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What projects could there be? Classification of projects and their types. Technical projects. Organizational projects. Project classification criteria

Creating a project helps solve important task, focusing only on her, without being distracted by other matters. According to research, almost half of all purposeful human activity is carried out through the implementation of individual initiatives. Up to a quarter of the world budget is spent on this type of activity. Opening a project is the spirit of the times, you just need to know how to create a plan and how to do it correctly.

Concept of the project and its features

A project is a kind of conscious activity (a set of coordinated actions) of a person, aimed at creating a unique product, and is of a one-time, non-recurring nature. The concept of a project involves achieving a specific goal in a certain time under conditions of limited basic resources (time, financial, labor, material).

There are several different interpretations of the concept of "project", an example of this can be seen in various international standards, incl. and in Russian GOST. However, almost always its main signs are the following factors:

  • the start of the project has a clear date;
  • completion is fixed by date or finished final result;
  • having a clearly formulated goal;
  • uniqueness of the finished product;
  • limitation in basic resources;
  • disposability.

Examples of plans: development and release of a fundamentally new type of product at an enterprise, opening your own business, building a house or social facility, developing an idea for a new magazine or software, market research. All of them, depending on their scale and focus, can be divided into:

  • small (with a single coordinator of all processes, a limited number of interchangeable participants who go all the way from planning to closure, a simple work schedule) and large (with a complex structure and large volumes of work);
  • short-term (lasting up to 2 years, with a minimum number of contractors and reporting, as well as adjustments), medium-term (up to 5 years) and long-term (over 5 years).

Separately, we can dwell on the so-called megaprojects, which are targeted programs for the development of entire industries and areas of the economy. They include a large number of smaller-scale programs that complement each other and are aimed at solving a global problem. To implement them and establish a huge number of interactions between hundreds of participants responsible for individual processes and types of work, the most professional top managers are attracted.

Such plans can be sectoral, regional, as well as interregional, intersectoral, national or international. They are, as a rule, long-term and operate with capital of tens and hundreds of millions of dollars. To avoid costly mistakes, only the development of their concepts is allocated to a separate phase of the design.

Classification of implemented initiatives

Classification of projects can be carried out depending on the following grounds:

  • the direction of the undertaking, its composition and structure;
  • the area of ​​activity for which the project is being prepared;
  • the scale of the idea and the degree of its influence on the external environment, the number of participants;
  • duration of its implementation;
  • degree of complexity from a technological, organizational, financial point of view.

We can say that the classification of projects is to a certain extent arbitrary, since each plan is unique. However, it is the classification of project types that helps to find similar features in them that can provide an understanding of the general patterns of development of certain areas. The most common types of projects are:

  • organizational;
  • economic;
  • social;
  • technical;
  • mixed.

To understand the differences between them, it is worth taking a closer look at the types and types of projects.

Organizational. They are aimed at reforming an existing structure or creating a new one, as well as at carrying out individual events. Characterized by the following features:

  • start and end dates, as well as the total duration, are specified precisely;
  • the goal is clearly formulated, but is usually difficult to measure because it is aimed at organizational change;
  • resources are allocated as they become available;
  • the costs of such undertakings are often reviewed and adjusted in terms of their cost-effectiveness.

Examples of projects of this type are the modernization of the management system of a factory or budgetary organization, the organization and holding of a conference, concert, or sports competition.

Economic. The goal is privatization, reorganization or restructuring of the enterprise, modernization general rules games in the field of economics (tax or customs legislation). Their signs:

  • assigned tasks are often adjusted during the work process;
  • deadlines cannot be set accurately, since they depend on many external factors and can change regardless of the team implementing the plan;
  • expenses are calculated approximately, but are strictly controlled.

Social. Their meaning is to solve social issues, improve the quality of life of certain groups of the population, therefore they concern large quantity people. The focus of social initiatives can be very different, but there are features that are characteristic of all undertakings of this kind:

  • the timing and overall duration are probabilistic in nature, since it is impossible to clearly calculate them; these are the most uncertain initiatives;
  • Initially, the goals may be general and rather vague, but in the process of carrying out work and achieving certain milestones they are clarified and specified;
  • It is often difficult to give a quantitative and qualitative assessment of the changes taking place, so other methods for determining effectiveness are used;
  • financing of such initiatives is carried out subject to the availability of free resources.

Technical. Aimed at developing and launching a new type of product on the market. Examples of such plans can be called the work of automobile factories and their design bureaus regarding the regular updating of the model range of manufactured vehicles. Distinctive features of technical initiatives:

  • the desired goal is formulated precisely and is adjusted slightly during the work process;
  • deadlines are set quite clearly, significant shifts are not allowed, since they are tied to market conditions;
  • all costs are clearly planned in accordance with existing standards and regulations;
  • limitations on the possibilities of implementing a plan may be limited by production capacity or external factors, for example, the impact on the environment.

Often in business or scientific publications there is a slightly different classification of projects, built on the same principles as the above. The intentions in it are divided as follows:

  • socio-economic, which provide for the creation of infrastructure to improve the quality of life of the population and the holding of mass events of various types;
  • business initiatives involving the creation and introduction of new technologies and products to the market;
  • client, aimed at meeting the needs of an external customer by a specific company.

The whole variety of non-standard ideas can be considered within the framework of these classifications, which allows us to conduct a qualitative analysis of the project and understand its prospects.

Structuring the plan

In order to implement a plan, its organizational structure must be determined. The project structure is its hierarchical decomposition into interconnected parts for high-quality planning and control over the execution of processes. It is intended to indicate that final product, which is the result of the entire plan, break the entire process into smaller elements and connect them together.

The more correctly the project structure is drawn up, the more manageable it is. The main objectives of structuring are:

  • breaking down the plan into separate manageable blocks;
  • delegation of responsibility for each block between personnel in accordance with the structure and resource capabilities;
  • the most accurate calculation of material, time, and financial costs;
  • development of planning, control and reporting mechanisms;
  • binding accounting to completed work;
  • Specific goals are set for each department.

From an organizational point of view, the project structure has three main types:

  • Functional. Management lies with the line manager, to whom the heads of specialized departments report. When applying such a model, there is a need to introduce one or more coordinators, whose role is to connect different functional units with each other.
  • Matrix. To implement a separate initiative, temporary groups are created from among full-time employees with responsible persons who lead the idea from the design phase to the very end. Leaders interact with members of their group horizontally; there is no formal subordination. This, when superimposed on traditional hierarchical relationships, creates an interaction matrix. Examples of matrix-type projects indicate that the strength of such a structure largely depends on the conditions in which the leader of the undertaking is placed. He can do this work in his free time from his main duties, be temporarily relieved of them, or lead a specially created group of specialists.
  • Design. A manager is responsible for each initiative, managing specially selected personnel. An example of a project with such a management model assumes a significant scale, duration, high complexity of the idea, the use of new technologies and changing conditions for implementation.

Structuring tasks can occur either from top to bottom (from general to specific) or in reverse order. Methods such as a tree of decisions, goals or work, a network model, a matrix of responsibility, a structure of value, expenses or resources can be taken as a model.

The introduction of work methods for individual unique initiatives allows you to open new horizons, motivate employees, change established approaches to business management, use innovative methods and rationally approach the use of resources. This approach makes it possible to flexibly and quickly respond to market needs and meet emerging demand. Today, this management method prevails abroad and is actively promoted in Russia.

In the modern interpretation, management is a science. And the scientific approach involves a preliminary consideration of such categories as subject, method and classification categories of the phenomenon being studied. Project management occupies a place of significant scientific and practical field in the vast field of management science. This means that penetrating into the innermost corners of knowledge about the optimal ways to implement development tasks, we cannot help but consider the types of projects in all their diversity. To do this, you will need to first classify them according to methodologically sound criteria.

The difference between the concepts of project and individual entrepreneur

In recent decades, the trend of transformation of the activities of commercial organizations has clearly emerged. It consists of increasing the share of project activities in the four components of systemic business reproduction. On the one hand, the globalization of markets only increases the requirements for the use of economies of scale in the implementation of production activities enterprises. Mass production has not gone away, but only tends to expand. On the other hand, the project doctrine is taking deeper and deeper roots into almost all regular operating procedures.

This is an inevitable process, because market events are accelerating, and increasingly it is necessary to rebuild management and the actual production processes, implementing numerous projects. In addition, the so-called project production is becoming increasingly widespread, since the modern market is a market of individual consumer requests. Increasingly, a standard house design is being modified to suit an individual order, a car has a unique configuration and equipment, even dental services are beginning to be considered in the context of a project approach to each patient.

General model of modern company activity

Above is a diagram of the company’s activities, in which the project area is highlighted in blue. Investment projects occupy the lion's share of project activities. And in this regard, the question arises: how does an investment project differ from the project as a whole? To answer this, let us remember general definition project.

For business management purposes, a project is usually understood as a purposeful activity of a temporary nature, carried out with the aim of creating a unique product (service). It is distinguished from other types of activities by a high degree of uniqueness, which can vary over a fairly wide range. Projects have specific goals that can be refined as they are implemented. These unique tasks are solved through the collegial, interconnected, coordinated work of several performers united in teams.

Basic definitions of Law No. 39-FZ of February 25, 1999

We have already repeatedly referred in articles to federal law 39-FZ, which defines an investment project and its components: investments and capital investments. The key distinguishing features of an individual entrepreneur are the focus on profit or other beneficial effect and that this type is implemented in the context of capital investments or, in other words, in the company’s fixed capital. The project definition does not provide for such conditions. In my opinion, the above gives a clear answer to the question: what are the differences between the classification of projects and the typology of individual entrepreneurs.

Classification division of projects into types

Concept and classification investment projects discussed in detail in the material dedicated to. We are more interested in the general view of projects as a fundamental way, means and form of activity in business. Classification of projects is necessary primarily for the effective and efficient implementation of their management. Projects as objects of management can differ significantly from each other in terms of resource component, implementation technology and many other parameters, which, of course, must be taken into account in real practice.

Let us ask ourselves: what types of unique development tasks are there? To get the answer, we can first of all follow the traditional path scientific method, starting with the basic principles of dividing the scope of a concept into classes, types, types. Next, we can add to them the time factor, factors of scale and complexity. However, a certain limitation should immediately be introduced in the study of the subject matter. The project in its modern interpretation is interpreted very broadly, literally extending to all human activity. I propose to somewhat narrow the scope of consideration, limiting ourselves to the sphere of business, since this is the target setting of our ideology. Thus, a primary classification of projects arises, which is presented below in tabular form.

Classification of project types according to basic criteria

The largest division of design practice is two large type: external projects and internal ones. At the same time, external tasks may be of an investment nature or serve the commercial interests of the company’s main activity. Great value to divide projects into types is their target orientation and the field of activity in which they are implemented. Based on these characteristics, projects are distinguished:

  • commercial or contract;
  • construction;
  • OS modernization and reconstruction projects;
  • managerial;
  • educational;
  • IT projects.

Division of individual entrepreneurs according to the main classification criteria

In many ways, the classification of investment projects given above, when dividing projects into types, repeats the basic logic. But we should not forget that the concept of individual entrepreneur is somewhat narrower. Firstly, the benefits from their implementation may be indirect or hidden. Secondly, there may not be any capital investments as such.

Take, for example, the tasks of management development and specifically the reorganization of the management structure at the stage life cycle"Maturity". The profitability of such an event is far from obvious; there are no investments in fixed capital, but this is a very serious undertaking. Thus, we have the right to conclude that the classification of investment projects is not applicable to a number of procedures. To conclude this section, we give another example of species differentiation.

An example of project classification based on special characteristics

Place of projects in the company's activities

The activities of a commercial organization are heterogeneous in content. What types of activities are there in business? This question is best answered by turning to the procedural doctrine of government. Traditionally, every company has four types of processes.

  1. Basic business processes. These are the processes for which the company’s clients are willing to pay money. It is in them that the added value of the business is created.
  2. Supporting business processes. Thanks to them, the infrastructure for the implementation of basic processes, development and management processes is reproduced.
  3. Business management processes. The accumulated experience in solving the strategic and current problems of the company is embodied through regulation in governing regulations and other documents.
  4. Business development processes. Over time, business development loses some of its uniqueness and becomes a cyclically reproduced routine. This kind of routine is formalized into regulatory procedures called development processes. These include business processes for opening new territorial divisions, business processes for modernizing production, etc.

The four named process types define the corresponding activities. And we will be more interested in business development processes, since it is through them that the “watershed line” between processes and projects passes. The first are regularly repeated procedures that solve cyclical business problems. The latter solve unique business problems that have not yet been encountered in business practice, or the experience of performing them is so small that it is unprofitable to transfer it on a regular basis.

Scheme of business processes and activities of the company

The diagram presented above shows a universal picture of dividing all business activities into its four components. Development activities are unique in that they concentrate all development functions, processes and projects. The line between processes and projects is gradually blurring. And this is quite natural. Please note that development in any of the above forms is aimed at three types of activities: management, basic and supporting business processes. In some cases, projects can act as core business processes. Such projects are called contract projects. Examples of them include construction business, IT development, etc. The composition of a possible project implementation is presented in the following business model in a pyramidal form.

Composition of project activities in the general architecture of modern business

In this article, we examined the issue of the typology of design practice at the current level of development of commercial organizations. Classification of project types is important with different points vision. Its most important value lies in the possibility of a selective approach to project management, based on their type and type. In addition, the classification allows you to differentiate the implementation methodology, thereby optimizing the labor intensity of performing unique tasks and the costs of achieving results.

Projects are characterized by great diversity. The definition of “project management” includes completely diverse types of activities and their results - from building the pyramids in Egypt to writing course work student. However, projects may differ in the following parameters:

  • composition of the subject area,
  • application area,
  • duration,
  • scale,
  • degree of complexity,
  • composition of interested individuals and groups,
  • the impact of the results on the organization and its environment, etc.

Knowing these differences makes it possible to pay attention to a number of features of each group of projects and apply the most appropriate management methods and tools for each group.

Project classification principles

Classification of projects can be based on various criteria.

The first priority is to determine the type of project where projects differ from each other by main areas of operation, in which they are implemented. Depending on the type, projects can be classified as follows:

  • projects on maintenance and support;
  • research, engineering and development projects;
  • management projects;
  • projects for the design and construction of fixed assets;
  • commercial projects that are carried out in the field of contracts for the production of a product or the provision of a service.

Depending on the location distinguish between external and internal projects. Internal projects are carried out directly at the enterprise itself, here performers and customers are members of this enterprise, and all work that relates to the idea and execution of the project is carried out on our own enterprises at the expense of her own funds.

Most often, this type of project is used if the upcoming project corresponds to the main activity of the enterprise. For example, if a company is implementing a project to produce new software, the company most likely has the required number of qualified development specialists and they have the necessary skills to produce a new type of product.

Internal projects are characterized by greater efficiency and flexibility in decision making; they can more easily cope with various unforeseen circumstances and surprises that arise as the project progresses. It is difficult to find an enterprise that has not implemented internal projects - there are a large number of them: these are projects, for example, to develop new logistics schemes, to improve quality, to conduct presentations and advertising campaigns, to change the remuneration system or organizational structure, to implement products to a new market, etc.

Another advantage of an internal project is the absence of outside control: if the contract does not provide for any kind of fines, the company, during the implementation of the project, can constantly change decisions on the technologies used, resources, people attracted to implement the project, deadlines, etc. At the same time, the project manager must use the possibility of changing the solution with caution: each such change increases the cost of the project. The second problem is that personnel with certain skills and knowledge that were acquired during the implementation of previous projects of the organization are not inclined to change their work methods for more effective methods, the introduction of new technologies, since all these parameters increase the risks of the project and do not lead to clear benefits for them. In this case, the organization’s employees do not understand the need to change previously used methods and principles of work. At the same time, proposals for changes are often accepted by employees as criticism of their work and are met with resistance to implementation on their part. This situation can lead to conflict and, consequently, a decrease in the level of labor productivity in the organization.

Most managers at an enterprise work with internal projects, plan them and successfully implement them, without having special knowledge in the field of project management. Due to the relative clarity and simplicity of project goals and ways to implement them, managers only need management experience and common sense to implement most internal projects.

However, companies often need to implement complex projects that require special skills and knowledge. Often these projects are interconnected with the development strategy of the enterprise, they are part of it, and it is for this reason that they come under the close attention of the management of the enterprise and its owners. For these projects, a project team is formed, headed by a project manager, reporting directly to the head of the enterprise, its CEO.

External projects involve the implementation of work received from external customers, or work outside the company. Important here the focus is on the legal formalization of the relationship between partners and customers (consultants, suppliers, contractors, etc.) of the project. In this case, the partners establish the conditions for the performance of work based on a legally sound contract, compliance with the terms of which is mandatory for both parties.

Projects that are carried out by third-party companies involve great financial risk for the project customer company. Due to the fact that all work on the project is implemented and controlled external employees, they also need to consider their own needs, and this may create a conflict of interest.


A contractor executing a construction project must make the following choice: paint the client's building with paint that will last about 10 years, or paint with a cheaper paint that is designed to last two years. In accordance with the terms of the contract, the warranty period is 5 years; that is, if you paint a building with cheap paint, you will need to repaint it at your own expense twice during the warranty period, which will cost the contractor (taking into account the amount of work) twice as much as choosing high-quality, but expensive paint.

Which solution is more beneficial for the project customer? Naturally, paint with more expensive paint, because... After a five-year warranty, you will have to repaint it at your own expense.

Which decision will the project manager make? The most likely solution is that he will decide to paint with cheap paint, because... This solution will reduce the cost of the project, which will contribute to bonuses and other awards. Warranty will be carried out by other departments of the contractor company.

From this example we can draw the following conclusion: when implementing projects with contracting companies and third-party organizations, it is very important to know all the terms of the contract, which will help save the customer company a large amount of money.

Successful implementation of external projects is achieved through the presence of an effective control system on the part of the customer enterprise. In this case, consistency is achieved through the introduction of several levels of control: from control according to project plans to the execution of work, from preliminary to final control. Control is needed, first of all, to effectively manage all risks associated with projects. To do this, you need to differentiate the project work transferred to an external company into three types: low, medium and high risk.

Working with low level risk requires minimal control, i.e. The external company is given freedom to implement these works: in the use of people, technologies, materials. Even in high-tech, risky projects, this type of work is usually much more than half. However, this approach allows you to free up resources and time to control what is really important for the project, work with a high level of risk.

Depending on the structure, composition of the project and subject area There are different classes of projects:

  • mono project
  • multiproject,
  • megaproject.

According to the names of each of the project classes, mono project is separate, not related to other projects, can be of different scale, type and type; multiproject is a complex project that consists of several single-projects and requires the use of a number of special project management methods associated, first of all, with “end-to-end” control over the implementation of several interrelated projects; megaproject- most often represents a program that includes several single- and multi-projects, for example, a program for the development of an industry, a region, or a program for preparing for the FIFA World Cup.

Dividing projects by type implies classification by the nature of their subject area. Highlight:

  • innovative,
  • investment,
  • educational,
  • research,
  • mixed projects.

TO innovative projects include projects whose main goal is the development and use of know-how, new technologies and other innovations that ensure the development of systems. TO investment projects include projects whose main goal is the creation or modernization of fixed assets that require investment.

The next basis for classifying projects is their division into technical and non-technical. Technical projects, for example, aerospace, construction, in the field of semiconductor production or pharmacology, are based on engineering knowledge and are subject to the laws of biology, physics, and chemistry. These laws immediately introduce strong cause-and-effect (deterministic) relationships into the project, which determine the sequence of transformations and actions - from the project conception stage to the testing stage of the finished product. These laws form technological restrictions in projects: using this technology, a building can only be built up to a certain height level, and ignoring this rule leads to collapse. A dam or nuclear power plant can be controlled to a certain range of parameters, for example pressure or power. If the level of these parameters is exceeded, it will be impossible to control the activities of these objects. A project is considered deterministic, that is, controllable, if technological constraints are met and, as a result, the project is feasible.

Non-technical projects that are not strictly connected with the restrictions imposed by the laws of nature and physics experience other types of risks associated primarily with limitations of a subjective nature. The success of these projects strongly depends on the competence of the manager, level of knowledge, experience, and project team members. Decision-making in these projects depends on certain interests of groups and individual employees, which they are trying to implement during the implementation of the project. These are, for example, business reorganization projects, mergers and acquisitions, consulting, marketing projects, etc. Here it is necessary to pay attention to financial risks; failures will be expressed in the form of financial losses. Since the cause-and-effect relationships in these projects are often not clearly defined, these projects exhibit the property of equifinality: the ability to achieve desired result project in various ways, through different sequences of actions. However, due to the vagueness and large number of possible parameters for assessing project results, it is impossible or difficult to find the optimal route for all project actions to the goal. Often strategic, short-term results and tactical results conflict here. For example, a certain project implementation option is rated as more expensive, but it will allow the implementation of financially attractive new projects in the future.

A non-technical project is not at risk of complete failure, as may happen in the case of a technical project, mainly innovative, where a new product is conceived with a number of unique properties it may not work out. This is why, as a rule, non-technical projects can be brought somehow to the completion stage. The result (for example, the level of increase in employee motivation or the productivity of a new department through the introduction of a new bonus system) may be worse than expected, but it will still happen.

Technical projects also require technical design, which involves the use of engineering methods of calculation, modeling, system analysis, determination of correlations, calculations and others. These design and project management techniques are called hard skills; they provide the opportunity to step-by-step control over the implementation of each stage of the project.

Non-technical projects, in contrast, are highly focused on the use of soft skills related to such phenomena as the needs of employees who participate in the project and possible users of the product, their expectations, interests, motivation, etc. These project management skills are based on, in addition to personal experience, based on knowledge of conflict management, pedagogy, sociology, psychology and other disciplines that study human behavior. The leader, in this kind of project, is often a kind of coach, arbiter, mentor. In a project, he needs to devote most of his working time to those problems that are related to human relations, in comparison with tasks of a technical nature. Failure to solve this type of problem, even with a very high level of engineering qualifications, will significantly reduce the level of efficiency of project management.

Table 1 provides a comparative description of technical and non-technical projects.

Table 1 - Comparative characteristics of technical and non-technical projects

The difference between projects in terms of the volume of resources attracted (size) is contained in the concept of project scale. Depending on the scale The following types of projects are distinguished:

  • small,
  • average,
  • big,
  • very big projects.

This division of projects is, of course, conditional. Project scope can be considered in a more specific division:

  • projects of one enterprise,
  • departmental,
  • corporate,
  • intersectoral and sectoral,
  • interregional and regional,
  • national,
  • international,
  • interstate.

When classifying projects by scale, different parameters can be used. The monetary cost of the project is most often used as a criterion. In a large project, the work that relates to planning, implementation and coordination is more significant. At each stage of a large project, therefore, significantly more resources are spent than are required as a whole for the implementation of a small or medium-sized project. This creates a range of special requirements for the management skills and qualifications of a large project manager, because the costs of his wrong decision are very high. The same applies to other project team members. It is for this reason that when it comes to adapting an employee to project work, it is necessary to start with small or medium-sized projects.

Depending on the duration of the project highlight:

  • short-term projects - up to one year,
  • medium-term projects - from one year to five years,
  • long-term projects - over five years.

Another basis for classifying projects is their division by degree of difficulty. Here, accordingly, projects are divided into:

  • simple,
  • complex,
  • very complex projects.

The next characteristic according to which projects may differ is the degree to which they are routine or innovative. Despite the fact that projects must have features of novelty and uniqueness, by definition, they can still be similar to each other. For example, a design bureau develops documentation for the construction of road bridges. Despite the fact that all bridges are individual and unique to one degree or another, such design work is a routine activity. On the other hand, there are projects that are innovative in nature, and, at least for this enterprise: no one has ever implemented a project of a certain type. For example, an organization is going to do marketing on its own and for this purpose creates the necessary department. If you turn to a consulting agency for help, then for this agency such a project will be very routine, because implementing reorganization plans is part of their normal routine. If an organization forms a marketing department itself, then this project will be innovative for it, with a high level of novelty and an accompanying high level of uncertainty.

Projects of this kind, for example, development, introduction of new computer technology, new schemes for motivating staff or developing a new product are distinguished by a high level of complexity and innovation and require the use of the latest methods management.

Summarizing the above, we can formulate the following criteria and characteristics of innovative projects:

  1. projects function as open systems, i.e. require constant “feeding” from external environment resources, energy, information; such a system is in a quasi-stable (as if stable, similar to a stable) state;
  2. shared responsibility and competence, without paying attention to the position of project employees in the management structure;
  3. the project team is formed mainly from debating and creative individuals;
  4. Managers pay special attention to creating a creative atmosphere, overcoming conflicts, when initiatives coming from below are developed and welcomed;
  5. developed communication channels provide informal, multilateral and frequent communication;
  6. Every problem that arises is responded to as quickly as possible;
  7. formal and bureaucratic methods and approaches to management are reduced to a minimum.

Taking into account the above requirements for innovative projects, it is necessary to consider a creative approach to work as the main one that determines the behavior of project team members, and, in general, the project team must be able to think beyond existing templates, time-tested algorithms and schemes, and show a similar approach in work.

Projects are divided into traditional and non-traditional depending on how innovative the project idea is and is known to the performers. Basic traditional projects, for example, for construction company, are the construction of roads, buildings, overpasses, bridges. For a legal organization, traditional projects will be cases to represent the interests of a party in litigation. That is, if an organization specializes in projects of one or more types, then they are standard, traditional for it, where there is a set of people, technologies and tools for their implementation.

Unconventional or non-standard projects, as a rule, are projects that are carried out by a number of organizations (for example, a project to develop product standards that ensure their interchangeability and compatibility) or large new unique projects that require non-standard approaches to implementation and development special methods their implementation. When success is achieved in implementing an unconventional project, it becomes traditional and becomes standard. If the approaches and methods of traditional, proven projects are used in other areas, industries or areas of activity, then the project takes on an innovative character and must also be considered non-traditional.

In addition to the general principles for classifying projects, there are also specific principles, industry-specific, and related to the linking of projects to various methods management or activities.

  • management projects;
  • information systems projects;
  • construction and other projects to create fixed assets;
  • engineering, development and research projects;
  • projects carried out by government and commercial organizations within the framework of contracts.

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Types of projects according to the main areas of activity in which the project is carried out can be divided into:

  • 1. technical (business center construction project);
  • 2. organizational (project for restructuring the higher education system);
  • 3. economic (project for financial stabilization of Russia);
  • 4. social;
  • 5. mixed (project for the elimination of nuclear weapons stockpiles).

Organizational project. It is characterized by the fact that the goals are determined in advance, but it is very difficult to determine quantitative and qualitative results, because they are related to organizational improvement of the system; the term and duration are preset; resources are provided whenever possible; Project costs are fixed and monitored for cost-effectiveness, but require adjustments as the project progresses.

Economic project. Has its own characteristics: the goal is improvement economic indicators functioning of the system; main goals are outlined in advance, but require adjustments as the project progresses; the same applies to project deadlines; resources are provided as needed to the extent possible; costs are determined in advance, monitored for cost-effectiveness and adjusted as the project progresses.

Social project. They differ in that the goals are only outlined and must be adjusted as intermediate results are achieved, quantitative and qualitative assessment difficult; the timing and duration of the project depend on probabilistic factors or are only outlined and subsequently subject to clarification; Project costs typically depend on budgetary allocations; resources are allocated as needed, within the limits of what is possible. Social projects have the greatest uncertainty.

Any project, from the emergence of an idea to its complete completion, goes through a certain number of successive stages of its development; the complete set of stages of development forms the life cycle of the project. The project life cycle is usually divided into phases, phases into stages, and stages into stages.

The stages of the project life cycle may vary depending on the field of activity and the adopted work organization system. However, for each project it is possible to distinguish the initial (pre-investment) stage, the project implementation stage and the stage of completion of the project. This may seem obvious, but the concept of the project life cycle is one of the most important for a manager, since it is the current stage that determines the tasks and activities of the manager, the methods and tools used.

Project managers break down the project life cycle into stages in various ways. For example, software development projects often include stages such as recognizing the need for an information system, formulating requirements, system design, coding, testing, and operational support. However, the most traditional approach is to break the project down into four major phases: project formulation, planning, implementation and completion.

Project formulation essentially implies a project selection function. Projects are initiated because of needs that need to be satisfied. However, in conditions of resource scarcity, it is impossible to satisfy all needs without exception.

You have to make a choice. Some projects are selected, others are rejected. Decisions are made based on the availability of resources, and primarily financial capabilities, the comparative importance of satisfying some needs and ignoring others, comparative effectiveness projects.

Decisions regarding the selection of projects for implementation are all the more important the larger the proposed project, since large projects determine the direction of activity for the future (sometimes for years) and tie up available financial and labor resources.

The determining factor here is the opportunity cost of investment. In other words, by choosing project "A" rather than project "B", the organization gives up the benefits that project "B" could bring.

For comparative analysis projects at this stage, project analysis methods are used, including financial, economic, commercial, organizational, environmental, risk analysis and other types of project analysis. Systems for planning and managing projects at this stage are usually used in a limited form, therefore, we will not dwell on these methods in more detail in this book.

Planning. Planning in one form or another is carried out throughout the entire duration of the project. Early in the project's life cycle, an informal preliminary plan is usually developed - a rough idea of ​​what will need to be accomplished if the project is to be implemented. The project selection decision is largely based on preliminary plan estimates.

Formal and detailed project planning begins after the decision to implement it has been made. Key points (milestones) of the project are determined, tasks (work) and their mutual dependence are formulated. It is at this stage that project management systems are used, providing the project manager with a set of tools for developing a formal plan: tools for constructing a hierarchical structure of work, network graphs and Gantt charts, assignment tools and resource load histograms.

As a rule, the project plan does not remain unchanged, and as the project progresses, it is subject to constant adjustments taking into account the current situation.

Implementation. Once a formal plan is approved, the manager is tasked with implementing it. As the project progresses, managers must continually monitor progress.

Control consists of collecting actual data on the progress of work and comparing them with planned ones. Unfortunately, in project management you can be absolutely sure that deviations between planned and actual indicators always happen. Therefore, the manager’s task is to analyze the possible impact of deviations in the scope of work performed on the progress of the project as a whole and in the development of appropriate management decisions. For example, if the schedule slips beyond an acceptable deviation level, a decision may be made to speed up certain critical tasks by allocating more resources to them.

Completion. Sooner or later, projects end. The project ends when its goals are achieved. Sometimes the end of a project is sudden and premature, as when a decision is made to terminate a project before it is completed as scheduled. Be that as it may, when a project ends, the project manager must complete a series of activities that complete the project. The exact nature of these responsibilities depends on the nature of the project itself. If equipment was used in the project, it should be inventoried and possibly transferred to a new use.

In the case of contract projects, it is necessary to determine whether the results satisfy the terms of the contract or contract. It may be necessary to produce final reports and organize interim project reports in an archive.

For example, we can consider the reconstruction project of the television center in Ostankino, which includes the reconstruction of the television technical center of Moscow television broadcasting, the creation of a media center and the development of a regional television network. The total cost of implementing the project's investment program is $173.7 million, there are no own funds. Type of investment - direct, project payback period - 45 months. This project is mixed in type.

Let's talk about what technical projects are, how to create and implement them correctly. First, let's look at the theoretical issues related to this topic. Let us dwell in more detail on the classification of those projects that are most often found in modern society.

What are projects

This is a systemic, comprehensive process that is aimed at modernizing certain areas of human life and activity. Currently, technical projects are in maximum demand, as they help improve the quality of life of the population of our planet. IN different countries This term has different meanings, but most often the concept of the project is similar, regardless of the state language and religion of the population.


Taking into account the fact that the implementation of projects requires special means, and the methods for solving the task may depend on various parameters, the following components are distinguished:

  • main idea (setting goals and objectives);
  • means of solution;
  • results.

This concept of a project indicates the complexity and versatility of its structure. He is able to make serious changes in life as individual person, and the whole state. The results of its implementation can be abstract or specific, necessary for a specific region.

Features of projects

The classification of projects depends on many factors. For example, if we consider such activities as dynamic system, then the following results can be distinguished:

  • current;
  • final.

If considered school project, in this case as final result independent activity A schoolchild can be considered to gain new theoretical and practical knowledge and skills.

Project options

The classification of projects is related to the timing of their implementation, scale, quality of development and implementation, the volume of funds used, as well as the place of their practical implementation. There are many factors that determine the algorithm of actions.

The classification of projects and their types depend on the subject area, composition, and also on the structure of the work performed.

The type is determined by the field of activity for which it is intended. The scale is influenced by the size, the number of direct participants, the degree of impact on environment. The complexity of the actions is determined by the organizational, technical, technological, and financial aspects of the activities being carried out.

The criteria for project classification have been reviewed, now you can move on to the description of specific projects:

  • organizational;
  • social;
  • economic;
  • educational;
  • investment.

Features of organizational projects

They relate to the creation and reform of new companies, as well as to holding forums, conferences, seminars, and symposiums. Organizational projects have the following distinctive characteristics:

  • have specific goals, they are aimed at improving the organization of the event;
  • have specified deadlines for implementation;
  • characterized by resources;
  • involve cost control from an economical point of view.

Economic projects

Their goal is the restructuring of organizations, as well as the existence of customs and tax systems. Let us note their characteristic features:

  • preliminary selection of the final result, which can be adjusted as work progresses;
  • determination of specific implementation deadlines;
  • calculation of the costs that will be required to implement the plans.

Schoolchildren and students often use economic calculations when thinking through individual or collective projects.

Social projects

Recently, this form has been actively used by many organizations. For example, on the basis of a secondary school there is a detachment of volunteers who are engaged in charitable activities: helping the elderly, landscaping the area near the school. Social activities are also typical for many large companies and industrial enterprises. For example, the Siemens company is implementing a social project in our country aimed at supporting gifted children.

Every year, representatives of the company hold a competition of scientific and practical works for high school students, within the framework of which the children create their works in various fields: medicine, robotics, instrument making, etc.

The winners receive not only excellent cash prizes, but also an internship opportunity in the company, as well as a chance to study at prestigious higher education institutions. educational institutions our country.

Social projects help solve specific problems of society; for example, they can be used to eliminate the consequences of natural disasters. They involve setting goals that may vary as the project progresses. Social projects do not have specific deadlines and have limited resources.

Technical projects

They are always associated with the development of a new product. Technical projects have the following distinctive characteristics:

  • differ in their specific purpose;
  • have stable deadlines for implementation;
  • have a fixed budget.

One example of such a project is the modernization of equipment at a woodworking plant. The duration of the work should not exceed six months. The goal is to develop new technology, which will save wood and make the process a waste-free production.

Educational projects

The modern classification of projects also identifies a form that is suitable for the educational process. After the introduction of new standards into domestic education, research and design activities have become a mandatory form of obtaining universal educational skills in primary, secondary, and high school.

Before the children engage in independent research, the teacher considers general classification projects. Examples of work completed by students may be related to a specific scientific discipline. For example, a junior high school student is engaged in growing crystals on his own table salt, and a high school student creates a project to grow champignons on the balcony. Depending on the number of participants, the educational project can be group or individual. It is characterized by the following factors:

  • thematic focus;
  • number of performers;
  • implementation deadlines;
  • the importance of the results obtained;
  • possibility of transferring the experience gained

Investment projects

In fact, all projects fit this definition, since many of them require certain financial investments.

This form involves a set of interrelated initiatives that are aimed at achieving a clear result within the allotted time frame. They are characterized by large-scale investments, as well as a certain degree of risk.

A complex project is often called a multiproject. It is characterized by a combination of several separate works that complement each other.

Duration of work

The definition and classification of projects allows us to divide them into several groups:

  • short-term (implementation involves less than two years);
  • medium-term (implemented in the range of 2-5 years);
  • long-term (full implementation requires a period of more than five years).

Project elements

Their number is directly affected by the complexity of the proposed actions. For example, if high quality performance is required, then the project consists of many individual elements:

  • project documentation;
  • work technologies;
  • production premises;
  • technological equipment;
  • production facilities;
  • provided works, products, services.

Depending on the specifics of the project, other elements may also be included.

Among the parameters that ensure the functioning of any project, professionals highlight:

  • financial resources;
  • additional agreements;
  • contracts;
  • raw materials;
  • staff;
  • premises;
  • territorial location.

The main task innovative projects is the introduction into practice of fundamentally new developments. For example, in the social sphere, innovation can be associated with discoveries and new inventions in the field of technology and science.

Supporting projects help a person solve environmental problems, including the framework of environmental culture.

All social projects need some funding. For example, the functioning of a district school for gifted children may have mixed version financial influences. Part of the resources to support the direction of work with the younger generation, named by the Russian government as one of the priority types of work with children, is provided by the regional budget. The second part of the proceeds comes from the local budget. The missing part for the work of the RSOD is provided by large enterprises operating in the area.

Thanks to such a financial scheme, it is possible to accumulate funds from various sources, fully ensuring the activities of the school for talented and gifted children.


Currently, project activity has become a form of work not only in large firms and industrial companies, but also in medical and educational institutions. Students primary classes Together with their mentors, they come up with interesting projects that allow them to identify and develop the creative potential of each child, that is, to fully comply with the requirements of new educational standards.

The uniqueness of any project gives rise to certain problems during its preliminary planning. It is often difficult for the author (creative team) to immediately predict how exactly they will achieve the planned results. In this regard, the results of activities can be not only services or products, but also certain experience that developers can use in subsequent activities. Any organization can use this form of work, involving from 2-3 people to several thousand researchers.

Projects are increasingly found not only in industrial organizations, but also in educational and medical institutions. For example, the involvement of children in extracurricular activities has become an interesting and timely element of the work of schools. The “Cadet Movement” project has become an excellent option for instilling in the younger generation of Russians a respectful attitude towards the historical and cultural heritage of his people.