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Guinea pig squeaks: why does this happen and what to do? Why does a guinea pig whistle? Guinea pig tongue

If you have such an interesting animal as a guinea pig, get ready for the fact that he is very talkative and active. You will need to learn the rich language of sounds and body of this mammal in order to properly understand and interact with it.

What the sounds of guinea pigs tell us

From the first minutes of the appearance of a guinea pig, your house will be filled with a variety of sounds: whistling, squealing, grumbling, grunting and other sounds that this cute animal makes. All this is an expression of satisfaction, fear, aggression, or a warning to comrades about impending danger.

The sounds you hear from your guinea pig express his mood. this moment. Over time, you will learn to understand your pet well. We will talk about the basic sounds and their interpretation:

  • The most common sound a guinea pig makes is a sharp whistle, which is repeated at intervals of about a second. This is a signal to greet the owner when the pig is hungry and it is time to feed. The sound is similar to "whip, whip." These same sounds may indicate that your baby is demanding attention.
  • If your pet whistles softly and squeals gently, it means he is satisfied!
  • Grunting and sniffing another individual indicates a friendly greeting.
  • Grunting and rattling, similar to drumming, indicate a greeting to other individuals, and the male thus attracts the attention of the female, and indicates readiness for the mating ritual. It's like he's saying "brrr."
  • A higher, shorter "brrr" means your guinea pig is irritated or scared. loud sound. For example, she can react to a nearby phone ringing or the sound of a TV, loud or unfamiliar voices around.
  • A high-pitched and loud piercing squeak, similar to a groan, stopping only with inspiration, means that the guinea pig is in pain.
  • Tapping and clicking teeth indicate that the pig is angry and ready to attack (this happens mainly if two males meet). This sound also indicates that the guinea pig is afraid of another individual or person.

These animals are not only talkative, but also active. You can tell a lot about the state of the animal by their behavior and body movements.

  • If individuals touch their noses, this means that they are sniffing and greeting each other.
  • Stretching out on the floor signifies comfort and tranquility.
  • Jumping up speaks of good mood and your pet's playfulness.
  • Throwing its head up indicates that the animal is demonstrating strength.
  • If a guinea pig begins to purr and lowers its head, this means that the animal is scared and offers to make peace.
  • The guinea pig's tapping its teeth and creaking indicate aggression, thus it warns its opponent that jokes are bad.
  • Stretching your head forward indicates vigilance.
  • If a guinea pig has its paws tucked in or pressed against a wall, it means that it is helpless and requires protection.
  • The female opens her mouth wide and shows her teeth - thus driving away the annoying male.
  • To distract the enemy's attention, the guinea pig has to freeze in place and pretend to be dead.

The guinea pig is a unique creature. It will never cease to amaze you if you want to know more about this animal. Finally, let's talk about interesting facts related to guinea pig:

  • It’s impossible to believe looking at this small rodent, but the ancestors of guinea pigs are huge creatures that weighed up to 700 kg.
  • Guinea pigs are most active at night. The animal sleeps only about 10 minutes, and they sleep several times a day.
  • Don't be alarmed if your guinea pig starts eating its own droppings. With these actions, it compensates for the lack of vitamins B and K in the body. At replay through the intestines, these vitamins are better absorbed.
  • Guinea pigs have the opposite number of chromosomes to humans. A person has 46 of them, and a guinea pig has 64.
  • Under unfavorable or stressful conditions, a pregnant female guinea pig can “preserve” the pregnancy for several years or “absorb” the embryos.
  • The most long wool Guinea pigs reach 50 cm. This is a feature of Peruvian rodents.
  • Penicillin is deadly to guinea pigs.
  • A fall even from a low height can end disastrously for an animal, and can even be fatal.
  • IN wildlife Guinea pigs live in burrows in small groups. Animals communicate with each other using special signals, which we talked about.
  • When they appeared in Europe, the animals cost big money and only the nobility could afford such a pet. In England, guinea pigs lived at court and were the favorites of Queen Elizabeth I.

Often Guinea pig makes sounds. There is nothing strange or surprising about this. These animals are quite sociable. They show their emotions and mood through sounds. There are several reasons, Why does a guinea pig whistle?

An animal's whistle may indicate that the animal wants to eat or get some tasty treat. This most often happens in the morning. In such cases, pets very often stand on their hind legs. In this way they attract the person's attention and greet him.

Sometimes you can notice a quiet purring. Animals show their pleasure with these sounds. Most often, such purring can be heard after eating.

Guinea pigs whistle when they want to warn family members or cohabitants about possible danger. Males can also show that they are the main ones in this family. Sometimes this whistle sounds like a loud roar. Most likely the animal is sorting things out. This is absolutely normal.

Quite often it is baby guinea pigs who squeak. This means that kids are afraid of something and are trying to warn others. To ensure that babies squeak less and are not afraid, you should not immediately separate them from their mother. At first, they should get used to it and become more independent. Leaving them with mom will save them some extra stress.

Why does a guinea pig squeak?

It's also possible that guinea pig squeaks because she was caused pain or discomfort. The squeak in such cases is a cry for help. This way the pig can report its illnesses. For example, with constipation, you can hear a pitiful squeak. Do not forget that with sounds the animal tries to attract the attention of other individuals or humans. Therefore, if you hear a squeak, it is better to approach the animal and understand what it wants to tell you.

A guinea pig's growling may be a sign of fear of another animal. A guinea pig can also growl if you hold it in your arms for a long time, but it doesn’t want that.

Over time, you will begin to understand your pig's language. You will know why she squeaks, screams or growls. Each guinea pig has an individual voice and timbre.

If you hear an unusual piercing sound, then most likely the animal wants to tell you about the pain that is bothering it. In such cases, you need to contact a specialist.

You can call a veterinarian to your home. He will provide you with quality medical care and consultation. In case of injury or illness, he will prescribe the correct effective treatment.

Guinea pig sounds are a way of communication. They help them not only contact each other, but also communicate their needs to the owner. Emotional animals convey each mood in their own way, so they are able to reproduce many different sounds. When purchasing a rodent, a breeder must be prepared for the fact that guinea pigs talk, scream, sing, hiss, wheeze, whistle, squeak, growl, chirp, chatter their teeth and make other sounds.


Why does a guinea pig squeak? There are several reasons why she does this.

In their natural environment, frightened pigs squeak. A newborn animal tells its mother about its concern by squeaking. Males use this method of communication during courtship. The animal also squeaks when it is in pain.

Tamed animals use this sound to evoke pity from the owner and to attract attention. It could be a protest. For example, if an animal sat calmly on the owner’s lap and enjoyed stroking, and then it was abruptly put in a cage and deprived of pleasant communication.

Begging may also be accompanied by squeaking. Breeders who have a cage with a pet in their kitchen eventually notice that every time they open the refrigerator, the guinea pig screams.

Om-Nom-nom! Yummy!

A squeak when the owner appears can express joy from a long-awaited meeting and anticipation of a traditional tasty treat.

A hungry pet squeaks to inform the breeder of its desire for food.

It is important to learn to understand your ward and not attribute all his calls to whims. The animal may really need help, even medical help.


The guinea pig rumbles and purrs, showing sympathy towards its owners or other animals.

The rumbling signifies and negative emotions. To determine the mood of the animal, you need to evaluate its behavior at the moment. A calm, relaxed and happy rodent will simply purr sweetly. But sudden movements, tense behavior and rumbling sounds similar to a roar are irritation. A well-fed and calm pig purrs and vibrates when petted. If the rumbling is intermittent, then the pet is not happy with something or is scared.

Purr purr! Open “On the Meadows” soon! I want to read new articles about myself

A growl is a rumbling sound at a lower pitch. During the mating season and mating, both males and females growl.

Grinding/chattering of teeth

Why does a guinea pig chatter its teeth? Most often this bad sign. A pet can express its dissatisfaction and even anger in this way. If an animal makes hissing sounds by clicking its teeth or shows its teeth, then you can be sure that the animal is aggressive.

Grinding or chattering of teeth can be a warning sign of a fight. If pigs are kept together, they can arrange a division of territory or a showdown. It is better to accustom the animal to the neighborhood gradually. First, give the animals the opportunity to only hear each other. After a couple of weeks, the pigs can be placed in the same room. After some time, the rodents will be ready to live together.

When the pet has no conflicts with its relatives, and obvious reasons For his anger, too, no, then it’s worth checking the state of his health.

Rodents often chatter their teeth when they have an upset stomach.

A conflict is brewing - maybe growl at him?

Grinding can occur due to overgrowth of teeth, insufficient grinding of them on solid food and toys. A dental defect can cause infection or deterioration. Therefore, you should visit a veterinarian without delay.

Squeals and whines/moans

The friendly animal does not tolerate loneliness well. A pet that has been alone for a long time may squeal loudly when its owner appears. In this way, the guinea pig talks and communicates. Therefore, it is recommended to keep pigs in pairs.

A guinea pig can easily make friends with a rabbit and even with an ordinary soft toy.

Let's be friends! Well, why don't you answer?

At severe pain or when danger approaches, the animal may scream shrilly and heart-rendingly. This pet behavior cannot be ignored. You definitely need to check his health or find out what the rodent was afraid of.

Pig experiencing strong painful sensations, capable of moaning and whining. The breeder may notice that the pet yells when a family member or relative appears, as well as when performing some actions. The source of the animal's irritation must be eliminated.

IN in rare cases squeals mean that the pet is happy.


A guinea pig chirping is a rare occurrence. Not all rodents make such sounds. It really is very reminiscent of birds chirping.

Chirping pets are different strange behavior similar to a trance state. Typically, a guinea pig sings for no more than 20 minutes, after which it returns to its business.

Decoding behavior

Scientists who observed animals came to the conclusion that the guinea pig chirps:

  • in a state of strong excitement;
  • under stress;
  • after a quarrel with relatives or being socially overloaded.


A satisfied pet often sniffles, and a well-fed pet whistles. While waiting for a treat, the animal may begin to sniffle and gradually switch to whistling. This situation can occur when opening the refrigerator.

Ah-ah-ah! They didn’t give me a treat!!!

If the owner does not get a treat, the pet can also whistle to attract attention to his person and get something tasty.

A prolonged whistle or a whistle repeated after a few seconds by animals can serve as a greeting or signal that they are hungry.

If your guinea pig wheezes when he breathes, he needs to be seen by a veterinarian.

Guinea pigs are interesting creatures. They “know how” to talk! At first glance, it seems as if these are completely unsociable, quiet animals: they sit in their cage and constantly chew something. In fact, a guinea pig living in a house whistles, squeaks, purrs - in a word, communicates in every possible way with its owner and its own kind, if it does not live alone in a cage. To better understand your pet, you need to learn the basic “words” of his “language”. Let's figure out why guinea pigs squeak or whistle, growl or chirp like birds - what does it all mean?

The “language” of rodents is quite diverse. Animals:

  • squeak;
  • they whistle long;
  • they squeal pitifully;
  • cooing from the womb.

It is necessary to distinguish between when they “talk” to each other and when they require attention from the owner.

A guinea pig whistles when he is bored or lonely. For example, if a pair of rodents for a long time lived together, and then one of the neighbors was evicted, then the second one tells the world about his loneliness and sadness. After all, without a comrade, he feels anxiety, melancholy and even fear.

Does your guinea pig whistle at night? Perhaps she is waiting to be spoken to. Do not forget that these rodents have a different rhythm of life than humans: for the most part they sleep in daytime hours, and are quite active at night. Perhaps the guinea pig has run out of food, it wants to play, but the owner is resting carefree in his bed and cannot be woken up. So the animal is forced to make loud, not always very pleasant (especially at night) sounds.

Why does my guinea pig constantly whistle? She is probably spoiled by attention and loves to beg for tidbits.

Sometimes animals sort things out among themselves. In these cases, they figure out “who’s boss” and use other sounds. They may purr loudly and intermittently while standing in a tense position. Or click their teeth and make hissing sounds. In this way they warn the opponent: move away, I will attack now. Don't encroach on my territory and my food!

Why does a guinea pig whistle, and then his whistling turns into chirping, similar to the singing of birds? The reasons are different, but often they mean excitement, possibly fear, stress.

It happens like this: guinea pigs stopped whistling when they were placed in the same cage. If they have a good appetite, are active and cheerful, then they simply “found each other.” Just don’t put a male and a female together! Pairs must be same-sex, otherwise the female will constantly bear offspring, and her vitality won't last long.

Another sound of communication is uterine grumbling. Guinea pigs, when they feel good, when they are full and satisfied, can lie flat on the floor and purr measuredly. This is a great sign, but only when the rumbling is even. Restlessness, combined with nervous movements, indicates that the animal is afraid of something, it doesn’t like something.

Why does a guinea pig whistle when communicating with a person?

If you come home and see this picture: the pig has climbed up hind legs, looks at you and whistles, this means her joy and impatience: the owner has come, he will soon give you something tasty. The pig expresses his desire for a snack especially loudly when he sees that the owner is reaching for food.

Sometimes by nightfall the animals manage to eat the evening portion of food and call the owner with a squeak, demanding that he add more food. How to stop a guinea pig from whistling, making loud and disturbing sounds at night? Try pouring more food and don’t forget to add tidbits that the animal especially likes. It will be carried away by absorbing food and will not bother you.

Sometimes a loud, desperate squeak indicates that the animal is feeling unwell. Listen: the sounds are sharp, stop only when you inhale, is the pig restless? It urgently needs to be shown to a veterinarian: this is how rodents demonstrate that something hurts them.

If a pig is spoiled, it often squeaks displeasedly in order to arouse pity from the owner and demand a treat. Be sure to pay attention to the behavior of the animal, just in case, check it with veterinarian.

Communicate with your baby more often. When bored, a pig makes sound signals - how else can it appeal to the world, notifying about its condition? Pet the animal, but watch the signals: you may hear a hissing sound. It means that the animal is tired and wants to be left alone. But if you held the animal in your arms, stroking its fur, and then business distracted you, and the pig had to be sent to the cage, it may express dissatisfaction by whistling.

It is difficult to understand at once all the signals with which a guinea pig “talks” to you. Patience and observation will be required. If you learn to understand the “words” addressed to you, your pet will feel that its needs are being met. He will feel comfortable and warm in your home. Then he will live happily ever after, making you happy good appetite, cheerful mood.

Play with the animal, feed it plenty, but don’t overfeed it, take care of the cage, talk to it, call it by name - and the pig will practically become a member of your family. In the evenings, she will greet you with a joyful whistle, and after having a snack, she will purr on her lap like a cat. Learn her language to better understand each other!