding authorities on the study of the War of the Spanish Succession and the military exploits of John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough, brings together a vibrant selection... Buy for 924 RUR
  • Duke of Marlborough. Person, commander, politician, Ivonina Lyudmila Ivanovna. The hero of this book is the famous English commander and politician Duke John of Marlborough. He was perhaps the most famous person in Europe at the beginning of the Age of Enlightenment, and his opinion is almost...

Marlboro cigarettes have been produced by Philip Morris International since 1924. It is one of the most well-known tobacco brands, thanks to a major advertising campaign and significant sponsorship investment in vehicles.

History of creation

Marlboro cigarettes are a fairly well-known tobacco product all over the world. And all thanks to the image of a tough cowboy guy who gallops across the endless expanses of the American prairies. Few people know, but the brand of these cigarettes initially appeared exclusively for a female audience.

Due to the fact that Marlboro cigarettes have been on the tobacco market for quite a long period of time, the manufacturer has managed to create various types of cigarettes. The most popular are Marlboro Gold, Medium, Silver. In order to lure the fair half of humanity, the manufacturer resorted to various tricks, one of which was decorating the cigarette with a red stripe, hiding the mark left by lipstick. In addition, the cigarettes were supplemented with a filter so that the girl’s teeth did not turn yellow. A little later, the slogan Mild as May was coined. A famous Hollywood actress, Mae West, was invited to advertise the brand.

After some time, the manufacturer decided to rebrand. It was at that moment that the creators came up with the idea to produce brand products for men. The company began supporting vehicles, choosing the Ferrari team as a partner. There have been some changes in packaging design and the way it opens.

Marlboro cigarettes: manufacturers

The cigarette manufacturer is Philip Morris Companies, which was part of the Altria Group. In 2008, Philip Morris was spun off into an independent company. A modern organization for the production of tobacco products is also involved in the marketing and sale of cigarettes in 180 countries, and food products in 145 countries on all continents of the planet. The number of employees working in the company is about 137 thousand people.

Almost until 1955, cigarettes of this brand were sold in soft white packages; they occupied no more than 0.1% of the United States market. A little later, after reviewing the profitability of the products sold, the manufacturers came to the conclusion that the brand needed advertising. Marketing representatives created the image of the American cowboy from a western, and within a short time the cowboy eclipsed the hearts of millions of men and women around the world. The Marlboro brand took control of about 8.5% of the total global tobacco trade.

Types of cigarettes

Tobacco products of a famous brand are a bright symbol of the country of origin. The production of cigarettes is based on a special formula that allows you to reduce the level of tar and nicotine without harming the taste and strength.

Marlboro cigarettes on this moment The following varieties are produced:

  • Filters;
  • Medium;
  • Lights;
  • Crisp Mint;
  • Fresh Mint;
  • Ultra Lights;
  • Filter Plus;
  • Filter Plus One;
  • Gold Edge;
  • Gold Touch;
  • Gold Touch Fine;
  • Gold Original;
  • Ice Boost.


The strongest of these are Marlboro Filters cigarettes. One such cigarette contains 10 mg of tar and 0.8 mg of nicotine.

Marlboro Red cigarettes are one of the most popular types of tobacco products of this brand. One cigarette contains 9 mg of tar and 0.7 mg of nicotine. They are made with an accent filter, the surface of which is decorated with orange. Marlboro Red has become famous for its aroma that no tobacco manufacturer can replicate.

Those who intend to quit smoking will enjoy Marlboro Ultra Lights. One such cigarette contains 4 mg of tar and 0.4 mg of nicotine.

For the fair sex, the brand's manufacturers offer a light version: Marlboro Lights and Marlboro Crisp Mint. Each such cigarette contains 6 mg of tar and 0.5 mg of nicotine. It should be noted that the type of cigarette is indicated by color. For example, Marlboro Lights are called Marlboro Gold Pack. The name is explained by the fact that they are produced in a pack with a gold pattern.

Marlboro cigarette price

Cigarettes of this brand are valued for their high quality. Relatively recently, a survey was conducted among heavy smokers Worldwide. After counting the votes, Marlboro brand cigarettes were recognized as the best-selling cigarettes in Asia, Africa, America and Europe.

Experienced smokers and quality connoisseurs prefer cigarettes made in the USA or Europe, based on their belief that foreign cigarettes contain higher quality tobacco. There are a lot of online shops on the Internet where you can order cigarettes from the United States of America or Europe. But it is possible to check the quality and authenticity of a product only after purchasing it.

Since the beginning of 2017, the cost of cigarettes of this brand has increased. Tobacco products from other manufacturers have also become more expensive. Marlboro Flavor Plus Ks Srp 20 back in 2015 could be purchased for 110 rubles, but now their cost is about 145 rubles.

Since the cost of tobacco products regularly increases, Philip Morris International recently decided to enter the fastest growing segment of the industry and take up the production of electronic cigarettes. The latter, unlike ordinary cigarettes, have one significant advantage: they are not yet subject to sanctions from officials. Also, some smokers consider electronic cigarettes as possible remedy to combat this bad habit.

Calculations carried out by the company's leader show that the demand for the brand's products is gradually fading. Authorities are trying to reduce the number of smokers by introducing high excise taxes on tobacco products, especially in EU countries and Russia.

Famous brand in music and cinema

Cigarettes are one of the leading brands in the world of tobacco products. In many Soviet-era films, Russian actors smoked cigarettes of this brand, since the Marlboro brand was and is considered a sign of excellent taste and high quality. Also, Kerry from the acclaimed television series “Sex and the City” preferred tobacco products from the popular brand. The director of the film “Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man” did not remain indifferent; he even named one of the main characters of the film by the name of his favorite cigarette brand.

In many lyrics of songs by world performers, the famous brand is repeatedly mentioned. At one time, Mylene Farmer mentioned this brand of cigarettes in a song called “California”. Russian singer Seryoga and the leader of the group “Basta” in their lyrics perfectly rhyme the name of the tobacco product with the main text. Even the king of chanson, Mikhail Shufutinsky, smoked Marlboro.

About the dangers of smoking

However, all types of cigarettes are extremely dangerous to human health. In the mid-2000s, a publication appeared according to which, after conducting a study, it can be argued that cigarettes of this brand are especially dangerous due to the high content of free nicotine that enters the human blood. It is also worth noting that Marlboro cigarettes manufactured in the USA pose an even greater danger due to the fact that they contain the signature “American taste” obtained as a result large quantity carcinogens.

But the founders responded to this statement with confidence that all cigarettes produced in the United States of America have similar properties, which occurs due to special growing conditions, as well as processing of growing tobacco.