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Is it possible to add glycerin to electronic cigarettes? Is glycerin in e-cigarettes harmful? What properties does glycerin have?

Most foods consumed by humans contain a wide variety of flavoring and aromatic additives. Electronic cigarettes are no exception - their aromatic base contains not only purified nicotine, but also glycerin.

Researchers say that vaping glycerin can replace a smoker’s favorite cigarettes, and at the same time almost cleanse the lungs, which is why the number of people interested in the question of the dangers and benefits of this substance is only increasing.

Glycerin composition

Glycerin (labeled E422) is food additive. In appearance, it is a colorless and rather thick liquid with a sweetish taste. Despite the fact that the presence of additives marked “E” usually raises suspicions about the quality, you don’t have to worry about this – the element is officially approved in absolutely all countries, including Food Industry it has been used for quite a long time.

But here we are talking about food additives, what then can be said about glycerin in electronic cigarettes oh, and don’t its vapors settle in the lungs? From a chemical point of view, the substance is a trihydric alcohol that easily mixes with water and dissolves many compounds. It is derived from animal fats, so it is not entirely clear what effects it may have on humans.

What properties does glycerin have?

The use of glycerin in the food industry is necessary to give the product thickness, but this is far from the only property of this element. main feature substances – hygroscopicity, that is, the ability to absorb water, which is necessary in particular in the production of soap. Glycerin can absorb water up to 40% of its own weight.

Other properties of the substance include:

  • non-toxicity, which allows the use of glycerin in household to remove various types of dirt from glass or plastic surfaces or remove minor scratches from computer monitors and mobile phone screens;
  • plasticity, which, combined with hygroscopicity, makes it possible to produce high-quality soap, but is also used for criminal purposes - the substance is used to dilute vodka so that it does not freeze in the cold;
  • disinfecting properties, allowing its use in many cosmetics.

Application area

Glycerin first became widespread in the food industry. Confectionery products and a huge number of different creams for cakes still cannot do without this element. Its popularity in the food industry has been aided by the inability to add sugar to certain foods and drinks.

The substance is used in soap making, because thanks to its physical properties glycerin is simply irreplaceable - in addition to plasticity, it also has antiseptic effect, which allows you to make antibacterial soap.

The effect of glycerin on the skin is extremely positive - the effect of its use is both softening and drying, which is why it is often used in the manufacture of hand, face and body creams.

New fashion - electronic cigarettes

Initially, this innovation was mainly intended for those who quit smoking regular cigarettes, but gradually “vaping” became a new fashionable trend. The composition of liquid for electronic cigarettes includes the following components:

  1. Nicotine, the main component of regular cigarettes, is also found in vaping liquid. The only difference is that electronic cigarettes use purified nicotine, without additional impurities;
  2. Propylene glycol;
  3. Actually glycerin. It is thanks to this substance that e-cigarette liquid is so viscous;
  4. Varied aromatics and water.

By the way, liquid for electronic cigarettes, in which natural glycerin predominates (up to 80%) is called soft. First of all, this composition is intended for those who are allergic to propylene glycol.

The electronic cigarette is designed in such a way that when you press the heating button, the liquid evaporates, and due to the evaporation of glycerin, a cloud of thick vapor comes out.

But is it really safe to “hover”? And is it really true that a person inhaling all these impurities will not harm himself?

Is inhaling glycerin vapor harmful or not?

There is currently no clear answer as to whether glycerin vapors are harmful. On the one hand, the substance does not harm the body at all when inhaled, on the other hand, dryness of the mucous membranes (and associated discomfort) when “hovering” is inevitable. Glycerin “loves” water, so even in the form of vapor it tries to take it away from the inhaler. Therefore, many e-cigarette smokers often experience a sore throat and constant dryness in the mouth.

Overheated liquid in an e-cigarette can be dangerous. In this case, acrolein begins to be released - a carcinogen that can harm a person, and in fact this is the most great harm from glycerin. However, if you use an e-cigarette correctly, there will be no negative side effects from glycerin.

But other substances can greatly damage the body’s systems:

  • nicotine, although purified, is still far from useful, and it is in the composition of e-cigarette liquid that it causes the greatest harm;
  • propylene glycol often causes allergies;
  • Various aromatic additives can intensify allergic reactions.

Is glycerin poisoning possible?

If we take into account the substance in the composition of the e-cigarette liquid, then, as mentioned above, greatest harm glycerin (up to real poisoning) is possible only in case of overheating. If we consider the entire liquid as a whole, we can come to disappointing conclusions.

As for nicotine, in a regular cigarette it is diluted with a lot of impurities, poisonous and not so much, but its content in the tobacco filling is not as high as in the liquid for an electronic cigarette. To obtain lethal dose for a person weighing 50 kg, it is enough to “evaporate” only 2 ml of liquid with a strength of 24 mg/ml. The same dose of nicotine is contained in 50 regular cigarettes strength 1 mg. It turns out that if you sip on an electronic cigarette non-stop, you can end up in intensive care.

Another danger is that the nicotine in an electronic cigarette is not really felt. Thanks to a variety of aromatic additives and the same glycerin, the vaping process seems completely safe: the substances kill the bitterness of nicotine.


  1. The use of glycerin in various fields of industry has a neutral effect on the human body;
  2. Quicker positive influence the substance is found in a variety of cosmetics and food products;
  3. Inhaling vapors of glycerin alone causes almost no noticeable harm, but in combination with impurities of other substances it can lead to the most unexpected and unpleasant consequences;
  4. The ingestion of glycerol as part of mixtures for electronic cigarettes is especially negative: if it is taken into the body excessively, symptoms of intoxication appear and medical attention is required.

Is glycerin in e-cigarettes harmful? The answer to this question cannot be unambiguous. Today, every fifth person on the planet suffers from nicotine addiction. Everyone knows about the dangers of smoking, but sometimes you don’t have the willpower to quit smoking. One of the best ways, according to the majority of smokers, leave bad habit is the use of an electronic cigarette.

The unjustified popularity of electronic cigarettes

These devices are very easy to use, have a pleasant aroma and a wide range of flavors, but the most important point The fact is that they are safer than regular cigarettes. This is undoubtedly true, but the electronic cigarette contains a number of substances that can negatively affect the condition of the body.

The popularity of these electronic devices is increasing every year, and you will no longer surprise anyone on the street with a person sipping a plastic tube. There are even situations when electronic devices They are used as an addition to their image or to emphasize their status, because they are much more expensive than usual.

It is known that smoking carries 2 types of addiction: one of them is the chemical use of substances that are addictive, and the second is a ritual addiction. Electronic cigarettes allow you to eliminate both habits to some extent, which is what makes these devices so popular among smokers of all ages.

Properties of glycerin in electronic cigarettes

One of the main components of every electronic cigarette is glycerin. It would seem that this substance is widely used everywhere: in medical purposes, both in the textile industry and in cosmetology. It is even added to many products, so we come across it quite often. But the question of whether glycerin in electronic cigarettes is harmful remains relevant.

Externally, glycerin is a colorless, odorless substance with a sweetish taste. This substance becomes liquid at room temperature, so it is successfully used in electronic cigarettes. Today there are 2 types of glycerin: technical and food. Technical glycerin is made from petroleum products, and food glycerin is made from natural oils, completely safe for humans.

Neutral effect or harm

Technical glycerin can harm human health, but food glycerin has a neutral effect on well-being rather than a negative one. The fact is that in large quantities, all products in the world can be harmful to health. Approximately 30 ml of glycerin liquid per day will not affect the smoker’s well-being.

The presence of glycerin in electronic cigarettes makes it possible to improve the consistency of the refill and gives it a pleasant taste. In the tobacco industry, glycerin is added to tobacco to control the moisture content of the mixture and eliminate the bitter taste that is felt when smoking. In electronic cigarettes, glycerin allows you to fully regulate the amount of water in the cartridge and softens the taste of the refill. When smoking, a person does not have a sore throat. Glycerin prevents the cigarette from drying out as it does not evaporate. Glycerin becomes harmful if it is heated above 280ºC.

IN fashion magazines You can find advice that will interest fans of smoking electronic cigarettes. It consists of replacing the glycerin in the device, which comes as standard, with one purchased at the pharmacy. The pharmacy does not sell glycerin, but glycerol - this is the same substance, only diluted with water, but it is approximately 80% in this solution. Based on the fact that there is less pure glycine in this solution, people with hypersensitivity Of course, it’s better to put it in a cigarette. This will avoid possible allergic reactions, but it must be said that due to the admixture of water, the cigarette will be much worse to vape.

Another negative point this advice is that the 20% water that is contained in glycerol can negatively affect the operation of the device itself. The spiral supplied as standard begins to rust within just a week of use. Smoking pharmaceutical glycerol is different: there will be little smoke, and the taste from the cigarette will not be so sweet. But at the same time, you will save on the purchase of liquid, because pharmaceutical glycerin is much cheaper than standard fillers.

Minimal harm

When stipulating the harm of glycerin to a smoker’s health, we can assume that it will be minimal.

The only exceptions are cases when a person has a personal intolerance to a given substance. If you often puff on an electronic cigarette, you can get a certain overdose of the components included in the device and feel slight dizziness and attacks of nausea, but some serious consequences will not be. What really harms your health is nicotine, so it is better to inhale with a harmless analogue than to poison your lungs with toxic tars. Glycerin has a greater effect on the operation of the device, as it tends to clog the filter and the cigarette may break.

Separately, I would like to touch on the topic of the harm of electronic cigarettes in general. These devices do not contain toxic tars, but a portion of nicotine is present. Of course, everyone regulates the amount of nicotine on their own by buying this or that refill and adjusting the options on the cigarette, but there is harm from it. When talking about the dangers of glycerin, people forget that every device contains nicotine.

For this reason, you should not smoke electronic cigarettes near pregnant women and children, as they will be harmed by passive smoking. There is an opinion that regular smoking of glycerin-based cigarettes in rooms with humidity less than 65% can dry out the skin. Manufacturers of some brands of cigarettes do not recommend excessive smoking of electronic devices in winter, when the air in homes becomes dry.

Smoking an e-cigarette is hard to call useful activity. To a greater extent, smoking analogue cigarettes does not help to quit the habit; it only replaces it with another one that is not very pleasant for you. human body process. If you are planning to quit smoking, then you need to do it once and for all, using only medications.

Smoking electronic cigarettes is a newfangled trend that has appeared quite recently, but has already gained wide popularity among many men and women. Today, many nicotine fans have replaced conventional cigarettes with electronic cigarettes, which contain glycerin.

And this is not surprising, because such devices make it easy to smoke in public places and also save money. cash. Is there any harm to the body when inhaling glycerin or are e-cigarettes completely safe?

What is an electronic cigarette

Today, smoking electronic cigarettes is a mass hobby that affects both men and women. In any public place you can see a man with a newfangled device in his hands. Quite often you can hear that smoking an electronic cigarette is not as harmful as a regular cigarette, and with its help you can reduce the damage to the lungs. Is this really true and is glycerin in electronic cigarettes harmful?

Electronic smoking devices were invented 10 years ago in Hong Kong
. Within a few years, the invention gained fantastic popularity in all corners of the world. Essentially, an electronic cigarette is a smoking device into which a cartridge with so-called refill liquid is inserted. It operates on the principle of evaporation: during the smoking process, the smoking liquid evaporates with a special chemical composition, which contains a flavoring agent to create a characteristic odor that the smoker needs to inhale. The composition of the smoking liquid for the cartridge is as follows:

  • Propylene glycol is a food additive that acts as a solvent. Being part of the smoking liquid, it helps nicotine penetrate as deeply as possible into the human body.
  • Nicotine is present in electronic cigarettes in the same way as in regular cigarettes. But e-cigarettes contain purified nicotine, the toxicity of which is noticeably lower.
  • Vegetable glycerin is the main part of the smoking liquid, since it is this substance that is directly “responsible” for the consistency of the smoking composition, giving it a pleasant taste and smell.
  • Purified water.
  • Flavors.

Most harmful effects provides nicotine. Of course, in electronic devices carefully purified nicotine is used, the effect of which is less aggressive. But still, the harm from nicotine is very noticeable - it can cause the development of oncological diseases, various respiratory and of cardio-vascular system.

That is why, despite multi-level system cleansing, even purified nicotine can cause serious harm smoker's body
. The only advantage of this substance is that nicotine purified using this system does not cause nicotine addiction.

Prolene glycol is a thick substance that does not have a distinct odor or color. It is used in some food products and is intended for longer storage of food. If we talk about propylene glycol in electronic cigarettes, this substance sometimes has an irritating effect on the mucous surface respiratory tract, which can lead to the development of serious allergic reactions.

Glycerin - description of the substance

The effect of glycerol on the human body has not been fully studied to date. As part of the smoking liquid, glycerin evaporates, and the resulting vapor is inhaled by the person.. Are glycerin vapors harmful and do they harm the human body?

Glycerin is a substance that has thick consistency, colorless and odorless. At temperatures above 17 degrees Celsius, glycerin becomes liquid. For many decades, glycerin has been widely used in a variety of production areas: in the manufacture of cosmetic products and hygiene items - various creams, lotions, masks, shampoos, soaps. This substance is also used in the production process confectionery, alcoholic drinks, pharmacological drugs.

Some women believe that smoking e-cigarettes has absolutely no effect on their health. female body. This is far from true.

Food grade glycerin is generally well tolerated by the body.
, but in some cases this substance can cause the following side effects:

  • Various allergic reactions.
  • Pathologies of the excretory system.
  • Deterioration of the sense of smell and loss of sensitivity of taste buds.
  • Upper respiratory tract irritation.
  • Various disorders of the vegetative-vascular system.

To understand what will happen if you smoke glycerin electronically, numerous studies were conducted, during which it was revealed that in most cases, smoking glycerin does not have any negative effects on the human body.

But still, this substance cannot be considered completely safe and harmless. The harm of glycerin to the lungs cannot be denied. Inhalation of glycerin vapor causes the substance to settle in the lungs, creating a dense film on the surface that impedes air exchange and hydration. Therefore, the effect of glycerin on the lungs can be negative.

Properties of glycerin

Glycerin poisoning is possible due to excessive smoking of e-cigarettes. An overdose of glycerin is expressed in the form of nausea, heaviness in the area chest, worsening breathing.

The benefits and harms of glycerin for different internal organs:

  1. Respiratory system - with active smoking Electronic cigarettes cause rapid hydration of the upper respiratory tract. This means that moisture is lost and the fabrics simply dry out. The result of such drying can be a sore throat and increased dryness of the nasopharynx. In addition, the harm from vaping glycerin can result in skin dehydration. If you constantly smoke glycerin, such an unpleasant phenomenon as a sore throat and swelling of the nasopharynx occurs.
  2. Why is glycerin dangerous for the cardiovascular system? Some experts believe that smoking electronic cigarettes leads to various problems with blood vessels and circulatory disorders. An overdose is fraught with a sharp spasm of blood vessels, which can cause sharp jumps blood pressure and disruptions in the functioning of the heart muscle.
  3. How does glycerin affect large amounts of water and high temperature? Overheating glycerin leads to the production special substance called acrolein, which is a powerful carcinogen and irritates the mucous surface of the nasopharynx.
  4. It is enough to smoke one electronic cigarette for a violation to occur. water balance in the body, which can result in impaired kidney function.
  5. Men and women who are prone to allergic reactions should be most careful when using electronic cigarettes. In such cases, exposure to glycerin vapor may cause skin rashes, swelling and even anaphylactic shock.

IN medical practice You can find evidence that systematic smoking of electronic cigarettes with glycerin has a direct effect on blood sugar levels, as well as provoke the development of hyperglycemic coma. For this reason, smoking e-cigarettes is strictly not recommended for people with diabetes.

Glycerin smoking can lead to such serious problems like seizures allergic asthma, diseases genitourinary system, appearance vegetative-vascular dystonia, loss of sensitivity of taste buds, noticeable irritation of the mucous surface of the nasopharynx.

This is far from full list side effects, which is a substance present in electronic cigarettes. Glycerin is one of the substances that has negative impact on the condition of the kidneys and skin.

The greatest danger lies in excessive overheating of glycerin - as a result of this process, the production of a carcinogenic substance called acrolein occurs, which has a negative effect on the condition of the respiratory system.

You should not think that the quality of an electronic cigarette directly depends on the manufacturer of the device. All electronic smoking devices contain the same list of components, consisting of propylene glycol, glycerin, nicotine, various flavors, and purified water. Regardless of the manufacturer, the composition of the electronic cigarette remains unchanged.

Difference from pharmaceutical glycerin

Many fans of electronic cigarettes decide to refill the cartridge themselves, using regular glycerin, which is sold in any pharmacy. It should be noted that such attempts will not be successful, since the pharmacological network sells a drug called glycerol, consisting of glycerin and purified water. This solution has a liquid consistency, and the proportions active ingredients– glycine 25-30%, distilled water 30-35%.

It is for this reason that any attempts to independently refill an electronic cigarette with your own hands, using pharmaceutical drug, are doomed to failure, it is best to use only specifically designed smoking preparations.

Is glycerin contained in e-cigarettes harmful? Doctors cannot answer this question unambiguously, since the benefits or harms of glycerin have never been scientifically proven. Which side effects has too frequent smoking electronic cigarettes? In case of too frequent, uncontrolled smoking of electronic cigarettes, itching, burning, sore throat, and increased dry mouth may occur. It should be noted that in most cases the substance included in the composition smoking mixture, well tolerated by the human body.

Smoking electronic cigarettes is bad habit, which can be reflected in the most unexpected way for lovers of electronic smoking. To summarize all of the above, we can say that glycerin most often has absolutely no effect on the human body. But in some cases, smoking cigarettes with glycerin can cause various allergic reactions - rash, itching, redness.

People who smoke often decide to give up traditional paper cigarettes in favor of electronic ones. It is believed that this develops the habit of quitting nicotine, and gradually the body gets used to reducing its dosage.

And although all this is just marketing moves and manufacturers' promises that electronic devices still provide some benefits to smokers.

For example, they do not make teeth yellow, they practically do not synthesize carcinogens and toxic substances, do not smell of tobacco, do not provoke passive smoking in loved ones. But still, many people are rightly concerned about the composition of the liquid with which the cartridges of such devices are refilled.

What's inside?

The composition of e-cigarette oil includes glycerin, propylene glycol, nicotine and flavorings.

A very interesting component is glycerin - a dense trihydric alcohol with a viscous texture and a sweetish taste. It is this that is used in such “inhalers” to compress the steam in the generator.

Typically, glycerin is known to women and men as an ingredient in soaps and care cosmetics that can soften and moisturize the skin.

And therefore, their worry about its presence in the smoking mixture is fully justified.

So how safe is smoking such cigarettes, and how can inhaling glycerin fumes affect your health and well-being?

Vegetable glycerin: why is it needed in electronics?

Vegetable glycerin is actively used in both the cosmetic and food industries. Moreover, it is used for a wide variety of purposes and areas of life. If we talk about its potential harm in cigarettes, it really is. However, without it, receiving "theater smoke" It's simply impossible.

Moreover, if you smoked regular cigarettes, be sure that you also smoked this very glycerin. It is added not only to e-liquids, but also to regular tobacco products. This is necessary to soften the “taste” of conventional paper cigarettes, as well as to protect them from drying out.

Is there a real potential harm from glycerin in electronic cigarettes?

Glycerin inhaled using an e-cigarette can harm you in the following ways:

  1. Impair the functioning of the kidneys (the most common “horror story”, which actually occurs, but with completely uncontrolled consumption of the product);
  2. Provoke allergic reactions (since in normal tobacco products it is contained in minute quantities; switching to electronic ones, where its concentration is higher, can contribute to the development of allergies);
  3. Irritate the upper respiratory tract (sometimes glycerin can become a catalyst for swelling of the mucous membranes, from which nasal, nasopharyngeal, and even pulmonary obstructions arise, that is, chronic rhinitis, tonsillitis and bronchitis);
  4. Create an ideal nutrient medium for bacteria (it has been proven that smoking people are generally at risk for developing respiratory diseases, however, if you smoke electronic cigarettes, the likelihood of constantly recurring pathologies of your ENT organs increases even more, and precisely because of glycerin);
  5. Disturb the activity of the cardiovascular system (glycerin can constrict blood vessels, like nicotine; and since they are contained in combination in e-cigarette liquid, circulatory problems when smoking it are more than possible).

Glycerin can also negatively affect the sense of smell and acuity. taste sensations. Although those who switched from regular tobacco to electronic tobacco unanimously claim the opposite.

The presence of vegetable glycerin in electronic cigarettes is a constant factor, because it is on its basis that the corresponding liquids are made.

The substance is also present in ordinary cigarettes, however, as already mentioned, in minute dosages.

But the answer to the question “Is glycerin in an electronic cigarette harmful” cannot be unambiguous - it cannot be said that it is it that carries potential dangers and harm to health. We must not forget about other ingredients in the composition, which also do not have the best effect on the body. Therefore, glycerin here is not so much harmful in itself as it can enhance the harm of other components.

What glycerin is used in electronic cigarettes?

Those who do the so-called “self-mixing” are often interested in what kind of glycerin is needed for electronic cigarettes.

Glycerol, or 1-2-3-propanetriol, is a trihydric alcohol that is odorless and colorless, but can be recognized by its pleasant, dense and viscous texture, as well as a sweetish taste. Surprisingly, just a few years ago it was impossible to purchase it in the public domain.

Now glycerin is sold in standard bottles in any pharmacy, and anyone can buy it. But is this one suitable? pharmaceutical alcohol, which costs mere pennies, for a “self-mixed” cigarette?

In general, this is possible. But we must not forget about a very important thing - when evaporating, anhydrous glycerin synthesizes a potentially dangerous and harmful substance to humans, called acrolein. This lachrymal, highly volatile mixture has a pungent odor, and, settling in the structures of the respiratory tract, can cause a wide variety of diseases. Acrolein can severely irritate the mucous membranes of the eyes and respiratory organs, being a substance of the first class of danger. This is a very important argument that distilled water must be added to the “self-mixing”.

How much glycerin should be added to the “self-mix” for an electronic cigarette?

Those who love dense and dense smoke should add quite a lot of glycerin to the “self-mixing”, since it is this element that is responsible for such evaporation. Ideally, it should contain at least 80% of the finished liquid for cartridges. But do not forget that in addition to it, you will have to add propylene glycol, nicotine and flavorings (optional) to the mixture. By the way, if you decide to prepare the liquid yourself, you should use natural, natural flavors rather than synthetic ones.

Distilled water is an extremely important component of “self-mixing”, especially one that contains anhydrous glycerin. And here under no circumstances should the usual boiled water or tap water.

Distilled water is a liquid that is completely purified from salts, minerals and heavy metal ions.

To obtain it at home, you need a special filter. If you have access to a moonshine still (distiller), use it to distill the liquid.

To do this, you just need to run a certain amount clean water through the device.

First attempts at making “self-kneading”

If you are new to making your own e-liquids, you should stick to tutorials when making your first product. We recommend that you do not deviate from the prescribed proportions and refrain from experiments at first.

But then, when you know the recipe for preparing the optimal “base” for the smoking mixture, you will be able to fully enjoy your creative impulses and unleash your imagination. It is possible that when you develop a profitable and original product, you will even be able to sell it.

Carefully choose not only glycerin, but also the other components of the “self-mixing”. Buy products only from certified sellers and licensed points of sale. Remember that one surrogate ingredient in the mixture can greatly harm your health and cause completely unexpected reactions. Be attentive to your health, since you decide to protect it from influence "traditional" smoking.

Start the first preparation with a ten milliliter portion. This will be a kind of guarantee that you can throw it away without looking if you don’t like it.

Do not store “self-mix” in plastic container, as this can give the smoke a characteristic taste and smell. We recommend that you be careful with propylene glycol - it is an excellent nicotine dissolver, so the mixture will be too strong if you add this substance in excess.

And remember - any smoking is harmful. Try to completely give up this habit as quickly as possible.

Today, every production is associated with the addition of certain components to products to improve positive properties and many other indicators. One of these components is glycerin, which is used in many areas. It is added to confectionery and food products, it is found in most cosmetics, and recently this component has become extremely popular thanks to electronic cigarettes. But few people know what this substance is and how glycerin is harmful to the body, and whether it is harmful at all.

Glycerin is added to many everyday products and we come across it quite often, so it is a familiar component

Glycerol has a trihydric sugar alcohol structure. The consistency is quite thick and has no particular odor. Glycerin has a slight sweet taste and easily dissolves in liquid. This substance is not toxic. It is made from plant components and animal raw materials using chemical treatment. This liquid is quite popular in the production of various alcoholic beverages, where the preparation technology eliminates the possibility of adding sugar. This substance is the basis of many medical drugs.

Cosmetic glycerin

The first synthesis of this substance was made at the end of the eighteenth century. But for a long period of time it was not of scientific interest. Many years later, glycerin began to be used in the manufacture of explosives and paper products. Only by the mid-twentieth century did this substance become widespread in cosmetology, thanks to its beneficial influence on skin. It lies in the moisturizing properties of the substance.

Already by the eighties of the last century, this substance was massively introduced into the production of various products. The popularity of both cosmetic and food glycerin grew. There are two main types of finished substance:

  1. Food– this type of trihydric alcohol is made from plant components.
  2. Technical– is a raw material formed as a result of processing petroleum products.

An important fact is that human consumption of vegetable glycerin does not harm the condition of internal organs. In contrast, the use technical type, life threatening.

Glycerin is one of the products that is easy to purchase for some needs, and its price is very low. This product is often used in cosmetology to create masks and creams that moisturize the skin. In addition, this remedy promotes the healing of damaged areas.

In cosmetology, glycerin is used in the preparation of fragrant soap. But it is worth mentioning that such a product is not suitable for every person. People suffering from dry skin are not recommended to use such products, as they lead to loss of more more moisture.

Use this product in pure form highly not recommended. Most cosmetologists say that this liquid must be diluted with water. Otherwise, you may experience various allergic reactions, expressed in redness and inflammation of the skin.

Today, glycerin as a food additive is officially approved in many countries around the world.

Food grade glycerin

Let's look at why glycerin used in the food industry is dangerous. This substance is known in the industry as food additive number E422. It is used to stabilize taste, as a sweetener or thickener.

In most cases, glycerin is used in the production of chocolate, cakes and toffees. Very often, a similar substance is added to baked goods, jam and even fermented milk products.

Since the substance is not toxic, its use within reasonable limits does not cause serious harm to the body. However, experts say that a high concentration of this component can cause kidney problems and blood circulation problems.

Glycerin and vape

How severe is the harm of glycerin to the body when inhaled? actual question. This trihydric alcohol is one of the main ingredients used to create refills for electronic cigarettes. And it is precisely this that is not as safe as other components.

The operating principle of such a device is to heat a liquid consisting of glycerin, propylene glycol and aromatic additives. During operation of the gadget, the liquid heats up strongly, creating steam, which is inhaled by vapers.

What is the effect of glycerol on the lungs is a little-studied question. Electronic cigarettes are a fairly recent phenomenon in the technological world. We can talk about their harm only after conducting certain tests, which can take decades. But now we can say with confidence that such vapors have some effect on the body.

Frequent use of an e-cigarette causes glycerin vapor to dry out the mucous membrane of the larynx. This happens because the substance has the ability to attract moisture. This is precisely why vaping smokers develop persistent cough and dry throat.

Propylene glycol, another main component of such dressings, is a solvent by nature. With the help of this liquid, nicotine enters the smoker’s body faster. This substance causes harm that is much greater than that of glycerin. In most cases, the appearance of various allergic reactions is associated with it. This ingredient is often used in the food industry to protect products from various bacteria. In addition, it increases the shelf life of products.

Glycerin these days is the most safe means for quick and effective reduction intracranial pressure

Harm to the body

Many scientists say that vegetable glycerin is almost harmless to health. And it is in this prefix “almost” that the whole meaning of the phrase lies. Recommended daily dose is only thirty milliliters, exceeding it can be extremely dangerous for the functioning of internal organs. According to experts, abuse of this food additive contributes to the development of the following pathologies:

  • disruption of the genitourinary system;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the kidneys and liver;
  • the occurrence of respiratory diseases;
  • dryness of the mucous membranes of internal organs;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • decreased sense of smell and sensitivity of taste receptors.

People who create so-called “self-mixes” use glycerin instead of food grade glycerin, which is sold in pharmacies. The use of such a product for preparing refills for electronic cigarettes, although not prohibited, can be quite unsafe. This product contains water, which when heated forms a dangerous poison - acrolein.

Acrolein has a distinct odor and can cause lacrimation. Once in the lungs, it settles on soft tissues, and its accumulation is the cause of many diseases associated with respiratory organs. It is with this fact that doctors are concerned about using a pharmaceutical product instead of the necessary components.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that every year the number of studies that indicate the dangers of using e-cigarettes is increasing. They contain a huge number of chemical compounds that, if regularly introduced into the body, can cause many diseases.

Glycerin is like a sponge, draws water from any tissue


Chemical and vegetable glycerin, what it is, can be understood from this article. How dangerous its use is and its effect on the body was also considered. In conclusion, it must be said that in order to reduce the effect of a substance on the body, it is necessary to use only minimal doses.

When we're talking about about cosmetic products, it is not necessary to follow these recommendations. The danger of glycerin lies precisely in its behavior when it enters the human body. That is why experts recommend refraining from consuming large quantity purchased sweets and vaping. When it comes to using any product, you need to know a certain amount.